The Gospel of St. John (Basle)
GA 100
20 November 1907, Basle
Translator Unknown
Lecture V
“The Law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” If we thoroughly understand this passage we shall also understand that deeply significant event in the history of humanity which took place through the appearance of Christ on the Earth. In the earlier lectures of this course we have traced the evolution of humanity in broad outlines, and we have described the way in which the consciousness of the Ego developed in the distant past whole groups and generations of human beings had one Ego in common. From this we learned to understand the long age of the patriarchs. Gradually this feeling of the Ego became limited more and more to the single personalities. We also showed how two spiritual streams made themselves felt in this evolution: the one was the stream of blood-relationship, which endeavoured to hold men together by natural ties, and the other, the Luciferic, which made men independent and prepared them for the purely spiritual tie which was to come.
During the whole period of the Old Testament one understood by “Law” something which brings order into human society from without. After blood-relationship had lost its binding power, men had to be brought into a certain connection with one another by an outer thought-order. The law was perceived as something coming from outside, and this Law which was given from outside holds good until the “grace and truth,” or devotion and truth, which comes through Jesus Christ, has developed in us from within, the understanding for the true knowledge. Devotion and truth can only develop gradually. Christianity, which is to bring devotion and truth in place of the Law, is only at the beginning of its growth; the further the Earth progresses in its evolution the stronger will be the influence of Christianity on humanity. Humanity is to raise itself to a stage of social life at which each one is drawn, by an impulse arising within himself, to act towards his neighbor as one brother to another. Men could not however, raise themselves of their own power to this high stage of development, and it is the task of Christianity to help them to do this. Men will no longer need any outer law to force upon them this attitude when they have the inner impulse so to act that devotion and truth are the motives for their actions.
We do not mean to say by the above, that humanity no longer needs the Law, but that which we have described is an ideal, which should be striven for. Gradually men will come to where the harmony of the world will be brought about through their voluntary action, but for this goal to be reached the Power which in the Gospel is called Christ had to step in. In the occult schools it is said of one who, of his own inner power, is able to raise himself into this relationship to all his fellow-men, that “he bears Christ within him.” In order to understand what we are about to say, it will first of all be necessary to recapitulate once more the real constitution of man. Recall to mind the contents of the third lecture with the aid of the following sketch:

Through the work of the Ego upon the astral body the latter is transformed into Spirit Self. But this takes place step by step, through the sentient soul being developed first, then the intellectual soul, and finally the spiritual soul; then the Spirit Self pours into the purified and mature spiritual soul. In the same way the Ego works upon the etheric body, and the impulses which are most effective in this case are the influences of art, religion and occult training.
There were also occult schools in pre-Christian times, where pupils were trained, so that they were able to look into higher worlds; but this vision only existed among the true pupils in the most hidden occult schools, and even they only at the actual moment of initiation, when the etheric body was separated from the physical body . The raising of a human being, so that he might be able to see in the spiritual world, was called Initiation. In all initiations of pre-Christian times the one who was to be initiated had to be brought into a kind of sleeping state. This sleep of initiation was distinguished from ordinary sleep by the fact that in the latter the etheric body remains united with the physical body, whereas in the former the etheric body was for a short time separated from the physical body. During this time the Hierophant had to keep the body alive. Through the etheric body being separated, it was possible to lead it, together with the other parts, into the higher worlds, in order there to undergo experiences which could afterwards be imparted to the physical brain. That was the method of initiation in pre-Christian times.
Through the advent of Christ Jesus an entirely new kind of initiation came in. Imagine that a man has transformed the whole of his astral body into Spirit Self. This Spirit Self then impresses itself into the etheric body, as a seal impresses itself into sealing-wax, and gives it its imprint. The etheric body is thereby changed into Life Spirit. When this has come about completely, the Life Spirit then imprints itself in the physical body and makes it into Spirit Man. Now it was only through the appearance of Christ Jesus that it became possible to imprint the Life Spirit directly into the life body; and the experiences undergone in the higher worlds could henceforth be embodied in the physical brain without the necessity of a previous separation of the etheric body. Thus all the pre-Christian initiates had undergone the experiences of initiation outside the physical body; they had then descended again into the physical body and could from that time forward, out of their own experience, announce what had taken place in the spiritual world.
Buddha, Moses and others were initiates of this kind. In Jesus there had come to the Earth for the first time a Being who, while still remaining in the physical body, could see the life of the higher worlds. The teachings of Buddha, Moses, etc., were quite independent of the personality of their agent. Those who accept the teachings of Buddha or Moses are Buddhists or followers of Moses, for these founders of religion only passed on what they had experienced in the higher worlds. With Christ it is different. It is only through His personality that His teachings become Christianity, and in order to be a Christian it is not enough merely to follow the teachings of Christianity. Those alone are true Christians, who feel themselves united with the historical Christ. Certain sentences contained in Christian teaching, or something very similar to them, could also be found in that world before Christ appeared; but that is not the point. The essential thing is, that the Christian believes in Christ Jesus, that he considers Him to be the One Who, while walking in the flesh, represents the perfect man.
In ancient times the statement was often made; ‘The initiate is a divine man.’ The reason for this lay in the fact that during the ceremony of initiation the initiate was above in the spiritual world with the spiritual or divine Beings; He was then the divine man. But one could “see” in the physical body for the first time through Christ Jesus, the Deity,—but never before. Thus we have to take the words of John 1:18. quite literally: “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him.” Formerly the Deity could only be perceived by one who had himself made the ascent. In Christ the Deity had for the first time come down visibly to the Earth. This is told us in St. John's Gospel, (Chapter 1:14): “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.” It was also taught in the Dionysian School. Christ came to show men the way; they are to become His followers; they are to prepare to imprint what is in the etheric body into the physical body; that is to say, to develop within themselves the Christ principle.
The Gospel of St. John is a book of life. No one who has merely enquired into it with his intellect has understood this book; he alone who has experienced it really knows it. If a man meditates upon the first fourteen verses day after day for some time, he will discover the purpose of these words. They are really words which, when one meditates upon them, awaken in the human soul the capacity to see the various parts of the Gospel, such as the marriage at Cana in chapter two, the conversation with Nicodemus in chapter three, as one's own experiences in the great astral tableau. Through these exercises clairvoyance develops in the human being and he can then experience for himself the truth of what is written in St. John's Gospel. Hundreds have experienced this. The writer of St.John's Gospel was a great Seer who was initiated by Christ Himself.
The disciple “John” is never mentioned by name in this Gospel. We read of him as “the disciple whom the Lord loved,” for example in Chapter 19:26. This is a technical expression and signifies the one who was initiated by the Master Himself. “John” describes his own initiation in the story of the “raising of Lazarus.” (Chapter 11). It was only through the writer of St. John's Gospel being initiated by the Lord Himself that the most secret connections between Christ and the evolution of the world could be revealed. As we have already said, the old initiations lasted for three and a half days; hence the raising of Lazarus on the fourth day. It is also said of Lazarus that the Lord loved him (John 3:35-36.)
