The Cosmic New Year
GA 195
21 December 1919, Stuttgart
I. The Three Streams in the Life of Civilization
Those of you who heard the last lectures given here will have understood from what was said in them that it is an absolute necessity of our time that the Science of Initiation, the real science of the spiritual life, should permeate the whole evolution of our present civilized society. I have already said much concerning the obstacles which hinder the permeation of our civilization, both present and in the future, by the science of the spiritual worlds. First, above all things, there is that feeling which I have often characterized as fear of spiritual knowledge. At the present time one has only to say such a thing openly for it to be received on all sides as a kind of insult. According to the views of most people, how can it be conceivable that in this age in which such splendid progress has been made, men should be afraid of any kind of knowledge? People today undoubtedly believe that with their powers of cognition they are in a position to comprehend everything, practically everything. The fear, however, of which I am speaking and of which I have so often spoken, does not lie within the consciousness of mankind. In his consciousness man persuades himself that he is courageous enough to face any kind of knowledge. But deep down in that part of the soul of which men know nothing, and of which indeed they wish today to know nothing, there lies this unconscious fear. And because men have this unconscious fear, all kinds of reasons rise up from the depths of their soul which they call logical, and they give out these reasons as logical objections to Spiritual Science. These are not logical objections. They are only the outcome of that fear of the science of the spirit, a fear which rules unconsciously in human souls. As a matter of fact, in the hidden depths of his soul-life everyone knows far more than he thinks, but he does not want this knowledge, which is rooted in the depths of his soul-life, to come to the surface, because in the presence of it he is afraid. Above all things man surmises one thing about the super-sensible worlds; he surmises that in all that he calls his thinking, in all that he designates as his world of thought, there is something contained of a super-sensible world. At the present time, even persons of a materialist turn of mind cannot altogether drive away the dim feeling that in the life of thought there is something contained which somehow indicates a super-sensible world. And at the same time man surmises something else about this thought-world. He divines that this world of thought relates itself to an actual reality, just as the image seen in a looking glass relates itself to the reality reflected by the looking glass. Just as the image in the looking glass is no reality, so man has to admit that his own world of thought is no reality. In that moment where man has the courage, the fearlessness, to admit that the world of thought is not a reality, in that moment he is also seized with yearning for a knowledge of the spiritual world. For after all, one would like to know what it is that is really there, but of which one only sees the reflection.
What I have just said has an important polaric counterpart. When through the Science of Initiation we cross the threshold of the super-sensible world, over into the spiritual world, then everything which man experiences here as sensible reality is transformed to a mere picture, to an appearance. We mount up into the super-sensible world and just as, let us say, here on earth the super-sensible world is a mirror-picture, existing only as a mirror-picture, so in the super-sensible world the earthly world exists only as a mirror-picture. He, therefore, who speaks from the Science of Initiation, speaks quite naturally of the realities of the sense world as of “pictures”. Now, human beings feel this; they feel that that on which they can stand so comfortably, that which they can breathe in so comfortably, which they can see so comfortably without having to do anything else than, at most, open their eyes when they get up in the morning and rub them—all this becomes a mere picture. They feel this and they begin to feel insecure, much as a man might who, taken for a walk, is led to the edge of an abyss and is then seized by the dizziness of fear. On the one side therefore, the human being feels that his thinking in the sense-world is a mere sum-total of pictures. On the other side he feels—and he feels it even if he deceives himself through that unconscious fear—that that which is told him of the super-sensible world makes this physical world a mere picture. As I have said, this is felt by men, and therefore they struggle against that which comes from the Science of Initiation. They rebel because they think that the secure foundation of existence falls away from them when their soul-life is, as it were, transformed to a mere picture.
Of course, it is not everybody in our present age who, quite unprepared, can go through that which has to be gone through by one who actually directly enters the world of Initiation. For anyone who enters the world of Initiation must not only know in it what every human being today should strive to know, but he has to live in it as well. He has to live in it, just as a man lives with his body in the physical sense world. That means he has to go through, as it were, by proxy what is only to be gone through in the physical sense-world at the moment of death. He has to gain the power to live in a world for which the physical, sensible part of him is not adapted. If we cut our finger we feel a certain pain, a discomfort. Why do we feel discomfort when we cut our finger? For the simple reason that the knife cuts the skin and muscle and nerve, but does not cut the super-sensible etheric body. If we have an uninjured finger, our super-sensible etheric body is adapted to it. If we cut the finger (and we cannot cut the etheric body) the super-sensible uncut etheric body is not adapted to it. That is the reason why the astral body then feels pain. The pain comes from non-adaptability to the sensible corporality. But when man crosses the threshold and enters the super-sensible world, then in his whole body he is no longer adapted to the sensible body. He gradually feels something similar to what he felt locally when he cut his finger. And this, my dear friends, this has to be thought of as enhanced to an unlimited degree.
Naturally, then, one cannot imagine what would come over human beings of the present-day, who often are so brave in their consciousness, and so sorry for themselves in their souls, if they suddenly received the power to live in the super-sensible world, if they had to experience everything which comes from non-adaptability to the super-sensible world.
But not only are human beings today so far advanced that with their healthy human understanding they can comprehend everything related by those who know the life in the super-sensible, but this knowledge of the super-sensible, this receptivity towards the science of the super-sensible, is an absolute, an unconditional, necessity for the healthy human understanding of the present age. Only this knowledge of the super-sensible can throw light upon all that is so chaotic, so destructive, in our modern surroundings. We are living in a world in which things are making their appearance, in which things are working themselves out, of which we must say: “They cannot go on like this, they must undergo transformation.” But human beings today have absolutely no insight into that which lives around them. To see through that which lives around man today is only possible through the Science of Initiation, is only possible when all the life of our present age can be compared with all the phenomena of life which have marked the evolution of mankind in the course of centuries, of millennia.
There has come a time when it must be said publicly that if any fruitful impulse is to be brought into life, into life with its modern destructive phenomena, it can be no other than the principle of the Three-fold Division of the Social Organism. By this means the eyes of men's souls will be directed to the three basic streams of our present life of civilization.
These three basic streams, as most of you today are fully aware, are the stream of the Spiritual Life (in the full meaning of the word spiritual), and that of the Political Life of Rights, and that of the external Life of Economy and Industry.
When these three basic streams of life are placed before the soul of man, when the name for each of these streams is uttered, in each case a great sum-total of the phenomena of Life is really included.
Let us now pass briefly before our spiritual vision these three streams in their sequence. We have today a Spiritual Life. In one way or another each individual has a part in this spiritual life: One, perhaps because his way of life is conditioned by economic circumstances or civic status, goes only to an elementary school; another perhaps is taken further on in our educational institutions. And that which is learnt in this way by human beings lives on at work amongst us in our social life. By this means we are linked to our fellow man.
Today the time has come when the question has to be put searchingly: “Where has this whole spiritual life come from, and what was it in the course of its descent, in the course of its evolution, which gave to it the character which it bears today?” If we go back to the real origin of this spiritual life, we must pass through certain stages on the way. That which characterizes the life of our schools, elementary and higher—I am leaving out the intermediate stages for the present—all goes back to a far-distant past. People usually do not know how far it goes back, e.g., in the case of the elementary school, that that goes back to the time of ancient Greece. Fundamentally our spiritual life today is nourished by impulses which existed in ancient Greece in a somewhat different form, and which have only been changed since then. But these impulses did not originate even in ancient Greece. They originated far away in the East. Thousands of years ago at their source in the East they had certainly another form than they had in ancient Greece. In the East these impulses belonged to the Wisdom of the Mysteries. If we leave aside our legal-political life, which is entangled chaotically as in a knot with the spiritual life, and also leave aside the life of industry, of economics; if we separate, abstract from these our spiritual life, then we can go back, mounting the path to certain Mysteries of the East, the origin of which lies undoubtedly thousands of years ago. That, however, which for us today in educational institutions is a dry barren abstraction, devoid of life, was then something altogether living. And if we transport ourselves in spirit back to those Mysteries of the East to which I am now referring, we meet as the leaders of these Mysteries men who may be designated as a kind of union of priest, of king, and at the same time, strange as it may sound to people today, of industrialists, economists. For in those Mysteries—I shall call them the “Mysteries of Light or of the Spirit”- an all-embracing knowledge of life was pursued, a knowledge which, in the first place, aimed at directing the study of the nature of man by means of the facts of the world of the Heavens, and the world of the Stars. But this knowledge was also a wisdom which aimed at regulating the rights of man's communal life in accordance with the knowledge thus acquired. Thus from these Mystery centres instruction was given for the tending of the cattle, for ploughing the fields, for laying the water courses, and so on. This Science of Initiation of hoary antiquity had an impelling power for social life; it was something which gave scope to the whole man. It was in a position not merely to say lovely things about the good and the true, but also by the Spirit itself it could rule practical life, could organize it and give it form.
Now the path which these Mystery leaders took and, which so far as was possible to them, showed to the people who belonged to such a Mystery, was a path leading from above downwards. First, these Mystery leaders strove for a revelation of the spiritual world, then grasping the spirit in the concrete in accordance with the basic principles of atavistic clairvoyance, they worked down to the political life, to the political shaping of the social organism, then down to economy and industry. That was Wisdom, with impelling force for life itself. By what road did this wisdom with its impelling life-force actually come among mankind?
If we go back to the ages before the Mysteries to which I am now referring became authoritative, we find in the regions of civilized humanity people with a primeval atavistic clairvoyance, human beings who, if they spoke of the needs of life, could invoke the impressions of their heart, of their soul, of their inner vision. These people were spread over the regions now called India, Persia, Armenia, North Africa, South Europe, etc. One thing, however, we do not find in the souls of these human beings. It is that which today we consider our proudest soul-treasure—Intellect, Reason. The inhabitants of the civilized world of that time did not yet need reason. What our reason does today, was done by those human beings out of the promptings of their souls, and these promptings were guided and directed by the leaders whom these men had. Later there came into these regions another human race, quite a different race from the earlier population. In the Sagas and Myths, and indeed also in history, we are told that from the highlands of Asia certain people came down in very ancient times who brought a form of civilization to the south and south-west. Spiritual Science is required to establish what kind of men these were who came down upon those earlier human beings, who simply from their own inner promptings received the guiding powers for daily life. Through investigation by Spiritual Science we find that those who brought in a new population-element combined two qualities, one of which the earlier people did not possess. The original inhabitants had atavistic clairvoyance without reason, without intelligence. Those who came down amongst them also had something of the clairvoyant power, but at the same time in their souls they had received the first germ of intelligence, of reason. They brought, therefore, into the civilization of that time, a clairvoyance impregnated with reason. These were the first Aryans, of whom history tells us, and out of the mutual opposition of the ancient early people living by atavistic powers of the soul, and those who impregnated the ancient soul-powers with reason, out of that opposition there arose the first distinction into Caste, external, physical and empirical, which still works on in Asia, and of which Tagore, for instance, speaks.
The most prominent members of the race, who possessed at the same time ancient soul-vision and the intellect which was dawning in humanity, were the leaders of those Mysteries of which I have just spoken, the Mysteries of Oriental Light. From these proceeded the Mysteries of Greece. Thus we may say: From the Mysteries of the East there went forth later the stream of the Spirit, that living wisdom with its living practical impulse of which I have just spoken. In the course of time it came over to Greece. Its influence is still to be traced in the most ancient Greek civilization. But in the progress of Greek civilization the influence became weakened, the leaders lost their ancient soul-vision, and reason more and more freed itself from the old clairvoyance. Thereby the leadership of this civilization lost its meaning, because this once only had meaning as long as the leaders were endowed with spiritual soul-vision as well as intelligence. History tells us that that which had a meaning in ancient times is preserved into a much later epoch. Thus we find humanity in the later Greek civilization still grouped in a way which had a meaning for that ancient time, when the leaders of the Mysteries were actually messengers of the Gods. That which once was wisdom with an impulse for life, was transformed into Greek logic and dialectic, into the wisdom of the Greeks, wisdom which is already strained thin compared with its old Oriental origin. In the old Oriental times every one knew why there were people who obeyed when the leaders gave them directions in economics. In Greece we find the division into masters and slaves. The division of mankind was still there, but the meaning had been gradually lost. And that which for the Greeks still had much meaning, for at least they knew that it came from the ancient Mysteries, was still more weakened as it passed into our modern life of education. In our modern life of education, everything has become devoid of living connection. We pursue today an abstract science. We find no longer a connection between this abstract science and external life. The stream from Greece has gone into our Colleges, into our elementary and secondary schools, into the whole popular cultural life of modern humanity. One curious thing may be observed today. We meet among the men with whom we are surrounded some whom we call “noblemen”, “aristocrats”. We try in vain to find the reason why one person is an aristocrat and another is not, for mankind has long stripped off that which distinguishes the aristocrat from the non-aristocrat. The aristocrat was the leader in the old Oriental Mysteries of Light. He could be the aristocrat, because from him came everything which had a real living impulse in political and economic affairs. The wisdom has become watered thin, the divisions into which it made groups of people have become an external abstraction without meaning for those whose lives are cast in it. From that stream proceeded what we call Feudalism. In external social life this Feudalism lives on, tolerated by some, perhaps vexatious to others, meaningless. No one thinks any more about the meaning, because it is not to be found in life today, but in our modern age of chaos the feudal origin of our abstract science and knowledge shows itself pretty clearly. And when our modern Spiritual life became entirely the spiritual life of the journalistic world, a term was invented which really is a verbal atrocity. Through this term men sought to bring about a transformation of our life, but it was merely the expression of an utterly rickety spiritual life—they invented the term, “spiritual aristocracy”. If anyone tried to explain exactly what is meant by this term he could only say: “It is that which now squeezed dry to the uttermost had once upon a time in the Mysteries of the East, an impelling force which worked down into the furthest limits of practical life.” The term in those days had a meaning, but today it has lost all meaning. And if anyone wishes to describe our Spiritual life, he has to think of a desperately tangled coil of wool where all the threads are twisted together. There are three threads in particular which are entangled. One of them I have just described to you. Our essential task is to unravel the tangle.
