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The Gospel of St. John
GA 103

19 May 1908, Hamburg

II. Esoteric Christianity

The first words of the Gospel of St. John touch, in fact, upon the deepest mysteries of the world. This can be seen when we allow the truths of Spiritual Science which lie at their very foundation to pass before our souls. And we must dip deeply into spiritual knowledge, if these first words of this Gospel are to appear to us in the right light. We must recall to memory much that is well known to those of you who for a long time have been occupying yourselves with the Anthroposophical world conception. But today we shall need to expand certain elementary truths of this conception by penetrating further into various significant cosmic mysteries. We need but briefly call to mind how the human being appears to us between the time of waking in the morning and the evening, when he again sinks into sleep. We know that he is composed of a physical body, an ether or life body, an astral body, and an ego. These four members of the human being, however, are in close relationship only during the waking state. It is quite necessary that we remember that during the night, while sleeping, the human creature is, in reality, entirely different from the same creature during the day, during waking day consciousness, for then his four members are assembled in a very different manner. When he sleeps, the physical and ether bodies lie in bed. The astral body and ego, in a certain sense, are loosened from their connections with the physical and ether bodies and are in fact outside of them—we must understand the word outside in a spiritual, not in a purely spatial sense. Therefore during the night the human being is a creature consisting of two parts, one that remains lying in bed and another part which separates from the physical and ether bodies. Now we must first of all clearly understand that if, during the night, from the moment of going to sleep to the moment of waking again in the morning, the physical and ether bodies lying in bed were completely abandoned by what fills them throughout the day—that is, the astral body and ego—they could not then exist at all by themselves.

Here at this point we must enter a little more deeply into the cosmic mysteries. When we have the human physical body here before us, we should clearly understand that behind what we can see with the eyes and touch with our hands there is a long evolutionary process. It has passed through this process of evolution in the course of the entire development of our earthly planet. To those of you who have concerned yourselves a little with this subject, it is already well known that our earth has passed through previous states of existence and just as the human being has gone from one incarnation to another or, in other words, has passed through repeated earth lives, so too has the earth passed through other life-states before it reached the condition in which we find it today. There are previous incarnations of a planet just as there are previous incarnations of a human being. Everything in the great world and in the small world is subject to the law of repeated incarnations, and before the earth finally became this earth of ours it had passed through a condition of being which we call the “Ancient Moon,” 1The words Saturn, Sun, Moon, Earth, Jupiter, Venus, and Vulcan when spelt with an initial capital refer to the great cosmic evolutionary periods called “man-bearing periods.” The words earth, moon, and sun, spelt with small letters refer to the planets of our present solar system. Ed. so called because the present moon contains a portion of that ancient planet. So when we speak of the “Ancient Moon,” we do not at all mean the present moon, but a planet similar to the present earth in its earliest stages. Nov, just as there is a period between one incarnation and a new birth in the case of human beings, so also is there a period between the incarnation of this planet of ours which we call the Earth, and that one we designate as the Ancient Moon, and the same is true of that life-condition which we call the “Sun.” A state which we call the “Sun” preceded the Moon-state of our planet and again this Sun-state was preceded by a “Saturn” life-condition. Thus we can look back on three earlier incarnations of our planet but not as it is today.

Our physical human body received its very first rudiments upon the ancient Saturn. Upon that ancient planet the very first germ of a physical body was at that time created, but, of course, one very different from the human body of the present. Besides the physical body, nothing that is a part of the human being of today was present on ancient Saturn. Only when Saturn was transformed into the Sun, that is to say, during the second incarnation of our Earth-planet, was the ether body added to the physical body, penetrating and impregnating it. And what was the result? The physical human body underwent a transformation, acquired another form and attained a very different state of existence. During the Sun incarnation of our Earth, the physical body stood at a second stage of its development. But how did it reach this second stage? By becoming an inwardly living body on the Sun, while on Saturn it was still machine-like and automatic. The ether body, which had slipped in, transformed the physical body. Then on the Moon, the astral body slipped into this union of physical and ether bodies. Thus the physical body was again transformed a third time and the ether body a second time. At last upon the Earth, the ego was added to the physical, ether and astral bodies and having now entered into this threefold union, the ego transformed this physical body again, so that at last it became the complicated structure which it is today. Therefore, what you have before you now as the human physical body is a many times transformed entity, and just because it has passed through four stages of evolution it has its present complicated appearance.

If we say, when speaking of our present physical body, that it is composed of the same physical and chemical substances and forces to be found in the minerals out in the cosmos, it must, nevertheless, be quite clear to us that there is an enormous difference between this physical human body and the mineral. Speaking in very elementary terms, we emphasize the difference between the physical human body and the physical body of a mineral—for example, of a rock crystal—when we say that the rock crystal retains its form unless shattered from without. The human physical body, on the contrary, cannot of itself retain its form. It has its form only because and as long as there are within it an ether body, an astral body, and an ego. The moment the ether body, the astral body, and the ego are separated from it, it becomes something quite different from what it is between birth and death; it follows the laws of the physical and chemical substances and forces and decays, while on the other hand the physical body of the mineral remains unchanged.

Something similar is the case with the ether body. Immediately after death the ether and astral bodies and the ego separate from the physical body; then after a time the ether body also leaves this union of astral body and ego and resolves itself into the cosmic ether, just as the physical body disintegrates and goes back into the earth kingdom. There remains behind only that extract of the ether body of which we have often spoken. This remains united with the human being. Therefore we may say that the physical human body is in a certain sense of the same nature as the mineral kingdom about us, nevertheless, we must keep in mind the great difference which exists between the mineral kingdom and the physical human body.

One might say:—Indeed, but you have just stated that on Saturn our physical body was not yet permeated by an ether body, an astral body and an ego, for they were only added on the Sun, Moon and Earth. Therefore at that time, in fact—one might say—the physical body had the character of a mineral. That is true, but we have mentioned three metamorphoses of this physical body that one after the other have succeeded that early life-state of the Saturn period. Even the present mineral, which you have before you as a dead mineral, cannot possibly exist with only a physical body. Let us make it very clear that what has been said and must be repeated is true, that as far as the physical world is concerned, the mineral has only a physical body. Here in the physical world the mineral has only a physical body—however, that is not literally true. Just as the physical human body, standing before us, has within it its etheric and astral bodies and its ego which belong to it, so too has the mineral not only a physical body, but also an ether and an astral body, and an ego, however, these higher members of its being are to be found only in higher realms. The mineral has an ether body, but it is to be found in the so-called astral world; it has also an astral body, but it is in the so-called devachanic or heaven-world, and it has an ego, but this exists in a still higher spiritual world. Thus the physical human body differs from the physical body of a mineral in having here in this physical world, in a waking state, its ether and astral bodies and ego within it, while the mineral has not. We know that besides our world there are still other worlds. The world which we ordinarily perceive with our physical senses is permeated by the astral world and this again by the devachanic world which consists of an inferior and a superior region.

In comparison with the mineral, the human being is an especially favored creature, because during waking-consciousness he has his other three members within him. The mineral does not contain these members within itself, so we must think of it as not existing wholly upon the physical plane. Think of a human finger-nail. You will concede that nowhere outside in Nature can you find this finger-nail existing as an independent entity, for if it is to grow, it presupposes the rest of the human organism—it cannot exist without this. Now imagine a tiny creature with eyes that can see only your finger-nail, but has no capacity to see the rest of your organism. Such a tiny creature would look out into the rest of space, but would see nothing besides your finger-nail. Thus the minerals on the physical plane are like the finger-nail and you only perceive them in their entirety when you rise into higher realms. There they have their ether and astral bodies and egos and here only their physical member. All this we must hold firmly in mind in order that it may be quite clear that in a higher reality there can be no entity that does not possess some kind of ether and astral body and ego. A purely physical being can have no existence; to exist at all it must have an ether and an astral body, and an ego.

However, in all that has been said today there is in fact a certain contradiction. We have stated that the human being, in the night while asleep, is entirely different from the creature we see during the day when he is awake. By day he is quite comprehensible to us; we have him there before us as a four-fold being. But now let us approach him in sleep and observe his physical nature. Here we have the physical body and the ether body lying in bed—the astral body and ego outside. Thus arises the contradictory condition of having before us a being deserted by its astral body and ego. The stone does not sleep. Its ether and astral bodies and ego do not penetrate it, but remain constantly in the same relationship with it. With the human being, on the contrary, the astral body and ego depart each night and he does not concern himself about his physical and ether bodies, but leaves them to themselves. This fact is not always fully considered. Every night the human being, in his truly spiritual part, takes leave of his physical and ether bodies which he himself deserts. However, these bodies would not be able to exist by themselves, because no physical body, and for that matter no ether body, can exist by itself. Even the stone must be permeated by its higher members. Therefore you can easily comprehend that it is wholly impossible for your physical body and ether body to remain in bed at night without an astral body and ego. What occurs then during the night? Your own astral body and ego are indeed not within the physical and ether bodies, but present in their place there is another ego and another astral body. At this point, occultism calls your attention to a divine-spiritual existence and to higher spiritual powers. During the night, while your own ego and astral body are outside your physical and ether bodies, the astral body and ego of higher, divine-spiritual powers are actually active within them. And the reason for this is the following:

When we consider the whole of human evolution from the Saturn stage through the Sun and Moon periods as far as the Earth, we might indeed say that upon Saturn only the physical human body existed, that there was no human ether body, no human astral body and no human ego within this physical body. But this physical body, at that time, could have no more existed by itself than the stone today can exist by itself. The physical body of that time could only exist because it was permeated by the ether and astral bodies and the ego of divine-spiritual beings which dwelt within it, and they still dwell there today. Then on the Sun, when our own ether body entered into this physical body, the smaller human ether body amalgamated, as it were, with the earlier ether body of divine-spiritual powers. Even upon Saturn the physical body was permeated by divine-spiritual beings.

If we have now understood this properly, we come to a deeper comprehension of the present human being and we are in a position to repeat and to understand better what has been taught in Esoteric Christianity from the beginning. This Esoteric Christianity has always been fostered alongside the outer Christian exoteric teaching. I have often pointed out that Paul, the great apostle of Christianity, used his powerful, fiery gift of eloquence to teach Christianity to the people, but that at the same time he founded an esoteric school, the director of which was Dionysius, the Areopagite, mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles. In this Christian Esoteric School at Athens which was directly founded by Paul himself, the purest Spiritual Science was taught. And now, having brought together the necessary material in the above observations, we shall be able to place before our souls what was taught there.

This school also taught that when we observe the human being standing before us in his waking state, we find him composed of physical body, ether body, astral body, and ego. It is of little importance that the names used were not exactly the same as those used today. Even at that time the stage of evolution at which humanity now stands was already predicated. This human being, consisting of these four members, has not always been as he now appears to us. If we wish to observe him composed of these four members only, then we must not observe him as he is today, but we must retrace our evolutionary steps back to the Lemurian period. It was at that time that the ego became united with the human being composed of physical, ether, and astral bodies. Thus one might truly say that then, in the real sense of the word, the human being consisted of physical, ether, and astral bodies, and ego.

