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The Festivals and their Meaning II:
GA 102

13 April 1908, Berlin

Translator Unknown

VI. The Mystery of the Future

In a former lecture I pointed out that Christianity is wider in reach and compass than the sphere of religion as we normally understand it. I said that when, in future times, men have outgrown what they are now wont to call religion, the substance and content of Christianity will have thrown off the outmoded forms of religious life and will have become a potent spiritual influence in the whole of human culture. Christianity has the power in itself of transcending the forms in which, in the cultural development of our day, we quite rightly express our religious life.

Since that lecture, many significant expressions of cultural life have come to my notice. I have had a brief period of lecturing in the Northern countries—in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The week before last I had to give a lecture in Stockholm, among other towns in Sweden. Because of the low rate of population—remember that London alone has as many inhabitants as the whole of Sweden—there is much unoccupied territory, and people are separated by far greater distances than is the case in our Middle European countries. This will help you to understand what I mean when I tell you that the influences of the old Nordic Gods and Beings are still perceptible in the spiritual environment of those districts. To one who has some knowledge of the Spiritual it is in a sense an actual fact, that wherever the gaze turns one can glimpse the contenances of those ancient Nordic Gods who appeared to the Initiates in the Northern Mysteries, in times long before Christianity had spread over the world.

In the very heart of these lands, enwreathed as they are by myth and legend, not only in the poetic, but also in the spiritual sense, another symptom came into evidence. Between the lectures in Stockholm I had also to give one in Uppsala. In the Library there—in the very midst of all the evidences of spirituality dating from the times of the ancient Gods—lies the first Germanic version of the Bible; the so-called ‘Silver Codex,’ consisting of the four Gospels translated in the 4th century by the Gothic Bishop Wulfila. During the Thirty Years' War, through strange workings of karma, this remarkable document was taken as booty from Prague and brought to the North, where it is now preserved in the midst of the spirit-beings who, in remembrance at least, pervade the spiritual atmosphere of those regions. And as though it were right and proper that this document should lie where it does, a strange occurrence played a part in the story. Eleven leaves of this Silver Codex were stolen by an antiquarian, but after some time his heir suffered such pricks of conscience that he sent the eleven leaves back again to Uppsala, where they now lie, together with the rest of the first Germanic translation of the Bible.

The subject of the three public lectures in Stockholm was Wagner's “Ring of the Nibelungs,” and, walking along the streets, the announcements of the last performance at the Opera of Wagner's Ragnarök, the “Götterdämmerung” (Twilight of the Gods), were to be seen on the kiosks. These things are really symptomatic, interweaving in a most remarkable way. Underlying the old Nordic sagas there is a note of deep tragedy, indicating that the Nordic Gods and Divinities would be superseded by One yet to come. This motif and trend of the Nordic sagas reappears in a medieval form in Wagner's. Siegfried is killed by a thrust between his shoulder-blades, his only vulnerable part. This is a prophetic intimation that here, at this place in his body, something is lacking, and that through One yet to come it will be covered by the arms of the Cross. This is no mere poetic image, but something that has been drawn from the inspiration belonging to the world of saga and legend. For this same note of tragic destiny was implicit in the Nordic sagas, in the Mystery-truth underlying them, that the Nordic Gods would be replaced by the later, Christian Principle. In the Northern Mysteries the significance of this ‘Twilight’ of the Gods was everywhere made plain.

It is also significant—and here again I mean something more than a poetic image—that in the very hearts of these people to-day the remembrance of those ancient Gods lives on in peaceful reconciliation with all that has been brought there or made its way thither from Christianity. The presence of the Gothic Bible amid the memories of ancient times is verily a symptom. One can also feel it as a symptom, as a foreshadowing of the future, that in lands where more intensely than anywhere else the ancient Gods are felt as living realities, these Gods should be presented again in their Wagnerian form, outside the narrow bounds of ordinary religion.

Anyone in the slightest degree capable of interpreting the signs of the times will perceive in the art of Richard Wagner the first rays of Christianity emerging from the narrow framework of the religious life into the wider horizons of modern spiritual culture. One can discern quite unmistakably how in the soul of Richard Wagner himself the central idea of Christianity comes to birth, how it bursts the bonds of religion and becomes universal. When on Good Friday, in the year 1857, he looks out of the Villa Wesendonck by the Lake of Zürich at the budding flowers of early spring, and the first seed of “Parsifal” quickens to life within him, this is a transformation, on a wider scale, of what already lives in Christianity, as a religious idea. And after he had reached the heights of that prophetic foreshadowing of Christianity to which he gave such magnificent expression in the “Ring of the Nibelungs,” this central Idea of Christianity found still wider horizons in “Parsifal,” becoming the seed of that future time when Christianity will embrace, not only the religious life, but the life of knowledge, of art, of beauty, in the widest sense of the words.

This is the theme that will be presented to you to-day, in order to kindle the feeling of what Christianity can be for mankind in times to come.

In connection with this, we will penetrate deeply to-day into the evolution of humanity, for the purpose of discovering the real relation between religion in the ordinary sense and Christianity. The present point of time is itself not unsuitable, lying as it does just before the great Festival symbolising the victory of the Spirit over Death. The Festival of Easter is close upon us and we remember, perhaps, those Christmas lectures in which we endeavoured to grasp the meaning of Christmas in the light of the Mystery-knowledge. If from a higher vantage-point we think of the Christmas Festival on the one side and the Easter Festival, with its prospect of Whitsuntide, on the other, the relation between religion and Christianity, if rightly conceived, is brought in a most wonderful way before the eye of spirit.

It will be necessary to go far, far afield in laying the basis of this study, but by doing so we shall realise what has been preserved in such Festivals and what they can bring to life in the soul. We shall go far, far back in evolution—although not so far either in time or space as in our last lectures, when we dealt with the Spiritual Hierarchies. Those lectures, however, will have been a help, because of the vistas they opened up of the earth's evolution and its connection with that of the Beings of the heavens. To-day we shall go back only to about the middle of the Atlantean epoch, when the ancestors of present-day humanity were living in the West, between Europe and America, on the continent now lying beneath the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In those times the face of the earth was quite different. Where now there is water, then there was land, and on this land dwelt the early ancestors of men who now constitute the civilised humanity of Europe and Asia. When the eye of spirit is directed upon the soul-life of these antediluvian, Atlantean peoples, it is seen to have been quite different from the soul-life of Post-Atlantean humanity. We have learnt, from earlier studies, of the mighty changes that have taken place in earth-evolution since that time, including changes in the life of the human soul. The whole of man's consciousness, even the alternating states of waking consciousness by day and sleep by night, have changed. The normal state to-day is that when a man wakes in the morning he comes down with his astral body and Ego into the physical and etheric bodies, making use of the physical senses: the eyes for seeing, the ears for hearing, and all the other senses, in order to receive the impressions coming from the material world around him. He plunges with his astral body down into his brain, into his nerves, combining and relating his multifarious sense-impressions. Such is the life of day. At night, the Ego and astral body draw out of the physical and etheric bodies, and sleep ensues. The physical and etheric bodies lie in the bed, but the Ego and astral body have passed out of them and all the impressions of the sense-world and of the waking life of day are obliterated; joy, suffering, pleasure, pain—everything that composes man's inner waking life of soul passes away, and in the present cycle of human evolution darkness enshrouds him during the night.

At approximately the middle of the Atlantean epoch it was not so. Man's consciousness in those times was essentially different. When in the morning he entered into his physical and etheric bodies he was not confronted with sharply outlined pictures of the outer, material world. The pictures were much less distinct and definite, rather as when street lamps in thick fog appear surrounded with an aura of rainbow-like colours. This homely illustration will help you to envisage what the mid-Atlantean man saw and perceived, but you must remember that these colourforms surrounding and blurring the sharp outlines of objects, and also the tones resounding from them, revealed a great deal more than the colours and tones familiar to us to-day. These encircling colours were the expressions of living beings—of the inner, soul-qualities of these beings. And so when a man had come down into his physical and etheric bodies he still had some perception of the spiritual beings, around him—unlike to-day when, on waking in the morning he merely perceives physical objects with their sharp outlines and coloured surfaces.

Moreover, when at night the Atlantean left his physical and etheric bodies, the world into which he passed was not a world of darkness and silence; the pictures were hardly less numerous than by day, with this difference only, that whereas in the waking life of day man perceived outer objects, belonging to the mineral-, plant-, animal- and human kingdoms, at night the whole space around him was filled with colour-forms and tones, with impressions of smell, taste and so forth. But these colours and tones, these impressions of warmth and cold of which he was conscious, were the garments, the sheaths, of spiritual Beings who never descend to physical incarnation, Beings whose names and images are preserved in the myths and sagas. Myths and sagas are not just folk-songs; they are memories of the visions which in olden times came to men in these conditions of existence. Men were aware of the spiritual alike by day and by night. By night they were surrounded by that world of Nordic gods of which the legends tell. Odin, Freya, and all the other figures in Nordic mythology were not inventions; they were experienced in the spiritual world with as much reality as a man experiences his fellow-men around him to-day. And the sagas are the memories of the experiences actually undergone by men in their shadowy, clairvoyant consciousness.

At the time when this kind of consciousness had evolved from a still earlier form, the sun in the heavens rose at the vernal equinox in the constellation of Libra (the Scales). As the Atlantean epoch took its further course, the kind of consciousness that is ours to-day gradually developed. The impressions received by man during the night when his Ego and astral body were outside his physical and etheric bodies became dimmer, less and less distinct; whereas the images of waking life coming to him when he was within his physical and etheric bodies by day, increased in clarity and definition. Paradoxically speaking, night became more intensely night, day more intensely day.

Then came the Atlantean Flood and the dawn of the later, Post-Atlantean epochs of civilisation: the ancient Indian civilisation when the Holy Rishis themselves were the teachers of men; the epoch of ancient Persian culture; the epoch of Chaldean-Assyrian-Babylonian-Egyptian culture; the epoch of Greco-Roman culture, and finally our own. These epochs of civilisation followed one another after the submergence of Atlantis. And the mood-of-soul prevailing in men during early Post-Atlantean times, and to some extent also during the last phases of the Atlantean epoch itself, can be indicated by saying that among the peoples everywhere, including those who, as the descendants of the Atlanteans, had wandered across to the East and settled there, the ancient memories still survived, as well as the old myths and legends describing the experiences of the earlier form of Atlantean consciousness. These legends and myths which originated in Atlantis had come over with the migrating peoples, who preserved and narrated them. They were their inspiration, and the oldest inhabitants of the North were still vitally aware of the power flowing from these myths, because their ancestors remembered that their own forefathers had actually seen what was narrated in the legends.

Something else too had been preserved, namely the things that had been experienced, not it is true by the masses of the people, but by those who were the Initiates in olden times, the priests and sages of the Mysteries. Their eyes of spirit had penetrated into the same depths of world-existence that are disclosed to-day through spiritual investigation. The Initiation-consciousness of man's early forefathers worked in the spiritual world as powerfully as the Folk-Soul. Clairvoyance, although dim and shadowy, was still a real and vital power in those olden days. Folk-lore and saga preserved and proclaimed, in revelations often fragmentary and broken, realities that had once been experienced. What had been seen in vision and cultivated in the Mysteries was preserved in the form of an ancient wisdom. It was then possible, in the Mysteries, to infuse into the individual consciousness of those who became Initiates, a wide, all-embracing vista of the universe. But forms of consciousness which had been natural in remote ages had in the later times of the Mysteries to be artificially induced.

Why was spiritual vision a natural condition in the far distant past? The reason is that the connection between the physical body and the etheric body was different. The connection existing to-day did not develop until the later phases of the Atlantean epoch. Before that time the upper part of the etheric head extended far outside the boundaries of the physical head; towards the end of Atlantis the etheric head gradually drew completely into the physical head until it coincided with it. This gave rise to the later form of consciousness which became natural in Post-Atlantean man, enabling him to perceive physical objects in sharp outlines, as we do to-day. The fact that man can hear tones, be aware of scents, see colours on surfaces—although these are no longer expressions of the inmost spiritual reality of things—all this is connected with the firm and gradual interlocking of the physical body and etheric body.

In earlier times, when the etheric body was still partly outside the physical body, this projecting part of the etheric body was able to receive impressions from the astral body, and it was these impressions that were perceived by the old, dreamlike clairvoyance. Not until the etheric body had sunk right down into the physical body was man wholly bereft of his dim clairvoyance. Hence in the ancient Mysteries it became necessary for the priests to use special methods in order to induce in the candidates for Initiation the condition which, in Atlantis, had been natural and normal. When pupils were to receive Initiation in the Mystery-temples, the procedure was that, after the appropriate impressions had been received by the astral body, the priests conducting the Initiation induced a partial loosening of the etheric body, in consequence of which the physical body lay for three and a half days in a trancelike sleep, in a kind of paralytic condition. The astral body was then able to imprint into the loosened etheric body experiences which had once come to Atlantean man in his normal state. Then the candidate for Initiation was able to see around him realities that henceforth were no longer merely preserved for him in scripts, or in tradition, but had become his own, individual experiences.

Let us try to picture what actually happened to the candidate for Initiation.—When the priests in the Mysteries raised the etheric body partially out of the physical body and guided the impressions issuing from the astral body into this released etheric body, the candidate experienced in his etheric body the spiritual worlds. So strong and intense were the experiences that when he was restored from the trance and his etheric body was reunited to the physical body, he brought back the memory of these experiences into his physical consciousness. He had been a witness of the spiritual worlds, could himself bear witness to what was happening there; he had risen above and beyond all division into peoples or nations, for he had been initiated into that by which all peoples are united; the primal wisdom, primal truth.

