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The Gospel of St. John (Basle)
GA 100

25 November 1907, Basle

Translator Unknown

Lecture VIII

At the end of St. John's Gospel, the writer says that Christ did many other things that are not contained in this book. We must also say that even a much longer series of lectures would not suffice to explain all that is written in the Gospel. In this lecture we will examine into the ideas of “the Father” and “I”. These two ideas will give us an explanation of the evolution of humanity, of which we have spoken in previous lectures. Humanity started out from an ego-consciousness that was quite different from the one we know to-day. By “Adam” we have to understand not a single human being, but an ego-consciousness that embraced several generations. The one who begins such a generation is the “Father.” The Hebrews of the Old Testament actually felt Abraham to be their father, and the single personalities in the Hebrew people said to themselves: I am not an independent ego; there is one that flows down from Abraham and branches out into all who belong to my people, and also into me.” Just as in a large tree the saps flow from the root into all the branches, in the same way the sap of Abraham, the common ego of the Hebrew people, flows through the whole tribe. When a Hebrew in Old Testament times uttered the name “father” he referred to the whole line of his ancestry, and this ego consciousness which embraced all the generations he called the divine consciousness. When he called upon the ego as God, he called it Jahve or Jehovah. When the name “Jahven” rang out, the people were reminded that a common ego which began with the ancestor of their race flowed down through the whole people. Through the intermingling of blood this condition became different in course of time; the consciousness of the “I am” became individualised, and Christ is the power which was to bring the consciousness of this change to humanity. When the man of ancient times said “I am,” he meant something that flowed down through generations; the man of more recent times meant by it something that flows through his own inner being. The first meant the God who flows through the whole community as the divine ego-consciousness; the other feels in himself a spark or a drop of the divine substance.

Now let us imagine that there is transposed to the Earth a Power which makes men clearly conscious that this “I am” can live in each individual human being, a Power which enables one to realise that God has sunk a drop of His own substance into each human being. This Power would say:—“This ‘I am’ is something that is in each one of you, it is a part of the one divine force. What you perceive as your individual ‘I am’ is one with the ‘I am’ of the Father. Whichever of you has developed within him the consciousness of this fact, can say: ‘I and the Father are one.’ If you look back as far as to Adam, you see the ego-consciousness flow through generations for hundreds and thousands of years. But there is a still higher human consciousness, which was given to man in his primal quality as Man. This is the consciousness of humanity, the consciousness which embraces not only a few generations, but the whole of humanity.” Then came the consciousness which belongs to generations, lasts for generations, and was finally individualised by man to his “I am”. Man, therefore, already possessed the foundations for the “I am” earlier, and for this reason Christ could say: “Before Abraham, was the ‘I am.’ ” That is the correct teaching of the occult school; it ought to read: “Before Abraham was the ‘I am.’ ”

In order to explain the teaching of the “I am” a little more, we will make use of the “Golden Legend”, which is known in all Christian Schools. It relates that when Seth, whom Jehovah had given as a substitute for Abel, came one day to the Gate of Paradise, the Cherub with the fiery sword allowed him to enter the garden out of which man had been driven. There he saw two trees that were intertwined with each other; the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge; and the Cherub told Seth to take three seeds from these trees that were intertwined. When Adam, his father, died, Seth laid these three seeds in his mouth, and from the grave grew a threefold tree, which revealed itself to many in radiant fire, and its glow then formed itself into the words: “I am he who was, who is, and who is to come.” The wood of this tree which had grown out of Adam's grave was used for many things. Out of it was fashioned the staff with which Moses accomplished his miracles. The wood was also used for the pillars standing at the door of Solomon's temple. With it was built the bridge over which Jesus passed when He was led to death. Finally, from this wood was made the Cross to which Jesus was nailed on Golgotha. In the Occult School the following explanation of this legend was given. Within man we see two trees: the tree of red blood and the tree of blue-red blood. The tree of red blood is the expression of “knowledge,” the tree of blue-red blood is the expression of “life.” The two trees were separated from each other. That was taught in the ancient occult schools. There was a time when man did not yet possess red blood, it was not until the ego sank into the body of Man that red blood arose. The life, which is expressed in the blue-red blood, had long been there; it originated through a higher development from the life-saps and, according to Christian teaching, the time when it was given to man was in the time of Paradise, when the first dawn of the ego appeared in the human soul, when the Deity descended and man was gifted first of all with the group-soul; but in the group-soul he possessed the first germ out of which the individual ego could arise. The legend of Paradise says that when man had received red blood he became a being who possessed knowledge, he learned to look up, his eyes were opened; he learned to distinguish between man and woman.

But this knowledge had to be bought at a price. The ego-consciousness can only originate through the blood dying. In the human body there is a continual consumption of life and renewal of life. The blue blood has fulfilled its task when it is used up, and out of the destruction of the blue blood arises the ego-consciousness. In the soul of man will be developed the forces through which he will learn to control and unite the two trees. Man only feels the ego by bearing about within him a process of murder and death. Man on the Earth is dependent upon the Plant, for it alone gives him the possibility of life. Think how man continually breathes in air which contains oxygen, and he breathes out air that is used up, air that contains carbon dioxide: he consumes oxygen and changes it into carbonic acid. The oxygen, which is necessary to his life, he obtains only through the plant, which changes back again into oxygen the carbonic acid produced by man, and this makes the air such that it can be used again by man. The plant retains the carbon which it separates from the carbonic acid, and it is given back again to man thousands of years afterwards in the form of coal.

The Earth is a complete organism, and if but a small part of it were to be missing, life, as it now exists, would be impossible. From a certain point of view we may look upon plant, animal, and man as one being, for if we were to take away the plants, the others would be unable to live. In the far-distant future this relationship will be altered. The men of the present day do not know this, but the seer can look into the time when the current of carbonic acid will be changed into oxygen not with the aid of the plant, but by man himself.

This is the great future ideal of the occult schools, that man shall accomplish consciously within himself that which is now done for him by the plant, that man will learn to take up the activity of the plant into his own activity. Within him will be developed the organs which will enable him to transform the carbonic acid for himself. The initiate can already see in advance that the two trees, the tree of carbonic acid and the tree of oxygen, will one day blend their crowns together. Then will the “I AM, He Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come,” live as something Eternal in each human being. The ego lived even in Adam, but it had first to be fertilised. In the beginning the Tree of Life had to be made into the Tree of Death. It could not be given at the same time as the Tree of Knowledge, therefore the two trees had to be parted; the plant was placed in between. The consciousness of eternity had first to be gained. Christ Jesus bore it within Him, and He transplanted it into the Earth. The three seeds are the three divine parts; Spirit Self, Life Spirit and Spirit Man. That which is eternal in all, was laid in the grave together with Adam. The consciousness of eternity was announced from the grave: out of the grave grew, the tree which bore a flaming device, “I AM, he Who was, Who is, and Who is to come.”

Christ teaches man to enkindle this “I am an individual man” in human nature, when He says; “Try to support yourselves more and more on the being of the ‘I am,’ then you will possess that which constitutes your communion with Me. Only through this ‘I am’ can you reach the Divine Father, for the father and ‘I’ are one.” A seer alone could grasp this, and the writer of St. John's Gospel was a seer. It was not his intention to record something of historical significance only, but he desired to record that which can be known when one looks into the spiritual world.

When a seer of the time of Christ wished to see what was going on in the spiritual world, he had to enter into the state of sleep. This we find indicated in the third chapter. Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, came to Christ by night. He came to Christ because he wished to become a seer, because he had reached the state in which he could become a seer; and he came by night because his day-consciousness was then obliterated. In the fifth verse of this chapter we also find the important teaching that man can be born of the Spirit.

In John XIV, 6. Christ says: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Where is this way that leads to the highest Deity through Christ? The “I am” works on the astral body and forms out of it the Spirit Self; it works on the etheric body and forms out of it the Life Spirit; it works on the physical body and forms out of it the Spirit Man. When, therefore, the ego of man works on the astral body, the Spirit Self is formed, and in it then arises the Life Spirit. In this way man comes to the true life. In the “I am” lies the way to the truth and to the truth life, because the “I Am” works upon the lower bodies and enables the true life to arise in them. We may represent this in the following way:—

I am

the way

the Truth

and the Life


Spirit Self

Life Spirit

Spirit Man

The “I am” shows the direction man must take in order to unfold Spirit Self, Life Spirit, and Spirit Man.