Let us now turn the eyes of our soul to the second stream. This second stream had another origin, which also lies far back in the evolution of mankind; it, too, was essentially united with the Mysteries, and in particular with the Mysteries of Egypt. I called the first stream “the Mysteries of the East” or “the Mysteries of Light”. I shall call this second stream “the Mysteries of Man”. These Mysteries were directed above all to obtaining at the Egyptian source, that Wisdom which gives the power to organize human communal life, to establish a relation between one human being and another. This stream from the Mysteries spread through the South of Europe, and then, just as the first stream went through the life of Greece, this second stream found its way to the people of Rome, a people lacking in imagination. I might call it “the stream of Rights”. It took its path through Rome. All that which, bit by bit, in the course of human evolution has been inoculated as Jurisprudence, as legal distinctions in Equity, is the attenuated remnant of knowledge of these Mysteries of Man.
The second thread in our tangle of civilization has come to us in this way, but very much changed, transformed after having passed through the unimaginative mind of Rome. We shall not understand modern life, until we know that men even today are still unproductive both in the life of Spirit and in the life of Rights; until we know that both of these have been received by us from outside—the first after it had traveled the long way from the Mysteries of the East through the Mysteries of Greece, the second, the long way from the Mysteries of Egypt through Rome. Present-day humanity has been sterile with regard to both the life of Spirit and the life of Rights. We could bring forward many cases to prove this assertion, but it will suffice if I point out paths taken by Christianity.
When Christianity sought to enter the world, where had Christ Jesus to appear so that what He had to give to the world could find a foothold? He had to appear in the East. It was in that which lived in the East that He had to place what He had to give to humanity. The Mystery of Golgotha is a fact. What mankind knows about it is in process of evolving. What people first had to say about the Mystery of Golgotha was clothed in that which was still left to them from the Mysteries of the East. They surrounded the Mystery of Golgotha with the Science and Wisdom of the Mysteries of the East, and with that Wisdom they tried to understand it. In the early Greek Fathers of the Church we find there is still something of this Christianity.
To point to another manifestation of the same kind, when the civilization of the West had spiritually become utterly sterile, and a spiritual restorative was sought for, through one of its representatives, what happened? In England and America a few people came together and borrowed the Wisdom from the conquered and enslaved people of India. That is to say, they went once more to the East to seek there the spiritual stream, to seek in the East what remained of that ancient spiritual stream. From this arose Theosophy of the English-American dye, which sought to draw water from this source, but in the form it has assumed at the present day. It is the sterility of modern Spiritual life which strikes one most forcibly, especially in Western lands.
The second stream, then, is that which is concerned with Politics and Rights, and which passed through Rome. In it we find the origin of our life of Politics and Rights. This stream which has flowed into, and is still active in our life of Rights, only came by the side-channel of the Roman world. Hence, in our civilization, that which passed into our Spiritual life also has been received by way of the Roman political-legal system. This accounts for so many anomalies. Even Christianity, which spread in the West on Roman lines, took on a form conditioned by this fact. What did the religious element become on its passage through the Roman world? It became that great System of Law which we call the Roman Catholic religion. There, God with his attendant gods, is essentially a Being who rules according to the Roman conception of justice, only He is in the super-sensible world. Here we find established the ideas of debt, of default, which are really only legal ideas, ideas which never existed in the Mysteries of the East or in the Greek philosophy of life. In this Christianity the juristic concepts of Rome are established. It is a religious stream saturated with legalities. Everything which finds expression in life can assume a form of beauty, but we must confess that even that juristic-political scene in which the God of the World becomes the Judge of the World, and winds up the whole evolution of the earth by a legal Act, even that magnificent painting of Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel, is only a glorious expression of Christianity saturated by legalism. It is just this Christianity saturated by legalism, which finds its culmination in the “Last Judgment”.
We must unwind the tangle of our spiritual, political, and industrial life so that we may see what is really contained inside it. For we live in a chaotic civilization. Three streams are working in it; we must separate them from one another.
The third stream which has come into our chaotic civilization, originated more in the North. Much has filtered into it also, but in another way. This stream has been preserved till today, especially in the social organization of England and America. I shall speak of this stream as “the Mysteries of the Earth”, the Mysteries of the North or of the Earth. Now this stream which developed first as primitive spirituality out of the Mysteries of the Earth, took a different course from that of the essentially Spiritual life of the East. I have said that in the East the path led from above downwards, first revealing itself as the Mysteries of the Heavens and of the Light, then passing down into Politics and Economics. Here, in the North things rose out of Economics, out of the life of Industry. The origin has, of course, vanished from ordinary modern life. We notice it at most in ancient customs which still survive here and there; such customs as are described in accounts of ancient Nordic civilization, of which the English civilization is a branch, e.g., processions through the villages at a certain season of the year, with the bull, which has to fertilize the herd of cows, crowned with wreaths. That is to say, from below upwards there arose a longing after the Spiritual life. The path leads from below upwards. Everything, even that which existed as primitive spirituality, was taken from the industrial-economic life. All the festivals originally were connected with the life of Economy, of Industry, all expressed something of the meaning of the life of Economy. Just as in the Oriental civilization the path led from above downwards, so here, in the North, the path had to lead from below upwards. Mankind had to be raised from below, out of Economics, through the life of Rights, into the Mysteries of the Spirit. Mankind has not as yet advanced very far on this path from below upwards.
If we investigate the Legal life, the life of law and justice, as it has developed in the regions of Western Europe, we find it completely orientated to Rome. If we investigate the Spiritual life, we do not find it so plainly orientated to the East as that Indian Theosophy is of which I have just spoken. But we do find that that which has survived as innate Spiritual life which was not taken from the East, nor saturated with legalities from Rome, we do often find this original Spiritual life struggling to release itself from the Economic life, and with hard labour working itself free.
Let us take a characteristic example. Such philosophers, such students of natural science as Newton, Darwin, Hume, Mill, Spencer, can only be understood if we see how they developed out of the Economic life, how they endeavoured to take an upward path. Mill, for example, as a national economist, can only be understood if we understand the economic conditions surrounding him. We can only understand the English philosophers if we clearly grasp the economic basis of their environment. That basis is something inseparable from the third stream, the stream of “the Mysteries of the Earth”, the stream which works its way from below upwards. This, the third stream, is as yet quite unrefined.
Here then, in the tangle of our so-called civilization, we have the three threads chaotically at work. Always in a certain sense there has been a revolt against this tangle, in the West at least. In America, where the Economic life is derived from the Mysteries of the North, we find theories built up scientifically, but devoid of Spirit, alien to Spirit. America obtained her Legal-Political life by way of Rome. Spiritual concerns were borrowed from the East. In Central Europe, too, there was a good deal of revolt, and various endeavours were made to grasp these things in their primitive clarity; in the Spiritual life with most penetration in what I must call Goetheanism. Goethe, who sought to get rid of a Law-code in the sphere of natural science, Goethe is characteristic of this revolt against the purely Oriental life of Spirit. For the legal element has entered into natural science too. We speak of “Laws of Nature”. The Oriental would never have spoken of the Laws of Nature, but of the Rule of Cosmic Will. The term “Natural Law” was derived from the side-stream of Jurisprudence. It crept into nature knowledge as through a window and became “natural law”. Goethe wanted to grasp the pure phenomenon, the pure fact, the primal phenomenon. Until we purge our Natural Science from its dependence on Jurisprudence, we can never reach a purified cultural life. For this reason Spiritual Science everywhere lays hold on facts, and indicates so-called “laws” as secondary phenomena only.
We find also a certain revolt against the Roman system of Rights, a revolt which is still in the minds of many persons inclined to socialism. For instance, a Prussian minister, Wilhelm van Humbold, in his fine treatise on “The Limits of State Action”, shows stirring within him something of this impulse to free the Cultural life and the life of Economics from the mere life of the State. In that little book there lives the impulse to strip off the political from the other directing forces. Thus in German philosophy, too, there lives this revolt against that which is merely “old”. But only through a healthy insight into that which the Science of Initiation can give concerning the origin of our present cultural life, can man gain a sure foot-hold; only through such insight can healing, can health, come into the evolution of human civilization.
In the East of Europe especially, there has always been a feeling for the necessity of a right co-operation of the three elements in our present life of culture. Of these three streams the one most characteristic in expression is that which came from the North to the West. In the West everything is overpowered by the Economic-industrial life. Of the legal element there is much in Central Europe, whilst much of that which arose from the Mysteries of the East, the Mysteries of Light, is to be found in Eastern Europe and Asia. There, where the caste system still prevails, we find something of the meaning of that old Feudalism which came forth from the Spirit. The life permeated with legalities has bred the modern Bourgeoisie. The Bourgeoisie is the outcome of the stream of Rights. These things have to be seen with perfect clarity now; and the impulse towards this clear recognition lies already in the unconscious part of man, but it is only Spiritual Science which can bring this longing, this impulse, to real clarity.
In the nineteenth century, again and again, we can see how men strove amid all the confusion of very indefinite impulses, to reach ideals for the future. Men wanted especially to put an end to the abstract relations which prevail today between man and man. The life of the Spirit has been watered down so that it lives in us as an abstraction; and the life of Economics is grasping and struggling to find the way upward from below.
In Eastern Europe, where things of such disturbing, devastating significance are now working themselves out, it was shown for the first time in the much-confused nineteenth century how men attempted to prepare for the revolt against this chaos of civilization. The Russian revolutionaries of the second and last third of the nineteenth century, attempted in particular to fertilize the remnant still left in the East of an early stage of Spiritual life, with that element in Central Europe which had already revolted against tradition. We find among such Russians in their correspondence with each other, how they point out that already in Central Europe, the intellect, the pure abstract life of reason has endeavoured to permeate itself with a certain spirituality. Again and again there appears some such sentence as the following: “In German philosophy the attempt has been made once more to raise the intellect, which has lost its ancient soul-vision, to a certain spirituality.” In Eastern Europe they wanted to make themselves intimately acquainted with this attempt in Central Europe, and this intimate knowledge reflects itself in the way these Russian revolutionaries write to one another. They greatly esteemed the philosopher Ivan Petrovitch. They spoke much of his philosophy, how he had raised himself to pure thought, attempting to bring Spirit again into the dialectic play of thought of Western Culture. They tried to draw conclusions from his philosophy. The better to mark their own feeling of relationship to him, they called him not “Hegel”, but “Ivan Petrovitch”. In their endeavours we see foreshadowed that which later on had to work so destructively.
In our age, clear thinking must spread over the whole earth. Everything must be done to help forward the victory of clear thinking. But we must be quite conscious of all that is against us when we make the attempt to reach this clear thinking, and that, amongst many other things, we have against us man's love of ease. We must wean ourselves from the habit of regard for the comfort of men. For mankind needs the Spirit, and the triumph of the Spirit is not brought about by the comfortable paths so often trodden today. Today men fight against the coming in of Initiation with the most significant weapons.
I was recently informed of something which is significant in historic culture. You will correct me if I make a mistake, for I was not there myself. At a meeting where a Protestant clergyman was in the chair, one of our friends made some quotations from the Bible. The truth of these did not please the chairman, who then used the expression, “Here Christ is wrong!” Have I repeated that correctly? (Assent.) Today when one can no longer justify one's own view, it is man who is infallible, and the Christ who is wrong! We have come as far as this.
All these things bear witness to the true character of that which is stirring as Spiritual life in mankind today. Where Spiritual life has reached the most utter abstraction, it can no longer keep within the sphere of truth. But we must become aware of what really exists.
The periodical, The Threefold Social Organism, recently published a notice of a gathering held here at Stuttgart, where from the Roman Catholic side, but in harmony with the Protestant, opposition was made to the teaching given as Spiritual Science. And the leading cleric is reported to have said that no discussion was necessary because people can inform themselves concerning the doctrines of Dr. Steiner from the writings of his opponents, but the writings of Dr. Steiner himself may not be read because the Pope has forbidden it. In fact, this is the latest decree from the Holy Congregation, and it applies especially to Catholics—the decree that it is forbidden to Catholics to read Anthroposophical writings. Roman Catholics, therefore, are officially bound to seek information upon what I teach from the writings of my opponents, but they are not allowed to read what I write myself. Anyone on the other side who knows the whole constitution of the Roman Catholic Church, how the individual is so dovetailed into it that he is only a representative of the whole organization, must in all earnestness, out of the depths of his soul, bring forward the question regarding the moral aspect of such a procedure. Is such a procedure to be reconciled in any way with human morality? Is it not profoundly immoral? Such questions must be put bravely today, without any leniency. We are living in a serious time, and may not go on sleeping in the easy comfort-loving, lazy way. We must express ourselves unreservedly about these things. If we show the immorality of modern untruth in the right light, it will bring about a healing.
