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Theosophy of the Rosicrucian
GA 99

1 June 1907, Munich

Translated by Mabel Cotterell and Dorothy S. Osmond

VIII. Human Consciousness in the Seven Planetary Conditions

We will now consider the series of incarnations passed through by our planet, and realise that these were embodiments, that is to say, conditions of our Earth when it was once Saturn, Sun, Moon. We must be fully aware that these incarnations were necessary for the development of every living thing, especially of man, and that man's own evolution is intimately connected with the Earth.

We shall, however, only understand in the right way what took place then, if we realise how the man of today—we ourselves—has changed in respect of certain characteristics in the course of evolution. And first we will consider the changes which have come about in man's conditions of consciousness. Everything in the world has evolved, even our consciousness. The consciousness that a man has today he has not always possessed, it has only gradually become what it is now.

We call our present consciousness the objective consciousness or the waking day-consciousness. You all know it as that which you have from morning when you awake, to evening when you fall asleep. Let us be clear as to its nature. It consists in man's turning his senses towards the outer world and perceiving objects-and hence we call it objective consciousness.

Man looks into the surroundings and sees with his eyes certain objects in space which are bounded by colours. He listens with the ear and perceives that there are objects in space which produce a tone, which resound. With his sense of touch he feels objects, finds them warm and cold, he Smells, tastes objects. What he thus perceives with his senses he reflects upon; he employs his reason to understand these different objects, and it is from these facts of sense perception and their comprehension in the mind that the present waking day consciousness has arisen. Man has not always had this consciousness, it had first to develop, and he will not always have it as it is, but will ascend to higher stages. Now with the means supplied by occult science we can survey seven states of consciousness of which our present consciousness is the middle one: we can survey three preceding ones and three following after.

Many will wonder why we are just standing so nicely in the centre. This comes from the fact that other stages, preceding the first, are beyond our sight, others follow the seventh which are again beyond our sight. We see just far behind us as we do in front; if we took one step back, we should see one more behind us and one fewer before us-just as when you go into the fields you can see as far to the left as to the right.

These seven states of consciousness are the following: At first a very dull deep condition of consciousness which humanity hardly knows today. Only persons with a special mediumistic tendency can still have this consciousness today which once upon Saturn was possessed by all men. Mediumistic persons can come into such a consciousness, which is known to the modern psychologist. All the other states of consciousness have been deadened in them and they appear practically lifeless. But then, if from memory or even in this condition they sketch or describe what they have experienced, they bring to light quite extraordinary experiences, which do not take place around us. They make all sorts of drawings which, although they are grotesque and distorted, yet agree with what we call in theosophy cosmic conditions. They are often entirely incorrect, but nevertheless they have something by which we can recognise that such people during this lowered condition have a dull but a universal consciousness; they see cosmic bodies and therefore their sketches are of that nature.

A consciousness that is dull like this but in compensation represents a universal knowledge in our cosmos, was once possessed by man on the first incarnation of our Earth, and is called “deep trance consciousness.” There are beings in our surroundings who still have such a consciousness—the minerals. If you could talk with them, they would tell you what goes on in Saturn—but this consciousness is entirely dull and insensible.

The second condition of consciousness which we know, or much rather, do not know, since we are then asleep, is that of ordinary sleep. This condition is not so comprehensive, but in spite of its still being very dull, it is clear in comparison with the first. This “sleep-consciousness” was once the permanent state of all human beings when the Earth was “Sun”; at that time the human ancestor was in a continuous sleep.

Even today this state of consciousness still exists; the plants have it, they are beings who uninterruptedly sleep, and if they could speak they could tell us how things are on the Sun, for they have Sun-consciousness.

The third condition, which is still dim and dull in relation to our day-consciousness, is that of “picture-consciousness”, and of this we have a clear idea since we experience an echo of it in our dream-filled sleep, though it is but a reminiscence of what on the Moon was the consciousness of all human beings. It will be well to start from the dream in order to get a picture of the Moon-consciousness.

In the dream-life we find indeed something confusing, chaotic, but on closer observation this confusion nevertheless displays an inner law. The dream is a remarkable symbolist. In my lectures I have often brought forward the following examples, which are all taken from life. You dream that you are running after a tree-frog to catch it, you feel the soft, smooth body; you wake up and have the corner of the sheet in your hand. Had you used your waking consciousness you would have seen how your hand was holding the bed-cover. The dream-consciousness gives you a symbol of the external act, it forms a symbol out of what our day-consciousness sees as a fact.

Another example: a student dreams that he is standing at the door in the lecture hall. There he is roughly jostled, and from this ensues a challenge. He now experiences every detail, until, accompanied by his second and a doctor, he goes to the duel, and the first shot is fired. At this moment he wakes up, and sees that he has overturned the chair at his bedside. In waking consciousness he would simply have heard the fall; the dream symbolises this prosaic event through the drama of the duel. And you see too, that the conditions of time are quite changed, for the whole drama flashed through his mind in the single instant in which the chair fell. The entire preparation took place in one moment, the dream has reversed time, it does not conform to the circumstances of the ordinary world, it is a creator in time.

Not only can external events be symbolised in this way, but also inner processes of the body. A man dreams he is in an air hole of a cellar, obnoxious spiders creep about him; he wakes up and feels a headache; the skull has taken on the symbol of the cellar hole, the pain, that of the hideous spiders!

The dream of the present-day man symbolises events which are both external and within. But it was not so when this third state of consciousness was that of the Moon humanity. At that time man lived entirely in such pictures as he has in the modern dream, but they expressed realities. They signified precisely such a reality as today the blue colour signifies a reality, only at that time colour hovered freely in space, it was not resting upon the objects. In that former consciousness man could not have set out on the street, as today, have seen a man in the distance, looked at him, approached him; for forms of beings with a coloured surface could not have been perceived at that time by man, quite apart from the fact that he could not then walk as he does today. But let us suppose that one man on the Moon had met another, then a freely hovering picture of form and colour would have risen up before him. Let us say, an ugly one, then the man would have turned aside in order not to meet it; or a beautiful one, then he would have drawn near it. The ugly colour-picture would have shown him that the other had an unsympathetic feeling towards him, the beautiful, that the other liked him.