In the Gospel of St. John we can also find, direct Anthroposophical truths. The writer of this Gospel relates (in Chapter 9:3) the fact that in each human being there is an individual ego, that in this ego there is a spark of divine substance, and that this spark must develop to the “God within us.” In most of the translations of the Bible, Christ's answer to the question: “Who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” we read: “Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents; but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.” But is this a view worthy of a Christian, that God makes a man be born blind, in order that God may make His Glory manifest in him? What an incredible conception of God, that can arrive at such a conclusion: This passage is much more simple and clear when we view it with the knowledge of Spiritual Science. Christ replied: “Neither has this man sinned, nor his parents; he is fulfilling his karma, in order that the divine spark in him shall become visible, in order that the works of “The God in him” shall be made manifest. That is the way in which Christ's answer should be translated: “He was born blind in order that the works of the God in him may be made manifest.” Each human being through repeated incarnations on Earth. It is not necessary that he should have sinned in this life; it is possible that he has brought from a former life the guilt which has led to this fate in this life. Here we have the teaching of karma, quite in the anthroposophical sense, karma which works over from one incarnation to another. The fact that Christ's teaching was opposed to the general views of the Jews is apparent, and this also explains the discord into which He comes with them (John 9:22).

There is another passage in the Gospel which reminds us of the teaching of karma. In the eighth chapter we read that when the Pharisees asked His opinion of the adulteress, Jesus bent down without speaking a word, and wrote with His finger on the ground. But the earth, as we have seen, is His own body. He does not condemn the adulteress, but He writes her deed into his own organism. By this He indicates that, just as seed planted in the ground grows up and bears fruit after its kind, so does each seed of man spring up in a later life and will bear the fruit corresponding to it and that there is no power on Earth that can take away the consequences of a deed. Theologians believe in thc propitiatory death: they believe that Christ has died for us and that therefore they cannot accept the teaching of karma, as this contradicts the view that Christ, through His death, has taken upon Himself the sins of the world. But when this matter is rightly grasped, the disharmony between the anthroposophical and the theological view dissolves into harmony.

The teaching of karma signifies for life in the world that which the ledger signifies for the merchant. According to the law of karma we must assume that the effect of what I have done in a former life approaches me in the present life, and that what I now do will come forth again in a later life. Thus we have a complete life-balance: on the one side the good deeds are entered, on the other side the bad ones. Now if someone believes that under the dominion of the law of karma he cannot perform any voluntary acts, as his mode of acting is always the result of his former deeds, he is like a merchant who would say: “I have just balanced my books, I cannot do any more business, for this would make my balance wrong.” For a merchant this would be a wrong way of thinking, and the opinion we have described above in respect of the result of karma is equally wrong.

When rightly understood, the teaching of karma is not fatalistic; freedom of will and karma can be united with one another in the most beautiful manner. When rightly understood, karma is never something that is unchangeable. And if a man refused to help another in misfortune, saying that he must not interfere with his karma, he would be acting just as wrongly as a merchant who refuses a loan, or a gift of a sum of money, when this can save him from bankruptcy. Just as a merchant enters a loan like this as a debt which he has to pay later, while the lender writes it down in his books as a loan so will the one who does a good deed write it as an entry to his credit, while he to whom it is done will write it down as a debt. Thus the rendering of help is not excluded by the law of karma, and it seems quite in order to lighten the karma, of one's neighbour by deeds of mutual help. A man can by his good deeds show kindness to one of his fellow-men; but there are also deeds which can benefit a large number of people, that is to say, it can lighten their karma and can thus be inscribed in the life-account of many. And when a deed is so mighty as the deed of Christ, it is inscribed in the karma of all men, because this deed lightens the karma of all those who allow it to work in them.

We see, therefore, that the law of karma is also mentioned in St. John's Gospel, and that its existence does not interfere with freedom of action in any way. Through His act of self-sacrifice Christ Jesus connected Himself with the whole of humanity. In accordance with the law of karma, each act is inscribed in the ledger of life: It is brought into connection with the body of Christ, with the Earth, and for this reason He does not at once condemn the adulteress, but inscribes the act in His own body. He receives into His own body all that man does; for karma must always express itself again in the earthly world. This story points, in a very significant manner, to the fact that Christ, through His deed, has connected Himself with the karmic development of the whole of humanity. He guides the future evolution of humanity.

When we examine into the five ages of civilisation again, the Indian, Persian, Egyptian, Greco-Latin, and European, we find that in the third age the foundations were laid for the Christ Power which will become fruitful for the whole of humanity. What was then placed in human evolution will only come forth to life in the Sixth Age. In that Age the Spirit Self, which will have developed out of the Spiritual Soul, will unite with the Life Spirit. The Christ-power shone forth prophetically from the Third to the Fourth Age. In the Sixth Age will take place the great Marriage of Humanity, when the Spirit Self unites with the Life Spirit. Humanity will then be united into a great bond of brotherhood, and ego will stand beside ego and brother beside brother; that bond of brotherhood we find foretold in the description of the Marriage at Cana of Galilee, which is not only an historical fact but symbolically represents how the sons of men will unite in the Sixth Age into a great bond of brotherhood that embraces the whole of humanity. From the Third Age there are still three Ages to go through before this event will come: the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth. In esoterisism an Age is called a day; therefore we read at the beginning of the second chapter: “And on the third day was a marriage at Cana,” which indicates that in the description about to be given, something that will take place in the future is referred to. The Mother of Jesus (the Spiritual Soul) is present at the marriage, and Christ says to her: “What have I to do now, and what have you to do? My hour is not yet come.” Here it is clearly said that in this marriage of Cana something is indicated which will only take place in the future. And as this hour is not yet come, what does Jesus do?

He changes the water into wine. Again and again we find the explanation given, that this action indicates new fire, new life-force was to be given to the Jewish people which was falling into decline; for the “insipid” water is changed into “fiery” wine. One might presume that the wine drinkers have thought out this explanation to justify their action. But if we are able to grasp the significance of this deed, we can look very deeply into the evolution of the world and humanity.

Men have not always used alcohol. All that develops in the Spiritual has its corresponding expression in the Material, and conversely, everything material has also its counterpart in the Spiritual. Wine, alcohol, only appeared at a certain time in the history of humanity and the world; and it will disappear from it again. Here we see a profound truth of occult investigation. Alcohol was the bridge which led from the group-ego to the independent, individual ego; without the material effect of alcohol man would never have made the transition from the group-ego to the individual ego; it produced the individual, personal consciousness in man. When humanity has reached this goal, it will no longer require alcohol, and this will then disappear again from the physical world.

From the above it may be seen that all that happens has its significance in the wise guidance of the evolution of humanity. For this reason, a man who drinks alcohol should not be scolded; but on the other hand, those who have hurried on before the rest of humanity and have developed so far that they no longer require alcohol, should avoid it. Christ appeared on Earth to give humanity the forces which will enable men to achieve the highest ego-consciousness in the Sixth Age; He desires to prepare men for the “time which is not yet come.” Had He let things remain at the stage of the “water sacrifice” only, mankind would never have obtained the individual ego. The changing of the water into wine signifies the raising of man to individuality. Humanity has reached a point in its evolution where it required wine, therefore Christ changed the water into wine. When the period comes when man no longer requires wine, Christ will then change the wine back again into water. How was it possible for the power to appear in Christ which enabled Him to change water into wine? As the Earth itself is the Body of Christ, He could make the forces of the Earth active within Himself. On the Earth the water that flows through the wine is changed into wine; Christ could accomplish as a personality all that takes place in the Earth, because all the forces of the Earth must also be in Him, as soon as the Earth is His Body and is ensouled by His astral body.

What does the Earth accomplish with its forces? If we plant a seed in the Earth, it germinates and grows and bears fruit. It is multiplied; from one come many. Through reproduction the, animals also bring forth many. The same power of increase, the power to multiply, also works in Christ, and this is indicated in the Feeding of the Five Thousand. Christ possesses the power which is natural to the Earth, to multiply the seed. If we bear in mind the thought that the Earth with the forces is the Body of Christ, and apply it to what we find recorded in St. John's Gospel, many details will become comprehensible to us. What are the Gospels on the whole? In St. John's Gospel we have a presentation of the principles of initiation, such as were to be found in various places in ancient times. What the pupil for initiation did outwardly was not the essential thing for the school to which he belonged; the essential thing was what he experienced from stage to stage, from degree to degree of initiation.

Modern scholars are very astonished to discover in the story of Buddha's life occurrences that are similar to those recorded in the story of the life of Christ Jesus. This is explained by the fact that the writers of these accounts did not record the outer circumstances in the life, but the inner spiritual facts. These are the same in all true initiates; for all have traversed the same path and on the way have had the same experiences. What the initiate had to experience on the path of initiation was laid down in the writings on initiation, and all initiates of the same degree had to go through the same experiences. The biographers, therefore, only wrote a biography of the various stages of initiation. The Gospels are nothing more than old records of initiation of various depth; but what in former times was accomplished in a lower state of consciousness, took place publicly in the Mystery of Golgotha. The death which hitherto had been overcome in initiation in the etheric body, was now overcome in the physical body. The Event on Golgotha is the initiation of a highest Initiate, who was not initiated by anyone else.

