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The Cosmic New Year
GA 195

28 December 1919, Stuttgart

III. The Mystery of the Human Will

From the views which have been presented here for some time, and more particularly from the considerations which have come before us these last few days, we see how essential it is for the further cultural evolution of mankind that what we may call the knowledge of Initiation should stream into it. We must say, absolutely without reserve: The deliverance of mankind from a downward evolutionary course depends entirely upon its turning to a revelation which can only come through Spiritual knowledge.

Although it might be said, with a certain amount of feeling or logic, that it would be difficult in our time for wider circles of people to accept such knowledge, which at first can only be given out by few who have reached the height of being able to see into the Spiritual World, all such objections, even when apparently justified, will not contradict the clamorous fact that without accepting that which is here called Anthroposophical Spiritual Science, civilization must sink into the abyss. The work of the Heavenly Powers upon the earth must cease if their further cosmic evolution is not united with mankind. The healing of mankind can only be brought about if a sufficiently large number of people permeate themselves with what we are trying to say here. For only he who will not, who absolutely will not look into what has happened in the whole world as the result of the last catastrophic years, only he can close his eyes to the fact that we are at the beginning of a process of destruction, and that nothing can bring us out of this process of destruction except something new. For what we seek within the destructive force itself can never be anything but a force of destruction. A power for building afresh can only be obtained from a source not belonging to earthly evolution up to the present time.

Now the results of the inflow from such sources are fraught with most significant difficulties. You have often been told that the Science of Initiation cannot be given to mankind haphazard, without preparation, because a certain receptivity is necessary. You have heard this continually; but it is exactly against this attitude of mind that man continually transgresses. Let us take a simple example. One of the first, most primitive demands relative to the acceptance of the Science of Initiation, is that every one should seek to strip off what we call Ambition, particularly when it expresses itself as a judging of others by one's self. Now, it is easy to see that this is exactly what takes place in the Anthroposophical Society. What would be the use of keeping silence about such matters? It is readily admitted that such is the case, but nevertheless the most fatal things in this direction exist within the Anthroposophical Movement, and mutual envy is on the increase. I shall merely indicate this aspect. Today I must speak of other great difficulties in the entrance of the Science of Initiation into our earthly civilization.

In the first place, that which belongs to the Mystery of the Will of Man must be pointed out to humanity in a comprehensive way. This Mystery of Man's Will has been veiled from modern culture especially since the middle of the fifteenth century, since the rise of the fifth post-Atlantean age. The modern theory of the universe knows the very least possible of the Will. We have often characterized this. A man when awake never experiences consciously the real nature of his Will. When awake he experiences consciously the nature of his Conceptions, when in a dreaming state he experiences the nature of his Feelings, but he is sleeping, even when he is awake, partially, with reference to his Will. We go through the world as so-called waking beings, but are only awake with regard to conceptions and ideas, we are only half awake in our life of feeling, and completely asleep in our Will. Let us not delude ourselves about this matter. We have ideas about what we will, but only when the Will becomes idea, when the Will is reflected by the intellect, can we experience it in our waking consciousness. What goes on in the depths of man's being, even if he only raises his hand, which means bringing his Will into operation, of this the ordinary man knows absolutely nothing. This means that the Mystery of Will is to the modern man entirely unknown, and with this is to be connected the fact that our entire modern civilization—especially that which has come about since the fifteenth century—is absolutely intellectual, a culture of the understanding; for the culture of Natural Science is an intellectual culture. The Will plays the least possible part in everything that we grasp with our intellect, our understanding. When we think, when we form ideas, the Will of course plays a certain part in the formation of the ideas, but only in a very fine state. Man does not notice how the Will pulsates in his perceptions and how in other ways the Will is working within him.

For man in this new age the Mystery of the Will is completely veiled by our exclusively intellectual culture. Only when we seek, through those means given by Spiritual Science of which I have often spoken to you, to investigate the Will, that is, when we try with the help of Imagination and inspiration to make those forces active which enable man to see into the workings, the machinery which is set going by Man's Will, then we notice that in our physical life between birth and death, the Will as a living entity is not bound up with constructive processes but only with destructive processes. I have often explained this. If constructive processes alone took place in our brain, if for instance, only that took place which results from the action of the life-forces upon our food, we should be unable to evolve a soul- and spirit-life by means of the apparatus of the nerves and the brain; only on account of the destructive process which is continually going on in our brain do the soul and spirit take root in what is being destroyed. It is just here that the Will works. Man's Will is essentially something which during our physical life works to a certain extent for the death of man. With reference to our head organization, we are continually dying; in every moment we die. We only live because the rest of our organization works against this continual dying in our heads, for which our Will is mainly responsible. Independently of us, there is continually taking place in our head, that which takes place objectively in the outer world when we pass through physical death.

Our corpse, in so far as we are human individuals and enter the world of soul and spirit through the gate of death, ceases to be a matter of importance to us, but it is of great importance to the Cosmos. This corpse in some way or other, it does not matter whether by cremation or burial, is given over to the elements of the Earth; there, in its own way it carries on what our human Will does partially to our nervous system, to our sense-organization in our life between birth and death. We have perception and thought because our Will destroys something in us. We give our corpse over to the Earth, and by the help of the disintegrating corpse, which only continues the same process which we partially carry on in life, the whole Earth thinks and has perception. I characterized this from another point of view a few months ago. That which continually takes place in the Earth through the interchange between the primal earth-substances, through the union (of these substances) with the dead human bodies, is an activity in all respects comparable with the activity of the Will which between birth and death is practised by us continually, unconsciously, while the working, the destroying like a corpse, goes on in our nerve and sense system. Between birth and death the Will, because it is united with our Ego, works through the destructive forces within the bounds of our skin. This same Will works cosmically through our corpse, in the thinking and forming of ideas by the whole Earth, after our death, when we have given our corpse over to the Earth. Thus, we are cosmically united with what we may call the Soul-spiritual process of the whole Earth existence. This conception is a very difficult one, for it places man concretely into that which is Cosmic in our Earth existence. It shows the relationship of man's Will to the manner of working of the universal Cosmic Will within the Earth existence, in the destruction, in the bringing about of death conditions.

But just as our further evolution in the Spiritual World after we have passed through the gates of death, is dependent upon our having left the corpse behind, upon the fact that we no longer work with these forces, but with others, so the healthy further evolution of the whole Earth depends on whether humanity on this Earth unites itself not now with forces of death, but with forces of life, forces which evolve in another direction than do the forces of death. To speak of this today when men are filled with personal ideas and feelings is indeed something fraught with bitterness, for the seriousness of such a truth is only experienced in the most limited degree. Man is unaccustomed to taking in these great truths with the deep earnestness with which they must be taken. Nevertheless, the further question must be asked: “How is that which lies in the Will of man as I have described it, related to the processes of destruction in outer nature? How is that in man's Will which I have described as its own particular characteristic, connected with these destructive forces in outer nature?” Here is something which stands before the man of today as the greatest illusion. What does the man of the present day really do when he looks at Nature? He says, “Here a natural process is taking place. It has arisen from another process which produced it and this again from another which caused it.” And so man finds a chain of causes and effects in the working of Nature and he is very proud when in this way he can grasp what he calls leading threads of casualty to be found in the outer world.

What is the result? If we ask some geologist, physicist, chemist or any right-thinking scientific investigator, his honest opinion, he will often be reluctant to give you the last consequence of his own World-Conception. But ask him if he does not think that the earth as we know it—stones, plants and many animals, too—would have evolved just in the way it has done, had Man not been present, he will reply: “Certainly. No houses would have been built, no machines, no flying machines would have been made by cows or buffaloes, and so on, but everything else which we can see is not the work of man, would be present from beginning to end just the same as if man had not been there, for a chain of causes and effects is found within external nature.” That which takes place later is the result of that which went before. According to present-day thought man has nothing to do with the formation of the chain. This view contains exactly the same mistake as the following. I write a word on the board. Every letter arises only because I have written it, and not because the previous letter has given birth to the next one. It would be utter nonsense to say: From the preceding letter there arises the following one. A thoroughly unprejudiced investigation of that which is essential in the processes of Nature convinces us of the mistake we make when we give ourselves up to the great illusion of modern science: Effects are the result of their causes. It is not so. We must look elsewhere for the true causes, just as we must seek in our intellect the reason of the letters following each other. Taken in the wide sense where do the primal causes for external happenings in Nature lie? That can only be determined by spiritual perception; these causes lie in Mankind. Do you know where you must look if you wish to gain an insight into the actual primal causes of the course of Nature on the Earth? You must investigate how the human Will, quite unknown to present-day consciousness, is to be found in the centre of gravity in man, that is, in the lower part of his body. Only a part of the Will is active in the human head; the chief part of the Will is centred in the rest of his organism. That which comes into existence in the course of external nature is dependent upon man's relation to his unconscious Will. So far we have only been able to cite one significant example as to the course of Nature, but it serves for the course of Nature as a whole. I have often pointed out that during the Atlantean epoch man gave himself up to a form of black magic. The consequence of this was the Glaciation of the civilized world. In a comprehensive sense, the whole course of Nature really is the result of the activity of Will, not in single individuals, but of the various forces of Will working together in humanity as a whole; forces which arise from—the human centre of gravity. If a being adequately developed, a being, let us say, from Mars or Mercury, wished to study the course of the Earth, i.e., wished to understand how the course of Nature went on there, this being would not describe Nature as one of our learned men would describe it, but looking down upon the world he would say: The Earth is there below me; I see there many points; in these points are centred the forces from which the course of Nature proceeds. But these points would not lie for him in outer Nature, but always within man. He, looking from without, would find that he must look upon the centre of man if he wished to find the cause of what takes place in the course of Nature. This insight into the connection of the human Will with the course of Nature as a whole must become an integral part of the Natural Science of the future, for Mankind. With such a Natural Science man will feel his responsibility in quite a different way from what he does at the present day. Man will rise from being a citizen of the Earth to being a citizen of the Cosmos. He will learn to look upon the Cosmos as a part of himself.