Thus it was in the ancient Mysteries; so too it was in those moments of which I told you in connection with the Christmas Mystery, when the boundaries which were to characterise the consciousness of later times disappeared before the gaze of the Initiate. Think for a moment of the fundamental characteristic of Post-Atlantean consciousness. Man is no longer able to see into the innermost nature of things; between him and this innermost core of being a boundary is fixed. He sees only the surfaces of things in the physical world. What man's consciousness in the Post-Atlantean epoch could no longer penetrate, was transparent and clear to the one who in olden times was about to receive Initiation. And then, when the great moment came, in what is called the “Holy Night,” he was able to see through the solid earth and to behold the Sun, the spiritual “Sun at midnight.”

In essentials, therefore, this pre-Christian Initiation consisted in re-evoking what in ancient times had been the natural condition, the normal state of consciousness. Little by little, as civilisation advanced, these memories of olden times receded and the power to experience reality outside the physical body became increasingly rare. Nevertheless, in the earliest periods of the Post-Atlantean epoch there were still many in the ancient Indian, Persian, Chaldean civilisations, indeed even in ancient Egypt, whose etheric bodies were not yet so firmly anchored in the physical body as to prevent them from receiving the impressions of the spiritual world—in the form of atavistic remains of an earlier age. Later, during Greco-Roman times, even these vestiges disappeared and it was less and less possible for Initiation to be achieved in the same way as before. It became increasingly difficult to preserve for humanity the memories of the ancient, primal wisdom.

At this point we are drawing near the time of our own Fifth Post-Atlantean epoch which denotes something of peculiar significance in the evolution of humanity. In the Greco-Latin epoch it was still true to speak of an equal possibility, on the one side of remembering the visions arising in the ancient, shadowy clairvoyance, and on the other, of living wholly within the physical body, and of being thereby completely cut off from the spiritual worlds. Individuals here and there had this experience. The whole trend of modern life goes to show that the man of the Fifth Post-Atlantean epoch has descended still more deeply into the physical body—the outer sign being the birth of materialistic concepts. These made their appearance for the first time in the Fourth Post-Atlantean epoch, with the Atomists of ancient Greece. Then, having passed from the scene for a time, we find them cropping up again, and during the last four centuries their influence has so greatly increased that man has lost, not only the content of the old memories of the spiritual worlds, but, gradually, all belief in the very existence of those worlds. There you have the true state of affairs. In this Fifth Post-Atlantean epoch, man has sunk so deeply into the physical body that he has lost even belief! In a very large number of people, belief in the existence of a spiritual world has simply vanished.

And now let us look from a different point of view at the course taken by evolution. Looking back into those ancient Atlantean times of which we have been trying to form a concrete picture, we can say that man was still living with and among his gods. He believed not only in his own existence and that of the three kingdoms of nature, but also in the reality of the higher realms of the spiritual worlds, for in the Atlantean epoch he was an actual witness of them. His spiritual consciousness by night and his physical consciousness by day did not greatly differ; they were in balance, and it would have been foolish of a man to deny the reality of that which was perceptibly around him—for he actually beheld the gods. There was no need for religion in our modern sense. What now forms the content of the various religions was a perceived reality to the majority of human beings in the times of Atlantis. Just as little as you yourselves need religion in order to believe in the existence of roses or lilies, rocks or trees, as little did the Atlantean need religion in order to believe in gods, for to him they were realities. But this immediate reality faded away, and more and more the content of the spiritual worlds became mere memory—partly preserved in traditions of the visions of very ancient forefathers, partly in the myths and sagas, and in what a few individuals gifted with special powers of clairvoyance had themselves witnessed of these spiritual worlds. Above all, however, this content of the spiritual worlds was preserved in the Mysteries, guarded by the priests of the Mysteries. The secret knowledge under the guardianship of the Priests of Hermes in Egypt, of Zarathustra in Persia, and the sages of Chaldea, the successors of the Holy Rishis in India, was nothing else than the art of enabling human beings, through Initiation, to witness what men in days of yore had seen around them in a perfectly natural way. Later, what the Mysteries preserved was expressed in the form of the folk-religion—here in one, there in another religion—according to the constitution of a people, according to its particular faculties and powers of perception, even according to its native climate. But the primal wisdom was the basis of them all, as the one great unity. This wisdom was one and the same, whether cultivated by Pythagoras in his School, by the Chaldean sages in Western Asia, by Zarathustra in Persia, or by the Brahmans in India. Everywhere it was the same primal wisdom—expressed in varied form according to the needs and conditions obtaining in the folk-religions of the different regions. Here, then, we see the primal wisdom as the fount and basis of all religion.

What is religion, fundamentally speaking? It is the intermediary between the spiritual worlds and mankind when men are no longer able to experience these spiritual worlds through their own organs of perception. Religion was the proclamation, the announcement of the existence of spiritual worlds, made for the sake of men who could no longer experience spiritual reality. Thus was the spiritual life spread over the earth as religious culture in the several epochs of civilisation, in ancient India, ancient Persia and the rest, down to our own time.

As I have already said, the purpose of man's descent into a physical body was that he might gain knowledge of the external world, experiencing existence through his physical senses, in order, finally, to spiritualise what he thus experienced, and so lead it to future stages of evolution. But at the present time, having plunged deeply into the physical body, and having already passed the middle point of the Post-Atlantean civilisations, we are facing a very definite eventuality.

The whole evolution of mankind has a certain strange quality. It goes forward in one direction until a certain point is reached and then it begins to stream in the opposite direction. Having streamed downwards to a certain point, it turns again upwards, reaching the same stages as on the descent, but now in a higher form. To-day man stands in very truth before a fateful future, that future when, as is known to everyone who is aware of this deeply significant truth of evolution, his etheric body will gradually loosen itself again, freeing itself from its submergence in the physical body, where the things of the physical world are perceived in their sharply outlined forms. The etheric body must release itself again in order that man's being may become spiritualised and once again have vision of the spiritual world. To-day humanity has actually reached the point when in a great number of individuals the etheric body is beginning to loosen.

A destiny in the very highest degree significant is approaching us, and here we come near to the secret of our own epoch of civilisation.

We must realise that the etheric body, which has descended very deeply into the physical body, must now take the path upwards, carrying with it from the physical body everything that has been experienced through the physical senses. But just because the etheric body is loosening itself from the physical, everything that was formerly reality—in the physical sense—must gradually be spiritualised. It will be essential for mankind in times to come to have conscious certainty that the spiritual is reality. What will happen otherwise? The etheric body will be freed from the physical body while men still believe only in the reality of the physical world, and have no consciousness of the reality of the spiritual, which will be manifest in the loosened etheric body as the fruit of man's past experience in the physical body. In such conditions men may be faced with the danger of losing all relationship to this loosening of their etheric bodies.

Let us consider the point at which a man's etheric body, which has been firmly anchored in the physical body, begins to loosen from it again and to emerge. Suppose that this happens to a man who in his physical existence has lost all belief in, all consciousness of, the spiritual world, and has cut himself off from any connection with it. Let us assume that he descended so firmly and deeply into the physical body that he has been able to retain nothing save the belief that the physical life is the one and only reality. Now he passes into the next phase of human existence. Relentlessly the etheric body emerges from the physical body, while he is still incapable of realising the existence of a spiritual world. He neither recognises nor knows anything of the spiritual world about him. This is the fate which may confront men in the near future, that they do not recognise the spiritual world which, as the result of the loosening of the etheric body, they must inevitably experience, but regard it as a phantasy, illusion, vain imagination. And those who have experienced most ably, with the utmost perfection, the physical body, the men who have become the pundits of materialism and are full of fixed, rigid notions of matter, it is they who, with the loosening of the etheric body, will face the greatest danger of being without a single inkling that there is a spiritual world. They will regard everything that then comes to them from the spiritual world as illusion, fancy, as so many figments of dream.

If in times to come, when the etheric body has again loosened itself from the physical, man is to live his life in any real sense, he must have consciousness of what will then present itself to the etheric body. In order that he may be conscious that what then comes to him is knowledge of the spiritual world, it is essential that realisation of the existence of the spiritual world shall be preserved in humanity and carried through the period when man is most deeply immersed in the material world. For the sake of the future, the link between the religious life and the life of knowledge must never be lost. Man came forth from a life among the gods; to a life among the gods he will again return. But he must be able to recognise them; he must know that in very truth the gods are realities. When the etheric body has loosened he will no longer be able to rely on remembrances of ancient human times. If meanwhile he has lost consciousness of the spiritual world, has come to believe that life in the physical body and things to be seen in the physical world are the only realities, then for all ages of time he must dangle, as it were, in mid-air. He will have lost his bearings in the spiritual world and will have no ground under his feet. He will be threatened, in this condition, with what is known as the “spiritual death.” For around him there is only phantasy, illusion, a world of whose reality he has no consciousness, in which he does not believe, and so ... he dies! That is the death in the spiritual world. It is the doom which threatens men if, before passing again into the spiritual worlds, they fail to bring with them any consciousness of those worlds.

At what point in the evolution of humanity was attainment of consciousness of the spiritual world made possible for man? It was at the point where man's descent into the physical body was countered by victory over that body, and there was placed before men the great Prototype of Christ Himself. The understanding of Christ forms for man the bridge between the memories of his ancient past and the foreshadowings of his future. When Jesus of Nazareth had reached the age of 30, the Christ came down into his body. For the first and last time Christ lived in a physical body. And His victory over death—when it is rightly understood—reveals to man what the manner of his own life must be if, for all ages of time, he is to be conscious of the reality of the spiritual world. That is the true union with Christ.

What will the Christ Mystery, the Christ Deed, come to mean in the life of man in the future? The man of the future will look back upon our present epoch, when he lived wholly within the physical body, just as Post-Atlantean man looks back to those Atlantean times when he was living together with the gods. As he ascends again into the spiritual world, man will know that through the Christ Deed he has gained the victory over what he experienced in the physical body; he will point to the physical as something that has been overcome, surmounted. We should feel the Easter Miracle, then, as a mighty Deed, a foreshadowing of the Future.

Two possibilities lie before the man of the future. The one possibility is that he will look back in remembrance to the time of his experiences in the physical body, and he will say, “These alone were real. Now there is about me only a world of illusion. Life in the physical body—that was the reality.” Such a man will be gazing into a grave and what he sees in the grave is a corpse. But the corpse—the physical thing—will still be for him the true reality. That is the one possibility.

The other is that man will look back upon what was experienced in the physical world, and will know that it is a grave. Then, with deep consciousness of the import of his words, he will say to those who still believe the physical to have been the one and only reality: “He Whom thou seekest is no longer here! The grave is empty and He Who lay within it has risen!”

The empty Grave and the Risen Christ—this is the Easter Mystery, the Mystery that is a foreshadowing, a prophecy. Christ came to establish the great synthesis between the Easter Mystery and the Christmas Mystery. To the Christmas re-enactment of the ancient Mysteries is added the Mystery of future time, the Mystery of the Risen Christ. This is the Mystery enshrined in the Festival of Easter. The future of Christianity is that Christianity will not merely proclaim the existence of higher worlds, nor be mere religion, but an inner affirmation, a powerful impulse in life itself. It will be an inner affirmation, because in the Risen Christ man will behold that which he himself will experience through the ages of time to come. This Mystery is a Deed, a reality of life, inasmuch as man looks up to Christ not merely as the Saviour but as the great Prototype with whom his life conforms, in that he too will eventually overcome death. To live and work in the spirit of Christianity, to see in Christ not merely the Comforter but the One Who goes before us, Who is related in the deepest sense with our innermost being and Whose example we follow—this is what the Christ Idea will be in the future, pervading all knowledge, all art, all life. And if we remind ourselves of what is contained in the Easter Idea, we shall find there a Christian symbol of true Deed, true Life.

In times when men will have long since ceased to need the teachings of religion to tell them of the ancient gods, because they will again be living among gods, they will find in Christ that source of strength which enables them to find their own firm centre among the gods. Men will no longer require religion in order to believe in gods whom they will once again behold, any more than they required religion in former times when they lived and moved among gods. Themselves spiritualised, men will live consciously among spiritual Beings, fulfilling their tasks in communion with these Beings. In a future by no means far distant, man will find that the physical world is losing its importance for him, that physical things are becoming evanescent. Their reality will have already paled long before man's existence on the earth has drawn to its close.1This is the answer to the scientific prognostication of the end of the human race. But when the things of the physical world of sense cease to be all-important and fade into shadow, man will either find that the physical is losing its importance while he is still incapable of believing in the spiritual realities before him, or he will be able to believe and preserve for himself the consciousness of these spiritual realities—and then for such a man there will be no spiritual death.

To confront a reality that is unrecognisable, means to be shattered in the spirit. And men would come to this pass if, with the loosening of the etheric body, the spiritual worlds were to appear before them without being recognised and known as such. Many a man to-day could have consciousness of the spiritual worlds but has it not. Therefore these worlds take vengeance, and this shows itself in man's restlessness, his neurasthenic condition, his pathological fears, which are nothing else than the consequences of failure to unfold consciousness of the spiritual worlds. Those who realise the significance of these things feel the necessity of a spiritual Movement which, for those who are outgrowing the substance of ordinary religion, preserves belief in man, in the whole man, including, therefore, the spiritual man.

