Occult Science - An Outline
GA 13
Chapter IV: Man and the Evolution of the World
[ 1 ] We have seen from the foregoing chapters that the being of man is built up of four members: physical body, life-body, astral body, and the bearer of the Ego. The I or Ego of man works in the three other members and transforms them. Through this transformation arise at a lower stage sentient soul, intellectual soul and spiritual soul, while at a higher stage of man's existence Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man are evolved. These several members of man's nature stand in the most varied relations to the whole Universe. Their evolution is connected with the evolution of the Universe, and by a study of the latter we can gain insight into the deeper secrets of the being of man.
[ 2 ] It can easily be seen that the life of man is related in many different directions to the environment, to the dwelling place wherein he evolves. External science has already by its own recognized facts and data been driven to the conclusion that the Earth—this dwelling-place of man in the widest sense of the word—has itself undergone evolution. It can tell us of conditions that once prevails in the Earth, where man in his present form did not yet exist upon our planet, and can then go on to show how humanity has evolved, slowly and gradually, from quite simple conditions of civilization to those that obtain today. Thus has external science too been led to the idea that there is a connection between the evolution of man and that of the heavenly body on which he lives—the Earth.
[ 3 ] Spiritual science1The term ‘spiritual science’ is here used—as will be evident from the whole context—with the same meaning as ‘Occult Science’—that is to say, the Science of the Supersensible. traces this connection by means of a cognition that derives its facts from a perception that has been quickened by the spiritual organs. It follows man back on the path of his development, and perceives how the real, inner, spiritual being of man has passed through a succession of lives upon this Earth; and as it continues to pursue these researches, it arrives at length at a far distant point of time, when the inner being of man first entered upon an outward life (in the present-day meaning of the word.) It was in that earliest earthly incarnation that the I or Ego first began its activity within the three bodies—astral body, life-body and physical body; and it took with it, on into the life that followed, the fruits of this activity.
[ 4 ] When we go back in the way thus indicated, we become aware that at that distant point of time the Ego finds the Earth in a condition wherein the three bodies of man are already evolved and have a certain connection with one another. Now for the first time the Ego unites with the entity that consists of these three bodies, and from this point onwards partakes in their further evolution. Hitherto, they have been evolving without a human Ego and have in this way reached the stage at which the Ego finds them.
[ 5 ] Spiritual science must go still further back with its researches if it would find an answer to the question: How did the three bodies reach a stage of evolution such as enabled them to receive into themselves an I, and then too to the further question: How did the I itself come into being and how did it acquire the ability to work within the bodies?
[ 6 ] An answer to these questions is possible only by tracing the rise an devolution of the Earth-planet itself in the light of spiritual science. By means of such research we arrive at a beginning of this Earth-planet. The mode of thought which builds on the facts of the physical senses alone, cannot pursue its inferences far enough to deal at all with this beginning of the Earth. There is a theory which, by inferences of this kind, arrives at the result that all the substance of the Earth has evolved from a primeval nebula. There is no occasion for us to enter her into a discussion of such ideas as this. For spiritual research as to consider not merely the material processes of Earth evolution, but before all the spiritual causes which lie behind all matter and substance. If we see before us a man in the act of lifting up his hand, this can start us on two different lines of thought. We may investigate the mechanism of the arm and of the remained of the body with the intention of describing how the action takes place as a purely physical process. But we can also direct our mind's eye to that which is going on in the man's soul and constitutes his motive for lifting up his hand. In a similar way the scientist trained in spiritual perception sees spiritual processes behind all the processes of the world of the physical senses. For him, all the changes in the material nature of the Earth-planet are manifestations of spiritual forces which are there behind the material. And as his spiritual observation reaches farther and farther back in the Earth's life, he comes at length to a point in evolution where the material first begins to be. The material evolves out of the spiritual; until then, the spiritual alone existed. By the exercise of spiritual observation we perceive the spiritual, and note how, as time goes on, it partially condenses, so to speak, to the material. We watch this taking place and, but that the process is on a higher level, it is very much as though we might be looking at a vessel filled with water, where by a finely regulated cooling process, lumps of ice were gradually taking shape. We see the ice condense out of what was water through and through. Similarly, by spiritual observation we can trace how the material things, events and entities condense, as it were, out of a previous existence which was spiritual through and through.
Thus the Earth-planet has evolved out of a cosmic spiritual entity. Everything material connected with the planet has condensed out of what was once united with it spiritually. But we must not imagine that a time ever came when all spiritual being had been transformed into material. That which confronts us in the latter is never more than part of the original and spiritual. Even throughout Earth's material evolution, the spiritual always remains the guiding and directing principle.
[ 7 ] It stands to reason that the way of thought which would hold fast to the physical, sense-perceptible processes alone—and to what the intellect is able to infer from these—can say nothing whatever about the spiritual of which we are here speaking If a being could exist, endowed with senses to perceive only the ice and not the finer state of water from which the ice on cooling separates itself, then for such a being the water would not be there; he could perceive nothing of it until some of it was changed into ice. So too for the man who will admit only what presents itself to the physical senses, the spiritual which underlies the earthly processes must ever remain hidden. And if form the physical facts that he perceives today he is able to form correct conclusions as to earlier conditions of the planet, he will still reach back only to that evolutionary point where the spiritual began its partial condensation to the material. His mode of thought will not perceive the spiritual that preceded that process, any more than it can perceive the spiritual substance which even now holds sway, invisibly, behind the world of matter.
[ 8 ] Not until the later chapters of this book will it be possible to speak of the paths whereby man attains the faculty to look back, in spiritual perception, to the earlier conditions of the Earth with which we are now dealing. Suffice it for the moment to point out that for spiritual research the facts of the most distant early times are not obliterated. When a creature has come into bodily existence, its bodily nature are not obliterated in the same way. They leave behind their traces, nay their exact images, in the spiritual foundation of the world. And if we are able to raise our faculty of perception and look through the visible world to the invisible, we arrive at length at a point where we have before us what may be compared to a mighty spiritual panorama wherein all the past events of the world are displayed. These abiding traces of all spiritual happenings may be called the “Akashic Records,” denoting as “Akasha-essence” that which is spiritually permanent in the world process, in contrast with the transient forms. Here once again it must be emphasized that researches in the supersensible realms of existence can only be made with the help of spiritual perception—that is to say, as regards the region we are now considering, by actual reading of the Akashic Records. Nevertheless here too, what has been said already in similar connections holds good: to investigate and discover the supersensible facts is possible only by supersensible perception; once found however, and communicated in the science of the supersensible, these facts can be understood with man's ordinary faculty of thought. There must only be the readiness to approach the subject with an open mind In the following pages the evolutionary conditions of the Earth according to the science of the supersensible will be communicated. The transformations of our planet will be followed down to the state of life in which it is today. Let anyone consider what he has before him today in pure sense-perception, and then give his attention to what supersensible knowledge tells of how this present has evolved from the primeval past. If he be truly open-minded, he will then be able to say to himself: In the first place, what this science tells is inherently logical; secondly if I assume the truth of what is communicated from supersensible research, I find I can understand how it is that things have eventually come to be such as they appear before me now.
The use of the word “logical” in this connection does not of course imply that errors in logic can never be contained in any particular statement from supersensible research. We are using the term here in no other way than it is used in ordinary life in the physical world, where logicality of statement is universally demanded—although some individual describing a particular set of facts may now and again be guilty of mistakes in logic. The situation is just the same in supersensible research. It may even happen that an investigator, able to perceive in supersensible domains, stumbles into errors in respect of logical description, and that a man who does not himself perceive supersensibly but has a good reasoning faculty, is subsequently able to correct him. As logic, however, no objection can be raised against the logic that is applied in supersensible research. Nor should it be necessary to emphasize that exception can never be taken to the facts themselves on merely logical grounds. Just as in the realm of the physical world one can never prove by logic whether or no a whale exists, but only by inspection, so it is with supersensible facts; they can be apprehended by spiritual perception and by that alone.
It cannot, however, be sufficiently stressed that for the student of supersensible realms it is a necessity, before he tries to approach the spiritual worlds with his own perception, to make sure that he is doing so from the right standpoint—the standpoint, that is, that he can reach through the above-mentioned logic and—what is no less important—through having come to recognize that, assuming the statements of Occult Science to be correct, the world wherever it is revealed to the senses appears intelligible. In effect, all conscious experience in the supersensible world remains uncertain, nay dangerous, a kind of groping in the dark, if the student disdains to undergo this preparation. And it is for this reason that the present book, before dealing with the actual path to supersensible knowledge, will communicate first the supersensible facts of Earth evolution.
One other point needs to be borne in mind in this connection. Someone who with pure thinking finds his way into what supersensible knowledge has to relate, is by no means in the same position as a man who listens to an account of some physical process which he is unable to witness for himself. Pure thinking is itself already a supersensible activity. True, inasmuch as it belongs to the life of sense, it cannot of itself take us to the supersensible events. But when applied to the supersensible events that are told out of supersensible perception, pure thinking does of itself grow into the supersensible world. Indeed one of the very best ways to attain perception of one's own in supersensible domains, is to grow into the higher world by thinking over what supersensible knowledge communicates. For with this way of entry the greatest clarity is ensured. Hence a certain school of spiritual-scientific research regards pure thinking as the soundest kind of first step in any spiritual-scientific training.
It will be readily understood that this book cannot set out to show, in connection with every detail of the Earth's evolution as perceived in the spirit, how the supersensible finds again and again its confirmation in the outwardly manifest. This certainly was not implied when we said that the hidden can everywhere be shown and proved in its manifest effects. Rather did we mean that everything man meets in life can become clear and intelligible to him, step by step, if he will but place the manifest events into the light that is made possible for him by Occult Science. Only in a few characteristic instances will reference be made in these pages to the confirmation of the hidden in the manifest, in order to show by a few examples how it is possible to find on every hand such confirmation in the practical pursuit of life, have we but the will to do so.
[ 9 ] Following back the evolution of the Earth with spiritual-scientific research, we come to a spiritual condition of our planet. If however we pursue the investigation still further, we find that this spiritual has already been in a kind of physical embodiment before. That is to say, we encounter a past physical planetary condition which afterwards became spiritual and then, becoming material once more, was at length transformed into our Earth. Our Earth thus appears as the re-embodiment of a primeval planet. But spiritual science is able to go even further back, and as it does so it finds the whole process repeated again twice over. Thus our Earth has passed through three previous planetary conditions, with intermediate states of spiritualization in between. The physical proves to be more and more fine and delicate, the farther back we trace the Earth's embodiment.
[ 10 ] Against the descriptions that will now follow it may quite naturally be objected: How can any reasonable person entertain the postulate of world-conditions so immeasurably remote? The answer is, that to a man who can look with understanding at the spiritual that is there now, hidden within what is manifest to the senses, insight also into former sates of evolution, however distant, cannot appear essentially impossible. If we do not recognize the hidden spiritual existence that is around us even at the present time, then it will indeed be meaningless to speak of an evolution such as is here in mind. But once we are able to recognize the presence of the spiritual here and now, we shall find the earlier condition given or implied in the immediate vision of the present, just as the condition of the one-year-old infant is implied in the appearance of a man of fifty. Yes, someone may say, but in this instance we have among us, beside people of fifty, children of a year of—and all the intermediate stages too. That is quite true; but the same is also true of the evolution of the spiritual to which we here refer. Anyone possessing clear insight and discrimination will recognize that a complete observation of the present—which will necessarily include its spiritual part too—cannot but perceive there also are evolutionary conditions of the past, preserved side by side with those stages of existence which have reached the present evolutionary level. Just as children of a year old are present side by side with men and women of fifty, so within all that goes on upon Earth at the present time we can still behold primordial happenings, if only we are able to hold distinct from one another the diverse stages of evolution.
[ 11 ] Man, in the form and figure in which he is now evolving, does not emerge until the fourth of the above planetary embodiments—the Earth proper. The essential feature of man's present form is that he consists of the four members: physical body, life-body, astral body and Ego. This form however could not have emerged at all, had it not been prepared by the preceding facts of evolution. The preparation took place through the gradual evolution, during the earlier planetary embodiment, of beings who had already three of the four members of the present human being, namely physical body, life-body and astral body. These beings, whom we may call in a certain respect the ancestors of man, had as yet no I, but they evolved the other three members and the mutual connections of these three up to the point where they were ripe, subsequently to receive the I. Thus on the preceding embodiment of the planet, man's ancestor had reached a certain degree of maturity in three members. With this he passed into the state of spiritualization, out of which the new planetary condition—that of the Earth—subsequently arose. In this Earth were contained, like seeds, the thus far matured ancestors of man. By undergoing entire spiritualization and re-appearing in a new form, the planet could give the seeds it contained within it, with their physical body, life-body and astral body, not only the opportunity to evolve again up to the height which had been theirs before, but the further possibility, having attained this height, to go beyond it by receiving in addition the I. Earth evolution falls accordingly into two parts. In the first the Earth appears as a re-embodiment of the earlier planetary condition, although by virtue of the spiritualized condition it has meanwhile undergone, this recapitulation represents a higher stage than that of the former embodiment. Within it the Earth contains the seeds of the ancestors of man which have come from the earlier planet. To begin with, the seeds evolve up to the level on which they were before. When they have reached it, the first period is at an end. And now, since its own evolution is at a higher stage, the Earth can bring the seeds also to a higher level; it can make them capable of receiving the I. Thus the second period of Earth evolution is characterized by the unfolding of the I in physical body, life-body and astral body.
[ 12 ] Through Earth evolution man is thus lifted a stage higher in his development. Now this was also the case in the former planetary embodiments. For something of the human being was already in existence on the very first of these. In order therefore to come to a clear understanding of man's present nature, we have to trace his evolution back to the far primeval past—to the above-mentioned first planetary embodiment. In supersensible research this first planetary embodiment may be called Saturn, the second may be designated Sun and the third, Moon; the fourth is the Earth. One thing, however, must be strictly borne in mind in regard to these designations. They must not, to begin with, be associated in any way with the identical names as applied to the members of our present solar system. “Saturn,” “Sun” and “Moon” are here intended simply as the names for past evolutionary forms which the Earth has gone through. As to the relation of these pristine worlds to the heavenly bodies that constitute our present solar system—that will emerge in the further course of our studies. Then too the reason for the choice of the names will become evident.
[ 13 ] The conditions on the four planetary embodiments will now be described. It can only be done in merest outline; for the events, the Beings and their destinies were truly no less manifold on Saturn, Sun and Moon than they are on Earth itself. Attention will be drawn to a few characteristic features that can help to illustrate how the present conditions of our Earth have evolved out of the former ones. The farther we go back in evolution, the less will the conditions be found to resemble those of the present time. Yet they can only be described by resorting to ideas and images derived from present conditions. Thus when we speak in this connection of light, warmth and the like, it must not be forgotten that what is thus referred to is not precisely the same as what we now call light and warmth. The notation is justified nevertheless, for the observer in the supersensible perceives in the earlier stages of evolution something from which the present light, warmth, etc. have come to be. And anyone who carefully follows the descriptions will be well able to gather, from the whole context into which things are placed, the kind of conceptions he will need in order to have pictures and images that truly convey the character of the events that took place in those remote ages of the past.
[ 14 ] The difficulty is, however, undeniably great for those planetary conditions which precede the Moon embodiment. For the conditions of the Moon period still show a certain likeness to those of the Earth, and in attempting to describe them these similarities with the present day give one a point of contact and enable one to express in clear ideas what has been supersensibly perceived. It is a very different matter when we come to describe the Saturn and Sun evolutions. What confronts the clairvoyant observer here is as different as possible from the things and beings that now belong to the horizon of man's life. This makes it exceedingly difficult even to bring the corresponding facts into the domain of the supersensible consciousness at all. But since the present human being cannot be understood without going back to the Saturn state, some description of it must none the less be given. And the description will not be misunderstood if it is borne in mind that the difficulty exists, and that many of the things here said are to be taken not so much as an exact description but more as a hint and indication of the facts.
[ 15 ] What has just been said, as well as what will be said in the following pages, might not unnaturally be held to contradict the statement made previously as to the persistence of the earlier conditions within the present. Nowhere, it might be said, is there a former Saturn, Sun or Moon condition existing side by side with the present Earth condition, still less a form of human being such as is here described as having existed in those earlier conditions. It is quite true: there are not Saturn, Sun or Moon men running about among Earth men in the way that little children of three run about among the men and women of fifty. But within the hum an being as he is on Earth these earlier conditions of mankind are indeed perceptible—supersensibly. To recognize that this is so, we need only have acquired a power of discernment extending to the full horizon of the facts of life. As the child of three is present beside the man of fifth, so are present, beside the alive and waking man of Earth, the corpse, the man asleep, and the dreaming man. Granted that these various forms of manifestation of man's being do not immediately reveal, as we see them before us, the several stages of his evolution, nevertheless clear and objective contemplation will behold in them the corresponding stages.
[ 16 ] Of the four present members of the human being the physical body is the oldest. Moreover it is the physical body which has attained the greatest perfection in its kind. Supersensible research shows that this member of the human being existed already in Saturn evolution. It is true, as will emerge in these descriptions, that the form it had on Saturn was utterly different from man's present physical body. The physical body of man as it is on Earth can only exist in its proper nature inasmuch as it is connected with a life-body, an astral body and an Ego, as has been described in earlier chapters of this book. On Saturn, there was ads yet no such connection. The physical body was passing through its first stage in evolution without a human life-body or astral body or Ego being incorporated in it. During Saturn evolution it was only maturing towards the stage of receiving a life-body, and before this could happen, Saturn had first to pass into a spiritual state and then be re-incarnated as the Sun. In the Sun embodiment of the Earth, what the physical body had become on Saturn unfolded once more, as from a seed. Only then could it be permeated with an etheric body. Through receiving into it an etheric body, its nature was changed: the physical body was raised to a second level of its perfection. A like thing happened during the Moon evolution when the ancestor of man, having evolved from Sun to Moon, received into himself the astral body. The physical body was thereby changed again; this time it was raised to a third level of perfection. The life-body too was changed; henceforth it stood upon its second level of perfection. On Earth, into the ancestor of man consisting now of physical body, life-body and astral body, the Ego was incorporated. Therewith the physical body reached its fourth degree of perfection, the life-body is third, the astral body its second; while the Ego even now is only at the first stage of its existence.
[ 17 ] If we really set out to consider man with an open mind, we shall have no difficulty in forming a right idea of the varying degrees of perfection of the several members. Compare, for example, the physical body with the astral in this respect. The astral body, it is true, being of the nature of “soul,” stands at a higher level in evolution than the physical; and when in future time the astral body has come to perfection, it will signify far more for man's whole being than the present physical body. Yet the latter in its kind has attained no mean height of development. Consider the structure of the heart, planned as it is in accordance with the highest wisdom! Or look at the miraculous structure of the brain; or at that of a single part only of some bone—the upper end of the thigh-bone, for example. We find there a network or scaffolding of tiny rods, arranged according to an inner principle. The structure of the whole is so compact as to produce with the minimum use of material the best possible effect at the joint-surfaces—the best distribution of friction, for example, hence affording the right kind of mobility. So do we fined in different parts of the physical body arrangements that give evidence of the working of a deep wisdom. And if we go on to observe the harmony that prevails in the co-operation of the parts within the whole, we shall surely agree that this member of the human being has reached a certain perfection of its kind. The fact that here and there seeming inefficiencies appear, or that disturbances in structure or in function can occur, is unimportant in comparison. Nay more, we can even find that such disturbances are in a sense only the necessary shadows cast by the light of a wisdom which is poured out over the organism as a whole.
And now compare with this the astral body as the bearer of joy and sorrow, of cravings and passions. How full of uncertainty it is in its joy and sorrow! What manifold cravings and passions work themselves out in it that are adverse to the higher aims of man, and are often meaningless! The astral body is only on the way to the achievement of that harmony and self-containedness which we see already before us in the physical. So too it could be shown how the etheric body in its kind proves more perfect than the astral body, but less so than the physical. And the same line of thought will show with no less certainty that the real kernel of man's being, namely the I or Ego, is now only at the beginning of its evolution. For how much has the Ego yet accomplished of its task, which is to transform the other members until these become a revelation of itself?
For one acquainted with spiritual science, the insight arrived at in this way by external observation is intensified by something else. It might well be argues that the physical falls a pretty to disease. Now spiritual science is able to show that a large proportions of illnesses are due to some fault or failing in the astral body being transmitted to the etheric, and, through the latter, disturbing the harmony of the physical body, which in itself is perfect. This deeper connection—which can here be no more than indicated—and with it the essential cause of many a disease, eludes that mode of science which would restrict itself to physical and sense-perceptible facts. More often than not, the connection is as follows. Injury to the astral body is followed by morbid symptoms in the physical, not in the same life in which the injury is done, but in a subsequent life. Consequently the laws that prevail here are significant only for those who are ready to admit the repetition of man's life on Earth. But even if one did not wish to concern oneself with these deeper realms of knowledge, common observation would reveal only too clearly that man gives himself up to cravings and enjoyments which undermine the harmony of the physical body. Now cravings, passions, enjoyment and the like have their seat not in the physical but in the astral body. In effect, the latter is in many respects still so imperfect that it can actually mar the perfection of the physical body.
Here again let it be emphasized that the connections indicated are by no means intended to prove the statements of spiritual science as to the evolution of the four members of man's being. The proofs are derived in every case from spiritual research, which reveals that the physical body has behind it a fourfold transformation to higher stages of perfection, and the other members less, as has been explained. It was only desired to point out that these communications from spiritual research are related to facts of which the consequences are even outwardly observable, in the degrees of perfection of physical body, life-body and the remaining members.
[ 18 ] If we would form an idea—pictorial, but approximating to reality—of the conditions during Saturn evolution, we must bear in mind that of the things and beings now belonging to the Earth and included in the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms of Nature, virtually nothing was in existence then. The beings of these three kingdoms arose only in later periods of evolution. Of the beings of the Earth which are physically perceptible today man alone was present at that time, and of him only the physical body. But even now there are, belonging to the Earth, not only the beings of the mineral, plant and human kingdoms, but other beings too, who do not manifest in physical corporeality. Such beings existed also in the Saturn evolution, and their activity upon the scene of Saturn resulted in the subsequent evolution of man.
[ 19 ] If we turn, first of all, with spiritual organs of perception, not to the beginning or end but to the middle period of evolution of the Saturn embodiment of the Earth, we find a condition consisting essentially of “warmth” alone. There is nothing to be found of gaseous or liquid, let alone of solid constituents. It is only in the later embodiments that these other states emerge. Let us assume that a human being with present-day sense-organs were to approach this Saturn as an observer. Of all the sense-impressions of which he is capable, nothing would meet him there, save the sensation of warmth. Imagine him approaching ever nearer and nearer. The most he would perceive as he reached it would be that the part of space occupied by Saturn was in a different warmth-condition from the remaining spatial environment. Nor would he find the Saturn space itself uniformly warm. Warmer and cooler portions would be alternating with one another in the most diverse ways. Along certain lines, radiant warmth would be perceived. Such lines would not simply go on and on in one direction; irregular figures would be arising from the differences of warmth. Thus he would have before him a kind of heavenly body, a being in the cosmos, inwardly organized and differentiated, appearing in manifold and constantly changing states, and composed of warmth alone.
[ 20 ] It will be difficult for man of today to imagine something that consists of warmth alone, for is not accustomed to recognize heat or warmth as existing in itself; he is accustomed only to perceive it in connection with hot or cold gaseous, liquid or solid bodies. To one who has entirely adopted the physical conceptions of our time it will appear senseless to speak of “warmth” in the way we have done. He may well reply that there are solid, liquid and gaseous bodies, but “heat” or “warmth” denotes no more than a condition pertaining to one or other of these three. When the smallest particles of a gas are in motion, he will say we perceive this motion as warmth, but where there is no gas there can be no such motion, therefore no warmth.
The researcher in spiritual science sees the matter differently. Warmth, to him, is something of which he can speak in the same sense as of a gas, or of a liquid or solid body. It is only a yet finer substance than gas. Moreover, to him the gas itself is none other than warmth condensed, in the sense in which a liquid is condensed vapor or a solid body condensed liquid. Thus the spiritual scientist speaks of warmth-bodies, just as he speaks of gaseous and vaporous bodies.
To follow the spiritual researcher into this sphere, it is only necessary to admit the existence of a perception belonging entirely to the soul. In the world that is presented to the physical senses, warmth undoubtedly appears as a condition of what is solid, liquid or gaseous. But this is no more than the external side of warmth, or we may say, its effect. And it is really of this effect of warmth alone that physicists speak, not of its inner nature. Let us try for once to look away from the warmth-effects that we receive from outside and fix out attention purely on the inner experience we have when we say the words: “I feel warm,” or “I feel cold.” It is this inner experience alone that can give an idea of what Saturn was in the above-described period of its evolution. We might have passed right through the part of space it occupied; there would have been no gas to exert pressure, no solid or liquid body from which impressions of light could be received. But at each point of space we should have felt, inwardly and without impressions from outside: “Here there is this or that degree of warmth.”
[ 21 ] In a heavenly body of this kind there are not the conditions for the animal, plant or mineral creation of our present world. (Hence it can hardly be necessary to remark that the suggested assumption could not possibly take place in fact. A man of the present day could not, just as he is, confront Old Saturn as an observer. The suggestion had only an explanatory purpose.)
The beings of whom supersensible cognition becomes aware when observing Saturn were at a very different stage of evolution from the present, sense-perceptible beings of the Earth. Beings appear there, to begin with, who had not a physical body like the body man has today. When “physical body” is spoken of, we must beware of thinking of man's present physical corporeality. For we have carefully to distinguish between physical body and mineral body. A physical body is one that is governed by the physical laws that are observable today in the mineral kingdom. The present physical body of man is not only governed by the physical laws; it is also permeated with mineral substance. On Saturn there can bas yet be no question of physical-mineral body of this kind. There, there is only a physical corporeality, governed by physical laws—which laws express themselves solely in warmth-effects. Thus the physical body on Saturn is a delicate, tenuous, ethereal body-of-warmth. And the entire Saturn consists of these warmth-bodies. They are the first beginnings of the present physical-mineral body of man, which has evolved out of the old warmth-body by receiving into it the gaseous, liquid and solid substances that developed only at a later stage.
Among the Beings who come before the supersensible consciousness in the moment when it is confronted by the Saturn stage of evolution, and of whom we may speak as dwellers upon Saturn in addition to man, there are for instance some who had no need of a physical body at all. On the other hand they had one member beyond the members of man's being. Man has the Spirit-Man as his highest member; these Beings have a still higher one, and between etheric body and Spirit-Man they have also all the other members that we find in man: astral body, Ego, Spirit-Self, and Life-Spirit. As our Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere, so too was Saturn, only with Saturn the atmosphere was of a spiritual kind.1If one wanted to express more precisely the inner experience one has in spiritual investigation, one would have to say not “Saturn was surrounded by an atmosphere” but “when the supersensible consciousness becomes aware of Saturn, there also appears before it an atmosphere of Saturn,” or “other Beings appear, of such and such kind.” To translate this into the wording ”this or that is there” is assuredly permissible, for in the last resort the very same change is made in applying the ordinary usages of speech to what the soul experiences in sense-perception. This point should nevertheless be borne in mind throughout the following description. It is indeed implicitly contained in the context. For it consisted of Beings—those already mentioned, and other Beings too. And there was a continual interaction between these Beings and the warmth-bodies of Saturn. The Beings let down the members of their nature into Saturn's physical warmth-bodies. And while in these themselves there was no life, the life of the Beings that dwelt in their encircling sphere expressed itself in them. The warmth-bodies might indeed by compared to mirrors; only it was not the above-named Beings themselves that were mirrored in them, but their life-conditions. In Saturn itself one could not have discovered anything that was alive, and yet Saturn had a vivifying influence on its environment in the heavenly spaces, for it rayed back—sent back, as it were—an echo of the life which was sent down to it. The whole of Saturn appeared like a mirror of the heavenly life. Certain sublime Beings whose life Saturn rays back, may be called Spirits of Wisdom. (In Christian spiritual science they bear the name Kyriotetes, i.e. Dominions.) Their activity on Saturn does not be any means begin with the middle epoch of evolution which is here being described. Indeed in a certain sense it is by then already at an end. Before they could become conscious of the reflection of their own life, proceeding from the warmth-bodies of Saturn, they had first to make these bodies capable of bringing about such a reflection. Hence their activity began soon after the commencement of Saturn evolution, at a time when the Saturn corporeality was still chaotic substance which could not have reflected anything.
In setting out to contemplate this chaotic, undifferentiated substance, we have already transplanted ourselves in spiritual observation to the beginning of Saturn evolution. What can be observed there does not by any means bear the later character of warmth. To characterize it, we can only speak of a quality which may be compared to the human Will. Through and through, it is nothing else than Will. Here therefore we are dealing with a condition that is purely of the nature of the soul. If we look for the source of this Will, we find that it arises from the outpouring of sublime Beings who had, by stages scarcely to be even dimly divined, brought their evolution to such a height that when the Saturn evolution began, they were able to let Will pour forth from Their own being. When the outpouring has lasted for a certain time, the activity of the Spirits of Wisdom unites with the will, with the result that the Will, which up to now might be said to have no inherent properties of its own, gradually acquired the property of raying forth Life, raying it back into the heavenly spaces.
The Beings who find Their blessedness in pouring out Will at the beginning of Saturn may be called “Spirits of Will.” (In Christian esoteric science they are called the Thrones.)
When by the working together of Will and Life a certain stage of Saturn evolution has been reached, other Beings too begin to work. They also are in the surrounding sphere of Saturn. We may call them Spirits of Movement; in Christian terminology they are Dynamis or Mights. They have no physical body and no life-body; their lowest member is the astral body. When the Saturn bodies have attained the faculty of reflecting life, the life which is thus rayed back can become permeated with the properties which have their seat in the astral bodies of the Spirits of Movement. As a result, it appears as though expressions of emotion, feeling, and other soul-forces were being hurled out from Saturn into the heavenly spaces. The entire Saturn seems like a being that is ensouled, manifesting sympathies and antipathies. But these manifestations are not its own; they are but the reflection of the soul-activities of the Spirits of Movement.
When this too has lasted through a certain epoch, the activity of yet other Beings begins, whom we will call Spirits of Form. Their lowest member is also an astral body, but it is at a different stage in evolution from the astral body of the Spirits of Movement. The manifestations of feeling which the Spirits of Movement communicate to the life that is rayed back from Saturn are of a general kind, whereas the astral body of the Spirits of Form (in Christian language Exusiai or Powers) works in such a way that it seems as though manifestations are being hurled out into cosmic space from many single beings. The Spirits of Movement, we might say, make Saturn as a whole appear as an animate being endowed with soul. The Spirits of Form divide this life of Saturn into so many separate living entities, so that eventually it appears like a conglomeration of soul-beings.
Picture to yourself a mulberry or a blackberry, composed as it is of ever so many tiny berries. To the supersensible observer Saturn looks like this in the evolutionary epoch here described. It is composed of the single Saturn beings who have no life or soul of their own, but ray back the life and soul of the Beings that dwell around them.
And now at this stage in the evolution of Saturn certain Beings intervene, who again have the astral body for their lowest member, but have brought it on so far in its evolution that it works like a human I of the present time. Through them the I looks down from the surrounding spaces on to Saturn, and communicates its nature to the single “live” beings. Hence something is sent forth from Saturn into the heavenly spaces, that resembles the impression made by human personality in our present cycle of life. The Beings who bring this about may be called “Spirits of Personality” (in Christian terminology they are the Archai, First Beginnings, or Principalities.) These Beings communicate to the particles of the Saturn body a semblance of the character of personality. The Spirits of Personality have their real personality in the surrounding sphere. They cause their own being to be rayed back to them from the Saturn bodies, and this very process bestows upon the Saturn bodies the fine substantiality which was described above as “warmth.” Throughout the whole of Saturn there is no inwardness; but the Spirits of Personality behold and recognize the image of their own inwardness, in that it streams out to them as warmth from Saturn.
[ 22 ] While all this is happening, the Spirits of Personality are at the stage at which the human being is today. They are going through their “human” epoch. To see this fact in its true light, we must be ready to conceive that a being can be a “human” being without necessarily having the form and figure man has today. The Spirits of Personality are “men” upon Saturn. Their lowest member is not the physical body but the astral body with the Ego. Therefore they cannot express the experiences of their astral body in a physical and an etheric body in the same way as can the man of today. Nevertheless they not only have an I or Ego but are aware of it, for the warmth of Saturn, by raying back this Ego, brings it home to their consciousness. They are, in effect, “human beings” under conditions differing from the earthly.
[ 23 ] In the further course of Saturn evolution, facts of quite another kind ensue. Hitherto it was all a reflection of life and feeling that were outside; henceforth there is a kind of inner life. A life of light begins, flickering here and there within the Saturn world and dying down again. At some places a quivering of glowing light will appear, at others something more like rapid lightning-flashes. The Saturn warmth-bodies begin to glimmer and glisten, even to radiate light. The attainment of this stage affords once more the possibility for certain Beings to unfold their activity. These are the Beings who may be designated “Fire Spirits” (in Christian terminology, Archangeloi, Archangels.) They have an astral body of their own at this stage of their existence but they cannot by themselves give it any stimulus. They would be quite incapable of arousing any feelings or sensation were it not for the fact that they can work upon the warmth-bodies which have reached the stage here indicated. Working in this way makes it possible for them to perceive their own existence; they perceive it by the influence they exercise. They cannot say to themselves “I am,” rather would they have to say: “My environment enables me to be.” They have perception; indeed their perceptions consist in the above-described light-effects on Saturn. These are in a certain sense their I. This gives them a peculiar form of consciousness. We may describe it as a picture-consciousness. It may be conceived as of the nature of man's dream-consciousness; only we must imagine it far more vivid, far more animated than human dreaming. Nor is it a mere meaningless ebb and flow of pictures; the dream-pictures of the Fire Spirits and the warmth-bodies of Saturn, the seeds of the human sense-organs are first implanted in the stream of evolution. The organs whereby today man perceives the physical world light up in their first, delicate ethereal beginnings. Phantoms-of-man, revealing as yet no other outward sign than these “light” archetypes of the sense-organs, become perceptible in Saturn to the faculty of clairvoyance. Man's sense-organs are thus the fruits of the activity of the Fire Spirits. But these are not the only Spirits concerned in their creation. Simultaneously with the Fire Spirits, other Beings appear upon the scene—Beings so far advanced in evolution that they are able to make use of the seeds of the sense-organs for witnessing the cosmic processes of Saturn's life. These are the Beings whom we may designate “Spirits of Love” (In Christian language, Seraphim.) Were it not for them, the Fire Spirits could not have the consciousness above described; for they gaze upon the processes taking place in Saturn with a consciousness that enables them to transmit pictures of these processes to the Fire Spirits. For themselves they forgo all the advantage they might have through witnessing the Saturn events. They renounce every enjoyment it could afford them, every delight; they give that all up, so that the Fires Spirits may have it.
[ 24 ] These events are followed by a new period in Saturn's existence. To the play of light another thing is added. It may well seem quite made to many people when we tell what now confronts supersensible cognition. Within the Saturn body something like sensations of taste begin to go surging to and fro. Sweet, bitter, sour, etc. are perceived at diverse places in the interior of Saturn; while in the heavenly spaces without, all this gives the impression of sound, a kind of music. And in these processes, once more, Beings find it possible to unfold their activity on Saturn. These Beings may be called the “Sons of Twilight,” or “Sons of Life” (in Christian language they are the Angeloi or Angels.) They begin to interact with the surging, eddying forces of taste in the interior of Saturn, and by this means their etheric of life-body develops an activity that we may designate as a kind of metabolism. They bring life into the interior of Saturn; processes of nutrition and excretion begin to take place there. Not that the Beings themselves bring about these processes directly; the processes arise indirectly, through their activity. And now this inner life makes it possible for yet other Beings to enter the heavenly body. Let them be called the “Spirits of the Harmonies” (in Christian terminology called the Cherubim.) These Beings transmit to the Sons of Life a kind of dim consciousness of man today. It is like the consciousness that belongs to man in dreamless sleep, which is of such a low degree that in a manner of speaking it does not “come to consciousness” at all; man remains unaware of it. Yet it is there. It differs from day-consciousness in kind as well as in degree. Our present-day plants possess this “dreamless sleep” consciousness. It affords no perceptions of an outer world in the human sense of the word, but it regulates the life-processes and brings them into harmony with those in the outer Universe. At the Saturn stage with which we are here dealing, the Sons of Life cannot perceive the regulations; but the Spirits of the Harmonies perceive it. They therefore are the real regulators.
All this life goes on in what we have described as the phantoms-of-man. These therefore appear to the spiritual eye as though they were alive; and yet their life is but a semblance of life. It is the life of the Sons of Life who as it were make use of these phantoms in order to live out their own life.
[ 25 ] Let us now direct our attention to these phantoms-of-man with their semblance of life. During the period with which we have been dealing, they are of ever-changing form. Now they will resemble one shape, now another. In the further course of evolution the shapes become more definite, and sometimes even last for a while. This is due to their being now permeated by the influences of the Spirits who were at work in the very beginning of Saturn evolution, namely the Spirits of Will (the Thrones.) As a result, the phantom-of-man appears to be endowed with the simplest, darkest form of consciousness. We must conceive it as being yet more dim than that of dreamless sleep. Under present-day conditions, the minerals possess this consciousness. It brings the inner nature of the object or being into unison with the physical external world. On Saturn it is the Spirits of Will who regulate this unison, with the result that man appears like an impress of the Saturn life itself. What the Saturn life is on a large scale, man is now at this stage on a small. And with this the first seed is given of what is still only in the seedling stage even in the man of today, namely Spirit-man (Atman.) Inwardly—within Saturn—this dull human will manifests itself to the faculty of supersensible perception by effects which may be compared to “smells.” Outwardly—out into the heavenly spaces—there is a manifestation as of personality, a personality, however, that is not guided by an inner I, but regulated from outside like a machine. It is the Spirits of Will who regulate it.
[ 26 ] Surveying the above, we see that form the middle condition onward the stages of Saturn's evolution could be characterized by comparing their effects with sense-impressions of the present time. Thus it was possible to say: Saturn evolution manifests as warmth; afterwards a play of light is added, then a play of taste and sound, until at length there appears what reveals itself inwardly—to the interior of Saturn—in sensations of smell, and outwardly like a human I working in a machine-like way. How is it then with the manifestations of Saturn evolution before the state of warmth is reached? They cannot be compared with anything whatsoever that is accessible to outer sensation. The warmth-condition is preceded by one which man today experiences only in his inner being. When he gives himself up to ideas which he forms for himself within his soul without the occasion being thrust upon him by any impression from outside, then he has within him something which no physical senses can perceive—something which is accessible, as a perception, to higher spiritual sight alone. The warmth-condition of Saturn is in effect preceded by manifestations which exist only for one who can perceive the supersensible. Three such conditions may be named: pure warmth-of-soul, not outwardly perceptible; purely spiritual light, which outwardly is darkness; and spiritual being which is complete in itself. Pure inner warmth accompanies the appearance on Saturn of the Spirits of Movement, pure spiritual light that of the Spirits of Wisdom, while pure inward being is connected with the first outpouring of the Spirits of Will. Thus with the appearance of the Saturn warmth, our evolution first emerges from an inner life of pure spirituality, to an existence manifesting outwardly.
[ 27 ] One more thing must be added, with which the present consciousness may find it still more difficult to come to terms. With the warmth-conditions of Old Saturn there also first emerges what we call Time. The previous conditions are in fact not temporal at all. They belong to the realm which, in spiritual science, may be named Duration. All that is said in this book of conditions in the Realm of Duration must therefore be understood in this sense. It must be borne in mind that any expression implying time-relationships is used only for the sake of comparison and exposition. In human language even those things which, in a manner of speaking, precede time, can only be characterized with words in which the time-conception is implicit. We must remember that though the first, second and third Saturn states did not take place “one after the other” in the present-day sense of the words, we cannot, after all, avoid describing them in sequence. Moreover, in spite of their duration of simultaneity, they depend on one another, and the dependence is such as to be comparable with a succession in time.
[ 28 ] With this reference to the earliest evolutionary states of Saturn, light is also thrown on all further questionings as to the “whence” of these conditions. In a purely intellectual way it is possible, of course, in the case of every given origin, to ask again after its origin. But in relation to the facts this will not do. We can easily bring it home to ourselves by a comparison. If we see ruts in a road we may ask, “Whence do they come?” We may receive the answer, “From a carriage.” Then we can ask again, “Where did the carriage come from, and where was it going?” Here again an answer founded on facts is possible. We can still go on to ask, “Who was in the carriage? What were the intentions of the person using it? What was he doing?” But we shall at length reach a point where our questioning is brought to a natural conclusion by the facts themselves. And if we go on asking questions beyond this point, we are departing from the purpose of the original question; we only prolong the questioning, as it were, mechanically. In cases like the one here cited as an illustration, we can readily see where the facts themselves will put a natural end to questioning. With the great questions of the Universe it is not so easy. None the less, if we think it over carefully, we shall recognize that all questions of “Whence” must come to an end with the Saturn conditions we have been describing. For we have here reached a sphere where the beings and processes are no longer to be accounted for by reference to that from which they take their origins, but by what they are in themselves.
[ 29 ] The eventual result of Saturn evolution is to be seen in the fact that the seed of man has grown an developed to a certain point. It has attained the low, dim state of consciousness which was described above. We must not imagine that this began to evolve only in the last stage of Saturn. The Spirits of Will are working throughout all the conditions, but it is in the last period that the result of their activity is most apparent to supersensible perception. Altogether, no hard and fast line can be drawn between the activities of the several groups of Beings. When it is said: first the Spirits of will are active, then the Spirits of Wisdom, and so forth—it does not mean that they are active at that stage only. They work throughout the whole of Saturn evolution; their working is, however, most readily observed in the times thus indicated, when the several Beings have as it were their periods of leadership.
[ 30 ] The whole of Saturn evolution thus appears as an elaboration, by the Spirits of Wisdom, Movement, Form, etc. of that which was poured out in the beginning by the Spirits of Will. The spiritual Beings themselves undergo evolution in the process. The Spirits of Wisdom, for example, after having received their life rayed back to them from Saturn, are at another stage than before. Their own faculties have advanced to a higher level, and there follows for them something not unlike what sleep is for the human being. Periods of activity on Saturn are followed by times when they are living as it were in other worlds; and then their activity is turned away from Saturn. Consequently, supersensible perception sees in the Saturn evolution here described, a rise and fall. The former lasts until the state of warmth has developed and matured. Then, with the play of light, a waning process begins. And when through the working of the Spirits of Will the phantoms-of-man have taken shape and form, the spiritual Beings have by then all gradually withdrawn. Saturn evolution dies away into itself, and disappears as such. A kind of interval of rest begins. The germ or seed of man passes as it were into a state of dissolution; not that it vanishes entirely—rather it is in the condition of a plant seed which, resting in the Earth, will ripen by and by into a new plant. So does the seed of man rest in the bosom of the world, there to await a new awakening. And when the time for its awakening has come, then the spiritual Beings have on their part acquired—under different conditions—the faculties to work still further upon the seed of man. The Spirits of Wisdom have in their etheric body attained the power to do more than enjoy the reflection of Life—as on Saturn; they are now able to pour Life out of themselves, endowing other beings with it. The Spirits of Movement are now as far advanced as were the Spirits of Wisdom upon Saturn. Their lowest member upon Saturn was the astral body; henceforth they have in addition an etheric or life-body of their own. And the other spiritual Beings too have reached a further stage in their evolution. Hence in the further evolution of the seed of man these spiritual Beings can all work in quite another way than they did upon Saturn.
But now at the end of Saturn evolution the seed of man had, as it were, dissolved; and in order that the Spirit-beings—more highly evolved as they now are—may continue where they left off before, it must briefly recapitulate the stages it went through on Saturn. And this is precisely what shows itself to supersensible perception. Emerging once more from its hidden state, the seed of man begins to unfold by its own inherent faculty—by virtue of the forces with which it was imbued on Saturn. It comes forth out of the darkness as a being-of-will, and raises itself to the semblance of life, of soul-likeness and so forth, until it reaches the manifestation of machine-like personality which belonged to it at the close of Saturn evolution.
The second of the great evolutionary periods—the Sun stage—uplifts the human being to a higher level of consciousness than he attained on Saturn, although compared with man's present consciousness, his condition on the Sun might still be called unconsciousness. For it is well-nigh equivalent to the state in which he now finds himself in absolutely dreamless sleep. We might also compare it with the low degree of consciousness in which our world of plants is slumbering today. For supersensible perception there is, as a matter of fact, no such thing as unconsciousness there are but differing degrees of consciousness. Everything in the world is conscious.
Man attains this higher state of consciousness in the course of Sun evolution through the fact that the etheric or life-body is now incorporated in him. But this cannot take place until the Saturn conditions have been recapitulated. Such recapitulation has a quite definite meaning. When the interval of rest is over, what was previously Saturn emerges from the “cosmic sleep” as a new world-entity—as Sun. But the whole situation within which evolution takes place is now changed. The Spirit-beings whose working upon Saturn we described have progressed to new conditions. The seed of man, however, as it emerges on the newly formed Sun, appears, to begin with, just as it become on Saturn. It has accordingly first of all to transmute the several evolutionary stages it underwent on Saturn, in order to adapt them to the conditions on Sun. Hence the Sun epoch begins with a repetition of the Saturn events, but a repetition adapted to the changed conditions—the Spirits of Wisdom begin their work of pouring the etheric or life-body into the physical. The higher stage that man attains upon Sun may be characterized as follows. The physical body, formed already upon Saturn in its germinal beginnings, is raised to a second level of perfection, in that it now becomes the bearer of an etheric or life-body. The etheric or life-body itself attains, during the Sun evolution, the first degree of its perfection. But for these stages of perfection to be achieved—the second for the physical and the first for the life-body—the intervention of other Spiritual-beings too is needed, just as it was for the Saturn stage.
[ 32 ] When the Spirits of Wisdom begin with their inpouring of the life-body, the Sun entity, which until now was dark, begins to radiate light. Simultaneously the first signs of an inner quickening appear in the seed of man: life begins to be. What on Saturn had to be described as a mere semblance of life, is now becoming real life. The inpouring goes on for a time, and then an important change comes over the seed of man; it differentiates into two parts. Hitherto, the physical body and life-body have been in intimate union as a single whole; now, the physical begins to separate off as a distinct part—although it still remains permeated with the life-body. Thus we now have to do with a twofold human being. One part of man is physical body, permeated through and through with life-body; the other consists of life-body alone. This severance takes place during an interval of rest in the Sun life, when the light-radiance which had begun to appear dies down again. It happens during what may be called a “cosmic night.” This interval of rest is however far shorter than the aforesaid interval between the Saturn and Sun evolutions. When it is over, the Spirits of Wisdom continue for a while to work upon the two-fold human being, just as they worked on him before, when he was single and undivided. Thereafter, the Spirits of Movement come in with their activity; they permeate with their own astral body the life-body of the human being. The life-body thus attains the faculty to carry out certain inner movements in the physical—movements that are comparable to those of the saps and fluids in a plant of the present day.
[ 33 ] The whole of Saturn consisted of warmth alone. During Sun evolution this warmth-substance condenses to a state which may be likened to that of our present gas or vapor. It is the condition we can denote as Air. The first beginnings of it show themselves after the Spirits of Movement have come in with their activity. To supersensible consciousness the following appears. Within the warmth-substance delicate, tenuous structures emerge, which are brought into regular movement by the forces of the life-body. These structures make manifest the physical body of the human being as it is at this stage in its evolution. They are permeated through and through with warmth, and are also enveloped as if by an integument of warmth. Warmth-creations with air-forms incorporated in them, the latter engaged in regular and constant movement—so may be describe the human being, physically speaking, at this stage. If we want to maintain the suggested comparison with the plant of the present day, we must remember that we are not dealing with a compact plant but with a form consisting of air or gas, the movements of which are not unlike those of the sap in the present plant.1The gas appears to supersensible consciousness through the light-effects which it sends forth. Hence we might also speak of forms of light presenting themselves to spiritual vision.
This evolution is then carried further. After a time an interval of rest once more ensues; and when this is over, the Spirits of Movement continue with their work, until it is supplemented by that of the Spirits of Form, as a result of whose activity the gaseous structures, hitherto constantly changing, now assume more permanent shape. This too is brought about through the Spirits of Form pouring their forces in and out of the life-body of the human beings. Previously, when the Spirits of Movement alone were working upon them, the gaseous bodies were in incessant motion; only for a moment did they ever maintain their shape. Henceforward they will now assume, for a time, distinguishable forms.
Once more, after a certain time, comes an interval of rest; and when that is over, the Spirits of Form resume their activity. Then, however, altogether new conditions appear within Sun evolution.
[ 34 ] For now the point is reached where Sun evolution has attained its middle epoch. It is the time when the Spirits of Personality, who reached their human level upon Saturn, rise to a higher stage of perfection, thus transcending the stage of humanity. They attain a consciousness which, in the regular course of evolution, present-day man does not yet possess. He will attain it when the Earth—the fourth of the planetary stages in evolution—has reached its goal and the next planetary period will have begun. At that time, man will no longer perceive around him merely what the present physical senses communicate to him; he will be able to observe in pictures the inner soul-condition of the beings that surround him. He will have picture-consciousness, still however retaining full self-consciousness. For in his picture-vision, there will be nothing dim or dreamlike. He will perceive things of the soul—in pictures it is true, yet so that the pictures will express realities just as physical colors and tones do today. In our time it is only by spiritual-scientific training that man can raise himself to this kind of seership. The training will be dealt with in a later chapter.
Such seership the Spirits of Personality attain as their normal gift of evolution in the middle of the Sun stage. And it enables them, during Sun evolution, to work upon the newly formed life-body of the human being in the same way as they worked upon his physical body during Saturn. As upon Saturn the warmth rayed back to them their own personality, so now the gaseous forms ray back to them in shining light the picture-visions of their seership. They behold—supersensibly—what is now taking place on Sun. Nor is their seeing by any means mere observation. For in the pictures that stream outward from the Sun, it is as though something of that force which man on Earth denotes as Love were making itself felt. And as we look—in soul—more closely, we find the cause of this. Into the light as it rays outward from the Sun, sublime Beings have mingled their activity. These are the “Spirits of Love” (in Christian language, Seraphim) already named in the preceding pages. Henceforth they work upon the human etheric body (or life-body) in co-operation with the Spirits of Personality. The combined activity of these Beings enables the life-body to take a further step on its path of evolution. It becomes capable not only of transforming the gaseous structures which are within it, but of so working upon them that the first suggestions of a reproductive process appear in the living human entities. Secretions are as it were driven forth—or we might say, “perspired”—by the already-formed gaseous organisms, and assume form in their turn in the likeness of their mother-organism.
[ 35 ] Before we can go on to describe the further evolution of the Sun, we must point to a fact which is of the greatest importance in the whole cosmic process. In the course of a given epoch not all the beings attain the goal of their evolution. Some fall short of it. During Saturn evolution, for example, not all the Spirits of Personality attained the “human” stage appointed for them. Nor did all the human physical bodies that developed upon Saturn reach the degree of maturity which could enable them to become the bearers on Sun of an independent life-body. As a result, beings and structures are present on the Sun, unsuited to the conditions that obtain there. These must now make good what they have missed on Saturn. During the Sun stage spiritual perceptions can therefore observe the following. When the Spirits of Wisdom begin with their in-pouring of the life-body, the whole body of the Sun becomes as it were clouded. For it is interspersed with structures which belong essentially to Saturn—warmth-structures that are unable to condense in the proper way to air. These are the human entities which have remained behind at the Saturn stage. They cannot become bearers of a normally developed life-body.
What is thus left behind of Saturn's warmth-substance, divides on the Sun into two portions. One is as it were absorbed by the human bodies, and constitutes henceforth, within the human being, a kind of lower nature. Thus on Sun the human being receives something into his bodily nature that corresponds in reality to the Saturn stage. Now as the Saturn body of man made it possible for the Spirits of Personality to rise to their “human” level, so on the Sun does this Saturn part of man render a like service to the Fires Spirits. These rise to their human stage by pouring their forces in and out of it, just as the Spirits of Personality did on Saturn. This too takes place during the middle epoch of Sun evolution, for then the Saturn part of the human being is sufficiently mature for the Fire Spirits (The Archangeloi) to pass through their human stage with its assistance.
Another portion of the Saturn warmth-substance separates off and comes to an independent existence alongside of and among the Sun human beings, constituting thus a second kingdom, developing a fully independent, but purely physical body—a body of warmth. There is therefore in this second kingdom no independent life-body to receive the activity of the fully evolved Spirits of Personality. But now certain Spirits of Personality have also stopped short at the Saturn stage; they did not attain there the level of humanity. Between them and this second kingdom of the Sun, there is a bond of attraction. They must now relate themselves to this retarded kingdom in the same way as their more advanced companions related themselves upon Saturn to the human beings. For upon Saturn these too had developed only a physical body. But on the Sun itself there is no possibility for this work to be done by the backward Spirits of Personality. They therefore separate themselves from the Sun and form an independent heavenly body outside it. From this heavenly body that has left the Sun, the retarded Spirits of Personality work upon the creatures of the second Sun kingdom.. The single cosmic entity that Saturn was before, has thus become two. Henceforth the Sun has a second heavenly body in its environment, representing a kind of re-birth of Saturn—as it were, a new Saturn. From this new Saturn the second kingdom of the Sun is endowed with the character of personality. Its beings have no personality upon the Sun itself; but they reflect to the Spirits of Personality on the new Saturn their personality. In among the human beings on the sun, supersensible consciousness can observe forces of warmth, whose working intermingles with the regular evolution of the Sun. Herein we have to perceive the Spirits of the new Saturn wielding their power.
Observation of the human being during the middle epoch of Sun evolution reveals it to be divided into a physical body and a life-body. The latter is the scene of activity for the more advanced Spirits of Personality, in unison with the Spirits of Love. The physical body is now intermingled with a portion of the retarded Saturn nature, and here the activity of the Fire Spirits is at work. In what the Fire Spirits achieve in this retarded Saturn nature, we have to recognize the forerunners of the present sense-organs of Earth man. (It will be remembered that already upon Saturn the Fire Spirits were concerned in elaborating within the warmth-substance the seeds of the human senses.) On the other hand, in that which is accomplished by the Spirits of Personality in union with the Spirits of Love (the Seraphim,) we have to perceive the first beginnings of man's present glandular organs.
But now the work of those Spirits of Personality who dwell on the new Saturn is not exhaustively described in what was said above. Their activity goes beyond the second kingdom of the Sun; they also establish a kind of connection between this second kingdom and the human senses. The warmth-substances of this second kingdom stream through the human senses in their germinal condition, pouring continually in and out of them. In this way the human being rises on Sun to a kind of perception of the lower kingdom that is there beside him. It is, in the nature of the case, a very dim perception—corresponding in all respects to the dull Saturn consciousness of which we spoke before. And it consists essentially in varying effects of warmth.
[ 38 ] All that has here been described as pertaining to the middle epoch of Sun evolution, lasts for a certain time; and then, once more there is an interval of rest. After the interval, things go on for awhile in the same way as before, until a point is reached in evolution when the human etheric body is mature for a united working of the Sons of Life (The Angeloi) and the Spirits of Harmony (the Cherubim.) To supersensible consciousness manifestations now appear within the human being which may be likened to perceptions of taste, and which reveal themselves outwardly as sounds. It will be remembered that we resorted to a similar comparison in our description of Saturn evolution. Here however, on Sun, all that does on in the human being is far more inward, is full of a more independent life.
The Sons of Life hereby attain the dim picture-consciousness which the Fire Spirits reached on Saturn. The Spirits of Harmony (Cherubim) are their helpers in this. They behold in spirit what is now taking its course in Sun evolution; but they deny themselves all the fruits of this their contemplation, all feeling of the Wisdom-filled pictures that arise there, and pour them like wondrous magic scenes into the dream-consciousness of the Sons of Life. These in turn weave the forms they behold into man's etheric body, which rises thereby to higher and higher stages in its evolution.
[ 39 ] Again there is an interval of rest. Again the whole arises out of the “sleep of worlds” and, after it has continued its course for a time, the human being is mature enough to be able to arouse within him the forces of his own. These are the forces which were poured into his being by the Thrones during the last epoch of Saturn evolution. The human being now continues his evolution in an inner life which, in its manifestation to consciousness, may be likened to an inward sensation of smell. Outwardly, over against the heavenly spaces, he reveals himself as a personality. We have already seen how at the end of Saturn evolution, personality manifested like a machine. Moreover, as at that time the first seed was developed of what is still in a seedling state even in the man of today, namely Spirit-Man or Atma, so now and in like manner the first seed is formed of Life-Spirit or Budhi.
After all this has gone on for a certain time, there is once more an interval of rest And, as has happened before, after the interval the former activity of the human being is resumed for a while. Then new conditions enter in, arising out of a fresh intervention on the part of the Spirits of Wisdom. Through this the human being becomes able to feel the first traces of sympathy and antipathy with his environment. It is as yet not real feeling; nevertheless, it is a forerunner of feeling. For the inner activity of life, the manifestations of which could be described as resembling perceptions of smell, reveals itself outwardly as if in a kind of primitive speech. When an agreeable smell or taste, glimmer of light, or other manifestation is inwardly perceived, the human being makes it known outwardly by a sound. Similarly too with an inwardly distasteful perception. And now, as a result of all these developments, the true meaning of Sun evolution for the being of man has been attained. He has reached a higher level of consciousness than was his Saturn. It is the consciousness of sleep.
After a while the point has also been reached when the higher Beings connected with the Sun stage must pass to other spheres, there to assimilate the potentialities they have implanted in themselves by the work they have done on the human being. A greater interval of rest supervenes, such as there was between Saturn and Sun. All that has been evolved on Sun passes into a condition like that of a plant when its forces of growth are resting in the seed. But as these come forth again to the light of day in a new plant, so after the interval of rest is over, all that was life upon the Sun emerges again out of the bosom of the worlds and a new planetary existence begins. We shall well understand the meaning of such an interval of rest or “sleep of worlds” if we turn our thought for a moment to some one of the above-named groups of Beings—the Spirits of Wisdom, for example. On Saturn, these Beings were not yet so far advanced as to be able to pour forth from themselves an etheric body. The experiences they underwent there served however to prepare them for this activity. During the interval they transmitted what had been prepared in them, into the actual faculty, with the result that on Sun they were ready to let the life stream out from them and so endow the human being with a life-body of his own.
When the interval of rest is over, what formerly was Sun comes forth again from the “sleep of worlds.” That is to say, it becomes perceptible once more to those powers of spiritual sight which had formerly been able to observe it but from which it vanished in the interval of rest. The planetary being emerging now in its new form shall be designated “Moon”—but we must not confuse it with that fragment of it which constitutes the present Moon, the satellite of the Earth. Two things are to be noted, as it re-emerges. In the first place, the new Saturn, which separated off during Sun, is now again within the planetary being. During the interval of rest, it has re-united with the Sun. The whole content of the original Saturn comes forth again to begin with as a single cosmic entity. Secondly, the life-bodies of the human beings, that were formed upon Sun, have been absorbed during the interval of rest by the planet's spiritual envelope—for such, as a sense, it is. Hence at this point of time the life-bodies do not appear in union with the human physical bodies; these emerge, to begin with, by themselves. Though bearing in their nature all that has been achieved in them on Saturn and on the Sun, they are still without the etheric or life-body. Nor indeed would they be able to receive it at once, for in the interval of rest the etheric body itself has undergone an evolution to which they are not yet adapted. And so now, at the beginning of Moon evolution, another repetition of the Saturn events takes place, in order to achieve this adaptation.
The physical life of man passes in recapitulation through the stages of Saturn evolution, but under altogether changed conditions. For on Saturn the forces of a warmth body alone were at work in it, whereas now there are also those of the gaseous body which it has assimilated. The latter do not however emerge at once. In the beginning of Moon evolution it is as though the human being consisted of warmth-substance alone, with the gaseous forces still asleep within it. Then follows a period when these emerge in their first indication. And at length, in the last period of the Saturn repetition, the human being has already the appearance he had when he was alive on Sun. Yet all “life” at this stage proves to be no more than a mere semblance of life. For there must first be an interval of rest, like the short intervals of rest during Sun evolution. Then begins once more the inpouring of the life-body, for which the physical body has now made itself mature. This inpouring takes place, as did the Saturn repetition, in three distinct epochs. In the second of these, the human being is so far adapted to the new Moon conditions that the Spirits of Movement can bring into action the faculty they have acquired. Out of their own nature they can now pour the astral body into the human beings. For this work they prepared themselves during Sun evolutions, and in the interval of rest between Sun and Moon they have transmuted what they had prepared into the actual faculty. This inpouring of the astral body lasts for a certain time, and then again one of the smaller intervals of rest ensues; after which the inpouring is continued, until the Spirits of Form enter with their activity. Through the Spirits of Movement pouring into him the astral body, the human being acquires his first qualities of soul. The processes that take place in him by virtue of the life-body—which in Sun evolution were still of a plant-like character—these he now begins to follow with sensation, feeling pleasure in them or disliking them. But the sympathies and antipathies thus aroused remain in ever-changing ebb and flow, until the Spirits of Form come in and play their part. Thereupon the ever-changing feelings become so transformed that there emerges in the human being what we may regard as a first sign of wish and craving. He strives for a repetition of what gave enjoyment, and seeks to avoid what roused a feeling of antipathy. Since however the Spirits of Form do not communicate their own nature to the human being but only cause their forces to pour in and out of him, this craving is without inwardness or independence. It is guided by the Spirits of Form, and gives the impression of being purely instinctive.
[ 40 ] On Saturn the physical body of the human being was a body of warmth; on Sun there was a condensation to the gaseous condition, to “air.” Now, in Moon evolution, when the Astral is poured in, the moment is reached when the physical attains a further stage of condensation. It comes into a condition comparable to that of a liquid in our time. This new state may be designated “water,” meaning however not our present water but any liquid form of existence. The human physical body comes now gradually to assume a form composed of three organic structures, distinct form one another in their substance. The densest is a “water body;” this is permeated through and through by airy currents, and warmth effects continue also to pervade the whole.
[ 41 ] But now, as on Saturn, so in the Sun stage too, not all the forms attain the corresponding maturity. Hence we find upon Moon, forms which are even now still at the Saturn stage, and some also which have reached but remain at the stage of Sun. Two other kingdoms thus emerge, beside the properly developed human kingdom. One consists of beings which, having remained at the Saturn stage, have physical body alone; and this physical body is not yet able, even now on Moon, to become the bearer of an independent life-body. These beings form the lowest kingdom. A second kingdom is composed of beings who have stopped short at the Sun stage, and are accordingly not ready on Moon to incorporate within them an independent astral body. They constitute an intermediate kingdom, between the aforesaid and the normally advanced human kingdom.
[ 1 ] A further event has now to be noted. The substances with forces of warmth alone, those also that have stopped short as forces of air, permeate the human beings too. These, therefore, on Moon, bear within them a Saturn and a Sun nature. Thereby a kind of split has come about in human nature, and in consequence of this, an event of great significance takes place in Moon evolution. Soon after the Spirits of Form have come in with their activity, a severance begins to be prepared for in the heavenly body of the Moon. A portion of the substances and beings is split off from the remainder. Out of the single heavenly body, two separate ones evolve. The first is taken for their dwelling-place by certain higher Beings, hitherto more intimately united with the heavenly body in its single state. The second is occupied by man, together with the two lower kingdoms above-mentioned and also certain higher Beings who do not pass over to the first. The former heavenly body, with the higher Beings, appears now as a Sun re-born and at the same time refined; the latter is henceforth the essentially new creation—“Old Moon,” as it has to be called—the third planetary embodiment of our Earth, following on the Saturn and Sun embodiments.
[ 1 ] Of the substances that have come into existence on Moon, the new-born Sun, as it goes forth, takes with it only warmth and air; while on the remained which is left behind as Moon, beside these two the watery state is also to be found. In consequence of the severance, the Beings who have gone forth with the new-born Sun are no longer hampered in their evolution by the denser beings of the Moon. They are now able to progress untrammeled in their own becoming, and they attain thereby the greater strength to work—now from without, from their dwelling-place, the Sun—upon the beings of the Moon. Thus do the Moon beings too attain new possibilities of evolution. What is for them particularly significant is that the Spirits of Form have remained united with them. These establish more firmly the desire-nature of the human being, and by degrees this comes to find expression in a further condensation of the physical body. Where hitherto it has been but watery, it begins to assume a more viscous form, and the structures of air and of warmth are densified to correspond. Similar changes take place also in the two lower kingdoms.
[ 42 ] In consequence of having separated from the Sun, the Moon is now related to the Sun in the same way as once was Saturn to the whole of the surrounding cosmic evolution. Saturn was formed out of the body of the Spirits of Will (Thrones.) From the Saturn substance rayed back into cosmic space all that was experienced in consciousness by the Spirit-beings in its environment. And through the events that followed, this raying-back gradually work to independent life. Such is the essence of all evolution. Independent being is first separated out from the life of the environment, then the environment engraves itself—as it were, by reflection—upon the separated being, and then the latter evolves further, independently.
So did the Moon body sever itself from the Sun, and, to being with, simply reflect the life of the Sun body. If, therefore, nothing else had happened, the situation in the cosmos would have been as follows. There would have been a Sun body, where spiritual Beings well adapted to its nature had their experiences in the elements of warmth and air. Over against it would have been a Lunar body, wherein other Beings were evolving, living a life of warmth and air and water. And the progress from the Sun to the Moon embodiment would have meant for the Sun Beings that in what was happening on Moon they would have beheld their own life as in a mirror, and would in this way have been able to receive it and enjoy it, which during the Sun embodiment had not yet been possible. But evolution took another turn. Something took place which was of the very deepest significance for all succeeding evolution. Certain beings, who were adapted to the Moon body, possessed themselves of the element of Will (a heritage from the Thrones) which stood at their disposal, and evolved therewith a life of their own, that grew up independently of the Sun life.
[ 43 ] Alongside the experiences on Moon which were entirely subject to the Sun's influence, independent experiences now arose—states of rebellion, as it were, or of opposition to the Sun Beings. And the various kingdoms that had arisen on Sun and Moon—above all, the kingdom of the forefather of man—became involved in these new conditions. Spiritually and materially, the Moon body contained now within it two kinds of life—one that was in intimate union with the Sun's life, and another which, having “fallen” from this, went on its own independent way. This division into a twofold life comes to expression in all the succeeding events of the Moon embodiment.
[ 44 ] That which presents itself to supersensible consciousness at this epoch in evolution, can be described in the following picture. The ground mass of the Moon was formed of a semi-live substance, which was in constant movement, sometimes sluggish, sometimes quick and lively. There is as yet no solid mineral mass like the rocks and other constituents of the Earth on which man treads today. We might describe it as a kind of plant-mineral kingdom. Only, we have to imagine the whole ground and body of the Moon consisting of this plant-mineral substance, just as the earth today consists of rocks and stones, arable soil, etc. As here and there rocks protrude from the Earth today, so in the Lunar mass, harder portions also were embedded. These might be likened to forms made of hard wood or horn. Moreover, as plants today spring from the mineral soil, so was the ground of the Moon bedecked, and also penetrates, by a second kingdom, consisting of a kind of plant-animal. The substance of this kingdom was softer than the ground and more mobile in itself. It spread over the lower kingdom like a turgid sea. And as for man himself, he might be described as animal-man. He had in his nature the constituents of the two other kingdoms; but his being was permeated through and through by a life-body and an astral body, upon which the forces of the higher Beings on the Sun were working, thereby ennobling his form and figure. The Spirits of form gave him a form and figure that adapted him to the Moon life; the Sun Spirits, on the other hand, made him a being that was lifted beyond this life. With the faculties bestowed on him by these Spirits, man had the power to ennoble his own nature; he could even lift up on to a higher level that within him which was akin to the lower kingdoms.
Seen in their spiritual aspect, these developments may be described as follows. Man's ancestor had also been ennobled by beings who had fallen away from the Sun kingdom. Their ennobling influence extended, above all, to everything that could be experienced in the watery element. Upon this element, the influence of the Beings of the Sun was not so great; they were rulers in the elements of warmth and air. The outcome of all this was that a twofold nature began to declare itself in man's organism. One part of it was permeated through and through by the influence of the Sun Beings; while in the other, the fallen beings, the Moon beings, were working. The latter part was thus more independent. In the former, no other states of consciousness could arise than those in which the Beings of the Sun were living, while in the latter there lived a kind of cosmic consciousness, such as had belonged to the Saturn state, but on a higher level. Through it man's ancestor saw himself as an “Image of the Universe,” while in the “Sun” part of his being he would feel himself only as an “Image of the Sun.”
These two natures in man began now to come into a kind of conflict. And for this conflict a balance was established by the influence of the Sun Beings making transient and frail the more material part of man's organism whereby he was enabled to have the independent World-consciousness. Henceforth this part had to be thrown off from time to time. During the process and for some while after, man's ancestor was a being subject to the Sun influence alone. His consciousness became less independent; he lived in utter devotion to the Solar life. Thereupon the independent—Moon—part would be renewed once more; and after a while the whole process be repeated. This happened time and again. Thus did the ancestor of man live on the Moon in alternating states of consciousness—now duller, now clearer; and the alternation was accompanied by a changing and renewal of his being in its material aspect. From time to time he would lay aside his Moon body, then after awhile put it on once more.
[ 45 ] Seen in their physical aspect, the aforesaid kingdoms of the Moon show great variety. The mineral-plants differ from one another, group by group; so do the plant-animals and the animal-men. This we shall readily understand if we recall that certain structures have remained behind at each of the preceding stages. Forms very varied in quality will thus had been embodied. Some there are which still reveal the initial properties of Saturn; others, those of its middle epoch; others again, those of its end. So too for all the successive evolutionary stages of the Sun.
[ 46 ] Nor is it only the forms and structures belonging to the heavenly body that remain behind as it goes forward in its evolution. The same applies to many of the Beings connected with it. With the advance of evolution to Moon, a number of different ranks of such Beings are to be found. There are Spirits of Personality who even on Sun did not attain their human level, while there are others who made good there what they and missed before, and rose to the human stage. The same with the Fires Spirits who should have become human beings on Sun: a number of these have also remained behind. And as in Sun evolution certain Spirits of Personality, having remained behind, withdrew from the Sun and made Saturn arise anew as a distinct heavenly body, so too in the course of Moon evolution do the Beings aforesaid remove themselves on to separate heavenly bodies. So far, we have spoken only of the separation into Sun and Moon, but in the same manner other heavenly forms were also separated from the Moon body which emerged after the great interval between the Sun and Moon stages of evolution; so that we have in time a whole system of heavenly bodies, the most advanced of which, as will readily be seen, must be the new Sun. And now, as in Sun evolution there was a bond of attraction between the backward Saturn kingdom and the Spirits of Personality on the new Saturn, so, in like manner, bonds of attraction now arise between the several heavenly bodies and the corresponding Moon beings. It would lead us much too far afield to trace here in detail all the heavenly bodies that emerged. Let is suffice to have pointed out the reason why, as time went on, from the single heavenly body which arose as Saturn in the beginning of human evolution, a whole number of heavenly bodies detached themselves one after another.
[ 47 ] After the Spirits of Form have come in with their activity, Moon evolution continues for a time along these lines. Then there is once more an interval, during which the coarser parts of the three Moon kingdoms remain in a kind of quiescent state, while the finer parts—and notably the astral bodies of the human beings—free themselves from these coarser structures. They come into a condition where the higher forces of the sublime Beings of the Sun can work upon them with peculiar intensity.
After this interval of rest, the finer portions penetrate once more into the parts of the human being that are of coarser substance. What with the strength they have acquired in their free condition during the interval, they can now make these coarser substances ready to receive the influence which, after a time, the normally progressive Spirits of Personality and the Fire Spirits will bring to bear on them.
[ 48 ] The Spirits of Personality have risen meanwhile to a stage at which they have the consciousness of Inspiration. Not only can they, as in their former picture-consciousness, perceive in picture form the inner states of other beings; they can behold their very inwardness, expressed in a language as it were of spiritual music. Meanwhile the Fire Spirits have risen to the consciousness which the Spirits of Personality possessed on Sun. Both kinds of Spirits are thus able to enter, and play their part in, the now more ripened life of the human being. The Spirits of Personality work on his astral body, the Fire Spirits on his etheric body. The astral body receives thereby the character of personality. Henceforth it not only experiences pleasure and pain, it also relates them to itself. Not yet does it rise to the full consciousness of “I” which says to itself “I am;” Rather does it feel sustained and sheltered by other beings in its environment. Turning its gaze upward, as it were, to these, it can exclaim: “This my environment upholds me in existence.”
Meanwhile the Fire Spirits work upon the etheric body. Under their influence the motion of the forces in this body becomes gradually more and more of an inward life activity. It finds physical expression in a movement of the saps and fluids and in phenomena of growth. The gaseous substances have been condensed to watery, and we may now begin to speak of a kind of nutrition—in the sense that what is received from without is inwardly transmuted and assimilated. If we imagine something intermediate between the nutrition and the breathing of today, we shall have a fair idea of what was taking place in this direction. The human being derived his “food-stuffs” from the animal-plant kingdom. These animal-plants we must imagine hovering and floating in a surrounding element (or sometimes also loosely rooted in the ground,) rather as the lower animals of today live in the water, or the terrestrial animals in the air. But the element in which the animal-plants lived was neither water nor air in the present sense; it was something intermediate between the two—a kind of dense vapor wherein the most diverse substances, being as it were dissolved in it, moved hither and thither in manifold currents. The animal-plants seemed like forms within this element that were only rather more regular and condensed. Physically they were often but little different from their surrounding element. Besides the process of nutrition, there was also a breathing process. But it was not as it is on Earth; it was more like an in-drawing and out-pouring of warmth. To the supersensible observer of these processes, it is as though organs were opening out and drawing to again, while a warmth-giving stream pours in and out of them, and air and water substances are conveyed inwards and outwards. And since the human being has already at this stage an astral body of his own, both breathing and nutrition are accompanied by inner feelings. A kind of pleasure is experienced when substances that are helpful for building the human being, are absorbed; discomfort is felt when harmful substances flow in, or even when they only come too near.
Now as the breathing process was during Moon evolution nearly related to that of nutrition, so was the process of ideation—the forming of mental images—to the reproduction process. The things and begins in Moon man's environment exercised no immediate effect on any human senses. Man's mental life was rather of the following character. In this dim twilight consciousness, pictures were called up by the presence of these things and begins; and the pictures were far more intimately related to the real inner nature of the environment than are our sense-perceptions, which reveal—in colors, sounds, smells, etc.—merely its outer aspect. To gain a better idea of Moon man's consciousness we should imagine him steeped in the vapor-like environment above described. Manifold processes are taking place within it. Substances are combining, substances are separating; some parts grow more condensed, others thin out, become more tenuous. All this goes on in such a way that though the human beings do not directly see or hear it, it calls forth pictures in their consciousness. These may be likened to the pictures of our dream-consciousness today. Let us say, an object falls to the floor. The sleeper does not perceive the real process, but instead some arbitrary picture—for example, he thinks a shot is being fired. The pictures of Moon consciousness, however, unlike our dream-pictures, are not arbitrary. Though they are not copies but symbols only of outer processes, nevertheless they correspond to them. For a particular outer process one picture will arise and no other. Moon man is thus in a position to order his conduct according to the pictures, just as today man orders his conduct according to his perceptions. Only, observe the difference; conduct based on our perceptions is subject to free choice whereas action under the influence of these pictures takes place as though impelled by a deep inner urge.
We must not however imagine that in this picture-consciousness we have no more than a symbolization of outer physical processes. Through the pictures, the spiritual Beings holding sway behind the physical facts—these spiritual Beings and their activities are also presented to consciousness. Thus in the creatures of the animal-like kingdom the Spirits of Personality are as it were made visible, while the Fires Spirits appear behind and within the mineral-plant beings. Other beings too appear, whom man can conceive without connection with anything physical; he beholds them rather as ethereal and soul-like forces. These are the Sons of Life.
The mental pictures of Moon consciousness being not copies but symbols of the outer beings, their influence on the inner life of the human being was on this very account all the greater; it was far greater than that of the mental pictures man has today, that are communicated by external perception. The pictures of Moon consciousness were capable of arousing his whole inner life to movement and action. The inner processes took shape to accord with them, they were formative forces in the true sense of the word. The human being became even as they formed him. He became, so to speak, the image of his own processes in consciousness.
[ 49 ] But now the farther evolution goes on in this way, the more does it entail a deeply incisive change for the human being. The power proceeding from the pictures in consciousness grows gradually less and less to extend over his whole bodily nature. Some members are subject in their formation to the formative plastic influences of the picture-consciousness, and become to a large extent an image of the mental life in the way that has been indicated; but there are other organs that withdraw themselves from this influence. In part of his being, man is as it were too dense—determined too much by other laws—for him to follow the pictures he has in his consciousness. These organs withdraw from his influence. But they come under another; they come under the influence of the sublime Sun Beings themselves. This stage in evolution is however seen to be preceded by an interval of rest, wherein the Sun Spirits gather up their forces, in order to work upon the beings of the Moon under these quite new conditions.
After the interval of rest, the human being is seen to be divided into two natures. One is withdrawn from the independent working of his picture-consciousness. It takes on a more definite shape and comes under the influence of forces which, though they proceed from the body of the Moon, can only arise there through the influence of the Sun Beings. This portion of man's being partakes increasingly in the life that is kindled by the Sun. The other rises out of this one, like a kind of head. It is mobile and pliable, shaping itself so as to express and sustain the dream-like consciousness in which man lives. The two portions are however intimately bound up with one another. They send each other their respective fluids, and the members of each extend into the other.
[ 50 ] While all this has been taking place, a relationship of Sun and Moon has arisen, which accords with the trend of this evolution. A significant harmony is thereby brought about.
It has already been shown how the spiritual Beings, as they go forward through the stages of their evolution, detach from the great cosmic mass various heavenly bodies, to be their dwelling-places. It is the Beings who radiate the forces by which the cosmic substances are organized and differentiated. The separation of Sun and Moon was thus a necessary event, to lead up to the provision of proper dwelling-places for the several spiritual Beings. But this determination of substance and of its forces by the Spirit goes still farther. For it is the spiritual Beings who give rise to certain movements of the heavenly bodies, revolutions one about another, with the result that the heavenly bodies change their relative positions; and every change in their relative position of one heavenly body to another means a change in the mutual influences of the Beings.
This is what happened with regard to Sun and Moon. A movement of the Moon about the Sun is induced, which at certain times brings the human begins more into the sphere of the Sun's influence, while at other, alternative times they are enabled to turn away from it and so be thrown more upon their own resources. The movement is an outcome of the above-mentioned “fall” of certain beings of the Moon, and of the balance established in settlement of the conflict which ensued. It is simply the physical expression for the spiritual relationship of forces that was engendered by the “fall.” Through the one heavenly body moving around the other, there arise in the Beings who inhabit them such alternative states of consciousness as were described above. It can indeed be said that the Moon alternatively turns her life towards the Sun and away from it. There is a sun time and a planetary time. During the latter the Moon Beings grow and evolve on a side of the Moon which is turned away from the Sun. It must however be added that something else comes into play on the Moon, beside this motion of the heavenly bodies. Supersensible consciousness, as it looks back, can see the Moon Beings themselves migrating round their planet at regular intervals of time. Sometimes they seek the regions where they can give themselves up to the Sun's influence, at other times they journey to regions where they are not subject to it—where they can, as it were, muse upon their own life and being.
[ 51 ] To complete the picture, it is moreover to be observed that in this epoch the Sons of Life attain their human stage. We have seen how the first beginnings of the human senses came into being upon Saturn. Even now on Moon, moan cannot yet use these senses for his own perception of external objects; at this stage, however, they can become instruments for the Sons of Life. The Sons of Life use them in order through them to have perception. Thus these senses, that belong to the physical body of man, enter into mutual relation with the Sons of Life. For the Sons of Life do not merely make use of them; they also work upon them and perfect them.
[ 52 ] Through these alternating relations to the Sun, recurring changes arise, as we have seen, in the life-conditions of man himself. It happens in the following way. Each time that he is subjected to the influence of the Sun, man devotes himself to the Sun life and its manifestations rather than to himself. At such times he feels the greatness and majesty of the Universe as expressed in the shining of the Sun. He inhales, at it were, sublime and cosmic greatness. It is then that the lofty Beings, who have their dwelling on the Sun, are exerting their influence upon the Moon. And the Moon, in turn, is working—not upon the whole human being, but chiefly upon those parts of him which have withdrawn from the influence of the pictures he has in his consciousness. The physical body and the life-body especially attain at these times a certain magnitude and a certain perfection of form. In the manifestations of consciousness, on the other hand, there is a decline. But when the life of the human being is turned away from the Sun, he occupies himself more with his own nature. Then inner life and mobility begin in the astral body, while the outer figure grows less comely, less perfect in formation.
There are therefore during Moon evolution two alternating states of consciousness, quite distinct from one another. The one during the Sun period is more dim; the other—in the epoch when life is thrown more on its won resources—is clearer. The former condition, while it is dimmer, is at the same time more selfless, for man then lives more in devotion to the outer world—to the Universe as reflected in the Sun This alternation in states of consciousness may be compared, in the man of the present day, both to the alternation of sleeping and waking, and also to that of life between birth and death on the one hand and, on the other, the more spiritual existence between death and a new birth. Man's awakening on Moon, when the Sun time draws to a close, might thus be described as something intermediate between the awakening of present-day man each morning, and his birth. So too the gradual dimming of consciousness as the Sun time approaches is like an intermediate state between our dying and our falling asleep; for it must not be supposed that an Old Moon there was yet a consciousness of birth and death such as man has today. In the Sun time the human being abandoned himself to the enjoyment of a kind of Sun-life. He was lifted away form his own life and lived more spiritually. We can do no more than attempt an approximate and comparative description of what he then experienced. He felt as if the very forces of the Universe, as if all their influences were streaming in upon him, throbbing through his being. He felt intoxicated by the cosmic harmonies in which his life participated. At such times his astral body was in a way freed from the physical, and with it part of the life-body too was drawn away; and this entity of astral body and life-body was like a delicate and wonderful musical instrument, upon the chords of which the cosmic Mysteries resounded. And the members of that part of man on which his consciousness had little influence were then shaped and molded in accordance with the harmonies of the Universe. For in these harmonies the Beings of the Sun were working. This part of man was thus in very truth shaped and formed by the tones of spiritual, cosmic sounds.
The transition from the brighter state of consciousness to the duller one was not so marked as in the transition from the waking condition to the dreamless sleep of man today. The picture-consciousness was not, indeed, as bright as waking consciousness today, neither was the other state of consciousness as dull as our dreamless sleep. Man had a certain apprehension, though a dim one, of the playing of the cosmic harmonies in his physical body and in that part of his etheric body which had remained united with the physical. And when the Sun was, as it were, no longer shining for him, the mental pictures came into his consciousness in place of the cosmic harmonies. Life was then kindled more in those members of the physical and etheric bodies which were subject to the direct influence of his own consciousness, while the other parts of man—the formative, creative forces no longer working on them from the Sun—went through a kind of withering and hardening process. And as the Sun time drew near once more, the old bodies fell away. They detached themselves from the human being, and out of his old bodily nature, as though out of a grave, man came forth once more—new-formed within, though crude as yet in outer shape and stature. The life-process in him had undergone renewal. After this, the new-born body—under the influence of the Sun Beings with their cosmic harmonies—grew and unfolded to its perfect state once more, and then the whole process was repeated.
Man felt this renewal like the putting-on of a fresh garment. He had not, with the kernel of his being, gone through an actual birth or death. He had but passed from a spiritual consciousness of cosmic Sound—when he was in a state of devotion to the outer Universe—to a consciousness that was directed upon his own inner being. He had cast his skin. The old body having grown unfit for use had been laid aside—and renewed.
Herewith we have also indicated more precisely what was characterized above as a kind of reproduction that was closely related to the life of ideation—the forming of mental images. In respect of certain parts of the physical and etheric body it is true to say that the human being brought forth his kind. But this does not mean that we have then a daughter-being fully distinct from the parent-being. The kernel of the latter passes over to the former, thus bringing forth—not a new being—but itself in a new shape. When the Sun time draws near, his mental pictures grow fainter and fainter, a sense of blissful devotion fills him, and in the peace and silence of his inner being the universal harmonies resound. Towards the end of this period the pictures in the astral body become alive again; man begins to be increasingly aware of himself. He feels as though he were awakening form the blissful rest in which he has been immersed during the Sun time. Another significant experience meets him here. With the renewed lighting-up of the pictures in consciousness, the human being sees himself enshrouded as it were within a cloud, which has descended on him like a Being from the great Universe. This Being, he feels, belongs to him, is a kind of completion of his own nature. He it is, he feels, that grants him his existence, that grants him his I. The Being is one of the Sons of Life. Man's feeling towards him can be expressed somewhat as follows—“In him I lived, even in the Sun time when I was given up to the sublime glory of the Universal All. Only, then he was not visible to me; now he is becoming visible.” And it is this Son of Life from whom the force proceeds that enables man to work upon his own bodily nature during the Sun-less time. Then, when the Sun time draws near once more, man feels as though he himself were becoming one with the Sun of Life. Even then he does not see him, but he feels deeply and inwardly united with him.
[ 53 ] The relation of the human beings to the Sons of Life was not such that each single human being had his Son of Life to himself, but a whole group would feel that a Son of Life belonged to it as a group. Men lived, on Moon, separated in this way into groups, and each group felt in common “group-Ego” in a Son of Life. The different between the groups made itself felt notably in the etheric body, which had a special form in each group. Since however the physical body takes its form from the etheric, the differences in the latter were impressed upon the former, and the several groups may be regarded as so many human species. When the Sons of Life looked down upon the human groups belonging to them, they saw themselves manifolded, as it were, in so many single human beings. And that gave them the feeling of their own Ego-hood. They saw the reflection of themselves in the human beings. Herein too lay the function of the human senses at that time. We have already seen that the senses did not yet transmit any perceptions of external objects, but at this stage they reflected the being of the Sons of Life. What the Sons of Life perceived through this reflection, gave them their “I” consciousness. And what was kindled in man's astral body by the same reflection—was none other than the picture-content of his dim Moon consciousness. The effect of this activity of man in mutual interaction with the Sons of Life finds expression in the physical body in the beginnings of the nervous system. The nerves make their appearance there like prolongations of the senses into the inward parts of the body.
[ 54 ] From all this a clear picture emerges of how the three kinds of Spirits—the Spirits of Personality, the Fire Spirits and the Sons of Life—worked upon Moon man. Fixing our attention on the main period—the middle epoch—of Moon evolution, we may say: The Spirits of Personality implant independence, the character of personality, in the human astral body. It is due to this that man is able, in the times when—so to speak—the Sun is not shining for him, to turn in upon himself and labor at his own formation. The Fires Spirits are at work in the etheric body, in so far as the same independent character becomes impressed upon it too. It is owing to their influence that after each renewal of this body man feels himself still the same being. This is because the etheric body is endowed by them with a kind of memory. The Sons of Life work on the physical body. They make it possible for the physical body to become an expression of the new independent astral body—to become, as it were, a physiognomical image of it. On the other hand, higher spiritual Beings are also working into the physical and etheric bodies in so far as in the Sun periods these bodies grow and develop apart from the independent astral body. This applied especially to the Spirits of Form and the Spirits of Movement. Their intervention takes place form the Sun, as has been described.
