The Apocalypse of St. John
GA 104
21 June 1908, Nuremberg
Lecture IV
In the last lecture we showed how the Apocalypse of John prophetically points to the cycle of human evolution lying between the great upheaval upon our earth which the legends of various peoples describe as a flood, and geology the glacial period on the one hand, and that event which we designate as the War of All against All on the other. In the epoch between these two events lies everything prophetically referred to in the Apocalypse—that book which reveals to us the beings of past ages in order to show what is to fire our will and our impulses for the future. We have also seen how we ourselves, in the spiritual movement to which we belong, should consider the words of the so-called fifth letter as a summons to action, to work. We have seen that we ought to follow that Being with the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars. Then we saw how, through this spiritual movement, the next age is prepared which is represented by the community of Philadelphia, the age when—among all those who have under-stood the word of the summons—there is to be that brotherly love over the whole earth which is described in the Gospel of John. Afterwards another age, the seventh, will follow, which the writer of the Apocalypse describes by saying that on the one hand there is placed all that is bad in the community representing the seventh age, that is lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, that could not warm to the spiritual life and hence must fall away, and on the other hand those who have understood the word of invitation, those who will form his following who says, “I am the Amen,” that is: I am he who unites in himself the goal of the human being, who contains the Christ principle in himself.
Now let us keep for a later occasion all that could be added in further explanation of the several letters and in justification of the several names of the cities. To-day we shall pass on in our studies to that which presents itself to the pupil when he advances to the next stage of initiation. We were confronted by the seven sub-ages of the present cycle of humanity, and we have said that this entire cycle with its seven sub-ages is itself a small cycle contained in a longer period also containing seven epochs. Our epoch, which embraces seven ages, was preceded by the Atlantean epoch, during which were prepared the races whose echoes still exist. When the seventh age of our present epoch is at an end,it will be followed by another epoch again consisting of seven parts. The present epoch is preparing indirectly for the following one, so that we may say, our age of civilization will gradually pass over into one of brotherly love, when a comparatively small part of humanity will have understood the spiritual life and will have prepared the spirit and attitude of brotherly love. That civilization will then again divide off a smaller portion of human beings who will survive the event which will have such a destructive effect upon our epoch, namely, the War of All against All. In this universal destructive element there will be everywhere individuals who lift themselves above the rest of warring humanity, individuals who have understood the spiritual life and who will form the foundation for a new and different world in the sixth epoch.
Something similar also took place during the transition from the fourth epoch to ours. When one who with spiritual vision can review the course of time has passed back through the ages we have considered, the Graeco-Roman, the Babylonian-Egyptian, the ancient Persian and the ancient Indian and beyond the time of the great flood, he comes into the Atlantean epoch. We need not now consider it in detail but we must at least under-stand how this Atlantean civilization passed over into our own. There, too, the greater part of the Atlantean population was not sufficiently mature to develop farther, it was incapable of coming over into our epoch. A smaller part, living in a region near to our present Ireland, developed to the highest flower of the civilization of Atlantis and then journeyed towards the East. We must clearly understand that this was only the principal stream. There were always peoples who emigrated from the West to the East, and all the later peoples of Europe, of northern and central Europe, proceeded from the stream which then went from the West to the East. Now that most advanced part of the Atlantean population was under the guidance of a great leader of humanity and eventually settled down as a very small tribe of chosen individuals in Central Asia. From this point the colonists migrated to the various regions of civilization mentioned, to ancient India, to Persia, Egypt, Greece, etc.
You might now be inclined to say: Is it not an extremely bitter thought that whole bodies of peoples remain immature and do not develop their capacities; that only a small group becomes capable of providing the germ for the next civilization? This thought will no longer disquiet you if you distinguish between race-development and individual soul-development, for no soul is condemned to remain in one particular race. The race may fall behind; the community of people may remain backward, but the souls progress beyond the several races. If we wish to form a true conception of this we must say that all the souls now living in bodies in civilized countries were formerly incarnated in Atlantean bodies. A few developed there in the requisite manner, and did not remain in Atlantean bodies. As they had developed further they could become the souls of the bodies which had also progressed further. Only the souls which as souls had remained backward had to take bodies which as bodies had remained at a lower stage. If all the souls had progressed, the backward races would either have decreased very much in population, or the bodies would be occupied by newly incoming souls at a low stage of development. For there are always souls which can inhabit backward bodies. No soul is bound to a backward body if it does not bind itself to it.
The relation between soul-development and race-development is preserved to us in a wonderful myth. Let us imagine race following race, civilization following civilization. The soul going through its earth mission in the right way is incarnated in a certain race; it strives upward in this race, and acquires the capacities of this race in order next time to be incarnated in a higher one. Only the souls which sink in the race and do not work out of the physical materiality, are held back in the race by their own weight, as one might say. They appear a second time in the same race and eventually a third time bodies in similarly formed races. Such souls hold back the bodies of the race. This has been wonderfully described in a legend. We know, indeed, that man progresses further in the fulfilment of the mission of the earth by following the great Leaders of humanity who point out the goals to be attained; if he rejects them, if he does not follow them, he must remain behind with his race, for he cannot then get beyond it. Let us think of a personality who has the good fortune to meet a great Leader of humanity, let us suppose such a personality confronting Christ Jesus himself, for example; he sees how all his deeds are evidence for leading humanity forward, but he will have nothing to do with this progress, he rejects the Leader of humanity. Such a personality, such a soul would be condemned to remain in the race. If we follow this thought to its conclusion such a soul would have to appear again and again in the same race, and we have the legend of Ahasuerus who had to appear in the same race again and again because he rejected Christ Jesus. Great truths concerning the evolution of humanity are placed before us in such a legend as this.
We must distinguish between soul-development and race-development. No soul is undeservedly obliged to remain in an old body, no soul will undeservedly remain in a body belonging to our age. Those who hear the voice which calls them to progress will survive the great period of destruction—the War of All against All—and appear in new bodies which will be quite different from those of the present day. For it is very short-sighted if one thinks of the Atlantean bodies of men as being like the present bodies. In the course of thousands of years the external physiognomy changes and after the great War of All against All man will have quite a different form. To-day he is so formed that in a certain sense he can conceal the good and evil in his nature. The human physiognomy already betrays a good deal, it is true, and one who understands this will be able to read much from the features. But it is still possible to-day for a scoundrel to smile most graciously with the must innocent man and or taken for an honest man; the reverse is also possible; the good impulses in the soul may remain unrecognized. It is possible for all that exists in the soul as cleverness and stupidity, as beauty and ugliness, to hide itself behind the general physiognomy possessed by this or that race. This will no longer be the case in the epoch following the great War of All against All. Upon the forehead and in the whole physiognomy it will be written whether the person is good or evil. He will show in his face what is contained in his inmost soul. What a man has developed within himself, whether he has exercised good or evil impulses, will be written on his forehead. After the great War of All against All there will be two kinds of human beings. Those who had previously tried to follow the call to the spiritual life, who cultivated the spiritualizing and ennobling of their inner spiritual life, will show this inward life on their faces and express it in their gestures and the movements of their hands. And those who have turned away from the spiritual life, represented by the community of Laodicea, who were lukewarm, neither warm nor cold, will pass into the following epoch as those who retard human evolution, who preserve the backward forces of evolution which have been left behind. They will show the evil passions, impulses and instincts hostile to the spiritual in an ugly, unintelligent, evil-looking countenance. In their gestures and hand-movements, in every-thing they do, they will present an outer image of the ugliness in their soul. Just as humanity has separated into races and communities, in the future it will divide into two great streams, the good and the evil. And what is in their souls will be outwardly manifest, they will no longer be able to hide it.
If we look back and see how humanity has hitherto developed on the earth, we shall find that this development of the future just described is quite in harmony with it. Let us look back to the origin of our earth after Saturn, Sun and Moon and a long interval had passed. The earth then emerged anew out of the cosmic darkness. At that time, in the first part of the earth development, there were no other creatures upon the earth besides man. He is the first-born. He was entirely spiritual, for embodiment consists in a densification. Let us imagine a body of water suspended in space which, through a certain process, partially crystallizes into ice, first a small part and then the same process continually repeated. And now let us imagine that the small pieces of ice which have crystallized fall from the body of water, so that they are now separated from the whole mass. Now, because each small piece of ice can only grow larger so long as it is in the whole body of water, when it has separated from this it remains at the same stage. Let us imagine a portion of the body of water separated in the form of very small pieces of ice; let us imagine that the freezing of the water continues and at the next stage more water assumes the form of small lumps of ice; these again fall out, and so on, till finally a very large part is crystallized out of the mass of water and takes the shape of ice. This last has taken the most out of the mother-substance of the water; it has been able to wait the longest before separating.
It is the same in evolution. The lowest animals were unable to wait, they left their spiritual mother-substance too early and hence have remained behind at an earlier stage of evolution. Thus the gradually ascending grades of lower beings represent backward stages in evolution. Man waited until the last; he was the last to leave his spiritual divine-mother-substance and descend as dense substance in fleshly form. The animals descended earlier and therefore remained at that stage. We shall see the reason for this later. At present we are interested in the fact that they descended and have remained at earlier stages of evolution. What, therefore, is an animal form? It is one which, had it remained united with the spirit from which it proceeded, would have developed up to our present humanity. But the animal forms have remained at a standstill; they have left the spiritual germ; they have separated themselves and are now degenerating. They represent a branch of the great tree of humanity. In ancient times man had the various animal natures within him, as it were, but then separated them off one after another as side branches. All the animals in their different forms represent nothing else than human passions which condensed too early. That which man still possesses spiritually in his astral body, the several animal forms represent physically. He kept this in the astral body until the latest period of earth existence, and hence he could progress the furthest.
Man still has something within him which must separate itself from the universal evolution as a descending branch, as the other animal forms have done. That which man has within him as tendency to good and evil, to cleverness and stupidity, to beauty and ugliness, represents the possibility of an upward progress or a remaining behind. Just as the animal form has developed out of progressing humanity, so will the race of evil with the horrible faces develop out of it as it progresses towards spirituality and reaches the later goal of humanity. In the future there will not only be the animal forms which are the incarnated images of human passions, but there will also be a race in which will live what man now hides within him as a portion of evil, which to-day he can still conceal but which later will be manifest. Let us make clear the chief thing that will appear by an illustration that may perhaps seem strange to you.