Directly our attention is called to such things, knowledge of them takes possession of us. This knowledge does not work in such a shadowy way as our intellectual knowledge does. It is taken far more from realities, and therefore it works in a much more living way. And because the way in which it works is so much more real than the shadowy knowledge of modern man, it is all the more necessary that man should take seriously what is revealed to him through this knowledge. One cannot be a citizen of the Cosmos on one side in the sense described above, and on the other side remain the old Philistine whom the last few hundred years, i.e., the period since the middle of the fifteenth century, has produced in the man of today. We cannot on the one hand consciously want to take a part in the processes of the Cosmos, and on the other hand wish to gossip with our fellow beings as is done so much in restaurants and clubs in this bourgeois age since the fifteenth century. At the same time another Ethics, another moral impulse must surge through mankind if the Science of Initiation is to enter in real earnest. For all that prepares in the wrong way, for the appearance of Ahriman on our earth, as I have told you, works especially strongly as a force hindering the entrance of the Science of Initiation. I have spoken recently about these facts, in order to give some indication of the spirit which should pervade our Christmas Festival this year. I will now only briefly recapitulate.

Looking back over the evolution of our earth we find, preceding our modern materialistic civilization, the Greco-Latin, which goes back to the eighth pre-Christian century. We see, about two hundred years after the beginning of this Greco-Latin time, something rising up, which we might describe as the old Life of Wisdom of earlier times percolating through the land of Greece. Nietzsche felt this to a remarkable degree, even if pathologically. From the beginning of his spiritual activity he felt himself an opponent of Socrates, and he was never tired of speaking of the greater value of pre-Socratic Greek culture than of the post-Socratic. It is certainly true that with Socrates a great age came in for Mankind, an age which reached its climax in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. But this age of Socrates has now run its course, has rightly come to an end. The Socratic age is that in which pure logic and pure dialectic arose from the earlier instinctive Wisdom. The rising of pure logic, of pure dialectic, out of the ancient clairvoyant Wisdom is the chief characteristic of our Western culture. This logic, this dialectic, has also impressed its stamp upon Christianity, for the theology of the West is a dialectic theology. But what rises in Greece as dialectics, as thought reduced to abstraction, goes back to the Mysteries of the East. Among these Mysteries were those which founded that civilization which later became the Chinese. Within the early Chinese civilization Lucifer was incarnated in human form. We must not conceal the fact from ourselves that Lucifer once lived in a physical body, as Christ during the time of the Mystery of Golgotha walked on earth in a physical body. But it is only a narrow-minded misunderstanding of the Luciferic incarnation if we look upon everything that has come through Lucifer as “Touch-me-not”. From Lucifer, for instance, has arisen the greatness of Greek culture itself, that unique ancient art, the artistic impulse of mankind, as we ourselves still look upon it. But in Europe all this has hardened into mere words, empty of content. It was through Luciferic wisdom that Christianity was first grasped in Europe. The important point is that in the Greek wisdom which developed as Gnosis in order to comprehend the Mystery of Golgotha, the old Luciferic Wisdom had cooperated, had given the old Gnosis its form. The fact that the Mystery of Golgotha had clothed itself in what Lucifer had given to the evolution of the earth, was the greatest victory for Christianity at that time. But when this Luciferic culture, to which, through the incarnation of Lucifer man was given over, was ebbing away, there flowed in gradually, that which was preparing for the coming incarnation of Ahriman in the Western World. When the time is ripe—and it is preparing itself—Ahriman will incarnate in a human body in the Western World. This fact must take place just as the others have taken place—viz. that Lucifer has incarnated and that Christ has incarnated. This fact is predetermined in the evolution of the earth. The all-important fact is simply this: to keep the fact in mind, that we shall rightly prepare ourselves for it, for Ahriman will not begin to work only when he has incarnated in a human body; he is now preparing his appearance from the super-sensible world. He is already working from thence into the evolution of mankind. From that side he is seeking his tools through which he prepares for what must come.

Now, it is essential for the favourable working of that which Ahriman will bring to humanity—he will bring advantageous gifts just as Lucifer did—that man shall take the right attitude. The all-important thing is that man shall not through sleeping miss the coming of Ahriman. When the incarnation of Ahriman takes place in the Western World we shall simply see inscribed in the local Register, the birth of John William Smith (of course, this will not be the name) and people will look upon the child as a citizen in comfortable circumstances like any other, and they will sleep through what has in reality taken place. Our University professors will certainly not trouble whether man sleeps through it or not. For them what has taken place will be merely the birth of J. W. Smith. But in the Ahrimanic age it is all-important that men should knower that they have here to do only externally with J. W. Smith, that inwardly Ahriman is present, and that they must not deceive themselves through sleepy illusion about what has happened. Even now we may not yield to any deception. These things are in preparation. Among the most important means which Ahriman has to work with from the other side, is the furthering of abstract thinking in Man. And because men cling so firmly today to this abstract thinking, they are working in the way most favourable for the coming of Ahriman. You must realize that there is no better way to prepare for the fact that Ahriman is endeavouring cunningly to capture the whole Earth for his evolution, than that man should continue to live an abstract life, steeping himself in abstractions, as he does in the social life of today. This is one of the ruses, one of the clever tricks, by which Ahriman prepares in his own way for his lordship over the earth. Instead of showing men today out of conclusive experience, what has to happen, leaders offer them theories on every subject, including the social question. To those who give out these theories, knowledge gained by means of experience is abstract, because they have no inkling of what real Life is. All this is preparation from the Ahrimanic point of view.

But there is also another form of preparation for Ahriman which can happen through an erroneous view of the Gospels. This, too, is something that must be made known at the present day. You know quite well that today there are very many men, especially among the official representatives of this or that form of religious confession, who are fighting to the uttermost against that new Christ knowledge which is arising among us out of the Science of Initiation. Such men, if they do not swear allegiance to mere Rationalism, accept the Gospels; but what do these men really know of the true nature of the Gospels? These are the men who, during the nineteenth century, have applied to the Gospels the historical-scientific method of the outer world. What has come from the Gospels through the scientific method of last century? Nothing else, except that the conception of the Gospels has gradually become completely materialized. Our attention was first drawn to the contradictions in the four Gospels. Then from the recognition of these contradictions came the slide downwards. Finally, what is the outcome of this Gospel investigation? What else is it but, I might say, lifting the Gospels off their hinges? What does such an investigator as the theologian, Professor Schmiedel of Basle, seek in the Gospels? He seeks to prove that they are not simply products of fantasy brought forward only to glorify Christ Jesus. And so there follow a limited number of now-famous points unfavourable to the Christ. These, he maintains, would have been omitted if the Gospels had only been written for the glorification of Jesus. We are, therefore, left with the feeling that he admits all the objections that are brought against Christ Jesus, so as finally to save for the Gospels a little label of this world's Science. Even this little label will give way. Man will gain nothing from this worldly Science. He will gain nothing as regards the genuineness of the Gospels from the way these people point it out. To have the right relation towards these Gospels we must know why they came into being, that is, we must know their real purpose. This knowledge can only be obtained through an understanding fructified by Spiritual Science.

If we sink ourselves in the Gospels, if we absorb their content and force, then we gain from them a soul-content. No outer historical science will explain the riddle of the Gospels; but we can sink ourselves in the Gospels, and then we receive a soul-content. This soul-content, however, is a great hallucination—certainly a most spiritualized hallucination, the hallucination of the Mystery of Golgotha. The highest that is to be gained from the Gospels is the hallucination of the Mystery of Golgotha, neither more nor less. Now, it is just this secret which is known to the more modern Catholic Church. For this reason the Gospels are not allowed to be studied by the laity, for it is feared that men will discover that they cannot have through the Gospels historical knowledge of the Christ Mystery, but only a hallucination of this Mystery of Golgotha. I might also say, an Imagination; for the hallucination is so spiritualized that it is an actual Imagination. But more than an Imagination is not to be gained from the content of the Gospels in themselves.

What is the path from Imagination to Reality? The path will be opened up through Spiritual Science, not through that which is outside Spiritual Science, but through Spiritual Science alone. That means that the Imagination of the Gospels shall be raised to Reality through Spiritual Science. It is of the most extreme importance to Ahriman so to prepare his incarnation that through Spiritual Science man shall not follow this path of Imagination in the Gospels on to the Reality of the Mystery of Golgotha. Just as it is in the greatest interest of Ahriman that man should keep up the love of abstraction, so it is in his greatest interest that man should cherish more and more a form of piety built upon the mere Gospels. When you think over this, you will realize that a great part of the creeds existing today is the preparatory work of Ahriman for his purposes in this earth existence. In what way could one serve Ahriman better than by resolving to make use of an external power commanding those who believe in, and submit themselves to this power, not to read any anthroposophical literature? No greater service could be done to Ahriman than to make sure that a great number of people do not read anthroposophical literature. I have already mentioned in these lectures who the people are that have resolved upon this course. The only way to present certain facts today is to place them unreservedly in the light of truth. It must be realized today that the progress of the World has a certain relationship to cosmic periods, limited through the Luciferic incarnation, which in time and space, lies before the Mystery of Golgotha. But in the way of this progress the incarnation of Ahriman in the West places itself, so that the forces in opposition are strengthened. The incarnation of Ahriman, in a future not very far distant, can be helped on its way just as well by an obscured worship of the Gospels as by abstract thinking.