Recently an article by a doctor in Sociology was brought to me. It began somewhat as follows: “What a distance there is between the clear thoughts of Waxweiler and the obscure thoughts of Dr. Steiner! But then, this Dr. Steiner was the intimate of William II, and it has been suggested that he helped William II with important advice, especially in recent years. So one can even call this man the Rasputin of William II.” His next sentence runs: “We will not make ourselves the transmitters of such a rumour.” And there are today many people with this mentality, people forsaken by every spirit of truthfulness, and whatever they say is beyond the sphere of truth.
We see two things here. First, the moral degradation of a man who makes himself the bearer of this rumour, and then his fine logic when he says, “Because I spread this rumour among my readers, I do not make myself a spreader of this rumour.” Countless people think in this way. What they say has no reality in it. I cannot say, “I say something because I do not say it.” This is what Monsieur Ferriere says, the man who wrote the article from which I have just read. We cannot enter into relationship with such morally degenerate individuals. I can only maintain, and I hope that it will be brought before this writer's notice, that I have had the following relationships with William II. Once about 1897, I was sitting in a theatre in Berlin, in the middle of the front row, above, and William II sat in the Royal Box, and I saw him, as far away as from here to the end of this room. The second time was when he walked behind the coffin of the Grand Duchess of Weimar, and that was quite far away. The third time was in the Friedrichstrasse in Berlin, where, with his following, with the Marshal's baton in his hand, he rode through the streets, all the people shouting “Hurrah!” after him. These are all the relationships with William II, I have ever had. I have never had any others nor sought them. Thus assertions arise today, and much of what you read on paper in printer's ink is of no more value than that dirty rumour which is used to make Anthroposophy a heresy in Latin countries. Today such things have to be traced to their origin. It is not enough to take them as mere parlance. People must accustom themselves to go to the origin of what is affirmed.
A sense for the true origin of facts in the external world will only develop in mankind out of a deepening in real Spiritual Science.
Erster Vortrag
Diejenigen von Ihnen, welche die letzten hier gehaltenen Vorträge gehört haben, werden aus den darin angestellten Betrachtungen entnommen haben, inwiefern es durchaus gegenwärtig eine Zeitforderung ist, die sogenannte Wissenschaft der Initiation, die wirkliche Wissenschaft vom geistigen Leben in unsere ganze Kulturentwickelung einfließen zu lassen. Und manches habe ich auch schon darüber gesprochen, welches die Hindernisse sind, die sich diesem Einfließen der Wissenschaft von der geistigen Welt in unser gegenwärtiges Kulturleben, und wohl auch noch in das Kulturleben der Zukunft, entgegenstellen. Da ist ja vor allen Dingen erstens dasjenige, was ich öfters charakterisiert habe als die Furcht vor der geistigen Erkenntnis. Man braucht dieses wohl nur auszusprechen und es wird in der Gegenwart von allen Seiten gewissermaßen «beleidigt» getan werden. Denn wie sollte es denn nach der Ansicht mancher Menschen zutreffend sein, daß in jener Zeit, in der man es so herrlich weit gebracht hat, die Menschen irgendwelche Furcht vor einer Erkenntnis _ haben? Die Menschen glauben ja heute, in der Lage zu sein, gewissermaßen alles, alles mit ihren Erkenntniskräften umfassen zu können. Die Furcht aber, von der ich spreche und von der ich öfter gesprochen habe, die sitzt zunächst nicht im Bewußtsein der Menschen. Im Bewußtsein machen sich die Menschen vor, daß sie mutig genug seien, um jede Art von Erkenntnis entgegenzunehmen. Aber tief in demjenigen in der Seele, wovon die Menschen nichts wissen und auch heute im Grunde genommen nichts wissen wollen, da sitzt diese unbewußte Furcht, und weil diese Menschen diese unbewußte Furcht haben, so steigt ihnen allerlei auf von der Art von Gründen, die sie logische Gründe nennen, von denen sie vorgeben, daß sie logische Einwände gegen die Geisteswissenschaft seien. Es sind keine logischen Einwendungen, es sind nur Ausflüsse der in den Menschenseelen unbewußt waltenden Furcht vor der Wissenschaft vom Geiste. In den Untergründen des Seelenlebens weiß nämlich eigentlich ein jeder Mensch viel mehr als er denkt. Er will dieses Wissen, das in den Untergründen des Seelenlebens wurzelt, nur nicht heraufsteigen lassen, weil er sich eben davor fürchtet. Vor allen Dingen ahnt der Mensch eines von den übersinnlichen Welten: Er ahnt, daß in all dem, was er sein Denken nennt, in all dem, was er als seine Gedankenwelt bezeichnet, doch etwas enthalten ist von der übersinnlichen Welt. Selbst materialistisch gesinnte Menschen der Gegenwart können sich nicht immer der Ahnung entschlagen, daß in dem Gedankenleben doch etwas enthalten sei, das irgendwie auf eine übersinnliche Welt hinweist. Aber zu gleicher Zeit ahnt der Mensch noch etwas anderes von dieser Gedankenwelt: Er ahnt, daß diese Gedankenwelt sich zu einer gewissen Wirklichkeit etwa so verhält wie das Bild, das man in einem Spiegel sieht, sich verhält zu der Wirklichkeit, die abgespiegelt wird. Und so wie eigentlich das Bild im Spiegel keine Wirklichkeit ist, so müßte sich der Mensch auch gestehen, daß seine Gedankenwelt keine Wirklichkeit ist. In dem Augenblick, wo der Mensch den Mut, die Furchtlosigkeit hätte, sich zu gestehen, daß die Gedankenwelt eben keine Wirklichkeit ist, in dem Augenblicke würde er auch fassen müssen die Sehnsucht nach einer Erkenntnis der geistigen Welt. Denn man möchte doch wissen, worauf es hinweist, was man als ein Spiegelbild nur sieht.
Nun aber hat dasjenige, was ich eben gesagt habe, ich möchte sagen, einen wichtigen polarischen Gegensatz. Wenn man durch die Wissenschaft der Initiationen aufsteigt über die Schwelle zur übersinnlichen Welt hinweg in die geistige Welt, dann wird umgekehrt alles das, was man hier als sinnliche Wirklichkeit erlebt, zu einem bloßen Bilde, zu einem Scheinbilde. Man steigt auf in die übersinnliche Welt und gerade so, wie hier, sagen wir, auf Erden die übersinnliche Welt ein Spiegelbild ist, im Spiegelbild vorhanden ist, so ist die Erdenwelt in der übersinnlichen Welt nurmehr als ein Spiegelbild vorhanden. Und derjenige, der aus der Wissenschaft der Initiation heraus spricht, muß daher selbstverständlich von der sinnlichen Wirklichkeit wie von Bildern bloß sprechen. Das fühlen dann die Menschen, daß ihnen das, worauf sie so bequem stehen können, was sie so bequem einatmen können, was sie so bequem sehen können, ohne daß sie etwas dazu tun als höchstens am Morgen die Augen aufzumachen und sie sich auszureiben, daß das zu einem bloßen Bilde wird. Dies fühlen dann die Menschen, und sie beginnen sich unsicher zu fühlen; sie beginnen sich etwa so unsicher zu fühlen wie ein Mensch, den man bei einem Spaziergang geführt hat bis an den Rand eines Abgrundes, und den dann der Schwindel der Furcht ergreift. Auf der einen Seite also müßte der Mensch fühlen, wie sein Denken hier in der Sinnenwelt bloß eine Summe von Bildern ist, auf der anderen müßte er fühlen - und er fühlt es auch, aber täuscht sich durch die unbewußte Furcht darüber hinweg -, daß dasjenige, was von der übersinnlichen Welt erzählt, diese Welt hier zu einem Bilde macht. Das, wie gesagt, fühlen die Menschen. Daher sträuben sie sich gegen das, was von der Wissenschaft der Initiation kommt. Sie sträuben sich, weil sie meinen, daß ihnen der sichere Untergrund des Daseins dann fehle, wenn man ihnen die Sinneswelt gewissermaßen zu einem bloßen Bilde macht.
Nun kann gewiß nicht jeder ohne weiteres in der Gegenwart durchmachen, was derjenige durchzumachen hat, der praktisch unmittelbar in die Welt der Initiation eintritt. Denn ein solcher, der eintritt in die Welt der Initiation, muß darinnen nicht nur erkennen, was sich heute alle Menschen bestreben sollten zu erkennen, sondern er muß darinnen auch leben; er muß darinnen leben, wie man mit seinem Leibe lebt in der physisch-sinnlichen Welt. Das heißt, er muß gewissermaßen stellvertretend wirklich das durchmachen, was in der physisch-sinnlichen Welt nur durchzumachen ist in dem Moment des Todes. Er muß die Möglichkeit gewinnen, in einer Welt zu leben, für die gar nicht eingestellt ist der physischsinnliche Mensch. Schon wenn wir uns nur in den Finger schneiden, fühlen wir einen gewissen Schmerz, fühlen wir etwas Unbequemes. Warum fühlen wir da etwas Unbequemes, wenn wir uns in den Finger schneiden? Nun, aus dem einfachen Grunde, weil das Messer wohl die Haut und den Muskel und den Nerv zerschneidet, aber nicht den übersinnlichen Ätherleib. Wenn wir den unzerschnittenen Finger haben, dann paßt unser übersinnlicher Ätherleib zu diesem unzerschnittenen Finger; wenn wir den Finger zerschnitten haben und wir den Ätherleib doch nicht zerschneiden können, dann paßt der unzerschnittene Ätherleib nicht zu dem zerschnittenen Finger, und das ist der Grund, warum der astralische Leib dann den Schmerz fühlt. Von dem Nichtangepaßstsein an die sinnliche Leiblichkeit kommt das. Wenn der Mensch über die Schwelle zur übersinnlichen Welt eintritt in diese übersinnliche Welt, dann ist er mit seinen ganzen Leibern nicht mehr angepaßt an den sinnlichen Leib, dann fühlt er nach und nach so etwas ähnliches, wie er lokal fühlt, wenn er sich den Finger zerschnitten hat. Und dieses, meine lieben Freunde, dieses ist in einer unbegrenzten Steigerung zu denken.
Nun ist natürlich gar nicht vorzustellen, was über die Menschen der Gegenwart, die in ihrem Bewußtsein oftmals so mutig, in ihrer Seele oftmals so wehleidig sind, was über sie kommen würde, wenn sie unmittelbar die Möglichkeit des Lebens in der übersinnlichen Welt empfangen würden, wenn sie durchmachen sollten all das, was von der Unangepaßtheit an diese übersinnliche Welt kommt. Aber nicht nur, daß die Menschheit der Gegenwart so weit ist, daß sie mit dem gesunden Menschenverstand alles das einsehen kann, was diejenigen erzählen, die das Leben im Übersinnlichen kennen, sondern es ist dieses Wissen vom Übersinnlichen, dieses Empfangen der Wissenschaft vom Übersinnlichen für den gesunden Menschenverstand der Gegenwart sogar eine unbedingte Notwendigkeit. Denn nur dieses Wissen vom Übersinnlichen kann heute aufklären über alles das, was uns so chaotisch, so verheerend in der Gegenwart umgibt. Wir leben ja, so muß man sagen, in einer Welt, in welcher Dinge zum Vorschein kommen, Dinge sich ausleben, von denen wir sagen müssen, sie können nicht so bleiben, sie müssen eine Umwandlung erfahren. Aber die Menschheit der Gegenwart durchschaut gar nicht, was da eigentlich um sie herum lebt. Durchschauen, was da um die Menschheit herum in der Gegenwart lebt, man kann es nur durch die Wissenschaft der Initiation, man kann es nur dadurch, daß man vor allen Dingen das Leben der Gegenwart vergleichen kann mit all den Lebenserscheinungen, die im Laufe der Jahrhunderte, Jahrtausende, in die Entwickelung der Menschheit eingegriffen haben.
Es mußte in einem gewissen Zeitpunkt gesagt werden zur heutigen Öffentlichkeit: Will man irgendeinen fruchtbringenden Impuls hineinbringen in das Leben, das uns die heutigen zerstörenden Erscheinungen zeigt, so ist dieser kein anderer als der von der Dreigliederung des sozialen Organismus. Damit mußte der Seelenblick der Menschen hingewiesen werden auf die drei Grundströmungen unseres gegenwärtigen Kulturlebens. Diese Grundströmungen, sie sind ja, wie Sie wohl heute schon genügend wissen, die des eigentlichen geistigen Lebens, die des rechtlich-politischen Lebens, die des äußeren wirtschaftlichen Lebens.