Therefore the writer of St. John's Gospel could only describe the life of Christ in the way it is described in the codex of initiation. This Gospel is a book of life, and whoever lives it through will awaken within himself the power to see spiritually. It is a seer's book, and was written for the training of spiritual vision. Whoever lives it through, sentence by sentence, will experience the great and mighty result, that he meets Christ spiritually face to face. It is not so easy to convince people; they must themselves work up to the stage at which the knowledge dawns upon them that the Christ is a reality.

St. John's Gospel is the way that leads to Christ, and the writer desired to give everyone the opportunity to understand it. Whoever develops the Spirit Self will experience within himself the dawning of that wisdom through which he can understand what Christ is. Christ Himself indicates this: He hangs on the Cross; at His feet stand His mother and His initiated pupil, whom He loves. This pupil is to bring to men the knowledge of the significance of Christ, therefore Christ Jesus points to the mother Sophia with the words: “This is thy mother, whom thou art to love!” The spiritualised Mother of Jesus is the Gospel itself; it is the wisdom that leads men up to the highest knowledge. This disciple has given us the mother Sophia; that is to say, he wrote for us the Gospel which enables those who search into it to know Christianity, and to comprehend the origin and goal of this great movement.

The Gospel of John contains the wisdom of “the God in man,” Theosophia, and the more that men devote themselves to the study of this document, the more will they receive wisdom and enlightenment from it.

Achter Vortrag

[ 1 ] Der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums sagt zum Schlusse, daß Christus noch viele andere Dinge getan hat, die nicht in dem Buche enthalten sind: «Es sind auch viele andere Dinge, die Jesus getan hat; so sie aber sollten eins nach dem andern geschrieben werden, achte ich, die Welt würde die Bücher nicht fassen, die zu schreiben wären» (Joh. 21, 25). So müssen auch wir sagen, daß selbst eine längere Reihe von Vorträgen nicht ausreichen würde, um alles, was im Evangelium geschrieben steht, zu erklären. Wir wollen heute die Zweiheit der Begriffe des «Vaters» und des «Ich» einer genaueren Betrachtung unterziehen. Diese zwei Begriffe werden uns eine Erklärung derjenigen Menschheitsevolution geben, von der in den vorhergehenden Vorträgen die Rede war. Die Menschheit ist von einem ganz andern Ich-Bewußtsein ausgegangen als dem uns bekannten. Unter «Adam» hat man nicht einen einzelnen Menschen, sondern ein mehrere Generationen umfassendes Ich-Bewußtsein zu verstehen. Derjenige, der eine solche Generation beginnt, ist der «Vater». Im alttestamentlichen Judentum empfand man tatsächlich den Abraham als Vater, und jeder Jude der damaligen Zeit sagte sich: Ich bin kein selbständiges Ich, sondern ein Ich fließt von Abraham herunter und verzweigt sich in alle Stammesgenossen, und auch in mich. — Wie in einem großen Baume die Lebenssäfte von der Wurzel aus bis in die einzelnen Zweige strömen, so fließt auch durch das ganze jüdische Volk der Lebenssaft des Abraham, das gemeinsame Ich des jüdischen Volkes. Wenn der Jude des Alten Testamentes den Vaternamen aussprach, wies er hinauf auf die ganze Blutlinie, und dieses alle Generationen umfassende Ich-Bewußtsein nannte er das göttliche Bewußtsein. Wenn er das Ich als Gott anrief, nannte er es Jahve. Wenn der Name Jahve erklang, wurde dem Volk ins Bewußtsein gerufen, daß ein gemeinsames Ich, das beim Stammvater Abraham beginnt, durch das ganze Volk hindurchfließt.

[ 2 ] Durch die Blutsvermischung ist dieses Verhältnis mit der Zeit ein anderes geworden. Das Bewußtsein des «Ich bin» hat sich individualisiert, und Christus ist diejenige Macht, welche der Menschheit diese Veränderung zum Bewußtsein bringen sollte. Der Mensch der alten Zeit meinte mit dem «Ich bin» etwas, was durch Generationen hindurchfließt. Der Mensch der späteren Zeit versteht darunter etwas, was durch sein eigenes Inneres fließt. Der erstere meinte den Gott, der die ganze Gemeinschaft als das göttliche Ich-Bewußtsein durchfließt, der andere empfindet in sich einen Funken, einen Tropfen der göttlichen Substanz. Denken wir uns eine Macht auf die Erde versetzt, die der Menschheit recht ins Bewußtsein bringt, daß dieses «Ich bin» in jedem einzelnen Menschen leben kann, eine Macht, die dem Menschen klarmacht, daß der Gott in jeden Menschen einen Tropfen seiner Substanz hineinversenkt hat. Diese Macht würde sagen: Dieses «Ich bin» ist etwas, was in jedem von euch darinnen ist, es ist ein Teil der einen göttlichen Kraft. Dasjenige, was ihr als euer individuelles «Ich bin» empfindet, ist eins mit dem «Ich bin» des Vaters. Wer von euch in sich das Bewußtsein dieser Tatsache entwickelt hat, der kann sagen: «Ich und der Vater sind eins.» Seht hinauf bis zu Adam: Ihr seht das IchBewußtsein durch Generationen fließen, jahrhunderte-, jahrtausendlang. Aber es gibt noch ein höheres Menschenbewußtsein, das dem Menschen in seiner uralten Eigenschaft als Mensch mitgegeben wurde. Dies ist das Menschheitsbewußtsein, welches nicht einzelne Generationen, sondern die ganze Menschheit umfaßt. Dann kam das Bewußtsein, das Generationen angehört, durch Generationen anhält, und das endlich vom Menschen zum «Ich bin» individualisiert worden ist. — Also die Anlage zu dem «Ich bin» hatte der Mensch schon früher. Daher konnte Christus sagen: «Ehe denn Abraham war, war das «Ich bin».» Dies ist die richtige Lehre der Geheimschule.

[ 3 ] Zur weiteren Erläuterung der Lehre von dem «Ich bin» soll die in allen christlichen Schulen bekannte «Goldene Legende» herangezogen werden. In derselben ist gesagt: Als Seth, den Jehova als Ersatz für Abel gegeben hatte, eines Tages an die Pforte des Paradieses kam, gewährte ihm der Cherub mit dem flammenden Schwerte Einlaß in die Stätte, aus der die Menschen vertrieben worden waren. Seth gewahrte daselbst zwei ineinander verschlungene Bäume, den Baum des Lebens und den der Erkenntnis. Und es bedeutete der Cherub dem Seth, daß er drei Samenkörner von den zwei verschlungenen Bäumen nehmen solle. Seth legte diese drei Samenkörner seinem Vater Adam, als dieser gestorben war, in den Mund. Aus dem Grabe wuchs ein dreiteiliger Baum, der sich manchem im Feuer strahlend zeigte, und seine Gluten bildeten sich dann zu den Worten: «Ich bin, der da war, der da ist und der da sein wird.» Das Holz dieses Baumes, der da herausgewachsen war aus dem Grabe des Adam, fand vielseitige Verwendung: aus ihm wurde gebildet jener Zauberstab, mit dem Moses seine Wunder vollbrachte. Das Holz wurde auch verwendet am Tore des salomonischen Tempels. Aus ihm war auch die Brücke gebaut, über welche Jesus ging, als er zum Tode geführt wurde. Zuletzt ist aus diesem Holz das Kreuz gefertigt worden, an welches Jesus auf Golgatha geschlagen wurde. — Zu dieser Legende wurde in den Geheimschulen folgende Erklärung gegeben: Im Inneren des Menschen seht ihr zwei Bäume, den roten Blutbaum und den blauroten Blutbaum. Der rote Blutbaum ist der Ausdruck für die Erkenntnis, der blaurote Blutbaum für das Leben. - Beide Bäume waren voneinander getrennt, so lehrt die uralte Geheimlehre. Es gab eine Zeit, da erzeugte sich im Menschen noch kein rotes Blut. Erst als das Ich sich heruntersenkte in den Körper des Menschen, da entstand das rote Blut. Was im blauroten Blut zum Ausdruck kommt, das Leben, war längst da. Es ist entstanden durch Höherbildung aus den Lebenssäften. Und die christliche Anschauung versetzt den Zeitpunkt, wo es den Menschen gegeben worden ist, eben in die Zeit des Paradieses, als der erste Dämmerschein des Ich in der Menschenseele sich festsetzte, wo die Gottheit heruntergestiegen ist und der Mensch zwar nur mit der Gruppenseele begabt war, aber in dieser den ersten Keim besaß, aus dem das individuelle Ich entstehen konnte.