But since that time every human being has passed through many incarnations. What then is the significance of this evolution by means of incarnations? It is that from incarnation to incarnation the ego works upon and transforms the three members of its being. It begins by first transforming its astral body. In the average man of today the astral body is not just as it was in the first earthly incarnation before the ego had worked upon it. In the first incarnation upon the earth the ego, working from within outwardly, transformed certain thoughts, feelings, and passions which originally had been given to men, and from incarnation to incarnation these were changed more and more through the activity of the ego. Thus it may be said that the human being has today not only the four members, physical, ether, and astral bodies, and ego, but through the activity of the ego within the astral body, he has now a member which is the actual creation of the ego itself. In each human being of today, the astral body is two-fold; it has one part that has been transformed by the ego, and another part not so transformed. This will continue and a time will come for every human being when his entire astral body will become a creation of his ego. It is the custom in oriental wisdom to call that part of the astral body, which has already been transformed by the ego, by the name of Manas; in English, Spirit-Self. Although the human being is still composed of his four members, we can now distinguish five parts: physical, ether, and astral bodies, and ego; and as fifth member, the transformed part of the astral body, Manas or Spirit-Self. Thus we may say that in every human being the astral body contains within it Manas or Spirit-Self, the work of the ego, the product of the activity of the ego.

The human being will continue to work upon himself. The Earth will pass through further incarnations and humanity will acquire by degrees the capacity—which today can be acquired by the initiate—of working also upon the ether body. It is true the average man today is already working upon his ether body and that part of it which is transformed into a product of the ego is called Budhi or Life-Spirit. He will finally reach the point where, by means of his ego, he will transform his physical body also. That part of the physical body which is transformed by the ego is called Atman or Spirit-Man.

Let us allow our glance to sweep to the far distant future after the Earth has passed through other planetary forms, other incarnations, after—as occultism describes it—it has gone through the Jupiter, Venus, and Vulcan states of existence. The human being will then stand upon a very much higher level, and will have transformed his entire astral body into Manas or Spirit-Self, his entire ether body into Budhi or Life-Spirit and his whole physical body into Atman or Spirit-Man.

Compare this human being as he will appear to us at the end of our earthly course with the same human creature as he appeared at its beginning. In the beginning there was only the physical body, and it was permeated by an ether and an astral body and an ego, but these belonged to divine higher beings who only dwelt within it. At the end of the Earth's evolutionary course, the human being will be entirely permeated by his ego. And this ego itself dwells within the astral body, when as Manas or Spirit-Self it permeates this astral body. The ego then permeates the ether body, which becomes impregnated by Budhi or Life-Spirit and the physical body becomes entirely transfused by Atman or Spirit-Man, also the product of the ego. What a tremendous difference between the creature at the beginning of this evolution and the same human being as he will be at the end of it! But by bringing this great difference clearly before our minds, what I purposely called a contradiction—the sleep state—then becomes comprehensible to us. The very form of the explanation in Esoteric Christianity makes it entirely intelligible to us. What then is this physical body that we shall have before us when the earth has reached the goal of its evolution? Will it be the present physical body? Not in any sense will it be the present physical body, but what the ego shall have made of it. This physical body, as well as the ether and astral bodies, will be wholly spirit-filled. But they were spirit-filled even before the human being transformed them into spirit through the activity of his ego. Even the stone, as we have said, is today permeated by the ether and astral bodies, and ego belonging to it, although they exist in higher spiritual realms.

Thus we see that Esoteric Christianity has good reason for stating that the human being cannot yet master what he today possesses as physical body, because he has not yet reached the end of his evolution when his ego will have worked down even into the physical body. He also cannot yet master the ether body. He will only be able to master that when the Earth has reached the Venus state. Thus he cannot yet master physical and ether bodies through his ego. Only when he has developed Budhi and Atman will he be able to do this. But a physical and ether body of this kind must be controlled in a spiritual way. What the human being himself will some day be able to give to the physical and ether bodies must already be present within them. Those spiritual parts which the ego will at some time give to the ether and physical bodies must be there even now. They were already within the physical body in the beginning when the human creature was in the Saturn Evolution; they were in him when he was on the Sun, and they have continued to remain within him ever since. Thus Esoteric Christianity speaks truly when it says: When the human being has reached the summit of his evolution, what is now already within the human physical body, the divine Atman, a divine spiritual being, will then become a part of it. Budhi also is already within the ether body, but it is the divine Life-Spirit. The human astral body consists, as we have said, of two parts, one of which has been mastered by the human being and another which has not. What, then, is present there within that part which he cannot yet control? It is the Spirit-Self, but a divine Spirit-Self. The real spiritual life of mankind is only present in that part of the astral body in which the ego has already been active since the first incarnation. Thus we have the human being before us.

Let us now look at him in his waking state. What shall we say? The physical body as it appears to us is only the exterior. Within, he is what may be called an atmic being. Interiorly, he is composed of and permeated by higher divine-spiritual beings. The same is true of the ether body. Exteriorly, it is what holds the physical body together; interiorly it is the divine Life-Spirit. And the astral body also is permeated by a divine being, the Spirit-Self. But out of this whole combination, the transformed portion of the astral body alone has been mastered by the ego.

Let us now observe the human being while he sleeps. Here this contradiction disappears at once. We approach him when he is in this state and observe that, as astral body and ego, he is outside the physical body. He calmly abandons it and the ether body every night. Were he to leave the physical body without its being cared for by a divine-spiritual being, he would find it again, but in a shattered condition. A divine-spiritual physical and a divine-spiritual ether are present within the physical and ether bodies and they remain there while these bodies are lying in bed, with the astral body and ego outside. The physical body and ether body are permeated by beings of an atmic and budhic nature.

Now, look back to the beginning of our earthly evolution when nothing in the human being had yet been mastered by the ego. Before his first incarnation the ego was not yet united with the three other members, the physical, ether, and astral bodies. These last came over from the Moon, but the ego did not enter them until the Earth period. On the other hand, a divine Ego was present within them. They would not have been able to exist had not this divine Ego completely permeated them. The astral body was permeated by a divine Spirit-Self, the ether body by a divine Life-Spirit and the physical body by a divine Atman or Spirit-Man.

Let us look back still further to the Moon, Sun, and Saturn evolutions. Upon Saturn, the divine Life-Spirit—which still in the night dwells within the human being lying in bed—had the power to form the human body, as a matter of fact the physical body, into something like a mineral. During the Sun stage, this Life-Spirit transformed the physical body into something of the nature of a plant and on the Moon it was able to form this body into something that experiences pleasure and pain, but which could not yet say “I” to itself. The physical body passed through these lowest stages.

Now, let us proceed to the real Earth incarnation. Here, by experiencing a further transformation, the physical human body became still more perfected than previously. What had it previously been unable to do? What was yet quite foreign to it? What had the divine Spirit kept within itself? What had it not yet entrusted to the human body? It was the power to express in sound the inner life of the soul. On the Moon, this human body, then at the animal stage, was mute. The capacity to permit the soul-life to express itself outwardly in sounds was still with the Divine. It was not yet entrusted to the body's own being. Although there are also animal creatures today able to utter cries, such sounds are, however, something very different from the human vocal sounds. These animals still exist under quite different conditions from the human creature,—they make sounds, it is true, but it is the Divine within them sounding forth. The power to express the inner feelings of the soul in words was only bestowed upon men here upon the Earth. Before this, they were mute; thus this capacity for speech came with life upon the earth.

Let us consider now for a moment as a whole what we have today brought before our souls. The power of speech, namely the Word, was originally with the Divine, and the whole of evolution was so directed that the Godhead first created, as pre-requisite, a physical apparatus which only later acquired the power to allow this Word to sound forth out of itself. Everything was thus guided and directed. Like the flower within its seed, the tone-uttering human being, endowed with the Word or Logos, existed already in germ upon Saturn. Sound was concealed within this germ and developed out of it just as the whole plant grows out of the seed in which it has been hidden.

Let us look back upon the physical human body as it existed upon Saturn and ask ourselves:—Whence came this physical human body? What was its primal source? What did it need to carry it through the whole of evolution?—It came from the Logos or the Word. For even as early as the Saturn period this physical human body was directed in such a way that it later became capable of speech, became a witness of the Logos. That you are formed as you are today, that this human body has its present shape, rests upon the fact that the “Word” lies at the very foundation of the whole plan of our creation. The whole human body has been constructed upon the Word and from the very beginning it was so endowed that at last the Word was able to spring forth from it. When, therefore, the esoteric Christian, looking at this physical human body, asked: What is its original prototype and what is its image? the answer was: This physical human body has its origin in the Word or Logos. This Word or Logos was active from the beginning within the physical human body—and it is still active there today when the physical body lies in bed deserted by the ego. During that time, the divine Logos is active within the members thus forsaken by the human soul. If we ask: What was the very first beginning of the physical body? then the answer is:—The Logos or the Word.

We shall now follow evolution still further. Saturn passed over into the Sun Period; and then to the human physical body, the life or ether body was added. But what must have entered in order that such a step forward could be made? While on Saturn, the physical body was a kind of machine, a sort of automaton, wholly permeated and maintained, however, by the Logos; on the Sun, the life body was added within which the divine Life-Spirit was active. During the Saturn Period, the human body was an expression of the Logos; then Saturn disappeared, and this human body was reborn upon the Sun. To the physical body was added the life body, permeated by the Life-Spirit. The Logos became Life upon the Sun, while advancing the human creature to a higher stage. The Logos became Life upon the Sun!

Let us now continue further. Upon the Moon, the astral body was added to this human creature. What is the astral body? It appears to the clairvoyant consciousness, even today, like an aura surrounding the human being. It is a body of light, only it cannot be seen in the present state of consciousness. But when seen with clairvoyant vision, it appears as Light, spiritual Light. Our physical light is only transformed spiritual Light and the physical sunlight is the embodiment of the divine-spiritual auric, cosmic Light which is its source. In the present world there is a light streaming down upon us from the sun. But there is yet another light which streams forth out of our own inner radiance. Upon the Moon, the human astral body still shone for the beings in its environment. Thus upon the Moon, the human astral body was united with the physical and ether bodies.

Let us now observe the progress of evolution as a whole. Upon Saturn, we have the physical body as the expression of the Logos; upon the Sun, the ether body is added as an expression of the Life-Spirit. The Logos becomes Life. Upon the Moon, the light-body is added: Life becomes Light! Here we have the story of the evolution of the human body. When the human being began life upon the Earth, he was a creation of the divine-spiritual powers. At that time he existed because within his physical, ether, and astral bodies the Logos was living, the Logos which was Life and which became Light. What now occurred upon the Earth? In the human being and for the human being the ego now entered, and because of this, he was now able not only to live in Light and in Life, but also became capable of observing everything externally, capable of confronting the Logos, Life, and Light. Therefore everything became material to him and he acquired a physical material existence.

Now that we have developed our train of thought thus far, we have approximately reached the point where we shall begin our next lecture, when we shall show how the human creature, born out of the Godhead, has developed into the present ego-being. For we see that prior to this present ego-being, there existed a divine pre-human creature. All that part which has been mastered by the ego is each night torn away from the physical and ether bodies, but the part which from the beginning has always been there within him remains and watches over these bodies when unconcerned, the soul faithlessly deserts them. This original divine-spiritual being remains firmly implanted there.