[ 55 ] Amid all these various influences, the human being matures to the point where he begins to develop within him the seed of Spirit-Self, just as the seed of Spirit-Man arose in the second half of Saturn evolution and the seed of Life-Spirit on Sun. And now all the conditions on Moon undergo change. Through the successive metamorphoses and renewals the human beings have been growing every nobler, purer and finer in their nature; at the same time they have also gained in strength. Hence they are able increasingly to preserve the picture-consciousness even on into the Sun periods, with the result that this consciousness gains influence on the formation of the physical and the etheric bodies, which formerly was effected through the working of the Sun Beings alone. All that happens upon Moon through the agency of the human beings and the Spirits connected with them, comes more and more to resemble what was formerly brought about by the Sun and the higher Beings that belong to it. In consequence of this, the Sun Beings are able to apply their forces more and more to their own evolution. The Moon too grew ready after a time to be united again with the Sun.
Spiritually regarded, these processes reveal themselves as follows. Little by little, the “fallen” Moon Beings have been overcome by the Sun Beings and must henceforth come into line with them. The deeds of the Moon Beings must become part and parcel of the deeds of the Sun Beings, to whom they are now subordinate. This change requires long epochs of time, during which the Moon periods grow ever shorter and shorter and the Sun periods longer and longer. And then there comes once more a period of evolution during which Sun and Moon form a single cosmic entity. The physical human body has now become entirely ethereal. When this is said, it must not however be imagined that under such conditions there is no physical body. That which has been evolved as physical body during the times of Saturn, Sun and Moon, remains as such. The fact is, we must not limit our recognition of the physical to where it manifests in an outwardly physical form. The physical can also exist in such a way as to present outwardly the form of the etheric, nay even of the astral. We must distinguish here between outward appearance and inner law and principle. A physical can become ethereal and astral, while still retaining the physical laws in its inner nature. And this is what happens when on the Moon the physical body of man has reached a certain stage in its perfection. It becomes ethereal in form. But when the supersensible consciousness that can perceive such things, turns its attention to this body, then, although ethereal in form, it shows itself to be imbued with the laws, not of the etheric but of the physical. In effect, the physical has then been received into the etheric, to rest in it as in a mother's womb and to be nurtured there. Afterwards it will emerge in a physical form once more, but on a higher level. If the human beings of Moon had had to maintain their physical bodies in gross physical form, the Moon could never have been reunited with the Sun. By assuming etheric form, the physical body becomes more akin to the etheric body, and is thus able to be imbued again more intimately with those portions of the etheric and astral bodies which had to be withdrawn from it in the Sun-time epochs of Moon evolution. Man, having appeared like a twofold being during the severance of Sun and Moon, now grows once more into a single whole. The physical takes on more of the quality of soul; and the soul-life is at the same time more bound up with the physical.
Upon this human being, single and coherent, the Spirits of the Sun into whose realm he has now entered can work quite differently than they could before, when they were sending their influences tot he Moon from without. Man is now living in an environment that is more of the soul and spirit. This enables the Spirits of Wisdom to come in with an activity of deep significance. They imbue man with Wisdom—ensoul him with Wisdom. Thereby he becomes in a sense an independent soul. Then to their influence is added that of the Spirits of Movement, who work above all upon the astral body. Under the influence of these high Beings, the astral body develops within it quickness of soul and a Wisdom-filled life-body. This Wisdom-filled etheric body is the germ of what was described in an earlier chapter—in respect of the man at present time—as intellectual soul, while the astral body, animated as it now is by the Spirits of Movement, is the seed and beginning of the sentient soul. And since all this is brought about in the human being at a time when his independence is enhanced, these beginnings of intellectual soul and sentient soul appear as the expression of the Spirit-Self. We must not make the mistake of imagining the Spirit-Self to be, in this period of evolution, a separate entity beside the intellectual and the sentient souls. The latter are only the expression of the Spirit-Self, which in its turn signifies their higher union and harmony.
[ 56 ] The intervention of the Spirits of Wisdom in this epoch is of peculiar significance. For they intervene not only for the human beings but for the other kingdoms too, which have developed upon Moon. When Sun and Moon are joined again, these lower kingdoms are also drawn into the realm of the Sun. All that was physical in them is etherealised. So now there are in the Sun not only human beings, but also mineral-plants and plant-animals. These other beings still maintain however their own nature, their own laws of being. Consequently they feel themselves strangers in their new surroundings. For they emerge there with a nature which is scarcely in accord with their environment. Since, however, they are etherealised, they too are accessible to the influence of the Spirits of Wisdom. Indeed, all that has come over from Moon into Sun is now permeated with the forces of these Spirits. That which the Sun-Moon entity has become during this time in evolution may accordingly be called “Cosmos of Wisdom.”
When after an interval of rest the system of our Earth emerges as the successor to this Cosmos of Wisdom, and the created beings that have come over from Moon as seeds come alive again on Earth, then all these beings reveal themselves as filled and permeated with Wisdom. And now we see how it is that Earth man, as he contemplates the things around him, is able to discover Wisdom in their very nature. We can admire the Wisdom in every leaf, in every bone of animal or man, or again in the marvelous construction of the brain and the heart. If man needs Wisdom to understand the things—if, that is, he can examine them and draw forth Wisdom from them—it proves that Wisdom is inherent in them. Try as he will to understand the things of the Earth with Wisdom-filled ideas, man could extract no Wisdom from them if Wisdom had not first been implanted in them. Anyone who would presume to grasp by Wisdom things of which he thinks that they have not first received that Wisdom, may just as well suppose that he can draw water form a glass into which water has not first been poured. Earth—as will be shown later—is Old Moon reborn. And it manifests as a creation filled with Wisdom, because in the epoch here described the Spirits of Wisdom imbued it with their forces.
[ 57 ] It will readily be understood that in the above account of Moon conditions it has only been possible to depict a few transient forms of this whole stage of evolution. Out of the whole course of events we have had to lay hold, as it were, on certain elements, singling them out for description. One might feel dissatisfied with a method of exposition that can give no more than isolated pictures, and regret that Moon evolution had not been brought into a nexus of well defined concepts. If objection is taken on this ground, all one can say is that these descriptions have purposely been given in concepts less sharp and definite. For the intention here is not so much to provide speculative concepts and built-up scheme of thought, but a mental picture of what can actually appear before the spiritual eye when supersensible vision is directed to the facts. And for Moon evolution this has far less of sharp and clear-cut outline than have our perceptions on Earth. In the Moon epoch we have to do much more with changing, varying impressions, with fleeting, mobile pictures and their transitions from one to another. It must moreover be borne in mind that we are considering an evolution that continues through long, long ages, and in any description of it we can after all do no more than hold fast momentary pictures here and there.
[ 58 ] The culminating point of the Moon epoch is reached at the moment when the human being, through the astral body which has been implanted in him, has advanced so far in evolution that his physical body gives to the Sons of Life the means to attain their human stage. For at this point the human being has also attained all that the Moon epoch can give him for himself, for his own inner begin, on his forward path. The ensuing time—the second half of Moon evolution—may therefore be described as a waning period. Yet in this time, as we have seen, something of great importance is nevertheless achieved, both for man's environment and also for man himself. Wisdom is implanted into the heavenly body of Sun-Moon. Moreover it is in this declining period that the seeds are sown of the intellectual and the sentient souls. Their unfoldment, however, and that of the spiritual soul—and withal, the birth of the I in free self-consciousness—does not take place until the Earth. At the Moon stage the intellectual and sentient souls do not by any means appear as though the human being were already expressing himself through them; rather do they seem like instruments for the Sons of Life who are associated with Man's being. If one wanted to describe how man felt in this respect on Old Moon, one would have to express his consciousness in some such words as these—“In me and through me lives the Son of Life. Through me he beholds the Lunar environment, the Moon; in me he thinks upon the things and beings that Moon contains.” Moon man, in fact, feels himself overshadowed by the Son of Life. He feels himself as the tool or instrument of this higher Being. During the severance of Sun and Moon, in the times when he is turned away from the Sun, he feels, it is true, more independent; he also feels as thought the I belonging to him—which in the Sun times vanished from his picture-consciousness—for so we may describe it—gives the human being on Moon the feeling: “In the Sun time my Ego soars away with me to higher realms, to Beings lofty and sublime; then it descends with me, when the Sun vanishes, into deeper worlds.”
[ 59 ] Moon evolution proper was preceded by a preparatory stage; a kind of repetition of Saturn and Sun evolutions took place. And now, in this declining period, after the reunion of Sun and Moon, we can similarly distinguish two epochs, during which there were to some extent even physical condensations. So do physical soul-spirited conditions of the Sun-Moon body alternate with one another. In the physical epochs the human being, and also the beings of the lower kingdoms, appear as though foreshadowing in “set forms that are without independence, what they will afterwards become in a more independent way during the Earth time.
Thus we have two preparatory epochs of Moon evolution and again two epochs in the declining time, Such epochs may be called “cycles” or “rounds.” In the intervening time, after the two preparatory epochs but before the epochs of decline—in the time, that is to say, when Moon and Sun are severed—we shall be able to recognize three distinct epochs. The middle one is the time when the Sons of Life reach their human stage. It is preceded by an epoch when the conditions are all leading up to this central event, and it ids followed by another, wherein the Sons of Life enter more fully into the new creations and carry their development further. These three epochs when taken together with the two of preparation and the two of decline, make seven rounds in all. Moon evaluation as a whole may therefore be said to take its course in seven rounds. Between the rounds are intervals of rest, such as we have already had frequent occasion to describe. But if we want to have a true picture of what happens, we must not imagine an abrupt transition from activity to interval of rest. The Sun Beings, for example, gradually withdraws from their activities on the Moon. A time begins for them which, seen from without, appears as their interval of rest, while on the Moon itself, quick, independent activity continues. In this way the period of activity for one kind of Being will often extend into the period of rest for another. Taking this into account, we may speak of a rhythmic waxing and waning of forces in cyclic epochs. Nay more, a similar division is also recognizable within each of the seven Moon cycles above indicated. The whole of Moon evolution may be described as one great—or planetary—cycle; the seven divisions within it as small cycles, and their sub -divisions are still smaller ones. This seven times sevenfold division can be observed also in Sun evolution, and even in the Saturn epoch there is a suggestion of it. It should however be borne in mind that the dividing lines are to some extent obliterated in the Sun epoch and still more so in Saturn. They grow increasingly distinct, the farther evolution proceeds towards the Earth epoch.
[ 60 ] At the close of the Moon evolution that has been described in outline in the foregoing pages, all the forces and Begins connected with it pass into a more spiritual form of existence, that is on an entirely different level both from the form of existence during the Moon period and also from that during the Earth evolution which follows. A being with faculties sufficiently highly developed to be able to perceive all the details of Moon and Earth evolutions, will not necessarily be able to see what takes place in the interval between the two. For him, the Beings and forces would, at the close of the Moon period, vanish as it were into the void, and then after a lapse of time emerge again from the dim twilight of the cosmic womb. Only a being with far higher faculties could trace the spiritual events that are enacted in the intervening time.
[ 61 ] When the interval is over, the Beings who took part in the evolutionary processes on Saturn, Sun and Moon reappear, endowed with new faculties. By their former deeds, the Beings who stand above man have attained the power to bring his evolution so far forward that in the Earth epoch which follows on the Moon he will be able to develop a new mode of consciousness, that stands at a stage higher than the picture-consciousness he had in the Moon epoch. But man must first be prepared to receive this new gift. During the Saturn, Sun and Moon evolutions he has incorporated into his being the physical body, the etheric body and the astral body. But these members received only those faculties and forces which enabled them to live for a picture-consciousness. The organs, and also the whole form and figure which would enable them to perceive a world of external objects are lacking. Just as a new plant will unfold no more than is contained, as potentiality, in the seed that comes from the old one, so too, at the beginning of the new stage in evolution, the three members of man's nature emerge with forms and organs such as allow of the development only of a picture- consciousness. For the unfolding of a higher stage in consciousness they will have first to be prepared.
The preparation takes place in three stages. During the first, the physical body is lifted to a height of development such as enables it to undergo the necessary change into a form and figure which can provide the basis for objective consciousness. This preliminary stage of Earth evolution may be described as a repetition of the Saturn period on a higher level. For in this period, as in the Saturn time, higher Beings are working upon the physical body alone. When the evolution of this physical body is far enough advanced, all the Beings have to pass once more into a higher form of existence, before the life-body can advance in its turn. The physical body has, as it were, to be re-cast, in order to be able to receive, when it unfolds again, the more highly evolved life-body. After this interval devoted to a higher form of existence, there follows a kind of recapitulation of Sun evolution on a higher level, for the further development of the life-body. And then—after a further interval—the like is done, in a recapitulation of Moon evolution, for the astral body.
[ 62 ] Let our attention now be turned to the events of evolution after the close of the third of these repetitions. All the Beings and forces have become spiritualized once more, rising during the process of spiritualization into far higher worlds. The lowest of the worlds where something of them is still to be perceived is the very world where man now sojourns between death and new birth—the several regions, namely, of Spiritland. Thereafter the Beings gradually descend once more into lower worlds. Before the physical evolution of the Earth begins, they have come down so far that their lowest manifestations can be beheld in the astral or soul-world.
[ 63 ] All that exists of man during this period is still in astral form. For a right understanding of this stage in his development it is important to realize that although man has in him physical body, life-body and astral body, the physical body is not yet present in a physical form. What makes this physical body physical at this stage is not physical form but the fact that while possessing astral form it bears within it physical laws. It is an entity with physical laws and principles in a form that is of the nature of soul—and the like holds good of the life-body.
[ 64 ] To the eye of the spirit the Earth at this stage in its evolution appears at first as a world-entity which is all soul and spirit—that is to say, in which even the physical and living forces show a soul-like form. In this world-entity is potentially contained all that is destined subsequently to metamorphose into the creatures of the physical Earth. It radiates light; but the light is not yet such as physical eyes could have perceived—even if they had existed then. It shines only for the opened eyes of the seer, shines for him in the light that is of the soul.
[ 65 ] Within this soul-entity there now takes place what may be described as a condensation, with the result that after a time in the very midst of the soul-entity a form of fire makes its appearance, even such a fiery form as Saturn was in its densest state. This form is woven-through with the influences of the various Beings who are partaking in the evolution. Like a surging forth and a diving down into the fiery sphere of the Earth—such is the interplay we can observe between the Beings and the heavenly body. We are not therefore to think of this fiery sphere of the Earth as being of the same substance throughout. Rather it is like an organism that is permeated with soul and spirit. As to those beings who are destined to become on Earth human beings in their present form, they can take very little share in this diving down into the fire-body. They are still in a condition that obliges them to remain almost entirely in the uncondensed surrounding sphere, where they are within the womb of higher spiritual Beings. At this stage they touch the fire-Earth with a single point only of their soul-form, with the result that the warmth condenses a portion of their astral form. Thereby Earth life is kindled in them. For the most part, their being still belongs to worlds of soul and spirit; only through this contact with the earthly fire does warmth of life begin to play around them. If therefore we would make us a picture—at once sensible and supersensible—of man at this beginning of the physical Earth, we must conceive a soul-form of egg-like shape, contained in the encircling sphere of Earth, and surrounded at its lower surface in the way an acorn is by a cup; only, the substance of this “cup” consists entirely of warmth or fire. Now as a consequence of this envelopment by warmth, not only is life kindled in the human being, but at the same time a change takes place in his astral body. Into it is implanted the first beginning of that which afterwards becomes the sentient soul. We may say therefore that, at this stage, man consists of sentient soul, astral body, life-body, and of a physical body that is woven of fire. In the astral body are surging up and down the spiritual Beings who partake in his existence. Through the sentient soul man feels himself bound to the Earth. He has in this time a predominating picture-consciousness where the spiritual Beings in whose womb he lies reveal themselves; and only like a point within this consciousness is the sensation man has of the body that belongs to him. It is as though he were looking down from the spiritual world upon an earthly possession, of which he feels: “That is thine.”
Stage by stage the condensation of the Earth continues, and the above-described differentiation in man grows gradually more distinct. Then comes a moment in evolution when the Earth is so far condensed that only a part of it remains fiery, while another part has assumed a form of substance that may be described as “gas” or “air.” With man too a change is brought about. Henceforth not only is he touched by the warmth of Earth, but air-substance too begins to be imparted to his fire-body. And as the warmth kindled the life in him, so does the air as it plays around him evoke within him what can be described as—spiritual—sound. His life-body rings forth with sound. Simultaneously, a portion of his astral body becomes separated out as the first germinal beginning of the intellectual soul that emerges later.
To envisage what is going on at this time in the soul of man, we must remember that the higher Beings are continuously surging up and down in the air-and-fire body of the Earth. In the fire-Earth it is, to begin with, the Spirits of Personality that are of importance for man. And while he is being called to life by the Earth-warmth, his sentient soul says to itself: “These are the Spirits of Personality.” In the air too, higher Beings are in like manner making themselves known. They are the ones we have already named, following Christian esoteric usage, the Archangels; and it is their influence that man feels as inward sound when the air is wafted round him. Then does his intellectual soul say to itself: “These are the Archangels.” For what man perceives at this stage through his connection with the Earth does not yet consist of so many physical objects. He lives in the sensations of warmth that rise up to him, and in sounds; and within these streams of warmth and surging waves of sound he feels the presence of the Spirits of Personality and the Archangels. He cannot yet perceive these Beings directly, only through the veils, as it were, of warmth and sound. While the perceptions of warmth and sound are penetrating into his soul, pictures of the higher Beings in whose sheltering care he feels himself to be, are continually rising and falling within him.
[ 66 ] And now evolution continues, its progress finding expression once again in a further condensation. Watery substance is incorporated into the Earth-body, which consists now of three members: the fiery, the airy and the watery. But before this, an important event takes place. Out of the fire-air Earth an independent heavenly body splits off, which will in its further course become the present Sun. Hitherto Earth and Sun have been a single body. After the severance of the Sun , Earth still contains within it, to begin with, all that is in and on our present Moon. The separation of the Sun takes place because higher Beings—for their own evolution and for that which they have yet to do for the Earth—can no longer endure the matter which is now condensed as far as water. Out of the whole Earth-mass they separate the substances which alone are suited to their use, and take their departure to make themselves a new dwelling-place in the Sun. Henceforth they work on to the Earth from without, from the Sun. Man, on the other hand, needs for his further evolution a scene of action where matter will condense still more.
[ 67 ] Hand in hand with the incorporation of watery substance into the Earth-body, once again a change is wrought in man himself. Henceforth not only does the fire pour into him, and the air play around him, but watery substance too is incorporated into his physical body. Simultaneously his etheric part undergoes a change; he now begins to perceive it as a delicate body-of-light. Formerly, man felt streams of warmth rise upward to him from the Earth, while tones made him conscious of air being wafted towards him; now, his body is penetrated also by the watery element, whose inpouring and outpouring he beholds as waxing and waning light. Moreover, in his soul too a change has taken place. To the first beginning of sentient and then of intellectual soul, that of the spiritual soul has been added. In the element of water work the Angels; they are the real kindlers of light. For man it is as though they were appearing to him in light.
Certain higher Beings who were formerly in the Earth-body itself now act upon it from the Sun. In consequence of this, all influences that are at work on the Earth are changed. Man, fettered to the Earth, would no longer have been able to feel within him the influences of the Sun Beings, were his soul turned perpetually towards the Earth from which his physical body is derived. Henceforth he is brought into alternating states of consciousness. At certain times the Sun Beings tear his soul away from the physical body; so that he is now alternately in the lap of the Sun Beings in a pure life of soul and then again in a condition where, united with the body, he receives the influences of the Earth. When he is in the physical body, the streams of warmth flow up towards him, the airy masses resound around him, the waters pour in and out of him. When he is outside the body, the pictures of the higher Beings, in whose womb he is, go surging through his soul.
Earth at this stage of evolution lives through two alternating times. At one time it can play around the human souls with its substances and enwrap them with bodies; at another, the human souls have withdrawn from it and only the bodies are left. Earth with its human beings is then in a state of sleep. It is by no means out of keeping with the facts to say that in those pristine ages the Earth underwent a day-time and a night-time. (In terms of physical space this can be expressed as follows. Through the mutual influence of the Beings of Sun and Earth, the Earth comes into movement in relation to the Sun, and in this way the alternation of the above-described periods of night and day is brought about. It is day when the surface of the Earth where man is evolving is turned towards the Sun; when it is turned away it is night—that is, the time during which man's life is entirely a life of soul. But we must not imagine that the movement of the Earth around the Sun in that primeval age was like the movement it describes today. Conditions were altogether different. Nevertheless, it is good already at this point to begin to sense that the movements of the heavenly bodies into such relative movements and positions as enable the spiritual conditions to work themselves out in the physical.)
[ 68 ] Turning out gaze upon it during its nocturnal time, the body of the Earth would look to us like a corpse. For it is largely composed of the disintegrating bodies of human beings whose souls are in another form of existence. The watery and aeriform organic structures of which the human bodies consist disintegrate in the night and are dissolved in the remaining mass of the Earth. That part alone of the human body which was formed from the very beginning of Earth evolution by the interaction of fire with the human soul, and which then in course of time grew ever denser and denser—that part alone remains, but quite inconspicuous, like a seed. It will easily be seen that we must not imagine the “periods of day and night” here described as bearing very much resemblance to what these terms denote for the present Earth. When at the beginning of the day-time the Earth again comes under the immediate influence of the Sun, the human souls press forward into the region of physical life. Touching the seeds, they cause these to sprout and grow into an outer form which looks like an image of the human being such as he is in his soul-nature. Something not unlike a tender act of fertilization takes place here between man's soul and the seed-like body. Then do the souls thus incarnated begin once more to draw to themselves the air and water-masses and incorporate them into their bodies. The differentiated body expels and inhales the air—a first beginning of the later breathing process. The water too is absorbed and expelled; nutriment in a primeval form begins. These processes, however, are not yet perceived as outward happenings. Only in the case of the above-described “fertilization” do we find the soul engaged in a kind of external perception. As it touches the seed which the Earth is holding out towards it, the soul is dimly aware of awakening to physical existence. What it then perceives may be conveyed approximately in the words: “That is my form.” This feeling—we might also describe it as a dawning sensation of I—remains with the soul throughout the time of its union with the physical body. The absorption of the air, on the other hand, is still experienced in an entirely spiritual way. It appears in the form of sound-pictures surging and dying away, which “form” the seed that is undergoing differentiation. Surrounded on all hands by surging waves of sound, the soul feels how it is forming and shaping its own body according to the forces of these sound-tones. At this stage in evolution, human forms and figures begin to take shape, the like of which cannot be observed by present-day consciousness in any outer world. They evolve like plant and flower-forms of the most delicate texture; being inwardly mobile they give rather the appearance of waving, fluttering flowers. During his time on Earth, man lives through a blissful feeling of being fashioned into such forms as these. The absorption of the watery parts of the Earth is felt in the soul as an access of force, as an inner strengthening. Outwardly it appears in the physical entity of man as growth. As the direct working of the Sun declines, the human soul loses the power to control these processes. Little by little, they are cast aside. Only those parts remain, which bring about the maturing of what we described as the seed. Man himself deserts his body and returns into the spiritual form of existence. (Not all parts of the Earth are used up in the construction of the human bodies. We must not imagine that the Earth in its nocturnal time consists entirely of disintegrating corpses and seeds which await their re-awakening. These are embedded in other forms, fashioned out of the substance of Earth, the nature of which will be revealed later.)
[ 69 ] And now the condensation-process goes still further. To the watery element is added the solid—we may call it the element of “earth.” Man too begins during his Earth time to incorporate the earth-element into his body. And then it immediately becomes evident that the forces which his soul brings with it from the body-free condition no longer have the same power as heretofore. Formerly the soul fashioned its body from the fiery, airy and watery elements, according to the tones that rang out from them and the pictures of light that they set playing all around. Now that the form is solidified, the soul can no longer do this. Other powers enter into the forming process. That which remains behind when the soul departs from the body is no longer merely like a seed, to be kindled to life by the returning soul. Henceforth it actually contains within itself the quickening power. The soul at its departure leaves not merely its image behind on Earth but, implanted in the image, a portion also of this quickening power. At its reappearance upon Earth, it is no longer able ton its own to awaken the image to life. The calling-to-life must take place within the image itself. Henceforth the spiritual Beings who work on to the Earth from the Sun maintain the quickening force in the human body even when man himself is not upon the Earth. Now therefore the reincarnating soul is aware not only of the sounds and pictures-of-light that surge around, wherein it feels the higher Beings who are immediately above it; in receiving the earth-element the soul experiences the influence of those still higher Beings who have established their scene of action on the Sun.
Formerly, man felt himself belonging to the Beings of soul and spirit with whom he was united when free of the body. His I was still sheltered within their womb. From now on, the I confronted him during physical incarnation, along with all the other things that were around him. Independent images of man's soul and spirit existed henceforth on Earth. Compared to the present human body they were fine and delicate in substance. For only in a very rarefied state did “earth” enter into their composition—rather as when the man of today receives into his organ of smell the finely distributed substances of some outer object. The human bodies were like wraiths, like shadows. Distributed as they were over the whole Earth, they came under different kinds of Earthly influence at different parts of the Earth's surface. While the bodily images, being in accordance with the soul of man that quickened them, were heretofore essentially alike over the whole Earth, diversity began now to appear among the human forms. Thus was the way prepared for what afterwards showed itself in variety of race.
Now that the bodily man had grown more independent, the former intimate union between the Earthly human being and the world of soul and spirit was to some extent dissolved. Henceforth, when the soul left the body, the latter experienced something like a continuation of life.
Had evolution gone on in this way, the Earth would needs have hardened under the influence of its solid element. Supersensible cognition, looking back upon these conditions, sees the human bodies, when their souls depart from them, growing more and more solid. After a time, human souls returning to Earth would no longer have found any suitable material with which to unite. It would all have been used up in filling the Earth with the lignified relics of their incarnations.
[ 70 ] At this juncture an event took place which gave to the whole of evolution a new turn. Everything that could conduce to a permanent hardening in the solid substance of the Earth was eliminated. This was the time when our present Moon left the Earth. The influences that contributed to permanence of form and had hitherto worked directly from within the Earth, worked henceforth indirectly in a weakened manner from the Moon. The higher Beings upon whom this “forming of form” depends, had resolved to let their influences come no longer from within the Earth but from without As a result, there now appeared in the human bodily organisms a diversity which may rightly be regarded as the beginning of the separation into male and female. The delicately constituted human forms that previously inhabited the Earth had brought forth the new human form, their descendant, by the interaction within them of two forces—the seed-force and the life-giving, quickening force. These descendants now underwent a change. In one group of them worked more of the seed-force of the soul and spirit; in the other, more of the quickening seed-force. This was due to the fact that with the departure of the Moon from the Earth, the earth-element had toned down its power. The working of the two forces on upon the other now became more gentle, more tender than it had been when it took place within a single living body. Consequently the descendant organism too was more tender, more delicate. Entering upon its life on Earth in this tender condition, it only gradually assimilated the more solid parts. Thus, for the human soul returning to Earth, the possibility of union with the body was restored. The soul no longer called the body to life from without, for now the quickening process took place on Earth; but it united with the body and made it grow—although a certain limit was set to the body's growth. Owing to the separation of the Moon the human body became plastic for a while; but the longer it continued to grow on Earth, the more did the hardening forces gain the upper hand, until at length the soul could partake but feebly in its organization. Thereupon the body fell into decay, while the soul ascended to other—spiritual—modes of lie.
[ 71 ] Stage by stage, while this configuration of the Earth is proceeding, the forces man has been acquiring during Saturn, Sun and Moon evolutions, begin gradually to partake in his further development. First, the astral body—still containing the life-body and the physical body dissolved within it—is kindled by the Earthly fire. Then it separates into a finer, specifically astral part—the sentient soul—and a coarser, etheric part which will from now on be touched also by the earth-element. The etheric of life-body, hitherto latent, makes its appearance. And while in the astral man the intellectual and the spiritual soul are developing, the coarser parts, receptive to sound and light, are separated out in the etheric body.
Finally, in the moment when the etheric body condenses still more, so as to become—from a “light” body—a fire body, or body-of-warmth, the stage in evolution is reached when the solid earth-element begins to be incorporated in the human being. Having condensed to fire, the etheric body can now unite—by virtue of the forces of the physical body that have been implanted in it—with the substances into the body, which has in the meantime grown more solid. And this is where the higher Beings come in who dwell on the Sun. They breathe into man's body the air. Whereas by virtue of his past, man has within him the power to permeate himself with the Earth's fire, higher Beings have to guide the breath of air into his body. Before the hardening took place, the life-body of man, as the receiver of sound, guided the stream of air and permeated the physical body with life. Now man's physical body begins to receive a life that comes from outside. The consequence is that this life grows independent of the soul part of man. The soul of man, when withdrawing from Earth, leaves behind not a mere seed of his form, but a complete living image of himself. The Spirits of Form remain united with the image; they carry over to the descendants, when the soul has left the body, the life which they have bestowed. In this way what we may call “heredity” develops. And when the soul of man appears again on Earth, he feels himself within a body whose life has been transmitted from the ancestors. To such a body he feels especially attracted. Something like a memory evolves of the progenitor with whom the soul feels at one. Through the sequence of the descendants this memory continues like a common consciousness. The I flows downward through the generations.
[ 72 ] At this stage in his evolution man felt himself an independent being during his time on Earth. He felt the inner fire of his life-body united with the outer fire of the Earth. The warmth, as it flowed through him, he could feel as his own I. Here in these streams of warmth, woven through and through with life, we have the first beginnings of the circulation of the blood. But in the air that streamed into him man did not altogether feel his own being. For in the air the forces of higher Beings were at work. Nevertheless, part of the forces and influences within the air that poured through him still remained his own, namely, that portion which had already become his own through the etheric forces he had formerly developed. Man had, therefore, a portion of the airy currents under his command. Inasmuch as this was so, not alone higher Beings but he himself was working at his formation and configuration. He shaped the airy parts within him in accordance with the picture in his astral body. While air was streaming into his body from without, to become there the foundation of his breathing life, a portion of the air was differentiated off within him, into an organism inherent in his own nature. This became the basis of the later nervous system. Thus through warmth and air did man at this time have his connection with the surrounding world of the Earth.
On the other hand he was not sensible at all of the assimilation of the solid earth-element. Though this element also played its part at his incarnation, he could not perceive its introduction directly but only in a dimly conscious picture form, as a manifestation of Beings far above him—the entry into his body of the fluid element of Earth. Now that his earthly form has become denser, these pictures have undergone a change in his consciousness. The solid element being now mingled with the fluid, the introduction of that too must needs to be felt as proceeding from the higher Beings, working from without. Man can no longer have the power in his own soul to guide this assimilation, for the body which it has now to serve has been built up from outside. He would indeed spoil its form if he attempted to do so. Thus what he assimilates from without appears to him as guided by edicts proceeding from the higher Beings who work at the formation of his body. Man feels himself as an Ego; he has within him, as a part of his astral body, his intellectual soul, through which he experiences inwardly in pictures what is going on outside him, and with which he permeates his delicate nervous system. He feels himself as a descendant of forefathers, by virtue of the lie streaming through the generations. He breathes—and feels his breathing as brought about by the higher Beings who have been described as the Spirits of Form. To these he also feels beholden for all that through their impulses is brought to him from without, as nourishment. Darkest of all to him is his origin as an individual. The nearest he comes to any feeling of it is a sense of having an influence from the Spirits of Form, as they manifest in the forces of the Earth. Man is guided and directed in his relation to the outer world. This comes to expression in that he is conscious of activities of soul and spirit that are going on behind his physical world. He does not perceive the spiritual Beings in their own form, but he experiences sounds and colors and the like within his soul and knows that in this world of ideal images live the deeds of spiritual Beings. What they communicate sounds forth to him; what they reveal appears to him in pictures of light. The most inward feeling Earth man has of himself comes to him through the conceptions he gains of the element of fire or warmth. He can already distinguish his own inner warmth from the streams of warmth in his environment. In the latter the Spirits of Personality reveal themselves. But man has no more than a dim consciousness of what is there behind thee outer streams of warmth. He feels in them the influence of the Spirits of form. When mighty activities of warmth manifest in his environment, then the feeling arises in the soul: “Now, glowing through the Earth's horizon are the spiritual Beings, a spark of whose fire has detached itself to become the warmth that fills my inner being.”
In the workings of light, man does not yet distinguish in quite the same way an outer and an inner. When pictures of light emerged in his environment, they did not always give rise to the same feeling in the soul of man. There were times when he felt them as coming from outside. This was when he had descended from the body-free condition and entered into incarnation—periods, that is, of his growth on Earth. But as the time drew near, when the seed of the new Earth man was taking shape, the pictures faded and man retained no more than something like inner memories of them. In these pictures of light, the deeds of the Fire Spirits (Archangels) were contained. The Fires Spirits appeared to man as ministering spirits of the Warmth-Beings who planted a spark of fire in his inner nature. When these outer manifestations faded, man experienced them as mental images (as memories) within him. He felt united with their forces; and so indeed he was. For by virtue of what he had received from them he was able to work upon the sphere of air that surrounded him. Under his influence it began to ray forth light. That was a time when Nature forces and human forces were not yet separate from one another as they afterwards became. Whatever took place upon Earth proceeded still to a large extent from the forces of human beings. An observer, looking from beyond the Earth upon the events of Nature that were taking place there, would not have seen in these mere outer processes, independent of man; he would have recognized in them the influence also of human beings.
The perceptions of sound took yet another form for Earth man. From the very beginning of his Earthly life, he perceived them as coming from without. And while the light-pictures were so perceived only until the middle period of his existence on Earth, external sounds could still be heard even after this middle period. Only towards the end of his life did Earth man become insensitive to these; and then there remained to him still the inner memories of them. The sounds bore within them the manifestations of the Sons of Life (the Angels.) When towards the end of his life man felt himself inwardly united with these forces, he could then, by imitating them, call forth mighty activities in the water-element of the Earth. Under his influence arose a surging of the waters—within the Earth and over its surface.
Only in the first quarter of his Earthly life did man have any conscious experience of taste, and even then it appeared to his soul like a memory of experiences in his body-free condition. So long as he had the sense of taste, the solidification of his body by the absorption of outer substances continued. In the second quarter of his Earthly life, though growth might still continue, man's form and figure was already fully developed. At this period, he could only perceive other living beings beside himself through the warmth, light and sound. Effects that they produced. For he was not yet able to form any conception of the solid element. Of the watery he received only, in the first quarter of his life, the taste effects above mentioned.
[ 73 ] A reflection of this inner soul-condition of man could be seen in his external, bodily form. Those parts which contained the beginning of what afterwards became the form of the head, were the most perfectly evolved. The remaining organs appeared only as appendages, and were shadowlike and indistinct. But not all Earth men were alike in form and figure. Some there were in whom, according to the conditions under which they lived, the “appendages” were more, or less, developed—the variation depending upon their dwelling-place on Earth. Where they became more deeply involved in the Earth world, the appendages appeared more prominent. There were also human beings who at the beginning of the physical development of Earth had, by virtue of their preceding evolution, been the most mature and had accordingly experienced the contact with the fire-element at the very outset, when Earth had not yet condensed to air, and who were now able to develop more perfectly the beginnings of the head. These were, in their inner life, of all human beings the most harmonious. Others had not been ready for contact with the fire-element until the Earth had evolved within it also the air; they were more dependent on external conditions. The former kind were clearly aware through the warmth, of the Spirits of Form, and their feeling of themselves in Earthly life was as though they retained a memory of belonging to the Spirits of Form, of having been united with them in the body-free condition. The others had the memory of the body-free condition only to a lesser degree; they were chiefly aware of their membership of the spiritual world through the light-effects of the Spirits of Fire (Archangels.)
There was in addition a third kind of human being, still more deeply entangled in Earthly existence. These had not been able to be touched by the fire-element until such time as the Earth, already separated from the Sun, had received into it the element of water. The feeling they had of belonging to the spiritual world was slight, notably at the beginning of their Earthly life. Only when the working of the Archangels, and more especially of the Angels made itself felt in their inner mental life, did they become aware of it. On the other hand, at the beginning of their Earthly time they were full of eager impulse for action—for such actions, namely, as could be performed within the conditions of the Earth itself. In such human beings the other organs (the appendages) were especially developed.
[ 74 ] In the time when, before the separation of the Moon, the Moon forces were bringing about in the Earth a constantly increasing measure of solidification, it befell that among the descendants of the “seeds” left behind by men on Earth, there were some in whom the human souls returning from the body-free condition could no longer incarnate. Their form was much too hardened, and under the influence of the Moon forces had grown all too unlike the human figure to be able to receive the soul. This meant that certain human souls no longer found it possible to return to Earth. Only the most mature, only the strongest felt themselves equal to the task of so transforming the Earthly body during its growth that it could blossom forth into the true human form. Hence but a portion only of the human bodily descendants became vehicles for Earth men. Another portion, owing to their hardened form, could only receive souls that were at a lower level than the souls of men. Some of the human souls, on the other hand, being thus compelled to cease partaking in Earth evolution during that epoch, were brought into a different kind of life-history. Even at the time of the separation of the Sun, there had already been souls who could no longer find a place on Earth. These were transplanted for their further evolution to another planet. Under the guidance of cosmic Beings, this planet wrested itself free of the general World-substance which had been united with the physical evolution of Earth at its beginning, and out of which the Sun itself had also separated. This was the planet whose physical expression is known to external science as Jupiter. (Here we are speaking of heavenly bodies and planets and of their names, in precisely the same way as was customary in a science of former times. The meaning will e clear from the context. The physical Earth is but the physical expression for an organism of soul and spirit, and the same is true of every other heavenly body. He who perceives the Supersensible does not mean by the name “Earth” the mere physical planet, nor by “Sun” the mere physical fixed star. And in like manner, when he speaks of Jupiter, Mars, etc., he is referring to far-reaching spiritual complexes. Naturally, the heavenly bodies have since the times of which we are here telling undergone fundamental changes in their form and purpose—in a certain respect, even in their position in the heavenly spaces. Only one who is able to follow back their evolution into far distant ages, can recognize the connection of the present planets with their forebears.)
It was thus on Jupiter that such souls continued their evolution. Later one, when then Earth was inclining still more to the solid state, another dwelling-place had to be created for souls who, though able for a time to inhabit the hardened bodies, could no longer do so when the hardening had gone too far. For these, there arose in Mars a dwelling suited to their further evolution. Then again there were souls who at a still earlier time, when the Earth was united with the Sun and was incorporating in itself the air element, proved unadapted to partake in its evolution. These souls were affected too strongly by the Earthly corporeal form. They had therefore to be withdrawn, already at that time, from the immediate influence of the Sun forces. The Sun forces must work upon them from without. They found on Saturn a place for their further evolution. Thus in the course of its evolution the number of human forms on Earth steadily decreased. Forms began to appear in which human souls were not incarnated—forms which were able to receive only astral bodies, even as man's physical body and life-body had done on Old Moon. While Earth was growing waste and void as to human inhabitants, these beings now established themselves upon it. In the last resort, all human souls would have had to leave the Earth—had it not been for the severance of the Moon. This made it possible for human forms which at that time could still be humanly ensouled, to withdraw the human seed or embryo during their Earthly life from the Moon forces emanating directly from the Earth, and let it mature within themselves up to the point where it could safely be exposed to these forces. This meant that, while the seed or embryo was taking shape within the human being, it came under the influence of those Beings who guided by the Mightiest among them, had severed the Moon from the Earth, so as to carry Earth's evolution forward over a critical point.
[ 75 ] When the Earth had developed the air-element within it, there were astral beings in the sense of the above description—as relics from the Old Moon—who had remained farther back in the evolution than the lowest of human souls. These became the souls of the forms which had to be deserted by man even before the separation of the Sun, and were the forefathers of the animal kingdom. In course of time, they evolved especially those organs which in man existed as appendages. Their astral body had to work upon the physical and the life-body in the same way as was the case with man on Old Moon. This, then, is how the animals originated; and they had souls which could not dwell in the single creature. The soul extended its being to the descendant of the parent form. Animals that are in the main descended from a single form, have one soul together. Only when, as a result of special influences, the descendant departs from the parent form, does a new animal-soul come into incarnation. And it is in this sense that in spiritual science we speak of specific (or generic) souls, or “group souls” of the animals.
[ 76 ] Something not unlike this took place at the time of the separation of the Sun from the Earth. Out of the watery element forms emerged which were no farther on in their development than man had been before his evolution on Old Moon. Such forms were only able to receive an astral influence when it worked upon them from without; and this could not happen until after the departure of the Sun from the Earth. Each time that the Sun period of the Earth set in, the Astral of the Sun roused up these forms to build themselves their life-body from out of the Ethereal of the Earth. Then, when the Sun was turned away from the Earth, this life-body was dissolved once more in the common body of the Earth. As a result of this working together of the Astral of the Sun and the Ethereal of the Earth, physical forms arose out of the watery element which were the forebears of the present plant kingdom.
[ 77 ] Man has become on Earth an individualized soul-being. His astral body, poured into him on Old Moon by the Spirits of Movement, has been organized on Earth into the sentient, the intellectual and the spiritual soul. When his spiritual soul was so far developed as to be able, during Earth life, to build itself a body well adapted to contain it, the Spirits of Form endowed him with a spark of their own fire. The I was kindled in him. Every time he left the physical body, man was in the spiritual world, where he encountered the Beings who had given him his physical body, his life-body and his astral body during the Saturn, Sun and Moon evolutions, and had perfected these up to the Earth level of development. But now that the spark of fire of the I had been kindled in his life on Earth, a change had come about in the body-free life as well. Before this moment in his evolution, man had no independence in relation to the spiritual world. He did not in that world feel himself as a separate, single being, but as membered into the sublime organism composed of higher Beings above him. Now, however, the “I” experience on Earth began to work on into the spiritual world; there too, man began to feel himself as a single unit. Yet at the same time he also felt he was eternally united with that world. In the body-free condition he found again in a higher aspect the Spirits of Form whom he had perceived in their manifestation upon Earth through the spark of his own I.
[ 78 ] The severance of the Moon from the Earth involved also new experiences for the body-free soul in the spiritual world. For it was only through the transference from the Earth to the Moon of a portion of the form-building forces that it was made possible still to develop upon Earth such human forms as could receive a soul's individuality. Thereby the individuality of man was brought into the realm of the Moon Beings. And even in the body-free condition, the after-echo of Earthly individuality could only be effective inasmuch as there too the soul remained within the realm of those mighty Spirits who had brought about the separation of the Moon. It happened in the following way. Immediately after leaving the Earth, the soul could only see the sublime Beings of the Sun as it were in a reflected radiance cast by the Beings of the Moon. But until it had been sufficiently prepared by beholding this reflected radiance, did the soul come face to face with the sublime Sun Beings themselves.
[ 79 ] The mineral kingdom of the Earth also arose by being thrust out from the evolution of mankind. Its structures represent what was still left in a hardened condition when the Moon was separated from the Earth. The soul-nature that felt drawn to these structures was of a kind which, having remained at the Saturn stage, was fitted to create only physical forms. All the events of which we are speaking here—or will be speaking in the sequel—are to be thought of as taking place in the course of immense epochs, the precise determination of which is beyond our present scope.
[ 80 ] The above descriptions have given a picture of the evolution of the Earth from its external aspect. Seen from the aspect of the Spirit, the following emerges. The spiritual Beings who drew the Moon away from the Earth and bound up their own existence with it—becoming in this way Beings of the Earth's Moon—sent down their forces from that heavenly body to Earth and thereby determined the form and structure of man's organization. Their influence was directed to the I or Ego which man had by then acquired; it made itself felt in the interplay of the I with the astral, etheric and physical bodies. It was due to these Beings that the possibility arose in man, consciously to mirror in himself the wisdom-filled configuration of the World, and to portray it, as by reflection, in an act of knowledge. Let the reader recall here the description that was given of how in the Old Moon time, through the Moon's severance from the Sun, man had attained a certain independence in his organization—a freer state of consciousness than could proceed directly from the Sun Beings themselves. During the period of Earth evolution we are now describing, this free and independent consciousness appeared again—a heritage from Old Moon evolution. Under the influence of the Moon Beings, it could have been harmonized once more with the great Universe, and made into a faithful image of it. And this would indeed have come to pass had no other influence intervened. Man would have become a being with a consciousness whose content mirrored back the Universe in the pictures of the life of knowledge, as by natural necessity, not be his own free intention. But it did not happen so. At the very time of the Moon's severance, certain spiritual Beings intervened in human evolution, who had retained so much of their own Moon nature that they could not partake in the departure of the Sun from the Earth, while on the other hand they were also excluded from the influences of the Beings who worked on to the Earth from the Moon. These Beings with an Old Moon nature were banished, as it were, by an abnormal evolution, to the Earth. In their Moon nature was contained precisely that quality which had rebelled against the Spirits of the Sun during Old Moon, and had at that time been of real benefit to man, inasmuch as it had brought him to a free and independent consciousness. As a consequence of their peculiar evolution during the Earth epoch, they now became the opponents of those who, working from the Moon, desired to make man's consciousness an infallible knowledge-mirror of the World. The very same thing which on Old Moon had helped man to a higher level, proved itself now a factor of resistance to the new conditions that had been made possible in the course of Earth evolution. The opposing powers had brought with them from their Old Moon nature the faculty to work upon the human astral body in such manner as to make it—in the sense of the above descriptions—independent. This faculty they used; they gave the astral body—for the Earth epoch too—a certain independence, as against the unfree consciousness determined by necessity, that was being induced in it by the Beings of Earth-Moon.
It is not easy to express in ordinary language what the influence of these spiritual Beings was like in that primeval time. We must not conceive it to have been like the present-day influences of Nature, not yet like the influence of man on man, when by his words one man awakens in another forces of inner consciousness, whereby the other learns to understand something or is moved to some virtue or vice. The primeval influence to which we here refer was not a “natural” influence at all, but a purely spiritual one. It worked also in a spiritual way: it was transmitted, as a spiritual influence, from the higher Spirit Beings to the human being in a manner that accorded with his state of consciousness at that time. If we imagine it like an influence of Nature, we completely fail to perceive its real essence. If on the other hand, we say that the Beings with the Old Moon nature approached man with intent to win him over for their aims by “tempting” him, then we are using a symbolical expression, which is all right, so long as we are aware of its symbolic nature and realize that behind the symbol lies a spiritual fact.
[ 81 ] This influence on man, proceeding from Spirit-beings who had remained behind in the Old Moon condition, entailed for him a twofold consequence. His consciousness was divested of the character of a mere mirror of the Universe, for there was kindled in the human astral body the power to regulate and control the pictures in consciousness. Man became the master of his own faculty of cognition. On the other hand, since it was the astral body which was made the source of this control, the Ego, in spite of being in reality above the astral, fell into a state of perpetual dependence on it. This meant that for the future man was exposed to the constant influence of a lower element in his own nature. It was now possible for his life to sink beneath the high level on which the Earth-Moon Beings had placed him in the cosmic process. And in the sequel there remained the constant influence upon his nature of the abnormally developed Beings of the Moon. These latter may be called—in contrast to those who from Earth-Moon formed man's consciousness to be a mirror of the Universe, yet gave him no free will—the Luciferian Spirits. They brought man the power to unfold a free activity in his own consciousness, but brought him at the same time the possibility of error and of evil.
[ 82 ] As a result of these events, man came into a different relation to the Sun Spirits than was predestined for him by the Earth-Moon Beings. The latter wanted to evolve the mirror of his consciousness in such a way that the influence of the Sun Spirits would predominate in his entire life of soul. But this intention of theirs was frustrated, and in the human beings an opposition was set up between the influence of the Sun Spirits and the influence of the Spirits who were undergoing an irregular Moon evolution, with the result that man was rendered incapable of recognizing the physical influences of the Sun for what they were; they remained hidden from him behind the earthly impressions of the outer world. Filled with these impressions, the astral in man was drawn into the domain of the I. Had it not been for this, the I of man would have been content simply to feel the spark of fire bequeathed him by the Spirits of Form, remaining subject to their commands in all that appertained to the outer fire. But now the I began to use the fire-element, with which it had itself been informed, to influence the phenomena of warmth in the surrounding world. Thus a bond of attraction was established between the I and the Earth fire, and man became entangled, more than had been predestined for him, in the realm of earthly matter. Previously he had had a physical body, consisting as to its main parts of fire, air and water, and with only a shade or, as it were, a phantom of earth substance added. Now the body became more densely compact of earth. Previously, man had moreover been living—as a being rather delicately organized—in a kind of floating, soaring movement above the solid ground of Earth; now he had to descend from the surrounding sphere to the parts of Earth which were already more or less solidified.
[ 83 ] That such physical effects were possible as a direct outcome of spiritual influences, is explained by the fact that these influences were of the kind we have described. They were not Nature influences nor were they like the influences of soul that work from man to man. The latter do not extend their effects so far into the bodily as did the spiritual forces with which we are dealing here.
[ 84 ] Because man exposed himself to the influences of the outer world under the guidance merely of his own ideas, subject as these were to error, because moreover he lived by cravings and passions which he did not allow higher spiritual influences to regulate, the possibility of illness arose. And another marked effect of the Luciferian influence was the following. Henceforth man was unable to feel his single life on Earth as a continuation of body-free existence. He now received such Earthly impressions as he could experience through the astral element with which he had been inoculated, and these impressions joined themselves on to the forces that destroy life. Man experienced this as the doing away of his Earthly life. Death, brought about by human nature itself, now made its appearance. Here we touch a significant secret of man's nature—the connection of the human astral body with illness and death.
[ 85 ] Peculiar conditions now arose for the life-body of man. If was placed in such a position between the physical and astral bodies as to be withdrawn to a certain extent from the faculties man had acquired through the Luciferian influence. A portion of the life-body remained outside the physical body, and was accordingly controllable by higher Beings who, under the leadership of one of their sublime number had left the Earth at the separation of the Sun, to occupy another dwelling-place. Had this portion of the life-body remained united with the astral body, man would have seized on supersensible forces which had belonged to him before, and put them to his own use; he would have extended the Luciferian influence to these supersensible forces. In so doing man would in time have severed himself completely from the Beings of the Sun, and his Ego would have become an entirely Earthly Ego. For at the death of the physical body (or even during its disintegration) the Earthly Ego would have been obliged to take up its abode in another physical body—in a descendant body—without first passing through a time of union with higher spiritual Beings in a body-free condition. Man would thus have attained the consciousness of his I, but only as an Earthly I.
This result was averted by the special development described above in connection with the life-body, a development that was brought about by the Earth-Moon Beings. The true individual Ego was thereby loosed from the merely Earthly Ego, so that man during this earthly life felt himself only partly as his own I, while at the same time he felt that his Earthly Ego was a continuation of the Earthly Ego of his forefathers through the generations. Thus during life on Earth the soul felt a kind of Group Ego reaching back to distant ancestors, and the individual man felt himself a member of the group. It was only on entering into the body-free condition that the individual Ego could feel itself a single being. And even this individualization was impaired inasmuch as the Ego was still burdened with the memory of the Earthly consciousness—the consciousness, that is, of the Earthly Ego. This memory clouded man's vision of the spiritual world, which began to be veiled over between death and birth, as it was already for man's physical vision upon Earth.
[ 86 ] The many changes that took place in the spiritual world while human evolution was passing through these conditions, found physical expression in the gradual regulation of the mutual relationships of Sun and Moon and Earth—and, in a wider sense, of other heavenly bodies too. One consequence of these relationships may here be singled out: the alternation of day and night. (The movements of the heavenly bodies are regulated by the Beings who inhabit them. The movement of the Earth whereby day and night arise, was brought about by the mutual relations of the higher Spirit-Beings above humanity. And it was in like manner that the Lunar motion came about; for after the severance of Moon from Earth, the rotation of the former about the latter enabled the Spirits of Form to work upon the physical body of man in the right way—in the proper rhythm.) By day the Ego and astral body of man were working in the physical body and the life-body. By night this work ceased; the Ego and astral body left the physical and the life-body. During this time they were entirely within the domain of the Sons of Life (Angels,) the Fire Spirits (Archangels,) the Spirits of Personality and the Spirits of Form. The physical body and life-body were also received into their sphere of influence by the Spirits of Form, and in addition by the Spirits of Movement, the Spirits of Wisdom and the Thrones. In this way the harmful influences which had been brought to bear on man during the day through the aberrations of the astral body could be made good again.
[ 87 ] Human beings now began to multiply again on Earth, there was no longer any reason why human souls should not proceed to incarnate in the descendants. For the way in which the Earth-Moon forces were now working enabled the human bodies to take such shape as adapted them perfectly for the embodiment of human souls. Now therefore the souls, formerly translated on to Mars, Jupiter, etc., were guided once more to the Earth. For ever human descendant born in the sequence of the generations, a soul was thus made available. And so it went on or a long time: the coming of fresh souls to settle on the Earth corresponded to the increase in the population. And when these souls left the body through Earthly death, they retained like a memory, in the body-free condition, the echo of their Earthly individuality. This memory worked in such a way that when a body proper for its habitation was born again on Earth, the soul would incarnate in it once more. Thus is came about that among the progeny of men, there were some with souls coming from outside—appearing again on Earth for the first time since the primeval ages of its evolution—and others with souls that were not reincarnating. As evolution continued, the “young” souls appearing for the first time grew ever less and the reincarnated more in number. Nevertheless, for long ages of time the human race still consisted of these two kinds of human beings.
Henceforth, on Earth man felt himself united with his forefathers through the common Ego of the group. But the experience of the individual I was correspondingly intense in the body-free condition between death and a new birth. The souls who came fresh from heavenly spaces to take up their abode in human bodies were in a different situation from those who had one or more Earthly lives behind them. The former brought with them to physical life on Earth only those conditions of soul which they owed to the influence of the higher spiritual world and to the experiences they had undergone outside the Earth's domain. The others had, in earlier lives on Earth, added conditions of their own making. The destinies of the former souls were determined entirely by facts that lay outside the new Earth conditions, while those of the reincarnated souls depended also on what they themselves had done in their former lives under the conditions that prevailed on Earth. And so it came about that along with reincarnation, individual human Karma began to show itself.
Through the withdrawal of the human life-body from the influence of the astral body—in the way indicated above—the relationships of reproduction remained outside the horizon of man's consciousness, and were subject to the guidance of the spiritual world. Whenever a soul had to descend into the Earth sphere, the impulses for reproduction arose in man on Earth. For Earthly consciousness the whole process was veiled to some extent in mystery and darkness.
But now also during Earthly life this partial separation of the life-body from the physical had its results. Spiritual influence was able to effect a notable enhancement of the faculties inherent in the life-body, which manifested in a peculiar development of the power of memory. Independent logical thinking was only in its very first beginnings in that period of man's existence. But the power of memory was almost unlimited. Another effect showed itself in a more outward manner in the fact that man had an immediate “feeling” knowledge of the potent virtues of all living things. He could enlist in his own serve the forces of life and reproduction inherent in animal, and more especially in plant natures. He could withdraw from the plant the force that impels it in its growth, and use this force, just as nowadays forces are taken from lifeless nature—the latent force of coal, for instance—and used to set machines in motion. (Further details on this subject will be found in my book on Atlantis and Lemuria)1See the volume entitled Cosmic Memory: Prehistory of Earth and Man, published in 1959 by Rudolf Steiner Publications Inc., Englewood, New Jersey, U.S.A. The title of the corresponding volume in German is Aus der Akasha Chronik. (Note by Translators.)
[ 1 ] Man's inner life of soul was also altered in diverse ways through the Luciferian influence; many kinds of feelings and emotions could be cited which owed their origin to it. Mention may here be made of a few of these changes. Previously the human soul, in whatever it had to do and create, worked in accordance with the aims of higher spiritual Beings. The plan for what had to be achieved was settled in advance. And in the measure in which his consciousness was evolved, man could even foresee how, in pursuance of the preconceived plan, things must necessarily develop in the future. This forward-seeing consciousness was lost when a veil of earthly perceptions was woven across the revelations of the higher Beings and hid from man's view the real forces of the Sun Beings. The future now became uncertain, and this meant that the possibility of feeling fear was implanted in the soul. Fear is a direct consequence of error.
[ 1 ] At the same time we see how with the Luciferian influence man became independent of certain forces to which he had hitherto been entirely subject. Henceforth he could make resolves—quite on his own. Freedom is thus the result of this influence. Fear, and feelings akin to fear, are but concomitant phenomena of man's evolution towards freedom.
[ 88 ] There is a spiritual aspect to this emergence of fear. Within the forces of the Earth, under whose influence man had been brought by the Luciferian powers, other powers were at work—powers which had begun to evince irregularity far earlier in evolution than the Luciferian. Along with the Earth forces, man began now to receive into his being the influences of these other powers. They instilled into feelings which without them would have worked quite differently, the quality of fear. We may name them here the Ahrimanic beings; they are the same as are called by Goethe, Mephistophelian.
[ 89 ] Now although at first the Luciferian influence made itself felt only in the most advanced human beings, it soon began to extend over others too. The descendants of the more advanced mingled with those of the less advanced, with the result that the Luciferian force penetrated also to these. Moreover the life-body of the souls returning from the planets could not be protected to the same extent as the life-body of the descendants of those who had remained on Earth. The protection of the latter was the work of a sublime Being who had the leadership in the Cosmos at the time when the Sun separated from the Earth. In connection with the development we are here considering, this Being appears as the Ruler in the kingdom of the Sun. With Him there journeyed to the Solar dwelling-place such sublime Spirits as had attained the necessary maturity in their cosmic evolution.
But there were also Beings who at the separation of the Sun had not reached this height of development. They had to look for other scenes of action. And these are the Beings through whom it had come to pass that Jupiter and other planets split off from the common World-substance which was in the physical organism of the Earth in the beginning. Jupiter became the habitation of Beings who had not matured to the level of the Sun. The most advanced among them became the leader of Jupiter. As the leader of the Sun evolution became the higher Ego, working in the life-body of the descendants of the human beings who had remained on Earth, so did the Jupiter leader become the higher Ego which passed like a common consciousness through other human beings—those, namely, who traced their descent to a mingling of the offspring of the men who had remained on Earth with those who had only appeared on Earth at the time of the air element and had then gone off to Jupiter. The latter may accordingly be named in spiritual science “Jupiter men.” They were those human descendants who in that ancient time had still been receiving human souls—souls, however, which at the beginning of Earthly evolution had not yet been mature enough to partake in the first contact with the fire-element. These were souls between the human and the animal kingdoms.
And there were still other Beings, who—once more under the leadership of a Highest among them—had separated Mars out of the common World-substance as their dwelling-place, and they exercised their influence upon a third kind of human being who had also arisen by intermingling, the “Mars men.” (This kind of knowledge throws light on the fundamental causes and origins of the planets in our solar system. All the heavenly bodies of this system have come into being through the varying degrees of maturity of the Spirits who inhabit them. Naturally. we cannot enter here into all the details of these cosmic differentiations.)
Those human beings on the other hand, who beheld the presence in their life-body of the high Being of the Sun Himself, may be called “Sun men.” The Being who lived in them as a higher Ego—only in the generations, needless to say, not in the single individuals—is the One to whom diverse names were subsequently given, when men acquired conscious knowledge of Him. To the men of the present time He is the One in whom the relation of the Christ to the Cosmos is revealed.
We can also distinguish “Saturn men.” In them there appeared as higher Ego a Being who, with his companions, had to leave the common substance of the World even before the separation of the Sun The Saturn men were a type of human being in whom, not only in the life-body but in the physical body too, there was a portion which remained withdrawn from the Luciferian influence.
[ 90 ] But now it was so, that in the lower kinds of human beings the life-body was after all too little protected, and could not sufficiently resist the encroachments of the Luciferian nature. Such human beings could so far extend the arbitrary power of the fiery spark of the I which was within them as to be able to call forth in their environment mighty workings of fire, of a harmful nature. This led eventually to a stupendous Earth catastrophe. A great portion of the then inhabited Earth was destroyed in these fire-storms, and with it perished also the human beings who had fallen into error. Only a very small number of them, having remained comparatively untouched by error, could save themselves by taking refuge on some region of the Earth that had so far been protected from the harmful influence of men. One land in particular proved suitable as such a dwelling-place for the new humanity. It was situated at the part of the Earth's surface which is now covered by the Atlantic Ocean. The portion of mankind that had remained most pure from error migrated thither. Other parts became inhabited only by stray remnants. The continent which then existed between the present Europe, Africa and America may be called in spiritual science, Atlantis. (The above-described period of human evolution, preceding the Atlantean, is dealt with from a certain aspect in the relevant literature. It is there called the Lemurian epoch of the Earth, whereas the time when the Moon forces had not yet unfolded their most powerful effects may be called the Hyperborean age. This epoch was preceded by yet another, which coincides with the very earliest time of physical Earth evolution. In Biblical tradition the time before the entry of the Luciferian beings is referred to as the time of Paradise, and the descent on to the Earth—man's entanglement in the world of the senses—as the expulsion from Paradise.)
[ 91 ] It was during evolution in the region of Atlantis that the actual separation of humanity into the men of Saturn, Sun, Jupiter and Mars took place. Previously, no more than the initial tendencies in this direction had shown themselves. The division also into the waking and the sleeping state now entailed yet other important consequences, which came strongly into evidence in Atlantean humanity. During the night, man's astral body and Ego were in the realm of the Beings above him, reaching as far as to the Spirits of Personality. Through the portion of his life-body which was not united with the physical he could have perception of the Sons of Life (the Angels) and the Fire Spirits (the Archangels.) For he could remain united, during sleep, with this portion of the life-body. His perception however of the Spirits of Personality remained indistinct, and this was directly due to the Luciferian influence. But with the Angels and Archangels, other beings also became visible to man in this condition. These were being who, having remained behind on Sun and Moon, had not been able to enter upon Earth-existence at all; they had had perforce to remain in the world of soul and spirit. Under the Luciferian influence, however, man drew them into the realm of his own soul when it was separated from the physical. Thus he came into touch with beings whose influence upon him was in the highest degree seductive. They multiplied in his soul the impulses that led him astray, especially the impulse to misuse the forces of growth and reproduction, which now stood at man's disposal owing to the partial separation of the physical body from the life-body.
[ 92 ] Now there were individual human beings of the Atlantean epoch who were to a large extent enabled to avoid entanglement in the world of the senses. Through them the Luciferian influence was changed from a hindrance in man's evolution into a means for his higher progress. For with its help they were enabled to unfold a knowledge of the things of Earth sooner than would otherwise have been possible, and in so doing, they strove to remove error from their mental life and to bring to light from out of the world's phenomena the primal intentions of the Spirit-Beings. They kept themselves free from impulses and cravings of the astral body directed merely to the world of the senses. Thus they became less and less liable to error, and were brought in this way into conditions of consciousness whereby they had perception purely in that part of the life-body which was separated from the physical. At these times it was as though the physical body's power of perception were extinguished and the body itself dead. But through the life-body these human beings were wholly united with the kingdom of the Spirits of Form, and could learn from them how they were led and guided by the sublime Being who had been the Leader in the severance of Sun and Earth, and through whom the understanding for the “Christ” was subsequently revealed to man. Such men were Initiates. But because the human individuality had now, as we have seen, come into the domain of the Moon Beings, even the Initiates could not, as a rule, be touched directly by the Sun Beings. He could be revealed to them only, as it were in reflection, through the Moon Beings. Thus they beheld not the Sun Being Himself, but His reflected radiance. These Initiates became the leaders of the rest of mankind, to whom they were able to communicate the secrets they saw. They trained up disciples, teaching them the paths to the attainment of the condition that leads to Initiation. The knowledge of what had formerly manifested through “Christ” was attainable only by such as belonged to the Sun humanity in the sense above described. These cultivated their secret knowledge and the ministrations which led up to it, at a special sanctuary which shall here be named the Christ—of the Sun—Oracle. (Oraculum meaning a place where the intentions of spiritual Beings are perceived.)
What is here said in reference to the Christ will be misunderstood unless the following is borne in mind. Supersensible knowledge has to recognize, in the appearance of Christ on Earth, an event to which those men of earlier ages who knew the meaning and purpose of Earth evolution could point, as to an event that was to come in the future. It would be a mistake to presume in those Initiates a relationship To Christ which has only been made possible by the event they prophesied. This much they could prophetically understand and bring home to their disciples: “Who so is touched by the might of the Sun Being, sees the Christ coming towards the Earth.”
[ 93 ] Other Oracles were called into life by the members of Saturn, Mars and Jupiter humanity, whose Initiates carried their vision no farther than to those Beings who could be revealed to them—as “higher Egos”—in their life-bodies. Thus there arose the adherents of the Saturn, the Jupiter and the Mars Wisdom. Beside those modes of Initiation, there were again still others, for human beings who had received into themselves too much of the Luciferic nature to permit of so great a part of the life-body being separated from the physical as was the case with the Sun humanity; more of it is held back there by the astral body. Human beings of this type were not able, even in their more advanced states of consciousness, to reach through to the prophetic Christ Revelation. Their astral body being more under the influence of the Luciferian principle, they had harder experiences to undergo in preparation, before they could receive, in a less body-free condition than the others, not indeed the revelation of the Christ Himself, but that of other sublime Beings; for there were Beings who, though they had left the Earth at the time of the separation of the Sun, were not upon so high a level as to be able to partake continuously in the Sun's evolution. After the severance of Sun and Earth they went forth again from the Sun, taking with them another separate dwelling-place and this was Venus. Their leader was the Being who now became the “higher Ego” for the above-described Initiates and their followers. A similar thing happened with the leading Spirit of Mercury in connection with still another kind of human being. And so there arose the Venus and the Mercury Oracles.
There was moreover a further class of human beings who had absorbed most of all the Luciferian influence. They could only reach up to a Spirit-Being who with his associates had been thrust forth again soonest of all from the evolution of the Sun. This Being has no special planet in the cosmic spaces but lives to this day in the surrounding sphere of the Earth itself, with which he re-united after his return thither from the Sun. The human beings to whom he revealed himself as their higher Ego may be called adherents of the Vulcan Oracle. Their vision was more directed than that of all the other Initiates to the phenomena of Earth. They laid the first foundation for what afterwards arose among men as arts and sciences. The Mercury Initiates, on the other hand, founded the science of things more supersensible; and to a still higher degree the Venus Initiates did the same. The Vulcan, Mercury and Venus Initiates differed from the Saturn, Jupiter and Mars Initiates in the following way. The latter received their secrets more as a revelation from above, more in a finished state, while the former were already receiving knowledge more in the form of thoughts and ideas that were their own. The Christ-Initiates stood between the two; together with the direct revelation, they received at the same time the faculty to clothe their secrets in the form of human concepts. The Saturn, Jupiter and Mars Initiates had to express themselves more in symbolic pictures; the Christ, Venus, Mercury and Vulcan Initiates could make their communications more in the form of ideas and thought-pictures.
[ 94 ] All that was given to Atlantean humanity in this way, came to them through their Initiates, but the rest of mankind also received special faculties through the working of the Luciferian principle, inasmuch as the great cosmic Beings turned to good what might otherwise have been quite detrimental. One such faculty is that of speech. Speech came to man through his condensation into physical materiality and through the separation of a part of his life-body from the physical body. In the times that followed the separation of the Moon, man, to begin with, felt himself united with his physical forefathers through the Ego of the group. But in course of generations this common consciousness, uniting descendants with their forefathers, was gradually lost. Thus with the later descendants the “inner memory” reached back only to a fairly recent ancestor, not any longer to the more ancient forefathers. It was only in conditions resembling sleep, where men came in contact with the spiritual world, that the memory of this or that ancestor would emerge. Then would a man often deem himself one with some such ancestor, whom he believed to have reappeared in himself. This was, in fact, a mistaken idea of reincarnation, which arose especially in the last period of Atlantis. The true teaching about reincarnation was to be found only in the schools of the Initiates. For the Initiates were able to behold how the human soul passes in the body-free condition from incarnation to incarnation. They alone could implant the truth to their pupils.
[ 95 ] In the far distant past of which we are here speaking, the physical form and figure of man was as yet very different from what it is today. It was still to a great extent the expression of qualities of soul. The human being was of a finer, softer materiality than he afterwards became. Where his members are now quite rigid, they were plastic, soft and pliable. A man more filled with soul and spirit was of gentle build, mobile, expressive. One who was less spiritually developed had coarser bodily forms, immobile, not so plastic. Improvement in the life of the soul tended to draw man's members together; such a man would remain small in stature. Backwardness of soul, entanglement in sensuality, came to expression in gigantic bodily proportions. While man was still in his period of growth, the body took shape according to what was growing in the soul—and this to an extent which must seem fabulous, indeed quite fantastic, to present-day ideas. Depravity of passion, or of instinct or desire brought with it a monstrous enlargement of the material in man. The present human form has arisen by the contraction, condensation, and rigidification of Atlantean man. Before the time of Atlantis, man had presented a faithful image of his soul, of his inner being, but the very events and processes that took place in Atlantean evolution contained the inner causes which led to the human being of post-Atlantean time, who in his physical form and statue is firm and well-established, comparatively little dependent on his qualities of soul. (The animal kingdom grew dense in its forms, in far earlier epochs than man.) The laws which at the present time underlie the molding and shaping of forms in the kingdoms of Nature can certainly not be extended to the more remote ages of the past.
[ 96 ] Towards the middle of the Atlantean period of evolution, a great calamity began gradually to overwhelm mankind. The secrets of the Initiates should have been carefully protected from those human beings who had not by due preparation purified their astral bodies from error. For is such attained insight into the hidden knowledge—into the laws whereby the higher Beings guided the forces of Nature—they might enlist these laws in the service of their own mistaken needs and passions. The danger was all the greater, since, as we have seen, men were coming into the realm of lower spirit-beings who were themselves unable to partake in the regular evolution of the Earth and therefore worked against it. These beings were perpetually influencing men, imbuing them with interests which worked against the true welfare of mankind. And then too, the men of that time still had the faculty to place at their own disposal the forces of growth and reproduction in animal and human nature.
Nor was it only the ordinary run of human beings, but some of the Initiates too succumbed to the temptations of lower spirit-beings, and even went so far as to employ the above-named supersensible forces for an end that was directly opposed to the evolution of mankind. For this purpose they gathered round them as associates men who were uninitiated and who applied the secrets of the supersensible working of Nature for decidedly lower ends. A widespread corruption of humanity ensued. The evil grew to greater and greater dimensions.
Now the forces of growth and reproduction, when torn from their mother-soil and independently employed, stand in a mysterious relationship to certain forces that work in air and water. Mighty and ominous powers of Nature were thus let loose by the deeds of men, leading eventually to the gradual destruction of the whole territory of Atlantis by catastrophes of air and water. Atlantean humanity—the portion of it, that is, which did not perish in the storms—was compelled to migrate. As a result too of the great storms, the whole face of the Earth changed. Europe, Asia and Africa on the one hand, and America on the other, began gradually to assume their present shape. Vast numbers of human beings migrated into these countries. For us in our time those above all are of importance who went eastward from Atlantis. Europe, Asia and Africa gradually became colonized by descendants of the Atlanteans. Peoples of many kinds took up their abode in these countries, people that stood at many different levels of evolution—and also of corruption. And in their midst went the Initiates, the Guardians of the secrets of the Oracles. In various regions the Initiates established holy places where the services of Jupiter, Venus, etc. were cultivated in a good—or in an evil—sense. Most detrimental of all was the betrayal of the Vulcan secrets. For the adherents of the Vulcan Mysteries had their attention concentrated upon things of Earth. By this betrayal was brought into a state of dependence upon spiritual things who in consequence of their preceding evolution were disposed to reject all that came from the spiritual world that had evolved through the separation of the Earth from the Sun. Such was the tendency they had developed, and they worked in accordance with it, precisely in that element which was arising in man inasmuch as he had sense-perceptions in the physical world—perceptions behind which the spiritual remained hidden. These beings now attained great influence over many of the human inhabitants of Earth, and the immediate outcome of it was to deprive man more and more of any feeling for things spiritual.
In those times, the size, form and plasticity of man's physical body were still largely determined by qualities of soul. Hence the results of the betrayal appeared in changes of this very kind in the human race. Where supersensible forces were placed in the service of lower instincts, passions and desires—where, that is, the prevalent corruption took this particular form—human figures would arise that were monstrous and grotesque in size and shape. These could not, however, survive beyond the Atlantean epoch; they died out. Physically speaking, post-Atlantean humanity evolved form Atlantean forebears whose bodily figure had already become firm enough not to give way to the soul-forces which had grown to be so contrary to their true nature. There was a period in Atlantean evolution when the laws prevailing in and around the Earth were such as to subject the human figure precisely to those conditions under which it had to grow firm. Human racial forms which had hardened before this time could continue to propagate themselves for a good while to come, but by degrees the souls incarnating in them found themselves so restricted that these races too had to die out. Many of the forms were nevertheless able to maintain themselves right into the post-Atlantean times; indeed, some of them that had remained mobile enough, survived in a somewhat altered condition for a very long time. On the other hand, the human forms which had retained their plasticity beyond the above-mentioned period, became bodies for those souls in particular who had suffered in a high degree the harmful influence of the betrayal. Such forms were destined to die out early.
[ 97 ] In consequence of these developments, other beings had, since the middle of the Atlantean time, been making themselves felt in the realm of human evolution, owing to whose influence man was induced to enter the world of the physical senses in an unspiritual manner. So much so that in place of the true form of this world, hallucinations could appear to him, phantasms, and delusions of all kinds. Man was thus exposed not only to the Luciferian influence but also to that of these other beings, to whose existence we have already alluded. The leader of them may be called after the name he received later on in the ancient Persian civilization, Ahriman. (Mephistopheles is the same being.) Through this influence man came after his death among powers which caused him to appear even there as a being whose inclination was entirely towards the things of Earth and of the life of the senses. The free and open outlook into all that was going on in the spiritual world—of this he was deprived more and more. He had to feel himself in the grip of Ahriman and to a certain extent excluded form community with the spiritual world.
[ 98 ] One Oracle sanctuary was of peculiar importance. Amid the general decline this sanctuary had preserved the ancient service in the purest form. It belonged to the Christ Oracles, and was accordingly able to preserve not only the secret of the Christ Himself but those of the other Oracles as well. For in the manifestation of the supreme Spirit of the Sun, the leaders of Saturn, Jupiter, etc. were also unveiled. In the Sun Oracle was known the secret of producing, in one or other human beings, life-bodies such as the best of the Initiates of Jupiter, Mercury, etc. had possessed. By means which they had in their power, but into which we cannot enter in further detail here, the Initiates of the Sun Oracle caused the impress of the best life-bodies of the old Initiates to be preserved, and then stamped on chosen human beings of a later time. The Venus, Mercury and Vulcan Initiates could also do the like with astral bodies.
[ 99 ] A time came when the leader of the Christ-Initiates saw himself left alone with a few associates, to whom he could, to a very limited degree, impart the secrets of the world. For they were men in whom, owing to their natural endowment, there was least of all of the separation between physical body and life-body. In that age of time such men were altogether the best suited for the further progress of mankind in those times. Conscious experiences in the realm of sleep were coming to them less and less. More and more did the spiritual world become closed to them. They also lacked understanding for all that had been revealed in more ancient times when man was not in his physical but only in his life-body which had formerly been separated from it. This reunion was now gradually taking place in mankind ads a whole, as a result of the transformation which their Atlantean dwelling-place and the Earth in general had undergone. The physical body and the life-body of man were tending more and more to coincide. This meant that the formerly unlimited powers of memory were being lost, and the life of thought was beginning. The portion of the life-body that had now united with the physical transformed the physical brain into the essential instrument of thought. And now at last did man really begin to feel his I within the physical body; now at last did self-consciousness awaken there. To begin with, this happened with a small portion only of mankind, first among whom were the companions of the leader of the Sun Oracle. The remaining masses of mankind, spread over Europe, Asia and Africa, preserved in varying degrees remnants of the ancient states of consciousness. They had therefore immediate experience of the supersensible world.
The companions of the Christ Initiate were men of highly developed intellect, while of all the people of that time they had the least experience in the supersensible domain. The Christ-Initiate journeyed with them from West to East, to a region of central Asia. He wanted to protect them as far as possible from contact with men who were less advanced than they in the evolution of consciousness. He educated them according to the hidden things that were to him open and visible, and worked in this way especially on their descendants. Thus did he train up a group of human beings who had received into their hearts the inner impulses that responded to the secrets of the Christ-Initiation. Out of this group he chose the seven best, that they might be able to have life-bodies and astral bodies corresponding to the impressions of the life-bodies of the seven best Atlantean Initiates. In this way he trained up a successor to each of the Christ, Saturn, Jupiter, etc., Initiates. These seven Initiates became the teachers and guides of those who in the time after Atlantis had settled in the South of Asia, more particularly in ancient India. Endowed as they were with after-images of the life-bodies of their spiritual predecessors, what these great teachers had in their astral bodies—namely, the knowledge and understanding which they had themselves assimilated and made their own—did not come up to what was revealed to them through their life-bodies. For these revelations to speak to them, they had to silence their own faculty of cognition. Then did there speak, from them and through them, the sublime Beings who had also spoken for their spiritual forebears. Save in the times when these great Beings were speaking through them, they were simple, unassuming men, endowed merely with such culture of intellect and heart as they had themselves acquired.
[ 100 ] In India there was living at this time a type of human being that had preserved to a marked degree a living memory of the ancient Atlantean soul-condition that permitted of conscious experience in the spiritual world. In very many of them remained also a strong urge of heart and mind towards such experiences in the supersensible world. By a wise guidance of destiny the main portion of this type of mankind, who were from the best of the Atlantean population, had found their way into Southern Asia. They were then joined by others who migrated thither at different times. Such was the complex of humanity to which the Christ-Initiate assigned his seven great disciples to be their teachers. These gave their wisdom and their commandments to this ancient Indian people. In many a one among these ancient Indians only slight preparation was required to kindle in him the scarcely extinct faculties that could lead to observation in the spiritual world. Indeed the longing for that world was to the Indian a fundamental, ever-present mood of soul. Within that world, he felt, was the primeval home of mankind. Man had been transplanted from it into this world which can endow him with external sense-perception and the intellect connected with it; but he felt the supersensible world as the true one and the sense-world as a fallacy of man's perception—an illusion, a maya—and strove by every means in his power to gain insight into the true world. In the illusory world of the senses he could summon up no interest—or only in so far as it manifests as a veil of the supersensible.
The power that could go out from the seven great Teachers to human beings such as these was tremendous. All that could be revealed through them entered deeply and livingly into the Indian soul. Gifted moreover as the Teachers were, by virtue of the life-bodies and astral bodies that had been bequeathed to them, with high spiritual forces, they were able also to work magically on their pupils. They did not really teach; they worked as though by magic from man to man. Thus arose a civilization permeated through and through with supersensible Wisdom. What is contained in the Wisdom-books of the Indians (the Vedas) reproduces, not the lofty Wisdom-teachings in their primal form—guarded as these were and cared for by the great Teachers in those ancient times—but only a faint echo of the same. The eye of seership alone, as it looks back, can detect behind the written, an unwritten, pristine Wisdom. One feature which especially emerges in this primal Wisdom is the harmonious sounding-together of the diverse Wisdoms of the Oracles of Atlantean time. Each of the great Teachers could unveil the Wisdom of one of these Oracles, and the different aspects of Wisdom gave together a perfect harmony, for behind them stood the fundamental Wisdom of the prophetic Christ-Initiation. The Teacher who was the spiritual successor of the Christ-Initiate did not, it is true, show forth what the Christ-Initiate did not, it is true, show forth what the Christ-Initiate himself had been able to unveil. The latter remained in the background of evolution. He could not, to begin with, transmit the high office to any member of post-Atlantean mankind. The Christ-Initiate who was with the seven Indian Teachers differed from him in this respect: he had been able, as we know, completely to assimilate to human concepts and ideas his vision of the Mystery of Christ. Whereas the Indian Christ-Initiate could but present a reflected radiance of this Mystery in signs and symbols, such power of ideation as he had been able to attain by his own effort being inadequate to comprehend it. Nevertheless, out of the union of the seven Teachers there arose in a sublime Wisdom-picture a knowledge of the supersensible world, only single parts of which had been able to be revealed in the ancient Atlantean Oracle. The Guiding Powers of the great cosmic world were unveiled; men learned, as it were in whispered tones, of the one great Sun Spirit, the Hidden One, enthroned above the Spirits who manifested through the seven Teachers.
[ 101 ] What is here to be understood by the term “ancient India” is not coincident with what the words are generally taken to mean. Of the time of which we are speaking no outer documentary records exist. The people now commonly known as Indians belong to a stage of historic evolution which developed long afterwards. We have thus to recognize a first post-Atlantean period of the Earth, in which the civilization here described as Indian was dominant. After it a second post-Atlantean period took shape, in which the civilization hereafter referred to as the ancient Persian became dominant. Still later, there evolved the Egypto-Chaldean civilization, also to be described in the following pages. During the development of these second and third post-Atlantean culture-epochs, ancient India lived through a second and a third epoch of its own, and the third is the one usually spoken of as “ancient India.” We must accordingly not confuse it with the description given here.
[ 102 ] Another feature of the ancient Indian culture was what subsequently led to the division of men into castes. The dwellers in ancient India were descendants of Atlanteans who belonged to the diverse kinds of humanity—Saturn men, Jupiter men, etc. The supersensible teachings they received made it quite plain to them that a soul has not been placed by chance into this or that caste, but by its own self-determination.
Nor was it difficult for the men of ancient India to accept this teaching, inasmuch as in many of them what has been described as “inner harmony” of their ancestors could still be called to life. Such memories were, however, also apt to lead all too easily to a mistaken idea of reincarnation. As in the Atlantean age, it had been through the Initiates alone that the true idea of reincarnation could be attained, similarly in ancient India it was attainable only by direct contact with the great Teachers. And it is undeniable that the erroneous idea became widely prevalent among the peoples who were scattered over Europe, Asia and Africa in consequence of the downfall of Atlantis. The Initiates who had gone astray during the Atlantean evolution had communicated this secret too to immature persons, and so it came to pass that men tended increasingly to confuse the true idea with the mistaken one. It must not be forgotten that a kind of dim clairvoyance had remained to these people as a heritage from Atlantean time. As the Atlanteans had in sleep entered into the region of the spiritual world, so did their descendants experience the same spiritual world in abnormal states, intermediate between sleeping and waking. Pictures then arose in them of that olden time to which their ancestors had belonged; and they believed themselves reincarnations of human beings of that time. Teachings on reincarnation, that were incompatible with the true ideas possessed by the Initiates, spread over the whole Earth.
[ 103 ] As a result of the prolonged migrations from West to East ever since the beginning of the Atlantean catastrophe, a group of peoples had settled in the regions of Western Asia, the descendants of whom are known to history as the Persians and kindred races. Supersensible knowledge must however look back to far earlier times than those of which history tells. We are here concerned with very early forefathers of the later Persians. Among these arose, following upon the Indian, the second great civilization-epoch of post-Atlantean evolution. The people of this epoch had a different task. Their longs and inclinations were not directed solely to the supersensible world. They were a people well fitted for the physical world of the senses. They learned to love the Earth. They valued what man can win for himself on Earth and what he can then also acquire by making use of its forces. Their achievements as a warlike nation and the means they invented to possess themselves of the treasures of the Earth, correspond with this trait in their character. Theirs was not the danger of yearning so intensely for the supersensible as to turn right away from the “illusion” of the physical world. Rather they were in danger of cherishing so strong a feeling for this physical world that their souls might lose all connection with the world of the supersensible. The Oracle-sanctuaries too, which had been transplanted hither from the ancient land of Atlantis, shared in the general character of the people. Of all the forces which men had once been able to acquire by conscious experience in the supersensible world and which—in certain lower forms—were still at their command, this people cultivated the power so to direct the phenomena of Nature that these may serve the personal interests of man. They still possessed great power over Nature-forces that subsequently withdrew from the control of human will. The Guardians of the Oracles were in command of inner forces connected with fire and other elements. They may indeed rightly be called magicians. The heritage of supersensible knowledge and supersensible forces which they had preserved from ancient times was feeble, no doubt, compared with what men had been able to attain in the far distant past. Nevertheless, it found expression in a multitude of forms, from noble arts which had in mind only the true weal of man, down to the most abominable practices. The Luciferian nature worked in these men in a peculiar way. It had brought them into connection with all that can divert man from the intentions of those higher Beings who, had Lucifer not intervened, would have had the sole guidance of human evolution. Some of them, who were still gifted with relics of the old clairvoyance that belonged to the condition between waking and sleeping, felt themselves strongly attracted to the lower beings of the spiritual world. A strong spiritual impulse needed to be given to this whole people, to counteract these qualities in their character. From the same fountain-head from which the ancient Indian spiritual life had proceeded, a leader was given them by the Keeper of the secrets of the Sun Oracle.
[ 104 ] The leader, whom the Guardian of the Sun Oracle assigned to the ancient Persian spiritual culture, may be called by the name that is familiar to us in history as Zoroaster or Zarathustra. It must however be emphasized that he belonged to a far earlier time than history attributes to the bearer of the name. Here, as you know, we are not concerned with outer historical research, but with spiritual science. Whoever feels bound to associate the bearer of the name Zarathustra with a later date, will be able to find himself in harmony with what spiritual science tells, when he realizes that he is thinking of a successor of the first great Zarathustra—one who took his name and labored in the spirit of his teaching.
The impulse Zarathustra had to give to his people may be described as follows. He showed them that the world of the physical senses is not void of spirit, as it appears to be when man allows himself to fall exclusively under the influence of the Lucifer Being. To this Being man owes his personal independence and his sense of freedom, but Lucifer has to work in him in harmony with the opposite spiritual Being. For the ancient Persians it was of first importance that they should keep alive their feeling for this opposite spiritual Being. Owing to their inclination to the physical world they were in danger of merging altogether into the Luciferian beings. Now Zarathustra had received form the Guardian of the Sun Oracle an Initiation that made it possible for the revelations of the sublime Beings of the Sun to be vouchsafed him. In special states of consciousness, to which he had been brought by his training, he could behold the Leader of the Sun Beings, who had taken the human life-body under His protection in the way that has been described. He knew that this Being had charge of the spiritual guidance of the evolution of mankind, but that the right time must be awaited before He would be able to descend from cosmic space on to the Earth. To this end it was necessary that He should be able to live in the astral body of a human being, even as He had worked in the life-body since the entry of the Luciferic influence. A human being must appear on Earth who had restored the astral body to a stage of development such as it would have attained, had it not been or Lucifer, at an earlier point of time—namely at the middle of the Atlantean evolution. Had Lucifer not come, man would have attained this stage more quickly, but without personal independence and without the possibility of inner freedom. Now he as to reach it even with the possession of these qualities.