[ 4 ] Die Paradiesesmythe sagt: Dadurch, daß die Menschen das rote Blut erhalten hatten, wurden sie erkennende Wesen, lernten sie hinaufschauen: die Augen wurden ihnen aufgetan, sie lernten den Unterschied kennen zwischen Mann und Weib. - Diese Erkenntnis mußte aber erkauft werden. Das Ich-Bewußtsein kann nur dadurch entstehen, daß das Blut stirbt. Im menschlichen Leibe findet fortwährend Lebensverbrauch und Lebenserneuerung statt. Das blaue Blut hat seine Aufgabe erfüllt, wenn es aufgebraucht ist, und aus der Vernichtung des blauen Blutes entsteht das Ich-Bewußtsein. In der Seele des Menschen werden sich die Kräfte bilden, durch welche er die beiden Bäume beherrschen und verbinden kann. Der Mensch empfindet das Ich nur, indem er fortwährend den Mord, das Sterben in sich trägt. Der Mensch ist, so wie er die Welt betreten hat, auf die Pflanze angewiesen, die ihm allein die Möglichkeit des Lebens gibt. Denken Sie zum Beispiel nur daran, daß der Mensch fortwährend Sauerstoff enthaltende Luft einatmet und verbrauchte, Kohlensäure enthaltende Luft wieder ausatmet. Er verbraucht den Sauerstoff und wandelt ihn in Kohlensäure um. Den Sauerstoff, ohne den er nicht leben kann, erlangt er nur durch die Pflanze, welche die vom Menschen erzeugte Kohlensäure wieder in Sauerstoff zurückverwandelt und so die Luft für den Menschen wiederum brauchbar macht. Die Pflanze hält den Kohlenstoff, den sie aus der Kohlensäure abspaltet, zurück und gibt ihn nach Jahrtausenden als Steinkohle den Menschen wieder. Die Erde ist ein einheitlicher Organismus, und wenn nur ein Teil derselben fehlen würde, so wäre das Leben, wie es jetzt vorhanden ist, unmöglich. Wir können Pflanze, Tier und Mensch als ein Wesen ansehen, und tatsächlich: nehmen Sie die Pflanze weg und den übrigen Gliedern ist ein Leben nicht mehr möglich. In einer sehr fernen Zukunft wird dieses Verhältnis geändert. Der heutige Mensch weiß noch nichts davon, aber der Seher kann in die Zeit blicken, wo der Strom der Kohlensäure nicht mehr mit Hilfe der Pflanze, sondern durch den Menschen selber umgebildet wird in brauchbaren Sauerstoff. Dies ist das große Zukunftsideal der Geheimschulen, daß der Mensch in bewußter Weise in seinem Inneren das selbst vollbringt, was heute die Pflanze für ihn macht, daß der Mensch die Pflanzentätigkeit in seine eigene Tätigkeit aufnehmen lernt. Ausgebildet werden in seinem Inneren jene Organe, die ihn selbst die Kohlensäure umwandeln lassen. Der Eingeweihte sieht voraus, wie die zwei Bäume, der Baum der Kohlensäure und der des Sauerstoffes, ihre Krone miteinander verschmelzen werden. Dann wird dasjenige, von dem es heißt: «Ich bin, der da war, der da ist und der da sein wird» als etwas Ewiges in jedem Menschen leben. In Adam lebte bereits das Ich, aber es mußte zuerst befruchtet werden. Im Anfang mußte der Baum des Lebens zum Baum des Todes gemacht werden. Er konnte nicht zugleich mit dem Baum der Erkenntnis gegeben werden, daher waren die beiden Bäume voneinander getrennt: die Pflanze wurde dazwischengesetzt. Das Ewigkeitsbewußtsein mußte erst errungen werden. Der Christus Jesus trug es in sich und er verpflanzte es in die Erde. Die drei Samenkörner sind die drei göttlichen Teile Manas, Buddhi und Atma. Das, was ewig in allen ist, wurde dem Adam mit ins Grab gelegt. Aus dem Grabe wird das Ewigkeitsbewußtsein verkündigt, aus dem Grabe wuchs der Baum, der die Flammeninschrift aufwies: «Ich bin, der da war, der da ist und der da sein wird.» Christus lehrt die Menschen, dieses «Ich bin ein individueller Mensch» in der Menschennatur zu entzünden, indem er sagt: Versucht euch mehr und mehr anzulehnen an die Wesenheit des «Ich bin», dann habt ihr das, was eure Gemeinschaft mit mir ausmacht. Nur durch dieses «Ich bin» gelangt ihr zum göttlichen Vater, denn der Vater und ich sind eins. — Nur einem Seher war es möglich, dies zu erfassen, und ein Seher war ja der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums. Er wollte gar nicht irgend etwas aufzeichnen, was nur historische Bedeutung hatte, sondern das, was man erkennt, wenn man in die geistige Welt hineinschaut.

[ 5 ] Wenn ein sehender Zeitgenosse des Christus wissen wollte, was in der geistigen Welt vorging, mußte er in den Schlafzustand geraten. Dies finden wir angedeutet im dritten Kapitel. Nikodemus, ein Ältester der Juden, kam zu Christus in der Nacht. Er kam deshalb zu ihm, weil er Seher werden wollte, weil bei ihm der Zustand eingetreten war, in welchem er zum Seher werden konnte, und «er kam in der Nacht», weil sein Tagesbewußtsein ausgelöscht war. Im fünften Vers dieses Kapitels finden wir auch die wichtige Lehre verzeichnet, daß der Mensch «aus dem Geiste» geboren werden kann.

[ 6 ] Christus sagt (Kap. 14, 6): «Ich bin der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben.» Wo ist dieser Weg, der zur höchsten Gottheit führt durch Christus? Das «Ich bin» arbeitet am Astralleib und bildet daraus das Geistselbst, es arbeitet am Ätherleib und bildet daraus den Lebensgeist, es arbeitet am physischen Leib und bildet daraus den Geistesmenschen. Wenn das Menschen-Ich an ihm arbeitet, so wird also das Geistselbst herausgearbeitet, und in ihm entsteht dann der Lebensgeist. So kommt der Mensch zum wahren Leben. In dem «Ich bin» liegt der Weg zur Wahrheit und zum wahren Leben, weil das «Ich bin» die niederen Leiber durcharbeitet und das wahre Leben in ihnen entstehen läßt. Wir können dies so darstellen:

Ich bin der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben
Richtung Geistselbst Lebensgeist Geistesmensch

[ 7 ] Das «Ich bin» zeigt die Richtung, die der Mensch einschlagen muß, um Geistselbst, Lebensgeist und Geistesmensch zur Entfaltung zu bringen.

[ 8 ] Im Johannes-Evangelium lassen sich auch direkte theosophische Lehren nachweisen. Die Tatsache, daß in jedem Menschen ein individuelles Ich lebt, daß sich in diesem Ich ein Funke göttlicher Substanz findet, daß dieser Funke sich zum «Gott in uns» entwickeln muß, dies hat der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums erwähnt (Kap. 9). In den meisten Übersetzungen der Bibel wird die Antwort des Christus auf die Frage, wer gesündigt habe, dieser, der Blindgeborene, oder seine Eltern, so wiedergegeben: «Es hat weder dieser gesündigt noch seine Eltern, sondern damit die Werke Gottes offenbar würden an ihm.» Ist dies aber eine für einen Christen würdige Auffassung, daß Gott einen Menschen blind geboren werden läßt, damit Gott seine Herrlichkeit an ihm offenbaren kann? Ein Gottesbegriff, der imstande ist, zu solchen Konsequenzen zu kommen, ist unmöglich. Viel einfacher und klarer liest sich diese Stelle, wenn wir die theosophische Auffassung zugrunde legen. Christus antwortete: «Weder er noch seine Eltern haben gesündigt, er erfüllt sein Karma, damit der Gottesfunke in ihm sichtbar werde, damit die Werke des «Gottes in ihm> sichtbar werden.» So ist die Antwort des Christus (9, 3) zu übersetzen: «Er ist blind geboren worden, damit die Werke des Gottes in ihm im Leibe sichtbar werden.» Jeder Mensch macht wiederholte Erdenleben durch. Wir sehen einen Blindgeborenen. Er muß nicht in diesem Leben gesündigt haben, er kann sich auch die Schuld, die zu dieser Geburt geführt hat, aus einem früheren Leben mitgebracht haben. Es ist dieKarmalehre ganz im theosophischen Sinn, die durch die Verkörperungen hindurch wirkt, welche durch dieses Vorkommnis geschildert wird. Daß Christus durch seine Lehre mit der landläufigen jüdischen Auffassung in Widerspruch geraten mußte, ist offenkundig, und daraus erklärt sich auch der Zwiespalt, in welchen er mit den Juden kommt (Kap. 9, 22).

