Occult Signs and Symbols
GA 101
16 September 1907, Stuttgart
IV. Man, the Most Significant Symbol. The Seven Seals
The most significant of the symbols and signs that we have, and that has been acknowledged by occultists of all times, is man himself. The human being has always been called a microcosmos, a small world, and rightly so. Those who have learned to know him exactly and intimately have realized that everything spread out in the rest of nature is contained in miniature in man. This may at first be difficult to understand, perhaps, but when you think about it, you will grasp its meaning. In man there is to be found a kind of extract of all the rest of nature, of all materials and forces. If you study the nature of any plant deeply enough, you will find that there is contained in the human organism something of the same, even though it is there in ever so small a measure. If you study an animal, you will always be able to point to something in it that is of like nature in the human organism. In order to understand this rightly it is, of course, necessary to consider the development of the world from the occult standpoint. The occultist knows, for example, that men would not have the kind of hearts they have today if the lion did not exist out there in nature. Let us look back to an earlier time when there were still no lions.
Men, the oldest beings, already existed but at that time they had a differently constituted heart. To be sure, everywhere in nature there are obscure relationships. When, in the far remote past, the human heart acquired its present form, the lion appeared. The same forces formed both. It is as if these forces had extracted the leonine essence and with divine artistic skill fashioned the heart from it. You may feel that the human heart has nothing leonine in it; that it does is nevertheless so for the occultist. You must not forget the fact that when something is introduced into the relationships of an organism, it will then function quite differently from the way it functions when it is free. Conversely, it can be said that were you able to withdraw the essence of the heart and form a being from it that corresponds to this heart—that is, a being formed in such a way that the forces of the organism did not determine its structure—you would then produce a lion. All the traits of courage and daring, or, as the occultist says, the kingly traits of the human being, are derived from connections with the lion. The initiate, Plato, also placed the kingly soul in the heart.
Paracelsus used a beautiful comparison to demonstrate this connection of the human being with nature. He said that the individual beings in nature are letters, and men are the words that are composed from them. Outside, the great world, the macrocosmos; in us, the small world, the microcosmos. Outside, everything exists separately. In men it is determined by the harmonious relation with other organs. Just this enables us to illustrate through human beings the development of the whole universe insofar as it belongs to us.
You have in the seven seals that were hung in the Festival Hall during the Munich Congress a picture of this evolution of men in connection with the world to which they belong. Let us see what they show us.

The first seal presents a person clad in white, his feet of molten metal, and a fiery sword projecting from the mouth. His right hand is surrounded by the signs of our planets—Saturn, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus. Those familiar with the Apocalypse of St. John will remember that there is to be found in it a description that closely corresponds to this picture, for St. John was an initiate. It can be said that this seal represents the idea of total humanity. This will be understood when we recall some ideas already known to the older members here. When we go back in human evolution, we come to a time when men were at an imperfect stage. Thus, for example, they did not have heads like the ones you carry on your shoulders today. It would sound grotesque, indeed, were you to hear a description of the men of that time. Only gradually was the head developed, and it will continue developing. Men also have organs today that have come to the end of their development and in the future they will no longer form part of the human body. There are others that will transform themselves. An example is the larynx, which, to be sure, has a great future connection with the heart. At present the larynx is at the beginning of its development, but in times to come it will be transformed into a spiritualized organ of reproduction. You will get an idea of this mystery if you make clear to yourselves just what it is that a man achieves with his larynx today.
While I speak to you, you hear my words. Through the fact that this sound fills the air and that certain vibrations are produced in it, my words are transported to your ears and to your souls. When I say a word, for example, “world,” the air vibrates in an embodiment of that word. What we produce in this way today is called “creation in the mineral kingdom.” The movements of the air are mineral movements, so to speak, and thus through the larynx we have a mineral effect on our environment. But men will progress and will also become effective in the plant kingdom. Then they will call forth not only mineral, but also plant-like vibrations. They will speak “plants.” The next step will be that men will be able to speak “feeling beings.” On the highest stage of their development, they will generate their like through the larynx. A man now can only express the contents of his soul through his larynx, but then he will express himself. As men in the future will be able to call people into being through their speaking, so it was that the forerunners of mankind, the gods, were gifted with an organ with which they expressed all things that are around us today. It is they who have made all men, animals and everything else that is manifest. In the literal sense of the word, all of you are words uttered by divine beings.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and a God was the Word!” This does not mean a philosophical word in the speculative sense; St. John set down a primal fact that is to be taken quite literally.
At the end there will be the Word. Creation is a realization of the Word, and men in the future will bring forth a realizations of what today is the Word. Then men will no longer have the physical forms they have today; they will have progressed to the form that existed on Saturn, to fire matter.
That being who spoke forth all that is in the world today is the great prototype of men. He spoke forth Saturn into the universe, the Sun, Moon, Earth, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. The seven planets in the seal point to this. They are the sign that indicates the height to which a man will be able to develop himself. His planet then will consist of fiery matter, and he will be able to speak creatively into this fiery matter. The fiery sword that projects from the mouth of the figure in the seal represents this. All will be fiery, hence the feet of flowing metal.
When you compare a man of today with the animals, the difference between them forces one to say that the man, as an individual, has within him what cannot be found in the single animal. The man has an individual soul, the animal a group soul. The individual human being is, in himself, a whole animal species. All lions together, for example, have only one soul. Such group-egos are like human egos except that they have not descended into the physical world, but are to be found only in the astral world. Here on earth one sees physical men, each of whom bears his ego. In the astral world one finds beings like one's self, but in astral sheaths rather than physical. One can speak with them as to one's peers. These are the animal group souls.

In earlier times, men also had group souls. Only gradually have they developed themselves to their present independence. These group souls were originally in the astral world and then descended to live in the physical body. When one investigates the original human group souls in the astral world, one finds four species from which humans have sprung. Were one to compare these four kinds of beings with the group souls that belong to the present-day animal species, one would find that one of the four is comparable to the lion, another to the eagle, a third to the cow, and a fourth to the man of ancient times before his ego had descended. Thus, in the second picture, in the apocalyptic animals, lion, eagle, cow and man, we are shown an evolutionary stage of mankind. There is, and always will be as long as the earth shall exist, a group soul for the higher manifestation of men, which is represented by the lamb in the center of the seal, the mystical lamb, the sign of the Redeemer. This grouping of the five group souls, the four of man around the great group soul, which still belongs to all men in common, is represented by the second seal.

Were we to go far back millions of years in human evolution, another picture would come toward us. At present, men are physically on earth, but there was a time when what wandered about here on earth was not yet able to take up a human soul because it was on the astral plane. Even further back in time, we come to a period when the soul was on the spiritual plane, in devachan. In the future, when it will have purified itself on earth, the soul will again ascend to this high plane. Its course moves from the spiritual, through the astral, the physical and then again up to the spirit. This seems a long development for the human being, yet it still appears brief compared to the other planets. During those times men went through not only physical transformations, but spiritual and astral transformations as well. To follow these requires that we rise to spiritual worlds. There the music of the spheres can be heard, tones that swell and flood through space in this world, the harmony of the spheres, called by the occultist “the trumpet tones of the angels,” will sound forth for them. Hence, the trumpets in the third seal.

