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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2351 through 2360 of 6201

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92. Richard Wagner in the Light of Anthroposophy: Lecture Two 05 May 1905, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The strange position of Loki in this northern saga can only be understood if we bear in mind this fact. You know that Baldur's mother, alarmed by evil dreams, made every living being promise to do no harm to Baldur.
92. Richard Wagner in the Light of Anthroposophy: Lecture Three 12 May 1905, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
He has killed the dragon, has taken up a drop of its blood, the symbol of passions, and is thus able to understand the speech of the birds (of the earthly world of the senses). He is able to tread the path of the higher initiates and is shown the path leading to Brunhilde, the all-embracing consciousness.
Brunhilde realizes the relationship of facts and understands what is at stake. So she yields the ring to the Daughters of the Rhine, to an element which has not penetrated into the working influences of this world.
The whole tragedy of this thought is deeply felt by the peoples of the north, because they realise that what they were once able to understand begins to perish. Love is born out of the Spirit, out of the sea of fire, the originally virgin substance.
92. Richard Wagner in the Light of Anthroposophy: Lecture Four 19 May 1905, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We must penetrate into Richard Wagner's personality if we wish to understand what lives in Parsifal. For Richard Wagner, the character of Jesus of Nazareth was beginning to take on a definite shape ever since his fortieth year.
A childlike, unworldly nation dwelt in northern Europe and these early inhabitants underwent the influence of the stream of culture coming from the South at the turning point of the 12th and 13th century.
So he reaches the sanctuary of the Grail, but he does not as yet understand his task. He learns his lesson through life, He falls into temptation through Kundry, but he stands the test.
92. The Occult Truths of Old Myths and Legends: Good and Evil 24 Jun 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It is clear to the occultist that he can only understand the events in the physical world if he knows what is happening on the supersensible planes. To the occultist who has insight into the higher planes, it appears as if people are pulled by threads that emanate from the higher planes.
When we hear the word TAO in Chinese, it is something difficult for us to understand. The Mongols of that time had developed a form of monotheism that went as far as the psychic tangibility, the feeling of the spiritual.
He is the leader of all disharmony on the physical plane. He must be understood in order to know why one form can have a destructive effect on another. Since the 16th century, the hosts of Beelzebub have gained the upper hand over the hosts of Michael.
92. The Occult Truths of Old Myths and Legends: Sacramentality Daedalus and Icarus 08 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
With the help of Ariadne's thread, Theseus succeeds in the undertaking and returns to Athens, [but he forgot to set the white sails]. However, the Greeks were not yet so far that they were completely worthy of the white path.
At the same time, the priest was aware that the deep meaning could not easily be understood by the people. The people were told the fable, the fairy tale, the myth; in them lay the deep meaning.
Every detail is a reflection of a higher occult process. Anyone who wants to understand a sacrament in which the ceremony is a reflection of a spiritual process must familiarize themselves with the underlying occult process, which is hidden from the outer eye.
92. The Occult Truths of Old Myths and Legends: Germanic Mythology 15 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
We have to imagine that the Celtic population was there first, and then formed a colony. This original Celtic population was completely under the influence of their initiates. These have propagated the original doctrine of Wotan, Wili and We and their priesthood.
When he was initiated and thus introduced to spiritual powers, it was expressed by saying that he had undertaken the journey into the realm of the good dead, into the realm of the elves, to Alfgard, to get the gold of Nifelheim there – gold being the symbol of wisdom.
92. The Occult Truths of Old Myths and Legends: Reincarnation 22 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
For example, the doctrine of reincarnation is often understood by those who have perhaps never heard anything other than the name or a few terms, as if we were teaching the transmigration of souls through the most diverse bodies, including animal bodies.
You may recognize this from the fact that Buddha was accepted among the ranks of Catholic saints early on, under the name Josaphat. This happened many centuries ago. Through John of Damascus, who describes the whole process of Buddha's development in the Legend of the Holy, the inner teaching of Buddha could be incorporated into Catholic Christianity.
At the end of the seventh round, the human kingdom will have dissolved. That is the case when the substance has undergone its normal development. We have bought each kingdom by separating it from the one before. In order for human beings to become like this, they had to let the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom out of themselves through repulsion.
92. The Occult Truths of Old Myths and Legends: The Mysteries of the Druids and Drotten 30 Sep 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Our medieval tales – Parzival, the Round Table, Hartmann von Aue – all show us, although usually only understood in the external sense, esoteric formulations of mystical truths. Where should we look for their origin?
That is why it is said that the ancient Germans received their instructions under oak trees. Drotten or Druids were ancient Germanic initiates. In England, [the Druid lodges] existed until the time of Queen Elizabeth.
The secret of all initiation is to give birth to the higher man within oneself. What the priest undergoes more quickly, ordinary people will undergo in a long series of developments. In order for these druids to be guides to the rest of humanity, they had to receive this initiation.
92. The Occult Truths of Old Myths and Legends: Parzival and Lohengrin 03 Dec 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
If the people who lived where Northern and Central Europe is today had been taught such concepts as we now get in the theosophical world view, the people of yore would not have understood them. The sages spoke to each people and age as that people and age could understand. They always based their teachings on the law of reincarnation.
When it is said that the Germans celebrated their religious services “under oaks”, it does not only mean that they really celebrated their services under natural oaks, but it also means that they were under the guidance of the Druids.
Christ calls Himself the Lamb of God because He appeared under this sign. [Today the Sun is in the sign of Pisces.] The Knights Templar point to the next constellation; the Sun will then enter the constellation of Aquarius.
92. Richard Wagner and Mysticism 02 Dec 1907, Nuremberg
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Does a botanist not think about a plant and try to discover the laws underlying its growth and life? Is not this the very thing that helps him to understand its nature? And will anyone deny him the right to speak about the plant from this aspect just because the plant itself is not conscious of these laws?
The point at issue is that the laws which help us to understand the achievements of an artist need not be consciously realised by him any more than the laws of growth are consciously realised by the plant.
That is the kind of nonsense we are expected to believe! But even nowadays it is quite easy to understand the real origin of myths.—The legend of the ‘Noonday Woman’ is still familiar in many regions.

Results 2351 through 2360 of 6201

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