All that we have been trying to present in the language of Esoteric Christianity, deep mysteries of existence familiar to those who were “servants of the Logos in the earliest times,” all this is presented unequivocally in sublime, clear-cut verses in the Gospel of St. John. One must, however, translate these first words in the right way, in conformity with their meaning. Properly translated, these words give the actual facts which have just been presented. Let us bring these facts again before our souls, in order that we may fully comprehend their value.

In the beginning was the Logos which was the archetype of the physical human body, the foundation of all things. All animals, plants and minerals appeared later, for the human creature alone was present upon Saturn. In the Sun Period, the animal kingdom was added, in the Moon Period, the plant kingdom and upon the Earth the mineral kingdom appeared. Upon the Sun, the Logos became Life and upon the Moon, it became Light; then when the human creature became endowed with an ego, the Logos as Light confronted him. But he had to learn to know the nature of the Logos and learn in what form It eventually would make its appearance. First there was the Logos which became Life, then Light, and this Light lives in the astral body. Into the human inner being, into the darkness, into the ignorance, the Light shone. And the meaning of life upon Earth is this:—That men should overcome this darkness of the soul, in order that they may recognize the Light of the Logos.

The first words of the Gospel of St. John are incisive, although, perhaps, very difficult to understand, as many may say. But should the most profound mysteries of the world be expressed in trivial language? Is it not a strange point of view, a real insult to what is Holy when one says, for example, that in order to understand a watch one must penetrate deeply into the nature of the thing with the understanding, but for a comprehension of the Divine in the world, the simple, plain, naive human intelligence should suffice? It is a very bad thing for present humanity that it has reached the point of saying, when reference is made to the profoundness of religious documents: 0! why all these complicated explanations? It should all be plain and simple. However, only those who have the good intention and good will to plunge down into the great cosmic facts can penetrate into the deep meaning of such words as those at the very beginning of the most profound of the gospels, this Gospel of St. John, words that are in fact a paraphrase of Spiritual Science.

Let us now translate the introductory words of this Gospel:

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was a God (or divine). This was in the beginning with God. Through the same all things were made and save through this Word, nothing was made. In It was Life, and Life became the Light of men. And the Light shone into the darkness, but the darkness comprehended it not.

How the darkness, little by little, comes to an understanding of the Light is recounted later on in the Gospels.

Zweiter Vortrag

[ 1 ] Die ersten Worte des Johannes-Evangeliums rühren in der Tat gleich an die tiefsten Weltgeheimnisse. Man sieht das, wenn man die ihnen zugrunde liegenden geisteswissenschaftlichen Wahrheiten vor die Seele hintreten läßt; und wir werden tief hineingreifen müssen in die spirituelle Erkenntnis, wenn uns diese ersten Worte des Evangeliums im richtigen Lichte erscheinen sollen. Manches, was denjenigen von Ihnen recht wohl bekannt ist, die sich längere Zeit mit der anthroposophischen Weltanschauung befaßt haben, werden wir uns nur kurz dabei ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen müssen. Wir werden aber gewisse elementare Wahrheiten der anthroposophischen Weltanschauung heute durchdringen müssen mit weiteren Ausblicken in verschiedene bedeutsame kosmische Geheimnisse.

[ 2 ] Nur ganz kurz brauchen wir uns einmal das Wesen des Menschen vor Augen zu führen, wie dieses Wesen sich uns darstellt in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Betrachtung, zunächst für die Zeit vom Morgen, wenn der Mensch aufwacht, bis zum Abend, wenn der Mensch wiederum in Schlaf versinkt. Wir wissen, daß der Mensch besteht aus dem physischen Leib, dem Äther- oder Lebensleib, dem Astralleib und dem Ich. Diese vier Glieder der menschlichen Wesenheit sind aber in derjenigen Verbindung, die wir ihnen normalerweise für den Wachzustand zuschreiben, wirklich nur so da während dieses Wachzustandes. Insbesondere ist notwendig, daß wir uns vor die Seele rücken, daß während des Schlafzustandes in der Nacht der Mensch im Grunde genommen eine ganz andere Wesenheit ist; denn seine vier Glieder sind dann in einer ganz anderen Art zusammengefügt als während des Tagwachens. Wenn der Mensch schläft, liegen der physische Leib und der Ätherleib im Bette; der Astralleib und das Ich sind in einer gewissen Weise losgelöst aus dem Zusammenhang mit dem physischen Leibe und dem Ätherleibe, sind also — wenn wir das Wort nicht im rein räumlichen, sondern im geistigen Sinne verstehen — außerhalb des physischen Leibes und des Ätherleibes. So ist also der Mensch während der Nacht eine Wesenheit, die eigentlich aus zwei Teilen besteht: aus dem, was im Bette liegen geblieben ist, und dem, was sich aus dem physischen Leibe und dem Ätherleibe herausgetrennt hat. Nun müssen wir uns vor allen Dingen klarmachen, daß während der Nacht - von dem Augenblicke, wo der Mensch einschläft, bis zu dem Augenblicke, wo er am Morgen wieder aufwacht — dasjenige, was im Bette liegen bleibt, der physische und der Ätherleib, wenn sie verlassen würden von dem, was sie den Tag hindurch erfüllt - von dem, was im Astralleib und im Ich lebt -, daß sie dann als solche gar nicht bestehen könnten. Und hier ist es, wo wir uns ein wenig tiefer in die Weltgeheimnisse einlassen müssen.

[ 3 ] Wenn wir des Menschen physischen Leib vor uns haben, müssen wir uns klarmachen, daß dieser physische Menschenleib, den wir mit Augen sehen und mit Händen wahrnehmen, einen langen Entwickelungsprozeß hinter sich hat. Er hat diesen Entwickelungsprozeß durchgemacht im Verlaufe der ganzen Entwickelung unseres Erdplaneten. Schon bekannt ist es denjenigen, die sich ein wenig mit dieser Materie befaßt haben, daß unsere Erde frühere Zustände durchgemacht hat. So wie der Mensch von Verkörperung zu Verkörperung hindurchgeht, wiederholte Erdenleben durchmacht, so hat auch unsere Erde, bevor sie in denjenigen Zustand gekommen ist, in dem sie heute ist, andere Zustände durchgemacht. Es gibt ebenso frühere Verkörperungen eines Planeten, wie es frühere Verkörperungen eines Menschen gibt. Alles in der großen Welt und in der kleinen Welt unterliegt dem Gesetze der Wiederverkörperung. Und unsere Erde war, bevor sie diese unsere Erde wurde, durch einen Zustand durchgegangen, den wir den «alten Mond» nennen, weil der heutige Mond ein abgesplittertes Stück dieses alten Planeten ist. Also nicht der heutige Mond ist gemeint, wenn wir von dem «alten Monde» sprechen, sondern ein ähnlicher Planet, wie die heutige Erde einer ist. — Ebenso nun wie beim Menschen ein Zeitraum liegt zwischen einer Verkörperung und einer neuen Geburt, so liegt ein Zeitraum zwischen der Verkörperung unseres Planeten, den wir als Erde bezeichnen, und desjenigen, den wir als den alten Mond bezeichnen. Und ebenso ist es mit dem Zustande unseres Planeten, den wir als «Sonne» bezeichnen. Ein Zustand, den man als Sonne bezeichnet, ging dem Mondenzustande unseres Planeten voran, und dem Sonnenzustande ging wieder ein Saturnzustand voran. So können wir zurückblicken auf drei frühere Verkörperungen unseres Planeten.

[ 4 ] Unser physischer Menschenleib hat seine allererste Anlage erhalten auf dem alten Saturn. Damals auf diesem alten Saturn bildete sich eine — von dem heutigen menschlichen Leibe freilich ganz verschiedene — erste Anlage des physischen Menschenleibes. Alles, was heute vom Menschen vorhanden ist außer dem physischen Menschenleibe, war auf diesem alten Saturn noch nicht vorhanden. Erst als der Saturn sich in die Sonne verwandelte, also während der zweiten Verkörperung unseres Erdplaneten, kam zu diesem physischen Leib der Ätherleib hinzu, durchtränkte, imprägnierte ihn. Und was war die Folge? Die Folge war, daß der physische Menschenleib eine Verwandlung durchmachte: er wurde anders gestaltet, er erlangte eine andere Art und Weise seines Daseins. So steht während der Sonnenverkörperung unserer Erde der physische Leib auf der zweiten Stufe seines Daseins. Wodurch hat er diese zweite Stufe erlangt? Dadurch, daß er - während er auf dem Saturn noch maschinenhaft, automatisch war - auf der Sonne ein innerlich lebendiger Leib wurde. Der Ätherleib, der hineingeschlüpft war, gestaltete den physischen Leib um. Auf dem Monde schlüpfte in diesen Zusammenhang von physischem Leib und Ätherleib der Astralleib hinein. Da wurde wiederum der physische Leib umgestaltet, ein drittes Mal gestaltet, der Ätherleib erst ein zweites Mal. Auf der Erde endlich kam zum physischen Leib, Ätherleib und astralischen Leib das Ich hinzu, und das Ich, das jetzt hineinschlüpfte in diesen dreifachen Zusammenhang, gestaltete diesen physischen Leib wiederum um, so daß er endlich dieser komplizierte Zusammenhang wurde, der er heute ist. Es ist also, was Sie heute als den menschlichen physischen Leib vor sich haben, ein vielfach umgestaltetes Wesen, und er ist so kompliziert, wie er heute erscheint, nur dadurch geworden, daß er vier Entwickelungszustände durchgemacht hat.

[ 5 ] Wenn wir von unserem heutigen physischen Leibe sprechen und sagen, er bestehe aus denselben physischen und chemischen Stoffen und Kräften wie draußen im Kosmos die Mineralien, dann müssen wir uns aber auch klarmachen, daß zwischen diesem physischen Menschenleibe und dem Mineral doch noch ein gewaltiger Unterschied ist. Wir betonen, wenn wir in ganz elementarer Art sprechen, den Unterschied des physischen Menschenleibes von dem physischen Leibe eines Minerals, oder sagen wir eines Bergkristalls, dadurch, daß wir sagen: Der Bergkristall behält, wenn er nicht von außen zerstört wird, seine Form. Der physische Leib des Menschen kann durch sich selbst nicht seine Form behalten; er hat sie nur dadurch und nur so lange, als ein ätherischer Leib, ein astralischer Leib und ein Ich in ihm sind. In dem Augenblicke, wo sich Ätherleib, astralischer Leib und Ich von ihm trennen, beginnt der physische Leib etwas ganz anderes zu werden, als er zwischen Geburt und Tod ist: Er folgt den Gesetzen der physischen und chemischen Stoffe und Kräfte und zerfällt, während der physische Leib des Minerals erhalten bleibt.

[ 6 ] Etwas Ähnliches ist mit dem Ätherleibe der Fall. Nachdem sich unmittelbar nach dem Tode Ätherleib, astralischer Leib und Ich von dem physischen Leibe getrennt haben, geht nach einiger Zeit auch der Ätherleib aus der Verbindung mit dem astralischen Leibe und dem Ich heraus und löst sich auf im Weltenäther, wie sich der physische Leib im Erdreich auflöst. Es bleibt dann von dem Ätherleibe nur jener Extrakt zurück, von dem wir öfter gesprochen haben; der bleibt mit dem Menschen vereint. So können wir sagen, daß der physische Leib des Menschen in einer gewissen Beziehung allerdings von demselben Wert ist wie das um uns herumliegende Mineralreich. Aber wir müssen uns doch den großen Unterschied vor die Seele rücken, der zwischen dem Mineralreich und dem physischen Menschenleibe besteht.