Many people today experience an inner sense of comfort in shutting themselves off from these serious facts. Anthroposophists should not feel in this way; on the contrary, they should develop a definite impetus to do as much as possible to spread Spiritual Science among mankind. It is quite wrong to think as is so often done that we should come to an understanding with such people as those of whom I have spoken. It is foolish to believe we can come to an understanding with such people for they do not desire it. The point is to make clear to the rest of humanity what sort of people these are. We must speak out about such people. All that is possible has been done so that they can come to an understanding with us. They only need to read without prejudice what is there, to give it their serious attention. We must strictly discriminate between those persons who do harm to the progress of human evolution and other people to whom we must go and tell how such harm is brought about. The attempt to come to an understanding with the former has absolutely no sense and no meaning; for these men would outwardly incline to an agreement if they no longer had followers to support them. Then they would be ready of themselves to come to an understanding. The urgent need before us is exactly this, to open people's eyes. Only, unfortunately, too often within our own circle, the endeavour is made to come to a compromise in this respect, and the courage needed for unconditional acknowledgment of the truth is lacking. We must not ever be under the illusion that we can come to an understanding with this one or that one, who does not wish in any way to come to an understanding with us. What is required of us is courageously to stand up for the truth as far as we are able. This seems to me especially the outcome of an understanding of what is bound up with the evolution of Mankind.

Dritter Vortrag

Aus den Betrachtungen, die wir hier schon seit längerer Zeit anstellen, insbesondere aber auch aus den Betrachtungen dieser Tage sollte hervorgehen, wie sehr notwendig für die weitere Kulturentwickelung der Menschheit es ist, daß ein Einlaufen dessen, was man nennen kann die Erkenntnis der Initiation, in diese menschliche Kulturentwickelung stattfindet. Man muß heute schon ganz ohne Vorbehalt sagen: Die Rettung der Menschheit von einer nach abwärts gehenden Entwickelungsbahn liegt lediglich in der Hinwendung dieser Menschheit zu einer Offenbarung, die hervorgeht aus demjenigen, was nur erschaut werden kann durch geistige Erkenntnis. Mögen von dieser oder jener Seite her noch soviel gefühlsmäßige oder logische Einwände gemacht werden, möge gesagt werden, daß es für-unsere Zeit schwierig sein wird, daß größere Kreise solche Erkenntnisse annehmen, die zunächst doch nur hervorgehen können von einzelnen wenigen, die sich bis zu einem hohen Grade in die Möglichkeit versetzen, in die geistige Welt hineinzuschauen: das alles, was an solchen Einwendungen sogar scheinbar berechtigterweise kommen kann, will ja gar nichts besagen gegenüber der laut sprechenden Tatsache, daß ohne Annahme dessen, was hier anthroposophisch orientierte Geisteswissenschaft benannt wird, die Kultur der Menschheit in den Abgrund versinken muß, die Erdenarbeit Mächten zufallen muß, die ihre Weiterentwickelung im Weltall nicht mit der Menschheit verknüpfen werden. Es wird nicht anders gehen, als daß, wenn der Menschheit nach dieser Richtung Heil widerfahren soll, eine genügend große Anzahl von Menschen sich durchdringt mit dem, was eben versucht worden ist zu sagen. Denn nur, wer nicht will, wer durchaus nicht will hinschauen auf dasjenige, was jetzt als Ergebnis der letzten katastrophalen Jahre in der ganzen Welt geschieht, nur der kann seine Augen davor verschließen, daß wir im Beginne des Zerstörungsprozesses sind, daß aus diesem Zerstörungsprozesse auch nur herausführen kann ein Neues. Was man auch immer sucht innerhalb des Zerstörungsprozesses selbst, das wird ja niemals etwas anderes werden können als selbst eine Kraft der Zerstörung. Eine Kraft des Neuaufbaues kann nur dasjenige werden, was wirklich jetzt schöpfen wird aus Quellen, die nicht der bisherigen Erdenentwickelung angehören.

Nun bestehen aber für das Hereinkommen der Ergebnisse solcher Quellen ganz bedeutsame Schwierigkeiten. Es wird ja oftmals davon gesprochen, daß die Wissenschaft der Initiation nicht ohne weiteres, nicht vorbehaltlos an die Menschheit herangebracht werden könne, weil eine gewisse Art des Entgegennehmens notwendig ist für diese Wissenschaft der Initiation. Sehen Sie, das wird ja immer wieder und wiederum angehört; aber gerade gegen das wird auch immer wieder gesündigt insoferne, als ja - nehmen wir nur ein sehr einfaches Beispiel - zu den allerersten, primitivsten Anforderungen bezüglich der Entgegennahme der Wissenschaft der Initiation die gehört, daß jene Menschen, die sie annehmen, versuchen müssen von sich abzustreifen, was man zum Beispiel Ehrgeiz nennt, namentlich wenn er sich äußert als eine Beurteilung der eigenen Persönlichkeit im Verhältnis zu anderen Persönlichkeiten. Nun ist ja leicht zu sehen, daß gerade in dem, was wir Anthroposophische Gesellschaft nennen was würde es da nützen, wenn solche Dinge nicht gesagt würden? -, immer wieder zugegeben wird: «So etwas ist richtig», daß aber gerade die fatalsten Dinge innerhalb einer solchen Bewegung wie es die anthroposophische ist, bestehen, daß gerade in ihr gegenseitige Rankünen, das gegenseitige Sich-Beneiden wachsen. Auf diese Erscheinung will ich nur hinweisen. Denn ich muß heute von den anderen größeren Schwierigkeiten des Einlaufens der InitiationsWissenschaft in die Erdenkultur sprechen.

Sehen Sie, zum ersten, was da der Menschheit in umfassender Weise wird gezeigt werden müssen, gehört, was man nennen könnte das Mysterium des menschlichen Willens. Dieses Mysterium des menschlichen Willens hat sich insbesondere seit der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts, seit dem Heraufkommen des fünften nachatlantischen Zeitraumes, vor der neueren Kulturmenschheit verhüllt. Man kann sagen: Von dem Willen weiß die neue Menschheits-Weltanschauung das allerwenigste. Wir haben es ja oftmals charakterisiert: Der einzelne Mensch erlebt ja nie wachend das eigentliche Wesen seines Willens. Er erlebt wachend das Wesen seines Vorstellens, träumend das Wesen seines Fühlens, aber er schläft, auch wenn er wachend ist, partiell in bezug auf seinen Willen. Wir gehen als sogenannte wachende Menschen durch die Welt, sind aber nur wach für die Vorstellungen, halbwach, träumend für das Fühlen und sind vollständig schlafend für das Wollen. Täuschen wir uns nicht darüber. Wir haben Vorstellungen davon, was wir wollen; aber nur wenn der Wille zum Vorstellen wird, sich abbildet zur Intelligenz, erleben wir ihn wachend. Was da in den Tiefen des menschlichen Wesens vor sich geht, wenn der Mensch auch nur eine Hand erhebt, das heißt seinen Willen in Bewegung setzt, davon weiß der normale Mensch von heute gar nichts. Das heißt, das Mysterium des Willens ist dem neueren Menschen geradezu vollständig unbekannt, und das hängt eigentlich damit zusammen, daß unsere ganze neuere Kultur, insbesondere diejenige, die seit dem 15. Jahrhundert Platz gegriffen hat, eine intellektualistische ist, eine Verstandeskultur, denn auch die naturwissenschaftliche Kultur ist eine Verstandeskultur. In alles das, was wir durch den Intellekt fassen, durch den Verstand betreiben, spielt der Wille am allerwenigsten hinein. Wenn wir denken, wenn wir vorstellen, so spielt natürlich auch in unser Vorstellen der Wille hinein, aber in einem sehr, sehr verfeinerten Zustande. Der Mensch bemerkt nicht, wie der Wille pulsiert in seinem Vorstellen und wie sonst der Wille wirkt in seinem Wesen; das weiß er eben nicht. Es ist gewissermaßen durch die ausschließlich intellektualistische Kultur der neueren Zeit gerade das Mysterium des Willens für die Menschen dieser neueren Zeit völlig verdeckt. Wenn man nun mit jenen Mitteln der Geisteswissenschaft, von denen ich Ihnen hier oft gesprochen habe, herangeht an die Untersuchung des Willens, das heißt wenn man versucht, mit Hilfe von Imagination und Inspiration rege zu machen diejenigen Kräfte, die hineinschauen können in das Getriebe, das entsteht, wenn der Mensch will, dann merkt man, daß in unserem physischen Leben zwischen Geburt und Tod das Wollen wesentlich gebunden ist nicht an Aufbauprozesse, sondern an Zerstörungsprozesse. Wir haben das oft auseinandergesetzt. Würden in unserem Gehirne nur vor sich gehen aufbauende Prozesse, würde da nur das vor sich gehen, was zum Beispiel zunächst die von den Lebenskräften aufgenommene Ernährung bewirkt, so würden wir ein Seelen- und Geistesleben durch das Werkzeug unserer Nerven, unseres Gehirnes nicht entwickeln können; nur dadurch, daß fortwährend in unserem Gehirn abgebaut wird, daß fortwährend Zerstörungsprozesse da sind, greift Platz in dem sich Zerstörenden das Seelische und Geistige. Darinnen aber wirkt gerade der Wille. Der Wille des Menschen ist im wesentlichen etwas, was während unseres physischen Lebens schon teilweise für den Tod des Menschen wirkt. In bezug auf unsere Kopforganisation sterben wir fortwährend; in jedem Augenblick sterben wir. Nur dadurch, daß von unserer übrigen Organisation entgegengearbeitet wird diesem fortwährenden Kopfsterben, dadurch leben wir. Tätig aber ist vor allen Dingen in diesem Kopfsterben der Wille. In unserem Haupte findet fortwährend schon dasselbe statt, was, abgesehen von uns, objektiv in der Welt draußen vorgeht, wenn wir durch den physischen Tod gegangen sind.