We must understand that this separation of the animal forms was actually necessary to man. Each animal form which separated in bygone times from the general stream signifies that man had then progressed a step further. Imagine that all the qualities distributed throughout the animal kingdom were in man. He has purified himself from them. Through this he was able to develop higher. If we take a muddy liquid and allow the gross matter in it to settle to the bottom, the finer part remains at the top. In the same way the grosser parts which man would have been unable to use for his present condition of development have been deposited in the animal forms. Through man having cast out of his line of development these animal forms—his elder brothers, as it were—he has reached his present height. Humanity has risen by throwing out the lower forms in order to purify itself and it will rise still higher by separating another kingdom of nature, the kingdom of the evil race. Thus mankind rises upward. Man owes every quality he now possesses to the circumstance that he has rejected a particular animal form. One who with spiritual vision looks upon the various animals knows exactly what we owe to them. We look upon the lion form and say, “If the lion did not exist in the outer world, man would not have had this or that quality; for through his having rejected it he has acquired this or the other quality.” This is the case too with all the other forms in the animal kingdom.
Now the whole of our fifth epoch of human evolution (including the various stages of civilization from the ancient Indian to our own), really exists in order to develop intelligence and reason and all that belongs to them. Nothing of this existed in the Atlantean epoch. Memory was present and also other qualities, but to develop the intelligence and what pertains to it—the turning of the attention to the outer world—is the task of the fifth epoch. If we direct our spiritual vision to the surrounding world and inquire, “To what do we owe the fact that we have become intelligent; what animal form have we put forth from ourselves in order to become intelligent?” curious and grotesque as it may appear, it is nevertheless true to say that if there were not around us the animals which belong to the horse nature, man would never have been able to acquire intelligence.
In former times men were aware of this. All the intimate relations existing between certain races of men and the horse originate from a feeling which may be compared with the mysterious feeling of love between the two sexes, from a certain feeling of what one owes to this animal. Hence when the new civilization arose in the ancient Indian age, it was a horse that played a mysterious role in religious ceremonial, in the worship of the gods. And all customs connected with the horse may be traced back to this fact. If you observe the customs of ancient peoples who were still clairvoyant such as, for instance, the old Germans, and notice how they placed horse-skulls in front of their houses, this leads you back to the fact that these people were aware that man has grown beyond the unintelligent condition by separating out this form. There was a profound consciousness that the acquisition of cleverness is connected with it. You need only remember the Odyssey and the wooden horse of Troy. Such legends contain deep wisdom, much deeper than our science contains. Not without reason is such a type as the horse employed in legend. Man has grown out of a form which once contained within it that which is now embodied in the horse; and in the form of the centaur, art still represented man as connected with this animal in order to remind him of the stage of development out of which he had grown, from which he had struggled free in order to become the present human being.
What thus took place in bygone times in order to lead to present humanity will be repeated at a higher stage in the future. It is not the case, however, that this would in the future have to run its course in the physical world. Those who become clairvoyant at the boundary between the astral and the devachanic planes can see how man continually purifies and develops that which he owes to the separation from the horse nature. He will accomplish the spiritualizing of the intelligence. After the great War of All against All he will elevate to wisdom, to spirituality, that which to-day is merely reason, merely cleverness. This will be experienced by those who then will have reached the goal. The fruits of that which was able to develop in humanity in consequence of the separation of the horse nature will be manifested.
Now let us imagine one who clairvoyantly looks into the future of mankind. What will he see, what will it show him? Everything which man has prepared throughout the seven ages of civilization (for his soul was incarnated in the past civilizations and will again be incarnated in the future ones) will be there in a following age, and survive the great War of All against All into the more spiritual epoch. In each age he took what could be taken up. Think how your soul lived in the ancient Indian civilization! You then received the wonderful teachings of the Holy Rishis; although you have forgotten them you will re-member them again later. Then you progressed further from one incarnation to another. You have been able to learn what the Persian, the Egyptian and the Graeco-Roman civilizations made possible. All this is within your soul to-day, but it is not yet outwardly manifest in your countenance. You will live further into the age of Philadelphia and into the age which will be led by the “Amen.” And a community of people will develop more and more who will manifest in their countenances what has been prepared in the various ages of our epoch. What is already working in your soul, that which you received in the Indian age, will appear in your physiognomy in the first sub-age of the epoch following upon the great War of All against All. And that which a man acquired in the ancient Persian age will change his countenance at the second stage. And so on, stage after stage. The spiritual teaching, which you who now sit here receive and unite with your souls, will bear its visible fruit in the epoch after the great war. You are now uniting with your soul that which the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars give. You carry it home. No one will read it in your faces to-day, nor even after centuries; but it will come after that great war. In the sixth epoch there will come a fifth age and then you will bear the image of it in your face; on your forehead will be written what you have now worked out, what are now your thoughts and feelings.
So step by step, after the great war, will issue and reveal itself all that is now hidden in the soul. Let us imagine the beginning of the great war; the soul which has heard the call which from age to age the Christian principle has uttered, will live on after all that is indicated in the “letters.” What these ages can give has been given throughout seven ages. Let us imagine how the soul waits, how it waits on. It is sealed seven times. Each age of culture lays one seal upon it. Within you is sealed what the Indians wrote in the soul; within you is also imprinted what the Persians, the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans have written in the soul, and what our own age of civilization inscribes in it. The seals will be unloosed, that is, the things written there will be outwardly revealed after the great War of All against All. And the principle, the power, which brings it about that the true fruit of our ages of civilization shall be made manifest in the countenance, is to be found in Christ Jesus. Seven seals of a book must be opened. What is this book? Where is it?
We will explain what a book is according to the Bible. The word “book” occurs in the Bible only seldom. This must not be overlooked. If you search in the Old Testament you will find the word in Genesis (Gen. v. I): “This is the book of the generations of man; When God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; and he created him male-female, and blessed him, and called his name Adam.” You may then open where you will, you will only find the word “book” again in the first Gospel (Matt. i. 1). “This is the book of the generation of Christ Jesus, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Abraham begat Isaac, and Isaac begat Jacob,” etc. Again generations are enumerated. That which flows through a long series is enumerated. And again the expression “book” appears here in the Apocalypse of John. It appears where it is said that the Lamb alone is worthy to open the book with the seven seals. The expression “book” has always the same significance, it is never used otherwise. We only need to understand the records literally. A book in our present sense is not intended. The Domesday book or register of landed property had the old signification of the word “book.” The word “book” is used where something is entered consecutively, where one thing depends upon another, where a possession is registered so that it may be handed down from generation to generation. In such a record we are dealing with something whereby a foundation is made for that which is handed on by heredity. In the Old Testament the word “book” signifies a document in which are recorded the generations transmitted through the blood. It is there used in no other sense than that the generations are recorded. It is used afterwards in the first Gospel in the same way for the recording of the lineage. Hence what follows consecutively in time is written in a “book.” By a book nothing else is ever intended than the recording of what follows in time, that is to say, approximately in the sense of a chronicle, a history. The book of life which is now laid down in humanity, in which from age to age is written in the “I” of man that which each age supplies, this book which is written in the soul of man and which will be unsealed after the great War of All against All, this book is also meant here in the Apocalypse. In this book there will be the entries made by the various ages of civilization. Just as through the generations the entries were made in the genealogical tables of the old books, so it is here, only that in this case that which man spiritually acquires is written down. And as he acquires through intellectuality what it is possible to acquire in our age, the gradual progress of this development will be represented imaginatively by the symbol which corresponds with this quality. By having passed through the Indian age in a frame of mind in which he turned away from the physical world and directed his gaze towards the spiritual, man will, in the first age after the War of All against All, gain the victory over the things of sense. He will be the victor by acquiring what was written in his soul in the first age. Further, that which appeared in the second age, the conquest of matter by the ancient Persians, will appear in the second age after the War of All against All; the sword here signifies the instrument for the over-coming of the external world. That which man acquired in the Babylonian-.Egyptian age, when he learned how to measure everything correctly is seen in the third age after the great war, as that which is represented by the scales. And the fourth age shows us what is the most important thing, that which man acquired in the fourth age of our epoch through Christ Jesus and his appearance on earth; the spiritual life, the immortality of the “I.” All that is not fit for immortality, that which has to die, falls away; this must appear for the fourth age.
Thus everything that has been prepared throughout the ages of this present epoch comes out consecutively in the next, and it is indicated by the symbol which corresponds with the intelligence. If we read about the opening of the first four seals in the sixth chapter of the Apocalypse of John, we shall see that what is revealed expresses stage after stage in a mighty symbolism, what will in the future be revealed. “And I saw, and behold a white horse”—this indicates that the spiritualized intelligence comes forth. “And he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him; and he went forth to conquer, and he conquered. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, ‘Come and see.’ And there went out another horse that was red. And to him that sat thereon was given power to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another.” (That that might be destroyed which is not worthy to take part in the ascent of humanity.) “And to him was given a great sword. And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, ‘Come and see.’ And I beheld, and lo, a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, ‘A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny.‘” “Measure” and “penny” to indicate what humanity learned in the third age; the fruits are carried over and unsealed. And in the fourth age Christ Jesus came to conquer death, and the manifestation of this achievement is seen. “And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, ‘Come and see.’ And I looked and behold a pale horse; and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.” “Behold a pale horse”—this all falls away, falls into the race of evil; but that which heard the call, which overcame death, partakes in the spiritual life. Those who have understood the “I Am” and his call are those who have overcome death. They have spiritualized the intelligence. And now what they have become can no longer be symbolized by the horse. A new symbol must appear for those who have understood to follow the call of him who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars. They now appear under the symbol of those who are clothed in white garments, who have put on the robes of the immortal, eternal, spiritual life.
We are then further told how all that appears which goes upward to good and that which goes downward to evil. This is clearly expressed. “And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain because of the word of God and because of the testimony which they held; and they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou judge and not avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto then, that they should rest yet a little season, until there came to them their fellow-servants and their brethren, who should be killed as they were”—will be killed as to the external form and live again in the spiritual. How is this expressed?
Let us realize what according to Anthroposophy becomes of the external sense world. How have we described the seven stars? We went back to Saturn and showed how the physical human body originated, how it was constructed out of warmth. We then saw how the Sun appeared; we drew a mental picture of it. The sun is for us not merely a physical sun; it is the bringer of life which in the future of humanity will appear as the highest form of spiritual life. The moon is to us the element which retards the rapid march of life and slows man down to the necessary pace. Thus we see spiritual powers in sun and moon. And the knowledge we acquire through Anthroposophy also appears rightly symbolized in a future age; to our spiritual. vision the sun and moon appear as the forces which have constructed man. Symbolically the external physical sun and the external moon disappear, they become like a human being, but in an elementary form! “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.” All this is the symbolical fulfilment of what we are seeking in spiritual life. Thus we see that what is being prepared in this epoch is prophesied in significant pictures for the next epoch. We now carry invisibly within us the transformation which we take in hand with the sun and moon when the physical changes into the spiritual elements. When spiritual vision is directed toward the future, the physical disappears and the symbol of the spiritualizing of humanity appears before us.