Zarathustra in his moments of vision foresaw that a time would come in man's evolution when there would be a human being possessing an astral body of this kind. He knew also that until that time the spiritual forces of the Sun could not be found on Earth, but that supersensible vision could perceive them within the spiritual realm of the Sun; he himself could behold them when he looked upward to the Sun with the eye of seership. And he proclaimed to his people the nature of these forces which, although in the meantime they are discoverable in the spiritual world alone, are yet destined in the future to descend to Earth. Such was Zarathustra's prophecy of the great Sun Spirit of Spirit of Light (Ahura Mazdao, Ormuzd, the Aura of the Sun.) To Zarathustra and his disciples the Spirit of Light revealed Himself as the Being who from the spiritual world inclines His countenance to man and works within mankind, preparing the future. It was the Spirit revealing the nature of Christ before His appearance upon Earth, whom Zarathustra proclaimed as the Spirit of Light. In Ahriman (Angra mainyu) on the other hand, he described a Power whose influence, if man blindly gives himself up to it, works harmfully upon the life of soul. This Power is none other than the one described above, who had attained particular dominion on the Earth since the betrayal of the Vulcan secrets.
Together with his message of the God of Light, Zarathustra taught also of those spiritual Beings who are revealed to the pure vision of the seer as the companions of the Light-Spirit, in contrast to the tempters who become manifest to the unpurified remnants of the clairvoyance preserved from Atlantean time. For it had to be made clear to the Persian people of that olden time, how in the soul of man, in so far as he directs his energy to doing work in the physical world, a battle is raging between the power of the God of Light and the power of His Opponent; and man had to be shown how he must bear himself, so that the Adversary may not lead him down to the abyss, but on the contrary his evil influence be turned to good by the forces of the God of Light.
[ 105 ] A third civilization-epoch of post Atlantean time was born among people who in the great migrations had eventually come together in Asia Minor and Northern Africa. It evolved among the Chaldeans, Babylonians and Assyrians on the one hand, and among the Egyptians on the other. In these people the feeling for the physical world was developed in still another way than in the ancient Persians. They had received far more than other people of the spiritual predisposition which provides the right foundation for the development of thought, of that gift of intelligence that had begun to manifest in man since later Atlantean times. It is, as we know, the essential task of post-Atlantean mankind to unfold those faculties of soul which can be gained through awakened forces of thought and mind and feeling, forces not stimulated directly by the spiritual world, but arising out of the fact that man observes the world of sense, lives his way into it and works upon it. The conquest of the physical world by his own human faculties must be regarded as the mission of post-Atlantean man. Stage by stage the conquest advances. Even in ancient India the condition of man's soul was already such as to direct his attention to this world; but he still regarded it as illusion, and his spirit inclined towards the supersensible world. The ancient Persian people made the endeavor to conquer this physical world of the senses. To a large extent, however, they still relied on forces of soul that remained to them as heritage from a time when man was able to reach right up into the supersensible world. In the peoples of the third epoch, these supersensible faculties were by then in great measure lost to the soul. Man had now to search out in the world of sense that lay around him the manifestations of the Spiritual and continue his soul's development by discovering and inventing the means of civilization in what this world provides.
As man learned to elicit from the physical world of sense the laws of the Spiritual that underlies it, the sciences came into being; and as he came to recognize and manipulate the forces of this world, arts and crafts arose; man began to have his tools and his technique. To a man of the Chaldean and Babylonian peoples the world of the senses was no longer an illusion. In its various kingdoms, in mountain and ocean, in wind and water, it was a revelation of the spiritual deeds of Powers that were there behind it, whose laws he was studying to apprehend. To the Egyptian, the Earth was a field for his labor, given to him in a condition which it was his task so to transform by his own faculties of intelligence, that it might bear the stamp of man's ascendancy. The sanctuaries which had been transplanted from Atlantis into Egypt came chiefly from the Oracle of Mercury. There were, however, also others—Venus Oracles for instance. Into all that could be nurtured in the Egyptian people from these sacred places, a new seed of civilization was implanted. This was the work of a great leader, who had been trained within the Persian Mysteries of Zarathustra. (He was the reincarnation of a disciple of the great Zarathustra.) We may call him Hermes, taking once more an historic name. What he received form the Zarathustra Mysteries, enabled Hermes to find the right way of giving guidance to the Egyptian people In their life on Earth between birth and death they had been turning their minds towards the physical world so as to recognize in it the laws and workings of the underlying Spirit-world, but their immediate vision of the latter was decidedly restricted. The spiritual world could not therefore be described to them as a world into which they might find their way while living on Earth. In place of this, however, they could be shown how in the body-free condition after death man would be living in the world of Spirit-beings who during his time on Earth appear through their counterparts in the physical and sense-perceptible realm. Hermes taught them: In so far as man employs his forces upon Earth to work in it in accordance with the aims of the Spirit Powers, he fits himself to be united with these Powers after death; and those who between birth and death have worked the most zealously in this direction, will be united with Osiris, even with the sublime Being of the Sun.
On the Chaldean and Babylonian side of this stream of civilization, the inclination of men's minds towards the physical and sensible was stronger than it was on the Egyptian. They investigated the laws of this world; and although they turned their gaze from the sense-perceptible images or prototypes to the spiritual archetypes, these peoples remained in many ways entangled in the world of sense. Instead of the Spirit of the star, the star itself was placed in the foreground; instead of other Spirit-beings, their earthly images or idols. It was only the leaders who attained genuine and deep knowledge of the laws of the supersensible world and of its connection with the sensible. More so than anywhere else did a contrast make itself felt here between the wisdom of the Initiates and the mistaken beliefs of the people.
[ 106 ] Utterly different were the conditions that prevailed in those regions of Southern Europe and Western Asia where the fourth post-Atlantean epoch of civilization grew and blossomed. We may define it as the Graeco-Latin epoch. In these countries, descendants of human beings from the most diverse regions of the more ancient world had come together. Here were Oracle-sanctuaries, successors to the various Atlantean Oracles. Here too were men who inherited as a natural gift fragments of old clairvoyance, and others who by special training could with comparative ease attain the same. At select places not only were the traditions of the old Initiates preserved, but worthy successors to them arose, and the disciples who were trained by these were able to rise to high levels of seership. Moreover these people had in them an impulse to create within the world of sense a realm which should express the spiritual in the physical in perfect form. Among many other things, Greek Art was an outcome of this impulse. We have only to look with the eye of the spirit at a Grecian temple, and we can perceive how in this wonder-work of Art the sense-perceptible material has been so formed and fashioned by man that in its every detail it gives expression to the spiritual. The Grecian temple is a veritable “home of the spirit.” In its forms we behold what can otherwise be apprehended only by the spirit-vision of one who sees the supersensible. A temple of Zeus (or Jupiter) was so formed as to present to the outer eye a visible worthy abode for what the Guardian of the Zeus (or Jupiter) Initiation saw with the eye of the spirit. And it is the same with all the Art of Greece. The wisdom-treasures of the Initiates flowed by mysterious paths into the poets, artists and thinkers. In the cosmologies and philosophic edifices of the Greek thinkers we find again the secrets of the Initiates, in the form of concepts and ideas.
Manifold influences of the spiritual life—secrets of Asiatic and African places of Initiation—found their way into these peoples and their leaders. The great teachers of India, the associates of Zarathustra, the followers of Hermes, had all of them trained up disciples; and these disciples, or their successors, now founded places of Initiation in which the old wisdom-treasures came to life again in a new form. Such were the “Mysteries” of antiquity. Here pupils were prepared, so as to be brought in due time into those states of consciousness where they could attain vision into the spiritual world. (Some details concerning these Mysteries of antiquity will be found in my book Christianity as Mystical Fact. More will also be said about them in later chapters of the present work.) From these centers of Initiation flowed treasures of wisdom to those who in Asia Minor, in Greece and in Italy guarded the spiritual secrets. Within the Grecian world important centers of Initiation arose in the Orphic and Eleusinian Mysteries. In the Pythagorean School of Wisdom the mighty wisdom-teachings and methods of primeval times worked on. Pythagoras himself had in course of his great journeys been initiated into the secrets of the most diverse Mysteries.
[ 107 ] In post-Atlantean time the life of man between birth and death has had its influence also on the body-free condition after death. The more man turned his interest to the physical world, the greater was the possibility for Ahriman to find his way into the soul during earthly life, and then maintain his power over it after death. In the peoples of ancient Indian the danger was as yet very slight. During their life on Earth they had felt the world of the physical senses as an illusion; thereby they withdrew themselves after death from the power of Ahriman. The danger was correspondingly greater for the ancient Persian people, who in the time between birth and death had turned their gaze with interest upon the physical world. They would all too readily have fallen a prey to the snares of Ahriman, had not Zarathustra, with his teaching of the God of Light , impressed it so earnestly upon them that behind the world of the physical senses is the world of the Spirits of Light. According to the measure of what their souls received of the whole world-of-ideas which these teachings were capable of arousing, in such measure did they withdraw themselves from the clutches of Ahriman during earthly life and therewith also for their life after death, in which they would have to prepare themselves for a new life on Earth. In Earthly life the power of Ahriman misleads man into regarding the sense-perceptible, physical existence as the one and only reality, thus shutting himself off entirely from any kind of outlook into a spiritual world. In the spiritual world, Ahriman brings man to complete isolation, leading him to center all his interest upon himself alone. Men who at death are in the power of Ahriman are born again as egoists.
[ 108 ] In the spiritual science of our time, life between death and a new birth can be portrayed, such as it is when Ahriman's influence has to a certain extent been overcome. It has been so described by the present writer in other works, and in the first chapters of this book. And it is important that this should be done, so that man may be shown what he can indeed experience in yonder form of existence if he has gained the clarity of spiritual vision to behold what is actually present there. Whether a given individual experiences more or less, will depend upon how far he can overcome the Ahrimanic influence. Man is gradually approaching more nearly to what he can be in the spiritual world. How this, that he can be, is marred by other influences, must none the less be clearly envisaged when we are studying mankind's evolutionary course.
[ 109 ] Among the Egyptian people Hermes saw to it that men should prepare themselves during earthly life for communion with the Spirit of Light. In that time, however, the interests of men between birth and death were already such that they were able only to a slight extent to look through the veil of the physical. Consequently, the spiritual vision of their souls was apt to remain clouded after death. Their perception of the World of Light was dim.
But the overclouding of the spiritual world after death came to a climax for the souls who passed into the body-free condition out of a body of the Graeco-Latin culture. In earthly life they had cultivated the physical life of the senses so that it blossomed forth under their hands. In so doing they had condemned themselves to a shadow-like existence after death. Hence the Greek felt life after death as an existence of the Shades. It is no empty phrase but a real feeling of the truth when the Hero of that time, devoted to the healthy life of the senses, exclaims: “Better to be a beggar upon Earth than a king in the realm of Shades.” All this was still more marked in those of the Asiatic peoples who had in their very reverence and worship concentrated on the sensual images alone instead of on the spiritual archetypes. Such was indeed the situation of a great part of mankind during the Graeco-Latin epoch. The fact is here brought home to us that man's mission in post-Atlantean time—the conquest of the physical world—could not but lead to his estrangement from the spiritual world—could not but lead to his estrangement from the spiritual world. Thus is greatness on the one hand necessarily bound up with decline upon the other.
Man's connection with the spiritual world was meantime nurtured in the Mysteries. There the Initiates were able to special states of soul to receive revelations from the spiritual world. In greater or less degree, they were successors to the Atlantean Guardians of the Oracles. To them was unveiled what had been veiled by the impulses of Lucifer and Ahriman. Lucifer concealed from man all that of the spiritual world which had, until the middle of the Atlantean time, been pouring into the human astral body without any participation on his part. If the life-body had not been partially separated from the physical, man could have experienced within him this region of the spiritual world as an inner revelation of the soul. Owing to the Luciferian intervention it was only in special states of soul that he could do so. A spiritual world then appeared to him in the garment of the astral. The Beings of this world revealed themselves in forms that possessed the members only of man's higher nature, and made manifest in these, in astrally visible pictures, their several spiritual virtues. Superhuman Beings revealed themselves to man in this way.
After the intervention of Ahriman another kind of Initiation was added. Ahriman had, since the middle of the Atlantean epoch, veiled all that of the spiritual world which would, but for his intervention, have appeared behind the perceptions of the physical senses. This was now unveiled to the Initiates, inasmuch as they practiced in their souls all the faculties man had acquired since that time, beyond the measure needed for bringing about the clear impressions of the physical and sense-perceptible world. It was revealed to them that spiritual Powers underlay the forces of Nature. They could tell of spiritual Beings behind outer Nature. It was given them to behold the divine creative Powers underlying the forces that are at work in the realms of Nature beneath man. All that had worked on from Saturn, Sun and Moon, forming man's physical body, life-body and astral body, as well as the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms of Nature—all this made up the content of one kind of Mystery-secrets. These were the secrets over which Ahriman held his hand. What had led, on the other hand, to the sentient soul, intellectual soul and spiritual soul, was made manifest in a second kind of Mystery-secrets. But there was something of which the Mysteries could only tell prophetically, namely that in the fullness of time a human being would appear with an astral body such that, in spite of Lucifer, the Light-world of the Spirit and the Sun would come to consciousness in him through the life-body, apart from any special states of soul. And the physical body of this human being would be such that for him the realms of the spiritual world which Ahriman is able to conceal until physical death occurs would become manifest. Physical death can alter nothing in this human beings' life, will have no power over it. In such a human being the I shines forth with so strong a radiance that even in his physical life the spiritual comes to full manifestation. Such a being is the bearer of the Spirit of Light, to whom the Initiates had two ways of ascent, in that they were led in special states of soul either to the spirit of the superhuman realm or to the very essence of the powers of external Nature. Inasmuch as they foretold that in course of time such a human being would appear, the Initiates in the Mysteries were prophets of the Christ.
[ 110 ] One particular prophet in this sense arose within a nation who possessed by natural inheritance the qualities of the peoples of Western Asia, and by education the teachings also of the Egyptians. This was the nation of the Israelites, and the prophet to whom we refer was Moses. So abundantly had the influences of Initiation been received by Moses that in certain states of soul the Being revealed himself to him who had undertaken, from the Moon, a long while ago in the normal course of Earth's evolution, the function of shaping human consciousness. In thunder and lightning Moses recognized not mere physical phenomena but the manifestations of this Spirit. And at the same time the other kind of Mysteries had also worked upon his soul. These enabled him to behold in astral visions the Superhuman, and perceive how it becomes the human through the I. Thus He who was to come revealed Himself to Moses from two sides, as the highest form of the I.
[ 111 ] With Christ there appeared in human form and figure what the high Being of the Sun had prepared as the great pattern for humanity on Earth. And with this Appearance, all the wisdom of the Mysteries had in a certain respect to assume a new form. Hitherto this wisdom had existed only to enable man to bring himself into a state of soul where he could behold the realm of the Sun Spirit beyond the confines of Earthly evolution. From now on, the wisdom-contents of the Mysteries had a different mission; they had to make man capable of recognizing Christ-become-Man, and then of learning to understand—from this center of all wisdom—both the natural and the spiritual worlds.
[ 112 ] In the moment of His life when His astral body had within it all that which is capable of being veiled by the Luciferian intervention, Christ Jesus began to come forward as a Teacher of mankind. From this moment on, the possibility was implanted in human evolution of receiving the wisdom whereby the physical goal of Earth can gradually be attained. And in the moment when the Mystery of Golgotha was fulfilled, another faculty was instilled into mankind—the faculty whereby the influence of Ahriman can be turned to good. Out of his lie on Earth man can henceforth take with him through the Gate of Death that which will free him from isolation in the spiritual world. Not only for the physical evolution of mankind is the Event of Palestine the center and focal point; the same is true for the other worlds to which man belongs. When the Mystery of Golgotha had been accomplished, when the Death on the Cross had been suffered, then did the Christ appear in the world where the souls of men sojourn after death, and set limits to the power of Ahriman. And from this moment on, the region which the Greeks had called the “realm of Shades” was shot through by a spiritual lightning-flash announcing to its dwellers that Light was now returning to it again. What was achieved for the physical world through the mystery of Golgotha shed its light also into the spiritual world.
Hitherto the post-Atlantean evolution of mankind had meant for the physical world an ascent—but at the same time a decline for the spiritual world. Everything that flowed into the world of the senses came from sources that had existed in the spiritual world from the most ancient times. Since the Event of Christ, human beings who lift themselves to the Christ Mystery can carry with them into the spiritual world what has been gained here in the world of the senses. And from the spiritual world it flows back again, forasmuch as the human beings, when they reincarnate, bring with them what the Christ Impulse has become for them in the spiritual world between death and new birth.
[ 113 ] All that was conferred upon human evolution through the coming of Christ, has been working in it like a seed. Only by degrees can the seed ripen. Up to the present, no more than the minutest part of the depths of the new wisdom has found its way into physical existence. We are but at the beginning of Christian evolution. In the successive epochs that have elapsed since His appearance, Christian evolution has been able to unveil only so much of its inner essence as men and nations were capable of receiving, capable also of assimilating to their power of understanding. The first form into which this recognition could be case, may be described as an all-embracing ideal of life. As such it showed itself in striking contrast to the forms of life which had evolved in contrast to the forms of life which had evolved in post-Atlanteans humanity. We have described the conditions under which the evolution of mankind had been going forward since the re-population of the Earth in the Lemurian epoch. We saw how the human beings have to be traced back in their soul nature to diverse beings who, coming down from other worlds, incarnated in the bodily descendants of the old Lemurians. The varieties of race are a consequence of this. And when the souls reincarnated, all kinds of different interests arose in them, as an outcome of their Karma. While all this was working itself out, there could not exist for man the ideal of a “universal humanity.” Mankind went forth from unity in the beginning, but Earth evolution hitherto had led to diversity. In the figure of Christ live also the forces of the sublime Being of the Sun, and in these forces every human I will find its source and its foundation. Even the Israelites still felt themselves as a nation, with each man merely as a member of the nation. As man came to understand—to begin with, purely in thought—that in Christ Jesus lives the ideal Man, unaffected by any and every tendency to separation, Christianity became the ideal of universal brotherhood. Beyond all separate interests and kinships there arose the feeling that the inmost Self of man has in every one the same origin. (Beside all earthly ancestors appear the common Father of all men. “I and the Father are One.”)
[ 114 ] In the fourth, fifth and sixth centuries A.D. a new civilization-epoch was preparing in Europe. The actual beginning of it was in the fifteenth century, and we are still living in it now. Intended as it was by slow degrees to replace the fourth, the Graeco-Latin, this is the fifth post-Atlantean epoch. The peoples who after manifold wanderings and destinies came forward as the bearers of this epoch, were descended from those Atlanteans who had been least affected by what had taken place meanwhile in the four preceding epochs. They had not penetrated to the countries where the civilizations of these earlier epochs took root. They had instead transmitted the heritage of Atlantean civilizations in their own way. Among them were many who had preserved in large measure the heritage of the old dim clairvoyance—the intermediate state between waking and sleeping. Such men knew the spiritual world from their own experience and could tell their fellow-men of what goes on there. In this way there arose a world of stories about spiritual beings and events. The fairy-tales and sagas of the peoples came originally from these real experiences in the spirit; for in many human beings the dim clairvoyance lasted on into times by no means remote from the present. Others there were who, though they had lost the old clairvoyance, developed the new faculties in relation to the physical experiences of clairvoyance. And beside all this, the Atlantean Oracles also had their successors here; centers of the Mysteries were to be found on every hand. The Initiation-secret chiefly developed in these centers was of the kind that leads to the revelation of that spiritual world which Ahriman keeps hidden. The spiritual Powers underlying the elemental forces of Nature were revealed. In the mythologies of the European peoples can be found traces of what the Initiates in the Mysteries were able to make known to men. Yet these mythologies also contain the other secret, though in a less perfect form than either the Southern or Eastern Mysteries. The superhuman Beings were known in Europe too; but they were seen in perpetual warfare with the associates of Lucifer. The God of Light was indeed proclaimed, but not in such form and figure as would enable one to say with assurance that He would conquer Lucifer. Nevertheless these Mysteries too were irradiated by the figure of the Christ that was to come. Of Him it was prophesied that His Kingdom would replace the kingdom of that other God of Light. (The sagas that tell of the Twilight of the Gods, and kindred legends, originated in this knowledge of the European Mysteries.)
Influences such as these tended to produce in the man of the fifth civilization-epoch a duality of soul—a duality that has lasted on to this day and shows itself in many ways. From olden time these souls had preserved the leaning towards the spirit, yet not so strongly as to be able to maintain the inner link between the spiritual world and the world of the senses. They cherished the connection only in the devotion of the heart, in the life of feeling—not as an immediate beholding of the Supersensible. Meanwhile man's vision was increasingly directed to the world of the senses and to its conquest. And the forces of intellect awakened towards the close of the Atlantean epoch—all those forces in man, whose instrument is in the physical brain—were developed with this end in view: the understanding and the mastery of the world of the senses. Two worlds have been evolving, as it were, in the human breast.1An allusion to the line in Goethe's Faust: “Two souls, alas, reside within my breast.” The one is devoted to physical and sense-perceptible existence, the other is receptive to the revelations of the Spirit and though lacking direct vision, is ready to permeate the spiritual with feeling and emotion.
The inner tendencies to this duality of soul were already present when the Christ teaching found its way into the countries of Europe. The people received this new message of the Spirit into their hearts and drank it in with deep feeling, but could not build the bridge from it to what the intellect, directed to the senses, was discovering in outer physical existence. What we know today ad the antagonism between external science and spiritual knowledge is nothing but a consequence of this fact. The Christian mysticism of Eckhart, Tauler and others is an outcome of the permeation of heart and feeling with Christianity. The science that is directed solely to the outer world of sense and to the results that follow its application in life, is a consequence of the other tendency that lives in the soul. The achievements of our time in outer material civilization are unquestionably due to this division of tendency. Through being turned in a one-sided way towards the physical, those faculties of man whose instrument is in the brain could be so far enhanced as to make possible the science and technical civilization of today. And it was among the European peoples alone that this material civilization could originate. For they, among all the descendants of the Atlanteans, did not develop into actual faculties the inclination towards the physical world of sense until the inclination had reached maturity. Letting it slumber until then undisturbed, they lived on their inheritance of clairvoyance from Atlantis and on the communications of their Initiates. While outwardly their spiritual culture was devoted entirely to these influences, their aptitude for the material conquest of the world was all the time slowly ripening.
[ 115 ] And now, at the present time, the dawn of the sixth post-Atlantean epoch is already making itself felt. For whatever is to emerge at a certain time in human evolution, will always be slowly maturing in the preceding time. One thing can even now begin to evolve in its initial stages, namely the finding of the thread which will unite the two spheres that claim man's devotion—the material civilization, and life in the spiritual world. To this end it is necessary on the one hand that the results of spiritual seership be received and understood, and on the other, that in man's observations and experiences of the sense-world the revelations of the Spirit be recognized. The sixth civilization-epoch will bring to full development the harmony between the two.
Herewith the studies in this book have reached a point where we may turn from the perspectives of the past to those of the future. But it will be better to precede the latter by a study of the Knowledge of Higher Worlds and of Initiation. Then, after this study and in connection with it, we shall be able to indicate in brief the outlook for the future, in so far as that can be done within the framework of this book.
Die Weltentwicklung und der Mensch
[ 1 ] Es hat sich durch die vorangegangenen Betrachtungen ergeben, dass die Wesenheit des Menschen aus den vier Gliedern sich aufbaut: Physischer Leib, Lebensleib, Astralleib und Ich-Träger. Das «Ich» arbeitet innerhalb der drei andern Glieder und wandelt diese um. Durch solche Umwandlung entstehen auf einer niedrigeren Stufe: Empfindungsseele, Verstandesseele und Bewusstseinsseele. Auf einer höheren Stufe des Menschendaseins bilden sich: Geistselbst, Lebensgeist und Geistesmensch. Diese Glieder der Menschennatur stehen nun in den mannigfaltigsten Verhältnissen zu dem ganzen Weltall. Und ihre Entwicklung hängt mit der Entwicklung dieses Weltalls zusammen. Durch die Betrachtung dieser Entwicklung gewinnt man einen Einblick in die tieferen Geheimnisse dieser menschlichen Wesenheit.
[ 2 ] Es ist klar, dass des Menschen Leben nach den verschiedensten Richtungen hin Beziehungen hat zur Umgebung, zu dem Wohnplatz, auf dem er sich entwickelt. Nun ist schon die äußerliche Wissenschaft durch die ihr gegebenen Tatsachen zu der Ansicht gedrängt worden, dass die Erde selbst, dieser Wohnplatz des Menschen im umfassendsten Sinne, eine Entwicklung durchgemacht hat. Diese Wissenschaft weist auf Zustände im Erdendasein hin, innerhalb welcher ein Mensch in seiner gegenwärtigen Form auf unserem Planeten noch nicht existiert hat. Sie zeigt, wie die Menschheit von einfachen Kulturzuständen herauf sich langsam und allmählich zu den gegenwärtigen Verhältnissen entwickelt hat. Also auch diese Wissenschaft kommt zu der Meinung, dass ein Zusammenhang bestehe zwischen der Entwicklung des Menschen und derjenigen seines Himmelskörpers, der Erde.
[ 3 ] Die Geisteswissenschaft 1Geisteswissenschaft wird hier, wie aus dem Zusammenhang ersichtlich ist, gleichbedeutend mit Geheimwissenschaft, mit übersinnlicher Erkenntnis gebraucht. verfolgt diesen Zusammenhang durch diejenige Erkenntnis, welche ihre Tatsachen aus der durch die geistigen Organe geschärften Wahrnehmung schöpft. Sie verfolgt den Menschen rückwärts in seinem Werdegange. Es zeigt sich ihr, dass das eigentliche innere geistige Wesen des Menschen durch eine Reihe von Leben auf dieser Erde geschritten ist. So aber kommt die Geistesforschung zu einem weit in der Vergangenheit zurückliegenden Zeitpunkte, in dem zum ersten Male dieses innere Menschenwesen in ein äußeres Leben in dem gegenwärtigen Sinne eingetreten ist. In dieser ersten irdischen Verkörperung war es, dass das «Ich» anfing, innerhalb der drei Leiber, Astralleib, Lebensleib, physischer Leib, sich zu betätigen. Und es nahm dann die Früchte dieser Arbeit mit in das folgende Leben hinüber.
[ 4 ] Wenn man in der angedeuteten Art bis zu diesem Zeitpunkte in der Betrachtung rückwärts schreitet, so wird man gewahr, dass das «Ich» einen Erdenzustand vorfindet, innerhalb dessen die drei Leiber, physischer Leib, Lebensleib und Astralleib, schon entwickelt sind und schon einen gewissen Zusammenhang haben. Das «Ich» verbindet sich zum ersten Male mit der Wesenheit, welche aus diesen drei Leibern besteht. Es nimmt von jetzt ab dieses «Ich» an der Weiterentwicklung der drei Leiber teil. Vorher haben sich diese ohne ein solches Menschen-Ich bis zu der Stufe entwickelt, auf welcher sie dieses Ich damals angetroffen hat.
[ 5 ] Die Geisteswissenschaft muss mit ihrer Forschung nun noch weiter zurückgehen, wenn sie die Fragen beantworten will: Wie sind die drei Leiber bis zu einer solchen Stufe der Entwicklung gelangt, auf der sie ein «Ich» in sich aufnehmen konnten, und wie ist dieses Ich selbst geworden und zu der Fähigkeit gelangt, innerhalb dieser Leiber wirken zu können?
[ 6 ] Die Beantwortung dieser Fragen ist nur möglich, wenn man das Werden des Erdenplaneten selbst im geisteswissenschaftlichen Sinne verfolgt. Durch solche Forschung gelangt man an einen Anfang dieses Erdenplaneten. Diejenige Betrachtungsart, welche nur auf die Tatsachen der physischen Sinne baut, kann nicht bis zu Schlussfolgerungen gelangen, die mit diesem Erdenanfang etwas zu tun haben. Eine gewisse Ansicht, die sich solcher Schlussfolgerungen bedient, kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass alles Stoffliche der Erde sich aus einem Urnebel heraus gebildet habe. Es kann nicht die Aufgabe dieser Schrift sein, auf solche Vorstellungen näher einzugehen. Denn für die Geistesforschung handelt es sich darum, nicht bloß die materiellen Vorgänge der Erdentwicklung in Betracht zu ziehen, sondern vor allem die hinter dem Stofflichen liegenden geistigen Ursachen. Wenn man einen Menschen vor sich hat, der eine Hand hebt, so kann dieses Heben der Hand zu zweierlei Betrachtungsweisen anregen. Man kann den Mechanismus des Armes und des andern Organismus untersuchen und den Vorgang so beschreiben wollen, wie er sich rein physisch abspielt. Man kann aber auch den geistigen Blick auf dasjenige lenken, was in der Seele des Menschen vorgeht und was die seelische Veranlassung zum Heben der Hand bildet. In einer ähnlichen Art sieht der durch das geistige Wahrnehmen geschulte Forscher hinter allen Vorgängen der sinnlich-physischen Welt geistige Vorgänge. Für ihn sind alle Umwandlungen in dem Stofflichen des Erdenplaneten Offenbarungen geistiger Kräfte, die hinter dem Stofflichen liegen. Wenn aber solche geistige Beobachtung in dem Leben der Erde immer weiter zurückgeht, so kommt sie an einen Entwicklungspunkt, an dem alles Stoffliche erst anfängt zu sein. Es entwickelt sich dieses Stoffliche aus dem Geistigen heraus. Vorher ist nur Geistiges vorhanden. Man nimmt durch diese geistige Beobachtung das Geistige wahr und sieht, wie in weiterem Verfolg sich dieses Geistige zu dem Stofflichen teilweise gleichsam verdichtet. Man hat einen Vorgang vor sich, der sich — auf einer höheren Stufe — so abspielt, wie wenn man ein Gefäß mit Wasser betrachtet, in dem sich nach und nach durch kunstvoll geleitete Abkühlungen Eisklumpen herausbildeten. Wie man hier aus dem, was vorher durchaus Wasser war, das Eis sich heraus verdichten sieht, so kann man durch geistige Beobachtung verfolgen, wie sich aus einem vorangehenden durchaus Geistigen die stofflichen Dinge, Vorgänge und Wesenheiten gleichsam verdichten. — So hat sich der physische Erdenplanet herausentwickelt aus einem geistigen Weltwesen; und alles, was stofflich mit diesem Erdenplaneten verknüpft ist, hat sich aus solchem herausverdichtet, was mit ihm vorher geistig verbunden war. Man hat sich aber nicht vorzustellen, dass jemals alles Geistige sich in Stoffliches umwandelt; sondern man hat in dem letzteren immer nur umgewandelte Teile des ursprünglichen Geistigen vor sich. Dabei bleibt das Geistige auch während der stofflichen Entwicklungsperiode das eigentlich leitende und führende Prinzip.
[ 7 ] Es ist einleuchtend, dass diejenige Vorstellungsart, welche sich nur an die sinnlich-physischen Vorgänge halten will — und an dasjenige, was der Verstand aus diesen Vorgängen erschließen kann — nichts auszusagen vermag über das in Rede stehende Geistige. Man nehme an, es könne ein Wesen geben, das nur solche Sinne hätte, die Eis wahrnehmen können, nicht aber den feineren Zustand des Wassers, aus dem sich das Eis durch Abkühlung abhebt. Für ein solches Wesen wäre das Wasser nicht vorhanden; und es wäre für dasselbe von dem Wasser erst dann etwas wahrzunehmen, wenn sich Teile desselben zu Eis umgebildet haben. So bleibt für einen Menschen das hinter den Erdenvorgängen liegende Geistige verborgen, wenn er nur das für die physischen Sinne Vorhandene gelten lassen will. Und wenn er von den physischen Tatsachen, die er gegenwärtig wahrnimmt, richtige Schlussfolgerungen sich bildet über frühere Zustände des Erdenplaneten, so kommt ein solcher Mensch eben nur bis zu jenem Entwicklungspunkte, in dem das vorangehende Geistige sich teilweise zu dem Stofflichen verdichtete. Dieses vorangehende Geistige sieht eine solche Betrachtungsweise ebensowenig wie das Geistige, das unsichtbar auch gegenwärtig hinter dem Stofflichen waltet.
[ 8 ] Es kann erst in den letzten Kapiteln dieser Schrift von den Wegen gesprochen werden, auf denen der Mensch sich die Fähigkeit aneignet, in geistiger Wahrnehmung auf die früheren Erdenzustände zurückzublicken, von denen hier die Rede ist. Nur angedeutet soll hier vorläufig werden, dass für die geistige Forschung die Tatsachen auch urferner Vergangenheiten nicht verschwunden sind. Wenn ein Wesen zu einem körperlichen Dasein gelangt, so vergeht mit seinem körperlichen Tode das Stoffliche. Nicht in der gleichen Art «verschwinden» die geistigen Kräfte, welche dieses Körperhafte aus sich herausgetrieben haben. Sie lassen ihre Spuren, ihre genauen Abbilder in der geistigen Grundlage der Welt zurück. Und wer durch die sichtbare Welt hindurch die Wahrnehmung zu dem Unsichtbaren zu erheben vermag, der gelangt endlich dazu, etwas vor sich zu haben, was man mit einem gewaltigen geistigen Panorama vergleichen könnte, in dem alle vergangenen Vorgänge der Welt verzeichnet sind. Man kann diese unvergänglichen Spuren alles Geistigen die «Akasha-Chronik» nennen, indem man als Akasha-Wesenheit das Geistig-Bleibende des Weltgeschehens im Gegensatz zu den vergänglichen Formen des Geschehens bezeichnet. Nun muss auch hier wieder gesagt werden, dass Forschungen auf den übersinnlichen Gebieten des Daseins nur mit Hilfe des geistigen Wahrnehmens, also auf dem hier betrachteten Gebiete nur durch das Lesen der angedeuteten «Akasha-Chronik» angestellt werden können. Dennoch gilt auch hier dasjenige, was für Ähnliches schon an früherer Stelle dieser Schrift gesagt worden ist. Erforscht können die übersinnlichen Tatsachen nur durch die übersinnliche Wahrnehmung werden; sind sie aber erforscht und werden sie von der Wissenschaft des Übersinnlichen mitgeteilt, so können sie eingesehen werden durch das gewöhnliche Denken, wenn dieses nur wirklich unbefangen sein will. Es werden in dem folgenden im Sinne der übersinnlichen Erkenntnis die Entwicklungszustände der Erde mitgeteilt. Es werden die Umwandlungen unseres Planeten verfolgt werden bis zu dem Lebenszustande, in dem dieser gegenwärtig ist. Wenn nun jemand das betrachtet, was er gegenwärtig in bloßer sinnlicher Wahrnehmung vor sich hat, und dann dasjenige in sich aufnimmt, was die übersinnliche Erkenntnis darüber sagt, wie seit urferner Vergangenheit dieses Gegenwärtige sich entwickelt habe, so vermag er bei wahrhaft unbefangenem Denken sich zu sagen: erstens ist es durchaus logisch, was diese Erkenntnis berichtet; zweitens kann ich einsehen, dass die Dinge so geworden sind, wie sie mir eben entgegentreten, wenn ich annehme, dass dies richtig sei, was durch die übersinnliche Forschung mitgeteilt wird. Mit dem «Logischen» ist natürlich in diesem Zusammenhange nicht gemeint, dass innerhalb irgendeiner Darstellung übersinnlicher Forschung nicht Irrtümer in logischer Beziehung enthalten sein könnten. Auch hier soll von dem «Logischen» nur so gesprochen werden, wie man im gewöhnlichen Leben der physischen Welt davon spricht. Wie da die logische Darstellung als Forderung gilt, trotzdem der einzelne Darsteller eines Tatsachengebietes logischen Irrtümern verfallen kann, so ist es auch in der übersinnlichen Forschung. Es kann sogar vorkommen, dass ein Forscher, der auf übersinnlichen Gebieten wahrzunehmen vermag, sich Irrtümern in der logischen Darstellung hingibt, und dass einen solchen dann jemand verbessern kann, der gar nicht übersinnlich wahrnimmt, wohl aber die Fähigkeit eines gesunden Denkens hat. Aber im Wesen kann gegen die in der übersinnlichen Forschung angewandte Logik nichts eingewendet werden. Und gar nicht nötig sollte man haben zu betonen, dass gegen die Tatsachen selbst nichts aus bloß logischen Gründen vorgebracht werden kann. So wie man auf dem Gebiete der physischen Welt niemals logisch beweisen kann, ob es einen Walfisch gibt oder nicht, sondern nur durch den Augenschein, so können auch die übersinnlichen Tatsachen nur durch die geistige Wahrnehmung erkannt werden. — Es kann aber nicht genug betont werden, dass es für den Betrachter der übersinnlichen Gebiete eine Notwendigkeit ist, bevor er in eigenem Wahrnehmen sich den geistigen Welten nähern will, zuerst sich durch die angedeutete Logik eine Ansicht zu verschaffen, und nicht minder dadurch, dass er erkennt, wie die sinnlich-offenbare Welt überall verständlich erscheint, wenn man voraussetzt, die Mitteilungen der Geheimwissenschaft seien richtig. Es bleibt eben alles Erleben in der übersinnlichen Welt ein unsicheres — ja gefährliches — Herumtasten, wenn der geschilderte Vorbereitungsweg verschmäht wird. Deshalb wird in dieser Schrift auch zuerst das Übersinnlich-Tatsächliche der Erdentwicklung mitgeteilt, bevor über den Weg der übersinnlichen Erkenntnis selbst gesprochen wird. — Es kommt ja durchaus auch in Betracht, dass derjenige, welcher sich rein denkend in das hineinfindet, was die übersinnliche Erkenntnis zu sagen hat, keineswegs in derselben Lage ist wie jemand, der sich eine Erzählung anhört über einen physischen Vorgang, den er nicht selbst sehen kann. Denn das reine Denken ist selbst schon eine übersinnliche Betätigung. Es kann als Sinnliches nicht zu übersinnlichen Vorgängen durch sich selbst führen. Wenn man aber dieses Denken auf die übersinnlichen, durch die übersinnliche Anschauung erzählten Vorgänge anwendet, dann wächst es durch sich selbst in die übersinnliche Welt hinein. Und es ist sogar einer der allerbesten Wege, zu eigener Wahrnehmung auf übersinnlichem Gebiete dadurch zu gelangen, dass man durch das Denken über das von der übersinnlichen Erkenntnis Mitgeteilte in die höhere Welt hineinwächst. Ein solches Hineinkommen ist nämlich mit der größten Klarheit verbunden. Deshalb betrachtet auch eine gewisse Richtung geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschung dieses Denken als die gediegenste erste Stufe aller geisteswissenschaftlichen Schulung. — Auch muss es durchaus begreiflich erscheinen, dass in dieser Schrift nicht in bezug auf alle Einzelheiten der im Geiste wahrgenommenen Erdentwicklung darauf hingewiesen wird, wie das Übersinnliche sich in dem Offenbaren bestätigt. Das war auch nicht die Meinung, als gesagt wurde, dass das Verborgene überall in seinen offenbaren Wirkungen nachgewiesen werden kann. Es ist vielmehr dies die Meinung, dass auf Schritt und Tritt alles lichtvoll und begreiflich für den Menschen werden kann, was ihm entgegentritt, wenn er die offenbaren Vorgänge sich in die Beleuchtung rückt, welche ihm durch die Geheimwissenschaft ermöglicht wird. Nur an einzelnen charakteristischen Stellen mag in den folgenden Betrachtungen probeweise auf Bestätigungen des Verborgenen durch das Offenbare verwiesen werden, um zu zeigen, wie man es überall, wo man nur will, im praktischen Verfolg des Lebens machen kann.
[ 9 ] Man kommt im Sinne der obigen geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung durch die Verfolgung der Erdentwicklung nach rückwärts zu einem geistigen Zustand unseres Planeten. Setzt man aber diesen Forschungsweg nach rückwärts weiter fort, dann findet man, dass jenes Geistige vorher bereits in einer Art physischer Verkörperung war. Man trifft also auf einen vergangenen physischen planetarischen Zustand, der sich später vergeistigt und nachher durch abermalige Verstofflichung sich zu unserer Erde umgewandelt hat. Unsere Erde stellt sich somit als die Wiederverkörperung eines uralten Planeten dar. Aber die Geisteswissenschaft kann noch weiter zurückgehen. Und sie findet dann den ganzen Vorgang noch zweimal wiederholt. Unsere Erde hat also drei vorhergehende planetarische Zustände durchgemacht, zwischen denen immer Zwischenzustände der Vergeistigung liegen. Das Physische erweist sich allerdings immer feiner und feiner, je weiter wir die Verkörperung nach rückwärts verfolgen.
[ 10 ] Naheliegend ist der folgenden Darstellung gegenüber der Einwand: Wie kann gesunde Urteilskraft sich einlassen auf die Annahme so unermesslich weit zurückliegender Weltzustände, wie diejenigen sind, von denen hier gesprochen wird? Demgegenüber muss gesagt werden, dass für denjenigen, der verständnisvoll auf das gegenwärtige verborgene Geistige in dem offenbaren Sinnenfälligen hinzublicken vermag, auch die Einsicht in die, wenn auch noch so entfernten früheren Entwicklungszustände nichts Unmögliches darstellen kann. Nur wer für die Gegenwart dieses verborgene Geistige nicht anerkennt, für den verliert das Reden über eine solche Entwicklung, wie sie hier gemeint ist, allen Sinn. Wer es anerkennt, für den ist im Anblick des gegenwärtigen Zustandes der frühere ebenso gegeben, wie im Anblick des fünfzigjährigen Menschen der des einjährigen Kindes. Ja, kann man sagen, aber man hat mit Bezug auf das letztere neben fünfzigjährigen Menschen einjährige Kinder und alle möglichen Zwischenstufen vor sich. Das ist richtig; aber richtig ist es auch für die hier gemeinte Entwicklung des Geistigen. Wer auf diesem Felde zu einem sinngemäßen Urteil kommt, der sieht auch ein, dass in der vollständigen Beobachtung des Gegenwärtigen, die das Geistige mitumschließt, wirklich neben den Stufen des Daseins, die bis zur Entwicklungsvollkommenheit der Gegenwart fortgeschritten sind, auch die Entwicklungszustände der Vergangenheit erhalten geblieben sind, wie neben den fünfzigjährigen Menschen einjährige Kinder vorhanden sind. Man kann innerhalb des Erdengeschehens der Gegenwart das Urgeschehen schauen, wenn man nur die sich unterscheidenden aufeinanderfolgenden Entwicklungszustände auseinanderzuhalten vermag.
[ 11 ] Nun tritt der Mensch in der Gestalt, in welcher er gegenwärtig sich entwickelt, erst auf der vierten der charakterisierten planetarischen Verkörperungen, auf der eigentlichen Erde auf. Und das Wesentliche dieser Gestalt ist, dass der Mensch aus den vier Gliedern zusammengesetzt ist: Physischer Leib, Lebensleib, Astralleib und Ich. Doch hätte diese Gestalt nicht auftreten können, wenn sie nicht durch die vorhergehenden Entwicklungstatsachen vorbereitet worden wäre. Diese Vorbereitung geschah dadurch, dass innerhalb der früheren planetarischen Verkörperung Wesen sich entwickelten, die von den gegenwärtigen vier Menschengliedern drei bereits hatten: den physischen Leib, den Lebensleib und den Astralleib. Diese Wesen, die man in einer gewissen Beziehung die Menschenvorfahren nennen kann, hatten noch kein «Ich», aber sie entwickelten die drei anderen Glieder und deren Zusammenhang so weit, dass sie reif wurden, später das «Ich» aufzunehmen. Somit gelangte der Menschenvorfahr auf der früheren Planeten-Verkörperung bis zu einem gewissen Reifezustand seiner drei Glieder. Dieser Zustand ging in eine Vergeistigung ein. Und aus der Vergeistigung bildete sich dann ein neuer physischer planetarischer Zustand, derjenige der Erde, heraus. In diesem waren, wie als Keime, die gereiften Menschenvorfahren enthalten. Dadurch, dass der ganze Planet durch eine Vergeistigung durchgegangen und in einer neuen Gestalt erschienen ist, bot er den in ihm enthaltenen Keimen mit dem physischen Leib, dem Lebensleib und dem Astralleib nicht nur die Gelegenheit, sich bis zu der Höhe wieder zu entwickeln, auf der sie vorher schon gestanden hatten, sondern auch die andere Möglichkeit: nachdem sie diese Höhe erreicht hatten, über sich hinauszugelangen durch die Aufnahme des «Ich». Die Erdentwicklung zerfällt also in zwei Teile. In einer ersten Periode erscheint die Erde selbst als Wiederverkörperung des früheren planetarischen Zustandes. Dieser Wiederholungszustand ist aber durch die inzwischen eingetretene Vergeistigung ein höherer als derjenige der vorhergehenden Verkörperung. Und die Erde enthält in sich die Keime der Menschenvorfahren vom früheren Planeten. Diese entwickeln sich zunächst bis zu der Höhe, auf der sie schon waren. Wenn sie diese erreicht haben, ist die erste Periode abgeschlossen. Die Erde aber kann jetzt wegen ihrer eigenen höheren Entwicklungsstufe die Keime noch höher bringen, nämlich sie zur Aufnahme des «Ich» befähigen. Die zweite Periode der Erdentwicklung ist diejenige der Ich-Entfaltung im physischen Leibe, Lebens- und Astralleibe.b5Es ist in einzelnen Kapiteln dieses Buches dargestellt worden, wie die Welt des Menschen und er selbst hindurchschreiten durch die Zustände, welche mit den Namen Saturn, Sonne, Mond, Erde, Jupiter, Venus, Vulkan bezeichnet worden sind. Es ist auch angedeutet worden, in welchem Verhältnisse die menschliche Entwicklung zu Himmelskörpern steht, welche neben der Erde vorhanden sind und welche als Saturn, Jupiter, Mars usw. angegeben worden sind. Diese letzteren Himmelskörper machen naturgemäß auch ihre Entwicklung durch. Im gegenwärtigen Zeitraum sind sie auf einer solchen Stufe angekommen, dass sich ihre physischen Teile der Wahrnehmung als dasjenige zeigen, was in der physischen Astronomie Saturn, Jupiter, Mars usw. genannt wird. Wenn nun im geisteswissenschaftlichen Sinne der gegenwärtige Saturn betrachtet wird, so ist er gewissermaßen eine Wiederverkörperung dessen, was der alte Saturn war. Er ist entstanden, weil vor der Trennung der Sonne von der Erde gewisse Wesenheiten vorhanden waren, welche die Trennung nicht mitmachen konnten, weil sie sich so viel von jenen Eigenschaften eingegliedert hatten, welche dem Saturndasein angemessen sind, dass ihr Platz nicht da sein konnte, wo vorzüglich die Sonneneigenschaften entfaltet werden. Der gegenwärtige Jupiter ist aber dadurch entstanden, dass Wesen vorhanden waren, welche Eigenschaften hatten, die erst auf dem künftigen Jupiter der Gesamtentwicklung sich entfalten können. Für sie entstand ein Wohnplatz, in dem sie diese spätere Entwicklung schon vorausnehmen können. So ist der Mars ein Himmelskörper, in dem Wesenheiten wohnen, welche die Mondenentwicklung so durchgemacht haben, dass ihnen ein weiterer Fortschritt auf der Erde nichts geben könnte. Der Mars ist eine Wiederverkörperung des alten Mondes auf einer höheren Stufe. Der gegenwärtige Merkur ist ein Wohnplatz für Wesen, welche der Erdenentwicklung voraus sind, aber gerade dadurch, dass sie gewisse Erdeneigenschaften in einer höheren Art ausgebildet haben, als dies auf der Erde geschehen kann. Die gegenwärtige Venus ist eine prophetische Vorausnahme des künftigen Venuszustandes in einer ähnlichen Art. Aus alledem rechtfertigt sich, wenn die Benennungen der Zustände, welche der Erde vorausgegangen sind und ihr nachfolgen, nach ihren gegenwärtigen Repräsentanten im Weltall gewählt werden. Es ist ganz selbstverständlich, dass gegen das hier Vorgebrachte derjenige wird viel einzuwenden haben, der die Parallelisierung der übersinnlich geschauten Saturn-, Sonnenusw. Zustände mit den gleichbenannten physischen Himmelskörpern dem Urteile des an der äußern Naturbeobachtung herangezogenen Verstandes unterwerfen will. Aber wie es eine Möglichkeit gibt, das Sonnensystem durch die Mittel der mathematischen Vorstellung als Bild des räumlichzeitlichen Geschehens vor die Seele zu stellen, so ist es der übersinnlichen Erkenntnis möglich, das mathematische Bild mit seelischem Inhalte zu durchsetzen. Dann aber gestaltet es sich so, dass die oben angegebene Parallelisierung statthaft wird. Dieses Durchsetzen mit seelischem Inhalte liegt aber auch durchaus in der weiteren Durchführung der streng naturwissenschaftlichen Betrachtungsart. Diese Betrachtungsart beschränkt sich allerdings gegenwärtig noch darauf, ein Wechselverhältnis des Sonnensystems und der Erde nach rein mathematischmechanischen Begriffen zu suchen. Indem sie dieses tut, wird die Naturwissenschaft der Zukunft durch sich selbst zu Vorstellungen getrieben werden, welche das Mechanische zum Seelischen erweitern. Zu zeigen, was durchaus geschehen könnte, dass solche Erweiterung schon auf der Grundlage gegenwärtiger, naturwissenschaftlicher Vorstellungen geschehen sollte, dazu müsste ein eigenes Buch geschrieben werden. Hier kann nur auf das in Betracht Kommende hingedeutet werden, was allerdings zur Folge hat, dass das Angedeutete manchem Missverständnis ausgesetzt werden muss. Geisteswissenschaft stimmt eben oft nur scheinbar mit der Naturwissenschaft nicht überein, weil die letztere Wissenschaft gegenwärtig noch durchaus nicht Vorstellungen bilden will, die nicht nur von der übersinnlichen Erkenntnis, sondern auch von derjenigen in Wahrheit gefordert werden, die sich an das Sinnenfällige hält. Ein unbefangener Betrachter kann in den naturwissenschaftlichen Beobachtungsergebnissen der Gegenwart überall Hinweise auf rein sinnenfällige andere Beobachtungsgebiete sehen, die in Zukunft rein naturwissenschaftlich werden in Angriff zu nehmen sein, und die zeigen werden, dass, was übersinnliches Schauen offenbart, durch Naturbetrachtung voll bestätigt wird, soweit diese übersinnliche Erkenntnis auf solches übersinnliches Weltgeschehen sich bezieht, dem eine sinnenfällige Offenbarung entspricht.
[ 12 ] Wie auf diese Art durch die Erdentwicklung der Mensch um eine Stufe höher gebracht wird, so ist dieses auch schon bei den früheren planetarischen Verkörperungen der Fall gewesen. Denn bereits auf der ersten dieser Verkörperungen war vom Menschen etwas vorhanden. Daher wird Klarheit über die gegenwärtige Menschenwesenheit verbreitet, wenn deren Entwicklung bis in die urferne Vergangenheit der ersten der angeführten Planetenverkörperungen zurück verfolgt wird. — Man kann nun in der übersinnlichen Forschung diese erste Planetenverkörperung den Saturn nennen; die zweite als Sonne bezeichnen; die dritte als Mond; die vierte ist die Erde. Dabei hat man streng festzuhalten, dass diese Bezeichnungen zunächst in keinen Zusammenhang gebracht werden dürfen mit den gleichnamigen, die für die Glieder unseres gegenwärtigen Sonnensystems gebraucht werden. Saturn, Sonne und Mond sollen eben Namen für vergangene Entwicklungsformen sein, welche die Erde durchgemacht hat. Welches Verhältnis diese Welten der Vorzeit zu den Himmelskörpern haben, die das gegenwärtige Sonnensystem bilden, wird sich noch im Laufe der folgenden Betrachtungen zeigen. Es wird dann auch sich zeigen, warum diese Namen gewählt werden.
[ 13 ] Wenn nunmehr die Verhältnisse der vier genannten planetarischen Verkörperungen geschildert werden, so kann das nur ganz skizzenhaft geschehen. Denn die Vorgänge, Wesenheiten und deren Schicksale sind auf Saturn, Sonne und Mond wahrlich eben so mannigfaltig wie auf der Erde selbst. Daher kann nur einzelnes Charakteristische über diese Verhältnisse in der Schilderung hervorgehoben werden, was geeignet ist, zu veranschaulichen, wie sich die Zustände der Erde aus den früheren herausgebildet haben. Man muss dabei auch bedenken, dass diese Zustände den gegenwärtigen immer unähnlicher werden, je weiter man zurückgeht. Und doch kann man sie ja nur dadurch schildern, dass man zur Charakteristik die Vorstellungen benützt, welche den gegenwärtigen Erdenverhältnissen entnommen sind. Wenn also zum Beispiel von Licht, von Wärme oder ähnlichem für diese früheren Zustände gesprochen wird, so darf nicht außer acht gelassen werden, dass damit nicht genau das gemeint ist, was jetzt als Licht und Wärme bezeichnet wird. Und doch ist eine solche Bezeichnungsweise richtig, denn für den Beobachter des Übersinnlichen zeigt sich eben auf den früheren Entwicklungsstufen etwas, woraus in der Gegenwart Licht, Wärme usw. geworden ist. Und derjenige, welcher die also gehaltenen Schilderungen verfolgt, wird aus dem Zusammenhange, in den diese Dinge gestellt sind, gar wohl entnehmen können, welche Vorstellungen zu gewinnen sind, um charakteristische Bilder und Gleichnisse solcher Tatsachen zu haben, welche in urferner Vergangenheit sich abgespielt haben.
[ 14 ] Allerdings wird diese Schwierigkeit sehr bedeutsam für diejenigen planetarischen Zustände, welche der Monden-Verkörperung vorangehen. Während dieser letzteren herrschten nämlich Verhältnisse, die doch noch eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit mit den irdischen aufweisen. Wer eine Schilderung dieser Verhältnisse versucht, der hat an den Ähnlichkeiten mit der Gegenwart gewisse Anhaltspunkte, um die übersinnlich gewonnenen Wahrnehmungen in deutlichen Vorstellungen auszudrücken. Anders liegt die Sache, wenn die Saturn- und die Sonnenentwicklung geschildert werden. Da ist dasjenige, was der hellseherischen Beobachtung vorliegt, im höchsten Grade verschieden von den Gegenständen und Wesenheiten, die gegenwärtig zum Lebenskreise des Menschen gehören. Und diese Verschiedenheit bewirkt, dass es äußerst schwierig überhaupt ist, diese entsprechenden vorzeitlichen Tatsachen in den Bereich des übersinnlichen Bewusstseins zu bringen. Da jedoch die gegenwärtige Menschenwesenheit nicht begriffen werden kann, wenn man nicht bis zu dem Saturn-Zustand zurückgeht, so muss die Schilderung dennoch gegeben werden. Und gewiss wird eine derartige Schilderung derjenige nicht missverstehen können, welcher im Auge behält, dass eine solche Schwierigkeit besteht und dass daher manches, was gesagt wird, mehr eine Andeutung und ein Hinweis auf die entsprechenden Tatsachen sein muss als eine genaue Beschreibung derselben.
[ 15 ] Ein Widerspruch des hier und im folgenden Angegebenen gegenüber dem, was oben auf Seite 146 gesagt ist über das Fortbestehen des Früheren im Gegenwärtigen, könnte allerdings gefunden werden. Man könnte meinen: nirgends sei neben dem gegenwärtigen Erdenzustande ein früherer Saturn-, Sonnen-, Mondenzustand vorhanden, oder gar eine Menschengestaltung, wie sie in diesen Ausführungen, als innerhalb dieser vergangenen Zustände vorhanden, geschildert wird. Gewiss, es laufen nicht neben Erdenmenschen Saturn-, Sonnen- und Mondenmenschen wie neben fünfzigjährigen Personen dreijährige Kinder herum. Aber innerhalb des Erdenmenschen sind die früheren Menschheitszustände übersinnlich wahrnehmbar. Um das zu erkennen, muss man sich nur das auf den Umfang der Lebensverhältnisse ausgedehnte Unterscheidungsvermögen angeeignet haben. Wie neben dem fünfzigjährigen Menschen das dreijährige Kind, so sind neben dem lebenden, wachenden Erdenmenschen der Leichnam, der schlafende Mensch, der träumende Mensch vorhanden. Und wenn sich diese verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen der Menschenwesenheit auch nicht unmittelbar so, wie sie sind, als die verschiedenen Entwicklungsstufen ergeben, so schaut eine sinngemäße Anschauung in jenen Formen doch diese Stufen.
[ 16 ] Von den gegenwärtigen vier Gliedern der menschlichen Wesenheit ist der physische Leib das älteste. Er ist auch dasjenige, welches in seiner Art die größte Vollkommenheit erreicht hat. Und die übersinnliche Forschung zeigt, dass dieses Menschenglied bereits während der Saturnentwicklung vorhanden war. Es wird sich zeigen in dieser Darstellung, dass allerdings die Gestalt, welche dieser physische Leib auf dem Saturn hatte, etwas durchaus Verschiedenes von dem gegenwärtigen physischen Menschenleibe war. Dieser irdische physische Menschenleib kann in seiner Natur nur dadurch bestehen, dass er in Zusammenhang steht mit Lebensleib, Astralleib und Ich in der Art, wie dies in den vorangegangenen Teilen dieser Schrift geschildert worden ist. Ein derartiger Zusammenhang war auf dem Saturn noch nicht vorhanden. Damals machte der physische Leib seine erste Entwicklungsstufe durch, ohne dass ihm ein menschlicher Lebensleib, ein Astralleib oder ein Ich eingegliedert waren. Er reifte während der Saturnentwicklung erst dazu heran, einen Lebensleib aufzunehmen. Dazu musste sich der Saturn erst vergeistigen und sich dann als Sonne wiederverkörpern. Innerhalb der Sonnenverkörperung entfaltete sich wieder, wie aus einem gebliebenen Keime, das, wozu der physische Leib auf dem Saturn geworden war; und da erst konnte er sich durchdringen mit einem Ätherleib. Durch diese Eingliederung eines Ätherleibes verwandele der physische Leib seine Art; er wurde auf eine zweite Stufe der Vollkommenheit gehoben. Ein Ähnliches ereignete sich während der Mondenentwicklung. Der Menschenvorfahr, wie er von der Sonne zum Monde sich herüberentwickelt hat, gliederte sich da den Astralleib ein. Dadurch wurde der physische Leib ein drittes Mal verwandelt, also auf die dritte Stufe seiner Vollkommenheit heraufgehoben. Der Lebensleib wurde dabei ebenfalls verwandelt; er stand nunmehr auf der zweiten Stufe seiner Vollkommenheit. Auf der Erde wurde dem aus physischem Leib, Lebensleib und Astralleib bestehenden Menschenvorfahr das Ich eingegliedert. Dadurch erreichte der physische Leib seinen vierten Vollkommenheitsgrad, der Lebensleib den dritten, der Astralleib den zweiten; das Ich steht erst auf der ersten Stufe seines Daseins.
[ 17 ] Es wird, wenn man sich einer unbefangenen Betrachtung des Menschen hingibt, keine Schwierigkeiten machen, sich diese verschiedenen Vollkommenheitsgrade der einzelnen Glieder richtig vorzustellen. Man braucht nur den physischen Leib mit dem astralischen in dieser Beziehung zu vergleichen. Gewiss steht der Astralleib als seelisches Glied auf einer höheren Stufe der Entwicklung als der physische. Und wenn der erstere in der Zukunft sich vervollkommnet haben wird, so wird er für die Gesamtwesenheit des Menschen sehr viel mehr zu bedeuten haben, als der gegenwärtige physische Leib. Doch in seiner Art ist dieser auf einer gewissen Höhenstufe angelangt. Man bedenke den im Sinne größter Weisheit eingerichteten Bau des Herzens, den Wunderbau des Gehirns usw., ja selbst eines einzelnen Knochenteiles, zum Beispiel des oberen Endes eines Oberschenkels. Man findet in diesem Knochenende ein gesetzmäßig gegliedertes Netz- oder Gerüstwerk, aus feinen Stäbchen angeordnet. Das Ganze ist so gefügt, dass mit der Aufwendung der geringsten Materialmenge die günstigste Wirkung an den Gelenkflächen, zum Beispiel die zweckmäßigste Verteilung der Reibung und damit eine richtige Art von Beweglichkeit erzielt wird. So findet man weisheitsvolle Einrichtungen in den Teilen des physischen Leibes. Und wer dazu weiter beachtet die Harmonie im Zusammenwirken der Teile zum Ganzen, der wird gewiss richtig finden, wenn von einer Vollkommenheit dieses Gliedes der menschlichen Wesenheit in seiner Art gesprochen wird. Es kommt daneben nicht in Betracht, dass an gewissen Teilen unzweckmäßig Erscheinendes auftritt oder dass Störungen in dem Bau und den Verrichtungen eintreten können. Man wird sogar finden können, dass solche Störungen in gewisser Beziehung nur die notwendigen Schattenseiten des weisheitsvollen Lichtes sind, das über den ganzen physischen Organismus ausgegossen ist. Und nun vergleiche man damit den Astralleib als den Träger von Lust und Leid, von Begierden und Leidenschaften. Welche Unsicherheit herrscht in ihm in bezug auf Lust und Leid, welche dem höheren Menschenziele zuwiderlaufenden, oft sinnlosen Begierden und Leidenschaften spielen sich da ab. Der Astralleib ist eben erst auf dem Wege, die Harmonie und innere Geschlossenheit zu erlangen, die man im physischen Leibe schon antrifft. Ebenso könnte gezeigt werden, dass sich der Ätherleib zwar vollkommener in seiner Art zeigt als der Astralleib, aber unvollkommener als der physische. Und nicht weniger wird sich einer entsprechenden Betrachtung ergeben, dass der eigentliche Kern der menschlichen Wesenheit, das «Ich», gegenwärtig erst im Anfange der Entwicklungen steht. Denn wieviel hat dieses Ich bereits erreicht von seiner Aufgabe, die andern Glieder der menschlichen Wesenheit so umzuwandeln, dass sie eine Offenbarung seiner eigenen Natur seien? — Was sich auf diese Art schon bei einer äußerlichen Beobachtung ergibt, das wird für den Kenner der Geisteswissenschaft noch durch etwas anderes verschärft. Man könnte sich darauf berufen, dass der physische Leib von Krankheiten befallen wird. Die Geisteswissenschaft ist nun in der Lage zu zeigen, dass ein großer Teil aller Krankheiten davon herrührt, dass die Verkehrtheiten, die Verirrungen im astralischen Leibe sich auf den Ätherleib fortpflanzen und auf dem Umwege durch den letztem die an sich vollkommene Harmonie des physischen Leibes zerstören. Der tiefere Zusammenhang, auf den hier nur hingedeutet werden kann, und der wahrhaftige Grund vieler Krankheitsvorgänge entziehen sich nämlich derjenigen wissenschaftlichen Betrachtung, die sich nur auf die physisch-sinnlichen Tatsachen beschränken will. Es ergibt sich dieser Zusammenhang in den meisten Fällen so, dass eine Schädigung des Astralleibes krankhafte Erscheinungen des physischen Leibes nicht in demselben Lebenslauf nach sich zieht, in dem die Schädigung geschehen ist, sondern erst in einem folgenden. Daher haben die Gesetze, die hier in Betracht kommen, nur für denjenigen eine Bedeutung, welcher die Wiederholung des Menschenlebens anerkennen kann. Aber selbst, wenn man von solchen tiefergehenden Erkenntnissen nichts wissen wollte, so ergibt doch auch die gewöhnliche Lebensbetrachtung, dass der Mensch sich nur allzuvielen Genüssen und Begierden hingibt, welche die Harmonie des physischen Leibes untergraben. Und Genuss, Begierde, Leidenschaft usw. haben nicht ihren Sitz im physischen, sondern im astralischen Leibe. Dieser letztere ist in vieler Beziehung eben noch so unvollkommen, dass er die Vollkommenheit des physischen Leibes zerstören kann. — Auch hier sei darauf hingewiesen, dass mit solchen Auseinandersetzungen nicht etwa die Aussagen der Geisteswissenschaft über die Entwicklung der vier Glieder der menschlichen Wesenheit bewiesen werden sollen. Die Beweise werden aus der geistigen Forschung entnommen, die zeigt, dass der physische Leib eine viermalige Umwandlung zu höheren Vollkommenheitsgraden hinter sich hat, und die andern Glieder des Menschen in der geschilderten Weise weniger. Es sollte hier eben nur angedeutet werden, dass sich diese Mitteilungen der geistigen Forschung auf Tatsachen beziehen, die sich in ihren Wirkungen an den auch äußerlich zu beobachtenden Vollkommenheitsgraden von physischem Leib, Lebensleib usw. zeigen.
[ 18 ] Will man sich eine bildhafte, an die Wirklichkeit sich annähernde Vorstellung von den Verhältnissen während der Saturnentwicklung machen, so muss man in Betracht ziehen, dass während derselben — im wesentlichen — von den Dingen und Geschöpfen, die gegenwärtig zur Erde gehören und welche man dem Mineral-, Pflanzen- und Tierreich zuzählt, noch nichts vorhanden war. Die Wesen dieser drei Reiche haben sich erst in späteren Entwicklungsperiode gebildet. Von den heute physisch wahrnehmbaren Erdenwesen war nur der Mensch damals vorhanden, und von ihm nur der physische Leib in der geschilderten Art. Nun aber gehören auch gegenwärtig zur Erde nicht nur die Wesen des Mineral-, Tier-, Pflanzen- und Menschenreiches, sondern auch andere Wesen, die sich nicht in einer physischen Körperlichkeit kundgeben. Solche Wesenheiten waren auch in der Saturnentwicklung gegenwärtig. Und ihre Tätigkeit auf dem Schauplatze des Saturn hatte zur Folge die spätere Entwicklung des Menschen.
[ 19 ] Richtet man die geistigen Wahmehmungsorgane zunächst nicht auf Anfang und Ende, sondern auf die mittlere Entwicklungsperiode dieser Saturn — Verkörperung, so zeigt sich in derselben ein Zustand, welcher, der Hauptsache nach, nur aus «Wärme» besteht. Nichts von gasförmigen, nichts von flüssigen oder gar von festen Bestandteilen ist zu finden. Alle diese Zustände treten erst in späteren Verkörperungen auf. Man nehme an, ein Menschenwesen mit den gegenwärtigen Sinnesorganen würde sich diesem Saturnzustande als Beobachter nähern. Nichts von all den Sinneseindrücken, die es haben kann, würde ihm da entgegentreten, außer der Wärmeempfindung. Angenommen, ein solches Wesen würde sich diesem Saturn nähern. Es würde nur wahrnehmen, wenn es in den von ihm eingenommenen Raumteil gelangt, dass dieser einen andern Wärmezustand hat als die übrige räumliche Umgebung. Aber es würde diesen Raumteil nicht etwa gleichmäßig warm finden, sondern in der allermannigfaltigsten Weise würden wärmere und kältere Partien abwechseln wechseln. Nach gewissen Linien hin würde strahlende Wärme wahrgenommen werden. Und nicht etwa, dass sich solche Linien nur gerade hinzögen, sondern durch die Wärmeunterschiede werden unregelmäßige Formen gebildet. Man hätte etwas vor sich, wie ein in sich gegliedertes, in wechselnden Zuständen erscheinendes Weltenwesen, das nur in Wärme besteht.
[ 20 ] Es muss für den Menschen der Gegenwart Schwierigkeiten machen, sich etwas vorzustellen, was nur in Wärme besteht, da er gewohnt ist, die Wärme nicht als etwas für sich zu erkennen, sondern sie nur an warmen oder kalten gasförmigen, flüssigen oder festen Körpern wahrzunehmen. Insbesondere dem, welcher die physikalischen Vorstellungen unserer Zeit sich angeeignet hat, wird ein Sprechen von «Wärme» in obiger Art als unsinnig erscheinen. Ein solcher wird vielleicht sagen: es gibt feste, flüssige und gasförmige Körper; Wärme bezeichnet aber nur einen Zustand, in dem eine dieser drei Körperformen ist. Wenn die kleinsten Teile eines Gases in Bewegung sind, so wird diese Bewegung als Wärme wahrgenommen. Wo kein Gas ist, kann keine solche Bewegung, also auch keine Wärme sein. — Für den geisteswissenschaftlichen Forscher stellt sich die Sache anders. Ihm ist die Wärme etwas, wovon er in gleichem Sinne spricht wie von Gas, von Flüssigkeit oder von festem Körper. Sie ist ihm nur eine noch feinere Substanz als ein Gas. Und dieses letztere ist ihm nichts anderes als verdichtete Wärme in dem Sinne, wie die Flüssigkeit verdichteter Dampf ist oder der feste Körper verdichtete Flüssigkeit. So spricht der Geisteswissenschafter von Wärmekörpern, wie er von gas- und dampfförmigen Körpern spricht. — Es ist nur notwendig zuzugeben, dass es seelisches Wahrnehmen gibt, wenn man auf diesem Gebiete dem Geistesforscher folgen will. In der für physische Sinne gegebenen Welt stellt sich die Wärme durchaus als Zustand des Festen, Flüssigen oder Gasförmigen dar; aber dieser Zustand ist eben nur die Außenseite der Wärme oder auch ihre Wirkung. Die Physiker sprechen nur von dieser Wirkung der Wärme, nicht von deren innerer Natur. Man versuche es einmal, ganz abzusehen von aller Wärmewirkung, die man empfängt durch äußere Körper, und sich lediglich das innere Erlebnis zu vergegenwärtigen, das man hat bei den Worten: «ich fühle mich warm», «ich fühle mich kalt». Dieses innere Erlebnis vermag allein eine Vorstellung von dem zu geben, was der Saturn war in der oben geschilderten Periode seiner Entwicklung. Man hätte den Raumteil, den er eingenommen hat, ganz durchlaufen können: kein Gas wäre dagewesen, das irgendeinen Druck ausgeübt hätte, kein fester oder flüssiger Körper, von dem man hätte irgendeinen Lichteindruck erhalten können. Aber an jedem Punkte des Raumes hätte man, ohne Eindruck von außen, innerlich gefühlt: hier ist dieser oder jener Wärmegrad.
[ 21 ] In einem Weltenkörper von solcher Beschaffenheit sind keine Bedingungen für die tierischen, pflanzlichen und mineralischen Wesen unserer Gegenwart. (Es ist deshalb wohl kaum nötig zu bemerken, dass das oben Gesagte tatsächlich niemals stattfinden könnte. Ein gegenwärtiger Mensch kann sich als solcher dem alten Saturn nicht als Beobachter gegenüberstellen. Die Auseinandersetzung sollte nur der Verdeutlichung dienen.) Die Wesenheiten, deren sich das übersinnliche Erkennen bei der Betrachtung des Saturn bewusst wird, waren auf einer ganz anderen Entwicklungsstufe als die gegenwärtigen, sinnlich wahrnehmbaren Erdenwesen. Da stellen sich vor dieses Erkennen zunächst Wesen hin, welche einen physischen Leib nicht hatten wie der gegenwärtige Mensch. Man muss sich nun auch hüten, an die gegenwärtige physische Körperlichkeit des Menschen zu denken, wenn hier von «physischem Leibe» die Rede ist. Man muss vielmehr sorgfältig unterscheiden zwischen physischem Leib und mineralischem Leib. Ein physischer Leib ist derjenige, welcher von den physischen Gesetzen beherrscht wird, die man gegenwärtig in dem Mineralreiche beobachtet. Der gegenwärtige physische Menschenleib ist nun nicht bloß von solchen physischen Gesetzen beherrscht, sondern er ist außerdem noch durchsetzt von mineralischem Stoffe. Von einem solchen physisch-mineralischen Leib kann auf dem Saturn noch nicht die Rede sein. Da gibt es nur eine physische Körperlichkeit, die von physischen Gesetzen beherrscht ist; aber diese physischen Gesetze äußern sich nur durch Wärmewirkungen. Also der physische Körper ist ein feiner, dünner, ätherischer Wärmekörper. Und aus solchen Wärmekörpern besteht der ganze Saturn. Diese Wärmekörper sind die erste Anlage des gegenwärtigen physisch-mineralischen Menschenleibes. Dieser hat sich aus jenem dadurch gebildet, dass dem ersteren sich die später erst gebildeten gasförmigen, flüssigen und festen Stoffe eingegliedert haben. Unter den Wesen, die sich vor das übersinnliche Bewusstsein in dem Augenblicke hinstellen, in dem dieses Bewusstsein den Saturnzustand vor sich hat, und von denen man als Saturnbewohner außer dem Menschen reden kann, sind zum Beispiel solche, welche einen physischen Leib überhaupt nicht nötig hatten. Das unterste Glied ihrer Wesenheit war ein Ätherleib. Sie hatten dafür auch ein Glied über die menschlichen Wesensglieder hinaus. Der Mensch hat als höchstes Glied den Geistesmenschen. Diese Wesen haben noch ein höheres. Und zwischen Ätherleib und Geistesmenschen haben sie alle in dieser Schrift geschilderten Glieder, welche sich auch beim Menschen finden: Astralleib, Ich, Geistselbst und Lebensgeist. Wie unsere Erde von einem Luftkreis umgeben ist, so war es auch der Saturn; nur war bei ihm dieser «Luftkreis» geistiger Art. 2Eine ganz genaue Sprechweise müsste, um das innere Erleben bei der Geistesforschung exakt auszudrücken, statt «der Saturn war von einem Luftkreis umgeben» sagen: «Indem das übersinnliche Erkennen sich des Saturn bewusst wird, stellt sich vor dieses Bewusstsein auch ein Luftkreis des Saturn» oder «stellen sich andere, so oder so geartete Wesen». Die Umsetzung in die Redewendung: «dies oder das ist da» muss gestattet sein, denn im Grunde findet dieselbe Umsetzung auch in der Ausgestaltung des Sprachgebrauchs für das wirkliche Seelenerlebnis bei der sinnenfälligen Wahrnehmung statt, aber man wird gegenüber der folgenden Darstellung sich dieses gegenwärtig halten müssen. Ei ist ja auch schon aus dem Zusammenhang der Darstellung gegeben. Er bestand eigentlich aus den eben genannten und noch andern Wesenheiten. Es gab nun eine fortwährende Wechselwirkung zwischen den Wärmekörpern des Saturn und den charakterisierten Wesen. Diese senkten ihre Wesensglieder in die physischen Wärmeleiber des Saturn hinein. Und während in diesen Wärmeleibern selbst kein Leben war, drückte sich das Leben ihrer Umwohner in ihnen aus. Man könnte sie mit Spiegeln vergleichen; nur spiegelten sich aus ihnen nicht die Bilder der genannten Lebewesen, sondern deren Lebenszustände. Im Saturn selbst hätte man also nichts Lebendiges entdecken können; doch wirkte er belebend auf seine Umgebung des Himmelsraumes, da er in diese wie ein Echo das ihm zugesandte Leben zurückstrahlte. Der ganze Saturn erschien wie ein Spiegel des Himmelslebens. Sehr hohe Wesenheiten, deren Leben der Saturn zurückstrahlt, mögen «Geister der Weisheit» genannt werden. (In der christlichen Geisteswissenschaft führen sie den Namen «Kyriotetes», das ist «Herrschaften».) Ihre Tätigkeit auf dem Saturn beginnt nicht erst mit der geschilderten mittleren Epoche von dessen Entwicklung. Sie ist in einer gewissen Weise sogar da schon abgeschlossen. Bevor sie dazu kommen konnten, aus den Wärmekörpern des Saturn sich der Spiegelung ihres eigenen Lebens bewusst zu werden, mussten sie diese Wärmekörper erst dazu bringen, diese Spiegelung bewirken zu können. Deshalb setzte ihre Tätigkeit bald nach dem Beginn der Saturnentwicklung ein. Als dies geschah, war die Saturnkörperlichkeit noch ungeordnete Stofflichkeit, die nichts hätte spiegeln können. — Und indem man diese ungeordnete Stofflichkeit betrachtet, hat man sich durch die geistige Beobachtung an den Anfang der Saturnentwicklung versetzt. Das, was da zu beobachten ist, das trägt nun noch gar nicht den späteren Wärmecharakter. Man kann, wenn man es charakterisieren will, nur von einer Eigenschaft sprechen, welche sich vergleichen lässt mit dem menschlichen Willen. Es ist durch und durch nichts als Wille. Man hat es also da mit einem ganz seelischen Zustande zu tun. Soll man verfolgen, woher dieser «Wille» kam, so sieht man ihn entstehen durch den Ausfluss erhabener Wesen, die ihre Entwicklung in nur zu erahnenden Stufen bis zu der Höhe gebracht haben, dass sie, als die Saturnentwicklung begann, aus ihrem eigenen Wesen den «Willen» ausströmen konnten. Nachdem diese Ausströmung eine Zeitlang gedauert hatte, verbindet sich mit dem Willen die Tätigkeit der oben charakterisierten «Geister der Weisheit». Dadurch erhält allmählich der vorher ganz eigenschaftslose Wille die Eigenschaft, Leben in den Himmelsraum zurückzustrahlen. — Man kann die Wesen, welche ihre Seligkeit darin empfinden, im Beginne der Saturnentwicklung Willen auszuströmen, die «Geister des Willens» nennen. (In der christlichen esoterischen Wissenschaft werden sie «Throne» genannt.) Nachdem durch das Zusammenwirken des Willens und des Lebens eine gewisse Stufe der Saturnentwicklung erreicht ist, setzt die Wirkung anderer Wesen ein, welche sich ebenfalls im Umkreise des Saturn befinden. Man kann sie die «Geister der Bewegung» nennen. (Christlich: «Dynameis», «Mächte».) Sie haben keinen physischen und keinen Lebensleib. Ihr niedrigstes Glied ist der Astralleib. Wenn die Saturnkörper die Fähigkeit erlangt haben, das Leben zu spiegeln, so vermag sich dieses zurückgestrahlte Leben zu durchdringen mit den Eigenschaften, welche in den Astralleibern der «Geister der Bewegung» ihren Sitz haben. Die Folge davon ist, dass es so erscheint, als ob Empfindungsäußerungen, Gefühle und ähnliche seelische Kräfte von dem Saturn in den Himmelsraum hinausgeschleudert würden. Der ganze Saturn erscheint wie ein beseeltes Wesen, das Sympathien und Antipathien kundgibt. Es sind aber diese seelischen Äußerungen keineswegs seine eigenen, sondern nur die zurückgeschleuderten seelischen Wirkungen der «Geister der Bewegung». — Hat auch dieses eine gewisse Epoche hindurch gedauert, so beginnt die Tätigkeit weiterer Wesen, welche «Geister der Form» genannt seien. Auch deren unterstes Glied ist ein Astralleib. Doch steht dieser auf einer andern Stufe der Entwicklung als derjenige der «Geister der Bewegung». Während diese dem zurückgestrahlten Leben nur allgemeine Empfindungsäußerungen mitteilen, wirkt der Astralleib der «Geister der Form» (christlich: «Exusiai», «Gewalten») so, dass die Empfindungsäußerungen wie von einzelnen Wesen in den Weltenraum hinausgeschleudert werden. Man könnte sagen, die «Geister der Bewegung» lassen den Saturn im ganzen wie ein beseeltes Wesen erscheinen. Die «Geister der Form» teilen dieses Leben in einzelne Lebewesen ab, so dass er jetzt wie eine Zusammenfügung solcher Seelenwesen erscheint. — Man stelle sich, um ein Bild zu haben, eine Maulbeere oder eine Brombeere vor, wie diese aus einzelnen Beerchen zusammengefügt ist. So ist der Saturn für den übersinnlich Erkennenden in der geschilderten Entwicklungsepoche zusammengefügt aus einzelnen Saturnwesen, die allerdings nicht Eigenleben und nicht Eigenseele haben, sondern Leben und Seele ihrer Bewohner zurückstrahlen. — In diesen Saturnzustand greifen nun Wesen ein, die ebenfalls zu ihrem untersten Gliede den Astralleib haben, die aber diesen auf eine solche Stufe der Entwicklung gebracht haben, dass er wirkt wie ein gegenwärtiges menschliches «Ich». Durch diese Wesen blickt das «Ich» aus der Umgebung des Saturn auf diesen nieder. Und es teilt seine Natur den Einzel-Lebewesen des Saturn mit. So wird etwas vom Saturn in den Weltenraum hinausgeschickt, das so erscheint wie die Wirkung der menschlichen Persönlichkeit in dem gegenwärtigen Lebenskreise. Die Wesen, welche solches bewirken, seien «Geister der Persönlichkeit» genannt (christlich: «Archai», «Urbeginne»). Sie erteilen den Saturnkörperteilchen das Ansehen des Persönlichkeitscharakters. Doch ist eben nicht auf dem Saturn selbst die Persönlichkeit vorhanden, sondern nur gleichsam deren Spiegelbild, die Schale der Persönlichkeit. Ihre wirkliche Persönlichkeit haben die «Geister der Persönlichkeit» im Umkreise des Saturn. Eben dadurch, dass diese «Geister der Persönlichkeit» in der geschilderten Art ihr Wesen zurückstrahlen lassen von den Saturnkörpern, wird diesen jene feine Stofflichkeit erteilt, welche vorhin als die «Wärme» geschildert worden ist. — Es ist im ganzen Saturn keine Innerlichkeit; aber die «Geister der Persönlichkeit» erkennen das Bild ihrer eigenen Innerlichkeit, indem es ihnen als Wärme vom Saturn aus zuströmt.
[ 22 ] Wenn alles das eintritt, stehen die «Geister der Persönlichkeit» auf der Stufe, auf welcher der Mensch gegenwärtig steht. Sie machen da ihre Menschheitsepoche durch. Will man auf diese Tatsache mit unbefangenem Auge blicken, so muss man sich vorstellen, dass ein Wesen «Mensch» sein kann nicht bloß in der Gestalt, welche der Mensch gegenwärtig hat. Die «Geister der Persönlichkeit» sind «Menschen» auf dem Saturn. Sie haben als unterstes Glied nicht den physischen Leib, sondern den Astralleib mit dem Ich. Daher können sie die Erlebnisse dieses Astralleibes nicht in einem solchen physischen Leibe und Ätherleibe ausdrücken wie der gegenwärtige Mensch; aber sie haben nicht nur ein «Ich», sondern wissen auch davon, weil ihnen die Wärme des Saturn dieses «Ich» rückstrahlend zum Bewusstsein bringt. Sie sind eben «Menschen» unter anderen als den Erdenverhältnissen.
[ 23 ] Im weiteren Verlauf folgen in der Saturnentwicklung Tatsachen von anderer Art, als die bisherigen waren. Während bisher alles Spiegelung äußeren Lebens und Empfindens war, beginnt nunmehr eine Art Innenleben. In der Saturnwelt beginnt ein da und dort aufflackerndes und sich wieder abdunkelndes Lichtleben. Zitterndes Flimmern an diesen oder jenen Stellen, etwas wie zuckende Blitze an anderen, tritt auf. Die Saturnwärmekörper beginnen zu flimmern, zu glänzen, ja zu strahlen. Dadurch, dass diese Stufe der Entwicklung erreicht ist, ergibt sich wieder für gewisse Wesenheiten die Möglichkeit, eine Tätigkeit zu entfalten. Es sind dies diejenigen, welche als «Feuergeister» bezeichnet werden können (Christlich: «Archangeloi», «Erzengel»). Diese Wesenheiten haben zwar einen Astralleib, aber sie können auf der gekennzeichneten Stufe ihres Daseins dem eigenen Astralleibe keine Anregungen geben; sie würden kein Gefühl, keine Empfindung erregen können, wenn sie nicht auf die zur geschilderten Saturnstufe gelangten Wärmekörper wirken könnten. Diese Wirkung gibt ihnen die Möglichkeit, ihr eigenes Dasein an der Wirkung zu erkennen, die sie üben. Sie können nicht zu sich sagen: «Ich bin da», sondern etwa: «Meine Umgebung lässt mich da sein.» Sie nehmen wahr, und zwar bestehen ihre Wahrnehmungen in den geschilderten Lichtwirkungen auf dem Saturn. Diese sind in einer gewissen Art ihr «Ich». Das verleiht ihnen eine besondere Art des Bewusstseins. Man kann dies als Bilderbewusstsein bezeichnen. Es kann vorgestellt werden von der Art des menschlichen Traumbewusstseins; nur dass man sich den Grad der Lebhaftigkeit sehr viel größer zu denken hat als beim menschlichen Träumen und dass man es nicht mit wesenlos auf- und abwogenden Traumbildern zu tun hat, sondern mit solchen, welche in einem wirklichen Verhältnisse zu dem Lichtspiel des Saturn stehen. — In diesem Wechselspiel zwischen den Feuergeistern und den Saturnwärmekörpern werden die Keime der menschlichen Sinnesorgane der Entwicklung einverleibt. Die Organe, durch welche der Mensch gegenwärtig die physische Welt wahrnimmt, leuchten auf in ihren ersten feinen ätherischen Anlagen. Menschen-Phantome, welche an sich noch nichts anderes zeigen als die Licht-Urbilder der Sinnesorgane, werden innerhalb des Saturn dem hellseherischen Wahrnehmungsvermögen erkennbar. — Diese Sinnesorgane sind also die Frucht der Tätigkeit der Feuergeister; aber es sind an deren Zustandekommen nicht nur diese Geister beteiligt. Zugleich mit diesen Feuergeistern treten andere Wesen auf dem Schauplatz des Saturn auf. Wesen, welche in ihrer Entwicklung so weit sind, dass sie sich jener Sinneskeime bedienen können zum Anschauen der Weltvorgänge im Saturnleben. Es sind Wesen, die als «Geister der Liebe» (christlich: «Seraphim») gelten können. Wären sie nicht da, so könnten die Feuergeister nicht das oben geschilderte Bewusstsein haben. Sie schauen die Saturnvorgänge mit einem Bewusstsein an, das es ihnen ermöglicht, diese als Bilder auf die Feuergeister zu übertragen. Sie selbst verzichten auf alle Vorteile, welche sie durch das Anschauen der Saturnvorgänge haben könnten, auf jeden Genus, jede Freude; sie geben das alles hin, damit die Feuergeister es haben können.