Unser Leichnam geht uns ja, insofern wir Menschenindividualitäten sind und in die seelisch-geistigen Welten durch die Pforte des Todes eintreten, eigentlich nichts an; aber das Weltall geht er sehr viel an, dieser Leichnam; denn dieser Leichnam wird auf irgendeine Weise - es kommt auf diese jetzt nicht an, durch Verbrennung oder Beerdigung - den Elementen der Erde überliefert; da setzt er in seiner Art dasselbe fort, was unser menschlicher Wille partiell in unserem Nervensystem, in unserem Sinnensystem tut während des Lebens zwischen Geburt und Tod. Wir stellen vor, wir denken dadurch, daß unser Wille in uns etwas zerstört. Wir übergeben unseren Leichnam der Erde und mit Hilfe des sich auflösenden Leichnams, der nur denselben Prozeß fortsetzt, den wir partiell im Leben ausführen, «denkt und stellt vor» die ganze Erde. Dasjenige - ich habe es von anderen Gesichtspunkten aus Ihnen einmal in früheren Monaten charakterisiert -, was in der Erde sich fortwährend abspielt durch die Wechselwirkung zwischen dem ursprünglich Irdischen und dem, was in der Erde stattfindet durch die Vereinigung mit den abgestorbenen menschlichen Leibern, das ist eine Tätigkeit, die ganz gleich ist der Art nach derjenigen Willenstätigkeit, die in uns fortwährend unbewußt ausgeübt wird, indem abgebaut, zerstört wird, leichenhaft gearbeitet wird zwischen Geburt und Tod in unserem Nerven- und Sinnessystem. Zwischen Geburt und Tod arbeitet durch die Zerstörung, indem er sich mit unserem Ich verbindet, derselbe Wille innerhalb der Grenzen unserer Haut, der da arbeitet kosmisch durch unseren Leichnam nach unserem Tode im Denken und Vorstellen der ganzen Erde, wenn wir eben diesen Leichnam der Erde übergeben haben. So sind wir kosmisch verbunden mit dem, was man den seelisch-geistigen Prozeß des ganzen Erdenseins nennen könnte. Diese Vorstellung ist eine schwerwiegende; denn diese Vorstellung ordnet den Menschen konkret ein in das Kosmische unseres Erdendaseins. Das zeigt, wie verwandt der menschliche Wille ist mit demjenigen, was Todeskräfte in unserem Erdendasein bewirken; es zeigt die Verwandtschaft des menschlichen Willens mit der Art und Weise, wie der allgemeine Weltenwille wirkt innerhalb des Erdendaseins in der Zerstörung, im Herbeiführen der Todesverhältnisse.

Aber ebenso wie unsere Fortentwickelung in der geistigen Welt, nachdem wir durch die Todespforte geschritten sind, davon abhängt, daß wir unseren Leichnam nicht mehr haben, daß wir nicht mehr mit diesen Kräften arbeiten, sondern mit anderen, ebenso hängt die gedeihliche Weiterentwickelung der ganzen Erde davon ab, ob sich die Menschheit dieser Erde mit etwas verbindet, was nun nicht diese Todeskräfte sind, sich mit etwas verbindet, was Lebekräfte sind, die nach anderer Richtung hin sich entwickeln als diese Todeskräfte. Dies innerhalb der heutigen, von persönlichen Intentionen und Empfindungen erfüllten Menschheit auszusprechen, ist schon etwas, was eigentlich bitter ist; denn es wird der Ernst einer solchen Wahrheit heute nur in sehr eingeschränktem Maße empfunden. Die Menschheit hat ja verlernt, die großen Wahrheiten mit dem schweren Ernst zu nehmen, mit dem sie genommen werden müssen. Aber es muß trotzdem noch weiter gefragt werden: Wie hängt denn nun dasjenige, was im menschlichen Willen liegt, so wie ich es geschildert habe, mit den Zerstörungsvorgängen der äußeren Natur eigentlich zusammen? Wie hängt das, was ich im menschlichen Willen als seinen eigentlichen Charakter geschildert habe, mit den Zerstörungsvorgängen der äußeren Natur zusammen? Sehen Sie, hier ist es, wo vor dem neueren Menschen, man möchte sagen, die größte Illusion steht. Was tut denn eigentlich der neuere Mensch, wenn er auf die Natur hinschaut? Ja, er sagt: Da ist ein Naturvorgang, der spielt sich ab. Vor ihm hat sich ein anderer abgespielt, der ist seine Ursache; vor diesem wieder ein anderer, der ist wieder seine Ursache. Und so findet der moderne Mensch eine Kette von Ursachen und Wirkungen in der Natur und ist sehr stolz darauf, wenn er in diesem Sinne, wie er sagt, am Leitfaden der Kausalität die äußere Welt begreift. Was kommt dabei zustande? Ja, fragen Sie aufs Gewissen hin einen heutigen Geologen, Physiker, Chemiker oder irgendeinen anderen rechtgläubigen Naturforscher - er wird ja oftmals davor Scheu tragen, die letzte Konsequenz seiner Weltanschauung zu ziehen -, aber fragen Sie ihn, ob er sich nicht vorstellen müsse, daß die Erde, wie sie ist als Erde - oder Steine, Pflanzen und viele Tiere auch - sich gerade so entwickelt hätten, wie sie sich entwickelt haben, wenn der Mensch gar nicht dabei wäre, wären keine Häuser, keine Maschinen, keine Luftschiffe gebaut worden sein von den Büffeln, Stieren und so weiter; aber alles übrige, was man heute nicht als Menschenwerk empfindet, das wäre da gewesen von Anfang bis zum Ende, wenn der Mensch auch nicht da gewesen wäre, denn innerhalb der äußeren Natur besteht eine Kette von Ursachen und Wirkungen. Das Spätere ist die Folge des Vorhergehenden und eigentlich ist der Mensch beim Sich-Bilden der Kette gar nicht dabei gewesen, nach der Anschauung der heutigen Zeit! Diese Anschauung, die hat ganz genau denselben Fehler in sich wie das Folgende: Denken Sie, ich schreibe auf die Tafel irgendeinen Satz, etwa: «Stuttgart ist eine Stadt». Jetzt kommt jemand über diesen Satz und sagt: Ich untersuche wissenschaftlich dasjenige, was ich hier auf die Tafel geschrieben finde. Da habe ich, indem ich von hinten anfange, zuerst das t. Das geht hervor aus dem d. Dann nehme ich das d, das geht hervor aus dem vorhergehenden a, das a aus dem vorhergehenden t, das t aus dem vorhergehenden s. Jedesmal habe ich die Wirkung der vorhergehenden Ursache. Das t ist die Wirkung des d, das d ist die Wirkung des a, und so weiter. Sie sehen, es ist ein Unsinn. Jeder Buchstabe entsteht nur dadurch, daß ich ihn hingeschrieben habe, und nicht etwa hat der vorhergehende Buchstabe den nachfolgenden erzeugt. Es ist ein völliger Unsinn, zu sagen: der vorhergehende Buchstabe ist die Ursache des nachfolgenden, der vorhergehende erzeugt den nachfolgenden. Eine eingehende, vorurteilslose Untersuchung des Wesens der Naturvorgänge überzeugt uns von dem gleichen. Wir sagen, indem wir uns der großen Illusion der neueren Wissenschaft hingeben: Die Wirkungen sind die Folgen ihrer Ursachen. So ist es nicht. Die wirklichen Ursachen müssen wir da wo anders suchen, geradeso wie wir die Ursache für die Aufeinanderfolge der Buchstaben in unserm Verstande suchen müssen. Und wo liegen die Ursachen für das äußere Naturgeschehen im Großen? Das läßt sich ja nur durch die geistige Anschauung entscheiden. Diese Ursachen liegen in der Menschheit. Wissen Sie, wo Sie hinblicken müssen, wenn Sie die wirklichen Ursachen für den Naturlauf der Erde einsehen wollen? Sie müssen untersuchen, wie der menschliche Wille, dem heutigen Bewußtsein nach tief unterbewußt, im Schwerpunkt des Menschen, das ist im menschlichen Unterleibe, zentriert ist. Im menschlichen Kopfe ist ja nur ein Teil des Willens tätig; in dem anderen Organismus des Menschen ist der Hauptteil des Willens zentriert. Und von dem, wie der Mensch in bezug auf diesen seinen unterbewußten Willen ist, hängt das ab, was als äußerer Naturlauf ins Dasein tritt. Wir konnten biisher nur einen signifikanten Fall für diesen Naturverlauf anführen; aber es ist der ganze Naturverlauf so.

Ich habe Sie öfter darauf aufmerksam gemacht, daß während der atlantischen Zeit sich der Mensch einer Art schwarzen Magie hingegeben hat. Die Folge davon war dann die Vereisung der zivilisierten Welt. So aber ist im umfassendsten Sinne in Wirklichkeit alles das, was der Naturverlauf ist, die Folge der Willenstätigkeit nicht des einzelnen Menschen, sondern dessen, was in der Menschheit zusammenwirkt bei verschiedenen Willenskräften, die aus den menschlichen Schwerpunkten kommen. Wenn ein entsprechend entwickeltes Wesen, sagen wir, vom Mars oder Merkur aus die Erde studieren würde, ihren Verlauf studieren würde, also verstehen wollte, wie da der Naturverlauf vor sich geht, so würde dieses Wesen die Natur nicht so beschreiben, wie sie der Mensch beschreibt, wenn er gelehrt sein will, sondern solch ein Wesen würde die Erde überschauen und würde sagen: Da ist die Erde unten, da sind viele Punkte, in diesen Punkten sind die Kräfte zentriert, die den Naturverlauf bewirken. Aber diese Punkte würden für ihn nicht draußen in der Natur liegen, sondern immer in den Menschen drinnen. Derjenige, der von außen schauen würde, würde spüren, daß er auf das Innere der Menschheit schauen muß, wenn er die Ursachen suchen wollte für das, was im Naturverlauf geschieht. Diese Einsicht des Zusammenhangs des menschlichen Willens mit dem Naturverlauf im Großen natürlich, die Täuschung kann entstehen, wenn wir den Naturverlauf nur soweit betrachten, wie unsere Nase reicht, da allerdings zeigt sich nicht der Zusammenhang -, diese Einsicht von dem Zusammenhang der Willenswirkungen, der Willensrichtung der Menschheit mit dem Naturverlauf, die wird ein Bestandteil werden müssen künftiger Naturwissenschaft für die Menschheit. Mit einer solchen Naturwissenschaft wird sich der Mensch in einer ganz anderen Weise verantwortlich fühlen für das, was er ist, als er sich heute gemeiniglich verantwortlich fühlt. Der Mensch wird aus einem Erdenbürger ein kosmischer Bürger. Der Mensch wird das Weltenall als zu sich gehörig betrachten lernen.