[ 9 ] Wir finden noch eine weitere Stelle im Evangelium, die an die Karmalehre erinnert. Da ist im achten Kapitel eine merkwürdige Stelle: Als die Pharisäer Jesus um seine Meinung über die Ehebrecherin fragten, bückte er sich (Vers 6 und 8), ohne ein Wort zu sprechen, nieder und schrieb mit dem Finger auf die Erde. Die Erde aber ist, wie wir gesehen haben, sein eigener Leib. Er verurteilt die Ehebrecherin nicht, aber er schreibt ihre Tat in seinen eigenen Organismus ein. Er deutet damit an, daß, wie ein in die Erde gelegtes Samenkorn aufgeht und Früchte trägt, die ihm entsprechen, so auch jede Tat des Menschen in einem späteren Erdenleben aufgehen und die ihr entsprechenden Früchte tragen wird, und daß keine Macht der Erde imstande ist, die Folgen einer Tat wegzunehmen. Die Theologie allerdings glaubt an den Sühnetod, glaubt, daß Christus für uns gestorben ist, und glaubt, keine Karmalehre annehmen zu dürfen, da eine solche der Auffassung widerstreite, daß Christus durch seinen Tod die Sünden der ganzen Welt auf sich genommen habe. Diese Disharmonie zwischen theosophischer und theologischer Auffassung löst sich aber, richtig erfaßt, in Harmonie auf.

[ 10 ] Die Karmalehre bedeutet für das Leben das gleiche, was für den Kaufmann das Kontobuch. Nach dem Karmagesetz müssen wir annehmen, daß das, was wir in früheren Leben verursacht haben, im jetzigen Leben als Wirkung an uns herantritt, und daß das, was wir jetzt tun, im späteren Leben wieder zum Ausdruck kommt. Wir haben so eine vollständige Lebensbilanz: Auf der einen Seite kommen die guten Handlungen, auf der andern Seite die schlimmen Handlungen zur Aufschreibung. Wenn nun jemand glaubt, er könne unter der Herrschaft des Karmagesetzes keine freiwillige Tat ausführen, da ja seine Handlungsweise stets die Folge seiner früheren Taten sei, so gleicht er dem Kaufmann, der sagen würde, ich habe nun meine Geschäftsbilanz abgeschlossen, ich darf jetzt kein Geschäft mehr machen, da sonst meine Bilanz unrichtig würde. Wie eine solche Denkweise für einen Kaufmann unrichtig ist, so ist auch die vorgeschilderte Meinung über die Wirkung des Karma unrichtig. Die richtig verstandene Karmalehre schließt also keinen Fatalismus in sich. Willensfreiheit und Karma lassen sich in schönster Weise miteinander vereinbaren, und niemals ist Karma, richtig aufgefaßt, etwas Unabänderliches. Und wenn ein Mensch einem andern im Unglück nicht beistehen wollte, unter dem Vorwande, er dürfe in sein Karma nicht eingreifen, so würde ein solcher Mensch ebensowenig richtig handeln, als wenn er einem Kaufmann, der in Not ist und durch einen Zuschuß vor dem Bankrott gerettet werden kann, diesen Zuschuß verweigert. Gleich wie der Kaufmann einen solchen Zuschuß in seinen Büchern als Schuld bucht, die er wieder abzutragen hat, während der Geber sie in seinen Büchern als ein Darlehen einschreibt, so wird auch jede gute Tat demjenigen, der sie tut, als ein Posten in seinem Konto gutgeschrieben, während sie demjenigen, dem sie erwiesen wird, als Schuld angeschrieben wird. So wird durch das Karmagesetz keine Hilfeleistung ausgeschlossen, und es erscheint durchaus angebracht, das Karma des Nächsten durch Taten gegenseitiger Hilfe zu erleichtern. Der Mensch kann durch eine gute Tat einem einzelnen seiner Mitmenschen Gutes erweisen, es gibt aber auch Taten, die vielen Menschen zugute kommen, das heißt ihnen ihr Karma erleichtern, und die dann in das Konto von vielen Menschen eingeschrieben werden. Und ist eine Tat gar so mächtig, wie diejenige des Christus, dann gräbt sie sich in das Karma aller Menschen, weil diese Tat für dasKarma aller jener Menschen eine Erleichterung schafft, die sie in sich wirken lassen. Wir sehen also, daß das Karmagesetz auch im Johannes-Evangelium erwähnt wird und daß sein Bestehen die Handlungsfreiheit durchaus nicht beeinträchtigt. Durch die eine Tat der Selbstaufopferung hat sich der Christus Jesus in eine Beziehung zur ganzen Menschheit gebracht. Nach dem Karmagesetz wird jede Tat eingeschrieben in das Schuldbuch des Lebens. Sie wird in Zusammenhang gebracht mit dem Leib des Christus, mit der Erde. Daher richtet er die Ehebrecherin nicht im Augenblick, aber er schreibt die Tat in seinen eigenen Leib ein. In seinen eigenen Leib nimmt er alles auf, was von Mensch zu Mensch geschehen kann, wie sich ja Karma stets in der irdischen Welt wieder ausleben muß. Diese Erzählung weist in tief bedeutungsvoller Weise hin auf die Tatsache, daß Christus sich durch seine Tat mit der karmischen Entwickelung der ganzen Menschheit in Zusammenhang gebracht hat. Er leitet die zukünftige Entwickelung der Menschheit.

[ 11 ] Wenn wir uns noch einmal die fünf Kulturepochen ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen, die indische, persische, ägyptische, griechisch-lateinische und die europäische, so sehen wir, daß im dritten Zeitraum der Grund gelegt wurde zu der Christus-Kraft, die für die ganze Menschheit fruchtbar werden wird. Was da hereingelegt wurde in die Menschheitsentwickelung, wird erst im sechsten Zeitraum zum Leben herauskommen. Im sechsten Zeitraum wird sich das aus der Bewußtseinsseele herausentwickelte Geistselbst mit dem Lebensgeist verbinden. Vom dritten bis vierten Zeitraum leuchtet prophetisch die Christus-Kraft auf. Im sechsten Zeitraum wird dann die große Vermählung der Menschheit gefeiert werden, wo sich das Geistselbst mit dem Lebensgeist verbindet. Dann wird die Menschheit im großen Bruderbunde vereinigt werden und Ich neben Ich, Bruder neben Bruder stehen, in jenem Bruderbunde, den man vorausverkündigt finder in der Schilderung der Hochzeit zu Kana in Galiläa, die nicht nur eine historische Tatsache ist, sondern die symbolisch darstellt, wie Menschensöhne sich im sechsten Zeitraum zu einem großen, die ganze Menschheit umfassenden Bruderbunde vermählen werden. Vom dritten Zeitraum sind noch drei Zeiträume zu durchmessen, bis dieses Ereignis kommen wird, der dritte, vierte und fünfte. In der Esoterik nennt man einen Zeitraum einen Tag, daher heißt es im Beginn des zweiten Kapitels: «Und am dritten Tag war eine Hochzeit zu Kana.» Hiermit ist angedeutet, daß in der kommenden Schilderung der Hochzeit auf etwas in der Zukunft Eintretendes hingewiesen wird. Bei der Hochzeit ist die Mutter Jesu, die Bewußtseinsseele, anwesend. Christus sagt zu ihr: «Was geht da von mir zu dir? Meine Stunde ist noch nicht gekommen.» Da ist deutlich gesagt, daß in der Hochzeit zu Kana auf etwas hingewiesen wird, das erst in der Zukunft sich ereignen soll. Was tut Jesus, weil seine Stunde noch nicht gekommen war? Er verwandelt das Wasser in Wein! Man kann immer wieder die Erklärung finden, daß diese Handlung andeuten soll, daß dem in Dekadenz gekommenen Judentum neues Feuer, neue Lebenskraft zugefügt werden soll, indem das «fade» Wasser in feurigen Wein verwandelt wird. Man könnte sagen, die Weintrinker haben jene Erklärung ausgesonnen, um damit die Berechtigung ihres Tuns zu beweisen. Wenn wir aber die Bedeutung dieser Tat erfassen, erhalten wir einen tiefen Einblick in die große Weltenevolution.