From the spiritual world there come the revelations that disclose themselves to men only when they continue to progress; then there will be opened for them the Book with the Seven Seals. These seals are just what we are considering here, and they will be revealed. Hence, you find the book in the middle of the seal and below it the four stages of mankind represented by four horses, which signify mankind's stages in its development down through time. But there is still higher initiation. Men derive from still higher worlds and they will ascend to them again. Then men and world will have ceased to exist in their present forms. What is now outside in the world—the single letters of which a man is composed—he will again have taken into himself, and his form will become identical with the world's form. In a rather trivial theosophical teaching, one says that one searches for God within one's self. But those who would find God must look for him in his works that are spread out in the world. Nothing in the world is just matter, this is but seeming. In reality, all matter is an expression of spirituality, a message of the activity of God. Men will extend their beings, as it were, in the course of times to come, identifying themselves more and more with the world; thus it will become possible to represent them in the form of the cosmos instead of the human form. This you can see in the fourth seal with its rock, sea and columns. What passes as clouds through the world today will offer its matter so that the body of a man may be formed from it, and the forces that today are with the Sun spirits will in future provide men with what will develop their spiritual forces in a much higher way. It is this sun force to which men are striving. Contrary to the plant that sends its head-like roots towards the earth's center, a man turns his head to the sun. He will ultimately unite his head with the sun and receive higher forces. This is to be seen in the fourth seal in the sun's face that rests on the body of clouds, on the rock and columns. In that future time, the human being will have become self-creative. As symbol of the perfect creation, the many coloured rainbow surrounds him. In the Apocalypse of St. John you can find a similar seal in which there is a book in the middle of the clouds. St. John says that the initiate must swallow this book. Here is indicated the time when men will receive wisdom not only outwardly, but will be penetrated by it as is the case today with food, when they, themselves, will be an embodiment of wisdom.

The time will then draw near in which great changes will take place in the cosmos. When men will have attracted the sun power, the sun will once again be united with the earth. Men will become sun beings, and through the power of the sun, they will be able to bring forth suns. Hence, the woman that bears the sun in the fifth seal. Mankind will be so far along morally and ethically that all destructive forces resting in his lower human nature will have been overcome. This is represented by the animal with the seven heads and the ten horns. At the feet of the sun woman is the moon, which contains all those base substances that the earth could not use but had not tossed out. Everything in the way of magical forces that the moon still exerts on the earth at present will then be overcome. When man becomes united with the sun, he will have overcome the moon.

The next picture shows us that the human being, when he had achieved the highest spirituality, takes on the form of Michael fettering the evil in the world, symbolized by the dragon.
In a certain way we have seen that both at the beginning and at the end of human evolution there are the same conditions and transformations. We have seen them portrayed in the man with the feet of molten fire and the sword projecting from his mouth. In a symbolism of great profundity, the world's whole being is now revealed to us in the symbol of the Holy Grail.
Let me set this seal before your eyes in a few words. The occultist who has acquainted himself with our world knows that space in the physical world is not simple emptiness, but something quite different. Space is the source from which all beings have, so to speak, physically crystallized. Imagine a cube-shaped, transparent glass vessel filled with water. Now imagine that certain cooling streams are led through this water so that it congeals in the most manifold forms into ice. This will give you an idea of the world's creation, of space, and of the divine creative word spoken into it. The occultist presents this space into which the divine creative Word has been spoken as the water-clear cube. Within this space various beings develop. The ones standing nearest to us can be characterized as follows. The cube has three perpendicular directions, three axes, length, height and breadth. It thus represents the three dimensions in space. Now imagine the counter-dimensions to these three outside dimensions of the physical world. You may visualize this by imagining someone moving in one direction and colliding with someone else coming from another direction. Similarly, there is a counter-dimension to every dimension of space, so that in all we have six counter-rays. These counter-rays represent the primal beginnings of the highest human members. The physical body, crystallized from out of space, is the lowest. The spiritual, the highest, is the opposite counter-dimension. In their development, these counter-dimensions first form themselves in a being that is best described when we let them flow together into the world of passions, sensual appetites and instincts. This it is at first. Later, it becomes something else. It becomes ever more purified—we have seen to what height—but it issued from the lower impulses, which are here symbolized by the snake. The process of purification is symbolized by the counter-dimensions converging in two snakes standing opposite each other. As mankind purifies itself, it rises through what is called the world spiral. The purified body of the snake, this world spiral, has deep significance. The following example will give you an idea of it.