[ 24 ] Diesen Geschehnissen folgt eine neue Periode des Saturndaseins. Zu dem Lichtspiel kommt ein anderes. Es kann für viele wie Wahnwitz erscheinen, wenn ausgesprochen wird, was sich da dem übersinnlichen Erkennen darbietet. Innerlich im Saturn ist es wie durcheinanderwogende Geschmacksempfindungen. Süß, bitter, sauer usw. wird an den verschiedensten Stellen im Innern des Saturn beobachtet; und nach außen, in den Himmelsraum hinein, wird das alles als Ton, als eine Art Musik wahrgenommen. — Innerhalb dieser Vorgänge finden wieder gewisse Wesenheiten die Möglichkeit, eine Tätigkeit auf dem Saturn zu entfalten. Sie seien die «Söhne des Zwielichtes oder des Lebens» (christlich: «Angeloi», «Engel») genannt. Sie treten in Wechselwirkung mit den im Innern des Saturn vorhandenen, auf- und abwohnenden Geschmackskräften. Dadurch kommt ihr Äther- oder Lebensleib in eine solche Tätigkeit, dass man diese als eine Art Stoffwechsel bezeichnen kann. Sie bringen Leben in das Innere des Saturn. Es geschehen dadurch Nahrungs- und Ausscheidungsprozesse im Saturn. Nicht sie bewirken unmittelbar diese Prozesse, sondern durch das, was sie bewirken, entstehen mittelbar solche Prozesse. Dieses Innenleben macht möglich, dass noch andere Wesen den Weltkörper betreten, die als «Geister der Harmonien» (christlich: «Cherubim») bezeichnet werden mögen. Sie vermitteln den «Söhnen des Lebens» eine dumpfe Art des Bewusstseins. Es ist noch dumpfer und dämmerhafter als das Traumbewusstsein des gegenwärtigen Menschen. Es ist ein solches, wie es dem Menschen im traumlosen Schlafe zukommt. Dieses ist ja von so niedrigem Grade, dass es dem Menschen gewissermaßen «gar nicht zum Bewusstsein kommt». Doch ist es vorhanden. Es unterscheidet sich vom Tagesbewusstsein dem Grade und auch der Art nach. Dieses «traumlose Schlafbewusstsein» haben gegenwärtig auch die Pflanzen. Wenn es auch keine Wahrnehmungen einer Außenwelt im menschlichen Sinne vermittelt, so regelt es doch die Lebensvorgänge und bringt diese in Harmonie mit den äußeren Weltvorgängen. Auf der in Rede stehenden Saturnstufe können diese Regelung die «Söhne des Lebens» nicht wahrnehmen; aber die «Geister der Harmonien» nehmen sie wahr, und sie sind daher die eigentlichen Regeler. — All dieses Leben spielt sich in den gekennzeichneten Menschenphantomen ab. Diese erscheinen dem geistigen Blicke daher belebt; aber ihr Leben ist doch nur ein Scheinleben. Es ist das Leben der «Söhne des Lebens», die sich gewissermaßen der Menschenphantome bedienen, um sich auszuleben.
[ 25 ] Man richte nun die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Menschenphantome mit dem Scheinleben. Während der geschilderten Saturnperiode sind sie von ganz wechselnder Form. Bald sehen sie dieser Gestalt, bald jener ähnlich. Im weiteren Verlauf der Entwicklung werden die Gestalten bestimmter; zeitweilig bleibend. Das rührt davon her, dass sie jetzt durchdrungen werden von den Wirkungen der Geister, die schon im Beginne der Saturnentwicklung in Betracht kommen, nämlich von den «Geistern des Willens» (den «Thronen»). Die Folge davon ist, dass das Menschenphantom selbst mit der einfachsten dumpfesten Bewusstseinsform erscheint. Man hat sich diese Bewusstseinsform noch dumpfer vorzustellen als diejenige des traumlosen Schlafes. Unter den gegenwärtigen Verhältnissen haben die Mineralien dieses Bewusstsein. Es bringt das Innenwesen in Einklang mit der physischen Außenwelt. Auf dem Saturn sind die «Geister des Willens» die Regeler dieses Einklanges. Und der Mensch erscheint dadurch wie ein Abdruck des Saturnlebens selbst. Was das Saturnleben im großen ist, das ist auf dieser Stufe der Mensch im kleinen. Und damit ist der erste Keim zu dem gegeben, was auch im heutigen Menschen noch erst keimhaft ist: zum «Geistesmenschen» (Atma). Nach innen (im Saturn) gibt sich dieser dumpfe Menschenwille dem übersinnlichen Wahrnehmungsvermögen durch Wirkungen kund, welche sich mit den «Gerüchen» vergleichen lassen. Nach außen in den Himmelsraum ist eine Kundgebung vorhanden wie die einer Persönlichkeit, die aber nicht durch ein inneres «Ich» gelenkt wird, sondern wie eine Maschine von außen geregelt ist. Die Regeler sind die «Geister des Willens».
[ 26 ] Überblickt man das Vorhergehende, so wird ersichtlich, dass, von dem zuerst geschilderten Mittelzustande der Saturnentwicklung angefangen, die Stufen dieser Entwicklung charakterisiert werden konnten durch Vergleiche ihrer Wirkungen mit Sinnesempfindungen der Gegenwart. Es konnte gesagt werden: die Saturnentwicklung offenbart sich als Wärme, dann tritt ein Lichtspiel hinzu, dann ein Geschmack und Tonspiel; endlich tritt etwas auf, was sich nach dem Innern des Saturn mit Geruchsempfindungen, nach außen wie maschinenartig wirkendes Menschen-Ich kundgibt. Wie verhält es sich mit den Offenbarungen der Saturnentwicklung für das, was vor dem Wärmezustand liegt? Das ist nun gar nicht mit etwas zu vergleichen, was einer äußeren Sinnesempfindung zugänglich ist. Dem Wärmezustand geht ein solcher voran, welchen der Mensch gegenwärtig nur in seinem Innenwesen erlebt. Wenn er sich Vorstellungen hingibt, die er sich in der Seele selbst bildet, ohne dass ihm die Veranlassung von einem äußeren Eindrucke aufgedrängt wird, dann hat er etwas in sich, was keine physischen Sinne wahrnehmen können, was vielmehr nur als Wahrnehmung dem höheren Schauen zugänglich ist. Dem Wärmezustand des Saturn gehen eben Offenbarungen voran, die nur für den übersinnlich Wahrnehmenden vorhanden sein können. Drei solcher Zustände können genannt werden: rein seelische Wärme, die nicht äußerlich wahrnehmbar ist; rein geistiges Licht, das äußerlich Finsternis ist; und endlich geistig Wesenhaftes, das in sich selbst vollendet ist und keines äußeren Wesens bedarf, um seiner bewusst zu werden. Reine innere Wärme begleitet das Erscheinen der «Geister der Bewegung»; reines geistiges Licht dasjenige der «Geister der Weisheit», reines Innenwesen ist verbunden mit der ersten Ausströmung der «Geister des Willens».
[ 27 ] Mit dem Erscheinen der Saturnwärme tritt also unsere Entwicklung aus dem Innenleben, aus der reinen Geistigkeit zuerst in ein äußerlich sich offenbarendes Dasein. Besonders schwierig wird es dem Gegenwartsbewusstsein wohl, sich damit abzufinden, wenn auch noch gesagt werden muss, dass mit dem Saturnwärmezustand auch zuerst dasjenige auftritt, was man die «Zeit» nennt. Die vorhergehenden Zustände sind nämlich gar nicht zeitlich. Sie gehören derjenigen Region an, die man in der Geisteswissenschaft die «Dauer» nennen kann. Deshalb muss auch alles, was in dieser Schrift über solche Zustände in der «Region der Dauer» gesagt ist, so verstanden werden, dass Ausdrücke, die sich auf zeitliche Verhältnisse beziehen, nur zum Vergleiche und zur Verständigung gebraucht werden. Für die menschliche Sprache kann, was der «Zeit» gewissermaßen vorangeht, auch nur mit Ausdrücken charakterisiert werden, welche die Zeitvorstellung enthalten. Muss man sich doch auch bewusst sein, dass, obgleich der erste, zweite und dritte Saturnzustand sich gar nicht «nacheinander» im gegenwärtigen Sinne abspielten, man doch nicht umhin kann, sie nacheinander zu schildern. Auch hängen sie ja trotz ihrer «Dauer» oder Gleichzeitigkeit so voneinander ab, dass sich diese Abhängigkeit mit einer zeitlichen Abfolge vergleichen lässt.
[ 28 ] Mit diesem Hinweis auf die ersten Entwicklungszustände des Saturn wird auch ein Licht geworfen auf alles weitere Fragen nach einem «Woher» dieser Zustände. Rein verstandesmäßig ist es natürlich durchaus möglich, jedem Ursprunge gegenüber wieder nach einem «Ursprung dieses Ursprunges» zu fragen. Allein den Tatsachen gegenüber geht dieses nicht an. Man braucht sich das nur an einem Vergleich zu vergegenwärtigen. Wenn man irgendwo auf einem Wege eingegrabene Spuren findet, so kann man fragen: woher rühren sie? Man mag als Antwort erhalten: von einem Wagen. Da kann weiter gefragt werden: wo kam der Wagen her, wohin fuhr er? Eine auf Tatsachen gegründete Antwort ist wieder möglich. Man kann dann noch fragen: wer saß im Wagen? was hatte die Persönlichkeit, die ihn benützte, für Absichten, was tat sie? Endlich wird man aber an einen Punkt kommen, an dem das Fragen durch die Tatsachen ein naturgemäßes Ende findet. Wer dann noch weiter fragt, kommt von der Absicht der ursprünglichen Fragestellung ab. Er setzt gewissermaßen nur schablonenmäßig das Fragen fort. Man merkt bei solchen Dingen, wie hier eines zum Vergleich angeführt ist, leicht, wo die Tatsachen das Ende des Fragens bedingen. Den großen Weltfragen gegenüber ist man sich nicht so leicht klar darüber. Bei wirklich genauem Zusehen wird man aber doch merken, dass alles Fragen nach dem «Woher» endigen muss bei den oben geschilderten Saturnzuständen. Denn man ist auf ein Gebiet gekommen, wo die Wesen und Vorgänge nicht mehr durch das sich rechtfertigen, aus dem sie entstammen, sondern durch sich selbst.
[ 29 ] Als Ergebnis der Saturnentwicklung erscheint, dass sich der Menschenkeim bis zu einer gewissen Stufe herangebildet hat. Er hat das niedere, dumpfe Bewusstsein erlangt, von dem oben die Rede war. Man soll sich nicht vorstellen, dass dessen Entwicklung erst im letzten Saturnstadium einsetzt. Die «Geister des Willens» wirken durch alle Zustände hindurch. In der letzten Periode ist aber für das übersinnliche Wahrnehmen der Erfolg am hervorstechendsten. Überhaupt ist eine feste Grenze zwischen den Wirksamkeiten der einzelnen Wesensgruppen nicht. Wenn gesagt wird: erst wirken die «Geister des Willens», dann die «Geister der Weisheit» usw., so ist nicht gemeint, dass sie nur da wirken. Sie wirken die ganze Saturnentwicklung hindurch; in den angegebenen Perioden ist ihr Wirken nur am besten zu beobachten. Die einzelnen Wesen haben da gleichsam die Führerschaft.
[ 30 ] So erscheint die ganze Saturnentwicklung als eine Bearbeitung dessen, was aus den «Geistern des Willens» ausgeströmt ist, durch die «Geister der Weisheit, der Bewegung, der Form» usw. Diese geistigen Wesenheiten machen dabei selbst eine Entwicklung durch. Die «Geister der Weisheit» zum Beispiel stehen auf einer andern Stufe, nachdem sie ihr Leben zurückgestrahlt vom Saturn empfangen haben, als vorher. Die Frucht dieser Tätigkeit erhöht die Fähigkeiten ihres eigenen Wesens. Die Folge davon ist, dass für sie nach so vollbrachter Tätigkeit etwas Ähnliches eintritt wie für den Menschen mit dem Schlafe. Ihren Tätigkeitsperioden in bezug auf den Saturn folgen solche, in denen sie gewissermaßen in anderen Welten leben. Dann ist ihre Tätigkeit vom Saturn abgewandt. Deshalb sieht das hellseherische Wahrnehmen in der geschilderten Saturnentwicklung ein Auf- und ein Absteigen. Das Aufsteigen dauert bis zur Herausbildung des Wärmezustandes. Dann beginnt mit dem Lichtspiel bereits ein Abfluten. Und wenn dann die Menschenphantome durch die «Geister des Willens» Gestalt angenommen haben, dann haben sich die geistigen Wesen auch nach und nach zurückgezogen: die Saturnentwicklung erstirbt in sich; sie verschwindet als solche. Eine Art Ruhepause tritt ein. Der Menschenkeim geht wie in einen Auflösungszustand dabei ein; aber nicht in einen solchen, durch den er verschwinden würde, sondern in einen solchen, der ähnlich ist dem eines Pflanzensamens, der in der Erde ruht, um zur neuen Pflanze zu reifen. So ruht der Menschenkeim zu neuem Erwachen im Schoß der Welt. Und wenn der Zeitpunkt seines Erwachens da ist, da haben unter anderen Verhältnissen auch die oben geschilderten geistigen Wesen sich die Fähigkeiten angeeignet, durch die sie den Menschenkeim weiter bearbeiten können. Die «Geister der Weisheit» haben in ihrem Ätherleib die Fähigkeit erlangt, nicht nur wie auf dem Saturn die Spiegelung des Lebens zu genießen; sie vermögen es jetzt, Leben auch aus sich ausströmen zu lassen und andere Wesen damit zu begaben. Die «Geister der Bewegung» sind nunmehr so weit, wie auf dem Saturn die «Geister der Weisheit». Ihr unterstes Wesensglied war dort der astralische Leib. Jetzt ist ihnen ein Äther- oder Lebensleib eigen. Und ganz entsprechend sind die andern geistigen Wesen zu einer weiteren Entwicklungsstufe gekommen. Alle diese geistigen Wesen können daher bei der Weiterentwicklung des Menschenkeimes anders wirken, als sie auf dem Saturn gewirkt haben. — Nun war aber der Menschenkeim am Ende der Saturnentwicklung aufgelöst. Damit die weiter entwickelten Geistwesen da fortsetzen können, wo sie früher aufgehört haben, muss dieser Menschenkeim die Stufen noch einmal kurz wiederholen, die er auf dem Saturn durchlaufen hat. Das zeigt sich nämlich dem übersinnlichen Wahmehmungsvermögen. Der Menschenkeim tritt aus seiner Verborgenheit hervor und beginnt aus eigenem Vermögen heraus durch die Kräfte, die ihm auf dem Saturn eingeimpft worden sind, sich zu entwickeln. Er geht als ein Willenswesen aus der Finsternis hervor, bringt sich zum Scheine des Lebens, der Seelenhaftigkeit usw. bis zu jener maschinenmäßigen Persönlichkeitsoffenbarung, die er am Ende der Saturnentwicklung hatte.
[ 31 ] Die zweite der angedeuteten großen Entwicklungsperioden, die «Sonnenstufe», bewirkt die Erhebung des Menschenwesens zu einem höheren Bewusstseinszustand, als derjenige war, den es auf dem Saturn erreicht hatte. Mit dem gegenwärtigen Bewusstsein des Menschen verglichen, könnte allerdings dieser Sonnenzustand als «Unbewusstheit» bezeichnet werden. Denn er kommt annähernd gleich dem, in welchem sich der Mensch jetzt während des völlig traumlosen Schlafes befindet. Oder man könnte ihn auch mit dem niederen Bewusstseinsgrade vergleichen, in dem gegenwärtig unsere Pflanzenwelt schlummert. Für die übersinnliche Anschauung gibt es keine «Unbewusstheit», sondern nur verschiedene Grade der Bewusstheit. Alles in der Welt ist bewusst. — Das Menschenwesen erlangt im Laufe der Sonnenentwicklung den höheren Bewusstseinsgrad dadurch, dass ihm da der Äther- oder Lebensleib eingegliedert wird. Bevor dies geschehen kann, müssen sich in der oben geschilderten Art die Saturnzustände wiederholen. Diese Wiederholung hat einen ganz bestimmten Sinn. Wenn nämlich die Ruhepause abgelaufen ist, von welcher in den vorhergehenden Ausführungen gesprochen worden ist, dann tritt aus dem «Weltschlafe» dasjenige, was vorher Saturn war, als neues Weltwesen, als Sonne hervor. Es haben sich damit aber die Verhältnisse der Entwicklung verändert. Die Geistwesen, deren Wirken für den Saturn dargestellt worden ist, sind zu anderen Zuständen vorgerückt. Der Menschenkeim erscheint aber zuerst auf der neugebildeten Sonne als das, was er auf dem Saturn geworden ist. Er muss zunächst die verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien, die er auf dem Saturn angenommen hat, so umwandeln, dass sie zu den Verhältnissen auf der Sonne passen. Die Sonnenepoche beginnt deshalb mit einer Wiederholung der Saturntatsachen, aber unter Anpassung an die veränderten Verhältnisse des Sonnenlebens. Wenn nun das Menschenwesen so weit ist, dass seine auf dem Saturn erlangte Entwicklungshöhe den Sonnenverhältnissen angepasst ist, dann beginnen die bereits genannten «Geister der Weisheit» damit; den Äther- oder Lebensleib in den physischen Leib einströmen zu lassen. Die höhere Stufe, welche der Mensch auf der Sonne erreicht, kann somit dadurch charakterisiert werden, dass der bereits auf dem Saturn in der Keimanlage gebildete physische Leib auf eine zweite Stufe der Vollkommenheit gehoben wird, indem er zum Träger eines Äther- oder Lebensleibes wird. Dieser Äther- oder Lebensleib erlangt während der Sonnenentwicklung für sich selbst den ersten Grad seiner Vollkommenheit. Damit aber dieser zweite Vollkommenheitsgrad für den physischen Leib und der erste für den Lebensleib erzielt werden, ist im weiteren Verlauf des Sonnenlebens das Eingreifen noch anderer Geistwesen in ähnlicher Art notwendig, wie es schon für die Saturnstufe beschrieben worden ist.
[ 32 ] Wenn die «Geister der Weisheit» mit ihrem Einströmen des Lebensleibes beginnen, so fängt das vorher dunkle Sonnenwesen zu leuchten an. Gleichzeitig treten in dem Menschenkeim die ersten Erscheinungen innerer Regsamkeit ein; das Leben beginnt. Was für den Saturn als ein Scheinleben charakterisiert werden musste, wird jetzt wirkliches Leben. Das Einströmen dauert eine gewisse Zeit. Nachdem diese verflossen ist, tritt für den Menschenkeim eine wichtige Veränderung ein. Er gliedert sich nämlich in zwei Teile. Während vorher physischer Leib und Lebensleib in inniger Verbindung ein Ganzes bildeten, beginnt sich jetzt der physische Leib als ein besonderer Teil abzusondern. Doch bleibt auch dieser abgesonderte physische Leib vom Lebensleib durchzogen. Man hat es also jetzt mit einem zweigliedrigen Menschenwesen zu tun. Der eine Teil ist ein von einem Lebensleib durchgearbeiteter physischer Leib, der andere Teil ist bloßer Lebensleib. Diese Absonderung verläuft aber während einer Ruhepause des Sonnenlebens. Es erlischt während derselben wieder das schon aufgetretene Leuchten. Die Trennung geschieht gewissermaßen während einer «Weltennacht». Doch ist diese Ruhepause viel kürzer als diejenige zwischen der Saturn- und Sonnenentwicklung, von der oben gesprochen worden ist. Nach Ablauf der Ruhepause arbeiten die «Geister der Weisheit» eine Zeitlang ebenso an dem zweigliedrigen Menschenwesen weiter, wie sie das vorher an dem eingliedrigen getan haben. Dann setzen die «Geister der Bewegung» mit ihrer Tätigkeit ein. Sie durchströmen mit ihrem eigenen Astralleib den Lebensleib des Menschenwesens. Dadurch erlangt dieser die Fähigkeit, gewisse innere Bewegungen in dem physischen Leibe auszuführen. Es sind das Bewegungen, welche sich vergleichen lassen mit den Bewegungen der Säfte in einer gegenwärtigen Pflanze.
[ 33 ] Der Saturnkörper bestand aus bloßer Wärmesubstanz. Während der Sonnenentwicklung verdichtet sich diese Wärmesubstanz bis zu dem Zustand, den man mit dem gegenwärtigen Gas- oder Dampfzustand vergleichen kann. Es ist jener Zustand, den man als «Luft» bezeichnen kann. Die ersten Anfänge eines solchen Zustandes zeigen sich, nachdem die «Geister der Bewegung» mit ihrer Tätigkeit eingesetzt haben. Dem übersinnlichen Bewusstsein bietet sich der folgende Anblick dar. Innerhalb der Wärmesubstanz tritt etwas auf wie feine Gebilde, die durch die Kräfte des Lebensleibes in regelmäßige Bewegungen versetzt werden. Diese Gebilde veranschaulichen den physischen Leib des Menschenwesens auf der ihm jetzt entsprechenden Entwicklungsstufe. Sie sind ganz von Wärme durchdrungen und auch wie von einer Wärmehülle eingeschlossen. Wärmegebilde mit eingegliederten Luftformen — letztere in regelmäßiger Bewegung — kann man, in physischer Beziehung, dieses Menschenwesen nennen. Will man daher den oben angeführten Vergleich mit der gegenwärtigen Pflanze beibehalten, so muss man sich bewusst bleiben, dass man es nicht mit einem kompakten Pflanzengebilde zu tun hat, sondern mit einer Luft- oder Gasgestalt, 3Das Gas erscheint dem übersinnlichen Bewusstsein durch die Lichtwirkung, die es von sich ausgehen lässt. Man könnte also auch von Lichtgestalten sprechen, die dem geistigen Schauen sich darstellen. deren Bewegungen mit den Säftebewegungen der gegenwärtigen Pflanzen verglichen werden können. — Die in dieser Art gekennzeichnete Entwicklung schreitet weiter. Nach einer gewissen Zeit tritt wieder eine Ruhepause ein; nach derselben wirken die Geister der Bewegung weiter, bis zu ihrer Tätigkeit diejenige der Geister der Form hinzutritt. Deren Wirkung besteht darin, dass die vorher stets wechselnden Gasgebilde bleibende Gestalten annehmen. Auch dies geschieht dadurch, dass in den Lebensleib der Menschenwesen die Geister der Form ihre Kräfte aus- und einströmen lassen. Die Gasgebilde waren früher, als noch bloß die Geister der Bewegung auf sie wirkten, in einer unaufhörlichen Bewegung, nur einen Augenblick behielten sie ihre Gestalt. Jetzt aber nehmen sie vorübergehend unterscheidbare Formen an. — Wieder tritt nach einer gewissen Zeit eine Ruhepause ein; wieder setzen nach dieser die Geister der Form ihre Tätigkeit fort. Dann aber treten ganz neue Verhältnisse innerhalb der Sonnenentwicklung ein.
[ 34 ] Es ist nämlich damit der Punkt erreicht, wo die Sonnenentwicklung in ihrer Mitte angelangt ist. Das ist die Zeit, in welcher die Geister der Persönlichkeit, die auf dem Saturn ihre Menschheitsstufe erlangt haben, einen höheren Grad der Vollkommenheit ersteigen. Sie schreiten über diese Stufe hinaus. Sie erlangen ein Bewusstsein, das der gegenwärtige Mensch auf unserer Erde im regelrechten Fortgang der Entwicklung noch nicht hat. Er wird es erlangen, wenn die Erde — also die vierte der planetarischen Entwicklungsstufen — an ihrem Ziele angelangt und in die folgende planetarische Periode eingetreten sein wird. Dann wird der Mensch nicht bloß das um sich herum wahrnehmen, was ihm die gegenwärtigen physischen Sinne vermitteln, sondern er wird imstande sein, in Bildern die inneren, seelischen Zustände der ihn umgebenden Wesen zu beobachten. Er wird ein Bilderbewusstsein haben, jedoch mit Beibehaltung des vollen Selbstbewusstseins. Es wird nichts Traumhaftes, Dumpfes in seinem Bilderschauen sein, sondern er wird das Seelische wahrnehmen, allerdings in Bildern, doch so, dass diese Bilder der Ausdruck von Wirklichkeiten sein werden, wie es jetzt physische Farben und Töne sind. Gegenwärtig kann sich der Mensch nur durch die geisteswissenschaftliche Schulung zu solchem Schauen erheben. Von dieser Schulung wird auf späteren Blättern dieses Buches die Rede sein. — Dieses Schauen erlangen nun als ihre normale Entwicklungsgabe die Geister der Persönlichkeit inmitten der Sonnenstufe. Und eben dadurch werden sie fähig, während der Sonnenentwicklung auf den neugebildeten Lebensleib des Menschenwesens in ähnlicher Art zu wirken, wie sie auf dem Saturn auf den physischen Leib gewirkt haben. Wie ihnen dort die Wärme ihre eigene Persönlichkeit zurückgestrahlt hat, so strahlen ihnen jetzt die Gasgebilde im Lichtglanze die Bilder ihres schauenden Bewusstseins zurück. Sie schauen übersinnlich an, was auf der Sonne vorgeht. Und dieses Anschauen ist keineswegs ein bloßes Beobachten. Es ist, als ob in den Bildern, die von der Sonne ausströmen, etwas von der Kraft sich geltend machte, die der Erdenmensch als Liebe bezeichnet. Und sieht man seelisch genauer zu, so findet man den Grund dieser Erscheinung. Es haben sich in das von der Sonne ausstrahlende Licht erhabene Wesenheiten mit ihrer Tätigkeit gemischt. Es sind die oben bereits genannten «Geister der Liebe» (christlich: «Seraphim»). Sie wirken von jetzt ab am menschlichen Äther- oder Lebensleibe zusammen mit den Geistern der Persönlichkeit. Durch diese Tätigkeit schreitet dieser Lebensleib selbst um eine Stufe auf seiner Entwicklungsbahn fort. Er erlangt die Fähigkeit, die in ihm befindlichen Gasgebilde nicht nur umzuformen, sondern sie so zu bearbeiten, dass die ersten Andeutungen einer Fortpflanzung der lebenden Menschenwesen sich zeigen. Es werden gewissermaßen Absonderungen aus den geformten Gasgebilden herausgetrieben (wie ausgeschwitzt), welche sich zu solchen Gestalten formen, die ihren Muttergebilden ähnlich sind.
[ 35 ] Um die weitere Sonnenentwicklung zu charakterisieren, muss auf eine Tatsache des Weltenfernes hingewiesen Werden, welche von der allergrößten Bedeutung ist. Sie besteht darin, dass im Laufe einer Epoche keineswegs alle Wesen das Ziel ihrer Entwicklung erreichen. Es gibt solche, die hinter diesem Ziel zurückbleiben. So haben während der Saturnentwicklung nicht alle Geister der Persönlichkeit die Menschheitsstufe, die ihnen dort in der oben dargestellten Art beschieden war, wirklich erreicht. Und ebensowenig haben alle auf dem Saturn ausgebildeten physischen Menschenleiber den Grad von Reife erlangt, der sie befähigt, auf der Sonne zum Träger eines selbständigen Lebensleibes zu werden. Die Folge davon ist, dass auf der Sonne Wesen und Gebilde vorhanden sind, welche zu ihren Verhältnissen nicht passen. Diese müssen nun während der Sonnenentwicklung nachholen, was sie auf dem Saturn versäumt haben. Man kann deshalb während der Sonnenstufe das Folgende geistig beobachten. Wenn die Geister der Weisheit mit ihrem Einströmen des Lebensleibes beginnen, trübt sich gewissermaßen der Sonnenkörper. Es durchsetzen ihn Gebilde, welche eigentlich noch zum Saturn gehören würden. Es sind Wärmegebilde, welche nicht imstande sind, in entsprechender Art sich zu Luft zu verdichten. Das sind die auf der Saturnstufe zurückgebliebenen Menschenwesen. Sie können nicht Träger eines in regelrechter Art ausgebildeten Lebensleibes werden. — Was nun auf diese Art von Wärmesubstanz des Saturn zurückgeblieben ist, gliedert sich auf der Sonne in zwei Teile. Der eine Teil wird von den Menschenleibern gleichsam aufgesogen; und er bildet fortan innerhalb des Menschenwesens eine Art niederer Natur desselben. So nimmt das Menschenwesen auf der Sonne etwas in seine Leiblichkeit auf, was eigentlich der Saturnstufe entspricht. Wie nun der Saturnleib des Menschen den Geistern der Persönlichkeit es möglich gemacht hat, sich zur Menschheitsstufe zu erheben, so leistet jetzt dieser Saturnteil des Menschen auf der Sonne dasselbe für die Feuergeister. Sie erheben sich zur Menschheitsstufe, indem sie ihre Kräfte ein- und ausströmen lassen in diesen Saturnteil des Menschenwesens, wie es die Geister der Persönlichkeit auf dem Saturn getan haben. Auch dies geschieht in der Mitte der Sonnenentwicklung. Da ist der Saturnteil des Menschenwesens so weit reif, dass mit seiner Hilfe die Feuergeister (Archangeloi) ihre Menschheitsstufe durchlaufen können. — Ein anderer Teil der Wärmesubstanz des Saturn gliedert sich ab und erlangt ein selbständiges Dasein neben und zwischen den Menschenwesen der Sonne. Dieser bildet nun ein zweites Reich neben dem Menschenreiche. Ein Reich, das auf der Sonne einen völlig selbständigen, aber nur physischen Leib, als Wärmeleib, ausbildet. Die Folge davon ist, dass die vollkommen entwickelten «Geister der Persönlichkeit» auf keinen selbständigen Lebensleib ihre Tätigkeit in der geschilderten Art richten können. Nun sind aber auch gewisse «Geister der Persönlichkeit» auf der Saturnstufe zurückgeblieben. Diese haben da nicht die Stufe der Menschheit erreicht. Zwischen ihnen und dem selbständig gewordenen zweiten Sonnenreich besteht ein Anziehungsband. Sie müssen sich jetzt auf der Sonne zu dem zurückgebliebenen Reich so verhalten, wie dies ihre vorgeschrittenen Genossen schon auf dem Saturn gegenüber den Menschenwesen getan haben. Diese haben dort ja auch erst den physischen Leib ausgebildet gehabt. Auf der Sonne selbst ist aber zu solcher Arbeit der zurückgebliebenen Persönlichkeitsgeister keine Möglichkeit. Sie sondern sich daher aus dem Sonnenkörper heraus und bilden außerhalb desselben einen selbständigen Weltenkörper. Es tritt dieser also aus der Sonne heraus. Von ihm aus wirken die zurückgebliebenen «Geister der Persönlichkeit» auf die beschriebenen Wesen des zweiten Sonnenreiches. Es sind dadurch zwei Weltengebilde aus dem einen geworden, das früher Saturn war. Die Sonne hat in ihrer Umgebung nunmehr einen zweiten Weltenkörper, einen solchen, der eine Art Wiedergeburt des Saturn, einen neuen Saturn, darstellt. Von diesem Saturn aus wird dem zweiten Sonnenreich der Persönlichkeitscharakter erteilt. Man hat es daher innerhalb dieses Reiches mit Wesen zu tun, welche auf der Sonne selbst keine Persönlichkeit haben. Doch aber spiegeln sie den «Geistern der Persönlichkeit» auf dem neuen Saturn deren eigene Persönlichkeit zurück. Das übersinnliche Bewusstsein kann zwischen den Menschenwesen auf der Sonne Wärmekräfte beobachten, die in die regelmäßige Sonnenentwicklung hineinspielen und in welchen man das Walten der gekennzeichneten Geister des neuen Saturn zu sehen hat.
[ 36 ] Im Menschenwesen hat man während der Mitte der Sonnenentwicklung das Folgende zu beachten. Dasselbe ist gegliedert in einen physischen Leib und einen Lebensleib. Darinnen spielt sich ab die Tätigkeit der vorgeschrittenen «Geister der Persönlichkeit» in Verbindung mit derjenigen der «Geister der Liebe». Dem physischen Leibe ist nun beigemischt ein Teil der zurückgebliebenen Saturnnatur. Darin spielt sich ab die Tätigkeit der «Feuergeister». Man hat nun zu sehen in allem, was die «Feuergeister» an der zurückgebliebenen Saturnnatur bewirken, die Vorläufer der gegenwärtigen Sinnesorgane der Erdenmenschen. Es ist ja gezeigt worden, wie schon auf dem Saturn in der Wärmesubstanz diese «Feuergeister» mit der Ausarbeitung der Sinneskeime beschäftigt waren. In dem, was durch die «Geister der Persönlichkeit» im Verein mit den «Geistern der Liebe» (den Seraphim) vollbracht wird, ist zu erkennen die erste Anlage der gegenwärtigen menschlichen Drüsenorgane. — Mit dem oben Gesagten ist aber die Arbeit der auf dem neuen Saturn wohnenden Persönlichkeitsgeister nicht erschöpft. Diese erstrecken ihre Tätigkeit nicht bloß auf das genannte zweite Sonnenreich, sondern sie stellen eine Art Verbindung her zwischen diesem Reich und den menschlichen Sinnen. Es strömen die Wärmesubstanzen dieses Reiches durch die menschlichen Sinneskeime aus und ein. Dadurch gelangt das Menschenwesen auf der Sonne zu einer Art von Wahrnehmung des außer ihm befindlichen niederen Reiches. Diese Wahrnehmung ist naturgemäß nur eine dumpfe, ganz entsprechend dem dumpfen Saturnbewusstsein, von dem oben die Rede war. Und sie besteht im wesentlichen aus verschiedenen Wärmewirkungen.
[ 37 ] Alles, was hier für die Mitte der Sonnenentwicklung geschildert worden ist, dauert eine gewisse Zeit. Dann tritt wieder eine Ruhepause ein. Nach derselben geht es eine Zeitlang in derselben Art fort bis zu einem Punkte der Entwicklung, in dem der menschliche Ätherleib so weit reif ist, dass nunmehr eine vereinte Arbeit der «Söhne des Lebens» (Angeloi) und der «Geister der Harmonie» (Cherubim) einsetzen kann. Es treten nun innerhalb des Menschenwesens für das übersinnliche Bewusstsein Offenbarungen auf, die sich mit Geschmackswahrnehmungen vergleichen lassen und die sich nach außen als Töne kundgeben. Ein Ähnliches musste ja schon für die Saturnentwicklung gesagt werden. Hier auf der Sonne ist nur all das im Menschenwesen innerlicher, voll selbständigeren Lebens. — Die «Söhne des Lebens» erlangen dadurch jenes dumpfe Bilderbewusstsein, das die «Feuergeister» auf dem Saturn erreicht hatten. Es sind dabei die «Geister der Harmonie» (die Cherubim) ihre Helfer. Sie eigentlich schauen geistig das an, was sich innerhalb der Sonnenentwicklung jetzt abspielt. Nur verzichten sie auf alle Früchte dieses Anschauens, auf die Empfindung der weisheitsvollen Bilder, welche da entstehen, und lassen diese wie prächtige Zaubererscheinungen in das traumhafte Bewusstsein der «Söhne des Lebens» einströmen. Diese wieder arbeiten solche Gebilde ihres Schauens in den Ätherleib des Menschen hinein, so dass dieser immer höhere Stufen der Entwicklung erreicht. — Wieder tritt eine Ruhepause ein, wieder erhebt sich das Ganze aus dem «Weltenschlaf», und, nachdem es noch eine Zeitlang gedauert hat, ist das Menschenwesen so weit reif, dass es nun eigene Kräfte regen kann. Es sind dies dieselben, welche während der letzten Zeit der Saturnperiode durch die «Throne» in dieses Menschenwesen eingeströmt sind. In einem Innenleben entwickelt sich jetzt dieses Menschenwesen, das in seiner Offenbarung für das Bewusstsein mit einer innerlichen Geruchswahrnehmung verglichen werden kann. Nach außen aber, gegen den Himmelsraum, gibt sich dieses Menschenwesen als eine Persönlichkeit kund, allerdings als eine solche, die nicht von einem inneren «Ich» gelenkt wird. Es erscheint vielmehr wie eine als Persönlichkeit wirkende Pflanze. Für das Ende der Saturnentwicklung ist ja gezeigt worden, dass die Persönlichkeit wie eine Maschine sich kundgibt. Und wie sich dort der erste Keim zu dem entwickelt hat, was auch im gegenwärtigen Menschen erst keimhaft ist, zum «Geistesmenschen» (Atma), so wird hier ein ebensolcher erster Keim zu dem «Lebensgeist» (Buddhi) gestaltet. — Nachdem eine Zeit hindurch sich alles das abgespielt hat, tritt wieder eine Ruhepause ein. Wie in den ähnlichen Fällen früher, wird nach dieser Pause die Tätigkeit des Menschenwesens eine Zeitlang fortgesetzt. Dann treten Verhältnisse ein, die sich darstellen als ein neuer Eingriff der «Geister der Weisheit». Durch denselben wird das Menschenwesen fähig, die ersten Spuren von Sympathie und Antipathie mit seiner Umgebung zu empfinden. Es ist in alledem noch keine wirkliche Empfindung, aber doch ein Vorläufer der Empfindung. Denn die innere Lebenstätigkeit, die in ihrer Offenbarung wie Geruchswahrnehmungen charakterisiert werden könnte, gibt sich nach außen wie in einer Art primitiver Sprache kund. Wird innerlich ein sympathischer Geruch — oder auch Geschmack, Flimmern etc. — wahrgenommen, so gibt dies das Menschenwesen nach außen durch einen Ton kund. Und in entsprechender Art geschieht solches bei einer innerlich unsympathischen Wahrnehmung. — Es ist nämlich durch alle die geschilderten Vorgänge der eigentliche Sinn der Sonnenentwicklung für das Menschenwesen erreicht. Dieses hat eine höhere Bewusstseinsstufe gegenüber dem Saturnbewusstsein erlangt. Es ist dies das Schlafbewusstsein.
[ 38 ] Nach einiger Zeit ist nun auch der Entwicklungspunkt eingetreten, da die mit der Sonnenstufe verbundenen höheren Wesen in andere Sphären übergehen müssen, um das zu verarbeiten, was sie durch ihr Wirken am Menschenwesen selbst in sich veranlagt haben. Es tritt eine große Ruhepause ein, wie eine solche zwischen der Saturn- und Sonnenentwicklung war. Alles, was sich auf der Sonne ausgebildet hat, geht in einen Zustand über, der sich mit dem der Pflanze vergleichen lässt, wenn deren Wachstumskräfte im Samen ruhen. Wie aber diese Wachstumskräfte in einer neuen Pflanze wieder an das Tageslicht treten, so tritt auch nach der Ruhepause alles, was auf der Sonne Leben war, wieder aus dem Weltenschoße hervor, und ein neues planetarisches Dasein beginnt. Man wird den Sinn einer solchen Ruhepause, eines «Weltenschlafes», wohl verstehen, wenn man nur einmal den geistigen Blick auf eine der genannten Wesensarten, zum Beispiel auf die «Geister der Weisheit», lenkt. Sie waren auf dem Saturn noch nicht so weit, dass sie dort hätten einen Ätherleib aus sich können ausströmen lassen. Erst durch die von ihnen auf dem Saturn gemachten Erlebnisse sind sie darauf vorbereitet worden. Während der Pause gestalten sie nun dasjenige, was in ihnen erst vorbereitet worden ist, zur wirklichen Fähigkeit um. So sind sie auf der Sonne so weit, das Leben aus sich ausströmen zu lassen und das Menschenwesen mit einem eigenen Lebensleib zu begaben.
[ 39 ] Nach der Ruhepause tritt dasjenige, was früher Sonne war, aus dem «Weltenschlafe» wieder hervor. Das heißt, es wird wieder wahrnehmbar für die geistig schauenden Kräfte, für die es früher zu beobachten war und für die es während der Ruhepause entschwunden war. Nun zeigt sich aber an dem neu hervortretenden planetarischen Wesen, das als «Mond» bezeichnet werden soll (und das nicht verwechselt werden darf mit dem Stück davon, das gegenwärtig Erdenmond ist), ein zweifaches. Erstens ist dasjenige, was sich während der Sonnenzeit als ein «neuer Saturn» abgesondert hatte, wieder in dem neuen planetarischen Wesen darin. Dieser Saturn hat sich somit während der Ruhepause wieder mit der Sonne vereinigt. Alles, was im ersten Saturn war, tritt zunächst wieder als ein Weltgebilde auf. Zweitens sind die auf der Sonne gebildeten Lebensleiber des Menschenwesens in der Ruhepause von dem aufgesogen worden, was in einer Art die geistige Hülle des Planeten bildet. Sie erscheinen also in diesem Zeitpunkte nicht mit den entsprechenden physischen Menschenleibern vereinigt, sondern diese treten für sich allein zunächst auf. Zwar tragen sie alles das an sich, was in ihnen auf Saturn und Sonne erarbeitet worden ist; aber sie ermangeln des Äther- oder Lebensleibes. Ja sie können diesen Ätherleib auch nicht sogleich in sich aufnehmen, denn dieser hat selbst eine Entwicklung während der Ruhepause durchgemacht, an die sie noch nicht angepasst sind. — Was nun im Beginne der Mondenentwicklung eintritt, damit diese Anpassung erzielt werde, ist zunächst eine abermalige Wiederholung der Saturntatsachen. Das physische Menschenleben durchläuft dabei, wiederholend, die Stufen der Saturnentwicklung, nur unter ganz veränderten Verhältnissen. Auf dem Saturn spielten in ihm ja nur die Kräfte eines Wärmeleibes, jetzt sind in ihm auch diejenigen des erarbeiteten Gasleibes. Die letzteren treten aber nicht gleich im Beginne der Mondenentwicklung auf. Da ist alles so, wie wenn das Menschenwesen nur aus Wärmesubstanz bestünde und innerhalb derselben die Gaskräfte schlummerten. Dann kommt eine Zeit, in welcher diese in ersten Andeutungen auftreten. Und zuletzt, im letzten Zeitraum der Saturnwiederholung, sieht das Menschenwesen schon so aus wie während seines lebendigen Zustandes auf der Sonne. Doch erweist sich alles Leben da noch als ein Scheinleben. Es tritt erst eine Ruhepause ein, ähnlich den kurzen Ruhepausen während der Sonnenentwicklung. Dann beginnt neuerdings das Einströmen des Lebensleibes, für den sich der physische Leib nun reif gemacht hat. Dieses Einströmen geschieht wieder wie die Saturnwiederholung in drei voneinander zu unterscheidenden Epochen. Während der zweiten dieser Epochen ist das Menschenwesen so weit den neuen Mondenverhältnissen angepasst, dass die «Geister der Bewegung» die von ihnen erlangte Fähigkeit in die Tat umsetzen können. Sie besteht darin, dass sie aus ihrer eigenen Wesenheit heraus den Astralleib in die Menschenwesen einströmen lassen. Sie haben sich zu dieser Arbeit während der Sonnenentwicklung vorbereitet und in der Ruhepause zwischen Sonne und Mond das Vorbereitete zu der angedeuteten Fähigkeit umgewandelt. Es dauert dieses Einströmen nun wieder eine Zeitlang, dann tritt eine der kleineren Ruhepausen ein. Nach derselben setzt sich das Einströmen fort, bis die «Geister der Form» mit ihrer Tätigkeit einsetzen. Dadurch, dass die «Geister der Bewegung» den Astralleib in das Menschenwesen einströmen lassen, erlangt dieses die ersten seelischen Eigenschaften. Es beginnt, die Vorgänge, welche sich durch den Besitz eines Lebensleibes in ihm abspielen und welche während der Sonnenentwicklung noch pflanzenhaft waren, mit Empfindungen zu verfolgen, Lust und Unlust durch sie zu fühlen. Es bleibt aber bei einem wechselvollen inneren Auf- und Abfluten solcher Lust und Unlust, bis die «Geister der Form» eingreifen. Da verwandeln sich diese wechselnden Gefühle so, dass in dem Menschenwesen das auftritt, was als erste Spur des Wunsches, der Begierde, aufgefasst werden kann. Das Wesen strebt nach einer Wiederholung dessen, was einmal Lust bereitet hat, und es versucht zu vermeiden, was als antipathisch empfunden worden ist. Da jedoch die «Geister der Form» ihre eigene Wesenheit nicht an das Menschenwesen abgeben, sondern ihre Kräfte nur aus- und einströmen lassen, so entbehrt die Begierde der Innerlichkeit und Selbständigkeit. Sie wird gelenkt von den «Geistern der Form». Sie tritt mit einem instinktiven Charakter auf.
[ 40 ] Auf dem Saturn war der physische Leib des Menschenwesens ein Wärmeleib; auf der Sonne ist eine Verdichtung zum Gaszustand oder zur «Luft» eingetreten. Nun, da während der Mondenentwicklung das Astrale einströmt, erreicht in einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt das Physische einen weiteren Grad von Verdichtung, es kommt in einen Zustand, der sich mit dem einer gegenwärtigen Flüssigkeit vergleichen lässt. Man kann diesen Zustand als «Wasser» bezeichnen. Doch ist eben damit nicht unser gegenwärtiges Wasser gemeint, sondern jegliche flüssige Daseinsform. Der physische Menschenleib nimmt nun allmählich eine Form an, die sich aus dreierlei substantiellen Gebilden zusammensetzt. Das dichteste ist ein «Wasserkörper»; dieser wird durchzogen von Luftströmungen, und durch alles dies ziehen sich wieder Wärmewirkungen hindurch.
[ 41 ] Nun erlangen auch während der Sonnenstufe nicht alle Gebilde die volle entsprechende Reife. Es finden sich deshalb auf dem Monde Gebilde ein, die erst auf der Saturnstufe stehen, und solche, die nur die Sonnenstufe erreicht haben. Dadurch entstehen neben dem regelrecht entwickelten Menschenreiche zwei andere Reiche. Ein solches, das aus Wesen besteht, die auf der Saturnstufe stehengeblieben sind, die daher nur einen physischen Leib haben, der auch auf dem Monde noch nicht Träger eines selbständigen Lebensleibes werden kann. Es ist dies das niedrigste Mondenreich. Ein zweites besteht aus Wesen, die auf der Sonnenstufe zurückgeblieben sind, welche deshalb nicht reif werden, auf dem Monde einen selbständigen Astralleib sich einzugliedern. Diese bilden ein Reich zwischen dem ebengenannten und dem regelmäßig fortgeschrittenen Menschenreich. — Aber auch noch etwas anderes findet statt: Die Substanzen mit bloßen Wärmekräften und jene mit bloßen Luftkräften durchsetzen auch die Menschenwesen. So kommt es, dass diese auf dem Monde in sich eine Saturn- und eine Sonnennatur tragen. Dadurch ist in die Menschennatur eine Art von Zwiespalt gekommen. Und durch diesen Zwiespalt wird nach dem Einsetzen der Tätigkeit der «Geister der Form» innerhalb der Mondenentwicklung etwas sehr Bedeutungsvolles hervorgerufen. Es beginnt sich da eine Spaltung im Mondenweltkörper vorzubereiten. Ein Teil seiner Substanzen und Wesenheiten trennt sich ab von den andern. Aus einem Weltenkörper werden zwei. Den einen machen gewisse höhere Wesenheiten, die noch vorher inniger mit dem einheitlichen Weltenkörper verbunden waren, zu ihrem Wohnplatz. Der andere dagegen wird von dem Menschenwesen, den beiden vorhin charakterisierten niederen Reichen und gewissen höheren Wesenheiten eingenommen, die nicht zu dem ersten Weltenkörper übergegangen sind. Der eine der beiden Weltenkörper mit den höheren Wesen erscheint wie eine wiedergeborene, aber verfeinerte Sonne; der andere ist nunmehr die eigentliche Neubildung, der «alte Mond», als dritte planetarische Verkörperung unserer Erde, nach der Saturn- und Sonnenverkörperung. Von den auf dem Monde entstandenen Substanzen nimmt die wiedergeborene Sonne bei ihrem Heraustreten nur die «Wärme» und die «Luft» mit; auf dem, was wie ein Rest als Mond übriggeblieben ist, findet sich außer diesen beiden Substanzen noch der wässerige Zustand. Es wird durch diese Trennung erreicht, dass die mit der wiedererstandenen Sonne ausgezogenen Wesenheiten zunächst in ihrer weiteren Entwicklung durch die dichteren Mondwesenheiten nicht gehemmt werden. Sie können so ungehindert in ihrem eigenen Werden fortschreiten. Dadurch erlangen sie aber eine um so größerer Kraft, um nun von außen, von ihrer Sonne aus, auf die Mondwesen zu wirken. Und auch diese erlangen dadurch neue Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Mit ihnen sind vereint geblieben vor allem die «Geister der Form». Diese verfestigen die Begierden und die Wunschnatur; und dieses drückt sich allmählich auch in einer weiteren Verdichtung des physischen Leibes der Menschenwesen aus. Das vorher bloß Wässerige dieses Leibes nimmt eine zähflüssige Form an, und entsprechend verdichten sich die luftförmigen und wärmeartigen Gebilde. Ähnliche Vorgänge finden auch statt bei den beiden niederen Reichen.
[ 42 ] Dass der Mondkörper von dem Sonnenkörper ausgesondert wird, dies hat zur Folge, dass sich der erstere zu dem letzteren so verhält, wie einstmals der Saturnkörper zu der ganzen umliegenden Weltenentwicklung. Der Saturnkörper war aus dem Leibe der «Geister des Willens» (der Throne) gebildet. Aus seiner Substanz strahlte in den Weltenraum zurück alles, was die in der Umgebung befindlichen oben angeführten geistigen Wesenheiten erlebten. Und die Rückstrahlung erwachte durch die folgenden Vorgänge allmählich zu selbständigem Leben. Darauf beruht ja alle Entwicklung, dass erst aus dem Leben der Umgebung selbständige Wesenheit sich absondert; dann in dem abgesonderten Wesen sich die Umgebung wie durch Spiegelung einprägt und dann dies abgesonderte Wesen sich selbständig weiter entwickelt. — So auch sonderte sich der Mondenkörper vom Sonnenkörper ab und strahlte zunächst das Leben des Sonnenkörpers zurück. Wäre nun nichts anderes geschehen, so hätte man es mit folgendem Weltenprozesse zu tun. Es gäbe einen Sonnenkörper, in welchem diesem Körper angepasste geistige Wesenheiten in dem Wärme- und Luftelemente ihre Erlebnisse hätten. Diesem Sonnenkörper stünde ein Mondenkörper gegenüber, in welchem andere Wesen mit dem Wärme-, Luft- und Wasserleben sich entfalteten. Der Fortschritt von der Sonnenverkörperung zu der Mondenverkörperung bestünde darin, dass die Sonnenwesen ihr eigenes Leben von den Mondenvorgängen aus wie im Spiegelbilde vor sich hätten und so dasselbe genießen könnten, was ihnen während der Sonnenverkörperung noch unmöglich war.
[ 43 ] Nun blieb es aber nicht bei diesem Entwicklungsvorgange. Es geschah etwas, was für alle folgende Entwicklung von der allertiefsten Bedeutung war. Gewisse Wesenheiten, welche dem Mondenkörper angepasst waren, bemächtigten sich des ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Willenselementes (des Erbes der Throne) und entwickelten dadurch ein Eigenleben, das sich unabhängig gestaltet von dem Sonnenleben. Es entstehen neben den Erlebnissen des Mondes, die nur unter dem Sonneneinflusse stehen, selbständige Mondenerlebnisse; gleichsam Empörungs- oder Auflehnungszustände gegen die Sonnenwesen. Und die verschiedenen auf Sonne und Mond entstandenen Reiche, vor allem das Reich der Menschenvorfahren, wurde in diese Zustände hineingezogen. Der Mondenkörper schließt dadurch geistig und stofflich zweierlei Leben in sich: Solches, das in inniger Verbindung mit dem Sonnenleben steht, und solches, welches von diesem «abgefallen» ist und unabhängige Wege geht. Diese Gliederung in zweifaches Leben drückt sich in allen folgenden Vorgängen der Mondenverkörperung nun aus.
[ 44 ] Was sich für diesen Entwicklungszeitraum dem übersinnlichen Bewusstsein darbietet, das lässt sich in folgenden Bildern charakterisieren. Die ganze Grundmasse des Mondes ist gebildet aus einer halblebendigen Substanz, die in einer bald trägen, bald lebhaften Bewegung ist. Eine mineralische Masse im Sinne der Gesteine und der Erdbestandteile, auf denen der gegenwärtige Mensch herumwandelt, ist das noch nicht. Man könnte von einem Reiche von Pflanzenmineralien sprechen. Nur hat man sich vorzustellen, dass der ganze Grundkörper des Mondes aus dieser Pflanzen-Mineralsubstanz besteht, wie heute die Erde aus Gesteinen, Ackererde usw. besteht. Wie gegenwärtig sich Felsenmassen auftürmen, so lagerten sich der Mondenmasse härtere Teile ein, die sich mit harten Holzgebilden oder mit Formen aus Horn vergleichen lassen. Und wie sich jetzt Pflanzen aus dem Mineralboden erheben, so war der Mondengrund bedeckt und durchdrungen von dem zweiten Reich, bestehend aus einer Art von Pflanzentieren. Ihre Substanz war weicher als die Grundmasse und in sich beweglicher. Wie ein zähes Meer zog sich dieses Reich über das andere dahin. Und der Mensch selbst kann als Tiermensch bezeichnet werden. Er hatte in seiner Natur die Bestandteile der andern beiden Reiche. Aber seine Wesenheit war ganz durchdrungen von einem Lebensleib und astralischen Leib, auf welche die von der abgeschiedenen Sonne ausgehenden Kräfte der höheren Wesenheiten wirkten. So wurde seine Gestalt veredelt. Während ihm die «Geister der Form» eine Gestalt gaben, durch die er dem Mondenleben angepasst war, machten ihn die Sonnengeister zu einer Wesenheit, die ihn über dieses Leben hinaushob. Er hatte die Kraft, mit den ihm von diesen Geistern geschenkten Fähigkeiten seine eigene Natur zu veredeln, ja dasjenige, was mit den niederen Reichen verwandt war, auf eine höhere Stufe emporzuheben. Geistig gesehen können die hier in Betracht kommenden Vorgänge in der folgenden Art geschildert werden. Der Menschenvorfahr war veredelt worden von Wesenheiten, die vom Sonnenreiche abgefallen waren. Diese Veredelung erstreckte sich vor allem auf alles, was im Wasserelemente erlebt werden konnte. Auf dieses Element hatten die Sonnenwesen, die Herrscher im Wärme- und Luftelemente waren, den geringeren Einfluss. Für den Menschenvorfahren hatte dies zur Folge, dass sich in seiner Organisation zweierlei Wesenheiten geltend machten: der eine Teil dieser Organisation war ganz durchdrungen von den Wirkungen der Sonnenwesen. In dem andern wirkten die abgefallenen Mondenwesen. Dadurch war der letzte Teil selbständiger als der erste. Im ersten konnten nur Bewusstseinszustände entstehen, in denen die Sonnenwesen lebten; in dem letzteren lebte eine Art Weltbewusstsein, wie es dem Saturnzustande eigen war, nur jetzt auf einer höheren Stufe. Der Menschenvorfahr kam sich dadurch als «Abbild der Welt» vor, während sich sein «Sonnenteil» nur als «Abbild der Sonne» fühlte. — Es traten nun in der Menschennatur diese beiden Wesenheiten in eine Art Kampf. Und durch den Einfluss der Sonnenwesenheiten wurde für diesen Kampf ein Ausgleich dadurch geschaffen, dass durch ihn die stoffliche Organisation, welche das selbständige Weltbewusstsein ermöglichte, gebrechlich, vergänglich gemacht wurde. Es musste nun von Zeit zu Zeit dieser Teil der Organisation ausgeschieden werden. Während und einige Zeit nach der Ausscheidung war der Menschenvorfahr ein bloß vom Sonneneinfluss abhängiges Wesen. Sein Bewusstsein wurde unselbständiger; er lebte in demselben ganz dem Sonnenleben hingegeben. Dann erneuerte sich der selbständige Mondenteil wieder. Nach einiger Zeit wiederholte sich stets dieser Vorgang. So lebte der Menschenvorfahr auf dem Monde in Wechselzuständen helleren und dumpferen Bewusstseins; und der Wechsel war begleitet von einer Wandlung seines Wesens in stofflicher Beziehung. Er legte von Zeit zu Zeit seinen Mondenkörper ab und nahm ihn später wieder an.
[ 45 ] Physisch gesehen zeigt sich in den angeführten Reichen des Mondes eine große Mannigfaltigkeit. Die Mineralpflanzen, Pflanzentiere und Tiermenschen sind nach Gruppen verschieden. Man wird das verstehen, wenn man bedenkt, dass durch das Zurückbleiben der Gebilde auf jeder der früheren Stufen der Entwicklung Formen in den mannigfaltigsten Qualitäten verkörpert worden sind. Es sind Gebilde da, welche noch die Anfangseigenschaften des Saturn zeigen, solche der mittleren Epoche dieses Weltkörpers, solche vom Ende. Ein Gleiches gilt für alle Entwicklungsstufen der Sonne.
[ 46 ] Und wie die mit dem sich fortentwickelnden Weltenkörper verbundenen Gebilde zurückbleiben, so ist es auch mit gewissen Wesenheiten der Fall, die mit dieser Entwicklung zusammenhängen. Durch das Fortrücken des Werdens bis zum Monde sind schon eine Anzahl von Stufen solcher Wesenheiten entstanden. Da gibt es «Geister der Persönlichkeit», welche auf der Sonne noch immer nicht ihre Menschheitsstufe erreicht haben; es sind aber auch solche vorhanden, welche da das Aufsteigen in die Menschheit nachgeholt haben. Auch von den «Feuergeistern», die auf der Sonne hätten Menschen werden sollen, sind eine Anzahl zurückgeblieben. Wie nun während der Sonnenentwicklung gewisse zurückgebliebene «Geister der Persönlichkeit» sich aus dem Sonnenkörper herauszogen und den Saturn als besonderen Weltenkörper wieder erstehen ließen, so geschieht es auch, dass im Laufe der Mondenentwicklung sich die oben charakterisierten Wesenheiten auf besonderen Weltkörpern aussondern. Es ist bis jetzt erst von der Teilung in Sonne und Mond gesprochen worden, doch gliedern sich noch andere Weltgebilde aus den angegebenen Gründen aus dem Mondenkörper ab, der nach der großen Sonnen-Mondes-Pause erschienen ist. Man hat es nach einiger Zeit mit einem System von Weltkörpern zutun, deren fortgeschrittenster, wie leicht zu ersehen ist, die neue Sonne genannt werden muss. Und ein ebensolches Anziehungsband, wie es oben für die Sonnenentwicklung zwischen dem zurückgebliebenen Saturnreiche und den Persönlichkeitsgeistern auf dem neuen Saturn beschrieben worden ist, bildet sich zwischen je einem solchen Weltenkörper und den entsprechenden Mondenwesen. Es würde hier viel zu weit führen, alle die entstehenden Weltenkörper im einzelnen zu verfolgen. Es muss genügen, auf den Grund hingewiesen zu haben, warum aus dem einheitlichen Weltgebilde, das im Beginne der Menschheitsentwicklung als Saturn erscheint, sich nach und nach eine Reihe von Weltenkörpern herauslöst.
[ 47 ] Nach dem Einsetzen der «Geister der Form» auf dem Monde dauert die Entwicklung eine Zeitlang fort in der Art, wie dies geschildert worden ist. Nach dieser Zeit tritt wieder eine Pause ein. Während derselben bleiben die gröberen Teile der drei Mondenreiche in einer Art Ruhezustand; die feineren Teile aber, namentlich die astralischen Leiber der Menschenwesen, lösen sich los von diesen gröberen Gebilden. Sie kommen in einen Zustand, in dem die höheren Kräfte der erhabenen Sonnenwesen besonders stark auf sie wirken können. — Nach der Ruhepause durchdringen sie wieder diejenigen Teile des Menschenwesens, die aus den gröberen Substanzen bestehen. Dadurch, dass sie in der Pause — im freien Zustande — die starken Kräfte aufgenommen haben können sie diese gröberen Substanzen reif machen zu der Wirkung, die nach einer gewissen Zeit nunmehr auf sie ausgeübt werden soll von den regelrecht vorgeschrittenen Geistern der Persönlichkeit» und den «Feuergeistern».
[ 48 ] Diese «Geister der Persönlichkeit» haben sich inzwischen zu einer Stufe erhoben, auf der sie das «Bewusstsein der Inspiration» haben. Sie können da nicht nur — wie das beim früheren Bilderbewusstsein war — die inneren Zustände anderer derer Wesen in Bildern wahrnehmen, sondern wie in einer geistigen Tonsprache das Innere solcher Wesen selbst. Die «Feuergeister» aber haben sich zu der Bewusstseinshöhe erhöhen, welche die «Geister der Persönlichkeit» auf der Sinne inne hatten. Beide Arten von Geistern können dadurch in das herangereifte Leben des Menschenwesens eingreifen. Die «Geister der Persönlichkeit» wirken auf den Astralleib, die «Feuergeister» auf den Ätherleib dieses Menschenwesens. Der Astralleib erhält dadurch den Charakter d der Persönlichkeit. Er erlebt nunmehr in sich nicht nur Lust u und Schmerz, sondern er bezieht sie auch auf sich. Er kommt noch nicht zu einem vollständigen IchBewusstsein, das sich sagt «Ich bin da»; aber er fühlt sich getragen und geborgen v von anderen Wesenheiten seiner Umgebung. Indem er zu diesen gleichsam aufblickt, kann er sich sagen: Diese meine Umgebung hält mich am Dasein. — Die «Feuergeister» wirken nunmehr auf den Ätherleib. Unter ihrem Einflusse wird die Bewegung der Kräfte in diesem Leibe immer mehr und mehr zu einer innerlichen Lebenstätigkeit. Was da entsteht, findet einen physischen Ausdruck in einer Säftebewegung und in Wachstumserscheinungen. Die gasigen Substanzen haben sich zu wässerigen verdichtet; es kann von einer Art Ernährung in dem Sinne gesprochen werden, dass das von außen Aufgenommene im Innern umgewandelt und verarbeitet wird. Wenn man sich etwa ein Mittelding denkt zwischen der Ernährung und der Atmung im gegenwärtigen Sinne, dann erhält man eine Vorstellung von dem, was in dieser Richtung damals geschah. Die Nahrungsstoffe wurden aus dem Reiche der Tierpflanzen von dem Menschenwesen entnommen. Man hat sich diese Tierpflanzen als schwebend-schwimmend zu denken — oder auch leicht angewachsen — in einem sie umgebenden Elemente, wie die gegenwärtigen niederen Tiere im Wasser oder die Landtiere in der Luft leben. Doch ist dieses Element weder Wasser noch Luft in dem gegenwärtigen Sinne, sondern etwas Mittleres aus beiden, eine Art dichter Dampf, in dem die verschiedensten Substanzen wie aufgelöst in den verschiedensten Strömungen sich hin- und herbewegen. Die Tierpflanzen erscheinen nur wie verdichtete regelmäßige Formen dieses Elementes, physisch oftmals nur wenig von ihrer Umgebung verschieden. Der Atmungsprozess ist neben dem Ernährungsprozess vorhanden. Er ist nicht wie auf der Erde, sondern wie ein Einsaugen und Ausströmen von Wärme. Für die übersinnliche Beobachtung ist es, wie wenn bei diesen Vorgängen sich Organe öffneten und wieder zuzögen, durch welche ein erwärmender Strom aus- und einginge und auch die luft- und wasserartigen Substanzen ein- und ausgeführt würden. Und weil das Menschenwesen auf dieser Stufe seiner Entwicklung bereits einen Astralleib besitzt, werden diese Atmung und die Ernährung von Gefühlen begleitet, so dass eine Art von Lust entsteht, wenn solche Stoffe von außen aufgenommen werden, die förderlich sind für den Aufbau des Menschenwesens. Unlust wird bewirkt, wenn schädliche Stoffe einfließen oder auch nur in die Nähe kommen. — Wie auf die geschilderte Art während der Mondentwicklung der Atmungsprozess dem Ernährungsvorgang nahestand, so stand der Vorstellungsprozess der Fortpflanzung nahe. Von den Dingen und Wesen in der Umgebung des Mondmenschen ging nicht eine unmittelbare Wirkung auf irgendwelche Sinne aus. Die Vorstellung war vielmehr so geartet, dass durch die Anwesenheit solcher Dinge und Wesen Bilder erregt wurden in dem dumpfen, dämmerhaften Bewusstsein. Diese Bilder standen in einem viel innigeren Zusammenhang mit der eigentlichen Natur der Umgebung als die gegenwärtigen Sinneswahrnehmungen, welche in Farben, Tönen, Gerüchen usw. ja nur gleichsam die Außenseite der Wesen zeigen. Man stelle sich, um einen deutlicheren Begriff von dem Bewusstsein der Mondmenschen zu haben, vor, dass diese wie eingebettet seien in die oben geschilderte dampfartige Umgebung. In diesem Dunstelemente spielen sich die mannigfaltigsten Vorgänge ab. Es verbinden sich Stoffe, es trennen sich Substanzen voneinander ab. Es verdichten sich Partien, andere verdünnen sich. Alles das geht so vor sich, dass es die Menschenwesen nicht etwa unmittelbar sehen oder hören; aber es ruft Bilder im Menschenbewusstsein hervor. Diese Bilder sind vergleichbar denen des gegenwärtigen Traumbewusstseins. Wie etwa, wenn ein Gegenstand zur Erde fällt und ein schlafender Mensch nimmt nicht den wirklichen Vorgang wahr, sondern irgendein Bild, zum Beispiel er vermeint, dass ein Schuss abgegeben werde. Nur sind die Bilder des Mondenbewusstsein nicht willkürlich wie solche Traumbilder; sie sind zwar Sinnbilder, nicht Abbilder, aber sie entsprechen den äußeren Vorgängen. Es tritt mit einem bestimmten äußeren Vorgang auch nur ein ganz bestimmtes Bild auf. Der Mondenmensch ist dadurch in der Lage, sein Verhalten nach diesen Bildern einzurichten, wie es der gegenwärtige Mensch nach seinen Wahrnehmungen tut. Es ist nur zu beachten, dass das Verhalten auf Grund der Wahrnehmungen der Willkür unterliegt, während das Handeln unter dem Einflusse der gekennzeichneten Bilder wie auf einen dunklen Antrieb hin erfolgt. — Dieses Bilderbewusstsein ist nun keineswegs so, dass durch dasselbe nur äußere physische Vorgänge versinnlicht werden, sondern es werden durch die Bilder auch die hinter den physischen Tatsachen waltenden geistigen Wesen und deren Tätigkeiten vorgestellt. So werden in den Dingen des Tierpflanzenreiches die «Geister der Persönlichkeit» gleichsam sichtbar; hinter und in den mineralpflanzlichen Wesen erscheinen die «Feuergeister»; und als Wesen, die der Mensch ohne Zusammenhang mit etwas Physischem vorzustellen vermag, die er gleichsam als ätherisch-seelische Gebilde erschaut, erscheinen die «Söhne des Lebens». — Waren so diese Vorstellungen des Mondenbewusstseins keine Abbilder, sondern nur Sinnbilder des Äußeren, so waren sie dafür von einer viel bedeutsameren Wirkung auf das Innere des Menschenwesens als die gegenwärtigen durch Wahrnehmung vermittelten Vorstellungen des Menschen. Sie vermochten es, das ganze Innere in Bewegung und Tätigkeit zu versetzen. Nach ihnen gestalteten sich die inneren Vorgänge. Sie waren echte Bildungskräfte. Das Menschenwesen wurde so, wie diese Bildungskräfte es gestalteten. Es wurde gewissermaßen ein Abbild seiner Bewusstseinsvorgänge.
[ 49 ] Je weiter der Fortgang der Entwicklung in dieser Art stattfindet, um so mehr hat er zur Folge, dass mit dem Menschenwesen eine tief einschneidende Veränderung vor sich geht. Die Macht, welche von den Bewusstseinsbildern ausgeht, kann sich nach und nach nicht mehr über die ganze menschliche Leiblichkeit erstrecken. Es bilden sich solche Glieder, welche der gestaltenden Wirkung des Bilderbewusstseins unterliegen und im hohen Grade ein Abbild des Vorstellungslebens in dem eben dargestellten Sinne werden. Andere Organe aber entziehen sich solchem Einflusse. Der Mensch ist in einem Teile seines Wesens gleichsam zu dicht, zu sehr von anderen Gesetzen bestimmt, um sich nach den Bewusstseinsbildern zu richten. Diese entziehen sich dem Einflusse des Menschenwesens; sie gelangen aber unter einen andern, unter denjenigen der erhabenen Sonnenwesen selbst. Doch sieht man dieser Stufe der Entwicklung erst eine Ruhepause vorangehen. In dieser sammeln die Sonnengeister die Kraft, um unter ganz neuen Umständen auf die Wesen des Mondes zu wirken. — Nach dieser Ruhepause ist das Menschenwesen deutlich in zwei Naturen gespalten. Die eine ist dem selbständigen Wirken des Bilderbewusstseins entzogen; sie nimmt eine bestimmtere Gestalt an und kommt unter den Einfluss von Kräften, welche zwar von dem Mondenkörper ausgehen, aber in demselben erst durch den Einfluss der Sonnenwesen entstehen. Dieser Teil des Menschenwesens lebt immer mehr das Leben mit, das durch die Sonne angeregt ist. Der andere Teil erhebt sich wie eine Art Kopf aus diesem ersteren. Er ist in sich beweglich, bildsam, und gestaltet sich als Ausdruck und Träger des menschlichen dumpfen Bewusstseinslebens. Doch sind die beiden Teile innig miteinander verbunden; sie senden sich gegenseitig ihre Säfte zu; es erstrecken sich Glieder von dem einen hinein in den andern.
[ 50 ] Eine bedeutungsvolle Harmonie wird nun dadurch erzielt, dass im Laufe der Zeit, in welcher dies alles geschehen ist, sich auch ein solches Verhältnis von Sonne und Mond herausgebildet hat, das mit der Richtung dieser Entwicklung zusammenstimmt. — Es ist schon an einer früheren Stelle (vergleiche Seite 172) angedeutet worden, wie die fortschreitenden Wesen durch ihre Entwicklungsstufen sich aus der allgemeinen Weltenmasse heraus ihre Himmelskörper absondern. Sie strahlen gleichsam die Kräfte aus, nach denen sich die Stoffe gliedern. Sonne und Mond haben sich so voneinander abgegliedert, wie es notwendig war zur Herstellung der richtigen Wohnplätze entsprechender Wesen. Diese Bestimmung des Stoffes und seiner Kräfte durch den Geist geht aber noch viel weiter. Die Wesen selbst bedingen auch gewisse Bewegungen der Weltenkörper, bestimmte Umdrehungen derselben umeinander. Dadurch kommen diese Körper in veränderliche Stellungen zueinander. Und verändert sich die Stellung, die Lage des einen Weltkörpers zu dem andern, so verändern sich auch die Wirkungen ihrer entsprechenden Wesen aufeinander. So ist es mit Sonne und Mond geschehen. Durch die Bewegung des Mondes um die Sonne, welche entstanden ist, geraten die Menschenwesen abwechselnd einmal mehr in den Bereich der Sonnenwirkung; ein anderes Mal können sie sich von dieser abkehren und sind dann mehr auf sich selbst angewiesen. Die Bewegung ist eine Folge des oben geschilderten «Abfalles» gewisser Mondenwesen und des Ausgleiches für den Kampf, welcher dadurch bewirkt worden ist. Sie ist nur der physische Ausdruck für das durch den Abfall geschaffene geistige Kräfteverhältnis. Dass der eine Körper sich um den andern bewegt, hat zur Folge, dass in den die Weltenkörper bewohnenden Wesen solche wechselnde Bewusstseinszustände eintreten, wie sie oben geschildert worden sind. Man kann davon sprechen, dass der Mond abwechselnd sein Leben der Sonne zukehrt und abkehrt. Es gibt eine Sonnenzeit und eine planetarische Zeit, in welch letzterer die Mondenwesen sich auf einer Seite des Mondes entwickeln, welche von der Sonne abgewendet ist. Allerdings kommt für den Mond zu der Bewegung der Himmelskörper noch etwas anderes hinzu. Das zurückblickende übersinnliche Bewusstsein kann nämlich sehen, wie in ganz regelmäßigen Zeiträumen die Mondenwesen selbst um ihren Weltkörper herumwandern. Sie suchen so in gewissen Zeiten die Orte auf, an denen sie dem Sonneneinfluss sich hingeben können; in andern Epochen wandern sie nach Orten, wo sie diesem Einfluss nicht unterliegen und sich dann gleichsam auf sich selbst besinnen können.
[ 51 ] Zur Vervollständigung des Bildes, das von diesen Vorgängen zu zeichnen ist, hat man auch noch zu beachten, dass in diesem Zeitraum die «Söhne des Lebens» ihre Menschenstufe erreichen. Der Mensch kann auch auf dem Monde seine Sinne, deren Anlagen schon auf dem Saturn entstanden sind, noch nicht zu einer eigenen Wahrnehmung äußerer Gegenstände benützen. Aber diese Sinne werden auf der Mondenstufe zu Instrumenten der «Söhne des Lebens». Diese bedienen sich ihrer, um durch sie wahrzunehmen. Diese Sinne, die zum physischen Menschenleib gehören, treten dadurch in ein Wechselverhältnis zu den «Söhnen des Lebens». Diese bedienen sich nicht nur ihrer, sondern sie vervollkommnen sie auch.
[ 52 ] Nun tritt, wie bereits geschildert worden ist, durch die wechselnden Beziehungen zur Sonne in dem Menschenwesen selbst ein Wandel in den Lebensverhältnissen ein. Die Dinge gestalten sich so, dass jedesmal, wenn das Menschenwesen dem Sonneneinfluss unterliegt, es mehr dem Sonnenleben und seinen Erscheinungen als sich selbst hingegeben ist. Es empfindet in solchen Zeiten die Größe und Herrlichkeit des Weltalls, wie diese im Sonnensein sich ausdrückt. Es saugt diese gleichsam ein. Es wirken da eben die erhabenen Wesen, die auf der Sonne ihren Wohnplatz haben, auf den Mond. Und dieser wirkt wieder auf das Menschenwesen. Doch erstreckt sich diese Wirkung nicht auf den ganzen Menschen, sondern vorzüglich auf jene Teile desselben, die sich dem Einfluss der eigenen Bewusstseinsbilder entzogen haben. Es gelangen da namentlich der physische Leib und der Lebensleib zu einer gewissen Größe und Gestaltung. Es treten dafür aber die Bewusstseinserscheinungen zurück. Wenn nun das Menschenwesen in seinem Leben von der Sonne abgewendet ist, dann ist es mit seiner eigenen Natur beschäftigt. Es beginnt da eine innere Regsamkeit namentlich im Astralleibe. Dagegen wird die äußere Gestalt unansehnlicher, weniger formvollendet. — So gibt es während der Mondentwicklung die zwei charakterisierten, deutlich zu unterscheidenden, miteinander abwechselnden Bewusstseinszustände. Einen dumpferen während der Sonnenzeit und einen helleren während der Epoche, in welcher das Leben mehr auf sich selbst angewiesen ist. Der erste Zustand ist zwar dumpfer, aber er ist dafür auch selbstloser: der Mensch lebt da mehr in Hingabe an die Außenwelt, an das in der Sonne gespiegelte Weltall. Es ist ein Wechsel in den Bewusstseinszuständen, der sich sowohl mit dem Wechsel von Schlaf und Wachen beim gegenwärtigen Menschen, wie auch mit dessen Leben zwischen Geburt und Tod einerseits und dem mehr geistigen Dasein zwischen dem Tode und einer neuen Geburt anderseits vergleichen lässt. Das Aufwachen auf dem Monde, wenn die Sonnenzeit allmählich aufhört, wäre als ein Mittelding zwischen dem Aufwachen des gegenwärtigen Menschen an jedem Morgen und seinem Geborenwerden zu charakterisieren. Und ebenso gleicht das allmähliche Dumpferwerden des Bewusstseins beim Herannahen der Sonnenzeit einem Mittelzustand zwischen Einschlafen und Sterben. Denn ein solches Bewusstsein von Geburt und Tod, wie es dem gegenwärtigen Menschen eigen ist, gab es auf dem alten Monde noch nicht. In einer Art von Sonnenleben gab sich der Mensch dem Genusse dieses Lebens hin. Er war für diese Zeit dem Eigenleben entrückt. Er lebte mehr geistig. Es kann nur eine annähernde und vergleichsweise Schilderung dessen versucht werden, was der Mensch in solchen Zeiten erlebte. Er fühlte, wie wenn die Wirkungskräfte des Weltalls in ihn einströmten, ihn durchpulsten. Wie trunken von den Harmonien des Universums, die er mitlebte, fühlte er sich da. Sein Astralleib war in solchen Zeiten wie befreit von dem physischen Leibe. Und auch ein Teil des Lebensleibes war mit herausgezogen aus dem physischen Leib. Und dieses aus Astralleib und Lebensleib bestehende Gebilde war wie ein feines, wunderbares Musikinstrument, auf dessen Saiten die Mysterien des Weltalls erklangen. Und nach den Harmonien des Weltalls gestalteten sich die Glieder desjenigen Teiles des Menschenwesens, auf den das Bewusstsein nur geringen Einfluss hatte. Denn in diesen Harmonien wirkten die Wesen der Sonne. So wurde dieser Menschenteil durch die geistigen Weltentöne in seine Form gebracht. Und dabei war der Wechsel zwischen dem helleren Bewusstseinszustand und diesem dumpferen während der Sonnenzeit kein so schroffer wie derjenige beim gegenwärtigen Menschen zwischen dem Wachen und dem ganz traumlosen Schlaf. Allerdings war ja das Bilderbewusstsein nicht so hell wie das gegenwärtige Wachbewusstsein; dafür war aber auch das andere Bewusstsein nicht so dumpf wie der traumlose Schlaf der Gegenwart. Und so hatte das Menschenwesen eine Art, wenn auch gedämpfter Vorstellung von dem Spielen der Weltenharmonien in seinem physischen Leibe und demjenigen Teile des Ätherleibes, der mit dem physischen Leibe verbunden geblieben war. In der Zeit, in welcher die Sonne für das Menschenwesen gewissermaßen nicht schien, traten die Bildervorstellungen an die Stelle der Harmonien im Bewusstsein. Da lebten besonders diejenigen Glieder im physischen und im Ätherleibe auf, welche unter der unmittelbaren Macht des Bewusstseins standen. Dagegen machten die anderen Teile des Menschenwesens, auf die nunmehr ihre Bildungskräfte von der Sonne aus nicht wirkten, eine Art von Verhärtungs- und Vertrocknungsprozess durch. Und wenn dann wieder die Sonnenzeit heranrückte, dann verfielen die alten Leiber; sie gliederten sich ab von dem Menschenwesen, und es ging wie aus einem Grabe seiner alten Leiblichkeit der im Innern neugestaltete, wenn auch in dieser Form noch unansehnliche Mensch hervor. Es hatte eine Erneuerung des Lebensprozesses stattgefunden. Durch die Wirkung der Sonnenwesen und ihrer Harmonien gestaltete sich der neugeborene Leib dann wieder in seiner Vollkommenheit aus und der oben geschilderte Vorgang wiederholte sich. Und der Mensch empfand diese Erneuerung wie das Anziehen eines neuen Kleides. Sein Wesenskern war nicht durch eine eigentliche Geburt oder einen Tod durchgeschritten; er war nur übergegangen von einem geistigen Tonbewusstsein, in dem er hingegeben war an die Außenwelt, zu einem, in dem er mehr dem Innern zugewendet war. Er hatte sich gehäutet. Der alte Leib war unbrauchbar geworden; er wurde abgeworfen und erneuert. Damit ist auch dasjenige genauer gekennzeichnet, was oben als eine Art Fortpflanzung charakterisiert worden ist und von dem bemerkt wurde, dass es dem Vorstellungsleben nahesteht. Das Menschenwesen hat seinesgleichen in bezug auf gewisse Teile des physischen und des Ätherleibes hervorgebracht. Aber es entsteht kein völlig von dem Elternwesen unterschiedenes Tochterwesen, sondern der Wesenskern des ersteren geht auf das letztere über. Der bringt nicht ein neues Wesen, sondern sich selbst in einer neuen Gestalt hervor. So erlebt der Mondenmensch einen Bewusstseinswechsel. Wenn die Sonnenzeit heranrückt, dann werden seine Bildvorstellungen matter und matter, eine selige Hingabe erfüllt ihn; in seinem ruhigen Innern erklingen die Weltenharmonien. Gegen das Ende dieser Zeit beleben sich die Bilder im astralischen Leibe; er beginnt mehr sich zu fühlen und zu empfinden. Der Mensch erlebt etwas wie ein Aufwachen aus der Seligkeit und Ruhe, in welche er während der Sonnenzeit versunken war. Es tritt dabei aber noch ein wichtiges Erlebnis auf. Mit dem neuen Erhellen der Bewusstseinsbilder sieht sich das Menschenwesen wie eingehüllt in eine Wolke, die sich auf dasselbe wie eine Wesenheit aus dem Weltall herabgesenkt hat. Und es fühlt diese Wesenheit wie etwas zu ihm Gehöriges, wie eine Ergänzung seiner eigenen Natur. Es fühlt sie wie dasjenige, was ihm sein Dasein schenkt, wie sein «Ich». Es ist diese Wesenheit einer der «Söhne des Lebens». Ihm gegenüber empfindet der Mensch etwa so: «In diesem habe ich gelebt, auch während ich in der Sonnenzeit hingegeben war der Herrlichkeit des Weltalls; damals war er mir nur nicht sichtbar; jetzt aber wird er mir sichtbar». Und es ist auch dieser «Sohn des Lebens», von dem die Kraft ausgeht zu jener Wirkung, die in der sonnenlosen Zeit der Mensch auf seine eigene Leiblichkeit ausübt. Und dann, wenn wieder die Sonnenzeit herannaht, fühlt der Mensch, wie wenn er selbst eins würde mit dem «Söhne des Lebens». Sieht er ihn da auch nicht, so fühlt er sich doch innig mit ihm verbunden.
[ 53 ] Die Beziehung zu den «Söhnen des Lebens» war nun eine solche, dass nicht etwa jedes einzelne Menschenwesen für sich einen «Sohn des Lebens» hatte, sondern es empfand eine ganze Gruppe von Menschen ein solches Wesen als zu ihr gehörig. So lebten auf dem Monde die Menschen in solche Gruppen gesondert, und eine jede Gruppe empfand in einem «Söhne des Lebens» das gemeinsame «Gruppen-Ich». Der Unterschied der Gruppen machte sich dadurch geltend, dass namentlich die Ätherleiber bei einer jeden Gruppe eine besondere Gestalt hatten. Da aber die physischen Leiber sich nach den Ätherleibern gestalten, so prägten sich auch in den ersteren die Unterschiede der letzteren aus und die einzelnen Menschengruppen erschienen als ebensoviele Menschenarten. Blickten die «Söhne des Lebens» auf die zu ihnen gehörigen Menschengruppen herab, so sahen sie sich in den einzelnen Menschenwesen gewissermaßen vervielfältigt. Und darin fühlten sie ihre eigene Ichheit. Sie spiegelten sich gleichsam in den Menschen. Dies war auch die Aufgabe der menschlichen Sinne in der damaligen Zeit. Es ist gezeigt worden, dass diese noch keine GegenstandsWahrnehmungen vermittelten. Aber sie spiegelten das Wesen der «Söhne des Lebens». Was durch diese Spiegelung diese «Söhne des Lebens» wahrnahmen, das gab diesen ihr «IchBewusstsein». Und was durch die Spiegelung im menschlichen Astralleib erregt wurde, das eben sind die Bilder des dumpfen, dämmerhaften Mondenbewusstseins. — Die Wirkung dieser im Wechselverhältnis mit den «Söhnen des Lebens» vollzogenen Betätigung des Menschen wirkte im physischen Leibe in der Anlage des Nervensystems. Die Nerven stellen sich gleichsam dar wie Fortsetzungen der Sinne nach dem Innern des menschlichen Leibes.
[ 54 ] Es ist aus dem Dargestellten ersichtlich, wie die drei Arten von Geistern, diejenigen der «Persönlichkeit», die «Feuergeister» und die «Söhne des Lebens», auf den Mondmenschen wirken. Wenn man den Hauptzeitraum der Mondenentwicklung ins Auge fasst, die mittlere Entwicklungsperiode, so kann gesagt werden: die «Geister der Persönlichkeit» pflanzen dem menschlichen Astralleibe die Selbständigkeit, den Persönlichkeitscharakter ein. Dieser Tatsache ist es zuzuschreiben, dass in den Zeiten, in denen dem Menschen gleichsam die Sonne nicht scheint, er in sich gekehrt sein kann, an sich selbst zu gestalten vermag. Die «Feuergeister» betätigen sich am Ätherleibe, insofern dieser sich die selbständige Gestaltung des Menschenwesens einprägt. Durch sie geschieht es, dass das Menschenwesen jedesmal nach der Eneuerung des Leibes sich wieder als dasselbe fühlt. Es wird also durch die «Feuergeister» eine Art Erinnerung dem Ätherleibe gegeben. Die «Söhne des Lebens» wirken auf den physischen Leib so, dass dieser der Ausdruck des selbständig gewordenen Astralleibes werden kann. Sie machen es also möglich, dass dieser physische Leib ein physiognomisches Abbild wird seines Astralleibes. Dagegen greifen in den physischen Leib und den Ätherleib, insofern diese in den Sonnenzeiten sich unabhängig von dem selbständigen Astralleibe ausbilden, höhere geistige Wesenheiten ein, namentlich die «Geister der Form» und diejenigen der Bewegung. Ihr Eingreifen geschieht in der oben geschilderten Art von der Sonne aus.