[ 12 ] Der Alkohol war nicht immer mit der Menschheit verknüpft. Alles Geistige, das sich entwickelt, hat im Stoff seinen entsprechenden Ausdruck, und umgekehrt hat auch alles Stoffliche im Geistigen sein ihm entsprechendes Gegenstück. Der Wein, der Alkohol ist erst in einer bestimmten Zeit der Welt- und Menschheitsgeschichte aufgetreten. Und er wird wieder aus derselben verschwinden. Wir sehen hier die tiefe Wahrheit der okkulten Forschung. Der Alkohol war die Brücke, die vom Gattungs-, vom Gruppen-Ich zum selbständigen, individuellen Ich hinüberführt. Niemals hätte der Mensch den Übergang vom Gruppen- zum Einzel-Ich gefunden ohne die stoffliche Wirkung des Alkohols. Dieser erzeugte das individuelle, persönliche Bewußtsein im Menschen. Wenn die Menschheit dieses Ziel erreicht haben wird, braucht sie den Alkohol nicht mehr, und dieser wird wieder aus der physischen Welt verschwinden. Sie sehen, alles, was geschieht, hat seine Bedeutung in der weisen Lenkung der Menschheitsentwickelung. Deshalb soll heute niemandem widersprochen werden, wenn er Alkohol trinkt, während andrerseits jene Menschen, die der übrigen Menschheit vorausgeeilt sind und ihre Entwickelung so weit gefördert haben, daß sie des Alkohols nicht mehr bedürfen, denselben auch meiden sollen. Christus erscheint, um der Menschheit Kräfte zu geben, damit im sechsten Zeitraum das höchste Ich-Bewußtsein erlangt werden kann. Er will die Menschen vorbereiten auf jene «Zeit, die noch nicht gekommen ist». Würde er es beim Wasseropfer gelassen haben, so würde es die Menschheit niemals zum individuellen Ich gebracht haben. Die Verwandlung des Wassers bedeutet die Erhebung des Menschen zum individuellen Wesen. Die Menschheit war in ihrem Entwickelungsgange an einem Punkt angelangt, wo sie des Weins bedurfte, daher verwandelt Christus das Wasser in Wein. Wenn die Zeit da sein wird, wo der Mensch keinen Wein mehr braucht, dann wird Christus den Wein wieder in Wasser zurückverwandeln. Wie konnte in Christus eine solche Kraft auftreten, daß er Wasser in Wein verwandeln konnte? Weil Christi Leib die Erde selbst ist, konnte er die Kräfte der Erde in sich selbst wirksam machen. In der Erde verwandelt sich das Wasser, indem es den Weinstock durchströmt, zu Wein. Was in der Erde geschieht, das konnte Christus als Persönlichkeit ebenfalls ausführen, weil alle Kräfte der Erde ja auch in ihm vorhanden sein müssen, sobald die Erde sein Leib ist und von seinem Astralleib beseelt wird.

[ 13 ] Was tut die Erde mit ihren Kräften? Legt man ein Samenkorn in die Erde, so geht es auf und trägt Früchte. Es vermehrt sich, aus einem werden viele. Ebenso werden aus einem Tiere durch Fortpflanzung viele. Dieselbe Kraft der Vermehrung, der Vervielfältigung wirkt auch in Christus, und sie wird angedeutet in der Speisung der Fünftausend. Christus hat die der Erde innewohnende Kraft der Vervielfältigung der Samen. Wenn wir den Gedanken «Christi Leib ist die Erde mit ihren Kräften» uns vor Augen halten und auf das anwenden, was im Johannes-Evangelium berichtet wird, so werden uns viele Einzelheiten verständlich.

[ 14 ] Was sind Evangelien überhaupt? Im Johannes-Evangelium haben wir eine Darstellung der Einweihungsprinzipien zu sehen, wie sie durch das ganze Altertum verbreitet waren. Was der Einzuweihende äußerlich tat, das war nicht maßgebend für die Schule, der er angehörte, sondern was er erlebt hat von Stufe zu Stufe, von Einweihungsgrad zu Einweihungsgrad, das war das Maßgebende. Die moderne Gelehrtenwelt ist sehr erstaunt, in der Entwickelungsgeschichte des Buddha ähnliche Züge entdeckt zu haben wie in der Entwickelungsgeschichte des Christus Jesus. Dies wird aber dadurch erklärt, daß die Schreiber solcher Lebensgeschichten nicht die äußeren Lebensumstände, sondern die inneren, die geistigen Tatsachen aufgezeichnet haben. Diese stimmen bei allen wahren Eingeweihten überein, da alle denselben Weg zurückgelegt haben und auf diesem die gleichen Erfahrungen machten. Was der Eingeweihte auf dem Einweihungspfade erleben mußte, das war in den Einweihungsvorschriften angegeben, und alle Eingeweihten des gleichen Grades hatten dieselben Erlebnisse durchzumachen. Die Biographen schrieben also nur eine Biographie der verschiedenen Einweihungsstadien. Die Evangelien sind nichts weiter als alte Einweihungsvorschriften von verschiedener Tiefe. Was sich in früherer Zeit bei herabgestimmtem Bewußtsein vollzogen hat, das geschah im Mysterium von Golgatha öffentlich. Der Tod, der bisher bei der Einweihung im Ätherleib überwunden wurde, der wurde jetzt im physischen Leibe überwunden. Das Ereignis auf Golgatha ist die Initiation eines höchsten Eingeweihten, der von keinem andern eingeweiht wurde.

[ 15 ] So konnte der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums das Leben Christi nur schildern, wie der Initiationskodex es schildert. Wer das Johannes-Evangelium durchlebt, der wird in sich die Kraft des Schauens erwecken. Es ist ein Seherbuch, geschrieben zur Schulung des Sehertums. Wer es Satz für Satz durchlebt, für den geht aus ihm das große, gewaltige Resultat hervor, daß er geistig Auge in Auge dem Christus gegenübertritt. Den Menschen ist die Überzeugung nicht so leicht gemacht, sie müssen sich durcharbeiten zu dem Ziele, wo ihnen die Erkenntnis aufgeht, daß der Christus eine Realität ist. Das JohannesEvangelium ist der Weg, der zu Christus führt. Der Schreiber hat allen Gelegenheit geben wollen, ihn zu verstehen. Wer in sich aus dem Astralleib das Geistselbst entwickelt, dem geht im Geiste jene Weisheit auf, durch welche er verstehen kann, was Christus ist. Christus selbst hat dies angedeutet: Er hängt am Kreuze, ihm zu Füßen stehen seine Mutter und sein eingeweihter Schüler, den er lieb hat. Der Schüler soll den Menschen die Weisheit, die Erkenntnis der Bedeutung des Christus bringen. Daher wird hingewiesen auf die Mutter Sophia mit den Worten: «Das ist deine Mutter, du hast sie zu lieben.» Die vergeistigte Mutter Jesu ist das Evangelium selber, sie ist die Weisheit, die die Menschen hinaufführt zu den höchsten Erkenntnissen. Der Jünger hat uns die Mutter Sophia gegeben, das heißt, er hat uns das Evangelium geschrieben, das für denjenigen, der darin forscht, die Möglichkeit enthält, das Christentum kennenzulernen, den Ursprung und das Ziel dieser großen Bewegung zu erfassen.

[ 16 ] Das Johannes-Evangelium enthält die Weisheit vom «Gott im Menschen», die Theosophie, und je mehr die Menschheit sich dem Studium dieser Urkunde widmet, desto mehr Weisheit und Erleuchtung wird ihr daraus aufgehen.

Eighth Lecture

[ 1 ] The author of the Gospel of John says in conclusion that Christ did many other things that are not contained in the book: “There are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they should be written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written.” (John 21:25) Thus, we must also say that even a longer series of lectures would not be sufficient to explain everything that is written in the Gospel. Today we want to subject the duality of the concepts of the “father” and the “ego” to a more precise examination. These two concepts will give us an explanation of the evolution of humanity, which was the subject of the previous lectures. Humanity started out with a completely different sense of self than the one we know. “Adam” is not to be understood as a single human being, but as a sense of self that encompasses several generations. The one who begins such a generation is the “father”. In Old Testament Judaism, Abraham was indeed felt to be a father, and every Jew of that time said to himself: I am not an independent ego, but an ego flows down from Abraham and branches out into all members of the tribe, and also into me. Just as in a great tree sap flows from the root to the individual branches, so too does Abraham's sap flow through the entire Jewish people, the Jewish people's common ego. When the Jew of the Old Testament spoke the name of his father, he pointed to the entire bloodline, and this sense of self that encompasses all generations was called the divine consciousness. When he invoked this ego as God, he called it Yahweh. When the name of Yahweh resounded, the people were reminded that a common ego, beginning with the progenitor Abraham, flows through the entire nation.

