Memory and Habit
GA 170
These three lectures are numbers 11, 12, and 13 of 15 lectures in the series entitled: The Riddle of Humanity. Published in German as: Das Raetsel des Menschen. Die Geistigen Hintergruende der Menschlichen Geschichte. Kosmische und menschliche Geschichte, Band I
Lecture I | August 26, 1916 | |
Memory and Habit as Metamorphoses of Former Spiritual Experiences that were Subject to Luciferic and Ahrimanic Influences. | ||
Lecture II | August 27, 1916 | |
How Thoughts are Engraved into the Substance of the Cosmos and the Consequences Following from This. Metamorphosis of Memory and Habit. | ||
Lecture III | August 28, 1916 | |
The Allocation of the Whole Human Form to the Cosmos. Technical Discoveries and the Human Physical Organization. Collisions between Thinking that Accords with Reality and Thinking that is in Opposition to Reality. How Occultism Wanders into False Paths. |