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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2391 through 2400 of 6201

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109. Christianity in the Evolution of Mankind 15 Feb 1909, Berlin
Translated by Frances E. Dawson

Rudolf Steiner
They only give; they take nothing from the earth. But if you wish to understand these things perfectly, you must distinguish between such a lofty Avatar-Being as the Christ and lower Avatar-beings.
Above all, one phenomenon will be understandable when you know that during this time the most diverse personalities had sentient soul, intellectual soul, or consciousness soul woven into them as copies of the astral body of Jesus of Nazareth. You will be able to understand that science, otherwise so little understood, which we ordinarily designate as scholasticism.
109. From Buddha to Christ II 14 Jun 1909, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
Now the question could arise again: Is it enough for us ordinary people to just learn to understand these teachings? Do we not all have to become initiates in order to understand theosophy? Yes, all human beings at a certain stage of development should strive to become initiates by means of the given methods, which, however, can only lead to a successful development of the slumbering powers in the soul through moral strength. But even those who are not yet ready to develop these powers, who can only absorb and understand the lofty teachings of Theosophy through study and with the help of their teacher, also enjoy a great privilege.
The words spoken by Christ: “He who eats my bread has trampled me under his feet,” are to be taken literally, for Christ is the spirit of our Earth, the Earth is his physical body.
109. Dedication of an Anthroposophical Group 15 Jun 1909, Wroclaw
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
To-day, however, he only sees them as physical objects, and it is difficult for any one living in our day to picture to himself the divine and the spiritual. Humanity has really lost its understanding of this divine-spiritual vision. In spite of this fact it is true that even to-day there are many souls which are wonderfully stirred by their understanding of that which is divine and spiritual.
But what is it that can shine forth within man, that will indeed shine forth within him, if he understands and pursues his development aright, which is the task of spiritual science? To explain this we shall have to go far back in history.
And this means that a fruit will be carried over into the other life. If man now understands that birth and life are not suffering, but afford the possibility of emerging from it, inasmuch as life gives him the opportunity to develop the Spiritual which leads out beyond all suffering—if man understands this, old age is no longer suffering, but a drawing nearer to the fruit of life.
110. The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928): Lecture I 12 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Much that is to be found in the stanzas of Dzyan will only be gradually understood in all its depth. It may well be said here that the wisdom of the stanzas of Dzyan is of such a kind that it cannot yet be understood in the widest anthroposophical circles, or fathomed with the exoteric capabilities of the present day.
But, all through those very long epochs, large masses of humanity could not penetrate to the sources of that wisdom, could only understand it with great difficulty; it was precisely the understanding of it which came with such difficulty.
In the sacred Mysteries these words — which later became the mere names of physical planets — were always understood as descriptions of spiritual worlds and gradations of spiritual realms. The outer world always understood it materially up to the time of modern Mythology — I use the word purposely — which is called Astronomy.
110. The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928): Lecture II 12 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
In all explanations of what exists and happens upon the earth, the central point of importance was always given to the spiritual investigation of fire. If we want to understand what we may call the Eastern teaching about fire, which was of such far-reaching importance in those ancient times for the acquisition of the knowledge and understanding of all life, then we must look around us at the other phenomena and occurrences of nature and see how these were considered by that very ancient teaching, which can still be useful nowadays for the purposes of spiritual science.
What did the teacher of ancient wisdom say to those who had to understand this? He said: ‘If thou lookest upon the outer world in such a way that thy spiritual process does not stop at the smoke, but rises to the element of fire, then after thy death thou dost free the spirit which is bewitched in the smoke.’
But the man who is not pious in this sense, who denies or does not understand the spirit and is always muddling through a materialistic chaos, into him these elementals of the fourth class flow, but remain unchanged.
110. The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928): Lecture III 13 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
As I have said before; some of these questions will be answered in these lectures; but if the understanding of them has to depend only upon such qualifications for thinking as the Earth gives to man, these questions cannot really be grasped at all.
Whilst they are incarnating that which we call external warmth is produced. If you had undertaken your voyage during the later stages of Saturn you could have differentiated outer impressions of warmth and also of cold.
[ 8 ] You must understand that the ancient Holy Rishis gave this idea to their pupils; they transported themselves in spirit back to the times of ancient Saturn, and made their pupils realise how a whole planet was able to produce something that resembled an expansion and contraction in breathing.
110. The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928): Lecture IV 13 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
[ 1 ] When considering the conditions of Saturn which are still transparent and less immersed in Maya, we glance back a little at what was said this morning, we shall be able to understand in what way the liberation or imprisonment of certain beings can be brought about — the liberation of those beings of which we spoke yesterday in relation to that most significant and incisive passage of the divine Gita.
We know how a man develops these further, that the ‘I’ works from within outwards, that in the first place the astral body is changed in such a way as to bring it completely under the dominion of the ‘I.’ Now when the astral body is so far transmuted that the ‘I’ has complete power over it, we say: this astral body has become of such a nature that it can contain the Spirit-self or Manas.
110. The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928): Lecture V 14 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Only they were not as yet called on to play their part — to put it trivially, they had not yet reached the stage when they could undertake something important, but they were present in the environment of Saturn. Still other Beings were around ancient Saturn, Beings of a degree still higher and still more sublime than the Cherubim, namely, the Seraphim, (Spirits of Love).
[ 11 ] Now we must for once come to an understanding with the extraordinary fantastic modern theory of the origin of the world, and turn our minds again to the Kant-Laplace theory.
We have now given a sketchy description of the fight in Heaven, the rending asunder of the ancient Moon, so that the planet accompanying the ancient Moon comes under the domination of those spirits of Motion or Might or Virtutes which had remained behind, and the ancient Sun under the domination of the advanced Virtutes.
110. The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928): Lecture VI 15 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
It is to these Spirits of Personality that one has to ascribe the fact that within certain epochs, certain definite personalities appear on our earth. You understand, do you not, that earthly tasks have to be solved by earthly personalities; in a definite epoch, some epoch-making personality has had to appear.
That which is called Mercury to-day was called Venus in all ancient teachings, and that which is called Venus was called Mercury. Thus, note it well, one does not understand the ancient writings when one takes that which in them is called Venus or Mercury for the Venus or Mercury of the present day.
These things are derived in every respect from the teachings of the holy Mysteries: we have only to understand them. [ 23 ] We are now obliged to ask: How does it happen then that such a son of Venus descends to us?
110. The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928): Lecture VII 16 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
And if you remember what was said yesterday, that the Archangels have the task of directing whole nations, you will understand that a man who had an Archangel within him could actually give to the whole Atlantean race those laws which he received directly from heaven.
Thus they were simple, plain people when they were left to their own understanding; but in their hours of inspiration, when the etheric body was active, they spoke of the greatest mysteries of our solar system and of the whole universe.
Many Individualities to whom we look back into former times can only be understood, when we accept them as the meeting point of different higher Beings, who proclaim and express themselves through the man.

Results 2391 through 2400 of 6201

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