[ 7 ] Es könnte jemand sagen: Ja, eben ist gesagt worden, auf dem Saturn war unser physischer Leib noch nicht durchsetzt von einem Ätherleibe, nicht von einem astralischen Leib und nicht von einem Ich, denn die kamen erst auf der Sonne, dem Monde und der Erde hinzu; da war also wirklich der physische Leib des Menschen könnte man sagen — von dem Werte eines Minerals. - Nun aber haben wir angeführt, wie drei Verwandlungen dieses physischen Leibes einander folgten auf diesen alten Zustand, in dem er während des Saturndaseins war. Auch das heutige Mineral, das Sie als ein totes Mineral vor sich haben, kann unmöglich bestehen so, daß es bloß einen physischen Leib in sich hat. Machen Sie sich klar, daß zwar für diese unsere physische Welt das richtig ist, was gesagt wird und gesagt werden muß: daß das Mineral nur einen physischen Leib habe. Hier in der physischen Welt hat das Mineral bloß einen physischen Leib, aber absolut richtig ist das nicht. Genau ebenso wie der physische Leib, wenn er vor uns steht, in sich seinen Ätherleib, seinen astralischen Leib und sein Ich hat, die dazu gehören, so hat auch das Mineral nicht bloß physischen Leib, sondern auch Ätherleib, astralischen Leib und Ich; nur befinden sich diese höheren Glieder seiner Wesenheit in höheren Welten. Das Mineral hat einen Ätherleib, der ist nur in der sogenannten astralischen Welt; das Mineral hat einen astralischen Leib, der ist nur in der sogenannten devachanischen oder himmlischen Welt, und es hat ein Ich, nur ist das in einer noch höheren oder geistigen Welt. Also unterscheidet sich der physische Menschenleib von dem physischen Leibe eines Minerals dadurch, daß der physische Menschenleib hier in dieser physischen Welt im wachen Zustand seinen Ätherleib, seinen astralischen Leib und sein Ich in sich hat; das Mineral aber hat hier seinen Ätherleib, seinen astralischen Leib und sein Ich nicht in sich, denn wir wissen ja, daß es außer unserer Welt noch andere Welten gibt. Die Welt, die wir mit unseren Sinnen gewöhnlich wahrnehmen, sie wird durchdrungen von der astralischen Welt und diese wieder von der Devachanwelt, die in eine niedere und in eine höhere devachanische Welt zerfällt.

[ 8 ] Der Mensch ist nun dem Mineral gegenüber dadurch ein bevorzugtes Wesen, daß er beim Tagwachen seine anderen drei Glieder in sich hat. Das Mineral hat in sich selbst diese Glieder nicht; sondern wir müssen uns das so vorstellen, daß das Mineral gar nicht vollständig ist auf dem physischen Plan. Denken Sie sich einen menschlichen Fingernagel. Sie werden mir zugeben, diesen menschlichen Fingernagel können Sie nirgends in der Natur draußen als für sich bestehende Wesenheit finden; denn er setzt voraus, wenn er wachsen soll, den übrigen menschlichen Organismus; er kann nicht ohne diesen sein. Denken Sie sich nun ein kleines Wesen, das nur Augen habe, um Ihre Fingernägel zu sehen, aber keine Fähigkeit, um Ihren übrigen Organismus zu sehen. Da würde ein solches kleines Wesen durch den ganzen übrigen Raum hindurchschauen, aber nur Ihre Fingernägel sehen. So sind die Mineralien hier gleichsam nur die Fingernägel, und Sie betrachten die Mineralien nur vollständig, wenn Sie in höhere Welten aufsteigen. Da haben sie ihren Ätherleib, astralischen Leib und so weiter und hier nur ihre physischen Glieder. Das alles wollen wir recht fest ins Auge fassen, um uns klarzumachen, daß es in höherer geistiger Wirklichkeit eben gar kein Wesen geben kann, das nicht in irgendeiner Art Ätherleib, astralischen Leib und Ich hätte. Ein physisches Wesen kann gar nicht bestehen, wenn es nicht zu einem Ätherleib, astralischen Leib und einem Ich hinzugehört.

[ 9 ] Nun aber herrscht zwischen allem, was heute schon gesagt worden ist, eigentlich ein gewisser Widerspruch. — Es ist gesagt worden, der Mensch sei in der Nacht, wenn er schläft, ein ganz anderes Wesen als bei Tag, wenn er wacht. Bei Tag ist uns dieses Menschenwesen ganz erklärlich: da steht es als eine viergliedrige Wesenheit vor uns. Nun aber treten wir an den schlafenden Menschen heran und betrachten ihn seiner physischen Wesenheit nach. Da haben wir physischen Leib und Ätherleib im Bette liegen, und Astralleib und Ich sind draußen. Da ergibt sich der Widerspruch, daß wir ein Wesen vor uns hätten, das verlassen wäre von Astralleib und Ich. Der Stein schläft nicht; sein Ätherleib, Astralleib und Ich durchdringen ihn nicht, aber sie bleiben stets in derselben Verbindung mit ihm. Beim Menschen geht jede Nacht der Astralleib und das Ich heraus. Er kümmert sich in der Nacht nicht um seinen physischen Leib und Ätherleib und überläßt diese jede Nacht sich selber. Diese Tatsache wird nicht immer ganz genau überdacht. Jede Nacht geht mit dem Menschen diese Verwandlung vor sich, daß er als eigentlicher geistiger Mensch Abschied nimmt von seinem physischen Leibe und Ätherleibe, die er sich selber überläßt. Nun aber können diese nicht für sich bestehen; denn kein physischer Leib und auch kein Ätherleib kann für sich bestehen, selbst der Stein muß durchdrungen sein von seinen höheren Gliedern. Und da werden Sie leicht begreifen, daß es ganz unmöglich ist, daß Ihr physischer Leib und Ihr Ätherleib während der Nacht im Bette bleiben ohne einen Astralleib und ein Ich. Was geschieht denn aber während der Nacht? Ihr Astralleib und Ihr Ich sind nicht in dem physischen Leibe und dem Ätherleibe, aber dafür ist ein anderes Ich und ein anderer astralischer Leib in ihnen! Hier ist es, wo Sie vom Okkultismus aus auf das göttlich-geistige Sein hingewiesen werden, auf höhere geistige Wesenheiten. Während in der Nacht Ihr Ich und Ihr astralischer Leib heraus sind aus Ihrem physischen Leibe und Ihrem Ätherleibe, sind im physischen und Ätherleibe der Astralleib und das Ich höherer göttlich-geistiger Wesenheiten tatsächlich tätig. Und das kommt von folgendem:

[ 10 ] Wenn Sie den ganzen Hergang der Menschheitsentwickelung betrachten vom Saturnzustand durch den Sonnen- und Mondzustand hindurch bis zur Erde, so werden Sie sagen: Auf dem Saturn war ja auch bloß der physische Menschenleib vorhanden; da war kein menschlicher Ätherleib, kein menschlicher Astralleib und kein menschliches Ich in dem physischen Leibe. Aber bestehen konnte dieser physische Leib damals für sich allein ebensowenig, wie heute der Stein allein bestehen kann. Der physische Leib konnte damals nur dadurch bestehen, daß er durchzogen wurde von dem Ätherleibe, Astralleibe und Ich göttlich-geistiger Wesenheiten. Göttlich-geistige Wesenheiten wohnten darinnen, und die blieben auch wohnen. Und als auf der Sonne ein eigener Ätherleib in diesen physischen Leib hineinkam, da vermischte sich sozusagen nur der menschliche kleinere Ätherleib mit dem früheren Ätherleib göttlich-geistiger Wesenheiten. Und so war es schon auf dem Saturn; auch auf dem Saturn war der physische Leib durchdrungen von göttlich-geistigen Wesenheiten. Und jetzt kommen wir, wenn wir das richtig verstanden haben, zu einem tieferen Verständnis des heutigen Menschen, und wir sind in der Lage, jetzt das zu wiederholen und besser zu verstehen, was in der christlichen Esoterik von Anfang an gelehrt worden ist.

[ 11 ] Diese christliche Esoterik wurde ja immer gepflegt neben der äußeren christlichen exoterischen Lehre. Es ist von mir schon öfter darauf hingewiesen worden, daß der große Apostel des Christentums, Paulus, seine gewaltige, flammende Rednergabe dazu benutzt hat, den Völkern das Christentum zu lehren, daß er aber auch gleichzeitig eine esoterische Schule begründet hat, deren Vorsteher Dionysius Areopagita war, der in der Apostelgeschichte (17, 34) erwähnt wird. In dieser christlich-esoterischen Schule zu Athen, die unmittelbar von Paulus selbst begründet war, wurde die reinste Geisteswissenschaft gelehrt. Und was da gelehrt wurde, werden wir jetzt einmal vor unsere Seele hinführen können, nachdem wir die Bausteine dazu uns in den vorhergehenden Betrachtungen zusammengetragen haben.

[ 12 ] Auch in dieser christlich-esoterischen Schule wurde gesagt: Betrachtest du den Menschen, wie er als wachender Tagesmensch vor dir steht, so besteht er aus physischem Leib, Ätherleib, astralischem Leib und dem Ich, wenn auch die Worte nicht genau dieselben waren, wie sie heute gebraucht werden, aber darauf kommt es nicht an. Dann wurde aber auch darauf hingewiesen, wo der Mensch in seiner Entwickelung gegenwärtig steht. Dieser Mensch, wie er aus diesen vier Gliedern besteht, bleibt gar nicht so, wie er uns erscheint. Wenn wir den Menschen rein aus den vier Gliedern aufgebaut betrachten wollen, müssen wir nicht den gegenwärtigen Menschen betrachten, sondern da müssen wir weit zurückgehen in der Entwickelung - bis in die lemurische Zeit. In der lemurischen Zeit gesellte sich zu dem Menschen, der damals aus physischem Leib, Ätherleib und astralischem Leib bestand, auch noch das Ich hinzu. Da konnte man im reinen Sinne sagen: Der Mensch bestand aus physischem Leib, Ätherleib, astralischem Leib und Ich. Nun ist seither jeder Mensch durch viele Verkörperungen hindurchgegangen. Was ist nun der Sinn dieser Entwickelung durch die Inkarnationen hindurch? Der Sinn dieser Entwickelung durch die Inkarnationen hindurch ist der, daß von Verkörperung zu Verkörperung das Ich arbeitet an sich, daB es umgestaltet die drei Glieder seiner Wesenheit. Es beginnt zunächst mit der Umgestaltung seines Astralleibes. Bei keinem heutigen Durchschnittsmenschen ist dieser astralische Leib so, wie er war, bevor das Ich in der ersten Erdenverkörperung an ihm gearbeitet hat. In der ersten Erdenverkörperung wandelte das Ich von innen heraus gewisse Vorstellungen, Empfindungen und Leidenschaften um, die dem Menschen ursprünglich gegeben waren; und von Inkarnation zu Inkarnation wird durch die Arbeit des Ich immer mehr umgewandelt. So daß wir sagen können: Der Mensch hat nicht nur heute die vier Glieder: physischen Leib, Ätherleib, astralischen Leib und Ich, sondern er hat durch die Arbeit des Ich innerhalb des astralischen Leibes einen Teil, der das Geschöpf des Ich selber ist. Und bei jedem Menschen zerfällt heute der Astralleib in zwei Teile: einen vom Ich umgewandelten Teil und einen vom Ich nicht umgewandelten Teil. Und immer weiter wird das gehen. Es wird für jeden Menschen eine Zeit kommen, wo sein ganzer astralischer Leib ein Geschöpf seines Ich sein wird. Man hat sich gewöhnt, in der morgenländischen Weisheit den Teil des astralischen Leibes, der vom Ich schon umgestaltet ist, Manas zu nennen, deutsch: Geistselbst. Dadurch besteht der Mensch immer noch aus seinen vier Gliedern; aber wir können da jetzt fünf Teile unterscheiden: physischen Leib, Ätherleib, astralischen Leib, Ich und als fünften Teil den umgewandelten Teil des astralischen Leibes, Manas oder Geistselbst. So daß wir sagen können: Bei jedem Menschen ist der astralische Leib so, daß er Manas oder Geistselbst enthält; das ist ein Werk des Ich, ein Produkt der Arbeit des Ich. Weiter wird der Mensch arbeiten an sich. Die Erde wird weitere Verkörperungen durchmachen. Der Mensch erlangt nach und nach die Fähigkeit, die heute schon von dem Eingeweihten erlangt werden kann: daß er auch an seinem Ätherleibe arbeitet. Ja, der Durchschnittsmensch arbeitet heute auch schon daran ; und soviel von seinem Ätherleibe umgestaltet ist zu einem Produkt des Ich, nennen wir dies die Buddhi oder den Lebensgeist. Und zuletzt kommt der Mensch dazu, seinen physischen Leib umzugestalten vom Ich aus; und soviel er am physischen Leib vom Ich aus umgestaltet, nennen wir dies Atman oder den Geistesmenschen.

