The Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man
GA 102
1 June 1908, Berlin
Translator Unknown
Lecture IX
We ventured on rather unusual ground in our last lecture when we turned our attention to certain beings who definitely exist amongst us. They are spiritual beings who in a certain way fall out of the regular course of evolution, and it is just this fact that gives them their significance. We were considering the elemental beings whose existence is naturally viewed by the enlightened mind of today as the utmost superstition, but who will play a significant rôle in a not very far distant time of our spiritual evolution, precisely through the position they occupy in the cosmos. We have seen how such elemental beings come into existence as a sort of irregularly severed parts of group souls. We need only remember what was said at the end of the lecture and we shall have placed the nature of such elemental creatures before our spiritual eyes. We were considering one of the last formed species of these elementary beings. We pointed to the fact that each animal form—or to put it differently—a totality of similarly formed animals is represented by a group soul. We have said that these group souls play the same rôle in the astral world as our human soul—in so far as it is I-endowed—in the physical world. The human ego is really a group ego which has descended from the astral plane to the physical plane, and thus becomes an individual ego. The animal egos are still normally on the astral plane, and what is here on the physical plane as the separate animal possesses only physical body, etheric body, and astral body. The ego is in the astral world, similarly formed animals being members of their group ego. We can realize from this fact how birth and death in human life have not the same significance in the life of the animal. For when an individual animal dies, the group soul or group ego remains alive. It is just the same as if—assuming that it were possible—a man lost a hand and was capable of replacing it. His ego would not say: ‘I have died through the loss of my hand’; it would feel that it had renewed a limb. So the group ego of the lions renews a limb when a lion dies and is replaced by another. Thus we can understand that birth and death have not at all the significance for the animal group souls as they have for the human being of the present cycle of evolution. The group soul of the animals knows changes, metamorphoses; knows, so to speak, the severing of the members which then extend into the physical world, the loss of these members and their renewal.
We have said, however, that there are certain animal forms which go too far in the process of severing, which are no longer in a position to send back to the astral plane what they bring down to the physical plane. When an animal dies what falls away must be entirely exhausted in the surrounding world, while the soul and spirit nature of the animal must stream back into the group soul, to be ex-tended afresh and grow to a new individual entity. There are in fact certain animal forms which cannot send everything back into the group soul; and these parts which re-main over, which are cut loose, torn loose from the group soul, then lead an isolated life as elemental beings. Our evolution has gone through the most varied stages and at each stage such elemental beings have been separated off, so you can well imagine that we have a fairly large number of such elementals around us in what we call the super-sensible world.
When, for instance, the enlightened person says that people talk of elemental beings and call them Sylphs, Lemures, but that such things do not exist—then you must reply that he does not see these things because he has not troubled to develop the organs of cognition which would enable him to recognize them. But just ask the bees, or rather, the soul of the beehive. They could not close themselves to the existence of Sylphs or Lemures! For the elemental beings which are denoted by these names are to be found at quite definite places, namely, where there is a certain contact of the animal kingdom with the plant kingdom. This has not a general application, however; they are to be found only at spots where the contact takes place under certain circumstances. When the ox eats grass there is a contact between the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom, but that is a common-place, normal proceeding; it lies in the regular course of evolution. The contact that occurs between the bee and the blossom stands on quite a different page of cosmic evolution. Bees and blossoms are much farther apart in organization and they come together again in a special way—moreover a quite remarkable force is unfolded in their contact. The peculiar auric sheath which always arises when a bee or similar insect sucks at a flower belongs to the “interesting” observations of the spiritual-super-sensible worlds—if one may use the expression, but we have so few appropriate expressions for these subtle things. The peculiar, unique experience which the little bee has when it sucks at the flower is present not only in the masticators or in the bee's body, but the exchange of taste between bee and blossom spreads out a sort of tiny etheric aura. Every time that the bee sucks there is this aura, and always when something like this arises in the super-sensible world the beings which need it arrive at the spot. They are attracted by it, for there they find their food—to express it crudely again.
I said on another occasion that we should not be concerned with the question: Whence come all the beings of which we have spoken? Wherever the opportunity is given for definite beings, then they are always there. If a person sends out wrong, evil feelings, these live around him and attract beings which are there waiting, just as some physical being waits for food. I once compared this with the fact that there are no flies in a clean room; if there are all sorts of food-remains in the room, then there are flies. So it is with the super-sensible beings: one need only provide them with the means of nourishment. The bee which sucks at the blossom spreads a little etheric aura and then such beings approach, especially when a whole swarm of bees settles on a tree and then moves away with the sensation of taste in the body. Then the whole swarm is ensheathed in this etheric aura and also entirely interpenetrated by the spiritual beings which one calls Sylphs or Lemures. In border-regions where different kingdoms come in touch with one another these beings are present and they really play a role. In fact they are not only to be found where this fine etheric aura arises, they not only approach to satisfy themselves, but they are hungry and they bring the hunger to expression by guiding the particular creatures to the particular places. In a certain way they are little guides.
So we see that beings who, we may say, have severed their connection with other worlds to which they were formerly united, have taken in exchange a strange role. They are beings which can well be used in other worlds. At any rate, when they are so used a kind of organization is established, they come under higher beings.
It was said at the beginning of today's lecture that at a by no means very distant time it will be fully necessary for humanity to know of these things. In a not very distant future, science will take an extraordinary course. Science will become increasingly materialistic, will confine itself simply to a description of external facts of the physical senses. Science will confine itself to the crudely material, although a strange transitional state still prevails today. A time of sheer undiluted materialism in science lies not very far behind us. This crude materialism is at the most still seen as a possibility by people of a purely amateur outlook, though few thinkers trouble to set something else in its place. We see a whole number of abstract theories appear in which a timid reference is made to the super-sensible, the superbodily. The course of events, however, and the power of external physical facts will utterly overthrow these strange, fantastic theories which are set up by those who are dissatisfied today with physical science. And one day the learned will find themselves in a peculiar situation as regards these theories. All that they have spun out about All-Being and All-Ensouledness of this or that world, all their speculations will be overthrown and men will have nothing more in the hand than sheer sense-perceptible facts in the fields of geology, biology, astronomy, and so forth. The theories set up today will be very short-lived, and to the one who is able to look into the special course of science, an absolute desolation of the purely physical horizon is presented.
Then, however, the time will also have come when a fairly great number of representatives of humanity will be ripe to acknowledge the super-sensible worlds of which the spiritual-science world-conception speaks today. Such a phenomenon as that of the bee-life in connection with what can be known of the super-sensible worlds offers a wonderful answer to the great riddle of existence. These things are of great importance from yet another side. It will become increasingly indispensable to grasp the nature of the group souls, and such knowledge will play a great role even in the purely external evolution of humanity. If we go back thousands and thousands of years we find man himself as a being still belonging to a group soul. Human evolution on our Earth is from the group soul nature to the individual soul. Man advances through the gradual descent of his ego-endowed soul into physical conditions, there having the opportunity of becoming individual. We can observe different stages in the evolution of mankind and see how the group soul gradually becomes individual.
Let us go back to the time of the first third of the Atlantean culture epoch. There the life of man was quite different; in the bodies in which we were incorporated at that time our souls had quite different experiences. There is one experience which plays a role in man's life today—whether as individual or member of social group—that has undergone a great change since that time, namely, the alternation of waking and sleeping.
In ancient Atlantean times you would not have experienced the same alternation of waking and sleeping as exists today. What is then the characteristic difference in comparison with present humanity?
When the physical and etheric bodies lie in bed, the astral body with the ego lifts itself out and what one calls the modern consciousness sinks into an indefinite darkness. In the morning when the astral body and the ego draw again into the other members they make use of the physical organs and consciousness lights up. This condition of daily waking in consciousness, nightly sleeping in unconsciousness, did not exist formerly. When it was daytime and man dipped down into his physical body, as far as was the case then, he by no means saw physical beings and objects in definite boundaries as he does today. He saw everything with vague outlines just as you do when you go along the streets on a foggy evening and see the lamps surrounded with a misty aura. That was the way the human being of that time saw everything.
If that was the day condition, what was the night condition? When the human being passed out of the physical and etheric bodies during the night, no absolute unconsciousness came over him, it was only a different kind of consciousness. At that time man was still aware of the spiritual processes and spiritual beings around him, not clearly and exactly as in true clairvoyance, but with a last relic of ancient clairvoyant sight. Man lived by day in a world of hazy, nebulous outlines, in the night he lived among spiritual beings who were around him as we have the various objects around us today. There was thus no sharp division between day and night, and what is contained in saga and myths is not some folk-fantasy but memories of the experiences which early man had in the super-sensible world in his then state of consciousness. Wotan or Zeus or other super-sensible spiritual divinities who were known to various peoples are not fabrications of fantasy as is asserted at the council-board of erudition. Such assertions can only be made by someone who knows nothing of the nature of folk-fantasy. It does not in the least occur to early peoples to personify in that way. Those were experiences in ancient times. Wotan and Thor were beings with whom man went about as today he goes about with his fellow-men, and myths and sagas are memories of the ages of ancient clairvoyance.
We must be clear, however, that something else was united with this living into the spiritual super-sensible worlds. In these worlds man felt himself not as an individual being but as a sort of limb of spiritual beings. He belonged to higher spiritual beings as our hands belong to us. The faint feeling of individuality which man possessed at that time he acquired when he dipped down into his physical body and emancipated himself from the “dance” of the divine spiritual beings. That was the beginning of his feeling of individuality. At that time man was absolutely clear about his group soul, he felt himself immersed in the group soul when he left his physical body and entered the super-sensible consciousness. That was an ancient time when the human being had a vivid consciousness of belonging to a group soul, a group ego.
Let us look at a second stage of human evolution—we will omit intermediate stages—, the stage referred to in the history of the Patriarchs of the Old Testament. What really underlies this we have already related. We have given the reason why the Patriarchs Adam, Noah, and so on, had such a long life time. It was because the memory of early mankind was quite different from that of contemporary man. The memory of modern man has in fact become individual, too. He remembers what he has experienced since birth—many actually from a much later point of time. This was not the case in ancient times. At that time what the father had experienced between birth and death, what had been experienced by the grandfather, the great-grandfather, were as much an object of memory as a man's own experiences. Strange as it seems to the modern man there was a time when memory went beyond the individual and back through the whole blood relationship. The external sign for the existence of such a memory is precisely such names as Noah, Adam, and so on. These names do not denote single individuals between birth and death. Today a name is given to the one individual whose memory is enclosed between birth and death. Formerly the giving of a name went as far as the memory reached back into the generations, as far as the blood flowed through the generations.
