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The Apocalypse of St. John
GA 104

18 June 1908, Nuremberg

Lecture I

During the next few days we are to occupy ourselves with a very profound theosophical subject. Before beginning our studies let me express my great satisfaction that we are able to place before friends from so many parts of Germany, and indeed of Europe, this deep and important subject. Especially do I express it to our friends in Nuremberg, who for their part are certainly not less happy than the speaker to cultivate for a short period of time anthroposophical life in this city in common with our foreign friends. There has always been in this city a very earnest search for the knowledge of great spiritual truths, and a deep understanding of anthroposophical life, of the true anthroposophical attitude towards life, has always been manifest.

This kind of life which is only understood when our anthroposophical doctrines are not merely a theoretical interest, but something which spiritualizes, kindles and uplifts our inmost life, links us in closer bonds with our fellow-men and with the whole world. It means much to man to feel that everything he sees in the outer world in his objective sense-existence can be recognized as the external physiognomy of an invisible super-sensible existence lying at its foundation. The world and all it contains will at length become to one who applies Anthroposophy to life more and more a physical expression of divine spiritual realities; and when he observes the visible world around him it will be to him as if he penetrated from the mere features of a person's face to his heart and soul. All that he sees externally, the mountains and rocks, the vegetation of the earth, the animals and human beings, human activities—everything in the world surrounding him—will be to hint the physiognomical expression, or the countenance, as it were, of a divine existence lying behind it. From this mode of observation new life rises up within him and permeates him; and a different, a noble enthusiasm fires all that he wishes to undertake.

Let me give you a small symptomatic example from my experience on one of my latest lecture tours, showing how significant world history is when looked upon as the expression of the divine spiritual, and how it can speak to us in a new language. A few weeks ago in Scandinavia I noticed that in the entire life of Northern Europe there is still an echo of that ancient period of the Norse world when all spiritual life was permeated by the consciousness of the beings who were to be found as the gods of northern Mythology. One might say that in those countries one may hear the echoes everywhere of what the Initiates of the Druidic and Trotten Mysteries imparted to their pupils and which constituted the old Norse spiritual life. One becomes aware of the magic breath of that spirit life pervading the North; one sees something like the expression of beautiful karmic connections. One feels oneself placed—as it was my privilege in Upsala—in the midst of all this, when one contemplates the first German translation of the Bible, the Silver Codex of Ulfilas ... It came to Upsala through karmic complications of a peculiar kind. It had previously been in Prague. In the Swedish war it was taken as booty and brought to Upsala, and there it now lies; a token of something which can be penetrated by one who is able to look a little more deeply into the nature of the ancient Mysteries. The Mysteries within the ancient European civilizations in which pupils were taught how to penetrate into the spiritual world were all pervaded and permeated by a remarkable characteristic, which could be observed more deeply by those who received initiation in those ancient tines. Their hearts were filled with a feeling of tragedy when it was made clear to them that although they were indeed able to glimpse the secrets of existence, nevertheless, something would appear in the time to come which would give the most complete solution of the riddle. They were shown again and again that a higher light was to ray into that knowledge which could be given in the ancient Mysteries. One might say that in all these Mysteries it was prophetically indicated what was to come about in the future, namely, the appearance of Christ Jesus. The undertone, the attitude of expectation, this mood of prophecy lay in the nature of the Northern Mysteries.

The statement I am now about to make must not be pressed too far or too sharply outlined in thought. It is only intended to express symptomatically the deeper truth which lies behind in the legend of Siegfried, which has remained like a last page out of the traditions of the old German Mysteries, there is something like an echo of that mood. When we are shown that Siegfried is really the representative of the ancient nordic initiation, that on the place where he is vulnerable there lies a leaf, that this place is on his back, then one who is able to feel such a thing symptomatically feels: That is the spot on the human being where something different will rest, when such injury as the initiates of the ancient Northern Mysteries experienced can no longer touch him. This spot the Cross shall cover, there the Cross of Christ Jesus shall rest. It did not yet rest there in the case of the initiates of the ancient Northern Mysteries. In the old Mysteries of the German peoples, this is indicated in the legend of Siegfried. Thus even here is symptomatically indicated how the ancient initiations of the Druids and Trotten should be thought of as harmonizing with the Christian Mysteries. The placing of the first German translation of the Bible in the northern world reminds one of this like a physiognomic gesture. And the fact that it is like a karmic chain may also appear symbolically to you by the circumstance that eleven leaves were once stolen from this Silver Codex and that the one who possessed them later on felt such qualms of conscience that he would not keep these eleven leaves and so returned them. As already said, these things ought not to be pressed too far, but they may be taken as a pictorial representation of those karmic developments which come to physiognomical expression in the placing of the first German translation of the Bible in the northern world. And just as in the case of this historical event, so will everything which meets us in life, great or small, also be deepened and irradiated with a new light through the anthroposophical outlook, which sees everything physically perceptible as the physiognomical expression of super-sensible spirit. May we, during this course of lectures, be filled with the conviction that this is the case, and may the spirit and feelings which are to fill our hearts and minds during this series of twelve lectures proceed from this conviction.

In this frame of mind let us approach these lectures which will deal with the most profound document of Christianity, the Apocalypse of John. The deepest truths of Christianity can be considered in connection with this document, for it contains nothing less than a great part of the Mysteries of Christianity, the profoundest part of what may be described as esoteric Christianity. It is therefore not to be wondered at that of all Christian documents this one has been most misunderstood. Almost from the beginning of the spiritual movement of Christianity it has been misunderstood by all who were not really Christian initiates. And it has always been misunderstood at various times according to the prevailing thought and disposition of those times. It has been misunderstood by the ages which, one might say, have thought in a spiritually materialistic way; by the ages which have forced great religious movements into one-sided fanatical party affairs; and it has been misunderstood in modern times by those who, its the grossest and most sense-bound materialism, believed themselves able to solve the riddle of the universe. The high spiritual truths announced in the early days of Christianity, and witnessed by those who were able to understand them, are disclosed as far as is possible in writing in the Apocalypse of John, the so-called canonical Apocalypse. But even in the first ages of Christianity exotericists were little inclined to understand the deep spiritual truths contained in esoteric Christianity. Thus in the very first ages of Christianity the idea came into exotericism that things which in the world's evolution first take place in the spiritual, and are recognizable by those who can see into the spiritual worlds—that such purely spiritual proceedings were to take place externally in material life. And so it came about that while the writer of the Apocalypse expressed in his work the results of his Christian initiation, others only understood it exoterically; and their opinion was that what the great seer saw—and of which the Initiate knows that spiritually in it takes place over thousands of years—must happen in the very far future in external life and be visible to the senses. They imagined that the writer indicated something like a speedy return of Christ Jesus, a descent from the physical clouds. As this did not happen, they simply lengthened the period and said, “With the advent of Christ Jesus a new period has begun for the earth as regards the old religious teachings, but”—this again was understood materialistically—“after a thousand years the earliest events represented in the Apocalypse will take place in the physical world.” Thus it came about that when the year A.D. 1000 actually drew near, many people waited for the coming of some power hostile to Christianity, for an Antichrist who should appear in the sense world. As this again did not occur, the period was further extended, but at the same time the whole prediction of the Apocalypse was elevated to a kind of symbolism—whereas the crass exotericists represented this prediction more literally. With the advent of a materialistic world-conception these things were enveloped in a certain symbolism; external events were invested with a symbolic significance. Thus in the twelfth century Joachim of Floris, who died at the beginning of the thirteenth century, gave a notable exploration of this mysterious record of Christianity. It was his opinion that Christianity contained a deep spiritual power, that this power would have to expand more and more, but that historical Christianity had always given this esoteric Christianity an external interpretation. Thus many people came to this point of view, which was that the Romish Church with the Pope at its head, this externalization of the spirituality of Christianity, was something hostile and anti-Christian. And this was particularly fostered in the following centuries through certain Orders attaching higher value to the fervent spiritual aspect of Christianity. Thus Joachim of Floris found followers among the Franciscans, and these looked upon the Pope as being the symbol of Antichrist. Then in the age of Protestantism this conception passed over to those who looked upon the Romish Church as an apostate of Christianity and Protestantism as its salvation. They considered the Pope as Symbol of Antichrist, and the Pope retaliated by calling Luther the Antichrist. Thus the Apocalypse was understood in such a way that each party drew it into the service of its own view, its own opinion. Each regarded the other party always as Antichrist and their own party as having the true Christianity. This continued into modern times when modern materialists developed, with which, for grossness, the materialism I have described as belonging to the early centuries of Christianity cannot be compared. For at that time spiritual faith and a certain spiritual comprehension still existed. Men could not understand, only because they had no initiates among them. A certain spiritual sense was there; for although it was crudely imagined that a Being would descend in a cloud, there still belonged to it a spiritual faith. A spiritual life such as this was no longer possible with the crass materialism of the nineteenth century. The thoughts of a genuine materialist of the nineteenth century regarding the Apocalypse may be described somewhat as follows: “No man can see into the future, for I myself cannot. No one can see anything more than I can see. To say that there are initiates is an old superstition. Such persons do not exist. What I know is the standard. I can scarcely see what will happen in the next ten years, therefore no man can say anything about what is to happen in thousands of years. Consequently he who wrote the Apocalypse, if he is to be taken as an honest man, must have been describing something which he had already seen—for I only know what has already taken place and what I can discover from documents. Therefore the writer of the Apocalypse could see nothing more either. What, therefore, according to this, can he relate? Only what has happened to him. Consequently it is obvious that the events of the Apocalypse, the conflicts between the good, wise and beautiful world and the ugly, foolish and evil world, this dramatic contrast is only intended to represent what the author had himself experienced, what had already taken place.” The modern materialist speaks in this way, it is his opinion that the writer of the Apocalypse describes things as he himself does.

What, then, was the most dreadful thing to a Christian of the first century? It was the beast which made war against the spiritual power of Christianity, against the true Christianity. Unfortunately only a few people perceived that there was something behind this, but they did not know how to interpret it correctly.

In certain esoteric schools there was a kind of writing in numbers. Certain words which it was not wished to impart in ordinary writing were expressed by figures. And, like much else, some of the deep secrets of the Apocalypse were hidden in numbers, particularly that dramatic event in the number 666. It was known that numbers were to be dealt with in a particular way, especially when such a distinct indication is given as in the words, “Here is wisdom.” “The number of the beast is 666.” When such an indication was given it was known that the figures must be replaced by certain letters, in order to ascertain what was intended. Now those who had heard something, and yet really knew nothing, came to the conclusion in their materialistic conception that when letters were substituted for the number 666, the word “Nero” or “Caesar Nero” resulted. And nowadays in a large part of the literature dealing with the deciphering of the Apocalypse you may read: Formerly people were so foolish that they imagined all sorts of things in connection with this passage, but the problem is now solved. We now know that nothing else is intended than the Emperor Nero. Therefore the Apocalypse must have been written after Nero's death, and the writer wished to say by all this that the Antichrist had appeared in Nero, and that what is contained in this dramatic element is an enhancement upon what had preceded it. We need now only investigate what happened immediately before and we shall discover what the writer of the Apocalypse really wished to describe. It is reported that earthquakes took place in Asia Minor when the struggle between Nero and Christianity was raging. Therefore it was to these earthquakes that the writer was referring in the opening of the seals and the sounding of the trumpets. He also mentions plagues of locusts. Quite correct! We know from history that at the time of the persecution of the Christians by Nero there were plagues of locusts. He was, therefore, speaking of these. Thus the nineteenth century has come to materialize the profoundest document of Christianity so far as to see nothing in it but the description of what may be found by a mere materialistic observation of the world.