Modern astronomy is supported by two postulates of Copernicus, but a third has not been taken into account. Copernicus said that the sun also moves. It advances in a spiral so that the earth, following the sun, moves in a complicated curve. The same is true for the moon that revolves around the earth. These movements are far more complicated than is assumed in elementary astronomy. You see here how the spiral has significance for celestial bodies, and these describe a form with which men will one day identify themselves. At that time, a man's generative power will be cleansed and purified, and his larynx will become his generative organ. What the human being will have developed as purified snake body will no longer work upwards, but from above downwards. The transformed larynx will become the chalice known as the Holy Grail. Even as one is purified, so also the other, which unites with this generative organ. It will be an essence of world force and of great cosmic essence. This world spirit in its essence is represented by the dove facing the Holy Grail. Here it symbolizes the spiritualized fructification that will be active out of the cosmos when men will have identified themselves with the cosmos. The complete creativity of this process is represented by the rainbow. This is the all-embracing seal of the Holy Grail. The whole gives the sense of the connection between world and men in a wonderful way, as a summation of the meaning of the other seals.
The world secret is found here as a circular inscription on the seal's outer edge, which shows how men in the beginning are born out of the primal forces of the world. Everyone, when he looks back, sees that he has gone through the process in the beginning of time that he goes through spiritually today when he is born anew out of the forces of consciousness. This is expressed in the Rose Cross by E. D. N., Ex Deo Nascimur, out of God I am born.
We have seen that within the manifest world a second is added to life, that is, death. That he find life again in this death, a man must find the death of the senses in the primal source of all that lives. This is the center of all cosmic development because we have had to experience death in order to gain consciousness. We will be able to overcome death when we find its meaning in the mystery of the Redeemer. Just as we are born out of God, so, in the sense of esoteric wisdom, we die in Christ—I. C. M., In Christo Morimur.
Because a duality is disclosed wherever something reveals itself, with which a third member must unite, the man who has overcome death will identify himself with the spirit that permeates the world, symbolized by the dove. He will rise from death and again live in the spirit—P. S. S. R., Per Spiritum Sanctum Reviviscimus.
Here stands the theosophical Rose Cross. It rays forth to those times in which religion and science will be reconciled.
You can see how the whole world presents itself in such seals, and because the magi and initiates have put the whole cosmos into them, they contain a mighty force. You can continually turn back to these seals and you will find that by meditating on them they will disclose infinite wisdom. They can have a mighty influence on the soul because they have been created out of cosmic secrets. Hang them in a room where such things are discussed as we have been doing here, discussions in which one raises one's self to the holy mysteries of the world, and they will prove enlivening and illuminating in the highest degree, although people will often not be aware of their effect. Because they have this significance, however, they are not to be misused or profaned. Strange as it may seem, when the seals are hung around a room in which nothing spiritual is ever said, in which only trivial words are spoken, their effect is such that they cause physical illness. Trivial as it may sound, they destroy the digestion. What is born out of the spiritual belongs to the spiritual and must not be profaned. This is shown here by the very effect. Signs of spiritual things belong where spiritual things are enacted and reach effectiveness.
Vierter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Das bedeutsamste der Symbole und Sinnbilder, das wir überhaupt haben und das als solches von allen Okkultisten aller Zeiten anerkannt worden ist, das ist der Mensch selbst. Der Mensch wurde und wird immer genannt ein Mikrokosmos, eine kleine Welt. Und das mit Recht, denn wer den Menschen genau und intim kennenlernt, wird sich immer mehr darüber klar, daß in ihm in einer, man könnte sagen, Verkleinerung alles, alles enthalten ist, was in der übrigen Natur draußen ausgebreitet ist. Das ist zunächst vielleicht schwer zu verstehen, aber wenn Sie darüber nachdenken, werden Sie begreifen, was damit gemeint ist: Es finden sich im Menschen als eine Art Extrakt, Auszug aus der übrigen Natur, alle Stoffe und Kräfte. Wenn Sie irgendeine Pflanze hinsichtlich ihrer Wesenheit studieren und nur genügend tief forschen können, werden Sie finden, daß im Menschenorganismus etwas von dieser selben Wesenheit enthalten ist, wenn auch in noch so kleinem Maße. Und wenn Sie ein Tier draußen nehmen: immer werden Sie im menschlichen Organismus etwas nachweisen können, was sich seiner Wesenheit nach ausnimmt wie etwas, das in einer gewissen Art in den menschlichen Organismus hereingenommen ist.
[ 2 ] Es ist freilich notwendig, die Entwickelung der Welt vom okkulten Standpunkt aus zu betrachten, um das recht zu verstehen. So zum Beispiel weiß der Okkultist, daß der Mensch kein so geartetes Herz hätte, wie er es heute hat, wenn es nicht draußen in der Natur einen Löwen gäbe. Wir wollen uns einmal in eine frühere Zeit versetzen, wo es noch keine Löwen gab. Menschen gab es damals schon, denn der Mensch ist das älteste Wesen, aber sie hatten damals ein ganz anders gestaltetes Herz. Nun gibt es in der Natur überall Zusammenhänge, die allerdings nicht immer auf der Hand liegen. Als der Mensch einst in urfernen Zeiten sein Herz heraufentwickelt hat zu der heutigen Gestalt, ist damals der Löwe entstanden: dieselben Kräfte haben beides geformt. Es ist, als ob Sie die Wesenheit des Löwen extrahieren würden und mit göttlicher Kunstfertigkeit das menschliche Herz daraus formten. Vielleicht meinen Sie, daß das Menschenherz nichts Löwenartiges habe, aber für den Okkultisten ist das doch der Fall. Sie dürfen nicht vergessen, daß, wenn ein Ding in einen Zusammenhang, in einen Organismus hineingestellt wird, es ganz anders wirkt, als wenn es frei ist. Man kann auch umgekehrt sagen: Wenn Sie die Essenz des Herzens herausziehen könnten und nun ein Wesen gestalten wollten, das diesem Herzen entspräche, wenn es nicht von den Kräften des Organismus bestimmt würde, dann hätten Sie den Löwen. Alle Eigenschaften des Mutes, der Kühnheit oder, wie der Okkultist sagt, die «königlichen» Eigenschaften des Menschen rühren von dem Zusammenhange mit dem Löwen her, und Plato, der ein Eingeweihter war, hat die königliche Seele in das Herz verlegt.
[ 3 ] Für diesen Zusammenhang des Menschen mit der Natur hat Paracelsus einen sehr schönen Vergleich gebraucht. Er sagt: Es ist, als ob die einzelnen Wesen in der Natur die Buchstaben wären, der Mensch aber das Wort, das aus diesen Buchstaben zusammengesetzt ist. - Draußen die große Welt: der Makrokosmos; in uns die kleine Welt: der Mikrokosmos. Draußen existiert jedes für sich, im Menschen ist es durch die Harmonie bestimmt, in die es hineingestellt ist mit den anderen Organen. Und gerade deshalb können wir im Menschen die Entwickelung unseres ganzen Weltalles, sofern es zu uns gehört, veranschaulichen.
[ 4 ] Ein Bild dieser Entwickelung des Menschen im Zusammenhange mit der Welt, der er zugehört, haben Sie in den Siegeln, welche während der Kongreßtage in München im Festsaale aufgehängt waren. . Sehen wir, was sie darstellen!