“Adam” is merely a name that lasted as long as the memory lasted. One who does not know that the giving of names in former times was quite different from what it is today will not be able to understand the nature of these things at all. A fundamental consciousness mediating quite differently existed in ancient times. Imagine that the ancestor had had two children, each of these two again, the next generation again two, and so forth. In all of them the memory reached up to the ancestor and they felt themselves one in the memory which meets up above, so to speak, in a common point. The people of the Old Testament expressed this by saying—and this applies to each single adherent of the Old Testament—“I and Father Abraham are one.” Each individual felt himself hidden in the consciousness of the group-soul, in the “Father Abraham.”
The consciousness with which the Christ has endowed mankind surpasses that. The ego through its consciousness is connected directly with the spiritual world, and this comes to expression in: “Before Abraham was, was the I—or the I am.” Here the impulse to stimulate the “I am” comes fully into the separate individual.
So we see a second stage of the evolution of mankind: the group-soul age which finds its external expression in the blood relationship of the generations. A people which has particularly developed this lays very special value on continually emphasizing: As folk we have a folk-groupsoul in common.—That was particularly the case for the people of the Old Testament, and the conservatives among them strongly opposed therefore the emphasis of the “I am” of the individual ego. Whoever reads St. John's Gospel can grasp with spiritual hands, so to speak, that that is true. One need only read the story of the conversation of Jesus with the woman of Samaria at the well. Here it is expressly pointed out that Christ Jesus goes to those also who are not related by blood. Read how remarkably it is indicated: “For the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans.” One who can experience this gradually, meditatively, will see how humanity has advanced from the group soul to the individual soul.
History has become an entirely external matter, very much a “fable convenue,” for it is written from documents. Suppose that something had to be written today from documents and the most important documents are lost! Then whatever documents are accidentally available are thrown together and reports are made. For matters of spiritual reality one needs no documents; they are inscribed in the Akashic Record which is a faithful record and effaces nothing. It is difficult, however, to read in the Akashic Record because the external documents are even a hindrance to the reader of spiritual “scripts.” But we can see how the advance from group soul to individual soul has taken place in times lying very near to our own.
One who observes history from a spiritual aspect will have to recognize a most important period of time in the early Middle Ages. Previously man was still enclosed in various groups if only externally. To a much greater extent than is dreamt of by modern man, people at the beginning of the Middle Ages still received their significance and value even as regards their work, from relationship and other connections. It was a natural consequence for the son to do what the father did. Then came the time of the great inventions and discoveries. The world began to demand more from the purely personal proficiency, and man was increasingly torn out of the old connections. We can see the expression of this throughout the Middle Ages when cities of the same type were founded over the whole of Europe. We can still distinguish today the cities built on this type from those built on other foundations.
In the middle of the Middle Ages there was again an advance from the group soul to the individual soul. If we look into the future we must say: More and more man emancipates himself from the old group soul element and individualizes himself. If you could look back to earlier phases of man's evolution you would see how those cultures were cast in the same mold—as, for instance, Egypt and Rome. This is only in a very slight degree true of today. Humanity has now descended to the point where not only manners and customs are individual but even opinions and faiths as well. There are people among us already who look on it as a lofty ideal for everyone to have his own religion. The idea floats before quite a number that a time must come when there are as many religions and truths as persons.
This will not be the course of human evolution. It would take this course if men were to continue to follow the impulse coming today from materialism. That would lead to disharmony, to the splitting of humanity into separate individuals. Mankind, however, will only not take this course if such a spiritual movement as Spiritual Science is accepted. What will enter then? The great truth, the great law, will be realized that the most individual truths, those that are found in the most inward way, are at the same time those that hold good for all.
I have already commented on the fact that today there is really general agreement upon the truths of mathematics alone, for these are the most trivial of all. No one can say that he finds mathematical truths through external experience; we find them through inwardly realizing them. If one wants to show that the three angles of a triangle make 180°, then one draws a line through the apex which is parallel to the base and lays the three angles together fan-wise; then angle a = d, b = e, c = itself, and so the three angles are equal to a straight line, that is, 180°. Anyone who has once grasped this knows that it must be so, once and for all, just as one knows that 3 x 3 = 9 after it has once been grasped. I do not think one would expect to discover that by induction.

These most trivial of all truths, the arithmetical, geometrical, are found inwardly, and yet people do not dispute about them. They are in absolute agreement about them because man is far enough advanced to grasp them. Agreement of opinion prevails only as long as pure truth is not clouded by passions, sympathy and antipathy. A time will come, though it is still far distant, when mankind will be laid hold of increasingly by the knowledge of the inner world of truth. Then in spite of all individualism, in spite of truth being found by everyone for himself inwardly, harmony will prevail. If mathematical truths were not so simple and obvious then the passions aroused in acknowledging them would lead to many difficulties. For if covetousness entered in then perhaps many housewives would determine that 2 x 2 = 5 and not 4. These things are only so obvious and simple that they can no longer be clouded by sympathy and antipathy. Continually wider regions will be grasped by this form of truth and more peace can come to mankind if truth is grasped in this manner. The human being has grown out of the group soul condition and emancipates himself from it increasingly. If we look at groups instead of the souls, we have family connections, connections of tribe and nation, and finally connected races. The race corresponds to a group soul. All these group connections of early humanity are what man outgrows and the more we advance the more the race conception loses its meaning.
We stand today at a transitional point; race will gradually disappear entirely and something else will take its place. Those who will again grasp spiritual truth as it has been described will be led together of their own free will. Those will be the connections of a later age. The human beings of earlier times were born into connections, born into the tribe, the race. Later we shall live in the connections and associations which men create for themselves, uniting in groups with those of similar ideas while retaining their complete freedom and individuality. To realize this is necessary for a right understanding of something like the Anthroposophical Society. The Anthroposophical Society is intended to be a first example of such a voluntary association, although we may be well aware that it has not yet reached very far. The attempt had to be made to create a group in which men find themselves together without the differentiation of the ancient group soul's nature and there will be many such associations in the future. Then we shall no longer have to speak of racial connections but of intellectual-ethical-moral aspects with regard to the associations that are formed. The individuals voluntarily allow their feelings to stream together and this again causes the forming of something which goes beyond the merely emancipated man. An emancipated human being possesses his individual soul which is never lost when it has once been attained. But when men find themselves together in voluntary associations they group themselves round centres. The feelings streaming in this way to a centre once more give beings the opportunity of working as a kind of group soul, though in quite a different sense from the early group souls. All the earlier group souls were beings who made man unfree. These new beings, however, are compatible with man's complete freedom and individuality. Indeed, in a certain respect we may say that they support their existence on human harmony; it will lie in the souls of men themselves whether or not they give as many as possible of such higher souls the opportunity of descending to man. The more that men are divided, the fewer lofty souls will descend into the human sphere. The more that associations are formed where feelings of fellowship are developed with complete freedom, the more lofty beings will descend and the more rapidly the earthly planet will be spiritualized.
So we see that if man is to acquire any idea of future evolution, he must have a thorough understanding of the character of the group soul element. For otherwise, if his individual soul keeps itself aloof too long on the earth, and does not find the link of companionship, it could come about that it lets the chance of union go by. It would then itself become a sort of elemental being, and the elemental beings originating from man would be of quite an evil nature. Whereas those which have arisen from the earlier kingdoms are very useful for our orderly course of nature, the human elemental beings will by no means possess this quality.
We have seen that such severed beings arise in certain border regions, and they arise also on the boundary made by the transition from the group soul nature to the independent group associations where the connections are of an aesthetic, moral, intellectual character. Wherever such connections arise, group beings are there.
If you could observe certain spots, as, for instance, springs where underneath there is stone overgrown with moss, thus forming a kind of partition between plant and stone, and then water trickles over it—that too is essential—then you would see that what are called Nymphs and Undines are very real, an actuality. Again, where metals come in contact with the rest of the earthy realm there lie whole bundles of the beings we call Gnomes. A fourth species are the Salamanders which form, so to say, the youngest generation in the ranks of elemental beings. They nevertheless exist in large numbers. To a great extent they owe their existence to a process of separating off from animal group souls. These beings too seek opportunities for finding nourishment, and they find it in particular where not quite normal relations sometimes exist between the human and the animal kingdoms. Those who know something about these things are aware that elemental beings—and definitely good beings—develop through the intimate relationship of the rider and his steed. Through the warm connection of certain men with animal groups, feelings, thoughts and impulses arise which provide good nourishment for these elemental beings of a Salamander nature. That can be particularly observed in the united life of the shepherd and his flock, in the case of herdsmen in general who live in close connection with their animals. Certain Salamander-like elemental beings can find their nourishment in the feelings which develop through this intimacy between man and beast, and they remain where this food is to be found. They are quite shrewd too, full of a natural wisdom. Faculties develop in the shepherd through which these elemental beings can whisper to him what they know, and many of the recipes or prescriptions coming from such sources have originated in this way. A man among such conditions may well be surrounded as if by fine spiritual beings who furnish him with a knowledge of which our modern intellectuals have not the slightest idea. All these things are founded on good grounds and can definitely be observed through the methods which occult wisdom can perfect.
I should like to conclude by pointing to yet another phenomenon which can show you how certain things which are explained quite abstractly today have often sprung from a deep wisdom. I have already spoken of Atlantean times and how when men left their bodies in the night, they lived among the spiritual beings whom they called the Gods. These men were descending deeper into a physical corporeality; but the beings whom they revered as the Gods, that is, Zeus, Wotan, are on another path of evolution. They do not descend as far as the physical body, they do not touch the physical world. But even there we find certain transitional states. Man has come into existence through his whole soul and spirit being having hardened to his physical body. In the case of man the group souls in their entirety have come down to the physical plane, and man's physical body became an imprint of the group soul. Let us suppose a being like Zeus—who is a positive reality—has just slightly contacted the physical plane, just projected into it a very little. That is rather as if you dip a ball into water and it is wet underneath. In the same way certain beings in Atlantean times have only been grazed by the physical world. Physical eyes do not see what remains in the spiritual world as astral-etheric. Only the part which projects into the physical world is visible. From such projections arose symbolism in mythology. If Zeus has the eagle as symbol that is because his eagle-nature is the little projection where a being of the higher worlds touched the physical world. A great part of the bird world is severed portions of such evolving beings of the super-sensible world. As with the ravens of Wotan and the eagle of Zeus so is it everywhere where symbolism goes back to occult facts. Much will become clearer to you if you take into account like this the nature and activity and evolution of the group souls in the most varied fields.