To know Christ means to know man as a spiritual being. To be filled with the Christ Mystery in the future will mean that Christianity as mere religion will be surmounted and will be carried as knowledge to infinite horizons. Christianity will permeate art, will broaden and inspire it, will bestow in abundance the power of artistic creation. Richard Wagner's “Parsifal” is the first foreshadowing of this.

Christianity will flow into all life and activity on the earth and when the formal religions have long ceased to be necessary, mankind will have been strengthened and invigorated by the Christ Impulse which had once to be given in the middle of the Fourth Post-Atlantean epoch, during the Greco-Latin epoch, when Christ came down among men. Just as it was man's destiny to sink into the deepest depths of material life, so must he be lifted again to knowledge of the Spirit. With the Coming of Christ this Impulse was given.

These are the feelings that should inspire us in the days when we have the Easter Mystery in symbols around us. For the Easter Mystery is not merely a Mystery of Remembrance. It is also a Mystery of the Future, foreshadowing the destiny of those who free themselves more and more from the shackles, ensnarements and pitfalls of the purely material life.

Siebenter Vortrag

[ 1 ] Das letzte Mal, als wir hier unsere Betrachtungen anstellten, konnte ich damit schließen, daß ich sagte, das Christentum sei weiter, umfassender als dasjenige, was innerhalb des religiösen Elementes eingeschlossen ist, und in jenen Zukünften, in denen die Menschheit hinausgewachsen sein wird über das, was man im Laufe der Zeit gewohnt worden ist, Religion zu nennen, in jenen Zukünften, so wurde gesagt, werde der Inhalt des Christentums, befreit von dem im alten Sinne religiösen Element, ein geistiger Kulturfaktor für die Menschheit geworden sein. Das Christentum vermag also selbst diejenige Form zu überwinden, die wir nach den bisherigen Kulturentwickelungen als die Form des religiösen Lebens aufzufassen das Recht haben.

[ 2 ] Seit jenem letzten Vortrage sind mannigfaltige Symptome des Kulturlebens an mir vorübergezogen. Sie wissen ja, daß zwischen jener und unserer heutigen Betrachtung ein kleines Stück geisteswissenschaftlicher Arbeit in den drei nördlichen Ländern liegt: in Schweden, Norwegen und Dänemark. Die vorletzte Woche hatte ich unter anderen schwedischen Orten auch in Stockholm vorzutragen. Es wird Ihnen begreiflich sein, wenn ich Ihnen sage, daß in jenen nördlichen Ländern, in denen ja wegen der geringen Zahl der Einwohner so viel Platz ist für die Menschen, daß sie weiter auseinander wohnen als in unseren mitteleuropäischen Kulturländern — wir brauchen uns nur daran zu erinnern, daß ganz Schweden soviel Einwohner hat wie London allein —, daß in jenen Gegenden, in denen so viel Platz ist, auch Gelegenheit ist, daß noch hereinspielen die alten nordischen Götter und Wesenheiten des geistigen Lebensumkreises. Man darf wohl sagen: für denjenigen, welcher etwas weiß vom Spirituellen, ist es in gewisser Beziehung so, daß an allen Ecken und Enden herausblicken die Geistesantlitze jener alten nordischen Götterwesen, welche vor dem geistigen Antlitz der nordischen Eingeweihten in den nordischen Mysterien standen in jener Zeit, in welcher noch nicht die christliche Idee hingeflutet ist über die Welt.

[ 3 ] Innerhalb dieser nicht bloß im poetischen, sondern auch im spirituellen Sinne sagenumwobenen Gegenden konnte man ein anderes Symptom mitten hineingestellt finden. Zwischen den Tagen der Stockholmer Vorträge hatte ich auch in Uppsala vorzutragen. In der Bibliothek zu Uppsala — mitten drinnen zwischen all dem, was an Manifestationen spiritueller Art vorliegt von den alten vorchristlichen Götterzeiten her -, da liegt ruhig die erste alte germanische Bibelübersetzung: der sogenannte Silberne Kodex, die vier Evangelien, im 4. Jahrhundert von dem gotischen Bischof Ulfilas -Wulfila — übersetzt. Merkwürdig: durch eine karmische Verkettung wurde im Dreißigjährigen Kriege dieses Dokument des Christentums aus Prag, wo es bis dahin war, hinauf erbeutet und ist nun aufbewahrt mitten unter denjenigen geistigen Wesenheiten, die — wenigstens in ihren Erinnerungen - die geistige Atmosphäre jener Gegenden durchschwirren. Und als ob es sich so gehörte, daß jenes Dokument an dieser Stelle ruhte, stellt sich auch noch die merkwürdige Tatsache hinein, daß elf Blätter dieses Silbernen Kodex einst von einem Liebhaber gestohlen wurden. Sein Erbe bekam nach längerer Zeit solche Gewissensbisse, daß er diese elf Blätter wiederum nach Uppsala schicken ließ, so daß sie also jetzt wieder mit den anderen der ersten germanischen Bibelübersetzung zusammenliegen.

[ 4 ] Unter den drei öffentlichen Vorträgen in Stockholm hatte ich einen zu halten über die leitende Idee in Wagners Nibelungenring, und als man über die Straße ging, da war an den Säulen für die Oper angeschlagen: «Wagner: Ragnarök — die Götterdämmerung», als der letzte Abend der Aufführung dieses Nibelungenringes. Es sind das wirkliche Symptome, die sich da in einer merkwürdigen Weise durcheinanderweben: die nordische Sagenwelt, die ja auf ihrem Grunde überall den tieftragischen Zug hat, darauf hinzuweisen, daß da Einer kommen wird, der diese nordische Götter-Geisterwelt ablösen werde. Ich habe Sie öfter darauf aufmerksam gemacht, daß dieser Stimmungszug der nordischen Sagenwelt wie in einem Nachklange selbst noch in der mittelalterlichen Gestalt dadurch herauskommt, daß Siegfried getötet wird an der einzigen Stelle, wo er noch verwundbar war und wie damit prophetisch auf diejenige Stelle hingedeutet wird, die später bei einem anderen zugedeckt wird durch das Kreuz, gleichsam um anzudeuten: hier ist eine Stelle, wo noch etwas fehlt. Das ist nicht bloß eine dichterische, poetische Anspielung, sondern das ist etwas, was tief aus der Inspiration der Sagenwelt herausgeholt ist. Denn dieser tragische Zug ruht sowohl in der nordischen Sage als auch in dem ihr zugrunde liegenden Mysterium, daß an die Stelle der nordischen Götterwelt später das christliche Prinzip treten werde. In den nordischen Mysterien hat man überall darauf aufmerksam gemacht, was diese Götterdämmerung eigentlich bedeute. Es ist zu gleicher Zeit bezeichnend — ich meine damit wiederum etwas mehr als ein bloß poetisches Bild -, daß bis ins Volksgemüt hinein da oben die Erinnerungen an die alten Götter mit einer großen Friedlichkeit sich vertragen mit dem, was vom Christentum hereingetragen und eingewandert ist. Man empfindet es als Symptom, diese ruhende gotische Bibel inmitten der alten Erinnerungen.

[ 5 ] Man kann es weiter als ein Symptom empfinden, als einen Hinweis auf die Zukunft, wenn in dem Lande, wo die Götter der Götterdämmerung so lebendig waren wie nur irgend möglich, diese Götter in der Richard Wagnerischen Form wieder erstehen, auferstehen außerhalb des in engen Grenzen sich bewegenden religiösen Lebens. Denn wer nur ein wenig die Zeichen der Zeit zu deuten vermag, wird in Richard Wagners Kunst den ersten aufleuchtenden Stern sehen, wie das Christentum in seiner tiefsten Idee heraustritt aus dem engen Rahmen des religiösen Lebens in den weiten Umkreis moderner geistiger Kultur. Man möchte es förmlich in Richard Wagners Seele selbst erlauschen, wie die religiöse Idee des Christentums heraustritt,-wie sie die religiösen Fesseln sprengt und etwas Umfassenderes wird. Wenn er an den Ufern des Zürichsees von der Villa Wesendonk aus, gerade am Karfreitag des Jahres 1857, hinausblickt auf die ersten aufsprießenden Frühlingsblumen und ihm in diesem aufsprießenden Leben der erste Seelenkeim des «Parsifal» aufgeht, so ist das eine solche Transformation dessen, was im Christentum zunächst als religiöse Idee lebt, auf einen größeren Plan hinaus. Und nachdem er sich zuerst erhoben hat in seinem Gemüt zu jener prophetischen Vorherverkündigung des Christentums, die bei ihm so gewaltig aufleuchtete in seiner Nibelungenring-Dichtung, ist später im «Parsifal» diese christliche Idee ganz herausgetreten und hat einen weiteren Horizont gewonnen. Damit ist sie der Ausgangspunkt für jene Zukunft geworden, wo das Christentum nicht nur religiöses Leben sein wird, sondern Erkenntnisleben, Kunstleben, Schönheitsleben im umfassenden Sinne des Wortes.

[ 6 ] Das sollte heute hingestellt werden vor Ihre Seele in Anknüpfung an den Schluß unserer vorigen Betrachtung als etwas, was eine Grundempfindung erregen kann für das, was das Christentum einstmals der Menschheit werden kann. Daran anknüpfend wollen wir heute aus den Tiefen der Menschheitsentwickelung heraus die Beziehungen zwischen Religion und Christentum ein wenig ins Auge fassen. Auch der Zeitpunkt, in dem wir diese Betrachtung anstellen, ist nicht ungeeignet, gerade eine solche Betrachtung vor unsere Seele hinzuzaubern.

[ 7 ] Wir stehen unmittelbar vor jenem großen symbolischen Fest, das man ausdrücken könnte als das Fest, das anzeigt den Sieg des Geistes über den Tod, wir stehen vor dem Osterfest, und wir erinnern uns vielleicht jener Betrachtung, wo wir Weihnachten zu begreifen versuchten aus den Tiefen des Mysterienwesens heraus. Wenn wir von einem höheren Standpunkte aus auf der einen Seite das Weihnachtsfest, auf der anderen Seite das Osterfest mit seinem Ausblick nach dem Pfingstfeste ins Auge fassen, dann stellt sich uns gerade jenes Verhältnis zwischen Religion und Christentum, wenn wir es recht betrachten, in einer wunderbaren Art vor die geistigen Augen.

[ 8 ] Wir werden jetzt etwas weither holen müssen die Grundlage zu dieser Betrachtung, aber wir werden daraus auch sehen, was eigentlich in solchen Festen konserviert ist und was sie in unserer Seele auferwecken können. Weit werden wir zurückgehen in der Menschheitsentwickelung, wenn auch nicht so weit, wie das in unseren letzten Vorträgen der Fall war, weder der Zeit noch dem Raume nach. Aber die Betrachtungen, die wir angestellt haben, werden uns eine Hilfe sein, weil wir daraus den Hergang der Erdentwickelung und ihren Zusammenhang mit der Entwickelung der Wesenheiten des Himmelsraumes ersehen haben. Wir werden heute nur zurückgehen ungefähr bis in die Mitte des atlantischen Zeitalters. Es ist dasjenige Zeitalter, in dem die Vorfahren der heutigen Menschheit im Westen von Europa gewohnt haben, zwischen Europa und Amerika, auf jenem Kontinent, der heute den Boden des Arlantischen Ozeans bildet. Die Erde hat dazumal anders ausgesehen. Was heute Wasseroberfläche ist, war damals Landoberfläche, und da wohnten die Vorfahren der Menschen, die heute die europäisch-asiatische Kulturmenschheit ausmachen. Wenn wir nun einen geistigen Blick auf das Seelenleben dieses vorsintflutlichen atlantischen Volkes werfen, dann stellt sich uns dasselbe ganz anders dar als das Seelenleben der nachatlantischen Menschheit. Wir wissen aus früheren Betrachtungen, wie gewaltig im Laufe der Erdentwickelung sich alles, auch in der Seele der Menschen, geändert hat. Bis zu jenem Wechselzustande hin von täglichem Wachen und nächtlichem Schlafen hat sich alles im menschlichen Bewußtseinsleben geändert seit jener Zeit.

[ 9 ] Heute ist es ja das Normale des Menschen, wenn er am Morgen aufwacht, daß er mit seinem Astralleibe und dem Ich in den physischen Leib und Ätherleib untertaucht. Und indem er untertaucht, bedient er sich seiner Augen zum Sehen, seiner Ohren zum Hören und seiner anderen Sinneswerkzeuge, um die Eindrücke aus der Sinneswelt um sich herum wahrzunehmen. Er taucht unter in sein Gehirn und sein Nervensystem und kombiniert die Sinneseindrücke. Das ist sein Tagesleben. Abends zieht er wieder seinen astralischen Leib und sein Ich heraus aus dem physischen und dem Ätherleibe. Und wenn der Mensch einschläft und sein physischer und Ätherleib im Bett liegen, dann versinken alle die Eindrücke der Sinneswelt und des Tageslebens. Da versinken Lust und Leid, Freude und Schmerz, alles, was das innere Seelenleben ausmacht, und dunkel und finster ist das Leben in der Nacht um den Menschen herum.