Let us suppose there had been salt on the Moon; when salt stands on the table today, you see it as it is in space, as object, granular, with definite colouring. At that time it would not have been so. On the Moon you would not have been able to see the salt. But from the place where the salt would be, a picture of colour and form would have proceeded, floating free; and this picture would have shown you that the salt was something useful. Thus the whole consciousness was filled with pictures, with floating colours and forms. In an ocean of such form and colour pictures the human being lived; but the pictures of colour and form denoted what was going on around him, above all, things of a soul character and those which affected the soul nature—what was advantageous to it or harmful. In this way the human being orientated himself rightly with regard to the things around him. When the Moon passed over into the Earth incarnation this consciousness changed into our day-consciousness, and only a relic of it has remained in the dream as one has it now—a rudiment, as there are rudiments of other things. You know, for instance, that there are certain muscles near the ear which nowadays seem purposeless. Earlier they had their significance; they served to move the ears at will; there are very few persons who can do this today.

So conditions are to be found in man which have remained as a last relic of a former significance. Although these pictures no longer have a meaning, at that time they signified the outer world. Even today you still have this consciousness among all those animals—note this carefully—which cannot utter sounds from their inner being. There is in fact a far truer division of animals in occultism than in external Nature Science, namely in to those which can utter sounds from within and those which are dumb. It is true that you can find among certain lower creatures the power of producing sounds, but then this happens in a mechanical way, through friction, etc., not from their inner being. Even the frogs do not create sounds so. Only the higher animals, which arose at the time when the human being could express his suffering and joy in tones, only these, together with man, have gained the power of bringing to expression their pain and pleasure through sounds and cries. All animals which do not utter sounds from within still have such a picture-consciousness. It is not a fact that lower animals see the pictures in such outlines as we do. If some lower animal, the crab, for example, perceives a picture that makes a distinctly unpleasant impression, it gets out of the way, it does not see the objects, but sees the harmfulness in a repelling picture.

The fourth state of consciousness is that which all men now have. The pictures which man formerly perceived as colour pictures floating freely in space, wrap themselves, so to speak, round the objects. One might say they are laid over them, they form the surface and seem to be upon the objects, whereas formerly they seemed to float in freedom. In consequence, they have become the expression of the form; what man earlier had within himself has come out and fastened itself on the objects and through this he has come to his present waking day-consciousness.

We will now consider something else. We have already said that man's physical body was prepared on Saturn; on the Sun was added the Etheric or Life-body, which interpenetrated and worked on it. It took what the physical body had already become by itself, and worked on it further. On the Moon was added the Astral-body; this still further altered the form of the body. On Saturn the physical body was very simple, on the Sun it was much more complicated, for then the etheric body worked on it and made it more perfect. On the Moon the Astral body was added, and on the Earth the Ego, which brought it to a still greater completion. At the time when the physical body existed on Saturn, when as yet no etheric body had interpenetrated it, all the organs it contains today were not yet within, for it lacked blood and nerves, nor had it as yet any glands. The human being at that time had merely the organs-and these only in their rudiments-which today are the most perfect, and which have had time to arrive at their present perfection, namely, the marvelously constructed sense organs.

The wonderful construction of the human eye, the wonderful apparatus of the human ear, all this has only attained its perfection today because it was formed out of the general substance of Saturn, and the etheric body, astral body and ego have worked on it. So too the larynx; it was already laid down on Saturn, but man could not as yet speak. On the Moon he began to send out inarticulate tones and cries, but only through the continuous activity described, the larynx became the perfected apparatus it is on the Earth today. On the Sun, where the etheric body was inserted, the sense organs were further elaborated and all those organs were added which are primarily organs of secretion and life, which discharge functions of nutrition and growth. They were first laid down during the Sun stage of existence. Then the astral body worked further during the Moon existence, the Ego during the Earth existence and thus the glands, the organs of growth and so on have matured to their present perfection. Then on the Moon the nervous system originated through the incorporation of the astral body. The principle, however, which enabled the human being to evolve an objective consciousness and at the same time gave him the power to sound forth his pleasure and pain from within—the ego—this formed in man his blood.

Thus the whole universe is the builder of the sense organs. Thus have all the glands, organs of reproduction and nutrition been formed by the life-body; thus the astral body is the builder of the nervous system and the ego the incorporator of the blood. There is a phenomenon described as “chlorosis”—anæmia or green-sickness. There the blood comes into a state where it cannot sustain the waking consciousness; such persons often lapse into a dim consciousness like that on the Moon.

Now let us consider the three states of consciousness which are still to come. One can ask how it is possible to know something about them already. It can be done through Initiation. The initiate can have these states of consciousness even today in anticipation. The next known to the initiate is the so-called psychic, *[Later called by Dr. Steiner Imagination.] a consciousness in which one has both together, the picture-consciousness and the waking day-consciousness. With this psychic consciousness you see a man in outline and forms as in day-waking consciousness. But you see at the same time what lives in his soul, streaming out as coloured clouds and pictures into what we call the “Aura.” Nor do you go about the world in a dreamy state like the Moon-human being, but in complete self-control, as modern man of the waking consciousness. On the planet that replaces our Earth the whole of humanity will have this psychic or soul-consciousness, the Jupiter consciousness.

Then there is still a sixth state of consciousness which man will also one day possess. This will unite the present day-consciousness, the psychic consciousness only known to the initiate and in addition all that man sleeps away today. Man will look deep, deep into the nature of beings when he lives in this consciousness, the consciousness of Inspiration. He will not only perceive in pictures and forms of colour, he will hear the being of the other give forth sounds and tones. Each human individuality will have a certain note and the whole will sound together in a symphony. This will be the consciousness of man when our planet will have passed into the Venus condition. There he will experience the sphere-harmony which Goethe describes in his Prologue to Faust:

The Sun-orb sings, in emulation
Mid brother-spheres, his ancient round;
His path predestined through Creation
He ends with step of thunder-sound.

(Bayard Taylor's translation)

When the Earth was Sun the human being was aware in a dim way of this ringing and resounding, and on Venus he will again hear it ringing and resounding “auf alter Weise” (as of old). To this very phrase Goethe has retained the picture.

The seventh state of consciousness is the Spiritual consciousness,* [Since called Intuition] the very highest, when man has a universal consciousness, when he will see not only what proceeds on his own planet, but in the whole cosmos around him. It is the consciousness that the human being had on Saturn, a kind of universal consciousness, although then quite dim and dull. This he will have in addition to all the other states of consciousness when he will have reached Vulcan.