Aber bedenken Sie, daß ja sofort, wenn man auf solche Dinge aufmerksam macht, das Wissen von diesen Dingen in uns Platz greift. Dieses Wissen wirkt nicht so schattenhaft wie unser intellektualistisches Wissen, sondern es ist viel mehr den Realitäten entnommen, daher wirkt es auch viel realer. Und da es viel realer wirkt als das schattenhafte Wissen der neueren Menschheit, so ist eben notwendig, daß der Mensch ernst nehme, was ihm durch dieses Wissen eröffnet wird. Man kann nicht auf der einen Seite ein Weltenbürger in dem eben geschilderten Sinne werden und auf der anderen Seite der alte Philister bleiben, den die letzten Jahrhunderte seit der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts in der neueren Menschheit herangebildet haben. Man kann nicht auf der einen Seite sich bewußt eingliedern wollen in die Vorgänge des Kosmos und auf der anderen Seite seinen Nebenmenschen ebenso verklatschen, wie im Bourgeoiszeitalter seit der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts bei jedem Kaffeeklatsch. Es ist notwendig, daß zu gleicher Zeit ein anderes Ethos, andere sittliche Impulse durch die Menschheit wallen, wenn ernsthaft einziehen soll die Wissenschaft der Initiation. Für heute wirkt insbesondere hemmend auf das Einziehen dieser Wissenschaft der Initiation alles das, was in unrichtiger Weise vorbereitet das, was ich nennen möchte: das Erscheinen des Ahriman auf unserer Erde. Ich habe letzthin, um Ihnen ein wenig die richtige Feststimmung der diesjährigen Weihnacht zu charakterisieren, auf diese Tatsache schon hingewiesen; ich will nur kurz wiederholen.

Wenn wir zurückgehen in der Erdenentwickelung, so finden wir vor unserer neueren materialistischen Kultur die griechisch-lateinische Kultur bis zurück ins 8. vorchristliche Jahrhundert. Wir sehen dann auftauchen ein paar Jahrhunderte nach dem Beginne dieser griechisch-lateinischen Zeit, was man nennen möchte: das in Griechenland schon filtrierte, alte Weisheitsleben der Vorzeit. Nietzsche hat in dieser Beziehung merkwürdig, wenn auch krankhaft, empfunden. Er fühlte sich von Anfang seines geistigen Wirkens an als ein Gegner des Sokrates, und er wurde nicht müde, immer wieder und wiederum von der größeren Wertigkeit der vorsokratischen griechischen Kultur gegenüber der sokratischen und nach sokratischen zu sprechen. Ich will auf diese Sache nicht anders eingehen, als indem ich Ihnen sage: Allerdings ist es wahr, daß mit Sokrates auf der einen Seite ein großes Zeitalter der Menschheit angebrochen ist, das seine Kulmination gefunden hat im Übergang des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts, daß aber dieses Zeitalter des Sokrates heute abgelaufen ist, richtig abgelaufen ist: denn das sokratische Zeitalter ist dasjenige, welches aus der früheren impulsiven Weisheit herausgenommen hat die bloße Logik, die bloße Dialektik. Dieses Herausnehmen der bloßen Logik, der bloßen Dialektik aus der alten hellseherischen Weisheit, das ist das Charakteristikum unserer abendländischen Kultur. Das hat auch dem Christentum sein Gepräge aufgedrückt; denn auch die Theologie des Abendlandes ist eine dialektische. Aber was als Dialektik, als bis zur Abstraktion filtrierte Geistigkeit in Griechenland aufgeht, geht eben zurück bis zu den Mysterien des Orients, und bei diesen Mysterien waren auch diejenigen, die eine Kultur begründet haben, welche dann zur chinesischen Kultur geworden ist, innerhalb derer sich inkarniert hat die Gestalt des Luzifer. Das darf man sich nicht verhehlen, daß Luzifer selber einmal in einem Leibe war, wie der Christus während der Zeit des Mysteriums von Golgatha in einem Leibe auf der Erde herumgewandelt ist. Aber man verkennt in philiströser Weise diese luziferische Inkarnation, wenn man wie eine Art Rührmichnichtan alles betrachten will, was von Luzifer ausgegangen ist. Von Luzifer ist ausgegangen zum Beispiel auch die Höhe der griechischen Kultur selber, die eigentliche alte Kunst, der Kunstimpuls der Menschheit, so wie wir selber ihn noch immer eigentlich betrachten. Nur ist das alles in Europa bis zur Phrase, bis zur Inhaltslosigkeit erstarrt. Und luziferische Weisheit war es, durch die zuerst das Christentum in Europa begriffen worden ist. Das ist das Bedeutsame, daß in der griechischen Weisheit, die sich herausgebildet hat als Gnosis, um das Mysterium von Golgatha zu begreifen, die alte luziferische Weisheit mitgewirkt hat, der alten Gnosis die Gestaltung gegeben hat. Es ist für die damalige Zeit der größte Sieg des Christentums gewesen, daß die Tatsache des Mysteriums von Golgatha sich gekleidet hat in das, was Luzifer der Erdenentwickelung gegeben hat. Aber während die Luzifer-Kultur, die also durch die reale Inkarnation des Luzifer der Menschheit übergeben worden ist, abflutet, flutet auf nach und nach, was die künftige Inkarnation des Ahriman auf der westlichen Erde vorbereitet. Es wird sich einfach, wenn die Zeit dazu reif ist - und sie bereitet sich dazu vor - in der westlichen Welt Ahriman in einem menschlichen Leibe inkarnieren. Diese Tatsache muß ebenso kommen, wie die anderen da waren, daß sich Luzifer inkarniert hat und daß sich Christus inkarniert hat. Diese Tatsache ist der Erdenentwickelung vorgeschrieben. Worauf es ankommt, ist nur: diese Tatsache so ins Auge zu fassen, daß man sich richtig auf sie vorbereitet; denn Ahriman wirkt nicht etwa dann erst, wenn er in einem Menschen auf der Erde erscheinen wird, sondern er bereitet jetzt von den übersinnlichen Welten aus sein Erscheinen vor. Er arbeitet schon hinein in die Menschheitsentwickelung; er sucht sich von jenseits her seine Werkzeuge, durch die er sich vorbereitet, was da kommen soll.

Nun ist ein wesentliches Mittel für die günstige Wirkung dessen, was Ahriman der Menschheit bringen sollte - er wird ebenso Günstiges bringen wie Luzifer -, daß die Menschheit sich in der richtigen Weise dazu stellt. Das, worauf es ankommt, ist, daß die Menschheit nicht das Erscheinen des Ahriman verschläft. Wenn einstmals in der westlichen Welt der inkarnierte Ahriman auftritt, so wird man in den Gemeindebüchern verzeichnen: John William Smith ist geboren - es wird dies natürlich nicht der Name sein - und man wird ihn als einen behäbigen Bürger wie andere Bürger ansehen und wird verschlafen, was da eigentlich geschieht. Unsere Universitätsprofessoren werden ganz gewiß nicht dafür sorgen, daß man das nicht verschläft. Für sie wird das, was da erscheinen wird, der John William Smith sein. Aber darauf kommt es an, daß in dem ahrimanischen Zeitalter die Menschen wissen, daß es sich hier nur äußerlich um den John William Smith handeln wird, daß innerlich aber Ahriman vorhanden ist, daß man sich über das, was geschieht, keiner Täuschung hingibt in schläfriger Illusion. Ja man darf sich schon jetzt keiner Täuschung hingeben, daß sich diese Dinge vorbereiten. Unter den wichtigsten Mitteln, die Ahriman hat, um von dem Jenseits hereinzuwirken, ist das, das abstrakte Denken der Menschheit zu fördern. Und weil dieses abstrakte Denken heute so beliebt ist, arbeitet man in ahrimanisch günstigem Sinne der Erscheinung des Ahriman gut vor. Nichts würde die Tatsache besser vorbereiten, daß Ahriman die ganze Erde fischt für seine Entwickelung, als wenn man das abstrakte und abstrahierende Leben, das heute schon sogar in das soziale Leben eingezogen ist, fortsetzt. Das ist eine der Finten, einer der Witze, durch die Ahriman in seinem Sinne seine Herrschaft auf der Erde vorbereitet. Statt daß man den Menschen heute aus der vollen Erfahrung heraus zeigt, was zu geschehen hat, redet man dieser Menschheit von allgemeinen Theorien, auch von sozialen Theorien. Diejenigen, die von Theorien reden, finden gerade das Erfahrungsgemäße abstrakt, weil sie keine Ahnung vom Leben haben. Das alles ist Vorbereitung in ahrimanischem Sinne.