To-day we have pointed out in somewhat bold features what the seven seals and their unveiling in the Apocalypse should say to us. We must go still deeper into the subject, and then much of what might seem improbable to us to-day will become quite clear. We have, however, already seen how the mighty pictures described by the seer regarding the present and future development of humanity are arranged in a necessary order; how this goes on into the future and thereby gives us stronger impulses to live into the future and to do our share in the spiritualizing of human life.
Vierter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Es hat sich uns gestern ergeben, inwiefern die Apokalypse des Johannes prophetisch hinweist auf den Zyklus der Menschenentwickelung, der da liegt zwischen jener großen Umwälzung auf unserer Erde, welche die verschiedenen Völker als Sintflut bezeichnen, welche die Geologen charakterisieren als die Eiszeit, und jener Epoche, die wir als die des Krieges aller gegen alle bezeichnen. In dem Zeitraum zwischen diesen beiden Epochen liegt alles das, worauf das apokalyptische Buch mit den sieben Sendschreiben prophetisch hinweist, dieses Buch, das uns die Wesenheiten der vergangenen Zeiten zeigt, um daraus herzuleiten, was unseren Willen, unsere Impulse befeuern soll für die Zukunft. Und wir haben gesehen, wie wir selbst innerhalb der spirituellen Bewegung, in der wir stehen, die Worte des sogenannten fünften Sendschreibens als eine Aufforderung betrachten sollen, zu handeln, zu wirken. Wir haben gesehen, wie darauf hingewiesen wird, daß wir folgen sollen jener Wesenheit mit den sieben Geistern Gottes und den sieben Sternen. Und wir haben gesehen, wie durch diese spirituelle geistige Bewegung der nächstfolgende Zeitraum vorbereitet wird, der repräsentiert ist durch die Gemeinde von Philadelphia, der Zeitraum, in dem herrschen soll bei allen denen, welche das Wort der Aufforderung verstanden haben, jene Bruderliebe über die ganze Erde hin, die vorgezeichnet ist im Evangelium des Johannes. Darauf wird noch ein anderer, der siebente Unterzeitraum folgen, der dadurch bezeichnet wird, daß uns auf der einen Seite hingestellt wird alles das, was schlimm ist in der Gemeinde, die den siebenten Zeitraum repräsentiert, was lau ist, nicht heiß und nicht kalt, was sich nicht erwärmen konnte für das spirituelle Leben und daher abfallen muß, und auf der anderen Seite werden diejenigen gezeigt, die das Wort der Aufforderung verstanden haben, die die Gefolgschaft bilden werden dessen, der da sagt, Ich bin das Amen — das heißt: Ich bin der, der das Ziel der menschlichen Wesenheit in sich vereinigt, der das Christus-Prinzip in sich selber enthält.
[ 2 ] Wir wollen nun alles das, was noch zur weiteren Erklärung der einzelnen Sendschreiben, was noch zur Rechtfertigung der einzelnen Namen der Städte hinzuzufügen wäre, für einen späteren Zeitpunkt aufbewahren. Heute wollen wir weiterschreiten in unserer Betrachtungsweise zu dem, was sich dem Menschen bietet, wenn er die nächste Stufe der Einweihung beschreitet. Die sieben Unterzeiträume unseres Menschheitszyklus traten uns entgegen, und wir haben gesagt, daß dieser ganze Zyklus mit seinen sieben Unterkreisläufen selbst wiederum ein kleiner Zyklus ist in einem großen umfassenden Zeitenlauf, der gleichfalls sieben einzelne Epochen enthält. Unserem Zyklus von sieben Zeitläufen ging der atlantische voran, in dem sich die Rassen, deren Nachklänge jetzt noch vorhanden sind, ausgebildet haben. Unserem jetzigen Zyklus, das heißt dessen siebentem Unterzyklus, wird unmittelbar folgen ein anderer, wiederum aus sieben Gliedern bestehender Zeitraum. Diesen Zeitraum, den bereitet der jetzige auch mittelbar vor. So daß wir sagen können: Nach und nach wird sich unsere Kultur hineinleben in eine Kultur der Bruderliebe, wo ein verhältnismäßig kleiner Teil der Menschen verstanden haben wird das spirituelle Leben, vorbereitet haben wird den Geist und die Gesinnung der Bruderliebe. — Diese Kultur wird dann wiederum einen kleineren Teil von Menschen aussondern, und der wird hinüberleben über jenes Ereignis, das so zerstörend auf unseren Kreislauf wirken wird, über den Krieg aller gegen alle. Bei diesem allgemein zerstörenden Elemente werden überall einzelne sein, die sich herausheben aus der übrigen, sich gegenseitig bekriegenden Menschheit, einzelne, die das spirituelle Leben verstanden haben und die den Grundstock bilden werden für eine neue, andere Epoche, die Epoche des sechsten Zeitraumes.
[ 3 ] So ging es auch beim Herüberleben vom vierten Zeitlauf in unsere Zeit herein. Derjenige, der mit hellseherischen Blicken den Zeitenlauf zurückverfolgen kann, der kommt, wenn er hindurchgegangen ist durch die Zeiträume, die wir betrachtet haben — den griechisch-römischen, den ägyptisch-babylonischen, den altpersischen und den altindischen —, wenn er hindurchgegangen ist auch durch die Zeit der großen Flut, er kommt dann in die atlantische Zeit hinein. Wir brauchen sie nicht ausführlich zu betrachten, aber wir müssen uns wenigstens klarmachen, wie sich diese atlantische Kultur herüberentwickelt hat. Auch da war es so, daß der große Teil der atlantischen Bevölkerung unreif war, sich weiterzuentwikkeln, unfähig war, herüberzukommen in unsere Zeiten. Ein kleiner Teil, der in einem Gebiete in der Nähe des heutigen Irland lebte, entwickelte sich zur höchsten Kulturblüte des atlantischen Landes und zog gegen Osten. Wir müssen uns klar sein, daß dies nur der Hauptzug ist. Immer wanderten Völker von Westen nach Osten, und alle die späteren Völker in europäischen Gegenden, im nördlichen und im mittleren Europa, alle diese rührten her von jenem Zug, der da ging von Westen nach Osten. Nur war unter der Leitung eines großen Führers der Menschheit derjenige Teil der Bevölkerung, der es zur höchsten Blüte gebracht hatte, am weitesten vorgeschritten. Der siedelte sich in Mittelasien an als ein ganz kleiner Volksstamm von auserwählten Menschen, und von da aus ging die Kolonie nach jenen Kulturgebieten, die wir angeführt haben, von da aus ging die Kulturströmung nach Alt-Indien, nach Persien, Ägypten, Griechenland und so weiter.
[ 4 ] Sie können nun leicht fragen: Ist das nicht ein ungeheuer harter Gedanke, daß ganze Völkermassen unreif werden und nicht die Fähigkeiten entwickeln, sich zu entfalten, daß nur eine kleine Gruppe fähig wird, den Keim zur nächsten Kultur abzugeben? — Aber dieser Gedanke wird für Sie nicht mehr etwas Beängstigendes haben, wenn Sie unterscheiden zwischen Rassenentwickelung und Seelenentwickelung. Denn keine Seele ist dazu verdammt, innerhalb irgendeiner Rasse zu bleiben. Die Rasse kann zurückbleiben, eine Völkergemeinschaft kann zurückbleiben, die Seelen aber schreiten über die einzelnen Rassen hinaus. Wenn wir uns die Sache ganz genau vorstellen wollen, so müssen wir uns sagen: Alle Seelen, welche heute in den Körpern der zivilisierten Länder wohnen, waren einst in atlantischen Körpern verkörpert. Dort entwickelten sich einige in entsprechender Weise weiter. Sie blieben nicht bei den atlantischen Körpern. Weil sie sich weiterentwickelt hatten, konnten sie die Seelen der auch weiter fortgeschrittenen Leiber werden. Nur diejenigen Seelen, die als Seelen zurückgeblieben waren, mußten Körper beziehen, die als Leiber auf einer niedrigen Stufe zurückgeblieben waren. Würden alle Seelen entsprechend vorwälttsgeschritten sein, so würde die zurückgebliebene Rasse entweder in sehr geringer Zahl vorhanden geblieben sein, oder es würden von neu hinzukommenden niedrigen Seelen ihre Leiber noch bewohnt worden sein. Denn es gibt immer Seelen, die zurückgebliebene Leiber bewohnen können. Keine Seele ist an einen zurückgebliebenen Leib gebunden, wenn sie sich nicht selber bindet.
[ 5 ] Wie sich Seelen- und Rassenentwickelung verhält, das ist uns aufbewahrt in einem wunderbaren Mythus. Denken wir uns Rasse auf Rasse folgen, Kulturgemeinschaft auf Kulturgemeinschaft. Die Seele, die ihre Erdenmission in der richtigen Weise durchläuft, ist verkörpert in einer Rasse. Sie strebt innerhalb dieser Rasse, die Fähigkeit dieser Rasse eignet sie sich an, um das nächstemal in einer höheren Rasse verkörpert zu sein. Nur diejenigen Seelen, welche untergehen in der Rasse, die nicht herausstreben aus der physischen Materialität, die werden sozusagen durch ihre eigene Schwere in der Rasse zurückgehalten. Sie erscheinen ein zweites Mal in derselben Rasse, ein drittes Mal eventuell im Leibe gleichgestalteter Rassen. Solche Seelen wirken aufhaltend auf die körperliche Rasse. In einer Sage hat sich uns das schön erhalten.
[ 6 ] Wir wissen ja, daß der Mensch dadurch weiterschreitet in der Bahn der Erdenmission, daß er den großen Führern der Menschheit folgt, die ihr die Ziele anweisen. Stößt er sie von sich, folgt er ihnen nicht, dann eben muß er bei seiner Rasse zurückbleiben, dann kann er nicht hinaus über sie. Denken wir uns einmal eine Persönlichkeit, die das Glück hat, einem großen Führer der Menschheit gegenüberzustehen, denken wir uns eine solche Persönlichkeit zum Beispiel, die dem Christus Jesus selber gegenübersteht, die sieht, wie er alle Zeichen tut, um die Menschheit vorwärtszuführen, die aber nichts wissen will von diesem Aufstieg, die hinwegstößt den Menschheitsführer. Eine solche Persönlichkeit, eine solche Seele würde verurteilt sein, in der Rasse zu bleiben. Und wenn wir uns das radikal ausgestaltet denken, so müßte eine solche Seele immer wieder und wieder in derselben Rasse erscheinen, und wir haben die Sage von Ahasver, der immer wieder in derselben Rasse erscheinen muß, weil er den Christus Jesus von sich stieß.