These are the seven states of human consciousness which man must go through in his journey through the cosmos. And each incarnation of the Earth produces the conditions through which such states of consciousness are possible. Only because the system of nerves was laid down on the Moon, and further developed to the present brain, has the modern waking day-consciousness been possible. Organs must be created by which the higher states of consciousness may also have a physical basis of experience, as the initiate already experiences these states spiritually.

That the human being can pass through seven such planetary conditions is the meaning of evolution. Each planetary stage is bound up with the development of one of the seven states of human consciousness, and through what takes place on each planet the physical organs for such a state of consciousness are perfected. You will have a more highly developed organ, a psychic organ, on Jupiter; on Venus there will be an organ through which man will be able to develop physically the consciousness possessed by the initiate today on the Devachanic plane. And on Vulcan the Spiritual consciousness will prevail, which the initiate possesses today when he is in Higher Devachan, the World of Reason.

To-morrow we will examine these planets separately, for, just as our Earth earlier, in the Atlantean and Lemurian Ages, for instance, had a different appearance from that of today, and as later it will again look different, so too have Moon, Sun and Saturn passed through various conditions, and so will Jupiter and Venus pass through still others.

We have learnt today the broad, comprehensive cycle of the planets, tomorrow we will occupy ourselves with the changes under one by these planets while they were the theatre of human evolution.

Achter Vortrag

[ 1 ] Die verschiedenen Verkörperungen unseres Planeten wollen wir jetzt einmal der Reihe nach betrachten. Wir müssen uns dabei durchaus die Vorstellung bilden, daß dies Verkörperungen unseres Erdenplaneten waren, also die Zustände der Erde, als sie einst Saturn, Sonne, Mond war, und wir müssen uns vorstellen, daß diese Verkörperungen für die Bildung der Wesen, besonders des Menschen, notwendig waren, daß des Menschen eigene Entwickelung mit der Entwickelung der Erde innig zusammenhängt. Wir werden aber nur dann einen richtigen Begriff davon bekommen, was da geschehen ist, wenn wir uns einen Gedanken darüber bilden, wie in bezug auf gewisse Eigenschaften sich das, was wir heute als Menschen, als uns, erkennen, im Laufe der Entwickelung verändert hat, und zwar wollen wir zuerst die Veränderungen betrachten, die sich mit dem Menschen in bezug auf seine Bewußtseinszustände vollzogen haben. Alles, alles hat sich in der Welt entwickelt, auch unser Bewußtsein hat sich entwickelt. Das Bewußtsein, das der Mensch heute hat, hat er nicht immer gehabt; das ist erst nach und nach so geworden, wie es heute ist.

[ 2 ] Unser heutiges Bewußtsein nennen wir das Gegenstandsbewußtsein oder das wache Tagesbewußstsein. Sie alle kennen es als das, was Ihnen eigen ist vom Morgen, wenn Sie aufwachen, bis abends, wenn Sie einschlafen. Machen wir uns klar, worin es besteht. Es besteht darin, daß der Mensch seine Sinne in die Außenwelt richtet und Gegenstände wahrnimmt; deshalb nennen wir es Gegenstandsbewußtsein. Der Mensch schaut in die Umgebung hinein und schaut mit seinen Augen gewisse Gegenstände im Raum, die von Farben umgrenzt sind. Er hört mit dem Ohr hinaus und vernimmt, daß Gegenstände im Raum sind, die tönen, die Schall verbreiten. Er berührt mit seinem Tastsinn die Gegenstände, findet sie warm oder kalt, er riecht, er schmeckt Gegenstände. Das, was er so mit seinen Sinnen wahrnimmt, darüber denkt er nach. Er wendet seine Vernunft dazu an, diese verschiedenen Gegenstände zu begreifen, und aus diesen Tatsachen der Sinneswahrnehmungen und des Begreifens derselben mit unserem Verstande setzt sich das wache Tagesbewußtsein, wie der Mensch es heute hat, zusammen. Dieses Bewußtsein hat der Mensch nicht immer gehabt, es hat sich erst entwickelt, und er wird es nicht immer so haben, sondern er wird aufsteigen zu höheren Bewußtseinszuständen.

[ 3 ] Wir können uns zunächst mit den Mitteln, die uns der Okkultismus verleiht, sieben Bewußtseinszustände überblicken, von denen unser heutiges Bewußtsein das mittlere ist. Drei vorhergehende und drei nachfolgende können wir überblicken. Mancher wird sich darüber wundern, daß wir gerade so schön in der Mitte stehen. Das kommt daher: Dem ersten Zustande gehen andere voran, die sich unseren Blicken entziehen, dem siebenten folgen andere nach, die sich unserer Betrachtung ebenso entziehen. Wir sehen eben nach hinten so weit wie nach vorn. Würden wir um eines zurückstehen, so würden wir nach hinten eines mehr erblicken und nach vorn eines weniger, geradeso, wie Sie hinausgehen aufs Feld und links so weit sehen können wie rechts.

[ 4 ] Diese sieben Bewußtseinszustände sind folgende. Zuerst ein sehr dumpfer, tiefer Bewußtseinszustand, den der Mensch heute kaum mehr kennt. Nur besonders medial veranlagte Menschen können heute noch diesen Bewußtseinszustand haben, den einst auf dem Saturn alle Menschen hatten. Solche medial Veranlagte können in einen Zustand kommen, den auch der moderne Psychologe kennt. Das wache Tagesbewußtsein und auch noch andere Bewußtseinszustände sind bei ihnen eingeschläfert; sie sind wie tot. Dann aber, wenn sie in der Erinnerung oder auch während des Zustandes dasjenige zeichnen oder schildern, was sie dort erlebt haben, dann bringen sie ganz eigentümliche Erlebnisse zutage, die sich nicht um uns herum abspielen. Sie entwerfen allerlei Zeichnungen, die, wenn sie auch grotesk und verzerrt sind, doch übereinstimmen mit dem, was wir in der Geisteswissenschaft bezeichnen als Kosmoszustände. Sie sind oft durchaus nicht richtig, aber sie haben doch etwas, woran man erkennen kann, daß solche Wesen während dieses herabgedämmerten Zustandes ein dumpfes, aber ein universelles Bewußtsein haben. Sie sehen Weltkörper und daher zeichnen sie solche.

[ 5 ] Solches Bewußtsein, das dumpf ist, dafür aber eine Allwissenheit darstellt in unserem Kosmos, hat der Mensch einstmals auf der ersten Verkörperung unserer Erde gehabt. Man nennt es tiefes Trancebewußtsein. Es gibt Wesen in unserer Umgebung, die solches Bewußtsein noch jetzt haben; das sind die Mineralien. Könnten Sie mit ihnen sprechen, so würden diese Mineralien Ihnen sagen, wie es auf dem Saturn zugeht. Nur ist dieses Bewußtsein ganz dumpf.