[ 13 ] Lassen wir den Blick schweifen auf eine ferne, ferne Zukunft, wenn die Erde andere Planetenformen, andere Verkörperungen durchgemacht haben wird, wenn sie, wie wir im Okkultismus sagen, durch den Jupiterzustand, den Venuszustand und den Vulkanzustand gegangen sein wird. Dann wird der Mensch auf einer wesentlich höheren Stufe stehen und wird umgewandelt haben seinen ganzen astralischen Leib in Manas oder Geistselbst, seinen ganzen Ätherleib in die Buddhi oder den Lebensgeist, und seinen ganzen physischen Leib in Atman oder den Geistesmenschen.

[ 14 ] Vergleichen wir einmal diesen Menschen, wie er am Ende unserer Erdenlaufbahn vor uns stehen wird, mit dem Menschen, wie er am Anfange der Erdenlaufbahn da war. Im Anfang war von diesem Menschen nur der physische Leib vorhanden. Durchdrungen war dieser physische Leib von dem Ätherleib, Astralleib und Ich, aber die gehörten göttlichen, höheren Wesenheiten an; die wohnten nur darinnen. Am Ende der Erdenlaufbahn ist der Mensch durchdrungen von seinem Ich; und dieses sein Ich wohnt selber in dem Astralleib, wenn es als Manas oder Geistselbst den astralischen Leib durchzogen hat. Dieses Ich hat dann den Ätherleib durchzogen, er ist ganz und gar durchsetzt von der Buddhi oder dem Lebensgeiste; und der physische Leib ist ganz und gar durchzogen von Atman oder dem Geistesmenschen, den Produkten des Ich. Ein ganz gewaltiger Unterschied zwischen dem Menschen am Anfange seiner Entwickelung und dem Menschen am Ende seiner Entwickelung! Gerade aber, wenn wir uns diesen Unterschied recht vor die Seele führen, wird das, was von mir absichtlich als ein Widerspruch hingestellt worden ist, der Schlafzustand, erklärlich werden. Gerade aus der Form, wie die christliche Esoterik dies erklärt hat, wird uns alles verständlich werden. Wir müssen uns klar werden: Was ist denn das, wenn die Erde am Ziel ihrer Entwickelung angelangt sein wird, was uns dann als physischer Leib entgegentritt? Der physische Leib von heute? Der ist es ganz und gar nicht! — sondern das, was das Ich aus diesem physischen Leibe gemacht haben wird. Ganz durchgeistigt wird dieser physische Leib sein, ebenso der Ätherleib und ebenso der astralische Leib. Durchgeistigt war er aber auch schon, und auch der Ätherleib und der astralische Leib, bevor der Mensch von seinem Ich aus sie durchgeistigte. Selbst der Stein ist heute, wie wir gesagt haben, durchgeistigt vom Ätherleibe, Astralleibe und Ich, die in höheren geistigen Welten lebend zum Stein gehören. So werden wir verstehen, daß die christliche Esoterik recht hat, wenn sie sagt: Ja, das, was wir heute vor uns haben als physischen Menschenleib, das kann der Mensch noch nicht beherrschen; denn der Mensch ist noch nicht am Ende seiner Entwickelung angelangt, wo er von seinem Ich aus bis in den physischen Leib hinein arbeiten wird. Auch was er im Ätherleib hat, kann er noch nicht beherrschen; das wird er erst beherrschen können, wenn die Erde im Venuszustande sein wird. Der Mensch kann also von seinem Ich aus noch nicht physischen Leib und Ätherleib beherrschen. Dann erst kann er sie beherrschen, wenn er Buddhi und Atma ausgebildet haben wird. Aber es muß ein solcher physischer und Ätherleib auf geistige Art beherrscht werden. Es muß dasjenige, was der Mensch selbst dem physischen Leibe und dem Ätherleibe einst geben kann, auch jetzt schon in ihnen sein. Auch heute müssen die geistigen Teile schon im Ätherleibe und im physischen Leibe sein, die einst das Ich ihnen geben kann. Diese waren im Anfange schon darinnen im physischen Leibe, als der Mensch auf dem Saturn war; sie waren in ihm, als er auf der Sonne war, und sie sind in ihm geblieben. So sagt die christliche Esoterik mit Recht: Im physischen Menschenleibe ist heute schon das, was einst in ihm sein wird, wenn der Mensch am Gipfel seiner Entwickelung sein wird, aber es ist göttlicher Atman, es ist göttlich-geistige Wesenheit; und es ist im Ätherleib schon die Buddhi drinnen, aber sie ist göttlicher Lebensgeist. Und der Astralleib des Menschen, haben wir gesagt, bestehe aus zwei Teilen, aus dem Teile, den der Mensch schon beherrscht, und dem, den er noch ‚nicht beherrscht. Was ist denn nun in dem drinnen, was er noch nicht beherrscht? Auch ein Geistselbst, aber göttliches Geistselbst! Nur in dem Teile des astralischen Leibes, in dem das Ich schon tätig war seit der ersten Inkarnation, ist das eigentliche Geistleben des Menschen. So haben wir den Menschen vor uns.

[ 15 ] Sehen wir ihn jetzt an im Wachzustande. Was werden wir sagen? Der physische Leib, wie er uns erscheint, ist nur die Außenseite. Innen ist er das, was man atmische Wesenheit nennt. Innen ist er von göttlich-geistiger, von höherer Wesenheit, er wird durchsetzt von göttlich-geistiger, höherer Wesenheit. Ebenso ist es beim Ätherleib. Außen ist er das, was den physischen Leib zusammenhält, innen ist er göttlicher Lebensgeist. Und selbst der Astralleib ist durchzogen von göttlichem Geistselbst. Nur der umgewandelte Teil des Astralleibes ist etwas, was das Ich aus diesem ganzen Zusammenhange sich schon erobert hat.

[ 16 ] Betrachten wir jetzt einmal den schlafenden Menschen. Da verschwindet dieser Widerspruch auf der Stelle. Wir treten an den schlafenden Menschen heran, sehen hier, daß der Mensch als Astralleib und Ich draußen ist. Der Mensch verläßt jede Nacht ruhig seinen physischen Leib und seinen Ätherleib. Würde er den physischen Leib verlassen, ohne daß ein Göttlich-Geistiges dafür sorgen würde, dann würde er am Morgen seinen physischen Leib zerstört wiederfinden. Das göttlich-geistige Physische und ein göttlich-geistiges Ätherisches ist darinnen, und das bleibt darin, wenn der physische Leib und Ätherleib im Bette liegen und Astralleib und Ich heraus sind. Physischer Leib und Ätherleib sind durchzogen von göttlich-atmischem und göttlich-buddhischem Wesen.

[ 17 ] Sehen wir jetzt einmal zurück an den Anfang unserer Erdenentwickelung, als noch gar nichts vom Ich im Menschen erobert war. Als der Mensch vor seiner ersten Inkarnation war, da war das Ich noch nicht verbunden mit den drei Gliedern, physischem Leib, Ätherleib und astralischem Leib. Vom Monde kamen herüber physischer Leib, Ätherleib und astralischer Leib, und erst auf der Erde kam das Ich hinein. Dagegen aber war in ihnen das göttliche Ich; sie hätten nicht bestehen können, wenn nicht dieses göttliche Ich sie ganz durchsetzt hätte. Der Astralleib war von einem göttlichen Geistselbst durchzogen, der Ätherleib von einem göttlichen Lebensgeist, und der physische Leib war von einem Göttlich-Atmischen oder Geistesmenschen durchzogen. — Und jetzt blicken wir noch weiter zurück auf Mond-, Sonnen- und Saturnentwickelung. Auf dem Saturn war der göttliche Lebensgeist, der noch in der Nacht den im Bette liegenden Menschen bewohnt, so, daß er den Menschenleib, und zwar den physischen Leib, geformt hat als etwas Mineralisches; in dem Sonnenzustand formte er ihn als etwas Pflanzliches; auf dem Monde konnte er ihn formen als etwas, was Lust und Schmerz empfinden, aber noch nicht «Ich» zu sich sagen konnte. Diese untersten Stufen hat er durchgemacht. Und jetzt treten wir hinüber in die eigentliche Erdenverkörperung.

[ 18 ] Da sollte der physische Menschenleib durch eine weitergehende Verwandlung, die er durchzumachen hatte, noch vollkommener werden, als er vorher war. Was hat er vorher nicht gekonnt? Was war ihm ganz fremd? Was hatte der göttliche Geist bei sich behalten? Was hatte er noch gar nicht dem menschlichen Leibe anvertraut? Das war die Fähigkeit, aus dem Innern heraus seine Seelenhaftigkeit ertönen zu lassen! Stumm war dieser auf der 'Tierstufe stehende Menschenleib auf dem Monde. Die Fähigkeit, das Innere nach außen ertönen zu lassen, war noch bei Gott. Die war noch nicht seinem eigenen Wesen anvertraut. Wenn es auch Tierwesen gibt, welche heute schon tönen können, so ist das doch etwas anderes; sie stehen noch in ganz anderen Zuständen, zwar tönen sie, aber es tönt die Gottheit in ihnen. Das Aussprechen des inneren Seelenhaften in Worten wurde dem Menschen erst auf der Erde zuteil. Vorher waren die Menschen stumm. Diese Fähigkeit des Wortes kam an das Menschenwesen also mit dem Erdendasein heran.