[ 5 ] Das erste zeigt einen Menschen mit weißen Kleidern angetan, seine Füße wie Metall, wie Erzfluß; aus seinem Munde ragt ein feuriges Schwert hervor; seine Rechte ist umgeben von den Zeichen unseres Planeten: Saturn, Sonne, Mond, Mars, Merkur, Jupiter, Venus. Wer die Apokalypse des Johannes kennt, wird sich erinnern, daß dort eine ziemlich übereinstimmende Beschreibung dieses Bildes zu finden ist, denn Johannes war ein Eingeweihter. Dieses Siegel stellt nämlich, man könnte sagen, die Idee der ganzen Menschheit dar. Wir werden das begreifen, wenn wir an einige Vorstellungen erinnern, die den Älteren hier schon bekannt sind.
[ 6 ] Wenn wir in der Menschenentwickelung zurückgehen, gelangen wir in eine Zeit, wo sich der Mensch noch auf einer sehr unvollkommenen Stufe befand. So zum Beispiel hatte er noch nicht das, was Sie heute auf Ihren Schultern tragen: den Kopf. Es würde recht grotesk klingen, wenn man den damaligen Menschen beschreiben würde. Der Kopf hat sich nämlich erst nach und nach entwickelt und wird sich immer weiter entwickeln. Es gibt heute im Menschen Organe, die sozusagen an ihrem Abschluß angelangt sind; sie werden später nicht mehr im Menschenleib sein. Andere gibt es, die werden sich umbilden, so unser Kehlkopf, der eine gewaltige Zukunft hat, freilich im Zusammenhange mit unserem Herzen. Heute ist der Kehlkopf des Menschen erst im Beginne seiner Entwickelung, er wird dereinst das in das Geistige umgewandelte Fortpflanzungsorgan sein. Sie werden eine Vorstellung von diesem Mysterium bekommen, wenn Sie sich klarmachen, was heute der Mensch mit seinem Kehlkopf bewirkt. Indem ich hier spreche, hören Sie meine Worte. Dadurch, daß dieser Saal von Luft erfüllt ist und in dieser Luft gewisse Schwingungen hervorgerufen werden, werden Ihnen meine Worte zu Ihrem Ohr, zu Ihrer Seele übertragen. Wenn ich ein Wort ausspreche, zum Beispiel «Welt», schwingen Wellen der Luft - das sind Verkörperungen meiner Worte. Das, was der Mensch heute so hervorbringt, nennt man das Hervorbringen im mineralischen Reiche. Die Bewegungen der Luft sind mineralische Bewegungen; durch den Kehlkopf wirkt der Mensch mineralisch auf seine Umgebung. Aber der Mensch wird aufsteigen und einst pflanzlich wirken; nicht nur mineralische, sondern auch pflanzliche Schwingungen wird er alsdann hervorrufen. Er wird Pflanzen sprechen. Die nächste Stufe wird dann sein, daß er empfindende Wesen spricht; und auf der höchsten Stufe der Entwickelung wird er durch seinen Kehlkopf seinesgleichen hervorrufen. Wie er jetzt nur den Inhalt seiner Seele durch das Wort aussprechen kann, wird er dann sich selbst aussprechen. Und wie der Mensch in der Zukunft Wesen sprechen wird, so waren die Vorgänger der Menschheit, die Götter, mit einem Organ begabt, mit dem sie alle Dinge aussprachen, die heute da sind. Sie haben alle Menschen, alle Tiere und alles andere ausgesprochen. Sie alle sind ausgesprochene Götterworte im wörtlichen Sinne.
[ 7 ] «Im Anfang war das Wort, und das Wort war bei Gott, und ein Gott war das Wort!» Das ist nicht ein philosophisches Wort im spekulativen Sinne - eine Urtatsache hat Johannes hingestellt, die ganz wörtlich zu nehmen ist.
[ 8 ] Und am Ende wird das Wort sein, und die Schöpfung ist eine Verwirklichung des Wortes; und was der Mensch in der Zukunft hervorbringen wird, wird eine Verwirklichung dessen sein, was heute Wort ist. Dann aber wird der Mensch nicht mehr solche physische Gestalt haben wie heute; er wird bis zu jener Gestalt vorgeschritten sein, die auf dem Saturn war, bis zur Feuermaterie. So verbindet sich die schöpferische Kraft im Anfang der Weltenentwickelung mit unserer eigenen Schöpferkraft am Ende der Weltenentwickelung.
[ 9 ] Diejenige Wesenheit, welche alles hinausgesprochen hat in die Welt, was heute darinnen ist, sie ist das große Vorbild der Menschen. Sie hat hinausgesprochen in die Welt den Saturn, die Sonne, den Mond, die Erde - in ihren beiden Hälften Mars-Merkur -, den Jupiter, die Venus. Das deuten die sieben Sterne an; sie sind ein Zeichen dafür, bis zu welcher Höhe der Mensch sich entwickeln kann. In der Feuermaterie wird der Planet am Ende wieder sein; und der Mensch wird in dieser Feuermaterie schöpferisch sprechen können: das ist das feurige Schwert, das aus seinem Munde ragt. Alles wird feurig sein, daher die Füße von flüssigem Erz. Wunderbar ergreifend ist der Sinn der Entwickelung in diesem Zeichen dargestellt.
[ 10 ] Wenn Sie den heutigen Menschen mit dem Tiere vergleichen, dann stellt sich der Unterschied so dar, daß man sagen muß: Der Mensch hat als Einzelner in sich, was das einzelne Tier nicht in sich hat. Der Mensch hat eine Individualseele, das Tier eine Gruppenseele. Der einzelne Mensch ist für sich eine ganze Tiergattung. Alle Löwen zum Beispiel haben zusammen nur eine Seele. Diese Gruppen-Iche sind gerade so wie das Menschen-Ich, nur sind sie nicht hinabgestiegen bis in die physische Welt; sie sind nur in der astralischen Welt zu finden. Hier auf der Erde sehen Sie physische Menschen, von denen jeder sein Ich trägt. In der astralischen Welt begegnen Sie in Astralmaterie ebensolchen Wesen, wie Sie selber sind, nur nicht in physischer, sondern in astralischer Hülle. Sie können mit ihnen reden wie mit Ihresgleichen - das sind die tierischen Gruppenseelen.

[ 11 ] Auch der Mensch hatte in früheren Zeiten eine Gruppenseele, nach und nach erst hat er sich zu seiner heutigen Selbständigkeit entwickelt. Diese Gruppenseelen waren ursprünglich in der astralischen Welt und sind dann heruntergestiegen, um im Fleische zu wohnen. Wenn man nun in der astralischen Welt die ursprünglichen Gruppenseelen des Menschen untersucht, so findet man vier Gattungen, von denen der Mensch ausgegangen ist. Wollte man diese vier Arten vergleichen mit den Gruppenseelen, die zu den heutigen Tiergattungen gehören, dann müßte man sagen: Eine von diesen vier Arten läßt sich mit dem Löwen vergleichen, eine andere mit dem Adler, eine dritte mit dem Rinde und die vierte mit dem Menschen der Vorzeit, bevor sein Ich heruntergestiegen ist. So wird uns in dem zweiten Bilde in den apokalyptischen Tieren, dem Löwen, dem Adler, der Kuh und dem Menschen, ein früherer Entwickelungszustand der Menschheit dargestellt. Dann aber gibt es und wird es geben, solange die Erde sein wird, eine Gruppenseele für die höhere Offenbarung des Menschen, die durch das Lamm dargestellt wird, durch das mystische Lamm, das Zeichen für den Erlöser. Diese Gruppierung der fünf Gruppenseelen: die vier des Menschen um die große Gruppenseele, die noch allen Menschen gemeinschaftlich gehört - das stellt das zweite Bild dar.

[ 12 ] Wenn wir die Menschenentwickelung weit, weit zurückverfolgen, so daß wir viele Millionen von Jahren zu Hilfe rufen müssen, dann tritt uns noch ein anderes entgegen. Jetzt ist der Mensch physisch auf der Erde; aber es gab eine Zeit, wo das, was hier auf Erden umherwandelte, noch nicht eine menschliche Seele hätte aufnehmen können. Da war diese Seele auf dem astralischen Plan. Und weiter zurück kommen wir zu einer Zeit, wo sie auf dem geistigen Plane, im Devachan,war. Sie wird in der Zukunft wieder hinaufsteigen auf diese hohe Stufe, wenn sie sich auf der Erde gereinigt haben wird. Vom Geiste durch das Astralische, das Physische und wieder hinauf zum Geiste: das ist eine lange Entwickelung des Menschen. Und doch erscheint sie wie eine kurze Frist, wenn wir sie vergleichen mit der Entwickelungszeit, die der Mensch auf dem Saturn und den anderen Planeten durchgemacht hat. Da ging der Mensch nicht nur durch physische Verwandlungen hindurch, sondern durch geistige, astralische und physische. Und will man diese verfolgen, dann muß man bis in die geistigen Welten hinaufgehen. Dort vernimmt man die Sphärenmusik, Töne, die in dieser geistigen Welt durch den Raum fluten. Und wenn der Mensch sich wieder hineinleben wird in diese geistige Welt, dann wird ihm diese Sphärenharmonie entgegenklingen. Man nennt sie im Okkulten die Posaunentöne der Engel. Daher auf dem dritten Bilde die Posaunen. Aus der geistigen Welt kommen die Offenbarungen, die sich ihm aber erst enthüllen, wenn der Mensch immer weiter vorschreitet. Dann wird ihm geoffenbart werden jenes Buch mit den sieben Siegeln. Diese Siegel sind gerade das, was wir hier betrachten; diese werden sich enträtseln. Daher das Buch in der Mitte und unten vier Phasen der Menschheit; denn die vier Pferde sind nichts anderes, als Entwickelungsstadien der Menschheit durch die Zeiten hindurch.