[ 6 ] Der zweite Bewußtseinszustand, den wir kennen, oder vielmehr nicht kennen, weil wir dann schlafen, ist der des gewöhnlichen Schlafes. Dieser Bewußtseinszustand ist nicht so umfassend, aber trotzdem er noch sehr dumpf ist, ist er doch im Verhältnis zum ersten schon hell. Dieses Schlafbewußtsein hatten einst alle Menschen dauernd, als die Erde Sonne war. Damals hat der Menschenvorfahr fortwährend geschlafen. Auch heute gibt es noch diesen Bewußtseinszustand: die Pflanzen haben ihn. Sie sind Wesen, die unausgesetzt schlafen, und sie könnten uns, wenn sie sprechen könnten, erzählen, wie es auf der Sonne zugeht, weil sie Sonnenbewußtsein haben.

[ 7 ] Der dritte Zustand, der immer noch dämmerhaft und dumpf ist im Verhältnis zu unserem Taagesbewußtsein, ist der des Bilderbewußtseins, und davon haben wir schon einen deutlichen Begriff, weil wir einen Nachklang im traumerfüllten Schlafe erleben, allerdings nur ein Rudiment von dem, was auf dem Monde das Bewußtsein aller Menschen war. Es wird gut sein, vom Traum auszugehen, um ein Bild des Mondenbewußtseins zu bekommen.

[ 8 ] Im Traumleben finden wir zwar etwas Verwirrendes, Chaotisches, aber bei genauerer Beobachtung bietet diese Verwirrung doch eine intime Gesetzmäßigkeit. Der Traum ist ein merkwürdiger Symboliker. In meinen Vorträgen habe ich oft schon die folgenden Beispiele angeführt, die alle dem Leben entnommen sind: Sie träumen, Sie laufen einem Laubfrosch nach, um ihn zu fangen, Sie spüren den weichen glatten Körper; Sie wachen auf und haben den Zipfel des Bett-Tuches in Ihrer Hand. Hätten Sie ihr Wachbewußtsein angewendet, so hätten Sie gesehen, wie Ihre Hand die Bettdecke erfaßt. Das Traumbewußtsein gibt Ihnen ein Symbol der äußeren Handlung, es formt ein Sinnbild aus dem, was unser Tagesbewußtsein als Tatsache sieht.

[ 9 ] Ein anderes Beispiel. Ein Student träumt, er stände an der Tür im Hörsaal. Da wird er angerempelt, wie man in der Studentensprache es nennt. Daraus entsteht eine Forderung. Er erlebt nun alle Einzelheiten, bis er, von seinem Sekundanten und dem Arzt begleitet, zum Duell geht und der erste Schuß losgeht. In diesem Augenblicke wacht er auf und sieht, daß er den Stuhl vor seinem Bett umgestoßen hat. Im Wachbewußtsein hätte er diesen Fall einfach gehört; der Traum symbolisiert ihm diese prosaische Handlung durch die Dramatik des Duells. Und Sie sehen auch, daß die Zeitverhältnisse ganz andere sind, denn in dem einzigen Augenblick, als der Stuhl fiel, ist ihm das ganze Drama durch den Kopf geschossen. Alles, was Vorbereitung war, hat sich in einem Moment abgespielt. Der Traum hat die Zeit nach rückwärts verlegt, er gehorcht nicht den Verhältnissen der Welt, er ist ein Zeitbildner.

[ 10 ] Nicht nur äußere Ereignisse können sich so symbolisieren, sondern auch innere Vorgänge des Leibes. Der Mensch träumt, er sei in einem Kellerloch, widrige Spinnen kriechen auf ihn zu. Er wacht auf und empfindet Kopfschmerz. Die Schädeldecke hat sich da in dem Kellerloch symbolisiert, der Schmerz in den häßlichen Spinnen.

[ 11 ] Der Traum des heutigen Menschen symbolisiert Ereignisse, die im Innern und draußen sind. Aber so war es nicht, als dieser dritte Bewußtseinszustand derjenige des Menschen auf dem Monde war. Damals lebte der Mensch in lauter solchen Bildern wie im heutigen Traum, aber sie drückten Wirklichkeiten aus. Sie bedeuteten genauso eine Wirklichkeit, wie heute die blaue Farbe eine Wirklichkeit bedeutet. Nur schwebte damals die Farbe im Raume frei, sie war nicht an den Gegenständen. In dem damaligen Bewußtsein hätte der Mensch nicht sich auf die Straße begeben können wie heute, von ferne einen Menschen sehen, ihn anschauen, sich ihm nähern können, denn solche Formen von Wesen, die eine Farbe haben an ihrer Oberfläche, hätte der Mensch damals nicht wahrnehmen können, ganz abgesehen davon, daß der Mensch damals nicht so gehen konnte, wie es der heutige Mensch tut. Aber nehmen wir an, der Mensch wäre damals auf dem Monde einem andern begegnet: da wäre ein frei schwebendes Form- und Farbenbild vor ihm aufgestiegen; sagen wir, ein häßliches, dann wäre der Mensch auf die Seite gegangen, um ihm nicht zu begegnen, oder ein schönes, dann hätte er sich ihm genähert. Das häßliche Farbenbild hätte ihm angezeigt, daß der andere ein unsympathisches Gefühl gegen ihn habe, das schöne, daß der andere ihn liebe.

[ 12 ] Nehmen wir an, es hätte auf dem Monde Salz gegeben. Wenn heute Salz auf dem Tische steht, so sehen Sie es, wie es im Raume ist, als Gegenstand, körnig, mit bestimmter Farbe. So wäre es damals nicht gewesen. Auf dem Monde würden Sie das Salz nicht haben sehen können, aber frei schwebend wäre von der Stelle, wo das Salz gewesen wäre, ausgegangen ein Form- und Farbenbild, und dieses Bild hätte Ihnen angezeigt, daß das Salz etwas Nützliches ist. So war das ganze Bewußtsein ausgefüllt mit Bildern, mit schwebenden Farben und Formen. In einem solchen Form- und Farbenmeere lebte der Mensch, aber diese Farben- und Formenbilder bedeuteten das, was um den Menschen vorging, vor allem die seelischen Dinge und was auf das Seelische Bezug hatte, was ihm zuträglich oder schädlich war. So orientierte sich der Mensch in der richtigen Weise über die Dinge um ihn herum.