Elfter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Es war ja ein etwas gewagtes Gebiet, auf das wir uns das letzte Mal begeben haben, indem wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf gewisse Wesenheiten lenkten, welche innerhalb unserer Wirklichkeit als geistige Wesenheiten durchaus existieren, welche aber doch in einer gewissen Art aus dem regelmäßigen Gang der Evolution herausfallen, und deren eigentliche Bedeutung gerade darin besteht, daß sie in einer gewissen Art aus der Evolution herausfallen. Es war das Gebiet der Elementarwesenheiten. Wir haben die Elementarwesenheiten ins Auge gefaßt, die der aufgeklärte Sinn unserer Gegenwart natürlich als äußersten Aberglauben ansieht, die aber gerade durch die Stellung, die sie im Kosmos einnehmen, in einer nicht allzu fernen Zeit unserer geistigen Entwickelung eine bedeutsame Rolle spielen werden. Wir haben gesehen, wie solche Elementarwesenheiten sich bilden, indem sie gleichsam unregelmäßige, abgeschnürte Teile von Gruppenseelen sind. Wir brauchen uns ja nur an das zu erinnern, was wir am Ende der letzten Betrachtung sagten, und wir werden gleich das Wesen solcher Elementargeschöpfe vor unser geistiges Auge gestellt haben. Wir haben auf eine der zuletzt gebildeten Arten dieser Elementarwesenheiten hingewiesen. Wir haben darauf hingewiesen, wie einer jeden Tierform oder, wenn wir im groben Sinne sprechen wollen, einer Summe von gleichgestalteten Tierwesenheiten, eine Gruppenseele entspricht. Wir haben gesagt, daß diese Gruppenseelen gewissermaßen in der astralischen Welt dieselbe Rolle spielen, wie unsere Menschenseele - insoweit sie ichbegabt ist — in der physischen Welt. Eigentlich ist das Menschen-Ich ein von dem Astralplan zum physischen Plan heruntergestiegenes GruppenIch. Dadurch ist es ein individuelles Ich geworden. Die tierischen Iche sind heute noch regelmäßig auf dem astralischen Plan, und was wir als die einzelnen Tierindividuen hier auf dem physischen Plan haben, das hat auf dem physischen Plan nur physischen Leib, Ätherleib und astralischen Leib, und das Ich hat es in der astralischen Welt, aber so, daß gleichgeformte Tiere gleichsam die Glieder des Gruppen-Ich dieser Tiere sind. Wir können uns dadurch auch vorstellen, wie das, was man Geburt und Tod im Menschenleben nennt, für die Tiere nicht dieselbe Bedeutung hat. Denn wenn ein einzelnes Tier stirbt, so bleibt die Gruppenseele oder das Gruppen-Ich lebendig. Es ist gerade so, wie wenn, gesetzt daß das möglich wäre, der Mensch eine Hand verlöre und die Fähigkeit hätte, diese Hand wieder anzusetzen. Sein Ich würde nicht sagen: Ich bin gestorben durch den Verlust der Hand - sondern es würde fühlen, wie es ein Glied erneuert hat. So erneuert das GruppenIch der Löwen ein Glied, wenn ein einzelner individueller Löwe stirbt und durch einen anderen ersetzt wird. So können wir verstehen, daß Geburt und Tod für die Gruppenseele der Tiere gar nicht die Bedeutung haben wie für den Menschen des heutigen Entwickelungszyklus. Die Gruppenseele der Tiere kennt Verwandlungen, Metamorphosen, kennt sozusagen das Abschnüren der Glieder, die sich dann vorstrecken in die physische Welt, den Verlust dieser Glieder und ihre Erneuerung.
[ 2 ] Wir haben aber gesagt, daß es gewisse Tierformen gibt, die in der Abschnürung zu weit gehen, die nicht mehr imstande sind, alles, was sie herunterholen auf den physischen Plan, wiederum zurückzuschikken zum astralischen Plan. Denn bei einem sterbenden Tier muß dasjenige, was da abfällt, ganz aufgehen in der umliegenden Welt. Wogegen das, was das Tier durchgeistigt und durchseelt, zurückströmen muß in die Gruppenseele, um dann wieder neu vorgestreckt zu werden und zu einem neuen Individuum zu wachsen. Nun gibt es eben gewisse Tierformen, die nicht wieder alles zurückschicken können in die Gruppenseele, und diese übriggebliebenen Dinge, die losgeschnürt, losgerissen sind von der Gruppenseele, führen dann ein vereinzeltes Dasein als Elementarwesenheiten. Und da unsere Evolution die verschiedensten Formen und Stufen durchgemacht hat und auf jeder Stufe solche Elementarwesen abgeschnürt worden sind, können Sie sich wohl vorstellen, daß wir eine größere Anzahl solcher Elementarwesen-Arten um uns herum haben in dem, was wir die uns umgebende übersinnliche Welt nennen.
[ 3 ] Wenn zum Beispiel der aufgeklärte Mensch sagt: Da spricht man uns von Elementarwesenheiten, die man Sylphen, auch Lemuren nennt; solche Dinge gibt es nicht! - so müßte man ihm eine allerdings sonderbare und paradox klingende Antwort geben: Du siehst diese Dinge deswegen nicht, weil du dich der Entwickelung derjenigen Erkenntnisorgane verschließt, die dich zur Anerkennung dieser Wesenheiten bringen würden. Aber frage einmal die Biene oder, mit anderen Worten, die Seele des Bienenkorbes! Die könnte sich dem Dasein von Sylphen oder Lemuren nicht verschließen! Denn die Elementarwesenheiten, die mit diesen Namen bezeichnet werden, halten sich an ganz bestimmten Orten auf, namentlich da, wo eine gewisse Berührung des Tierreiches mit dem Pflanzenreich stattfindet, und auch da nicht etwa überall, sondern an Orten, wo diese Berührung unter gewissen Verhältnissen stattfindet. Wenn-der Ochs Gras frißt, findet allerdings auch eine Berührung des Tierreiches mit dem Pflanzenreich statt; aber das ist sozusagen eine nüchtern-reguläre, die ganz im regulären Fortgang der Evolution liegt. Auf einem ganz anderen Blatt der Weltenevolution steht jene Berührung, die zwischen der Biene und der Blüte stattfindet, und zwar deshalb, weil Biene und Blüte in der Organisation viel weiter auseinander sind und nachträglich wieder zusammenkommen, und weil bei der Berührung von Biene und Blüte - allerdings nur für den Okkultisten - eine ganz wunderbare Kraft entwickelt wird. Es gehört - wenn man den Ausdruck gebrauchen darf, aber wir haben ja für diese subtilen Dinge so wenig treffende Ausdrücke — zu den interessanten Beobachtungen der geistig-übersinnlichen Welten jene eigentümliche aurische Hülle, die immer entsteht, wenn eine Biene oder ein anderes solches Insekt an einer Blüte saugt. Das eigentümliche, eigenartige Erlebnis, welches das Bienlein hat, wenn es an der Blüte saugt, ist nicht etwa nur in den Kauwerkzeugen oder in dem Leib der Biene vorhanden; sondern was da als Geschmacksaustausch entsteht zwischen Biene und Blüte, verbreitet etwas wie eine kleine ätherische Aura. Jedesmal, wenn das Bienlein saugt, gibt es eine solche kleine ätherische Aura, und immer, wenn so etwas entsteht in der übersinnlichen Welt, kommen die Wesen, die so etwas brauchen, herbei. Sie werden dadurch angezogen; denn sie finden da, wenn wir es wieder grob ausdrücken wollen, ihre Nahrung.
[ 4 ] Ich habe schon einmal bei einer anderen Gelegenheit gesagt, die Frage sollte uns eigentlich gar nicht berühren, die jemand aufwerfen könnte, der sagt: Woher kommen denn alle diese Wesenheiten, von denen ihr sprecht? - Wo die Gelegenheit dazu gegeben ist für bestimmte Wesenheiten, da sind sie immer da. Wenn ein Mensch üble, schlimme Empfindungen von sich aus verbreitet, dann sind diese schlimmen, üblen Empfindungen auch etwas, was um ihn herum lebt, und was Wesenheiten anzieht, die da sind, die nur darauf warten, wie irgendeine physische Wesenheit auf die Nahrung wartet. Ich habe es einmal damit verglichen, daß in einem reinen Zimmer keine Fliegen sind; sind aber alle möglichen Speisereste in dem Zimmer, so sind sie da. So ist es mit den übersinnlichen Wesenheiten: man braucht ihnen nur die Nahrungsmittel zuzuführen. Das Bienlein, das an der Blüte saugt, verbreitet eine kleine ätherische Aura, und da kommen solche Wesenheiten herbei, insbesondere wenn sich irgendwo an einem Baum ein ganzer Bienenschwarm niederläßt und dann abzieht, sozusagen mit der Geschmacksempfindung im Leibe, die da war. Dann ist der ganze Bienenschwarm eingehüllt in diese ätherische Aura, aber auch ganz durchdrungen von diesen geistigen Wesenheiten, die man Sylphen oder Lemuren nennt. Namentlich in solchen Grenzgebieten, wo sozusagen verschiedene Reiche miteinander in Berührung kommen, sind diese Wesenheiten da, und sie spielen wirklich eine Rolle. Sie sind nämlich nicht nur dann da, wenn diese geschilderte feine ätherische Aura entsteht; sondern ich möchte sagen, sie sättigen sich nicht bloß, sondern sie haben auch Hunger, und den Hunger bringen sie dadurch zum Ausdruck, daß sie die betreffenden Tiere nach den betreffenden Stätten hinleiten. Sie sind sozusagen ihre Führer in einer gewissen Weise. So sehen wir, daß solche Wesenheiten, die, sagen wir, ihren Zusammenhang aufgegeben haben mit anderen Welten, mit denen sie früher verbunden waren, dadurch einemerkwürdige Rolle eingetauscht haben. Sie sind Wesenheiten geworden, die gut gebraucht werden können in anderen Welten. Allerdings wird, wenn sie so gebraucht werden, eine Art Organisation eingerichtet: sie unterstehen höheren Wesenheiten. Es wurde im Anfange der heutigen Betrachtung gesagt, die menschliche Erkenntnis werde in gar nicht zu ferner Zeit sehr wohl nötig haben, von diesen Wesenheiten zu wissen. Es wird in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft die Wissenschaft einen eigentümlichen Gang nehmen. Die Wissenschaft wird immer mehr und mehr sozusagen sinnlich-physisch werden, sich lediglich auf eine Beschreibung der äußeren physisch-sinnlichen Tatsachen beschränken. Die Wissenschaft wird sich auf das Grobmaterielle beschränken, wenn auch heute noch ein merkwürdiger Übergangszustand herrscht. Es hat ja eine Zeit des richtigen groben Materialismus in der Wissenschaft gegeben. Sie ist nicht lange hinter uns. Dieser grobe Materialismus wird heute höchstens von denen, die auf dem allerlaienhaftesten Standpunkte stehen, noch als etwas Mögliches angesehen, obzwar nur wenige denkende Köpfe sich bemühen, an seine Stelle etwas anderes zu setzen. Wir schen da eine ganze Anzahl von abstrakten Theorien auftreten, wo in einer verschämten Weise auf ein Übersinnliches, auf ein Überleibliches hingedeutet wird. Der Gang der Ereignisse aber und die Gewalt der äußeren sinnlichen Tatsachen wird gerade diese merkwürdigen phantastischen Theorien, welche heute die mit der physischen Wissenschaft Unzufriedenen aufstellen, völlig über den Haufen werfen, und eines Tages werden sich die Gelehrten gegenüber diesen Theorien in einer merkwürdigen Situation befinden. Alles, was da ausspintisiert wird über Allwesen und Allbeseeltheit dieser oder jener Welten, alle diese Spekulationen werden über den Haufen geworfen werden, und die Menschen werden nichts weiter in der Hand haben als die rein physisch-sinnlichen Tatsachen auf den Gebieten der Geologie, Biologie, Astronomie und so weiter. Die Theorien, die heute aufgestellt werden, werden die kurzlebigsten sein; und für den, der ein klein wenig auch in den speziellen Gang der Wissenschaft hineinzuschauen vermag, zeigt sich, daß die absoluteste Ode des rein physischen Horizontes da sein wird.