[ 2 ] Through the mixing of blood, this relationship has changed over time. The consciousness of “I am” has become individualized, and Christ is the power that should make humanity aware of this change. The man of ancient times meant by the “I am” something that flows through generations. The man of later times understands it to mean something that flows through his own inner being. The former meant the God who flows through the whole community as the divine consciousness of the I, the latter feels within himself a spark, a drop of the divine substance. Let us imagine a power on earth that brings humanity to the right realization that this “I am” can live in every single person, a power that makes it clear to people that God has placed a drop of his substance in every human being. This power would say: This “I am” is something that is in each of you, it is a part of the one divine power. That which you feel as your individual “I am” is one with the “I am” of the Father. He among you who has developed within himself the consciousness of this fact can say, “I and the Father are one.” Look up to Adam: you see the consciousness of self flowing through generations, for centuries, for millennia. But there is still a higher human consciousness that was given to man in his ancient capacity as a human being. This is the consciousness of humanity, which encompasses not individual generations but all of humanity. Then came the consciousness that belongs to generations, lasts through generations, and that has finally been individualized by man into the “I am”. Thus the germ of the “I am” was already present in man earlier. Therefore Christ could say: “Before Abraham was, the ‘I am’ was.” This is the true teaching of the School of Mystery.

[ 3 ] For a further explanation of the teaching of the “I am”, the “Golden Legend”, which is known in all Christian schools, should be consulted. It says: When Seth, whom Jehovah had given as a replacement for Abel, came one day to the gates of Paradise, the cherub with the flaming sword granted him entry into the place from which humans had been expelled. Seth saw two intertwined trees there, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge. And the cherub signaled to Seth to take three seeds from the two intertwined trees. Seth put these three seeds into the mouth of his father Adam when he died. From the grave grew a tree with three parts, which showed itself radiant in the fire to many, and its embers then formed the words: “I am who was, who is and who will be.” The wood of this tree, which had grown out of the grave of Adam, was used in many ways: it was used to make the magic wand with which Moses performed his miracles. The wood was also used for the gates of Solomon's Temple. The bridge over which Jesus was led to his death was also built of it. Finally, the cross to which Jesus was nailed at Golgotha was made of this wood. The secret schools gave the following explanation of this legend: Within man you see two trees, the red blood tree and the blue-red blood tree. The red blood tree is the expression of knowledge, the blue-red blood tree is for life. Both trees were separated from each other, so the ancient secret doctrine teaches. There was a time when there was no red blood in man. It was only when the I descended into the human body that the red blood arose. What is expressed in the blue-red blood, life, was there long before. It arose through higher development out of the life fluids. And the Christian view puts the point in time when it was given to human beings precisely in the time of Paradise, when the first dawning of the I took hold in the human soul, when the Godhead descended and human beings were endowed only with the group soul, but in this they possessed the first germ from which the individual I could arise.

[ 4 ] The Paradise Myth says: By receiving the red blood, human beings became cognizant beings, they learned to look up: their eyes were opened, they learned to know the difference between man and woman. But this knowledge had to be bought. Self-awareness can only arise from the blood dying. In the human body, life is constantly being consumed and renewed. The blue blood has fulfilled its task when it is used up, and the ego consciousness arises from the destruction of the blue blood. In the human soul, the forces will develop through which he can control and connect the two trees. Man only feels the ego by continually carrying murder and dying within himself. Man, as soon as he enters the world, is dependent on the plant for the sole possibility of life. Just think, for example, that man continually inhales oxygen-containing air and exhales used air containing carbonic acid. He uses the oxygen and converts it into carbonic acid. The oxygen, without which he cannot live, he acquires only through the plant, which converts the carbonic acid produced by man back into oxygen and thus makes the air usable for man again. The plant retains the carbon that it splits off from the carbonic acid and gives it back to humans after millennia as coal. The Earth is a unified organism, and if only one part of it were missing, life as we know it would be impossible. We can regard plants, animals and humans as one being, and indeed, if you take away the plant, the other links can no longer live. In a very distant future, this relationship will be changed. Modern man knows nothing about it, but the seer can see into the time when the stream of carbonic acid will no longer be transformed by the plant, but by man himself, into useful oxygen. This is the great ideal of the secret schools for the future, that man should consciously accomplish within himself what the plant does for him today, that man should learn to assimilate the activity of plants into his own activity. Those organs are formed within him that enable him to transform carbonic acid for himself. The initiate foresees how the two trees, the tree of carbonic acid and that of oxygen, will fuse their crowns together. Then that of which it is said, “I am, who was, who is, and who will be,” will live as something eternal in every human being. In Adam the ego already lived, but it had first to be fertilized. In the beginning the Tree of Life had to be made into the Tree of Death. It could not be given at the same time as the Tree of Knowledge, therefore the two trees were separated from each other: the plant was interposed. The consciousness of eternity had first to be attained. Christ Jesus bore it within Himself and He transplanted it into the earth. The three seeds are the three divine parts of Manas, Buddhi and Atma. That which is eternal in all was laid with Adam in the grave. From the grave, the consciousness of eternity is proclaimed. From the grave grew the tree that bore the flame inscription: “I am that was, that is, and that will be.” Christ teaches people to ignite this “I am an individual human being” in human nature by saying: Try to lean more and more against the essence of “I am”, then you have what constitutes your community with me. Only through this “I am” do you reach the divine Father, for the Father and I are one. — Only a seer was able to grasp this, and a seer was indeed the writer of the Gospel of John. He did not want to record something that had only historical significance, but rather that which one recognizes when one looks into the spiritual world.

[ 5 ] If a seeing contemporary of Christ wanted to know what was going on in the spiritual world, he had to fall into a state of sleep. We find this hinted at in the third chapter. Nicodemus, an elder of the Jews, came to Christ at night. He came to him because he wanted to become a seer, because the state had come to him in which he could become a seer, and “he came by night” because his day-consciousness was extinguished. In the fifth verse of this chapter we also find the important teaching recorded that man can be born “of the Spirit”.

[ 6 ] Christ says (ch. 14, 6): “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Where is this Way that leads to the highest Divinity through Christ? The “I Am” works on the astral body and forms the spirit self out of it; it works on the etheric body and forms the life spirit out of it; it works on the physical body and forms the spiritual man out of it. When the human “I” works on it, the spirit self is thus worked out, and the life spirit arises in it. In this way man comes to true life. In the “I am” lies the way to truth and to true life, because the “I am” works through the lower bodies and allows true life to arise in them. We can present this as follows:

I am the Way, the truth and the life
Direction spirit self life spirit spirit man

[ 7 ] The “I am” indicates the direction that man must take in order to develop his spiritual self, the spirit of life and the spiritual man.

[8] Direct theosophical teachings can also be found in the Gospel of John. The fact that an individual I lives in every human being, that there is a spark of divine substance in this I, and that this spark must develop into the “God in us”, is mentioned by the author of the Gospel of John (ch. 9). In most translations of the Bible, Christ's answer to the question of who had sinned, this man, who was born blind, or his parents, is rendered as follows: “It is neither this man nor his parents who have sinned, but so that the works of God might be made manifest in him.” But is this a worthy conception for a Christian, that God lets a man be born blind so that God can reveal His glory in him? A concept of God that is capable of such conclusions is impossible. This passage reads much more simply and clearly if we take the theosophical view as a basis. Christ replied: “Neither he nor his parents have sinned; he is fulfilling his karma so that the spark of God in him may become visible, so that the works of the ‘God in him’ may become visible.” The answer of Christ (9:3) is to be translated as follows: “He was born blind so that the works of God in him might be visible in the body.” Every human being undergoes repeated lives on earth. We see a man born blind. He must not have sinned in this life, he may also have brought the guilt that led to this birth with him from a previous life. It is the teaching of karma in the theosophical sense, which works through the embodiments, which is described by this event. It is obvious that Christ, through his teaching, had to come into conflict with the commonly held Jewish view, and this also explains the discord into which he comes with the Jews (ch. 9, 22).

[ 9 ] We find yet another passage in the gospel that recalls the teaching of karma. There is a curious passage in chapter 8: when the Pharisees asked Jesus for his opinion of the adulteress, he bent down (verses 6 and 8), without saying a word, and wrote with his finger on the ground. But the earth is, as we have seen, his own body. He does not condemn the adulteress, but he inscribes her act in his own organism. He thus implies that, just as a seed placed in the earth rises and bears fruit that corresponds to it, so too will every human deed arise in a later earthly life and bear the fruits corresponding to it, and that no power on earth is able to remove the consequences of an act. Theology, however, believes in the atoning death, believes that Christ died for us, and believes that it dare not accept a doctrine of karma because it is contrary to the view that Christ took upon himself the sins of the whole world through his death. This disharmony between the theosophical and theological views, however, resolves itself, when properly understood, into harmony.