[ 19 ] Betrachten wir jetzt einmal das Ganze, was wir uns heute vor die Seele gestellt haben, dann werden wir sagen: Die ganze Entwickelung ist so gelenkt worden, daß die Fähigkeit zu sprechen, das Wort, ursprünglich bei Gott war und daß Gott zuerst die Vorbedingungen geschaffen hat, daß der physische Apparat die Fähigkeit bekam, von innen heraus dieses Wort tönen zu lassen. Alles wurde so gelenkt und geleitet. Wie die Blume in ihrem Samen, so war der tönende, der sprechende Mensch, der wort- und logosbegabte Mensch schon im Samen auf dem Saturn da. Doch war das Tönen im Samen verborgen; es entwickelte sich erst aus dem Samen, so wie die ganze Pflanze im Samen verborgen ist und sich aus ihr entwickelt.

[ 20 ] Nun sehen wir einmal zurück auf den physischen Menschenleib, wie er schon auf dem Saturn war, und fragen uns: Woher kommt dieser physische Menschenleib? Was ist sein letzter Urgrund? Ohne was könnte er niemals die ganze Entwickelung durchgemacht haben? Er kommt von dem Logos oder von dem Wort. Denn damals auf dem Saturn schon wurde er so gelenkt, dieser physische Menschenleib, daß er später ein sprechender wurde, ein Zeuge für den Logos. Daß Sie heute so geformt sind, daß dieser Menschenleib die heutige Form hat, rührt davon her, daß dem ganzen Plan unserer Schöpfung das «Wort» zugrunde lag. Auf das Wort hin ist der ganze Menschenleib hingeordnet, und von Anfang an ist er so veranlagt, daß zuletzt das Wort aus ihm herausspringen konnte. Wenn deshalb der esoterische Christ auf diesen physischen Menschenleib blickt und fragt: Was ist sein ursprüngliches Urbild, und was ist sein Abbild? dann sagt er sich: Dieser physische Menschenleib hat sein Urbild in dem Worte oder dem Logos; der Logos oder das Wort wirkte von Anfang an im physischen Menschenleibe. Und der Logos wirkt noch. heute: Wenn der physische Menschenleib im Bette liegt und verlassen ist vom Ich, dann wirkt der göttliche Logos in den vom Menschen verlassenen Wesensgliedern. Fragen wir nach dem ersten Ursprung des physischen Leibes, so sagen wir: Das erste ist der Logos oder das Wort.

[ 21 ] Und jetzt gehen wir weiter in der Entwickelung. Der Saturn ging in den Sonnenzustand über; dem menschlichen physischen Leibe wurde der Lebensleib eingegliedert. Aber was mußte eintreten, damit der Fortgang so geschehen konnte, wie er eben geschehen ist?

[ 22 ] Während auf dem Saturn der physische Leib eine Art Maschine, eine Art Automat war, aber ganz und gar durchdrungen und gehalten von dem Logos, gliederte sich auf der Sonne der Lebensleib ein, und darin wirkte der göttliche Lebensgeist. Auf dem Saturn, werden wir sagen, ist der Menschenleib ein Ausdruck des Logos. Der Saturn vergeht; dieser Menschenleib verkörpert sich neu in der Sonne; da gliedert sich dem physischen Leibe ein der Lebensleib, durchdrungen von dem Lebensgeist. Der Logos ward Leben in der Sonne, indem er den Menschen auf eine höhere Stufe brachte. Der Logos ward Leben auf der Sonne! Und jetzt gehen wir weiter. - Auf dem Monde gliederte sich dem Menschen ein der astralische Leib. Was ist der astralische Leib? Er erscheint ja dem hellseherischen Bewußtsein auch heute als eine Aura, die den Menschen umgibt. Er ist ein Lichtleib, der nur in dem gegenwärtigen Bewußtsein nicht gesehen werden kann. Aber er ist, wenn er im hellseherischen Bewußtsein gesehen wird, Licht, geistiges Licht; und unser physisches Licht ist nur umgestaltetes geistiges Licht. Auch das physische Sonnenlicht ist die Verkörperung des geistig-göttlichen aurischen Weltenlichtes. Das liegt ihm zugrunde. Es gibt in der heutigen Welt ein Licht, das dem Menschen von der Sonne zuströmt. Aber auch ein anderes Licht gibt es, das von seinem inneren Lichte ausströmt. Auf dem Monde leuchtete der astralische Leib des Menschen noch für die um ihn befindlichen Wesen. So kam auf dem Monde der astralische Lichtleib des Menschen hinzu zum physischen Leibe und Ätherleibe.

[ 23 ] Und jetzt betrachten wir den ganzen Fortgang der Entwickelung. Auf dem Saturn haben wir den physischen Leib als den Ausdruck des Logos. Auf der Sonne kommt hinzu der Ätherleib als der Ausdruck des Lebensgeistes: Der Logos ward Leben. Auf dem Monde kommt hinzu der Lichtleib: Das Leben ward Licht! Und so haben wir den Hergang der Entwickelung des Menschenleibes. - Als der Mensch die Erde betrat, war er ein Geschöpf der göttlich-geistigen Wesenheiten. Damals war er dadurch vorhanden, daß in seinem physischen Leibe, in seinem Ätherleibe, in seinem astralischen Leibe lebte der Logos, der Leben war und der Licht ward. Und jetzt, was geschah auf der Erde? Für den Menschen und im Menschen trat das Ich hinzu. Dadurch aber, daß das Ich hinzutrat, wurde der Mensch fähig, nicht nur zu leben im Lichte, im Leben, sondern er wurde fähig, von außen das alles zu betrachten, sich gegenüberzustellen dem Logos, dem Leben, dem Lichte. Dadurch wurde das alles für ihn materiell, erlangte materielles Dasein. - Und wenn wir den Gedanken so weit gebracht haben, dann haben wir ungefähr genau den Punkt fixiert, bei dem wir das nächste Mal beginnen wollen und zeigen, wie aus dem aus der Göttlichkeit herausgeborenen Menschen der heutige Ich-begabte Mensch eigentlich geworden ist. Denn wir sehen, daß vor dem heutigen Ich-begabten Menschen der göttliche Vormensch vorhanden war. Was der Mensch sich durch sein Ich erobert hat, entreißt er jede Nacht dem physischen Leibe und dem Ätherleibe; was immer in ihm war, bleibt darinnen und versorgt den physischen Leib und den Ätherleib, wenn der Mensch sie treulos verläßt und sich nicht um sie kümmert. Da steckt sie drinnen, jene ursprüngliche geistig-göttliche Wesenheit.

[ 24 ] Alles; was wir jetzt versucht haben mit den Ausdrücken der christlichen Esoterik als tiefes Geheimnis des Daseins hinzustellen, und was geläufig war denen, die «Diener des Logos» waren in den ersten Zeiten, das wird in großen, lapidaren Sätzen in dem Johannes-Evangelium unzweideutig gesagt. Man muß diese ersten Worte nur in der richtigen, sinngemäßen Weise übersetzen. Wirklich richtig übersetzt, geben diese Worte den Tatbestand, den wir jetzt eben hingestellt haben. Stellen wir diesen Tatbestand, damit wir den Wert ganz genau verstehen, noch einmal vor unsere Seele hin.

[ 25 ] Im Anfange war der Logos als das Urbild des physischen Menschenleibes, und er lag zu Grunde allen Dingen. Alle Tiere, Pflanzen, Mineralien sind später entstanden. Auf dem Saturn war von all dem wirklich der Mensch nur vorhanden; auf der Sonne kam das Tierreich hinzu, auf dem Monde das Pflanzenreich und auf der Erde das Mineralreich. Auf der Sonne ward der Logos Leben, und auf dem Monde ward er Licht; und das trat, als der Mensch Ich-begabt war, hin vor den Menschen. Aber der Mensch mußte lernen zu erkennen, was der Logos war und als was er zuletzt zum Vorschein kommt. Zuerst war der Logos, dann ward er Leben, dann Licht, und dieses Licht lebt im Astralleibe. In das menschliche Innere, in die Finsternis, in die Nichterkenntnis schien das Licht hinein. Und das Erdendasein hat den Sinn, daß der Mensch im Innern die Finsternis überwindet, damit er das Licht des Logos erkennen kann.

[ 26 ] Lapidare, vielleicht - wie mancher sagen wird — schwer verständliche Worte sind daher die ersten Worte des Johannes-Evangeliums. Aber sollte denn das, was das Tiefste in der Welt ist, durch triviale Worte gesagt werden? Ist es nicht eine sonderbare Auffassung, geradezu ein Hohn auf die Heiligkeit, wenn gesagt wird, zum Begreifen einer Taschenuhr ist es nötig, daß man mit seinem Verstand tief eindringt in das Wesen der Sache, aber zum Begreifen des Göttlichen in der Welt müsse der einfache, schlichte, naivste Menschenverstand ausreichen!? Es ist schlimm, daß für die gegenwärtige Menschheit sich das ereignet hat, daß, wenn auf die Tiefen der religiösen Urkunden hingewiesen wird, gesagt wird: Ach, wozu alle diese komplizierten Auseinandersetzungen, das muß alles schlicht und einfach sein! - Aber kein anderer als derjenige, der die gute Absicht hat und den guten Willen, sich zu vertiefen in die großen Weltentatsachen, dringt ein in den tiefen Sinn solcher Worte, wie sie im Beginne des tiefsten der Evangelien, in dem Johannes-Evangelium, stehen. Diese sind eine Umschreibung dessen, was wir eben ausgeführt haben.

[ 27 ] Und jetzt übersetzen wir uns die Anfangsworte:

«Im Urbeginne war das Wort, und das Wort war bei Gott, und ein Gott (oder göttlich) war das Wort.
Dieses war im Urbeginne bei Gott.
Alles ist durch dasselbe geworden, und außer durch dieses Wort ist nichts von dem Entstandenen geworden.
In ihm war das Leben, und das Leben ward das Licht der Menschen.

[ 28 ] Wie die Finsternis nach und nach zum Begreifen kommt, das erzählt im weiteren das Johannes-Evangelium.

Second Lecture

[ 1 ] The first words of the Gospel of John do indeed touch upon the deepest mysteries of the world. You can see this if you allow the spiritual-scientific truths on which they are based to come before your soul; and we will have to delve deeply into spiritual knowledge if these first words of the Gospel are to appear to us in the right light. Some of the things that are quite well known to those of you who have studied the anthroposophical world view for a long time, we will only have to recall briefly. But today we shall have to penetrate certain elementary truths of the anthroposophical world-view with further glimpses into various significant cosmic mysteries.

[ 2 ] We need only very briefly recall the nature of man as this nature presents itself to us in the spiritual-scientific view, initially for the time from the morning, when man wakes up, until the evening, when man again sinks into sleep. We know that the human being consists of the physical body, the etheric or life body, the astral body and the ego. However, these four parts of the human being are really only present in the connection that we normally ascribe to them in the waking state. In particular, it is necessary for us to realize that during the state of sleep at night the human being is basically a completely different entity; for his four members are then joined together in a completely different way than during the waking state. When man sleeps, the physical body and the etheric body lie in bed; the astral body and the ego are in a certain way detached from the connection with the physical body and the etheric body, and are therefore - if we understand the word not in the purely spatial but in the spiritual sense - outside the physical body and the etheric body. Thus, during the night, the human being is an entity that actually consists of two parts: that which has remained in bed and that which has separated itself from the physical body and the etheric body. Now we must above all realize that during the night - from the moment when man falls asleep until the moment when he wakes up again in the morning - that which remains lying in bed, the physical and the etheric body, if they were abandoned by that which fills them during the day - by that which lives in the astral body and in the ego - that they could not then exist as such. And here is where we must delve a little deeper into the mysteries of the world.