[ 5 ] Dann wird aber auch die Zeit gekommen sein, wo die Menschheit in einer größeren Anzahl ihrer Vertreter reif sein wird, um diese übersinnlichen Welten anzuerkennen, von denen heute in der Geisteswissenschaft oder theosophischen Weltanschauung geredet wird. Eine solche Erscheinung wie die des Bienenlebens im Zusammenhange mit dem, was man wissen kann aus den übersinnlichen Welten, bietet wunderbare Antwort auf die großen Daseinsrätsel. Und von einer noch anderen Seite sind diese Dinge von einer großen Wichtigkeit: Es wird für die Menschheit immer unerläßlicher werden, das Wesen der Gruppenseelen zu begreifen. Denn dieses Wesen der Gruppenseelen zu erkennen, wird auch in der rein äußerlichen Entwickelung der Menschheit eine große Rolle spielen. - Wenn wir im Laufe der Zeiten Tausende und Tausende von Jahren zurückgehen, so finden wir den Menschen selbst noch als ein zu einer Gruppenseele gehöriges Wesen. Denn des Menschen Entwickelung auf unserer Erde ist die von der Gruppenseelenhaftigkeit zu der individuellen Seele. Immer mehr rückt der Mensch dadurch vor, daß seine ichbegabte Seele herunterrückt in das Physische, und in dem Physischen hat sie Gelegenheit, individuell zu werden. Wir können verschiedene Etappen in der Menschheitsentwickelung betrachten. Da werden wir schen, wie die Gruppenseele allmählich individuell wird.
[ 6 ] Gehen wir zum Beispiel zurück in die Zeit des ersten Drittels der atlantischen Kulturentwickelung. Da ist das Leben des Menschen ein ganz anderes. In den Leibern, in denen wir dazumal verkörpert waren, erlebten unsere Seelen ganz andere Vorgänge. Einen Vorgang, der ja heute im Leben des Menschen, des einzelnen sowohl als des Menschen als soziales Individuum, eine Rolle spielt, können wir uns vor Augen rücken, der seit jener Zeit eine grandiose Veränderung durchgemacht hat: der Wechsel von Wachen und Schlafen.
[ 7 ] In den alten atlantischen Zeiten würden Sie nicht denselben Wechsel von Wachen und Schlafen erlebt haben wie heute. Was ist denn der charakteristische Unterschied im Vergleich mit der gegenwärtigen Menschheit?
[ 8 ] Wenn der physische und der ätherische Leib im Bette liegen, der astralische Leib mit dem Ich sich heraushebt, sinkt in dem Maße, wie astralischer Leib und Ich sich herausheben, dasjenige, was man das heutige Bewußtsein nennt, in ein unbestimmtes Dunkel hinunter. Am Morgen, wenn der astralische Leib mit dem Ich wieder hineinzieht in den physischen und den Ätherleib, bedienen sich der astralische Leib und das Ich wieder der physischen Organe, und das Bewußtsein leuchtet auf. Dieser Zustand von täglichem Wachen im Bewußtsein, nächtlichem Schlafen in Bewußtlosigkeit war früher nicht vorhanden. Es war vielmehr so, wenn wir den Ausdruck gebrauchen dürfen — es stimmt nicht ganz für die damaligen Verhältnisse; wir brauchen ihn für den Zustand, in dem der Mensch mit seinem physischen Leib verbunden war -, es war so, daß der Mensch bei Tag, wenn er Tag hatte und er in seinen. physischen Leib untertauchte, soweit es damals der Fall war, keineswegs die äußeren physischen Wesenheiten und Dinge in solchen Grenzen sah wie heute; sondern er sah alles mit unbestimmten, nach außen verschwimmenden Konturen, wie wenn Sie an einem Nebelabend in den Straßen gehen und die Laternen mit einer Nebelaura umgeben sehen. So war es für den Menschen der damaligen Zeit mit allen Dingen.
[ 9 ] Und wenn so der Tageszustand war, wie war denn der Nachtzustand? Wenn der Mensch während der Nacht hinausging aus dem physischen Leib und Ätherleib, kam nicht absolute Unbewußtheit über ihn. Es war nur eine andere Art des Bewußtseins. In der damaligen Zeit nahm der Mensch auch noch die geistigen Vorgänge und geistigen Wesenheiten um sich herum wahr, nicht mehr genau wie im wirklichen Hellsehen, aber wie in einem letzten Rest, der von dem alten Hellsehen geblieben war. In einer Welt mit verschwommenen, nebulosen Grenzen lebte der Mensch bei Tag. Bei Nacht lebte er unter geistigen Wesenheiten, die um ihn herum waren wie heute die Tagesgegenstände, So war keine strenge Grenze zwischen Tag und Nacht, und das, was Sagen und Mythen enthalten, sind nicht Dinge einer beliebigen Volksphantasie, sondern Erinnerungen an die Erlebnisse, die der alte Mensch in seinem damaligen Bewußtseinszustand in der übersinnlichen Welt hatte. Wotan oder Zeus oder andere übersinnliche geistig-göttliche Wesenheiten, die von diesen oder jenen Völkern anerkannt wurden, sind nicht Erdichtungen der Volksphantasie, wie man am grünen Tisch der Gelehrsamkeit behauptet. Nur der kann so etwas behaupten, der sich niemals mit dem Wesen der Volksphantasie bekanntgemacht hat. Es fällt dem Volke gar nicht ein, so zu personifizieren. Das waren Erfahrungen in alten Zeiten. Wotan und Thor waren Wesen, mit denen der Mensch so umging, wie er heute mit seinem Mitmenschen umgeht, und die Mythen und Sagen sind Erinnerungen an die Zeiten alten Hellsehertums.
[ 10 ] Wir müssen uns aber klar darüber sein, daß mit diesem Hineinleben in die geistig-übersinnlichen Welten etwas anderes verknüpft war. Der Mensch fühlte sich in diesen Welten nicht als individuelles Wesen. Er fühlte sich als Glied geistiger Wesenheiten, er gehörte sozusagen zu höheren geistigen Wesenheiten, wie die Hände zu uns gehören. Das geringe Individualitätsgefühl, das der Mensch dazumal schon hatte, bekam er, wenn er in seinen physischen Leib untertauchte, wenn er sich sozusagen für kurze Zeit emanzipierte von dem Reigen der geistiggöttlichen Wesenheiten. Das war der Anfang seines Individualitätsgefühles. Es war das in einer Zeit, in welcher sich der Mensch durchaus klar darüber war, daß er eine Gruppenseele hat; er fühlte sich untertauchen in die Gruppenseele, wenn er sich aus seinem physischen Leib entfernte und in das übersinnliche Bewußtsein kam. Das war eine alte Zeit, in der im Menschen mit ungeheurer Stärke das Bewußtsein vorhanden war, zu einer Gruppenseele, zu einem Gruppen-Ich zu gehören.
[ 11 ] Wir betrachten eine zweite Etappe der Menschheitsentwickelung — Zwischenetappen lassen wir fort —, jene Etappe, auf die hingedeuter wird in der Patriarchengeschichte des Alten Testaments. Was da eigentlich zugrunde liegt, haben wir bereits erwähnt. Wir haben den Grund erwähnt, warum die Patriarchen, Adam, Noah und so weiter, eine so lange Lebenszeit hatten. Sie hatten eine so lange Lebenszeit, weil das Gedächtnis dieser Menschen ein ganz anderes als das des heutigen Menschen war. Das Gedächtnis des heutigen Menschen ist eben auch individuell geworden. Der Mensch erinnert sich an das, was er seit der Geburt — mancher auch erst seit einem viel späteren Zeitpunkt — erlebt hat. So war es nicht in alten Zeiten. Damals waren die Dinge, die der Vater zwischen Geburt und Tod erlebte, die Erlebnisse, die der Großvater, der Urgroßvater gehabt hatten, ebenso ein Gegenstand der Erinnerung wie die eigenen Erlebnisse zwischen Geburt und Tod. So sonderbar es sich für den heutigen Menschen ausnimmt, wahr ist es, daß es Zeiten gab, in denen eine solche über das Individuum hinausgehende, die ganze Blutsverwandtschaft hinaufgehende Erinnerung da war. Und wenn wir uns fragen, welche äußerlichen Zeichen es dafür gibt, daß eine solche Erinnerung vorhanden war, so sind es eben solche Namen wie Noah, Adam und so weiter. Damit sind nicht einzelne Individuen gemeint zwischen Geburt und Tod, Der Mensch, der ein Gedächtnis hat, das zwischen Geburt und Tod eingeschlossen ist, gibt diesem einen Individuum einen Namen. Die Namensgebungen gingen früher so weit, wie das Gedächtnis in die Generationen hinaufreichte, so weit, wie das durch die Generationen hindurchfließende Blut ging.