[ 55 ] Unter dem Einflusse solcher Tatsachen reift das Menschenwesen heran, um allmählich in sich den Keim zu dem «Geistselbst» in ähnlicher Art auszubilden, wie es in der zweiten Hälfte der Saturnentwicklung den Geistesmenschenkeim und auf der Sonne den Keim des Lebensgeistes ausgebildet hat. Dadurch verändern sich alle Verhältnisse auf dem Monde. Durch die aufeinanderfolgenden Verwandlungen und Erneuerungen sind die Menschenwesen immer edler und feiner geworden; aber sie haben auch an Kraft gewonnen. Das Bilderbewusstsein blieb dadurch auch immer mehr in den Sonnenzeiten erhalten. Es erlangte dadurch auch Einfluss auf die Gestaltung des physischen und des Ätherleibes, die vorher ganz durch die Wirkung der Sonnenwesen geschah. Das, was auf dem Monde durch die Menschenwesen und die mit ihnen verbundenen Geister geschah, wurde immer ähnlicher dem, was früher durch die Sonne mit ihren höheren Wesenheiten bewirkt worden ist. Die Folge davon war, dass diese Sonnenwesenheiten immer mehr zu ihrer eigenen Entwicklung ihre Kräfte anwenden konnten. Durch dieses wurde der Mond reif, nach einiger Zeit wieder mit der Sonne vereinigt zu werden. — Geistig angesehen stellen sich diese Vorgänge in der folgenden Art dar: Die «abgefallenen Mondenwesen» sind allmählich von den Sonnenwesen überwunden worden und müssen sich nunmehr diesen so fügen, dass ihre Verrichtungen sich den Verrichtungen der Sonnenwesen eingliedern, indem sie sich ihnen unterordnen. — Dies geschah allerdings erst, nachdem lange Epochen vorangegangen waren, in denen die Mondenzeiten immer kürzer und kürzer, die Sonnenzeiten immer länger und länger geworden waren. Es kommt nun wieder eine Entwicklung, während welcher Sonne und Mond ein Weltengebilde sind. Da ist der physische Menschenleib ganz ätherisch geworden. — Man soll sich aber nicht vorstellen, wenn gesagt wird, der physische Leib sei ätherisch geworden, dass man für solche Zustände nicht von einem physischen Leib sprechen könne. Was als physischer Leib während Saturn-, Sonnen- und Mondenzeit gebildet worden ist, bleibt vorhanden. Es kommt dabei darauf an, das Physische nicht nur da zu erkennen, wo es sich äußerlich physisch offenbart. Das Physische kann auch so vorhanden sein, dass es nach außen die Form des Ätherischen, ja auch diejenige des Astralischen zeigt. Man muss eben unterscheiden zwischen der äußeren Erscheinung und der inneren Gesetzmäßigkeit. Ein Physisches kann sich ätherisieren und astralisieren, aber dabei in sich die physische Gesetzmäßigkeit behalten. So ist es, wenn der physische Leib des Menschen auf dem Monde einen gewissen Grad seiner Vollkommenheit erreicht hat. Er wird ätherförmig. Wenn aber das übersinnliche Bewusstsein, das solches beobachten kann, sich auf einen solchen ätherförmigen Leib richtet, dann erscheint er ihm nicht mit den Gesetzen des Ätherischen, sondern mit denen des Physischen durchdrungen. Es ist dann eben das Physische in das Ätherische aufgenommen, um darinnen wie in einem Mutterschoße zu ruhen und darinnen gepflegt zu werden. Später tritt es dann wieder auch in physischer Form, aber auf einer höheren Stufe, hervor. Wenn die Menschenwesen des Mondes ihren physischen Leib in der grobphysischen Form behielten, könnte sich der Mond niemals mit der Sonne vereinigen. Durch das Annehmen der ätherischen Form wird der physische Leib dem Ätherleibe verwandter, und er kann sich dadurch auch wieder inniger mit jenen Teilen des ätherischen und Astralleibes durchdringen, welche in den SonnenzeitenEpochen der Mondenentwicklung sich aus ihm herausziehen mussten. Der Mensch, der während der Trennung von Sonne und Mond wie ein Doppelwesen erschien, wird wieder ein einheitliches Geschöpf. Das Physische wird seelischer; dafür auch das Seelische mehr mit dem Physischen verbunden. — Auf dieses einheitliche Menschenwesen können nunmehr die Sonnengeister, in deren unmittelbaren Bereich es jetzt gekommen ist, ganz anders wirken als vorher von außen nach dem Monde hin. Der Mensch ist jetzt in einer mehr seelisch-geistigen Umgebung. Dadurch können zu einer bedeutungsvollen Wirkung die «Geister der Weisheit» kommen. Sie prägen ihm die Weisheit ein. Sie beseelen ihn mit Weisheit. Er wird dadurch in gewissem Sinne eine selbständige Seele. Und zu dem Einflusse dieser Wesenheiten tritt dann noch hinzu derjenige der «Geister der Bewegung». Sie wirken vorzüglich auf den Astralleib, so dass dieser eine seelenhafte Regsamkeit und einen weisheitserfüllten Lebensleib unter dem Einflusse der genannten Wesenheiten in sich herausarbeitet. Der weisheitserfüllte Ätherleib ist die erste Anlage zu dem, was in einem früheren Abschnitt beim gegenwärtigen Menschen als Verstandesseele beschrieben worden ist, während der von den «Geistern der Bewegung» erregte Astralleib die Keimanlage der Empfindungsseele ist. Und weil dies alles in dem Menschenwesen bei seinem erhöhten Selbständigkeitszustande bewirkt wird, so erscheinen diese Keimanlagen von Verstandes- und Empfindungsseele als der Ausdruck des «Geistselbst». Man soll sich demgegenüber nicht dem Irrtume hingeben, dass in dieser Periode der Entwicklung das «Geistselbst» noch etwas besonderes sei neben der Verstandes- und Empfindungsseele. Die letzteren sind nur der Ausdruck des «Geistselbst», und dieses bedeutet deren höhere Einheit und Harmonie.
[ 56 ] Von besonderer Bedeutung ist, dass die «Geister der Weisheit» in dieser Epoche in der geschilderten Art eingreifen. Sie tun dies nämlich nicht allein in bezug auf die Menschenwesen, sondern auch für die andern Reiche, welche sich auf dem Monde herausgebildet haben. Bei der Wiedervereinigung von Sonne und Mond werden diese niederen Reiche mit in den Sonnenbereich hineingezogen. Alles, was an ihnen physisch war, wird ätherisiert. Es finden sich also nunmehr Mineralpflanzen und Pflanzentiere in der Sonne, wie sich das Menschenwesen darin befindet. Doch bleiben diese andern Wesen mit ihren Gesetzmäßigkeiten ausgestattet. Sie fühlen sich dadurch wie Fremdlinge in ihrer Umgebung. Sie treten mit einer Natur auf, welche zu der ihrer Umgebung nur wenig hinzustimmt. Da sie aber ätherisiert sind, kann auch auf sie sich die Wirkung der «Geister der Weisheit» erstrecken. Es durchdringt sich eben jetzt alles, was vom Monde her in die Sonne gekommen ist, mit den Kräften der «Geister der Weisheit». Daher kann das, was innerhalb dieser Entwicklungszeit aus dem Sonnen-Mondgebilde wird, «Kosmos der Weisheit» genannt werden. — Wenn dann nach einer Ruhepause unser Erdensystem als Nachkomme dieses «Kosmos der Weisheit» erscheint, so zeigen sich alle die auf der Erde neu auf lebenden, aus ihren Mondenkeimen ersprießenden Wesen so, dass sie weisheitserfüllt sind. Da kommt der Grund zum Vorschein, warum der Erdenmensch, wenn er betrachtend die Dinge um sich herum anblickt, Weisheit in der Natur ihres Wesens erforschen kann. Man kann bewundern die Weisheit in jedem Pflanzenblatte, in jedem Tier- und Menschenknochen, in dem Wunderbau des Gehirns und des Herzens. Wenn der Mensch Weisheit braucht, um die Dinge zu verstehen, also Weisheit aus ihnen herausholt, so zeigt dies, dass Weisheit in den Dingen liegt. Denn wäre der Mensch noch so sehr bemüht, durch weisheitsvolle Vorstellungen die Dinge zu verstehen: er könnte keine Weisheit aus ihnen holen, wenn sie nicht erst in sie hineingelegt wäre. Wer durch Weisheit Dinge ergreifen will, von denen er glaubt, dass sie nicht erst die Weisheit empfangen haben, der darf auch glauben, dass er Wasser aus einem Glase schöpfen könne, in das nicht erst solches hineingegossen worden ist. Die Erde ist, wie sich später in dieser Schrift zeigen wird, der wiedererstandene «alte Mond». Und sie erscheint als ein weisheitsvolles Gebilde, weil in der geschilderten Epoche sie von den «Geistern der Weisheit» mit deren Kräften durchsetzt worden ist.
[ 57 ] Es wird wohl begreiflich erscheinen, dass in dieser Schilderung der Mondenverhältnisse nur gewisse vorübergehende Formen der Entwicklung festgehalten werden konnten. Man musste gewissermaßen in dem Fortgange der Tatsachen gewisse Dinge festhalten und für die Darstellung herausgreifen. Diese Art der Schilderung gibt allerdings nur Einzelbilder; und es kann daher wohl in dem Vorhergehenden vermisst werden, dass die Entwicklung nicht in ein Netz festbestimmter Begriffe gebracht worden ist. Einem solchen Einwurf gegenüber darf aber wohl vielleicht darauf aufmerksam gemacht werden, dass ganz absichtlich die Schilderung in weniger scharfen Begriffen gegeben worden ist. Denn es soll nicht so sehr darauf ankommen, hier spekulative Begriffe und Ideenkonstruktionen zu geben, sondern vielmehr eine Vorstellung von dem, was sich dem auf diese Tatsachen gerichteten übersinnlichen Schauen wirklich vor das geistige Auge stellen kann. Und das ist für die Mondenentwicklung gar nicht etwas in so scharfen und bestimmten Umrissen, wie sie die Erdenwahrnehmungen zeigen. Man hat es bei der Mondenepoche gar sehr mit wandelbaren, wechselnden Eindrücken, mit schwankenden, beweglichen Bildern zu tun und mit deren Übergängen. Außerdem ist ja zu berücksichtigen, dass eine Entwicklung durch lange, lange Zeiträume in Betracht kommt und dass aus dieser heraus doch nur Augenblicksbilder in der Darstellung festgehalten werden können.
[ 58 ] In dem Zeitpunkte, wo der dem Menschenwesen eingepflanzte Astralleib dieses so weit in der Entwicklung vorwärts gebracht hat, dass dessen physischer Leib den «Söhnen des Lebens» die Möglichkeit gibt, ihre Menschheitsstufe zu erreichen, ist der wesentliche Höhepunkt der Mondenepoche erreicht. Da ist auch das Menschenwesen zu all dem gekommen, was ihm für sich selbst, für seine Innerlichkeit diese Epoche auf dem Wege nach vorwärts geben kann. Das Folgende, also die zweite Hälfte der Mondenentwicklung, könnte man daher als ein Abfluten bezeichnen. Aber man sieht, dass in bezug auf die Umgebung des Menschen und auch für diesen selbst dadurch ein Wichtigstes gerade in dieser Epoche geschieht. Es wird da dem SonnenMondenkörper Weisheit eingepflanzt. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass während dieses Abflutens die Keime der Verstandes- und Empfindungsseele gelegt werden. Doch wird erst in der Erdenzeit die Entfaltung dieser und auch der Bewusstseinsseele und damit die Geburt des «Ich», des freien Selbstbewusstseins, erfolgen. Es erscheinen auf der Mondenstufe Verstandes- und Empfindungsseele noch gar nicht so, als ob sich das Menschenwesen selbst schon durch sie äußerte, sondern als ob sie Instrumente wären für die zum Menschenwesen gehörigen «Söhne des Lebens». Wollte man das Gefühl charakterisieren, welches in dieser Richtung der Mensch auf dem Monde hat, so müsste man sagen, er empfindet so: «In mir und durch mich lebt der
[ 59 ] Der eigentlichen Mondenentwicklung ging eine Vorbereitung voran. Es fand eine Wiederholung der Saturn- und Sonnenentwicklung in einer gewissen Art statt. Nun kann man nach der Wiedervereinigung von Sonne und Mond ebenso in der Zeit des Abflutens zwei Epochen voneinander unterscheiden. Während derselben treten sogar physische Verdichtungen bis zu einem gewissen Grade ein. Es wechseln also geistig-seelische Zustände des Sonnen-Mondengebildes mit physischen ab. In solchen physischen Epochen erscheinen die Menschenwesen und auch die Wesen der niederen Reiche so, wie wenn sie in steifen, unselbständigen Gestalten das vorbildeten, was sie später, in der Erdenzeit, in selbständigerer Art werden sollen. Man kann also von zwei vorbereitenden Epochen der Mondenentwicklung sprechen und von zwei andern während der Zeit des Abflutens. Es können solche Epochen «Kreisläufe» genannt werden. In dem, was den zwei vorbereitenden Epochen folgt und denen des Abflutens vorangeht, also in der Zeit der Mondabspaltung, wird man auch drei Epochen unterscheiden können. Die mittlere ist die Zeit der Menschwerdung der «Söhne des Lebens». Ihr geht eine solche voran, in der sich alle Verhältnisse auf dieses Hauptereignis hin zuspitzen; und es folgt eine andere, die als ein Einleben und Ausgestalten in den neuen Schöpfungen zu bezeichnen ist. Damit trennt sich die mittlere Mondenentwicklung wieder in drei Epochen, was mit den zwei vorbereitenden und den zwei abflutenden sieben Mondenkreisläufe gibt. Es darf somit gesagt werden, dass die ganze Mondenentwicklung in sieben Kreisläufen abfließt. Zwischen diesen Kreisläufen liegen Ruhepausen. Es ziehen sich zum Beispiel die Sonnenwesen nach und nach von ihrer Wirksamkeit auf dem Monde zurück. Für sie beginnt eine Zeit, die nach außen als ihre Ruhepause erscheint, während auf dem Monde selbst noch rege selbständige Tätigkeit herrscht. So erstreckt sich die Tätigkeitsepoche der einen Wesensart in die Ruhepause der andern vielfach hinein. Wenn man solches in Rechnung zieht, dann kann man von einem rhythmischen Steigen und Sinken der Kräfte in Kreisläufen sprechen. Ja es sind ähnliche Abteilungen auch noch innerhalb der sieben angedeuteten Mondenkreisläufe zu erkennen. Man kann dann die ganze Mondenentwicklung einen großen Kreislauf, einen Planetenlauf nennen; dann die sieben Abteilungen innerhalb eines solchen «kleine» Kreisläufe und die Glieder dieser wieder «kleinere» Kreisläufe. Diese Gliederung in siebenmal sieben Abteilungen ist auch schon bei der Sonnenentwicklung bemerkbar und auch während der Saturnepoche angedeutet. Doch muss man berücksichtigen, dass die Grenzen zwischen den Abteilungen schon bei der Sonne und noch mehr beim Saturn verwischt sind. Diese Grenzen werden immer deutlicher, je weiter die Entwicklung gegen die Erdenepoche zu fortschreitet.
[ 60 ] Nach dem Abschlusse der im vorhergehenden skizzenhaft geschilderten Mondenentwicklung treten alle dabei in Betracht kommenden Wesenheiten und Kräfte in eine geistigere Daseinsform. Diese steht auf einer ganz anderen Stufe als diejenige während der Mondperiode und auch als diejenige während der folgenden Erdenentwicklung. Ein Wesen, welches so hoch entwickelte Erkenntnisfähigkeiten hätte, dass es alle Einzelheiten der Monden- und Erdenentwicklung wahrnehmen könnte, brauchte deshalb noch nicht imstande zu sein, auch das zu schauen, was zwischen den beiden Entwicklungen geschieht. Für ein solches Wesen würden gewissermaßen am Ende der Mondenzeit die Wesen und Kräfte wie in ein Nichts entschwinden und nach Ablauf einer Zwischenzeit wieder hervortreten aus dem Dämmerdunkel des Weltenschoßes. Nur ein Wesen mit noch weit höheren Fähigkeiten könnte die geistigen Tatsachen verfolgen, welche sich in der Zwischenzeit ereignen.
[ 61 ] Am Ende der Zwischenzeit treten die an den Entwicklungsvorgängen auf Saturn, Sonne und Mond beteiligten Wesenheiten mit neuen Fähigkeiten auf. Die über dem Menschen stehenden Wesen haben sich durch ihre vorhergehenden Taten die Fähigkeit errungen, den Menschen so weiter zu entwickeln, dass er während der auf die Mondenzeit folgenden Erdenzeit eine Bewusstseinsart in sich entfalten kann, welche um eine Stufe höher steht als das Bilderbewusstsein, das ihm während der Mondenzeit eigen war. Nun muss aber der Mensch erst vorbereitet werden, zu empfangen, was ihm gegeben werden soll. Er hat während der Saturn-, Sonnen- und Mondenentwicklung den physischen Leib, den Lebensleib, den Astralleib in sein Wesen eingegliedert. Aber diese Glieder seines Wesens haben nur diejenigen Fähigkeiten und Kräfte erhalten, welche sie befähigen, für ein Bilderbewusstsein zu leben; ihnen fehlen noch die Organe und die Gestalt, durch welche sie eine Welt von sinnlichäußeren Gegenständen wahrnehmen können, wie das für die Erdenstufe das entsprechende ist. Wie die neue Pflanze nur das entfaltet, was im Keime, der von der alten herrührt, veranlagt ist, so treten im Beginne der neuen Entwicklungsstufe die drei Glieder der Menschennatur mit solchen Formen und Organen auf, dass sie nur das Bilderbewusstsein entfalten können. Sie müssen zum Entfalten einer höheren Bewusstseinsstufe erst vorbereitet werden. — Dies geschieht in drei Vorstufen. Innerhalb der ersten wird der physische Leib auf eine solche Höhe gehoben, dass er in den Stand kommt, die notwendige Umgestaltung anzunehmen, die einem Gegenstandsbewusstsein zugrunde liegen kann. Es ist dies eine Vorstufe der Erdenentwicklung, die man als Wiederholung der Periode auf einer höheren Stufe bezeichnen kann. Denn es wird von höheren Wesenheiten während dieser Periode wie während der Saturnzeit nur am physischen Leib gearbeitet. Ist der letztere mit seiner Entwicklung genügend weit fortgeschritten, so müssen alle Wesenheiten erst wieder in eine höhere Daseinsform übergehen, bevor auch der Lebensleib fortschreiten kann. Der physische Leib muss gleichsam umgegossen werden, um bei seiner Wiederentfaltung den höher gebildeten Lebensleib aufnehmen zu können. Nach dieser, einer höheren Daseinsform gewidmeten Zwischenzeit tritt eine Art Wiederholung der Sonnenentwicklung auf höherer Stufe ein, zur Ausgestaltung des Lebensleibes. Und wieder nach einer Zwischenzeit tritt ein Ähnliches für den Astralleib in einer Wiederholung der Mondenentwicklung ein.
[ 62 ] Das Augenmerk sei nun gerichtet auf die Entwicklungstatsachen nach Beendigung der dritten der geschilderten Wiederholungen. Alle Wesenheiten und Kräfte haben sich wieder vergeistigt. Sie sind während dieser Vergeistigung in hohe Welten aufgestiegen. Die niederste der Welten, in welcher von ihnen während dieser Vergeistigungsepoche noch etwas wahrzunehmen ist, das ist dieselbe, in welcher der gegenwärtige Mensch zwischen dem Tod und einer neuen Geburt verweilt. Es sind die Regionen des Geisterlandes. Sie steigen dann allmählich wieder herab zu niederen Welten. Sie sind, bevor die physische Erdenentwicklung beginnt, so weit herabgestiegen, dass ihre niedersten Offenbarungen in der astralen oder Seelenwelt zu schauen sind.
[ 63 ] Alles, was vom Menschen in diesem Zeitraume vorhanden ist, hat noch seine astrale Form. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit sollte man für das Verständnis dieses Menschheitszustandes darauf legen, dass der Mensch in sich hat physischen Leib, Lebensleib und Astralleib, dass aber sowohl der physische wie auch der Lebensleib nicht in physischer und ätherischer, sondern eben in astralischer Form vorhanden sind. Was da den physischen Leib zum physischen macht, ist nicht die physische Form, sondern die Tatsache, dass er, obzwar ihm die astralische Form eignet, doch die physischen Gesetze in sich hat. Er ist ein Wesen mit physischer Gesetzmäßigkeit in seelischer Form. Ähnliches gilt für den Lebensleib.
[ 64 ] Vor dem geistigen Auge steht auf dieser Entwicklungsstufe die Erde zunächst als ein Weltenwesen, das ganz Seele und Geist ist, in dem also auch die physischen und die lebendigen Kräfte noch seelisch erscheinen. In diesem Weltgebilde ist, der Anlage nach, alles enthalten, was sich später zu den Geschöpfen der physischen Erde umwandeln soll. Es ist leuchtend; sein Licht ist aber noch kein solches, das physische Augen wahrnehmen könnten, auch wenn sie da wären. Es leuchtet nur in dem seelischen Lichte für das geöffnete Auge des Sehers.
[ 65 ] Es geht nun in diesem Wesen etwas vor, was man als Verdichtung bezeichnen kann. Das Ergebnis dieser Verdichtung ist, dass nach einiger Zeit inmitten des Seelengebildes eine Feuerform erscheint, wie eine solche der Saturn in seinem dichtesten Zustande war. Diese Feuerform ist durchwoben von den Wirkungen der verschiedenen Wesenheiten, welche an der Entwicklung beteiligt sind. Es ist wie ein Auf- und Untertauchen von der und in die Erden-Feuerkugel, was da als Wechselwirkung zwischen diesen Wesenheiten und dem Himmelskörper zu beobachten ist. Die Erden-Feuerkugel ist daher nicht etwa eine gleichförmige Substanz, sondern etwas wie ein durchseelter und durchgeistigter Organismus. Diejenigen Wesen, welche dazu bestimmt sind, auf der Erde Menschen in gegenwärtiger Gestalt zu werden, sind jetzt noch in einer Lage, dass sie sich am wenigsten beteiligen an dem Untertauchen in den Feuerkörper. Sie halten sich noch fast ganz im unverdichteten Umkreise auf. Sie sind noch im Schoße der höheren geistigen Wesen. Sie berühren auf dieser Stufe nur mit einem Punkte ihrer Seelenform die Feuererde; und das bewirkt, dass die Wärme einen Teil ihrer Astralform verdichtet. Dadurch wird in ihnen das Erdenleben entzündet. Sie gehören mit dem größten Teile ihres Wesens also noch den seelisch-geistigen Welten an; nur durch die Berührung mit dem Erdenfeuer werden sie von Lebenswärme umspielt. Wollte man sich ein sinnlich-übersinnliches Bild von diesen Menschen im Anbeginne der physischen Erdenzeit machen, so müsste man sich eine seelische Eiform denken, die im Erdenumkreis enthalten und an ihrer unteren Fläche wie die Eichelfrucht von einem Becher umschlossen wird. Nur besteht die Substanz des Bechers lediglich aus Wärme oder Feuer. Das Eingehülltwerden von Wärme hat nun nicht nur im Gefolge, dass im Menschen das Leben entzündet wird, sondern es tritt damit gleichzeitig eine Veränderung im Astralleibe auf. Diesem gliedert sich die erste Anlage zu dem ein, was später zur Empfindungsseele wird. Man kann deshalb sagen, dass der Mensch auf dieser Stufe seines Daseins besteht aus der Empfindungsseele, dem Astralleib, dem Lebensleib und dem aus Feuer gewobenen physischen Leib. In dem Astralleibe wogen auf und ab die geistigen Wesenheiten, welche am Dasein des Menschen beteiligt sind; durch die Empfindungsseele fühlt sich dieser an den Erdkörper gebunden. Er hat also in dieser Zeit ein vorwiegendes Bilderbewusstsein, in dem sich die geistigen Wesen offenbaren, in deren Schoß er liegt; und nur wie ein Punkt innerhalb dieses Bewusstseins tritt die Empfindung des eigenen Leibes auf. Er sieht gleichsam aus der geistigen Welt auf ein irdisches Besitztum hinunter, von dem er fühlt: «Das ist dir.» — Immer wieder schreitet nun die Verdichtung der Erde vor; und damit wird die charakterisierte Gliederung im Menschen immer deutlicher. Von einem bestimmten Zeitpunkte der Entwicklung an ist die Erde so weit verdichtet, dass nur ein Teil noch feurig ist. Ein anderer Teil hat eine substantielle Form angenommen, welche man als «Gas» oder «Luft» ansprechen kann. Nun geht auch mit dem Menschen eine Veränderung vor sich. Er wird jetzt nicht nur von der Erdenwärme berührt, sondern es gliedert sich seinem Feuerleibe die Luftsubstanz ein. Und wie die Wärme in ihm das Leben entzündet hat, so erregt die ihn umspielende Luft in ihm eine Wirkung, die man als (geistigen> Ton bezeichnen kann. Sein Lebensleib erklingt. Gleichzeitig sondert sich aus dem Astralleibe ein Teil aus, welcher die erste Anlage der später auftretenden Verstandesseele ist. — Um nun sich vor Augen zu rücken, was in dieser Zeit in des Menschen Seele vorgeht, muss man darauf achten, dass in dem Luft-Feuerkörper der Erde die über dem Menschen stehenden Wesen auf- und abwogen. In der Feuererde sind es zunächst die «Geister der Persönlichkeit», welche für den Menschen bedeutsam sind. Und indem der Mensch von der Erdenwärme zum Leben erregt wird, sagt sich seine Empfindungsseele: dies sind die «Geister der Persönlichkeit». Ebenso kündigen sich in dem Luftkörper diejenigen Wesen an, welche oben in dieser Schrift «Erzengel» (im Sinne der christlichen Esoterik) genannt wurden. Ihre Wirkungen sind es, welche der Mensch als Ton in sich verspürt, wenn die Luft ihn umspielt. Und die Verstandesseele sagt sich dabei: «Dies sind die Erzengel». So ist das, was der Mensch auf dieser Stufe durch seine Verbindung mit der Erde wahrnimmt, noch nicht eine Summe von physischen Gegenständen, sondern er lebt in Wärmeempfindungen, welche zu ihm aufsteigen, und in Tönen; aber er verspürt in diesen Wärmeströmungen und in diesem Tongewoge die «Geister der Persönlichkeit» und die «Erzengel». Er kann diese Wesen allerdings nicht unmittelbar wahrnehmen, sondern nur wie durch den Schleier der Wärme und des Tones. Während diese Wahrnehmungen von der Erde her in seine Seele eindringen, steigen in dieser noch immer die Bilder der höheren Wesenheiten auf und nieder, in deren Schoße er sich fühlt.
[ 66 ] Nun schreitet die Entwicklung der Erde weiter. Das Weiterschreiten drückt sich wieder in einer Verdichtung aus. Es gliedert sich die wässerige Substanz dem Erdenkörper ein, so dass dieser nun aus drei Gliedern, dem feurigen, dem luftförmigen und dem wässerigen besteht. Bevor dies geschieht, spielt sich ein wichtiger Vorgang ab. Es spaltet sich aus der Feuer-LuftErde ein selbständiger Weltkörper ab, der dann in seiner weiteren Entwicklung zur gegenwärtigen Sonne wird. Vorher waren Erde und Sonne ein Körper. Nach der Abspaltung der Sonne hat zunächst die Erde noch alles in sich, was in und auf dem gegenwärtigen Monde ist. Die Absonderung der Sonne geschieht, weil höhere Wesenheiten zu ihrer eigenen Entwicklung und zu dem, was sie für die Erde zu tun haben, die bis zum Wasser verdichtete Materie nicht mehr weiter ertragen können. Sie sondern sich aus der gemeinsamen Erdenmasse die allein für sie brauchbaren Substanzen heraus und ziehen sich aus derselben heraus, um sich in der Sonne einen neuen Wohnplatz zu bilden. Sie wirken nun von der Sonne aus von außen auf die Erde. Der Mensch aber bedarf zu seiner weiteren Entwicklung eines Schauplatzes, auf dem sich die Substanz auch noch weiter verdichtet.
[ 67 ] Mit der Eingliederung der wässerigen Substanz in den Erdenkörper geht auch eine Verwandlung des Menschen einher. Nunmehr strömt in ihn nicht nur das Feuer, und es umspielt ihn nicht nur die Luft, sondern es gliedert sich die wässerige Substanz in seinen physischen Leib ein. Gleichzeitig verändert sich sein ätherischer Teil; diesen nimmt nämlich der Mensch nunmehr wie einen feinen Lichtleib wahr. Der Mensch hat vorher Wärmeströme von der Erde zu sich emporkommen gefühlt, er hat Luft durch Tönen zu sich herandringend empfunden; jetzt durchdringt seinen Feuer-Luft-Leib auch das wässerige Element, und er sieht dessen Ein- und Ausströmen als Auf leuchten und Abdämmern von Licht. Aber auch in seiner Seele ist eine Veränderung eingetreten. Es ist zu den Anlagen der Empfindungs- und Verstandesseele diejenige der Bewusstseinsseele getreten. In dem Elemente des Wassers wirken die «Engel»; sie sind auch die eigentlichen Lichterreger. Dem Menschen ist es, als ob sie ihm im Lichte erschienen. — Gewisse höhere Wesenheiten, die vorher in dem Erdenkörper selbst waren, wirken nunmehr auf diesen von der Sonne aus. Dadurch ändern sich alle Wirkungen auf der Erde. Der an die Erde gefesselte Mensch könnte die Wirkungen der Sonnenwesen nicht mehr in sich verspüren, wenn seine Seele fortwährend der Erde zugewandt wäre, aus welcher sein physischer Leib genommen ist. Es tritt nunmehr ein Wechsel in den menschlichen Bewusstseinszuständen auf. Die Sonnenwesen entreißen die Seele des Menschen zu gewissen Zeiten dem physischen Leibe, so dass der Mensch jetzt abwechselnd im Schoße der Sonnenwesen rein seelisch ist, und zu andern Zeiten in einem Zustande, wo er mit dem Leibe verbunden ist und die Einflüsse der Erde empfängt. Ist er im physischen Leibe, dann strömen die Wärmeströmungen zu ihm auf. Es umtönen ihn die Luftmassen; es dringen die Wasser aus ihm aus und in ihn ein. Ist der Mensch außerhalb seines Leibes, dann ist er in seiner Seele durchwogt von den Bildern der höheren Wesen, in deren Schoße er ist. — Die Erde durchlebt auf dieser Stufe ihrer Entwicklung zwei Zeiten. In der einen darf sie mit ihren Substanzen die Menschenseelen umspielen und sie mit Leibern überziehen; in der andern sind die Seelen von ihr gewichen; nur die Leiber sind ihr geblieben. Sie ist mit den Menschenwesen in einem schlafenden Zustande. Man kann durchaus sachgemäß davon sprechen, dass in diesen Zeiten urferner Vergangenheit die Erde eine Tages- und eine Nachtzeit durchmacht. (Physisch-räumlich drückt sich dieses dadurch aus, dass durch die gegenseitige Wirkung der Sonnen- und Erdenwesen die Erde in eine Bewegung im Verhältnis zur Sonne kommt; dadurch wird der Wechsel in der charakterisierten Nacht- und Tageszeit herbeigeführt. Die Tageszeit spielt sich ab, wenn die Erdenfläche, auf welcher sich der Mensch entwickelt, der Sonne zugekehrt ist; die Nachtzeit, also die Zeit, in welcher der Mensch ein rein seelisches Dasein führt, dann, wenn diese Fläche der Sonne abgekehrt ist. Man darf sich nun allerdings nicht denken, dass in jener Urzeit die Bewegung der Erde um die Sonne schon der gegenwärtigen ähnlich war. Es waren die Verhältnisse noch ganz anders. Es ist aber auch nützlich, schon hier zu ahnen, dass die Bewegungen der Himmelskörper als Folge der Beziehungen entstehen, welche die sie bewohnenden geistigen Wesen zueinander haben. Die Himmelskörper werden durch geistig-seelische Ursachen in solche Lagen und Bewegungen gebracht, dass im Physischen die geistigen Zustände sich ausleben können.)
[ 68 ] Wendete man den Blick auf die Erde während ihrer Nachtzeit, so würde man ihren Körper leichnamähnlich sehen. Denn sie besteht ja zum großen Teile aus den verfallenden Leibern der Menschen, deren Seelen in einer andern Daseinsform sich befinden. Es verfallen die gegliederten, wässerigen und luftförmigen Gebilde, aus denen die Menschenleiber gebildet waren, und lösen sich in der übrigen Erdenmasse auf. Nur derjenige Teil des Menschenleibes, welcher sich durch das Zusammenwirken des Feuers und der Menschenseele vom Beginne der Erdenentwicklung an gebildet hat und welcher dann in der Folge immer dichter geworden ist, er bleibt bestehen wie ein äußerlich unansehnlicher Keim. Man darf also, was hier über Tag- und Nachtzeit gesagt ist, sich nicht zu ähnlich denken dem, was für die gegenwärtige Erde mit diesen Bezeichnungen gemeint ist. Wenn nun zur beginnenden Tageszeit die Erde wieder der unmittelbaren Sonneneinwirkung teilhaftig wird, dann dringen die Menschenseelen in den Bereich des physischen Lebens. Sie berühren sich mit jenen Keimen und machen sie auf sprießen, so dass diese eine äußere Gestalt annehmen, welche wie ein Abbild des menschlichen Seelenwesens erscheint. Es ist etwas wie eine zarte Befruchtung, was sich da abspielt zwischen Menschenseele und Leibeskeim. Nun beginnen diese also verkörperten Seelen auch wieder die Luft- und Wassermassen heranzuziehen und sie ihrem Leibe einzugliedern. Von dem gegliederten Leib wird die Luft ausgestoßen und eingesogen: die erste Anlage zum späteren Atmungsprozess. Auch wird das Wasser aufgenommen und ausgestoßen: eine ursprüngliche Art des Ernährungsprozesses beginnt. Diese Vorgänge werden aber noch nicht als äußerliche wahrgenommen. Eine Art von äußerer Wahrnehmung findet durch die Seele nur bei der charakterisierten Art von Befruchtung statt. Da fühlt die Seele dumpf ihr Erwachen zum physischen Dasein, indem sie den Keim berührt, der ihr von der Erde entgegengehalten wird. Sie vernimmt da etwas, was sich etwa in die Worte bringen lässt: «Das ist meine Gestalt». Und ein solches Gefühl, das man auch ein aufdämmerndes Ich-Gefühl nennen dürfte, bleibt der Seele während ihrer ganzen Verbindung mit dem physischen Leibe. Den Vorgang der Luftaufnahme empfindet aber die Seele noch durchaus seelisch-geistig, noch als einen bildhaften. Er erscheint in Form von aus- und abwogenden Tonbildern, welche dem sich gliedernden Keim die Formen geben. Die Seele fühlt sich überall von Tönen umwogt, und sie empfindet, wie sie sich den Leib nach diesen Tonkräften ausgestaltet. Es bildeten sich so Menschengestalten auf der damaligen Stufe aus, die für ein gegenwärtiges Bewusstsein in keiner Außenwelt beobachtet werden können. Wie feinsubstantielle pflanzen- und blumenartige Formen bilden sie sich aus, welche aber innerlich beweglich sind und demnach wie flatternde Blumen erscheinen. Und das selige Gefühl seines Gestaltens zu solchen Formen durchlebt der Mensch während seiner Erdenzeit. Die Aufnahme der wässerigen Teile wird in der Seele als Kraftzufuhr, als innerliche Stärkung empfunden. Nach außen erscheint es als Wachsen des physischen Menschengebildes. Mit dem Abnehmen der unmittelbaren Sonnenwirkung verliert auch die Menschenseele die Kraft, diese Vorgänge zu beherrschen. Sie werden nach und nach abgeworfen. Nur diejenigen Teile bleiben, welche den oben charakterisierten Keim reifen lassen. Der Mensch aber verlässt seinen Leib und kehrt in die geistige Daseinsform zurück. (Da nicht alle Teile des Erdenkörpers zum Aufbau von Menschenleibern verwendet werden, so hat man sich auch nicht vorzustellen, dass in der Nachtzeit der Erde diese einzig nur aus den verfallenden Leichnamen und den auf Erweckung wartenden Keimen besteht. Alles dieses ist eingelagert in andere Gebilde, die aus den Substanzen der Erde sich formen. Wie es sich mit diesen verhält, soll sich später zeigen.)
[ 69 ] Nun setzt sich aber der Vorgang der Verdichtung der Erdensubstanz fort. Zu dem wässerigen Elemente tritt das feste, das man «erdig» nennen kann, hinzu. Und damit beginnt auch der Mensch, während seiner Erdenzeit seinem Leibe das erdige Element einzugliedern. Sobald diese Eingliederung beginnt, haben die Kräfte, welche sich die Seele mitbringt aus ihrer leibfreien Zeit, nicht mehr dieselbe Macht wie vorher. Früher gestaltete sich die Seele den Leib aus dem feurigen, dem luftigen und dem wässerigen Element nach Maßgabe der Töne, die sie umklangen, und der Lichtbilder, welche sie umspielten. Gegenüber der verfestigten Gestalt kann das die Seele nicht. Es greifen nunmehr in die Gestaltung andere Mächte ein. In dem, was vom Menschen zurückbleibt, wenn die Seele aus dem Leibe weicht, stellt sich nunmehr nicht nur ein Keim dar, welcher durch die wiederkehrende Seele zum Leben entfacht wird, sondern ein Gebilde, welches auch die Kraft dieser Belebung selbst in sich enthält. Die Seele lässt bei ihrem Scheiden nicht bloß ihr Nachbild auf der Erde zurück, sondern sie versenkt auch einen Teil ihrer belebenden Macht in dieses Abbild. Sie kann beim Wiedererscheinen auf der Erde nun nicht mehr allein das Abbild zum Leben erwecken, sondern es muss im Abbild selbst die Belebung geschehen. Die geistigen Wesen, welche von der Sonne aus auf die Erde wirken, erhalten jetzt die belebende Kraft in dem Menschenleibe, auch wenn der Mensch nicht selbst auf der Erde ist. So fühlt jetzt die Seele bei ihrer Verkörperung nicht nur die sie umwogenden Töne und Lichtbilder, in denen sie die zunächst über ihr stehenden Wesen empfindet, sondern sie erlebt durch das Empfangen des erdigen Elementes den Einfluss jener noch höheren Wesen, die auf der. Sonne ihren Schauplatz aufgeschlagen haben. Vorher empfand der Mensch sich den geistig-seelischen Wesen angehörig, mit denen er vereint war, wenn er leibfrei war. In ihrem Schoße war noch sein «Ich». Nun trat ihm dieses «Ich» ebenso während der physischen Verkörperung entgegen, wie das andere, was um ihn war während dieser Zeit. Selbständige Abbilder des seelisch-geistigen Menschenwesens waren nunmehr auf der Erde. Es waren dies im Vergleiche mit dem gegenwärtigen Menschenleibe Gebilde von feiner Stofflichkeit. Denn die erdigen Teile mischten sich ihnen nur in feinstem Zustande bei. Etwa so, wie der gegenwärtige Mensch die fein verteilten Substanzen eines Gegenstandes mit seinem Geruchsorgan aufnimmt. Wie Schatten waren die Menschenleiber. Da sie aber auf die ganze Erde verteilt waren, so gerieten sie unter die Einwirkungen der Erde, die auf verschiedenen Teilen von deren Oberfläche verschiedener Art waren. Während vorher die leiblichen Abbilder dem sie belebenden Seelenmenschen entsprachen und deshalb wesentlich gleich waren über die ganze Erde hin, so trat jetzt Verschiedenheit unter den Menschenformen auf. Damit bereitete sich das vor, was später als Verschiedenheit der Rassen auftrat. — Mit dem Selbständigwerden des leiblichen Menschen war aber die vorherige enge Verbindung des Erdenmenschen und der geistigseelischen Welt bis zu einem gewissen Grade gelöst. Wenn nunmehr die Seele den Leib verließ, so lebte dieser etwas wie eine Fortsetzung des Lebens weiter. — Wäre nun die Entwicklung in dieser Art fortgeschritten, so hätte die Erde unter dem Einfluss ihres festen Elementes verhärten müssen. Der auf diese Verhältnisse zurückblickenden übersinnlichen Erkenntnis zeigt sich, wie sich die Menschenleiber, da sie von ihren Seelen verlassen sind, immer mehr verfestigen. Und nach einiger Zeit würden die zur Erde zurückkehrenden Menschenseelen kein brauchbares Material gefunden haben, mit dem sie sich hätten vereinigen können. Alle für den Menschen brauchbaren Stoffe wären verwendet worden, um die Erde anzufüllen mit den verholzten Überresten von Verkörperungen.
[ 70 ] Da trat ein Ereignis ein, welches der ganzen Entwicklung eine andere Wendung gab. Alles, was im festen Erdenstoffe zur bleibenden Verhärtung beitragen konnte, wurde ausgeschieden. Unser gegenwärtiger Mond verließ damals die Erde. Und was vorher unmittelbar in der Erde zur bleibenden Formbildung beigetragen hatte, das wirkte jetzt mittelbar in abgeschwächter Art vom Monde aus. Die höheren Wesen, von denen diese Formbildung abhängt, hatten beschlossen, ihre Wirkungen nicht mehr vom Innern der Erde, sondern von außen dieser zukommen zu lassen. Dadurch trat in den leiblichen Menschengebilden eine Verschiedenheit auf, welche man als den Anfang der Trennung in ein männliches und weibliches Geschlecht bezeichnen muss. Die feinstofflichen Menschengestalten, die vorher die Erde bewohnten, ließen durch das Zusammenwirken der beiden Kräfte in sich selber, des Keimes und der belebenden Kraft, die neue Menschenform, ihren Nachkömmling, hervorgehen. Jetzt bildeten sich diese Nachkömmlinge um. In der einen Gruppe solcher Nachkömmlinge wirkte mehr die Keimkraft des Geistig-Seelischen, in der anderen Gruppe mehr die belebende Keimkraft. Das wurde dadurch bewirkt, dass mit dem Herausgang des Mondes von der Erde das Erdenelement seine Gewalt abgeschwächt hatte. Das Aufeinanderwirken der beiden Kräfte wurde nunmehr zarter, als es war, da es in einem Leben geschah. Demzufolge war auch der Nachkömmling zarter, feiner. Er betrat die Erde in einem feinen Zustande und gliederte sich erst allmählich die festeren Teile ein. Damit war für die auf die Erde zurückkehrende Menschenseele wieder die Möglichkeit der Vereinigung mit dem Leibe gegeben. Sie belebte ihn jetzt zwar nicht mehr von außen, denn diese Belebung geschah auf der Erde selbst. Aber sie vereinigte sich mit ihm und brachte ihn zum Wachsen. Diesem Wachstum war allerdings eine gewisse Grenze gesetzt. Durch die Mondenabtrennung war für eine Weile der Menschenleib biegsam geworden; aber je mehr er auf der Erde weiter wuchs, desto mehr nahmen die verfestigenden Kräfte überhand. Zuletzt konnte sich die Seele nur immer schwächer und schwächer an der Gliederung des Leibes beteiligen. Dieser verfiel, indem die Seele zu geistig-seelischen Daseinsweisen aufstieg.
[ 71 ] Man kann verfolgen, wie die Kräfte, welche sich der Mensch nach und nach während der Saturn-, Sonnen- und Mondenentwicklung angeeignet hat, allmählich während der beschriebenen Erdengestaltung sich an dem Menschenfortschreiten beteiligen. Erst ist es der Astralleib, der auch den Lebensleib und den physischen Leib noch in sich aufgelöst enthält, welcher von dem Erdenfeuer entzündet wird. Dann gliedert sich dieser Astralleib in einen feineren astralischen Teil, die Empfindungsseele, und in einen gröberen, ätherischen, welcher nunmehr von dem Erdenelement berührt wird. Es kommt damit der schon vorgebildete Äther- oder Lebensleib zum Vorschein. Und während im astralischen Menschen sich die Verstandes- und Bewusstseinsseele ausbilden, gliedern sich im Ätherleibe die gröberen Teile ab, welche für Ton und Licht empfänglich sind. In dem Zeitpunkte, wo der Ätherleib sich noch mehr verdichtet, so dass er von einem Lichtleib zu einem Feuer- oder Wärmeleib wird, da ist auch die Entwicklungsstufe eingetreten, in welcher, wie oben charakterisiert, die Teile des festen Erdenelementes sich dem Menschen eingliedern. Weil der Ätherleib sich bis zum Feuer herab verdichtet hat, so kann er nun auch durch die Kräfte des physischen Leibes, welche ihm vorher eingepflanzt sind, sich mit den bis zum Feuerzustande verdünnten Substanzen der physischen Erde verbinden. Er könnte aber nicht mehr allein auch die Luftsubstanzen in den mittlerweile fester gewordenen Leib einführen. Da treten, wie oben angedeutet, die höheren Wesen, die auf der Sonne wohnen, ein und hauchen ihm die Luft ein. Während so der Mensch vermöge seiner Vergangenheit selbst die Kraft hat, sich mit dem irdischen Feuer zu durchdringen, lenken höhere Wesen den Luftodem in seinen Leib. Vor der Verfestigung war des Menschen Lebensleib als Tonempfänger der Lenker der Luftströmung. Er durchdrang seinen physischen Leib mit dem Leben. Jetzt empfängt sein physischer Leib ein äußeres Leben. Die Folge davon ist, dass dieses Leben unabhängig wird von dem Seelenteile des Menschen. Dieser lässt nun beim Verlassen der Erde nicht nur seinen Formkeim zurück, sondern ein lebendiges Abbild seiner selbst. Die «Geister der Form» bleiben nun mit diesem Abbild vereinigt; sie führen das von ihnen verliehene Leben auch auf die Nachkömmlinge über, wenn die Menschenseele aus dem Leibe gewichen ist. So bildet sich das heraus, was Vererbung genannt werden kann. Und wenn die Menschenseele dann wieder auf der Erde erscheint, dann empfindet sie sich in einem Leibe, dessen Leben aus den Vorfahren herübergeleitet worden ist. Sie fühlt sich gerade zu einem solchen Leibe besonders hingezogen. Es bildet sich dadurch etwas aus wie eine Erinnerung an den Vorfahren, mit dem sich die Seele eins fühlt. Durch die Folge der Nachkommen geht diese Erinnerung wie ein gemeinsames Bewusstsein. Das «Ich» strömt herunter durch die Generationen.
[ 72 ] Der Mensch empfand sich auf dieser Entwicklungsstufe während seiner Erdenzeit als ein selbständiges Wesen. Er fühlte das innere Feuer seines Lebensleibes verbunden mit dem äußeren Feuer der Erde. Er konnte die ihn durchströmende Wärme als sein «Ich» fühlen. In diesen Wärmeströmungen, die von Leben durchwoben sind, ist die Anlage der Blutzirkulation zu finden. In dem aber, was als Luft in ihn hineinströmte, fühlte der Mensch nicht ganz sein eigenes Wesen. In dieser Luft waren ja die Kräfte der charakterisierten höheren Wesen tätig. Aber es war ihm doch derjenige Teil der Wirkenskräfte innerhalb der ihn durchströmenden Luft geblieben, welcher ihm schon durch seine früher gebildeten Ätherkräfte eigen war. Er war Herrscher in einem Teil dieser Luftströmungen. Und insofern wirkten in seiner Gestaltung nicht nur die höheren Wesen, sondern auch er selbst. Nach den Bildern seines Astralleibes gestaltete er in sich die Luftteile. Während so von außen Luft einströmte in seinen Leib, was zur Grundlage seiner Atmung wurde, gliederte sich ein Teil der Luft im Innern zu einem dem Menschen eingeprägten Organismus, welcher die Grundlage wurde des späteren Nervensystems. Durch Wärme und Luft stand also der Mensch damals in Verbindung mit der Außenwelt der Erde. — Dagegen empfand er nichts von der Einführung des festen Elementes der Erde; dieses wirkte mit bei seiner Verkörperung auf der Erde, aber er konnte die Zuführung nicht unmittelbar wahrnehmen, sondern nur in einem dumpfen Bewusstsein im Bilde der höheren Wesenheiten, welche darin wirksam waren. In solcher Bildform als Ausdruck von Wesen, die über ihm stehen, hatte der Mensch auch früher die Zuführung der flüssigen Erdenelemente wahrgenommen. Durch die Verdichtung der Erdengestalt des Menschen haben nun diese Bilder in seinem Bewusstsein eine Veränderung erfahren. Dem flüssigen Elemente ist das feste beigemischt. So muss also auch diese Zuführung als von den höheren, von außen wirkenden Wesen empfunden werden. Der Mensch kann in seiner Seele nicht mehr die Kraft haben, selbst die Zuführung zu lenken, denn dieselbe muss jetzt seinem von außen aufgebauten Leibe dienen. Er würde dessen Gestalt verderben, wenn er die Zuführung selbst lenken wollte. So erscheint ihm denn dasjenige, was er sich von außen zuführt, durch die Machtgebote gelenkt, welche ausgehen von den höheren Wesen, die an seiner Leibesgestaltung wirken. Der Mensch fühlt sich als ein Ich; er hat in sich seine Verstandesseele als einen Teil seines Astralleibes, durch die er innerlich als Bilder erlebt, was außen vorgeht, und durch die er sein feines Nervensystem durchdringt. Er fühlt sich als Abkömmling von Vorfahren vermöge des durch die Generationen strömenden Lebens. Er atmet und empfindet das als Wirkung der gekennzeichneten höheren Wesen, welche die «Geister der Form» sind. Und er fügt sich diesen auch in dem, was ihm durch ihre Impulse von außen (zu seiner Nahrung) zugeführt wird. Am dunkelsten ist ihm seine Herkunft als Individuum. Er fühlt davon nur, dass er von den in Erdenkräften sich ausdrückenden «Geistern der Form» einen Einfluss erlebt hat. Der Mensch war gelenkt und geleitet in seinem Verhältnis zur Außenwelt. Zum Ausdruck kommt dies dadurch, dass er von den hinter seiner physischen Welt sich abspielenden geistig-seelischen Tätigkeiten ein Bewusstsein hat. Er nimmt zwar nicht die geistigen Wesen in deren eigener Gestalt wahr, aber er erlebt in seiner Seele Töne, Farben usw. Und er weiß, dass in dieser Vorstellungswelt die Taten der geistigen Wesen leben. Es tönt zu ihm, was diese Wesen ihm mitteilen; es erscheinen ihm deren 0ffenbarungen in Lichtbildern. Am innerlichsten fühlt sich der Erdenmensch durch die Vorstellungen, welche er durch das Element des Feuers oder der Wärme empfängt. Er unterscheidet bereits seine innere Wärme und die Wärmeströmungen des irdischen Umkreises. In den letzteren offenbaren sich die «Geister der Persönlichkeit». Aber der Mensch hat nur ein dunkles Bewusstsein von dem, was hinter den Strömungen der äußeren Wärme steht. Er empfindet gerade in diesen Strömungen den Einfluss der «Geister der Form». Wenn mächtige Wärmewirkungen in der Umgebung des Menschen auftauchen, dann fühlt die Seele: jetzt durchglühen die geistigen Wesen den Umkreis der Erde, von denen ein Funke sich losgelöst hat und mein Inneres durchwärmt. — In den Lichtwirkungen unterscheidet der Mensch noch nicht ganz in derselben Art Äußeres und Inneres. Wenn Lichtbilder in der Umgebung auftauchen, dann erzeugen diese in der Seele des Erdenmenschen nicht immer das gleiche Gefühl. Es gab Zeiten, in welchen der Mensch diese Lichtbilder als äußere empfand. Es war in der Zeit, nachdem er eben aus dem leibfreien Zustande in die Verkörperung herabgestiegen war. Es war die Periode seines Wachstums auf der Erde. Wenn dann die Zeit heranrückte, wo der Keim zum neuen Erdenmenschen sich bildete, dann verblassten diese Bilder. Und der Mensch behielt nur etwas wie innere Erinnerungsvorstellungen an sie zurück. In diesen Lichtbildern waren die Taten der «Feuergeister» (Erzengel) enthalten. Sie erschienen dem Menschen wie die Diener der Wärmewesen, welche einen Funken in sein Inneres senkten. Wenn ihre äußeren Offenbarungen verlöschten, dann erlebte sie der Mensch als Vorstellungen (Erinnerungen) in seinem Innern. Er fühlte sich mit ihren Kräften verbunden. Und das war er auch. Denn er konnte durch dasjenige, was er von ihnen empfangen hatte, auf den umgebenden Luftkreis wirken. Dieser begann unter seinem Einfluss zu leuchten. Es war damals eine Zeit, in welcher Naturkräfte und Menschenkräfte noch nicht in der Art voneinander geschieden waren wie später. Was auf der Erde geschah, ging in hohem Maße noch von den Kräften der Menschen aus. Wer damals von außerhalb der Erde die Naturvorgänge auf derselben beobachtet hätte, der hätte in diesen nicht nur etwas gesehen, was von dem Menschen unabhängig ist, sondern er hätte in ihnen die Wirkungen der Menschen wahrgenommen. Noch anders gestalteten sich für den Erdenmenschen die Tonwahrnehmungen. Sie wurden als äußere Töne vom Beginn des Erdenlebens an wahrgenommen. Während die Luftbilder von außen bis in die mittlere Zeit des menschlichen Erdendaseins wahrgenommen wurden, konnten die äußeren Töne noch nach dieser Mittelzeit gehört werden. Erst gegen Ende des Lebens wurde der Erdenmensch für sie unempfindlich. Und es blieben ihm die Erinnerungsvorstellungen an diese Töne. In ihnen waren die Offenbarungen der «Söhne des Lebens» (der Engel) enthalten. Wenn der Mensch gegen sein Lebensende sich innerlich mit diesen Kräften verbunden fühlte, dann konnte er durch Nachahmung derselben mächtige Wirkungen in dem Wasserelemente der Erde hervorbringen. Es wogten die Wasser in und über der Erde unter seinem Einfluss. Geschmacksvorstellungen hatte der Mensch nur im ersten Viertel seines Erdenlebens. Und auch da erschienen sie der Seele wie eine Erinnerung an die Erlebnisse im leibfreien Zustand. Solange sie der Mensch hatte, dauerte die Verfestigung seines Leibes durch Aufnahme äußerer Substanzen. Im zweiten Viertel des Erdenlebens dauerte wohl noch das Wachstum fort, doch war die Gestalt schon eine fertig ausgebildete. Andere lebendige Wesen neben sich konnte der Mensch in dieser Zeit nur durch deren Wärme, Licht und Tonwirkungen wahrnehmen. Denn er war noch nicht fähig, das feste Element sich vorzustellen. Nur vom Wässerigen bekam er im ersten Viertel seines Lebens die geschilderten Geschmackswirkungen.
[ 73 ] Ein Abbild dieses inneren Seelenzustandes des Menschen war dessen äußere Körperform. Diejenigen Teile, welche die Anlage zur späteren Kopfform enthielten, waren am vollkommensten ausgebildet. Die andern Organe erschienen nur wie Anhängsel. Diese waren schattenhaft und undeutlich. Doch waren die Erdenmenschen verschieden in bezug auf die Gestalt. Es gab solche, bei denen je nach den Erdenverhältnissen, unter denen sie lebten, die Anhängsel mehr oder weniger ausgebildet waren. Es war dies nach den Wohnplätzen der Menschen auf der Erde verschieden. Wo die Menschen mehr in die Erdenwelt verstrickt wurden, da traten die Anhängsel mehr in den Vordergrund. Diejenigen Menschen, welche beim Beginn der physischen Erdenentwicklung durch ihre vorangehende Entwicklung am reifsten waren, so dass sie gleich im Anfange, als die Erde noch nicht zur Luft verdichtet war, die Berührung mit dem Feuerelement erlebten, konnten jetzt die Kopf anlagen am vollkommensten ausbilden. Das waren die in sich am meisten harmonischen Menschen. Andere waren erst zur Berührung mit dem Feuerelement bereit, als die Erde schon die Luft in sich ausgebildet hatte. Es waren dies Menschen, welche mehr von den äußeren Verhältnissen abhängig waren als die ersten. Diese ersten empfanden durch die Wärme die «Geister der Form» deutlich, und sie fühlten sich in ihrem Erdenleben so, wie wenn sie eine Erinnerung daran bewahrten, dass sie mit diesen Geistern zusammengehören und mit ihnen verbunden waren im leibfreien Zustand. Die zweite Art von Menschen fühlte die Erinnerung an den leibfreien Zustand nur in geringerem Maße; sie empfanden ihre Zusammengehörigkeit mit der geistigen Welt vorzüglich durch die Lichtwirkungen der «Feuergeister» (Erzengel). Eine dritte Art von Menschen war noch mehr in das Erdendasein verstrickt. Es waren diejenigen, welche erst von dem Feuerelement berührt werden konnten, als die Erde von der Sonne getrennt war und das wässerige Element in sich auf genommen hatte. Ihr Gefühl für Zusammengehörigkeit mit der geistigen Welt war insbesondere im Beginn des Erdenlebens gering. Erst als die Wirkungen der Erzengel und namentlich der Engel im inneren Vorstellungsleben sich geltend machten, empfanden sie diesen Zusammenhang. Dagegen waren sie im Beginne der Erdenzeit voll reger Impulse für Taten, welche sich in den irdischen Verhältnissen selbst verrichten lassen. Bei ihnen waren die Anhangsorgane besonders stark entwickelt.
[ 74 ] Als vor der Trennung des Mondes von der Erde die Mondeskräfte in der letzteren immer mehr zur Verfestigung führten, geschah es, dass durch diese Kräfte unter den Nachkömmlingen der von den Menschen auf der Erde zurückgelassenen Keime solche waren, in denen sich die aus dem leibfreien Zustande zurückkehrenden Menschenseelen nicht mehr verkörpern konnten. Die Gestalt solcher Nachkömmlinge war zu verfestigt und durch die Mondenkräfte zu unähnlich einer Menschengestalt geworden, um eine solche aufnehmen zu können. Es fanden daher gewisse Menschenseelen unter solchen Verhältnissen nicht mehr die Möglichkeit, zur Erde zurückzukehren. Nur die reifsten, die stärksten der Seelen konnten sich gewachsen fühlen, während des Wachstums des Erdenleibes diesen so umzuformen, dass er zur Menschengestalt erblühte. Nur ein Teil der leiblichen Menschennachkömmlinge wurde zu Trägern irdischer Menschen. Ein anderer Teil konnte wegen der verfestigten Gestalt nur Seelen aufnehmen, welche niedriger standen als diejenigen der Menschen. Von den Menschenseelen wurde aber ein Teil gezwungen, die damalige Erdenentwicklung nicht mitzumachen. Dadurch wurden sie zu einer andern Art des Lebenslaufes gebracht. Es gab Seelen, welche schon bei der Trennung der Sonne von der Erde keinen Platz auf dieser fanden. Sie wurden für ihre weitere Entwicklung auf einen Planeten entrückt, der sich unter Führung kosmischer Wesenheiten loslöste aus der allgemeinen Weltensubstanz, welche beim Beginne der physischen Erdenentwicklung mit dieser verbunden war und aus welcher sich auch die Sonne herausgesondert hatte. Dieser Planet ist derjenige, dessen physischen Ausdruck die äußere Wissenschaft als «Jupiter» kennt. (Es wird hier genau in dem Sinne von Himmelskörpern, Planeten und deren Namen gesprochen, wie es eine ältere Wissenschaft noch getan hat. Wie die Dinge gemeint sind, geht aus dem Zusammenhange hervor. Wie die physische Erde nur der physische Ausdruck eines geistigseelischen Organismus ist, so ist das auch für jeden anderen Himmelskörper der Fall. Und so wenig der Beobachter des Übersinnlichen mit dem Namen «Erde» bloß den physischen Planeten, mit «Sonne» bloß den physischen Fixstern bezeichnet, so meint er auch weite geistige Zusammenhänge, wenn er von «Jupiter», «Mars» usw. redet. Die Himmelskörper haben naturgemäß die Gestalt und Aufgabe wesentlich verändert seit jenen Zeiten, von denen hier gesprochen wird — in gewisser Beziehung sogar ihren Ort im Himmelsraume. Nur wer mit dem Blick der übersinnlichen Erkenntnis die Entwicklung dieser Himmelskörper zurückverfolgt bis in urferne Vergangenheiten, vermag den Zusammenhang der gegenwärtigen Planeten mit ihren Vorfahren zu erkennen.) Auf dem «Jupiter» entwickelten sich die charakterisierten Seelen zunächst weiter. Und später, als sich die Erde immer mehr dem Festen zuneigte, da musste noch ein anderer Wohnplatz für Seelen geschaffen werden, die zwar die Möglichkeit hatten, eine Zeitlang die verfestigten Körper zu bewohnen, dann aber dies nicht mehr konnten, als diese Verfestigung zu weit fortgeschritten war. Für sie entstand im «Mars» ein entsprechender Platz zu ihrer weiteren Entwicklung. Schon als noch die Erde mit der Sonne verbunden war und ihre luftigen Elemente sich eingliederte, da stellte es sich heraus, dass die Seelen sich ungeeignet erwiesen, um die Erdenentwicklung mitzumachen. Sie wurden durch die irdische Körpergestalt zu stark berührt. Deshalb mussten sie schon damals dem unmittelbaren Einflusse der Sonnenkräfte entzogen werden. Diese mussten von außen auf sie wirken. Diesen Seelen wurde auf dem «Saturn» ein Platz der Weiterentwicklung. So nahm im Verlaufe der Erdenentwicklung die Zahl der Menschengestalten ab; es traten Gestalten auf, welche nicht Menschenseelen verkörpert hatten. Sie konnten nur Astralleiber in sich aufnehmen, wie die physischen Leiber und die Lebensleiber des Menschen auf dem alten Monde sie aufgenommen hatten. Während die Erde in bezug auf ihre menschlichen Bewohner verödete, besiedelten diese Wesen sie. Es hätten endlich alle Menschenseelen die Erde verlassen müssen, wenn nicht durch die Loslösung des Mondes für die Menschengestalten, die damals noch menschlich beseelt werden konnten, die Möglichkeit geschaffen worden wäre, während ihres Erdenlebens den Menschenkeim den unmittelbar von der Erde kommenden Mondenkräften zu entziehen und ihn in sich so weit reifen zu lassen, bis er diesen Kräften überliefert werden konnte. Solange dann der Keim im Innern des Menschen sich gestaltete, war er unter der Wirkung der Wesen, die unter der Führung ihres mächtigsten Genossen den Mond aus der Erde gelöst hatten, um deren Entwicklung über einen kritischen Punkt hinüberzugeleiten.
[ 75 ] Als die Erde das Luftelement in sich ausgebildet hatte, gab es im Sinne der obigen Schilderung solche Astralwesen als Überbleibsel vom alten Monde, welche weiter in der Entwicklung zurückgeblieben waren als die niedersten Menschenseelen. Sie wurden die Seelen derjenigen Gestalten, welche noch vor der Sonnentrennung vom Menschen verlassen werden mussten. Diese Wesen sind die Vorfahren des Tierreiches. Sie entwickelten im fernern Zeitenlauf besonders jene Organe, welche beim Menschen nur als Anhängsel vorhanden waren. Ihr Astralleib musste auf den physischen und den Lebensleib so wirken, wie das beim Menschen auf dem alten Monde der Fall war. Die so entstandenen Tiere hatten nun Seelen, welche nicht in dem einzelnen Tiere wohnen konnten. Es dehnte die Seele ihr Wesen auch auf den Nachkömmling der Vorfahrengestalt aus. Es haben die im wesentlichen von einer Gestalt abstammenden Tiere zusammen eine Seele. Nur wenn der Nachkomme sich durch besondere Einflüsse von der Gestalt der Vorfahren entfernt, tritt eine neue Tierseele in Verkörperung. Man kann in diesem Sinne bei den Tieren in der Geisteswissenschaft von einer Art(oder Gattungs-) oder auch Gruppenseele reden.
[ 76 ] Etwas Ähnliches ging vor zur Zeit der Trennung von Sonne und Erde. Aus dem wässerigen Elemente heraustraten Gestalten, welche in ihrer Entwicklung nicht weiter waren als der Mensch vor der Entwicklung auf dem alten Monde. Sie konnten von einem Astralischen nur eine Wirkung empfangen, wenn dieses von außen sie beeinflusste. Das konnte erst nach dem Fortgang der Sonne von der Erde geschehen. Jedesmal, wenn die Sonnenzeit der Erde eintrat, regte das Astralische der Sonne diese Gestalten so an, dass sie aus dem Ätherischen der Erde sich ihren Lebensleib bildeten. Wenn dann die Sonne sich abkehrte von der Erde, dann löste sich dieser Lebensleib in dem allgemeinen Erdenleib wieder auf. Und als Folge des Zusammenwirkens des Astralischen von der Sonne und des Ätherischen von der Erde tauchten aus dem wässerigen Elemente die physischen Gestalten auf. welche die Vorfahren des gegenwärtigen Pflanzenreichs bildeten.
[ 77 ] Der Mensch ist auf der Erde zu einem individualisierten Seelenwesen geworden. Sein Astralleib, welcher ihm auf dem Monde durch die «Geister der Bewegung» eingeflossen war, hat sich auf der Erde gegliedert in Empfindungs-, Verstandes- und Bewusstseinsseele. Und als seine Bewusstseinsseele so weit fortgeschritten war, dass sie sich während des Erdenlebens einen dazu geeigneten Leib bilden konnte, da begabten die «Geister der Form» ihn mit dem Funken aus ihrem Feuer. Es wurde das «Ich» in ihm entfacht. Jedesmal, wenn der Mensch nun den physischen Leib verließ, so war er in der geistigen Welt, in welcher er mit den Wesen zusammentraf, welche ihm während der Saturn-, Sonnen- und Mondenentwicklung seinen physischen Leib, seinen Lebensleib und seinen astralischen Leib gegeben und bis zur Erdenhöhe ausgebildet hatten. Seitdem der Feuerfunke des «Ich» sich im Erdenleben entzündet hatte, war auch für das leibfreie Leben eine Veränderung eingetreten. Vor diesem Entwicklungspunkte seines Wesens hatte der Mensch gegenüber der geistigen Welt keine Selbständigkeit. Er fühlte sich innerhalb dieser geistigen Welt nicht wie ein einzelnes Wesen, sondern wie ein Glied in dem erhabenen Organismus, der aus den über ihm stehenden Wesen sich zusammensetzte. Das «IchErlebnis» auf Erden wirkt nun auch in die geistige Welt hinein nach. Der Mensch fühlt sich nunmehr auch in einem gewissen Grade als Einheit in dieser Welt. Aber er empfindet auch, dass er unaufhörlich verbunden ist mit derselben Welt. Er findet im leibfreien Zustand die «Geister der Form» in einer höheren Gestalt wieder, die er in ihrer Offenbarung auf der Erde durch den Funken seines «Ich» wahrgenommen hat.
[ 78 ] Mit der Trennung des Mondes von der Erde bildeten sich auch in der geistigen Welt Erlebnisse für die leibfreie Seele heraus, welche mit dieser Trennung zusammenhingen. Es wurde ja nur dadurch möglich, solche Menschengestalten auf der Erde fortzubilden, welche die Individualität der Seele aufnehmen konnten, dass ein Teil der gestaltenden Kräfte von der Erde auf den Mond übergeführt wurde. Dadurch ist die Menschenindividualität in den Bereich der Mondenwesen gekommen. Und es konnte im leibfreien Zustande der Nachklang an die Erdenindividualität nur dadurch wirken, dass auch für diesen Zustand die Seele im Bereich der mächtigen Geister blieb, welche die Mondabtrennung herbeigeführt hatten. Der Vorgang bildete sich so heraus, dass unmittelbar nach dem Verlassen des Erdenleibes die Seele nur wie in einem von den Mondenwesen zurückgeworfenen Glanz die hohen Sonnenwesen sehen konnte. Erst, wenn sie durch das Schauen dieses Abglanzes genügend vorbereitet war, kam die Seele zum Anblick der hohen Sonnenwesen selbst.
[ 79 ] Auch das Mineralreich der Erde ist durch Ausstoßung aus der allgemeinen Menschheitsentwicklung entstanden. Seine Gebilde sind dasjenige, was verfestigt geblieben ist, als der Mond sich von der Erde trennte. Zu diesen Gebilden fühlte sich vom Seelenhaften nur dasjenige hingezogen, was auf der Saturnstufe stehengeblieben war, was also nur geeignet ist, physische Formen zu bilden. Alle Ereignisse, von denen hier und im folgenden die Rede ist, spielten sich im Laufe gewaltig langer Zeiträume ab. Doch kann auf Zeitbestimmungen hier nicht eingegangen werden.
[ 80 ] Die geschilderten Vorgänge stellen die Erdenentwicklung von der äußeren Seite dar; von der Seite des Geistes betrachtet, ergibt sich das Folgende. Die geistigen Wesenheiten, welche den Mond aus der Erde herauszogen und ihr eigenes Dasein mit dem Monde verbanden — also Erden-Mondenwesen wurden —, bewirkten durch die Kräfte, die sie von dem letzteren Weltkörper aus auf die Erde sandten, eine gewisse Gestaltung der menschlichen Organisation. Ihre Wirkung ging auf das vom Menschen erworbene «Ich». In dem Zusammenspiel dieses «Ich» mit Astralleib, Ätherleib und physischem Leib machte sich diese Wirkung geltend. Durch sie entstand im Menschen die Möglichkeit, die weisheitsvolle Gestaltung der Welt in sich bewusst zu spiegeln, sie abzubilden wie in einer Erkenntnisspiegelung. Man erinnere sich, wie geschildert worden ist, dass während der alten Mondenzeit der Mensch durch die damalige Abtrennung von der Sonne in seiner Organisation eine gewisse Selbständigkeit, einen freieren Grad des Bewusstseins erworben hat, als der war, welcher unmittelbar von den Sonnenwesen ausgehen konnte. Dieses freie, selbständige Bewusstsein trat — als Erbe der alten Mondenentwicklung — wieder auf während der charakterisierten Zeit der Erdenentwicklung. Es konnte aber gerade dieses Bewusstsein, durch den Einfluss der gekennzeichneten Erden-Mondenwesen wieder zum Einklange mit dem Weltall gebracht, zu einem Abbilde desselben gemacht werden. Das wäre geschehen, wenn sich kein anderer Einfluss geltend gemacht hätte. Ohne einen solchen wäre der Mensch ein Wesen geworden mit einem Bewusstsein, dessen Inhalt wie durch Naturnotwendigkeit, nicht durch sein freies Eingreifen die Welt in den Bildern des Erkenntnislebens gespiegelt hätte. Es ist dieses nicht so geworden. Es griffen in die Entwicklung des Menschen gerade zur Zeit der Mondenabspaltung gewisse geistige Wesenheiten ein, welche von ihrer Mondennatur so viel zurückbehalten hatten, dass sie nicht teilnehmen konnten an dem Hinausgang der Sonne aus der Erde. Und dass sie auch ausgeschlossen waren von den Wirkungen der Wesen, welche vom ErdenMonde aus zur Erde hin sich tätig erwiesen. Diese Wesen mit der alten Mondennatur waren gewissermaßen mit unregelmäßiger Entwicklung auf die Erde gebannt. In ihrer Mondnatur lag gerade das, was während der alten Mondenentwicklung sich gegen die Sonnengeister auf gelehnt hatte, was damals dem Menschen insofern zum Segen war, als durch es der Mensch zu einem selbständigen, freien Bewusstseinszustand geführt worden war. Die Folgen der eigenartigen Entwicklung dieser Wesen während der Erdenzeit brachten es mit sich, dass sie während derselben zu Gegnern wurden derjenigen Wesen, die vom Monde aus das menschliche Bewusstsein zu einem notwendigen Erkenntnisspiegel der Welt machen wollten. Was auf dem alten Monde dem Menschen zu einem höheren Zustande verhalf, ergab sich als das Widerstrebende gegenüber der Einrichtung, welche durch die Erdenentwicklung möglich geworden war. Die widerstrebenden Mächte hatten sich aus ihrer Mondennatur die Kraft mitgebracht, auf den menschlichen Astralleib zu wirken, nämlich — im Sinne der obigen Darlegungen — diesen selbständig zumachen. Sie übten diese Kraft aus, indem sie diesem Astralleib eine gewisse Selbständigkeit — auch nunmehr für die Erdenzeit — gaben gegenüber dem notwendigen (unfreien) Bewusstseinszustande, welcher durch die Wesen des Erdenmondes bewirkt wurde. Es ist schwierig, mit gangbaren Worten zum Ausdrucke zu bringen, wie die Wirkungen der charakterisierten geistigen Wesenheiten auf den Menschen in der gekennzeichneten Urzeit waren. Man darf sie weder denken wie gegenwärtige Natur-Einflüsse, noch etwa so, wie die Wirkung des einen Menschen auf den andern geschieht, wenn der erstere in dem zweiten durch Worte innere Bewusstseinskräfte wachruft, wodurch der zweite etwas verstehen lernt oder zu einer Tugend oder Untugend angeregt wird. Die gemeinte Wirkung in der Urzeit war keine Naturwirkung, sondern ein geistiger Einfluss, aber ein solcher, der auch geistig wirkte, der sich als geistiger übertrug von den höheren Geistwesen auf den Menschen gemäß dem damaligen Bewusstseinszustande dieses Menschen. Wenn man die Sache wie eine Naturwirkung denkt, so trifft man ganz und gar nicht ihre wahre Wesenheit. Wenn man dagegen sagt, die Wesenheiten mit der alten Mondennatur traten an den Menschen heran, um ihn für ihre Ziele «verführend» zu gewinnen, so gebraucht man einen symbolischen Ausdruck, der gut ist, solange man sich seiner Sinnbildlichkeit bewusst bleibt und sich zugleich klar ist, dass hinter dem Symbol eine geistige Tatsache steht.
[ 81 ] Die Wirkung, die von den im Mondenzustand zurückgebliebenen Geistwesen auf den Menschen ausging, hatte nun für diesen ein Zweifaches zur Folge. Sein Bewusstsein wurde dadurch des Charakters eines bloßen Spiegels des Weltalls entkleidet, weil im menschlichen Astralleibe die Möglichkeit erregt wurde, von diesem aus die Bewusstseinsbilder zu regeln und zu beherrschen. Der Mensch wurde der Herr seiner Erkenntnis. Andrerseits aber wurde der Ausgangspunkt dieser Herrschaft eben der Astralleib; und das diesem übergeordnete «Ich» kam dadurch in stetige Abhängigkeit von ihm. Dadurch ward der Mensch in der Zukunft den fortdauernden Einflüssen eines niederen Elementes in seiner Natur ausgesetzt. Er konnte in seinem Leben unter die Höhe herabsinken, auf die er durch die Erden-Mondenwesen im Weltengange gestellt war. Und es blieb für die Folgezeit für ihn der fortdauernde Einfluss der charakterisierten unregelmäßig entwickelten Mondwesen auf seine Natur bestehen. Man kann diese Mondwesen im Gegensatz zu den andern, welche vom Erdenmonde aus das Bewusstsein zum Weltenspiegel formten, aber keinen freien Willen gaben, die luziferischen Geister nennen. Diese brachten dem Menschen die Möglichkeit, in seinem Bewusstsein eine freie Tätigkeit zu entfalten, damit aber auch die Möglichkeit des Irrtums, des Bösen.
[ 82 ] Die Folge dieser Vorgänge war, dass der Mensch in ein anderes Verhältnis zu den Sonnengeistern kam, als ihm vorbestimmt war durch die Erden-Mondgeister. Diese wollten den Spiegel seines Bewusstseins so entwickeln, dass im ganzen menschlichen Seelenleben der Einfluss der Sonnengeister das Beherrschende gewesen wäre. Diese Vorgänge wurden durchkreuzt und im Menschenwesen der Gegensatz geschaffen zwischen dem Sonnengeist-Einfluss und dem Einfluss der Geister mit unregelmäßiger Mondenentwicklung. Durch diesen Gegensatz entstand im Menschen auch das Unvermögen, die physischen Sonnenwirkungen als solche zu erkennen; sie blieben ihm verborgen hinter den irdischen Eindrücken der Außenwelt. Das Astralische im Menschen, erfüllt von diesen Eindrücken, wurde in den Bereich des «Ich» gezogen. Dieses «Ich», welches sonst nur den ihm von den «Geistern der Form» verliehenen Funken des Feuers verspürt hätte und in allem, was das äußere Feuer betraf, sich den Geboten dieser Geister untergeordnet hätte, wirkte nunmehr auch durch das ihm selbst eingeimpfte Element auf die äußeren Wärme-Erscheinungen. Es stellte dadurch ein Anziehungsband her zwischen sich und dem Erdenfeuer. Dadurch verstrickte es den Menschen mehr, als das ihm vorbestimmt war, in die irdische Stofflichkeit. Während er vorher einen physischen Leib hatte, der in seinen Hauptteilen aus Feuer, Luft und Wasser bestand und dem nur etwas wie ein Schattenbild von Erdsubstanz beigesetzt war, wurde jetzt der Leib aus Erde dichter. Und während vorher der Mensch mehr als ein feinorganisiertes Wesen über dem festen Erdboden in einer Art schwimmend-schwebender Bewegung war, musste er nunmehr «aus dem Erdenumkreis» herabsteigen auf Teile der Erde, die schon mehr oder weniger verfestigt waren.
[ 83 ] Dass solche physische Wirkungen der geschilderten geistigen Einflüsse eintreten konnten, erklärt sich daraus, dass diese Einflüsse derart waren, wie es oben geschildert worden ist. Sie waren eben weder Natureinflüsse noch solche, die seelisch von Mensch zu Mensch wirken. Die letzteren erstrecken ihre Wirkung nicht so weit ins Körperliche wie die geistigen Kräfte, welche hier in Betracht kommen.
[ 84 ] Weil der Mensch nach seinen eigenen, dem Irrtum unterworfenen Vorstellungen sich den Einflüssen der Außenwelt aussetzte, weil er nach Begierden und Leidenschaften lebte, welche er nicht nach höheren geistigen Einflüssen regeln ließ, trat die Möglichkeit von Krankheiten auf. Eine besondere Wirkung des luziferischen Einflusses war aber diejenige, dass nunmehr der Mensch sein einzelnes Erdenleben nicht wie eine Fortsetzung des leibfreien Daseins fühlen konnte. Er nahm nunmehr solche Erdeneindrücke auf, welche durch das eingeimpfte astralische Element erlebt werden konnten und welche mit den Kräften sich verbanden, welche den physischen Leib zerstören. Das empfand der Mensch als Absterben seines Erdenlebens. Und der durch die menschliche Natur selbst bewirkte «Tod» trat dadurch auf. Damit ist auf ein bedeutsames Geheimnis in der Menschennatur gedeutet, auf den Zusammenhang des menschlichen Astralleibes mit den Krankheiten und dem Tode.
[ 85 ] Für den menschlichen Lebensleib traten nun besondere Verhältnisse ein. Er wurde in ein solches Verhältnis zwischen physischem Leib und Astralleib hineingegliedert, dass er in gewisser Beziehung den Fähigkeiten entzogen wurde, welche sich der Mensch durch den luziferischen Einfluss angeeignet hatte. Ein Teil dieses Lebensleibes blieb außer dem physischen Leibe so, dass er nur von höheren Wesenheiten, nicht von dem menschlichen Ich beherrscht werden konnte. Diese höheren Wesenheiten waren diejenigen, welche bei der Sonnentrennung die Erde verlassen hatten, um unter der Führung eines ihrer erhabenen Genossen einen andern Wohnsitz einzunehmen. Wäre der charakterisierte Teil des Lebensleibes mit dem astralischen Leibe vereinigt geblieben, so hätte der Mensch übersinnliche Kräfte, die ihm vorher eigen waren, in seinen eigenen Dienst gestellt. Er hätte den luziferischen Einfluss auf diese Kräfte ausgedehnt. Dadurch hätte sich der Mensch allmählich ganz von den Sonnenwesenheiten losgelöst. Und sein Ich wäre zu einem völligen Erden-Ich geworden. Es hätte so kommen müssen, dass dieses Erden-Ich nach dem Tode des physischen Leibes (beziehungsweise schon bei dessen Verfall) einen andern physischen Leib, einen Nachkommen-Leib, bewohnt hätte, ohne durch eine Verbindung mit höheren geistigen Wesenheiten in einem leibfreien Zustand hindurchzugehen. Der Mensch wäre so zum Bewusstsein seines Ich, aber nur als eines «irdischen Ich» gekommen. Das wurde abgewendet durch jenen Vorgang mit dem Lebensleibe, der durch die Erdmondenwesen bewirkt wurde. Das eigentliche individuelle Ich wurde dadurch so losgelöst vom bloßen Erden-Ich, dass der Mensch sich während des Erdenlebens allerdings nur teilweise als eigenes Ich fühlte; zugleich fühlte er, wie sein Erden-Ich eine Fortsetzung war des Erden-Ichs seiner Vorfahren durch die Generationen hindurch. Die Seele fühlte im Erdenleben eine Art «Gruppen-Ich» bis zu den fernen Ahnen, und der Mensch empfand sich als Glied der Gruppe. In dem leibfreien Zustand konnte das individuelle Ich sich erst als Einzel-Wesen fühlen. Aber der Zustand dieser Vereinzelung war dadurch beeinträchtigt, dass das Ich mit der Erinnerung an das Erdenbewusstsein (Erden-Ich) behaftet blieb. Das trübte den Blick für die geistige Welt, die anfing, sich zwischen Tod und Geburt ähnlich mit einem Schleier zu verdecken wie für den physischen Blick auf Erden.
[ 86 ] Der physische Ausdruck all der Veränderungen, welche in der geistigen Welt geschahen, während die Menschenentwicklung durch die geschilderten Verhältnisse hindurchging, war die allmähliche Regelung der gegenseitigen Beziehungen von Sonne, Mond und Erde (und im weiteren Sinne noch anderer Himmelskörper). Von diesen Beziehungen sei als eine Folge der Wechsel von Tag und Nacht hervorgehoben. (Die Bewegungen der Himmelskörper werden durch die sie bewohnenden Wesen geregelt. Die Bewegung der Erde, durch welche Tag und Nacht entstehen, wurde durch das Wechselverhältnis der verschiedenen über den Menschen stehenden Geister bewirkt. Ebenso war auch die Bewegung des Mondes zustandegekommen, damit nach der Trennung des Mondes von der Erde, durch die Umdrehung des ersten um die zweite, die «Geister der Form» auf den physischen Menschenleib in der rechten Art, in dem richtigen Rhythmus, wirken konnten.) Bei Tag wirkten nun das Ich und der astralische Leib des Menschen in dem physischen und dem Lebensleib. Bei Nacht hörte diese Wirkung auf. Da traten das Ich und der astralische Leib aus dem physischen und dem Lebensleibe heraus. Sie kamen in dieser Zeit ganz in den Bereich der «Söhne des Lebens» (Engel), der «Feuergeister» (Erzengel), der «Geister der Persönlichkeit» und der «Geister der Form». Den physischen Leib und den Lebensleib fassten in dieser Zeit außer den «Geistern der Form» noch die «Geister der Bewegung», die «Geister der Weisheit» und die «Throne» in ihr Wirkungsgebiet. So konnten die schädlichen Einwirkungen, welche während des Tages durch die Irrtümer des astralischen Leibes auf den Menschen ausgeübt wurden, wieder ausgebessert werden.
[ 87 ] Indem sich nun die Menschen auf der Erde wieder vermehrten, war in den Nachkommen kein Grund mehr, dass nicht Menschenseelen in ihnen zur Verkörperung hätten schreiten sollen. So wie jetzt die Erdmondenkräfte wirkten, gestalteten sich unter ihrem Einflusse die Menschenleiber durchaus geeignet zur Verkörperung von Menschenseelen. Und es wurden jetzt die vorher auf den Mars, den Jupiter usw. entrückten Seelen auf die Erde gelenkt. Es war dadurch für jeden Menschennachkommen, der in der Generationenfolge geboren wurde, eine Seele da. Das dauerte so durch lange Zeiten hindurch, so dass der Seelenzuzug auf der Erde der Vermehrung der Menschen entsprach. Diejenigen Seelen, welche nun mit dem Erdentode den Leib verließen, behielten für den leibfreien Zustand den Nachklang der irdischen Individualität wie eine Erinnerung zurück. Diese Erinnerung wirkte so, dass sie, wenn wieder ein ihnen entsprechender Leib auf der Erde geboren wurde, sich wieder in einem solchen verkörperten. Innerhalb der menschlichen Nachkommenschaft gab es in der Folge solche Menschen, welche von außen kommende Seelen hatten, die zum ersten Male wieder nach den ersten Zeiten der Erde auf dieser erschienen, und andere mit irdisch wiederverkörperten Seelen. Immer weniger werden nun in der Folgezeit der Erdenentwicklung die zum ersten Male erschienenen jungen Seelen und immer mehr die wiederverkörperten. Doch bestand das Menschengeschlecht für lange Zeiten aus den durch diese Tatsachen bedingten beiden Menschenarten. Auf der Erde empfand sich der Mensch nunmehr durch das gemeinsame Gruppen-Ich mit seinen Vorfahren verbunden. Das Erlebnis des individuellen Ich war dafür umso stärker im leibfreien Zustande zwischen dem Tode und einer neuen Geburt. Diejenigen Seelen, welche, vom Himmelsraume kommend, in Menschenleibern einzogen, waren in einer andern Lage als diejenigen, welche bereits ein oder mehrere Erdenleben hinter sich hatten. Die ersteren brachten für das physische Erdenleben als Seelen nur die Bedingungen mit, welchen sie durch die höhere geistige Welt und durch ihre außer dem Erdenbereiche gemachten Erlebnisse unterworfen waren. Die andern hatten in früheren Leben selbst Bedingungen hinzugefügt. Das Schicksal jener Seelen war nur von Tatsachen bestimmt, die außerhalb der neuen Erdenverhältnisse lagen. Dasjenige der wiederverkörperten Seelen ist auch durch dasjenige bestimmt, was sie selbst in früheren Leben unter den irdischen Verhältnissen getan haben. Mit der Wiederverkörperung trat zugleich das menschliche Einzel-Karma in die Erscheinung. — Dadurch, dass der menschliche Lebensleib dem Einflusse des Astralleibes in der oben angedeuteten Art entzogen wurde, trat auch das Fortpflanzungsverhältnis nicht in den Umkreis des menschlichen Bewusstseins, sondern es stand unter der Herrschaft der geistigen Welt. Wenn sich eine Seele niedersenken sollte auf den Erdkreis, dann traten die Impulse für die Fortpflanzung beim Erdenmenschen auf. Der ganze Vorgang war bis zu einem gewissen Grade für das irdische Bewusstsein in ein geheimnisvolles Dunkel gehüllt. — Aber auch während des Erdenlebens traten die Folgen dieser teilweisen Trennung des Lebensleibes vom physischen Leibe ein. Es konnten die Fähigkeiten dieses Lebensleibes durch den geistigen Einfluss besonders erhöht werden. Für das Seelenleben machte sich dies dadurch geltend, dass das Gedächtnis seine besondere Ausbildung erhielt. Das selbständige logische Denken war in dieser Zeit des Menschen nur in den allerersten Anfängen. Dafür war die Erinnerungsfähigkeit fast grenzenlos. Nach außen zeigte sich, dass der Mensch eine unmittelbare gefühlsmäßige Erkenntnis von den Wirkungskräften alles Lebendigen hatte. Er konnte die Kräfte des Lebens und der Fortpflanzung der tierischen und namentlich pflanzlichen Natur in seinen Dienst stellen. Was die Pflanze antreibt zum Wachsen, das zum Beispiel konnte der Mensch aus der Pflanze herausziehen und es verwenden, wie gegenwärtig die Kräfte der leblosen Natur, zum Beispiel die in den Steinkohlen schlummernde Kraft aus dieser herausgezogen und dazu verwendet wird, Maschinen zu bewegen. (Näheres über diese Sache findet man in meiner kleinen Schrift «Unsere atlantischen Vorfahren».) — Auch das innere Seelenleben des Menschen veränderte sich durch den luziferischen Einfluss in der mannigfaltigsten Art. Es könnten viele Arten von Gefühlen und Empfindungen angeführt werden, welche dadurch entstanden sind. Nur einiges mag erwähnt werden. Bis zu diesem Einflusse hin wirkte die Menschenseele in dem, was sie zu gestalten und zu tun hatte, im Sinne der Absichten höherer geistiger Wesenheiten. Der Plan zu allem, was ausgeführt werden sollte, war von vornherein bestimmt. Und in dem Grade, als das menschliche Bewusstsein überhaupt entwickelt war, konnte es auch voraussehen, wie sich in der Zukunft die Dinge nach dem vorgefassten Plane entwickeln müssen. Dieses vorausschauende Bewusstsein ging verloren, als sich vor die Offenbarung der höheren geistigen Wesenheiten der Schleier der irdischen Wahrnehmungen hinwob und in ihnen die eigentlichen Kräfte der Sonnenwesen sich verbargen. Ungewiss wurde nunmehr die Zukunft. Und damit pflanzte sich der Seele die Möglichkeit des Furchtgefühles ein. Die Furcht ist eine unmittelbare Folge des Irrtums. — Man sieht aber auch, wie mit dem luziferischen Einflusse der Mensch unabhängig wurde von bestimmten Kräften, denen er vorher willenlos hingegeben war. Er konnte nunmehr aus sich heraus Entschlüsse fassen. Die Freiheit ist das Ergebnis dieses Einflusses. Und die Furcht und ähnliche Gefühle sind nur Begleiterscheinungen der Entwicklung des Menschen zur Freiheit.