[ 10 ] Das war etwa in der Mitte der atlantischen Zeit noch nicht so. Da bietet das Bewußtseinsleben des Menschen ein wesentlich anderes Bild. Wenn der Mensch des Morgens untertauchte in seinen physischen Leib und seinen Ätherleib, dann traten ihm nicht jene bestimmten, scharf umrissenen Bilder der physischen Außenwelt entgegen, sondern die Bilder waren viel unbestimmter, etwa so, wie uns heute die Straßenlaternen im dichten Nebel wie aurisch umsäumt erscheinen von regenbogenförmigen Farbengebilden. Da haben Sie einen kleinen Vergleich, um sich eine Vorstellung von dem zu bilden, was der Atlantier in der Mitte seines Zeitalters sah. Nur waren diese Farben, die die Gegenstände umsäumten und die ihre scharfen Grenzen, wie sie der Mensch heute sieht, noch nicht zuließen, und auch die Töne, die aus den Gegenständen erklangen, noch nicht solche nüchternen Farben und Töne wie heute. Es drückte sich in diesen Farbenrändern, die auch alle lebenden Wesen umgaben, etwas aus von dem inneren Seelenleben der Wesen, so daß der Mensch, wenn er in seinen physischen und seinen Ätherleib untertauchte, noch sozusagen etwas von dem geistigen Wesen der Dinge, die um ihn herum waren, wahrnahm, zum Unterschied von heute, wo er, wenn er am Morgen untertaucht in seinen physischen und Ätherleib, bloß die physischen Dinge in ihren scharfen Grenzen und farbigen Oberflächen wahrnimmt. Und wenn des Abends der Mensch seinen physischen und seinen Ätherleib verließ, dann breitete sich um ihn herum nicht lautlose Stille und Finsternis aus. Dann waren diese Bilder, die er wahrnahm, höchstens ein wenig anders, aber kaum viel schwächer als am Tage. Es bestand nur der Unterschied, daß er während des Tageslebens die äußeren Gegenstände des mineralischen, pflanzlichen, tierischen und Menschenreiches wahrnahm. Des Nachts aber, wenn der Mensch sich heraushob aus seinem physischen und Ätherleib, dann war ihm der Raum auch von solchen Farbenbildern und Tönen erfüllt, auch von allen möglichen Eindrücken des Geruchs und Geschmacks, von allem, was ringsherum war. Aber diese Farben und Töne und diese Eindrücke von Wärme und Kälte, die er da wahrnahm, das waren die Kleider und Hüllen von geistigen Wesenheiten, welche gar nicht heruntergestiegen waren bis zu einer physischen Verkörperung, von Wesenheiten, deren Namen und Vorstellung in den Sagen und Mythen erhalten sind. Denn Sagen und Mythen sind nicht «Volksdichtungen», sondern Erinnerungen an jene Schauungen, welche die Menschen in alten Zeiten in solchen Zuständen hatten; denn diese Menschen nahmen Geistiges bei Tag und Geistiges bei Nacht wahr. Der Mensch lebte wirklich umgeben in der Nacht von jener nordischen Götterwelt, die in Sagen und Mythen erhalten ist. Odin und Freya und all die anderen Gestalten der nordischen Sage sind nicht erfunden. Sie sind ebenso wahr erlebt worden in der geistigen Welt von jener Vormenschheit, wie heute der Mensch in seiner Umgebung seine Mitmenschen erlebt. Und die Sagen und Mythen sind die Erinnerungen an das, was der Mensch in allem erlebte, was er in seinem dämmerhaften, hellseherischen Zustande durchgemacht hat.

[ 11 ] Als dieser Bewußtseinszustand, der sich aus einem noch älteren Zustand entwickelt hat, mehr und mehr herauswuchs, da war am Himmel stehend die Sonne im Zeichen der Waage in dem Zeitpunkt, den wir heute den Frühling nennen. Und indem wir uns jetzt weiterbewegen in der Zeit, die die atlantische heißt, sehen wir, wie sich immer mehr herausbildet der Zustand, den wir heute haben. Immer dumpfer, immer unbeträchtlicher wurden die Eindrücke, die der Mensch hatte, wenn sein Astralkörper und sein Ich in der Nacht aus dem physischen und dem Ätherleibe heraus waren. Immer deutlicher wurden die Tagesbilder, die er empfing, wenn er in seinem physischen und seinem Ätherleibe darinnen war, kurz, immer mehr und mehr - so dürfen wir paradox sagen — wurde für ihn die Nacht zur Nacht und der Tag zum Tage.

[ 12 ] Dann kam die atlantische Flut, und auf gingen die späteren nachatlantischen Kulturen, jene Kulturen, die ich Ihnen oft geschildert habe, die wir nennen die alte indische Kultur, innerhalb welcher die heiligen Rishis selber die Menschen gelehrt haben, die alte persische, die chaldäisch-assyrisch-babylonisch-ägyptische Kultur, dann die griechisch-lateinische und endlich unsere Kultur. Wollen wir heute die Stimmung schildern, in der die Menschen in der nachatlantischen Zeit und zum Teil auch schon in den letzten Zeiten der atlantischen Epoche waren, so tritt uns diese Stimmung so entgegen: Überall waren die Völker, auch die, welche nach dem Osten gezogen waren und sich dort angesiedelt haben als die Nachkommen der atlantischen Völker, noch im Besitz der alten Erinnerungen, der alten Sagen und Mythen, welche wiedergaben, was die Menschen in einer früheren Zeit, in einem früheren Bewußtseinszustande der atlantischen Zeit erlebt haben. Diesen Sagenschatz hatten sich die Völker aus der atlantischen Zeit mitgebracht, und sie bewahrten und erzählten ihn. Das war dasjenige, was sie erfüllte, und die ältesten Bewohner des Nordens spürten durchaus noch die Kraft, die aus den Sagen und Mythen zu ihnen sprach, weil die ältesten Ahnen die Erinnerung daran hatten, daß einst die Vorfahren selbst das geschen hatten, was da erzählt wird. Noch etwas anderes wurde innerhalb dieser Völker bewahrt, was zwar die Völker nicht erlebt haben, was aber diejenigen erlebt haben, welche die Eingeweihten jener alten Zeiten waren, die Mysterienpriester und Mysterienweisen. Sie hatten geistig hineinschauen dürfen in dieselben Tiefen des Weltendaseins, die heute wiederum durch die Geistesforschung erschlossen werden. Sie hatten hineinschauen dürfen, weil die Seelenzustände der menschlichen Vorfahren innerhalb der Eingeweihtenschaft geradeso waren, wie die der Volksseele, die in den alten Zeiten noch mitten darin lebte in der geistigen Welt. Wenn auch in dämmerhafter Weise, so war doch jener hellsehende Zustand in jenen alten Zeiten noch vorhanden. Bewahrten sich so die Völker ihre Sagen und Märchen und Mythen auf, die in vielfach gebrochenen Strahlen das zeigten, was früher erlebt worden war, so wurde in der uralten Weisheit dasjenige bewahrt, was in den Mysterien erschaut wurde, was in den alten Zeiten gepflegt worden war: eine umfassende Weltanschauung, die dann in den Mysterien denen, die eingeweiht wurden, zum unmittelbaren individuellen Bewußtsein gebracht werden konnte. Nur noch künstlich konnte man in den alten Mysterien jene Zustände hervorrufen, die in den alten Zeiten natürlich waren.

[ 13 ] Warum war in jenen alten Zeiten jener Zustand des geistigen Wahrnehmens natürlich? Deshalb, weil noch ein anderer Zusammenhang zwischen dem physischen und dem Ätherleib bestand. Der heutige Zusammenhang ist erst im Laufe der letzten atlantischen Zeit entstanden. Beim atlantischen Menschen ragte der obere Teil des Ätherkopfes und noch manche andere Teile des ätherischen Leibes weit hinaus über den physischen Kopf, und nach und nach, erst gegen Ende der Atlantis, rückte der Ätherkopf vollständig in den physischen Kopf hinein. Da brachte sich der Ätherleib fast zur Deckung mit dem physischen Leib. Durch dieses Zusammenfallen des physischen und des Ätherteiles des Kopfes wurde der spätere Bewußtseinszustand hervorgerufen, der den Menschen nach der atlantischen Zeit eigen geworden war: die Möglichkeit, in scharfen Grenzen die physischen Gegenstände im heutigen Sinne wahrzunehmen. Daß er die Töne hören kann, die Gerüche empfindet, die Farben an der Oberfläche sieht, wo sie ihm nicht mehr die Zeugen für das geistige Innere der Dinge sind, dies alles war mit jenem festeren Zusammenfügen des physischen Leibes und des Ätherleibes verbunden, das damals nach und nach eintrat.

[ 14 ] In den noch älteren Zeiten, wo der Ätherleib noch zum Teil außerhalb des physischen Leibes war, war es noch so, daß dieser draußen befindliche Teil des Ätherleibes immer noch vom Astralleib seine Eindrücke empfangen konnte, und diese Eindrücke waren die Wahrnehmungen des alten dämmerhaften Hellsehens. Erst als der Ätherleib völlig in den physischen Leib untertauchte, war dem Menschen das alte dämmerhafte Hellsehen völlig entzogen. In jenen alten vorchristlichen Mysterien mußte daher derjenige Zustand bei dem Einzuweihenden von dem Initiierenden künstlich hervorgerufen werden, der in der atlantischen Zeit natürlich war. Da sehen wir, daß die einzuweihenden Schüler in den Mysterientempeln so behandelt wurden, daß, nachdem der astralische Leib die entsprechenden Eindrücke erhalten hatte, der Ätherleib zum Teil herausgehoben wurde durch den einweihenden Priester, wodurch der physische Leib während dreieinhalb Tagen in einen lethargischen Schlaf, in eine Art Lähmungszustand versetzt wurde. Dann konnte, während der Ätherleib frei geworden war, der Astralleib in ihn eindrücken all die Erlebnisse, die der frühere atlantische Mensch in natürlichem Zustand gehabt hat. Da konnte der alte Einzuweihende sehen, was nun nicht mehr bloß durch die Schrift aufbewahrt, nicht für ihn Tradition war, sondern was jetzt für ihn ein individuelles Erlebnis wurde.

[ 15 ] Vergegenwärtigen wir uns, was der Einzuweihende da durchlebt hat. Während der Mysterienpriester aus dem physischen Leib den Ätherleib zum Teil herausholte und hineinleitete die Eindrücke des Astralleibes in diesen herausgehobenen Ätherleib, da erlebte der Einzuweihende die geistigen Welten so stark, daß er die Erinnerung daran in die physische Welt mit hereinbrachte. Er war Zeuge dessen geworden, was in den geistigen Welten vorging. Er konnte Zeugnis davon ablegen, und er war hinausgehoben über all dasjenige, was sonst geteilt war nach Völkern und Nationen, denn er war eingeweiht in dasjenige, was alle, alle Völker miteinander verbindet: in die Urweisheit, in die Urwahrheit. So war es in den alten Mysterien. So war es auch in denjenigen Augenblicken, von denen ich Ihnen bei dem Weihnachtsmysterium sprechen durfte, wo diejenigen Dinge, welche das eigentlich Charakteristische des späteren Bewußtseins bildeten, vor dem Blicke des Eingeweihten verschwanden. Bedenken Sie einmal, daß ja darin das Wesentliche des nachatlantischen Bewußtseins bestand, daß der Mensch jetzt nicht mehr vermochte in das Innere der Dinge hineinzuschauen, daß eine Grenze zwischen ihm und dem Inneren des Dinges besteht und daß er von den Dingen der physischen Welt nur die Oberfläche sieht. Was undurchschaubar und undurchsichtig geworden war für das Bewußtsein des Menschen der nachatlantischen Zeit, das wurde für den Einzuweihenden durchsichtig und durchschaubar. Er konnte dann, wenn der große Moment an ihn herantrat, in dem, was man Weihenacht nennt, die feste Erde durchschauen, und er konnte «die Sonne um Mitternacht sehen», das Geistige der Sonne «um Mitternacht» sehen.

[ 16 ] Im wesentlichen war also diese vorchristliche Einweihung etwas wie ein Zurückrufen dessen, was in alten Zeiten den Menschen natürlich war, was in alten Zeiten die Menschen als ihren natürlichen Bewußtseinszustand erlebten. Immer mehr wuchsen die Menschen heraus aus dieser Erinnerung an die alten Zeiten. Wir haben gesehen, wie Stück für Stück mit den fortschreitenden Kulturzyklen die Menschheit herausgewachsen ist aus jenen alten Erinnerungen und wie ihr immer mehr die Fähigkeit abhanden gekommen ist, außerhalb des physischen Leibes etwas zu erleben.

[ 17 ] In der ersten Zeit der nachatlantischen Epoche, im alten Indertum, in der persischen, chaldäischen, ja sogar in der ägyptischen Kultur gab es noch viele Menschen, welche ihren Ätherleib mit dem physischen Leib durchaus noch nicht so fest verkettet hatten, daß sie nicht noch Eindrücke aus den geistigen Welten wie atavistische Rückbleibsel aus einer früheren Zeit hätten erhalten können. Dann aber, während der griechisch-lateinischen Zeit, schwanden sozusagen alle diese Rückbleibsel aus einer früheren Zeit dahin, und immer weniger ergab sich die Möglichkeit, die alte Einweihung in derselben Weise durchzuführen wie früher. Immer geringer wurde auch die Möglichkeit, die Erinnerungen an die alte Urweisheit für die Menschheit zu bewahren. Wir nähern uns immer mehr unserem eigenen fünften Zeitalter, das, innerlich angesehen, etwas ganz Besonderes bedeutet innerhalb der Menschheitsevolution.