While the body of Lazarus lay as if dead in the grave, his etheric body was lifted out in order to undergo the initiation, and to receive the same force that is in Christ. Thus the one whom the Lord loved, the one to whom we owe St. John's Gospel, was raised, he was awakened. Not a line in St. John's Gospel, contradicts this fact; the process of initiation is represented in a veiled way.
Let us now consider another scene in this Gospel. In (John 19:25), we read: “Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, His mother, and His mothers sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene.” If we wish to understand this Gospel it is necessary to know who these three women are. We do not usually give two sisters the same name; neither was it the custom in former times. The passage we have quoted proves that, according to St. John's Gospel, the mother of Jesus was not called Mary. If we search through the whole of this Gospel we nowhere find it said that the mother of Jesus was called Mary. In the scene of the Marriage of Cana, for example, Chapter 2, we only read, “the mother of Jesus was there.” In these words something important is indicated, something we only understand when we know how the writer of this Gospel uses his words. What does the expression “the mother of Jesus” mean? We have seen that man consists of physical, etheric and astral bodies. We must not consider the transition of the astral body to the Spirit Self so simply. The Ego transforms the astral body very slowly and gradually into sentient soul, intellectual soul and spiritual soul. The Ego goes on working and only when it has developed the spiritual soul is it able so to purify it that Spirit Self can arise in it.
The following diagram represents the constitution of man.
Father | 7. Spirit Man | |
Son | 6. Life Spirit | |
Holy Spirit | 5. Spirit Self (Spiritual Soul) | Virgin Sophia (purified Spiritual Soul) |
4. Intellectual Soul | Mary the wife of Cleophas | |
3. Astral Body (Sentient Soul) | Mary Magdalene | |
2. Etheric Body | ||
1. Physical Body |
The Spirit Man will only be developed in the distant future, and Life Spirit is also only germinal in most people of the present day. The development of the Spirit Self has only just begun; it is closely united with the spiritual soul (somewhat like a sword in its sheath). The sentient soul is similarly united with the astral body. The human being thus consists of nine parts or principles; but as the Spirit Self and the spiritual soul, and the sentient soul and the astral body are so closely united, we often speak of seven parts. Spirit-Self is the same as the “Holy Spirit,” who according to esoteric Christianity, is the guiding Being in the astral world. According to the same teaching, Life Spirit is called the Word or the Son; and Spirit Man is the “Father Spirit” or the “Father.”
Those human beings who had brought the Spirit Self to birth within them, were called Children of God; in such men “the light shone into the Darkness and they received the light.” Outwardly they were, men of flesh and blood, but they bore a higher man within them; the Spirit Self had been born within them out of the spiritual soul. The “mother” of such a spiritualised man is not a bodily mother, she lies within him; she is the purified and spiritualised spiritual soul; she is the principle who gives birth to the higher man. This spiritual birth, a birth in the highest sense, is described in St. John's Gospel. The Spirit Self or the Holy Spirit pours into the most highly purified Spiritual Soul. This is referred to in the words, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.” (John 1:32).
As the Spiritual Soul is the principle in which the Spirit Self develops, this principle is called the “mother of Christ,” or, in the occult schools, the “Virgin Sophia.” Through the fertilisation of the Virgin Sophia the Christ could be born in Jesus of Nazareth. In the occult school of Dionysius, the Intellectual Soul was called “Mary,” and the Sentient Soul “Mary Magdalene.”
The Physical man is born of the union of two human beings; but the higher man can only be born of a Spiritual Soul which embraces a whole people. Among all the peoples of olden times the method of initiation was essentially the same. Each initiation had seven stages or degrees. Among the Persians, for example, they were called as follows:—I. The Raven. One at this stage had to bring information from the outer world into the temple. The Raven has always been called the spiritual messenger, for instance in the legend of the Ravens of Barbarossa, and also in the German legends of Odin and his two ravens. 2. The Occult. 3. The Warrior. In the occult school the warrior was allowed to go forth and announce the teachings. 4. The Lion. The Lion was one who was firmly grounded in himself; he not only had the word, but he possessed also the magical forces; he had stood the test which guaranteed that he would not misuse the powers entrusted to him. 5. The Persian; 6. The Sun Hero. 7. The Father.
Let us consider the title of the fifth degree,the “Persian”, a little more closely. In all the occult schools an initiate of the fifth degree was called by the name of the people to whom he belonged; for his consciousness had widened where it included the whole people. He felt all the sorrow of the people as his own; his consciousness had been purified and expanded to the consciousness of the whole people. Among the Jews the initiate at this stage was called an “Israelite.” Only when we grasp this fact do we understand the conversation between Christ and Nathanael (John 1:46-49). Nathanael was an initiate of the fifth degree. The words of Christ Jesus to Nathanael, that he had seen him under the fig tree, refer to a special process in initiation, namely, the reception of the Spiritual Soul.
The following considerations will help towards the understanding of the inner process of initiation. The individual “I”-consciousness of man is in the physical world; men walk the Earth with their Ego. But the egos of the animals are on the astral plane; each group of animals there possesses an ego-consciousness in common. There is, however, in the astral world, not only the ego of the animal, but also the ego of the body which man has in common with the animals, the ego of the human astral body. In the Lower Spirit World we find the ego of the plants and also the ego of the body man possesses in common with the plants, the ego of the etheric body. If we rise still higher, into the Higher Spirit World, we there find the ego of the minerals and the ego of that part which man has in common with the minerals—the ego of the physical body. Thus through our physical body we are connected with the Higher Spiritual World. We are here in the physical world with our individual Ego only. When, in the case of an initiate, the ego of the astral body is permeated by his Individual ego, the consequence is that he becomes conscious in the astral world; he can then perceive the beings around him there and become active in that-world. He then meets Beings who are incarnated in astral bodies; he also meets the group-souls of the animals, and the higher Beings who in Christianity are called angels. On being initiated still more deeply, the ego of the etheric body is also permeated by the individual ego. The consciousness of the human being then extends into the Lower Spiritual World. There he encounters the egos of the plants and the Spirit of the Planet. A still deeper initiation takes place when the individual ego permeates the ego of the physical body,—man then rises to personal consciousness in the higher Spiritual world. There he meets the egos of the minerals and still higher Spirits. Thus continued initiation raises a man to higher and higher worlds, in which he meets with higher and higher Beings.