[ 13 ] Aber es gibt noch eine höhere Entwickelung. Der Mensch stammt aus noch höheren Welten, und er wird zu diesen höheren Welten wieder hinaufsteigen. Und seine Gestalt, wie sie der Mensch heute hat, wird in die Welt dann verschwunden sein. Was heute draußen in der Welt ist - die einzelnen Buchstaben, aus denen der Mensch zusammengesetzt ist -, das alles wird er dann wieder aufgenommen haben: seine Gestalt wird sich identifiziert haben mit der Weltengestalt. In einer gewissen trivialen Darstellung der Theosophie lehrt man und redet davon, daß man den Gott in sich selbst suchen solle. Aber wer den Gott finden will, muß ihn in den Werken suchen, die ausgebreitet sind im Weltall. Nichts in der Welt ist bloß Materie - das ist nur scheinbar -, in Wirklichkeit ist alle Materie der Ausdruck von Geistigkeit, eine Kundschaft von der Wirksamkeit Gottes. Und der Mensch wird sein Wesen gleichsam ausdehnen im Laufe kommender Zeiten; mehr und mehr wird er sich identifizieren mit der Welt, so daß man ihn darstellen kann, indem man statt der Menschengestalt die Gestalt des Kosmos setzt. Das sehen Sie auf dem vierten Siegel mit dem Felsen, dem Meer und den Säulen. Das, was heute als Wolken die Welt durchzieht, wird seine Materie dazu hergeben, um den Leib des Menschen zu gestalten. Die Kräfte, die heute bei den Geistern der Sonne sind, werden in der Zukunft dem Menschen dasjenige liefern, was in einer unendlich viel höheren Art seine geistigen Kräfte ausbilden wird. Diese Sonnenkraft ist es, zu welcher der Mensch hinstrebt. Im Gegensatz zu der Pflanze, die ihren Kopf, die Wurzel, zum Mittelpunkt der Erde hinsenkt, wendet er seinen Kopf der Sonne zu; und er wird ihn vereinigen mit der Sonne und höhere Kräfte empfangen. Das haben Sie dargestellt in dem Sonnengesicht, das auf dem Wolkenleibe, auf dem Felsen, den Säulen ruht. Selbstschöpferisch wird dann der Mensch geworden sein; und als das Symbol der vollkommenen Schöpfung umgibt den Menschen der farbige Regenbogen. Auch in der Apokalypse des Johannes können Sie ein ähnliches Siegel finden. In der Mitte der Wolken befindet sich ein Buch. Die Apokalypse sagt, daß der Eingeweihte dieses Buch verschlingen muß. Damit ist auf die Zeit hingewiesen, wo der Mensch nicht nur äußerlich die Weisheit empfängt, sondern wo er sich mit ihr wie heute mit der Nahrung durchdringen wird, wo er selbst eine Verkörperung der Weisheit sein wird. Dann rückt die Zeit heran, wo große Veränderungen im Kosmos vor sich gehen. Wenn der Mensch die Sonnenkraft wird herangezogen haben, dann beginnt jenes Entwickelungsstadium, wo die Sonne mit der Erde wieder vereinigt sein wird. Der Mensch wird ein $Sonnenwesen sein. Der Mensch wird durch die Kraft der Sonne eine Sonne gebären. Daher [auf dem fünften Siegel] das Weib, das die Sonne gebiert. Dann wird die Menschheit moralisch, ethisch so weit sein, daß alle verderblichen Mächte, die in der niederen Menschennatur ruhen, überwunden sind. Das ist dargestellt durch das Tier mit den sieben Köpfen und den zehn Hörnern. Zu den Füßen des Sonnenweibes ist der Mond, der alle diejenigen schlechten Substanzen enthält, die die Erde nicht brauchen konnte und die sie nicht hinausgestoßen hatte. Alles, was heute noch der Mond an magischen Kräften auf die Erde ausübt, wird dann überwunden sein. Wenn der Mensch mit der Sonne vereint ist, hat er den Mond überwunden.

[ 14 ] Dann [in dem sechsten Siegel] wird uns noch dargestellt, wie der also bis zur hohen Vergeistigung hinaufgestiegene Mensch der Gestalt des Michael gleich ist; wie er das, was böse ist auf der Welt, in dem Symbolum des Drachen gefesselt hält.

[ 15 ] Wir haben in einer gewissen Weise gesehen, daß im Anfange der Menschheitsentwickelung und am Ende derselben gleiche Zustände der Verwandlung sind. Dargestellt sahen wir diese Zustände in dem Mann mit den feuerflüssigen Füßen und dem Schwert aus dem Munde ragend. In einer tiefsinnigen Symbolik wird uns nun das ganze Sein der Welt enthüllt in dem Symbol des Heiligen Gral. Mit einigen skizzenhaften Worten möchte ich Ihnen dieses siebente Siegel vor die Seele hinstellen.
[ 16 ] Derjenige, der als Okkultist unsere Welt kennenlernt, weiß, daß der Raum noch etwas ganz anderes ist für die physische Welt als eine bloße Leerheit. Der Raum ist die Quelle, aus der sich alle Wesen gleichsam physisch herauskristallisiert haben. Denken Sie sich ein gläsernes Gefäß von Würfelform, durch das Sie ganz hindurchsehen können, mit Wasser gefüllt. Und nun stellen Sie sich vor, daß gewisse abkühlende Strömungen durch dieses Wasser hindurchgeleitet werden, so daß sich in mannigfaltigster Weise Eis bildet. So können Sie eine Vorstellung der Weltschöpfung erhalten: den «Raum»; hineingesprochen in den Raum das göttliche Schöpfungswort; herauskristallisiert alle Dinge und Wesen.
[ 17 ] Diesen Raum, in den das göttliche Schöpfungswort hineingesprochen wird, stellt der Okkultist dar durch den wasserhellen Würfel. Es entwickeln sich innerhalb dieses Raumes verschiedene Wesenheiten. Diejenigen, die uns am nächsten stehen, kann man am besten so charakterisieren: der Würfel hat drei aufeinander senkrechtstehende Richtungen, drei Achsen: Länge, Höhe, Breite -, die drei Dimensionen des Raumes stellt der Würfel dar. Und nun denken Sie sich zu diesen drei Dimensionen, wie sie draußen in der physischen Welt sind, die Gegendimensionen hinzu. Sie können sich das etwa so vorstellen, daß ein Mensch in einer Richtung geht und ein anderer ihm entgegenkommt und beide zusammenstoßen. In ähnlicher Weise gibt es zu jeder Raumdimension eine Gegendimension, so daß wir im ganzen sechs Strahlen haben. Diese Gegenstrahlen stellen zugleich die Urkeime der höchsten Glieder der menschlichen Wesenheit dar. Der physische Leib, aus dem Raum herauskristallisiert, ist das Niedrigste. Das Geistige, das Höchste, ist das Gegenteil; es wird dargestellt durch die Gegendimensionen. Hier formen sich in der Entwickelung zunächst diese Gegendimensionen zu einer Wesenheit, die man am besten darstellen kann, indem man sie zusammenfließen läßt zu der Welt der Leidenschaften, Begierden, Instinkte. Das ist sie zunächst. Dann später wird sie etwas anderes. Immer mehr und mehr läutert sie sich - wir haben gesehen, bis zu welcher Höhe -, aber ausgegangen ist sie von den niederen Trieben, die symbolisiert sind durch die Schlange. Dieser Vorgang ist symbolisiert durch das Zusammenlaufen der Gegendimensionen in zwei Schlangen, die einander gegenüberstehen.

