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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2431 through 2440 of 6201

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112. The Gospel of St. John: The Hierarchical Beings of our Solar System and the Kingdoms of the Earth 27 Jun 1909, Kassel
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Thus speaks the materialistic soul, incapable of understanding that there is a spiritual existence, that such a being continues to exist though sacrificing what he had gradually received into himself.
Already at that time a certain change came over the conditions under which human beings lived; and an illustration from the growth of the plant will clarify what then confronted men as well.
The earth was gradually peopled with souls.—Now you will understand what a significant, deeply incisive event this exit of the moon was: really everything was changed by it.
112. The Gospel of St. John: Human Evolution within the Embodiments of our Earth 28 Jun 1909, Kassel
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
But a possibility for him to develop resulted from the fact that his etheric and physical bodies came to coincide at just the right time. In order to understand this, let us examine more closely evolution as we viewed it in its larger outlines yesterday and the day before.
They and their descendants felt themselves to be sun men, so to say. Let us understand this clearly. For simplicity's sake, imagine that during the moon crisis there existed all told but one human couple.
We learned how the Luciferic spirits intervened and worked against the divine-spiritual powers that drew men together, and we have come to understand that something very different would have occurred had the Luciferic spirits not taken a hand in human evolution.
112. The Gospel of St. John: The Atlantean Oracles 29 Jun 1909, Kassel
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
You can imagine that previously the nature of leadership as well was quite different, for at that time there existed nothing like a mutual understanding among men resting on an appeal to reason. In those days of dim clairvoyance mutual understanding was based upon a subconscious influence passing from one to the other.
A modern baptism, which is but an imitation of the original symbol, provides no understanding of the question. It was not a mere sprinkling with water, but a complete immersion: the candidate lived under water for a certain length of time, varying according to circumstances.
And if we read his writings with sympathetic understanding we find there much that is great and high-minded, especially in connection with Christianity.
112. The Gospel of St. John: The Baptism with Water and the Baptism with Fire and Spirit 30 Jun 1909, Kassel
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Now, what is the difference between John's baptism with water and Christ's baptism with fire and with the Holy Spirit? That can be understood only by one who has learned the nature of such understanding from its very roots, for even today we are still dependent upon first causes for a comprehension of the Christ.
First, we must recall that spiritual processes underlie really all physical processes—even those that pertain to the human being. For people of our day this is hard to believe, but in time the world will learn to recognize the fact; and only then will a full understanding of the Christ be reached.
Suppose we have a man who refuses to consider the idea that a psycho-spiritual principle underlies all that is physical in the human being, who fails to understand, for instance, that the enlargement of a physical liver is the expression of something spiritual.
112. The Gospel of St. John: The Initiation Mysteries 01 Jul 1909, Kassel
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
And the consequence was that in his case the initiation did not call for the artificial inducing of a three-anda-half-day trance, but that this came about of itself under the mighty impression of the Christ-Impulse. So for the outer world Lazarus was as though dead, so to speak, for three and a half days, even though during this time he experienced what was of the utmost importance; and thus only the last act, the resurrection, was undertaken by Christ.
For this reason a certain journey undertaken by Jesus of Nazareth did not strike them as in any way noteworthy. I said in one of the first lectures that if a man had undergone an initiation in the past, something special happens to him when he reappears.
Allowance was made for the lack of understanding, in our time, of occult facts proper. We now understand that Christ is illuminated for us from four sides, each Evangelist throwing light upon Him from the aspect he knew most intimately; and in view of the mighty impulse He gave, you will readily believe that he had many sides.
112. The Gospel of St. John: The Artistic Composition of the Gospel of St. John 02 Jul 1909, Kassel
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
From the very first chapters—if rightly understood and if one knows what all lies concealed in the words—this Gospel of St. John shows a rounded beauty of style equal to any in the world, although a superficial study does not reveal this fact.
You see, this does not help: nothing squares. We must understand that the jars must obviously have been empty, because a special significance attached to the filling of them.
Now, when the living forces of the water work, in turn, with “that which flows from me unto thee”, it becomes possible for the event described in the Gospel to take place. The governor of the feast is called, and he is under the impression that something unusual has occurred. He does not know what this was—it is specifically stated that he had not seen what happened—only the servants had seen it; but under the influence of what has taken place he now takes the water for wine.
112. The Gospel of St. John: What Occurred at the Baptism 03 Jul 1909, Kassel
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
The minor events of Earth evolution are naturally easier to understand than the great ones: who could doubt, therefore, that the mightiest one of all must present the greatest difficulties?
Simply because the physical body, as seen by physical eyes, is merely the outer expression of what underlies it, and the changes mentioned refer to the spiritual element that underlies the physical body. Now, all the old initiates achieved a certain degree of mastery over their physical body as a result of the procedure to which they were subjected; but there was one capacity that no old initiation could ever bring under the dominion of the human spirit.
We have said that in olden times people lived under the influence of endogamy, meaning that marriage was entered into within the same tribe by blood relatives.
112. The Gospel of St. John: The Harmonization of the Inner Forces of Man through the Christ-Impulse 04 Jul 1909, Kassel
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
The utterances of great minds are by no means grasped by those who believe to have understood them by means of trivial human concepts. But now we must apply all this to the Christ event; and from this point of view we must ask, What would have happened to mankind if it had not taken place?
What is it, then, above all things that the ancient sages who thought along these lines had to demand of men? They had to insist on a clear understanding of the relation of the physical body and the ego to the etheric and astral bodies: on a mental grasp of the maternal and paternal elements.
Let us ask the legend, which informs us further: Under the influence of the wisdom gleaned in her dream, the mother took the child she had borne to the island of Kariot and there abandoned him.
112. The Gospel of St. John: The Decline of Primeval Wisdom and its Rejuvenation through the Christ-Impulse 05 Jul 1909, Kassel
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
But nothing that evolves in the world takes place all at once, but step by step; it proceeds slowly and gradually; and thus the old dim clairvoyance vanished slowly and by degrees. Even today, under given conditions, it is still found as an old heritage in certain people and in mediumistic natures.
And with the gradual dwindling of wisdom men would become their own unwise leaders: their ego would wax increasingly strong, so that with the recession of wisdom every individual would seek truth in his own ego, would develop his own feelings and will—every man for himself—and men would become ever more isolated, more alienated from each other, and they would understand each other less and less. Since each wants his own thoughts—thoughts that no longer flow out of a unified wisdom—none can understand the other's thoughts; and human feelings, no longer guided by universal wisdom, must eventually come into mutual conflict, as must also human actions.
Why? That what had taken place might be understood by all who were near. And Christ clarifies the event: Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
112. The Gospel of St. John: The Cosmic Significance of the Mystery of Golgotha 06 Jul 1909, Kassel
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Underlying the Matthew Gospel was the initiate wisdom known to the Ebionite Gnostics, and this Gospel bases upon a document from that source as its model.
John will lead to a comprehensive understanding of what took place on Golgotha; to an understanding of the Mystery by means of which death, in the untrue form it had assumed in human evolution, was refuted.
Thus there came to Paul, on the road to Damascus, an understanding of what had taken place on Golgotha.

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