Wenn man diese drei Grundströmungen des Lebens vor die menschliche Seele hinstellt, dann umfaßt man eigentlich, indem man die Worte für diese Grundströmungen ausspricht, eine große Summe von Erscheinungen des Lebens in jeder einzelnen dieser Grundströmungen. Wollen wir einmal, ich möchte sagen, der Reihe nach diese drei Grundströmungen vor unserem geistigen Blick ein wenig vorbeiziehen lassen.
Wir haben heute ein Geistesleben. In der einen oder anderen Weise wird der Mensch in dieses Geistesleben hineingestellt. Der eine, indem er nach den wirtschaftlichen oder nach den rechtlichen Grundlagen, auf denen sein Dasein aufgebaut ist, vielleicht nur eine Volksschule besucht, ein anderer vielleicht weitergetrieben wird in unseren Bildungsanstalten. Dasjenige, was da von den Menschen aufgenommen wird, das lebt ja unter uns in unserem sozialen Leben. Mit dem verhalten wir uns zu unseren Mitmenschen. Heute ist die Zeit, wo gründlich muß aufgeworfen werden die Frage: Woher kommt denn gerade dieses ganze Geistesleben, und wodurch hat es im Verlaufe seines Herkommens, im Verlaufe seiner Entwickelung gerade denjenigen Charakter angenommen, den es heute hat? Geht man auf den wirklichen Ursprung dieses Geisteslebens zurück, so muß man gewissermaßen vorher gewisse Stationen durchmachen. Dasjenige, was heute unser Volksschulleben, unser höheres Schulleben durchdringt, das geht - aber in Zwischenstationen, die ich jedoch auslasse - doch alles zurück auf längst Vergangenes. Man erkennt nur gewöhnlich nicht, wie es zurückgeht, man erkennt im Volksschulwesen zum Beispiel nicht, wie es zurückgeht auf das, was hervorgetreten ist im alten Griechenland. Im Grunde genommen wird unser geistiges Leben von den Impulsen gespeist, die im alten Griechenland, in etwas anderer Form, gelebt haben, die sich nur umgewandelt haben seither. Aber sie sind auch nicht im alten Griechenland entsprungen. Sie sind entsprungen drüben im Orient und haben, allerdings vor Jahrtausenden, an ihrer Quelle im Orient eine andere Form gehabt, als sie schon im alten Griechenland hatten. Damals, im Orient, waren sie Mysterienweisheit. Wenn wir weglassen unser rechtlich-politisches Leben, das ja chaotisch wie in einem Knäuel verquickt ist mit dem geistigen Leben, und weglassen das Wirtschaftsleben, wenn wir herausschälen in Abstraktion unser Geistesleben, so können wir seinen Weg rückwärts verfolgen, hinaufsteigend bis zu gewissen Mysterien des Orients, deren Ursprung allerdings vor Jahrtausenden liegt, in denen aber das, was heute für uns in unseren Bildungsanstalten eine trockene, nüchterne Abstraktion ist, einen lebensfremden Charakter hat, etwas durchaus Lebendiges war. Versetzen wir uns zurück im Geiste nach jenen Mysterien des Orients, die ich damit eigentlich meine, so treffen wir als die Vorsteher dieser Mysterien Menschen, die wir bezeichnen können als eine Art von Zusammenfluß von Priester, von König und zu gleicher Zeit - so sonderbar es dem heutigen Menschen klingt - von Ökonom, von Wirtschafter. Denn in diesen Mysterien - ich möchte sie nennen die Mysterien des Lichts oder des Geistes - wurde eine umfassende Lebenserkenntnis getrieben, eine Lebenserkenntnis, die zunächst darauf ausging, aus den Tatsachen der Himmels- und Sternenwelt das Wesen des Menschen zu erforschen; aber auch eine Weisheit, welche darauf ausging, das rechtliche Zusammenleben der Menschen zu regeln im Sinne dieser gewonnenen Erkenntnisse. Und ausgegeben wurden aus diesen Mysterienstätten die Anweisungen, wie man das Vieh behüten soll, wie man den Acker bebauen soll, wie man Kanäle anlegen soll und so weiter. Diese Wissenschaft der Initiation eines grauen Altertums hatte eine soziale Stoßkraft, war etwas, was den ganzen Menschen erfüllte, war etwas, was in der Lage war, nicht bloß schöne Dinge zu sagen über das Gute und Wahre, sondern was in der Lage war, aus dem Geiste heraus das praktische Leben zu beherrschen, zu organisieren und zu gestalten. Der Weg, welchen diese Mysterienvorsteher gingen, und welchen sie, soweit ihnen das möglich war, den Völkern zeigten, die zu einem solchen Mysterium gehörten, war ein Weg von oben nach unten. Erst strebten diese Mysterienvorsteher nach der Offenbarung der geistigen Welten, dann arbeiteten sie herunter, indem sie den Geist in concreto umfaßten nach den Grundsätzen der atavistischen Hellseherkunst, dann arbeiteten sie herunter zum politischen Leben, zur politischen Gestaltung der sozialen Organismen und dann bis zur Ökonomie, bis zur Wirtschaft. Das war Weisheit mit Lebensstoßkraft. Wodurch war diese Weisheit mit Lebensstoßkraft eigentlich unter die Menschen gekommen?
Wenn wir zurückgehen in die Zeiten, in denen diese Mysterien, die ich jetzt meine, noch nicht maßgebend waren, so haben wir über die Gegenden der damals zivilisierten Menschheit hin lauter Menschen mit einer gewissen ursprünglichen atavistischen Hellseherkraft, Menschen, die, wenn sie von dem, was sie für das Leben brauchten, sprachen, sich auf die Eindrücke ihres Herzens, ihrer Seele, ihres Schauens berufen konnten. Diese Menschen waren ausgebreitet über die Gegenden des heutigen Indiens, Persiens, Armeniens, Nordafrikas, Südeuropas und so weiter. Eines aber lebte nicht in den Seelen dieser Menschen. Das war dasjenige, was wir heute als unser stolzestes Seelengut betrachten: die Intelligenz, der Verstand. Verstand brauchte gewissermaßen die Bevölkerung der damals zivilisierten Welt noch nicht. Denn, was heute der Verstand tut, das wurde aus den Eingebungen der Seele heraus von den Menschen getan und das wurde geleitet und orientiert von den Führern, die diese Menschen hatten. Da aber breitete sich gerade in jene Gegenden hinein aus etwas, was wir nennen könnten eine andere Menschenrasse, was wir nennen könnten eine ganz andere Art von Menschenwesen, als diese Bevölkerung war, von der ich gesprochen habe. In den Sagen und Mythen und wohl auch in der Geschichte wird das so erzählt, daß herabstiegen aus den Hochländern Asiens gewisse Menschen, die in sehr alten Zeiten nach dem Süden und Südwesten hin eine gewisse Kultur brachten. Geisteswissenschaft muß ergründen, welcher Art diese Menschen waren, die da herabstiegen zu jenen Menschen, die nur aus ihrem Innern heraus, aus ihren Eingebungen heraus die Richtkraft für das Leben empfingen. Da finden wir, geisteswissenschaftlich untersucht, daß diese Menschen, die wie ein neues Bevölkerungselement hereinkamen in die damalige Zivilisation, zwei Dinge miteinander vereinigten, die die anderen nicht hatten. Die anderen Menschen hatten die atavistische Hellseherkraft ohne den Verstand, ohne die Intelligenz; die da herabstiegen hatten auch noch etwas von der Hellseherkraft, aber sie hatten zugleich in ihrer Seele die erste Anlage zur Intelligenz, zum Verstand empfangen. Und so brachten sie über die damalige Zivilisation ein verstandesdurchtränktes Hellsehertum. Das waren die ersten Arier, von denen die Geschichte erzählt. Und aus der Gegensätzlichkeit der alten atavistisch-seelenhaft lebenden Menschen und diesen die alte Seelenkraft mit dem Verstand durchdringenden Menschen entstand der erste Kastenunterschied äußerlich-physisch-empirisch, der jetzt noch nachwirkt in Asien, von dem zum Beispiel Tagore spricht. Die hervorragendsten dieser Menschen, die zu gleicher Zeit alte Seelenschau und den eben in der Menschheit aufgehenden Verstand, Intelligenz hatten, die wurden die Vorsteher jener Mysterien, von denen ich eben gesprochen habe, den Mysterien des orientalischen Lichts, und von denen ging aus, was dann später nach Griechenland herüber kam. So daß ich Ihnen, wenn ich es schematisch zeichnen soll, sagen kann: Von den Mysterien des Orients ging aus die Strömung des Geistes (siehe Zeichnung Seite 23). Sie war jene lebendige Weisheit mit lebenspraktischer Stoßkraft, von der ich Ihnen eben gesprochen habe. Im Laufe der Zeit kam sie herüber nach Griechenland. Wir verspüren ihre Nachwirkungen noch in der ältesten griechischen Kultur. Aber sie wird im Fortgang der griechischen Kultur gewissermaßen filtriert, verdünnt, indem die Träger die alte Seelenschau verlieren und immer mehr und mehr sich der Verstand herausarbeitet aus dieser Seelenschau. Dadurch verlieren aber die Träger dieser Kultur gewissermaßen ihren Sinn. Denn den Sinn haben sie nur dadurch, daß sie mit der Geistesseelenschau und mit der Intelligenz zugleich begabt sind. Aber in der Geschichte erhält sich das, was in alten Zeiten einen Sinn hat, noch in einer späteren Zeit, und so leben im griechischen Kulturleben gewissermaßen die Menschen noch so fort, gegliedert, wie es einen Sinn hatte für jene alte Zeit, wo wirklich die Vorsteher der Mysterien gewissermaßen Gesandte der Götter waren. Und es verwandelte sich das, was Weisheit mit Stoßkraft war, in griechische Logik und Dialektik, in die griechische Weisheit, die schon filtriert ist gegenüber diesem ihrem orientalischen Ursprung.
Am orientalischen Ursprung wußte man genau, warum da Menschen sind, die hinhorchten, wenn die Vorsteher ihnen ihre ökonomischen Anleitungen gaben; in Griechenland hatte man die Teilung in die Herren und Sklaven. Die Teilung der Menschen war noch da; aber der Sinn verlor sich allmählich. Und was die Griechen noch gehabt haben mit viel mehr Sinn, wovon die Griechen wenigstens wußsten, daß es von den alten Mysterien kam, das wurde noch mehr filtriert auf dem Wege, den es dann in unser neuzeitliches Bildungsleben hinein machte. Denn da, in unserem neuzeitlichen Bildungsleben, ist es ganz abstrakt geworden. Wir treiben heute abstrakte Wis‚senschaft und finden keinen Zusammenhang mehr zwischen dieser abstrakten Wissenschaft und dem äußeren Leben. Denn die Strömung ist eben durch Griechenland weitergegangen in unsere Hochschulen, Gymnasien, Volksschulen und in das ganze populäre Geistesleben der modernen Menschheit hinein, und wir können heute eine eigenrümliche Erscheinung beobachten. Wir treffen heute unter den Menschen, die unter uns herumwandeln, solche an, die wir Adelige nennen, die wir Ariistokraten nennen. Vergeblich bemühen wir uns einen Sinn herauszufinden, warum der eine ein Aristokrat ist, der andere nicht; denn was den Aristokraten von dem Nichtaristokraten unterscheidet, das hat die Menschheit längst abgeschliffen, längst verloren. Der Aristokrat war der Vorsteher der orientalischen Mysterien des Lichts, und er konnte das sein, weil von ihm alles dasjenige ausging, was im Politischen und Ökonomischen wirkliche Lebensstoßkraft hatte. Die Weisheit ist filtriert worden. Die Gliederung, die sie bewirkt hat unter den Menschen, ist zu einem äußeren Abstraktum geworden, ohne Sinn für denjenigen, der in diesem Leben drinnensteht, und aus dieser Strömung ist hervorgegangen, was wir unseren Feudalismus nennen. Im äußeren sozialen Leben lebt dieser Feudalismus geduldet, vielleicht auch die anderen verärgernd, ohne Sinn. Man denkt nicht mehr nach über den Sinn, weil er auch heute nicht mehr im Leben zu finden ist, aber in unserer heutigen Zeit des Chaos zeigt sich noch ziemlich klar der feudale Ursprung unseres abstrakten Wissens und Erkennens. Als dann unser gegenwärtiges Geistesleben ganz das Geistesleben vom Journalistentum wurde, da, meine lieben Freunde, erfand man ein Wort, das eigentlich ein Wortungetüm ist, durch das man eine Umwandelung unseres Lebens bewirken möchte, das aber nur der Ausdruck des ganz rachitischen Geisteslebens geworden ist, da erfand man das Wort «Geistesaristokratie». Geistesaristokratie! Soll jemand Aufschluß darüber geben, was eigentlich damit gemeint ist, so könnte er nur sagen: Es ist das, was, ausgequetscht bis zum Äußersten, einmal in den Mysterien des Orients Stoßkraft hatte bis in die äußersten Ranken des praktischen Lebens hinein, was da einen Sinn hatte und was heute jeden Sinn verloren hat. Wollte man nun unser Geistesleben zeichnen, so müßte man einen recht verwirrten Wollknäuel zeichnen da unten, in dem alles so durcheinandergeknäuelt ist. Hauptsächlich drei Fäden sind durcheinandergeknäuelt. Einen der Fäden habe ich Ihnen jetzt gezeigt (siehe Zeichnung Seite 23).