[ 18 ] Indem sich die Menschheit reinigt, steigt sie auf zu dem, was man die «Weltenspirale» nennt. Der gereinigte Leib der Schlange, diese Weltenspirale, hat eine tiefe Bedeutung. Sie können durch folgendes Beispiel einen Begriff davon bekommen: Die moderne Astronomie stützt sich auf zwei Sätze von Kopernikus; einen dritten hat sie unberücksichtigt gelassen. Er hat gesagt, daß die Sonne sich auch bewegt. Die Sonne rückt vor, und zwar in einer Schraubenlinie, so daß die Erde sich mit der Sonne in einer komplizierten Kurve bewegt. Dasselbe trifft auf den Mond zu, der sich um die Erde bewegt. Diese Bewegungen sind weit komplizierter als man in der elementaren Astronomie annimmt. Sie sehen hier, wie die Spirale ihre Bedeutung hat in den Weltkörpern; und diese Weltkörper stellen eine Gestalt dar, mit der sich der Mensch einst identifizieren wird. In jener Zeit wird des Menschen Hervorbringungskraft gereinigt, geläutert sein; der Kehlkopf wird alsdann das Fortpflanzungsorgan sein. Das, was der Mensch als geläuterten Schlangenleib entwickelt haben wird, wird dann nicht mehr von unten herauf, sondern von oben herab wirken. Der umgewandelte Kehlkopf in uns wird zu dem Kelche werden, den man den Heiligen Gral nennt. Und ebenso wie das eine wird auch das andere geläutert sein, das sich mit diesem hervorbringenden Organ verbindet: es wird eine Essenz der Weltenkraft, der großen Weltenessenz sein. Und diesen Weltengeist in seiner Essenz stellt man dar mit dem Bilde der Taube, die dem Heiligen Gral gegenübersteht. Hier ist sie das Symbolum der vergeistigten Befruchtung, die aus dem Kosmos heraus wirken wird, wenn der Mensch sich mit dem Kosmos dereinst identifiziert hat. Das ganze Schöpferische dieses Vorganges wird dargestellt durch den Regenbogen: das ist das allumfassende Siegel vom Heiligen Gral.
[ 19 ] Das ganze gibt den Sinn von dem Zusammenhange zwischen Welt und Mensch in einer wunderbaren Weise wie eine Zusammenfassung des Sinnes der anderen Siegel. Daher steht auch hier das Weltengeheimnis als Umschrift auf dem Außenrand des Siegels. Dieses Weltengeheimnis stellt dar, wie der Mensch im Anfange aus den Urkräften der Welt herausgeboren ist. Jeder Mensch, wenn er zurückblickt, hat im Anfange der Zeit jenen Prozeß durchgemacht, den er heute geistig durchmacht, wenn er aus den Bewußtseinskräften heraus neu geboren wird. Das drückt das Rosenkreuzertum aus [mit den Buchstaben] E.D.N.: Aus Gott bin ich geboren.
[ 20 ] Wir haben gesehen, daß innerhalb der Offenbarung ein Zweites hinzutritt: zum Leben der Tod. Aber der Mensch muß, damit er in diesem Tode das Leben wiederfindet, in dem Urquell alles Lebendigen diesen Sinnestod überwinden. Und dieser Urquell ist der Mittelpunkt aller kosmischen Entwickelung; denn wir mußten den Tod finden, um unser Bewußtsein zu erringen. Aber wir werden ihn überwinden dann, wenn wir den Sinn dieses Todes im Erlöser-Geheimnis finden. Ebenso wie wir aus Gott geboren sind, sterben wir im Sinne der esoterischen Weisheit in Christo: I.C.M.
[ 21 ] Und weil überall da, wo sich etwas offenbart, sich eine Zweiheit zeigt, der sich das Dritte vereinigen muß, wird der Mensch, wenn er den Tod überwunden hat, sich selbst identifizieren mit dem die Welt durchdringenden Geiste (die Taube). Er wird auferstehen und wieder leben im Geiste: P.S.S.R.
[ 22 ] Das ist das theosophische Rosenkreuz. Es leuchtet hinein in jene Zeiten, wo Religion und Wissenschaft sich versöhnen werden.
[ 23 ] So sehen Sie, wie in solchen Siegeln sich die ganze Welt darstellt, und weil die Welt in sie hineingelegt ist von den Magiern und Eingeweihten, deshalb wohnt ihnen eine gewaltige Kraft inne. Sie können immer aufs neue zu diesen Siegeln zurückkehren; Sie werden immer wieder finden, daß sie unendliche Weisheit durch Meditation erschließen können. Sie haben einen gewaltigen Einfluß auf die Seele des Menschen, weil sie aus den Weltengeheimnissen heraus geschöpft sind. Hängen Sie sie in einem Zimmer auf, wo solche Dinge besprochen werden, wie wir heute hier sprechen, in denen man sich zu den heiligen Mysterien der Welt erhebt, da wirken sie in höchstem Grade belebend, erleuchtend, ohne daß es die Menschen manchmal wissen. Aber sie sind eben, weil sie diese Bedeutung haben, nicht gleichzeitig dazu angetan, profaniert zu werden. Und so sonderbar es erscheinen mag: Wenn sie in einem Zimmer rundherum hängen, wo nichts Geistiges geredet wird, wo triviale Worte gesprochen werden, da wirken sie auch, aber so, daß sie den physischen Organismus krank machen. So trivial es klingen mag: sie zerstören die Verdauung. Was aus dem Geistigen geboren ist, gehört dem Geistigen an und darf nicht profaniert werden; das zeigt es selbst an durch seine Wirkung. Zeichen von geistigen Dingen gehören dahin, wo geistige Dinge sich abspielen und zur Wirkung gelangen.
Fourth Lecture
[ 1 ] The most significant of all symbols and emblems, and the only one recognized as such by occultists throughout the ages, is the human being himself. Man has always been called a microcosm, a small world. And rightly so, because anyone who gets to know man closely and intimately will become more and more aware that in him, in a kind of miniaturization, everything that is spread out in the rest of nature is contained. This is perhaps difficult to understand at first, but if you reflect on it, you will grasp what is meant by it: all substances and forces can be found in man as a kind of extract, excerpt from the rest of nature. If you study any plant in regard to its essential nature, and are able to penetrate deeply enough, you will find that something of this same nature is contained in the human organism, however small a measure. And if you take an animal outside, you will always be able to detect something in the human organism that resembles it, and which has been taken into the human organism in a certain way.
[ 2 ] It is certainly necessary to look at the evolution of the world from the occult point of view in order to understand this correctly. For example, the occultist knows that man would not have a heart like he has today if there were no lions in nature. Let us imagine ourselves in an earlier time, when there were no lions. There were already people in those days, for man is the oldest being, but in those days their hearts were formed quite differently. Now in nature there are connections everywhere, which are not always obvious. When man in the distant past developed his heart into its present form, the lion came into being at the same time: the same forces shaped both. It is as if you were to extract the essence of the lion and, with divine skill, form the human heart out of it. You may think that there is nothing lion-like about the human heart, but for the occultist there is. You must not forget that when a thing is placed in a context, in an organism, it works quite differently than when it is free. You can also say the other way around: if you could extract the essence of the heart and then wanted to form a being that would correspond to this heart if it were not determined by the forces of the organism, then you would have the lion. All the qualities of courage, of boldness, or, as the occultist says, the “regal” qualities of man, arise from the connection with the lion, and Plato, who was an initiate, has placed the royal soul in the heart.
[ 3 ] Paracelsus used a very beautiful comparison for this connection of man with nature. He says: It is as if the individual beings in nature were the letters, but man were the word that is composed of these letters. - Outside the great world: the macrocosm; inside us the small world: the microcosm. Outside, everything exists for itself. In man, it is determined by the harmony in which he is placed with the other organs. And precisely for this reason, we can visualize in man the evolution of our entire universe, insofar as it belongs to us.
[ 4 ] An image of this development of man in connection with the world to which he belongs can be seen in the seals that were hung in the festival hall during the congress days in Munich. Let us see what they represent!