[ 13 ] Dieses Bewußtsein hat sich, als der Mond sich zur Erde herüberverkörperte, in unser heutiges Tagesbewußtsein verwandelt, und nur ein Überbleibsel ist geblieben im Traum, wie ihn der heutige Mensch hat, ein Rudiment, wie ja auch von anderen Dingen Rudimente geblieben sind. Sie wissen, daß zum Beispiel in der Nähe des Ohres gewisse Muskeln sind, die heute zwecklos erscheinen. Früher hatten sie ihren Sinn. Sie dienten dazu, die Ohren willkürlich zu bewegen. Heute gibt es nur wenige Menschen, die das können.

[ 14 ] So finden sich auch im Menschen Zustände, die als letzter Rest einer einst sinnvollen Einrichtung geblieben sind. Trotzdem sie aber heute nichts mehr bedeuten, diese Bilder, damals bedeuteten sie die Außenwelt. Auch heute haben Sie dieses Bewußtsein noch bei all denjenigen Tieren — beachten Sie es wohl! —, die nicht aus ihrem Inneren heraus einen Ton entfalten können. Es besteht nämlich im Okkultismus eine viel richtigere Einteilung der Tiere als in der äußeren Naturwissenschaft, nämlich in innerlich tonlose und solche, die von innen heraus tönen können. Sie finden freilich bei manchen niederen Tieren, daß sie einen Ton entfalten, aber das geschieht dann auf mechanische Weise, durch Reiben und so weiter, nicht von innen heraus. Selbst die Frösche erzeugen den Ton nicht von innen. Erst die höheren Tiere, die damals entstanden sind, als der Mensch im Tone ausleben konnte sein Leid und seine Freude, erst sie haben mit dem Menschen die Möglichkeit bekommen, durch Laute und Schreie ihren Schmerz und ihre Lust zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Alle Tiere, die nicht von innen heraus tönen, haben noch solches Bilderbewußtsein. Es ist nicht so, daß niedere Tiere die Bilder in solchen Begrenzungen sehen wie wir. Wenn irgendein niederes Tier, zum Beispiel der Krebs, ein Bild wahrnimmt, das einen bestimmten häßlichen Eindruck macht, so weicht er aus. Er sieht die Gegenstände nicht, aber die Schädlichkeit sieht er in einem abstoßenden Bilde.

[ 15 ] Der vierte Bewußtseinszustand ist der, den jetzt alle Menschen haben. Die Bilder, die der Mensch früher im Raume als Farbenbilder frei schwebend wahrgenommen hat, legen sich gleichsam um die Gegenstände. Sie sind, möchte man sagen, ihnen übergestülpt. Sie bilden die Grenzen der Dinge. Sie erscheinen an den Dingen, während sie früher frei schwebend erschienen. Dadurch sind sie der Ausdruck der Form geworden. Das, was der Mensch früher in sich hatte, ist hinausgetreten und hat sich an die Gegenstände geheftet. Dadurch ist er zu seinem heutigen wachen Tagesbewußtsein gekommen.

[ 16 ] Wir wollen jetzt etwas anderes betrachten. Wir haben schon gesagt, daß auf dem Saturn vorbereitet wurde des Menschen physischer Leib. Auf der Sonne kam dazu der Äther- oder Lebensleib, durchdrang ihn und arbeitete an ihm. Er nahm das, was der physische Leib schon geworden war, an sich und arbeitete es weiter aus. Auf dem Mond kam hinzu der Astralleib; der veränderte wieder die Gestalt des Leibes. Auf dem Saturn war dieser physische Leib sehr einfach. Auf der Sonne war er schon viel komplizierter, denn jetzt arbeitete der Ätherleib daran und machte ihn vollkommener. Auf dem Mond kam der Astralleib hinzu, und auf der Erde kam das Ich hinzu und machte ihn noch vollkommener. Damals, als der physische Leib auf dem Saturn war, als noch kein Ätherleib eingedrungen war, da waren all diejenigen Organe, die heute darin sind, noch nicht in ihm, denn es fehlten Blut und Nerven, es waren auch noch keine Drüsen da. Damals hatte der Mensch, zwar nur in der Anlage, bloß diejenigen Organe, die heute die vollkommensten sind und die Zeit gehabt haben, zu ihrer heutigen Vollkommenheit aufzurücken: das sind die wundervoll gebauten Sinnesorgane.

[ 17 ] Dieser wundervolle Bau des menschlichen Auges, dieser wunderbare Apparat des menschlichen Ohres, alles das hat erst heute seine Vollkommenheit erlangt, weil es aus der Saturnmasse herausgebildet wurde, und Ätherleib, Astralleib und Ich daran gearbeitet haben. So auch der Kehlkopf. Er war auf dem Saturn schon veranlagt, aber sprechen konnte der Mensch da noch nicht. Auf dem Mond begann er unartikulierte Töne und Schreie hinauszusenden, aber erst durch die beschriebene lange Arbeit wurde der Kehlkopf der vollkommene Apparat, wie er heute auf der Erde ist. Auf der Sonne, wo der Ätherleib eingefügt wurde, wurden diese Sinnesorgane weiter ausgebildet, und es kamen alle diejenigen Organe hinzu, die vorzugsweise Absonderungs- und Lebensorgane sind, die der Ernährung und dem Wachstum dienen. Sie sind zuerst während des Sonnendaseins veranlagt worden. Dann hat der Astralleib weitergearbeitet während des Mondendaseins, das Ich während des Erdendaseins; so sind die Drüsen, die Organe des Wachstums und so weiter zu ihrer heutigen Vollkommenheit herangereift. Dann wurde auf dem Monde durch die Eingliederung des Astralleibes zuerst das Nervensystem veranlagt. Das war damals, als der Mensch das Bilderbewußtsein hatte. Das aber, was den Menschen fähig machte, ein Gegenstandsbewußtsein zu entwickeln, was ihn zugleich fähig machte, von innen hinauszutönen seine Lust und sein Leid, das Ich, das bildete im Menschen sein Blut.

