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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 2361 through 2370 of 6201

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92. Greek and Germanic Mythology in the Light of Esotericism: The Prometheus Saga 07 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy Lenn

Rudolf Steiner
1 At the same time I shall be able to show you that the esotericist can pass through three stages in the understanding of saga. First, the sagas live in one or other of the peoples and are understood exoterically in their literal meaning.
The third stage is the one in which they can, in a way, be taken literally again. Of course, you have first to come to understand the language in which they are expressed. To-day I want to speak of one that is not very easy to understand, I want to speak of the Prometheus saga.
Fire was also understood to be the cause of lightning. Fire was the comprehensive expression for the causes of all phenomena of warmth.
92. Greek and Germanic Mythology in the Light of Esotericism: The Argonaut Saga and the Odyssey 14 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy Lenn

Rudolf Steiner
He came to the land of the Cyclops and overcame their one-eyed leader; then he went further, to Circe, who, we are told, turned his companions into swine. Then he descended into the underworld, and made the acquaintance of the dead heroes of Troy. Then he came under the influence of the sirens, who lead men astray by their magic songs.
This was the age when. human passions became so distorted under the influence of the forces of black magic that their astral bodies resembled those of the lowest animals.
Then he can take a look into the future of humanity, then he can undergo the testing time, which lasts seven years. That is why Odysseus remains with the nymph Calypso seven years.
92. Greek and Germanic Mythology in the Light of Esotericism: The Sigfried Saga 21 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy Lenn

Rudolf Steiner
In order to acquire a right understanding of the Siegfried saga we must first find its place in the great cosmic happenings in the world.
These were maintained until it became quite obvious that the evening of these preparatory Celtic races had come. You must understand that all the streams I have named do not reach the northern world. None of the currents which passed over the Flame-race, the Star-race, the Greco-Roman race, got as far as the northern regions.
Before a new phase takes root the earlier phases of evolution have to undergo a brief repetition. This repetition is plainly to be seen in the north. We are shown how all that has been experienced here in the north since the time of Lemuria and Atlantis has to be overcome before these northern nations will become mature, will really develop up to the level of the Christianised fifth sub-race.
92. Greek and Germanic Mythology in the Light of Esotericism: The Trojan War 28 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy Lenn

Rudolf Steiner
A priest-king state. Troy is a state in which the king is under the influence of the ancient priestly rulership. The rulership is replaced by the purely worldly principle.
Then mankind would not be mature enough for it. Every Mystery will one day under quite different conditions become common property, but it must be under other conditions. To-day there are still Mysteries which will not be revealed until the sixth root-race.
There are no absolute Mysteries, there are only things which under certain conditions cannot yet be borne, and men who cannot yet bear them. That is the essence of the Mystery.
93. The Temple Legend: Whitsuntide — Festival of the Liberation of the Human Spirit 23 May 1904, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
This means that they could enter into every heart and speak according to each one's understanding. That is one of the interpretations of Whitsuntide. If we wish to reach a more fundamental understanding of it, we must go still deeper into the matter.
Of these two currents11 I would maintain that two mighty and important spiritual intuitions underlie them. The one was best understood by the ancient Rishis. To them was revealed the intuition of beings of a higher order, the so-called Devas.
The one who sets Prometheus free is Heracles, of whom it is said that he underwent initiation in the Eleusinian Mysteries. Whoever descended to the underworld was an initiate, for the descent into the underworld is a technical term denoting initiation.
93. The Temple Legend: The Contrast between Cain and Abel 10 Jun 1904, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore Abel is the representative of the sex which does not reach spirituality through its own individual effort of understanding, but only receives it as a revelation of the Godhead and then merely tends it. The keeper of flocks, the guardian of that which has been placed on the earth, that is Abel.
No man would have said that previously. That can only be said by an understanding which reacts as though acoustically [?] to the spiritual. Now the principle of struggle, of opposition, is added to the principle of love; now egoism is born: “Am I my brother's keeper?”
Rather, it was because he knew that what he was then conveying to his pupil in the form of a fairy story would, when that spirit reincarnated, have prepared it to understand the truth in a more complete form. It is not faith, but knowledge, which inspired these fairy stories, that is, the experience of reincarnation.
93. The Temple Legend: The Mysteries of the Druids and the ‘Drottes’ 30 Sep 1904, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
This whole story has a deep mystery content which all who underwent initiation not only had to learn, but had to experience. The Mysteries. Initiation: the first deed was called the search for the body of Baldur.
Once upon a time the human being was not as he is today, he was undifferentiated, not bowed down by passionate experiences, but composed of finer ephemeral substance. Baldur, the radiant human being. When truly understood, all things which appear to us in the form of symbols must be understood in a higher sense. This human being who has not descended into what today we call matter, is Baldur.
What the priest accomplishes more quickly, the rest of mankind must undergo in long stages of development. To become leaders of the rest of mankind, the Druids had to receive this initiation.
93. The Temple Legend: The Prometheus Saga 07 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
They are the symbolic representation of the twelve tests which have to be performed by someone undergoing initiation. In addition, it is said that Heracles underwent initiation in the Eleusinian mysteries.
These leading figures were symbolised by the Greeks, first under the name Uranus, then Chronos, and later Zeus. Zeus, however, is one of those leaders who underwent his training elsewhere than on the earth.
The unclear sentences are as follows: ‘Every saga undergoes change. It derives from the most ancient tradition and undergoes change at a certain definite point.
93. The Temple Legend: The Mystery known to Rosicrucians 04 Nov 1904, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
They are only to be discovered by those who can understand the meaning of the legend of the Temple of Solomon and its Master Builder Hiram. Now we shall proceed from the recounting of the legend itself to its interpretation.
But, melancholy amidst all his greatness, he lived alone, understood and loved by few, hated by many, and among others by Solomon, envious of his genius and glory.
The king caused it to be placed on a triangular altar erected in a secret vault, built under the most retired part of the temple. The triangle was further concealed by a cubical stone, on which had been inscribed the sacred law.
93. The Temple Legend: Manicheism 11 Nov 1904, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
We have been asked to say something about Freemasonry. This cannot be understood, however, until we have examined the original spiritual currents related to Freemasonry, which can be seen as its sources.
10 the Holy Spirit promised to mankind by Christ. We should understand by this that he saw himself as one incarnation of the Holy Spirit; he did not mean that he was the only one.
Because a part of the light enters into evil, the evil itself is overcome. Underlying that is the interpretation of evil which I have often explained as that of theosophy. What is evil?

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