[ 5 ] The first shows a man clothed in white robes, his feet like metal, like a river of ore; a fiery sword protrudes from his mouth; his right hand is surrounded by the signs of our planet: Saturn, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus. Those who are familiar with the Apocalypse of John will remember that a fairly consistent description of this image can be found there, for John was an initiate. This seal represents, one might say, the idea of all humanity. We will understand this if we recall some ideas that are already familiar to the elders here.
[ 6 ] If we go back in human evolution, we arrive at a time when man was still at a very imperfect stage. For example, he did not yet have what you carry on your shoulders today: the head. It would sound quite grotesque if one were to describe the human being of that time. The head, in fact, developed only gradually and will continue to develop. Today there are organs in man that have, so to speak, reached their conclusion; they will no longer be in the human body later. Others there are that will transform, such as our larynx, which has a tremendous future, admittedly in connection with our heart. Today, the human larynx is only at the beginning of its development; in the future, it will be the organ of reproduction transformed into the spiritual. You will get an idea of this mystery when you realize what man achieves with his larynx today. As I speak here, you hear my words. The fact that this hall is filled with air and that certain vibrations are caused in this air transmits my words to your ear, to your soul. When I pronounce a word, for example “world,” waves of air vibrate - these are the embodiment of my words. What man produces in this way today is called production in the mineral kingdom. The movements of the air are mineral movements; through the larynx, man has a mineral effect on his surroundings. But man will ascend and one day have a vegetable effect; then he will evoke not only mineral but also vegetable vibrations. He will speak to plants. The next step will be to speak to sentient beings; and at the highest level of development he will evoke his own kind through his larynx. Just as he can now express the content of his soul through the word, he will then express himself. And just as the human being of the future will speak beings, so the predecessors of humanity, the gods, were endowed with an organ with which they expressed all things that exist today. They expressed all people, all animals and everything else. They are all spoken words in the literal sense.
[ 7 ] “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God!” This is not a philosophical word in the speculative sense – John presents a primary fact that is to be taken quite literally.
[ 8 ] And in the end there will be the Word, and creation is a realization of the Word; and what man will bring forth in the future will be a realization of what the Word is today. But then man will no longer have the same physical form as today; he will have progressed to the point of the form that was on Saturn, to the point of fire-matter. Thus the creative power at the beginning of the evolution of the world is connected with our own creative power at the end of the evolution of the world.
[ 9 ] The Entity that has spoken out into the world all that is in it today is the great model for human beings. It has spoken out into the world Saturn, the Sun, the Moon, the Earth (in its two halves Mars-Mercury), Jupiter and Venus. The seven stars indicate this; they are a sign of the extent to which man can develop. In the fire matter, the planet will be at the end again; and man will be able to speak creatively in this fire matter: that is the fiery sword that protrudes from his mouth. Everything will be fiery, hence the feet of liquid ore. The meaning of the development in this sign is wonderfully moving.
[ 10 ] If you compare the human being of today with the animal, the difference presents itself in such a way that one must say: the human being has in himself, as an individual, what the individual animal does not have in itself. Man has an individual soul, the animal a group soul. The individual human being is a whole animal species in itself. All lions, for example, together have only one soul. These group 'I' are just like the human 'I', only they have not descended into the physical world; they are only to be found in the astral world. Here on earth you see physical human beings, each of whom carries his or her own 'I'. In the astral world, you will encounter beings in astral matter just like yourself, only in an astral rather than a physical shell. You can talk to them as you would to your own kind – these are the animal group souls.

[ 11 ] In earlier times, the human being also had a group soul; only gradually did he develop into his present independence. These group souls were originally in the astral world and then descended to dwell in the flesh. If one now examines the original group souls of man in the astral world, one finds four types from which man has emerged. If we compare these four types with the group souls that belong to the animal species of today, we can say that one of them can be compared with the lion, another with the eagle, a third with the ox, and the fourth with the prehistoric man before his ego descended. Thus, in the second picture, in the apocalyptic animals, the lion, the eagle, the cow and man, an earlier state of development of humanity is presented to us. But then there is and will be, as long as the earth will exist, a group soul for the higher revelation of man, which is represented by the lamb, by the mystical lamb, the sign for the redeemer. This grouping of the five group souls: the four of man around the great group soul, which still belongs to all men collectively - this represents the second picture.

[ 12 ] If we trace the evolution of man far, far back, so that we have to call many millions of years to our aid, then yet another aspect presents itself to us. Man is now on earth in the physical body, but there was a time when that which walked here on earth could not yet have received a human soul. In those days the soul was on the astral plane. And going further back in time, we come to a time when it was on the spiritual plane, in Devachan. In the future, it will ascend again to this high level when it has purified itself on earth. From the spiritual through the astral, the physical and back up to the spiritual: that is a long process of human development. And yet it seems like a short period when we compare it to the time of development that a person on Saturn and the other planets has gone through. There the human being not only went through physical transformations, but through spiritual, astral and physical ones. And if one wants to follow these, then one must go up into the spiritual worlds. There one hears the music of the spheres, tones that flood through the space in this spiritual world. And when the human being will again live in this spiritual world, then this harmony of the spheres will resound towards him. In occultism, they are called the trumpet tones of the angels. Hence the trumpets in the third picture. The revelations come from the spiritual world, but they are only revealed to him as he progresses. Then the book with the seven seals will be revealed to him. These seals are precisely what we are looking at here; they will unravel. Hence the book in the middle and below four phases of humanity; for the four horses are nothing other than stages of human development through the ages.