[ 12 ] ‚Adam ist nichts anderes als ein Name, der so lange dauerte, als man sich erinnerte. Wer nicht weiß, daß die Namengebung früher eine ganz andere war, wird das Wesen dieser Dinge gar nicht verstehen können. In jenen alten Zeiten war eben ein ganz anderes vermittelndes Grundbewußtsein vorhanden. Denken Sie sich, der Ahnherr hätte zwei Kinder gehabt, jedes von diesen wieder zwei, die nächste Generation wieder zwei und so fort. Bei denen allen reicht das Gedächtnis bis zum Ahnherrn hinauf, und sie fühlten sich eins in dem Gedächtnis, das sich sozusagen da oben in einem Punkt begegnet. Das Volk des Alten Testamentes hat das ja zum Ausdruck gebracht, indem es sagte, und das galt für jeden einzelnen Bekenner des Alten Testamentes: «Ich und der Vater Abraham sind eins.» Da fühlte sich der Einzelne geborgen in dem Bewußtsein der Gruppenseele, in dem «Vater Abraham».
[ 13 ] Das Bewußtsein, das der Christus der Menschheit geschenkt hat, geht darüber hinaus. Das Ich hängt in seinem Bewußtsein direkt zusammen mit der geistigen Welt, und das kommt zum Ausdruck in dem Satz: «Bevor Abraham war, war das Ich - oder das «Ich bin».» Da kommt der Impuls, das «Ich bin» anzuregen, voll in das einzelne Individuum hinein.
[ 14 ] So sehen wir eine zweite Etappe der Menschheitsentwickelung, die Gruppenseelenzeit, die ihren äußeren Ausdruck findet in der Blutsverwandtschaft der Generationen. Ein Volk, das das besonders ausgebildet hat, legt ganz besonderen Wert darauf, immer zu betonen: als Volk haben wir eine gemeinschaftliche Volksgruppenseele. Das war für das Volk des Alten Testamentes durchaus der Fall. Deshalb sträubten sich die Konservativen innerhalb dieses alttestamentlichen Volkes gegen das Betonen des «Ich bin», des individuellen Ich. Wer im Johannes-Evangelium liest, der kann das mit Händen, mit geistigen Händen greifen, daß es so ist. Man braucht nur die Erzählung zu lesen über das Gespräch des Jesus mit der Samariterin am Brunnen. Da ist ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, daß der Christus Jesus auch zu denen geht, die nicht blutsverwandt sind, die nicht durch Blutsverwandtschaft zusammengehören. Lesen Sie, wie bemerkenswert darauf hingewiesen wird: «Denn die Juden hielten keine Gemeinschaft mit den Samaritern.» Wer das nach und nach wirklich, und zwar meditativ, durchmachen kann, der wird sehen, wie die Menschheit von der Gruppenseele zu der individuellen Seele vorangeschritten ist.
[ 15 ] Die Geschichte wird so, wie sie heute betrieben wird, durchaus äußerlich betrieben. Diese Geschichte ist heute vielfach eine Fable convenue, denn sie wird aus Dokumenten geschrieben. Denken Sie sich, es müßte heute etwas auf Grund von Dokumenten beschrieben werden, und die wichtigsten Dokumente wären verloren! Da wird nun nach den zufällig vorhandenen, zusammengewürfelten Dokumenten berichtet. Für die Dinge, die in der geistigen Wirklichkeit wurzeln, braucht man keine Dokumente; denn die sind in der treuen und nichts verwischenden Akasha-Chronik eingeschrieben. Es ist aber schwierig, in der Akasha-Chronik zu lesen, weil die äußeren Dokumente sogar ein Hindernis sind für ein Lesen geistiger «Schriften». Aber wir können sehen, wie selbst in Zeiten, die den unsrigen sehr naheliegen, jene Fortentwickelung von der Gruppenseele zu der individuellen Seele stattgefunden hat.
[ 16 ] Wer die Geschichte geistig betrachtet, wird im frühen Mittelalter einen höchst wichtigen Zeitabschnitt erkennen müssen. Vorher war der Mensch noch, wenn auch nur äußerlich, in irgendwelchen Gruppen eingeschaltet. In viel höherem Maße, als es der heutige Mensch sich träumen läßt, bekam noch in den ersten Zeiten des Mittelalters der Mensch seine Bedeutung und Geltung auch in bezug auf seine Arbeitskraft von der Verwandtschaft und anderen Zusammenhängen. Es ergab sich sozusagen ganz von selbst, daß der Sohn dasselbe tat, was der Vater tat. Nun kam die Zeit der großen Erfindungen und Entdeckungen. Die Welt stellte immer mehr Anforderungen an die rein persönliche Tüchtigkeit des Menschen, und immer mehr wurde dieser aus den alten Zusammenhängen herausgerissen. Den Ausdruck dessen sehen wir im ganzen Mittelalter in den Städtegründungen, die in einem und demselben Typus durch ganz Europa durchgehen. Wir können heute noch die Städte, die nach diesem Typus gebildet sind, unterscheiden von denen, die nach einem anderen Typus herausgebildet sind. In der Mitte des Mittelalters ist wiederum ein solcher Fortschritt von der Gruppenseele zu der individuellen Seele. Und wenn wir in die Zukunft hineinblicken, dann müssen wir uns sagen, immer mehr und mehr emanzipiert sich der Mensch von allem Gruppenseelenhaften, immer mehr vereinzelt er sich. Wenn Sie zurückblicken könnten auf frühere Entwickelungsphasen der Menschheit, so würden Sie sehen, daß jene Kulturen, zum Beispiel die ägyptische und die römische, wie aus einem Guß sind. Heute gibt es eine solche Kultur aus einem Guß nur in einem sehr geringen Grade. Bis zu dem Punkt ist jetzt die Menschheit heruntergekommen, wo nicht nur die Sitten und Gebräuche individuell sind, sondern sogar auch die Meinungen und Bekenntnisse, und es gibt sogar schon Menschen unter uns, die es für ein hohes Ideal ansehen, daß jeder Mensch seine eigene Religion habe. Es schwebt ja manchem die Idee vor, daß es einmal eine Zeit geben müsse, in welcher es so viele Religionen und Wahrheiten geben könne wie Menschen.
[ 17 ] Diese Entwickelung' wird die Menschheit nicht nehmen. Sie würde sie nehmen, wenn sie den Impuls weiter verfolgen würde, der heute aus dem Materialismus herauskommt. Das würde zur Disharmonie, zur Zersplitterung der Menschheit in einzelne Individuen führen. Einen solchen Entwickelungsgang wird die Menschheit allerdings nur dann nicht nehmen, wenn eine geistige Bewegung wie die der Geisteswissenschaft von der Menschheit aufgenommen wird. Denn was wird eintreten? Es wird sich die große Wahrheit, das große Gesetz ausleben, daß die individuellsten Wahrheiten, die auf die innerlichste Art gefunden werden, zu gleicher Zeit die allgemein gültigsten sind.
[ 18 ] Ich habe schon einmal darauf aufmerksam gemacht: Heute gibt es allgemeine Übereinstimmung eigentlich nur in den mathematischen Wahrheiten; denn das sind die allertrivialsten. Keiner kann sagen, daß er die mathematischen Wahrheiten durch die äußere Erfahrung findet; sondern man findet sie dadurch, daß alles innerlich eingesehen wird. Wenn man zeigen will, daß die drei Winkel eines Dreiecks zusammen 180 Grad betragen, so tut man das dadurch, daß man eine Parallele durch die Spitze zur Grundlinie zieht und die drei Winkel fächerförmig zusammenlegt; da ist Winkela = d,b = e, c ist sich selbst gleich; und so sind die drei Winkel gleich einem Gestreckten, gleich 180 Grad. Wer das einmal eingesehen hat, der weiß, daß es ein für allemal so sein muß, ebenso wie man weiß, nachdem man es einmal eingesehen hat, daß drei mal drei neun ist; und ich glaube nicht, daß man das durch Induktion finden könnte.

[ 19 ] Diese trivialsten aller Wahrheiten, die rechnerischen, die geometrischen, wurden im Inneren gefunden, und doch streiten sich die Menschen nicht darum. Darüber herrscht absolute Übereinstimmung, weil der Mensch heute so weit ist, diese Dinge einzusehen. Es herrscht nur so lange keine Übereinstimmung, wie die reine Wahrheit getrübt wird durch die Leidenschaften, durch Sympathie und Antipathie, Es kommt eine Zeit, wenn sie auch noch sehr ferne liegt, wo die Menschheit immer mehr und mehr von der Erkenntnis der innerlichen Wahrheitswelt ergriffen werden wird. Dann wird trotz aller Individualität, trotzdem jeder die Wahrheit einzeln in sich finden wird, Übereinstimmung herrschen. Würden heute die mathematischen Wahrheiten nicht so einfach zutage liegen, so würden die Leidenschaften ihrer Anerkennung noch manches in den Weg legen. Wenn es nach der Habgier ginge, so würde vielleicht noch manche Hausfrau dafür stimmen, daß zwei mal zwei fünf ist, und nicht vier. Diese Dinge sind nur so durchsichtig, so einfach, daß sie nicht mehr getrübt werden können von der Sympathie und Antipathie. Immer größere Gebiete werden von dieser Wahrheitsform erfaßt werden, und immer mehr Frieden wird dadurch in die Menschheit kommen können, wenn die Wahrheit so erfaßt wird. Der Mensch ist herausgewachsen aus dem Gruppenseelentum, und immer mehr emanzipiert er sich davon. Wenn wir die Gruppen betrachten statt der Seelen, so haben wir Familienzusammenhänge, Stammes-, Volkszusammenhänge und endlich zusammengehörige Rassen der Menschen. Der Rasse entspricht eine Gruppenseele. Alle diese Gruppenzusammenhänge der Vormenschheit sind solche, aus denen der Mensch herauswächst, und je mehr wir fortschreiten, desto mehr verliert der Rassenbegriff seine Bedeutung.
[ 20 ] Heute stehen wir an einem Übergang, und nach und nach wird das, was Rasse ist, ganz verschwinden, und etwas ganz die Stelle treten. Die Menschen, welche die geistige Wahrheit, wie es charakterisiert worden ist, wieder erfassen, werden durch freien Willen zusammengeführt werden. Das sind die Zusammenhänge der späteren Zeit. Die Zusammenhänge der früheren Zeit sind so, daß der Mensch in sie hineingeboren wird. In sein Volk, in seine Rasse wird der Mensch hineingeboren. Später werden wir in Zusammenhängen leben, die die Menschen selber machen, indem sie sich nach Gesichtspunkten gruppieren, wo sie unter völliger Wahrung ihrer Freiheit und ihrer Individualität Zusammenhänge bilden. Daß man das einsieht, ist notwendig zur richtigen Erkenntnis einer solchen Sache, wie es die Theosophische Gesellschaft ist. Die Theosophische Gesellschaft soll ein erstes Beispiel sein eines solchen freiwilligen Zusammenhanges, wobei wir davon absehen, daß es heute noch nicht so weit ist. Es soll der Versuch gemacht werden, einen solchen Zusammenhang zu schaffen, in dem die Menschen sich ohne Unterschied der alten Gruppenseelennatur zusammenfinden, und solcher Zusammenhänge wird es in Zukunft viele geben. Dann werden wir nicht mehr von Rassenzusammenhängen, sondern von intellektuell-ethisch-moralischen Gesichtspunkten über die gebildeten Zusammenhänge zu sprechen haben.