[ 18 ] So ist das ganze Universum der Erbauer der Sinnesorgane. So ist alles, was Drüsen, Fortpflanzungs- und Ernährungsorgane sind, durch den Lebensleib gebildet. So ist der Astralleib der Erbauer des Nervensystems und das Ich der Eingliederer des Blutes. Es gibt eine Erscheinung, die man als Blutarmut oder Bleichsucht bezeichnet. Da kommt das Blut in einen Zustand, wo es nicht vermag, das Wachbewußtsein festzuhalten. Solche Personen kommen oft in ein dämmerhaftes Bewußtsein gleich demjenigen auf dem Monde.

[ 19 ] Jetzt wollen wir die drei Bewußtseinszustände betrachten, die noch folgen. Man kann fragen: Wie ist es möglich, heute schon etwas davon zu wissen? — Es ist möglich durch die Einweihung. Der Eingeweihte kann diese Bewußtseinszustände in der Vorausnahme schon heute haben. Der nächste Bewußtseinszustand, den der Eingeweihte kennt, ist der sogenannte psychische, ein Bewußtseinszustand, in dem man beides zusammen hat, das Bilderbewußtsein und das wache Tagesbewußtsein. Bei diesem psychischen Bewußtsein sehen Sie den Menschen so wie im wachen Tagesbewußtsein in seinen Grenzen und Formen, aber Sie sehen zu gleicher Zeit das, was in seiner Seele lebt, ausströmen als Farbwolken und Bilder in dem, was wir die Aura nennen. Und Sie gehen dann nicht wie der Mondenmensch im traumhaften Zustande durch die Welt, sondern in vollständiger Selbstkontrolle, wie der heutige Mensch des wachen Tagesbewußtseins. Die ganze Menschheit wird auf dem Planeten, der unsere Erde ablöst, dieses psychische oder seelische Bewußtsein haben, das Jupiterbewußtsein.

[ 20 ] Dann gibt es noch einen sechsten Bewußtseinszustand, den auch einst der Mensch haben wird. Der wird vereinigen das heutige wache Tagesbewußtsein, das, was der Eingeweihte nur als psychisches Bewußtsein kennt, und dazu noch alles, was heute der Mensch verschläft. Tief, tief hineinsehen wird der Mensch in die Natur der Wesenheiten, wenn er in diesem Bewußtsein lebt, dem Bewußtsein der Inspiration. Der Mensch wird nicht nur wahrnehmen in Farbenbildern und Formen, er wird die Wesenheit des andern tönen und klingen hören. Jede Menschenindividualität wird einen gewissen Ton haben, und das alles wird zusammenklingen zu einer Symphonie. Das wird das Bewußtsein des Menschen sein, wenn unser Planet in den Zustand der Venus übergegangen sein wird. Dort wird er die Sphärenharmonie erleben, die Goethe in seinem Prolog zum «Faust» beschreibt:

Die Sonne tönt nach alter Weise
In Brudersphären Wettgesang
Und ihre vorgeschriebne Reise
Vollendet sie mit Donnergang.

[ 21 ] Als die Erde Sonne war, da vernahm der Mensch dämmerhaft dieses Tönen und Klingen, und auf der Venus wird er es wieder tönen und klingen hören «nach alter Weise». Sogar bis auf dieses Wort hat Goethe das Bild beibehalten.

[ 22 ] Der siebente Bewußtseinszustand ist das spirituelle Bewußtsein, das eigentlich höchste Bewußtsein, wo der Mensch Allbewußtsein hat, wo er das sehen wird, was nicht nur auf seinem Planeten, sondern was in der ganzen kosmischen Nachbarschaft vorgeht; jenes Bewußtsein, das der Mensch auf dem Saturn hatte, das ja ganz dumpf, aber doch eine Art Allbewußtsein war. Das wird er zu all den übrigen Bewußtseinszuständen haben, wenn er auf dem Vulkan angekommen sein wird.

[ 23 ] Das sind die sieben Bewußtseinszustände des Menschen, die er durchmachen muß auf seinem Wandelgange durch den Kosmos, und eine jede Verkörperung der Erde stellt die Bedingungen her, durch die solche Bewußtseinszustände möglich sind. Nur dadurch, daß auf dem Mond veranlagt worden ist das Nervensystem, das sich weiterentwickelt hat zu dem heutigen Gehirn, ist das heutige wache Tagesbewußtsein möglich geworden. Solche Organe müssen geschaffen werden, durch die sich die höheren Bewußtseinszustände auch physisch ausleben können, wie sie der Eingeweihte heute schon geistig erlebt.

[ 24 ] Daß der Mensch durch solche sieben planetarische Zustände durchgehen kann, das ist der Sinn der Entwickelung. Eine jede planetarische Verkörperung ist verbunden mit der Entwickelung einer der sieben Bewußtseinszustände des Menschen, und durch das, was auf einem jeden Planeten vorgeht, bilden sich die physischen Organe aus für einen solchen Bewußtseinszustand. Sie werden ein höherentwickeltes Organ, ein psychisches Organ, auf dem Jupiter haben. Auf der Venus wird ein Organ vorhanden sein, wodurch der Mensch physisch das Bewußtsein wird entwickeln können, das heute der Eingeweihte auf dem Devachanplan hat. Und auf dem Vulkan wird jenes spirituelle Bewußtsein vorhanden sein, das der Eingeweihte heute hat, wenn er auf der höheren Partie des Devachan, wenn er in der Vernunftwelt sich befindet.

[ 25 ] Morgen werden wir diese Planeten einzeln durchnehmen, denn wie unsere Erde früher, zum Beispiel in der atlantischen und in der lemurischen Zeit, anders ausgeschaut hat als heute, und wie sie später wieder anders ausschauen wird, so haben auch Mond, Sonne und Saturn verschiedene Zustände gehabt, und so werden Jupiter, Venus verschiedene Zustände durchmachen.

[ 26 ] Wir haben heute die großen, umfassenden Kreisläufe der Planeten kennengelernt, und wir werden uns morgen mit den Veränderungen dieser Planeten beschäftigen, während sie der Schauplatz der Menschen waren.

Eighth Lecture

[ 1 ] Let us now take a look at the different embodiments of our planet, one after the other. We must absolutely form the idea that these were embodiments of our Earth planet, that is, the states of the Earth when it was once Saturn, Sun and Moon, and we must imagine that these embodiments were necessary for the formation of the beings, especially of man, that man's own development is intimately connected with the development of the Earth. But we will only get a correct idea of what has happened if we form a thought about how, in relation to certain qualities, what we recognize today as human beings, as ourselves, has changed in the course of development. First, let us look at the changes that have taken place in man in relation to his states of consciousness. Everything, absolutely everything in the world has developed; our consciousness has also developed. The consciousness that man has today is not what he has always had; it has only gradually become what it is today.