I have only mentioned this in order to point out how fundamentally this deepest and most important document of esoteric Christianity has been misunderstood. I shall postpone to the last lectures what is to be said about the historical part of the Apocalypse until we have understood what is contained in the Apocalypse. To those who have studied Anthroposophy but little, there can be no doubt that even the introductory words of the Apocalypse show us what it is intended to be. We need only remember that it says that he from whom the contents of the Apocalypse proceeded was placed in an island solitude, which had always been surrounded by a kind of sacred atmosphere, in one of the ancient places of the Mysteries. And when we are told that the author was in the spirit, and that in the spirit he perceives what he gives us, it may indicate to us that the contents of the Apocalypse originate from the higher state of consciousness, to which a person may attain through the evolution of the inner creative capacity of the soul, through initiation. In the Secret Revelation of the so-called John is contained that which cannot be seen and heard in the sense world, and cannot be perceived with external senses; and it is given in the way in which it can be imparted to the world through Christianity. In the Apocalypse of John we have therefore the description of an initiation, a Christian initiation. For the present we need only briefly recall what initiation is. We shall, indeed, go more and more deeply into the question as to what takes place in initiation, and how initiation is related to the contents of the Apocalypse, but to begin with we will only draw something like a rough sketch and paint in the details later.

Initiation is the development of the powers and capacities slumbering in every soul. If we wish to have an idea of the manner in which it really takes place we must clearly bear in mind what the consciousness of the present normal man is; we shall then also recognize in what way the consciousness of the initiate differs from that of the ordinary man of the present day. What is, then, the consciousness of the normal human being? It is a changing one; two entirely different states of consciousness alternate, that of the day, and that during sleep at night. The waking day-consciousness consists in our perceiving sense objects around us and connecting them by means of concepts which can only be formed with the aid of a sense organ, namely, the brain. Then, each night, the astral body and the Ego withdraw from the lower principles of the human being, the physical and etheric bodies, and therewith the sense objects around man sink into the darkness; and not only this, for until re-awakening unconsciousness prevails. Darkness spreads around man. For the human astral body to-day under normal conditions is so organized that it is unable of itself to perceive what surrounds it. It must have organs. These organs are the physical senses. Therefore in the morning it must plunge into the physical body and make use of the sense organs. Why does the astral body see nothing when during sleep at night it is in the spirit-world? For the same reason that a physical body without eyes or ears could experience neither physical colours nor physical sounds. The astral body has no organs with which to perceive in the astral world. In primeval times the physical body was in the same position. It too did not yet possess what later was plastically worked into it as ears and eyes. The external elements and forces moulded the physical body, formed the eyes and ears, and thus the world was revealed to man, a world which previously was hidden from him. Let us imagine that the astral body, which is now in the position in which the physical body was formerly, could be so treated that organs could be built into it in the same way that the sunlight plastically moulded the physical eyes, and the world of sound the physical ears in the soft substance of the physical human body. Let us imagine that we could mould organs in the plastic mass of the astral body; then the astral body would be in the same condition as the present physical body. It is a question of moulding the organs of perception for the super-sensible world into this astral body, as a sculptor moulds his clay. This is the first thing. If a man wishes to become a seer, his astral body must be treated as a piece of clay by the sculptor; organs must be worked into it. This was, in fact, always done in the schools of initiation and the Mysteries. The organs were plastically formed in the astral body.

In what does the activity consist by means of which it is possible for the astral body to have organs plastically moulded into it? It might be thought that a person must first have the body in front of him before he can work the organs into it. He might say: “If I could take out the astral body and have it in front of me, I could then mould the organs into it.” That would not be the right way, and above all, it is not the way for modern initiation. Certainly an initiate who is able to live in the spiritual worlds could mould the organs like a sculptor, when during the night the astral body is outside. But that would entail doing something with a person of which he is not conscious; it would mean interfering in his sphere of freedom, with the exclusion of his consciousness. We shall see why this has not been allowed to happen for a long time past, and particularly not at the present time. For this reason, even in esoteric schools such as the Pythagorean or old Egyptian, everything had to be avoided whereby the initiates would have to work from outside upon the astral body which was taken out of the physical and etheric bodies of the neophyte. This had to be avoided from the very outset. The first step towards initiation had to be undertaken with man in the ordinary physical world, in the same world where man perceives with the physical senses. But how can this be done? For it is exactly through physical perception coming into earthly evolution that a veil has been drawn over the spiritual world formerly perceived by man, although but dimly. How can one work from the physical world upon the astral body? Here it is necessary that we should consider what happens with regard to our ordinary everyday sense perceptions. What happens in these cases? What happens while man is perceiving all day long? Think of your daily life, follow it step by step! At every step the impressions of the outer world press in upon you, you perceive them; you see, hear, smell, etc. When you are doing your work impressions storm upon you all day long and you work upon these impressions with your intellect. The poet who is not an inspired poet permeates them with his fantasy. All this is true! But all this cannot, to begin with, lead man to the consciousness of the super-sensible spiritual which lies behind the sensible and material. Why does it not come to his consciousness? Because all this activity which man exercises with respect to the surrounding world does not correspond with the essential nature of the human astral body as it exists to-day. When in the primeval past the astral body proper to man saw the pictures of the astral perception rise up—those pictures of joy and sorrow, of sympathy and antipathy—inner spiritual impulses were present, causing something to rise in man which formed organs. These were killed when man had to allow all the influences from outside to stream in upon him, and at the present time it is impossible for anything to remain in the astral body from all the impressions received during the day which could mould it plastically.

The process of perception is as follows: All day long we are subjected to the impressions of the external world. These work through the physical senses upon the etheric and astral bodies, until the ego becomes conscious of them. The result of what affects the physical body is expressed in the astral body. When the eyes receive impressions of light, these influence the etheric and astral bodies and the ego becomes conscious of them. So, too, with the impressions made upon the ears and other senses. Thus the whole of one's daily life affects the astral body through-out the day. The astral body is continually active under the influence of the outer world. Then in the evening it withdraws from the physical body. It now has no power in itself to become conscious of the impressions in its present environment. The ancient forces of the distant past were killed with the first perception of the present sense world. During the night it has no power because the entire life of the day is incapable of leaving anything in the astral body which could work formatively upon it. All the things you see around you produce effects as far as into the astral body, but that which then takes place is unable to create forms capable of becoming astral organs. It must be the first step of initiation to allow a person to do something during the life of the day, to allow something to play into his soul, which continues during the night when the astral body is withdrawn from the physical and etheric bodies. Imagine that—pictorially expressed—something were given to a person while he is fully conscious, which he has to do, which he has to allow to happen, and which is so chosen, so constructed that it does not cease working when the day is over. Imagine this activity as a sound, which continues when the astral body is withdrawn; this resounding would then constitute the force which worked plastically on the astral body, as at one time external forces have worked upon the physical body. This was always the first step of initiation—to give a person something to do during the life of the day, which has an after-effect in the life of the night. What is called meditation, concentration, and other practices which a person undertakes during his daily life, are nothing but exercises of the soul, the effects of which do not die away when the astral body withdraws, but reverberate, and then in the night become constructive forces in the astral body.

This is called the purification of the astral body, the purification from all that is unnatural to it. This was the first step, which was also called catharsis, purification. It did not yet constitute activity in super-sensible worlds; it consisted in exercises of the soul which the pupil performed during the day as a training of the soul. It consisted in adopting certain forms of life, certain feelings, a certain way of treating life, so that it could reverberate; and this worked upon the astral body until it had been transformed, until organs had developed in it. When the pupil had progressed so far that these organs had developed in the astral body, the next thing was that everything which had been formed there should be imprinted in the etheric body. Just as the characters on a seal are imprinted in sealing-wax, so must everything which has been formed in the astral body be imprinted in the etheric body. This imprinting is the next stage of initiation; it was called illumination. For it brought with it an important stage in initiation. A spiritual world then appeared around the pupil, just as formerly the sense world was around him. This stage is also characterized by the fact that the events of the outer spiritual world do not express themselves as physical objects do, but in pictures. At this stage of illumination the spiritual world first expresses itself in pictures. The pupil sees pictures. Think of the ancient initiate I referred to yesterday who saw the group-soul of a people. When he had progressed to this stage, he at first saw this group-soul in pictures. Imagine an initiate such as Ezekiel, who, when his illumination began, became aware of spiritual beings as folk-souls, group-souls; he felt himself in their midst; he saw group-souls in the form of four symbolical beasts.

To begin with, the spiritual world appeared to the pupil in significant pictures—that was the first stage. Then followed a further penetration into the etheric body. What at first was present as the impression of a seal, continued as a further penetration into the etheric body. Then there began to be added to the pictures what was known as the music of the spheres. The higher spiritual world is perceived as sound. The higher initiate having, through illumination, perceived the spiritual world in pictures, begins spiritually to listen to those sounds which are perceptible to the spiritual ear. Then he comes to the later transformation of the etheric body, and afterwards in a still higher sphere something else approaches him. If, for example, there is a screen here and behind it a man is speaking whom you cannot see, yet you may hear sounds. It is somewhat similar with the spiritual world. At first it appears in pictures, then sounds are heard, and then the last veil falls away, so to speak—as if we were to take away the screen behind which the man is standing and speaking. We see the man himself; we see the spiritual world itself, the beings of the spiritual world. First we perceive the pictures, then the sounds, then the beings, and lastly the life of these beings. It is indeed only possible to give a hint of what exists as pictures in the so-called Imaginative world by making use, as symbols, of pictures from the sense world. One can only give an idea of the harmony of the spheres by comparing it with ordinary music. Now what may be compared with the impressions of the beings at the third stage? It is comparable alone with that which to-day constitutes the inmost being of man, his acting in accordance with the divine will. If the pupil works according to the will of the spiritual beings who are helping the world onwards, the being within him will then become similar to these beings and he will perceive in this sphere. He perceives that the element within him which opposes the evolution of the world, which retards its progress, is something which must be thrown off in this world, something which must fall away like a last covering.

Thus the pupil first perceives a world of pictures as a symbolic expression of the spiritual world, then a world of sphere-harmony as a symbolic expression of a higher spiritual sphere, then a world of spiritual beings of whom he can to-day only form an idea by comparing them with the depths of his own being, with that which works within him in accordance with the good powers or even in accordance with the evil spiritual forces.