Das ist unsere wesentliche Aufgabe, daß wir diesen Knäuel entwirren, und wir wenden dazu unseren Seelenblick zu der zweiten Strömung. Diese zweite Strömung hat einen anderen Ursprung, der auch weit zurückliegt in der Entwickelung der Menschheit, der aber auch im eigentlichen Mysterienwesen liegt, und zwar in den Mysterien Ägyptens. Ich möchte diese Mysterien - wie ich die des Orients genannt habe die Mysterien des Lichts - die Mysterien des Menschen nennen. Diese Mysterien versuchten vor allen Dingen jene Weisheit zu gewinnen an ihrem ägyptischen Ursprung, welche die Kraft gibt, das menschliche Zusammenleben zu gestalten, ein Verhältnis zu begründen von einem Menschen zum andern. Aber diese Mysterienströmung verbreitete sich dann durch Südeuropa herauf und nahm ihren Weg - so wie jene durch das Griechentum ging durch das phantasielose römische Volk. Strömung des Rechtes möchte ich es nennen. Den Durchgang nahm es durch Rom. Alles, was nach und nach im Laufe der Menschheitsentwickelung eingeimpft ist an Jurisprudenz, an Rechtsbestimmungen, das ist das filtrierte Wissen, die filtrierte Erkenntnis dieser Mysterien des Menschen. Der zweite Faden in unserem Kulturknäuel ist darinnen bis zu uns gelangt, aber sehr, sehr verändert, sehr metamorphosiert, eben durchgegangen durch die Unphantasie des Römertums. Man versteht das gegenwärtige Leben nicht, wenn man nicht weiß, daß die Menschen heute zunächst noch unfruchtbar geblieben sind für das Geistesleben und für das Rechtsleben, wenn man nicht weiß, daß sie empfangen haben das eine, nachdem es den weiten Weg durchgemacht hat von den Mysterien des Orients durch Griechenland bis zu uns, das andere, indem es den weiten Weg von den Mysterien Ägyptens durch das Römertum bis zu uns durchgemacht hat. Unfruchtbar ist unsere gegenwärtige Menschheit in bezug auf beide Strömungen. Man könnte viele Erscheinungen anführen, die das erweisen würden; aber man braucht ja nur auf die Wege des Christentums hinzuweisen.
Als das Christentum in die Welt eintreten wollte, wo mußte der Christus Jesus erscheinen, damit das, was er der Welt zu geben hatte, einen Weg fand? Im Orient mußte er erscheinen, in dasjenige, was im Orient lebte, mußte er hineinlegen, was er der Menschheit zu geben hatte. Das Mysterium von Golgatha ist eine Tatsache; was die Menschen darüber wissen, ist in Entwickelung. Eingekleidet wurde das, was man über das Mysterium von Golgatha sagt, zunächst in alles das, was man noch hatte von den Mysterien des Orients. Mit der Wissenschaft und Weisheit der Mysterien des Orients wurde umgeben das Mysterium von Golgatha, und es wurde zu begreifen versucht mit dieser Weisheit. So finden wir das Christentum noch etwa bei den griechischen Kirchenlehrern.
Man kann auch noch auf eine andere Erscheinung hinweisen. Als die geistig gänzlich unfruchtbare westliche Kultur in einem ihrer Menschenvertreter nach einer geistigen Auffrischung suchte, was tat sie da? Da taten sich einige Leute Englands und Amerikas zusammen und entnahmen die Weisheit aus dem besiegten und geknechteten Indervolk. Das heißt, sie gingen neuerdings nach dem Orient hinüber, um da die geistige Strömung zu suchen, in dem zu suchen, was noch als letzter Rest da drüben im Orient geblieben war von jener geistigen Strömung. Daher die englisch-amerikanisch gefärbte Theosophie, die aus dieser Quelle schöpfen wollte, aber aus ihrer gegenwärtigen Gestaltung. Es ist die Unfruchtbarkeit des gegenwärtigen Geisteslebens, die am stärksten hervortritt gerade in westlichen Ländern. |
Und die zweite Strömung ist diejenige, die politisch-rechtlichen Charakter trägt, die durch das Römertum gegangen ist. Darin liegt nun der Ursprung unseres rechtlich-politischen Lebens, und nur in. einem Seitenzweig ist diese Strömung hereingeflossen in das Rechtsleben und wirkt in ihm fort, so daß wir vielfach dasjenige, was in uns, in unsere Kultur eingeflossen ist an Geistesleben, auf dem Umweg durch das römisch-politisch-juristische System empfangen haben. Daher ist auch so vieles darin. Selbst das Christentum, das auf römischem Wege sich im Abendlande ausgebreitet hat, hat die Gestalt angenommen, die durch diese Erscheinung bedingt ist. Was ist da das religiöse Element durch diesen Durchgangspunkt durch das Römertum geworden? Es ist geworden jene große Jurisprudenz, die man römisch-katholische Religion nennt. Da ist der Gott mit seinen Nebengöttern durchaus ein Wesen, das nach römischen Rechtsbegriffen, nur in der übersinnlichen Welt, richtet; da stecken die Begriffe von Sünde und Schuld, die eigentlich juristische Begriffe sind, die nicht in den Mysterien des Orients und in der griechischen Lebensanschauung waren, da stecken die juristischen Begriffe des Römertums darinnen. Das ist eine durch und durch verjuristete religiöse Strömung. Alles das, was sich im Leben äußert, kann auch Schönheitsformen annehmen. Und wenn wir jene juristisch-politische Szene, in der der Weltengott zum Weltenrichter wird, und die ganze Erdenentwickelung abgeschlossen wird durch eine juristische Tat, wenn wir das schön verklärt in der sixtinischen Kapelle von Michelangelo gemalt sehen, so ist das der gloriose Ausdruck des verjuristeten Christentums; aber eben des «verjuristeten» Christentums, das seine Krönung im Weltgerichte findet.
Wir müssen den Knäuel unseres Geisteslebens und unseres Rechts- und wirtschaftlichen Lebens auseinanderlösen, um zu sehen, was da drinnensteckt; denn wir leben in dem Kulturchaos darinnen. Die Strömungen wirken auf uns ein. Wir müssen sie auseinanderlösen. Aber noch eine dritte Strömung ist eingeflossen in diesen unseren Kulturknäuel, die ihren Ursprung mehr genommen hat vom Norden und die vorzugsweise sich bis heute - auch filtriert, aber in anderer Richtung filtriert - in der anglo-amerikanischen SozialOrganisation erhalten hat. Ich möchte das nennen die Mysterien des Nordens oder Mysterien der Erde. Was sich da zunächst an primitiver Geistigkeit aus den Mysterien der Erde entwickelt hat, das ist ein anderer Weg als der, den das Geistwesen im Orient genommen hat. Ich sagte: Dort hat es den Weg von oben nach unten genommen, zuerst sich offenbarend als die Mysterien der Himmel und des Lichts und dann heruntergetragen in das Politische und die Ökonomie. Hier im Norden gingen die Dinge von der Ökonomie aus. Dieser Ursprung ist allerdings von dem äußeren Leben schon verschwunden, man merkt ihn höchstens noch an alten Überbleibseln, die noch erhalten sind. Nehmen Sie zum Beispiel solche Bräuche, die noch beschrieben werden, wenn man von alter nordischer Kultur spricht, von der die englische eine Dependance ist. Da finden Sie zu einer gewissen Jahreszeit Züge durch die Dörfer mit dem gekrönten Stier, der eben die Kuhherde befruchten mußte. Das heißt, es wurde von unten nach oben herausgeholt eine Sehnsucht nach dem geistigen Leben; da wird der Weg von unten nach oben genommen. Da wird alles, selbst das, was an primitiver Geistigkeit da ist, aus dem Wirtschaftsleben heraus genommen, und alle Feste waren ursprünglich aufs Wirtschaftsleben bezügliche Feste, irgend etwas ausdrückend vom Sinn des Wirtschaftslebens. So wie von oben nach unten der Weg in der orientalischen Kultur gemacht wurde, so muß der Weg gemacht werden hier im Norden von unten nach oben. Erhoben muß werden die Menschheit von unten, von der Ökonomie hinauf durch das Rechtsleben in die Mysterien des Geistes hinein. Aber sehen Sie, dieser Weg von unten nach oben, er ist noch nicht sehr weit gediehen. Wenn wir das Juristische Leben prüfen, wie es in den Gegenden des Westens sich entwickelt hat, so finden wir es durchaus von Rom her orientiert; wenn wir das Geistesleben prüfen, so finden wir es zwar oft nicht so handgreiflich orientalisch orientiert wie jene indische Theosophie, von der ich vorhin gesprochen habe, aber wir finden doch dasjenige, was als ursprüngliches Geistesleben da enthalten ist, was nicht vom Orient herüber genommen wird oder verjuristet von Rom her bezogen wird, mit Mühe sich aus dem Wirtschaftsleben herauslösend. Nehmen wir einen charakteristischen Fall.
Solche Philosophen, solche Naturforscher, wie Newton, Darwin, Mill, Spencer, Hume, man kann sie nur verstehen, wenn man sieht, wie sie sich aus dem Wirtschaftsleben herausentwickelten, wie sie versuchten, den Weg nach oben zu machen. Man kann zum Beispiel Mill auch nur nationalökonomisch verstehen, wenn man ihn heraus erklärt aus den ökonomischen Grundlagen, die um ihn herum waren, kann auch die englischen Philosophen nur verstehen, wenn man sie heraus erklärt aus den ökonomischen Grundlagen ihrer Umgebung. Das ist etwas, was dieser dritten Strömung anhaftet, dieser Strömung der Mysterien der Erde, die von unten nach oben strömt, und die, durchaus noch ungeklärt, sich in unser modernes Zivilisationsleben als der dritte Faden in den Knäuel hineinverwoben har.
Da haben Sie die drei Fäden, die chaotisch in einem Knäuel zusammen verwoben in unserer sogenannten Zivilisation leben. Man hat sich immer in einem gewissen Sinn dagegen aufgebäumt. Im Westen am wenigsten; da nahm man auf der eine Seite, auch in Amerika, das wirtschaftliche Leben, das man von den Mysterien des Nordens hatte, auf das man geistfremde und geistlose Theorien baute, wissenschaftlich baute; man nahm auf dem Umweg über Rom das juristisch-politisch-rechtliche Leben, nahm vom Orient das geistige Wesen. In Mitteleuropa bäumte sich manches auf dagegen. Da entstand vielfach das Streben, diese Dinge in ihrer Reinheit zu fassen; im geistigen Leben am eindringlichsten in dem, was ich Goetheanismus nennen möchte. Goethe, der die Jurisprudenz aus der Naturwissenschaft heraushaben wollte, er ist charakteristisch für das Sich aufbäumen gegen das bloß orientalische Geistesleben. Wir haben nämlich auch die Jurisprudenz in der Naturwissenschaft darinnen: wir sprechen von Naturgesetzen. Die Orientalen haben nicht von Naturgesetzen gesprochen, sondern vom Walten des Weltenwillens. Naturgesetz ist erst entstanden, als jener Nebenstrom aufgenommen worden ist. Da ist das juristische Gesetz eingeschlichen durch ein Fenster in das Naturerkennen und ist Naturgesetz geworden. Goethe wollte erfassen die reine Erscheinung, die reine Tatsache, ‘das reine Phänomen, das Urphänomen. Ohne daß man reinigt unsere Naturwissenschaft von den Anhängseln der Jurisprudenz, kommen wir nicht zu einem gereinigten Geistesleben. Geisteswissenschaft erfaßt daher überall Tatsachen und weist nur auf Gesetze hin als eine Sekundärerscheinung.
Dann haben wir auch ein gewisses Sichaufbäumen gegen das römische Rechtswesen, das in den Köpfen auch der sozialistisch Orientierten steckt, zum Beispiel bei - ja, es war sogar ein preußischer Unterrichtsminister - bei Wilhelm von Humboldt. Als er seine schöne Abhandlung schrieb über die Grenzen der Wirksamkeit des Staates, da lebte in ihm etwas von dem Drang, abzustoßen das Kulturleben und das Wirtschaftsleben von dem bloßen Staatsleben. Lesen Sie das schöne Reclambüchelchen - ich weiß nicht, was es heute kostet, aber früher war es um ein paar Pfennige zu haben - «Ideen zu einem Versuch, die Grenzen der Wirksamkeit des Staates zu bestimmen». Da lebt der Drang, das Rechtlich-Politische herauszuschälen aus den beiden anderen Richtekräften. Dann wiederum lebt dieses Sichaufbäumen gegen das Alte auch in der deutschen Philosophie. Aber nicht anders, als wenn eine gesunde Anschauung über dasjenige, was die Wissenschaft der Initiation über den Ursprung unseres Kulturlebens zu geben vermag, Platz greift, kann Heil, Gesundheit in diese Kulturentwickelung der Menschheit hineinkommen.