[ 7 ] In solchen ehernen Sagentafeln werden uns die großen Wahrheiten der Menschheitsentwickelung hingestellt. Seelenentwickelung und Rassenentwickelung müssen wir trennen. Keine Seele hat unverdient in alten Körpern bleiben müssen, keine Seele wird unverdient bleiben in den Leibern unseres Zeitalters. Die Seelen, die hören werden die Stimme, die da ruft, um vorwärtszuschreiten, sie werden über die große Zerstörungsperiode des Krieges aller gegen alle hinüberleben und in neuen Leibern erscheinen, in Leibern ganz anderer Art als die heutigen. Denn es ist sehr kurzsichtig, wenn man sich zum Beispiel die atlantischen Leiber der Menschen so denkt wie die heutigen Leiber. Im Laufe von Jahrtausenden ändern sich die Menschen auch der äußeren Physiognomie nach, und der Mensch, der nach dem großen Kriege aller gegen alle kommen wird, wird ganz anders gestaltet sein als der heutige. Heute ist der Mensch so gestaltet, daß er in einer gewissen Beziehung in sich verbergen kann sein Gutes und sein Böses. Zwar verrät die Physiognomie des Menschen schon viel, und derjenige, der sich darauf versteht, wird manches aus den Gesichtszügen lesen können. Aber es ist heute doch möglich, daß der Schurke holdselig lächelt mit der unschuldigsten Miene und für einen Ehrenmann gehalten wird. Und auch das Umgekehrte ist möglich, daß unerkannt bleibt, was in der Seele lebt an guten Trieben. Es ist möglich, daß alles das, was in der Seele an Gescheitheit und Dummheit lebt, an Schönheit und Häßlichkeit, daß es sich verbirgt hinter der allgemeinen Physiognomie, die dieser oder jener Menschenschlag hat. Solches wird in jenem Zeitraum, der dem unsrigen folgen wird nach dem großen Krieg aller gegen alle, nicht mehr der Fall sein. Auf der Stirne und in der ganzen Physiognomie wird dem Menschen geschrieben sein, ob er gut ist oder böse. Das Innerste der Seele wird der Mensch als Physiognomie in seinem Antlitz tragen, ja, der ganze Leib wird ein Abbild sein dessen, was in seiner Seele lebt. Wie sich der Mensch in sich selbst entwickelt hat, ob er die guten oder bösen Triebe entfaltet hat, das wird an seiner Stirne geschrieben sein. Und zweierlei Menschen werden nach dem großen Krieg aller gegen alle vorhanden sein. Diejenigen, die sich vorher bemüht hatten, dem Ruf zu folgen, der zum spirituellen Leben aufrief, die der Spiritualisierung, der Veredlung des seelisch-geistigen Lebens folgten, sie werden dieses seelisch-geistige Leben auf ihren Antlitzen tragen und in ihren Gesten, in ihren Handbewegungen zum Ausdrucke bringen. Und jene, die sich abgekehrt haben von dem spirituellen Leben, wie sie uns repräsentiert sind durch die Gemeinde zu Laodizea, die da lau waren, nicht warm und nicht kalt, die werden hinüberleben in das andere nächste Zeitalter als solche, die die Menschheitsevolution verzögern, die die rückständigen Kräfte der Entwickelung bewahren. Sie werden die bösen, die dem Geistigen feindlichen Leidenschaften und Triebe und Instinkte auf dem häßlichen, unintelligenten, auf dem böseblickenden Antlitz tragen. Sie werden in ihren Gesten und der Handhabung von allem, was sie tun, ein äußeres Abbild bilden dessen, was an Häßlichem in ihrer Seele lebt. Wie sich die Menschen auseinandergetrennt haben in Rassen, in Kulturgemeinschaften, so werden sie sich in zwei große Strömungen scheiden, in die gute und in die böse. Und man wird es ihnen ansehen — nicht mehr werden sie es verleugnen können, die einzelnen Menschen —, wozu sie ihre Seele gebracht haben. Wenn wir zurückschauen, wie sich die Menschheit bisher entwickelt hat im Gang unserer Erde, so werden wir diese eben charakterisierte Zukunftsentwickelung durchaus damit im Einklange finden. Schauen wir zurück auf den Ursprung unserer Erdenentwikkelung, nachdem Saturn, Sonne, Mond und ein längerer Zwischenraum vorüber waren. Da tauchte die Erde neu heraus aus dem Weltendunkel. Damals, in der ersten Zeit der Erdenentwickelung, waren noch keine anderen Geschöpfe auf der Erde als der Mensch. Er ist der Erstgeborene. Er war ganz geistig. Denn die Verleiblichung besteht in einer Verdichtung. Denken wir uns einmal eine Wassermasse, die frei schweben könnte. Durch irgendeinen Vorgang in dieser Wassermasse werden Teile kristallisiert. Wir denken uns zuerst einen kleinen Teil des Wassers kristallisiert zu Eis, und dann, daß derselbe Vorgang sich immer wiederholt. Und nun denken wir uns, daß ein Teil der Wassermassen die kleinen Eisstückchen, die herauskristallisiert sind, hat fallen lassen, so daß diese kleinen Eisstückchen nun abgetrennt sind von der ganzen Wassermasse. Weil nun jedes kleine Eisstückchen sich nur so lange vergrößern kann, als es innerhalb der ganzen \Wassermasse ist, so bleibt es, wenn es herausgefallen ist aus dieser Masse, auf der Stufe, auf der es steht. Denken wir uns einen Teil der Wassermassen als kleine Eisstückchen ausgesondert, denken wir uns weiter fortschreitend das Gefrieren der Wassermassen und auf einer nächsten Stufe wiederum sich anschließend an die kleinen Eisklümpchen neue Wassermassen, diese dann wiederum herausfallend, und so fort, bis zum Schluß ein ganz großer Teil aus der Wassermasse sich herauskristallisiert und Eisgestalt annimmt. Dieser letztere hat am meisten herausgenommen aus der Wasser-Muttersubstanz, er hat am längsten warten können, bevor er sich getrennt hat von dieser WasserMuttersubstanz.
[ 8 ] So ist es mit der Entwickelung. Die niedersten tierischen Wesen haben nicht warten können, haben zu früh verlassen ihre geistige Muttersubstanz und sind daher auf einer früheren Evolutionsstufe stehengeblieben. Und so bedeuten die stufenweise heraufsteigenden niederen Wesen in der Entwickelung stehengebliebene Stufen. Der Mensch hat bis zuletzt gewartet, zuletzt erst hat er seine geistiggöttliche Muttersubstanz verlassen und ist herabgestiegen als dichte Masse in fleischliche Gestalt. Die Tiere sind früher herabgestiegen und daher stehengeblieben. Weshalb das geschehen ist, werden wir später sehen, jetzt interessiert uns die Tatsache, daß sie heruntergestiegen sind und frühere Stufen der Entwickelung festgehalten haben. Was ist also eine Tiergestalt? Eine Gestalt, die, wenn sie mit dem Geist, aus dem sie hervorgegangen ist, verbunden geblieben wäre, sich bis zur heutigen Menschheit heraufentwickelt hätte. So aber sind sie stehengeblieben, so haben sie den geistigen Keim verlassen, sie haben sich abgespalten und stehen heute im Niedergang, stellen dar einen Zweig des großen Menschheitsbaumes. Der Mensch hat gleichsam die Tierheit in sich gehabt in alten Zeiten, hat sie aber als Seitenzweige herausgespalten. Alle Tiere in ihren verschiedenen Formen stellen nichts anderes dar als zu früh verdichtete einzelne menschliche Leidenschaften. Was der Mensch heute noch geistig hat in seinem Astralleib, das stellen die Tiergestalten einzeln physisch dar. Er hat das im Astralleib bewahrt bis zum spätesten Zeitraum im Erdendasein. Daher konnte er am höchsten hinaufschreiten.
[ 9 ] Auch jetzt hat der Mensch etwas in sich, was als ein abwälrtsgehender Zweig, wie die anderen Tiergestalten, heraus muß aus der allgemeinen Entwickelung. Was der Mensch in sich hat als Anlagen zum Guten und Bösen, zum Gescheiten und Dummen, zum Schönen und Häßlichen, das stellt die Möglichkeit eines Aufwärtsganges und eines Zurückbleibens dar. Wie die Tiergestalt sich herausentwickelt hat, wird sich die Rasse der Bösen mit den häßlichen Angesichtern herausentwickeln aus der fortschreitenden Menschheit, die der Spiritualisierung entgegengeht und das spätere Menschheitsziel erreicht. So wird eine Zukunft nicht nur die Tiergestalten sehen, die verkörperte Abbilder der menschlichen Leidenschaften sind, sondern es wird in einer Rasse leben, was der Mensch jetzt in seinem Innern als Teil des Bösen birgt, was er heute noch verbergen kann, was aber später erscheinen wird. Was dereinst hauptsächlich erscheinen wird, das wird uns durch eine Betrachtung klar werden, die Ihnen vielleicht seltsam dünken wird.
[ 10 ] Es muß uns klar sein, daß diese Absonderung der Tiergestalten tatsächlich für den Menschen notwendig war. Jede Tiergestalt, die sich in der verflossenen Zeit vom allgemeinen Strom abgesondert hat, bedeutet, daß der Mensch um ein Stück weitergeschritten ist. Denken Sie sich, daß alle Eigenschaften, die in der Tierheit zerstreut sind, im Menschen waren. Er hat sich davon gereinigt. Dadurch konnte er sich höherentwickeln. Wenn wir eine trübe Flüssigkeit vor uns haben und das Grobe derselben sich als Bodensatz setzen lassen, so bleibt das Feinere oben übrig. Ebenso hat sich in den Tiergestalten das Gröbere, das der Mensch nicht zu seinem heutigen Entwickelungszustand hätte brauchen können, wie Bodensatz abgesetzt. Dadurch, daß der Mensch diese Tiergestalten als seine älteren Brüder aus seiner Entwickelungsreihe hinausgeworfen hat, ist er zu seiner jetzigen Höhe gekommen. So steigt die Menschheit, indem sie die niederen Gestalten aus sich heraussondert, um sich zu reinigen. Und weiter wird die Menschheit steigen, indem sie wiederum ein Naturreich, das Reich der bösen Rasse, aussondern wird. So steigt die Menschheit aufwärts. Und jede Eigenschaft, die der Mensch heute hat, verdankt er dem Umstande, daß er eine bestimmte Tiergestalt herausgesetzt hat. Wer mit dem Blicke des Hellsehers die verschiedenen Tiere ansieht, der weiß genau, was wir dem einzelnen Tiere verdanken. Da sehen wir auf die Löwengestalt und sagen uns: Wäre der Löwe nicht, dann hätte der Mensch diese oder jene Eigenschaft nicht, denn dadurch, daß er ihn herausgesetzt hat, hat er sich diese oder jene Eigenschaft angeeignet. — Und so ist es bei allen übrigen Gestalten der Tierwelt.