[ 3 ] When we have the human physical body before us, we must realize that this physical human body, which we see with our eyes and perceive with our hands, has undergone a long process of development. It has undergone this process of development in the course of the entire evolution of our earth planet. It is already known to those who have studied this matter a little that our earth has gone through earlier states. Just as man passes from embodiment to embodiment, going through repeated earth lives, so our earth, too, has gone through other states before it came to the state it is in today. There are earlier embodiments of a planet just as there are earlier embodiments of a human being. Everything in the big world and in the small world is subject to the law of re-embodiment. And our earth, before it became this earth of ours, had passed through a state that we call the “old moon”, because today's moon is a splintered piece of this old planet. So it is not today's moon that we mean when we speak of the “old moon”, but a planet similar to today's earth. - Just as there is a period of time between an embodiment and a new birth in human beings, so there is a period of time between the embodiment of our planet, which we call the earth, and the one we call the old moon. And it is the same with the state of our planet, which we call the “sun”. A state known as the sun preceded the lunar state of our planet, and the solar state was preceded by a Saturnian state. Thus we can look back on three earlier embodiments of our planet.

[ 4 ] Our physical human body received its very first embodiment on the old Saturn. At that time, on this ancient Saturn, a first formation of the physical human body was formed, which was, of course, quite different from the human body of today. Everything that is present in man today, apart from the physical human body, was not yet present on this ancient Saturn. Only when Saturn transformed itself into the sun, that is, during the second embodiment of our earth planet, was the etheric body added to this physical body, impregnating it. And what was the result? The consequence was that the physical human body underwent a transformation: it was shaped differently, it acquired a different way of being. Thus during the solar incarnation of our earth the physical body stands on the second stage of its existence. How did it attain this second stage? By the fact that - while on Saturn it was still machine-like, automatic - on the sun it became an inwardly living body. The etheric body that had slipped in transformed the physical body. On the moon the astral body slipped into this connection of physical body and etheric body. There again the physical body was reshaped, reshaped a third time, the etheric body only a second time. Finally, on earth, the ego was added to the physical body, etheric body and astral body, and the ego, which now slipped into this threefold connection, transformed this physical body again, so that it finally became the complicated connection that it is today. So what you have before you today as the human physical body is a being that has been reshaped many times, and it has only become as complicated as it appears today because it has gone through four states of development.

[ 5 ] When we speak of our present physical body and say that it consists of the same physical and chemical substances and forces as the minerals outside in the cosmos, then we must also realize that there is still a tremendous difference between this physical human body and the mineral. When we speak in a very elementary way, we emphasize the difference between the physical human body and the physical body of a mineral, or let us say a rock crystal, by saying: The rock crystal retains its form if it is not destroyed from the outside. The physical body of man cannot retain its form through itself; it only has it through this and only as long as an etheric body, an astral body and an ego are in it. At the moment when the etheric body, astral body and ego separate from him, the physical body begins to become something quite different from what it is between birth and death: it follows the laws of physical and chemical substances and forces and disintegrates, while the physical body of the mineral remains intact.

[ 6 ] Something similar is the case with the etheric body. After the etheric body, astral body and ego have separated from the physical body immediately after death, the etheric body also leaves the connection with the astral body and the ego after some time and dissolves in the world ether, just as the physical body dissolves in the earth. All that then remains of the etheric body is the extract of which we have often spoken; this remains united with the human being. Thus we can say that the physical body of man is in a certain respect of the same value as the mineral kingdom around us. But we must realize the great difference that exists between the mineral kingdom and the physical human body.

[ 7 ] Someone could say: Yes, it has just been said that on Saturn our physical body was not yet permeated by an etheric body, not by an astral body and not by an ego, for these were only added on the sun, the moon and the earth; so there the physical body of man really was - one could say - of the value of a mineral. - But now we have shown how three transformations of this physical body followed one another after this old state in which it was during Saturn's existence. Even the present mineral, which you have before you as a dead mineral, cannot possibly exist in such a way that it merely has a physical body within it. Realize that for this physical world of ours what is said and must be said is correct: that the mineral has only a physical body. Here in the physical world the mineral has only a physical body, but that is not absolutely correct. Just as the physical body, when it stands before us, has within it its etheric body, its astral body and its ego, which belong to it, so also the mineral has not only a physical body, but also an etheric body, an astral body and an ego; only these higher members of its being are in higher worlds. The mineral has an etheric body, which is only in the so-called astral world; the mineral has an astral body, which is only in the so-called devachanic or heavenly world, and it has an ego, only this is in a still higher or spiritual world. So the physical human body differs from the physical body of a mineral in that the physical human body has its etheric body, its astral body and its ego within itself here in this physical world in the waking state; but the mineral does not have its etheric body, its astral body and its ego within itself here, for we know that there are other worlds besides our world. The world that we usually perceive with our senses is permeated by the astral world and this again by the devachanic world, which is divided into a lower and a higher devachanic world.

[ 8 ] The human being is now a privileged being compared to the mineral in that he has his other three limbs within him when he wakes up during the day. The mineral does not have these members in itself; we must imagine it in such a way that the mineral is not complete on the physical plane. Think of a human fingernail. You will admit to me that you cannot find this human fingernail anywhere outside in nature as an entity existing by itself; for it presupposes, if it is to grow, the rest of the human organism; it cannot be without it. Now imagine a small being that only has eyes to see your fingernails, but no ability to see the rest of your organism. Such a small being would see through all the rest of the room, but only see your fingernails. So the minerals here are only the fingernails, so to speak, and you only see the minerals fully when you ascend to higher worlds. There they have their etheric body, astral body and so on, and here only their physical limbs. Let us keep all this quite firmly in view in order to make it clear to us that in higher spiritual reality there can be no being at all that does not have an etheric body, an astral body and an ego of some kind. A physical being cannot exist at all if it does not belong to an etheric body, an astral body and an ego.

[ 9 ] Now, however, there is actually a certain contradiction between everything that has already been said today. - It has been said that man is a completely different being at night, when he is asleep, than during the day, when he is awake. During the day, this human being is quite understandable to us: there it stands before us as a four-membered entity. But now we approach the sleeping human being and observe his physical being. There we have the physical body and etheric body lying in bed, and the astral body and ego are outside. This gives rise to the contradiction that we have before us a being that is abandoned by the astral body and ego. The stone does not sleep; its etheric body, astral body and ego do not penetrate it, but they always remain in the same connection with it. In man, the astral body and the ego come out every night. He does not take care of his physical body and etheric body during the night and leaves them to themselves every night. This fact is not always carefully considered. Every night this transformation takes place with the human being, that he, as an actual spiritual human being, takes leave of his physical body and etheric body, which he leaves to himself. But now these cannot exist for themselves; for no physical body and also no etheric body can exist for itself, even the stone must be permeated by its higher members. And then you will easily understand that it is quite impossible for your physical body and your etheric body to remain in bed during the night without an astral body and an ego. But what happens during the night? Your astral body and your I are not in the physical body and the etheric body, but there is another I and another astral body in them! This is where occultism points you to the divine-spiritual being, to higher spiritual beings. While at night your ego and your astral body are out of your physical body and your etheric body, the astral body and the ego of higher divine-spiritual beings are actually active in the physical and etheric body. And this comes from the following:

[ 10 ] If you look at the whole course of human development from the Saturnian state through the solar and lunar state to the earth, you will say: On Saturn there was also only the physical human body present; there was no human etheric body, no human astral body and no human ego in the physical body. But this physical body could not exist on its own back then any more than a stone can exist on its own today. At that time the physical body could only exist because it was permeated by the etheric body, astral body and ego of divine-spiritual beings. Divine-spiritual beings dwelt in it, and they also remained dwelling. And when a separate etheric body came into this physical body on the sun, only the smaller human etheric body mixed, so to speak, with the earlier etheric body of divine-spiritual beings. And it was the same on Saturn; on Saturn, too, the physical body was permeated by divine-spiritual entities. And now, if we have understood this correctly, we come to a deeper understanding of the human being today, and we are now in a position to repeat and better understand what has been taught in Christian esotericism from the beginning.

[ 11 ] This Christian esotericism has always been cultivated alongside the external Christian exoteric teaching. I have often pointed out that the great apostle of Christianity, Paul, used his powerful, flaming gift of oratory to teach Christianity to the nations, but that he also founded an esoteric school whose leader was Dionysius Areopagita, who is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles (17:34). In this Christian esoteric school in Athens, which was founded directly by Paul himself, the purest spiritual science was taught. And what was taught there, we will now be able to bring before our souls, after we have gathered the building blocks for this in the previous considerations.

[ 12 ] In this Christian-esoteric school it was also said: If you look at man as he stands before you as a waking day-man, he consists of physical body, etheric body, astral body and the I, even if the words were not exactly the same as they are used today, but that is not the point. But then it was also pointed out where the human being currently stands in his development. This human being, as he consists of these four members, does not remain as he appears to us. If we want to look at the human being purely from the four members, we do not have to look at the present human being, but we have to go far back in development - to Lemurian times. In Lemurian times the ego was added to the human being, who at that time consisted of a physical body, an etheric body and an astral body. Then one could say in a pure sense that the human being consisted of a physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego. Since then, every human being has gone through many embodiments. What is the meaning of this development through the incarnations? The purpose of this development through the incarnations is that from embodiment to embodiment the ego works on itself, that it transforms the three members of its being. It begins first with the transformation of its astral body. In no average person today is this astral body as it was before the ego worked on it in the first earthly embodiment. In the first incarnation on earth the ego transformed from within certain ideas, sensations and passions that were originally given to man; and from incarnation to incarnation more and more is transformed through the work of the ego. So that we can say: Not only does man today have the four members: physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego, but through the work of the ego he has a part within the astral body which is the creature of the ego itself. And in every human being today the astral body splits into two parts: a part transformed by the ego and a part not transformed by the ego. And this will go on and on. There will come a time for every human being when his entire astral body will be a creature of his ego. In Oriental wisdom it has become customary to call that part of the astral body which has already been transformed by the ego, Manas. Thus man still consists of his four members; but we can now distinguish five parts: physical body, etheric body, astral body, ego, and as the fifth part the transformed part of the astral body, manas or spirit-self. So that we can say: In every human being the astral body is such that it contains manas or spirit-self; this is a work of the ego, a product of the work of the ego. The human being will continue to work on himself. The earth will undergo further embodiments. Man will gradually attain the ability that can already be attained today by the initiate: that he also works on his etheric body. Yes, the average person is already working on it today; and as much of his etheric body is transformed into a product of the ego, we call this the buddhi or the life spirit. And finally man comes to transform his physical body from the ego; and as much as he transforms the physical body from the ego, we call this Atman or the spirit man.