The neophyte passes through these stages, and they are faithfully portrayed in the Apocalypse of John. The start is made from the physical world. That which is first to be said by means of the physical world is said in the seven letters. What we wish to do in outer civilization, what we wish to say to those working in the physical world, we say in letters. For the word expressed in the letter can produce its effect in the sense world. The first stage provides symbols which must be brought into relation with what they express in the spiritual world. After the seven letters comes the world of the seven seals, the world of pictures of the first stage of initiation. Then comes the world of the sphere-harmonies, the world as it is perceived by those who can hear spiritually. It is represented in the seven trumpets. The next world, where the initiate perceives beings, is represented by those who appear at this stage and who strip off the shells of the forces opposed to the good. The opposite of the divine love is the divine wrath. The true form of the divine love which carries the world forward is perceived in this third sphere by those who for the physical world have stripped off the seven shells or husks of wrath.

Thus the neophyte is led step by step upward into the spheres of initiation. In the seven letters of the Apocalypse of John we have that which belongs to the seven categories of the physical world, in the seven seals that which belongs to the astral imaginative world, in the seven trumpets that which belongs to the higher world of Devachan, and in the seven husks of wrath that which must be cast aside if the pupil wishes to rise into what is spiritually the highest to be attained in our world, because this spiritually highest is still connected with our world.

To-day we wished to give merely a sketch of the outer structure of the Apocalypse of John, which serves to show that this is a book of initiation. In our next lecture we shall begin to fill in this brief sketch.

Erster Vortrag

[ 1 ] Es wird uns nunmehr durch eine Reihe von Tagen ein sehr bedeutsames, sehr tiefes anthroposophisches Thema beschäftigen. Bevor wir an unsere Betrachtungen herangehen, lassen Sie mich die tiefste Befriedigung darüber aussprechen, daß wir vor Freunden aus so vielerlei Gegenden Deutschlands, ja Europas über dieses.tiefe und bedeutsame 'Thema hier Betrachtungen anstellen dürfen. Vor allen Dingen gilt es, diese Befriedigung auszusprechen unseren lieben Nürnberger Freunden, die ihrerseits gewiß nicht minder froh sein werden als derjenige, der zu ihnen spricht, hier in dieser Stadt durch eine verhältnismäßig längere Zeit anthroposophisches Leben gemeinsam mit den auswärtigen Freunden zu pflegen. Es ist ja gerade in dieser Stadt neben dem eifrigsten Streben nach Erkenntnis der großen geisteswissenschaftlichen Wahrheiten immer auch so sehr geltend gewesen und mit so tiefem Verständnis zur Darstellung gebracht worden, was anthroposophische Gesinnung, was wahrhaft anthroposophisches Leben ist, dieses anthroposophische Leben, das wir nur dann verstehen, wenn die geisteswissenschaftlichen Lehren uns nicht bloß etwas sind, was uns theoretisch beschäftigt, sondern wenn sie uns etwas werden, was unser eigenes Leben bis in die tiefsten Tiefen der Seele hinein durchgeistigt, durchfeuert, hebt, was uns aber auch in engeren Banden zusammenschlingt mit unseren Mitmenschen, mit der ganzen Welt. Es bedeutet viel für den Menschen, zu fühlen, daß alles, was uns äußerlich in der sinnlichen Welt, im sinnlich-sichtbaren Dasein entgegentritt, so erscheinen kann wie die äußere Physiognomie eines zugrunde liegenden unsichtbaren, übersinnlichen Daseins. Die Welt mit allem, was darinnen ist, wird ja schließlich dem, der die Anthroposophie ins Leben einführt, immer mehr und mehr ein physiognomischer Ausdruck des göttlich-geistig Wesenhaften, und wenn er die Welt des Sichtbaren um sich herum betrachtet, wird es ihm sein, wie wenn er von den Zügen eines Menschenantlitzes durchdringt zu dem Herzen, zu der Seele des Menschen. Gegenüber alledem, was äußerlich ihm entgegentritt in Bergen und Felsen, in dem Pflanzenkleid der Erde, in Tieren und Menschen, was ihm‘ entgegentritt in aller uns umgebenden Welt, in allen Beschäftigungen der Menschen, wird es ihm sein, als ob es ein physiognomischer Ausdruck, als ob es die Miene wäre eines zugrunde liegenden göttlich-geistigen Daseins. Und neues Leben ersprießt ihm aus all dieser Betrachtungsweise und durchdringt ihn, und eine andere, edle Art von Begeisterung befeuert das, was er unternehmen will.

[ 2 ] Nur eines kleinen symptomatischen Beispiels meiner letzten Erfahrungen auf einer meiner Vortragsreisen lassen Sie mich gedenken. Das Beispiel, das ich Ihnen anführen will, zeigt, wie die Weltgeschichte, wenn man sie als Ausdruck des Göttlich-Geistigen betrachtet, überall bedeutsam erscheint, überall eine neue Sprache zu uns redet. Da konnte ich vor einigen Wochen in Skandinavien wahrnehmen, wie in dem ganzen Leben unseres europäischen Nordens alles noch einen Nachklang jenes alten Daseins der nordischen Welt verrät, wo alles Geistige durchsetzt war von dem Bewußtsein der Wesenheiten, die hinter den nordischen Göttergestalten der Mythe stehen. Man möchte sagen, daß in jenen Ländern aus allem, was einem entgegentritt, Nachklänge zu vernehmen sind dessen, was als das alte nordische Geistesleben die Eingeweihten der Druidenmysterien, der Drottenmysterien ihren Schülern mitteilten. Da wird man gewahr, wie der Zauberhauch jenes Geisteslebens den Norden durchsetzt, und man sieht etwas wie den Ausdruck schöner karmischer Zusammenhänge. Man sieht sich, wie mir das gestattet war in Uppsala, sozusagen mitten hineingestellt in alles das, wenn man vor sich hat die erste der germanischen Bibelübersetzungen, den Silbernen Kodex des Ulflas. Er ist hingekommen nach Uppsala wie durch karmische Verwickelungen eigener Art. Er war ja vorher in Prag. Im Schwedischen Krieg wurde er erbeutet und nach Uppsala gebracht, und da liegt er nun, ein Wahrzeichen für das, was den durchdringt, der ein bißchen tiefer hineinzublicken vermag in das alte Mysterienwesen. Es ist ja dieses Mysterienwesen, dieses Eindringen in die geistige Welt innerhalb der alten europäischen Kulturen durchsetzt und durchzogen von einem gemeinsamen merkwürdigen Zug, den tiefer spürten diejenigen, welche die Weihe erhalten haben in jenen alten Zeiten. Wie ein tragischer Zug ging es durch ihre Herzen, wenn ihnen klargemacht wurde, daß sie zwar hineinblicken könnten in die Geheimnisse des Daseins, daß aber in der Zukunft etwas kommen werde, das wie eine vollendete Rätsellösung erscheint. Immer und immer wieder wurden sie darauf hingewiesen, daß hereinstrahlen solle ein höheres Licht in jenes Wissen, das man in den alten Mysterien erkunden konnte. Man darf sagen, daß prophetisch hingewiesen wurde in allen diesen alten Mysterien auf das, was da kommen sollte in der Zukunft, auf die Erscheinung des Christus Jesus. Der Ton, die Gesinnung der Erwartung, die Stimmung der Prophetie lag in diesem nordischen Mysterienwesen.

[ 3 ] Wir müssen solch einen Satz, wie ich ihn jetzt aussprechen werde, nicht zwängen und nicht drängen, nicht pressen und nicht zu scharf in Konturen denken. Er soll nur symptomatisch aussprechen, was als tiefere Wahrheit zugrunde liegt. Aber es ist in dem, was wie ein letztes Blatt geblieben ist aus den Traditionen der altgermanischen Mysterien, es ist in der Siegfriedsage etwas wie ein Hineingeheimnissen jener Gesinnung vorhanden. Wenn wir darauf hingewiesen werden, daß Siegfried wirklich der Repräsentant ist der altnordischen Einweihung, wenn wir hingewiesen werden darauf, daß an der Stelle, wo er verwundbar ist, ein Blatt liegt, daß diese Stelle am Rücken sich befindet, dann fühlt der, der so etwas symptomatisch zu fühlen vermag: Das ist die Stelle, wo etwas anderes liegen wird beim Menschen, wenn jene Verwundung ihn nicht mehr treffen kann, die die Eingeweihten der altnordischen Mysterien noch erleiden konnten. — Die Stelle soll zuhüllen das Kreuz. Da soll es liegen, das Kreuz des Christus Jesus; da lag es noch nicht beim Eingeweihten der altnordischen Mysterien. Darauf wird hingedeutet in den alten Mysterien der germanischen Völker in der Siegfriedsage. Und so wird selbst da noch symptomatisch angedeutet, wie zusammenstimmend gedacht werden sollen die alten Einweihungen der Druiden, der Drotten, mit den Mysterien des Christentums. Daran erinnert wie ein physiognomischer Ausdruck dieses Hingestelltsein der ersten germanischen Bibelübersetzung in die nordische Welt hinein. Und daß es wie eine karmische Verkettung ist, das mag Ihnen noch der Umstand wiederum symbolisieren, daß einstmals elf Blätter aus diesem Silbernen Kodex gestohlen worden sind, und daß der spätere Besitzer derselben solche Gewissensbisse empfunden hat, daß er diese elf Blätter nicht behalten wollte, sondern sie wiederum zurückgab. Wie gesagt, man soll solche Dinge nicht pressen und drängen, sondern sie als bildliche Darstellungen auffassen jener karmischen Verwickelungen, die sich physiognomisch zum Ausdruck bringen in dem Hineingestelltsein der ersten germanischen Bibelübersetzung in die nordische Welt. Und wie hier dieses Ereignis der Geschichte, so wird uns alles, was uns im Leben entgegentritt, Großes und Kleines, vertieft und mit einem neuen Licht durchstrahlt durch die anthroposophische Gesinnung, die sich darin bekundet, daß man in allem physisch Wahrnehmbaren den physiognomischen Ausdruck eines Übersinnlich-Geistigen erblickt.

[ 4 ] Daß es sich so verhält, diese Überzeugung möge uns durchdringen gerade während dieses Kursus. Und aus solch einer Überzeugung heraus mag der Geist, mögen die Gefühle strömen, die während der zwölf apokalyptischen Vorträge in unsere Seele fließen, die unsere Herzen durchdringen sollen. Innerhalb dieser Gesinnung wollen wir an diesen Kursus herantreten, der das tiefste Dokument des Christentums, die Apokalypse des Johannes, zum Anknüpfungspunkte nimmt, weil an dieses Dokument die tiefsten Wahrheiten des Christentums wirklich zwanglos angeschlossen werden können. Denn es ist nichts Geringeres in diesem Dokument enthalten als ein großer Teil der Mysterien des Christentums, es ist darin enthalten das Tiefste von dem, was wir als das esoterische Christentum zu bezeichnen haben. Kein Wunder daher, daß von allen christlichen Dokumenten auch gerade dieses Dokument am allermeisten mißverstanden worden ist. Es ist fast vom Anbeginn der christlichen Geistesströmung an mißverstanden worden von allen denen, die nicht zu den eigentlichen christlichen Eingeweihten gehörten. Und es ist mißverstanden worden in den verschiedensten Zeiten immer in dem Sinne, in dem Stile, wie diese verschiedenen Zeiten gedacht und gesonnen haben. Mißverstanden ist es worden von den Zeiten, die, man darf sagen, spirituell-materialistisch gedacht haben, von den Zeiten, die große Religionsströmungen hineingezwängt haben in einseitiges fanatisches Parteigetriebe, und es ist mißverstanden worden in der neueren Zeit von denjenigen, welche im groben, im sinnlichsten Materialismus glaubten die Rätsel der Welt lösen zu können.