[ 2 ] We call our present consciousness the object consciousness or the waking day consciousness. You all know it as what is yours from morning, when you wake up, until evening, when you fall asleep. Let us clarify what it consists of. It consists of the fact that man directs his senses into the outside world and perceives objects; that is why we call it object consciousness. Man looks into his surroundings and sees certain objects in space, surrounded by colors. He listens with his ear and hears that there are objects in space that make a sound, that emit sound. He touches the objects with his sense of touch, finds them warm or cold, he smells, he tastes objects. He reflects on what he perceives with his senses. He uses his reason to understand these different objects, and the waking daytime consciousness that humans have today is composed of these facts of sensory perception and the understanding of them with our minds. Man has not always had this consciousness; it has only developed, and he will not always have it that way, but he will ascend to higher states of consciousness.

[ 3 ] With the means that occultism gives us, we can initially see seven states of consciousness, of which our present consciousness is the middle one. We can see three preceding and three subsequent ones. Some may be surprised that we are so nicely in the middle. This is because other states precede the first state, and these elude our gaze. We see just as far backwards as we do forwards. If we were to stand back one, we would see one more backwards and one less forwards, just as you can go out into the field and see as far to the left as to the right.

[ 4 ] These seven states of consciousness are as follows. First, a very dull, deep state of consciousness that people today hardly know anymore. Only people with a particular mediumistic disposition can still have this state of consciousness today, which all people once had on Saturn. Such people with a mediumistic disposition can enter into a state that is also known to modern psychologists. Their waking daytime consciousness and other states of consciousness are dormant; they are as if dead. But then, when they draw or describe in their memories or during the state what they have experienced there, they bring to light very peculiar experiences that do not take place around us. They create all kinds of drawings that, although grotesque and distorted, correspond to what we in spiritual science call cosmic states. They are often quite wrong, but there is something about them that shows that such beings have a dull but universal consciousness during this dozy state. They see celestial bodies and therefore draw them.

[ 5 ] Such consciousness, which is dull but omniscient in our cosmos, was once possessed by man on the first embodiment of our earth. It is called deep trance consciousness. There are beings in our environment that still have such consciousness; these are the minerals. If you could talk to them, these minerals would tell you what it is like on Saturn. Only this consciousness is very dull.

[6] The second state of consciousness that we know, or rather do not know, because we are then asleep, is that of ordinary sleep. This state of consciousness is not as comprehensive, but although it is still very dull, it is relatively bright compared to the first. This sleep consciousness was once permanent for all people when the Earth was a sun. At that time, the human ancestor slept continuously. Even today, there is still this state of consciousness: the plants have it. They are beings that sleep continuously, and if they could speak, they could tell us what it is like on the sun, because they have sun consciousness.

[ 7 ] The third state, which is still dim and dull in comparison to our daytime consciousness, is that of image consciousness, and we already have a clear idea of this because we experience an echo of it in dream-filled sleep, albeit only a rudiment of what was the consciousness of all people on the moon. It will be good to start from the dream to get an image of the lunar consciousness.

[ 8 ] In dream life, we may find something confusing and chaotic, but on closer observation, this confusion offers an intimate regularity. The dream is a strange symbolism. In my lectures, I have often given the following examples, all taken from life: You dream that you are chasing a tree frog in order to catch it, you feel its soft, smooth body; you wake up and have the corner of the bed sheet in your hand. If you had applied your waking consciousness, you would have seen your hand grasp the bedspread. Dream consciousness gives you a symbol of external action; it forms a symbol out of what our waking consciousness sees as fact.

[ 9 ] Another example. A student dreams that he is standing at the door of the lecture hall. He is jostled, as it is called in student slang. From this a demand arises. He now experiences all the details until he goes to the duel, accompanied by his second and the doctor, and the first shot is fired. At that moment he wakes up and sees that he has pushed over the chair in front of his bed. In the waking consciousness he would simply have heard this fall; the dream symbolizes this prosaic action through the drama of the duel. And you can also see that the time conditions are quite different, because in the single moment when the chair fell, the whole drama flashed through his mind. All the preparation took place in a moment. The dream has reversed the time, it does not obey the conditions of the world, it is a time shaper.

[ 10 ] Not only external events can be symbolized in this way, but also internal processes of the body. A person dreams that he is in a cellar hole, with nasty spiders crawling towards him. He wakes up and feels a headache. The skullcap has symbolized itself in the cellar hole, the pain in the ugly spiders.

[ 11 ] The dream of today's man symbolizes events that are inside and outside. But it was not so when this third state of consciousness was that of man on the moon. At that time, man lived in nothing but such images as in today's dream, but they expressed realities. They signified reality just as the blue color signifies reality today. Only then did the color float freely in space; it was not on the objects. In the consciousness of that time, man could not have gone out on the street as he can today, seen a person from afar, looked at him, approached him, because he would not have been able to perceive such forms of beings that have a color on their surface, quite apart from the fact that man at that time could not walk as today's man does. But let us assume that a man had met another on the moon at that time: a freely floating image of form and color would have risen up in front of him; let us say an ugly one, then the man would have walked to the side so as not to encounter it, or a beautiful one, then he would have approached it. The ugly color image would have indicated to him that the other person had an unpleasant feeling towards him, the beautiful one that the other person loved him.

[ 12 ] Let us assume that there was salt on the moon. When salt is on the table today, you see it as it is in space, as an object, grainy, with a certain color. It would not have been the same in those days. On the moon you would not have been able to see the salt, but a form and color image would have emerged from the spot where the salt was, and this image would have indicated to you that the salt is something useful. Thus, the entire consciousness was filled with images, with floating colors and forms. Man lived in such a sea of forms and colors, but these images of colors and forms meant what was going on around man, especially the things of the soul and what related to the soul, what was beneficial or harmful to him. In this way, man oriented himself in the right way about the things around him.

[ 13 ] This consciousness changed into our present-day consciousness when the moon embodied itself to the earth, and only a remnant remains in the dream that the modern human has, a rudiment, just as rudiments of other things have remained. You know, for example, that there are certain muscles near the ear that now seem useless. They used to serve a purpose. They served to move the ears at will. Today there are only a few people who can do that.

