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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Man's Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds

In these lectures, Rudolf Steiner describes the after-death states and the experiences we undergo, the influences of Ahrimanic Beings, man's spiritual connections with the planetary powers, and the preparations for re-incarnation. In death we learn the significance and meaning of death on earth, and this enlightening book reveals with clarity and vision something of the vastness of our earthly and cosmic existences.

Formerly published privately for members. Translated from the German by George and Mary Adams.

I.The Threefold Sun and the Risen Christ April 24, 1922
II.The Cosmic Origin of the Human Form August 22, 1922
III.Man's Life in Sleep and After Death August 30, 1922
IV.Life in the Spiritual Spheres and the Return to Earth November 12, 1922
V.Luciferic and Ahrimanic Powers Wrestling for Man November 16, 1922
VI.Christ and the Metamorphoses of Karma November 19, 1922