[ 5 ] Die hohen geistigen Wahrheiten, die im Ausgangspunkte des Christentums verkündet worden sind und zu deren Anschauung diejenigen gebracht wurden, die sie verstehen konnten, sie liegen angedeutet, soweit das in einer Schrift geschehen kann, in der Apokalypse des Johannes, in der sogenannten kanonischen Apokalypse. Aber schon in den ersten Zeiten des Christentums waren die Exoteriker wenig geeignet, das tief Spirituelle, das gemeint ist im esoterischen Christentum, zu verstehen. Und so trat denn in den allerersten Zeiten des Christentums in der Exoterik die Anschauung auf, daß sich Dinge, die sich zunächst für die Weltentwickelung abspielen im Geistig-Spirituellen, die erkennbar und erschaubar sind für den, der hineinschauen kann in die geistigen Welten, daß sich solche rein spirituellen Vorgänge äußerlich in dem materiellen Kulturleben abspielen sollten. Und so kam es, daß, während der Schreiber der Apokalypse die Ergebnisse seiner Einweihung, seiner christlichen Initiation darin zum Ausdrucke brachte, die anderen sie nur exoterisch verstanden und der Meinung waren, daß sich das, was der große Seher geschaut und wovon der Eingeweihte weiß, daß es sich in Jahrtausenden spirituell erkennbar abspielt, in der allernächsten Zeit abspielen müsse im äußerlich sinnlich-sichtbaren Leben. So kam denn die Anschauung zustande, als ob für die sinnlich nächste Zeit der Schreiber etwas gemeint hätte wie ein in den sinnlich-physischen Wolken stattfindendes Herabkommen, Wiederkommen des Christus Jesus. Als das nicht eintrat, da verlängerte man einfach die Frist und sagte: Nun ja, es hat für die Erde mit der Erscheinung des Christus Jesus eine neue Zeit begonnen gegenüber dem, was als alte Religiosität da war. Aber es wird — und jetzt faßte man das wiederum sinnlich auf — tausend Jahre dauern, da werden sich die nächsten Ereignisse physisch-sinnlich vollziehen, die in der Apokalypse dargestellt sind. — So kam es, daß tatsächlich, als hereinzog das Jahr 1000, viele Leute auf das Herankommen irgendeiner dem Christentum feindlichen Macht warteten, auf einen Antichrist, der in der sinnlichen Welt auftreten sollte. Und als das wiederum nicht eintrat, da wurde sozusagen eine neue Fristverlängerung angesetzt, zu gleicher Zeit aber die ganze Vorhersagung der Apokalypse in eine gewisse Symbolik hinaufgerückt, während man sich bei den groben Exoterikern diese Vorhersagung ziemlich greifbar vorgestellt hatte. Mit dem Heraufrücken einer materialistischen Weltanschauung kam man für diese Dinge in eine gewisse Symbolik hinein. Man sah in den äußeren Ereignissen symbolische Andeutungen.

[ 6 ] So kam herauf im zwölften Jahrhundert der Mann, der anfangs des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts starb, Joachim von Floris, der eine denkwürdige Erklärung dieser geheimnisvollen Urkunde des Christentums gab. Er war nämlich der Ansicht, daß im Christentum eine tiefe spirituelle Macht ruhe, daß diese Macht immer mehr und mehr zur Ausbreitung kommen müsse, daß aber das äußere Christentum immer dieses esoterische Christentum veräußerlicht habe. Und so kam bei manchem die Anschauung dieses Mannes zur Geltung, wonach in der Papstkirche, in dieser Veräußerlichung der Spiritualität des Christentums, etwas Antichristliches, etwas Feindliches zu suchen sei. Und besonders genährt wurde in den nächsten Jahrhunderten diese Anschauung dadurch, daß auf den Spiritualismus des Christentums, auf das gemütlich-geistige Element bei gewissen Orden ein hoher Wert gelegt worden ist. So fand Joachim von Floris Anhänger innerhalb der Kreise der Franziskaner, die im Papste etwas wie die Symbolisierung des Antichrist sahen. Dann ging in der Zeit des Protestantismus diese Anschauung auf diejenigen über, die in der Römischen Kirche eine Abtrünnige des Christentums sahen, die innerhalb des Protestantismus die Rettung des Christentums erblickten. Sie sahen erst recht im Papst das Symbolum des Antichrists, und der Papst zahlte es dadurch heim, daß er wiederum in Luther den Antichrist sah.

[ 7 ] So verstand man die Apokalypse in einer Weise, daß jede Partei sie in den Dienst ihrer eigenen Anschauung, ihrer eigenen Meinung rückte. Die andere Partei war immer der Antichrist, und diejenige, der man selbst angehörte, identifizierte man mit dem wahren Christentum. Das ging herauf bis in die neuere Zeit, wo der moderne Materialismus kam, mit dem sich an Grobheit selbst jener Materialismus nicht vergleichen läßt, den ich Ihnen für die ersten Jahrhunderte des Christentums geschildert habe. Denn damals bestand noch ein spiritueller Glaube, eine gewisse spirituelle Auffassung. Die Menschen konnten es nur nicht verstehen, weil sie keine Eingeweihten unter sich hatten. Es war ein gewisser spiritueller Sinn da, denn wenn man sich auch grobsinnlich vorstellte, daß sich ein Wesen in einer Wolke herabsenken würde, so gehörte doch dazu ein spiritueller Glaube. Ein solches spirituelles Leben war bei dem groben Materialismus des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts nicht mehr möglich. Die Gedanken, die sich so ein rechter Materialist des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts von der Apokalypse macht, kann man etwa so charakterisieren: In die Zukunft sehen kann kein Mensch, denn ich selbst kann es nicht. Etwas anderes, als was ich sehe, kann ein anderer auch nicht sehen. Davon zu reden, daß es Eingeweihte gibt, das ist ein alter Aberglaube. So etwas gibt es nicht. Also gilt als Norm das, was ich weiß. Ich sehe kaum das, was in den nächsten zehn Jahren geschieht, also kann kein Mensch etwas darüber aussagen, was über Jahrtausende geschehen soll. Folglich muß der, der die Apokalypse geschrieben hat, wenn er überhaupt als ehrlicher Mensch genommen werden will, etwas gemeint haben, was er schon gesehen hat, denn ich weiß auch nur von dem, was sich schon abgespielt hat und was durch Dokumente vermittelt ist. Also konnte auch der Schreiber der Apokalypse nichts anderes sehen. Was kann er demnach erzählen? Nur das, was bis zu ihm geschehen war. Folglich ist es selbstverständlich, daß man in den Ereignissen der Apokalypse, in den Konflikten zwischen der guten, der weisen, der schönen Welt und der häßlichen, der törichten, der bösen Welt, daß man in jenem dramatischen Gegenüberstellen nichts anderes zu sehen hat als etwas, was der Mann selbst erlebt hat, was schon geschehen war. — So spricht der moderne Materialist. Er meint: Der Apokalyptiker schildert so, wie ich schildere.

[ 8 ] Was war denn ungefähr das Schrecklichste für einen Christen der ersten Jahrhunderte? Dieses Schrecklichste mußte für ihn sein das Tier, das sich aufbäumt gegen die geistige Macht des Christentums, gegen das wahre Christentum. Unglückseligerweise haben nun einige Menschen die Glocken etwas läuten hören, haben aber nicht verspürt das richtige Zusammenschlagen.

[ 9 ] Innerhalb gewisser esoterischer Schulen hatte man eine Art von Zahlenschrift. Gewisse Worte, die man nicht in gewöhnlicher Schrift mitteilen wollte, brachte man durch Zahlen zum Ausdrucke. Und es war ja, wie vieles andere, so auch etwas von den tiefen Geheimnissen der Apokalypse in Zahlen hineingeheimnißt, besonders jenes dramatische Ereignis in die Zahl 666. Man wußte, daß man Zahlen in besonderer Weise zu behandeln hat, namentlich aber, wenn so gründlich darauf hingewiesen wird wie mit den Worten: «Hier ist Weisheit.» «Die Zahl des Tieres ist 666.» Bei solchen Hinweisen wußte man, daß man für Zahlen gewisse Buchstaben einzusetzen hat, um zu wissen, was gemeint ist. Diejenigen nun, die etwas gehört hatten und doch nichts wirklich wußten, haben in ihrer materialistischen Anschauung herausgekriegt, daß, wenn man statt der Zahl 666 Buchstaben einsetzt, das Wort «Nero» oder «Caesar Nero» herauskommt. Und heute können Sie in einem großen Teil der Literatur, die sich mit der Enthüllung der Apokalypse befaßt, lesen: Da waren früher die Leute so töricht, daß sie alles mögliche in diese Stelle hineingeheimnißt haben, aber jetzt ist das ein gelöstes Problem. Jetzt wissen wir, daß nichts anderes gemeint ist als Nero, «Caesar Nero», und es ist klar, daß die Apokalypse zu einer Zeit geschrieben worden ist, als Nero schon gelebt hatte, und daß der Schreiber mit all dem hat sagen wollen, daß in Nero der Antichrist aufgetreten sei; daß also das, was in diesem dramatischen Element liegt, eine Steigerung vorhergehender Elemente ist. Nun darf man nur nachforschen, was unmittelbar vorher geschehen ist. Dann kommt man darauf, was der Apokalyptiker hat schildern wollen. Es wird berichtet, daß in Kleinasien Erdbeben stattgefunden haben, als der Kampf zwischen Nero und dem Christentum wütete. Also sind das die Erdbeben, die der Apokalyptiker erwähnt bei der Eröffnung der Siegel und beim Ertönen der Posaunen. Er spricht auch von Heuschreckenplagen. Richtig, es wird ja mitgeteilt, daß zur Zeit der Christenverfolgung durch Nero auch Heuschreckenplagen auftraten. Also erzählt er von diesen. — So hat es das neunzehnte Jahrhundert dahin gebracht, das tiefste Dokument des Christentums zu vermaterialisieren, darin nichts zu sehen als die Schilderung dessen, was man eben durch die materialistische Betrachtung der Welt finden kann. Das sollte nur gesagt werden, um anzudeuten, wie gründlich gerade dieses tiefste, bedeutsamste Dokument des esoterischen Christentums mißverstanden worden ist.