[ 11 ] Nun sind unsere ganzen fünf Menschheitsentwickelungsepochen, die verschiedenen Kulturetappen von der altindischen bis herauf zu der unsrigen, eigentlich dazu da, um die Intelligenz, den Verstand und alles, was mit zu diesen zwei Fähigkeiten und Kräften gehört, zu entwickeln. Das alles war in der atlantischen Zeit nicht da. Gedächtnis war vorhanden und auch andere Eigenschaften, aber die Intelligenz zu entwickeln mit dem, was dazu gehört, mit dem Zugewandtsein des Blickes auf die äußere Welt, das ist die Aufgabe des fünften Zeitraumes. Derjenige, der den Hellseherblick auf die Umwelt richtet, fragt: Welcher Tatsache verdanken wir, daß wir Menschen intelligent geworden sind? Welche Tiergestalt haben wir herausgesetzt, um intelligent zu werden? — So sonderbar, so grotesk es erscheinen mag, so wahr ist es: Wären um uns nicht die Tiere, die repräsentiert sind durch die Pferdenatur, der Mensch hätte sich niemals die Intelligenz aneignen können.
[ 12 ] Das fühlte noch der Mensch in früherer Zeit. Alle die intimen Verhältnisse, die sich zwischen gewissen Menschenrassen und dem Pferde abspielen, rühren her von einem Gefühl, das sich vergleichen läßt mit dem geheimnisvollen Gefühl der Liebe zwischen den beiden Geschlechtern, von einem gewissen Gefühl dafür, was der Mensch diesem Tiere verdankt. Deshalb, als heraufkam die neue Kultur in der altindischen Zeit, war es ein Pferd, das eine geheimnisvolle Rolle im Kultus, im Götterdienste bildete, und alles, was sich an Gebräuchen an das Pferd anknüpft, führt auf diese Tatsache zurück. Wenn Sie bei Völkern, die noch nahe dem alten Hellsehen waren, bei den alten Germanen zum Beispiel, Umschau halten und sehen, wie sie Pferdeschädel vor ihren Häusern angebracht haben, so führt Sie das zurück auf dieses Bewußtsein: der Mensch ist hinausgewachsen über den unintelligenten Zustand dadurch, daß er diese Form abgesondert hat. Es ist ein tiefes Bewußtsein vorhanden dafür, daß die Erlangung der Klugheit damit zusammenhängt. Sie brauchen sich nur an Odysseus zu erinnern, an das hölzerne Pferd von Troja. Oh, in solchen Sagen liegt tiefe Weisheit, viel tiefere Weisheit als in unserer Wissenschaft. Nicht umsonst ist ein solcher Typus verwendet in der Sage wie der Pferdetypus. Herausgewachsen ist der Mensch aus einer Gestalt, die sozusagen das, was im Pferde verkörpert ist, noch in sich hatte, und in der Gestalt des Kentauren hat die Kunst noch hingestellt einen Menschen, wie er verbunden war mit diesem Tier, um an die Entwickelungsstufe des Menschen zu erinnern, aus der er herausgewachsen ist, von der er sich losgerungen hat, um der heutige Mensch zu werden.
[ 13 ] Was so sich abgespielt hat in der Vorzeit, um zu unserer gegenwärtigen Menschheit zu führen, das wiederholt sich auf höherer Stufe in der Zukunft. Es ist aber nicht etwa so, als ob sich nun in der Zukunft dasselbe in der physischen Welt abspielen müßte. Für denjenigen Menschen, der an der Grenze zwischen dem astralischen und dem Devachanplan hellsehend wird, zeigt es sich, wie der Mensch immer mehr und mehr veredelt und ausbildet, was er der Absonderung der Pferdenatur verdankt. Die Spiritualisierung der Intelligenz wird er bewirken. Was heute bloßer Verstand, bloße Klugheit ist, wird er zur Weisheit, zur Spiritualität erheben nach dem großen Krieg aller gegen alle. Das werden diejenigen erleben, die dann das Ziel erreicht haben werden. Was sich infolge der Absonderung der Pferdenatur in der Menschheit entwickeln konnte, das wird sich in seiner Frucht zeigen.
[ 14 ] Und jetzt denken wir uns einen Hellseher, der hineinschaut in die Menschenzukunft. Was wird sich ihm zeigen? Alles, was der Mensch vorbereitet hat durch die sieben Kulturzeiträume — denn seine Seele war verkörpert in den vergangenen Kulturen und wird es auch in den zukünftigen sein —, alles das wird in einem folgenden Zeitraum verkörpert sein und hinüberleben über den großen Krieg aller gegen alle in das spirituellere Zeitalter hinein. In jedem Zeitraum nahm er auf, was aufzunehmen war. Denken Sie sich zurück mit Ihrer Seele, wie Sie gelebt haben in der altindischen Kultur. Da haben Sie aufgenommen die wunderbaren Lehren von den heiligen Rishis; wenn Sie sie auch vergessen haben, später werden Sie sich ihrer erinnern. Und weiter sind Sie geschritten von einer Verkörperung zur anderen. Sie haben lernen können, was die persische, die ägyptische, die griechisch-römische Kultur ermöglichten. Das ist heute in der Seele darinnen. Heute zeigt es sich im Antlitz noch nicht als äußerer Ausdruck. Sie werden weiterleben in die Zeit hinein von Philadelphia, Sie werden weiterleben in die Zeit, die beherrscht werden wird von dem Amen, und immer mehr und mehr wird sich eine Menschheitsgemeinschaft entwickeln, welche in den Antlitzen der Menschen zeigen wird, was sich in unseren Zeiträumen vorbereitet hat. Was jetzt in Ihrer Seele schon arbeiter, was Sie aufgenommen haben durch den indischen Zeitraum, wird sich in Ihrer Physiognomie zeigen in dem ersten Unterzeitraum der nächstfolgenden Periode, nach dem großen Krieg aller gegen alle, und was sich der Mensch angeeignet hat im altpersischen Zeitraume, wird das Antlitz verändern auf der zweiten Stufe, und so Stufe für Stufe. Alles das, was Sie, wie Sie jetzt hier sitzen, mit Ihren Seelen aufnehmen, die spirituellen Lehren von heute, die sich mit Ihren Seelen verbinden, das wird seine offenbaren Früchte tragen in der Zeit nach dem großen Kriege. Heute vereinigen Sie das, was die sieben Geister Gottes geben und die sieben Sterne, mit dem Leben ihrer Seele. Sie tragen es nach Hause. In Ihren Antlitzen wird niemand es heute lesen und auch noch nicht nach Jahrhunderten, aber nach jenem großen Krieg aller gegen alle wird es herauskommen. Da wird ein fünfter Zeitraum kommen und da werden Sie in Ihrem Antlitz das Abbild davon tragen. An Ihrer Stirne wird es Ihnen geschrieben sein, was Sie sich jetzt erarbeitet haben, was jetzt Ihre Gedanken und Gefühle sind.
[ 15 ] So wird stufenweise nach dem großen Kriege aller gegen alle herauskommen, sich enthüllen, was jetzt in die Seele hineinverborgen wird. Denken wir uns den Anbruch des großen Krieges: Die Seele, die gehört hat den Ruf, den von Periode zu Periode das Christus-Prinzip hat ertönen lassen, sie wird hinüberleben in alles dasjenige, was in den Sendschreiben angedeutet ist. Sieben Zeiträume hindurch ist hineingelegt worden, was diese Zeiträume geben können. Stellen wir uns die Seele vor, wie sie wartet, wie sie hinüberwartet. Siebenmal versiegelt ist sie. Jeder Kulturzeitraum hat ihr ein Siegel angelegt. Versiegelt ist in Ihnen das, was die Inder in die Seele geschrieben haben, versiegelt ist in Ihnen, was die Perser, Ägypter, Griechen, Römer in die Seele geschrieben haben und was unsere Kulturepoche hineinschreibt. Gelöst werden die Siegel, das heißt äußerlich offenbar erscheinen die Dinge, die hineingeschrieben werden, nach dem großen Kriege aller gegen alle. Und das Prinzip, die Kraft, welche die Menschen dahin führt, daß die wahren Früchte unserer Kulturzeiträume erscheinen auf den Antlitzen, dieses Prinzip, diese Kraft haben wir zu sehen im Christus Jesus. Sieben Siegel müssen gelöst werden von einem Buch. Welches ist dies Buch? Wo ist es?
[ 16 ] Wir wollen uns klarmachen, was im Sinne der Schrift ein Buch, eine Bibel ist. Das Wort «Buch» kommt in der Bibel nur an ganz wenigen Stellen vor. Das darf man nicht übersehen. Es kommt vor, wenn Sie aufschlagen im Alten Testament 1. Buch Mose 5, 1: «Dies ist das Buch von des Menschen Geschlecht. Da Gott den Menschen schuf, machte er ihn nach dem Gleichnis Gottes und schuf sie einen Mann und ein Weib», und so weiter. Dann können Sie aufschlagen, wo Sie wollen, Sie finden das Wort «Buch» erst wiederum im ersten Evangelium, Kapitel 1: «Dies ist das Buch von der Geburt Jesu Christi, der da ist ein Sohn Davids, des Sohnes Abrahams. Abraham zeugte Isaak, Isaak zeugte Jakob» und so weiter. Wiederum werden die Geschlechter aufgezählt. Es wird aufgezählt, was durch lange Reihen hindurchfließt. Und wiederum erscheint der Ausdruck «Buch» hier in der Apokalypse des Johannes. Er erscheint da, wo gesagt wird, daß das Lamm allein würdig ist, das Buch mit den sieben Siegeln zu öffnen. Der Ausdruck «Buch» wird immer einheitlich, nie anders gebraucht. Nun muß man eben die Urkunden wörtlich verstehen. Ein Buch in unserem heutigen Sinne ist nicht damit gemeint. Viel eher hat der Ausdruck «Grundbuch» die alte Bedeutung des Wortes Buch bewahrt. Das Wort Buch wird da angewendet, wo aufeinanderfolgend etwas eingetragen wird, das eins von dem anderen abhängt, wo also der Besitz eingetragen wird, damit er sich forterben kann. Wir haben es mit einer solchen Urkunde zu tun, wodurch eine Grundlage geschaffen wird für dasjenige, was sich fortpflanzt. Für das Alte Testament haben wir es bei dem Worte Buch mit einer Urkunde zu tun, in det die Geschlechter, die durch das Blut sich vererben, aufgezeichnet werden. In keinem anderen Sinne wird es da gebraucht, als daß die Geschlechter aufgezeichnet werden. Ebenso ist es nachher im ersten Evangelium angewandt für die Aufzeichnung von Geschlechterfolgen. Was also sich in der Zeit folgt, das ist in einem «Buche» aufgeschrieben. Nie ist mit Buch etwas anderes gemeint als die Aufzeichnung dessen, was in der Zeit folgt, also ungefähr in dem Sinne von Chronik, Geschichte.