[ 10 ] The doctrine of karma means for life the same as an account book does for a merchant. According to the law of karma, we must assume that what we have caused in previous lives will come to us in this life as an effect, and that what we do now will be expressed in later life. We thus have a complete life balance: on the one hand, good actions are recorded, and on the other, bad actions. If someone believes that he cannot perform a voluntary act under the rule of the law of karma, since his actions are always the consequence of his previous actions, then he is like a merchant who would say, “I have now closed my business accounts, I must not do any more business, otherwise my accounts would be inaccurate.” Just as such a way of thinking is wrong for a merchant, so the view of the effect of karma described above is also wrong. The correctly understood doctrine of karma does not, therefore, include any fatalism. Freedom of will and karma can be reconciled with each other in the most beautiful way, and karma, correctly understood, is never something irrevocable. And if a person were to refuse to help another in misfortune under the pretext that he must not interfere with another's karma, such a person would be doing no more right than if he were to refuse a loan to a merchant in need who can be saved from bankruptcy by such a loan. Just as the merchant records such a subsidy in his books as a debt that he has to repay, while the giver records it in his books as a loan, so every good deed is also credited to the person who does it as an item in his account, while it is written as a debt to the person to whom it is done. Thus, the law of karma does not preclude any kind of assistance, and it seems entirely appropriate to ease the karma of one's fellow human beings by performing acts of mutual help. A person can do good to a single fellow human being by performing a good deed, but there are also deeds that benefit many people, that is, they ease their karma, and these are then entered in the account of many people. And if an act is so powerful as that of Christ, then it is engraved in the karma of all people, because this act creates a relief for the karma of all those people who allow it to take effect in them. We see, then, that the law of karma is also mentioned in the Gospel of John and that its existence does not in any way impair freedom of action. Through the one act of self-sacrifice, Jesus Christ has brought himself into a relationship with all of humanity. According to the law of karma, every deed is written into the ledger of life. It is linked to the body of Christ, to the earth. Therefore, he does not judge the adulteress at that moment, but he inscribes the deed in his own body. He takes everything into His own body that can happen from person to person, since karma must always be lived out again in the earthly world. This story points in a deeply significant way to the fact that Christ, through His act, has brought Himself into connection with the karmic evolution of all mankind. He guides the future evolution of humanity.

[ 11 ] If we call to mind once more the five cultural epochs, the Indian, Persian, Egyptian, Greek-Latin and the European, we see that in the third period the foundation was laid for the Christ-power, which will bear fruit for all mankind. What has been introduced into the evolution of mankind will only come to life in the sixth period. In the sixth period, the spirit self that has developed out of the consciousness soul will unite with the life spirit. From the third to the fourth period, the power of Christ shines prophetically. In the sixth period, the great marriage of humanity will be celebrated, where the spirit self unites with the life spirit. Then humanity will be united in the great brotherhood and I will stand next to I, brother next to brother, in that brotherhood that is foretold in the description of the wedding at Cana in Galilee, which is not only a historical fact but also symbolizes how, in the sixth period, the sons of men will marry in a great brotherhood that encompasses all of humanity. From the third period, three periods still have to be traversed before this event will come, the third, fourth and fifth. In esotericism, a period is called a day, hence it says at the beginning of the second chapter: “And on the third day there was a wedding at Cana.” This indicates that the coming description of the wedding refers to something that will occur in the future. The mother of Jesus, the consciousness soul, is present at the wedding. Christ says to her: “What is going on there from me to you? My hour has not yet come.” It is clearly stated that the wedding at Cana points to something that is yet to happen in the future. What does Jesus do because his hour has not yet come? He turns water into wine! It can be explained again and again that this act is intended to suggest that new fire, new life force, should be added to Judaism, which had fallen into decadence, by turning the “fade” water into fiery wine. One could say that the wine drinkers came up with this explanation to prove the justification of their actions. But if we grasp the significance of this act, we gain a deep insight into the great evolution of the world.

[ 12 ] Alcohol has not always been associated with humanity. Everything spiritual that develops has its corresponding expression in matter, and conversely, everything material in the spiritual has its corresponding counterpart. Wine, and with it alcohol, only appeared at a certain point in the history of the world and of humanity. And it will disappear again at the same point. Here we see the profound truth of occult research. Alcohol was the bridge that led from the generic, group ego to the independent, individual ego. Man would never have made the transition from the group to the individual ego without the material effect of alcohol. This produced the individual, personal consciousness in man. When humanity has reached this goal, it will no longer need alcohol, and it will disappear from the physical world. You see, everything that happens has its significance in the wise guidance of human development. Therefore, no one should be opposed to drinking alcohol today, while, on the other hand, those people who have rushed ahead of the rest of humanity and have advanced their development to such an extent that they no longer need alcohol should also avoid it. Christ appears to give humanity strength so that in the sixth period the highest ego-consciousness can be attained. He wants to prepare people for that 'time that has not yet come'. If He had left it at the water sacrifice, humanity would never have attained the individual ego. The transformation of water signifies the elevation of the human being to an individual being. Humanity had reached a point in its development where it needed wine, which is why Christ transforms water into wine. When the time comes that man no longer needs wine, Christ will change the wine back into water. How could such power come to be in Christ that He could change water into wine? Because Christ's body is the Earth itself, He could make the forces of the Earth effective in Himself. In the earth, water, flowing through the vine, is transformed into wine. What happens in the earth, Christ as personality could also carry out, because all the powers of the earth must also be present in him, as soon as the earth is his body and is animated by his astral body.

[ 13 ] What does the earth do with its powers? If you put a seed into the earth, it will sprout and bear fruit. It multiplies; one becomes many. Likewise, through procreation, one animal becomes many. The same power of multiplication and reproduction is also at work in Christ, and it is hinted at in the feeding of the five thousand. Christ has the power of multiplying the seeds inherent in the earth. If we keep in mind the thought “Christ's body is the earth with its powers” and apply it to what is reported in the Gospel of John, many details will become clear to us.

[ 14 ] What are gospels anyway? In the gospel of John we see a representation of the principles of initiation as they were spread throughout the ancient world. What the person to be initiated did outwardly was not decisive for the school to which he belonged, but what he experienced from step to step, from degree of initiation to degree of initiation, that was the decisive factor. The modern world of scholars is very surprised to have discovered similar traits in the developmental history of Buddha as in the developmental history of Christ Jesus. This is explained by the fact that the writers of such life stories did not record the external circumstances of life, but the inner, spiritual facts. These correspond in all true initiates, since all have traveled the same path and have had the same experiences on it. What the initiate had to experience on the path of initiation was indicated in the initiation instructions, and all initiates of the same degree had to undergo the same experiences. The biographers thus only wrote one biography of the various stages of initiation. The Gospels are nothing more than ancient initiation instructions of varying depth. What took place in earlier times with a tuned-down consciousness happened publicly in the Mystery of Golgotha. Death, which was previously overcome during initiation in the etheric body, was now overcome in the physical body. The event at Golgotha is the initiation of a supreme initiate who has not been initiated by anyone else.

[ 15 ] Thus the writer of the Gospel of John could only describe the life of Christ as the initiation code describes it. Whoever lives through the Gospel of John will awaken within himself the power of vision. It is a seer's book, written to train the faculty of seeing. Those who live through it sentence by sentence will emerge from it with the great and powerful result of having encountered the Christ spiritually, eye to eye. It is not easy for people to become convinced; they have to work their way towards the goal, where they realize that the Christ is a reality. The Gospel of John is the way that leads to Christ. The writer wanted to give everyone the opportunity to understand him. Those who develop the spirit self within themselves out of the astral body will have that wisdom revealed to them in spirit, through which they can understand what Christ is. Christ Himself indicated this: He hangs on the cross, at His feet stand His mother and His initiated disciple, whom He loves. The disciple is to bring people the wisdom, the realization of the significance of the Christ. Therefore, the Mother Sophia is indicated with the words: “This is your mother, you must love her.” The spiritualized Mother of Jesus is the Gospel itself, she is the wisdom that leads people to the highest realizations. The disciple gave us the Mother Sophia, that is, he wrote the Gospel for us, which contains the possibility for anyone who searches in it to get to know Christianity and to grasp the origin and goal of this great movement.

[ 16 ] The Gospel of John contains the wisdom of “God in Man”, of Theosophy, and the more humanity devotes itself to studying this document, the more wisdom and enlightenment it will gain from it.