Higher Spiritual World Egos of the Minerals |
Ego of the Physical body | Consciousness in the Higher Spirit World. |
Lower Spiritual World Egos of the Plants |
Ego of the Etheric body | Consciousness in the Lower Spirit World |
Astral World Egos of the Animals (also Angels) |
Ego of the Astral body | Consciousness in the Astral World |
Physical World | Individual Ego | Day Consciousness |
When the individual Ego has gained full control over the three bodies, it has brought about inner harmony. Christ possessed this harmony to the fullest extent,—he appeared on the Earth in order that men might develop this power of inner harmony. In this Son of Man we see represented the full development of humanity, up to the highest spiritual stage. Formerly this inner harmony did not exist, outer laws worked in its place,—this inner harmony is the new impulse which humanity received through Christ. Man is to acquire the “Christ capacity,” that is to say, he is to develop the inner Christ. Goethe said: “The eye is built by light for light;” in the same way this inner harmony, this inner Christ is only kindled through the presence of the outer, historical Christ; before His appearance it was not possible for man to reach this stage of spiritual development.
Those human beings who lived before the appearance of Christ on Earth are not excluded from the blessings He brought to humanity; for it should not be forgotten that, according to the law of reincarnation, they will come again to the earth and will therefore have the opportunity to develop the inner Christ. It is only when people forget the law of reincarnation that they can speak of injustice. St. John's Gospel shows the way to the historical Christ, to that Sun which enkindles the inner light in man, just as the physical Sun has enkindled the light of the eyes.
The ego of the etheric body may be compared to the engineer who builds a motor-car; the ego of the astral body may be compared to the one who drives it; and the ego of the individual to the one who owns it.
Fünfter Vortrag
[ 1 ] «Das Gesetz ist durch Moses gegeben, die Hingabe — Gnade — und Wahrheit ist durch Jesus Christus geworden» (Joh. 1,17). Wenn wir diese Stelle vollständig verstehen, so erfassen wir auch jenen tief bedeutungsvollen Einschnitt in der Geschichte der Menschheit, der durch die Erscheinung des Christus stattgefunden hat. In den vorhergehenden Vorträgen wurde in groben Zügen die Entwickelung der Menschheit geschildert und gezeigt, in welcher Weise sich das Ich-Bewußtsein entwickelt hat. In den Zeiten urferner Vergangenheit haben ganze Gruppen und Generationen von Menschen sich als Ich empfunden. Das hohe Alter der Patriarchen wird in dieser Weise verständlich. Nach und nach schränkte sich dieses Ich-Gefühl immer mehr auf einzelne Persönlichkeiten ein. Auch wurde gezeigt, wie sich in dieser Entwickelung zwei geistigeStrömungen geltend machten: die eine, die Blutsverwandtschaft, die auf natürliche Weise die Menschheit zusammenzuhalten bestrebt war; die andere, die luziferische, die den Menschen auf sich selbst stellte und ihn vorbereitete auf den kommenden, rein geistigen Bund.
[ 2 ] In der ganzen Zeit des Alten Testamentes versteht man unter Gesetz etwas, was von außen Ordnung bringt in die menschliche Gesellschaft. Nachdem die Blutsverwandtschaft ihre bindende Kraft verloren hatte, mußten die Menschen durch äußere, gedankliche Ordnung miteinander in einen gewissen Zusammenhang gebracht werden. Das Gesetz wurde als etwas von außen Kommendes empfunden. Dies uns von außen gegebene Gesetz kommt so lange zur Geltung, bis die durch Christus uns gewordene Hingabe, Gnade, und Wahrheit in uns von innen heraus das Verständnis für die wahre Erkenntnis geschaffen hat. Hingabe und Wahrheit können sich nur nach und nach entwickeln. Das Christentum, welches die Hingabe anstelle des Gesetzes bringen will, steht noch heute am Anfange seines Werdens. Je mehr die Erde in ihrer Entwickelung fortschreitet, desto stärker wird auch der Einfluß des Christentums auf die Menschheit werden. Die Menschheit soll zu einer Stufe des Zusammenlebens sich erheben, wo ein jeder Mensch durch Antrieb in seinem Inneren veranlaßt wird, zu seinem Nächsten in das Verhältnis von Bruder zu Bruder zu treten. Auf diese hohe Stufe der Entwickelung könnte die Menschheit sich aus eigener Kraft nicht erheben, und es ist die Aufgabe des Christentums, ihr dazu zu verhelfen. Dann braucht der Mensch kein äußeres Gesetz mehr, wenn er den inneren Impuls hat, sich so zu verhalten, daß Hingabe und Wahrheit die Richtschnur seines Handelns bilden.
[ 3 ] Dies ist nicht so zu verstehen, daß die Menschheit jetzt schon kein Gesetz mehr nötig hätte; es ist aber ein Ideal, das erstrebt werden soll. Nach und nach kommt die Menschheit dazu, daß durch ihr freiwilliges Handeln die Harmonie der Welt hergestellt wird. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, mußte die Macht eingreifen, die im Sinne des Evangeliums der Christus ist. Von dem, der aus eigener innerer Kraft imstande ist, sich in ein solches Verhältnis zu allen seinen Mitmenschen zu erheben, daß er sich frei, ohne jeden Zwang in die Harmonie einfügt, wird in den Geheimschulen gesagt, «er trage den Christus in sich».
Zum Verständnis des folgenden ist es notwendig, sich die Zusammensetzung des Menschen noch einmal zu vergegenwärtigen:
Ich | |
Astralleib | Geistselbst |
Ätherleib | Lebensgeist |
Physischer Leib | Geistesmensch |
[ 4 ] Durch die Arbeit des Ich am Astralkörper wird derselbe zum Geistselbst umgewandelt. Dies geschieht aber stufenweise, indem sich zuerst die Empfindungsseele, dann die Verstandesseele, dann die Bewußtseinsseele herausbildet. In die gereifte, geläuterte Bewußtseinsseele ergießt sich das Geistselbst. Ebenso arbeitet das Ich am ÄÄtherleib, und die Impulse, welche dort am meisten Wirksamkeit haben, sind diejenigen der Kunst, der Religion und der Geheimschulung.
[ 5 ] Auch in der vorchristlichen Zeit gab es Geheimschulen, welche ihre Schüler so weit entwickeln konnten, daß sie imstande waren, in die höheren Welten zu blicken. Aber nur bei den wirklichen Schülern in den verborgensten Geheimschulen gab es dieses Schauen, und auch da nur beim eigentlichen Einweihungsakte, wenn der Ätherkörper vom physischen Körper getrennt war. Unter Einweihung versteht man das Hinaufheben eines Menschen, um ihn die geistige Welt schauen zu lassen. Bei allen Einweihungen der vorchristlichen Zeit mußte der, welcher eingeweiht werden sollte, in eine Art von Schlafzustand gebracht werden. Der Einweihungsschlaf unterscheidet sich von dem gewöhnlichen Schlaf dadurch, daß in letzterem der Ätherleib mit dem physischen Leib verbunden bleibt, während in ersterem für eine kurze Weile der Ätherleib vom physischen Leib getrennt wird. Während dieser Zeit mußte der Hierophant den Körper am Leben erhalten. Dadurch, daß man den Ätherleib herausnahm, war man imstande, ihn mit den übrigen Leibern in die höheren Welten zu führen, um ihn daselbst Erfahrungen machen zu lassen, die nachher dem physischen Gehirn übermittelt werden konnten. Nur solche Einweihungsmethoden gab es in der vorchristlichen Zeit.