[ 18 ] In dem vierten Zeitraum, also in der griechisch-lateinischen Zeit, war die Sache noch so, daß man sagen kann, es war noch ebensogut die Möglichkeit vorhanden, sich zurückzuerinnern an das, was die Menschheit einst geschaut hatte im alten dämmerhaften Hellsehen, wie auf der anderen Seite bei einigen Menschen ein vollständiges Wohnen in dem physischen Leibe vorhanden war und damit ein vollständiges Abgeschlossensein von den geistigen Welten. Unser ganzes Leben zeigt uns, daß der Mensch unseres fünften nachatlantischen Zeitalters noch tiefer in den physischen Leib untergetaucht ist. Das äußere Kennzeichen dafür ist das Auftauchen der materialistischen Vorstellungen. Sie tauchen zuerst in dem vierten Zeitraum auf, bei den althellenischen Atomisten. Dann verschwinden sie und tauchen immer wieder auf, bis sie immer mächtiger werden in den letzten vier Jahrhunderten, so daß der Mensch nicht nur die positiven alten Inhalte der Erinnerung an die geistigen Welten verliert, sondern auch den Glauben an die geistigen Welten überhaupt. Das ist der Tatbestand. So tief ist der Mensch in diesem fünften Zeitraum in den physischen Leib untergetaucht, daß er sogar den Glauben verloren hat. In vielen Menschen ist dieser Glaube an das Vorhandensein der geistigen Welten völlig verlorengegangen.

[ 19 ] Fragen wir uns jetzt von einem anderen Gesichtspunkte aus: Wie war also der Gang der Menschheitsentwickelung? Wir blicken zurück in jene alte atlantische Zeit, die wir uns anschaulich zu machen versuchten, und wir können sagen, der Mensch lebte da noch mit seinen Göttern. Er glaubte nicht nur an sich selber und an die drei Reiche der Natur, sondern er glaubte auch an die höheren Reiche der geistigen Welten, denn er war ja ihr Zeuge in der atlantischen Zeit. Es war kein großer Unterschied zwischen seinem nächtlichen und seinem Tagesbewußtsein. Sie hielten sich noch die Waage, und der Mensch wäre ein Tor gewesen, wenn er abgeleugnet hätte, was tatsächlich um ihn herum wahrnehmbar war, denn er sah die Götter. Religion in unserem heutigen Sinne konnte es damals noch nicht geben, denn man brauchte noch nicht die Religion. Was der Inhalt der Religion ist, war für die Menschen der atlantischen Zeit eine Tatsache. Ebensowenig wie Sie eine Religion brauchen, um an Rosen, Lilien, Felsen und Bäume zu glauben, ebensowenig brauchte der Atlantier eine Religion, um an Götter zu glauben, denn sie waren für ihn Tatsachen.

[ 20 ] Immer mehr verschwanden aber diese Tatsachen. Immer mehr wurde der Inhalt der geistigen Welten zu einer Erinnerung, zum Teil aufbewahrt in Traditionen von dem, was man aus alten Zeiten erzählte, daß es die Vorväter gesehen hätten, zum Teil aufbewahrt in den Sagen und Mythen und in dem, was einzelne, besonders veranlagte hellsehende Menschen davon noch selbst sahen. Vor allem wurde dieser Inhalt der geistigen Welten aber aufbewahrt in dem, was in den Mysterien die Mysterienpriester hüteten. Alles was die Hermespriester in Ägypten, die Priester des Zarathustra in Persien, was die chaldäischen Weisen, was die indischen Nachfolger der heiligen Rishis bewahrten, das war nichts anderes als die Kunst, den Menschen in der Einweihung wieder zum Zeugen dessen zu machen, was die Vormenschheit auf natürliche Weise in ihrer Umgebung gesehen hat. Und je nachdem ein Volk beschaffen war, mit seinen besonderen Befähigungen und Empfindungen, je nach dem Klima, in dem es lebte, wurde dasjenige, was in den Mysterien aufbewahrt wurde, in der Religion des Volkes verbildlicht, da in dieser und dort in jener Religion. Aber die Urweisheit lag allen diesen Religionen zugrunde als die große Einheit derselben. Diese Urweisheit war die gleiche, eine einheitliche, ob sie Pythagoras in seiner Schule pflegte, ob die Hermesschüler in Ägypten, ob die chaldäischen Weisen in Vorderasien, ob Zarathustra in Persien oder die Brahmanen in Indien sie lehrten: überall die gleiche Urweisheit, nur abgestuft nach den Bedürfnissen und nach den besonderen Verhältnissen in den Volksreligionen, wie sie uns in den einzelnen Gegenden entgegentreten. Da sehen wir das Werden der religiösen Kultur.

[ 21 ] Was ist also diese religiöse Kultur? Religiöse Kultur ist die eben geschilderte Art der Vermittlung der geistigen Welten für diejenige Menschheit, die nicht mehr die Fähigkeit hat, mit eigenen Wahrnehmungswerkzeugen diese geistige Welt zu erleben. Religion wurde die Kunde, die Botschaft von der geistigen Welt für alle diejenigen, die nicht mehr die geistige Welt als Tatsache erleben konnten. So breitete sich das geistige Leben als Kultur in religiöser Form über das Erdenrund aus. Es lebte so in den verschiedenen Kulturperioden, von der altindischen, altpersischen, ägyptisch-chaldäischen, griechisch-lateinischen Epoche bis in unsere Zeiten.

[ 22 ] Untergetaucht ist der Mensch in seinen physischen Leib zum Zwecke, die Außenwelt zu erfahren, zu erleben mit den physischen Sinnen, um dasjenige, was er draußen erlebt mit den physischen Sinnen, hineinzunehmen in seine Geistigkeit, um sie künftigen Evolutionsstufen entgegenzuführen. Nun sind wir aber jetzt, insofern wir hinuntergetaucht sind in den physischen Leib, weil wir die Mitte unserer nachatlantischen Kulturen überschritten haben, in einem ganz besonderen Falle. Noch nicht alle, aber zahlreiche Menschen sind schon in diesem Falle. Alle Entwickelung innerhalb der Menschheit geht in merkwürdiger Weise vor sich. Sie geht sozusagen bis zu einem gewissen Punkte voran, und von da ab geht sie dann in entgegengesetzter Richtung. Nachdem die Entwickelung bis zu einem gewissen Punkte heruntergestiegen ist, steigt sie wieder hinauf und kommt wieder an denselben Etappen an, nur in einer höheren Form, so daß der Mensch heute tatsächlich vor einer merkwürdigen Zukunft steht: vor der Zukunft - das weiß jeder, der diese tief bedeutsame Tatsache der Menschheitsentwickelung kennt -, daß sich sein Ätherleib nach und nach wieder lockert, nachdem er untergetaucht war in den physischen Leib, in welchem er in scharfen Grenzen und Formen alles dasjenige wahrgenommen hat, was in der physischen Welt heute wahrzunehmen ist. Der Ätherleib muß sich wieder lockern, muß sich wieder herausheben, damit der Mensch zu der Vergeistigung aufsteigen kann und in der geistigen Welt wahrnehmen kann. Tatsächlich ist die Menschheit heute schon wiederum an dem Punkte, wo bei einem großen Teil der menschlichen Individuen die Ätherleiber sich wieder lockern.

[ 23 ] Nun tritt uns etwas höchst Merk würdiges entgegen. Es ist geradezu das Geheimnis unserer Kulturzeit, an das wir jetzt streifen, wenn wir uns diese Tatsache vor Augen führen. Wir müssen uns vorstellen, daß der Ätherleib tief in den physischen Leib hineingestiegen ist und nun wieder den Rückweg antreten muß. Er muß mitnehmen aus dem physischen Leibe alles, was er mit seinen physischen Sinnen wahrnehmen konnte. Aber dadurch, daß sich der Ätherleib wieder lockert, wird alles, was früher physische Wirklichkeit war, sich nach und nach wieder vergeistigen müssen. Der Mensch muß nun mitnehmen in die Zukunft hinein das Bewußtsein, die Gewißheit, daß es ein Geistiges auch im Physischen gibt. Denn, was tritt sonst für ihn ein? Sein Ätherleib geht sonst aus dem physischen Leib heraus, aber der Mensch behält nur den Glauben an die physische Welt und ihm fehlt das Bewußtsein, daß das Geistige im Physischen eine Wirklichkeit hat, welche mit dem Ätherleibe selbst als Frucht des im physischen Leibe Erlebten heraustritt. So könnte es passieren, daß die Menschen sozusagen nicht den Anschluß fänden an dieses Heraustreten ihres Ätherleibes.

[ 24 ] Halten wir genau und bestimmt den Punkt fest, wo der Ätherleib des Menschen ganz und gar darinnensitzt im physischen Leibe und beginnt, wiederum herauszugehen. Nehmen wir nun an, der Mensch entläßt seinen Ätherleib so, daß er verloren hat den Glauben, das Bewußtsein einer geistigen Welt, solange er im physischen Leibe lebte, daß er sich so abgeschnitten hat den Zusammenhang mit der geistigen Welt im physischen Leibe. Nehmen wir an, er ist so fest und tüchtig hinabgestiegen in den physischen Leib, daß er sich nichts hat retten können als den Glauben, daß das physische Leben allein Wirklichkeit sei. Und nun tritt er in die folgende Zeit hinein. Der Ätherleib tritt heraus, verläßt ihn unweigerlich, und der Mensch ist nicht imstande, sich das hineinzuretten in diesen Zustand, daß es ein Bewußtsein einer geistigen Welt gibt. Er erkennt dann diese geistige Welt nicht, Das ist das, was der Menschheit in der nächsten Zeit bevorstehen könnte: daß sie die geistige Welt, die sie durch die Lockerung des Ätherleibes erleben müßte, nicht erkennt, daß sie diese für Einbildung, Phantastik, Illusion hält. Und diejenigen, die in der raffiniertesten Weise — vielleicht sagen wir, um nicht anzüglich zu sein: in der subtilsten Art - hinabgestiegen sind in den physischen Leib, welche die materialistischen Gelehrten geworden sind, das heißt, sich die starrsten Begriffe über die Materie angeeignet haben, das sind die, welche am stärksten vor der Gefahr stehen, bei der Lockerung ihres Ätherleibes keine Ahnung zu haben, daß es eine geistige Welt gibt. Sie halten dann alles, was sie von einer geistigen Welt erleben, für Illusion, Phantastik, Träumerei.

[ 25 ] Nur ein Beispiel sei vor Sie hingestellt: ein psychologisches Buch ist in der letzten Zeit von einem deutschen Professor erschienen. Darin soll gezeigt werden, daß die Seele eigentlich ganz identisch ist mit dem Gehirn und nur von einer anderen Seite aus die Verrichtungen zeigt, einmal von außen, einmal von innen. Das Innerliche sei Gefühl, Vorstellung und Wille, und das Außere das Gehirn, anatomisch-physiologisch untersucht. In diesem Buche finden Sie einen merkwürdigen Ausspruch; da wird darauf hingewiesen, daß, wenn eine selbständige Seele da wäre, dann müßte man doch annehmen, daß diese selbständige Seele ihre Kräfte durch alle die Eindrücke, die der Mensch empfängt, vermehren oder vermindern müßte. Aber nun bestehe da das Energiegesetz, das besagt, daß alle diejenigen Kräfte, die der Mensch von außen aufnimmt, auch wieder von ihm ausströmen müssen, und es wird darauf hingewiesen, wie bei einem Menschen auch die ganze Wärmeenergie, die er aufnimmt, wiederum abgegeben werde. Da das dem allgemeinen Energiegesetz unterliegt, und da man sieht, daß das, was hineingeht, auch wieder herauskommt, müsse man daraus schließen, daß darin doch keine selbständige Seele eingriffe, sondern daß da rein materielle Vorgänge vorliegen, die sich da drinnen umsetzen und die wiederum ausströmen.

[ 26 ] Nicht soll irgend etwas Abträgliches an Kritik gesagt werden über solch ein Buch und über solch eine Lehre, die an den offiziellen Lehrkanzeln unserer offiziellen Wissenschaft gelehrt wird, denn die Menschen können nichts dafür, daß sie solche Lehren ausdenken; sie leben unter den furchtbarsten Suggestionen. In Wahrheit ist es ebenso gescheit, wenn man untersucht, wieviel Wärme in den Menschen hinein- und wieder herauskommt und daraus schließt, daß er keine Seele habe, wie wenn jemand sich vor dem Büro eines Bankhauses aufstellte und prüfen wollte, wieviel Geldmassen hineingehen und wieder herauskommen und nun daraus schließen wollte, nachdem alle die Energien, also die Geldmassen, wieder herausgekommen sind, daß keine Bankbeamten drinnen seien! Derlei Gedankenformen finden Sie heute fast überall in alledem, was als offizielle Psychologie gilt. Und wie unge ana heuer suggestiv wirken sie auf unsere heutige Menschheit! Das ist das Zeitalter, in dem am stärksten in den physischen Leib untergetaucht sind gerade diejenigen, welche die Führer der Menschheit sein wollen und die da glauben, mit einer voraussetzungslosen Wissenschaft zu operieren. Sie haben während des Untertauchens des Ätherleibes in den physischen Leib vollständig das Bewußtsein verloren, daß es eine geistige Welt gibt, und es muß gesagt werden, daß gerade diese Gelehrten am stärksten dem Schicksal verfallen werden, welches ich Ihnen jetzt schildern muß. Was kann denn das Schicksal dieser Menschen in der Zukunft sein?

