A Sound Outlook for To-day and a Genuine Hope for the Future
GA 181
This book is comprised of lectures 15 through 21 of 21 lectures in the lecture series entitled: Dying Earth and Living World/Cosmos. It was published in German as: Erdensterben und Weltleben. Anthroposophische Lebensgaben. Bewustseins-notwendigkeiten Fuer Gegenwart und Zukunft.
I. | States of Consciousness | June 25, 1918 |
II. | The Building at Dornach | July 03, 1918 |
III. | East and West | July 09, 1918 |
IV. | History and Repeated Earth-Lives | July 16, 1918 |
VI. | The Being and Evolution of Man | July 23, 1918 |
VI. | Problems of the Time I | July 30, 1918 |
VII. | Problems of the Time II | August 06, 1918 |