[ 10 ] Und nunmehr wollen wir alles, was über das Historische der Apokalypse zu sagen ist, uns für die Zeit aufsparen, wo wir das, was in der Apokalypse liegt, begriffen haben, das heißt, wir wollen es auf die letzten Vorträge verschieben. Für den, der sich schon ein wenig in die Anthroposophie hineingefunden hat, kann es keinen Zweifel darüber geben, daß schon mit den Einleitungsworten der Apokalypse darauf hingewiesen wird, was sie sein soll. Wir brauchen uns nur zu erinnern, daß es heißt: Der, von dem der Inhalt der Apokalypse herrührt, ist hinversetzt worden in eine InselEinsamkeit, die von jeher mit einer Art heiliger Atmosphäre durchdrungen war, an eine Stätte alter Mysterienkultur. Und wenn uns gesagt wird, daß derselbe, der den Inhalt der Apokalypse gibt, im Geiste war und daß er das, was er gibt, im Geiste wahrgenommen hat, so mag uns das zunächst ein Hinweis darauf sein, daß der Inhalt der Apokalypse einem höheren Bewußtseinszustand entstammt, den der Mensch durch die Entwickelung der inneren Seelenschöpfungsfähigkeit erreicht, durch die Einweihung. Was man nicht innerhalb der Sinneswelt sehen und hören kann, nicht mit äußeren Sinnen wahrnehmen kann, ist in der Weise, wie es durch das Christentum der Welt mitgeteilt werden konnte, in der sogenannten geheimen Offenbarung des Johannes enthalten. Also die Schilderung einer Einweihung, einer christlichen Einweihung haben wir in der Apokalypse des Johannes vor uns. Wir brauchen uns nur einmal, man möchte sagen, flüchtig vor die Seele zu rufen, was Einweihung ist. Wir werden ja immer tiefer eindringen in dieses Thema, in die Frage: Was geht innerhalb der Einweihung vor? — und immer tiefer werden wir die Frage behandeln: Wie verhält sich Einweihung zu dem Inhalt der Apokalypse? — Aber wir werden zunächst etwas wie eine Kohlenzeichnung in groben Strichen hinstellen, und dann erst werden wir an die Ausmalung der Einzelheiten gehen.

[ 11 ] Einweihung ist Entwickelung der in jeder Seele schlummernden Kräfte und Fähigkeiten. Will man sich ein Bild davon machen, wie sie im Realen vor sich geht, dann muß man vor allen Dingen sich klar vor Augen stellen, wie das Bewußtsein des heutigen normalen Menschen ist; dann wird man auch erkennen, wie das Bewußtsein des Eingeweihten sich unterscheidet von dem des heutigen Menschen. Wie ist denn das Bewußtsein des normalen heutigen Menschen? Es ist ein wechselndes. Zwei ganz verschiedene Bewußtseinszustände wechseln miteinander ab, der im Tagwachen und der im nächtlichen Schlaf. Das Bewußtsein, das wir im Tagwachen haben, besteht darin, daß wir um uns herum die sinnlichen Gegenstände wahrnehmen und sie verknüpfen durch Begriffe, die auch nur durch ein sinnliches Werkzeug gebildet werden können, durch das menschliche Gehirn. Dann tritt jede Nacht heraus aus den niedrigsten Gliedern der menschlichen Wesenheit, aus dem physischen und Ätherleib, der astralische Leib und das Ich, und damit versinken für das Bewußtsein des heutigen Menschen die sinnlichen Gegenstände um ihn herum in Dunkelheit, und nicht nur diese, denn bis zum Wiederaufwachen ist, was man völlige Bewußtlosigkeit nennt, vorhanden. Finsternis breitet sich aus um den Menschen. Denn der astralische Leib des Menschen ist heute im normalen Zustande so organisiert, daß er für sich selber nicht wahrzunehmen vermag, was in seiner Umgebung ist. Er muß Instrumente haben. Diese Instrumente sind die physischen Sinne. Daher muß er morgens untertauchen in den physischen Leib und sich der sinnlichen Werkzeuge bedienen. Warum sieht der astralische Leib nichts, wenn er während des Nachtschlafes in der Geistwelt ist? Warum nimmt er nicht wahr? Aus demselben Grunde, warum ein physischer Leib, in dem kein Auge und kein Ohr wäre, nicht physische Farben und physische Töne wahrnehmen könnte. Der astralische Leib hat keine Organe zum Wahrnehmen in der astralischen Welt. Der physische Leib war in grauer Vorzeit in derselben Lage. Er hatte auch das noch nicht, was später plastisch in ihn hineingearbeitet worden ist als Ohr und Auge. Die äußeren Elemente und Kräfte meißelten ihn aus, bildeten ihm die Augen und die Ohren, und damit wurde diese Welt für ihn offenbar, die vorher für ihn auch geheim war. Denken wir uns einmal, es könnte der astralische Leib, der heute in derselben Lage ist wie der physische Leib früher, so behandelt werden, daß man ihm Organe eingliederte in der Weise, wie das Sonnenlicht die physischen Augen, wie die tonvolle Welt die physischen Ohren plastisch hineingearbeitet hat in die weiche Masse des physischen Menschenleibes. Denken wir uns, in die plastische Masse des Astralleibes könnte man Organe hineinarbeiten, dann würde der astralische Leib in dieselbe Lage kommen wie der heutige physische Leib. Darum handelt es sich, daß man in diesen astralischen Leib hineinarbeitet wie ein Plastiker, der den Ton formt, die Wahrnehmungsorgane für die übersinnliche Welt. Das muß das erste sein. Wenn der Mensch sehend werden will, muß sein astralischer Leib so behandelt werden wie eine Tonmasse von dem Bildhauer: Man muß Organe hineinarbeiten. Das war in der Tat jederzeit das, was in den Einweihungsschulen und in den Mysterien getan wurde. In den astralischen Leib wurden plastisch die Organe hineingearbeitet.

[ 12 ] Worin besteht nun die Tätigkeit, durch welche in den astralischen Leib plastisch hineingearbeitet werden die Organe? Es könnte jemand auf den Gedanken kommen, man müsse doch diesen Leib erst vor sich haben, bevor man die Organe in ihn hineinarbeiten kann. Man könnte sagen: Wenn ich den astralischen Leib herausnehmen und vor mir haben könnte, dann könnte ich die Organe hineinarbeiten. — Das wäre nicht der richtige Weg, und das ist vor allen Dingen nicht der Weg der modernen Einweihung. Gewiß, ein Eingeweihter, der imstande ist, in den geistigen Welten zu leben, könnte, wenn in der Nacht der astralische Leib draußen ist, wie ein Bildhauer hineinarbeiten die Organe. Aber das hieße mit dem Menschen etwas vornehmen, wovon er selbst nichts weiß, das hieße in seine Freiheitssphäre eingreifen, mit Ausschließung seines Bewußtseins. Wir werden sehen, warum das schon seit längerer Zeit und insbesondere in der heutigen Zeit niemals geschehen darf. Deshalb mußte auch schon in solchen esoterischen Schulen wie in der pythagoräischen oder altägyptischen Schule alles vermieden werden, wodurch die Eingeweihten etwa von außen gearbeitet hätten an dem astralischen Leib, der aus dem physischen und Ätherleibe des Einzuweihenden herausgenommen war. Das mußte schon beim ersten Angreifen der Sache wegbleiben. Es mußte eben der erste Schritt zur Einweihung unternommen werden am Menschen in der ganz gewöhnlichen physischen Welt, in derselben Welt, wo der Mensch mit seinen physischen Sinnen wahrnimmt. Aber wie das machen, da ja doch gerade das physische Wahrnehmen, als es in der Erdenevolution eintrat, einen Schleier über die geistige Welt gezogen hat, die der Mensch früher, wenn auch bei dumpfem Bewußtsein, hat wahrnehmen können, wie also von der physischen Welt aus auf den astralischen Leib wirken?

[ 13 ] Da müssen wir uns vor die Seele führen, wie es ist mit diesem gewöhnlichen sinnlichen Wahrnehmen des Tages. Was geschieht denn, während der Mensch tagsüber wahrnimmt? Denken Sie einmal an Ihr tägliches Leben, verfolgen Sie es von Schritt zu Schritt. Bei jedem Schritt dringen Eindrücke der Außenwelt an Sie heran. Sie nehmen sie wahr, Sie sehen, hören, riechen und so weiter. Die Eindrücke bei dieser oder jener Arbeit stürmen den ganzen Tag an Sie heran, Sie verarbeiten sie mit Ihrem Intellekt. Der Dichter, der nicht selbst ein Inspirierter ist, durchdringt sie mit seiner Phantasie. Das ist alles wahr. Aber alles dies kann zunächst nicht dazu führen, daß das Übersinnlich-Geistige, das hinter dem Sinnlichen und Materiellen ist, dem Menschen zum Bewußtsein kommt. Warum kommt es ihm nicht zum Bewußtsein? Weil diese ganze Tätigkeit, die der Mensch gegenüber der Umwelt ausübt, dem astralischen Leib des Menschen, so wie er heute seiner eigentlichen Wesenheit nach ist, nicht entspricht. Damals, als in urferner Vergangenheit der astralische Leib, der dem Menschen eigen war, die Bilder der astralischen Wahrnehmungen aufsteigen sah, jene Bilder von Lust und Leid, von Sympathie und Antipathie, da waren die inneren Impulse vorhanden, die geistigen Impulse, die im Menschen aufsteigen ließen, was Organe formte. Diese sind ertötet worden damals, als der Mensch fähig wurde, alle Einflüsse von außen auf sich zuströmen zu lassen. Heute ist es nicht möglich, daß aus all den Eindrücken, die der Mensch während des Tages erhält, im astralischen Leib etwas bleibt, was bildsam, plastisch für ihn ist. Der Vorgang des Wahrnehmens ist so: Den ganzen Tag über kommen die Eindrücke der Außenwelt an uns heran. Diese wirken durch die physischen Sinne auf den Ätherleib und astralischen Leib, bis sie dem Ich bewußt werden. Im astralischen Leib drücken sich die Wirkungen dessen aus, was auf den physischen Leib ausgeübt wird. Wenn Lichteindrücke stattfinden, so empfängt das Auge Eindrücke. Der Lichteindruck gibt einen Eindruck auf den Äther- und Astralleib, und das Ich wird sich dieses Eindruckes bewußt. So verhält es sich auch mit den Eindrücken auf das Ohr und die anderen Sinne. Dieses ganze Tagesleben wirkt daher den ganzen Tag über auf den Astralkörper ein. Der Astralkörper ist immer tätig unter der Einwirkung der Außenwelt. Jetzt tritt er abends heraus. Da hat er in sich keine Kräfte, um die Eindrücke bewußt werden zu lassen, die jetzt in seiner Umgebung sind. Die alten Kräfte des Wahrnehmens in der urfernen Vergangenheit sind ertötet worden beim ersten Wahrnehmen der gegenwärtigen Sinneswelt. In der Nacht hat er keine Kräfte, weil das ganze Tagesleben ungeeignet ist, etwas im astralischen Leib zurückzulassen, was bildend auf den Astralleib wirken könnte. Alle Dinge, wie Sie sie ringsherum anschauen, üben Wirkungen bis auf den Astralleib aus. Aber was da bewirkt wird, ist nicht in der Lage, Gestaltungen zu schaffen, die zu astralen Organen werden könnten. Das muß der erste Schritt der Einweihung sein: den Menschen während des Tageslebens etwas tun zu lassen, in seiner Seele sich etwas abspielen zu lassen, was fortwirkt, wenn der astralische Leib in der Nacht herausgezogen wird aus dem physischen und Ätherleib. Also denken Sie sich, bildlich gesprochen, es würde, während der Mensch bei vollem Bewußtsein ist, ihm etwas gegeben, was er zu tun hätte, was er abspielen lassen sollte und was so gewählt wäre, so gegliedert, daß es nicht aufhörte zu wirken, wenn der Tag vorüber ist. Denken Sie sich diese Wirkung als einen Ton, der fortklingt, wenn der Astralleib heraus ist; dieses Fortklingen wären dann die Kräfte, die nun an dem astralischen Leib so wirkten, so plastisch arbeiteten, wie einstmals die äußeren Kräfte am physischen Körper gearbeitet haben. Das war immer der erste Schritt der Einweihung: den Menschen während des Tageslebens etwas tun zu lassen, was nachklingt im Nachtleben. Alles das, was man genannt hat Meditation, Konzentration und die sonstigen Übungen, die der Mensch vorgenommen hat während seines Tageslebens, sie sind nichts anderes als Verrichtungen der Seele, die nicht in ihren Wirkungen ersterben, wenn der Astralleib herausgeht, sondern die nachklingen und in der Nacht zu bildenden Kräften werden im astralischen Leib.