[ 6 ] Durch die Erscheinung des Christus Jesus tritt etwas ganz Neues auf in bezug auf die Einweihungsart. Denken Sie sich, der Mensch hätte den ganzen Astralleib umgewandelt in Geistselbst. Dann drückt sich dieses Geistselbst dem Ätherleib ein wie ein Siegel im Siegellack und gibt ihm sein Gepräge. Hierdurch wird der Ätherleib zum Lebensgeist umgewandelt. Wenn dies vollständig geschehen ist, drückt sich der Lebensgeist dem physischen Körper ein und macht ihn zum Geistesmenschen. Erst durch die Erscheinung des Christus Jesus wurde es möglich, das, was Lebensgeist war, direkt einzudrücken in den Lebensleib. Die Erfahrungen, die in den höheren Welten gemacht wurden, konnten jetzt dem physischen Gehirn einverleibt werden, ohne daß eine vorherige Abtrennung des Ätherleibes notwendig wurde. Der erste, der einen Ätherleib besaß, der ganz durchsetzt war vom Geistselbst, und einen physischen Leib, der ganz durchsetzt war vom Lebensgeist, war der Christus Jesus. Dadurch, daß der Christus Jesus auf die Erde gekommen war, ist es für die, welche mit ihm verbunden sind, möglich geworden, dieselbe Initiation durchzumachen, ohne den Ätherleib vom physischen Leib zu trennen. Also alle vorchristlichen Eingeweihten hatten die Erfahrungen der Einweihung außerhalb des physischen Leibes gemacht, waren wieder in den physischen Leib hineingestiegen und konnten nun als eigenes Erlebnis verkündigen, was in der geistigen Welt vorgegangen war.
[ 7 ] Buddha, Moses und andere waren derartige Eingeweihte. In Jesus ist zum ersten Male ein Wesen auf die Erde gekommen, das, im physischen Leibe bleibend, das Leben der höheren Welten erschauen konnte. Die Lehren von Buddha, Moses und so weiter sind von der Persönlichkeit ihrer Meister durchaus unabhängig. Derjenige ist Buddhist oder Mosaist, der die Lehren von Buddha oder Moses beobachtet. Hierbei ist es gleichgültig, ob er Buddha oder Moses anerkennt, denn diese Stifter überlieferten nur dasjenige, was sie in den höheren Welten erfahren haben. Bei Christus ist es anders. Seine Lehre wird erst durch seine Persönlichkeit zum Christentum, und es ist nicht genug, nur die Lehre des Christentums zu befolgen, um ein Christ zu sein. Nur diejenigen sind wirklich Christen, die sich mit dem historischen Christus verbunden fühlen. Einzelne Lehrsätze des Christentums finden sich schon vorher. Darauf kommt es aber nicht an, sondern darauf, daß der Christ an den Christus Jesus glaubt, daß er ihn für die Erscheinung hält, die im Fleische wandelnd den vollkommenen Menschen darstellt.
[ 8 ] In der alten Zeit kannte man noch den Ausdruck: Der Eingeweihte ist ein göttlicher Mensch. — Diesem lag zugrunde, daß während der Einweihungszeremonie der Eingeweihte oben in der geistigen Welt bei den geistigen oder Götterwesen war. Da war er der göttliche Mensch. Im physischen Leibe sehen konnte man aber erst «den göttlichen Menschen» durch Christus Jesus, nie vorher. Die Stelle Johannes 1, 18: «Niemand hat Gott je gesehen, der eingeborene Sohn, der in des Vaters Schoß ist, der hat es uns verkündigt», ist also wörtlich zu nehmen. Früher konnte nur derjenige die Gottheit wahrnehmen, der selber den Aufstieg gemacht hatte. In Christus war zum ersten Male die Gottheit sichtbar auf die Erde heruntergekommen. Dies ist im Johannes-Evangelium 1, 14 verkündigt und wurde in der dionysischen Schule auch gelehrt. Um den Menschen den Weg zu weisen, ist Christus dagewesen; die Menschen sollen seine Nachfolger werden, sollen sich vorbereiten, das, was im Ätherleib ist, einzudrücken in den physischen Leib, das heißt in sich das Christus-Prinzip entwickeln.
[ 9 ] Das Johannes-Evangelium ist ein Lebensbuch. Keiner hat dieses Buch begriffen, der es mit dem Verstand erforscht hat, sondern nur der kennt es, der es erlebt hat. Wenn man eine Zeitlang Tag für Tag die ersten vierzehn Verse wiederholt, so entdeckt man, wozu diese Worte da sind. Sie bilden einen Meditationsstoff und wecken in der menschlichen Seele die Fähigkeit, die einzelnen Abschnitte des Evangeliums, wie die Hochzeit zu Kana im Kapitel 2, das Gespräch mit Nikodemus im Kapitel 3, als eigene Erlebnisse im großen astralen Tableau zu sehen. Hellsichtig wird der Mensch durch diese Übungen und kann selbst die Wahrheit dessen erfahren, was im Johannes-Evangelium niedergeschrieben ist. Hunderte haben dies durchgemacht. Der Schreiber des JohannesEvangeliums war ein hoher, durch Christus selbst eingeweihter Seher.
[ 10 ] Der Jünger Johannes wird im ganzen Johannes-Evangelium nirgends genannt. Von ihm heißt es nur: «Der Jünger, den der Herr lieb hatte», zum Beispiel im Kapitel 19, Vers 26. Dies ist ein technischer Ausdruck und bezeichnet denjenigen, der vom Meister selber eingeweiht wurde. Johannes beschreibt seine eigene Einweihung in der Auferweckung des Lazarus, Kapitel 11. Nur dadurch können die geheimsten Beziehungen des Christus zur Weltentwickelung offenbar werden, daß der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums vom Herrn selber eingeweiht worden ist. Wie oben gesagt, dauerten die alten Einweihungen dreiundeinhalb Tage; daher die Auferweckung des Lazarus am vierten Tage. Auch von Lazarus heißt es, daß Christus ihn lieb hatte (Kapitel 11, 3,35 und 36). Dies ist wieder der technische Ausdruck für den Lieblingsschüler. Während der Körper des Lazarus wie tot im Grabe lag, wurde sein Ätherleib herausgeholt, um die Einweihung durchzumachen und dieselbe Kraft zu empfangen, die in Christus ist. So wurde er ein Auferweckter, derselbe, den der Herr lieb hat, von dem das Johannes-Evangelium herrührt. Wenn man daraufhin das Johannes-Evangelium durchliest, wird man sehen, daß keine Zeile dieser Tatsache widerspricht, außer daß der Vorgang der Einweihung unter einem Schleier dargestellt ist.