Aber es gibt noch eine andere Art der Vorbereitung für Ahriman, und diese kann geschehen - und auch das ist etwas, was heute nun schon bekannt werden muß - durch eine irrtümliche Auffassung der Evangelien. Sie wissen ja, daß es heute zahlreiche Menschen, insbesondere unter den offiziellen Vertretern dieser oder jener Bekenntnisse gibt, die alles das in Grund und Boden bekämpfen, was gerade aus der Wissenschaft der Initiation heraus für eine neue ChristusErkenntnis unter uns auftritt. Solche Menschen, wenn sie nicht bloß einem Rationalismus huldigen, nehmen noch die Evangelien an; aber was wissen im Grunde genommen diese Menschen von der eigentlichen Natur der Evangelien? Menschen dieser Art sind es ja gerade gewesen, welche die äußerliche weltliche, historisch-wissenschaftliche Methode auf die Evangelien im 19. Jahrhundert angewendet haben. Und was ist denn geworden aus diesen Evangelien unter der wissenschaftlichen Methode des 19. Jahrhunderts? Es ist aus den Evangelien ja nichts anderes geworden, als daß diese Evangelienauffassung allmählich vermaterialisiert worden ist. Das erste, worauf man aufmerksam wurde, waren die Widersprüche der vier Evangelien untereinander. Und von der Wahrnehmung dieser Widersprüche ist dann eigentlich der Rutsch nach abwärts gegangen bis zur Schmiedelei; denn schließlich, was ist denn in der Evangelienforschung alles das, was von dem Basler Schmiedel - ich meine nicht unseren Dr. Schmiedel, sondern den Theologen, den Prof. Schmiedel -, was von dem kommt? Was ist dies anderes als, ich möchte sagen, das Aus-den-Angeln-Heben der Evangelien. Was sucht denn der gute Schmiedel in den Evangelien? Er sucht zu beweisen, daß sie nicht bloß Phantasieprodukte sind, hervorgegangen, um den Christus Jesus nur zu verherrlichen, und kommt da zu einer beschränkten Anzahl von Punkten, den berühmten Schmiedelschen Hauptpunkten, in denen auch Ungünstiges über den Christus gesagt worden ist. Die, meint er, wären weggeblieben, wenn die Evangelien nur zur Glorifizierung des Jesus geschrieben wären. Also man hat schließlich schon das Gefühl, er läßt sich auf alles das ein, wo dem Christus Jesus etwas aufgemutzt wird, um schließlich noch ein Zipfelchen von der weltlichen Wissenschaft zu retten für die Evangelien. Auch dieses Zipfelchen wird weichen; man wird aus der weltlichen Wissenschaft nichts gewinnen, was in dem Sinne, wie es die Herren wollen, die Echtheit der Evangelien wird beweisen können. Um sich zu diesen Evangelien richtig zu verhalten, wird man wissen müssen, warum die Evangelien entstanden sind, das heißt, man wird wissen müssen, was die Evangelien eigentlich wollen. Das wird man nur erkennen, wenn man sich wirklich mit dem befruchtet, was aus der Geisteswissenschaft kommen kann.

Vertieft man sich aber in die Evangelien, nimmt man ihren Inhalt und ihre Kräfte auf, dann kommt man dazu, aus ihnen heraus einen Seeleninhalt zu gewinnen. Keine äußere historische Wissenschaft wird einem die Evangelien enträtseln; aber man kann sich in die Evangelien vertiefen, dann bekommt man einen Seeleninhalt. Dieser Seeleninhalt ist eine große Halluzination, allerdings eine verfeinerte Halluzination, die Halluzination des Mysteriums von Golgatha. Das Höchste, was zu gewinnen ist aus den Evangelien, ist die Halluzination des Mysteriums von Golgatha, nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Sehen Sie, dieses Geheimnis kennt gerade die neuere katholische Kirche. Daher will sie nicht, daß letzten Endes die Evangelien erkannt werden von den Laien, denn sie fürchtet, daß man darauf kommen würde, daß man durch die Evangelien nicht eine historische Kunde von dem Christus-Mysterium haben kann, sondern nur eine Halluzination dieses Mysteriums von Golgatha, ich könnte auch sagen: eine Imagination; denn die Halluzination ist so verfeinert, daß sie eine wirkliche Imagination ist. Aber mehr als eine Imagination ist durch den Evangelieninhalt selber nicht zu gewinnen.

Welches ist der Weg von der Imagination zu der Wirklichkeit? Der Weg wird eben durch die Geisteswissenschaft erschlossen, nicht durch das, was außerhalb der Geisteswissenschaft steht, sondern durch die Geisteswissenschaft allein. Das heißt, es muß die Imagination der Evangelien durch die Geisteswissenschaft zur Realität erhoben werden. Es liegt im äußersten Interesse Ahrimans, sich seine Inkarnation so vorzubereiten, daß die Menschen diesen Weg von der Imagination in den Evangelien durch die Geisteswissenschaft zur Wirklichkeit des Mysteriums von Golgatha nicht machen. Geradeso wie Ahriman das größte Interesse daran hat, den Sinn für die Abstraktion zu erhalten, so hat er auch das größte Interesse daran, daß die Menschheit immer mehr und mehr jene Frömmigkeit ausbilde, die bloß auf die Evangelien bauen will. Wenn Sie das bedenken, so werden Sie einsehen, daß ein großer Teil der heute bestehenden Bekenntnisse die Vorarbeit Ahrimans für seine Zwecke in diesem Erdendasein ist. Wodurch könnte man dem Ahriiman zum Beispiel mehr dienen, als wenn man sich entschlösse, eine äußere Macht, die man hat, dazu auszunützen, daß man denen, die an diese Macht glauben, die sich dieser Macht unterwerfen, befiehlt, sie sollen die anthroposophische Literatur nicht lesen! Man könnte ja Ahriman keinen größeren Dienst leisten, als herbeizuführen, daß eine Anzahl von Menschen die anthroposophische Literatur nicht liest. Die Menschen, die sich dazu entschlossen haben, diesen anthroposophischen Weg zu gehen, müssen sich mit diesen Dingen bekanntmachen. Es können eben gewisse Tatsachen heute nicht anders als rückhaltlos im Lichte der Wahrheit dargestellt werden.

Es muß eingesehen werden, daß der Gang der Weltentwickelung von Luzifers Inkarnation vor Jahrtausenden vorüber an dem Mysterium von Golgatha, das immer noch weiter wirken soll, gegen die in gar nicht ferner Zeit stattfindende Inkarnation Ahrimans zugeht. Diese muß sich der Entwickelung in den Weg stellen, damit sich die Kräfte, die durch den Christus-Impuls aufgenommen wurden, am Widerstand erhärten. Durch einen verschleierten Evangelienkult und durch Abstraktion wird man Ahriman auf den Weg helfen. Es haben heute viele Menschen ein inneres Bequemlichkeitsinteresse daran, sich zu verschließen vor diesen ernsten Tatsachen. Die Anthroposophen sollten dieses Interesse nicht haben; sie sollten vielmehr einen gewissen Impetus entwickeln, soviel wie möglich zu tun, damit die Geisteswissenschaft unter die Menschheit verbreitet werde. Es ist etwas ganz Falsches, wenn immer wiederum geglaubt wird, man müsse sich mit solchen Leuten wie Traub verständigen. Es ist unsinnig, zu glauben, man könne sich mit solchen Leuten verständigen; denn die wollen es nicht. Worauf es ankommt, ist, die übrige Menschheit aufzuklären über diese Menschen. Man hat zu der übrigen Menschheit über diese Menschen zu sprechen. Damit sie sich mit uns verständigen können, dazu ist ja wahrhaftig alles geschehen. Sie brauchten nur vorurteilslos zu lesen, was da ist, sich in das zu vertiefen, was da ist. Man muß strenge unterscheiden zwischen der Charakteristik solcher Schädlinge der Fortentwickelung der Menschheit und den anderen Menschen, vor die man hintreten und sagen muß, wie es um jene Schädlinge bestellt ist. Das Versuchen einer Verständigung mit diesen Menschen hat gar keinen Sinn und gar keine Bedeutung; denn diese Menschen werden außerdem sofort zur Verständigung neigen, wenn sie keine Anhänger mehr haben, die ihnen den Boden unter die Füße legen. Dann sind sie schon von selber bereit, sich zu verständigen. Die Notwendigkeit, die vorliegt, besteht gerade darin, die Menschen über sie aufzuklären. Wenn nur nicht leider gerade innerhalb unserer Kreise oftmals das Bestreben bestünde, in dieser Beziehung Kompromisse zu schließen, in dieser Beziehung sich nicht unbedingt zum Mute der Wahrheit zu bekennen! Es ist gar nicht nötig, daß wir uns jemals der Illusion hingeben, eine Verständigung mit dem oder jenem herbeizuführen, der sich ja gar nicht mit uns verständigen will. Hülfe es uns etwas? Was für uns notwendig ist, das ist: mutvoll eintreten für die Wahrheit, soviel wir können. Und das scheint mir insbesondere aus der Auffassung dessen hervorzugehen, was mit der Entwickelung der Menschheit verbunden ist.

Third Lecture

From the observations that we have been making here for some time, but especially from the observations of these days, it should be clear how necessary it is for the further cultural development of humanity that an arrival of what can be called the knowledge of initiation takes place in this human cultural development. Today we must say quite unequivocally: The salvation of humanity from a downward developmental path lies solely in humanity's turning to a revelation that emerges from that which can only be seen through spiritual knowledge. No matter how many emotional or logical objections are raised from this or that quarter, no matter whether it is said that it will be difficult for our time, that larger circles will accept such knowledge, which after all can only come forth from a few individuals who to a high degree have the ability to see into the spiritual world, all that can be raised, even if they appear to be justified, does not mean anything at all compared to the resounding fact that without accepting what is referred to here as anthroposophically oriented spiritual science, human culture must sink into the abyss and the work on earth must fall to powers that will not link their further development in the universe with humanity. There is no other way than for a sufficiently large number of people to become imbued with what has just been attempted to say, if humanity is to achieve salvation in this direction. For only someone who does not want to, who absolutely does not want to look at what is now happening as a result of the last catastrophic years throughout the world, only he can close his eyes to the fact that we are at the beginning of the process of destruction, that only a new beginning can lead out of this process of destruction. Whatever one seeks within the process of destruction itself, it can never become anything other than a force of destruction itself. Only that which will truly draw from sources that do not belong to the previous evolution of the earth can become a force for new construction.