[ 21 ] Dadurch, daß die Menschen freiwillig ihre Gefühle zusammenstrahlen lassen, wird wiederum etwas über den bloß emanzipierten Menschen hinaus gebildet. Der emanzipierte Mensch hat seine individuelle Seele; die geht niemals wieder verloren, wenn sie einmal errungen ist. Aber dadurch, daß die Menschen sich in freiwilligen Zusammenhängen zusammenfinden, gruppieren sie sich um Mittelpunkte herum. Die Gefühle, die so zu einem Mittelpunkt zusammenströmen, geben nun wiederum Wesenheiten Veranlassung, wie eine Art von Gruppenseele zu wirken, aber in einem ganz anderen Sinne als die alten Gruppenseelen. Alle früheren Gruppenseelen waren Wesenheiten, die den Menschen unfrei machten. Diese neuen Wesenheiten aber sind vereinbar mit der völligen Freiheit und Aufrechterhaltung der Individualität der Menschen. Ja, wir dürfen sagen, sie fristen in einer gewissen Beziehung ihr Dasein von der menschlichen Einigkeit; und es wird in den Seelen der Menschen selbst liegen, ob sie möglichst vielen solcher höheren Seelen Gelegenheit geben, herunterzusteigen zu den Menschen, oder ob sie es nicht tun. Je mehr sich die Menschen zersplittern werden, desto weniger erhabene Seelen werden heruntersteigen in das Gebiet der Menschen. Je mehr Zusammenhänge gebildet werden, und je mehr da Gemeinschaftsgefühle bei völliger Freiheit ausgebildet werden, desto mehr erhabene Wesenheiten werden zu den Menschen heruntersteigen und desto schneller wird der Erdenplaner vergeistigt werden.
[ 22 ] So sehen wir, daß der Mensch, wenn er überhaupt einen Begriff bekommen kann von der Entwickelung der Zukunft, den Charakter der Gruppenseelenhaftigkeit sehr wohl verstehen muß, weil es sonst passieren kann, daß seine individuelle Seele, wenn sie sich zu lange allein emanzipiert auf der Erde, nicht den Anschluß findet, daß sie den Anschluß verpaßt und dadurch selbst eine Art Elementarwesen wird; und diese Elementarwesen, die aus den Menschen entstehen, würden eine ganz schlimme Art sein. Während die aus früheren Reichen entstandenen Elementarwesenheiten sehr brauchbar sind für unsere Naturordnung, werden die menschlichen Elementarwesenheiten diese Eigenschaft ganz und gar nicht haben.
[ 23 ] Wir haben darauf hingewiesen, daß in gewissen Grenzgebieten solche abgeschnürte Wesenheiten entstehen, und sie entstehen auch an der Grenze, beim Übergang von dem Gruppenseelentum zu den freien Gruppenzusammenhängen durch ästhetisch-moralisch-intellektuelle Zusammenhänge. Überall, wo solche Zusammenhänge auftreten, sind solche Gruppenwesenheiten da.
[ 24 ] Wenn Sie gewisse Stätten beobachten könnten, zum Beispiel Quellen, wo unten der Stein ist und dann Moos darüber wächst, und so eine Art Wand zwischen der Pflanze und dem Stein sich bildet, und dann das Wasser darüber sickert — das ist auch notwendig —, da würden Sie schen, daß das, was man Nymphen und Undinen nennt, etwas sehr Reales ist; das zeigt sich da mit besonderer Stärke. Und da, wo Metalle und das sonstige Erdreich zusammenstoßen, liegen ganze Bündel von jenen Wesenheiten, die man Gnomen nennt. Eine vierte Art sind die Salamander. Die sind sozusagen das jüngste Geschlecht in der Reihe dieser ganzen Elementarwesen; sie sind aber trotzdem vielfach vorhanden. Sie sind zum großen Teil Wesenheiten, die ihr Dasein einem Abschnürungsprozeß aus Tiergruppenseelen verdanken. Solche Wesenheiten suchen auch Gelegenheit, Nahrung zu finden, und sie finden sie namentlich da, wo das Menschenreich in manchmal nicht ganz normale, sondern abnorme Beziehungen zum Tierreich tritt. Wer über solche Dinge etwas weiß, dem ist bekannt, daß sich Elementarwesen, und zwar recht gutartige, entwickeln durch jene familiäre Beziehung zwischen dem Reiter und seinem Roß. Insbesondere bilden sich durch die Gemütsbeziehungen gewisser Menschen zu Tiergruppen Gefühle aus, Gedanken und Seelenimpulse, die solchen salamanderartigen Elementarwesenheiten eine gute Nahrung geben. Das kann man besonders bemerken in dem Zusammenleben des Schäfers mit seiner Schafherde, überhaupt der Hirten, die mit ihren Tieren zusammenleben. In den Gefühlen, die sich da durch diese Intimität zwischen Mensch und Tier entwickeln, finden gewisse salamanderartige Elementarwesen ihre Nahrung und halten sich da auf, wo so etwas vorhanden ist. Das sind auch recht kluge Wesenheiten, die eine durchaus natürliche Weisheit haben. Da entwickeln sich durch diese Gefühle bei dem Schäfer Fähigkeiten, wodurch diese Elementarwesen dem Menschen das zuraunen können, was sie wissen; und manches der Rezepte, die aus solchen Quellen stammen, haben ihren Ursprung in dem, was da eben auseinandergesetzt worden ist. Es kann durchaus sein, daß ein Mensch zwischen solchen Verhältnissen wie von feinen geistigen Wesenheiten umgeben ist, die ihn mit einem Wissen ausstatten, wovon unsere heutigen Gescheiten sich gar nichts träumen lassen. Alle diese Dinge haben ihren guten Grund und sind durchaus zu beobachten durch die Methoden, welche die okkulte Weisheit ausbilden kann.
[ 25 ] Zum Schluß möchte ich noch auf eine andere Erscheinung hinweisen, die Ihnen zeigen kann, wie gewisse Dinge, von denen man heute nur eine ganz abstrakte Erklärung gibt, in vielem einer tieferen Weisheit entsprungen sind. Ich habe vorhin schon gesagt, daß jene älteren Menschen in der atlantischen Zeit, wenn sie aus ihren Leibern herausgegangen sind in der Nachtzeit, unter jenen geistigen Wesenheiten lebten, die sie die Götter nannten. Diese Menschen waren auf dem Wege, in eine physische Körperlichkeit unterzutauchen. Jene Wesenheiten aber, die sie als die Götter verehrten, zum Beispiel Zeus, Wotan, gehen einen anderen Entwickelungsgang. Die gehen nicht bis in physische Leiber herunter; die berühren nicht die physische Welt. Aber auch da kommen gewisse Übergänge vor. Der Mensch ist ja dadurch entstanden, daß sein ganzes seelisches und geistiges Wesen sich verhärtet hat zu seinem physischen Leib. Beim Menschen haben sich die gesamten Gruppenseelen herunterbegeben auf den physischen Plan, und der physische Leib des Menschen ist ein Abdruck geworden der Gruppenseele, Nehmen wir an, ein Wesen wie Zeus, das durchaus einer Wirklichkeit entspricht, habe gleichsam nur ein bißchen den physischen Plan berührt, nur ein wenig hineingeragt. Das ist, wie wenn Sie eine Kugel ins Wasser tauchen und sie unten gerade noch so benetzt wird. So sind gewisse Wesenheiten in der atlantischen Zeit nur berührt worden von der physischen Welt. Die physischen Augen sehen nicht, was als Geistiges, als Astralisch-Ätherisches bleibt. Nur der kleine Teil davon, der ins Physische hineinragt, wird gesehen. Aus solchen Wahrnehmungen heraus entstand die Symbolik in der Mythologie. Wenn Zeus den Adler als Symbolum hat, so rührt das davon her, daß seine Adlernatur die kleine Kuppe ist, wo ein Wesen der höheren Welt die physische Welt berührte. Ein großer Teil der Vogelwelt sind abgeschnürte Teile solcher sich entwickelnden Wesenheiten der übersinnlichen Welt. Und wie mit den Raben des Wotan oder dem Adler des Zeus, so ist es überall, wo die Symbolik auf okkulte Tatsachen zurückgeht. Manches wird Ihnen klarer werden, wenn Sie so auf den verschiedenen Gebieten Wesen, Wirken und Entwickelung der Gruppenseelen in Betracht ziehen.
[ 26 ] Das wollte ich heute hinzufügen zu unseren vorhergehenden Ausführungen, um damit eine abgeschlossene Grundlage zu haben für solche Betrachtungen.
Eleventh Lecture
[ 1 ] It was a somewhat daring undertaking that we embarked upon last time, directing our attention to certain entities that certainly exist within our reality as spiritual beings, but which in a certain way fall outside the regular course of evolution, and whose actual significance consists precisely in the fact that they fall outside evolution in a certain way. It was the realm of elemental beings. We have considered the elemental entities, which the enlightened mind of our present time naturally regards as the utmost superstition, but which, precisely because of the position they occupy in the cosmos, will play a significant role in our spiritual development in a not too distant time. We have seen how such elemental beings are formed, as it were, from irregular, severed parts of group souls. We need only recall what we said at the end of the last meditation, and we will soon have the nature of such elemental creatures before our spiritual eye. We pointed out one of the last types of these elemental beings to be formed. We pointed out how a group soul corresponds to each animal form or, if we want to speak in a rough sense, to a sum of similarly shaped animal entities. We have said that these group souls play the same role in the astral world as our human soul - insofar as it is endowed with an ego - plays in the physical world. Actually, the human ego is a group ego that has descended from the astral plane to the physical plane. In doing so, it has become an individual ego. The animal selves are still regularly on the astral plane, and what we have as the individual animal individuals here on the physical plane has only a physical body, etheric body and astral body on the physical plane, and the I has it in the astral world, but in such a way that animals of the same form are, as it were, the members of the group I of these animals. We can also imagine from this that what are called birth and death in human life do not have the same meaning for animals. For when an individual animal dies, the group soul or group ego remains alive. It is just as if, assuming it were possible, a person lost a hand and had the ability to reattach that hand. His ego would not say: I died because I lost my hand – but would feel that he had renewed a limb. In this way the group ego of the lions renews a limb when an individual lion dies and is replaced by another. We can understand that birth and death do not have the same meaning for the group soul of animals as they do for humans in today's evolutionary cycle. The group soul of the animals knows transformations, metamorphoses, knows, so to speak, the cutting off of the limbs, which then stretch out into the physical world, the loss of these limbs and their renewal.