[ 11 ] Es soll ein anderes Bild des Johannes-Evangeliums betrachtet werden. Im Kapitel 19, 25 heißt es: «Es stand aber bei dem Kreuze Jesu seine Mutter und seiner Mutter Schwester, Maria, Kleophas Weib, und Maria Magdalena.» Zum Verständnis des Evangeliums ist es notwendig, zu wissen, wer diese drei Frauen sind. So wenig wie heute in einer Familie zwei Schwestern den gleichen Namen tragen, so wenig war dies früher der Fall. Somit ist die angeführte Stelle ein Beweis, daß im Sinne des Johannes-Evangeliums die Mutter Jesu nicht Maria hieß. Wenn man das Johannes-Evangelium daraufhin durchsucht, so finder man nirgends eine Angabe, daß die Mutter Jesu Maria hieß. Zum Beispiel in der Hochzeit zu Kana (Kap. 2) heißt es nur: «Die Mutter Jesu war da.» Mit diesen Worten ist etwas Wichtiges bezeichnet, was wir aber nur dann verstehen, wenn wir wissen, wie der Schreiber des Evangeliums seine Worte gebraucht. Was bedeutet der Ausdruck «Mutter Jesu»? Wie wir gesehen haben, besteht der Mensch aus physischem Leib, Ätherleib und Astralleib. Den Übergang vom Astralleib zum Geistselbst dürfen wir uns nicht so einfach vorstellen. Das Ich wandelt den Astralleib langsam und allmählich um in Empfindungsseele, Verstandesseele und Bewußtseinsseele. Das Ich arbeitet immer weiter, und erst wenn es den Astralleib zur Bewußtseinsseele gebracht hat, ist es imstande, denselben so zu reinigen, daß das Geistselbst in ihm entstehen kann.
Der Mensch ist zusammengesetzt aus:
Vater | 7. Geistesmensch | ferne Zukunft |
Sohn | 6. Lebensgeist, umgewandelter Ätherleib | |
Heiliger Geist | 5. Geistselbst, Bewußtseinsseele | Jungfrau Sophia, gereinigte Bewußtseinsseele |
4. Verstandesseele, Astralseele | Maria, Kleophas Weib | |
3. Empfindungsseele, Empfindungsleib | Maria Magdalena | |
2. Ätherleib | ||
1. Physischer Leib |
[ 12 ] Der Geistesmensch wird sich erst in ferner Zukunft entwickeln. Der Lebensgeist ist ebenfalls bei den meisten Menschen erst in der Keimanlage vorhanden. Die Entwickelung des Geistselbst hat gegenwärtig begonnen. Es ist in unzertrennlicher Verbindung mit der Bewußtseinsseele, ähnlich wie ein Schwert in der Scheide. Die Empfindungsseele steckt wiederum im Empfindungsleib oder Astralleib. So finden wir in der menschlichen Persönlichkeit neun Glieder. Weil aber Geistselbst und Bewußtseinsseele sowie Empfindungsseele und Astralleib in unzertrennlicher Verbindung stehen, spricht man in der theosophischen Literatur gewöhnlich von sieben Gliedern. Geistselbst ist gleichbedeutend mit dem Heiligen Geist, der im Sinne der Christen die leitende Wesenheit auf dem astralen Plan ist. Der Lebensgeist wird von den Christen das «Wort» oder der «Sohn» genannt. Geistesmensch ist der «Vatergeist» oder der «Vater».
[ 13 ] Diejenigen, welche in sich das Geistselbst geboren hatten, wurden «Gottes Kinder» genannt; bei ihnen «schien das Licht in die Finsternis» und «sie nahmen das Licht auf». Äußerlich waren sie Menschen von Fleisch und Blut, aber in sich trugen sie einen höheren Menschen. In ihrem Inneren war aus der Bewußtseinsseele das Geistselbst geboren worden. Die «Mutter» eines solchen vergeistigten Menschen ist nicht eine leibliche Mutter; sie liegt in seinem Inneren; es ist die geläuterte und vergeistigte Bewußtseinsseele. Sie ist das Prinzip, aus dem der höhere Mensch geboren wird. Diese geistige Geburt, eine Geburt im höchsten Sinne, wird im Johannes-Evangelium dargestellt. In die geläuterte Bewußtseinsseele ergießt sich das Geistselbst oder der Heilige Geist. Hierauf hat auch der Ausdruck Bezug: «Ich sah, daß der Geist herabfuhr wie eine Taube vom Himmel und blieb auf ihm.»
[ 14 ] Da die Bewußtseinsseele dasjenige Prinzip ist, in welchem sich das Geistselbst entwickelt hat, nennt man dasselbe die «Mutter Christi» oder in den Geheimschulen die « Jungfrau Sophia». Durch die Befruchtung der Jungfrau Sophia konnte der Christus in Jesus von Nazareth geboren werden. Verstandesseele und Empfindungsseele wurden in den Geheimschulen desDionysius «Maria» und «Maria Magdalena» genannt.
[ 15 ] Der physische Mensch wird aus der Gemeinschaft zweier Menschen geboren. Der höhere Mensch kann nur geboren werden aus einer Bewußtseinsseele, die das ganze Volk umfaßt. Bei allen Völkern war die Methode der Einweihung in ihren wesentlichen Phasen dieselbe. Jede Einweihung hat sieben Stufen. Bei der persischen Einweihung hießen dieselben: Erstens der Rabe. Der auf dieser Stufe Stehende hatte die Nachrichten der Außenwelt hereinzubringen in den Tempel. Der Rabe wird überall der Geisterbote genannt, zum Beispiel auch in den deutschen Sagen von Odin und seinen zwei Raben. Zweitens der Okkulte. Drittens der Streiter. Ihm war es von den Geheimschulen bereits erlaubt, hinauszutreten und die Lehren zu verkünden. Viertens der Löwe, der in sich Festgegründete, der nicht nur das Wort hatte, sondern auch die magischen Kräfte, der die Probe bestanden hatte und daher eine Garantie bot, die ihm anvertrauten Kräfte nicht zu mißbrauchen. Fünftens der Perser. Sechstens der Sonnenheld und siebentens der Vater. Uns interessiert hier die Bezeichnung des fünften Grades, der Perser. Den Eingeweihten des fünften Grades nannte man in allen Geheimschulen mit dem Namen des Volkes, dem er angehörte, denn sein Bewußtsein hatte sich so erweitert, daß es das ganze Volk umfaßte. Er empfand alles Leid des Volkes als sein eigenes. Sein Bewußtsein war geläutert und erweitert zum allgemeinen Volksbewußtsein. Bei den Juden nannte man den Eingeweihten dieser Stufe einen Israeliten. Erst wenn wir diese Tatsache kennen, verstehen wir das Gespräch des Christus mit Nathanael (Kap. 1, 47-49). Dieser war ein Eingeweihter der fünften Stufe. Die auffallende Antwort des Christus, er habe den Nathanael unter dem Feigenbaum gesehen, deutet auf einen besonderen Vorgang der Initiation hin, nämlich auf das Empfangen der Bewußtseinsseele.