Now, however, there are very significant difficulties for the results of such sources to come in. It is often said that the science of initiation cannot be brought to humanity without further ado, without reservation, because a certain way of receiving it is necessary for this science of initiation. You see, this is heard over and over again, but it is precisely against this that people sin again and again, in so far as - let us take just a very simple example - one of the very first, most primitive requirements for receiving the science of initiation is that those who accept it must try to cast off what is called, for example, ambition, especially when it expresses itself as an assessment of one's own personality in relation to other personalities. Now it is easy to see that especially in what we call the Anthroposophical Society — what would it achieve if such things were not said? is admitted again and again: “Something like that is right,” but that precisely the most fatal things exist within such a movement as the anthroposophical one, that precisely in it mutual rankune, mutual envy, grows. I just want to point this out. For today I must speak of the other greater difficulties of the initiation of science into earth culture.

You see, the first thing that must be shown to humanity in a comprehensive way is what could be called the mystery of the human will. This mystery of the human will has been veiled from modern cultural humanity, particularly since the middle of the 15th century, since the advent of the fifth post-Atlantic period. One can say: the new human worldview knows very little about the will. We have often characterized it: the individual human being never experiences the actual nature of his will while awake. He experiences the nature of his thinking when he is awake and the nature of his feeling when he is dreaming, but even when he is awake he is still asleep in part as far as his will is concerned. We go through the world as so-called waking human beings, but we are only awake for mental images, half-awake and dreaming for feeling, and completely asleep for our will. Let us not deceive ourselves about this. We have mental images of what we want, but only when the will becomes an act of imagination and forms itself into an act of intelligence do we experience it in an awakened state. What goes on in the depths of the human being when a person even raises a hand, that is, sets his will in motion, is something that the normal person of today knows nothing about. That is to say, the mystery of the will is almost completely unknown to modern man, and this is actually connected with the fact that our entire modern culture, especially that which has taken hold since the 15th century, is an intellectualist one, a culture of the intellect, for even the natural science culture is a culture of the intellect. The will plays the smallest part in everything we grasp intellectually, everything we do rationally. When we think, when we imagine, the will also plays a part in our mental images, but in a very, very refined state. The human being does not notice how the will pulsates in his mental images and how the will otherwise works in his being; he simply does not know that. To a certain extent, the mystery of the will has been completely obscured for people of this modern age by the exclusively intellectualistic culture of recent times. If we now approach the investigation of the will with the means of spiritual science that I have often spoken to you about here, that is, if we try to activate those forces with the help of imagination and inspiration that can look into the workings that arise when a person wills, then one notices that in our physical life between birth and death, our will is essentially bound not to processes of building up, but to processes of destruction. We have often discussed this. If only constructive processes were going on in our brains, if only what, for example, the nutrition absorbed by the life forces initially brings about, then we would not be able to develop a soul and spiritual life through the instrumentality of our nerves, our brain; only through the fact that there is continual breakdown in our brain, that there are continual processes of destruction, does the soul and spirit take hold in that which is being destroyed. But it is precisely the will that is at work in this. The will of man is essentially something that, during our physical life, already works in part for the death of man. In relation to the organization of our head, we are continually dying; we die every moment. Only because our remaining organization counteracts this continual dying of the head do we live. But above all, it is the will that is active in this dying of the head. In our head, the same thing is constantly taking place that, apart from us, is objectively going on in the world outside when we have gone through physical death.

Our corpse is of no concern to us, insofar as we are human individuals and enter the spiritual worlds through the gate of death; but the universe is very much concerned with this corpse, for it is way, by cremation or burial, it is handed over to the elements of the earth; there it continues in its own way the same thing that our human will partially does in our nervous system, in our sense system, during life between birth and death. We imagine, we think, by the fact that our will destroys something in us. We surrender our corpse to the earth and with the help of the disintegrating corpse, which only continues the same process that we partially carry out in life, the whole earth “thinks and imagines”. What goes on continually in the earth through the interaction between what is originally earthly and what takes place in the earth through the union with the dead human bodies, I have characterized from other points of view in earlier months. bodies, is an activity that is exactly the same as the activity of the will that is continually unconsciously exercised in us, in that it breaks down, destroys, works like a corpse between birth and death in our nervous and sensory systems. Between birth and death, the same will works through the destruction, connecting with our ego within the boundaries of our skin, which works cosmically through our corpse after our death in the thinking and imagining of the whole earth, when we have just given this corpse to the earth. Thus we are cosmically connected with what could be called the soul-spiritual process of the whole earthly existence. This mental image is a weighty one, for it categorizes the human being in a concrete way within the cosmic of our earthly existence. This shows how closely related the human will is to what the forces of death bring about in our earthly existence; it shows the affinity of the human will with the way in which the general will of the world works within earthly existence in destruction, in bringing about the conditions of death.

But just as our further development in the spiritual world, after we have passed through the gate of death, depends on our no longer having our physical body, on our no longer working with these forces but with others, so the further prosperous development of the whole Earth depends on whether the people of this Earth connect with something that is not these forces of death, but with something that are life forces that develop in a different direction than these forces of death. To express this within today's humanity, filled with personal intentions and feelings, is something that is actually bitter; for the seriousness of such truth is felt today only to a very limited extent. Humanity has forgotten how to take the great truths with the earnestness with which they must be taken. But we must nevertheless continue to ask: How is what lies in human will, as I have described it, connected with the processes of destruction in the outer nature? How does what I have described as the actual character of human will relate to the processes of destruction in external nature? You see, here it is, where, before the newer man, one might say, stands the greatest illusion. What does the newer man actually do when he looks at nature? Yes, he says: There is a natural process that takes place. Another one has taken place before it, which is its cause; before this one again another one, which is again its cause. And so the modern man finds a chain of causes and effects in nature and is very proud of it when he, in this sense, as he says, understands the outer world by the guiding thread of causality. What comes of it? Yes, ask a modern geologist, physicist, chemist or any other orthodox natural scientist - he will often be afraid to draw the final conclusion of his worldview - but ask him whether he should not have the mental image that the earth, as it is as earth - or stones, plants and many animals too - would have developed exactly as they would have developed if man had not been there, if no houses, no machines, no airships had been built by the buffaloes, bulls and so on; but everything else that is not perceived as man-made today would have been there from the beginning to the end if man had not been there either, because within the outer nature there is a chain of causes and effects. What comes later is the consequence of what went before, and in fact, according to the current view, man was not even present when the chain was being formed! This view has exactly the same error in it as the following: Imagine that I write a sentence on the blackboard, such as: “Stuttgart is a city.” Now someone comes along and says: I scientifically examine what I find written on the blackboard. I start from the back and have the t first. That emerges from the d. Then I take the d, which emerges from the preceding a, the a from the preceding t, the t from the preceding s. Each time I have the effect of the preceding cause. The t is the effect of the d, the d is the effect of the a, and so on. You see, it's nonsense. Each letter arises only from the fact that I have written it down, and not that the preceding letter has produced the subsequent one. It is utter nonsense to say: the preceding letter is the cause of the subsequent one, the preceding one produces the subsequent one. A thorough, unprejudiced examination of the nature of natural processes convinces us of the same. We say, indulging in the great illusion of modern science: The effects are the consequences of their causes. It is not so. We must seek the real causes elsewhere, just as we must seek the cause for the succession of letters in our mind. And where are the causes for the external natural event on a large scale? This can only be decided by spiritual insight. These causes lie in humanity. Do you know where to look if you want to understand the real causes of natural events on Earth? You have to examine how human will, which according to today's consciousness is deeply subconscious, is centered in the center of gravity of the human being, that is, in the human abdomen. In the human head, only a part of the will is active; in the other human organism, the main part of the will is centered. And what comes into existence as the outer course of nature depends on the state of man in relation to this subconscious will. So far, we have only been able to cite one significant case of this natural process; but the whole natural process is like that.

I have often pointed out to you that during the Atlantean period, man indulged in a kind of black magic. The consequence of this was the glaciation of the civilized world. But in reality, in the broadest sense, everything that is the course of nature is the consequence of the will activity not of the individual human being, but of what works together in humanity in various will forces that come from the human centres of gravity. If a suitably developed being, let us say from Mars or Mercury, were to study the Earth, were to study its course, were to want to understand how the course of nature takes place, this being would not describe nature as man describes when he wants to be learned, but such a being would survey the earth and would say: There the earth is below, there are many points, in these points the forces are centered, which cause the course of nature. But these points would not lie outside in nature for him, but always inside in people. He who would observe from the outside would feel that he must observe the inside of mankind when he wanted to seek the causes for what happens in the course of nature. This insight into the connection between human will and the course of nature on a large scale, of course, can arise when we look at the course of nature only as far as our nose reaches, since, admittedly, the connection does not show itself there. This insight into the connection between the effects of will, the direction of the will of humanity and the course of nature will have to become an integral part of future natural science for humanity. With such a natural science man will feel responsible for what he is in a quite different way than he generally feels responsible today. Man will develop from being an earthly citizen to becoming a cosmic citizen. Man will learn to regard the universe as belonging to him.

But bear in mind that as soon as attention is drawn to such things, the knowledge of these things takes hold in us. This knowledge does not appear as shadowy as our intellectual knowledge, but it is much more taken from realities, therefore it also appears much more real. And since it seems much more real than the shadowy knowledge of modern humanity, it is necessary for man to take seriously what is revealed to him through this knowledge. One cannot on the one hand become a citizen of the world in the sense just described and on the other hand remain the old philistine that the last centuries since the middle of the 15th century have developed in modern humanity. One cannot consciously want to integrate oneself into the workings of the cosmos on the one hand, and on the other hand gossip about one's fellow human beings just as they do at every coffee klatch in the bourgeois age since the middle of the 15th century. It is necessary that at the same time a different ethos, different moral impulses, surge through humanity if the science of initiation is to be seriously introduced. Today, in particular, everything that is prepared in an improper way, that which I would call the appearance of Ahriman on our earth, has a particularly inhibiting effect on the absorption of this science of initiation. I have already referred to this fact in order to characterize for you a little of the right festive mood of this year's Christmas; I will just repeat it briefly.