[ 17 ] Das Lebensbuch, das jetzt angelegt wird in der Menschheit, in der von Kulturzeitraum zu Kulturzeitraum in dem Ich des Menschen eingeschrieben wird, was jeder Zeitraum gibt, dieses Buch, das in die Seelen der Menschen geschrieben ist und das entsiegelt wird nach dem großen Krieg aller gegen alle, dies Buch ist auch hier in der Apokalynse gemeint. In diesem Buch werden sie stehen, die Eintragungen der Kulturzeiträume. So wie durch die Generationen die Eintragungen gemacht worden sind in die Geschlechtsregister der alten Bücher, so ist es auch hier, nur daß jetzt das eingetragen wird, was sich der Mensch geistig erwirbt. Und da er sich dutch Klugheit erwirbt, was in unserem Zeitraum zu erwerben ist, so wird nach und nach das Fortschreiten dieser Entwickelung imaginativ darzustellen sein durch das Symbolum, das der Klugheit entspricht. Dadurch, daß der Mensch den indischen Zeitraum durchlebt hat in einer Stimmung, in der er absah von der physischen Welt und den Blick hinaufrichtete nach dem Geistigen, dadurch wird er in dem ersten Zeitraum nach dem Kriege aller gegen alle über das Physisch-Sinnliche siegen. Sieger wird der Mensch sein dadurch, daß er sich aneignet, was sich im ersten Zeitraum in seine Seele geschrieben hat. Und weiter: Was sich im zweiten Kulturzeitraum herausstellte, die Überwindung der Materie durch die Urperser, diese Überwindung erscheint uns im zweiten Zeitraum nach dem Kriege aller gegen alle: das Schwert, das da bedeutet das Instrument zum Besiegen der äußeren Welt. Was sich der Mensch angeeignet hat in der babylonisch-ägyptischen Kulturepoche, als er die Maße lernte, als er lernte alles gerecht abzumessen, das tritt uns im nächsten Zeitraum nach dem großen Kriege aller gegen alle entgegen als dasjenige, was angezeigt wird durch die Waage. Und der vierte Zeitraum zeigt uns an, was zum Wichtigsten gehört, das, was der Mensch im vierten Zeitraum unseres Zyklus durch den Christus Jesus und sein Erscheinen sich angeeignet hat: das geistige Leben, die Unsterblichkeit des Ich. Daß alles, was nicht zur Unsterblichkeit geeignet ist, was dem Tode geweiht ist, abfällt, das muß sich für diesen vierten Zeitraum zeigen.
[ 18 ] So kommt nacheinander alles das heraus, was sich in unseren Zeiträumen vorbereitet hat, und es kommt heraus dadurch, daß es uns durch das Symbolum angedeutet wird, das der Intelligenz entspricht. Lesen wir die Entsiegelung der ersten vier Siegel im sechsten Kapitel der Apokalypse des Johannes, wir werden sehen, das, was hier enthüllt wird, drückt uns Stufe für Stufe in gewaltiger Symbolik aus, was einst offenbar werden wird. «Und ich sah, und siehe, ein weiß Pferd» — das ist die Andeutung, daß die spiritualisierte Intelligenz herauskommt — «und der darauf saß, hatte einen Bogen; und ihm ward gegeben eine Krone, und er zog aus zu überwinden, und daß er siegte. Und da es das andere Siegel auftat, hörte ich das andere Tier sagen: Komm! — Und siehe, es ging heraus ein ander Pferd, das war rot, und dem, der darauf saß, ward gegeben, den Frieden zu nehmen von der Erde, und daß sie sich untereinander erwürgeten» — daß zugrunde gehe, was nicht wert ist mitzugehen im Aufstieg der Menschheit — «und ihm ward gegeben ein groß Schwert. Und da es das dritte Siegel auftat, hörete ich das dritte Tier sagen: Komm! — Und ich sahe, und siehe, ein schwarz Pferd, und der darauf saß, hatte eine Waage in seiner Hand. Und ich hörete eine Stimme unter den vier Tieren sagen: Ein Maß Weizen um einen Groschen und drei Maß Gerste um einen Groschen» — Maß und Groschen, um hinzudeuten auf das, was die Menschheit gelernt hat innerhalb des dritten Zeitraums: die Früchte werden hinübergetragen und entsiegelt. Und im vierten Zeitraum ist Christus Jesus erschienen, um den Tod zu überwinden, und es zeigt sich die Offenbarung dieser Errungenschaft: «Und da es das vierte Siegel auftat, hörete ich die Stimme des vierten Tieres sagen: Komm! — Und ich sahe, und siehe, ein fahl Pferd, und der darauf saß, des Name hieß Tod, und die Hölle folgete ihm nach.» «Siehe, ein fahl Pferd»: all das fällt ab, verfällt in die Rasse der Bösen; was aber den Ruf gehört hat, was den Tod überwunden hat, macht das spirituelle Leben mit. Die das «Ich-bin» und seinen Ruf verstanden haben, das sind diejenigen, die den Tod überwunden haben. Sie haben die Intelligenz spiritualisiert. Und jetzt kann das, was sie geworden sind, nicht mehr durch das Pferd symbolisiert werden. Ein neues Symbolum muß auftreten für diejenigen, die verstanden haben zu folgen dem Rufe dessen, der da hat die sieben Geister Gottes und die sieben Sterne. Sie erscheinen jetzt unter dem Symbolum derer, die da mit weißen Kleidern angetan sind, die da die Hülle des unsterblichen, des ewigen geistigen Lebens angenommen haben.
[ 19 ] Und weiter wird uns nun erzählt, wie herauskommt alles das, was hinaufgeht ins Gute, was hinuntergeht ins Böse. Das wird uns klar zum Ausdrucke gebracht. «Und da es das fünfte Siegel auftat, sahe ich unter dem Altar die Seelen derer, die erwürget waren um des Wortes Gottes willen und um des Zeugnisses willen, das sie hatten. Und sie schrien mit großer Stimme und sprachen: Herr, du Heiliger und Wahrhaftiger, wie lange richtest du nicht und rächest nicht unser Blut an denen, die auf der Erde wohnen? — Und ihnen wurde gegeben einem jeglichen ein weiß Kleid, und ward zu ihnen gesagt, daß sie ruheten noch eine kleine Zeit, bis daß vollends dazukämen ihre Mitknechte und Brüder, die auch sollten noch ertötet werden gleich wie sie» — der äußeren Gestalt nach ertötet werden und im Spirituellen wieder aufleben. Wie kommt das zum Ausdruck?
[ 20 ] Vergegenwärtigen wir uns, was aus der äußeren sinnlichen Welt wird im rechten anthroposophischen Leben. Wie haben wir sie geschildert, die sieben Sterne? Wir sind zurückgegangen zum Saturn und haben gezeigt, wie der physische Menschenleib entstanden ist, wie er aus Wärme zusammengefügt war. Wir haben gesehen, wie die Sonne herauskam. Im Geiste haben wir nachgezeichnet diese Welt. Die Sonne ist für uns nicht bloß eine physische Sonne, sie ist die Bringerin des Lebens, das als geistiges Leben in seiner höchsten Form erscheinen wird in der Menschenzukunft. Der Mond ist für uns das Element, das den Sturmschritt des Lebens aufhält und den Menschen so weit verlangsamt, wie es nötig ist. So sehen wir geistige Mächte in Sonne und Mond. Und das, was wir als anthroposophische Weisheit uns aneignen, auch das erscheint im zukünftigen Zeitraum richtig symbolisiert: Sonne und Mond erscheinen vor unserem geistigen Blick als dasjenige, was uns Menschen auferbaut hat. Symbolisch verschwindet der äußere physische Sonnenball, der äußere Mond, und wird wie ein menschliches Wesen, aber in Elementarform. «Und ich sahe, daß es das sechste Siegel auftat, und siehe, da ward ein großes Erdbeben, und die Sonne ward schwarz wie ein härener Sack, und der Mond ward wie Blut.» Das alles ist die symbolische Erfüllung dessen, was wir suchen im spirituellen Leben.
[ 21 ] So sehen wir, daß in bedeutsamen Bildern für den nächsten Zeitraum prophezeit wird, was sich in diesem Zeitraum vorbereitet. Heute tragen wir unsichtbar in uns jene Verwandlung, die wir mit Sonne und Mond vornehmen, wenn sich das Physische verwandelt in die geistigen Elemente. Wenn der hellseherische Blick sich in die Zukunft wendet, dann verschwindet in der Tat das Physische, und das Symbol der Spiritualisierung der Menschheit tritt vor uns hin.
[ 22 ] In etwas gewagten Zügen haben wir heute angedeutet, was die sieben Siegel und ihre Enthüllung in der Apokalypse uns sagen sollen. Wir müssen allerdings noch tiefer darauf eingehen, dann wird uns manches von dem, was uns heute unwahrscheinlich erscheinen könnte, vollständig deutlich. Aber wir sehen schon, wie innerlich sich zusammenordnen die gewaltigen Bilder, die der Seher gesehen hat von Gegenwart und Zukunft der Menschheitsentwickelung, wie das hineingeht in eine weitere Zukunft und uns dadurch immer stärkere Impulse gibt, selbst hineinzuleben in die Zukunft, Hand anzulegen zur Spiritualisierung des Menschenlebens.
Fourth Lecture
[ 1 ] Yesterday it became clear to us how the Book of Revelation prophetically points to the cycle of human development that lies between the great upheaval on our earth that different peoples refer to as the Great Flood, that geologists characterize as the Ice Age, and that epoch which we call the war of all against all. In the period between these two epochs lies all that the apocalyptic book prophetically points out with the seven letters, this book that shows us the realities of the past in order to deduce from them what should fuel our will, our impulses for the future. And we have seen how we ourselves, within the spiritual movement in which we stand, are to regard the words of the so-called fifth epistle as a call to action, to work. We have seen how it is pointed out that we are to follow that being with the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. And we have seen how the next period of time is prepared through this spiritual spiritual movement, which is represented by the church of Philadelphia, the period of time in which that brotherly love is to prevail over the whole earth among all those who have understood the word of the command, which is prescribed in the Gospel of John. After that, another, seventh sub-period will follow, which is characterized by the fact that, on the one hand, we are shown everything that is bad in the church that represents the seventh period, which is lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, which could not warm itself for the spiritual life and must therefore fall away, and on the other hand, those who have understood the word of command are shown, who will form the following of him who says, I am the Amen - that is, I am he who unites the goal of the human being in himself, who contains the Christ principle in himself.