[ 16 ] Zum Verständnis der inneren Vorgänge der Initiation werden folgende Ausführungen behilflich sein. Das individuelle Ich-Bewußtsein des Menschen ist in der physischen Welt. Die Menschen wandern mit ihrem Ich herum. Das Ich der Tiere dagegen ist auf dem astralen Plan. Jede Gruppe von Tieren hat daselbst ein gemeinschaftliches IchBewußtsein. Aber nicht nur das Ich der Tiere ist in der Astralwelt vorhanden, sondern auch das Ich des Leibes, den der Mensch mit dem Tiere gemeinschaftlich hat, also das Ich des menschlichen Astralleibes. In der Devachanwelt finden wir die Iche der Pflanzen, wie auch das Ich desjenigen Körpers, den wir mit der Pflanze gemeinsam haben, das Ich des Ätherkörpers. Steigen wir noch höher hinauf in das höhere Devachan, so finden wir dort das Ich der Mineralien und das Ich desjenigen Teiles, den der Mensch mit den Mineralien gemeinsam hat: also das Ich des physischen Leibes. Wir stehen also durch den physischen Leib mit dem höheren Devachan in Verbindung. Mit dem individuellen Ich sind wir hier in der physischen Welt. Wenn bei einem Eingeweihten das Ich des Astralleibes von seinem Individual-Ich durchdrungen und umgearbeitet wird, so wird er in der Astralwelt bewußt. Er kann dann darin wahrnehmen und sich betätigen. Er begegnet den Wesenheiten, welche in den Astralkörpern inkarniert sind, auch den Gruppenseelen der Tiere und denjenigen höheren Wesenheiten, welche im Christentum Engel genannt werden. Bei noch höherer Einweihung wird auch das Ich des Ätherkörpers vom Individual-Ich durchdrungen. Das Menschenbewußtsein dehnt sich dadurch bis in die Devachanwelt hinauf aus. Dort begegnet man den Pflanzen-Ichen und dem Planetengeist. Eine noch höhere Einweihung findet statt, wenn das Individual-Ich das Ich des physischen Leibes durchdringt. Dann wird der Mensch auch in der übergeistigen Welt zum persönlichen Bewußtsein kommen. Er begegnet dort dem Ich der Mineralien und noch höheren Geistern. So ist die Einweihung ein Hinaufwandern in höhere Welten, in denen immer höhere Wesenheiten angetroffen werden.
Höhere Devachanwelt Ich der Mineralien |
Ich des physischen Körpers | Überdevachan-bewußtsein |
Devachan Ich der Pflanzen |
Ich des Ätherkörpers | Devachanbewußtsein |
Astralwelt Ich der Tiere, auch Engel |
Ich des Astralleibes | Astralbewußtsein |
Physische Welt | Individual-Ich | Tagesbewußtsein |
Man könnte folgendes Bild gebrauchen:
Das Ich des Ätherleibes kann verglichen werden mit dem Ingenieur
Das Ich des Astralleibes kann verglichen werden mit dem Lenker eines Autos
Das Ich des Individual-Ich, physischer Leib, kann verglichen werden mit dem Besitzer eines Autos.
[ 17 ] Wenn das individuelle Ich die volle Herrschaft über die drei Körper erlangt hat, so hat es die innere Harmonie ausgebildet. Eine Wesenheit, welche diese Harmonie vollständig besaß, ist Christus. Er ist auf der Erde erschienen, damit der Mensch jene Kraft der inneren Harmonie entwickeln kann. Man sieht in diesem Menschensohn die ganze Menschheitsentwickelung dargestellt bis hinauf in die höchste geistige Stufe. Vorher gab es diese innere Harmonie nicht; an ihrer Stelle wirkten die äußeren Gesetze. Die innere Harmonie ist der neue Impuls, den die Menschheit durch Christus empfangen hat. Die Christus-Fähigkeit soll der Mensch erwerben, das heißt, er soll den inneren Christus entwikkeln. Aber so wie nach Goethes Ausspruch «das Auge am Licht für das Licht gebildet ist», so ist diese innere Harmonie, dieser innere Christus nur durch das Vorhandensein des äußeren, historischen Christus entzündet, vor dessen Erscheinung es den Menschen nicht möglich war, diese Stufe geistiger Entwickelung zu erreichen.
[ 18 ] Diejenigen Menschen, die vor des Christus historischem Leben gelebt haben, sind nicht etwa von dem durch sein Erscheinen über die Menschheit gekommenen Segen ausgeschlossen. Denn man darf nicht vergessen, daß sie nach dem Gesetze der Wiederverkörperung wiederkommen müssen und folglich Gelegenheit haben werden, den inneren Christus zu entwickeln. Nur wenn man die Reinkarnationslehre vergißt, kann man von Ungerechtigkeit sprechen. Das Johannes-Evangelium zeigt den Weg zum historischen Christus, zu jener Sonne, welche das innere Licht im Menschen entzündet, wie die physische Sonne unser Augenlicht entzündet hat.
Fifth Lecture
[ 1 ] “The law was given through Moses; devotion — grace — and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17). If we understand this passage in its entirety, we also grasp the deeply significant turning point in human history that occurred with the appearance of Christ. In the previous lectures, the development of humanity was roughly outlined and it was shown how the sense of self has developed. In the distant past, whole groups and generations of people felt themselves to be I. The great age of the patriarchs becomes understandable in this way. Gradually, this sense of self became more and more limited to individual personalities. It has also been shown how two spiritual currents asserted themselves in this development: one, consanguinity, which naturally strove to hold humanity together; the other, the luciferic current, which relied on the individual and prepared him for the coming, purely spiritual bond.
[ 2 ] Throughout the Old Testament period, the law is understood to mean something that brings order into human society from the outside. After blood ties had lost their binding power, people had to be brought into a certain relationship with each other through external, mental order. The law was felt to come from without. This law given to us from without will remain in force until the devotion, grace and truth that have come to us through Christ have created in us from within an understanding of true knowledge. Devotion and truth can only develop gradually. Christianity, which wants to bring devotion instead of the law, is still today at the beginning of its development. The more the earth progresses in its development, the stronger the influence of Christianity on humanity will become. Humanity is to rise to a level of coexistence where each person is impelled by his inner being to enter into the relationship of brother to brother with his neighbor. Mankind could not rise to this high level of development by its own efforts, and it is the task of Christianity to help it to do so. Then man will no longer need an external law when he has the inner impulse to behave in such a way that devotion and truth form the guiding principle of his actions.