Gefühlsmäßig empfindet man ja insbesondere im Östen Europas und empfand immer dort die Notwendigkeit des Zusammenlebens der drei Elemente in unserem gegenwärtigen Kulturleben. Denn von diesen drei Strömungen ist am charakteristischsten zum Ausdruck gekommen dasjenige, was vom Nordischen kommt für den Westen. Da ist alles übertönt vom Wirtschaftsleben. Was das Juristische betrifft, da ist namentlich viel davon in Mitteleuropa; und von dem, was die Mysterien des Orients, des Lichtes sind, finden wir vieles in Osteuropa und in Asien. Da, wo wir noch Kastenbildungen treffen, da finden wir noch etwas von dem Sinn des alten, aus dem Geist heraus kommenden Feudalismus. Das juristisch durchsetzte Leben, das hat gezüchtet die moderne Bourgeoisie. Die Bourgeoisie kommt von der Rechtsströmung. Diese Dinge müssen heute klar durchschaut werden. Ich möchte sagen: In dem Unbewußten der Menschen findet sich schon der Drang, solche Dinge klar zu durchschauen; aber nur die Geisteswissenschaft kann diese Sehnsucht, diesen Drang, zur wirklichen Klarheit bringen. Es hat sich auch im 19. Jahrhundert immer gezeigt, wie man durch ein Ineinandergehen der vielfach unklaren Strömungen zu Zukunftsidealen zu kommen bestrebt war. Man wollte das nämlich dadurch erreichen, daß die Menschen nicht so abstrakt einander gegenüberstehen, wie sie es heute tun dadurch, daß das Geistesleben filtriert worden ist und in seiner Abstraktion in uns hereinlebt, daß das Rechtsleben filtriert worden ist und auch in seiner Abstraktion in uns hereinlebt, und daß das Wirtschaftsleben nachkeucht, um den Weg von unten nach oben zu finden.
In jenem Osteuropa, wo sich so viele Dinge von Bedeutung jetzt abspielen, so beunruhigende und verheerende Dinge sich abspielen, da zeigte es sich am ersten, wohl auch in dem vielfach unklaren 19. Jahrhundert, wie man versuchte, gerade mit dem Sichaufbäumen gegen diese Verknäuelung der Kultur fertig zu werden. Die russischen Revolutionäre vom zweiten und letzten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts, die versuchten nämlich das zu befruchten, in dem noch zurückgeblieben ist im Osten eine gewisse Vorstufe des Geisteslebens, mit dem, was in Mitteleuropa schon an Sichaufbäumen gegen das Altüberlieferte hervorgetreten ist. Und so finden wir bei solchen russischen Revolutionären vom zweiten und letzten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts, wenn sie miteinander Briefe wechseln, wie sie gewissermaßen darauf hinweisen, daß schon in Mitteleuropa der Intellekt, das reine, bloß abstrakte Verstandesleben, sich mit einer gewissen Geistigkeit zu durchdringen versucht hat. Und immer wieder und wiederum tritt auf unter diesen russischen Revolutionären so etwas, was etwa ähnlich ist dem Satz: Es ist in der deutschen Philosophie versucht worden, den Intellekt, der die alte Seelenschau verloren hat, wiederum zu erheben zu einer gewissen Geistigkeit. Intim bekanntmachen wollte man sich im Osten mit dem, was da in Mitteleuropa hervorgetreten ist, und die Intimität spiegelte sich ab in der Art, wie sich diese Revolutionäre schrieben. Sie verehrten sehr den Philosophen «Iwan Petrowitsch», und sprachen davon, wie dieser sich erhoben hat zum reinen Gedanken, wie er versucht hat, in das dialektische Gedankenspiel der abendländischen Kultur wieder Geist hineinzubringen; und sie versuchten, Konsequenz aus seiner Philosophie zu ziehen. Sie nennen ihn, um mehr ihr Gefühlsverhältnis zu ihm auszudrücken, nicht Hegel, sondern sagen «der Iwan Petrowitsch». Da sehen wir gerade in diesen Bestrebungen das, was später verheerend werden mußte, ich möchte sagen, vorspuken. In unserer Zeit muß Klarheit sein über die ganze Erde hinüber. Daher muß auch alles getan werden, um dieser Klarheit zum Siege zu verhelfen. Aber man muß sich dazu bewußt werden, was man heute alles gegen sich hat, wenn der Versuch gemacht wird, zu dieser Klarheit zu kommen, wie man auch gegen sich hat neben vielem anderem die Bequemlichkeit der Menschen. Die Nachsicht mit der Bequemlichkeit der Menschen müssen wir uns auch abgewöhnen, denn die Menschheit braucht den Geist, und der Geist wird auf den bequemen Wegen, die heute oftmals begangen werden, nicht zum Sieg zu bringen sein. Denn man kämpft heute gegen das Hereindringen der Wissenschaft der Initiation mit merkwürdigen Waffen.
Es war mir neulich eine tiefe Befriedigung, als unser lieber Freund Dr. Stein nach Dornach schrieb, wie er, ohne Nachsicht zu üben, einen Feind des menschlichen Geisteslebens hier in der Nachbarschaft rückhaltlos abgefertigt habe, allerdings bei einer Gelegenheit, die kulturhistorisch recht bedeutsam ist. Denn da wurde es doch zustande gebracht - Sie werden mich ja korrigieren, wenn ich irren sollte, ich war ja selbst nicht dabei -, daß der betreffende Pfarrer-Vorsitzende einer Versammlung, als Bibelsprüche von einem unserer Freunde zitiert wurden und dem Pfarrer die Wahrheit der Bibelsprüche nicht mehr gefiel, er das Wort gebrauchte, daß Christus hier irre. Ist das gesagt worden? [Zustimmung.] Wenn man heute sich auf jener Seite nicht mehr zu helfen weiß, dann ist man selber unfehlbar, aber der Christus irrt. Wir haben es weit gebracht!
Sehen Sie, diese Dinge zeugen alle von dem Wahrheitscharakter dessen, was heute als Geistesleben durch die Menschheit pulsiert. Wo das Geistesleben zur äußersten Abstraktion geworden ist, da kann es sich nicht mehr in der Sphäre der Wahrheit halten. Aber man muß empfinden, was da eigentlich vorhanden ist. Die Zeitschrift «Dreigliederung des sozialen Organismus» brachte neulich eine Notiz von einer Versammlung, die hier in Stuttgart stattgefunden haben soll, wo nun von römisch-katholischer Seite in Einklang mit jener protestantischen Seite aufgetreten worden ist gegen das, was hier als Geisteswissenschaft verbreitet wird. Der betreffende Domkapitular soll gesagt haben, eine Diskussion sei ja nicht notwendig, weil sich die Menschen aus den gegnerischen Schriften unterrichten könnten, was die Lehre des Dr. Steiner sei. Die Schriften des Dr. Steiner dürften aber nicht gelesen werden, denn die habe der Papst verboten. In der Tat ist das die neueste Jesuitenlehre von der Kongregation des Heiligen Offiziums, die vor allen Dingen auf die Katholiken anzuwenden ist: die Lehre, daß den Katholiken verboten ist, die Schriften über Anthroposophie zu lesen. Daher werden die römischen Katholiken heute offiziell dazu angehalten, sich zu unterrichten über das, was ich lehre, aus den Schriften der Gegner, aus Schriften von Seiling und manchen anderen; denn die sind erlaubt, sind nicht verboten von der Heiligen Kongregation. Aber sie dürfen nicht lesen, was ich selber schreibe. Dagegen muß man, wenn man die ganze Verfassung der römisch-katholischen Kirche kennt und weiß, wie der einzelne, so wie er eingefügt ist, nur der Vertreter der gesamten Organisation ist, in allem Ernst die Frage nach den moralischen Qualitäten eines solchen Vorgehens in seiner tiefsten Seele aufwerfen und fragen: Ist ein solches Vorgehen überhaupt noch irgendwie mit Menschheitsmoral zu vereinigen? Ist es nicht tief unsittlich ? Solche Fragen müssen heute ohne Nachsicht gestellt werden. Wir leben eben in einer ernsten Zeit und dürfen nicht in leichter, bequemlicher und lässiger Weise fortschlafen. Wir müssen rückhaltlos diejenigen Dinge wirklich zum Ausdruck bringen, die geeignet sind, ein Heil herbeizuführen, indem wir zu gleicher Zeit die Unmoralität der heutigen Unwahrheit in das entsprechende Licht stellen. Und im Grunde genommen ist diese Unwahrheit gar nicht so wenig verbreitet.
Neulich brachte mir Dr. Boos einen Aufsatz eines Docteur en sociologie. Der begann etwa mit den folgenden Worten: Welch ein Weg ist von den klaren Gedanken von Waxweiler bis zu den obskuren Gedanken von Rudolf Steiner! Aber dieser Herr ist ja auch gewesen der Intimus von Guillaume II. und es wird gesagt, daß er mit wichtigen Ratschlägen gerade in den letzten Jahren dem Wilhelm II. beigestanden hat, so daß man auch diesen Mann den Rasputin bei Wilhelm II. nennen kann. Wir wollen uns nicht zum Vermittler dieses Gerüchtes machen, heißt es im nächsten Satz.
Da können Sie zweierlei ersehen: Erstens die moralische Versumpftheit eines solchen Menschen, der sich zum Träger dieses Gerüchtes macht, und seine schöne Logik, indem er sagt: Indem ich dieses Gerücht hier vor meinen Lesern ausbreite, mache ich mich nicht zum Verbreiter dieses Gerüchtes. - So denken heute zahlreiche Menschen, verlassen von allen Geistern der Wirklichkeit, indem das, was sie sagen, schon außerhalb jeder Wirklichkeit steht. Denn ich kann nicht sagen: Ich sage etwas, indem ich es nicht sage. Denn das macht jenes Modell von einem Menschen, der Monsieur Ferriere, der dieses geschrieben hat. Man kann sich mit solch moralisch verkommenen Individuen nicht einlassen. Ich konnte nur feststellen und hoffe, daß ihm das entgegengeschleudert wird -, daß ich folgende Beziehungen zu jenem Wilhelm II. hatte. Erstens: ich saß einmal in einem Berliner Theater, vielleicht im Jahre 1897, im ersten Rang oben, und in der Mitte des Theaters saß Wilhelm II. in der Hofloge, und ich sah ihn in einer Entfernung etwa wie von hier bis zum Ende dieses Saales. Das zweite Mal sah ich ihn, als er hinter dem Sarge der Großherzogin von Weimar schritt, ganz von ferne. Das dritte Mal in der Friedrichstraße in Berlin, wo er mit seinem Gefolge mit dem Marschallstab in der Hand durch die Straßen ritt und die Leute Hurra schrieen. Das sind meine ganzen Beziehungen zu Wilhelm II, andere habe ich nie gehabt und nie gesucht. So entstehen heute Behauptungen, und manches von dem, was Sie lesen - mit Druckerschwärze auf das Papier hingebannt -, das ist nicht mehr wert als dieses Dreckgerücht, das heute dazu verwendet wird, um in romanischen Ländern Anthroposophie zu verketzern. Heute muß den Dingen auf den Ursprung gegangen werden, heute genügt es nicht, die Dinge bloß hinzunehmen, die gesagt werden, sondern es ist notwendig, daß die Menschen sich gewöhnen, an den Ursprung dessen zu gehen, was gesagt und behauptet wird. Der Sinn aber für den Wahrheitsursprung der äußeren Tatsachenwelt, er wird der Menschheit nur erblühen aus einer Vertiefung in wirkliche Geisteswissenschaft.
First Lecture
Those of you who have listened to the last lectures given here will have gathered from the observations made therein to what extent it is definitely a challenge of our time to allow the so-called science of initiation, the real science of spiritual life, to flow into our entire cultural development. And I have already spoken quite a bit about the obstacles that stand in the way of the science of the spiritual world flowing into our present cultural life, and probably also into the cultural life of the future. First of all, there is what I have often characterized as the fear of spiritual knowledge. You only have to say this and it will be “insulted” to a certain extent from all sides in the present. For how could it be true, in the opinion of some people, that in those times, in which one has come so gloriously far, people have any fear of knowledge? After all, people today believe that they are in a position to be able to encompass everything with their powers of knowledge. But the fear of which I speak, and of which I have often spoken, does not initially reside in people's consciousness. In their consciousness people delude themselves that they are brave enough to accept any kind of knowledge. But deep in that part of the soul of which men know nothing and also today basically want to know nothing, there sits this unconscious fear, and because these men have this unconscious fear, all kinds of reasons arise in them which they call logical reasons, which they pretend are logical objections to spiritual science. They are not logical objections, they are only outflows of the unconscious fear of the science of the spirit which reigns in human souls. In the depths of the life of the soul, every human being actually knows much more than he thinks. He only does not want to allow this knowledge, which is rooted in the subterranean depths of the soul's life, to emerge because he is afraid of it. Above all, man suspects one thing about the supersensible worlds: He suspects that in all that he calls his thinking, in all that he calls his world of thought, there is something of the supersensible world. Even materialistically minded people of the present day cannot always escape the suspicion that there is something in the life of thought that somehow points to a supersensible world. But at the same time, man also suspects something else about this world of thoughts: he suspects that this world of thoughts relates to a certain reality in the same way as the image that one sees in a mirror relates to the reality that is reflected. And just as the image in the mirror is not actually a reality, man would also have to admit to himself that his world of thoughts is not a reality. At the moment when man would have the courage, the fearlessness, to admit to himself that the world of thoughts is not reality, at that moment he would also have to grasp the longing for a knowledge of the spiritual world. For one would like to know what it points to, what one only sees as a mirror image.