[ 27 ] Wenn der Mensch in der Zukunft sein Leben richtig leben soll, wenn der Ätherleib wieder gelockert ist, muß der Mensch das Bewußtsein haben von dem, was sich diesem Ätherleib bietet und was der Menschheit dann entspricht. Und damit er ein Bewußtsein habe von dem, was sich bietet als Erkenntnis der geistigen Welt, ist es notwendig, daß die Menschheit über den Punkt, wo der Mensch ganz hineinversenkt ist in das Physisch-Sinnliche, sich hinüberbewahre die Erkenntnis, daßes eine geistige Welt gibt. Es darf niemals der Anschluß vom religiösen Leben zum Leben in der Erkenntnis verloren werden. Von dem Leben unter den Göttern ist der Mensch ausgegangen; zu einem Leben mit den Göttern wird er wieder aufsteigen. Aber er wird sie erkennen müssen! Er wird wirklich wissen müssen, daß die Götter Wirklichkeiten sind. An die alten Zeiten wird sich der Mensch nicht mehr erinnern können, wenn sein Ätherleib wieder gelockert wird. Hat er in den mittleren Zeiten das Bewußtsein der geistigen Welt verloren, hat er sich einzig und allein angeeignet den Glauben, daß das Leben im physischen Leibe und das im physischen Leib Schaubare das einzig Wirkliche sind, dann schwebt er für alle Zukunft in der Luft. Dann kennt er sich nicht aus in den geistigen Welten, dann hat er den Boden unter den Füßen verloren. Dann tritt für ihn die Gefahr dessen ein, was man den «geistigen Tod» nennt; denn dasjenige, was um ihn herum ist, ist dann Unwirklichkeit, Illusion, für dessen Wirklichkeit er kein Bewußtsein hat, woran er keinen Glauben hat, und er stirbt ab. Das ist das wirkliche Absterben in der geistigen Welt, ist etwas, was den Menschen droht, wenn sie nicht mitbringen beim Eintritt in die geistigen Welten das Bewußtsein von dieser geistigen Welt. Wo aber ist der Punkt in der Menschheitsevolution, wo völlig errungen werden kann das Bewußtsein von der geistigen Welt? Da ist der Punkt, wo durch ein Hinuntersteigen in einen physischen Leib und durch die Überwindung desselben das große Vorbild vor die Menschen hingestellt worden ist, jenes große Vorbild, das in dem Christus gegeben ist. In dem völligen Verständnis für den Christus ist dasjenige zu erringen, was der Menschheit die Möglichkeit bietet, den Anschluß zu gewinnen an alle Erinnerungen der Vorzeit und an alle Prophetie der Zukunft. Denn alle Religionsstifter vor Christus, worauf wiesen sie hin? Sie wiesen hin auf die früheren Inkarnationen und auf die späteren Inkarnationen des Menschen. Der Christus trat ein in den Leib des Jesus von Nazareth, als der Jesus von Nazareth dreißig Jahre alt war. Christus war die Wesenheit, die in einem physischen Leibe nur einmal lebte. Und durch dieses einmalige Besiegen des Todes, wenn es richtig verstanden wird, wird dem Menschen gezeigt, wie er zu leben hat, um in alle künftigen Zeiten das Bewußtsein hineinzubringen, daß es eine geistige Welt gibt. Das ist die Vereinigung mit dem Christus.

[ 28 ] Und wie wird die Christus-Idee leben in dem Menschen der Zukunft? Der Mensch der Zukunft wird ebenso zurückblicken auf unsere Epoche, wo der Mensch im physischen Leibe gelebt hat, wie der Mensch der nachatlantischen Zeit in die atlantische Zeit zurückblickt, wo die Menschen noch mit den Göttern zusammenlebten. Er wird sich fühlen als der Sieger über dasjenige, was im physischen Leibe erlebt wird. Wenn er dann wieder zum geistigen Plan aufsteigt, wird er herunterweisen auf das Physische als auf das, was überwunden ist. Das sollen wir fühlen in einer großen prophetischen Tat, wenn wir auf das Osterwunder hinschauen.

[ 29 ] Zweierlei Möglichkeiten hat der Mensch der Zukunft vor sich. Die eine Möglichkeit ist diese, daß er sich zurückerinnert an jene Zeit, wo er die Erlebnisse im physischen Leibe gehabt hat und sich sagt: Das allein, was damals war, war wirklich. Wir sind nunmehr in der Welt der Illusionen; die Wirklichkeit war das Leben im physischen Leib. -Dieser Mensch blickt hin auf das verlassene Physische wie auf ein Grab, und das, was er in dem Grabe erblickt, ist Leichnam; aber der Leichnam stellt als das Physische für ihn die wahre Wirklichkeit dar. Das ist die eine Möglichkeit. Die andere Möglichkeit ist die, daß der Mensch zurückblickt auf das in der physischen Welt Erlebte wiederum wie auf ein Grab, aber so, daß er denen, die glauben, daß das Physische allein das Wahre, Wirkliche gewesen ist, sagt und tief fühlt die Wahrheit dieser Worte: «Den ihr suchet, der ist nicht mehr da!» Das Grab ist leer und Derjenige, um den es sich handelt, der ist auferstanden! Das leere Grab und der auferstandene Christus, das ist das Mysterium der Prophetie; und so haben wir in dem Ostermysterium das Mysterium der Prophetie.

[ 30 ] Die große Synthesis von dem Weihnachtsmysterium als Wiederholung der alten Mysterien und dem Ostermysterium, als das Mysterium der Zukunft, das Mysterium des auferstandenen Christus, das wollte Christus vor die Menschheit hinstellen. Das ist das Mysterium des Osterfestes. Das wird die Zukunft des Christentums sein, daß die christliche Idee nicht bloß etwas ist wie eine Kunde von höheren Welten, nicht bloß etwas wie Religion ist, sondern daß die christliche Idee ein Bekenntnis und ein Impuls des Lebens ist: ein Bekenntnis, weil der Mensch in dem auferstandenen Christus dasjenige sieht, was er selbst zu erleben hat in aller Zukunft, eine Tat des Lebens, weil der Christus nicht bloß dasjenige ist, zu dem er hinaufschaut, der ihm etwa bloß '[rost gewährt, sondern der ihm das große Vorbild ist, dem er nachlebt, indem er den Tod überwindet. Im Geiste des Christentums tätig sein, leben, in dem Christus nicht bloß den Tröster sehen, sondern den Christus als den ansehen, der uns vorangeht und der im tiefsten Sinne mit unserer tiefsten Wesenheit verwandt ist, dem wir nachleben: das ist die Christus-Idee der Zukunft, die zu durchdringen vermag alle Erkenntnis, alle Kunst, alles Leben. Und wenn wir uns erinnern wollen, was alles die Osteridee enthält, so werden wir in ihr ein Symbolum finden des Christentums der wahren Tat und des wahren Lebens.

[ 31 ] Wenn die Menschen längst nicht mehr brauchen werden die religiösen Mitteilungen, die ihnen Kunde bringen von den Göttern der alten Zeiten, weil sie wieder leben werden unter den Göttern, dann wird ihnen Christus derjenige sein, der sie stark und kräftig machen wird, um den richtigen Standpunkt zu finden mitten unter den Göttern. Der Religion wird es dann nicht mehr bedürfen, um an Götter zu glauben, die die Menschen wieder sehen werden, wie es ihrer früher nicht bedurfte, als sie unter Göttern lebten. Da brauchten sie nicht zu glauben, und sie werden nicht brauchen zu glauben an die Götter, die sie wieder sehen werden, wenn sie gestärkt und gekräftigt mit dem, was aus dem Christentum zu gewinnen ist, unter diese Götter treten werden. Dann werden sie selbst vergeistigt unter geistigen Wesenheiten sein und dann ihre Arbeit unter den geistigen Wesenheiten vollbringen können. So wird der Mensch in einer gar nicht so fernen Zukunft wiederum sehen, wie die physische Welt für ihn ihre Bedeutung verliert und wie sozusagen die physischen Dinge verblassen. Ihre Wirklichkeit wird verblassen, auch wenn der Mensch noch lange auf der Erde sein wird. Wenn aber die physischen Dinge ihre Bedeutung und Wichtigkeit verlieren werden und verblassen werden, dann wird der Mensch entweder dahinschwinden sehen die Wesentlichkeit des Physischen und nicht glauben können an die Geistigkeit, die vor ihm aufsteigt, oder aber er wird glauben können und das Bewußtsein sich hinüberretten für die Geistigkeit der Zukunft, und er wird dann nicht den geistigen Tod erleben.

[ 32 ] Einer Wirklichkeit gegenüberstehen, die man nicht als eine solche erkennt, heißt zerrüttet sein im Geiste. In eine geistige Zerrüttung hinein würden die Menschen leben, wenn die geistigen Welten vor ihnen auftauchen würden bei der Lockerung des Ätherleibes und sie sie nicht als solche erkennen würden. Heute könnte schon mancher von den geistigen Welten ein Bewußtsein haben, aber er hat es nicht, und so schlagen sie auf ihn selbst zurück, und das zeigt sich in seiner Nervosität, der Neurasthenie, in der pathologischen Krankheitsfurcht. Das ist nichts anderes als der Rückschlag dessen, was das Nichtbewußtsein von der geistigen Welt hervorruft. Wer das fühlt, der fühlt auch die Notwendigkeit einer geistigen Bewegung, die über die bloße Religion hinauswachsend den Glauben an den Menschen, an den ganzen Menschen, das heißt auch an den geistigen Menschen bewahrt und volle Erkenntnis des geistigen Menschen bringt. Und Christus erkennen heißt, auch den geistigen Menschen erkennen.

[ 33 ] Mit der Christus-Idee in die Zukunft der Menschheit hineinleben heißt, selbst das Christentum als Religion überwinden und das Chri Mar stentum als Erkenntnis auf den weitesten Horizont bringen. Das Christentum wird untertauchen in die Kunst, wird sie erweitern und beleben, wird künstlerische Gestaltungskraft im reichsten Maße geben. Richard Wagners «Parsifal» ist eine Vorbereitung davon. Das Christentum wird in alles Leben und Weben auf der Erde hineintauchen, und wenn die Religionen schon lange nicht mehr für die Menschheit notwendig sein werden, dann wird die Menschheit gerade stark und kräftig sein unter dem Einfluß der christlichen Impulse, die damals der Menschheit gegeben werden mußten, als sie in der Mitte des vierten Kulturzeitraumes war. In der griechisch-lateinischen Kulturzeit trat der Christus unter die Menschheit, Wie die Menschheit hinuntertauchen mußte in die tiefste Tiefe des materiellen Lebens, so muß sie wieder hinaufgebracht werden zu der Erkenntnis des Geistes. Und diesen Impuls hat das Erscheinen des Christus gegeben.

[ 34 ] Diese Empfindungen sollen uns beseligen in den Tagen, in denen wir symbolisch um uns herum haben die Ostermysterien, in der Osterzeit. Denn das Ostermysterium ist nicht bloß ein Mysterium der Erinnerung, sondern auch ein Mysterium der Zukunft, der Prophetie für den Menschen, der sich allmählich immer mehr befreit aus den Banden und den Umgarnungen und Verstrickungen des bloß physisch-sinnlichen Lebens.

Seventh Lecture

[ 1 ] The last time we were here, I was able to conclude by saying that Christianity is broader and more comprehensive than what is included in the religious element, and in those futures in which humanity will have outgrown what has become customary over time to call religion, in those futures, it was said, the content of Christianity, freed from the religious element in the old sense, will have become a spiritual cultural factor for humanity. Christianity is thus capable of overcoming even that form which we have the right to understand as the form of religious life according to previous cultural developments.

[ 2 ] Since that last lecture, a wide variety of cultural phenomena have passed before me. As you know, a small piece of cultural-scientific work in the three northern countries: Sweden, Norway and Denmark, lies between that and our present consideration. The week before last, I also had to give a lecture in Stockholm, among other Swedish cities. You will understand when I tell you that in those northern countries, where there is so much space for the people because of the small number of inhabitants, and where they live further apart than in our Central European cultural countries — we need just remember that the whole of Sweden has the same population as London alone — that in those regions where there is so much space, there is also the opportunity for the old Nordic gods and spiritual beings to appear. It may well be said that for those who know something of the spiritual, it is in a sense the case that the spiritual faces of those ancient Nordic god-beings, who stood before the spiritual faces of the Nordic initiates in the Nordic mysteries in those times before the Christian idea flooded over the world, look out from every nook and cranny.

[ 3 ] Within these regions, shrouded in legend not only in a poetic but also in a spiritual sense, one could find another symptom right in the middle of it. Between the days of the Stockholm lectures, I also had to give a lecture in Uppsala. In the Uppsala library, in the midst of all the spiritual manifestations from the old pre-Christian times of the gods, lies the first old Germanic Bible translation: the so-called Silver Codex, the four Gospels translated in the 4th century by the Gothic bishop Ulfilas - Wulfila. It is strange that, through a karmic chain, this document of Christianity was captured from Prague, where it had been until then, during the Thirty Years' War and is now kept among those spiritual entities that—at least in their memories—flit through the spiritual atmosphere of those regions. And as if it were meant to be there, that document came to rest in this place, and the curious fact that eleven leaves of this Silver Codex were once stolen by a lover also fits in. After a long time, his heir was so remorseful that he had these eleven leaves sent to Uppsala again, so that they are now back with the others of the first Germanic Bible translation.