If we go back in the evolution of the earth, we find, before our more recent materialistic culture, the Greco-Latin culture dating back to the 8th century BC. Then, a few centuries after the beginning of this Greek-Latin period, we see emerging what one might call: the ancient wisdom of prehistoric times, which had already been filtered in Greece. Nietzsche sensed this in a strange, if morbid, way. From the very beginning of his intellectual work he felt himself to be an opponent of Socrates, and he never tired of speaking again and again of the greater value of the pre-Socratic Greek culture compared to the Socratic and post-Socratic. I will not deal with this matter any differently than by saying to you: It is certainly true that with Socrates, on the one hand, a great age of humanity dawned, which found its culmination in the transition from the 14th to the 15th century, But that this age of Socrates has now expired, expired correctly: for the Socratic age is the one that took mere logic, mere dialectics, out of earlier impulsive wisdom. This taking of mere logic, mere dialectics, out of the old clairvoyant wisdom, that is the characteristic of our Western culture. This has also left its mark on Christianity; for the theology of the Occident is also a dialectic one. But what arises in Greece as dialectic, as spirituality filtered to the point of abstraction, goes back to the mysteries of the Orient. And among these mysteries were also those who founded a culture that later became Chinese culture, within which the figure of Lucifer was incarnated. We must not deny ourselves the fact that Lucifer himself once walked in a body, just as the Christ walked in a body on Earth during the time of the Mystery of Golgotha. But this Luciferian incarnation is misunderstood in a philistine way, if one wants to look at everything that came from Lucifer as if it were a kind of touch-me-not. For example, the height of Greek culture itself also came from Lucifer, the actual ancient art, the artistic impulse of humanity, as we ourselves still actually look at it. But in Europe all this has become ossified to the point of being a mere phrase, devoid of all content. And it was Luciferic wisdom that was used to comprehend Christianity in Europe. That is the significant thing: that in Greek wisdom, which had developed as Gnosticism in order to comprehend the Mystery of Golgotha, the old Luciferic wisdom was also active, giving form to the old Gnosticism. It was the greatest victory of Christianity at that time that the fact of the Mystery of Golgotha clothed itself in what Lucifer gave to the evolution of the Earth. But while the Luciferian culture, which was handed over to humanity through the real incarnation of Lucifer, is receding, something is gradually emerging that prepares the future incarnation of Ahriman on the Western Earth. It will simply happen, when the time is ripe - and it is preparing itself - that Ahriman will incarnate in a human body in the Western world. This fact must come just as the others were there, that Lucifer has incarnated and that Christ has incarnated. This fact is prescribed for the development of the earth. What matters is only to bear this fact in mind so as to prepare oneself for it aright, for Ahriman does not begin to work only when he appears on earth in a human being, but he is now preparing his appearance from the supersensible worlds. He is already working in the evolution of mankind; he seeks out his tools from the beyond, through which he prepares himself for what is to come.

Now an essential condition for the favorable effect of what Ahriman was to bring to humanity - he will bring something just as favorable as Lucifer - is that humanity takes the right attitude towards it. What matters is that humanity does not sleep through the appearance of Ahriman. When Ahriman appears in the Western world, it will be recorded in the parish registers: 'John William Smith was born' – of course that will not be the name – and he will be seen as a stolid citizen like other citizens, and people will sleep through what is actually happening. Our university professors will certainly not ensure that people do not sleep through it. For them, what will appear will be John William Smith. But what matters is that in this age of Ahriman, people know that on the outside it will only be John William Smith, but on the inside Ahriman is present. They must not deceive themselves in sleepy illusion about what is happening. Indeed, we must not deceive ourselves about the fact that these things are in preparation. Among the most important means that Ahriman has to work from the beyond is to promote abstract thinking in humanity. And because abstract thinking is so popular today, we are well preparing the way for the appearance of Ahriman in an Ahrimanically favorable sense. Nothing would better prepare the ground for the fact that Ahriman is fishing the whole earth for his own development than to continue the abstract and abstracting life that has already entered even into social life. This is one of the tricks, one of the jokes, by which Ahriman prepares his rule on earth in his own interest. Instead of showing people today, on the basis of full experience, what needs to be done, we talk to humanity about general theories, including social theories. Those who talk about theories find precisely what is based on experience abstract because they have no idea of life. All this is preparation in the Ahrimanic sense.

But there is still another kind of preparation for Ahriman, and this can happen - and this too is something that must be made known today - through an erroneous understanding of the Gospels. You know, of course, that there are many people today, especially among the official representatives of this or that confession, who fight tooth and nail against everything that arises from the science of initiation for a new knowledge of Christ among us. Such people, if they do not merely pay homage to rationalism, still accept the Gospels; but what do these people basically know of the actual nature of the Gospels? It was people of this kind who applied the external, secular, historical-scientific method to the Gospels in the 19th century. And what has become of these Gospels under the scientific method of the 19th century? Nothing has become of the Gospels except that this conception of the Gospels has gradually become materialized. The first thing that attracted attention was the contradictions between the four Gospels. And from the perception of these contradictions, the slide actually went downhill to the smithy; because after all, what is all that in Gospel research that comes from the Basel blacksmith - I don't mean our Dr. Schmiedel, but the theologian, Prof. Schmiedel? What is this other than, I would say, the taking of the Gospels out of context? What is good old Schmiedel looking for in the Gospels? He is trying to prove that they are not just products of the imagination, created solely to glorify Christ Jesus, and he comes up with a limited number of points, the famous Schmiedel main points, in which unfavorable things have also been said about Christ. He thinks that if the Gospels were written only to glorify Jesus, they would have been left out. So, after all, one does get the feeling that he is willing to go along with anything that is said about Christ Jesus in order to save a shred of secular science for the Gospels. This shred will also disappear; nothing will be gained from secular science that can prove the authenticity of the Gospels in the sense that the gentlemen want. In order to relate to these Gospels correctly, one must know why the Gospels came into being, that is, one must know what the Gospels actually want. This will only be recognized when one truly fertilizes oneself with what can come from spiritual science.

But if you immerse yourself in the Gospels, if you absorb their content and their powers, then you will gain a spiritual content from them. No external historical science will unravel the Gospels for you; but you can immerse yourself in the Gospels and then you will gain a spiritual content. This soul content is a great hallucination, albeit a refined hallucination, the hallucination of the Mystery of Golgotha. The highest thing that can be gained from the Gospels is the hallucination of the Mystery of Golgotha, no more and no less. You see, this secret is known only to the newer Catholic Church. Therefore, it does not want the laity to ultimately recognize the Gospels, because it fears that people would realize that through the Gospels one does not have an historical account of the Christ-mystery, but only a hallucination of this mystery of Golgotha, I could also say: an imagination; because the hallucination is so refined that it is a real imagination. But no more than an imagination can be gained from the content of the Gospels itself.

What is the path from imagination to reality? This path is opened up by spiritual science, not by something outside of spiritual science, but by spiritual science alone. That is to say, the imagination of the Gospels must be raised to reality through spiritual science. It is in the extreme interest of Ahriman to prepare his incarnation in such a way that people do not make this path from the imagination in the Gospels through spiritual science to the reality of the Mystery of Golgotha. Just as Ahriman has the greatest interest in maintaining the sense of abstraction, so he also has the greatest interest in humanity developing more and more that piety that merely relies on the Gospels. If you consider this, you will realize that a large part of the existing confessions today are the result of Ahriman's preparatory work for his purposes in this earthly existence. What better way to serve Ahriman than to decide to exploit an external power that you have, to command those who believe in this power, who submit to this power, not to read anthroposophical literature! One could not do a greater disservice to Ahriman than to cause a number of people not to read anthroposophical literature. People who have decided to follow this anthroposophical path must familiarize themselves with these things. Certain facts cannot be presented today other than in the light of truth.

It must be realized that the course of world evolution is moving from the incarnation of Lucifer thousands of years ago, through the Mystery of Golgotha, which is still to continue to have an effect, towards the incarnation of Ahriman, which will take place in the not too distant future. This incarnation must stand in the way of evolution, so that the forces that have been taken up by the Christ Impulse will be strengthened by the resistance. A veiled cult of the Gospels and abstraction will help Ahriman on his way. Today many people have an inner interest in closing their minds to these serious facts in order to preserve their comfort. Anthroposophists should not have this interest; on the contrary, they should develop a certain impetus to do as much as possible to spread spiritual science among humanity. It is completely wrong to believe, as some people do, that one should communicate with people like Traub. It is nonsense to believe that one can communicate with such people; because they do not want it. What is important is to educate the rest of humanity about these people. One has to talk to the rest of humanity about these people. So that they can communicate with us, that is truly what it is all about. They need only read without prejudice what is there, to delve into what is there. One must strictly distinguish between the characteristics of such pests of the further development of humanity and the other people, before whom one must step and say how it is with those pests. It is useless and meaningless to try to come to an understanding with these people; for these people will be inclined to come to an understanding immediately if they no longer have followers to support them. Then they are already willing to come to an understanding on their own. The necessity that exists is precisely to educate people about them. If only, unfortunately, within our own ranks there is often a tendency to compromise on this point, to not unreservedly speak the truth! We should never entertain the illusion that we can bring about an understanding with someone who has no desire to communicate with us. Would it help us in any way? What is necessary for us is to courageously stand up for the truth as much as we can. And that seems to me to follow in particular from the view of what is connected with the development of humanity.