[ 3 ] This is not to be understood to mean that humanity no longer needs a law; but it is an ideal to strive for. Gradually, humanity is coming to the realization that the harmony of the world is established through their voluntary actions. To reach this goal, the Power that is Christ in the sense of the Gospel had to intervene. Of the one who, through his own inner strength, is able to rise to such a relationship with all his fellow human beings that he freely, without any compulsion, fits into the harmony, it is said in the secret schools that “he carries the Christ within him”.
To understand the following, it is necessary to visualize once more the composition of the human being:
Ich | |
Astral body | Spirit Self |
Etheric body | Life Spirit |
Physical body | Spirit Man |
[ 4 ] Through the work of the I on the astral body, the latter is transformed into a spiritual self. However, this happens in stages, with the sentient soul forming first, then the intellectual soul, and then the consciousness soul. The spiritual self pours itself into the matured, refined consciousness soul. Likewise, the I works on the etheric body, and the impulses that have the greatest effect there are those of art, religion and secret schooling.
[ 5 ] Even in pre-Christian times, there were secret schools that were able to develop their students to the point where they were able to see into the higher worlds. But this vision was only granted to the real pupils in the most hidden secret schools, and even there only at the actual act of initiation, when the etheric body was separated from the physical body. Initiation is understood to mean the lifting of a person in order to let him see the spiritual world. In all the initiations of pre-Christian times, the person to be initiated had to be brought into a kind of sleep. The difference between the sleep of initiation and ordinary sleep is that in the latter the etheric body remains connected to the physical body, whereas in the former the etheric body is separated from the physical body for a short while. During this time the Hierophant had to keep the body alive. By taking out the etheric body, it was possible to lead it with the other bodies into the higher worlds, in order to let it make experiences there that could be transmitted to the physical brain afterwards. Only such methods of initiation existed in pre-Christian times.
[ 6 ] With the appearance of Christ Jesus, something entirely new occurred with regard to the method of initiation. Imagine that a person had transformed the entire astral body into a spirit self. This spirit self then impresses itself upon the etheric body like a seal in sealing wax, giving it its imprint. In this way, the etheric body is transformed into the spirit of life. When this is fully accomplished, the spirit of life imprints itself on the physical body and makes it a spiritual being. It was only through the appearance of Christ Jesus that it became possible to impress what was the spirit of life directly into the life body. The experiences gained in the higher worlds could now be incorporated into the physical brain without the need for a previous separation of the etheric body. The first person to have an etheric body that was completely permeated by the spirit self, and a physical body that was completely permeated by the life spirit, was Christ Jesus. Through Christ Jesus' coming to Earth, it has become possible for those who are connected to him to undergo the same initiation without separating the etheric body from the physical body. Thus all pre-Christian initiates had experienced initiation outside of the physical body, had re-entered their physical body and could now proclaim as their own experience what had taken place in the spiritual world.
[ 7 ] Buddha, Moses and others were such initiates. In Jesus, for the first time, a being came to earth who, remaining in the physical body, was able to see into the life of the higher worlds. The teachings of Buddha, Moses and so forth are quite independent of the personality of their masters. He is a Buddhist or a Mosaic who observes the teachings of Buddha or Moses. It is immaterial whether he recognizes Buddha or Moses, for these founders handed down only that which they had experienced in the higher worlds. It is different with Christ. His teaching only becomes Christianity through His personality, and it is not enough just to follow the teaching of Christianity to be a Christian. Only those are truly Christians who feel connected with the historical Christ. Individual tenets of Christianity can be found before that. But that is not what matters, but that the Christian believes in Christ Jesus, that he regards him as the manifestation that, walking in the flesh, represents the perfect man.
[ 8 ] In ancient times, the expression was still known: “The initiate is a divine man.” This was based on the fact that during the initiation ceremony, the initiate was in the spiritual world, with the spiritual beings or beings of God. There he was the divine man. But only through Christ Jesus could one see the divine man in the physical body, never before. The passage in John 1:18, “No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him,” is to be taken literally. In the past, only those who had made the ascent themselves could perceive the Godhead. In Christ, the Godhead had visibly descended to earth for the first time. This is proclaimed in the Gospel of John 1:14 and was also taught in the Dionysian School. Christ was there to show people the way; people should become his disciples, should prepare to impress what is in the etheric body into the physical body, that is, develop the Christ principle within themselves.
[ 9 ] The Gospel of John is a book of life. No one has understood this book by studying it with the intellect, but only the one who has experienced it knows it. If you repeat the first fourteen verses day after day for a while, you will discover what these words are for. They form the material for meditation and awaken in the human soul the ability to see the individual sections of the Gospel, such as the wedding at Cana in Chapter 2, the conversation with Nicodemus in Chapter 3, as one's own experiences in the great astral tableau. Through these exercises, the person becomes clairvoyant and can experience for themselves the truth of what is written in the Gospel of John. Hundreds have done this. The writer of the Gospel of John was a high seer, initiated by Christ Himself.
[ 10 ] The disciple John is not mentioned anywhere in the Gospel of John. It is only said of him: “The disciple whom the Lord loved”, for example in chapter 19, verse 26. This is a technical term and refers to the one who was initiated by the Master Himself. John describes his own initiation in the resurrection of Lazarus, chapter 11. Only through this can the most secret relationships of Christ with world evolution be revealed, that the writer of the Gospel of John was initiated by the Lord Himself. As stated above, the old initiations lasted three and a half days; hence the resurrection of Lazarus on the fourth day. It is also said of Lazarus that Christ loved him (chapters 11:3, 35-36). This is again the technical term for the favorite disciple. While the body of Lazarus lay dead in the grave, his etheric body was taken out to undergo initiation and receive the same power that is in Christ. Thus he became a resurrected one, the same one whom the Lord loves, from whom the Gospel of John originates. If one reads through the Gospel of John with this in mind, one will see that not a single line contradicts this fact, except that the process of initiation is presented under a veil.
[ 11 ] Let us consider another image from the Gospel of John. In chapter 19, 25, it says: “Now from there came two women, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the sister of Mary the mother of Jesus, who was married to Clopas; and Mary Magdalene.” To understand the gospel, it is necessary to know who these three women are. Just as it is unusual today for two sisters in the same family to have the same name, so it was not the case in the past. Thus, the passage cited is proof that, in the sense of the gospel of John, the mother of Jesus was not called Mary. If you search the Gospel of John for it, you will not find any indication that the mother of Jesus was called Mary. For example, in the wedding at Cana (ch. 2) it only says: “The mother of Jesus was there.” These words denote something important, but we can only understand it if we know how the writer of the Gospel uses his words. What does the expression “Mother of Jesus” mean? As we have seen, the human being consists of a physical body, an etheric body and an astral body. We must not imagine the transition from the astral body to the spirit self as being simple. The I transforms the astral body slowly and gradually into the sentient soul, the mind soul and the consciousness soul. The I continues to work, and only when it has brought the astral body to the consciousness soul is it able to purify it so that the spirit self can arise in it.