Now, however, what I have just said, I would say, has an important polar opposite. When, through the science of initiations, one ascends beyond the threshold of the supersensible world into the spiritual world, then, conversely, everything that one experiences here as sensual reality becomes a mere image, an illusory image. One ascends into the supersensible world and just as here, let us say, on earth the supersensible world is a mirror image, is present in the mirror image, so the earth world is present in the supersensible world only as a mirror image. And he who speaks out of the science of initiation must therefore naturally speak of the sensuous reality merely as of images. People then feel that what they can stand on so comfortably, what they can breathe in so comfortably, what they can see so comfortably, without doing anything but opening their eyes in the morning and rubbing them out, becomes a mere image. People then feel this, and they begin to feel insecure; they begin to feel about as insecure as a person who has been led on a walk to the edge of a precipice, and who is then seized by the vertigo of fear. On the one hand, therefore, man ought to feel how his thinking here in the sense-world is merely a sum of images; on the other hand, he ought to feel - and he does feel it, but deceives himself through unconscious fear - that that which tells of the supersensible world makes this world here into an image. That, as I said, is what people feel. That is why they resist what comes from the science of initiation. They resist because they think that they lack the secure foundation of existence if the sensory world is made into a mere image for them, so to speak.
Now certainly not everyone can go through in the present without further ado what those who enter the world of initiation practically directly have to go through. For such a one who enters the world of initiation must not only recognize therein what all men today should strive to recognize, but he must also live therein; he must live therein as one lives with his body in the physical-sensual world. That is to say, he must, so to speak, really go through vicariously that which in the physical-sensual world can only be gone through in the moment of death. He must gain the possibility of living in a world for which the physical-sensory human being is not at all adjusted. Even if we only cut our finger, we feel a certain pain, we feel something uncomfortable. Why do we feel something uncomfortable when we cut our finger? Well, for the simple reason that the knife cuts the skin and the muscle and the nerve, but not the supersensible etheric body. If we have the uncut finger, then our supersensible etheric body matches this uncut finger; if we have cut the finger and yet we cannot cut the etheric body, then the uncut etheric body does not match the cut finger, and that is the reason why the astral body then feels the pain. This comes from not being adapted to the sensual body. When man crosses the threshold of the supersensible world into this supersensible world, then he is no longer adapted with his whole body to the sensible body, then little by little he feels something similar to what he feels locally when he has cut his finger. And this, my dear friends, this is to be thought of in an unlimited increase.
Now, of course, it is impossible to imagine what would come over the people of the present day, who are often so courageous in their consciousness, often so wretched in their souls, if they were to receive directly the possibility of life in the supersensible world, if they were to go through all that comes from being unadapted to this supersensible world. But it is not only that mankind of the present day is so far advanced that it can understand with common sense all that is told by those who know life in the supersensible, but this knowledge of the supersensible, this reception of the science of the supersensible, is even an absolute necessity for the common sense of man of the present day. For only this knowledge of the supersensible can enlighten us today about all that surrounds us so chaotically, so devastatingly in the present. We live, it must be said, in a world in which things come to light, things come to life which we must say cannot remain as they are, they must undergo a transformation. But the humanity of the present does not see through what is actually living around it. We can only see through what is living around humanity in the present through the science of initiation, we can only see through it by comparing the life of the present with all the life phenomena that have intervened in the development of humanity over the centuries, millennia.
At a certain point in time it had to be said to today's public: If one wants to bring any fruitful impulse into the life that shows us today's destructive phenomena, then this is none other than that of the threefold organization of the social organism. Thus the soul's gaze must be directed to the three basic currents of our present cultural life. These basic currents, as you probably already know well enough today, are those of the actual spiritual life, those of the legal-political life, those of the external economic life.
If one places these three basic currents of life before the human soul, then one actually encompasses, by pronouncing the words for these basic currents, a large sum of phenomena of life in each of these basic currents. Let us, I would like to say, allow these three basic currents to pass before our spiritual gaze in turn.
We have a spiritual life today. In one way or another, man is placed in this spiritual life. In one way or another, man is placed in this spiritual life, in that he may only attend an elementary school according to the economic or legal foundations on which his existence is built, while another may be driven further in our educational institutions. That which is absorbed by people lives among us in our social life. This is how we relate to our fellow human beings. Today is the time when the question must be thoroughly raised: Where does this whole spiritual life come from, and how has it acquired the character it has today in the course of its origin and development? If one goes back to the real origin of this spiritual life, one must, as it were, pass through certain stages beforehand. That which today permeates our elementary school life, our higher school life, all goes back - but in intermediate stages, which I will omit - to things long past. We just don't usually recognize how it goes back; in the elementary school system, for example, we don't recognize how it goes back to what emerged in ancient Greece. Basically, our spiritual life is fed by the impulses that lived in ancient Greece, in a slightly different form, which have only been transformed since then. But they did not originate in ancient Greece either. They arose over there in the Orient and, albeit thousands of years ago, had a different form at their source in the Orient than they already had in ancient Greece. Back then, in the Orient, they were mystery wisdom. If we leave out our legal-political life, which is chaotically intertwined with spiritual life as if in a ball, and leave out economic life, if we peel out our spiritual life in abstraction, we can follow its path backwards, ascending to certain mysteries of the Orient, whose origin, however, lies thousands of years ago, but in which what is a dry, sober abstraction for us today in our educational institutions, has a character alien to life, was something quite alive. If we take ourselves back in spirit to those mysteries of the Orient, which I actually mean by this, we meet as the heads of these mysteries people whom we can describe as a kind of confluence of priest, of king and at the same time - as strange as it sounds to people today - of economist, of businessman. For in these mysteries - I would like to call them the mysteries of light or of the spirit - a comprehensive knowledge of life was pursued, a knowledge of life which first of all aimed at investigating the nature of man from the facts of the heavenly and starry world; but also a wisdom which aimed at regulating the legal coexistence of men in the sense of this knowledge gained. And instructions were issued from these mystery sites on how to look after livestock, how to cultivate fields, how to build canals and so on. This science of initiation of a grey antiquity had a social impact, was something that filled the whole human being, was something that was able to say not only beautiful things about the good and the true, but something that was able to control, organize and shape practical life out of the spirit. The path which these Mystery leaders took, and which they showed, as far as they were able, to the peoples who belonged to such a Mystery, was a path from the top down. First of all, these Mystery Masters strove for the revelation of the spiritual worlds, then they worked downwards by embracing the spirit in concreto according to the principles of atavistic clairvoyance, then they worked downwards to political life, to the political organization of social organisms, and then to economics, to the economy. This was wisdom with the power of life. How did this wisdom with the power of life actually come among people?
If we go back to the times when these Mysteries, which I am now referring to, were not yet decisive, then we have across the regions of the then civilized humanity nothing but people with a certain original atavistic clairvoyance, people who, when they spoke of what they needed for life, could refer to the impressions of their heart, their soul, their vision. These people were spread over the regions of present-day India, Persia, Armenia, North Africa, Southern Europe and so on. But one thing did not live in the souls of these people. That was what we today regard as our proudest soul asset: intelligence, reason. To a certain extent, the population of the civilized world at that time did not yet need intellect. For what the mind does today was done by people out of the inspirations of the soul and was guided and oriented by the leaders these people had. But then something that we could call a different race of people, what we could call a completely different kind of human being than the population I have been talking about, spread into those regions. In the legends and myths, and probably also in history, it is told that certain people descended from the highlands of Asia, who in very ancient times brought a certain culture to the south and southwest. Spiritual science must fathom the nature of these people who descended to those people who received the power of direction for life only from within themselves, from their inspirations. There we find, examined by spiritual science, that these people, who came into the civilization of that time like a new element of the population, united two things that the others did not have. The other people had the atavistic power of clairvoyance without the intellect, without the intelligence; those who descended there also had something of the power of clairvoyance, but at the same time they had received in their soul the first disposition to intelligence, to intellect. And so they brought upon the civilization of that time a clairvoyance imbued with understanding. These were the first Aryans that history tells us about. And from the contrast between the old atavistic-soulful people and these people who imbued the old soul power with intellect, the first caste difference arose externally-physically-empirically, which still continues to have an effect in Asia, of which Tagore, for example, speaks. The most outstanding of these men, who at the same time had the ancient vision of the soul and the intellect, intelligence, which was just emerging in humanity, became the rulers of those mysteries of which I have just spoken, the mysteries of oriental light, and from them proceeded what later came over to Greece. So that I can tell you, if I am to draw it schematically: From the mysteries of the Orient emanated the current of the spirit (see drawing on page 23). It was that living wisdom with practical impetus of which I have just spoken to you. In the course of time it came over to Greece. We can still feel its after-effects in the oldest Greek culture. But in the course of Greek culture it is, as it were, filtered out, diluted, in that the bearers lose the old vision of the soul and the intellect increasingly works its way out of this vision of the soul. As a result, however, the bearers of this culture lose their sense, so to speak. For they only have meaning because they are gifted with the spiritual vision of the soul and with intelligence at the same time. But in history that which has a meaning in ancient times is still preserved in a later time, and so in Greek cultural life men still live on, so to speak, structured as it had a meaning for those ancient times, when really the rulers of the Mysteries were to a certain extent messengers of the gods. And that which was wisdom with thrust was transformed into Greek logic and dialectics, into Greek wisdom, which is already filtered in relation to its oriental origin.
In the oriental origin one knew exactly why there were people who listened when the rulers gave them their economic instructions; in Greece one had the division into masters and slaves. The division of people was still there, but the meaning gradually disappeared. And what the Greeks still had with much more meaning, of which the Greeks at least knew that it came from the ancient mysteries, was filtered even more on the way that it then made its way into our modern educational life. For there, in our modern educational life, it has become quite abstract. Today we pursue abstract science and no longer find any connection between this abstract science and external life. For the current has gone on through Greece into our universities, grammar schools, elementary schools and into the whole popular intellectual life of modern mankind, and today we can observe a peculiar phenomenon. Among the people who walk among us today we meet those whom we call nobles, whom we call aristocrats. We try in vain to make sense of why one is an aristocrat and the other is not; for what distinguishes the aristocrat from the non-aristocrat has long since been ground down, long since lost. The aristocrat was the leader of the oriental mysteries of light, and he could be so because everything that had real vitality in the political and economic spheres emanated from him. Wisdom has been filtered. The organization which it brought about among men has become an external abstraction, without meaning for those who are in this life, and from this current has emerged what we call our feudalism. In external social life this feudalism lives tolerated, perhaps even annoying others, without meaning. We no longer think about meaning because it is no longer to be found in life, but in our present time of chaos the feudal origin of our abstract knowledge and cognition is still quite clear. When our present spiritual life became entirely the spiritual life of journalism, then, my dear friends, a word was invented which is actually a monster of a word, through which one would like to bring about a transformation of our life, but which has only become the expression of the entirely rickety spiritual life, then the word “spiritual aristocracy” was invented. Spiritual aristocracy! If someone were to explain what is actually meant by it, he could only say: It is that which, squeezed to the utmost, once had thrust in the mysteries of the Orient right into the outermost tendrils of practical life, which had a meaning there and which has lost all meaning today. If one wanted to draw our spiritual life, one would have to draw a rather confused ball of wool down there, in which everything is so tangled up. Mainly three threads are tangled up. I have now shown you one of the threads (see drawing on page 23).
This is our essential task, that we untangle this tangle, and to do this we turn our soul's gaze to the second current. This second current has another origin, which also lies far back in the development of mankind, but which also lies in the actual Mystery Being, namely in the Mysteries of Egypt. I would like to call these mysteries - as I have called those of the Orient the Mysteries of Light - the Mysteries of Man. Above all, these mysteries sought to gain that wisdom from their Egyptian origin which gives the power to shape human coexistence, to establish a relationship from one human being to another. But this current of the Mysteries then spread up through southern Europe and took its course - just as it went through Greece through the unimaginative Roman people. I would like to call it the current of law. It passed through Rome. All the jurisprudence and legal regulations that have gradually been inculcated in the course of human development are the filtered knowledge, the filtered realization of these mysteries of man. The second thread in our cultural tangle has reached us, but very, very changed, very metamorphosed, having just passed through the unimagination of Romanism. One does not understand the present life if one does not know that men today have at first remained unfruitful for the spiritual life and for the legal life, if one does not know that they have received the one after it has gone through the long way from the mysteries of the Orient through Greece to us, the other by going through the long way from the mysteries of Egypt through Romanism to us. Our present humanity is unfruitful with regard to both currents. One could cite many phenomena to prove this; but one need only point to the ways of Christianity.