[ 4 ]I had to give one of the three public lectures in Stockholm on the guiding idea in Wagner's Nibelungenring, and when we crossed the street, it was written on the columns for the opera: “Wagner: Ragnarök - the Götterdämmerung”, as the last evening of the performance of this Nibelungenring. These are the real symptoms that are interwoven in a strange way: the Nordic world of legends, which at its very core has a deeply tragic trait everywhere, pointing to the fact that someone will come who will replace this Nordic world of gods and spirits. I have often pointed out to you that this trait of the Nordic mythical world still comes through in the medieval form, as if in an echo, in the fact that Siegfried is killed at the only point where he was still vulnerable and how this is prophetically pointed to the place that will later be covered by the cross in another place, as if to suggest: here is a place where something is still missing. This is not just a poetic allusion, but something that is deeply rooted in the inspiration of the world of legends. For this tragic element is found both in Nordic mythology and in the mystery on which it is based, namely that the Nordic world of the gods would later be replaced by the Christian principle. In the Nordic mysteries, attention has been drawn everywhere to what this twilight of the gods actually means. It is significant at the same time – and here I mean something more than a mere poetic image – that in the popular mind up there the memories of the old gods are reconciled with a great peacefulness with what was brought in and immigrated from Christianity. This is felt as a symptom, this dormant Gothic Bible in the midst of the old memories.

[ 5 ] It can be felt as a further symptom, as a pointer to the future, when in the country where the gods of the twilight of the gods were as alive as anywhere, these gods arise again in the form of Richard Wagner, resurrected outside of a religious life that moves within narrow confines. For anyone who is able to interpret the signs of the times, even a little, will see in Richard Wagner's art the first shining star of how Christianity, in its deepest idea, emerges from the narrow framework of religious life into the wide orbit of modern spiritual culture. One would like to eavesdrop on Richard Wagner's soul itself, as it were, as the religious idea of Christianity emerges, breaks free from its religious shackles and becomes something more comprehensive. When he looked out from the Villa Wesendonk on the shores of Lake Zurich at the first spring flowers sprouting on Good Friday of the year 1857, and the first germ of the soul of “Parsifal” arose in this sprouting life, this is such a transformation of what initially lives in Christianity as a religious idea on a larger plan. And after it first arose in his mind in the prophetic prefiguration of Christianity, which appeared so powerfully in his Nibelungen Ring, this Christian idea later emerged in its entirety in Parsifal and gained a broader horizon. Thus it has become the starting point for that future in which Christianity will no longer be a religious life alone, but a life of knowledge, of art, of beauty in the full sense of the word.

[ 6 ] This should be placed before your soul today, in connection with the end of our previous reflection, as something that can stir up a basic feeling for what Christianity can one day become for humanity. Building on this, today we want to take a closer look at the relationship between religion and Christianity, starting from the depths of human development. The time at which we are undertaking this reflection is not unsuitable either, conjuring up just such a reflection before our soul.

[ 7 ] We are on the threshold of that great symbolic festival which could be expressed as the festival that indicates the victory of the spirit over death. We are approaching Easter and perhaps recall that meditation in which we tried to understand Christmas from the depths of the mystery. If we look at Christmas from a higher point of view, on the one hand, and Easter, with its prospect after Pentecost, on the other, then the relationship between religion and Christianity presents itself to our spiritual eyes in a wonderful way, if we look at it correctly.

[ 8 ] We will now have to go back a little way to lay the foundation for this reflection, but from it we will also see what is actually preserved in such festivals and what they can awaken in our soul. We will go back a long way in the development of mankind, although not as far as in our last lectures, neither in time nor in space. But the considerations we have made will help us, because from them we have seen the course of the evolution of the earth and its connection with the evolution of the beings of the celestial space. Today we will only go back to about the middle of the Atlantic age. It is the age in which the ancestors of today's humanity lived in the west of Europe, between Europe and America, on that continent that today forms the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The earth looked different back then. What is now the surface of the water was then the surface of the land, and that is where the ancestors of the people who today make up the Euro-Asian cultural humanity lived. If we now take a spiritual look at the soul life of this antediluvian Atlantean people, it presents itself to us quite differently than the soul life of post-Atlantean humanity. From earlier observations we know how tremendously everything has changed in the course of the evolution of the Earth, including the human soul. Since that time everything in the life of human consciousness has changed to the point of being in a state of change between waking every day and sleeping at night.

[ 9 ] Today it is normal for a person to submerge with his astral body and ego into his physical body and etheric body when he wakes up in the morning. And as he descends, he uses his eyes to see, his ears to hear and his other sense organs to perceive the impressions from the sense world around him. He descends into his brain and nervous system and combines the sensory impressions. That is his daytime life. In the evening, he withdraws his astral body and his ego from the physical and etheric bodies. And when a person goes to sleep and his physical and etheric bodies are in bed, then all the impressions of the sense world and of daytime life sink away. All the feelings of the inner life of the soul sink away, and with them all the darkness and gloom that make up the life of the night around the human being.

[ 10 ] This was not yet the case in the middle of the Atlantic period. Then the consciousness of man presented a very different picture. When man immersed himself in his physical and etheric bodies in the morning, he did not encounter those specific, sharply defined images of the physical world outside, but the images were much more vague, much like how street lamps appear to us today in dense fog, surrounded by rainbow-shaped color formations. There you have a small comparison to get an idea of what the Atlantean saw in the middle of his age. Only these colors, which surrounded the objects and which did not yet allow their sharp boundaries, as man sees them today, and also the sounds that came from the objects, were not yet such sober colors and sounds as they are today. These color fringes, which also surrounded all living beings, expressed something of the inner soul life of the beings, so that when a person immersed themselves in their physical and etheric bodies, they still perceived something, so to speak, of the spiritual of the spiritual essence of the things around him, in contrast to today, when, when he submerges into his physical and etheric body in the morning, he perceives only the physical things in their sharp boundaries and colored surfaces. And when a person left his physical and etheric bodies in the evening, darkness and silence did not spread around him silently. Then the images he perceived were at most a little different, but hardly much weaker than during the day. The only difference was that during the day he perceived the external objects of the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms. But at night, when the human being emerged from his physical and etheric bodies, space was also filled with such color images and sounds, with all kinds of impressions of smell and taste, of everything that was around him. But the colors and sounds and impressions of warmth and cold that he perceived were the clothes and covers of spiritual beings, who had not descended to a physical embodiment, of entities whose names and ideas are preserved in the legends and myths. For legends and myths are not “folk poetry”, but memories of the visions that people in ancient times had in such states; for these people perceived spiritual things by day and spiritual things by night. Man really lived surrounded by the night of that Nordic world of gods, which is preserved in legends and myths. Odin and Freya and all the other figures of Nordic saga are not inventions. They were experienced in the spiritual world of that prehistoric humanity just as people today experience their fellow human beings in their environment. And the legends and myths are the memories of what people experienced in everything they went through in their twilight, clairvoyant state.

[ 11 ] As this state of consciousness, which had developed from an even older state, grew more and more, the sun was standing in the sky in the sign of Libra at the point in time that we now call spring. And as we now move forward in time, which is called the Atlantean period, we see how the state that we have today is increasingly emerging. The impressions that man had when his astral body and his ego were out of the physical and etheric bodies at night became increasingly dull and inconsequential. The daytime images that he received when he was in his physical and etheric bodies became clearer and clearer. In short, we may say, paradoxically, that night became more and more night for him and day became more and more day.

[ 12 ] Then came the Atlantic flood, and arose the later post-Atlantic cultures, those cultures that I have often described to you, which we call the ancient Indian culture, within which the holy Rishis themselves taught people, the old Persian, the Chaldean-Assyrian-Babylonian-Egyptian culture, then the Greek-Latin and finally our culture. If we want to describe the mood in which people were in the post-Atlantic period and to some extent already in the last times of the Atlantic epoch, this mood comes to us like this: Everywhere the peoples, even those who had moved to the east and settled there as the descendants of the Atlantic peoples, still had the old memories, the old legends and myths that reflected what people had experienced in an earlier time, in an earlier state of consciousness of the Atlantic period. The peoples of the Atlantean era had brought this treasure trove of legends with them, and they preserved and told it. That was what fulfilled them, and the oldest inhabitants of the north still felt the power that spoke to them from the legends and myths because the oldest ancestors had the memory that the ancestors themselves had once given what is being told. Something else was preserved within these peoples, which the peoples themselves did not experience, but which was experienced by the initiates of those ancient times, the mystery priests and mystery sages. They were allowed to look spiritually into the same depths of world existence that are being opened up again today through spiritual research. They were allowed to look into them because the soul states of the human ancestors within the initiates were exactly the same as those of the folk soul, which in ancient times still lived in the midst of the spiritual world. Even if only dimly, this clairvoyant state still existed in those ancient times. In this way the nations preserved their legends and fairy tales and myths, which showed in many refracted rays what had been experienced earlier. In the same way, the ancient wisdom preserved what was seen in the mysteries, which had been cultivated in ancient times: a comprehensive world view that could then be brought to direct individual consciousness in the mysteries for those who were initiated. It was only possible to artificially evoke those states in the ancient mysteries that were natural in ancient times.

[ 13 ] Why was this state of spiritual perception natural in those ancient times? Because there was another connection between the physical and the etheric body. The present-day connection only arose during the last Atlantean period. In Atlantean man, the upper part of the etheric head and many other parts of the etheric body protruded far beyond the physical head, and only gradually, towards the end of Atlantis, did the etheric head move completely into the physical head. Thus the etheric body almost coincided with the physical body. This merging of the physical and etheric parts of the head brought about the later state of consciousness that had become characteristic of man after the Atlantean period: the ability to perceive physical objects in the modern sense within clearly defined boundaries. The fact that he can hear sounds, perceive smells, and see colors on the surface, where they are no longer witnesses to the spiritual interior of things, was all connected with that firmer joining of the physical body and the etheric body, which occurred gradually at that time.

[ 14 ] In still older times, when the etheric body was still partly outside the physical body, it was still the case that this part of the etheric body still outside could still receive impressions from the astral body, and these impressions were the perceptions of the old dim clairvoyance. Only when the etheric body was completely submerged in the physical body was the old dim clairvoyance completely withdrawn from man. In those ancient pre-Christian mysteries, therefore, the state that had been natural in Atlantean times had to be artificially evoked in the initiatees by the initiators. We see that the pupils to be initiated in the mystery temples were treated in such a way that, after the astral body had received the appropriate impressions, the etheric body was partially lifted out by the initiating priest, causing the physical body to fall into a lethargic sleep, a kind of paralysis, for three and a half days. Then, while the etheric body was free, the astral body was able to impress into it all the experiences that the earlier Atlantean man had in a natural state. There the old initiate could see what was no longer merely preserved for him in writing, no longer tradition, but what now became an individual experience for him.

[ 15 ] Let us visualize what the person to be initiated experienced. While the mystery priest was partially extracting the etheric body from the physical body and introducing the impressions of the astral body into this extracted etheric body, the person to be initiated experienced the spiritual worlds so intensely that he brought the memory of them into the physical world with him. He had become a witness to what was taking place in the spiritual worlds. He could bear witness to it, and he was raised above all that which was otherwise divided according to peoples and nations, for he was initiated into that which connects all, all peoples with each other: into the primal wisdom, into the primal truth. Such were the ancient mysteries. It was the same in those moments of which I was able to speak to you in connection with the Christmas Mystery, when those things that actually formed the characteristic features of later consciousness disappeared from the initiate's view. Consider that the essential thing about the post-Atlantic consciousness was that man was no longer able to look into the interior of things, that there was a boundary between him and the interior of the thing, and that he saw only the surface of the things of the physical world. What had become inscrutable and opaque to the consciousness of man in the post-Atlantic era became transparent and comprehensible to the one being initiated. When the great moment approached, in what is called Christmas, he could see through the solid earth, and he could “see the sun at midnight,” see the spiritual of the sun “at midnight”.

[ 16 ] In essence, then, this pre-Christian initiation was something like a recall of what was natural to people in ancient times, what people in ancient times experienced as their natural state of consciousness. More and more, people outgrew this memory of ancient times. We have seen how, step by step, with the advancing cultural cycles, humanity has outgrown those old memories and how it has increasingly lost the ability to experience something outside of the physical body.

[ 17 ] In the early post-Atlantean era, in ancient India, in Persian, Chaldean, and even in Egyptian culture, there were still many people who had not yet so firmly linked their etheric body to their physical body that they could not have received impressions from the spiritual worlds like atavistic remnants from an earlier time. But then, during the Greco-Latin period, all these remnants of an earlier time, so to speak, faded away, and the possibility of carrying out the old initiation in the same way as before became less and less. The possibility of preserving the memories of the ancient wisdom for humanity also became increasingly smaller. We are approaching more and more our own fifth epoch, which, when viewed inwardly, means something very special within the evolution of humanity.

[ 18 ] In the fourth period, that is, in the Greco-Latin period, it was still the case that one could say that there was still just as much possibility of remembering remember what humanity had once seen in the dim light of ancient clairvoyance, just as, on the other hand, some people were able to live completely within the physical body and were thus completely cut off from the spiritual worlds. Our whole life shows us that man in our fifth post-Atlantic age is even more immersed in the physical body. The outward sign of this is the appearance of materialistic conceptions. These first appear in the fourth period, among the ancient Hellenic atomists. Then they disappear and keep reappearing until they become more and more powerful in the last four centuries, so that man not only loses the positive old content of the memory of the spiritual worlds, but also faith in the spiritual worlds in general. That is the fact. So deeply has man immersed himself in the physical body in this fifth period that he has even lost his faith. In many people, this belief in the existence of the spiritual worlds has been completely lost.