The human being is composed of:
Father | 7. Spirit Man | distant future |
Son | 6. Life Spirit, transformed etheric body | |
Holy Spirit | 5. Spirit Self, consciousness soul | Sophia, the purified consciousness soul |
4. Intellectual soul, Astral soul | Mary, Cleophas' wife | |
3. Sentient soul, Astral body | Mary Magdalene | |
2. Etheric body | ||
1. Physical body |
[ 12 ] The spiritual man will only develop in the distant future. The life spirit is also only present in the germinal system of most people. The development of the spirit self has only just begun. It is inseparably connected to the consciousness soul, similar to a sword in its scabbard. The sentient soul, in turn, is contained in the sentient body or astral body. Thus we find nine members in the human personality. However, because the spirit self and consciousness soul, as well as the sentient soul and astral body, are inseparably connected, the theosophical literature usually speaks of seven members. The spirit self is equivalent to the Holy Spirit, which, in the Christian sense, is the guiding entity on the astral plane. The Life Spirit is called the “Word” or the “Son” by the Christians. The spirit man is the “Father Spirit” or the “Father”.
[ 13 ] Those who had born the spirit self within themselves were called “God's children”; with them “the light shone in the darkness” and “they received the light”. Outwardly they were men of flesh and blood, but within them dwelt a higher man. In their inner being the spirit-self had been born out of the consciousness soul. The “mother” of such a spiritualized man is not a bodily mother; she dwells within him; she is the purified and spiritualized consciousness soul. She is the principle out of whom the higher man is born. This spiritual birth, a birth in the highest sense, is described in the Gospel of St. John. Into the purified consciousness soul the spirit self or the Holy Spirit pours out. The expression “I beheld, and the Spirit descended like a dove out of heaven, and sat upon him” refers to this.
[ 14 ] Since the consciousness soul is the principle in which the spirit self has developed, it is called the “Mother of Christ” or, in the secret schools, the “Virgin Sophia”. Through the fertilization of the Virgin Sophia, the Christ could be born in Jesus of Nazareth. In the secret schools of Dionysius, the mind soul and the sentient soul were called “Mary” and “Mary Magdalene”.
[ 15 ] The physical human being is born out of the community of two human beings. The higher human being can only be born out of a consciousness soul that encompasses the whole nation. In all nations the method of initiation was the same in its essential phases. Every initiation has seven steps. In the Persian initiation they were called: First, the raven. The one standing at this step had to bring the messages of the outer world into the temple. The raven is everywhere called the spirit messenger, for example also in the German legends of Odin and his two ravens. Secondly, the Occult. Thirdly, the Champion. He had already been allowed by the secret schools to go forth and proclaim the teachings. Fourthly, the Lion, the firmly grounded one, who not only had the word but also the magical powers, who had passed the test and therefore offered a guarantee not to abuse the powers entrusted to him. Fifth, the Persian. Sixth, the Solar Hero. And seventh, the Father. We are interested here in the designation of the fifth degree, the Persian. In all secret schools, the initiate of the fifth degree was called by the name of the people to which he belonged, because his consciousness had expanded to embrace the whole nation. He felt all the suffering of the people as his own. His consciousness was purified and expanded to become the general consciousness of the people. Among the Jews, an initiate of this level was called an Israelite. Only when we know this fact can we understand the conversation between Christ and Nathanael (ch. 1, 47-49). He was an initiate of the fifth degree. The remarkable answer of the Christ, that he had seen Nathanael under the fig tree, points to a special process of initiation, namely, the reception of the consciousness soul.
[ 16 ] The following explanations will help us to understand the inner processes of initiation. The individual consciousness of the human being is in the physical world. People wander around with their I. The I of animals, on the other hand, is on the astral plane. Each group of animals has a collective consciousness there. But not only the ego of the animals is present in the astral world, but also the ego of the body that man shares with the animal, that is, the ego of the human astral body. In the world of Devachan we find the I of plants, as well as the I of that body that we have in common with plants, the I of the etheric body. If we ascend even higher into the higher Devachan, we find there the I of minerals and the I of that part that humans have in common with minerals: the I of the physical body. Thus we are in contact with the higher Devachan through our physical body. We are here in the physical world with our individual ego. When the ego of the astral body of an initiate is permeated and transformed by his individual ego, he becomes conscious in the astral world. He can then perceive and work in it. He meets the entities that are incarnated in the astral bodies, as well as the group souls of the animals and the higher entities that are called angels in Christianity. In the case of even higher initiation, the I of the etheric body is also permeated by the individual I. Human consciousness thus expands up to the devachan world. There one encounters the plant I-ness and the planetary spirit. An even higher initiation takes place when the individual I permeates the I of the physical body. Then the human being will also come to personal consciousness in the supersensible world. There he encounters the I of the minerals and even higher spirits. Thus, initiation is a journey up into higher worlds, where ever higher entities are encountered.
Higher Devachan World I of the Minerals |
I of the Physical Body | Super-Devachan Consciousness |
Devachan I of the plants |
I of the etheric body | Devachan consciousness |
Astral world I of the animals, also angels |
I of the astral body | Astral consciousness |
Physical world | Individual self | Day consciousness |
We can use the following image:
The I of the etheric body can be compared to the engineer
The I of the astral body can be compared to the driver of a car
The I of the individual I, physical body, can be compared to the owner of a car.
[ 17 ] When the individual ego has gained full control over the three bodies, it has developed inner harmony. One being who fully possessed this harmony is Christ. He appeared on earth so that man could develop the power of inner harmony. In this Son of Man we see the whole evolution of humanity depicted, rising to the highest spiritual level. Before, this inner harmony did not exist; in its place, external laws held sway. The inner harmony is the new impulse that humanity has received through Christ. Man is to acquire the ability to be Christ-like, that is, he is to develop the inner Christ. But just as, according to Goethe's saying, “the eye is formed for light by light,” so this inner harmony, this inner Christ, is kindled only by the presence of the outer, historical Christ, before whose appearance it was not possible for man to reach this stage of spiritual development.
[ 18 ] Those people who lived before the time of Christ's historical life are not excluded from the blessings that came to humanity through his appearance. For one must not forget that, according to the law of reincarnation, they must come again and will consequently have the opportunity to develop the inner Christ. Only when the doctrine of reincarnation is forgotten can one speak of injustice. The Gospel of John shows the way to the historical Christ, to that Sun which kindles the inner light in man, as the physical sun has kindled our vision.