[ 14 ] Thus, there are also conditions in humans that have remained as the last remnant of a once meaningful device. But even though they mean nothing today, these images meant the outside world back then. Even today you still have this awareness in all those animals - pay attention to it! who cannot produce a sound from within. In occultism there is a much more correct classification of animals than in external natural science, namely, into those that are soundless within and those that can sound from within. Of course, you find that some lower animals produce a sound, but this is done mechanically, through rubbing and so on, not from within. Even frogs do not produce sound from within. Only the higher animals, which came into being at the time when man was able to express his suffering and joy through sound, only they have, like man, the possibility of expressing their pain and their pleasure through sounds and cries. All animals that do not make sound from within still have such image consciousness. It is not that lower animals see the images in such limitations as we do. If some lower animal, for example, a crab, perceives an image that makes a certain ugly impression, it avoids it. It does not see the objects, but it sees the harmfulness in a repulsive image.

[ 15 ] The fourth state of consciousness is that which all human beings now have. The images that human beings used to perceive as floating color images in space now envelop objects, as it were. One might say that they are superimposed on them. They form the boundaries of the things. They appear on the things, while they used to appear free-floating. Thus they have become the expression of the form. That which man used to have within him has come out and attached itself to the objects. In this way he has come to his present-day waking consciousness.

[ 16 ] Let us now consider something else. We have already said that man's physical body was prepared on Saturn. On the Sun, the etheric or life body was added, permeated it and worked on it. It took what the physical body had already become and developed it further. On the Moon, the astral body was added; this changed the form of the body again. On Saturn, this physical body was very simple. On the Sun, it was already much more complicated, because now the ether body was working on it, making it more perfect. On the Moon, the astral body was added, and on Earth, the I was added, making it even more perfect. Back when the physical body was on Saturn, when no etheric body had yet penetrated, all those organs that are in it today were not yet in it, because blood and nerves were missing, and there were no glands either. At that time, man had only the rudiments of the organs that are now the most perfect and that have had time to develop to their present perfection: these are the wonderfully constructed sense organs.

[ 17 ] This wonderful structure of the human eye, this marvelous apparatus of the human ear, all this has only reached its perfection today because it was formed out of the mass of Saturn, and the etheric body, astral body and I worked on it. So did the larynx. It was already present on Saturn, but man could not yet speak. On the Moon, he began to send out inarticulate sounds and cries, but it was only through the long process described that the larynx became the perfect apparatus that it is today on Earth. On the sun, where the etheric body was added, these sense organs were further developed, and all those organs were added that are primarily excretory and vital organs and serve nutrition and growth. They were first laid down during the existence on the sun. Then the astral body continued its work during the moon existence, the I during the earth existence; so the glands, the organs of growth and so on matured to their present perfection. Then, on the moon, the nervous system was first formed through the incorporation of the astral body. That was when man had image consciousness. But what enabled man to develop an object consciousness, what at the same time enabled him to express his joy and suffering from within, the I, that formed in man his blood.

[ 18 ] Thus the whole universe is the builder of the sense organs. Thus everything that is glands, reproductive and nutritional organs is formed by the life body. Thus the astral body is the builder of the nervous system and the I is the incorporator of the blood. There is a phenomenon known as anemia or pallor. In this condition, the blood is unable to hold on to the waking consciousness. Such persons often experience a dusky consciousness similar to that on the moon.

[ 19 ] Now let us consider the three states of consciousness that follow. One may ask: How is it possible to know about this today? – It is possible through initiation. The initiate can already have these states of consciousness in anticipation today. The next state of consciousness known to the initiate is the so-called psychic state, a state of consciousness in which one has both the consciousness of images and the waking consciousness of the day. In this psychic consciousness, you see the person as in the waking daytime consciousness, in his limitations and forms, but at the same time you see what lives in his soul, emanating as clouds of color and images in what we call the aura. And then you do not walk through the world in a dream-like state like the man in the moon, but in complete self-control, like today's human being in waking daytime consciousness. All humanity will have this psychic or soul consciousness, the Jupiter consciousness, on the planet that replaces our Earth.

[ 20 ] Then there is still a sixth state of consciousness that man will also have one day. It will unite today's waking daytime consciousness, which the initiate knows only as psychic consciousness, and in addition everything that man sleeps through today. Man will see deeply, deeply into the nature of the beings when he lives in this consciousness, the consciousness of inspiration. Man will not only perceive in color pictures and forms, he will hear the being of the other person resound and ring. Every human individuality will have a certain tone, and all this will resound together in a symphony. This will be the consciousness of man when our planet has passed into the state of Venus. There he will experience the harmony of the spheres, which Goethe describes in his prologue to “Faust”:

The sun resounds in the ancient way
In the singing of the spheres
And completes its prescribed journey
With a thunderous gait.

[ 21 ] When the Earth was a sun, man dimly perceived this sound and vibration, and on Venus he will perceive it sounding and resounding “in the ancient way”. Goethe retained this image right down to this very word.

[ 22 ] The seventh state of consciousness is spiritual consciousness, which is actually the highest consciousness, where man has omniscience, where he will see what is happening not only on his planet, but in the entire cosmic neighborhood; that consciousness that man had on Saturn, which was a kind of all-consciousness, even if it was very dull. He will have this in addition to all the other states of consciousness when he arrives on Vulcan.

[ 23 ] These are the seven states of consciousness that man must pass through on his journey through the cosmos, and each embodiment on Earth creates the conditions through which such states of consciousness are possible. It is only through the predisposition of the nervous system on the moon, which has developed into today's brain, that today's waking daytime consciousness has become possible. Organs must be created through which the higher states of consciousness can also be physically experienced, as the initiate already experiences them spiritually today.

[ 24 ] The purpose of evolution is to enable the human being to pass through these seven planetary conditions. Each planetary embodiment is connected with the development of one of the seven states of consciousness of man, and through what takes place on each planet, the physical organs develop for such a state of consciousness. You will have a highly developed organ, a psychic organ, on Jupiter. On Venus there will be an organ through which man will be able to develop physically the consciousness that the initiate today has on the devachan plane. And on Vulcan there will be that spiritual consciousness that the initiate today has when he is on the higher part of the devachan, when he is in the world of reason.

[ 25 ] Tomorrow we will take a closer look at these planets individually, because just as our Earth used to look different from today, for example in the Atlantean and Lemurian times, and will look different again later, so too have the Moon, Sun and Saturn had different states, and so will Jupiter and Venus.

[ 26 ] Today we have learned about the great, comprehensive cycles of the planets, and tomorrow we will deal with the changes of these planets while they were the scene of human activity.