[ 2 ] We have already said that there are certain animal forms in which this process of separation goes too far, and which are no longer able to send back to the astral plane all that they draw down to the physical plane. For in a dying animal, that which falls away must merge completely with the surrounding world. Whereas that which spiritualizes and ensouls the animal must flow back into the group soul, in order to be stretched out again and to grow into a new individual. Now there are certain animal forms that cannot send everything back into the group soul, and these leftover things, which have been detached from the group soul, then lead a solitary existence as elemental beings. And since our evolution has gone through the most diverse forms and stages, and since such elemental beings have been cut off at every stage, you can well imagine that we have a large number of such elemental beings around us in what we call the supersensible world around us.
[ 3 ] If, for example, an enlightened person says, “They are talking to us about elemental beings that are also called sylphs or lemurs; such things do not exist!” – then one would have to give him a strange and paradoxical-sounding answer: You do not see these things because you close yourself to the development of those organs of perception that would lead you to recognize these beings. But ask the bee or, in other words, the soul of the beehive! It could not close itself to the existence of sylphs or lemurs! For the elemental beings designated by these names dwell in quite specific places, namely where a certain contact between the animal and plant kingdoms takes place, and not just anywhere, but in places where this contact occurs under certain conditions. When the ox eats grass, there is also a contact between the animal and plant kingdoms, but this is, so to speak, a sober and regular contact that lies entirely within the regular course of evolution. On a completely different level of world evolution is the contact that takes place between the bee and the flower, because the bee and the flower are much further apart in their organization and come together again retrospectively, and because a very wonderful power is developed when the bee and the flower come into contact, but only for the occultist. It belongs - if one may use the expression, but we have so few apt expressions for these subtle things - to the interesting observations of the spiritual-supernatural worlds, that peculiar auric covering that always arises when a bee or another such insect sucks on a flower. The peculiar experience that the little bee has when it sucks the nectar from the flower is not only present in the chewing tools or in the body of the bee; but what arises there as an exchange of tastes between bee and flower, spreads something like a small etheric aura. Every time the bee sucks, there is such a small etheric aura, and whenever something like this arises in the supersensible world, the beings that need it come. They are attracted by it, for they find there, if we want to express it roughly again, their nourishment.
[ 4 ] I have said before on another occasion that we should not really concern ourselves with the question that someone might raise, who says: Where do all these entities you speak of come from? Wherever there is an opportunity for certain entities, they are always there. When a person spreads evil, bad feelings of his own accord, then these bad, evil feelings are also something that lives around him and attracts entities that are there, just waiting for them, like any physical entity waits for nourishment. I once compared it to the fact that there are no flies in a clean room; but if there are all kinds of food leftovers in the room, they are there. So it is with the supersensible entities: you only need to supply them with the food. The little bee that sucks at the blossom spreads a small ethereal aura, and such entities come to it, especially when a whole swarm of bees settles somewhere on a tree and then moves off, so to speak, with the taste sensation in its body that was there. Then the whole swarm of bees is enveloped in this etheric aura, but also completely permeated by these spiritual entities, which are called sylphs or lemurs. These entities are particularly present in such border areas, where, so to speak, different realms come into contact with each other, and they really play a role. They are not only present when the subtle etheric aura described arises; but I would like to say that they not only feed, but they also hunger, and they express this hunger by guiding the animals in question to the places in question. They are, so to speak, their guides in a certain way. Thus we see that such entities, which, let us say, have abandoned their connection with other worlds to which they were formerly attached, have thereby taken on a remarkable role. They have become entities that can be put to good use in other worlds. However, when they are used in this way, a kind of organization is set up: they are subordinate to higher entities. At the beginning of today's reflection, it was said that human knowledge will, in the not too distant future, very much need to know about these entities. In the not too distant future, science will take a peculiar course. Science will become more and more, so to speak, sensual-physical, limiting itself to a description of external physical-sensual facts. Science will limit itself to the coarse material, even if today there is still a strange transitional state. There was a time of real coarse materialism in science. It is not long behind us. This crude materialism is at most still regarded as something possible today by those who stand at the most lay point of view, although only a few thinking minds endeavor to put something else in its place. We see a whole series of abstract theories emerging, where a transcendental, a superphysical, is pointed to in a bashful way. But the course of events and the power of external sensual facts will completely overturn these strange fantastic theories, which are put forward today by those who are dissatisfied with physical science. And one day the scholars will find themselves in a strange situation regarding these theories. All the fantasies about the existence and soulfulness of this or that world, all these speculations will be thrown out, and people will have nothing more than the purely physical and sensual facts in the fields of geology, biology, astronomy and so on. The theories that are put forward today will be the most short-lived; and for anyone who is able to glimpse a little into the specific course of science, it will become apparent that the most absolute ode of the purely physical horizon will be there.
[ 5 ] But then the time will also have come when humanity will be ripe in a larger number of its representatives to recognize these supersensible worlds, which are spoken of today in spiritual science or theosophical world-view. The phenomenon of the life of bees, in connection with what can be known from the supersensible worlds, offers a wonderful answer to the great riddles of existence. And from yet another point of view, these things are of great importance: it will become more and more essential for humanity to understand the nature of group souls. For this nature of the group soul will also play a great part in the purely external evolution of mankind. If we go back thousands and thousands of years in the course of time, we find that man himself is still a being belonging to a group soul. For man's evolution on our earth is from group soul nature to individual soul. Man advances more and more by the fact that his soul, endowed with an ego, descends into the physical, and in the physical it has the opportunity to become individual. We can observe different stages in the development of mankind. There we will see how the group soul gradually becomes individual.
[ 6 ] Let us go back, for example, to the first third of the development of Atlantean culture. There, the life of the human being was quite different. In the bodies in which we were embodied at that time, our souls experienced completely different processes. We can visualize one process that plays a role in the life of the human being today, both as an individual and as a social being, and that has undergone a tremendous change since that time: the alternation between waking and sleeping.
[ 7 ] In the old Atlantean times, you would not have experienced the same alternation of waking and sleeping as you do today. What is the characteristic difference compared to present-day humanity?
[8] When the physical and etheric bodies are in bed and the astral body with the ego is rising, what is called today's consciousness sinks into an indeterminate darkness to the extent that the astral body and ego are rising. In the morning, when the astral body with the ego moves back into the physical and etheric bodies, the astral body and the ego make use of the physical organs again, and consciousness dawns. This state of daily waking in consciousness and nightly sleeping in unconsciousness was not present earlier. It was rather so, if we may use the expression – it is not quite correct for the conditions at that time; we need it for the state in which man was connected with his physical body – it was so that during the day, when he was awake and immersed in his physical body, insofar as it was the case at that time, by no means saw the external physical entities and things within such limits as today; but he saw everything with indefinite contours, blurred on the outside, as when you walk in the streets on a foggy evening and see the lanterns surrounded by a foggy aura. That is how it was for people of that time with all things.
[ 9 ] And if this was the state during the day, what was it like at night? When a person went out of their physical and etheric body during the night, they were not completely unconscious. It was just a different kind of consciousness. In those days, people still perceived the spiritual processes and spiritual beings around them, no longer exactly as in real clairvoyance, but as in a last remnant that had remained from the old clairvoyance. During the day, people lived in a world with blurred, nebulous boundaries. At night he lived among spiritual beings, which surrounded him as today the objects of the day. There was no strict boundary between day and night, and what legends and myths contain are not things of an arbitrary folk fantasy, but memories of the experiences that the ancient man in his former state of consciousness had in the supersensible world. Wotan or Zeus or other transcendental spiritual-divine entities, which were recognized by these or those peoples, are not inventions of the folk fantasy, as one claims at the green table of scholarship. Only someone who has never familiarized himself with the nature of popular fantasy can make such an assertion. It does not occur to people to personify in this way. These were experiences of ancient times. Wotan and Thor were beings with whom man dealt as he deals with his fellow man today, and the myths and legends are memories of the times of ancient clairvoyance.
[ 10 ] However, we must be clear about the fact that something else was connected with this immersion in the spiritual and supersensible worlds. In these worlds, man did not feel like an individual being. He felt he was a link in spiritual entities; he belonged, so to speak, to higher spiritual entities, as hands belong to us. The slight sense of individuality that man already had at that time, he got when he immersed himself in his physical body, when he emancipated himself, so to speak, for a short time from the dance of the spiritual-divine entities. That was the beginning of his sense of individuality. At that time man was quite clear about the fact that he had a group soul; he felt immersed in the group soul when he left his physical body and entered supersensible consciousness. That was an ancient time when man had an enormous strength of consciousness to belong to a group soul, to a group ego.
[ 11 ] We are now considering a second stage in the development of humanity – we are ignoring intermediate stages – that stage to which the Old Testament patriarchal history points. We have already mentioned what actually underlies it. We have mentioned the reason why the patriarchs, Adam, Noah and so on, had such a long lifespan. They had such a long lifespan because the memory of these people was quite different from that of today's people. The memory of today's people has also become individual. People remember what they have experienced since birth – some only since a much later point in time. This was not the case in ancient times. Back then, the things that a father experienced between birth and death were the experiences of the grandfather and great-grandfather, and were remembered just as much as the man's own experiences between birth and death. As strange as it may seem to today's man, it is true that there were times when there was such a memory that went beyond the individual, up the entire bloodline. And if we ask ourselves what external signs there are that such a memory existed, it is precisely names like Noah, Adam and so on. These names do not refer to the individual between birth and death. A person with a memory that extends from birth to death gives a name to this one individual. In the past, the giving of names extended as far as the memory reached back through the generations, as far as the blood flowing through the generations.
[ 12 ] 'Adam is nothing more than a name that lasted as long as one could remember. Those who do not know that naming used to be quite different will not be able to understand the essence of these things at all. In those ancient times, a completely different basic consciousness was present. Imagine that the ancestor had two children, each of them two again, the next generation two again, and so on. For all of them, memory extends up to the ancestor, and they felt at one with the memory, which, so to speak, met at a single point up there. The people of the Old Testament expressed this when they said, and this applied to every single believer in the Old Testament: “I and Father Abraham are one.” The individual felt secure in the consciousness of the group soul, in the “Father Abraham”.