[ 88 ] Geistig angesehen stellt sich das Auftreten der Furcht so, dass innerhalb der Erdenkräfte, unter deren Einfluss der Mensch durch die luziferischen Mächte gelangt war, andere Mächte wirksam waren, die viel früher im Entwicklungslaufe als die luziferischen Unregelmäßigkeit angenommen hatten. Mit den Erdenkräften nahm der Mensch die Einflüsse dieser Mächte in sein Wesen herein. Sie gaben Gefühlen, die ohne sie ganz anders gewirkt hätten, die Eigenschaft der Furcht. Man kann diese Wesenheiten die ahrimanischen nennen; sie sind dieselben, die — in Goethes Sinne — mephistophelisch genannt werden.
[ 89 ] Wenn nun auch der luziferische Einfluss sich zunächst nur bei den fortgeschrittensten Menschen geltend gemacht hat, so dehnte er sich doch bald auch über andere aus. Es vermischten sich die Nachkommen der fortgeschrittenen mit den oben charakterisierten weniger fortgeschrittenen. Dadurch drang die luziferische Kraft auch zu den letzteren. Aber der Lebensleib der von den Planeten zurückkehrenden Seelen konnte nicht in demselben Grade geschützt werden wie derjenige, welchen die Nachkommen der auf der Erde verbliebenen hatten. Der Schutz dieses letzteren ging von einem hohen Wesen aus, welches im Kosmos die Führung damals hatte, als sich die Sonne von der Erde trennte. Dieses Wesen erscheint auf dem Gebiete, das hier betrachtet wird, als der Herrscher im Sonnenreiche. Mit ihm zogen diejenigen erhabenen Geister zum Sonnenwohnplatze, welche durch ihre kosmische Entwicklung die Reife dazu erlangt hatten. Es gab aber auch solche Wesen, welche bei der Sonnentrennung zu solcher Höhe nicht gestiegen waren. Sie mussten sich andere Schauplätze suchen. Sie waren es eben, durch die es kam, dass aus jener gemeinsamen Weltsubstanz, welche anfänglich im physischen Erdenorganismus war, sich der Jupiter und andere Planeten loslösten. Der Jupiter wurde der Wohnplatz solcher nicht zur Sonnenhöhe herangereifter Wesen. Das vorgeschrittenste wurde der Führer des Jupiter. 1 Wie der Führer der Sonnenentwicklung das «höhere Ich» wurde, das im Lebensleibe der Nachkommen der auf Erden verbliebenen Menschen wirkte, so wurde dieser Jupiterführer das «höhere Ich», das sich wie ein gemeinsames Bewusstsein durch die Menschen hindurchzog, welche abstammten von einer Vermischung von Sprösslingen der auf Erden verbliebenen mit solchen Menschen, die in der oben geschilderten Art erst auf der Erde in der Zeit des Luftelementes aufgetreten und zum Jupiter übergegangen waren. Man kann im Sinne der Geisteswissenschaft solche Menschen «Jupitermenschen» nennen. Es waren das Menschennachkömmlinge, welche in jener alten Zeit noch Menschenseelen aufgenommen hatten; doch solche, die, beim Beginn der Erdenentwicklung die erste Berührung mit dem Feuer mitzumachen, noch nicht reif genug waren. Es waren Seelen zwischen dem Menschen- und dem Tierseelenreich. Es gibt nun auch Wesen, welche sich unter der Führung eines höchsten aus der gemeinsamen Weltsubstanz den Mars als Wohnplatz ausgesondert hatten. Unter ihren Einfluss kam eine dritte Art von Menschen, die durch Vermischung entstanden waren, die «Marsmenschen». (Es fällt von diesen Erkenntnissen aus ein Licht auf die Urgründe der Planetenentstehung unseres Sonnensystems. Denn alle Körper dieses Systems sind entstanden durch die verschiedenen Reifezustände der sie bewohnenden Wesen. Doch kann hier natürlich nicht auf alle Einzelheiten der kosmischen Gliederungen eingegangen werden.) Diejenigen Menschen, welche in ihrem Lebensleibe das hohe Sonnenwesen selbst als vorhanden wahrnahmen, können «Sonnenmenschen» genannt werden. Das Wesen, das in ihnen als «höheres Ich» lebte — natürlich nur in den Generationen, nicht im einzelnen — ist dasjenige, welches später, als die Menschen eine bewusste Erkenntnis von ihm erlangten, mit verschiedenen Namen belegt wurde und das den Gegenwartsmenschen das ist, in dem sich ihnen das Verhältnis offenbart, welches der Christus zum Kosmos hat. Man kann dann noch «Saturnmenschen» unterscheiden. Bei ihnen trat als «höheres Ich» ein Wesen auf, das vor der Sonnentrennung mit seinen Genossen die gemeinsame Weltsubstanz verlassen musste. Es war dies eine Art von Menschen, welche nicht nur im Lebensleibe, sondern auch im physischen Leibe einen Teil hatten, welcher dem luziferischen Einfluss entzogen blieb.
[ 90 ] Nun war bei den niedriger stehenden Menschenarten der Lebensleib doch zu wenig geschützt, um den Einwirkungen des luziferischen Wesens genügend widerstehen zu können. Sie konnten die Willkür des in ihnen befindlichen Feuerfunkens des «Ich» so weit ausdehnen, dass sie in ihrem Umkreise mächtige Feuerwirkungen schädlicher Art hervorriefen. Die Folge war eine gewaltige Erdkatastrophe. Durch die Feuerstürme ging ein großer Teil der damals bewohnten Erde zugrunde und mit ihm die dem Irrtum verfallenen Menschen. Nur der kleinste Teil, der vom Irrtum zum Teil unberührt geblieben war, konnte sich auf ein Gebiet der Erde retten, das bis dahin geschützt war vor dem verderblichen menschlichen Einflusse. Als ein solcher Wohnplatz, der sich für die neue Menschheit besonders eignete, stellte sich das Land heraus, das auf dem Flecke der Erde war, der gegenwärtig vom Atlantischen Ozean bedeckt wird. Dorthin zog sich der am reinsten vom Irrtum gebliebene Teil der Menschen. Nur versprengte Menschheitsglieder bewohnten andere Gegenden. Im Sinne der Geisteswissenschaft kann) man das Erdengebiet zwischen dem gegenwärtigen Europa, Afrika und Amerika, das einstmals bestanden hat, «Atlantis» nennen. (In der entsprechenden Literatur wird in einer gewissen Art auf den charakterisierten dem atlantischen vorangegangenen Abschnitt der Menschheitsentwicklung hingewiesen. Er wird da das lemurische Zeitalter der Erde genannt, dem das atlantische folgte. Dagegen kann die Zeit, in welcher die Mondenkräfte ihre Hauptwirkungen noch nicht entfaltet hatten, das hyperboräische Zeitalter genannt werden. Diesem geht noch ein anderes voran, das also mit der allerersten Zeit der physischen Erdenentwicklung zusammenfällt. In der biblischen Überlieferung wird die Zeit vor der Einwirkung der luziferischen Wesen als die paradiesische Zeit geschildert und das Herabsteigen auf die Erde, das Verstricktwerden der Menschen in die Sinnenwelt, als die Vertreibung aus dem Paradiese.)
[ 91 ] Die Entwicklung im atlantischen Gebiet war die Zeit der eigentlichen Sonderung in Saturn-, Sonnen-, Jupiter- und Marsmenschen. Vorher wurden dazu eigentlich erst die Anlagen entfaltet. Nun hatte die Scheidung von Wach- und Schlafzustand für das Menschenwesen noch besondere Folgen, die besonders bei der atlantischen Menschheit hervortraten. Während der Nacht waren des Menschen astralischer Leib und Ich im Bereiche der über ihm stehenden Wesen bis zu den «Geistern der Persönlichkeit» hinauf. Durch denjenigen Teil seines Lebensleibes, der nicht mit dem physischen Leibe verbunden war, konnte der Mensch die Wahrnehmung der «Söhne des Lebens» (Engel) und der «Feuergeister» (Erzengel) haben. Denn er konnte mit dem nicht vom physischen Leib durchdrungenen Teil des Lebensleibes während des Schlafens vereinigt bleiben. Die Wahrnehmung der «Geister der Persönlichkeit» blieb allerdings undeutlich, eben wegen des luziferischen Einflusses. Mit den Engeln und Erzengeln wurden aber auf diese Art für den Menschen in dem geschilderten Zustande auch diejenigen Wesen sichtbar, welche als auf Sonne oder Mond Zurückgebliebene nicht das Erdendasein antreten konnten. Sie mussten deshalb in der seelisch-geistigen Welt verbleiben. Der Mensch zog sie aber durch das luziferische Wesen in den Bereich seiner vom physischen Leib getrennten Seele. Dadurch kam er mit Wesen in Berührung, welche in hohem Grade verführerisch auf ihn wirkten. Sie vermehrten in der Seele den Trieb zum Irrtum; namentlich zum Missbrauch der Wachstums- und Fortpflanzungskräfte, welche durch die Trennung von physischem Leib und Lebensleib in seiner Macht standen.
[ 92 ] Es war nun für einzelne Menschen des atlantischen Zeitalters die Möglichkeit gegeben, sich so wenig als möglich in die Sinnenwelt zu verstricken. Durch sie wurde der luziferische Einfluss aus einem Hindernis der Menschheitsentwicklung zum Mittel eines höheren Fortschreitens. Sie waren durch ihn in der Lage, früher, als es sonst möglich gewesen wäre, die Erkenntnis für die Erdendinge zu entfalten. Dabei versuchten diese Menschen den Irrtum aus ihrem Vorstellungsleben zu entfernen und die ursprünglichen Absichten der geistigen Wesen aus den Erscheinungen der Welt zu ergründen. Sie hielten sich frei von den nach der bloßen Sinnenwelt gelenkten Trieben und Begierden des astralischen Leibes. Dadurch wurden sie von dessen Irrtümern immer freier. Das führte bei ihnen Zustände herbei, durch welche sie bloß in jenem Teile des Lebensleibes wahrnahmen, welcher in der geschilderten Weise vom physischen Leibe getrennt war. In solchen Zuständen war das Wahrnehmungsvermögen des physischen Leibes wie ausgelöscht und dieser selbst wie tot. Dann wären sie durch den Lebensleib ganz verbunden mit dem R Reiche der «Geister der Form» und konnten von diesen erfahren, wie sie geführt und gelenkt werden von jenem hohen Wesen, das die Führung hatte bei der Trennung von Sonne und Erde, und durch das sich später den Menschen das Verständnis für den «Christus» eröffnete. Solche Menschen waren Eingeweihte (Initiierte). Weil aber des Menschen Individualität in der oben geschilderten Art in den Bereich der Mondwesen gekommen war, so konnten auch diese Eingeweihten in der Regel von dem Sonnenwesen nicht unmittelbar berührt werden, sondern es konnte ihnen nur wie in einer Spiegelung durch die Mondwesen gezeigt werden. Sie sahen dann nicht das Sonnenwesen unmittelbar, sondern dessen Abglanz. Sie wurden die Führer der anderen Menschheit, denen sie die erschauten Geheimnisse mitteilen konnten. Sie zogen sich Schüler heran, denen sie die Wege zur Erlangung des Zustandes wiesen, welcher zur Einweihung führt. Zur Erkenntnis dessen, was früher durch «Christus» sich offenbarte, konnten nur solche Menschen gelangen, die in angedeutetem Sinne zu den Sonnenmenschen gehörten. Sie pflegten ihr geheimnisvolles Wissen und die Verrichtungen, welche dazu führten, an einer besonderen Stätte, welche hier das Christus- oder Sonnenorakel genannt werden soll. (Oraculum im Sinne eines Ortes, wo die Absichten geistiger Wesen vernommen werden.) Das hier in bezug auf den Christus Gesagte wird nur dann nicht missverstanden werden, wenn man bedenkt, dass die übersinnliche Erkenntnis in dem Erscheinen des Christus auf der Erde ein Ereignis sehen muss, auf das als ein in der Zukunft Bevorstehendes diejenigen hingewiesen haben, welche vor diesem Ereignis mit dem Sinn der Erdenentwicklung bekannt waren. Man ginge fehl, wenn man bei diesen «Eingeweihten» ein Verhältnis zu dem Christus voraussetzen würde, das erst durch dieses Ereignis möglich geworden ist. Aber das konnten sie prophetisch begreifen und ihren Schülern begreiflich machen: «Wer von der Macht des Sonnenwesens berührt ist, der sieht den Christus an die Erde herankommen.»
[ 93 ] Andere Orakel wurden ins Leben gerufen von den Angehörigen der Saturn-, Mars- und Jupitermenschheit. Deren Eingeweihte führten ihr Anschauen nur bis zu den Wesenheiten, welche als entsprechende «höhere Iche» in ihren Lebensleibern enthüllt werden konnten. So entstanden Bekenner der Saturn-, der Jupiter-, der Marsweisheit. Außer diesen Einweihungsmethoden gab es solche für Menschen, welche vom luziferischen Wesen zu viel in sich aufgenommen hatten, um einen so großen Teil des Lebensleibes vom physischen Leibe getrennt sein zu lassen wie die Sonnenmenschen. Sie konnten auch nicht durch die genannten Zustände bis zur prophetischen ChristusOffenbarung gebracht werden. Sie mussten wegen ihres mehr vom luziferischen Prinzip beeinflussten Astralleibes schwierigere Vorbereitungen durchmachen, und dann konnten sie in einem weniger leibfreien Zustand als die andern zwar nicht die Offenbarung des Christus selbst enthüllt erhalten, aber die anderer hoher Wesen. Es gab solche Wesen, welche zwar bei der Sonnentrennung die Erde verlassen haben, aber doch nicht auf der Höhe standen, dass sie die Sonnenentwicklung auf die Dauer hätten mitmachen können. Sie gliederten sich nach der Trennung von Sonne und Erde einen Wohnplatz von der Sonne ab, die Venus. Deren Führer wurde das Wesen, welches nun für die geschilderten Eingeweihten und ihre Anhänger zum «höheren Ich» wurde. Ein ähnliches geschah mit dem führenden Geist des Merkur für eine andere Art Menschen. So entstanden das Venus- und das Merkurorakel. Eine gewisse Art von Menschen, die am meisten von dem luziferischen Einfluss aufgenommen hatten, konnte nur zu einem Wesen gelangen, welches mit seinen Genossen am frühesten von der Sonnenentwicklung wieder ausgestoßen worden ist. Es hat dieses keinen besonderen Planeten im Weltenraum, sondern lebt im Umkreis der Erde selbst noch, mit der es sich wieder vereinigt hat nach der Rückkehr von der Sonne. Diejenigen Menschen, welchen sich dieses Wesen als höheres Ich enthüllte, können die Anhänger des Vulkanorakels genannt werden. Ihr Blick war mehr den irdischen Erscheinungen zugewendet als derjenige der übrigen Eingeweihten. Sie legten die ersten Gründe zu dem, was später als Wissenschaften und Künste unter den Menschen entstand. Die Merkur-Eingeweihten dagegen begründeten das Wissen von den mehr übersinnlichen Dingen; und in noch höherem Grade taten dies die Venus-Eingeweihten. Die Vulkan-, Merkur- und Venus-Eingeweihten unterschieden sich von den Saturn-, Jupiter- und Mars-Eingeweihten dadurch, dass die letzteren ihre Geheimnisse mehr als eine Offenbarung von oben empfingen, mehr in einem fertigen Zustande; während die ersteren schon mehr in Form von eigenen Gedanken, von Ideen ihr Wissen enthüllt erhielten. In der Mitte standen die ChristusEingeweihten. Sie erhielten mit der Offenbarung in unmittelbarem Zustande auch zugleich die Fähigkeit, in menschliche Begriffsformen ihre Geheimnisse zu kleiden. Die Saturn-, Jupiter- und Mars-Eingeweihten mussten sich mehr in Sinnbildern aussprechen; die Christus-, Venus-, Merkur- und VulkanEingeweihten konnten sich mehr in Vorstellungen mitteilen.
[ 94 ] Was auf diese Art zur atlantischen Menschheit gelangte, kam auf dem Umwege durch die Eingeweihten. Aber auch die andere Menschheit erhielt durch das luziferische Prinzip besondere Fähigkeiten, indem durch die hohen kosmischen Wesenheiten das zum Heil verwandelt wurde, was sonst zum Verderben hätte werden können. Eine solche Fähigkeit ist die der Sprache. Sie wurde dem Menschen zuteil durch seine Verdichtung in die physische Stofflichkeit und durch die Trennung eines Teiles seines Lebensleibes vom physischen Leib. In den Zeiten nach der Mondentrennung fühlte sich das Gruppen-Ich verbunden. Doch verlor sich dieses gemeinsame Bewusstsein, welches Nachkommen mit Vorfahren verband, allmählich im Laufe der Generationen. Die späteren Nachkommen hatten dann nur bis zu einem nicht weit zurückliegenden Vorfahren die innere Erinnerung; zu den früheren Ahnen hinauf nicht mehr. In den Zuständen von Schlafähnlichkeit nur, in denen die Menschen mit der geistigen Welt in Berührung kamen, tauchte nun die Erinnerung an diesen oder jenen Vorfahren wieder auf. Die Menschen hielten sich dann wohl auch für eins mit diesem Vorfahren, den sie in ihnen wiedererschienen glaubten. Dies war eine irrtümliche Idee von der Wiederverkörperung, welche namentlich in der letzten atlantischen Zeit auftauchte. Die wahre Lehre von der Wiederverkörperung konnte nur in den Schulen der Eingeweihten erfahren werden. Die Eingeweihten schauten, wie im leibfreien Zustand die Menschenseele von Verkörperung zu Verkörperung geht. Und sie allein konnten die Wahrheit darüber ihren Schülern mitteilen.
[ 95 ] Die physische Gestalt des Menschen ist in der urfernen Vergangenheit, von welcher hier die Rede ist, noch weit verschieden von der gegenwärtigen. Diese Gestalt war in einem hohen Grade noch der Ausdruck der seelischen Eigenschaften. Der Mensch bestand noch aus einer feineren, weicheren Stofflichkeit, als er später angenommen hat. Was gegenwärtig verfestigt ist, war in den Gliedern weich, biegsam und bildsam. Ein mehr seelischer, geistigerer Mensch war von zartem, beweglichem, ausdrucksvollem Körperbau. Ein geistig wenig entwickelter von groben, unbeweglichen, wenig bildsamen Körperformen. Seelische Vorgeschrittenheit zog die Glieder zusammen; die Gestalt wurde klein erhalten; seelische Zurückgebliebenheit und Verstricktheit in die Sinnlichkeit drückte sich in riesenhafter Größe aus. Während der Mensch in der Wachstumsperiode war, formte sich in einer Art, die für gegenwärtige Vorstellungen fabelhaft, ja phantastisch erscheinen muss, der Körper nach dem, was in der Seele sich bildete. Verdorbenheit in den Leidenschaften, Trieben und Instinkten zog ein Anwachsen des Materiellen im Menschen ins Riesenhafte nach sich. Die gegenwärtige physische Menschengestalt ist durch Zusammenziehen, Verdichtung und Verfestigung des atlantischen Menschen entstanden. Und während vor der atlantischen Zeit der Mensch als ein getreues Abbild seiner seelischen Wesenheit vorhanden war, trugen gerade die Vorgänge der atlantischen Entwicklung die Ursachen in sich, welche zu dem nachatlantischen Menschen führten, der in seiner physischen Gestalt fest und von den seelischen Eigenschaften verhältnismäßig wenig abhängig ist. (Das Tierreich ist in seinen Formen in weit älteren Zeiten auf der Erde dicht geworden als der Mensch.) — Die Gesetze, welche gegenwärtig der Bildung der Formen in den Naturreichen zugrunde liegen, dürfen durchaus nicht auf fernere Vergangenheiten ausgedehnt werden.
[ 96 ] Gegen die Mitte der atlantischen Entwicklungszeit machte sich allmählich ein Unheil in der Menschheit geltend. Die Geheimnisse der Eingeweihten hätten sorgfältig vor solchen Menschen behütet werden müssen, welche nicht durch Vorbereitung ihren Astralleib von Irrtum gereinigt hatten. Erlangen diese eine solche Einsicht in die verborgenen Erkenntnisse, in die Gesetze, wodurch die höheren Wesen die Naturkräfte lenken, so stellen sie dieselben in den Dienst ihrer verirrten Bedürfnisse und Leidenschaften. Die Gefahr war um so größer, als ja die Menschen, wie geschildert worden ist, in den Bereich niederer Geisteswesen kamen, welche die regelmäßige Erdenentwicklung nicht mitmachen konnten, daher ihr entgegenwirkten. Diese beeinflussten die Menschen fortwährend so, dass sie ihnen Interessen einflößten, welche gegen das Heil der Menschheit in Wahrheit gerichtet waren. Nun hatten aber die Menschen noch die Fähigkeit, die Wachstums- und die Fortpflanzungskräfte der tierischen und der menschlichen Natur in ihren Dienst zu stellen. — Den Versuchungen von seiten niederer Geistwesen unterlagen nicht nur gewöhnliche Menschen, sondern auch ein Teil der Eingeweihten. Sie kamen dazu, die genannten übersinnlichen Kräfte in einen Dienst zu stellen, welcher der Entwicklung der Menschheit zuwiderlief. Und sie suchten sich zu diesem Dienst Genossen, welche nicht eingeweiht waren und welche ganz im niederen Sinne die Geheimnisse des übersinnlichen Naturwirkens anwandten. Die Folge war eine große Verderbnis der Menschheit. Das Übel breitete sich immer mehr aus. Und weil die Wachstums- und Fortpflanzungskräfte dann, wenn sie ihrem Mutterboden entrissen und selbständig verwendet werden, in einem geheimnisvollen Zusammenhange stehen mit gewissen Kräften, die in Luft und Wasser wirken, so wurden durch die menschlichen Taten gewaltige verderbliche Naturmächte entfesselt. Das führte zur allmählichen Zerstörung des atlantischen Gebietes durch Luft- und Wasserkatastrophen der Erde. Die atlantische Menschheit musste auswandern, insofern sie in den Stürmen nicht zugrunde ging. Damals erhielt die Erde durch diese Stürme ein neues Antlitz. Auf der einen Seite kamen Europa, Asien und Afrika allmählich zu den Gestalten, die sie gegenwärtig haben. Auf der andern Seite Amerika. Nach diesen Ländern gingen große Wanderzüge. Für unsere Gegenwart sind besonders diejenigen dieser Züge wichtig, welche von der Atlantis ostwärts gingen. Europa, Asien, Afrika wurden nach und nach von den Nachkommen der Atlantier besiedelt. Verschiedene Völker schlugen da ihre Wohnsitze auf. Sie standen auf verschiedenen Höhen der Entwicklung, aber auch auf verschiedenen Höhen des Verderbnisses. Und in ihrer Mitte zogen die Eingeweihten, die Behüter der Orakel-Geheimnisse. Diese begründeten in verschiedenen Gegenden Stätten, in denen die Dienste des Jupiter, der Venus und so weiter in gutem, aber auch in schlechtem Sinne gepflegt wurden. Einen besonders ungünstigen Einfluss übte der Verrat der Vulkan-Geheimnisse aus. Denn der Blick von deren Bekennern war am meisten auf die irdischen Verhältnisse gerichtet. Die Menschheit wurde durch diesen Verrat in Abhängigkeit von geistigen Wesen gebracht, welche infolge ihrer vorangegangenen Entwicklung sich gegen alles ablehnend verhielten, was aus der geistigen Welt kam, die sich durch die Trennung der Erde von der Sonne entwickelt hatte. Sie wirkten ihrer so entwickelten Anlage gemäß gerade in dem Elemente, welches im Menschen sich dadurch ausbildete, dass er in der sinnlichen Welt Wahrnehmungen hatte, hinter denen das Geistige sich verhüllt. Diese Wesen erlangten nunmehr einen großen Einfluss auf viele menschliche Erdenbewohner. Und derselbe machte sich zunächst dadurch geltend, dass dem Menschen das Gefühl für das Geistige immer mehr genommen wurde. — Weil sich in diesen Zeiten die Größe, Form und Bildsamkeit des menschlichen physischen Körpers noch in hohem Grade nach den Eigenschaften der Seele richtete, so war die Folge jenes Verrates auch in Veränderungen des Menschengeschlechtes nach dieser Richtung hin zutage getreten. Wo die Verderbtheit der Menschen besonders dadurch sich geltend machte, dass übersinnliche Kräfte in den Dienst niederer Triebe, Begierden und Leidenschaften gestellt wurden, da wurden unförmige, an Größe und Form groteske Menschengestalten gebildet. Diese konnten sich allerdings nicht über die atlantische Periode hinaus erhalten. Sie starben aus. Die nachatlantische Menschheit hat sich physisch aus denjenigen atlantischen Vorfahren herausgebildet, bei denen schon eine solche Verfestigung der körperlichen Gestalt eingetreten war, dass diese den nunmehr naturwidrig gewordenen Seelenkräften nicht nachgaben. — Es gab einen gewissen Zeitraum in der atlantischen Entwicklung, in welchem für die Menschengestalt durch die in und um die Erde herrschenden Gesetze gerade diejenigen Bedingungen herrschten, unter denen sie sich verfestigen musste. Diejenigen Menschen-Rassen-Formen, welche sich vor diesem Zeitraum verfestigt hatten, konnten sich zwar lange fortpflanzen, doch wurden nach und nach die in ihnen sich verkörpernden Seelen so beengt, dass die Rassen aussterben mussten. Allerdings erhielten sich gerade manche von diesen Rassenformen bis in die nach-atlantischen Zeiten hinein; die genügend beweglich gebliebenen in veränderter Form sogar sehr lange. Diejenigen Menschenformen, welche über den charakterisierten Zeitraum hinaus bildsam geblieben waren, wurden namentlich zu Körpern für solche Seelen, welche in hohem Maße den schädlichen Einfluss des gekennzeichneten Verrats erfahren haben. Sie waren zu baldigem Aussterben bestimmt.
[ 97 ] Es hatten sich demnach seit der Mitte der atlantischen Entwicklungszeit Wesen im Bereich der Menschheitsentwicklung geltend gemacht, welche dahin wirkten, dass der Mensch sich in die sinnlich-physische Welt in einer ungeistigen Art hineinlebte. Das konnte so weit gehen, dass ihm statt der wahren Gestalt dieser Welt Trugbilder und Wahnphantome, Illusionen aller Art erschienen. Nicht nur dem luziferischen Einfluss war der Mensch ausgesetzt, sondern auch demjenigen dieser anderen Wesen, auf die oben hingedeutet worden ist und deren Führer nach der Benennung, die er später in der persischen Kultur erhalten hat, Ahriman genannt werden möge. (Der Mephistopheles ist dasselbe Wesen.) Durch diesen Einfluss kam der Mensch nach dem Tode unter Gewalten, welche ihn auch da nur als ein Wesen erscheinen ließen, welches den irdisch-sinnlichen Verhältnissen zugewandt ist. Der freie Ausblick in die Vorgänge der geistigen Welt wurde ihm immer mehr genommen. Er musste sich in der Gewalt des Ahriman fühlen und bis zu einem gewissen Maße ausgeschlossen sein von der Gemeinschaft mit der geistigen Welt.
[ 98 ] Von besonderer Bedeutung war eine Orakelstätte, welche sich in dem allgemeinen Niedergang den alten Dienst am reinsten bewahrt hatte. Sie gehörte zu den Christus-Orakeln. Und deswegen konnte sie nicht nur das Geheimnis des Christus selbst bewahren, sondern auch die Geheimnisse der anderen Orakel. Denn im 0ffenbarwerden des erhabensten Sonnengeistes wurden auch die Führer des Saturn, Jupiter und so weiter enthüllt. Man kannte im Sonnenorakel das Geheimnis, solche menschlichen Lebensleiber bei diesem oder jenem Menschen hervorzubringen, wie sie die besten der Eingeweihten des Jupiter, des Merkur usw. gehabt haben. Man bewirkte mit den Mitteln, die man dazu hatte und welche hier nicht weiter zu besprechen sind, dass die Abdrücke der besten Lebensleiber der alten Eingeweihten sich erhielten und späteren geeigneten Menschen eingeprägt wurden. Durch die Venus-, Merkur- und VulkanEingeweihten konnten solche Vorgänge auch für die Astralleiber sich abspielen.
[ 99 ] In einer gewissen Zeit sah sich der Führer der ChristusEingeweihten vereinsamt mit einigen Genossen, denen er die Geheimnisse der Welt nur in einem sehr beschränkten Maße mitteilen konnte. Denn diese Genossen waren solche Menschen, welche als Naturanlage am wenigsten von der Trennung des physischen und des Lebensleibes mitbekommen hatten. Solche Menschen waren in diesem Zeitraum überhaupt die besten für den weiteren Menschheitsfortschritt. Bei ihnen hatten sich allmählich immer weniger die Erlebnisse im Bereich des Schlafzustandes eingestellt. Die geistige Welt war ihnen immer mehr verschlossen worden. Dafür fehlte ihnen aber auch das Verständnis für alles das, was sich in alten Zeiten enthüllt hatte, wenn der Mensch nicht in seinem physischen Leibe, sondern nur in seinem Lebensleibe war. Die Menschen der unmittelbaren Umgebung jenes Führers des Christus-Orakels waren am meisten vorgeschritten in bezug auf die Vereinigung des früher von dem physischen Leibe getrennt gewesenen Teiles des Lebensleibes mit jenem. Diese Vereinigung stellte sich nun nach und nach in der Menschheit ein als Folge der Umänderung, die mit dem atlantischen Wohnplatz und der Erde überhaupt vor sich gegangen war. Der physische Leib und der Lebensleib des Menschen kamen immer mehr zur Deckung. Dadurch gingen die frühere nun begrenzten Fähigkeiten des Gedächtnisses verloren, und das menschliche Gedankenleben begann. Der mit dem physischen Leib verbundene Teil des Lebensleibes wandelte das physische Gehirn zum eigentlichen Denkwerkzeuge um, und der Mensch empfand eigentlich erst von jetzt ab sein «Ich» im physischen Leibe. Es erwachte da erst das Selbstbewusstsein. Das war nur bei einem geringen Teile der Menschheit zunächst der Fall, vorzüglich bei den Genossen des Führers des ChristusOrakels. Die anderen über Europa, Asien und Afrika zerstreuten Menschenmassen bewahrten in den verschiedensten Graden die Reste der alten Bewusstseinszustände. Sie hatten daher eine unmittelbare Erfahrung von der übersinnlichen Welt. — Die Genossen des Christus-Eingeweihten waren Menschen mit hoch entwickeltem Verstande, aber von allen Menschen jener Zeit hatten sie die geringsten Erfahrungen auf übersinnlichem Gebiete. Mit ihnen zog jener Eingeweihte von Westen nach Osten, nach einem Gebiete in Innerasien. Er wollte sie möglichst behüten vor der Berührung mit den in der Bewusstseinsentwicklung weniger vorgeschrittenen Menschen. Er erzog diese Genossen im Sinne der ihm offenbaren Geheimnisse; namentlich wirkte er in dieser Art auf deren Nachkommen. So bildete er sich eine Schar von Menschen heran, welche in ihre Herzen die Impulse aufgenommen hatten, die den Geheimnissen der ChristusEinweihung entsprachen. Aus dieser Schar wählte er die sieben besten aus, dass sie solche Lebensleiber und Astralleiber haben konnten, welche den Abdrücken der Lebensleiber der sieben besten atlantischen Eingeweihten entsprachen. So erzog er je einen Nachfolger der Christus-, Saturn-, Jupiterusw. Eingeweihten. Diese sieben Eingeweihten wurden die Lehrer und Führer derjenigen Menschen, welche in der nachatlantischen Zeit den Süden von Asien, namentlich das alte Indien besiedelt hatten. Da diese großen Lehrer eigentlich mit Nachbildern der Lebensleiber ihrer geistigen Vorfahren begabt waren, reichte das, was in ihrem Astralleibe war, nämlich ihr selbstverarbeitetes Wissen und Erkennen, nicht bis zu dem, was ihnen durch ihren Lebensleib enthüllt wurde. Sie mussten, wenn diese Offenbarungen in ihnen sprechen sollten, ihr eigenes Wissen und Erkennen zum Schweigen bringen. Dann sprachen aus ihnen und durch sie die hohen Wesenheiten, welche auch für ihre geistigen Vorfahren gesprochen hatten. Außer in den Zeiten, wo diese Wesenheiten durch sie sprachen, waren sie schlichte Menschen, begabt mit dem Maße von Verstandes- und Herzensbildung, das sie sich selbst erarbeitet hatten.
[ 100 ] In Indien wohnte damals eine Menschenart, welche von dem alten Seelenzustande der Atlantier, der die Erfahrungen in der geistigen Welt gestattete, sich vorzüglich eine lebendige Erinnerung an denselben bewahrt hatte. Bei einer großen Anzahl dieser Menschen war auch ein gewaltiger Zug des Herzens und des Gemütes nach den Erlebnissen dieser übersinnlichen Welt vorhanden. Durch eine weise Schicksalsführung war der Hauptteil dieser Menschenart aus den besten Teilen der atlantischen Bevölkerung nach Südasien gekommen. Außer diesem Hauptteil waren andere Teile zu anderen Zeiten zugewandert. Für diesen Menschenzusammenhang bestimmte der genannte ChristusEingeweihte zu Lehrern seine sieben großen Schüler. Sie gaben diesem Volke ihre Weisheit und ihre Gebote. Nur geringer Vorbereitung bedurfte mancher dieser alten Indier, um in sich rege zu machen die kaum verlöschten Fähigkeiten, die zur Beobachtung in der übersinnlichen Welt führten. Denn es war eigentlich die Sehnsucht nach dieser Welt eine Grundstimmung der indischen Seele. In dieser Welt, so empfand man, war die Urheimat der Menschen. Aus dieser Welt sind sie herausversetzt in diejenige, welche das äußere sinnliche Anschauen und der an dieses Anschauen gebundene Verstand liefern kann. Die übersinnliche Welt fühlte man als die wahre und die sinnliche als eine Täuschung der menschlichen Wahrnehmung, eine Illusion (Maja). Mit allen Mitteln strebte man darnach, sich den Einblick in die wahre Welt zu eröffnen. Der illusorischen Sinnenwelt vermochte man kein Interesse entgegenzubringen, oder doch nur insofern, als sie sich als Schleier für die übersinnliche erweist. Die Macht, die von den sieben großen Lehrern auf solche Menschen ausgehen konnte, war gewaltig. Das, was durch sie geoffenbart werden konnte, lebte sich tief in die indischen Seelen ein. Und weil der Besitz der überkommenen Lebens- und Astralleiber diesen Lehrern hohe Kräfte verlieh, so konnten sie auch magisch auf ihre Schüler wirken. Sie lehrten eigentlich nicht. Sie wirkten wie durch Zauberkräfte von Persönlichkeit zu Persönlichkeit. So entstand eine Kultur, welche von übersinnlicher Weisheit ganz durchdrungen war. Was in den Weisheitsbüchern der Inder (in den Veden) enthalten ist, gibt nicht die ursprüngliche Gestalt der hohen Weistümer, welche in der ältesten Zeit durch die großen Lehrer gepflegt worden sind, sondern nur einen schwachen Nachklang. Nur der rückwärts gewendete übersinnliche Blick kann eine ungeschriebene Urweisheit hinter der geschriebenen finden. Ein Zug, welcher in dieser Urweisheit besonders hervortritt, ist das harmonische Zusammenklingen der verschiedenen Orakel-Weisheiten der atlantischen Zeit. Denn ein jeder der großen Lehrer konnte eine dieser Orakel-Weisheiten enthüllen. Und die verschiedenen Seiten der Weisheit gaben einen vollkommenen Einklang, weil hinter ihnen stand die Grundweisheit der prophetischen Christus-Einweihung. Zwar stellte derjenige Lehrer, welcher der geistige Nachfolger des Christus-Eingeweihten war, nicht dasjenige dar, was der Christus-Eingeweihte selbst enthüllen konnte. Dieser war im Hintergrunde der Entwicklung geblieben. Zunächst konnte er sein hohes Amt keinem Nachatlantier übertragen. Der Christus-Eingeweihte der sieben großen indischen Lehrer unterschied sich von ihm dadurch, dass er ja vollständig sein Schauen des Christus-Geheimnisses in menschliche Vorstellungen hatte verarbeiten können, während jener indische Christus-Eingeweihte nur einen Abglanz dieses Geheimnisses in Sinnbildern und Zeichen darstellen konnte. Denn sein menschlich erarbeitetes Vorstellen reichte nicht bis zu diesem Geheimnisse. Aber aus der Vereinigung der sieben Lehrer ergab sich in einem großen Weisheitsbilde eine Erkenntnis der übersinnlichen Welt, von welcher in dem alten atlantischen Orakel nur die einzelnen Glieder haben verkündet werden können. Es wurden die großen Führerschaften der kosmischen Welt enthüllt und leise hingewiesen auf den einen großen Sonnengeist, den Verborgenen, der über denen thront, welche durch die sieben Lehrer geoffenbart wurden.
[ 101 ] Was hier unter «alten Indiern» verstanden wird, fällt nicht zusammen mit demjenigen, was gewöhnlich darunter gemeint wird. Äußere Dokumente aus jener Zeit, von der hier gesprochen wird, gibt es nicht. Das gewöhnlich «Inder» genannte Volk entspricht einer Entwicklungsstufe der Geschichte, welche sich erst lange nach der hier gemeinten Zeit gebildet hat. Es ist eben zu erkennen eine erste nachatlantische Erdenperiode, in welcher die hier charakterisierte «indische» Kultur die herrschende war; dann bildete sich eine zweite nachatlantische, in welcher dasjenige an Kultur herrschend wurde, was später in dieser Schrift «urpersische» genannt werden wird; und noch später entwickelte sich die ebenfalls noch zu schildernde ägyptischchaldäische Kultur. Während der Ausbildung dieser zweiten und dritten nachatlantischen Kulturepoche erlebte auch das «alte» Indiertum eine zweite und dritte Epoche. Und von dieser dritten Epoche gilt dasjenige, was gewöhnlich vom alten Indien dargestellt wird. Man darf also nicht dasjenige, was hier geschildert wird, auf das «alte Indien» beziehen, von dem sonst die Rede ist.
[ 102 ] Ein andrer Zug dieser altindischen Kultur ist derjenige, welcher später zur Einteilung der Menschen in Kasten führte. Die in Indien Wohnenden waren Nachkommen von Atlantiern, die zu verschiedenen Menschenarten, Saturn-, Jupiterusw. Menschen gehörten. Durch die übersinnlichen Lehren wurde begriffen, dass eine Seele nicht durch Zufall in diese oder jene Kaste versetzt wurde, sondern dadurch, dass sie sich selbst für dieselbe bestimmt hatte. Ein solches Begreifen der übersinnlichen Lehren wurde hier insbesondere dadurch erleichtert, dass bei vielen Menschen die oben charakterisierten inneren Erinnerungen an die Vorfahren rege gemacht werden konnten, welche allerdings auch leicht zu einer irrtümlichen Idee von der Wiederverkörperung führten. Wie in dem atlantischen Zeitalter nur durch die Eingeweihten die wahre Idee der Wiederverkörperung erlangt werden konnte, so im ältesten Indien nur durch die unmittelbare Berührung mit den großen Lehrern. Jene oben erwähnte irrtümliche Idee von der Wiederverkörperung fand allerdings bei den Völkern, welche sich infolge des Untergangs der Atlantis über Europa, Asien und Afrika verbreiteten, die denkbar größte Ausdehnung. Und weil diejenigen Eingeweihten, welche während der atlantischen Entwicklung auf Abwege geraten waren, auch dieses Geheimnis Unreifen mitgeteilt hatten, so gerieten die Menschen immer mehr zu einer Verwechselung der wahren mit der irrtümlichen Idee. Es war ja diesen Menschen wie eine Erbschaft der atlantischen Zeit eine Art dämmerhaften Hellsehens vielfach geblieben. Wie die Atlantier im Schlafe in den Bereich der geistigen Welt kamen, so erlebten ihre Nachkommen in abnormen Zwischenzuständen zwischen Wachen und Schlaf diese geistige Welt. Da traten in ihnen die Bilder alter Zeit auf, der ihre Vorfahren angehört hatten. Sie hielten sich für Wiederverkörperungen von Menschen, welche in solcher Zeit gelebt hatten. Lehren über die Wiederverkörperung, welche mit den echten Ideen der Eingeweihten im Widerspruch standen, breiteten sich über den ganzen Erdkreis aus.
[ 103 ] In den vorderasiatischen Gebieten hatte sich als Ergebnis der langdauernden Wanderzüge, die sich seit dem Beginne der atlantischen Zerstörung von Westen nach Osten bewegten, ein Volkszusammenhang sesshaft gemacht, dessen Nachkommenschaft die Geschichte als das persische Volk und die mit diesem verwandten Stämme kennt. Die übersinnliche Erkenntnis muss allerdings zu viel früheren Zeiten zurückgehen als zu den geschichtlichen dieser Völker. Zunächst ist die Rede von sehr frühen Vorfahren der späteren Perser, f unter denen das zweite große Kulturzeitalter der nachatlantischen Entwicklung, nach dem indischen, entstand. Die Völker dieses zweiten Zeitalters hatten eine andere Aufgabe als die indischen. Sie waren mit ihren Sehnsuchten und Neigungen nicht bloß der übersinnlichen Welt zugewendet; sie waren veranlagt für die physischsinnliche Welt. Sie gewannen die Erde lieb. Sie schätzten, was sich der Mensch auf dieser erobern und was er durch ihre Kräfte gewinnen kann. Was sie als Kriegsvolk vollführten und auch was sie als Mittel erfanden, um der Erde ihre Schätze abzugewinnen, steht im Zusammenhang mit dieser Eigenart ihres Wesens. Bei ihnen war nicht die Gefahr vorhanden, dass sie durch ihre Sehnsucht nach dem Übersinnlichen sich völlig abkehren könnten von der «Illusion» des Physisch-Sinnlichen, sondern eher diejenige, dass sie durch ihren Sinn für dieses den seelischen Zusammenhang mit der übersinnlichen Welt ganz verlieren könnten. Auch die Orakelstätten, welche sich aus dem alten atlantischen Gebiet hierher verpflanzt hatten, trugen in ihrer Art den allgemeinen Charakter des Volkes. Es wurde da von Kräften, die man sich einstmals durch die Erlebnisse der übersinnlichen Welt hatte aneignen können und welche man in gewissen niederen Formen noch beherrschen konnte, dasjenige gepflegt, was die Erscheinungen der Natur so lenkt, dass sie den persönlichen Interessen des Menschen dienen. Dieses alte Volk hatte noch eine große Macht in der Beherrschung solcher Naturkräfte, die später vor dem menschlichen Willen sich zurückzogen. Die Hüter der Orakel geboten über innere Kräfte, welche mit dem Feuer und andern Elementen in Zusammenhang standen. Man kann sie Magier nennen. Was sie sich als Erbschaft von übersinnlicher Erkenntnis und übersinnlichen Kräften aus alten Zeiten bewahrt hatten, war allerdings schwach im Verhältnis zu dem, was der Mensch in urferner Vergangenheit vermochte. Aber es nahm doch alle Formen an, von edlen Künsten, die nur das Menschenheil im Auge hatten, bis zu den verwerflichsten Verrichtungen. In diesen Menschen waltete das luziferische Wesen auf eine besondere Art. Es hatte sie mit allem in Zusammenhang gebracht, was den Menschen von den Absichten derjenigen höheren Wesen ablenkt, welche ohne den luziferischen Einschlag allein die Menschheitsentwicklung vorwärts gelenkt hätten. Auch diejenigen Glieder dieses Volkes, welche noch mit Resten des alten hellseherischen Zustandes, des oben geschilderten Zwischenzustandes zwischen Wachen und Schlafen, begabt waren, fühlten sich zu den niederen Wesen der geistigen Welt sehr hingezogen. Es musste diesem Volke ein geistiger Antrieb gegeben werden, welcher diesen Charaktereigenschaften entgegenwirkte. Ihm wurde aus derselben Quelle, aus welcher auch das alte indische Geistesleben kam, von dem Bewahrter der Geheimnisse des Sonnenorakels, eine Führerschaft gegeben.
[ 104 ] Der Führer der urpersische Geisteskultur, der von jenem. Hüter des Sonnenorakels dem in Rede stehenden Volke gegeben wurde, kann mit demselben Namen bezeichnet werden, welchen die Geschichte als Zarathustra oder Zoroaster kennt. Nur muss betont werden, dass die hier gemeinte Persönlichkeit einer viel früheren Zeit angehört, als die ist, in welche die Geschichte den Träger dieses Namens setzt. Doch kommt es hier nicht auf die äußere geschichtliche Forschung, sondern auf Geisteswissenschaft an. Und wer an eine spätere Zeit bei dem Träger des Zarathustra-Namens denken muss, der mag den Einklang mit der Geisteswissenschaft darin suchen, dass er sich einen Nachfolger des ersten großen Zarathustra vorstellt, der dessen Namen angenommen hat und im Sinne von dessen Lehre wirkt. — Der Antrieb, den Zarathustra seinem Volke zu geben hatte, bestand darin, dass er es darauf hinwies, wie die sinnlich-physische Welt nicht bloß das Geistlose ist, das dem Menschen entgegentritt, wenn er sich unter den ausschließlichen Einfluss des luziferischen Wesens begibt. Diesem Wesen verdankt der Mensch seine persönliche Selbständigkeit und sein Freiheitsgefühl. Es soll aber in ihm im Einklang mit dem entgegengesetzten geistigen Wesen wirken. Bei dem urpersischen Volke kam es darauf an, den Sinn rege zu erhalten für dies letztere geistige Wesen. Durch seine Neigung für die sinnlich-physische Welt drohte ihm die vollständige Verschmelzung mit den luziferischen Wesen. Zarathustra hatte nun durch den Hüter des Sonnen-Orakels eine solche Einweihung erhalten, dass ihm die Offenbarungen der hohen Sonnenwesen zuteil werden konnten. In besonderen Zuständen seines Bewusstseins, zu denen ihn seine Schulung geführt hatte, konnte er den Führer der Sonnenwesen schauen, welcher den menschlichen Lebensleib in der oben geschilderten Art in seinen Schutz genommen hatte. Er wusste, dass dieses Wesen die Führung der Menschheitsentwicklung lenkt, dass es aber erst zu einer gewissen Zeit aus dem Weltenraum auf die Erde herniedersteigen konnte. Dazu ist notwendig, dass es ebenso im Astralleibe eines Menschen leben konnte, wie es seit dem Einschlag des luziferischen Wesens im Lebensleibe wirkte. Es musste ein Mensch dazu erscheinen, der den Astralleib wieder auf eine solche Stufe zurückverwandelt hatte, wie sie dieser ohne Luzifer zu einer gewissen andern Zeit (in der Mitte der atlantischen Entwicklung) erlangt haben würde. Wäre Luzifer nicht gekommen, so wäre der Mensch zwar früher zu dieser Stufe gelangt, aber ohne persönliche Selbständigkeit und ohne die Möglichkeit der Freiheit. Nunmehr aber sollte trotz dieser Eigenschaften der Mensch wieder zu dieser Höhe kommen. Zarathustra sah in seinen Seherzuständen voraus, dass in der Zukunft innerhalb der Menschheitsentwicklung eine Persönlichkeit möglich sein würde, welche einen solch entsprechenden Astralleib haben würde. Aber er wusste auch, dass vor dieser Zeit die geistigen Sonnenkräfte nicht auf Erden gefunden werden können, dass sie aber von der übersinnlichen Anschauung im Bereich des geistigen Teiles der Sonne wahrgenommen werden können. Er konnte diese Kräfte schauen, wenn er seinen Seherblick auf die Sonne lenkte. Und er verkündigte seinem Volke das Wesen dieser Kräfte, die vorerst nur in der geistigen Welt zu finden waren und später auf die Erde herabsteigen sollten. Es war dies die Verkündigung des großen Sonnen- oder Lichtgeistes (der Sonnen-Aura, Ahura-mazdao, Ormuzd). Dieser Lichtgeist offenbart sich für Zarathustra und seine Anhänger als der Geist, der dem Menschen sein Antlitz aus der geistigen Welt zuwendet und der innerhalb der Menschheit die Zukunft vorbereitet. Es ist der auf Christus vor seiner Erscheinung auf Erden auf diesen hinweisende Geist, den Zarathustra als den Lichtgeist verkündet. Dagegen stellt er in Ahriman (Angra mainju) eine Macht dar, welche durch ihren Einfluss auf das menschliche Seelenleben verderblich wirkt, wenn dieses sich ihr einseitig hingibt. Es ist diese Macht keine andere als die schon oben charakterisierte, welche seit dem Verrat der Vulkan-Geheimnisse eine besondere Herrschaft auf der Erde erlangt hatte. Neben der Botschaft von dem Lichtgotte wurden von Zarathustra Lehren von denjenigen geistigen Wesenheiten verkündet, die dem geläuterten Sinn des Sehers als Genossen des Lichtgeistes offenbar werden und zu denen die Versucher einen Gegensatz bildeten, welche dem ungeläuterten Reste der Hellsichtigkeit erschienen, der sich aus der atlantischen Zeit erhalten hatte. Es sollte dem urpersischen Volke klar gemacht werden, wie in der Menschenseele, insofern diese dem Wirken und Streben in der sinnlichphysischen Welt zugewandt ist, sich ein Kampf zwischen der Macht des Lichtgottes und der seines Gegners abspielt und wie sich der Mensch zu verhalten habe, damit ihn der letztere nicht in den Abgrund führe, sondern sein Einfluss durch die Kraft des ersteren ins Gute gelenkt werde.
[ 105 ] Eine dritte Kulturepoche der nachatlantischen Zeit wurde bei den Völkern geboren, die durch die Wanderzüge zuletzt in Vorderasien und Nordafrika zusammengeströmt waren. Bei den Chaldäern, Babyloniern, Assyrern einerseits, bei den Ägyptern andererseits bildete sie sich aus. Bei diesen Völkern war der Sinn für die physisch-sinnliche Welt noch in einer andern Art ausgebildet als bei den Urpersern. Sie hatten viel mehr als andere in sich aufgenommen von der Geistesanlage, welche dem seit den letzten atlantischen Zeiten erstandenen Denkvermögen, der Verstandesbegabung, die Grundlage gibt. Es war ja die Aufgabe der nachatlantischen Menschheit, diejenigen Seelenfähigkeiten in sich zu entfalten, welche gewonnen werden konnten durch die erwachten Gedanken- und Gemütskräfte, die nicht von der geistigen Welt unmittelbar angeregt werden, sondern dadurch entstehen, dass der Mensch die Sinnenwelt betrachtet, sich in ihr einlebt und sie bearbeitet. Die Eroberung dieser sinnlichphysischen Welt durch jene menschlichen Fähigkeiten muss als die Mission des nachatlantischen Menschen angesehen werden. Von Stufe zu Stufe schreitet diese Eroberung vorwärts. Im alten Indien ist zwar der Mensch durch seine Seelenverfassung schon auf diese Welt gerichtet. Er sieht sie aber noch als Illusion an, und sein Geist ist der übersinnlichen Welt zugewendet. Im urpersischen Volke tritt im Gegensatz dazu das Bestreben auf, die physisch-sinnliche Welt zu erobern; aber dies wird zum großen Teil noch mit jenen Seelenkräften versucht, welche als Erbstück aus einer Zeit geblieben sind, da der Mensch unmittelbar zur übersinnlichen Welt hinauf reichen konnte. Bei den Völkern der dritten Kulturepoche ist die Seele der übersinnlichen Fähigkeiten zum großen Teile verlustig gegangen. Sie muss in der sinnlichen Umwelt die Offenbarungen des Geistigen erforschen und durch die Entdeckung und Erfindung der aus dieser Welt sich ergebenden Kulturmittel sich weiter bilden. Dadurch, dass aus der physisch-sinnlichen Welt die Gesetze des hinter ihr stehenden Geistigen erforscht wurden, entstanden die menschlichen Wissenschaften; dadurch, dass die Kräfte dieser Welt erkannt und verarbeitet wurden, die menschliche Technik, die künstlerische Arbeit und deren Werkzeuge und Mittel. Dem Menschen der chaldäisch-babylonischen Völker war die Sinnenwelt nicht mehr eine Illusion, sondern in ihren Reichen, in Bergen und Meeren, in Luft und Wasser, eine Offenbarung der geistigen Taten dahinterstehender Mächte, deren Gesetze er zu erkennen trachtete. Dem Ägypter war die Erde ein Feld seiner Arbeit, das ihm in einem Zustand übergeben wurde, den er durch seine eigenen Verstandeskräfte so umzuwandeln hatte, dass er als Abdruck menschlicher Macht erschien. Nach Ägypten waren von der Atlantis her Orakelstätten verpflanzt worden, welche vorzugsweise dem Merkur-Orakel entstammten. Doch gab es auch andere, zum Beispiel Venus-Orakel. In dasjenige, was durch diese Orakelstätten im ägyptischen Volke gepflegt werden konnte, wurde ein neuer Kulturkeim gesenkt. Er ging aus von einem großen Führer, welcher seine) Schulung innerhalb der persischen Zarathustra-Geheimnisse genossen hatte. (Er war die wiederverkörperte Persönlichkeit eines Jüngers des großen Zarathustra selbst.) Er sei in Anlehnung an einen geschichtlichen Namen «Herbes» genannt. Durch das Aufnehmen der Zarathustra-Geheimnisse konnte er den rechten Weg für die Lenkung des ägyptischen Volkes finden. Dieses Volk hatte im irdischen Leben, zwischen Geburt und Tod, den Sinn der physisch-sinnlichen Welt so zugelenkt, dass es zwar unmittelbar die dahinterstehende Geisteswelt nur in beschränktem Maße schauen konnte, aber in jener Welt die Gesetze dieser erkannte. So konnte ihm die geistige Welt nicht als diejenige gelehrt werden, in welche es sich auf der Erde einleben konnte. Dafür aber konnte ihm gezeigt werden, wie der Mensch im leibfreien Zustande nach dem Tode leben werde mit der Welt der Geister, welche während der Erdenzeit durch ihren Abdruck in dem Reiche des sinnlich-physische erscheinen. Herbes lehrte: insoweit der Mensch seine Kräfte auf der Erde dazu verwendet, um in dieser nach den Absichten der geistigen Mächte zu wirken, macht er sich fähig, nach dem Tode mit diesen Mächten vereinigt zu sein. Insbesondere werden diejenigen, welche am eifrigsten in dieser Richtung zwischen Geburt und Tod gewirkt haben, mit der hohen Sonnenwesenheit — mit Osiris — vereinigt werden. Auf der chaldäisch-babylonischen Seite dieser Kulturströmung machte sich die Hinlenkung des Menschensinns zum Physisch-Sinnlichen mehr geltend als auf der ägyptischen. Es wurden die Gesetze dieser Welt erforscht und aus den sinnlichen Abbildern auf die geistigen Urbilder geschaut. Doch blieb das Volk am Sinnlichen in vielfacher Beziehung haften. Statt des Sternengeistes wurde der Stern und statt anderer Geistwesen deren irdische Abbilder in den Vordergrund geschoben. Nur die Führer erlangten eigentliche tiefe Erkenntnisse in bezug auf die Gesetze der übersinnlichen Welt und ihres Zusammenwirkens mit der sinnlichen. Stärker als sonst irgendwo machte sich hier ein Gegensatz zwischen den Erkenntnissen der Eingeweihten und dem verirrten Glauben des Volkes geltend.
[ 106 ] Ganz andere Verhältnisse waren in den Gegenden Südeuropas und Westasiens, wo die vierte nachatlantische Kulturepoche aufblühte. Man kann sie die griechisch-lateinische nennen. In diesen Ländern waren die Nachkommen der Menschen aus den verschiedensten Gegenden der älteren Welt zusammengeströmt. Es gab Orakelstätten, welche den mannigfachen atlantischen Orakeln nachlebten. Es gab Menschen, welche als natürliche Anlage Erbstücke des alten Hellsehens in sich hatten, und solche, welche sie verhältnismäßig leicht durch Schulung erlangen konnten. An besonderen Orten wurden nicht nur die Überlieferungen der alten Eingeweihten bewahrt, sondern es erstanden an ihnen würdige Nachfolger derselben, welche Schüler heranzogen, die sich zu hohen Stufen geistigen Schauens erheben konnten. Dabei hatten diese Völker den Trieb in sich, innerhalb der sinnlichen Welt ein Gebiet zu schaffen, welches in dem Physischen das Geistige in vollkommener Form ausdrückt. Neben vielem andern ist die griechische Kunst eine Folge dieses Triebes. Man braucht nur mit dem geistigen Auge den griechischen Tempel zu durchschauen, und man wird erkennen, wie in einem solchen Wunderwerk der Kunst das Sinnlich-Stoffliche von dem Menschen so bearbeitet ist, dass es in jedem Gliede als der Ausdruck des Geistigen erscheint. Der griechische Tempel ist das «Haus des Geistes». Man nimmt in seinen Formen wahr, was sonst nur das geistige Auge des übersinnlich Schauenden erkennt. Ein Zeus(oder Jupiter-) Tempel ist so gestaltet, dass er für das sinnliche Auge eine würdige Umhüllung dessen darstellt, was der Hüter der Zeus- oder Jupiter-Einweihung mit geistigem Auge schaute. Und so ist es mit aller griechischen Kunst. Auf geheimnisvollen Wegen flossen die Weistümer der Eingeweihten in die Dichter, Künstler und Denker. In den Weltanschauungsgebäuden der alten griechischen Philosophen findet man die Geheimnisse der Eingeweihten in Form von Begriffen und Ideen wieder. Und es strömten die Einflüsse des geistigen Lebens, die Geheimnisse der asiatischen und afrikanischen Einweihungsstätten diesen Völkern und ihren Führern zu. Die großen indischen Lehrer, die Genossen Zarathustras, die Anhänger des Hermes hatten ihre Schüler herangezogen. Diese oder deren Nachfolger begründeten nun Einweihungsstätten, in denen die alten Weistümer in neuer Form wieder auflebten. Es sind die Mysterien des Altertums. Man bereitete da die Schüler vor, um sie dann in jene Bewusstseinszustände zu bringen, durch welche sie das Schauen in die geistige Welt erlangen konnten. (Man findet einiges Nähere über diese Mysterien des Altertums in meinem Buche: «Das Christentum als mystische Tatsache». Anderes darüber wird in den letzten Kapiteln dieses Buches gesagt werden.) Aus diesen Einweihungsstätten flossen die Weistümer denen zu, welche in Kleinasien, in Griechenland und Italien die geistigen Geheimnisse pflegten. (In der griechischen Welt entstanden in den orphischen und eleusinischen Mysterien wichtige Einweihungsstätten. In der Weisheitsschule des Pythagoras wirkten die großen Weisheitslehren und Weisheitsmethoden der Vorzeit nach. Auf großen Reisen war Pythagoras in die Geheimnisse der verschiedensten Mysterien eingeweiht worden.)
[ 107 ] Das Leben des Menschen — in der nachatlantischen Zeit — zwischen Geburt und Tod hatte aber auch seinen Einfluss auf den leibfreien Zustand nach dem Tode. Je mehr der Mensch seine Interessen der physisch-sinnlichen Welt zukehrte, um so größer war die Möglichkeit, dass sich Ahriman während des Erdenlebens in die Seele einlebte und dann seine Gewalt über den Tod hinaus behielt. Bei den Völkern des alten Indien war diese Gefahr noch am geringsten. Denn sie hatten während des Erdenlebens die physisch-sinnliche Welt als Illusion empfunden. Dadurch entzogen sie sich nach dem Tode der Macht Ahrimans. Um so größer war die Gefahr für die urpersischen Völker. Sie hatten in der Zeit zwischen Geburt und Tod den Blick mit Interesse auf die sinnlich-physische Welt gerichtet. Sie wären in hohem Maße Ahrimans Umgarnungen verfallen, wenn nicht Zarathustra in eindrucksvoller Art durch die Lehre des Lichtgottes darauf hingedeutet hätte, dass hinter der physischsinnlichen Welt diejenige der Lichtgeister steht. Soviel die Menschen dieser Kultur aus der so erregten Vorstellungswelt in die Seele aufgenommen hatten, ebensoviel entzogen sie sich für das Erdenleben den Fangarmen Ahrimans und damit auch für das Leben nach dem Tode, durch das sie sich auf ein neues Erdenleben vorbereiten sollten. Im Erdenleben führt die Gewalt Ahrimans dazu, das sinnlich-physische Dasein als das einzige anzusehen und sich dadurch jeden Ausblick auf eine geistige Welt zu versperren. In der geistigen Welt bringt diese Gewalt den Menschen zur völligen Vereinsamung, zur Hinlenkung aller Interessen nur auf sich. Menschen, welche beim Tode in Ahrimans Gewalt sind, werden als Egoisten wiedergeboren.
[ 108 ] Man kann gegenwärtig innerhalb der Geisteswissenschaft das Leben zwischen dem Tode und einer neuen Geburt so beschreiben, wie es ist, wenn der ahrimanische Einfluss bis zu einem gewissen Grade überwunden ist. Und so ist es von dem Schreiber dieses Buches in anderen Schriften und in den ersten Kapiteln der vorliegenden geschildert worden. Und so muss es geschildert werden, wenn anschaulich werden soll, was in dieser Daseinsform von dem Menschen erlebt werden kann, wenn er sich den reinen Geistesblick für das wirklich Vorhandene erobert hat. Inwieweit es der einzelne mehr oder weniger erlebt, hängt von seiner Besiegung des ahrimanischen Einflusses ab. Der Mensch nähert sich dem, was er sein kann in der geistigen Welt, immer mehr und mehr. Wie dies, was da der Mensch sein kann, beeinträchtigt wird von anderen Einflüssen, muss hier beim Betrachten des Entwicklungsganges der Menschheit doch scharf ins Auge gefasst werden.
[ 109 ] Bei dem ägyptischen Volke sorgte Hermes dafür, dass die Menschen während des Erdenlebens sich zur Gemeinschaft mit dem Lichtgeist vorbereiteten. Weil aber während dieser Zeit die Interessen der Menschen zwischen Geburt und Tod schon so gestaltet waren, dass durch den Schleier des Physisch-Sinnlichen nur in geringem Grade hindurchgeschaut werden konnte, so blieb auch der geistige Blick der Seele nach dem Tode getrübt. Die Wahrnehmung der Lichtwelt blieb matt. — Einen Höhepunkt erreichte die Verschleierung der geistigen Welt nach dem Tode für jene Seelen, welche aus einem Leibe der griechischlateinischen Kultur in den leibfreien Zustand übergingen. Sie hatten im Erdenleben die Pflege des sinnlich-physischen Daseins zur Blüte gebracht. Und damit hatten sie sich zu einem Schattendasein nach dem Tode verurteilt. Daher empfand der Grieche dieses Leben nach dem Tode als ein Schattendasein; und es ist nicht bloßes Gerede, sondern die Empfindung der Wahrheit, wenn der dem Sinnenleben zugewandte Held dieser Zeit sagt: «Lieber ein Bettler auf der Erde, als ein König im Reich der Schatten.» Noch ausgeprägter war dies alles bei jenen asiatischen Völkern, die auch in ihrer Verehrung und Anbetung den Blick nur auf die sinnlichen Abbilder statt auf die geistigen Urbilder gerichtet hatten. Ein großer Teil der Menschheit war zur Zeit der griechisch-lateinischen Kulturperiode in der geschilderten Lage. Man sieht, wie die Mission des Menschen in der nachatlantischen Zeit, welche in der Eroberung der physisch-sinnlichen Welt bestand, notwendig zur Entfremdung von der geistigen Welt führen musste. So hängt das Große auf der einen Seite mit dem Verfall auf der anderen ganz notwendig zusammen. — In den Mysterien wurde der Zusammenhang des Menschen mit der geistigen Welt gepflegt. Ihre Eingeweihten konnten in besonderen Seelenzuständen die Offenbarungen aus dieser Welt empfangen. Sie waren mehr oder weniger die Nachfolger der atlantischen Orakelhüter. Ihnen wurde enthüllt, was verhüllt war durch die Einschläge Luzifers und Ahrimans. Luzifer verhüllte für den Menschen dasjenige aus der geistigen Welt, was in den menschlichen Astralleib ohne dessen Zutun bis zur Mitte der atlantischen Zeit eingeströmt war. Falls der Lebensleib nicht vom physischen Leib teilweise getrennt worden wäre, hätte dieses Gebiet der geistigen Welt der Mensch wie eine innere Seelenoffenbarung in sich erleben können. Durch den luziferischen Einschlag konnte er es nur in besonderen Seelenzuständen. Da erschien ihm eine geistige Welt im Kleide des Astralischen. Die entsprechenden Wesen offenbarten sich durch solche Gestalten, welche bloß die Glieder der höheren Menschennatur an sich trugen, und an diesen Gliedern die astralisch-sichtbaren Sinnbilder für ihre besonderen geistigen Kräfte. Übermenschliche Gestalten offenbarten sich auf diese Art. — Nach dem Eingriff Ahrimans kam zu dieser Art von Einweihung noch eine andere. Ahriman hat verhüllt alles dasjenige aus der geistigen Welt, was hinter der sinnlich-physischen Wahrnehmung erschienen wäre, wenn von der Mitte der atlantischen Epoche an sein Eingriff nicht erfolgt wäre. Dass den Eingeweihten dies enthüllt wurde, verdankten sie dem Umstande, dass sie alle jene Fähigkeiten, welche der Mensch seit jener Zeit erlangt hatte, über das Maß hinaus in der Seele übten, durch welches die Eindrücke des sinnlich-physischen Daseins erzielt werden. Es offenbarte sich ihnen dadurch, was als geistige Mächte hinter den Naturkräften liegt. Sie konnten sprechen von den geistigen Wesenheiten hinter der Natur. Die schöpferischen Mächte derjenigen Kräfte enthüllten sich ihnen, die in dem Natürlichen wirken, das unter dem Menschen steht. Was von Saturn, Sonne und dem alten Monde her fortgewirkt hat und des Menschen physischen Leib, seinen Lebensleib, seinen astralischen Leib gebildet hatte, sowie das mineralische, das pflanzliche, das tierische Reich, das bildete den Inhalt der einen Art von MysterienGeheimnissen. Es waren diejenigen, über welche Ahriman die Hand hielt. Was zur Empfindungsseele, zur Verstandesseele, zur Bewusstseinsseele geführt hatte, das wurde in einer zweiten Art von Mysterien-Geheimnissen geoffenbart. Was aber von den Mysterien nur prophezeit werden konnte, das war, dass in der Zeiten Lauf ein Mensch erscheinen werde mit einem solchen Astralleib, dass in diesem trotz Luzifer die Lichtwelt des Sonnengeistes durch den Lebensleib ohne besondere Seelenzustände werde bewusst werden können. Und der physische Leib dieses Menschenwesens musste so sein, dass für dasselbe offenbar würde alles dasjenige aus der geistigen Welt, was bis zum physischen Tode hin von Ahriman verhüllt werden kann. Der physische Tod kann für dieses Menschenwesen nichts innerhalb des Lebens ändern, das heißt keine Gewalt über dasselbe haben. In einem solchen Menschenwesen kommt das «Ich» so zu Erscheinung, dass im physischen Leben zugleich das volle geistige enthalten ist. Ein solches Wesen ist Träger des Lichtgeistes, zu dem sich der Eingeweihte von zwei Seiten aus erhebt, indem er entweder zu dem Geist des Übermenschlichen oder zu dem Wesen der Naturmächte in besonderen Seelenzuständen geführt wird. Indem die Eingeweihten der Mysterien voraussagten, dass ein solches Menschenwesen im Laufe der Zeit erscheinen werde, waren sie die Propheten des Christus.
[ 110 ] Als der besondere Prophet in diesem Sinne erstand eine Persönlichkeit inmitten eines Volkes, welches durch natürliche Vererbung die Eigenschaften der vorderasiatischen Völker und durch Erziehung die Lehren der Ägypter in sich hatte, des israelitischen Volkes. Es war Moses. In seine Seele war so viel von den Einflüssen der Einweihung gekommen, dass dieser Seele in besonderen Zuständen das Wesen sich offenbarte, das einstmals in der regelmäßigen Erdenentwicklung die Rolle übernommen hatte, vom Monde aus das menschliche Bewusstsein zu gestalten. In Blitz und Donner erkannte Moses nicht bloß die physischen Erscheinungen, sondern die Offenbarungen des gekennzeichneten Geistes. Aber zugleich hatte auf seine Seele gewirkt die andere Art von Mysterien-Geheimnissen, und so vernahm er in den astralischen Schauungen das Übermenschliche, wie es zum Menschlichen durch das «Ich» wird. So enthüllte sich Moses derjenige, welcher kommen musste, von zwei Seiten her als die höchste Form des «Ich».
[ 111 ] Und mit «Christus» erschien in menschlicher Gestalt, was das hohe Sonnenwesen als das große menschliche Erdenvorbild vorbereitet hatte. Mit dieser Erscheinung musste alle Mysterien-Weisheit in gewisser Beziehung eine neue Form annehmen. Vorher war diese ausschließlich dazu da, den Menschen dazu zu bringen, sich in einen solchen Seelenzustand zu versetzen, dass er das Reich des Sonnengeistes außer der irdischen Entwicklung schauen konnte. Nunmehr bekamen die Mysterien — Weistümer die Aufgabe, den Menschen fähig zu machen, den menschgewordenen Christus zu erkennen und von diesem Mittelpunkte aller Weisheit aus die natürliche und die geistige Welt zu verstehen.
[ 112 ] In jenem Augenblicke seines Lebens, in welchem der Astralleib des Christus Jesus alles das in sich hatte, was durch den luziferischen Einschlag verhüllt werden kann, begann sein Auftreten als Lehrer der Menschheit. Von diesem Augenblicke an war in die menschliche Erdenentwicklung die Anlage eingepflanzt, die Weisheit aufzunehmen, durch welche nach und nach das physische Erdenziel erreicht werden kann. In jenem Augenblicke, da sich das Ereignis von Golgatha vollzog, war die andere Anlage in die Menschheit eingeimpft, wodurch der Einfluss Ahrimans zum Guten gewendet werden kann. Aus dem Leben heraus kann nunmehr der Mensch durch das Tor des Todes hindurch das mitnehmen, was ihn befreit von der Vereinsamung in der geistigen Welt. Nicht nur für die physische Menschheitsentwicklung steht das Ereignis von Palästina im Mittelpunkte, sondern auch für die übrigen Welten, denen der Mensch angehört. Und als sich das «Mysterium von Golgatha» vollzogen hatte, als der «Tod des Kreuzes» erlitten war, da erschien der Christus in jener Welt, in welcher die Seelen nach dem Tode weilen, und wies die Macht Ahrimans in ihre Schranken. Von diesem Augenblicke an war das Gebiet, das von den Griechen ein «Schattenreich» genannt worden war, von jenem Geistesblitz durchzuckt, der seinen Wesen zeigte, dass wieder Licht in dasselbe kommen sollte. Was durch das «Mysterium von Golgatha» für die physische Welt erlangt war, das warf sein Licht hinein in die geistige Welt. — So war die nachatlantische Menschheitsentwicklung bis zu diesem Ereignis hin ein Aufstieg für die physisch-sinnliche Welt. Aber sie war auch ein Niedergang für die geistige. Alles, was in die sinnliche Welt floss, das entströmte dem, was in der geistigen seit uralten Zeiten schon war. Seit dem Christus-Ereignis können die Menschen, welche sich zu dem Christus-Geheimnis erheben, aus der sinnlichen Welt in die geistige das Errungene hinübernehmen. Und aus dieser fließt es dann wieder in die irdisch-sinnliche zurück, indem die Menschen bei ihrer Wiederverkörperung dasjenige mitbringen, was ihnen der Christus-Impuls in der geistigen Welt zwischen dem Tode und einer neuen Geburt geworden ist.
[ 113 ] Was durch die Christus-Erscheinung der Menschheitsentwicklung zugeflossen ist, wirkte wie ein Same in derselben. Der Same kann nur allmählich reifen. Nur der allergeringste Teil der Tiefen der neuen Weistümer ist bis auf die Gegenwart herein in das physische Dasein eingeflossen. Dieses steht erst im Anfange der christlichen Entwicklung. Diese konnte in den aufeinanderfolgenden Zeiträumen, die seit jener Erscheinung verflossen sind, nur immer so viel von ihrem inneren Wesen enthüllen, als die Menschen, die Völker fähig waren, zu empfangen, als diese in ihr Vorstellungsvermögen aufnehmen konnten. Die erste Form, in welche sich dieses Erkennen gießen konnte, lässt sich als ein umfassendes Lebensideal aussprechen. Als solches stellte es sich entgegen dem, was in der nachatlantischen Menschheit sich als Lebensformen herausgebildet hatte. Es sind oben die Verhältnisse geschildert worden, welche in der Entwicklung der Menschheit seit der Wiederbevölkerung der Erde in der lemurischen Zeit gewirkt haben. Die Menschen sind demgemäß seelisch auf verschiedene Wesenheiten zurückzuführen, welche aus anderen Welten kommend in den Leibesnachkommen der alten Lemurier sich verkörperten. Die verschiedenen Menschenrassen sind eine Folge dieser Tatsache. Und in den wiederverkörperten Seelen traten, infolge ihres Karmas, die verschiedensten Lebensinteressen auf. Solange alles das nachwirkte, konnte es nicht das Ideal der «allgemeinen Menschlichkeit» geben. Die Menschheit ist von einer Einheit ausgegangen; aber die bisherige Erdenentwicklung hat zur Sonderung geführt. In der Christus-Vorstellung ist zunächst ein Ideal gegeben, das aller Sonderung entgegenwirkt, denn in dem Menschen, der den Christusnamen trägt, leben auch die Kräfte des hohen Sonnenwesens, in denen jedes menschliche Ich seinen Urgrund findet. Noch das israelitische Volk fühlte sich als Volk, der Mensch als Glied dieses Volkes. Indem zunächst in dem bloßen Gedanken erfasst wurde, dass in Christus Jesus der Idealmensch lebt, zu dem die Bedingungen der Sonderung nicht dringen, wurde das Christentum das Ideal der umfassenden Brüderlichkeit. Über alle Sonderinteressen und Sonderverwandtschaften hinweg trat das Gefühl auf, dass des Menschen innerstes Ich bei jedem den gleichen Ursprung hat. (Neben allen Erdenvorfahren tritt der gemeinsame Vater aller Menschen auf. «Ich und der Vater sind Eins.»)
[ 114 ] Im vierten, fünften und sechsten Jahrhundert nach Christus bereitete sich in Europa ein Kulturzeitalter vor, das mit dem fünfzehnten Jahrhundert begann und in welchem die Gegenwart noch lebt. Es sollte das vierte, das griechisch-lateinische allmählich ablösen. Es ist das fünfte nachatlantische Kulturzeitalter. Die Völker, welche sich nach verschiedenen Wanderungen und den mannigfaltigsten Schicksalen zu Trägern dieses Zeitalters machten, waren Nachkommen derjenigen Atlantier, welche von dem, was mittlerweile in den vier vorhergehenden Kulturperioden sich abgespielt hatte, am unberührtesten geblieben waren. Sie waren nicht bis in die Gebiete vorgedrungen, in denen die entsprechenden Kulturen Wurzel fassten. Dagegen hatten sie in ihrer Art die atlantischen Kulturen fortgepflanzt. Es gab unter ihnen viele Menschen, welche sich das Erbstück des alten dämmerhaften Hellsehens — des beschriebenen Zwischenzustandes zwischen Wachen und Schlafen — im hohen Grade bewahrt hatten. Solche Menschen kannten die geistige Welt als eigenes Erlebnis und konnten ihren Mitmenschen mitteilen, was in dieser Welt vorgeht. So entstand eine Welt von Erzählungen über geistige Wesen und geistige Vorgänge. Und der Märchen- und Sagenschatz der Völker ist ursprünglich aus solchen geistigen Erlebnissen heraus entstanden. Denn die dämmerhafte Hellsichtigkeit vieler Menschen dauerte bis in Zeiten herauf, die keineswegs lange hinter unserer Gegenwart zurückliegen. Andere Menschen waren da, welche die Hellsichtigkeit zwar verloren hatten, aber die erlangten Fähigkeiten für die sinnlich-physische Welt doch nach Gefühlen und Empfindungen ausbildeten, welche den Erlebnissen dieser Hellsichtigkeit entsprachen. Und auch die atlantischen Orakel hatten hier ihre Nachfolger. Es gab überall Mysterien. Nur bildete sich in diesen Mysterien vorwiegend ein solches Geheimnis der Einweihung aus, welches zur Offenbarung derjenigen Geisteswelt führt, die Ahriman verschlossen hält. Die hinter den Naturgewalten stehenden Geistesmächte wurden da erschlossen. In den Mythologien der europäischen Völker sind die Reste dessen enthalten, was die Eingeweihten dieser Mysterien den Menschen verkünden konnten. Nur enthalten diese Mythologien allerdings auch das andere Geheimnis, doch in unvollkommenerer Gestalt, als die südlichen und östlichen Mysterien es hatten. Die übermenschlichen Wesenheiten waren auch in Europa bekannt. Doch sah man sie im stetigen Kampfe mit den Genossen Luzifers. Und man verkündigte zwar den Lichtgott; doch in solcher Gestalt, dass man von dieser nicht sagen konnte, sie werde Luzifer besiegen. Dafür aber leuchtete auch in diese Mysterien hinein die Zukunftsgestalt des Christus. Man verkündigte von ihm, dass sein Reich ablösen werde das Reich jenes anderen Lichtgottes. (Alle Sagen von der Götterdämmerung und ähnliche haben in dieser Erkenntnis der Mysterien Europas ihren Ursprung.) Aus solchen Einflüssen heraus entstand ein Seelenzwiespalt in den Menschen der fünften Kulturepoche, der gegenwärtig noch fortdauert und sich in den mannigfaltigsten Erscheinungen des Lebens zeigt. Die Seele behielt von den alten Zeiten her den Zug zum Geistigen nicht so stark, dass sie den Zusammenhang zwischen der geistigen und der sinnlichen Welt hätte festhalten können. Sie behielt ihn nur als Gefühls- und Empfindungszucht, nicht aber als unmittelbares Schauen der übersinnlichen Welt. Dagegen wurde der Blick des Menschen auf die sinnliche Welt und ihre Beherrschung immer mehr hingelenkt. Und die in der letzten atlantischen Zeit erwachten Verstandeskräfte, alle die Kräfte im Menschen, deren Instrument das physische Gehirn ist, wurden auf die Sinneswelt und deren Erkenntnis und Beherrschung hin ausgebildet. Zwei Welten entwickelten sich gewissermaßen in der Menschenbrust. Die eine ist dem sinnlich-physischen Dasein zugekehrt, die andere ist empfänglich für die Offenbarung des Geistigen, um dieses mit Gefühl und Empfindung, doch ohne Anschauung zu durchdringen. Die Anlagen zu dieser Seelenspaltung waren schon vorhanden, als die Christuslehre in die Gebiete Europas einfloss. Man nahm diese Botschaft vom Geiste in die Herzen auf, durchdrang Empfindung und Gefühl damit, konnte aber nicht die Brücke schlagen zu dem, was der auf die Sinne gerichtete Verstand im physisch-sinnlichen Dasein erkundete. Was man heute kennt als Gegensatz von äußerer Wissenschaft und geistiger Erkenntnis, ist nur eine Folge dieser Tatsache. Die christliche Mystik (Eckhardts, Taulers usw.) ist ein Ergebnis der Durchdringung von Gefühl und Empfindung mit dem Christentum. Die bloß auf die Sinnenwelt gerichtete Wissenschaft und deren Ergebnisse im Leben sind die Folgen der andern Seite der Seelenanlagen. Und es sind die Errungenschaften auf dem Felde der äußerlichen materiellen Kultur durchaus dieser Trennung der Anlagen zu verdanken. Indem sich diejenigen Fähigkeiten des Menschen, welche ihr Instrument im Gehirn haben, einseitig dem physischen Leben zuwandten, konnten sie zu jener Steigerung kommen, welche die gegenwärtige Wissenschaft, Technik und so weiter möglich machte. Und nur bei den Völkern Europas konnte der Ursprung dieser materiellen Kultur liegen. Denn sie sind jene Nachkommen atlantischer Vorfahren, welche den Zug für die physisch-sinnliche Welt erst dann zu Fähigkeiten ausbildeten, als er zu einer gewissen Reife gediehen war. Vorher ließen sie ihn schlummern und lebten von den Erbstücken des atlantischen Hellsehens und den Mitteilungen ihrer Eingeweihten. Während äußerlich die Geisteskultur nur diesen Einflüssen hingegeben war, reifte langsam aus der Sinn für die materielle Beherrschung der Welt.
[ 115 ] Doch kündigt sich gegenwärtig bereits die Morgenröte der sechsten nachatlantischen Kulturperiode an. Denn was in der Menschheitsentwicklung zu einer gewissen Zeit entstehen soll, das reift langsam in der vorhergehenden Zeit. Was gegenwärtig sich schon in den Anfängen entwickeln kann, das ist das Auffinden des Fadens, welcher die zwei Seiten in der Menschenbrust verbindet, die materielle Kultur und das Leben in der geistigen Welt. Dazu ist notwendig, dass auf der einen Seite die Ergebnisse des geistigen Schauens begriffen werden und auf der andern in den Beobachtungen und Erlebnissen der Sinneswelt die Offenbarungen des Geistes erkannt werden. Die sechste Kulturepoche wird die Harmonie zwischen beiden zur vollen Entwicklung bringen. — Damit ist die Betrachtung dieses Buches bis zu einem Punkte vorgerückt, wo sie übergehen kann von einem Ausblick in die Vergangenheit zu einem solchen in die Zukunft. Doch ist es besser, wenn diesem Ausblick die Betrachtung über die Erkenntnis der höheren Welt und über die Einweihung vorangeht. Dann wird sich an sie jener Ausblick, insofern er möglich ist in dem Rahmen dieser Schrift, kurz geben lassen.
The development of the world and man
[ 1 ] The previous considerations have shown that the essence of the human being is made up of four members: Physical body, vital body, astral body and ego vehicle. The "I" works within the other three members and transforms them. Through such transformation, the following arise at a lower level: the sentient soul, the intellectual soul and the consciousness soul. At a higher level of human existence, the spirit self, life spirit and spirit man are formed. These members of the human nature now stand in the most varied relationships to the whole universe. And their development is connected with the development of this universe. By observing this development, one gains an insight into the deeper secrets of this human entity.
[ 2 ] It is clear that human life has relationships in the most diverse directions to the environment, to the dwelling place in which it develops. Now external science has already been forced by the facts given to it to the view that the earth itself, this dwelling place of man in the most comprehensive sense, has undergone a development. This science points to conditions in earthly existence in which a human being in his present form has not yet existed on our planet. It shows how mankind has slowly and gradually developed from simple cultural states to the present conditions. This science also comes to the conclusion that there is a connection between the development of man and that of his celestial body, the Earth.
[ 3 ] Spiritual science 1is used here, as is evident from the context, synonymously with secret science, with supersensible knowledge. pursues this connection through that knowledge which draws its facts from the perception sharpened by the spiritual organs. It follows man backwards in his development. It shows that the actual inner spiritual being of man has passed through a series of lives on this earth. Thus, however, spiritual research comes to a point in time far in the past when this inner human being first entered into an outer life in the present sense. It was in this first earthly embodiment that the "I" began to work within the three bodies, astral body, life body, physical body. And it then took the fruits of this work with it into the following life.
[ 4 ] If one moves backwards in the indicated manner up to this point in time, one becomes aware that the "I" finds an earthly state within which the three bodies, physical body, life body and astral body, are already developed and already have a certain connection. The "I" connects for the first time with the entity that consists of these three bodies. From now on this "I" takes part in the further development of the three bodies. Previously, they developed without such a human ego up to the level at which this ego encountered them at that time.
[ 5 ] Spiritual science must now go back even further with its research if it wants to answer the questions: How did the three bodies reach such a stage of development at which they were able to receive an "I" within themselves, and how did this "I" itself become and attain the ability to be able to work within these bodies?
[ 6 ] The answer to these questions is only possible if one follows the development of the earth planet itself in the spiritual scientific sense. Through such research one arrives at a beginning of this earth planet. That way of looking at things which is based only on the facts of the physical senses cannot reach conclusions which have anything to do with this beginning of the earth. A certain view which makes use of such conclusions comes to the conclusion that everything material on earth was formed out of a primordial nebula. It cannot be the task of this paper to go into more detail about such ideas. For spiritual research is concerned not only with the material processes of the earth's development, but above all with the spiritual causes behind the material. If you have a person in front of you who raises a hand, this raising of the hand can stimulate two different ways of looking at things. You can examine the mechanism of the arm and the other organism and want to describe the process as it takes place in purely physical terms. But one can also direct the spiritual gaze to that which takes place in the soul of the human being and which forms the spiritual cause for the raising of the hand. In a similar way, the researcher trained by spiritual perception sees spiritual processes behind all the processes of the sensory-physical world. For him, all transformations in the material of the earth planet are revelations of spiritual forces that lie behind the material. But when such spiritual observation in the life of the earth goes back further and further, it comes to a point of development at which everything material only begins to exist. This material develops out of the spiritual. Before that, only the spiritual is present. Through this spiritual observation one perceives the spiritual and sees how, in further pursuit, this spiritual partially condenses into the material, as it were. You have before you a process that takes place - on a higher level - as if you were looking at a vessel of water in which lumps of ice have gradually formed through skillfully controlled cooling. Just as one sees the ice condensing out of what was previously water, one can observe through spiritual observation how the material things, processes and entities condense, as it were, out of what was previously quite spiritual. - Thus the physical earth planet has developed out of a spiritual world being; and everything that is materially connected with this earth planet has condensed out of that which was previously spiritually connected with it. However, one should not imagine that everything spiritual ever transforms into matter; rather, in the latter one always only has transformed parts of the original spiritual before him. The spiritual also remains the actual guiding and leading principle during the material period of development.
[ 7 ] It is obvious that the kind of conception that only wants to adhere to the sensual-physical processes - and to that which the intellect can deduce from these processes - cannot say anything about the spiritual in question. Suppose there could be a being that only had senses that could perceive ice, but not the finer state of the water from which the ice emerges through cooling. For such a being, the water would not exist; and it would only be able to perceive something of the water when parts of it have transformed into ice. Thus, for a human being, the spiritual behind the earthly processes remains hidden if he only wants to accept what is present for the physical senses. And if he draws correct conclusions about earlier states of the earth planet from the physical facts he currently perceives, such a person will only reach that point of development in which the preceding spiritual partially condensed into the material. Such an approach sees this preceding spiritual just as little as the spiritual, which also invisibly rules behind the material at present.