[ 13 ] But there is still a higher development. Man comes from even higher worlds, and he will ascend again to these higher worlds. And his form, as it is with man today, will have disappeared into the world. What is out there in the world today – the individual letters of which man is composed – he will have taken up again: his form will have identified itself with the form of the world. In a certain trivial presentation of Theosophy, one teaches and talks about seeking God within oneself. But anyone who wants to find God must seek him in the works that are spread throughout the universe. Nothing in the world is mere matter – that is only seemingly so – in reality all matter is the expression of spirituality, a manifestation of the activity of God. And man will, as it were, expand his being in the course of time to come; he will identify himself more and more with the world, so that he can be represented by putting the form of the cosmos instead of the human form. You see this in the fourth seal with the rock, the sea and the pillars. That which today permeates the world as clouds will provide the material for shaping the human body. The forces that are today with the spirits of the sun will in the future provide man with that which will develop his spiritual powers in an infinitely higher way. It is this solar power that man is striving towards. In contrast to the plant, which sinks its head, the root, to the center of the earth, he turns his head towards the sun; and he will unite with the sun and receive higher powers. You have depicted this in the face of the sun, which rests on the body of clouds, on the rock, the columns. Man will then have become self-creative; and as the symbol of perfect creation, the colored rainbow surrounds man. You can also find a similar seal in the Apocalypse of John. In the center of the clouds is a book. The Apocalypse says that the initiate must devour this book. This refers to the time when man will not only receive wisdom externally, but when he will imbibe it as he does today with food, when he himself will be an embodiment of wisdom.

Then the time will approach when great changes are taking place in the cosmos. When man has absorbed the power of the sun, that stage of development will begin in which the sun will be reunited with the earth. Man will be a sun creature. Man will give birth to a sun through the power of the sun. Hence [on the fifth seal] the woman who gives birth to the sun. Then humanity will be so far advanced morally and ethically that all the corrupting forces that lie dormant in the lower nature of man will have been overcome. This is represented by the beast with the seven heads and the ten horns. At the feet of the sun woman is the moon, which contains all those bad substances that the earth could not use and that it had not expelled. All that the moon still exerts on the earth today in the way of magical powers will then be overcome. When man is united with the sun, he has overcome the moon.

[ 14 ] Then [in the sixth seal] we are shown how man, having thus ascended to the high spiritualization, is like the form of Michael; how he keeps that which is evil in the world bound in the symbol of the dragon.
[ 15 ] We have seen in a certain sense that the beginning and the end of the evolution of man are the same states of transformation. We saw these conditions portrayed in The Man with the Fire-Flowing Feet and the sword protruding from his mouth. In a profound symbolism, the entire being of the world is now revealed to us in the symbol of the Holy Grail. With a few sketchy words, I would like to present this seventh seal to your soul.
[ 16 ] The occultist who comes to know our world knows that space is something quite different for the physical world than mere emptiness. Space is the source from which all beings have, as it were, physically crystallized. Imagine a glass vessel, cube-shaped, through which you can see right through, filled with water. And now imagine that certain cooling currents are passed through this water, causing ice to form in the most diverse ways. This is how you can get an idea of the creation of the world: the “space”; spoken into space the divine word of creation; crystallized out of it all things and beings.
[ 17 ] This space into which the divine creative Word is spoken is represented by the occultist by means of the water-clear cube. Various entities develop within this space. Those that are closest to us can best be characterized as follows: the cube has three perpendicular directions, three axes (length, height, width), and the cube represents the three dimensions of space. And now imagine, in addition to these three dimensions as they are in the physical world, the counter-dimensions. You can imagine it something like this: one person walks in one direction and another comes towards him and the two collide. Similarly, there is a counter-dimension to each spatial dimension, so that we have six rays in total. These counter-rays also represent the original seeds of the highest aspects of the human being. The physical body, crystallized out of space, is the lowest. The spiritual, the highest, is the opposite; it is represented by the counter-dimensions. Here, in evolution, these counter-dimensions first form into an entity that can best be represented by allowing them to flow together into the world of passions, desires, instincts. That is what it is at first. Then later it becomes something else. It purifies itself more and more – we have seen to what extent – but it started from the lower instincts, which are symbolized by the snake. This process is symbolized by the convergence of the sub-dimensions in two snakes facing each other.

[ 18 ] As humanity purifies itself, it ascends to what is called the “spiral of the worlds”. The purified body of the snake, this spiral of the worlds, has a deep meaning. You can get an idea of it from the following example: modern astronomy is based on two of Copernicus's theorems; it has ignored a third one. This third one says that the sun also moves. The sun moves forward in a spiral, so that the earth moves with the sun in a complicated curve. The same applies to the moon, which moves around the earth. These movements are far more complicated than assumed in elementary astronomy. You can see here how the spiral is significant for the heavenly bodies; and these heavenly bodies represent a form with which man will one day identify himself. In that time, man's power of creation will be purified and refined; the larynx will then be the organ of reproduction. What man will have developed as a refined serpent body will then no longer work from below upwards, but from above downwards. The transformed larynx within us will become the chalice that is called the Holy Grail. And just as the one will be purified, so will the other that connects to this generating organ: it will be an essence of the power of the world, the great world essence. And this world spirit in its essence is represented by the image of the dove, which stands in contrast to the Holy Grail. Here it is the symbol of spiritualized fertilization, which will work from the cosmos when man has identified himself with the cosmos in the future. The entire creativity of this process is represented by the rainbow: this is the all-encompassing seal of the Holy Grail.
[ 19 ] The whole gives the sense of the connection between the world and man in a wonderful way, like a summary of the meaning of the other seals. Therefore, the world secret is also written here as a transcription on the outer edge of the seal. This world secret represents how man was born in the beginning out of the primal forces of the world. Every human being, when he looks back, went through that process at the beginning of time that he is going through spiritually today, when he is born anew out of the powers of consciousness. This is expressed by Rosicrucianism [with the letters] E.D.N.: Out of God I am born.
[ 20 ] We have seen that within the revelation a second element is added: to life, death. But in order to find life again in this death, man must overcome this sense of death in the Primordial Source of all that lives. And this Primordial Source is the center of all cosmic evolution; for we had to find death in order to gain our consciousness. But we shall overcome it when we find the meaning of this death in the mystery of the Redeemer. Just as we are born of God, so, in the sense of esoteric wisdom, we die in Christ: I.C.M.
[ 21 ] And because everywhere that something reveals itself, a duality appears, with which the third must unite, man, when he has overcome death, will identify himself with the world-pervading spirit (the dove). He will resurrect and live again in the spirit: P.S.S.R.
[ 22 ] This is the theosophical Rose Cross. It shines into those times when religion and science will be reconciled.
[ 23 ] So you see how the whole world is represented in such seals, and because the world is placed in them by the magicians and initiates, that is why they have a tremendous power. You can always return to these seals; you will always find that they can unlock infinite wisdom through meditation. They have a tremendous influence on the soul of man, because they are drawn from the secrets of the world. If you hang them in a room where things are discussed that are like our conversations here today, where people are uplifted to the sacred mysteries of the world, they have a highly invigorating and enlightening effect, without people sometimes being aware of it. But precisely because of their significance, they are not meant to be profaned. And however strange it may seem: when they hang all around a room where nothing spiritual is spoken, where trivial words are spoken, they also have an effect, but in such a way that they make the physical organism ill. No matter how trivial it may sound, they destroy digestion. What is born of the spiritual belongs to the spiritual and must not be profaned; this it indicates itself by its effect. Signs of spiritual things belong where spiritual things take place and come into effect.