[ 13 ] Let us look to a distant, distant future, when the earth will have gone through other planetary forms, other embodiments, when it will have passed, as we say in occultism, through the Jupiter state, the Venus state and the volcanic state. Then man will stand on a considerably higher level and will have transformed his whole astral body into manas or spirit self, his whole etheric body into buddhi or life spirit, and his whole physical body into atman or spirit man.

[ 14 ] Let us compare this man, as he will stand before us at the end of our earthly career, with the man as he was there at the beginning of the earthly career. In the beginning, only the physical body of this human being was present. This physical body was permeated by the etheric body, astral body and ego, but these belonged to divine, higher beings; they only dwelt within it. At the end of his earthly career the human being is permeated by his ego; and this ego itself dwells in the astral body when it has permeated the astral body as manas or spirit self. This ego has then permeated the etheric body, it is completely permeated by the buddhi or life-spirit; and the physical body is completely permeated by atman or the spirit-man, the products of the ego. A very great difference between man at the beginning of his development and man at the end of his development! But it is precisely when we visualize this difference that what I have deliberately presented as a contradiction, the state of sleep, becomes explicable. It is precisely from the form in which Christian esotericism has explained this that everything will become understandable to us. We must become clear: When the earth has reached the end of its development, what will it be that confronts us as a physical body? The physical body of today? It is not that at all! - but what the ego will have made of this physical body. This physical body will be completely spiritualized, as will the etheric body and the astral body. But it was already spiritualized, and also the etheric body and the astral body, before the human being spiritualized them from his ego. Even the stone today, as we have said, is spiritualized by the etheric body, astral body and ego, which belong to the stone while living in higher spiritual worlds. Thus we will understand that Christian esotericism is right when it says: “Yes, man cannot yet master that which we have before us today as the physical human body; for man has not yet reached the end of his development, where he will work from his ego into the physical body. Nor can he yet control what he has in the etheric body; he will only be able to control that when the earth is in the state of Venus. So man cannot yet control the physical body and etheric body from his ego. He will only be able to control them when he has developed buddhi and atma. But such a physical and etheric body must be controlled in a spiritual way. That which man himself can one day give to the physical body and the etheric body must already be in them now. Even today the spiritual parts must already be in the etheric body and in the physical body, which the ego can one day give to them. These were already there in the physical body in the beginning, when man was on Saturn; they were in him when he was on the sun, and they have remained in him. Thus Christian esotericism rightly says: In the physical human body today is already that which will once be in him, when man will be at the summit of his development, but it is divine Atman, it is divine-spiritual entity; and in the etheric body the Buddhi is already inside, but it is divine life-spirit. And the astral body of man, we have said, consists of two parts, the part which man has already mastered and the part which he has not yet mastered. So what is inside that which he has not yet mastered? Also a spirit self, but a divine spirit self! Only in that part of the astral body in which the ego has been active since the first incarnation is the actual spiritual life of the human being. Thus we have the human being before us.

[ 15 ] Let us now look at him in the waking state. What will we say? The physical body as it appears to us is only the outside. On the inside it is what is called the Atmic Entity. On the inside it is of divine-spiritual, higher essence, it is permeated by divine-spiritual, higher essence. It is the same with the etheric body. On the outside it is what holds the physical body together, on the inside it is the divine spirit of life. And even the astral body is permeated by divine spirit self. Only the transformed part of the astral body is something that the ego has already conquered from this whole context.

[ 16 ] Let us now consider the sleeping human being. There this contradiction disappears at once. We approach the sleeping human being and see that the human being as astral body and ego is outside. Every night man calmly leaves his physical body and his etheric body. If he were to leave the physical body without the divine-spiritual taking care of it, he would find his physical body destroyed in the morning. The divine-spiritual physical and a divine-spiritual etheric is in it, and that remains in it when the physical body and etheric body lie in bed and the astral body and ego are out. The physical body and etheric body are permeated by divine-breathable and divine-buddhic essence.

[ 17 ] Let us now look back to the beginning of our development on earth, when nothing of the ego had yet been conquered in man. When man was before his first incarnation, the ego was not yet connected with the three limbs, the physical body, the etheric body and the astral body. The physical body, etheric body and astral body came over from the moon, and only on earth did the ego enter. On the other hand, the divine I was in them; they could not have existed if this divine I had not permeated them completely. The astral body was permeated by a divine spirit-self, the etheric body by a divine spirit of life, and the physical body was permeated by a divine-breath or spirit-man. - And now we look back even further to the evolution of the moon, sun and Saturn. On Saturn the divine spirit of life, which still inhabits the human being lying in bed at night, was such that it formed the human body, namely the physical body, as something mineral; in the solar state it formed it as something vegetable; on the moon it could form it as something that could feel pleasure and pain, but could not yet say “I” to itself. He has passed through these lowest stages. And now we step over into the actual embodiment on earth.

[ 18 ] There the physical human body was to become even more perfect than it was before through a further transformation that it had to undergo. What had he not been able to do before? What was completely alien to him? What had the divine spirit kept with him? What had he not yet entrusted to the human body? That was the ability to let his soulfulness resound from within! This human body on the 'animal level' was mute on the moon. The ability to let the inside resound outwards was still with God. It was not yet entrusted to his own being. Even if there are animal beings who can already sound today, this is something else; they are still in quite different states, they sound, but the divinity in them sounds. The expression of the inner soul in words was only granted to man on earth. Before that, people were mute. This ability of the word therefore came to the human being with the existence on earth.

[ 19 ] If we now look at the whole of what we have placed before the soul today, then we will say: The whole development has been so directed that the ability to speak, the word, was originally with God and that God first created the preconditions that the physical apparatus got the ability to let this word sound from within. Everything was directed and guided in this way. Like the flower in its seed, the sounding, the speaking human being, the human being gifted with words and logos, was already there in the seed on Saturn. But the sound was hidden in the seed; it only developed from the seed, just as the whole plant is hidden in the seed and develops from it.

[ 20 ] Now let us look back at the physical human body as it was on Saturn and ask ourselves: Where does this physical human body come from? What is its ultimate origin? Without what could it never have undergone the entire development? It comes from the Logos or the Word. For back then on Saturn this physical human body was already directed in such a way that it later became a speaking body, a witness for the Logos. The fact that today you are formed in such a way that this human body has its present form stems from the fact that the whole plan of our creation was based on the “Word”. The whole human body is ordered towards the Word, and from the beginning it is so disposed that the Word could ultimately spring forth from it. Therefore, when the esoteric Christian looks at this physical human body and asks: What is its original archetype, and what is its image? then he says to himself: This physical human body has its archetype in the Word or the Logos; the Logos or the Word worked in the physical human body from the beginning. And the Logos is still at work today: when the physical human body lies in bed and is abandoned by the ego, then the divine Logos is at work in the members of the being abandoned by man. If we ask about the first origin of the physical body, we say: The first is the Logos or the Word.


[ 21 ] And now we go further in the development. Saturn passed over into the solar state; the life body was incorporated into the human physical body. But what had to occur for the progress to happen as it has just happened?

[ 22 ] While on Saturn the physical body was a kind of machine, a kind of automaton, but completely permeated and held by the Logos, on the sun the life body was incorporated, and the divine life spirit worked in it. On Saturn, we will say, the human body is an expression of the Logos. Saturn passes away; this human body embodies itself anew in the sun; there the life body, permeated by the life spirit, incorporates itself into the physical body. The Logos became life in the sun by bringing the human being to a higher level. The Logos became life in the sun! And now we go further. - On the moon the astral body was incorporated into the human being. What is the astral body? It appears to the clairvoyant consciousness even today as an aura that surrounds the human being. It is a body of light that cannot be seen in the present consciousness. But when it is seen in clairvoyant consciousness, it is light, spiritual light; and our physical light is only transformed spiritual light. The physical sunlight is also the embodiment of the spiritual-divine auric world light. That is its basis. In today's world there is a light that flows to man from the sun. But there is also another light that emanates from his inner light. On the moon the astral body of man still shone for the beings around him. Thus on the moon the astral light body of man was added to the physical body and etheric body.

[ 23 ] And now we look at the whole progress of development. On Saturn we have the physical body as the expression of the Logos. On the Sun the etheric body is added as the expression of the spirit of life: the Logos became life. On the moon the light body is added: Life became light! And so we have the course of the development of the human body. - When man entered the earth, he was a creature of the divine-spiritual beings. At that time he existed because in his physical body, in his etheric body, in his astral body lived the Logos, who was life and who became light. And now, what happened on earth? For the human being and in the human being, the I was added. But through the addition of the I, man became able not only to live in the light, in life, but he became able to look at everything from the outside, to face the Logos, the life, the light. This made everything material for him, gave it material existence. - And when we have carried the thought this far, then we have fixed approximately exactly the point at which we want to begin next time and show how the human being born out of divinity has actually become today's I-gifted human being. For we see that the divine pre-human existed before today's I-gifted human being. What man has conquered through his ego he snatches every night from the physical body and the etheric body; whatever was in him remains in it and supplies the physical body and the etheric body when man leaves them faithlessly and does not take care of them. There it is inside, that original spiritual-divine entity.

[ 24 ] All; what we have now tried to present with the expressions of Christian esotericism as the deep secret of existence, and what was familiar to those who were “servants of the Logos” in the first times, is said unambiguously in large, succinct sentences in the Gospel of John. One only has to translate these first words in the correct, meaningful way. Really correctly translated, these words give the facts that we have just presented. Let us place this fact once more before our souls, so that we may understand its value quite exactly.

[ 25 ] In the beginning was the Logos as the archetype of the physical human body, and it lay at the foundation of all things. All animals, plants and minerals came into being later. On Saturn there was really only man; on the sun the animal kingdom was added, on the moon the plant kingdom and on the earth the mineral kingdom. On the sun the Logos became life, and on the moon it became light; and this came before man when he was endowed with the ego. But man had to learn to recognize what the Logos was and what he finally emerged as. First the Logos was, then it became life, then light, and this light lives in the astral body. The light shone into the human interior, into the darkness, into ignorance. And the purpose of being on earth is for man to overcome the darkness within so that he can recognize the light of the Logos.

[ 26 ] Lapidary, perhaps - as some will say - difficult to understand words are therefore the first words of the Gospel of John. But should what is most profound in the world be said in trivial words? Is it not a strange conception, almost a mockery of holiness, when it is said that to understand a pocket watch it is necessary to penetrate deeply into the essence of the matter with one's intellect, but to understand the divine in the world the simple, plain, most naive human understanding must suffice! It is terrible that this has happened to mankind today, that when the depths of religious documents are pointed out, it is said: Oh, why all these complicated arguments, it must all be plain and simple! - But no one but he who has the good intention and the good will to delve into the great facts of the world penetrates into the deep meaning of such words as those found at the beginning of the most profound of the Gospels, the Gospel of John. These are a paraphrase of what we have just explained.

[ 27 ] And now we translate the opening words:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and a God (or divine) was the Word.
This was in the beginning with God.
All things came into being through the same, and apart from this Word nothing of what has come into being has come into being.
In him was life, and the life became the light of men.

And the light shone into the darkness, but the darkness did not comprehend it.“

[ 28 ] The Gospel of John goes on to tell how the darkness gradually comes to be comprehended.