[ 2 ] We will now keep for a later time everything that could be added to the further explanation of the individual epistles, and everything that could be added to the justification of the individual names of the cities. Today we want to continue our consideration of what presents itself to man when he treads the next step of initiation. The seven sub-periods of our cycle of humanity have been presented to us, and we have said that this whole cycle with its seven sub-cycles is itself a small cycle in a great and comprehensive course of time, which likewise contains seven individual epochs. Our cycle of seven periods was preceded by the Atlantean one, in which the races whose echoes are still present today developed. Our present cycle, that is to say its seventh sub-cycle, will be immediately followed by another period consisting of seven links. This period is also indirectly prepared by the present one. So that we can say: Little by little, our culture will evolve into a culture of brotherly love, where a relatively small proportion of people will have understood the spiritual life, will have prepared the mind and the attitude of brotherly love. This culture will then in turn select a smaller proportion of people who will live beyond the event that will have such a destructive effect on our cycle, beyond the war of all against all. In the face of this general destructive element, there will be individuals everywhere who will stand out from the rest of humanity, who will wage war against each other, individuals who have understood the spiritual life and who will form the basis for a new, different epoch, the epoch of the sixth period.
[ 3 ] This is also how it was when the fourth period passed into our time. The one who can trace back the course of time with clairvoyant eyes comes, when he has passed through the periods that we have considered – the Greco-Roman, the Egyptian-Babylonian, the Old Persian and the Old Indian – when he has also passed through the time of the great flood, he then comes into the Atlantic time. We need not consider it in detail, but we must at least realize how this Atlantean culture developed. Here too, the majority of the Atlantean population was not ready to develop further and was unable to make the transition to our times. A small part, which lived in an area near present-day Ireland, developed into the highest cultural flowering of the Atlantean country and moved east. We must be clear that this is only the main migration. Peoples always migrated from west to east, and all the later peoples in European areas, in northern and central Europe, all these originated from that migration that went from west to east. Only the part of the population that had achieved the highest level of development was the furthest advanced under the leadership of a great human leader. They settled in Central Asia as a very small tribe of chosen people, and from there the colony went to the cultural areas we have mentioned. From there the cultural current went to ancient India, to Persia, Egypt, Greece and so on.
[ 4 ] You may well ask: Is it not an extremely grim thought that whole masses of people remain immature and do not develop the ability to flourish, that only a small group is able to provide the seed for the next culture? But this thought will no longer be frightening to you if you distinguish between racial development and soul development. For no soul is doomed to remain within any particular race. The race may lag behind, a community of nations may lag behind, but the souls transcend the individual races. If we want to imagine the matter very precisely, we have to say to ourselves: All souls that dwell in the bodies of the civilized countries today were once embodied in Atlantean bodies. There some developed further in a corresponding way. They did not remain with the Atlantean bodies. Because they had developed further, they could become the souls of the bodies that were also more advanced. Only those souls that had remained behind as souls had to move into bodies that had remained behind at a low level as bodies. If all souls had progressed accordingly, either the remaining race would have been very small in number, or the bodies would still have been inhabited by newly added low souls. For there are always souls that can inhabit retarded bodies. No soul is bound to a retarded body if it does not bind itself.
[ 5 ] How soul and race development relate to each other is preserved for us in a wonderful myth. Let us imagine race upon race, cultural community upon cultural community. The soul that fulfills its mission on earth in the right way is embodied in a race. Within this race, it strives to acquire the ability of this race in order to be embodied in a higher race the next time. Only those souls that are submerged in the race, that do not strive to rise out of physical materiality, are held back in the race by their own heaviness, so to speak. They appear a second time in the same race, a third time possibly in the body of similar races. Such souls have a retarding effect on the bodily race. This has been beautifully preserved in a saga.
[ 6 ] We know that man progresses in the path of his mission on earth by following the great leaders of humanity who point out the goals to him. If he rejects them and does not follow them, then he must remain with his race and cannot rise above it. Let us imagine a personality who has the good fortune to stand face to face with a great leader of humanity, let us imagine such a personality, for example, standing face to face with Christ Jesus Himself, who sees Him doing all the signs to lead humanity forward, but who wants to know nothing of this ascent, who repels the leader of humanity. Such a personality, such a soul would be condemned to remain in the race. And if we think this through to its radical conclusion, such a soul would have to appear again and again in the same race, and we have the saga of Ahasver, who must appear again and again in the same race because he rejected Christ Jesus.
[ 7 ] In these brazen tablets of legend, the great truths of human evolution are presented to us. We must separate soul evolution and race evolution. No soul has had to remain undeservedly in old bodies, no soul will remain undeservedly in the bodies of our age. The souls that will hear the voice calling to move forward will survive the great destructive period of the war of all against all and will appear in new bodies, in bodies of a very different nature from today's. For it is very short-sighted to think of the Atlantean bodies of men, for example, as being like today's bodies. In the course of millennia, people also change in terms of their external physiognomy, and the human being who will come after the great war of all against all will be shaped quite differently than today's human being. Today, man is shaped in such a way that he can conceal his good and his evil within himself in a certain relationship. A person's physiognomy already reveals a great deal, and those who understand it will be able to read many things from a person's facial features. But it is still possible today for the villain to smile sweetly with the most innocent expression and be mistaken for an honorable man. And the opposite is also possible, that what lives in the soul in terms of good impulses remains unrecognized. It is possible that everything that lives in the soul in terms of cleverness and stupidity, of beauty and ugliness, will hide behind the general physiognomy that this or that breed of people has. Such will no longer be the case in the period that will follow ours, after the great war of all against all. On the forehead and in the whole physiognomy it will be written for man whether he is good or evil. The innermost part of the soul will be worn by man as a physiognomy on his face, yes, the whole body will be an image of what lives in his soul. How man has developed within himself, whether he has developed good or evil instincts, will be written on his forehead. And after the great war of all against all, there will be two kinds of people. Those who had previously tried to follow the call to a spiritual life, to spiritualization, to the ennobling of the soul-spiritual life, will bear this soul-spiritual life on their faces and express it in their gestures and hand movements. And those who have turned away from the spiritual life, as they are represented to us by the congregation of Laodicea, who were lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, will live on into the next age as those who delay the evolution of humanity, who preserve the backward forces of development. They will bear the ugly, the unintelligent, the evil-looking passions and instincts on their ugly, unintelligent, evil-looking faces. They will form an external image in their gestures and in the way they do everything they do, which lives in their souls. Just as people have separated into races and cultural communities, so they will divide into two great currents, the good and the evil. And they will be seen for what they are — individuals will no longer be able to deny what their souls have brought about. If we look back at how humanity has developed so far in the course of our Earth, we will find this future development, which has just been characterized, in complete harmony with it. Let us look back to the origin of our Earth's development, after Saturn, Sun, Moon and a longer interval had passed. Then the Earth emerged anew from the darkness of the world. At that time, in the early days of the Earth's development, there were no creatures on Earth other than man. He is the firstborn. He was completely spiritual. For the incarnation consists in a condensation. Let us imagine a mass of water that could float freely. Through some process in this mass of water, parts of it become crystallized. First, let us imagine a small part of the water crystallized into ice, and then let us imagine that the same process is repeated over and over again. And now let us imagine that a part of the water mass has dropped the small pieces of ice that have crystallized out, so that these small pieces of ice are now separated from the whole mass of water. Because each small piece of ice can only grow as long as it is within the whole mass of water, it remains at the level at which it stands when it has fallen out of this mass. Let us imagine a part of the water mass as small pieces of ice that have been separated out. Let us imagine the freezing of the water masses progressing further and further, and on the next step, new water masses joining the small ice clumps, which then in turn fall out, and so on, until finally a very large part of the water mass has crystallized and taken on the form of ice. The latter has taken the most out of the water mother substance, it has been able to wait the longest before separating from this water mother substance.
[8] That is how it is with evolution. The lowest animal creatures could not wait, left their spiritual mother substance too early and therefore stopped at an earlier stage of evolution. And so the lower beings, ascending in stages, represent stages that have stopped in their development. Man waited until the end, only at the end did he leave his spiritual-divine mother substance and descended as a dense mass into a carnal form. The animals descended earlier and therefore remained. We shall see later why this happened; now we are interested in the fact that they descended and held on to earlier stages of development. What then is an animal form? A form which, if it had remained connected with the spirit from which it emerged, would have developed up to the present-day human being. But it remained where it was, it left the spiritual germ, it split off and today is in decline, representing a branch of the great tree of humanity. Man had animality in him in ancient times, as it were, but split it off as side branches. All animals in their various forms represent nothing other than individual human passions condensed too early. What man still has spiritually in his astral body today is represented physically by the animal forms. He has kept this in the astral body until the latest period of his earthly existence. Therefore, he could ascend to the highest.
[ 9 ] Even now, man has something within him that, like the other animal forms, must emerge from the general development as a downward-going branch. What man has within him as tendencies towards good and evil, towards cleverness and stupidity, towards beauty and ugliness, represents the possibility of progress and of remaining behind. Just as the animal form has developed, so the race of the wicked with ugly faces will develop out of progressive humanity, which is moving towards spiritualization and will achieve the later goal of humanity. Thus, the future will not only see animal forms that are the embodied images of human passions, but a race will live that is now hidden within man as part of evil, which he can still hide today, but which will appear later. What will mainly appear in the future will become clear to us through a consideration that you may find strange.
[ 10 ] It must be clear to us that this separation of animal forms was actually necessary for man. Every animal form that has separated itself from the general stream in the past means that man has advanced a step further. Consider that all the qualities that are dispersed in animal life were once in man. He has purified himself of them. This enabled him to evolve. If we have a cloudy liquid in front of us and let the coarse part of it settle as sediment, the finer part remains at the top. Likewise, in the animal forms, the coarser elements, which man could not have used in his present state of development, have settled like sediment. By casting out these animal forms as his older brothers in his line of development, man has come to his present height. Thus, by separating out the lower forms from itself, humanity rises to purify itself. And humanity will continue to ascend by once again discarding a kingdom of nature, the kingdom of the evil race. Thus humanity ascends. And every quality that man has today he owes to the fact that he has set aside a particular animal form. He who looks at the various animals with the eye of the clairvoyant knows exactly what we owe to each individual animal. There we look at the lion form and say to ourselves: If the lion did not exist, then man would not have this or that quality, because by setting him free, he has acquired this or that quality. — And so it is with all the other forms in the animal world.