[ 14 ] Das nennt man die Reinigung des Astralleibes, die Reinigung von dem, was dem Astralleib nicht angemessen ist. Das war der erste Schritt, der auch die Katharsis genannt wurde, die Reinigung. Sie war noch keine Arbeit in übersinnlichen Welten. Sie bestand in Übungen der Seele, die der Mensch tagsüber machte, wie eine Trainierung der Seele. Sie bestand in der Aneignung gewisser Lebensformen, gewisser Lebensgesinnungen, einer gewissen Art, das Leben zu behandeln, so daß es nachklingen konnte, und das arbeitete am astralischen Leib, bis er sich umgewandelt hatte, bis sich Organe in ihm entwickelt hatten.

[ 15 ] Wenn der Mensch so weit war, daß diese Organe aus dem astralischen Leib herausgegliedert waren, dann war das nächste, daß alles das, was so in den astralischen Leib hineingestaltet worden war, sich im Ätherleib abdruckte. Wie sich die Schrift eines Petschaft abdruckt im Siegellack, so mußte sich alles, was in den Astralleib hineingearbeitet war, im Ätherleib abdrucken. Dieses Abdrucken ist der nächste Schritt der Einweihung: Erleuchtung nannte man das. Denn damit war zu gleicher Zeit ein bedeutungsvoller Moment in der Einweihung gekommen. Da trat eine geistige Welt in der Umwelt des Menschen auf, so wie vorher die sinnliche Welt da war. Diese Stufe ist zu gleicher Zeit charakterisiert dadurch, daß die Vorgänge der äußeren geistigen Welt sich nicht so ausdrücken, wie es die physisch-sinnlichen Dinge tun, sondern in Bildern. Die geistige Welt drückt sich auf dieser Stufe der Erleuchtung zuerst in Bildern aus. Der Mensch sieht Bilder. Denken Sie an den alten Eingeweihten, von dem ich gestern angedeutet habe, daß er die Volksgruppenseele gesehen hat. Wenn er so weit war, dann sah er diese Gruppenseele zunächst in Bildern. Denken wir zum Beispiel an einen Eingeweihten, wie Ezechiel einer war. Als die Erleuchtung für ihn begann, traten ihm geistige Wesenheiten als Volks-, als Gruppenseelen entgegen. Er fühlte sich in ihrer Mitte. Gruppenseelen in Form vier symbolischer Tiere traten ihm entgegen.

[ 16 ] So kam in bedeutungsvollen Bildern zunächst die geistige Welt an den Menschen heran. Das war die erste Stufe. Dann folgte das Weiterhineinleben in den Ätherleib. Dem, was zunächst wie ein Siegelabdruck vorhanden war, folgte ein weiteres Hineinleben in den Ätherleib. Da beginnt zu den Bildern hinzuzutreten das, was man die Sphärenmusik genannt hat. Die höhere geistige Welt wird als Ton wahrgenommen. Der höhere Eingeweihte beginnt, nachdem er durch die Erleuchtung die geistige Welt in Bildern wahrgenommen hat, geistig hinzulauschen auf jene Töne, die für das geistige Ohr wahrnehmbar sind. Dann kommt man an die spätere Umwandlung des Ätherleibes, und da tritt uns in einer noch höheren Sphäre noch etwas anderes entgegen. Töne können Sie noch hören, wenn Sie zum Beispiel hier einen Wandschirm haben und hinter ihm ein Mensch spricht, den Sie nicht sehen. So etwa ist es mit der geistigen Welt. Zuerst tritt sie in Bildern auf, dann tönt sie herüber, und es fällt die letzte Hülle weg — sozusagen wie wenn wir einen Schirm wegtäten, hinter dem der Mensch steht und spricht: Wir sehen den Menschen selbst —: Wir sehen die geistige Welt selbst, die Wesen der geistigen Welt. Zuerst nehmen wir wahr die Bilder, dann die Töne, dann die Wesen und endlich das Leben dieser Wesen. Man kann ja ohnedies das, was als Bilder in der sogenannten imaginativen Welt ist, nur andeuten, indem man Bilder aus der sinnlichen Welt als Symbole gebraucht. Man kann nur eine Vorstellung von der Sphärenharmonie geben durch Vergleiche mit der sinnlichen Musik. Was läßt sich nun vergleichen mit dem wesenhaften Ausdruck auf der dritten Stufe? Damit läßt sich nur vergleichen das, was heute das Innerste des Menschen ausmacht, sein Wirken im Sinne des göttlichen Weltenwollens. Wirkt der Mensch im Sinne des Willens jener geistigen Wesenheiten, die unsere Welt vorwärtsbringen, dann wird das Wesen in ihm diesen Wesen ähnlich werden, dann wird er wahrnehmen in dieser Sphäre. Das, was in ihm widerstrebt der \Weltenevolution, was die Welt zurückhält in ihrem Fortschritt, das nimmt er wahr als etwas, was ausgeschaltet werden muß in dieser Welt, was wie eine letzte Hülle fallen muß.

[ 17 ] So nimmt der Mensch erst eine Bilderwelt wahr als den symbolischen Ausdruck der geistigen Welt, dann eine Welt der Sphärenharmonie als den symbolischen Ausdruck einer höheren geistigen Sphäre, dann eine Welt von geistigen Wesenheiten, von denen er heute nur dadurch sich eine Vorstellung machen kann, daß er sie mit dem Innersten seines eigenen Wesens vergleicht, mit dem, was in ihm wirkt im Sinne der guten Kräfte oder aber im Sinne der bösen geistigen Kräfte.

[ 18 ] Diese Stufen macht der Einzuweihende durch und diese Stufen sind getreulich abgebildet in der Apokalypse des Johannes. Ausgegangen wird da von der physischen Welt. Gesagt wird dasjenige, was zunächst zu sagen ist mit den Mitteln der physischen Welt, in den sieben Briefen. Was man innerhalb der physischen Kultur tun will, was man denen sagen will, die in der physischen Welt wirken, man sagt es ihnen in Briefen. Denn das Wort, das im Briefe ausgedrückt wird, das kann innerhalb der sinnlichen Welt seine Wirkung tun. Die erste Stufe gibt Symbole, die bezogen werden müssen auf das, was sie in der geistigen Welt ausdrücken: Nach den sieben Briefen kommt die Welt der sieben Siegel, die Welt der Bilder, der ersten Stufe der Einweihung. Dann kommt die Welt der Sphärenharmonie, die Welt, wie sie derjenige wahrnimmt, der geistig hören kann. Sie ist dargestellt in den sieben Posaunen. Die nächste Welt, wo der Eingeweihte Wesenheiten wahrnimmt, ist dargestellt durch das, was als Wesenheiten auf dieser Stufe auftritt und was abstreift die Schalen der Kräfte, die den guten gegenteilig sind. Das Gegenteil der göttlichen Liebe ist der göttliche Zorn. Die wahre Gestalt der göttlichen Liebe, die die Welt vorwärtsbringt, wird in dieser dritten Sphäre wahrgenommen von denen, die für die physische Welt abgestreift haben die sieben Zornesschalen.

[ 19 ] So wird der Einzuweihende stufenweise hinaufgeführt die Einweihungssphären. In den sieben Briefen der Apokalypse des Johannes haben wir das, was den sieben Kategorien der physischen Welt gehört, in den sieben Siegeln, was der astralisch-imaginativen Welt gehört, in den sieben Posaunen das, was der devachanischen höheren Welt gehört, und in den sieben Zornesschalen das, was abgeworfen werden muß, wenn der Mensch sich erheben will in das höchste Geistige, das zunächst für unsere Welt zu erreichen ist, weil dieses höchste Geistige noch mit unserer Welt zusammenhängt.

[ 20 ] Nur die äußere Struktur wollten wir heute hinstellen von dem, was die Apokalypse des Johannes ist. Flüchtige und wenige Striche sind es, die uns hindeuten konnten darauf, daß die Apokalypse ein Einweihungsbuch ist. Morgen werden wir daran gehen, die ersten Schritte zur Ausführung dieser flüchtigen Zeichnung zu machen.

First lecture

[ 1 ] We shall now be dealing with a very significant and very profound anthroposophical theme over the next few days. Before we begin our reflections, let me express the deepest satisfaction that we are able to do so here, in front of friends from so many different parts of Germany and Europe, on this deep and meaningful 'topic'. Above all, we express our gratitude to our dear friends in Nuremberg, who are no less happy than the one who speaks to them, for maintaining anthroposophical life together with the friends from out of town for a relatively long time here in this city. In this city, in particular, alongside the most ardent striving for knowledge of the great spiritual-scientific truths, there has always been a strong and deeply felt sense of what an anthroposophical attitude and a truly anthroposophical life is. This anthroposophical life can only be understood if the spiritual-scientific teachings are not just something that occupies us theoretically, but when they become something that spiritualizes, enkindles and elevates our own life to the deepest depths of the soul, but which also entwines us more closely with our fellow human beings, with the whole world. It means a great deal for a person to feel that everything that confronts us externally in the sensual world, in the sensual-visible existence, can appear like the outer physiognomy of an underlying invisible, supersensible existence. For the one who introduces anthroposophy into his life, the world with all that is in it becomes more and more a physiognomic expression of divine-spiritual being. When he looks at the world of the visible around him, it is as if he penetrates from the features of a human face to the heart, to the soul of the human being. In the face of everything that confronts him externally in mountains and rocks, in the plant cover of the earth, in animals and people, in the face of everything that confronts him in all the world around us, in all the occupations of people, it will be as if it has a physiognomic expression, as if it were the expression of an underlying divine-spiritual existence. And from this new life springs up and permeates him, and another, noble kind of enthusiasm fires what he wants to undertake.