[ 19 ] Let us now ask ourselves from a different point of view: What has been the course of human development? We look back to that ancient Atlantean time, which we have tried to visualize, and we can say that man still lived with his gods then. He not only believed in himself and in the three kingdoms of nature, but he also believed in the higher realms of the spiritual worlds, for he was, after all, their witness in the Atlantean time. There was no great difference between his nocturnal and his daytime consciousness. They were still in balance, and man would have been a fool if he had denied what was actually perceptible around him, for he saw the gods. Religion in our present sense could not yet exist at that time, because religion was not yet needed. What the content of religion is was a fact for the people of the Atlantean period. Just as you do not need a religion to believe in roses, lilies, rocks and trees, the Atlanteans did not need a religion to believe in gods, because they were facts for them.

[ 20 ] But more and more these facts disappeared. More and more, the content of the spiritual worlds was preserved in memory, partly preserved in traditions of what was told from ancient times that the forefathers had seen, partly preserved in the legends and myths and in what individual, particularly predisposed clairvoyant people still saw for themselves. But most of all, the contents of the spiritual worlds were preserved in the mysteries that the mystery priests guarded. All that the priests of Hermes in Egypt, the priests of Zarathustra in Persia, the Chaldean sages, and the Indian successors of the holy Rishis preserved was nothing other than the art of making man, in initiation, a witness again of what pre-humanity saw naturally in its environment. And depending on the nature of a people, with its particular abilities and perceptions, and depending on the climate in which it lived, what was kept in the mysteries was embodied in the religion of the people, as it was in this religion and in that religion. But the original wisdom was the basis of all these religions as the great unity of them. This original wisdom was the same, a unified one, whether it was cultivated by Pythagoras in his school, by the disciples of Hermes in Egypt, by the Chaldean sages in the Near East, by Zarathustra in Persia or the Brahmans in India taught it: everywhere the same ancient wisdom, only graded according to the needs and the special circumstances in the popular religions, as they appear to us in the individual regions. There we see the becoming of religious culture.

[ 21 ] So what is this religious culture? Religious culture is the way of imparting the spiritual worlds for that humanity that no longer has the ability to experience this spiritual world with its own instruments of perception. Religion became the knowledge, the message from the spiritual world for all those who could no longer experience the spiritual world as fact. Thus, spiritual life spread as culture in religious form across the globe. It lived in the different cultural periods, from the ancient Indian, ancient Persian, Egyptian-Chaldean, Greek-Latin epochs to our times.

[ 22 ] Man has immersed himself in his physical body for the purpose of experiencing the outside world, of experiencing it with his physical senses, in order to take what he experiences outside with his physical senses and incorporate it into his spirituality, in order to guide it towards future stages of evolution. But now, inasmuch as we have descended into the physical body because we have passed the midpoint of our post-Atlantean cultures, we find ourselves in a very special case. Not all of them, but many people are already in this case. All development within humanity takes place in a remarkable way. It progresses to a certain point, so to speak, and from there it then moves in the opposite direction. After evolution has descended to a certain point, it rises again and arrives at the same stages again, only in a higher form, so that man today actually faces a strange future: the future - as everyone knows who is aware of this deeply significant fact of the development of the human race — that his etheric body is gradually becoming looser again, after having been submerged in the physical body, in which it perceived within sharply defined boundaries and forms everything that can be perceived in the physical world today. The etheric body must again become looser, must again stand out, so that the human being can ascend to spiritualization and perceive in the spiritual world. Indeed, humanity today is already at the point again where, in a large proportion of human individuals, the etheric bodies are again becoming looser.

[ 23 ] Now we encounter something highly remarkable. It is nothing less than the secret of our cultural era, which we touch on when we visualize this fact. We have to imagine that the etheric body has penetrated deep into the physical body and now has to start the return journey. It must take with it from the physical body everything that it was able to perceive with its physical senses. But as the etheric body loosens again, everything that was once physical reality will gradually have to spiritualize again. Man must now take with him into the future the awareness, the certainty, that there is a spiritual reality in the physical as well. Otherwise, what happens to him? His ether body otherwise goes out of the physical body, but the person retains only the belief in the physical world and lacks the awareness that the spiritual in the physical has a reality, which emerges with the ether body itself as the fruit of what has been experienced in the physical body. So it could happen that people, so to speak, would not be able to connect with this emergence of their etheric body.

[ 24 ] Let us firmly and precisely grasp the point where the human being's etheric body is completely within the physical body and begins to emerge again. Let us now assume that a person lets go of his ether body in such a way that he has lost his faith, his awareness of a spiritual world, while he was living in the physical body, that he has cut himself off from the connection with the spiritual world in the physical body. Let us assume that he has descended into the physical body so firmly and energetically that he has been able to save nothing but the belief that physical life alone is reality. And now he enters the following time. The etheric body emerges, leaves him without fail, and man is not able to save himself from this state, that there is a consciousness of a spiritual world. He does not recognize this spiritual world. This is what could happen to humanity in the near future: that it does not recognize the spiritual world, which it would have to experience through the loosening of the etheric body, that it considers it to be imagination, fantasy, illusion. And those who have descended into the physical body in the most sophisticated way - perhaps we should say, to avoid being suggestive, in the most subtle way - who have become the most materialistic scholars, that is, who have have acquired the most rigid concepts about matter. These are the ones who, when their etheric body is loosened, are most in danger of having no idea that there is a spiritual world. They then consider everything they experience from a spiritual world to be illusion, fantasy, reverie.

[ 25 ] Let me give you just one example: a German professor recently published a book on psychology. It is supposed to show that the soul is actually completely identical with the brain and only shows the workings from a different side, sometimes from the outside, sometimes from the inside. The internal aspect is feeling, perception and will, and the external aspect is the brain, examined anatomically and physiologically. In this book you will find a strange saying; it points out that if there were an independent soul, then one would have to assume that this independent soul would increase or decrease its powers through all the impressions that a person receives. But now there exists the law of energy, which states that all those forces that a person absorbs from the outside must also flow out of him again, and it is pointed out how a person also gives off all the heat energy that he absorbs. Since this is subject to the general law of energy, and since it can be seen that what goes in comes out again, one must conclude that no independent soul is involved in this, but that purely material processes are at work in there, which are transformed there and which in turn flow out.

[ 26 ] Nothing derogatory should be said about such a book and about such a teaching, which is taught at the official lecterns of our official science, because people cannot help inventing such teachings; they live under the most terrible suggestions. It is just as clever to examine how much warmth enters and leaves a person and conclude that he has no soul as it is for someone to stand in front of a bank office and try to determine how much money goes in and out and then, after all the energy, i.e., the money, has come out, conclude that there are no bank officials inside! Thought forms like this can be found almost everywhere today in all that is considered official psychology. And how tremendously suggestive they are to our present-day humanity! This is the age in which those who want to be the leaders of humanity and who believe that they are operating with an unconditional science are most immersed in the physical body. During the immersion of the etheric body in the physical body, they have completely lost consciousness of the fact that there is a spiritual world, and it must be said that it is precisely these scholars who will be most subject to the fate that I must now describe to you. What then can be the fate of these people in the future?

[ 27 ] If man is to live his life correctly in the future, when the etheric body is loosened again, man must have an awareness of what presents itself to this etheric body and what then corresponds to humanity. And in order that he may have a consciousness of what presents itself as knowledge of the spiritual world, it is necessary that humanity should preserve for itself the knowledge that there is a spiritual world, beyond the point where man is completely immersed in the physical-sensual. The connection between religious life and life in knowledge must never be lost. Man started out from life among the gods; he will ascend again to a life with the gods. But he will have to recognize them! He will really have to know that the gods are realities. Man will no longer be able to remember the old days when his etheric body is loosened again. If in the Middle Times he has lost consciousness of the spiritual world, if he has appropriated only the belief that life in the physical body and what can be seen in the physical body are the only realities, then he will be adrift in the air for all future time. Then he is not at home in the spiritual worlds, then he has lost the ground under his feet. Then he is in danger of what is called 'spiritual death'; for that which is around him is then unreality, illusion, the reality of which he is not conscious, in which he has no faith, and he dies away. That is the real dying in the spiritual world, is something that threatens men when they do not bring with them the awareness of this spiritual world when they enter the spiritual worlds. But where is the point in the evolution of mankind where the awareness of the spiritual world can be completely attained? There is the point where, through a descent into a physical body and through the conquest of it, the great example has been set before men, that great example which is given in the Christ. In the complete understanding of the Christ, that can be attained which offers mankind the possibility of gaining access to all the memories of the past and to all the prophecies of the future. For all the religious founders before Christ, what did they point to? They pointed to the earlier incarnations and to the later incarnations of man. The Christ entered the body of Jesus of Nazareth when Jesus of Nazareth was thirty years old. Christ was the entity that lived only once in a physical body. And through this unique conquest of death, if it is rightly understood, man is shown how he must live in order to bring into all future times the realization that there is a spiritual world. That is the union with the Christ.

[ 28 ] And how will the idea of Christ live in the man of the future? The man of the future will look back on our epoch, when man lived in the physical body, just as the man of the post-Atlantean time looks back on the Atlantean time, when men still lived together with the gods. He will feel himself to be the victor over that which is experienced in the physical body. When he then ascends again to the spiritual plane, he will point down to the physical as to that which has been overcome. We are to feel this in a great prophetic act when we look at the Easter miracle.

[ 29 ] Man of the future has two possibilities before him. One possibility is that he remembers back to the time when he had experiences in the physical body and says to himself: Only what was then was real. We are now in the world of illusions; reality was life in the physical body. This person looks at the abandoned physical body as at a grave, and what he sees in the grave is a corpse; but the corpse, as the physical, represents true reality for him. That is one possibility. The other possibility is that man looks back on what he has experienced in the physical world, again as if on a grave, but in such a way that he says and deeply feels the truth of these words to those who believe that the physical alone has been the true, the real: “He whom you seek is not here anymore!” The grave is empty and the One in question has risen! The empty tomb and the risen Christ, this is the mystery of prophecy; and so in the Easter mystery we have the mystery of prophecy.

[ 30 ] The great synthesis of the Christmas mystery as a repetition of the ancient mysteries and the Easter mystery, as the mystery of the future, the mystery of the resurrected Christ, that is what Christ wanted to present to humanity. That is the mystery of Easter. The future of Christianity will be that the Christian idea is not just something like a message from higher worlds, not just something like religion, but that the Christian idea is a confession and an impulse of life: a confession because in the resurrected Christ man sees what he himself has to experience in the future, an act of life, because Christ is not just something to which he looks up, which is only '[rusty', but the great example to which he aspires by overcoming death. To live and work in the spirit of Christianity, to see in Christ not merely the Comforter but to see Christ as He who precedes us and who in the deepest sense is related to our deepest being, and whom we follow: that is the Christ-idea of the future, which is capable of permeating all knowledge, all art, all life. And if we wish to recall all that the Easter idea contains, we shall find in it a symbol of Christianity in true deed and true life.

[ 31 ] When people will no longer need religious messages that bring them tidings from the gods of ancient times, because they will live among the gods again, then Christ will be the one who will make them strong and powerful to find the right point of view in the midst of the gods. Religion will then no longer be needed to believe in gods, which men will see again, as it was not needed in the past when they lived among gods. Then they did not need to believe, and they will not need to believe in the gods, which they will see again when they, strengthened and invigorated with what can be gained from Christianity, will step under these gods. Then they themselves will be spiritualized among spiritual beings and then be able to accomplish their work among the spiritual beings. So in the not too distant future, man will again see how the physical world loses its significance for him and how, so to speak, physical things fade. Their reality will fade, even if man will still be on earth for a long time. But when physical things lose their meaning and importance and fade away, then man will either see the essentiality of the physical dwindle and be unable to believe in the spirituality that rises before him, or he will be able to believe and save his consciousness for the spirituality of the future, and he will not then experience spiritual death.

[ 32 ] To face a reality that is not recognized as such means to be spiritually deranged. People would live in spiritual turmoil if the spiritual worlds emerged before them when the etheric body relaxed and they did not recognize them as such. Today many a person could have an awareness of the spiritual world, but they do not have it, and so it rebounds on them, and this shows in their nervousness, neurasthenia, in the pathological fear of illness. This is nothing other than the backlash of what the lack of awareness of the spiritual world brings about. Those who feel this also feel the necessity of a spiritual movement that grows beyond mere religion, preserving faith in the human being, in the whole human being, that is, also in the spiritual human being, and bringing full knowledge of the spiritual human being. And to recognize Christ is also to recognize the spiritual human being.

[ 33 ] To live with the idea of Christ into the future of humanity means to go beyond Christianity as a religion and to bring Christianity as knowledge onto the broadest horizon. Christianity will merge with art, will expand and invigorate it, and will give artistic creative power in the richest measure. Richard Wagner's Parsifal is a preparation for this. Christianity will be immersed in all life and activity on earth, and when religions are no longer necessary for humanity, humanity will be strong and powerful under the influence of the Christian impulses that had to be given to humanity when it was in the middle of the fourth cultural period. In the Greco-Latin cultural period, the Christ came among humanity. Just as humanity had to descend into the deepest depths of material life, so it must be brought up again to the knowledge of the spirit. And the appearance of the Christ has given this impulse.

[ 34 ] These intuitions should make us blissfully happy in the days when we symbolically have the Easter Mysteries around us, during Eastertide. For the Easter mystery is not only a mystery of remembrance, but also a mystery of the future, of prophecy for man, who is gradually freeing himself more and more from the bonds and entanglements of the merely physical-sensual life.