[ 11 ] Now, our entire five epochs of human development, the various cultural stages from ancient India up to our own, are actually there to develop intelligence, reason and everything that belongs to these two abilities and powers. All this was not present in the Atlantean period. Memory was present, as were other faculties, but developing intelligence with all that it entails, with the ability to focus one's gaze on the external world, that is the task of the fifth period. The person who looks at the world with clairvoyance asks: To what fact do we owe the fact that we humans have become intelligent? What animal form did we abandon in order to become intelligent? However strange and grotesque it may seem, it is true: if it were not for the animals around us, represented by the horse-nature, man would never have been able to acquire intelligence.
[ 12 ] Man in early times still felt this. All the intimate relationships that take place between certain human races and the horse stem from a feeling that can be compared to the mysterious feeling of love between the two sexes, from a certain feeling for what man owes to this animal. Therefore, when the new culture emerged in ancient India, it was a horse that played a mysterious role in worship and everything that is connected to the horse in terms of customs can be traced back to this fact. If you look around at peoples who were still close to ancient clairvoyance, at the ancient Germans for example, and see how they have mounted horse skulls in front of their houses, this leads you back to this awareness: man has outgrown the unintelligent state by isolating this form. There is a deep awareness that the attainment of wisdom is connected with this. You only have to remember Odysseus, the wooden horse of Troy. Oh, there is deep wisdom in such legends, much deeper wisdom than in our science. It is not for nothing that such a type as the horse type is used in legend. Man has outgrown a form that still contained, so to speak, what was embodied in the horse. In the form of the centaur, art has depicted a human being in his connection with the animal in order to recall the stage of human development from which he has outgrown, from which he has wrested himself in order to become today's human being.
[ 13 ] What took place in the past to lead to our present humanity will be repeated on a higher level in the future. However, it is not as if the same thing has to happen in the physical world in the future. For the person who becomes clairvoyant at the boundary between the astral and devachan planes, it becomes apparent how man is increasingly ennobling and educating himself, which he owes to the separation of the horse-like nature. He will bring about the spiritualization of intelligence. What is mere intellect and cleverness today, he will raise to wisdom, to spirituality, after the great war of all against all. This will be experienced by those who will have reached the goal by then. What could develop in humanity as a result of the segregation of the horse nature will show itself in its fruit.
[ 14 ] And now let us imagine a clairvoyant who can see into the future of humanity. What will he see? Everything that man has prepared through the seven cultural periods – for his soul was embodied in the past cultures and will also be in the future ones – all this will be embodied in a following period and survive the great war of all against all into the more spiritual age. In each period he took in what was to be taken in. Think back with your soul to how you lived in the ancient Indian culture. There you absorbed the wonderful teachings of the holy rishis; even if you have forgotten them, you will remember them later. And you progressed from one incarnation to the next. You were able to learn what the Persian, Egyptian, and Greco-Roman cultures made possible. Today this is in the soul. Today it does not yet show in the countenance as an external expression. You will live on into the time of Philadelphia, you will live on into the time that will be dominated by the Amen, and more and more a community of humanity will develop, which will show in the countenance of people what has been prepared in our time periods. What is already working in your soul, what you have taken in through the Indian period, will show in your physiognomy in the first sub-period of the next period, after the great war of all against all, and what man has acquired in the Old Persian period will change the face on the second stage, and so step by step. Everything that you, as you sit here now, take in with your souls, the spiritual teachings of today, which connect with your souls, will bear its fruits in the time after the great war. Today you combine what the seven spirits of God and the seven stars give with the life of your soul. You take it home. No one will read it in your countenances today, nor even after centuries, but after that great war of all against all it will come out. Then a fifth period will come and you will bear the image of it in your countenance. It will be written on your foreheads what you have now worked out, what your thoughts and feelings are now.
[ 15 ] Thus, after the great war of all against all, what is now hidden in the soul will gradually come out and reveal itself. Let us imagine the dawn of the great war: the soul that has heard the call that the Christ principle has sounded from period to period will survive into everything that is indicated in the epistles. What these periods can give has been invested in them for seven periods of time. Let us imagine the soul waiting, waiting for the future. It is sealed seven times. Each cultural period has given it a seal. What the Indians have written into the soul is sealed in you, what the Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans have written into the soul is sealed in you, and what our cultural epoch is writing into it is sealed in you. The seals are broken, that is, outwardly revealed, the things that are written into them appear after the great war of all against all. And the principle, the power that leads people to the true fruits of our cultural periods appearing on their faces, this principle, this power, we see in Christ Jesus. Seven seals must be broken from a book. What is this book? Where is it?
[ 16 ] We want to be clear about what a book, a Bible, is in the sense of the Scriptures. The word “book” occurs in the Bible only in a few places. This should not be overlooked. It occurs when you open the Old Testament Genesis 5, 1: “This is the book of the generation of man. In the beginning God created man, and made him male and female.” And so on. You can turn to any page you like, but you won't find the word ‘book’ again until the first gospel, chapter 1: ”The book of the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Abraham begat Isaac, Isaac begat Jacob,” and so on. Again, the generations are enumerated. It is enumerated, what flows through long series. And again the expression ‘book’ appears here in the Apocalypse of John. It appears where it is said that the Lamb alone is worthy to open the book with the seven seals. The term “book” is always used in the same way, never differently. Now, the deeds must be understood literally. A book in our modern sense is not meant by this. Rather, the term “land register” has retained the old meaning of the word book. The word book is used where something is entered in succession, where one thing depends on another, where, in other words, ownership is entered so that it can be inherited. We are dealing with such a document, which creates a basis for that which reproduces itself. In the Old Testament, the word book refers to a document in which the lineages that inherit through blood are recorded. It is used in no other sense than to record the generations. Likewise, it is later applied in the first gospel to the recording of genealogies. So what follows in time is written in a “book”. A book is never meant to mean anything other than the recording of what follows in time, roughly in the sense of chronicle or history.
[ 17 ] The book of life, which is now being created in humanity, in which, from cultural period to cultural period, what each period gives is inscribed in the human ego, this book, which is written in the souls of men and which is unsealed after the great war of all against all, this book is also meant here in the Apocalypse. In this book they will be written, the entries of the cultural periods. Just as the entries have been made through the generations in the genealogies of the old books, so it is also here, only that now what man acquires spiritually is being entered. And since he acquires through wisdom what can be acquired in our time, the progression of this development will gradually be imaginatively represented by the symbol that corresponds to wisdom. The fact that man has lived through the Indian period in a mood in which he looked up from the physical world and directed his gaze towards the spiritual, will enable him to triumph over the physical-sensual in the first period after the war of all against all. Man will be the victor by appropriating what has been written into his soul in the first period. And further: What emerged in the second cultural period, the conquest of matter by the ancient Persians, this conquest appears to us in the second period after the war of all against all: the sword, which is the instrument for conquering the external world. What man has acquired in the Babylonian-Egyptian cultural epoch, when he learned to measure, when he learned to measure everything fairly, that is what is indicated by the scales in the next period after the great war of all against all. And the fourth period shows us what is most important, what man has acquired through Christ Jesus and his appearance in the fourth period of our cycle: the spiritual life, the immortality of the ego. That everything that is not suitable for immortality, that which is doomed to die, must fall away, that must be shown for this fourth period.
[ 18 ] Thus, one after the other, everything that has been prepared in our periods of time comes to light, and it comes to light through being hinted at to us through the symbol, which corresponds to intelligence. If we read the unsealing of the first four seals in the sixth chapter of the Apocalypse of John, we will see that what is revealed here expresses to us step by step in powerful symbolism what will one day be revealed. “And I saw, and behold, a white horse” – this is the suggestion that the spiritualized intelligence comes out – ”and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering, and that he might conquer. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And lo, another horse went out, red, and to him that sat on it was given to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another.” That is, that it perish, which is not worthy to go along in the ascent of humanity. And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice under the four beasts say, “A measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny” — measure and penny to indicate what humanity has learned within the third period: the fruits are carried over and unsealed. And in the fourth period, Christ Jesus has appeared to overcome death, and the revelation of this achievement is revealed: “And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, ‘Come and see.’ And I looked, and behold, a pale horse; and its rider's name was Death, and Hell followed with him.” “Behold, a pale horse": all those who fall away, who go over to the side of evil; but he who has heard the call, who has overcome death, embraces the spiritual life. Those who have understood the ‘I am’ and its call are the ones who have overcome death. They have spiritualized intelligence. And now what they have become can no longer be symbolized by the horse. A new symbol must be found for those who have learned to follow the call of Him who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars. They now appear under the symbol of those clothed in white robes, who have taken on the garment of immortal, eternal spiritual life.
[ 19 ] And now we are told how everything that goes up into good comes out, and what goes down into evil. This is clearly expressed to us. “And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had maintained. And they cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?’ And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.” — be killed in the external sense and resurrect in the spiritual sense. How is this expressed?
[ 20 ] Let us visualize what happens to the external, sensory world in the right anthroposophical life. How did we describe the seven stars? We went back to Saturn and showed how the physical human body came into being, how it was put together out of warmth. We saw how the sun emerged. In spirit, we have traced this world. The sun is not just a physical sun for us, it is the bringer of life, which will appear as spiritual life in its highest form in the future of humanity. For us, the moon is the element that stops the rush of life and slows man down as much as is necessary. We see spiritual powers in the sun and moon. And what we acquire as anthroposophical wisdom also appears to be correctly symbolized in the future time frame: the sun and moon appear before our spiritual gaze as that which has built us humans up. Symbolically, the outer physical ball of the sun, the outer moon, disappears and becomes like a human being, but in an elementary form. “And I saw that it opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun turned black as a sack of hair, and the moon became like blood.” All this is the symbolic fulfillment of what we seek in the spiritual life.
[ 21 ] Thus we see that what is prepared in this period is prophesied in significant images for the next period. Today, we invisibly carry within us the transformation that we undergo with the sun and moon when the physical is transformed into spiritual elements. When the clairvoyant gaze turns to the future, the physical indeed disappears and the symbol of humanity's spiritualization appears before us.
[ 22 ] In somewhat daring strokes, we have today hinted at what the seven seals and their unveiling in the Apocalypse are meant to tell us. We must, however, delve deeper into this, and then much of what may seem unlikely to us today will become completely clear. But we can already see how the mighty images that the seer saw of the present and future of human development are arranged inwardly, how this leads into a further future and thus gives us ever stronger impulses to live into the future ourselves, to help spiritualize human life.