[ 8 ] It is only in the last chapters of this writing that we can speak of the ways in which man acquires the ability to look back in spiritual perception on the earlier earthly states of which we speak here. It should only be indicated here for the time being that the facts of even remote pasts have not disappeared for spiritual research. When a being attains a physical existence, the material world disappears with its physical death. The spiritual forces that have driven this corporeality out of itself do not "disappear" in the same way. They leave behind their traces, their exact images in the spiritual foundation of the world. And whoever is able to raise his perception through the visible world to the invisible will finally arrive at something that could be compared to a vast spiritual panorama in which all past events of the world are recorded. These imperishable traces of all spiritual things can be called the "Akashic Chronicle", in that the Akashic Being is the spiritual being of world events in contrast to the transient forms of events. Now it must also be said here again that research in the supersensible areas of existence can only be carried out with the help of spiritual perception, i.e. in the area under consideration here only by reading the indicated "Akashic Chronicle". Nevertheless, what has already been said earlier in this book applies here as well. The supersensible facts can only be investigated through supersensible perception; but once they have been investigated and communicated by the science of the supersensible, they can be understood by ordinary thinking, if only it really wants to be unbiased. In the following, the states of development of the earth are communicated in the sense of supersensible knowledge. The transformations of our planet will be traced up to the state of life in which it is at present. If someone now looks at what he currently has before him in mere sensory perception, and then takes into himself what supersensible knowledge says about how this present has developed since the distant past, he can say to himself with truly unbiased thinking: firstly, it is quite logical what this knowledge reports; secondly, I can see that things have become as they appear to me, if I assume that what is communicated by supersensible research is correct. The "logical" in this context does not, of course, mean that there cannot be logical errors in any representation of supersensible research. Here, too, the "logical" should only be spoken of in the same way as it is spoken of in the ordinary life of the physical world. Just as a logical presentation is a requirement, even though the individual presenter of a factual area can fall prey to logical errors, so it is also in supersensible research. It can even happen that a researcher who is able to perceive in supersensible areas can fall into errors in logical representation, and that someone who does not perceive supersensibly at all, but has the ability of sound thinking, can then improve such a researcher. But in essence, there can be no objection to the logic applied in psychic research. And there is no need to emphasize that nothing can be argued against the facts themselves on purely logical grounds. Just as in the field of the physical world one can never prove logically whether there is a whale or not, but only by sight, so also the supersensible facts can only be recognized by spiritual perception. - However, it cannot be emphasized enough that it is a necessity for the observer of the supersensible realms, before he wants to approach the spiritual worlds in his own perception, to first obtain a view through the logic indicated, and no less so by recognizing how the sensible-obvious world appears comprehensible everywhere, if one assumes that the communications of secret science are correct. All experience in the supersensible world remains an uncertain - even dangerous - groping around if the described preparatory path is spurned. For this reason, the supersensible and factual aspects of the earth's development are first communicated in this writing before the path of supersensible knowledge itself is discussed. - It is also quite possible that the person who, thinking purely, finds his way into what supersensible knowledge has to say, is by no means in the same position as someone who listens to a story about a physical process that he cannot see for himself. For pure thinking is itself a supersensible activity. As something sensual, it cannot lead to supersensible processes through itself. But if this thinking is applied to the supersensible processes narrated by supersensible perception, then it grows through itself into the supersensible world. And it is even one of the very best ways to attain one's own perception in the supersensible realm by growing into the higher world through thinking about what is communicated by supersensible knowledge. Such an entry is connected with the greatest clarity. This is why a certain branch of spiritual scientific research regards this kind of thinking as the most solid first stage of all spiritual scientific training. - It must also seem quite understandable that in this writing no reference is made to all the details of the development of the earth as perceived in the spirit, as to how the supersensible is confirmed in what is revealed. This was also not the opinion when it was said that the hidden can be proven everywhere in its revealed effects. It is rather the opinion that at every turn everything that man encounters can become full of light and comprehensible to him if he puts the revealed processes into the light that is made possible by the secret science. In the following observations, reference may be made only at individual characteristic points to confirmations of the hidden through the revealed, in order to show how this can be done wherever one wishes in the practical pursuit of life.
[ 9 ] In the sense of the above spiritual-scientific research, one arrives at a spiritual state of our planet by following the earth's development backwards. But if one continues this research path backwards, then one finds that this spiritual was already in a kind of physical embodiment before. We thus encounter a past physical planetary state that later spiritualized itself and subsequently transformed itself into our earth through renewed materialization. Our earth thus presents itself as the re-embodiment of an ancient planet. But spiritual science can go back even further. And it then finds the whole process repeated twice more. Our earth has therefore gone through three previous planetary states, between which there are always intermediate states of spiritualization. The physical, however, proves to be finer and finer the further we trace the embodiment backwards.
[ 10 ] The objection to the following description is obvious: How can sound judgment engage in the assumption of such immeasurably distant world states as those spoken of here? On the other hand, it must be said that for those who are able to look with understanding at the present hidden spiritual in the obvious sensible, the insight into the earlier states of development, however remote, cannot represent anything impossible. Only those who do not recognize this hidden spiritual for the present will lose all sense in talking about such a development as is meant here. For him who recognizes it, the sight of the present state is like the sight of the former state, just as the sight of the fifty-year-old man is like the sight of the one-year-old child. Yes, one can say, but with regard to the latter one has before him, in addition to fifty-year-old people, one-year-old children and all possible intermediate stages. That is correct; but it is also correct for the development of the spiritual meant here. Whoever arrives at a meaningful judgment in this field also recognizes that in the complete observation of the present, which includes the spiritual, the states of development of the past are really preserved alongside the stages of existence that have progressed to the perfection of development of the present, just as one-year-old children are present alongside fifty-year-old human beings. One can see the primordial events within the earthly events of the present if one is only able to distinguish between the different successive states of development.
[ 11 ] Now the human being in the form in which he is currently developing only appears on the fourth of the characterized planetary embodiments, on the actual earth. And the essence of this form is that the human being is composed of the four members: physical body, life body, astral body and ego. But this form could not have appeared if it had not been prepared by the preceding facts of development. This preparation took place through the fact that within the earlier planetary embodiment beings developed who already had three of the present four human members: the physical body, the life body and the astral body. These beings, who in a certain sense can be called the human ancestors, did not yet have an "I", but they developed the other three limbs and their connection to such an extent that they became mature enough to later take on the "I". Thus the human ancestor reached a certain state of maturity of his three limbs in the earlier planetary embodiment. This state led to spiritualization. And from this spiritualization a new physical planetary state, that of the earth, was formed. This contained the mature human ancestors, as if they were germs. Because the whole planet went through a spiritualization and appeared in a new form, it not only offered the germs contained in it with the physical body, the life body and the astral body the opportunity to develop again to the height at which they had previously stood, but also the other possibility: after they had reached this height, to reach beyond themselves through the absorption of the "I". The earth's development thus breaks down into two parts. In the first period, the earth itself appears as a re-embodiment of the earlier planetary state. However, due to the spiritualization that has occurred in the meantime, this re-embodiment is a higher state than that of the previous embodiment. And the earth contains within itself the germs of the human ancestors from the previous planet. These first develop to the height at which they were already. When they have reached this level, the first period is complete. The earth, however, because of its own higher level of development, can now take the germs even higher, namely enable them to receive the "I". The second period of the earth's development is that of the unfolding of the ego in the physical, vital and astral bodies.b5It has been shown in individual chapters of this book how the world of man and he himself pass through the states which have been designated by the names Saturn, Sun, Moon, Earth, Jupiter, Venus, Vulcan. It has also been indicated how human development relates to celestial bodies which are present next to the Earth and which have been designated as Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, etc. These latter celestial bodies make up the natural world. These latter celestial bodies naturally also undergo development. In the present period they have arrived at such a stage that their physical parts show themselves to perception as that which in physical astronomy is called Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and so on. If the present Saturn is now considered in the spiritual scientific sense, it is to a certain extent a re-embodiment of what the old Saturn was. It came into being because before the separation of the sun from the earth there were certain entities which could not take part in the separation, because they had incorporated so many of those qualities which are appropriate to Saturn's existence that their place could not be there where the sun's qualities are unfolded. The present Jupiter, however, came into being because beings were present who had qualities that could only unfold on the future Jupiter of overall development. A dwelling place was created for them in which they could anticipate this later development. Thus Mars is a celestial body in which beings live who have gone through the moon's development in such a way that further progress on earth could not give them anything. Mars is a reincarnation of the old moon on a higher level. The present Mercury is a dwelling place for beings who are ahead of earth development, but precisely because they have developed certain earth characteristics in a higher way than can happen on earth. The present Venus is a prophetic anticipation of the future state of Venus in a similar way. From all this it is justified that the names of the states that have preceded and follow the Earth are chosen according to their present representatives in the universe. It is quite natural that those who object to the parallelization of the supersensibly seen states of Saturn, the sun, etc., with the similarly named physical states will have much to object to. It goes without saying that anyone who wants to subject the parallelization of the supersensibly observed states of Saturn, the sun, etc., with the physical celestial bodies of the same name to the judgment of the intellect drawn from the external observation of nature will have much to object to. But just as it is possible to place the solar system before the soul as an image of spatio-temporal events by means of mathematical imagination, so it is possible for supersensible knowledge to intersperse the mathematical image with spiritual content. Then, however, the parallelization described above becomes permissible. This interpenetration with spiritual content also lies in the further implementation of the strictly scientific way of looking at things. At present, however, this way of looking at things is still limited to seeking an interrelationship between the solar system and the earth in purely mathematical-mechanical terms. By doing this, the natural science of the future will be driven by itself to concepts that extend the mechanical to the spiritual. A separate book would have to be written to show what could well happen, that such an expansion should already take place on the basis of current scientific concepts. Here we can only hint at what is possible, which, however, means that what is suggested must be exposed to many misunderstandings. Spiritual science often only appears to disagree with natural science because the latter science does not yet want to form ideas that are required not only by supersensible knowledge, but also by that which in truth adheres to the sensible. An unbiased observer can see everywhere in the scientific observation results of the present indications of purely sensory other areas of observation, which in the future will have to be tackled purely scientifically, and which will show that what supersensible vision reveals is fully confirmed by observation of nature, insofar as this supersensible knowledge refers to such supersensible world events to which a sensory revelation corresponds.
.[ 12 ] As in this way the human being is brought one step higher through earth development, so this has already been the case with the earlier planetary embodiments. For something of man was already present in the first of these embodiments. Therefore, clarity about the present human being is spread when its development is traced back to the distant past of the first of the planetary embodiments mentioned. - In supersensible research this first planetary embodiment can now be called Saturn; the second can be called the Sun; the third the Moon; the fourth is the Earth. It must be strictly observed that these names must not be brought into any connection with the names of the same name used for the members of our present solar system. Saturn, Sun and Moon are supposed to be names for past forms of development that the Earth has undergone. The relationship between these worlds of prehistoric times and the celestial bodies that form the present solar system will become clear in the course of the following observations. It will then also become clear why these names were chosen.
[ 13 ] If the relationships of the four planetary embodiments mentioned are now described, this can only be done in a very sketchy manner. For the processes, entities and their fates on Saturn, the Sun and the Moon are truly as diverse as on Earth itself. Therefore, only individual characteristics of these conditions can be emphasized in the description, which is suitable to illustrate how the conditions of the earth have developed from the earlier ones. One must also bear in mind that these conditions become more and more dissimilar to the present ones the further one goes back. And yet one can only describe them by using the ideas that are taken from the present conditions on earth to characterize them. If, for example, we speak of light, warmth or the like for these earlier conditions, we must not forget that this does not mean exactly what is now called light and warmth. And yet such a designation is correct, because for the observer of the supersensible something appears in the earlier stages of development which has become light, warmth etc. in the present. And he who follows the descriptions thus given will be able to gather from the context in which these things are placed what ideas are to be gained in order to have characteristic images and similes of such facts which took place in the distant past.
[ 14 ] However, this difficulty becomes very significant for those planetary states that precede the incarnation of the moon. During the latter, conditions prevailed that still bear a certain resemblance to those on earth. Whoever attempts a description of these conditions will have certain points of reference in the similarities with the present in order to express the supersensibly gained perceptions in clear ideas. The situation is different when the development of Saturn and the sun are described. There, what is available to clairvoyant observation is very different from the objects and entities that currently belong to the human circle of life. And this difference makes it extremely difficult to bring these corresponding prehistoric facts into the realm of supersensible consciousness. However, since the present human being cannot be understood if one does not go back to the Saturn state, the description must nevertheless be given. And certainly such a description cannot be misunderstood by those who bear in mind that such a difficulty exists and that therefore much of what is said must be more of an allusion and a hint to the corresponding facts than an exact description of them.
[ 15 ] A contradiction of what is stated here and in the following with what is said above on page 146 about the persistence of the past in the present could, however, be found. One might think that nowhere is there an earlier state of Saturn, the sun or the moon in addition to the present earthly state, or even a human form as described in these explanations as existing within these past states. Certainly, Saturn, sun and moon people do not walk around next to earth people like three-year-old children next to fifty-year-old people. But the earlier states of humanity are supersensibly perceptible within the earth person. In order to recognize this, one only needs to have acquired the ability to differentiate between the different living conditions. Just as the three-year-old child exists alongside the fifty-year-old human being, so the corpse, the sleeping human being and the dreaming human being exist alongside the living, waking human being. And even if these different manifestations of the human being do not immediately appear as the different stages of development as they are, a sensory perception of these forms nevertheless reveals these stages.
[ 16 ] Of the present four members of the human being, the physical body is the oldest. It is also the one that has reached the greatest perfection in its kind. And supersensible research shows that this human limb was already present during the evolution of Saturn. It will be shown in this description that the form which this physical body had on Saturn was, however, something quite different from the present physical human body. This earthly physical human body can only exist in its nature because it is connected with the life body, astral body and ego in the way that has been described in the previous parts of this writing. Such a connection did not yet exist on Saturn. At that time the physical body went through its first stage of development without a human life body, an astral body or an ego being incorporated into it. It only matured during Saturn's development to take on a living body. To do this, Saturn first had to spiritualize and then reincarnate as the sun. Within the solar embodiment, that which the physical body on Saturn had become unfolded again, as if from a germ that had remained, and only then was it able to interpenetrate with an etheric body. Through this incorporation of an etheric body, the physical body transformed its nature; it was raised to a second level of perfection. Something similar happened during the evolution of the moon. The human ancestor, as he evolved from the sun to the moon, incorporated the astral body. In this way the physical body was transformed a third time, that is, raised to the third stage of its perfection. The life body was also transformed; it was now on the second stage of its perfection. On earth, the ego was incorporated into the human ancestor consisting of the physical body, the life body and the astral body. As a result, the physical body reached its fourth degree of perfection, the vital body the third, the astral body the second; the ego is only at the first stage of its existence.
[ 17 ] If one indulges in an unbiased observation of the human being, it will not be difficult to imagine these different degrees of perfection of the individual limbs correctly. One need only compare the physical body with the astral body in this respect. Certainly the astral body as a soul member is at a higher stage of development than the physical body. And when the former will have perfected itself in the future, it will have much more significance for the overall being of the human being than the present physical body. But in its nature the latter has reached a certain height. Consider the construction of the heart, the miraculous construction of the brain, etc., even of a single part of a bone, for example the upper end of a thigh. In this end of the bone, we find a lawfully structured network or framework of fine rods. The whole is joined together in such a way that the least amount of material is used to achieve the most favorable effect on the joint surfaces, for example the most appropriate distribution of friction and thus the right kind of mobility. In this way one finds wise arrangements in the parts of the physical body. And whoever further observes the harmony in the interaction of the parts to the whole, will certainly find it correct to speak of the perfection of this part of the human being in its nature. It is out of the question that certain parts may appear inappropriate or that disturbances may occur in the structure and functions. It will even be found that such disturbances are in a certain respect only the necessary shadows of the wisdom-filled light that is poured out over the whole physical organism. And now compare with this the astral body as the bearer of pleasure and suffering, of desires and passions. What uncertainty prevails in it with regard to pleasure and suffering, what often senseless desires and passions that run counter to the higher human goal take place there. The astral body is only just on the way to attaining the harmony and inner unity already found in the physical body. It could also be shown that although the etheric body is more perfect in its nature than the astral body, it is more imperfect than the physical body. And no less will a corresponding observation reveal that the actual core of the human being, the "I", is currently only at the beginning of its development. For how much has this "I" already achieved in its task of transforming the other members of the human being in such a way that they are a revelation of its own nature? - What already emerges in this way from an external observation is intensified for the connoisseur of spiritual science by something else. One could refer to the fact that the physical body is afflicted by illnesses. Spiritual science is now in a position to show that a large proportion of all illnesses originate from the fact that the aberrations in the astral body propagate themselves to the etheric body and destroy the intrinsically perfect harmony of the physical body on the detour through the latter. The deeper connection, which can only be hinted at here, and the true cause of many disease processes are beyond scientific observation, which only wants to limit itself to the physical-sensual facts. In most cases this connection arises in such a way that damage to the astral body does not result in pathological manifestations in the physical body in the same life course in which the damage occurred, but only in a subsequent one. Therefore, the laws that come into consideration here only have meaning for those who can recognize the repetition of human life. But even if one did not want to know anything about such deeper insights, ordinary observation of life shows that man indulges in all too many pleasures and desires that undermine the harmony of the physical body. And pleasure, desire, passion etc. do not have their seat in the physical body, but in the astral body. The latter is still so imperfect in many respects that it can destroy the perfection of the physical body. - It should also be pointed out here that such arguments are not intended to prove the statements of spiritual science about the development of the four members of the human being. The evidence is taken from spiritual research, which shows that the physical body has undergone a fourfold transformation to higher degrees of perfection, and the other members of the human being less so in the manner described. It should only be indicated here that these messages of spiritual research refer to facts that are shown in their effects on the degrees of perfection of the physical body, the life body, etc., which can also be observed externally.
[ 18 ] If one wants to form a vivid idea of the conditions during Saturn's development, which approximates reality, one must take into account that during this time - essentially - nothing of the things and creatures that currently belong to Earth and which are counted among the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms was yet present. The beings of these three kingdoms were only formed in later periods of development. Of the earth beings physically perceptible today, only man was present at that time, and of him only the physical body in the manner described. Now, however, not only the beings of the mineral, animal, plant and human kingdoms belong to the earth today, but also other beings that do not manifest themselves in a physical body. Such beings were also present in the development of Saturn. And their activity on the stage of Saturn resulted in the later development of man.
[ 19 ] If the spiritual organs of perception are not initially directed to the beginning and end, but to the middle period of development of this Saturn embodiment, a state is revealed in it which, in the main, consists only of "warmth". Nothing of gaseous, nothing of liquid or even of solid components is to be found. All these states only appear in later embodiments. Let us assume that a human being with the present sensory organs would approach this Saturnian state as an observer. None of the sensory impressions that he can have would confront him there, except the sensation of warmth. Suppose such a being were to approach this Saturn. It would only perceive, when it enters the part of space it occupies, that this has a different state of warmth than the rest of its spatial surroundings. However, it would not find this part of space uniformly warm, but would alternate between warmer and colder parts in the most varied manner. Radiant warmth would be perceived along certain lines. And it would not be that such lines would only be straight, but that the differences in warmth would create irregular shapes. You would have something in front of you, like a world being structured in itself, appearing in changing states and consisting only of warmth.
[ 20 ] It must be difficult for contemporary man to imagine something that consists only in heat, since he is accustomed not to recognize heat as something in itself, but to perceive it only in warm or cold gaseous, liquid or solid bodies. Speaking of "heat" in the above way will appear nonsensical, especially to someone who has adopted the physical concepts of our time. Such a person will perhaps say: there are solid, liquid and gaseous bodies; but heat denotes only a state in which one of these three forms of body exists. If the smallest parts of a gas are in motion, this motion is perceived as heat. Where there is no gas, there can be no such movement and therefore no heat. - For the spiritual scientist, the situation is different. For him, heat is something he speaks of in the same sense as gas, liquid or solid body. It is only an even finer substance than a gas. And the latter is to him nothing other than condensed heat in the same sense as the liquid is condensed vapor or the solid body is condensed liquid. Thus the spiritual scientist speaks of heat bodies in the same way as he speaks of gaseous and vaporous bodies. - It is only necessary to admit that there is spiritual perception if one wishes to follow the spiritual scientist in this field. In the world given to the physical senses, heat certainly presents itself as a solid, liquid or gaseous state; but this state is only the outside of heat or its effect. Physicists only speak of this effect of heat, not of its inner nature. Let us try to disregard all the effects of heat that we receive from external bodies and merely visualize the inner experience that we have when we say: "I feel warm" or "I feel cold". This inner experience alone can give an idea of what Saturn was in the period of its development described above. It would have been possible to pass completely through the part of space it occupied: there would have been no gas there to exert any pressure, no solid or liquid body from which any impression of light could have been obtained. But at every point in space, without any impression from outside, one would have felt internally: here is this or that degree of warmth.
[ 21 ] In a world body of such constitution there are no conditions for the animal, vegetable and mineral beings of our present. (It is therefore hardly necessary to note that the above could never actually take place. A present human being as such cannot confront the old Saturn as an observer. The confrontation should only serve the purpose of clarification). The beings of which the supersensible cognition becomes aware when observing Saturn were at a completely different stage of development than the present, sensually perceptible earth beings. First of all, beings who did not have a physical body like the present human being stand before this cognition. One must also be careful not to think of the present physical corporeality of the human being when the term "physical body" is used here. Instead, a careful distinction must be made between the physical body and the mineral body. A physical body is that which is governed by the physical laws that are currently observed in the mineral kingdom. The present physical human body is not only governed by such physical laws, but it is also permeated by mineral matter. There can be no question of such a physical-mineral body on Saturn. There is only a physical corporeality which is governed by physical laws; but these physical laws only express themselves through thermal effects. So the physical body is a fine, thin, ethereal body of heat. And the whole of Saturn consists of such thermal bodies. These heat bodies are the first structure of the present physical-mineral human body. The latter was formed from the former by incorporating the gaseous, liquid and solid substances that were formed later. Among the beings who place themselves before the supersensible consciousness at the moment when this consciousness has the Saturnian state before it, and who can be spoken of as Saturn dwellers apart from man, are, for example, those who had no need of a physical body at all. The lowest part of their being was an etheric body. Instead, they also had a limb above and beyond the human being limbs. The highest member of the human being is the spirit man. These beings still have a higher one. And between the etheric body and the spirit man they have all the members described in this scripture, which are also found in humans: Astral body, ego, spirit self and life spirit. Just as our earth is surrounded by a circle of air, so was Saturn; only with him this "circle of air" was of a spiritual nature. 2In order to express the inner experience of spiritual research exactly, a very precise way of speaking would have to say, instead of "Saturn was surrounded by a circle of air": "As the supersensible cognition becomes aware of Saturn, a circle of air of Saturn also presents itself in front of this consciousness" or "other beings of one kind or another present themselves". The translation into the expression: "this or that is there" must be permitted, because basically the same translation also takes place in the formulation of the language used for the real soul experience in sensory perception, but one will have to keep this in mind in relation to the following description. It is already given from the context of the description. It actually consisted of the entities just mentioned and still others. There was now a continuous interaction between the heat bodies of Saturn and the characterized beings. These lowered their essential limbs into the physical heat bodies of Saturn. And while there was no life in these bodies of warmth themselves, the life of those around them was expressed in them. They could be compared to mirrors, except that it was not the images of these living beings that were reflected in them, but their states of life. It would have been impossible to discover anything living in Saturn itself, but it had a vitalizing effect on its surroundings in celestial space, as it reflected the life sent to it like an echo. The whole of Saturn appeared like a mirror of celestial life. Very high beings whose life Saturn reflects may be called "spirits of wisdom". (In Christian spiritual science they are called "Kyriotetes", which means "Lords"). Their activity on Saturn does not only begin with the middle epoch of its development described above. In a certain sense, it was already complete even then. Before they were able to become aware of the reflection of their own lives from the warm bodies of Saturn, they first had to make these warm bodies capable of bringing about this reflection. This is why their activity began soon after Saturn began to evolve. When this happened, Saturn's physicality was still disordered materiality that could not have reflected anything. - And by observing this disordered materiality, one has transported oneself to the beginning of Saturn's development through spiritual observation. What can be observed there does not yet have the later character of warmth. If we want to characterize it, we can only speak of a quality that can be compared with human will. It is nothing but will through and through. We are therefore dealing with a completely spiritual state. If we are to trace where this 'will' came from, we see it arising through the outpouring of exalted beings who, in stages that can only be guessed at, brought their development to such a height that, when Saturn's development began, they were able to emanate 'will' from their own being. After this emanation had lasted for some time, the activity of the "spirits of wisdom" characterized above is combined with the will. As a result, the will, which was previously completely devoid of qualities, gradually acquires the property of radiating life back into the celestial space. - The beings who feel their bliss in radiating will at the beginning of Saturn's development can be called the "spirits of will". (In Christian esoteric science they are called "thrones".) After a certain stage of Saturn's development has been reached through the interaction of will and life, the effect of other beings who are also in Saturn's orbit begins. They can be called the "spirits of movement". (Christian: "Dynameis", "powers".) They have no physical and no life body. Their lowest member is the astral body. When the Saturnian bodies have attained the ability to reflect life, this reflected life is able to permeate itself with the qualities which have their seat in the astral bodies of the "spirits of movement". The consequence of this is that it appears as if sensory expressions, feelings and similar spiritual forces are hurled out from Saturn into celestial space. The whole of Saturn appears like an animated being that expresses sympathies and antipathies. However, these spiritual expressions are by no means his own, but only the reflected spiritual effects of the "spirits of movement". - Once this too has lasted for a certain epoch, the activity of further beings begins, which are called "spirits of form". Their lowest member is also an astral body. However, this is at a different stage of development than that of the "spirits of movement". While the latter only communicate general expressions of sensation to the reflected life, the astral body of the "spirits of form" (Christian: "exusiai", "powers") works in such a way that the expressions of sensation are hurled out into the world space as if by individual beings. One could say that the "spirits of movement" make Saturn as a whole appear like an animated being. The "spirits of form" divide this life into individual living beings, so that it now appears like an amalgamation of such soul beings. - To have an image, imagine a mulberry or a blackberry, how it is composed of individual berries. Thus Saturn, for the supersensible cognizer in the epoch of development described, is composed of individual Saturnian beings, which, however, do not have a life of their own or a soul of their own, but reflect the life and soul of their inhabitants. - Beings now intervene in this Saturnian state who also have the astral body as their lowest member, but who have brought it to such a stage of development that it acts like a present human "I". Through these beings the "I" looks down on Saturn from its surroundings. And it communicates its nature to the individual beings of Saturn. Thus something is sent out from Saturn into the universe which appears like the effect of the human personality in the present circle of life. The beings who effect this are called "spirits of personality" (Christian: "Archai", "primal beginnings"). They give the Saturnian body particles the appearance of personality character. However, the personality is not present on Saturn itself, but only its mirror image, as it were, the shell of the personality. The "spirits of personality" have their real personality in the orbit of Saturn. Precisely because these "spirits of personality" allow their essence to radiate back from the Saturnian bodies in the way described, they are given that fine materiality which was described earlier as "warmth". - There is no inwardness in the whole of Saturn; but the "spirits of personality" recognize the image of their own inwardness as it flows to them as warmth from Saturn.
[ 22 ] When all this occurs, the "spirits of personality" stand on the level on which man currently stands. They are going through their human epoch. If you want to look at this fact with an unbiased eye, you have to imagine that a being can be "human" not only in the form that the human being currently has. The "spirits of personality" are "human beings" on Saturn. They do not have the physical body as their lowest member, but the astral body with the ego. Therefore they cannot express the experiences of this astral body in such a physical body and etheric body as the present human being; but they not only have an "I", they also know about it, because the warmth of Saturn brings this "I" to their consciousness in a reflective way. They are simply "human beings" under conditions other than those on earth.
[ 23 ] In the further course of Saturn's development, facts of a different kind follow than the previous ones. Whereas up to now everything was a reflection of external life and feelings, now a kind of inner life begins. In the world of Saturn, a life of light begins, flickering here and there and then dimming again. Trembling flickering in these or those places, something like twitching lightning in others, appears. Saturn's heat bodies begin to flicker, to shine, even to radiate. The fact that this stage of development has been reached gives certain entities the opportunity to develop an activity. These are the ones who can be described as "fire spirits" (Christian: "Archangeloi", "archangels"). Although these beings have an astral body, they cannot give any stimuli to their own astral body at the marked stage of their existence; they would not be able to arouse any feeling or sensation if they could not act on the warm bodies that have reached the Saturn stage described above. This effect gives them the opportunity to recognize their own existence by the effect they exert. They cannot say to themselves: "I am here", but rather: "My surroundings allow me to be here." They perceive, and their perceptions consist of the described light effects on Saturn. In a certain way, these are their "I". This gives them a special kind of consciousness. This can be described as image consciousness. It can be imagined as being similar to human dream consciousness, except that the degree of vividness is much greater than in human dreams and that we are not dealing with insubstantial dream images that rise and fall, but with images that are in a real relationship to the play of light on Saturn. - In this interplay between the fire spirits and the Saturnian heat bodies, the germs of the human sensory organs are incorporated into development. The organs through which the human being currently perceives the physical world light up in their first subtle etheric dispositions. Human phantoms, which in themselves still show nothing other than the light-primordial images of the sense organs, become recognizable to the clairvoyant faculty of perception within Saturn. - These sense organs are thus the fruit of the activity of the fire spirits; but not only these spirits are involved in their creation. At the same time as these fire spirits, other beings appear on the scene of Saturn. Beings who are so far advanced in their development that they can make use of those sensory germs to observe the world processes in Saturn's life. They are beings who can be regarded as "spirits of love" (Christian: "seraphim"). If they were not there, the fire spirits could not have the consciousness described above. They look at the processes of Saturn with a consciousness that enables them to transfer them to the fire spirits as images. They themselves renounce all advantages that they could have by looking at Saturn's processes, all pleasure, all joy; they give it all up so that the fire spirits can have it.
[ 24 ] A new period of Saturn's existence follows these events. The play of light is joined by another. For many it can seem like madness when it is said what is presented to the supersensible cognition. Inwardly in Saturn it is like a confusion of taste sensations. Sweet, bitter, sour, etc. are observed in the most diverse places within Saturn; and outwards, into the celestial space, all this is perceived as sound, as a kind of music. - Within these processes, certain entities find the opportunity to develop an activity on Saturn. They are called the "sons of twilight or of life" (Christian: "Angeloi", "angels"). They interact with the ascending and descending forces of taste within Saturn. As a result, their etheric or vital body becomes so active that it can be described as a kind of metabolism. They bring life into the interior of Saturn. Food and excretion processes take place in Saturn as a result. They do not bring about these processes directly, but through what they bring about, such processes arise indirectly. This inner life makes it possible for other beings to enter the world body, who may be referred to as "spirits of harmonies" (Christian: "cherubim"). They impart a dull kind of consciousness to the "sons of life". It is even duller and dimmer than the dream consciousness of the present human being. It is the same as that of man in dreamless sleep. This is of such a low degree that it "does not even come to consciousness", so to speak. Yet it is there. It differs from daytime consciousness in degree and also in kind. Plants also have this "dreamless sleep consciousness" at present. Even if it does not convey any perceptions of the outside world in the human sense, it nevertheless regulates life processes and brings them into harmony with the external world processes. At the Saturn level in question, the "sons of life" cannot perceive this regulation; but the "spirits of harmonies" do perceive it, and they are therefore the actual regulators. - All this life takes place in the marked human phantoms. To the spiritual eye they therefore appear to be alive, but their life is only an illusory life. It is the life of the "sons of life", who, so to speak, make use of the human phantoms in order to live out their lives.
[ 25 ] Now turn your attention to the human phantoms with the illusory life. During the Saturnian period described, they are of a completely changing form. Sometimes they look like this shape, sometimes like that. In the further course of development, the forms become more definite; temporarily permanent. This is due to the fact that they are now permeated by the effects of the spirits that already come into consideration at the beginning of Saturn's development, namely the "spirits of the will" (the "thrones"). The consequence of this is that the human phantom itself appears with the simplest dullest form of consciousness. One must imagine this form of consciousness to be even duller than that of dreamless sleep. Under the present conditions the minerals have this consciousness. It brings the inner being into harmony with the physical outer world. On Saturn, the "spirits of will" are the regulators of this harmony. And the human being thus appears like an imprint of Saturn's life itself. What Saturn's life is on a large scale, man is on a small scale at this level. And this is the first seed of what is still germinating in today's human being: the "spiritual man" (Atma). Inwardly (in Saturn) this dull human will makes itself known to the supersensible faculty of perception through effects which can be compared to "smells". Outwards into the celestial space there is a manifestation like that of a personality, which however is not directed by an inner "I", but is regulated from outside like a machine. The regulators are the "spirits of the will".
[ 26 ] Overlooking the foregoing, it becomes apparent that, starting from the first described middle state of Saturn's development, the stages of this development could be characterized by comparing their effects with sensory perceptions of the present. It could be said that Saturn's development manifests itself as warmth, then a play of light is added, then a play of taste and sound; finally something appears that manifests itself towards the inside of Saturn with sensations of smell, towards the outside like a machine-like human ego. What about the revelations of Saturn's development for that which lies before the state of warmth? This cannot be compared with something that is accessible to external sensory perception. The state of warmth is preceded by such a state, which man at present only experiences in his inner being. If he indulges in ideas which he forms in his soul without the prompting of an external impression being forced upon him, then he has something within himself which no physical senses can perceive, but which is only accessible as perception to higher vision. Saturn's state of warmth is preceded by revelations that can only be present for those who perceive supersensibly. Three such states can be named: pure spiritual warmth, which is not outwardly perceptible; pure spiritual light, which is outwardly darkness; and finally spiritual essence, which is complete in itself and needs no external being to become aware of it. Pure inner warmth accompanies the appearance of the "spirits of movement"; pure spiritual light that of the "spirits of wisdom", pure inner being is connected with the first emanation of the "spirits of will".
[ 27 ] With the appearance of Saturn's warmth, our development first emerges from the inner life, from pure spirituality, into an outwardly manifest existence. It will be particularly difficult for the present consciousness to come to terms with this, although it must also be said that with the Saturnian heat state, that which is called "time" also appears first. The preceding states are not temporal at all. They belong to that region which in spiritual science can be called "duration". Therefore, everything that is said in this writing about such states in the "region of duration" must be understood in such a way that expressions that refer to temporal relationships are only used for comparison and understanding. For human language, what precedes "time", so to speak, can also only be characterized with expressions that contain the concept of time. We must also be aware that, although the first, second and third states of Saturn did not take place "successively" in the present sense, we cannot avoid describing them one after the other. Also, despite their "duration" or simultaneity, they are so interdependent that this dependence can be compared to a temporal sequence.
[ 28 ] This reference to the first developmental states of Saturn also sheds light on all further questions about the "where from" of these states. From a purely intellectual point of view, it is of course quite possible to ask about the "origin of this origin". However, this does not apply to the facts. You only need to visualize this with a comparison. If you find traces dug into a path somewhere, you can ask: where do they come from? You may receive the answer: from a wagon. Then you can ask further: where did the wagon come from, where was it going? An answer based on facts is again possible. One can then ask: who was in the car? what were the intentions of the person using it, what was he doing? Eventually, however, you will reach a point where the facts naturally put an end to the questioning. Anyone who continues to ask questions will then stray from the intention of the original question. To a certain extent, he is merely continuing the questioning in the manner of a template. It is easy to see where the facts bring the questioning to an end, as is the case here. It is not so easy to be clear about the big world questions. But if you look really closely, you will realize that all questions about the "whence" must end with the Saturnian states described above. For we have reached an area where the beings and processes are no longer justified by that from which they originate, but by themselves.
[ 29 ] As a result of Saturn's development, it appears that the human germ has developed to a certain level. It has attained the low, dull consciousness mentioned above. One should not imagine that its development only begins in the last Saturnian stage. The "spirits of the will" work through all states. In the last period, however, the success of supersensible perception is most prominent. In general, there is no fixed boundary between the effects of the individual groups of beings. When it is said that the "spirits of will" work first, then the "spirits of wisdom", etc., it is not meant that they only work there. They work throughout Saturn's development; their activity is best observed in the periods indicated. The individual beings have the leadership there, as it were.
[ 30 ] So the whole development of Saturn appears as a processing of what has flowed out of the "spirits of will" through the "spirits of wisdom, of movement, of form" etc.. These spiritual entities undergo a development themselves. The "spirits of wisdom", for example, stand on a different level after they have received their life radiated back from Saturn than before. The fruit of this activity increases the abilities of their own being. The consequence of this is that something similar occurs for them after such accomplished activity as for the human being with sleep. Their periods of activity in relation to Saturn are followed by periods in which they live, as it were, in other worlds. Then their activity is turned away from Saturn. This is why clairvoyant perception sees an ascent and a descent in the Saturnian development described above. The ascent lasts until the formation of the heat state. Then, with the play of light, a flowing down already begins. And when the human phantoms have taken shape through the "spirits of will", then the spiritual beings have also gradually withdrawn: Saturn's development dies in itself; it disappears as such. A kind of pause occurs. The human germ enters a state of dissolution, but not one that would cause it to disappear, but one that is similar to that of a plant seed resting in the earth in order to mature into a new plant. Thus the human seed rests in the womb of the world to awaken anew. And when the time of its awakening arrives, the spiritual beings described above have also acquired the abilities under different circumstances through which they can continue to work on the human seed. The "spirits of wisdom" have acquired the ability in their etheric body not only to enjoy the reflection of life as on Saturn; they are now also able to let life flow out of themselves and to endow other beings with it. The "spirits of movement" are now as advanced as the "spirits of wisdom" on Saturn. There, their lowest element was the astral body. Now they have an etheric or vital body. And the other spiritual beings have reached a further stage of development in the same way. All these spiritual beings can therefore work differently in the further development of the human germ than they did on Saturn. - But now the human germ was dissolved at the end of Saturn's development. In order for the further developed spiritual beings to be able to continue where they left off earlier, this human germ must briefly repeat the stages it went through on Saturn. This becomes apparent to the supersensible perceptive faculty. The human germ emerges from its concealment and begins to develop of its own accord through the forces that were implanted in it on Saturn. It emerges from the darkness as a being of will, brings itself to the appearance of life, of soulfulness, etc., up to that machine-like revelation of personality which it had at the end of Saturn's development.
[ 31 ] The second of the great periods of development indicated, the "solar stage", brings about the elevation of the human being to a higher state of consciousness than that which he had attained on Saturn. Compared with the present consciousness of the human being, however, this solar state could be described as "unconsciousness". For it comes close to the state in which man now finds himself during completely dreamless sleep. Or it could also be compared to the lower level of consciousness in which our plant world currently slumbers. For the supersensible view there is no "unconsciousness", only different degrees of consciousness. Everything in the world is conscious. - The human being attains the higher degree of consciousness in the course of solar development through the incorporation of the etheric or life body. Before this can happen, the states of Saturn must repeat themselves in the manner described above. This repetition has a very specific purpose. When the pause of rest, of which we have spoken in the previous explanations, has expired, then that which was previously Saturn emerges from the "world sleep" as a new world being, as the sun. But the conditions of development have thus changed. The spiritual beings whose work has been described for Saturn have advanced to other states. The human germ, however, first appears on the newly formed sun as what it has become on Saturn. It must first transform the various stages of development that it assumed on Saturn so that they fit the conditions on the sun. The solar epoch therefore begins with a repetition of the Saturnian facts, but with adaptation to the changed conditions of solar life. When the human being has now reached the stage where the level of development attained on Saturn is adapted to the conditions on the sun, then the aforementioned "spirits of wisdom" begin to allow the etheric or life body to flow into the physical body. The higher level that the human being reaches on the sun can thus be characterized by the fact that the physical body already formed on Saturn in the germinal plant is raised to a second level of perfection by becoming the carrier of an etheric or life body. This etheric or life body attains the first degree of perfection for itself during the development of the sun. But in order to achieve this second degree of perfection for the physical body and the first for the life body, the intervention of other spirit beings is necessary in the further course of the solar life in a similar way as has already been described for the Saturn stage.
[ 32 ] When the "spirits of wisdom" begin their influx of the life body, the previously dark solar being begins to glow. At the same time, the first manifestations of inner activity occur in the human germ; life begins. What had to be characterized as an illusory life for Saturn now becomes real life. The influx takes a certain amount of time. After this time has elapsed, an important change occurs for the human germ. It divides itself into two parts. Whereas before the physical body and the life body formed a whole in intimate union, now the physical body begins to separate itself as a special part. But even this separated physical body remains permeated by the life body. We are now dealing with a two-part human being. One part is a physical body worked through by a life body, the other part is merely a life body. This separation, however, takes place during a pause in the life of the sun. During this pause, the light that has already appeared goes out again. The separation takes place, so to speak, during a "world night". However, this rest period is much shorter than the one between the Saturnian and solar development mentioned above. At the end of the resting period, the "spirits of wisdom" continue to work on the bipartite human being for a while, just as they did before on the unipartite one. Then the "spirits of movement" begin their work. They flow through the living body of the human being with their own astral body. This gives the latter the ability to carry out certain inner movements in the physical body. These movements can be compared to the movements of the juices in a present plant.
[ 33 ] The body of Saturn consisted of mere heat substance. During solar evolution, this heat substance condenses to the state that can be compared to the present gas or vapor state. It is that state which can be described as "air". The first beginnings of such a state appear after the "spirits of movement" have begun their activity. The following sight presents itself to the supersensible consciousness. Within the substance of heat something appears like fine formations which are set in regular motion by the forces of the life body. These formations illustrate the physical body of the human being at its present stage of development. They are completely permeated by warmth and also enclosed as if by a thermal envelope. In physical terms, this human being can be called a heat structure with integrated air forms - the latter in regular movement. If we therefore wish to retain the above comparison with the present plant, we must remain aware that we are not dealing with a compact plant structure, but with an air or gas form, 3the gas appears to the supersensible consciousness through the light effect that it lets emanate from itself. One could therefore also speak of light forms that present themselves to spiritual vision. Their movements can be compared with the movements of the juices of the present plants. - The development characterized in this way continues. After a certain time there is again a pause for rest; after this the spirits of movement continue to work until their activity is joined by that of the spirits of form. Their effect is that the previously constantly changing gas formations take on permanent shapes. This also happens because the spirits of form allow their forces to flow in and out of the living bodies of human beings. In the past, when only the spirits of movement acted upon them, the gaseous formations were in constant motion, retaining their form for only a moment. Now, however, they take on temporarily distinguishable forms. - Again, after a certain time, a pause occurs; again, after this, the spirits of form continue their activity. Then, however, completely new conditions arise within the development of the sun.
[ 34 ] The point is reached where the sun's development has reached its center. This is the time when the spirits of personality who have attained their humanity stage on Saturn rise to a higher degree of perfection. They progress beyond this stage. They attain a consciousness which the present human being on our earth does not yet have in the regular progress of development. He will attain it when the earth - that is, the fourth of the planetary stages of development - has reached its goal and has entered the following planetary period. Then man will not merely perceive what is around him through the present physical senses, but he will be able to observe in pictures the inner, spiritual states of the beings around him. He will have an image consciousness, but with the retention of full self-consciousness. There will be nothing dreamlike or dull in his pictorial vision, but he will perceive the soul, albeit in pictures, but in such a way that these pictures will be the expression of realities, just as physical colors and sounds are now. At present, man can only rise to such vision through spiritual-scientific training. This training will be discussed in later pages of this book. - The spirits of personality attain this vision as their normal developmental gift in the midst of the solar stage. And it is precisely through this that they become able to work on the newly formed life body of the human being during the solar development in a similar way as they worked on the physical body on Saturn. Just as the warmth there radiated their own personality back to them, so now the gaseous formations in the radiance of light radiate back to them the images of their seeing consciousness. They look supersensibly at what is happening on the sun. And this gazing is by no means mere observation. It is as if in the images emanating from the sun something of the power that earthly man calls love was asserting itself. And if you look more closely at the soul, you will find the reason for this phenomenon. Exalted beings have mingled with the light radiating from the sun with their activity. These are the "spirits of love" (Christian: "seraphim") mentioned above. From now on they work on the human etheric or life body together with the spirits of personality. Through this activity, this life body itself advances by one stage on its developmental path. It acquires the ability not only to transform the gaseous formations within it, but also to process them in such a way that the first signs of the reproduction of living human beings appear. To a certain extent, secretions are expelled from the formed gas formations (as if sweated out), which form themselves into shapes that are similar to their mother formations.
[ 35 ] In order to characterize the further development of the sun, it is necessary to point out a fact of the world's remoteness which is of the greatest importance. It consists in the fact that in the course of an epoch by no means all beings reach the goal of their development. There are those who fall short of this goal. Thus, during Saturn's development, not all spirits of personality really reached the level of humanity that was granted to them there in the manner described above. Nor did all the physical human bodies formed on Saturn attain the degree of maturity that would enable them to become the bearers of an independent life body on the Sun. The consequence of this is that there are beings and formations on the sun that do not fit their circumstances. These now have to make up for what they failed to do on Saturn during the development of the sun. The following can therefore be observed spiritually during the solar stage. When the spirits of wisdom begin their influx of the life body, the solar body becomes clouded to a certain extent. It is permeated by formations which would actually still belong to Saturn. They are heat formations which are not able to condense into air in the appropriate way. These are the human beings who have remained behind on the Saturn level. They cannot become carriers of a properly formed life body. - What remains of the heat substance of Saturn is divided into two parts on the sun. One part is absorbed by the human body, as it were, and from then on forms a kind of lower nature within the human being. Thus the human being on the sun absorbs something into his corporeality that actually corresponds to the Saturn stage. Just as the Saturn body of the human being has made it possible for the spirits of the personality to rise to the level of humanity, so now this Saturn part of the human being on the sun does the same for the fire spirits. They rise to the level of humanity by letting their forces flow in and out of this Saturn part of the human being, just as the spirits of the personality did on Saturn. This also happens in the middle of the sun's development. Then the Saturn part of the human being is so far mature that with its help the fire spirits (Archangeloi) can pass through their stage of humanity. - Another part of the heat substance of Saturn separates and attains an independent existence next to and between the human beings of the sun. This now forms a second realm next to the human realm. A realm that forms a completely independent, but only physical body on the sun, as a thermal body. The consequence of this is that the fully developed "spirits of personality" cannot direct their activity in the manner described to any independent living body. However, certain "spirits of personality" have also remained behind on the Saturn level. These have not reached the level of humanity. There is a bond of attraction between them and the second solar kingdom which has become independent. They must now behave towards the kingdom that has remained behind on the sun in the same way as their more advanced comrades did towards the human beings on Saturn. They also first formed the physical body there. On the sun itself, however, there is no possibility for the retarded personality spirits to do such work. They therefore separate themselves from the solar body and form an independent world body outside of it. This body therefore emerges from the sun. From it, the "spirits of personality" that have remained behind have an effect on the beings of the second solar realm described above. As a result, two world formations have emerged from the one that was formerly Saturn. The sun now has a second world body in its environment, one that represents a kind of rebirth of Saturn, a new Saturn. It is from this Saturn that the second solar realm is given its personality character. Within this realm we are therefore dealing with beings who have no personality on the sun itself. However, they reflect their own personality back to the "spirits of personality" on the new Saturn. The extrasensory consciousness can observe thermal forces between the human beings on the sun, which play into the regular solar development and in which one can see the activity of the marked spirits of the new Saturn.
[ 36 ] The following must be observed in the human being during the middle of the sun's development. It is divided into a physical body and a life body. In it the activity of the advanced "spirits of personality" takes place in connection with that of the "spirits of love". The physical body is now mixed with a part of the Saturnian nature that has remained behind. This is where the activity of the "spirits of fire" takes place. One can now see in everything that the "fire spirits" bring about in the remaining Saturnian nature, the forerunners of the present sensory organs of earth people. It has already been shown how these "fire spirits" were already busy on Saturn in the heat substance with the development of the sense germs. In what is accomplished by the "spirits of personality" in union with the "spirits of love" (the seraphim), the first development of the present human glandular organs can be recognized. - However, the work of the personality spirits dwelling on the new Saturn is not exhausted with the above. They not only extend their activity to the second solar realm mentioned above, but also establish a kind of connection between this realm and the human senses. The warmth substances of this realm flow out and in through the human sensory germs. In this way the human being on the sun attains a kind of perception of the lower realm outside himself. This perception is naturally only a dull one, completely corresponding to the dull Saturn consciousness mentioned above. And it essentially consists of various heat effects.
[ 37 ] Everything that has been described here for the middle of the sun's development lasts for a certain time. Then there is another pause. After this, it continues in the same way for a while until a point of development is reached in which the human etheric body is mature enough for the united work of the "Sons of Life" (Angeloi) and the "Spirits of Harmony" (Cherubim) to begin. Revelations now occur within the human being for the supersensible consciousness, which can be compared to taste perceptions and which manifest themselves outwardly as sounds. Something similar had to be said for the development of Saturn. Here on the sun, only everything in the human being is more inner, full of independent life. - The "sons of life" thus attain that dull consciousness of images which the "spirits of fire" had attained on Saturn. The "spirits of harmony" (the cherubim) are their helpers. They are actually spiritually observing what is now taking place within the development of the sun. But they renounce all the fruits of this contemplation, the perception of the wisdom-filled images that arise, and allow them to flow into the dreamlike consciousness of the "sons of life" like magnificent magical phenomena. These in turn work such images of their vision into the etheric body of the human being so that it reaches ever higher levels of development. - Again a pause for rest occurs, again the whole rises from the "world-sleep", and, after it has lasted a while, the human being is so far mature that it can now stimulate its own powers. These are the same forces that flowed into this human being through the "thrones" during the last period of Saturn. This human being is now developing in an inner life, which in its revelation to the consciousness can be compared to an inner perception of smell. Outwardly, however, towards the celestial space, this human being reveals itself as a personality, albeit one that is not directed by an inner "I". Rather, it appears like a plant acting as a personality. At the end of Saturn's development it has been shown that the personality manifests itself like a machine. And just as there the first germ developed into that which is also germinal in the present human being, the "spirit man" (Atma), so here a similar first germ is formed into the "life spirit" (Buddhi). - After all this has taken place for some time, a pause occurs again. As in similar cases earlier, the activity of the human being continues for a while after this pause. Then circumstances arise which present themselves as a new intervention of the "spirits of wisdom". Through this the human being becomes capable of feeling the first traces of sympathy and antipathy with its surroundings. It is not yet a real feeling in all this, but it is a precursor of feeling. For the inner life activity, which in its manifestation could be characterized as olfactory perceptions, expresses itself outwardly as in a kind of primitive language. If a sympathetic smell - or taste, flickering, etc. - is perceived internally, the human being makes this known externally through a sound. And this happens in a similar way with an inwardly unsympathetic perception. - Through all the processes described, the actual meaning of the development of the sun is achieved for the human being. This has attained a higher level of consciousness compared to Saturn consciousness. This is the sleep consciousness.
[ 38 ] After some time, the point of development has now also occurred when the higher beings connected with the solar level must pass over into other spheres in order to process what they themselves have developed in themselves through their work on the human being. There is a great pause for rest, as there was between the development of Saturn and the sun. Everything that has developed on the sun passes into a state that can be compared to that of the plant when its growth forces are at rest in the seed. But just as these forces of growth emerge again into the light of day in a new plant, so too, after the pause of rest, everything that was life on the sun emerges again from the womb of the world, and a new planetary existence begins. One will understand the meaning of such a pause, a "world sleep", if one only directs one's spiritual gaze to one of the types of beings mentioned, for example to the "spirits of wisdom". They were not yet so far advanced on Saturn that they could have allowed an etheric body to emanate from them. They were only prepared for this through the experiences they had on Saturn. During the pause they now transform that which was first prepared in them into a real ability. Thus, on the sun, they are ready to allow life to flow out of themselves and to endow the human being with its own life body.
[ 39 ] After the resting period, that which was formerly the sun emerges again from the "world sleep". That is, it becomes perceptible again to the spiritually observing powers for whom it was previously observable and for whom it had disappeared during the rest. Now, however, the newly emerging planetary being, which is to be called the "moon" (and which must not be confused with the part of it that is currently the earth's moon), reveals two things. Firstly, that which had separated itself during the solar period as a "new Saturn" is again in the new planetary being. This Saturn has thus reunited with the sun during the rest period. Everything that was in the first Saturn first reappears as a world entity. Secondly, the life bodies of the human being formed on the sun have been absorbed during the rest period by that which in a way forms the spiritual shell of the planet. They therefore do not appear at this time united with the corresponding physical human bodies, but these initially appear on their own. It is true that they carry everything that has been worked out in them on Saturn and the sun, but they lack the etheric or life body. Indeed, they cannot immediately absorb this etheric body, for it has itself undergone a development during the resting period to which they are not yet adapted. - What now occurs at the beginning of the moon's development, so that this adaptation can be achieved, is first of all a repetition of the Saturnian facts. Physical human life goes through the stages of Saturn's development again, only under completely different conditions. On Saturn only the forces of a warm body were at play in him, now there are also those of the developed gaseous body in him. The latter, however, do not appear immediately at the beginning of the moon's development. There everything is as if the human being consisted only of heat substance and the gas forces slumbered within it. Then comes a time when the first hints of this appear. And finally, in the last period of Saturn's repetition, the human being already looks as it did during its living state on the sun. However, all life then still proves to be an illusory life. First there is a pause, similar to the short pauses during the development of the sun. Then the influx of the life body, for which the physical body has now made itself ready, begins anew. Like the repetition of Saturn, this influx takes place in three distinct epochs. During the second of these epochs, the human being is so far adapted to the new lunar conditions that the "spirits of movement" can put into practice the ability they have acquired. This consists of allowing the astral body to flow into the human beings from their own being. They have prepared themselves for this work during the development of the sun and, during the pause between the sun and the moon, have transformed what they have prepared into the ability indicated. This influx now lasts for a while, then one of the smaller pauses occurs. After this, the influx continues until the "spirits of form" begin their activity. When the "spirits of movement" allow the astral body to flow into the human being, the latter acquires the first soul qualities. It begins to follow with sensations the processes that take place in it through the possession of a life body and which were still plant-like during the development of the sun, and to feel pleasure and displeasure through them. However, such pleasure and displeasure continue to flow up and down in the body until the "spirits of form" intervene. Then these changing feelings are transformed in such a way that what can be understood as the first trace of desire appears in the human being. The being strives for a repetition of what once gave pleasure and tries to avoid what was perceived as antipathetic. However, since the "spirits of form" do not transfer their own essence to the human being, but only allow their forces to flow in and out, desire lacks inwardness and independence. It is directed by the "spirits of form". It appears with an instinctive character.
[ 40 ] On Saturn the physical body of the human being was a warm body; on the sun a condensation to the gaseous state or to "air" has occurred. Now, as the astral flows in during the moon's development, at a certain point in time the physical reaches a further degree of condensation, it comes into a state that can be compared to that of a present liquid. This state can be described as "water". However, this does not refer to our present water, but to any liquid form of existence. The physical human body now gradually takes on a form that is composed of three different substantial entities. The densest is a "body of water"; this is permeated by air currents, and heat effects run through all of these again.
[ 41 ] Now even during the solar stage not all formations attain the full corresponding maturity. Therefore, there are entities on the moon that are only at the Saturnian stage and those that have only reached the solar stage. This gives rise to two other kingdoms in addition to the fully developed human kingdom. One that consists of beings who have remained at the Saturnian stage, who therefore only have a physical body that cannot yet become the bearer of an independent life body even on the moon. This is the lowest lunar kingdom. A second kingdom consists of beings who have remained behind on the solar level and who therefore do not mature enough to incorporate an independent astral body on the moon. These form a realm between the aforementioned and the regularly advanced human realm. - But something else also takes place: The substances with mere heat forces and those with mere air forces also permeate the human beings. Thus it comes about that these on the moon carry within them a Saturnian and a solar nature. This has brought a kind of dichotomy into the human nature. And through this dichotomy, after the activity of the "spirits of form" has begun, something very significant is brought about within the development of the moon. A split in the lunar world body begins to prepare itself. One part of its substances and entities separates from the others. One world body becomes two. Certain higher beings, who were previously more intimately connected with the unified world body, make one of them their dwelling place. The other, on the other hand, is occupied by the human being, the two lower realms described above and certain higher beings who have not passed over to the first world body. One of the two world bodies with the higher beings appears like a reborn but refined sun; the other is now the actual new formation, the "old moon", as the third planetary embodiment of our earth, after the Saturn and sun embodiment. Of the substances created on the moon, the reborn sun takes only the "heat" and the "air" with it when it leaves; on what remains as a remnant of the moon, apart from these two substances, there is still the watery state. Through this separation it is achieved that the entities that have moved out with the resurrected sun are not initially hindered in their further development by the denser lunar entities. They can thus progress unhindered in their own development. However, this gives them all the more power to influence the lunar beings from outside, from their sun. And this also gives them new opportunities for development. The "spirits of form" in particular have remained united with them. These solidify the desires and the desire nature; and this is gradually expressed in a further densification of the physical body of the human beings. What was previously merely watery in this body takes on a viscous form, and the airy and heat-like formations condense accordingly. Similar processes also take place in the two lower realms.
[ 42 ] The fact that the lunar body is separated from the solar body has the consequence that the former behaves towards the latter in the same way as the Saturnian body once did towards the entire surrounding world development. The Saturnian body was formed from the body of the "spirits of will" (the thrones). Everything that was experienced by the above-mentioned spiritual beings in the vicinity radiated back into the world space from its substance. And the re-radiation gradually awoke to independent life through the following processes. All development is based on the fact that first an independent being separates itself from the life of the environment; then the environment is imprinted in the separated being as if by reflection and then this separated being continues to develop independently. - In the same way, the lunar body separated itself from the solar body and initially radiated back the life of the solar body. If nothing else had happened, we would be dealing with the following world process. There would be a solar body in which spiritual beings adapted to this body would have their experiences in the warmth and air elements. Opposite this solar body there would be a lunar body in which other beings with the heat, air and water life would unfold. The progress from the solar embodiment to the lunar embodiment would consist in the fact that the solar beings would have their own life in front of them from the lunar processes as in a mirror image and could thus enjoy the same, which was still impossible for them during the solar embodiment.
[ 43 ] But this developmental process did not stop there. Something happened which was of the most profound significance for all subsequent development. Certain entities, which were adapted to the lunar body, took possession of the element of will available to them (the inheritance of the thrones) and thereby developed a life of their own, which took shape independently of solar life. In addition to the experiences of the moon, which are only under the influence of the sun, independent experiences of the moon arise; states of rebellion or revolt, as it were, against the solar beings. And the various kingdoms that arose on the sun and moon, above all the kingdom of the human ancestors, were drawn into these states. The lunar body thus contains two kinds of life, spiritually and materially: that which is closely connected with solar life and that which has "fallen away" from it and goes its own way. This division into twofold life is now expressed in all subsequent processes of the lunar embodiment.
[ 44 ] What presents itself to the supersensible consciousness for this period of development can be characterized in the following images. The whole basic mass of the moon is formed from a semi-living substance, which is in a sometimes sluggish, sometimes lively movement. It is not yet a mineral mass in the sense of the rocks and the components of the earth on which the present man walks. One could speak of a realm of plant minerals. But one has to imagine that the whole basic body of the moon consists of this plant-mineral substance, just as the earth today consists of rocks, arable soil, etc. Just as masses of rock are currently piled up, harder parts were deposited in the lunar mass, which can be compared to hard wooden structures or forms made of horn. And just as plants now rise from the mineral soil, so the lunar soil was covered and permeated by the second realm, consisting of a kind of plant animals. Their substance was softer than the ground mass and more mobile in itself. This realm stretched over the other like a viscous sea. And man himself can be described as an animal man. He had in his nature the components of the other two kingdoms. But his being was completely permeated by a life body and an astral body, on which the forces of the higher beings emanating from the separated sun had an effect. Thus his form was ennobled. While the "spirits of form" gave him a shape through which he was adapted to the life of the moon, the sun spirits made him into an entity that lifted him above this life. He had the power to ennoble his own nature with the abilities given to him by these spirits, indeed to raise that which was related to the lower realms to a higher level. From a spiritual point of view, the processes under consideration here can be described in the following way. The human ancestor had been ennobled by beings who had fallen away from the solar kingdom. This ennoblement extended above all to everything that could be experienced in the water element. The sun beings, who were rulers of the warmth and air elements, had less influence on this element. For the human ancestor this had the consequence that two kinds of beings asserted themselves in his organization: one part of this organization was completely permeated by the effects of the solar beings. In the other, the fallen moon beings were at work. Thus the latter part was more independent than the former. In the former, only states of consciousness could arise in which the solar beings lived; in the latter, a kind of world consciousness lived, as was characteristic of the Saturnian state, only now on a higher level. The human ancestor thus felt himself to be an "image of the world", while his "solar part" only felt itself to be an "image of the sun". - These two entities now entered into a kind of battle in the human nature. And through the influence of the solar entities, a balance was created for this struggle by making the material organization, which made the independent world consciousness possible, frail and transient. From time to time this part of the organization had to be eliminated. During and for some time after the elimination, the human ancestor was a being merely dependent on the influence of the sun. His consciousness became less independent; he lived in it entirely devoted to solar life. Then the independent lunar part renewed itself again. After some time this process was always repeated. Thus the ancestor of man lived on the moon in alternating states of brighter and duller consciousness; and the change was accompanied by a transformation of his nature in material terms. From time to time he shed his lunar body and later took it on again.
[ 45 ] From a physical point of view, the kingdoms of the moon show great diversity. The mineral plants, plant animals and animal people are different according to groups. This will be understood when one considers that, through the remaining of the formations at each of the earlier stages of development, forms have been embodied in the most varied qualities. There are forms which still show the initial qualities of Saturn, those of the middle epoch of this world body, those of the end. The same applies to all stages of development of the sun.
[ 46 ] And just as the entities connected with the evolving world body remain behind, so it is also the case with certain beings that are connected with this development. Through the advancement of the becoming to the moon, a number of stages of such entities have already arisen. There are "spirits of personality" who have not yet reached their human stage on the sun; but there are also those who have made up for their ascent to humanity. A number of the "fire spirits" who should have become human beings on the sun have also remained behind. Just as during the development of the sun certain "spirits of personality" who had remained behind withdrew from the solar body and allowed Saturn to arise again as a special world body, so it also happens that in the course of the development of the moon the entities characterized above separate themselves on special world bodies. So far we have only spoken of the division into Sun and Moon, but for the reasons given, other world entities separate themselves from the lunar body that appeared after the great Sun-Moon pause. After some time we are dealing with a system of world bodies, the most advanced of which, as can easily be seen, must be called the new sun. And a bond of attraction similar to that described above for the solar development between the Saturnian realm that has remained behind and the personality spirits on the new Saturn is formed between each such world body and the corresponding lunar beings. It would go far too far here to follow all the emerging world bodies in detail. It must suffice to have pointed out the reason why a series of world bodies gradually emerge from the uniform world structure that appears as Saturn at the beginning of human development.
[ 47 ] After the "spirits of form" have set in on the moon, the development continues for a time in the way that has been described. After this time a pause occurs again. During it the coarser parts of the three lunar kingdoms remain in a kind of resting state; the finer parts, however, namely the astral bodies of the human beings, detach themselves from these coarser formations. They enter a state in which the higher forces of the sublime solar beings can have a particularly strong effect on them. - After the resting period they again penetrate those parts of the human being that consist of the coarser substances. Because they have absorbed the strong forces during the pause - in a free state - they can make these coarser substances ripe for the effect which, after a certain time, is now to be exerted on them by the properly advanced "spirits of personality" and the "spirits of fire".
[ 48 ] These "spirits of personality" have meanwhile risen to a level at which they have the "consciousness of inspiration". They can not only perceive the inner states of other beings in images - as was the case with the earlier image consciousness - but also the inner states of such beings themselves, as if in a spiritual tonal language. The "spirits of fire", however, have risen to the level of consciousness that the "spirits of personality" had on the senses. Both types of spirits can thus intervene in the mature life of the human being. The "spirits of personality" work on the astral body, the "spirits of fire" on the etheric body of this human being. The astral body thereby acquires the character d of the personality. It now not only experiences pleasure and pain within itself, but also relates them to itself. It does not yet attain a complete ego-consciousness that says to itself "I am here"; but it feels carried and protected by other beings in its environment. By looking up to them, as it were, he can say to himself: This environment of mine keeps me in existence. - The "fire spirits" now have an effect on the etheric body. Under their influence, the movement of the forces in this body becomes more and more an inner life activity. What arises there finds physical expression in a movement of juices and in growth phenomena. The gaseous substances have condensed into watery ones; we can speak of a kind of nourishment in the sense that what is absorbed from the outside is transformed and processed internally. If one thinks of a middle ground between nourishment and respiration in the present sense, then one gets an idea of what happened in this direction at that time. The nutrients were taken from the realm of animal plants by the human being. These animal plants are to be thought of as floating and swimming - or even slightly grown - in an element surrounding them, just as the present lower animals live in water or the land animals in the air. However, this element is neither water nor air in the present sense, but something in the middle of both, a kind of dense vapor in which the most diverse substances move back and forth as if dissolved in the most diverse currents. The animal plants only appear as condensed, regular forms of this element, often physically only slightly different from their surroundings. The respiration process exists alongside the nourishment process. It is not like on earth, but like an intake and outflow of warmth. For extrasensory observation, it is as if organs opened and closed again during these processes, through which a warming current flows in and out and the air and water-like substances are also drawn in and out. And because the human being already possesses an astral body at this stage of its development, this breathing and nourishment are accompanied by feelings, so that a kind of pleasure arises when such substances are taken in from outside that are beneficial for the development of the human being. Displeasure is caused when harmful substances flow in or even come close by. - Just as the breathing process was close to the process of nourishment during the moon's development as described above, so the process of conception was close to reproduction. The things and beings in the lunar man's environment did not have a direct effect on any of his senses. Rather, the imagination was such that the presence of such things and beings aroused images in the dull, dim consciousness. These images were in a much more intimate connection with the actual nature of the surroundings than the present sensory perceptions, which in colors, sounds, smells, etc. only show, as it were, the outside of the beings. In order to have a clearer concept of the consciousness of the moon people, imagine that they are embedded in the vaporous environment described above. The most diverse processes take place in this vaporous element. Substances combine, substances separate from each other. Parts become denser, others become thinner. All this takes place in such a way that human beings do not see or hear it directly, but it evokes images in the human consciousness. These images are comparable to those of the present dream consciousness. Like when an object falls to earth and a sleeping person does not perceive the actual process, but some image, for example, he thinks that a shot is being fired. But the images of the moon consciousness are not arbitrary like such dream images; they are indeed symbols, not images, but they correspond to external processes. Only a very specific image appears with a specific external process. The moon man is thus able to adjust his behavior according to these images, just as the present man does according to his perceptions. It should only be noted that behavior on the basis of perceptions is subject to arbitrariness, while action under the influence of the marked images takes place as if under a dark impulse. - This image-consciousness is by no means such that only external physical processes are sensualized through it, but the spiritual beings and their activities behind the physical facts are also presented through the images. Thus the "spirits of personality" become visible, as it were, in the things of the animal-plant kingdom; the "spirits of fire" appear behind and in the mineral-plant beings; and the "sons of life" appear as beings which man is able to imagine without connection with anything physical, which he sees, as it were, as etheric-soul formations. - If these ideas of the moon consciousness were not images, but only symbols of the outside, they had a much more significant effect on the inside of the human being than the present ideas of man conveyed through perception. They were able to set the whole inner being in motion and activity. The inner processes were shaped according to them. They were genuine formative forces. The human being became what these formative forces shaped it to be. To a certain extent, it became an image of its processes of consciousness.
[ 49 ] The further the progress of development takes place in this way, the more it results in a profound change taking place in the human being. The power emanating from the images of consciousness can gradually no longer extend over the entire human body. Such limbs are formed which are subject to the formative effect of the consciousness of images and become to a high degree an image of the life of imagination in the sense just described. Other organs, however, elude such influence. The human being is, as it were, too dense in one part of his being, too determined by other laws, to be guided by the images of consciousness. These withdraw themselves from the influence of the human being; but they come under another, under that of the sublime solar beings themselves. However, this stage of development is preceded by a period of rest. During this period the sun spirits gather the strength to work on the beings of the moon under completely new circumstances. - After this period of rest, the human being is clearly divided into two natures. One is withdrawn from the independent activity of the image-consciousness; it takes on a more definite form and comes under the influence of forces which, although they emanate from the lunar body, only arise in it through the influence of the solar beings. This part of the human being increasingly lives the life that is stimulated by the sun. The other part rises like a kind of head from the former. It is mobile in itself, pictorial, and forms itself as the expression and carrier of the human dull life of consciousness. Yet the two parts are intimately connected; they send their juices to each other; limbs extend from one into the other.
[ 50 ] A meaningful harmony is now achieved by the fact that in the course of time, in which all this has happened, such a relationship of sun and moon has also developed, which agrees with the direction of this development. - It has already been indicated in an earlier passage (see page 172) how the progressing beings, through their stages of development, separate their heavenly bodies from the general mass of the world. They radiate, as it were, the forces according to which the substances are organized. The sun and moon have separated themselves from each other in such a way as was necessary to create the right dwelling places for the corresponding beings. But this determination of matter and its forces by the spirit goes much further. The beings themselves also cause certain movements of the world bodies, certain revolutions of them around each other. This brings these bodies into changing positions in relation to each other. And if the position of one world body changes in relation to the other, the effects of their corresponding beings on each other also change. This is what happened with the sun and the moon. Through the movement of the moon around the sun, which has arisen, the human beings alternately come more into the area of the sun's effect; at other times they can turn away from it and are then more dependent on themselves. The movement is a consequence of the above-described "falling away" of certain lunar beings and the compensation for the struggle that this has caused. It is only the physical expression of the spiritual balance of power created by the apostasy. The fact that one body moves around the other has the consequence that in the beings inhabiting the world bodies such changing states of consciousness occur as have been described above. It can be said that the moon alternately turns its life towards and away from the sun. There is a solar time and a planetary time, in the latter of which the lunar beings develop on a side of the moon that is turned away from the sun. However, for the moon there is something else in addition to the movement of the celestial bodies. The supersensible consciousness looking back can see how the lunar beings themselves wander around their world body at very regular intervals. In certain times they seek out places where they can surrender to the influence of the sun; in other epochs they wander to places where they are not subject to this influence and can then, as it were, reflect on themselves.
[ 51 ] To complete the picture to be drawn of these processes, it should also be noted that the "sons of life" reach their human stage during this period. Even on the moon, man cannot yet use his senses, which were already developed on Saturn, for his own perception of external objects. But these senses become instruments of the "sons of life" on the lunar stage. They make use of them in order to perceive through them. These senses, which belong to the physical human body, thereby enter into a reciprocal relationship with the "sons of life". They not only make use of them, but also perfect them.
[ 52 ] Now, as has already been described, through the changing relationships with the sun, a change occurs in the living conditions of the human being itself. Things develop in such a way that every time the human being is subject to the influence of the sun, it is more devoted to solar life and its phenomena than to itself. At such times he feels the greatness and glory of the universe as it is expressed in being in the sun. It absorbs it, as it were. The sublime beings that have their dwelling place on the sun have an effect on the moon. And this again has an effect on the human being. However, this effect does not extend to the whole human being, but primarily to those parts of him that have withdrawn from the influence of his own consciousness images. In particular, the physical body and the life body attain a certain size and form. In return, however, the phenomena of consciousness recede. When the human being is turned away from the sun in his life, he is occupied with his own nature. There begins an inner activity, especially in the astral body. On the other hand, the outer form becomes less attractive, less perfect. - Thus during the development of the moon there are the two characterized, clearly distinguishable, alternating states of consciousness. A duller one during the solar period and a brighter one during the epoch in which life is more dependent on itself. The first state is duller, but it is also more selfless: the human being lives more in devotion to the outside world, to the universe reflected in the sun. It is a change in the states of consciousness that can be compared with the change between sleep and waking in the present human being, as well as with his life between birth and death on the one hand and the more spiritual existence between death and a new birth on the other. Waking up on the moon, when solar time gradually ceases, could be characterized as a middle ground between the waking up of the present human being every morning and his birth. And likewise, the gradual dulling of consciousness as solar time approaches is like a middle state between falling asleep and dying. For there was no such consciousness of birth and death on the old moon as is characteristic of the present human being. In a kind of solar life man gave himself up to the enjoyment of this life. For this time he was removed from his own life. He lived more spiritually. We can only attempt an approximate and comparative description of what man experienced in such times. He felt as if the forces of the universe were flowing into him, pulsating through him. He felt as if he were drunk with the harmonies of the universe that he was experiencing. At such times, his astral body was as if liberated from the physical body. And a part of the life body was also pulled out of the physical body. And this structure, consisting of astral body and life body, was like a fine, wonderful musical instrument on whose strings the mysteries of the universe resounded. And the limbs of that part of the human being over which consciousness had little influence were shaped according to the harmonies of the universe. For the beings of the sun worked in these harmonies. Thus this part of the human being was shaped by the spiritual sounds of the world. And the change between the brighter state of consciousness and this duller one during the time of the sun was not as abrupt as that of the present human being between waking and completely dreamless sleep. However, the picture consciousness was not as bright as the present waking consciousness; but the other consciousness was not as dull as the dreamless sleep of the present. And so the human being had a kind of, albeit muted, idea of the play of world harmonies in his physical body and that part of the etheric body that remained connected to the physical body. During the time in which the sun did not shine for the human being, the images took the place of the harmonies in consciousness. Especially those parts of the physical and etheric body that were under the direct power of consciousness came to life. In contrast, the other parts of the human being, which were not affected by the powers of formation from the sun, underwent a kind of hardening and withering process. And when the time of the sun approached again, the old bodies decayed; they separated from the human being, and as if from a grave of its old corporeality, the human being emerged newly formed within, even if still unsightly in this form. A renewal of the life process had taken place. Through the effect of the solar beings and their harmonies, the newborn body then took shape again in its perfection and the process described above was repeated. And the human being experienced this renewal like putting on a new garment. The core of his being had not passed through an actual birth or death; he had only passed from a spiritual consciousness of sound, in which he was devoted to the outer world, to one in which he was more turned towards the inner. He had shed his skin. The old body had become useless; it was cast off and renewed. This also describes more precisely what has been characterized above as a kind of procreation and which has been noted as being close to the life of imagination. The human being has produced its own kind in relation to certain parts of the physical and etheric body. But no daughter being arises that is completely distinct from the parent being, but the essence of the former passes over to the latter. The latter does not bring forth a new being, but itself in a new form. Thus the moon man experiences a change of consciousness. As the time of the sun approaches, his images become duller and duller, a blissful devotion fills him; the harmonies of the world resound in his calm inner being. Towards the end of this time, the images in the astral body come to life; he begins to feel and sense himself more. The human being experiences something like an awakening from the bliss and tranquillity into which he was immersed during the solar period. However, another important experience occurs. With the new illumination of the images of consciousness, the human being sees himself as if enveloped in a cloud that has descended upon him like an entity from outer space. And it feels this entity as something belonging to it, as an addition to its own nature. It feels it like that which gives it its existence, like its "I". This entity is one of the "sons of life". Towards it, man feels something like this: "I have lived in this one, even while I was devoted to the glory of the universe in the time of the sun; at that time he was only not visible to me; but now he becomes visible to me". And it is also this "son of life" from whom the power emanates for the effect that man exerts on his own body in the sunless time. And then, when the time of the sun approaches again, man feels as if he himself becomes one with the "Son of Life". Even if he does not see him there, he still feels intimately connected to him.
[ 53 ] The relationship with the "sons of life" was such that not every individual human being had a "son of life" for himself, but a whole group of people felt that such a being belonged to them. Thus on the moon people lived separately in such groups, and each group perceived the common "group ego" in a "son of life". The difference between the groups was made evident by the fact that the etheric bodies of each group had a particular form. However, since the physical bodies are formed according to the etheric bodies, the differences of the latter also manifested themselves in the former and the individual human groups appeared as just as many human species. When the "sons of life" looked down on the groups of human beings belonging to them, they saw themselves multiplied, as it were, in the individual human beings. And in this they felt their own ego. They reflected themselves in the people, as it were. This was also the task of the human senses at that time. It has been shown that they did not yet convey perceptions of objects. But they reflected the essence of the "sons of life". What these "sons of life" perceived through this reflection gave them their "I-consciousness". And what was aroused by the reflection in the human astral body were the images of the dull, twilight moon consciousness. - The effect of this human activity, carried out in interaction with the "sons of life", took effect in the physical body in the structure of the nervous system. The nerves are like extensions of the senses to the interior of the human body.
[ 54 ] It is evident from the above how the three types of spirits, those of the "personality", the "fire spirits" and the "sons of life", affect the lunar man. If one considers the main period of the Moon's development, the middle period of development, it can be said that the "spirits of personality" imbue the human astral body with independence, the personality character. It is due to this fact that at times when the sun is not shining, as it were, man can be introverted and able to work on himself. The "fire spirits" are active in the etheric body insofar as it imprints the independent shaping of the human being. It is through them that the human being feels itself to be the same again each time after the renewal of the body. A kind of memory is thus given to the etheric body through the "spirits of fire". The "sons of life" work on the physical body in such a way that it can become the expression of the astral body that has become independent. They thus make it possible for this physical body to become a physiognomic image of its astral body. On the other hand, higher spiritual entities, namely the "spirits of form" and those of movement, intervene in the physical body and the etheric body, insofar as these develop independently of the independent astral body during the solar periods. Their intervention takes place in the manner described above from the sun.
[ 55 ] Under the influence of such facts, the human being matures in order to gradually form the germ of the "spirit self" in a similar way to how the germ of the spirit man and the germ of the spirit of life were formed on the sun in the second half of Saturn's development. This changes all the conditions on the moon. Through the successive transformations and renewals the human beings have become ever more noble and refined; but they have also gained in strength. As a result, the consciousness of images was preserved more and more in the times of the sun. It thereby also gained influence on the shaping of the physical and etheric body, which previously took place entirely through the effect of the solar beings. What happened on the moon through the human beings and the spirits connected with them became more and more similar to what had previously been brought about by the sun with its higher beings. The consequence of this was that these solar beings were able to use their powers more and more for their own development. As a result of this, the moon became ripe to be reunited with the sun after some time. - From a spiritual point of view, these processes can be described as follows: The "fallen moon beings" have gradually been overcome by the sun beings and must now submit to them in such a way that their activities are integrated into the activities of the sun beings by subordinating themselves to them. - However, this only happened after long epochs in which the moon times had become shorter and shorter and the sun times longer and longer. There is now another development during which the sun and moon are one world entity. The physical human body has become completely ethereal. - But one should not imagine, when it is said that the physical body has become etheric, that one cannot speak of a physical body for such states. What was formed as a physical body during the Saturnian, solar and lunar periods remains present. It is important to recognize the physical not only where it manifests itself physically on the outside. The physical can also be present in such a way that outwardly it shows the form of the etheric, even that of the astral. A distinction must be made between the outer appearance and the inner regularity. A physical entity can etherealize and astralize itself, but retain the physical lawfulness within itself. This is the case when the physical body of the human being on the moon has reached a certain degree of perfection. It becomes etheric. But when the super-sensible consciousness, which can observe this, focuses on such an etheric body, then it does not appear to it to be imbued with the laws of the etheric, but with those of the physical. The physical is then absorbed into the etheric in order to rest in it as in a mother's womb and to be nurtured therein. Later it also emerges again in physical form, but at a higher level. If the human beings of the moon kept their physical body in the gross physical form, the moon could never unite with the sun. By assuming the etheric form, the physical body becomes more closely related to the etheric body, and it can thereby again penetrate more intimately with those parts of the etheric and astral body which had to withdraw from it during the solar epochs of the moon's development. The human being, who appeared as a double being during the separation of sun and moon, becomes a unified creature again. The physical becomes more spiritual, but the spiritual also becomes more connected with the physical. - The sun spirits, into whose immediate sphere the human being has now come, can now have a completely different effect on this unified human being than before from the outside towards the moon. The human being is now in a more soul-spiritual environment. This allows the "spirits of wisdom" to have a meaningful effect. They imprint wisdom on him. They inspire him with wisdom. He thus becomes an independent soul in a certain sense. And in addition to the influence of these beings, there is also that of the "spirits of movement". They have a special effect on the astral body, so that it develops a soul-like activity and a wisdom-filled life body under the influence of these beings. The etheric body, filled with wisdom, is the first disposition for what has been described in an earlier section as the intellectual soul in the present human being, while the astral body, excited by the "spirits of movement", is the germinal disposition of the sentient soul. And because all of this is brought about in the human being in his heightened state of independence, these germinal structures of the intellectual and intuitive souls appear as the expression of the "spirit self". On the other hand, one should not allow oneself to be misled into thinking that in this period of development the "spirit self" is still something special alongside the intellectual and emotional souls. The latter are only the expression of the "spirit self", and this signifies their higher unity and harmony.
[ 56 ] It is of particular significance that the "spirits of wisdom" intervene in this epoch in the manner described. They do this not only with regard to human beings, but also for the other kingdoms that have developed on the moon. When the sun and moon reunite, these lower kingdoms are drawn into the solar realm. Everything that was physical about them is etherized. So now mineral plants and plant animals are found in the sun, just as the human being is in it. But these other beings remain endowed with their own laws. This makes them feel like strangers in their environment. They appear with a nature that is only slightly in tune with that of their surroundings. But since they are etherized, the effect of the "spirits of wisdom" can also extend to them. Everything that has come into the sun from the moon is now permeated with the forces of the "spirits of wisdom". Therefore, what becomes of the sun-moon formation within this developmental period can be called the "cosmos of wisdom". - When, after a period of rest, our earth system appears as a descendant of this 'cosmos of wisdom', all the new beings living on earth and sprouting from their moon germs show themselves to be filled with wisdom. This is the reason why the human being on earth, when he looks at the things around him, can explore wisdom in the nature of their being. One can admire the wisdom in every plant leaf, in every animal and human bone, in the miraculous structure of the brain and the heart. If man needs wisdom to understand things, i.e. to extract wisdom from them, this shows that wisdom lies within things. For no matter how hard man tries to understand things through wisdom-filled ideas, he cannot extract wisdom from them if it is not first put into them. He who wants to grasp things through wisdom, which he believes have not first received wisdom, may also believe that he can draw water from a glass into which it has not first been poured. The earth is, as will be shown later in this writing, the resurrected "old moon". And it appears as an entity full of wisdom, because in the epoch described it was imbued with the powers of the "spirits of wisdom".
[ 57 ] It will seem understandable that only certain temporary forms of development could be recorded in this description of the moon's relationships. To a certain extent, certain things had to be captured in the progress of the facts and singled out for depiction. This kind of description, however, only gives individual pictures; and it may therefore be missed in the foregoing that the development has not been brought into a network of fixed concepts. In the face of such an objection, however, it may perhaps be pointed out that the description has been deliberately given in less precise terms. For it is not so much a matter of giving speculative concepts and constructions of ideas here, but rather an idea of what can really present itself to the spiritual eye of the supersensible vision directed towards these facts. And for the moon's development this is not something in such sharp and definite outlines as the earth's perceptions show. In the lunar epoch we are dealing with changeable, changing impressions, with fluctuating, moving images and their transitions. Furthermore, it must be taken into account that a development over long, long periods of time comes into consideration and that from this only momentary images can be captured in the representation.
[ 58 ] The essential climax of the lunar epoch is reached at the point in time when the astral body implanted in the human being has brought it so far forward in its development that its physical body gives the "sons of life" the opportunity to reach their level of humanity. The human being has also achieved all that this epoch can give him for himself, for his inner being, on the path forward. The following, i.e. the second half of the moon's development, could therefore be described as a flowing away. But you can see that in relation to man's environment and also for man himself, an important thing happens precisely in this epoch. Wisdom is implanted in the solar-moon body. It has been shown that the germs of the soul of understanding and feeling are laid during this outflow. However, the unfolding of these and also of the consciousness soul and thus the birth of the "I", the free self-consciousness, will only take place during the time on earth. At the lunar stage, the soul of understanding and the soul of feeling do not yet appear as if the human being itself were already expressing itself through them, but as if they were instruments for the "sons of life" belonging to the human being. If one wanted to characterize the feeling that man has in this direction on the moon, one would have to say that he feels thus: "In me and through me lives the
[ 59 ] The actual development of the moon was preceded by preparation. A repetition of Saturn's and the sun's evolution took place in a certain way. Now, after the reunion of sun and moon, two epochs can also be distinguished from each other during the time of the outflow. During these, physical condensations even occur to a certain degree. Spiritual-soul states of the sun-moon formation thus alternate with physical ones. In such physical epochs the human beings and also the beings of the lower kingdoms appear as if they were modeling in stiff, dependent forms what they are to become later, in earth time, in a more independent way. We can therefore speak of two preparatory epochs of the moon's development and of two others during the time of the outflow. Such epochs can be called "cycles". In that which follows the two preparatory epochs and precedes those of the outflow, i.e. in the time of the splitting of the moon, it will also be possible to distinguish three epochs. The middle one is the time of the incarnation of the "sons of life". It is preceded by one in which all relationships come to a head towards this main event; and it is followed by another which can be described as a settling in and shaping in the new creations. Thus the middle lunar development again separates into three epochs, which, with the two preparatory and the two outflowing ones, gives seven lunar cycles. It can therefore be said that the entire lunar development flows in seven cycles. There are pauses between these cycles. For example, the solar beings gradually withdraw from their activity on the moon. For them a time begins which appears to the outside world as their rest period, while on the moon itself there is still lively independent activity. Thus the epoch of activity of one kind of being extends many times into the pause of rest of the other. If we take this into account, we can speak of a rhythmic rise and fall of forces in cycles. Indeed, similar divisions can also be recognized within the seven lunar cycles indicated. One can then call the whole lunar development a great cycle, a planetary cycle; then the seven divisions within such a cycle "small" cycles and the links of these again "smaller" cycles. This division into seven times seven sections is already noticeable in the development of the sun and is also indicated during the Saturnian epoch. However, it must be borne in mind that the boundaries between the divisions are already blurred in the Sun and even more so in Saturn. These boundaries become clearer and clearer as development progresses towards the Earth epoch.
[ 60 ] After the conclusion of the lunar development outlined above, all the entities and forces in question enter a more spiritual form of existence. This is on a completely different level than that during the lunar period and also than that during the following earth development. A being which would have such highly developed cognitive abilities that it could perceive all the details of the moon and earth development would therefore not yet need to be able to see what happens between the two developments. For such a being, the beings and forces would, as it were, vanish into nothingness at the end of the lunar period and emerge again from the twilight darkness of the womb after an intervening period. Only a being with even higher abilities could follow the spiritual facts that occur in the meantime.
[ 61 ] At the end of the interim period, the beings involved in the developmental processes on Saturn, the sun and the moon emerge with new abilities. Through their previous deeds, the beings above the human being have acquired the ability to further develop the human being in such a way that during the earth time following the moon time he can unfold a type of consciousness within himself which is one level higher than the image consciousness which was characteristic of him during the moon time. However, the human being must first be prepared to receive what is to be given to him. During the development of Saturn, the sun and the moon, he has incorporated the physical body, the life body and the astral body into his being. But these members of his being have only received those faculties and powers which enable them to live for a picture-consciousness; they still lack the organs and the form through which they can perceive a world of sense-external objects, as is appropriate for the earth stage. Just as the new plant only unfolds that which has been predisposed in the germ that comes from the old one, so at the beginning of the new stage of development the three members of human nature appear with such forms and organs that they can only unfold image-consciousness. They must first be prepared for the unfolding of a higher level of consciousness. - This happens in three preliminary stages. Within the first, the physical body is raised to such a height that it is able to take on the necessary transformation that can form the basis of object consciousness. This is a preliminary stage of earthly development, which can be described as a repetition of the period on a higher level. For during this period, as during the Saturn period, higher beings only work on the physical body. If the latter is sufficiently advanced in its development, then all beings must first again pass over into a higher form of existence before the life body can also progress. The physical body must be recast, as it were, in order to be able to receive the more highly developed life body when it unfolds again. After this intermediate period dedicated to a higher form of existence, a kind of repetition of the sun's development occurs at a higher level to form the life body. And again after an intermediate period, a similar thing occurs for the astral body in a repetition of the moon's development.