[ 2 ] Let me recall just one small symptomatic example from my last experiences on one of my lecture tours. The example I want to give shows how world history, when viewed as an expression of the divine-spiritual, appears significant everywhere, speaking a new language to us everywhere. A few weeks ago in Scandinavia, I was able to perceive how everything in the whole life of our European North still betrays an echo of the ancient existence of the Nordic world, where all spiritual life was permeated by the consciousness of the beings that stand behind the Nordic figures of the gods in myth. One would like to say that in those countries, echoes of what the initiates of the Druid mysteries communicated to their disciples as the old Nordic spiritual life can be heard in everything that comes across. There one becomes aware of how the magical breath of that spiritual life permeates the Nordic world, and one sees something like the expression of beautiful karmic connections. One sees, as I was allowed to do in Uppsala, how one is placed in the midst of all this, when one has before one the first of the Germanic Bible translations, the Ulflas Codex. It came to Uppsala through a very special kind of karmic entanglement. It was previously in Prague. It was captured during the Swedish War and brought to Uppsala, and there it now lies, a symbol of what permeates the one who is able to look a little deeper into the ancient mystery being. This mystery-filled nature, this penetration into the spiritual world within the ancient European cultures is permeated and imbued with a common, strange trait, which those who received the initiation in those ancient times sensed more deeply. It went through their hearts like a tragic train when it was made clear to them that they could look into the secrets of existence, but that something would come in the future that would seem like a complete solution to the riddle. Over and over again they were pointed to the fact that a higher light should shine into that knowledge that one could explore in the old mysteries. It may be said that in all these old mysteries there were prophetic indications of what was to come in the future, of the appearance of Christ Jesus. The tone, the spirit of expectation, the mood of prophecy lay in this Nordic mystery being.

[ 3 ] We must not force or push such a sentence as I am about to utter, nor press it into too sharp a contour. It should only express symptomatically what lies at the basis as a deeper truth. But there is something in the saga of Siegfried, in what remains of the traditions of the old Germanic mysteries, something like a secretive sense of that attitude. When we are pointed to the fact that Siegfried is truly the representative of the ancient Nordic initiation, when we are pointed to the fact that where he is vulnerable there lies a leaf, that this point is on his back, then he who is able to feel such things symptomatically feels: This is the place where something else will lie in the human being when that wound, which the initiates of the ancient Nordic mysteries could still suffer, can no longer affect him. — The place is to be covered by the cross. There it shall lie, the cross of Christ Jesus; there it did not yet lie with the initiate of the ancient Nordic mysteries. This is indicated in the old mysteries of the Germanic peoples in the Siegfried saga. And so it is even there still symptomatically hinted at how the old initiations of the Druids, the Drotten, are to be thought of in harmony with the mysteries of Christianity. This is reminiscent of the way in which the first Germanic Bible translation was placed in the Nordic world like a physiognomic expression. And the fact that it is like a karmic chain may be symbolized to you by the circumstance that once eleven leaves were stolen from this Silver Codex, and that the later owner of the same felt such pangs of conscience that he did not want to keep these eleven leaves, but returned them. As I said, we should not press and push such things, but take them as pictorial representations of those karmic complications that find expression in the physiognomy of the first Germanic translation of the Bible in the Nordic world. And as here this event of history, so everything that comes our way in life, great and small, is deepened and illuminated with a new light through the anthroposophical attitude, which manifests itself in the fact that we see in everything physically perceptible the physiognomic expression of a supersensible spiritual reality.

[ 4 ] May we be imbued with the conviction that this is the case during this course. And from such a conviction may the spirit and the feelings flow that are to flow into our soul and penetrate our hearts during the twelve apocalyptic lectures. It is within this spirit that we want to approach this course, which takes the deepest document of Christianity, the Apocalypse of John, as its starting point, because it is to this document that the deepest truths of Christianity can truly be connected in a casual way. For this document contains nothing less than a large part of the mysteries of Christianity; it contains the deepest part of what we have to describe as esoteric Christianity. It is therefore no wonder that of all Christian documents, this one in particular has been most misunderstood. From almost the very beginning of the Christian spiritual movement, it has been misunderstood by all those who did not belong to the actual Christian initiates. And it has been misunderstood in the most diverse periods, always in the sense and style in which these different periods thought and were minded. It has been misunderstood by those times which, one may say, thought in a spiritual-materialistic way, by those times which great religious movements have forced into one-sided fanatical party politics, and it has been misunderstood in more recent times by those who, in gross, most sensual materialism, believed they could solve the riddles of the world.

[ 5 ] The high spiritual truths that were proclaimed at the starting point of Christianity and that were brought to the vision of those who could understand them, are hinted at, as far as this can be done in a writing, in the Apocalypse of John, in the so-called canonical Apocalypse. But already in the early days of Christianity, the exoteric were little suited to understand the deep spiritual that is meant in esoteric Christianity. And so it came about in the very earliest times of Christianity in the exoteric that things which take place in the spiritual for the development of the world, which are recognizable and visible to those who can see into the spiritual worlds, that such purely spiritual processes should take place outwardly in the material cultural life. And so it came about that while the writer of the Apocalypse expressed the results of his initiation, his Christian initiation, in it, the others understood it only exoterically and were of the opinion that what the great seer had seen and what the initiate knows, that it takes place spiritually recognizable in millennia, must take place in the very near future in the outwardly sensual-visible life. Thus the view arose that the scribe meant something like a descent of Christ Jesus taking place in the physical clouds in the near future. When that did not occur, the deadline was simply extended and it was said that, with the appearance of Christ Jesus, a new era had begun for the earth in contrast to the old religiosity. But it will take a thousand years – and now this was again understood in a sensual way – and the next events, which are described in the Apocalypse, will take place in a physical and sensual way. So it came about that when the year 1000 arrived, many people were waiting for the approach of some power hostile to Christianity, an Antichrist who was supposed to appear in the sensual world. And when that did not happen either, a new extension was set, so to speak, but at the same time the whole prediction of the Apocalypse was elevated to a certain symbolism, whereas the crude exoteric had imagined this prediction to be quite tangible. With the rise of a materialistic world view, these things were elevated to a certain symbolism. Symbolic hints were seen in external events.

[ 6 ] Thus, in the twelfth century, the man who died at the beginning of the thirteenth century, Joachim of Floris, came up with a remarkable explanation of this mysterious document of Christianity. He was of the opinion that there is a deep spiritual power in Christianity, that this power must come more and more to the fore, but that external Christianity has always externalized this esoteric Christianity. And so, in the view of many, this man's view came into its own, according to which something anti-Christian, something hostile, was to be sought in the papal church, in this externalization of the spirituality of Christianity. And in the following centuries this view was particularly nourished by the fact that great importance was attached to the spiritualism of Christianity, to the cozy spiritual element in certain religious orders. Thus Joachim of Floris found adherents within the Franciscan circles who saw in the Pope something like the symbolization of the Antichrist. Then, in the age of Protestantism, this view was adopted by those who saw in the Roman Church an apostate from Christianity and who saw salvation in Protestantism. They saw the Pope all the more as the symbol of the Antichrist, and the Pope got even by seeing the Antichrist in Luther.

[ 7 ] Thus, the Apocalypse was understood in such a way that each party used it to support their own views and opinions. The other party was always the Antichrist, and the party to which one belonged was identified with true Christianity. This continued until modern times, when modern materialism arose, which cannot be compared, even in its crudity, to the materialism I have described to you for the first centuries of Christianity. For in those days there was still a spiritual belief, a certain spiritual conception. People just could not understand it because they had no initiates among them. There was a certain spiritual sense, because even if people imagined in a grossly sensual way that a being would descend in a cloud, it still required a spiritual belief. Such a spiritual life was no longer possible with the crude materialism of the nineteenth century. The thoughts that a true materialist of the nineteenth century had about the apocalypse can be characterized something like this: No man can see into the future, for I myself cannot. Another cannot see anything other than what I see. To talk about there being initiates is an old superstition. There is no such thing. So what I know is considered the norm. I can hardly see what will happen in the next ten years, so no man can say anything about what is to happen over millennia. Consequently, if the writer of the Apocalypse wants to be taken as an honest person at all, he must have meant something that he had already seen, because I only know about what has already happened and what is conveyed through documents. So the writer of the Apocalypse could not see anything else either. What can he therefore tell? Only what had happened up to his time. Consequently, it is self-evident that in the events of the Apocalypse, in the conflicts between the good, wise, and beautiful world and the ugly, foolish, and evil world, that in that dramatic confrontation one has nothing to see but something that the man himself experienced, that had already happened. — Thus speaks the modern materialist. He means: the apocalyptic describes things as I describe them.

[ 8 ] What was the most terrible thing for a Christian in the first centuries? This most terrible thing had to be the beast that rears up against the spiritual power of Christianity, against true Christianity. Unfortunately, some people have now heard the bells ringing a little, but have not felt the real clash.

[ 9 ] Within certain esoteric schools, there was a kind of numerical writing. Certain words that one did not want to communicate in ordinary writing were expressed in numbers. And, like many other things, something of the deep secrets of the Apocalypse was also mystified into numbers, especially that dramatic event into the number 666. It was known that numbers had to be treated in a special way, especially when it was pointed out so thoroughly as with the words: “Here is wisdom.” “The number of the beast is 666.” With such references, one knew that certain letters had to be substituted for numbers in order to know what was meant. Those who had heard something but really knew nothing, in their materialistic view, figured out that if you substitute the letter 'N' for the number 666, you get the word 'Nero' or 'Caesar Nero'. And today you can read in a large part of the literature that deals with the unveiling of the Apocalypse: “In the past, people were so foolish that they read all kinds of things into this passage, but now it is a solved problem. Now we know that nothing else is meant than Nero, “Caesar Nero”, and it is clear that the Apocalypse was written at a time when Nero had already lived, and that the writer wanted to say with all this that Nero was the Antichrist; that therefore what lies in this dramatic element is an intensification of previous elements. Now one must only investigate what happened immediately before. Then one comes to understand what the apocalypticist wanted to describe. It is reported that earthquakes occurred in Asia Minor when the battle between Nero and Christianity raged. So these are the earthquakes that the apocalypticist mentions at the opening of the seals and at the sound of the trumpets. He also speaks of plagues of locusts. That's right, it is stated that during the time of Nero's persecution of Christians, there were also plagues of locusts. So he talks about those. — So the nineteenth century managed to reduce the most profound document of Christianity to a material description of what can be found through the materialistic view of the world. This should only be said to indicate how thoroughly this most profound and significant document of esoteric Christianity has been misunderstood.

[ 10 ] And now we will save everything that needs to be said about the historical nature of the Apocalypse for the time when we have grasped what lies in the Apocalypse, that is, we will postpone it until the last lectures. For anyone who has already familiarized themselves a little with anthroposophy, there can be no doubt that the introductory words of the Apocalypse already point to what it is meant to be. We need only remember that it says: “The one from whom the content of the Apocalypse originates has been transported to an island solitude, which has always been imbued with a kind of sacred atmosphere, to a place of ancient mystery culture. And when we are told that the same one who gives the content of the apocalypse was in the spirit and that he perceived what he gives in the spirit, this may initially be an indication to us that the content of the apocalypse comes from a higher state of consciousness, which man reaches through the development of the soul's ability to create, through initiation. What cannot be seen and heard within the world of the senses, what cannot be perceived with the outer senses, is contained in the way in which it could be communicated to the world through Christianity, in the so-called secret revelation of John. Thus, in the Apocalypse of John, we have before us the description of an initiation, a Christian initiation. We need only briefly recall what initiation is. We will delve deeper and deeper into this topic, into the question: What takes place during initiation? — and we will address the question: how does initiation relate to the content of the Apocalypse? — But first we will sketch something in rough strokes, and only then will we go on to paint the details.