[ 13 ] The consciousness that the Christ has given to humanity goes beyond that. In its consciousness, the I is directly connected with the spiritual world, and this is expressed in the sentence: “Before Abraham was, the I was - or the ‘I am’.” The impulse to stimulate the “I am” comes fully into the individual.
[ 14 ] Thus we see a second stage in the development of humanity, the time of the group soul, which finds its outer expression in the blood relationship of the generations. A people who have developed this particularly strongly attach great importance to always emphasizing: as a people, we have a common group soul. This was certainly the case for the people of the Old Testament. That is why the conservatives within this Old Testament people resisted the emphasis on “I am,” the individual “I.” If you read the Gospel of John, you can grasp this with your hands, with spiritual hands, that this is the case. You just have to read the account of Jesus' conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well. It is explicitly stated that Jesus Christ also goes to those who are not related by blood, who do not belong together by blood relationship. Read how remarkably it is pointed out: “For the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans.” Those who can really go through this step by step, in a meditative way, will see how humanity has progressed from the group soul to the individual soul.
[ 15 ] History is being conducted in a thoroughly externalized way today. In many cases, history is a fable convenue, because it is written from documents. Imagine that something had to be described on the basis of documents today, and the most important documents were lost! Then the report is based on the randomly available, randomly compiled documents. For things rooted in spiritual reality, no documents are needed; for these are written in the faithful and unadulterated Akashic Records. But it is difficult to read in the Akashic Records, because the external documents are even an obstacle to reading spiritual 'writings'. But we can see how, even in times very close to our own, that development from group soul to individual soul has taken place.
[ 16 ] Those who view history spiritually will have to recognize the early Middle Ages as a highly important period. Before that time, man was still integrated, even if only externally, into some kind of group. To a much greater extent than modern man would dream of, even in the earliest times of the Middle Ages, a person's significance and value, including that of his labor, was still derived from his kinship and other connections. It was, so to speak, a matter of course that a son should do the same work as his father. Now came the time of great inventions and discoveries. The world made ever greater demands on the purely personal abilities of the individual, and he was increasingly torn out of his old contexts. We see this expressed in the founding of cities throughout the Middle Ages, which pass through the whole of Europe in one and the same type. We can still distinguish today the cities that were formed according to this type from those that were formed according to a different type. In the middle of the Middle Ages, there is again such a progression from the group soul to the individual soul. And when we look into the future, we have to say to ourselves that the human being is emancipating himself more and more from everything that is group-soul-related, he is becoming more and more isolated. If you could look back at earlier phases of human development, you would see that those cultures, for example, Egyptian and Roman culture, are as if cast from a single mold. Today, there is hardly any culture cast from a single mold. Mankind has now come to the point where not only are customs and traditions individual, but even opinions and beliefs, and there are even people among us who consider it a high ideal that every person should have their own religion. Some people even imagine that there must come a time when there could be as many religions and truths as there are people.
[ 17 ] Humanity will not take this path of development. It would take it if it were to continue to pursue the impulse that is emerging today from materialism. This would lead to disharmony, to the fragmentation of humanity into separate individuals. Humanity will only avoid such a course of development if a spiritual movement such as spiritual science is taken up by humanity. For what will happen? The great truth, the great law, will come to life, that the most individual truths, which are found in the most inward way, are at the same time the most universally valid.
[ 18 ] I have already pointed out that today there is general agreement only in mathematical truths; for these are the most trivial. No one can say that he finds mathematical truths through external experience; but one finds them by inwardly comprehending everything. If you want to show that the three angles of a triangle together amount to 180 degrees, you do so by drawing a parallel through the apex to the base and combining the three angles in the shape of a fan; there is angle a = d, b = e, c is equal to itself; and so the three angles are equal to an extended line, equal to 180 degrees. Once you have realized this, you know that it must be so once and for all, just as you know, once you have realized it, that three times three is nine; and I don't think you could find that out by induction.

[ 19 ] These most trivial of all truths, the mathematical and geometrical ones, were found within, and yet people do not quarrel over them. There is absolute agreement on this because man is now ready to see these things. There is no agreement only so long as the pure truth is clouded by passions, by sympathy and antipathy. There will come a time, even if it still lies very far in the future, when humanity will be seized more and more by the realization of the inner world of truth. Then, in spite of all individuality, in spite of everyone finding the truth individually within himself, agreement will prevail. If mathematical truths were not so easily recognized today, passions would still stand in the way of their acceptance. If it were left to greed, many a housewife might vote for two times two being five and not four. These things are only so transparent, so simple, that they can no longer be clouded by sympathy and antipathy. Ever larger areas will be covered by this form of truth, and more and more peace will be able to come to mankind when truth is grasped in this way. Man has outgrown the group soul, and more and more he is emancipating himself from it. If we consider the groups instead of the souls, we have family connections, tribal and national connections, and finally human races that belong together. A group soul corresponds to a race. All these group connections of pre-humanity are those from which the human being grows out, and the more we progress, the more the concept of race loses its meaning.
[ 20 ] Today we are at a transition, and gradually what race is will completely disappear, and something completely different will take its place. The people who grasp spiritual truth, as it has been characterized, will be brought together by free will. These are the connections of the later time. The connections of the earlier time are such that man is born into them. Man is born into his people, into his race. Later we will live in connections that people make themselves by grouping themselves according to points of view, where they form connections while fully maintaining their freedom and individuality. It is necessary to understand this in order to properly recognize such an entity as the Theosophical Society. The Theosophical Society is intended to be a first example of such a voluntary context, although we must bear in mind that we have not yet reached that point today. The attempt should be made to create such a context in which people can come together without regard to the old group soul nature, and there will be many such contexts in the future. Then we will no longer have to speak of racial contexts, but of intellectual, ethical and moral aspects of the contexts that have been formed.
[ 21 ] The fact that people voluntarily focus their feelings together, something is formed that goes beyond the merely emancipated human being. The emancipated human being has his or her individual soul; once it has been attained, it is never lost again. But by the fact that people come together in voluntary associations, they group themselves around centers. The feelings that thus converge to a center now give rise to entities to act as a kind of group soul, but in a very different sense than the old group souls. All previous group souls were entities that made people unfree. These new entities, however, are compatible with the complete freedom and maintenance of people's individuality. Yes, we may say that they even depend on human unity for their existence to a certain extent; and it will be up to people's souls themselves whether they give as many of these higher souls as possible the opportunity to descend to people, or whether they do not. The more people fragment, the fewer exalted souls will descend into the human realm. The more connections are formed, and the more community feelings are developed in complete freedom, the more exalted beings will descend to people and the faster the earth planner will be spiritualized.
[ 22 ] Thus we see that if man can at all gain a concept of the evolution of the future, he must very well understand the character of group soulfulness, because otherwise it may happen that his individual soul, if it remains alone on earth for too long, will not be able to catch up, will miss the connection and thus become a kind of elemental being itself; and these elemental beings that arise from human beings would be a very bad kind. While the elemental beings that have emerged from earlier realms are very useful for our natural order, the human elemental beings will not have this quality at all.
[ 23 ] We have pointed out that such constricted entities arise in certain border areas, and they also arise at the boundary, at the transition from the group soul to the free group contexts through aesthetic-moral-intellectual connections. Wherever such connections occur, such group entities are present.
[ 24 ] If you could observe certain places, for example springs, where there is stone at the bottom and then moss grows over it, and a kind of wall is formed between the plant and the stone forms, and then the water seeps over it – that is also necessary – you would realize that what are called nymphs and undines are something very real; this is particularly evident there. And where metals and the other soils come together, whole bundles of those entities, which are called gnomes, lie. A fourth species is the salamander. They are, so to speak, the youngest generation in the series of all these elemental beings; but they are nevertheless present in many cases. They are, for the most part, entities that owe their existence to a process of separation from the souls of animal groups. Such entities also seek opportunities to find nourishment, and they find it especially where the human kingdom sometimes enters into not quite normal, but abnormal relationships with the animal kingdom. Those who know something about such things are aware that elemental beings, and quite benign ones at that, develop through the family relationship between the rider and his horse. In particular, the emotional relationships between certain people and animal groups give rise to feelings, thoughts and soul impulses that provide good nourishment for such salamander-like elemental beings. This can be particularly noticed in the shepherd's life with his flock of sheep, and in general in the lives of shepherds who live with their animals. In the feelings that develop through this intimacy between humans and animals, certain salamander-like elemental beings find their nourishment and dwell where something like this is present. These are also quite clever beings, who have a thoroughly natural wisdom. Through these feelings, the shepherd develops abilities whereby these elemental beings can whisper to man what they know; and many of the recipes that come from such sources have their origin in what has just been explained. It may well be that a person in such circumstances is surrounded by fine spiritual beings that endow him with knowledge that our present-day minds cannot even dream of. All these things have their good reason and can be observed by the methods that occult wisdom can develop.
[ 25 ] Finally, I would like to point out another phenomenon that can show you how certain things, of which only a very abstract explanation is given today, have arisen in many ways from a deeper wisdom. I have already said that those older people in Atlantean times, when they left their bodies at night, lived among those spiritual beings whom they called the gods. These people were on the way to immersing themselves in a physical corporeality. But those beings they revered as gods, for example Zeus, Wotan, follow a different course of development. They do not descend into physical bodies; they do not touch the physical world. But even here certain transitions occur. Man has come into being through the hardening of his entire soul and spiritual being into his physical body. In the case of human beings, the entire group of souls has descended to the physical plane, and the physical body of the human being has become an imprint of the group soul. Let us assume that a being like Zeus, who certainly corresponds to a reality, only touched the physical plane a little, only penetrated it a little. It is like when you dip a ball into water and it is just barely wetted at the bottom. In Atlantean times, certain beings only touched the physical world. The physical eyes do not see what remains as spiritual, as astral-etheric. Only the small part of it that extends into the physical is seen. Out of such perceptions, the symbolism in mythology arose. If Zeus has the eagle as a symbol, it is because his eagle nature is the small dome where a being from the higher world touches the physical world. A large part of the bird world consists of severed parts of such developing entities of the supersensible world. And as with the ravens of Wotan or the eagle of Zeus, it is the same everywhere that symbolism goes back to occult facts. Much will become clearer to you when you consider the nature, activity and development of the group souls in the various fields in this way.
[ 26 ] This is what I wanted to add today to our previous remarks, in order to have a complete basis for such considerations.