When Christianity wanted to enter the world, where did the Christ Jesus have to appear for what he had to give to the world to find a way? He had to appear in the Orient; he had to place what he had to give to humanity into what lived in the Orient. The Mystery of Golgotha is a fact; what people know about it is in development. What is said about the Mystery of Golgotha was initially clothed in everything that was still known about the mysteries of the Orient. The Mystery of Golgotha was surrounded by the science and wisdom of the mysteries of the Orient, and attempts were made to understand it with this wisdom. This is how we still find Christianity in the Greek church teachers, for example.
We can also point to another phenomenon. When the spiritually completely barren Western culture was looking for a spiritual refreshment in one of its human representatives, what did it do? Some people in England and America got together and took wisdom from the defeated and enslaved Indian people. In other words, they went over to the Orient again to look for the spiritual current there, to look for the last remnants of that spiritual current over there in the Orient. Hence the English-American tinged Theosophy, which wanted to draw from this source, but from its present form. It is the barrenness of contemporary spiritual life that is most prominent in Western countries.
And the second current is the one that has a political-legal character, which went through Romanity. Therein now lies the origin of our legal-political life, and only in a side branch has this current flowed into legal life and continues to work in it, so that in many cases we have received that which has flowed into us, into our culture, in spiritual life, by a detour through the Roman political-legal system. That is why there is so much in it. Even Christianity, which spread in the West by Roman means, has taken on the form that is conditioned by this phenomenon. What did the religious element become as a result of this passage through Romanity? It became that great jurisprudence which is called the Roman Catholic religion. There the God with his secondary gods is definitely a being who judges according to Roman legal concepts, only in the supersensible world; there are the concepts of sin and guilt, which are actually legal concepts that were not in the mysteries of the Orient and in the Greek view of life, there are the legal concepts of Romanism. This is a thoroughly juridified religious current. Everything that expresses itself in life can also take on forms of beauty. And when we see that juridical-political scene in which the world god becomes the world judge and the entire development of the earth is concluded by a juridical act, when we see this beautifully transfigured in Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, it is the glorious expression of rejuvenated Christianity; but precisely the “rejuvenated” Christianity that finds its culmination in the Last Judgement.
We must unravel the tangle of our spiritual life and our legal and economic life in order to see what is in it; for we live in the cultural chaos within it. The currents have an effect on us. We have to separate them. But a third current has flowed into this cultural tangle of ours, which has its origins more in the North and which has preferably survived to this day - also filtered, but filtered in a different direction - in the Anglo-American social organization. I would like to call this the Mysteries of the North or Mysteries of the Earth. The primitive spirituality that initially developed from the Mysteries of the Earth is a different path from that taken by the spiritual being in the Orient. I said: There it took the path from above downwards, first revealing itself as the mysteries of the heavens and of light and then being carried down into the political and the economic. Here in the North, things began with the economy. This origin, however, has already disappeared from external life; at most it is still noticeable in old remnants that are still preserved. Take, for example, the customs that are still described when we speak of old Nordic culture, of which English is a branch. At a certain time of year you will find processions through the villages with the crowned bull, which had to inseminate the herd of cows. In other words, a longing for spiritual life was brought out from the bottom up; the path is taken from the bottom to the top. Everything, even the primitive spirituality, is taken out of economic life, and all festivals were originally festivals related to economic life, expressing something of the meaning of economic life. Just as the way was made from top to bottom in oriental culture, so the way must be made from bottom to top here in the North. Humanity must be raised from below, from the economy up through the life of law into the mysteries of the spirit. But you see, this path from the bottom upwards has not yet progressed very far. If we examine the legal life as it has developed in the regions of the West, we find that it is definitely oriented towards Rome; if we examine the spiritual life, we find that it is often not as tangibly oriental-oriented as the Indian theosophy of which I spoke earlier, but we do find that which is contained there as original spiritual life, which is not taken over from the Orient or rejuvenated from Rome, and which with difficulty detaches itself from economic life. Let us take a characteristic case.
Such philosophers, such natural scientists as Newton, Darwin, Mill, Spencer, Hume, can only be understood if one sees how they developed out of economic life, how they tried to make their way upwards. Mill, for example, can only be understood in terms of national economics if he is explained in terms of the economic foundations that surrounded him, and the English philosophers can only be understood if they are explained in terms of the economic foundations of their environment. This is something that adheres to this third current, this current of the mysteries of the earth, which flows from below upwards, and which, still quite unexplained, has woven itself into our modern civilization as the third thread in the ball.
There you have the three threads that live chaotically woven together in a ball in our so-called civilization. People have always rebelled against it in a certain sense. Least of all in the West; there, on the one hand, even in America, they took the economic life they had from the mysteries of the North, on which they built spiritually alien and spiritless theories, built scientifically; they took the juridical-political-legal life via Rome, took the spiritual essence from the Orient. In Central Europe, many people rebelled against this. There arose in many cases the striving to grasp these things in their purity; in the spiritual life most emphatically in what I would like to call Goetheanism. Goethe, who wanted jurisprudence to be separated from natural science, is characteristic of the rebellion against the merely oriental intellectual life. For we also have jurisprudence within natural science: we speak of natural laws. The Orientals did not speak of natural laws, but of the rule of the will of the world. Natural law only came into being when that tributary was incorporated. There the juridical law crept in through a window into the knowledge of nature and became natural law. Goethe wanted to grasp the pure appearance, the pure fact, 'the pure phenomenon, the primal phenomenon. Without purifying our natural science from the appendages of jurisprudence, we will not arrive at a purified spiritual life. Spiritual science therefore grasps facts everywhere and only points to laws as a secondary phenomenon.
Then we also have a certain rebellion against the Roman legal system, which is also in the minds of those with a socialist orientation, for example Wilhelm von Humboldt - yes, he was even a Prussian minister of education. When he wrote his beautiful treatise on the limits of the effectiveness of the state, there lived in him something of the urge to separate cultural life and economic life from mere state life. Read the beautiful Reclam booklet - I don't know how much it costs today, but it used to be available for a few pennies - “Ideen zu einem Versuch, die Grenzen der Wirksamkeit des Staates zu bestimmen”. There lives the urge to peel the legal-political out of the other two forces of judgment. Then again, this rebellion against the old also lives in German philosophy. But only when a healthy view of what the science of initiation is able to give about the origin of our cultural life takes hold can salvation and health enter into this cultural development of humanity.
In Eastern Europe in particular, the necessity of the three elements living together in our present cultural life is felt and has always been felt there. For of these three currents, the most characteristic expression is that which comes from the Nordic for the West. Everything there is drowned out by economic life. As far as jurisprudence is concerned, there is much of it in Central Europe; and we find much of the mysteries of the Orient, of light, in Eastern Europe and Asia. There, where we still find caste formations, we still find something of the sense of the old feudalism coming from the spirit. The modern bourgeoisie has bred the legally enforced life. The bourgeoisie comes from the right-wing current. These things must be clearly seen through today. I would like to say that there is already an urge in people's unconscious to see through such things clearly; but only spiritual science can bring this longing, this urge, to real clarity. In the 19th century, too, it was always apparent how people endeavored to arrive at ideals of the future by merging the often unclear currents. They wanted to achieve this by ensuring that people were not as abstractly opposed to each other as they are today, that intellectual life has been filtered and lives in us in its abstraction, that legal life has been filtered and also lives in us in its abstraction, and that economic life is struggling to find its way from the bottom to the top.
In that Eastern Europe, where so many things of importance are now taking place, so disturbing and devastating things are happening, it was evident in the first, and probably also in the often unclear 19th century, how people tried to cope with the rebellion against this entanglement of culture. The Russian revolutionaries of the second and last third of the 19th century tried to fertilize what was still left behind in the East, a certain preliminary stage of intellectual life, with what had already emerged in Central Europe as a rebellion against the old traditions. And so we find in such Russian revolutionaries from the second and last third of the 19th century, when they exchange letters with each other, how they point out, as it were, that already in Central Europe the intellect, the pure, merely abstract intellectual life, was trying to penetrate itself with a certain spirituality. And again and again, among these Russian revolutionaries, something similar to the sentence appears: In German philosophy, attempts have been made to elevate the intellect, which has lost its old vision of the soul, to a certain spirituality. People in the East wanted to become intimately acquainted with what had emerged in Central Europe, and this intimacy was reflected in the way these revolutionaries wrote. They greatly admired the philosopher “Ivan Petrovich” and spoke of how he had risen to pure thought, how he had tried to bring spirit back into the dialectical intellectual game of Western culture; and they tried to draw conclusions from his philosophy. In order to express their emotional relationship to him, they do not call him Hegel, but say “Ivan Petrovich”. In these very endeavors we see what was later to become disastrous, I would say, foreshadowed. In our time there must be clarity over the whole earth. Therefore everything must be done to help this clarity to triumph. But we must realize what we have against us today when we try to achieve this clarity, how we have against us, among many other things, the convenience of people. We must also get out of the habit of indulging people's comfort, because humanity needs the spirit, and the spirit will not be victorious on the comfortable paths that are often taken today. For today we are fighting against the penetration of the science of initiation with strange weapons.
I was deeply satisfied the other day when our dear friend Dr. Stein wrote to Dornach about how he had, without indulgence, unreservedly dispatched an enemy of human spiritual life here in the neighborhood, albeit on an occasion that is quite significant in terms of cultural history. For it came about - you will correct me if I am wrong, I was not there myself - that when Bible verses were quoted by one of our friends and the pastor no longer liked the truth of the Bible verses, he used the word that Christ was mistaken here. Is that what was said? [If you can't help yourself on that side today, then you yourself are infallible, but Christ is wrong. We have come a long way!
You see, these things all bear witness to the truthful character of what pulsates through humanity today as spiritual life. Where spiritual life has become an extreme abstraction, it can no longer remain in the sphere of truth. But one must feel what is actually there. The magazine “Dreigliederung des sozialen Organismus” recently published a note about a meeting that is said to have taken place here in Stuttgart, where the Roman Catholic side, in agreement with the Protestant side, spoke out against what is being spread here as spiritual science. The cathedral canon in question is said to have said that a discussion was not necessary because people could learn from the opposing writings what Dr. Steiner's teachings were. Dr. Steiner's writings, however, should not be read because the Pope had banned them. In fact, this is the latest Jesuit teaching from the Congregation of the Holy Office, which is to be applied above all to Catholics: the teaching that Catholics are forbidden to read the writings on anthroposophy. Therefore, Roman Catholics today are officially urged to inform themselves about what I teach from the writings of my opponents, from the writings of Seiling and some others, because they are permitted, not forbidden by the Holy Congregation. But they are not allowed to read what I myself write. On the other hand, if one knows the whole constitution of the Roman Catholic Church and how the individual, as he is inserted, is only the representative of the whole organization, one must in all seriousness raise the question of the moral qualities of such an action in his deepest soul and ask: Is such an action still somehow compatible with human morality? Is it not deeply immoral? Such questions must be asked today without indulgence. We are living in serious times and must not sleep on in an easy, comfortable and casual manner. We must unreservedly and truly express those things that are capable of bringing about salvation, while at the same time putting the immorality of today's untruth in the appropriate light. And in fact, this untruth is not so little spread.
The other day, Dr. Boos brought me an essay by a docteur en sociologie. It began with the following words: What a way it is from the clear thoughts of Waxweiler to the obscure thoughts of Rudolf Steiner! But this gentleman was also the intimate of Guillaume II and it is said that he assisted Wilhelm II with important advice, especially in the last years, so that this man can also be called the Rasputin of Wilhelm II. We do not want to make ourselves the propagators of this rumor, it says in the next sentence.
There you can see two things: Firstly, the moral stupor of such a person who makes himself the bearer of this rumor, and his beautiful logic by saying: “By spreading this rumor here to my readers, I am not making myself the propagator of this rumor. - This is how many people think today, abandoned by all the spirits of reality, in that what they say is already beyond all reality. Because I cannot say: I say something by not saying it. Because that's what that model of a person, Monsieur Ferriere, who wrote this, does. You can't get involved with such morally depraved individuals. I could only state - and I hope that this will be thrown back at him - that I had the following relationships with that Wilhelm II. First: I once sat in a Berlin theater, perhaps in 1897, in the first tier upstairs, and in the middle of the theater sat Wilhelm II in the court box, and I saw him at a distance of about from here to the end of this hall. The second time I saw him was from a distance, walking behind the coffin of the Grand Duchess of Weimar. The third time was in Friedrichstrasse in Berlin, where he rode through the streets with his entourage, marshal's baton in hand, and the people shouted hurrah. These are all my relationships with Wilhelm II, I never had any others and never sought them out. This is how assertions are made today, and some of what you read - burned onto the paper with printer's ink - is worth no more than this filthy rumor that is used today to denounce anthroposophy in Roman countries. Today it is not enough merely to accept the things that are said, but it is necessary that people get used to going to the source of what is said and claimed. But the sense for the origin of truth in the external world of facts will only blossom for mankind from a deepening in real spiritual science.