[ 62 ] The attention is now directed to the facts of development after the end of the third of the described repetitions. All entities and powers have spiritualized again. During this spiritualization they have ascended to high worlds. The lowest of the worlds, in which something of them can still be perceived during this spiritualization epoch, is the one in which the present human being dwells between death and a new birth. These are the regions of the spirit land. They then gradually descend again to lower worlds. Before the physical development on earth begins, they have descended so far that their lowest revelations can be seen in the astral or soul world.
[ 63 ] All that is present of man in this period still has its astral form. In order to understand this state of humanity, particular attention should be paid to the fact that the human being has a physical body, a life body and an astral body, but that both the physical and the life body are not present in physical and etheric, but in astral form. What makes the physical body physical is not the physical form, but the fact that, although it has the astral form, it still has the physical laws within itself. It is a being with physical lawfulness in soul form. The same applies to the living body.
[ 64 ] At this stage of development, the earth initially stands before the spiritual eye as a world being that is entirely soul and spirit, in which the physical and living forces therefore also still appear soul-like. This world entity contains everything that is later to be transformed into the creatures of the physical earth. It is luminous; but its light is not yet such as physical eyes could perceive, even if they were there. It only shines in the spiritual light for the open eye of the seer.
[ 65 ] Something happens in this being that can be described as condensation. The result of this condensation is that after some time a form of fire appears in the midst of the soul structure, such as Saturn was in its densest state. This form of fire is interwoven with the effects of the various entities involved in the development. The interaction between these entities and the celestial body can be observed as an emergence and immersion from and into the earth's sphere of fire. The earthly sphere of fire is therefore not a uniform substance, but something like a soulful and spiritualized organism. Those beings who are destined to become human beings on earth in their present form are still in a position where they participate least in the immersion into the fire body. They still remain almost entirely in the uncondensed environment. They are still in the bosom of the higher spiritual beings. At this stage they only touch the fiery earth with one point of their soul form; and this causes the heat to condense a part of their astral form. This ignites earth life in them. They still belong to the soul-spiritual worlds with the largest part of their being; only through contact with the earth fire are they surrounded by the warmth of life. If one wanted to form a sensual-supersensible picture of these people at the beginning of the physical earth time, one would have to imagine a soul egg shape contained in the earth's orbit and enclosed by a cup on its lower surface like the acorn fruit. But the substance of the cup consists only of heat or fire. The enveloping of warmth not only has the consequence that life is ignited in the human being, but at the same time a change occurs in the astral body. This incorporates the first disposition for what later becomes the sentient soul. We can therefore say that the human being at this stage of his existence consists of the sentient soul, the astral body, the life body and the physical body woven from fire. In the astral body the spiritual entities that are involved in man's existence sway up and down; through the intuitive soul he feels bound to the earth body. Thus at this time he has a predominant consciousness of images, in which the spiritual beings in whose womb he lies reveal themselves; and only as a point within this consciousness does the sensation of his own body appear. He looks down, as it were, from the spiritual world upon an earthly possession of which he feels: "This is yours." - Again and again the condensation of the earth progresses; and thus the characterized division in man becomes ever clearer. From a certain point in its development, the earth is condensed to such an extent that only one part is still fiery. Another part has taken on a substantial form which can be described as "gas" or "air". Now a change is also taking place with the human being. He is now not only touched by the heat of the earth, but the substance of air is incorporated into his fiery body. And just as the warmth has ignited life in him, the air that surrounds him has an effect in him that can be described as (spiritual) sound. His living body resounds. At the same time, a part separates from the astral body, which is the first plant of the later appearing intellectual soul. - In order to visualize what is going on in the human soul at this time, one must pay attention to the fact that in the air-fire body of the earth the beings standing above the human being weigh up and down. In the earth of fire, it is first of all the "spirits of personality" that are significant for man. And when man is aroused to life by the heat of the earth, his sentient soul says to itself: these are the "spirits of personality". In the same way, those beings who were called "archangels" (in the sense of Christian esotericism) above in this writing announce themselves in the air body. It is their effects that man feels as a sound within himself when the air plays around him. And the intellectual soul says to itself: "These are the archangels". Thus what man perceives at this stage through his connection with the earth is not yet a sum of physical objects, but he lives in sensations of warmth that rise up to him and in sounds; but he senses the "spirits of personality" and the "archangels" in these currents of warmth and in this wave of sound. However, he cannot perceive these beings directly, but only as if through the veil of warmth and sound. While these perceptions penetrate his soul from the earth, the images of the higher beings, in whose bosom he feels himself, still rise and fall within it.
[ 66 ] Now the development of the earth continues. The progression is again expressed in a densification. The watery substance is incorporated into the earth's body so that it now consists of three parts, the fiery, the aerial and the watery. Before this happens, an important process takes place. An independent world body splits off from the fire-air earth, which then becomes the present sun in its further development. Previously, the earth and the sun were one body. After the separation of the sun, the earth still contains everything that is in and on the present moon. The separation of the sun happens because higher beings can no longer bear the matter, which is condensed to water, for their own development and for what they have to do for the earth. They extract from the common earth mass the substances that are only useful to them and withdraw from it to form a new dwelling place in the sun. They now act on the earth from outside the sun. For his further development, however, the human being requires a place where the substance can condense even further.
[ 67 ] The incorporation of the watery substance into the earthly body is accompanied by a transformation of the human being. Now not only fire flows into him, and not only air flows around him, but the watery substance is incorporated into his physical body. At the same time, his etheric part changes; man now perceives it as a fine body of light. Before, man felt streams of warmth coming up to him from the earth, he felt air approaching him through sounds; now the watery element also penetrates his fire-air body, and he sees its inflow and outflow as the shining and dimming of light. But a change has also occurred in his soul. In addition to the faculties of the sensory and intellectual soul, the consciousness soul has been added. The "angels" work in the element of water; they are also the actual light stimulators. To man it is as if they appeared to him in the light. - Certain higher beings, which were previously in the earth body itself, now affect it from the sun. This changes all the effects on earth. The human being bound to the earth could no longer feel the effects of the solar beings within himself if his soul were continually turned towards the earth from which his physical body is taken. A change now occurs in the human states of consciousness. At certain times the sun beings snatch the soul of man from the physical body, so that man is now alternately in the womb of the sun beings purely spiritual, and at other times in a state where he is connected with the body and receives the influences of the earth. When he is in the physical body, the heat currents flow up to him. The air masses surround him; the water flows out of him and into him. When man is outside his body, his soul is suffused with the images of the higher beings in whose bosom he is. - At this stage of its development, the earth experiences two periods. In the one it is allowed to play around the human souls with its substances and cover them with bodies; in the other the souls have departed from it; only the bodies have remained. It is in a dormant state with the human beings. It is quite appropriate to say that in these times of the distant past the earth goes through a daytime and a nighttime. (Physically and spatially this is expressed by the fact that through the mutual effect of the sun and earth beings the earth comes into a movement in relation to the sun; this brings about the change in the characterized night and day time. Daytime takes place when the earth's surface, on which the human being develops, is turned towards the sun; nighttime, i.e. the time when the human being leads a purely spiritual existence, takes place when this surface is turned away from the sun. However, we must not imagine that in those primeval times the movement of the earth around the sun was similar to the present. The conditions were still quite different. But it is also useful to realize here that the movements of the celestial bodies arise as a result of the relationships that the spiritual beings inhabiting them have with each other. The celestial bodies are brought into such positions and movements by spiritual-mental causes that the spiritual states can live out in the physical).
[ 68 ] If one were to look at the earth during its night time, one would see its body like a corpse. For it consists largely of the decaying bodies of people whose souls are in a different form of existence. The articulated, watery and airy structures from which the human bodies were formed decay and dissolve into the rest of the earthly mass. Only that part of the human body which was formed through the interaction of fire and the human soul from the beginning of the earth's development and which subsequently became denser and denser remains like an outwardly unsightly germ. What is said here about daytime and nighttime must not be too similar to what is meant by these terms for the present earth. When, at the beginning of the day, the earth again becomes partaker of the direct influence of the sun, then the human souls penetrate into the realm of physical life. They come into contact with those germs and cause them to sprout, so that they take on an outer form that appears like an image of the human soul being. It is something like a delicate fertilization that takes place between the human soul and the body germ. Now these embodied souls also begin to draw in the air and water masses again and incorporate them into their bodies. The air is expelled from the structured body and drawn in: the first facility for the later breathing process. Water is also taken in and expelled: an original type of nourishment process begins. However, these processes are not yet perceived as external. A kind of external perception takes place through the soul only in the characterized kind of fertilization. There the soul dully feels its awakening to physical existence by touching the germ that is held out to it by the earth. It hears something that can be expressed in the words: "This is my form". And such a feeling, which could also be called a dawning sense of self, remains with the soul throughout its connection with the physical body. However, the process of taking in the air is still experienced by the soul in a soul-spiritual way, still as a pictorial one. It appears in the form of sound images weighing in and out, which give form to the dividing germ. The soul feels itself surrounded everywhere by sounds, and it senses how it shapes the body according to these sound forces. In this way human forms were formed at that stage which cannot be observed by a present consciousness in any external world. They develop like finely substantial plant and flower-like forms, which are, however, inwardly mobile and therefore appear like fluttering flowers. And man experiences the blissful feeling of his forming into such shapes during his time on earth. The absorption of the watery parts is felt in the soul as a supply of strength, as an inner strengthening. Outwardly it appears as the growth of the physical human form. As the direct effect of the sun diminishes, the human soul also loses the power to control these processes. They are gradually discarded. Only those parts remain which allow the germ described above to mature. The human being, however, leaves his body and returns to the spiritual form of existence. (Since not all parts of the earth's body are used to build human bodies, one should not imagine that in the night time the earth consists only of the decaying corpses and the germs waiting to be awakened. All of this is embedded in other formations that are formed from the substances of the earth. How it behaves with these will be shown later.)
[ 69 ] But now the process of compression of the earth's substance continues. The watery element is joined by the solid, which can be called "earthy". And thus the human being also begins to incorporate the earthy element into his body during his time on earth. As soon as this incorporation begins, the forces that the soul brings with it from its body-free time no longer have the same power as before. In the past, the soul formed the body from the fiery, airy and watery elements according to the sounds that surrounded it and the light images that played around it. In contrast to the solidified form, the soul cannot do this. Other powers now intervene in its creation. In that which remains of the human being when the soul departs from the body, there is now not only a germ which is kindled to life by the returning soul, but an entity which also contains within itself the power of this vitalization. When the soul departs, it not only leaves behind its afterimage on earth, but it also sinks part of its vitalizing power into this image. When it reappears on earth it can no longer awaken the image to life alone, but the revitalization must take place in the image itself. The spiritual beings, which work on earth from the sun, now receive the enlivening power in the human body, even if the human being is not on earth himself. Thus, when the soul is embodied, it not only feels the sounds and light images that surround it, in which it perceives the beings that are initially above it, but through the perception of the earthy element it also experiences the influence of those still higher beings that have taken up residence on the sun. Sun have set up their scene. Previously man felt that he belonged to the spiritual-soul beings with whom he was united when he was free of his body. In their bosom was still his "I". Now this "I" confronted him during the physical embodiment, just like the other beings around him during this time. Independent images of the soul-spiritual human being were now on earth. In comparison with the present human body, these were formations of fine materiality. For the earthy parts were only mixed with them in the finest state. Just as the present human being absorbs the finely distributed substances of an object with his olfactory organ. The human bodies were like shadows. But since they were distributed over the whole earth, they came under the effects of the earth, which were of different kinds on different parts of its surface. Whereas before the bodily images corresponded to the soul-man who animated them and were therefore essentially the same over the whole earth, now diversity appeared among the human forms. This prepared the way for what later emerged as the diversity of the races. - With the independence of the bodily human being, however, the previous close connection between the earthly human being and the spiritual-soul world was severed to a certain extent. When the soul now left the body, the body lived on somewhat like a continuation of life. - If development had progressed in this way, the earth would have hardened under the influence of its solid element. The supersensible knowledge looking back on these conditions shows how the human bodies, abandoned by their souls, harden more and more. And after some time the human souls returning to earth would have found no useful material with which they could have united. All substances useful to humans would have been used to fill the earth with the lignified remains of embodiments.
[ 70 ] Then an event occurred which gave the whole development a different turn. Everything in the solid earth material that could contribute to permanent hardening was eliminated. Our present moon left the earth at that time. And what had previously contributed directly in the earth to the permanent formation of form, now worked indirectly in a weakened way from the moon. The higher beings, on whom this formation of form depends, had decided to let their effects no longer come from within the earth, but from without. As a result, a difference appeared in the bodily human formations which must be described as the beginning of the separation into a male and female sex. The ethereal human forms that previously inhabited the earth gave rise to the new human form, their offspring, through the interaction of the two forces within themselves, the germ and the vitalizing force. Now these offspring were transformed. In one group of such offspring the germinal force of the spiritual-soul worked more, in the other group the vitalizing germinal force worked more. This was brought about by the fact that with the departure of the moon from the earth the earth element had weakened its power. The interaction of the two forces now became more delicate than it was when it happened in one life. Consequently, the offspring was also more delicate, more subtle. It entered the earth in a delicate state and only gradually incorporated the more solid parts. This gave the human soul returning to earth the opportunity to reunite with the body. It no longer animated it from outside, for this animation took place on earth itself. But it united with it and caused it to grow. However, there was a certain limit to this growth. The separation from the moon had made the human body pliable for a while, but the more it continued to grow on earth, the more the solidifying forces took over. In the end, the soul could only participate in the organization of the body weaker and weaker. This decayed as the soul ascended to spiritual and mental modes of existence.
[ 71 ] You can follow how the forces that the human being gradually acquired during the development of Saturn, the sun and the moon gradually participate in the progress of the human being during the earth formation described above. First it is the astral body, which also contains the life body and the physical body still dissolved in itself, which is ignited by the earth fire. Then this astral body divides into a finer astral part, the sentient soul, and a coarser, etheric part, which is now touched by the earth element. Thus the already pre-formed etheric or life body emerges. And while in the astral human being the intellectual and consciousness souls are formed, the coarser parts that are receptive to sound and light are separated in the etheric body. At the time when the etheric body becomes even more condensed, so that it turns from a body of light into a body of fire or warmth, the stage of development has also occurred in which, as characterized above, the parts of the solid earth element are incorporated into the human being. Because the etheric body has condensed down to fire, it can now also, through the forces of the physical body which were previously implanted in it, combine with the substances of the physical earth which have been diluted down to the state of fire. But it could no longer introduce the air substances alone into the body, which has meanwhile become more solid. Then, as indicated above, the higher beings who dwell on the sun enter and breathe the air into him. While man himself has the power to permeate himself with earthly fire by virtue of his past, higher beings direct the breath of air into his body. Before solidification, man's vital body was the sound receiver and the conductor of the air current. He permeated his physical body with life. Now his physical body receives an external life. The consequence of this is that this life becomes independent of the soul part of the human being. When he leaves the earth, he not only leaves behind the germ of form, but also a living image of himself. The "spirits of form" now remain united with this image; they also pass on the life they have given to their offspring when the human soul has departed from the body. This is how what can be called heredity is formed. And when the human soul then reappears on earth, it feels itself in a body whose life has been passed on from the ancestors. It feels particularly drawn to such a body. Something like a memory of the ancestor is formed, with which the soul feels at one. This memory passes through the succession of descendants like a shared consciousness. The "I" flows down through the generations.
[ 72 ] At this stage of development, man felt himself to be an independent being during his time on earth. He felt the inner fire of his life body connected with the outer fire of the earth. He could feel the warmth flowing through him as his "I". The system of blood circulation can be found in these currents of warmth, which are interwoven with life. But in what flowed into him as air, man did not fully feel his own being. The forces of the characterized higher beings were active in this air. But that part of the active forces within the air flowing through him remained with him which was already his own through the etheric forces he had formed earlier. He was the ruler of a part of these air currents. And in this respect not only the higher beings, but also he himself, were active in his formation. According to the images of his astral body he formed the parts of the air within himself. While air thus flowed into his body from outside, which became the basis of his breathing, part of the air inside formed itself into an organism imprinted on the human being, which became the basis of the later nervous system. Through warmth and air, man was then in contact with the outside world of the earth. - On the other hand, he felt nothing of the introduction of the solid element of the earth; this took part in his embodiment on earth, but he could not perceive the supply directly, but only in a dull consciousness in the image of the higher beings who were active in it. In such an image form as an expression of beings above him, man had also previously perceived the supply of the liquid earth elements. Through the condensation of man's earthly form, these images have now undergone a change in his consciousness. The liquid element is mixed with the solid. This addition must therefore also be perceived as coming from the higher beings acting from outside. Man can no longer have the power in his soul to direct the supply himself, for it must now serve his externally constructed body. He would spoil its form if he wanted to direct the supply himself. Thus that which he feeds himself from outside appears to him to be directed by the commandments of power emanating from the higher beings who are at work in the shaping of his body. Man feels himself as an ego; he has within him his intellectual soul as a part of his astral body, through which he experiences inwardly as images what is going on outside, and through which he penetrates his subtle nervous system. He feels himself to be a descendant of ancestors because of the life flowing through the generations. He breathes and feels this as the effect of the marked higher beings who are the "spirits of form". And he also submits to them in what is fed to him from outside (for his nourishment) through their impulses. What is darkest to him is his origin as an individual. He only feels that he has experienced an influence from the "spirits of form" expressing themselves in earthly forces. Man was guided and directed in his relationship to the outside world. This is expressed by the fact that he has an awareness of the spiritual-soul activities taking place behind his physical world. Although he does not perceive the spiritual beings in their own form, he experiences sounds, colors, etc. in his soul. And he knows that the deeds of the spiritual beings live in this imaginary world. What these beings communicate to him sounds to him; their revelations appear to him in light images. The earthly man feels most inwardly through the ideas which he receives through the element of fire or warmth. He already distinguishes between his inner warmth and the heat currents of the earthly environment. In the latter the "spirits of personality" reveal themselves. But man has only a dark awareness of what lies behind the currents of outer warmth. It is precisely in these currents that he feels the influence of the "spirits of form". When powerful heat effects appear in a person's surroundings, the soul feels that spiritual beings are now glowing around the earth, from which a spark has detached itself and is warming my inner being. - In the effects of light, the human being does not yet fully distinguish between the outer and the inner in the same way. When images of light appear in the environment, they do not always produce the same feeling in the soul of the earthling. There were times when man perceived these light images as external. It was in the time after he had just descended from the bodiless state into embodiment. It was the period of his growth on earth. When the time approached when the germ of the new earthly man was formed, these images faded. And man only retained something like inner memories of them. These light images contained the deeds of the "spirits of fire" (archangels). They appeared to man like the servants of the warmth beings who lowered a spark into his inner being. When their outer revelations died out, man experienced them as images (memories) within himself. He felt connected to their powers. And he was. For through what he had received from them, he was able to have an effect on the surrounding circle of air. This began to glow under his influence. It was a time when the forces of nature and the forces of man were not yet separated from each other in the way they were later. What happened on earth was still largely the result of human forces. Anyone who had observed the natural processes on earth from outside the earth at that time would not only have seen something in them that was independent of man, but would have perceived the effects of man in them. The perception of sound was even different for people on earth. They were perceived as external sounds from the beginning of life on earth. While the aerial images were perceived from the outside until the middle period of human existence on earth, the external sounds could still be heard after this middle period. Only towards the end of life did the human being on earth become insensitive to them. And the memories of these sounds remained with him. They contained the revelations of the "sons of life" (the angels). When, towards the end of his life, man felt inwardly connected with these forces, he was able to produce powerful effects in the water element of the earth by imitating them. The waters in and above the earth rippled under his influence. Man only had ideas of taste in the first quarter of his life on earth. And even then they appeared to the soul like a memory of the experiences in the bodiless state. As long as man had them, the solidification of his body through the absorption of external substances continued. In the second quarter of life on earth, growth continued, but the form was already fully formed. During this time, man could only perceive other living beings next to him through their warmth, light and sound effects. For he was not yet able to imagine the solid element. In the first quarter of his life, he only received the taste effects described above from water.
[ 73 ] A reflection of this inner state of the human soul was its outer body form. Those parts that contained the predisposition for the later head form were the most perfectly developed. The other organs only appeared like appendages. These were shadowy and indistinct. But the earth people were different in terms of shape. There were those whose appendages were more or less developed depending on the earthly conditions in which they lived. This varied according to where people lived on earth. Where people were more involved in the earthly world, the appendages came more to the fore. Those people who were most mature at the beginning of their physical development on earth due to their previous development, so that they experienced contact with the fire element right at the beginning, when the earth was not yet condensed into air, were now able to develop their head appendages most perfectly. These were the most harmonious people. Others were only ready for contact with the fire element when the earth had already formed the air in itself. These were people who were more dependent on external conditions than the first. These first ones clearly felt the "spirits of form" through the warmth, and they felt in their life on earth as if they retained a memory of belonging to these spirits and of being connected with them in the bodiless state. The second kind of people felt the memory of the bodiless state only to a lesser extent; they felt their affiliation with the spiritual world primarily through the light effects of the "fire spirits" (archangels). A third kind of people were even more involved in earthly existence. They were those who could only be touched by the fire element when the earth was separated from the sun and had absorbed the watery element. Their sense of belonging to the spiritual world was particularly weak at the beginning of their life on earth. Only when the effects of the archangels and especially the angels made themselves felt in the inner life of imagination did they sense this connection. In contrast, at the beginning of their time on earth they were full of lively impulses for deeds that could be carried out in the earthly circumstances themselves. Their appendages were particularly well developed.
[ 74 ] When, before the separation of the moon from the earth, the lunar forces in the latter led more and more to solidification, it happened that through these forces among the descendants of the germs left behind by men on earth were those in which the human souls returning from the bodiless state could no longer embody themselves. The form of such offspring was too solidified and had become too dissimilar to a human form through the forces of the moon to be able to take on such a form. Therefore, certain human souls were no longer able to return to earth under such conditions. Only the most mature, the strongest of the souls could feel themselves capable of transforming the earthly body during its growth so that it blossomed into human form. Only some of the bodily human offspring became carriers of earthly human beings. Because of the solidified form, another part could only receive souls that were lower than those of humans. However, some of the human souls were forced not to participate in the earthly development of that time. This brought them to a different kind of life course. There were souls who found no place on earth when the sun separated from the earth. For their further development they were carried away to a planet which, under the guidance of cosmic beings, detached itself from the general world substance which was connected with the earth at the beginning of its physical development and from which the sun had also separated itself. This planet is the one whose physical expression is known to external science as "Jupiter". (We speak here of celestial bodies, planets and their names in exactly the same way as older science did. How things are meant is clear from the context. Just as the physical earth is only the physical expression of a spiritual-soul organism, this is also the case for every other celestial body. And just as the observer of the supersensible does not merely refer to the physical planet by the name "Earth", nor to the physical fixed star by "Sun", he also means wide spiritual connections when he speaks of "Jupiter", "Mars" etc.. The celestial bodies have naturally changed their shape and function considerably since the times spoken of here - in certain respects even their place in celestial space. Only those who trace the development of these celestial bodies back into the distant past with the gaze of supersensible knowledge are able to recognize the connection between the present planets and their ancestors). On "Jupiter" the characterized souls initially developed further. And later, when the earth became more and more solid, another dwelling place had to be created for souls who had the opportunity to inhabit the solidified bodies for a while, but then could no longer do so when this solidification had progressed too far. A suitable place for their further development was created in "Mars". Even when the earth was still connected to the sun and its airy elements were integrated, it turned out that the souls proved to be unsuitable to participate in earthly development. They were too strongly affected by the earthly physical form. Therefore, even then they had to be removed from the direct influence of the solar forces. These had to act on them from outside. These souls were given a place for further development on "Saturn". Thus, in the course of the earth's development, the number of human forms decreased; forms appeared which had not embodied human souls. They could only take into themselves astral bodies, just as the physical bodies and the life bodies of man on the old moon had taken them in. While the earth became desolate with regard to its human inhabitants, these beings colonized it. All human souls would finally have had to leave the earth if the detachment of the moon had not created the possibility for the human forms, which at that time could still be animated humanly, to withdraw the human germ from the lunar forces coming directly from the earth during their life on earth and to allow it to mature within themselves until it could be handed over to these forces. As long as the germ then took shape within the human being, it was under the effect of the beings who, under the guidance of their most powerful comrade, had detached the moon from the earth in order to guide its development beyond a critical point.
[ 75 ] When the earth had developed the air element in itself, there were, in the sense of the above description, such astral beings as remnants from the old moon, which had remained further behind in their development than the lowest human souls. They became the souls of those forms which had to be abandoned by man before the separation from the sun. These beings are the ancestors of the animal kingdom. In the distant course of time they developed especially those organs which were only present as appendages in humans. Their astral body had to act on the physical and life body in the same way as was the case with man on the old moon. The animals thus created now had souls which could not dwell in the individual animal. The soul also extended its being to the descendant of the ancestral form. The animals that essentially descend from one form have one soul. Only when the descendant departs from the form of the ancestor through special influences does a new animal soul come into embodiment. In this sense, one can speak of a species (or genus) or group soul in the spiritual science of animals.
[ 76 ] Something similar happened at the time of the separation of sun and earth. Out of the watery element emerged forms that were no further along in their development than man was before his development on the old moon. They could only receive an effect from an astral being if it influenced them from outside. This could only happen after the sun had moved away from the earth. Every time the solar time of the earth occurred, the astral of the sun stimulated these forms in such a way that they formed their life body from the etheric of the earth. When the sun then turned away from the earth, this life body dissolved again into the general earth body. And as a result of the interaction of the astral from the sun and the etheric from the earth, the physical forms emerged from the watery element, which formed the ancestors of the present plant kingdom.
[ 77 ] Man has become an individualized soul being on earth. His astral body, which had flowed into him on the moon through the "spirits of movement", has divided itself on earth into a soul of sensation, intellect and consciousness. And when his consciousness soul had progressed so far that it was able to form a suitable body during his life on earth, the "spirits of form" endowed him with the spark from their fire. The "I" was kindled in him. Every time the human being left the physical body, he was in the spiritual world, where he met the beings who had given him his physical body, his life body and his astral body during the evolution of Saturn, the sun and the moon, and had developed them to the level of the earth. Ever since the fire spark of the "I" had ignited in earthly life, a change had also occurred in the bodiless life. Before this point in the development of his being, man had no independence from the spiritual world. Within this spiritual world he did not feel like an individual being, but like a member of the sublime organism that was composed of the beings above him. The "I-experience" on earth now also has an effect in the spiritual world. The human being now also feels himself to a certain degree as a unit in this world. But he also feels that he is constantly connected to the same world. In the body-free state, he finds the "spirits of form" again in a higher form, which he perceived in their revelation on earth through the spark of his "I".
[ 78 ] With the separation of the moon from the earth, experiences also developed in the spiritual world for the body-free soul, which were connected with this separation. It only became possible to develop such human forms on earth, which could absorb the individuality of the soul, because a part of the formative forces was transferred from the earth to the moon. This brought human individuality into the realm of the lunar beings. And in the bodiless state the echo of the earth individuality could only work by the fact that also for this state the soul remained in the realm of the mighty spirits who had brought about the separation from the moon. The process developed in such a way that immediately after leaving the earthly body the soul could only see the high solar beings as if they were reflected by the lunar beings. Only when it was sufficiently prepared by seeing this reflection did the soul come to see the high solar beings themselves.
[ 79 ] The mineral kingdom of the earth also came into being through expulsion from the general development of humanity. Its formations are that which remained solidified when the moon separated from the earth. Only that which had remained at the Saturnian stage was attracted to these formations, that which was only capable of forming physical forms. All the events mentioned here and in the following took place over enormously long periods of time. However, time determinations cannot be discussed here.
[ 80 ] The events described represent the earth's development from the external side; viewed from the side of the spirit, the following results. The spiritual beings who pulled the moon out of the earth and connected their own existence with the moon - thus became earth-moon beings - brought about a certain shaping of the human organization through the forces which they sent from the latter world body to the earth. Their effect was on the "I" acquired by man. In the interaction of this "I" with the astral body, the etheric body and the physical body, this effect made itself felt. Through it, the possibility arose in the human being to consciously reflect the wisdom-filled design of the world in himself, to depict it as in a reflection of knowledge. Recall how it has been described that during the old lunar period man acquired a certain independence in his organization, a freer degree of consciousness than that which could emanate directly from the solar beings, through the separation from the sun at that time. This free, independent consciousness arose again - as a legacy of the old moon development - during the characterized time of the earth development. But it was precisely this consciousness, brought back into harmony with the universe through the influence of the characterized earth-moon beings, that could be made into an image of it. This would have happened if no other influence had asserted itself. Without such an influence man would have become a being with a consciousness whose content would have reflected the world in the images of cognitive life as if by natural necessity, not through his free intervention. This is not what happened. Just at the time of the separation of the moon, certain spiritual beings intervened in the development of man, who had retained so much of their lunar nature that they could not participate in the sun's exit from the earth. And that they were also excluded from the effects of the beings who proved to be active from the earth's moon towards the earth. These beings with the old moon nature were, so to speak, banished to earth with irregular development. In their lunar nature lay precisely that which had rebelled against the sun spirits during the old lunar development, which was a blessing to man at that time in so far as through it man had been led to an independent, free state of consciousness. The consequences of the peculiar development of these beings during the time on earth meant that they became opponents of those beings who, from the moon, wanted to make human consciousness a necessary mirror of knowledge of the world. What helped man to a higher state on the old moon emerged as the opposition to the establishment that had become possible through earthly development. The opposing powers had brought with them from their lunar nature the power to work on the human astral body, namely - in the sense of the above explanations - to make it independent. They exercised this power by giving this astral body a certain independence - also now for the time on earth - compared to the necessary (unfree) state of consciousness, which was brought about by the beings of the earth moon. It is difficult to express in practicable words what the effects of the characterized spiritual entities were on man in the marked primeval time. They should not be thought of as present-day natural influences, nor as the effect of one human being on another when the former awakens inner powers of consciousness in the latter through words, whereby the latter learns to understand something or is stimulated to a virtue or vice. The effect meant in primeval times was not a natural effect, but a spiritual influence, but one which also had a spiritual effect, which was transmitted as a spiritual effect from the higher spiritual beings to man according to the state of consciousness of this man at that time. If one thinks of the matter as an effect of nature, one does not grasp its true nature at all. If, on the other hand, we say that the beings with the old lunar nature approached man in order to "seduce" him for their goals, we are using a symbolic expression that is good as long as we remain aware of its symbolic nature and at the same time realize that there is a spiritual fact behind the symbol.
[ 81 ] The effect that the spirits left behind in the lunar state had on man was twofold. His consciousness was thereby stripped of the character of a mere mirror of the universe, because the possibility was aroused in the human astral body to regulate and control the images of consciousness from there. Man became the master of his knowledge. On the other hand, the starting point of this dominion became the astral body, and the "I", which was superior to it, became constantly dependent on it. Thus man was exposed in the future to the continuing influences of a lower element in his nature. In his life he could sink below the level to which he had been placed by the earth-moon beings in the course of the world. And the continuing influence of the characterized irregularly developed lunar beings on his nature remained for him for the following time. One can call these lunar beings the Luciferic spirits, in contrast to the others who formed the consciousness from the earth moon to the world mirror, but did not give free will. These brought man the possibility of developing free activity in his consciousness, but thus also the possibility of error, of evil.
[ 82 ] The consequence of these processes was that man came into a different relationship with the sun spirits than was predetermined for him by the earth-moon spirits. They wanted to develop the mirror of his consciousness in such a way that the influence of the sun spirits would have dominated the entire life of the human soul. These processes were thwarted and a contrast was created in the human being between the influence of the sun spirit and the influence of the spirits with irregular lunar development. This opposition also created in man the inability to recognize the physical effects of the sun as such; they remained hidden from him behind the earthly impressions of the outer world. The astral in man, filled with these impressions, was drawn into the realm of the "I". This "I", which otherwise would only have felt the spark of fire imparted to it by the "spirits of form" and would have subordinated itself to the commandments of these spirits in everything that concerned the outer fire, now also had an effect on the outer appearances of warmth through the element implanted in it. It thereby created a bond of attraction between itself and the earth fire. In this way it entangled man more than he was destined to be in earthly materiality. Whereas before he had a physical body, the main parts of which consisted of fire, air and water and to which only something like a shadow image of earth substance was added, now the body of earth became denser. And whereas before man was more than a finely organized being above the solid earth in a kind of floating, hovering movement, he now had to descend "from the earth's orbit" to parts of the earth that were already more or less solidified.
[ 83 ] The fact that such physical effects of the spiritual influences described could occur is explained by the fact that these influences were as described above. They were neither natural influences nor those that have a spiritual effect from person to person. The latter do not extend their effect as far into the physical as the spiritual forces in question here.
[ 84 ] Because man exposed himself to the influences of the outside world according to his own ideas, which were subject to error, because he lived according to desires and passions which he did not allow to be regulated by higher spiritual influences, the possibility of illnesses arose. A particular effect of the Luciferic influence, however, was that now man could not feel his individual life on earth as a continuation of a bodiless existence. He now received such earth impressions which could be experienced through the implanted astral element and which connected with the forces that destroy the physical body. The human being experienced this as the death of his earthly life. And the "death" caused by human nature itself occurred as a result. This points to a significant mystery in human nature, to the connection between the human astral body and illness and death.
[ 85 ] Special conditions now arose for the human vital body. It was incorporated into such a relationship between the physical body and the astral body that it was in a certain respect removed from the abilities that the human being had acquired through the Luciferic influence. A part of this life body remained outside the physical body in such a way that it could only be controlled by higher beings, not by the human ego. These higher beings were those who had left the earth at the separation of the sun to take up another abode under the guidance of one of their exalted comrades. If the characterized part of the vital body had remained united with the astral body, man would have put supersensible powers, which were previously his own, at his own service. He would have extended the Luciferic influence to these powers. As a result, the human being would have gradually detached himself completely from the solar beings. And his ego would have become a complete earth ego. It would have had to come about in such a way that this earth ego would have inhabited another physical body, a descendant body, after the death of the physical body (or already at its decay), without passing through a connection with higher spiritual entities in a body-free state. The human being would thus have become conscious of his ego, but only as an "earthly ego". This was averted through the process with the life body, which was brought about by the earth-moon beings. The actual individual ego was thereby so detached from the mere earth ego that the human being only partially felt himself as his own ego during his life on earth; at the same time he felt how his earth ego was a continuation of the earth ego of his ancestors through the generations. In earthly life the soul felt a kind of "group ego" up to the distant ancestors, and the human being felt himself to be a member of the group. In the body-free state, the individual ego could only feel like an individual being. But the state of this isolation was impaired by the fact that the ego remained afflicted with the memory of the earth consciousness (earth ego). This clouded the view of the spiritual world, which began to cover itself with a veil between death and birth in a similar way to the physical view on earth.
[ 86 ] The physical expression of all the changes that took place in the spiritual world while human development passed through the conditions described was the gradual regulation of the mutual relationships between the sun, moon and earth (and, in a broader sense, other celestial bodies). One of the consequences of these relationships is the alternation of day and night. (The movements of the celestial bodies are regulated by the beings inhabiting them. The movement of the earth, through which day and night arise, was brought about by the interrelationship of the various spirits above man. In the same way, the movement of the moon was brought about so that after the separation of the moon from the earth, through the rotation of the first around the second, the "spirits of form" could work on the physical human body in the right way, in the right rhythm). By day, the ego and the astral body of the human being worked in the physical and the life body. At night this effect ceased. Then the I and the astral body stepped out of the physical and the life body. At this time they came completely into the realm of the "sons of life" (angels), the "spirits of fire" (archangels), the "spirits of personality" and the "spirits of form". In addition to the "spirits of form", the "spirits of movement", the "spirits of wisdom" and the "thrones" also took hold of the physical body and the life body during this time. In this way, the harmful effects exerted on man during the day by the errors of the astral body could be repaired.
[ 87 ] Now that human beings were multiplying again on earth, there was no longer any reason in the descendants why human souls should not have gone into embodiment in them. Just as the earth-moon forces were now at work, the human bodies became quite suitable for the embodiment of human souls under their influence. And the souls previously raptured to Mars, Jupiter etc. were now directed to earth. As a result, there was a soul for every human descendant born in the succession of generations. This continued for a long time, so that the influx of souls on earth corresponded to the increase in the number of people. Those souls that left the body after death on earth retained the echo of their earthly individuality as a memory for the body-free state. This memory worked in such a way that when a body corresponding to them was born again on earth, they embodied themselves again in such a body. Within the human descendants there were subsequently people who had souls coming from outside, who reappeared on earth for the first time after the first times on earth, and others with earthly re-embodied souls. In the subsequent period of earthly development, the young souls who appeared for the first time became fewer and fewer and the re-embodied souls more and more. However, for a long time the human race consisted of the two types of human beings caused by these facts. On earth, man now felt connected to his ancestors through the common group ego. The experience of the individual ego was all the stronger in the bodiless state between death and a new birth. Those souls who, coming from heavenly space, entered human bodies were in a different situation from those who had already lived one or more earthly lives. The former brought with them for their physical life on earth as souls only the conditions to which they had been subjected through the higher spiritual world and through their experiences outside the earthly realm. The others had added their own conditions in earlier lives. The fate of those souls was only determined by facts that lay outside the new earth conditions. The fate of the re-embodied souls is also determined by what they themselves did in previous lives under the earthly conditions. With the re-embodiment the individual human karma appeared at the same time. - Because the human life body was removed from the influence of the astral body in the manner indicated above, the reproductive relationship did not enter the sphere of human consciousness, but was under the dominion of the spiritual world. When a soul was to descend to the earth circle, then the impulses for procreation arose in the earth man. The whole process was to a certain extent shrouded in mystery for the earthly consciousness. - But the consequences of this partial separation of the life body from the physical body also occurred during life on earth. The abilities of this life body could be particularly enhanced by the spiritual influence. This had an effect on the life of the soul in that the memory received special training. Independent logical thinking was only in its very beginnings at this time. On the other hand, the ability to remember was almost limitless. Outwardly, it became apparent that man had a direct emotional understanding of the forces at work in all living things. He was able to put the forces of life and reproduction of animal and especially plant nature at his service. What drives the plant to grow, for example, man could extract from the plant and use it, just as at present the forces of inanimate nature, for example the power slumbering in the coal, are extracted from it and used to move machines. (More details on this matter can be found in my short book "Our Atlantean Ancestors"). - The inner soul life of man also changed in the most varied ways through the Luciferic influence. Many kinds of feelings and sensations could be mentioned which arose as a result. Only a few may be mentioned. Up to this influence the human soul worked in the sense of the intentions of higher spiritual beings in what it had to form and do. The plan for everything that was to be carried out was determined from the outset. And to the extent that human consciousness was developed at all, it was also able to foresee how things would have to develop in the future according to the preconceived plan. This foresighted consciousness was lost when the veil of earthly perceptions was woven over the revelation of the higher spiritual beings and the actual powers of the solar beings were concealed within them. The future now became uncertain. And thus the possibility of fear was implanted in the soul. Fear is a direct consequence of error. - But you can also see how the Luciferic influence made man independent of certain forces to which he had previously been willlessly devoted. He was now able to make decisions of his own accord. Freedom is the result of this influence. And fear and similar feelings are only side effects of man's development towards freedom.
[ 88 ] Spiritually speaking, the appearance of fear is due to the fact that within the earth forces under whose influence man had come through the Luciferic powers, other powers were at work which had assumed irregularity much earlier in the course of development than the Luciferic powers. With the earth forces man took the influences of these powers into his being. They gave the quality of fear to feelings that would have worked quite differently without them. These entities can be called the ahrimanic ones; they are the same ones that - in Goethe's sense - are called Mephistophelean.
[ 89 ] Although the Luciferic influence initially only made itself felt in the most advanced human beings, it soon spread to others. The descendants of the advanced ones mingled with the less advanced ones characterized above. Thus the Luciferic power also penetrated to the latter. But the life body of the souls returning from the planets could not be protected to the same degree as that of the descendants of those who remained on earth. The protection of the latter came from a high being who was in charge of the cosmos at the time when the sun separated from the earth. This being appears in the area under consideration here as the ruler of the solar realm. Those exalted spirits who had attained maturity through their cosmic development moved with him to the place where the sun dwelt. But there were also beings who had not risen to such heights at the separation of the sun. They had to look for other places. It was through them that Jupiter and other planets detached themselves from the common world substance that was initially in the physical earth organism. Jupiter became the dwelling place of such beings who had not matured to the height of the sun. The most advanced became the leader of Jupiter. 1 Just as the leader of the sun's development became the "higher I" that worked in the life of the descendants of the human beings who remained on earth, so this Jupiter leader became the "higher I" that ran like a common consciousness through the human beings who descended from a mixture of offspring of those who remained on earth with such human beings who had first appeared on earth in the manner described above in the time of the air element and had passed over to Jupiter. One can call such people "Jupiter people" in the sense of spiritual science. They were human descendants who had still received human souls in those ancient times, but who were not yet mature enough to make their first contact with fire at the beginning of the earth's development. They were souls between the human and animal kingdoms. There are now also beings who, under the guidance of a supreme being from the common world substance, had chosen Mars as their dwelling place. Under their influence came a third kind of human being, the "Martians", who had come into being through mixing. (These findings shed light on the original reasons for the formation of the planets in our solar system. For all the bodies in this system came into being through the various states of maturity of the beings inhabiting them. However, it is of course not possible to go into all the details of the cosmic structures here). Those people who perceived the high solar being itself as being present in their life can be called "sun people". The being that lived in them as a "higher I" - of course only in the generations, not in the individual - is the one that was later given various names when people attained a conscious knowledge of it and that is the one in which the relationship that the Christ has to the cosmos is revealed to present-day people. A distinction can then be made between "Saturnians". With them, a being appeared as a "higher self" that had to leave the common world substance with its comrades before the separation from the sun. This was a type of human being who not only had a part in the life body, but also in the physical body, which remained removed from the Luciferic influence.
[ 90 ] Now, in the case of the lower human species, the living body was not sufficiently protected to be able to withstand the effects of the Luciferic being. They were able to extend the arbitrariness of the fire spark of the "I" within them to such an extent that they caused powerful fire effects of a harmful nature in their surroundings. The result was a huge earth catastrophe. The firestorms destroyed a large part of the then inhabited earth and with it the people who had fallen into error. Only the smallest part, which had remained partially untouched by the error, was able to save itself to an area of the earth that had been protected from the corrupting human influence until then. One such dwelling place, which was particularly suitable for the new humanity, turned out to be the land on that part of the earth which is currently covered by the Atlantic Ocean. It was there that the part of mankind that had remained the purest from error moved. Only scattered members of humanity inhabited other regions. In the sense of spiritual science, the area on earth between present-day Europe, Africa and America, which once existed, can be called "Atlantis". (In the relevant literature, reference is made in a certain way to the characterized period of human development preceding the Atlantean. It is called the Lemurian age of the earth, which was followed by the Atlantean age. On the other hand, the period in which the lunar forces had not yet unfolded their main effects can be called the Hyperborean Age. This is preceded by another, which therefore coincides with the very first period of physical development on earth. In the biblical tradition, the time before the influence of the Luciferic beings is described as the paradisiacal time and the descent to earth, the entanglement of people in the world of the senses, as the expulsion from paradise.
[ 91 ] The development in the Atlantean region was the time of the actual separation into Saturnians, Solarians, Jupiters and Martians. Prior to this, the predispositions had actually only just been developed. Now the separation of the waking and sleeping states had special consequences for the human being, which were particularly evident in Atlantean mankind. During the night man's astral body and ego were in the realm of the beings above him up to the "spirits of personality". Through that part of his life body which was not connected with the physical body, man could have the perception of the "sons of life" (angels) and the "spirits of fire" (archangels). For he could remain united with the part of the life body not permeated by the physical body during sleep. However, the perception of the "spirits of personality" remained indistinct, precisely because of the Luciferian influence. With the angels and archangels, however, those beings also became visible to man in the described state who, as those who had remained behind on the sun or moon, could not take up earthly existence. They therefore had to remain in the soul-spiritual world. However, the human being drew them through the Luciferian being into the realm of his soul, which was separated from the physical body. This brought him into contact with beings that had a highly seductive effect on him. They increased in the soul the impulse to error; namely to abuse the powers of growth and reproduction, which were in his power through the separation of physical body and life body.
[ 92 ] It was now possible for individuals of the Atlantean age to become as little entangled as possible in the world of the senses. Through them the Luciferic influence was transformed from an obstacle to human development into a means of higher progress. Through him they were able to develop knowledge of earthly things earlier than would otherwise have been possible. In doing so, these people tried to remove error from their imaginary life and to fathom the original intentions of the spiritual beings from the phenomena of the world. They kept themselves free from the drives and desires of the astral body, which were directed towards the mere sense world. As a result, they became increasingly free from its errors. This brought about states in them through which they perceived only in that part of the living body which was separated from the physical body in the manner described. In such states the perceptive faculty of the physical body was as if extinguished and the physical body itself as if dead. Then, through the living body, they would be completely connected with the realm of the "spirits of form" and could experience from them how they were guided and directed by that high being who was in charge during the separation of sun and earth, and through whom the understanding of the "Christ" later opened up to people. Such people were initiates. However, because human individuality had entered the realm of the lunar beings in the manner described above, these initiates could not, as a rule, be touched directly by the solar being, but could only be shown to them as if in a reflection by the lunar beings. They did not see the sun being directly, but its reflection. They became the leaders of other humanity, to whom they could communicate the secrets they had seen. They raised disciples to whom they showed the ways to attain the state that leads to initiation. Only those people who belonged to the sun people in the sense indicated could attain the knowledge of that which was formerly revealed through "Christ". They cultivated their mysterious knowledge and the practices that led to it in a special place, which will be called the Christ or sun oracle here. (Oraculum in the sense of a place where the intentions of spiritual beings are heard). What is said here with regard to the Christ will only not be misunderstood if one considers that supersensible knowledge must see in the appearance of the Christ on earth an event which was pointed out as something imminent in the future by those who were familiar with the meaning of earthly development before this event. It would be wrong to assume that these "initiates" had a relationship with Christ that was only made possible by this event. But they were able to grasp this prophetically and explain it to their disciples: "Whoever is touched by the power of the solar being sees the Christ approaching the earth."
[ 93 ] Other oracles were called into being by the members of the Saturnian, Martian and Jupiter humanities. Their initiates led their contemplation only as far as the beings who could be revealed as the corresponding "higher ego" in their living bodies. This is how confessors of the wisdom of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars came into being. In addition to these initiation methods, there were those for people who had absorbed too much of the Luciferic being to allow such a large part of the life body to be separated from the physical body as the sun people. Nor could they be brought to the prophetic revelation of Christ through the aforementioned states. They had to undergo more difficult preparations because of their astral body, which was more influenced by the Luciferic principle, and then, in a less body-free state than the others, they could not receive the revelation of the Christ himself, but they could receive that of other high beings. There were beings who left the earth at the time of the separation of the sun, but who were not high enough to be able to participate in the development of the sun in the long term. After the separation of sun and earth, they separated a dwelling place from the sun, Venus. Its leader became the being that now became the "higher self" for the initiates and their followers described above. A similar thing happened with the leading spirit of Mercury for another kind of human being. This is how the Venus and Mercury oracles came into being. A certain type of human being who had absorbed the most of the Luciferic influence could only reach a being who, together with his comrades, had been ejected from the solar evolution at the earliest stage. This being has no particular planet in world space, but still lives in the vicinity of the earth itself, with which it reunited after its return from the sun. Those people to whom this being revealed itself as a higher self can be called the followers of the volcano oracle. Their gaze was turned more towards earthly phenomena than that of the other initiates. They laid the first foundations for what later developed as sciences and arts among mankind. The Mercury initiates, on the other hand, founded the knowledge of the more supersensible things; and the Venus initiates did this to an even greater degree. The initiates of Vulcan, Mercury and Venus differed from the initiates of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in that the latter received their secrets more as a revelation from above, more in a finished state; while the former received their knowledge more in the form of their own thoughts, of ideas. In the middle were the initiates of Christ. With the revelation in a direct state they also received the ability to clothe their secrets in human conceptual forms. The initiates of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars had to express themselves more in symbols; the initiates of Christ, Venus, Mercury and Vulcan were able to communicate more in concepts.
[ 94 ] What reached Atlantean humanity in this way came in a roundabout way through the initiates. But the other humanity also received special abilities through the Luciferic principle, in that the high cosmic beings transformed into salvation what could otherwise have become ruin. One such ability is that of language. It was granted to man through his condensation into physical matter and through the separation of a part of his life body from the physical body. In the times after the separation of the moon, the group ego felt connected. However, this common consciousness, which connected descendants with ancestors, gradually faded over the generations. The later descendants then only had the inner memory up to a not too distant ancestor; up to the earlier ancestors no longer. The memory of this or that ancestor only resurfaced in the states of sleep-like states in which people came into contact with the spiritual world. People then thought they were one with this ancestor, whom they believed had reappeared in them. This was an erroneous idea of re-embodiment, which emerged especially in the last Atlantean period. The true doctrine of re-embodiment could only be learned in the schools of the initiates. The initiates saw how the human soul passes from embodiment to embodiment in the bodiless state. And they alone could communicate the truth of this to their disciples.
[ 95 ] The physical form of man in the distant past, of which we are speaking here, is still far different from the present. This form was still to a high degree the expression of the qualities of the soul. Man still consisted of a finer, softer materiality than he later assumed. What is now solidified was soft, pliable and malleable in the limbs. A more soulful, more spiritual human being had a delicate, flexible, expressive physique. A less spiritually developed person had a coarse, immobile, less sculptural physique. Mental advancement contracted the limbs; the form was kept small; mental retardation and entanglement in sensuality was expressed in gigantic size. While man was in the period of growth, the body was formed in a way that must seem fabulous, even fantastic, to present-day ideas, according to what was forming in the soul. Corruption in the passions, drives and instincts led to a growth of the material in man to gigantic proportions. The present physical human form came into being through the contraction, compression and solidification of the Atlantean human being. And while before the Atlantean period man existed as a faithful image of his soul essence, the processes of the Atlantean development carried within themselves the causes that led to the post-Atlantean man, who is solid in his physical form and relatively little dependent on his soul qualities. (The animal kingdom became dense in its forms in far older times on earth than man). - The laws that currently underlie the formation of forms in the natural kingdoms must by no means be extended to more distant pasts.
[ 96 ] Towards the middle of the Atlantean period of development, a calamity gradually made itself felt in humanity. The secrets of the initiates should have been carefully guarded from those people who had not purified their astral body of error through preparation. If they gain such an insight into the hidden knowledge, into the laws by which the higher beings direct the forces of nature, they put them at the service of their misguided needs and passions. The danger was all the greater because, as has been described, people came into the realm of lower spiritual beings who could not follow the regular earthly development and therefore worked against it. These continually influenced people in such a way that they instilled in them interests which were in truth directed against the salvation of humanity. However, people still had the ability to put the growth and reproductive powers of animal and human nature at their service. - Not only ordinary people, but also some of the initiates were subject to the temptations of lower spiritual beings. They came to put the aforementioned supersensible powers at the service of something that ran counter to the development of humanity. And they sought comrades for this service who were not initiated and who applied the secrets of the supersensible workings of nature in a very low sense. The result was a great corruption of humanity. The evil spread more and more. And because the forces of growth and reproduction, when they are torn from their mother soil and used independently, are mysteriously connected with certain forces that work in the air and water, powerful corrupting forces of nature were unleashed by human actions. This led to the gradual destruction of the Atlantean region through air and water catastrophes on earth. The Atlantean human race had to emigrate if it did not perish in the storms. At that time, these storms gave the earth a new face. On the one hand, Europe, Asia and Africa gradually took on the shapes they have today. On the other side, America. Great migrations followed these countries. Of particular importance for our present are those of these migrations which went eastwards from Atlantis. Europe, Asia and Africa were gradually colonized by the descendants of the Atlanteans. Various peoples settled there. They stood at different heights of development, but also at different heights of corruption. And in their midst moved the initiates, the guardians of the oracle secrets. These founded places in various regions where the services of Jupiter, Venus and so on were cultivated in a good, but also in a bad sense. The betrayal of the Vulcan secrets had a particularly unfavorable influence. For the eyes of their confessors were most focused on earthly conditions. Through this betrayal, humanity was brought into dependence on spiritual beings who, as a result of their previous development, rejected everything that came from the spiritual world that had developed through the separation of the earth from the sun. In accordance with their thus developed disposition they worked precisely in that element which developed in man through the fact that he had perceptions in the sensual world behind which the spiritual was concealed. These beings now acquired a great influence on many human inhabitants of the earth. And this influence initially manifested itself in the fact that man's feeling for the spiritual was increasingly taken away. - Because in these times the size, form and likeness of the human physical body was still highly dependent on the characteristics of the soul, the consequence of this betrayal also manifested itself in changes in the human race in this direction. Wherever the depravity of man made itself felt, especially by placing supersensible powers at the service of base instincts, desires and passions, shapeless human figures were formed, grotesque in size and form. However, these could not survive beyond the Atlantean period. They died out. Post-Atlantean mankind developed physically from those Atlantean ancestors whose physical form had already become so solidified that they did not yield to the forces of the soul, which had now become contrary to nature. - There was a certain period in the Atlantean development in which the laws prevailing in and around the earth created precisely those conditions for the human form under which it had to solidify. Those human-racial forms that had solidified before this period were able to reproduce for a long time, but gradually the souls embodied in them became so constricted that the races had to die out. However, some of these racial forms survived into post-Atlantean times; those that remained sufficiently mobile even survived for a very long time in a modified form. Those human forms that had remained viable beyond the characterized period became bodies for souls that had experienced the harmful influence of the marked betrayal to a great extent. They were destined to die out soon.
[ 97 ] Since the middle of the Atlantean period of development, therefore, beings had asserted themselves in the area of human development which had the effect of causing man to live in the sensual-physical world in an unspiritual way. This could go so far that instead of the true form of this world, illusions and phantoms of all kinds appeared to him. Man was exposed not only to Luciferian influence, but also to that of the other beings alluded to above, whose leader may be called Ahriman according to the name he later received in Persian culture. (Mephistopheles is the same being.) Through this influence man after death came under powers which even then made him appear only as a being turned towards the earthly-sensual conditions. The free view into the processes of the spiritual world was increasingly taken away from him. He had to feel himself in the power of Ahriman and to a certain extent excluded from communion with the spiritual world.
[ 98 ] Of particular importance was an oracle site which had preserved the old service most purely in the general decline. It belonged to the Christ oracles. And that is why it was able to preserve not only the secret of Christ himself, but also the secrets of the other oracles. For in the revelation of the most sublime solar spirit, the guides of Saturn, Jupiter and so on were also revealed. In the solar oracle one knew the secret of bringing forth such human life bodies in this or that person as the best of the initiates of Jupiter, Mercury, etc. had. With the means at hand, which are not to be discussed further here, the imprints of the best bodies of the old initiates were preserved and imprinted on later suitable people. Through the Venus, Mercury and Vulcan initiates, such processes could also take place for the astral bodies.
[ 99 ] At a certain time, the leader of the Christ initiates found himself alone with some comrades to whom he could only communicate the secrets of the world to a very limited extent. For these comrades were people who, as a natural disposition, had experienced the least of the separation of the physical and the life body. Such people were the best for the further progress of mankind during this period. They gradually experienced less and less of the sleep state. The spiritual world had become more and more closed to them. But they also lacked an understanding of everything that had been revealed in ancient times when man was not in his physical body but only in his life body. The people in the immediate vicinity of the leader of the Christ oracle were the most advanced with regard to the unification of the part of the life body that had previously been separated from the physical body with the latter. This union gradually took place in humanity as a result of the change that had taken place with the Atlantean dwelling place and the earth in general. The physical body and the life body of man became more and more congruent. As a result, the earlier, now limited abilities of memory were lost and the human thought life began. The part of the life body connected with the physical body transformed the physical brain into the actual thinking tool, and only from now on did the human being actually feel his "I" in the physical body. Only then did self-consciousness awaken. This was initially only the case for a small part of humanity, especially the comrades of the leader of the Christ Oracle. The other masses of people scattered across Europe, Asia and Africa retained the remnants of the old states of consciousness in various degrees. They therefore had a direct experience of the supersensible world. - The comrades of the initiate of Christ were men of highly developed intellect, but of all men of that time they had the least experience in the supersensible realm. The initiate traveled with them from west to east, to a region in Inner Asia. He wanted to protect them as far as possible from contact with people who were less advanced in the development of consciousness. He educated these comrades in the spirit of the secrets revealed to him; in particular, he worked in this way on their descendants. In this way he educated a group of people who had absorbed into their hearts the impulses that corresponded to the mysteries of the initiation into Christ. From this group he selected the seven best so that they could have such bodies of life and astral bodies that corresponded to the imprints of the bodies of life of the seven best Atlantean initiates. Thus he raised one successor of each of the Christ, Saturn and Jupiter initiates. Initiates. These seven initiates became the teachers and leaders of the people who had colonized the south of Asia, especially ancient India, in the post-Atlantean period. Since these great teachers were actually gifted with afterimages of the life bodies of their spiritual ancestors, what was in their astral body, namely their self-processed knowledge and cognition, did not reach as far as what was revealed to them through their life body. If these revelations were to speak within them, they had to silence their own knowledge and cognition. Then the high beings, who had also spoken for their spiritual ancestors, spoke from them and through them. Except for the times when these beings spoke through them, they were simple human beings, gifted with the degree of understanding and education of the heart that they had acquired for themselves.
[ 100 ] In India at that time dwelt a kind of people who had preserved a vivid memory of the ancient Atlantean state of soul, which permitted experiences in the spiritual world. In a large number of these people there was also a powerful pull of the heart and mind towards the experiences of this supersensible world. By a wise twist of fate, the main part of this human species had come to South Asia from the best parts of the Atlantean population. Apart from this main part, other parts had immigrated at other times. For this group of people, the aforementioned Christ Initiate appointed his seven great disciples as teachers. They gave this people their wisdom and their commandments. Some of these ancient Indians needed little preparation to awaken in themselves the barely extinguished abilities that led to observation in the supersensible world. For the longing for this world was actually a basic mood of the Indian soul. In this world, it was felt, was the original home of mankind. They were transported out of this world into the one that external sensory perception and the mind bound to this perception can provide. The supersensible world was felt to be the true world and the sensory world a deception of human perception, an illusion (Maja). They strove by all means to gain insight into the true world. The illusory world of the senses was of no interest, or at least only to the extent that it proved to be a veil for the supersensible world. The power that the seven great teachers could exert on such people was enormous. What could be revealed through them was deeply implanted in the Indian souls. And because the possession of the traditional life and astral bodies gave these teachers great powers, they could also have a magical effect on their pupils. They did not actually teach. They worked as if by magic from personality to personality. This gave rise to a culture that was completely imbued with supernatural wisdom. What is contained in the wisdom books of the Indians (in the Vedas) does not give the original form of the high wisdoms that were cultivated by the great teachers in the most ancient times, but only a faint echo. Only the supersensible view turned backwards can find an unwritten primordial wisdom behind the written one. One feature that is particularly prominent in this primordial wisdom is the harmonious resonance of the various oracular wisdoms of the Atlantean period. For each of the great teachers was able to reveal one of these oracular wisdoms. And the different sides of wisdom were in perfect harmony, because behind them stood the basic wisdom of the prophetic initiation of Christ. It is true that the teacher who was the spiritual successor of the Christ-initiate did not represent that which the Christ-initiate himself could reveal. He had remained in the background of the development. At first he could not confer his high office on a post-Atlantean. The Christ-initiate of the seven great Indian teachers differed from him in that he had been able to completely process his vision of the Christ-mystery into human concepts, whereas the Indian Christ-initiate could only represent a reflection of this mystery in symbols and signs. For his humanly developed imagination did not reach as far as this mystery. But from the union of the seven teachers a knowledge of the supersensible world resulted in a great picture of wisdom, of which only the individual elements could have been proclaimed in the old Atlantean oracle. The great leaderships of the cosmic world were revealed and quietly pointed to the one great Sun Spirit, the Hidden One, who sits enthroned above those revealed by the seven teachers.
[ 101 ] What is understood here by "ancient Indians" does not coincide with what is usually meant by it. There are no external documents from the period referred to here. The people usually referred to as "Indians" correspond to a stage in the development of history that was formed long after the period referred to here. A first post-Atlantean period on earth can be recognized, in which the "Indian" culture described here was the dominant one; then a second post-Atlantean period developed, in which that culture became dominant which will be called "Urperian" later in this writing; and still later the Egyptian-Chaldean culture, which will also be described, developed. During the development of this second and third post-Atlantean cultural epoch, the "old" Indian culture also experienced a second and third epoch. And what is usually portrayed of ancient India applies to this third epoch. One must therefore not relate what is described here to the "old India" that is otherwise spoken of.
[ 102 ] Another feature of this ancient Indian culture is that which later led to the division of people into castes. Those who lived in India were descendants of Atlanteans who belonged to different types of humans, Saturnians, Jupiterians, etc. humans. Through the supersensible teachings it was understood that a soul was not placed in this or that caste by chance, but by the fact that it had destined itself for it. Such a comprehension of the supersensible teachings was facilitated here in particular by the fact that in many people the inner memories of the ancestors described above could be awakened, which however also easily led to an erroneous idea of re-embodiment. Just as in the Atlantean age the true idea of re-embodiment could only be attained through the initiates, so in ancient India only through direct contact with the great teachers. The above-mentioned erroneous idea of re-embodiment, however, found the greatest conceivable extension among the peoples who spread over Europe, Asia and Africa as a result of the fall of Atlantis. And because those initiates who had gone astray during the Atlantean development had also communicated this secret to the immature, people increasingly confused the true idea with the erroneous one. A kind of dim clairvoyance had remained with these people as a legacy of the Atlantean period. Just as the Atlanteans entered the realm of the spiritual world in sleep, so their descendants experienced this spiritual world in abnormal intermediate states between waking and sleep. The images of ancient times to which their ancestors had belonged appeared in them. They believed themselves to be reincarnations of people who had lived in such times. Teachings about reincarnation, which contradicted the genuine ideas of the initiates, spread across the whole world.
[ 103 ] In the Near Eastern regions, as a result of the long migrations that moved from west to east since the beginning of the Atlantean destruction, a group of people had settled down, whose descendants are known to history as the Persian people and the tribes related to them. The supernatural knowledge must, however, go back to much earlier times than the historical ones of these peoples. First of all, we are talking about the very early ancestors of the later Persians, among whom the second great cultural age of post-Atlantean development, after the Indian one, arose. The peoples of this second age had a different task than the Indian peoples. Their longings and inclinations were not merely directed towards the supersensible world; they were predisposed towards the physical-sensible world. They became fond of the earth. They appreciated what man could conquer on it and what he could gain through its powers. What they accomplished as a warrior people and also what they invented as a means of extracting their treasures from the earth is connected with this peculiarity of their nature. They were not in danger of completely turning away from the "illusion" of the physical-sensual through their longing for the supernatural, but rather of completely losing their spiritual connection with the supernatural world through their sense of it. The oracle sites, which had been transplanted here from the old Atlantean region, also bore the general character of the people. Forces which had once been acquired through the experiences of the supersensible world, and which could still be controlled in certain lower forms, were cultivated there to direct the phenomena of nature in such a way that they served the personal interests of man. This ancient people still had great power in the control of such natural forces, which later withdrew from human will. The guardians of the oracles commanded inner powers that were connected with fire and other elements. They can be called magicians. What they had preserved as a legacy of supersensible knowledge and supersensible powers from ancient times was admittedly weak in comparison to what man was capable of in the distant past. But it took on all forms, from noble arts that had only the welfare of mankind in mind to the most reprehensible activities. In these people, the Luciferian being reigned in a special way. It had connected them with everything that diverted man from the intentions of those higher beings who, without the Luciferic influence, would alone have guided the development of mankind forward. Even those members of this people who were still gifted with remnants of the old clairvoyant state, the intermediate state between waking and sleeping described above, felt very drawn to the lower beings of the spiritual world. This people had to be given a spiritual impulse which counteracted these character traits. They were given a leadership from the same source from which the ancient Indian spiritual life came, from the keeper of the secrets of the solar oracle.
[ 104 ] The leader of the Urperian spiritual culture, who was given by that. Guardian of the Sun Oracle to the people in question can be called by the same name that history knows as Zarathustra or Zoroaster. It must only be emphasized that the personality meant here belongs to a much earlier time than that in which history places the bearer of this name. However, it is not external historical research that is important here, but spiritual science. And whoever has to think of a later time for the bearer of Zarathustra's name may seek harmony with spiritual science by imagining a successor of the first great Zarathustra who has taken his name and works in the spirit of his teaching. - The impulse which Zarathustra had to give to his people consisted in pointing out to them how the sensual-physical world is not merely the spiritless world which confronts man when he places himself under the exclusive influence of the Luciferic being. Man owes his personal independence and his sense of freedom to this being. However, it should work in him in harmony with the opposite spiritual being. It was important for the ancient Persian people to keep their sense of this latter spiritual being alive. Their inclination towards the sensual-physical world threatened them with complete fusion with the Luciferic beings. Zarathustra had now received such an initiation through the guardian of the solar oracle that he was able to receive the revelations of the high solar beings. In special states of consciousness, to which his training had led him, he could see the leader of the solar beings, who had taken the human life body into his protection in the manner described above. He knew that this being was guiding the development of humanity, but that it could only descend to earth from outer space at a certain time. For this it is necessary that it could live in the astral body of a human being, just as it had been working in the life body since the impact of the Luciferian being. A human being had to appear who had transformed the astral body back to such a level as it would have attained without Lucifer at a certain other time (in the middle of the Atlantean development). If Lucifer had not come, man would have reached this stage earlier, but without personal independence and without the possibility of freedom. Now, however, despite these characteristics, man was to reach this height again. Zarathustra foresaw in his seer states that in the future a personality would be possible within the development of mankind which would have such a corresponding astral body. But he also knew that before this time the spiritual solar forces could not be found on earth, but that they could be perceived by the supersensible vision in the realm of the spiritual part of the sun. He was able to see these powers when he directed his vision towards the sun. And he proclaimed to his people the nature of these powers, which were initially only to be found in the spiritual world and would later descend to earth. This was the proclamation of the great sun or light spirit (the sun aura, Ahura-mazdao, Ormuzd). This spirit of light reveals itself to Zarathustra and his followers as the spirit who turns his face towards man from the spiritual world and who prepares the future within humanity. It is the spirit pointing to Christ before his appearance on earth that Zarathustra proclaims as the spirit of light. In Ahriman (Angra mainju), on the other hand, he represents a power which, through its influence, has a corrupting effect on the human soul if it surrenders to it one-sidedly. This power is none other than the one already characterized above, which had attained a special dominion on earth since the betrayal of the Vulcan secrets. In addition to the message of the god of light, Zarathustra proclaimed teachings of those spiritual beings who would be revealed to the purified mind of the seer as comrades of the spirit of light and to whom the tempters formed a contrast, who appeared to the unpurified remnant of clairvoyance that had survived from the Atlantean period. It was to be made clear to the ancient Persian people how in the human soul, insofar as it is turned towards the work and striving in the sensual-physical world, a struggle takes place between the power of the god of light and that of his opponent and how man must behave so that the latter does not lead him into the abyss, but his influence is directed into the good through the power of the former.
[ 105 ] A third cultural epoch of the post-Atlantean period was born among the peoples who had recently flocked to the Near East and North Africa as a result of the migrations. It developed among the Chaldeans, Babylonians and Assyrians on the one hand and the Egyptians on the other. Among these peoples the sense of the physical-sensual world was still developed in a different way from that of the primitive people. They had absorbed much more than others of the spiritual disposition which forms the basis of the intellectual faculty, the gift of understanding, which has arisen since the last Atlantean times. It was the task of post-Atlantean mankind to develop those faculties of the soul that could be gained through the awakened powers of thought and emotion, which are not directly stimulated by the spiritual world, but arise from the fact that man observes the world of the senses, lives in it and works it. The conquest of this sensory-physical world through these human faculties must be regarded as the mission of post-Atlantean man. This conquest progresses from stage to stage. In ancient India, man is already directed towards this world through the constitution of his soul. But he still regards it as an illusion, and his spirit is turned towards the supersensible world. In the ancient Persian people, by contrast, the endeavor to conquer the physical-sensual world appears; but this is still largely attempted with those powers of the soul which have remained as an inheritance from a time when man could reach directly up to the supersensible world. Among the peoples of the third cultural epoch, the soul has largely lost its supersensible abilities. It must explore the revelations of the spiritual in the sensual environment and educate itself further through the discovery and invention of the means of culture arising from this world. The human sciences arose from the fact that the laws of the spiritual behind the physical-sensual world were researched; human technology, artistic work and their tools and means arose from the fact that the forces of this world were recognized and processed. To the man of the Chaldean-Babylonian peoples, the world of the senses was no longer an illusion, but in its realms, in mountains and seas, in air and water, a revelation of the spiritual deeds of the powers behind it, whose laws he sought to recognize. To the Egyptian, the earth was a field of his work, which was handed over to him in a state that he had to transform through his own powers of understanding in such a way that it appeared as an imprint of human power. Oracle sites had been transplanted to Egypt from Atlantis, preferably originating from the Mercury oracle. But there were also others, for example Venus oracles. A new cultural germ was sown into that which could be cultivated in the Egyptian people through these oracle sites. It emanated from a great leader who had received his training within the Persian Zarathustra mysteries. (He was the reincarnated personality of a disciple of the great Zarathustra himself). He is called "Herbes" in reference to a historical name. By absorbing the secrets of Zarathustra, he was able to find the right path for guiding the Egyptian people. In their earthly life, between birth and death, this people had so directed their sense of the physical-sensual world that although they could only see the spiritual world behind it to a limited extent, they recognized the laws of that world. Thus the spiritual world could not be taught to him as the one into which he could settle on earth. On the other hand, it could be shown how man in a bodiless state would live after death with the world of spirits, which appear during his time on earth through their imprint in the realm of the sensual-physical. Herbes taught that insofar as man uses his powers on earth to work according to the intentions of the spiritual powers, he makes himself capable of being united with these powers after death. In particular, those who have worked most diligently in this direction between birth and death will be united with the high solar being - with Osiris. On the Chaldean-Babylonian side of this cultural current, the direction of the human sense towards the physical-sensual was more pronounced than on the Egyptian side. The laws of this world were researched and the spiritual archetypes were seen from the sensual images. But the people remained attached to the sensual in many respects. Instead of the star spirit, the star and instead of other spiritual beings, their earthly images were pushed into the foreground. Only the leaders attained truly profound insights into the laws of the supersensible world and its interaction with the sensible world. Here, more than anywhere else, a contrast between the knowledge of the initiates and the misguided faith of the people became apparent.
[ 106 ] The situation was quite different in the regions of southern Europe and western Asia, where the fourth post-Atlantean cultural epoch flourished. It can be called the Greco-Latin era. The descendants of people from the most diverse regions of the older world had flocked to these countries. There were oracle sites that emulated the manifold Atlantean oracles. There were people who were naturally endowed with inherited traits of ancient clairvoyance and those who could acquire them relatively easily through training. In special places, not only were the traditions of the ancient initiates preserved, but worthy successors to them arose in these places, who brought forth disciples who could rise to high levels of spiritual vision. At the same time, these peoples had within them the impulse to create a realm within the sensual world which would express the spiritual in the physical in a perfect form. Among many other things, Greek art is a result of this drive. One need only look through the Greek temple with the spiritual eye and one will recognize how in such a marvel of art the sensual-material is worked by man in such a way that it appears in every member as the expression of the spiritual. The Greek temple is the "house of the spirit". One perceives in its forms what otherwise only the spiritual eye of the supersensible sees. A Zeus (or Jupiter) temple is designed in such a way that it represents a worthy enclosure for the sensual eye of what the guardian of the Zeus or Jupiter initiation saw with the spiritual eye. And so it is with all Greek art. In mysterious ways, the wisdom of the initiates flowed into the poets, artists and thinkers. In the worldview buildings of the ancient Greek philosophers, the secrets of the initiates can be found in the form of concepts and ideas. And the influences of the spiritual life, the secrets of the Asian and African places of initiation flowed to these peoples and their leaders. The great Indian teachers, the comrades of Zarathustra, the followers of Hermes had brought in their disciples. These or their successors now founded initiation sites in which the old wisdoms were revived in a new form. These are the mysteries of antiquity. The disciples were prepared there in order to bring them into those states of consciousness through which they could attain insight into the spiritual world. (You can find more details about these mysteries of antiquity in my book: "Christianity as a Mystical Fact". Other things will be said about them in the last chapters of this book). From these places of initiation the wisdom flowed to those who cultivated the spiritual mysteries in Asia Minor, Greece and Italy. (In the Greek world, the Orphic and Eleusinian mysteries gave rise to important places of initiation. In the wisdom school of Pythagoras, the great wisdom teachings and wisdom methods of ancient times continued to have an effect. Pythagoras had been initiated into the secrets of various mysteries on long journeys)
[ 107 ] Human life - in the post-Atlantean period - between birth and death also had an influence on the bodiless state after death. The more man turned his interests towards the physical-sensual world, the greater was the possibility that Ahriman would settle into the soul during life on earth and then retain his power beyond death. Among the peoples of ancient India this danger was still the least. For they had perceived the physical-sensual world as an illusion during their earthly life. Thus they withdrew from the power of Ahriman after death. The danger was all the greater for the Urperian peoples. In the time between birth and death, they had focused their attention on the sensual-physical world. They would have fallen prey to Ahriman's entanglements to a great extent if Zarathustra had not pointed out in an impressive way through the teaching of the god of light that behind the physical-sensual world there is that of the spirits of light. As much as the people of this culture had absorbed into their souls from the world of imagination thus aroused, they withdrew just as much from the tentacles of Ahriman for life on earth and thus also for life after death, through which they were to prepare themselves for a new life on earth. In earthly life, Ahriman's power leads them to regard their sensual-physical existence as their only existence and thus to block any prospect of a spiritual world. In the spiritual world, this violence leads people to complete isolation, to directing all their interests solely towards themselves. People who are under Ahriman's control at death are reborn as egoists.
[ 108 ] At present, spiritual science can describe life between death and a new birth as it is when the Ahrimanic influence has been overcome to a certain degree. And this is how it has been described by the writer of this book in other writings and in the first chapters of this one. And this is how it must be described if it is to become clear what can be experienced by man in this form of existence when he has conquered the pure spiritual vision for what really exists. The extent to which the individual experiences it more or less depends on his conquest of the ahrimanic influence. Man comes closer and closer to what he can be in the spiritual world. How this, what man can be, is impaired by other influences, must be sharply focused on when looking at the course of development of mankind.
[ 109 ] In the case of the Egyptian people, Hermes ensured that people prepared themselves for communion with the spirit of light during their life on earth. But because people's interests between birth and death were already so shaped during this time that it was only possible to see through the veil of the physical-sensual to a limited extent, the soul's spiritual vision also remained clouded after death. The perception of the world of light remained dim. - The obscuration of the spiritual world after death reached a climax for those souls who passed from a body of the Greek-Latin culture into the body-free state. They had brought the cultivation of the sensual-physical existence to bloom in earthly life. And thus they had condemned themselves to a shadowy existence after death. That is why the Greeks perceived this life after death as a shadowy existence; and it is not mere talk, but the feeling of truth when the hero of this time, who turned to the sensual life, says: "Better a beggar on earth than a king in the realm of shadows." All this was even more pronounced among those Asian peoples who, even in their worship and adoration, only looked at the sensual images instead of the spiritual archetypes. At the time of the Greco-Latin cultural period, a large part of humanity was in the situation described above. One can see how man's mission in the post-Atlantean period, which consisted in the conquest of the physical-sensual world, necessarily led to alienation from the spiritual world. Thus the great on the one hand is necessarily connected with the decline on the other. - In the Mysteries the connection of man with the spiritual world was cultivated. Their initiates were able to receive revelations from this world in special states of soul. They were more or less the successors of the Atlantean oracle keepers. To them was revealed that which had been concealed by the impacts of Lucifer and Ahriman. Lucifer veiled for man that which had flowed into the human astral body from the spiritual world without his intervention up to the middle of the Atlantean period. If the life body had not been partially separated from the physical body, man would have been able to experience this area of the spiritual world as an inner revelation of the soul. Due to the Luciferic influence he could only do so in special states of soul. Then a spiritual world appeared to him in the guise of the astral. The corresponding beings revealed themselves through such figures, which merely bore the limbs of the higher human nature, and on these limbs the astral-visible symbols for their special spiritual powers. Superhuman figures revealed themselves in this way - After the intervention of Ahriman another kind of initiation was added to this. Ahriman veiled all that from the spiritual world which would have appeared behind the sensual-physical perception if his intervention had not taken place from the middle of the Atlantean epoch. That this was revealed to the initiates was due to the fact that they exercised all those faculties in the soul which man had acquired since that time beyond the measure by which the impressions of sensory-physical existence are achieved. This revealed to them what lies behind the forces of nature as spiritual powers. They were able to speak of the spiritual entities behind nature. The creative powers of those forces revealed themselves to them which are at work in the natural, which is below man. What had continued to work from Saturn, the sun and the old moon and had formed man's physical body, his life body, his astral body, as well as the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms, formed the content of one kind of mystery secrets. They were those over which Ahriman held sway. That which had led to the sentient soul, to the intellectual soul, to the consciousness soul, was revealed in a second kind of mystery-secrets. But what could only be prophesied by the Mysteries was that in the course of time a human being would appear with such an astral body that in spite of Lucifer the light world of the sun spirit would be able to become conscious through the life body without special soul states. And the physical body of this human being had to be such that everything from the spiritual world that can be veiled by Ahriman until physical death would be revealed to it. Physical death cannot change anything within life for this human being, that is, it cannot have any power over it. In such a human being the "I" appears in such a way that the full spiritual life is simultaneously contained in the physical life. Such a being is the bearer of the spirit of light, to which the initiate rises from two sides by being led either to the spirit of the superhuman or to the being of the powers of nature in particular states of soul. By predicting that such a human being would appear in the course of time, the initiates of the Mysteries were the prophets of the Christ.
[ 110 ] As the special prophet in this sense, a personality arose in the midst of a people who by natural inheritance had the characteristics of the Near Eastern peoples and by education the teachings of the Egyptians, the Israelite people. It was Moses. So much of the influences of initiation had come into his soul that in special states the being revealed itself to this soul which had once taken over the role of shaping human consciousness from the moon in the regular development of the earth. In thunder and lightning Moses recognized not only the physical phenomena, but the revelations of the marked spirit. But at the same time the other kind of mysteries had worked on his soul, and so he heard in the astral visions the superhuman as it becomes human through the "I". Thus the one who had to come revealed himself to Moses from two sides as the highest form of the "I".
[ 111 ] And with "Christ" appeared in human form what the high solar being had prepared as the great human earth model. With this appearance, all mystery wisdom had to take on a new form in a certain respect. Before this, it was exclusively there to bring man into such a state of soul that he could see the realm of the Sun-Spirit apart from earthly development. Now the Mysteries - Wisdoms were given the task of enabling man to recognize the incarnate Christ and to understand the natural and spiritual world from this center of all wisdom.
[ 112 ] In that moment of his life, in which the astral body of Christ Jesus had everything in it that can be veiled by the Luciferic influence, his appearance as a teacher of humanity began. From that moment on, the disposition was implanted in the human development on earth to absorb the wisdom through which the physical goal on earth can gradually be reached. At that moment, when the event of Golgotha took place, the other disposition was implanted in humanity, whereby the influence of Ahriman can be turned to good. Out of life, man can now take with him through the gate of death that which liberates him from isolation in the spiritual world. The event of Palestine is not only central to the physical development of mankind, but also to the other worlds to which man belongs. And when the "Mystery of Golgotha" had been accomplished, when the "death of the cross" had been suffered, the Christ appeared in that world in which the souls dwell after death, and put the power of Ahriman in its place. From that moment on, the region that the Greeks had called a "shadowy realm" was struck by that flash of inspiration that showed its beings that light was to come into it again. What had been achieved for the physical world through the "Mystery of Golgotha" cast its light into the spiritual world. - Thus the post-Atlantean development of mankind up to this event was an ascent for the physical-sensual world. But it was also a decline for the spiritual world. Everything that flowed into the sensual world flowed out of what had been in the spiritual world since time immemorial. Since the Christ-event, people who rise to the Christ-mystery can take what they have achieved from the sensual world into the spiritual world. And from this it then flows back into the earthly-sensual world, in that people bring with them in their re-embodiment that which the Christ impulse has become to them in the spiritual world between death and a new birth.
[ 113 ] What flowed into the development of humanity through the appearance of Christ acted like a seed within it. The seed can only ripen gradually. Only the very smallest part of the depths of the new wisdoms has flowed into physical existence up to the present day. This is only at the beginning of Christian development. In the successive periods of time that have elapsed since that apparition, it has only ever been able to reveal as much of its inner essence as the people, the peoples, were able to receive, as they were able to absorb into their imagination. The first form into which this recognition could be poured can be expressed as a comprehensive ideal of life. As such, it stood in opposition to the forms of life that had developed in post-Atlantean humanity. The conditions that have influenced the development of humanity since the repopulation of the earth in Lemurian times have been described above. Accordingly, human beings can be traced back psychically to various entities which, coming from other worlds, embodied themselves in the bodily descendants of the ancient Lemurians. The different human races are a consequence of this fact. And in the re-embodied souls, as a result of their karma, the most diverse life interests arose. As long as all this continued to have an effect, there could not be the ideal of "universal humanity". Mankind started out from a unity, but the development on earth to date has led to separation. In the concept of Christ there is first of all an ideal that counteracts all separation, for in the human being who bears the name of Christ also live the forces of the high solar being, in which every human ego finds its original ground. The Israelite people still felt themselves to be a people, the human being a member of this people. By first grasping in the mere thought that in Christ Jesus lives the ideal man, to whom the conditions of separation do not penetrate, Christianity became the ideal of comprehensive brotherhood. Beyond all special interests and special affinities, the feeling arose that the innermost self of man has the same origin in everyone. (In addition to all earthly ancestors, the common father of all people appears. "I and the Father are one.")
[ 114 ] In the fourth, fifth and sixth centuries after Christ, a cultural age prepared itself in Europe that began with the fifteenth century and in which the present still lives. It was to gradually replace the fourth, the Greco-Latin age. It is the fifth post-Atlantean cultural age. The peoples who, after various migrations and the most diverse fates, made themselves the bearers of this age were descendants of those Atlanteans who had remained most untouched by what had happened in the four previous cultural periods. They had not penetrated into the areas where the corresponding cultures had taken root. On the other hand, they had propagated the Atlantic cultures in their own way. There were many people among them who had preserved to a high degree the legacy of the old twilight clairvoyance - the described intermediate state between waking and sleeping. Such people knew the spiritual world as their own experience and were able to tell their fellow human beings what was going on in this world. This gave rise to a world of tales about spiritual beings and spiritual processes. And the fairy tales and legends of the peoples originally arose from such spiritual experiences. For the twilight clairvoyance of many people lasted until times by no means long after our present day. There were other people who had lost their clairvoyance, but who nevertheless developed the abilities they had acquired for the sensory-physical world according to feelings and sensations that corresponded to the experiences of this clairvoyance. And the Atlantean oracles also had their successors here. There were mysteries everywhere. But in these mysteries there was mainly a secret of initiation which led to the revelation of that spiritual world which Ahriman keeps closed. The spiritual powers behind the forces of nature were revealed. The mythologies of the European peoples contain the remnants of what the initiates of these mysteries were able to proclaim to people. However, these mythologies also contain the other secret, but in a more imperfect form than the southern and eastern mysteries had. The superhuman beings were also known in Europe. However, they were seen to be in constant battle with Lucifer's comrades. And the God of Light was proclaimed, but in such a form that it could not be said to defeat Lucifer. Instead, the future figure of Christ shone into these mysteries. It was proclaimed that his kingdom would replace the kingdom of that other god of light. (All the legends of the twilight of the gods and the like have their origin in this realization of the mysteries of Europe). Such influences gave rise to a split in the souls of the people of the fifth cultural epoch, which still persists today and manifests itself in the most diverse manifestations of life. From ancient times, the soul did not retain the pull towards the spiritual so strongly that it could have retained the connection between the spiritual and the sensual world. It only retained it as a cultivation of feelings and sensations, but not as a direct vision of the supersensible world. In contrast, man's gaze was increasingly directed towards the sensual world and its control. And the intellectual powers that awoke in the last Atlantean period, all the powers in man whose instrument is the physical brain, were trained towards the sensory world and its cognition and control. Two worlds developed, so to speak, in the human breast. One is turned towards the sensual-physical existence, the other is receptive to the revelation of the spiritual in order to penetrate it with feeling and sensation, but without perception. The dispositions for this division of the soul were already present when the doctrine of Christ was introduced into Europe. This message was received from the spirit into the hearts, penetrating sensation and feeling, but was unable to build a bridge to that which the mind, directed towards the senses, explored in physical-sensual existence. What we know today as the contrast between external science and spiritual knowledge is only a consequence of this fact. Christian mysticism (Eckhardt's, Tauler's, etc.) is a result of the interpenetration of feeling and sensation with Christianity. Science, which is merely directed towards the world of the senses, and its results in life are the consequences of the other side of the soul's dispositions. And the achievements in the field of external material culture are entirely due to this separation of dispositions. By turning one-sidedly to physical life, those faculties of man which have their instrument in the brain have been able to attain that increase which has made possible present-day science, technology and so on. And the origin of this material culture could only lie with the peoples of Europe. For they are the descendants of Atlantean ancestors, who only developed the trait for the physical-sensual world into abilities when it had reached a certain maturity. Before that, they let it lie dormant and lived from the heirlooms of Atlantean clairvoyance and the messages of their initiates. While outwardly the spiritual culture was devoted only to these influences, the sense of material mastery of the world slowly matured.
[ 115 ] However, the dawn of the sixth post-Atlantean cultural period is already announcing itself. For what is to emerge at a certain time in the development of mankind is slowly maturing in the preceding period. What can already develop in the early stages is the discovery of the thread that connects the two sides of the human breast, material culture and life in the spiritual world. For this it is necessary that on the one side the results of spiritual vision are understood and on the other side the revelations of the spirit are recognized in the observations and experiences of the sense world. The sixth cultural epoch will bring the harmony between the two to full development. - Thus the consideration of this book has advanced to a point where it can pass from a view into the past to a view into the future. But it is better if this outlook is preceded by a consideration of the knowledge of the higher world and of initiation. Then this outlook, insofar as it is possible within the framework of this writing, can be given briefly.