[ 11 ] Initiation is the development of the forces and abilities slumbering in every soul. If one wishes to form a picture of how this takes place in reality, then one must, above all, clearly visualize what the consciousness of the modern man is like; then one will also recognize how the consciousness of the initiate differs from that of the modern man. What then is the consciousness of the modern man like? It is a changing one. Two very different states of consciousness alternate with each other: one during waking hours and one during nightly sleep. The consciousness we have in waking hours consists of perceiving sensual objects around us and linking them through concepts, which can only be formed by a sensual tool: the human brain. Then every night the astral body and the ego emerge from the lowest links of the human being, from the physical and etheric bodies, and with that, for the consciousness of today's human being, the sensory objects around him sink into darkness, and not only that, because until the reawakening, what is called complete unconsciousness is present. Darkness spreads around the human being. For the astral body of man today is organized in the normal state so that he is unable to perceive for himself what is in his environment. He needs instruments. These instruments are the physical senses. Therefore, in the morning, he must descend into the physical body and make use of the sensory tools. Why does the astral body see nothing when it is in the spiritual world during the night's sleep? Why does it not perceive? For the same reason that a physical body, in which there is no eye or ear, could not perceive physical colors and physical sounds. The astral body has no organs for perception in the astral world. The physical body was in the same situation in the dim and distant past. It did not yet have what was later worked into it in a plastic way as ear and eye. The external elements and forces chiseled it out, formed eyes and ears for it, and thus this world became manifest to it, which was also secret for it before. Let us imagine that the astral body, which is today in the same position as the physical body used to be, could be treated in such a way that organs could be incorporated into it in the same way that sunlight has plastically worked the physical eyes, and the world of sound the physical ears, into the soft mass of the physical human body. If we imagine that organs could be worked into the plastic mass of the astral body, then the astral body would be in the same position as the present physical body. That is why it is important to work into this astral body, like a sculptor molding clay, the organs of perception for the supersensible world. That must be the first step. If man wants to become seeing, his astral body must be treated like a mass of clay by the sculptor: organs must be worked into it. This was in fact what was done at all times in the schools of initiation and in the mysteries. The organs were worked plastically into the astral body.

[ 12 ] What then is the activity by which the organs are plastically worked into the astral body? It might occur to someone that one must first have this body before one can work the organs into it. One could say: If I could take out the astral body and have it before me, then I could work the organs into it. — That would not be the right way, and above all, it is not the way of modern initiation. Of course, an initiate who is able to live in the spiritual worlds could, when the astral body is outside at night, work in the organs like a sculptor. But that would mean undertaking something with the human being of which he himself knows nothing; it would mean interfering with his sphere of freedom, excluding his consciousness. We shall see why this must never be done, and this for a long time and especially in modern times. Therefore, even in such esoteric schools as the Pythagorean or ancient Egyptian, everything had to be avoided that might have caused the initiates to work from the outside on the astral body, which was taken out of the physical and etheric bodies of the person to be initiated. This had to be avoided from the very first approach to the subject. The first step towards initiation had to be taken in the human being in the quite ordinary physical world, in the same world in which the human being perceives with his physical senses. But how to do that, since it was precisely physical perception, when it entered into earthly evolution, that drew a veil over the spiritual world, which man could perceive earlier, even if only in a dull consciousness. So how to act from the physical world on the astral body?

[ 13 ] Here we must picture to ourselves what it is like with this ordinary sensory perception of the day. What happens during the day when a person perceives? Think about your daily life, follow it step by step. At every step, impressions of the external world reach you. You perceive them, you see, hear, smell, and so on. The impressions of this or that work rush at you all day long, and you process them with your intellect. The poet, who is not himself an inspired person, interweaves them with his imagination. That is all true. But all this cannot at first lead to the supersensible-spiritual, which is behind the sensual and material, becoming conscious to man. Why does it not become conscious to him? Because all this activity that man exercises in relation to his environment does not correspond to the astral body of man as it actually is today. In the distant past, when the astral body that belonged to man saw the images of astral perceptions rising up, those images of lust and suffering, of sympathy and antipathy, the inner impulses were present, the spiritual impulses that arose in man and formed organs. These were killed at the time when man became capable of allowing all influences from outside to flow towards him. Today it is no longer possible for something to remain in the astral body from all the impressions that man receives during the day that is malleable and plastic for him. The process of perception is as follows: throughout the day, impressions of the outside world reach us. These act through the physical senses on the etheric body and astral body until the I becomes aware of them. In the astral body, the effects of what is exerted on the physical body are expressed. When light impressions take place, the eye receives impressions. The light impression gives an impression to the etheric and astral bodies, and the I becomes aware of this impression. The same applies to impressions on the ear and the other senses. This whole daily life therefore has an effect on the astral body throughout the day. The astral body is always active under the influence of the outside world. Now it emerges in the evening. It has no powers within itself to become aware of the impressions that are now in its surroundings. The old powers of perception in the very distant past were killed during the first perception of the present sensory world. At night it has no powers because the whole life of the day is unsuitable for leaving anything in the astral body that could have a formative effect on it. All the things you see around you have an effect on the astral body. But what is effected there is not able to create formations that could become astral organs. This must be the first step of the initiation: to let something be done to the human being during the day, to let something take place in his soul that continues to have an effect when the astral body is drawn out of the physical and etheric bodies at night. So imagine, figuratively speaking, that while a person is fully conscious, he is given something to do, something to let play out, and that this something is chosen and structured in such a way that it does not cease to have an effect when the day is over. Think of this effect as a sound that continues to resound when the astral body is out; this continued resonance would then be the forces that now worked on the astral body in such a way, working so plastically, as the external forces once worked on the physical body. That was always the first step of initiation: to let man do something during the day that would resonate in the night. All that has been called meditation, concentration and the other exercises that a person has undertaken during his day-time life are nothing more than soul activities that do not die away when the astral body goes out, but that continue to resonate and become formative forces in the night in the astral body.

[ 14 ] This is called the purification of the astral body, the purification of that which is not appropriate for the astral body. That was the first step, which was also called catharsis, purification. It was not yet work in supersensible worlds. It consisted of exercises for the soul that the person did during the day, like training for the soul. It consisted of acquiring certain ways of life, certain attitudes, a certain way of treating life so that it could resonate and work on the astral body until it had transformed itself, until organs had developed in it.

[ 15 ] When the human being had reached the point where these organs had been incorporated from the astral body, the next step was for everything that had been shaped into the astral body to be imprinted in the etheric body. Just as a seal imprint is left on sealing wax, so everything that was worked into the astral body had to leave its imprint in the ether body. This imprint is the next step of initiation: it was called enlightenment. For at the same time, a significant moment had come in the initiation. A spiritual world appeared in the environment of man, just as the sensual world was there before. This stage is characterized at the same time by the fact that the processes of the external spiritual world do not express themselves as physical-sensual things do, but in images. At this stage of enlightenment, the spiritual world first expresses itself in images. The human being sees images. Think of the old initiate of whom I spoke yesterday, who saw the soul of the ethnic group. When he was ready, he first saw this group soul in images. Think, for example, of an initiate like Ezekiel. When the illumination began for him, spiritual entities approached him as folk or group souls. He felt himself in their midst. Group souls in the form of four symbolic animals approached him.

[ 16 ] Thus, the spiritual world first approached man in meaningful images. That was the first step. Then came the further penetration into the etheric body. What was initially present as a kind of seal impression was followed by a further penetration into the etheric body. Then what has been called the music of the spheres begins to be added to the images. The higher spiritual world is perceived as sound. After the higher initiate has perceived the spiritual world in images through enlightenment, he begins to listen spiritually to the sounds that can be perceived by the spiritual ear. Then comes the later transformation of the etheric body, and there we encounter something else in an even higher sphere. You can still hear sounds if, for example, there is a screen here and someone is speaking behind it whom you cannot see. It is something like that with the spiritual world. At first it appears in pictures, then it is transmitted as sound, and the last veil is lifted – as if we were to remove a screen behind which someone is standing and speaking: we see the person themselves –: We see the spiritual world itself, the beings of the spiritual world. First we perceive the images, then the sounds, then the beings and finally the life of these beings. One can only hint at what is in the so-called imaginative world by using images from the sensory world as symbols. One can only give an idea of the harmony of the spheres by comparing it to sensory music. What can be compared with the essential expression on the third step? Only what today makes up the innermost part of the human being, his work in the sense of the divine will of the world, can be compared. If a person works in the sense of the will of those spiritual beings that advance our world, then the being within him will become similar to these beings, then he will perceive in this sphere. That which in him resists world evolution, that which holds back the world in its progress, he perceives as something that must be eliminated in this world, that must fall away like a last veil.

[ 17 ] Thus man perceives first a world of images as the symbolic expression of the spiritual world, then a world of the harmony of the spheres as the symbolic expression of a higher spiritual sphere, then a world of spiritual entities, of which today he can only form an idea by comparing them with the innermost part of his own being, with that which works in him in the sense of good forces or in the sense of evil spiritual forces.

[ 18 ] The person to be initiated goes through these stages and these stages are faithfully depicted in the Apocalypse of John. The starting point is the physical world. What is said is what needs to be said first with the means of the physical world, in the seven letters. What one wants to do within the physical culture, what one wants to say to those who work in the physical world, one says to them in letters. For the word that is expressed in the letter can have its effect within the sensual world. The first stage gives symbols that must be related to what they express in the spiritual world: after the seven letters comes the world of the seven seals, the world of images, the first stage of initiation. Then comes the world of the harmony of the spheres, the world as perceived by the one who can hear spiritually. It is depicted in the seven trumpets. The next world, where the initiate perceives entities, is represented by what appears as entities at this level and what strips away the shells of the forces that are the opposite of good. The opposite of divine love is divine wrath. The true nature of divine love, which advances the world, is perceived in this third sphere by those who have shed their earthly garments for the physical world – the seven bowls of wrath.

[ 19 ] Thus the person being initiated is led step by step up the initiation spheres. In the seven letters of the Apocalypse of John, we have what belongs to the seven categories of the physical world in the seven seals, what belongs to the astral-imaginative world in the seven trumpets that which belongs to the devachanic higher world, and in the seven bowls of wrath that which must be cast off if man wants to rise into the highest spiritual, which is to be achieved first for our world, because this highest spiritual is still connected to our world.

[ 20 ] Today we only wanted to present the outer structure of what the Apocalypse of John is. These are few and fleeting lines that could indicate to us that the Apocalypse is a book of initiation. Tomorrow we will begin to take the first steps towards executing this fleeting drawing.