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Theosophy of the Rosicrucian
GA 99

3 June 1907, Munich

Translated by Mabel Cotterell and Dorothy S. Osmond

X. Planetary Evolution II

WE spoke yesterday about the various incarnations of our Planet, about the Saturn and Sun incarnations, and we will only briefly bring to mind that man on the Sun-planet, the forerunner of our Earth, was developed to the degree of having a physical body and an etheric body, that he had therefore risen to a kind of plant-existence. I have also told you how different this plant existence was from that which you know in the surrounding plant world today. We shall see that plants as they surround you today have only arisen on our planet Earth. We have also to a certain extent described how these human ancestors on the Sun, inasmuch as they had an etheric body, brought to expression in the physical body chiefly those organs which we know nowadays as the glandular organs of growth, reproduction and nutrition. All this was to be seen on the Sun as on our Earth we see rocks, stones and plants. There was in addition a kingdom that we can call a backward Saturn kingdom, which contained the elements of the later mineral. There is no question of mineral as we know it today being present on the Sun, but there were bodies which had not acquired the power of receiving an etheric body and which had therefore in a certain respect remained behind at the mineral stage that man had formerly passed through on Saturn. We must therefore speak of two kingdoms as being formed on the Sun. People have become accustomed in theosophical writings to say that man has gone through the mineral, the plant and the animal kingdoms. You see that is an inexact way of talking, the mineral kingdom on Saturn was quite differently formed. In its formations the first germs, the earliest indications of our sense organs were prefigured. Nor was there a plant kingdom on the Sun like the present one, but all that lives in man today as organs of growth was of a plant-like nature, i.e., all glandular organs; they were plant-like because they were permeated by an etheric body.

Now we must imagine that this Sun-existence passed through a kind of sleep condition, a darkening, a dormant period. You must not think, however, that the passing of a planet through a sleep-condition meant a sort of inactivity, a condition of nothingness. It is just as little inactive as the Devachan condition of man. The human Devachanic state is no inactive one; on the contrary, we have seen that man exists there in continuous activity, and co-operates in the development of our Earth in the most important way. It is only for the modern consciousness of man a kind of sleep state; for another consciousness, however, it appears as a much more active, more real condition. All these transition periods denote a passing through celestial, higher conditions in which important things for the planets are carried out. The theosophical expression for them is “Pralaya.”

We will now imagine that the Sun has passed through such a condition and that from the Sun there has developed the third stage of our Earth, called in occultism the Moon. If we had been able to observe this process, we should have been shown somewhat as follows: We should have seen in the course of millions of years the Sun existence change and disappear, and after further millions of years light up again after a twilight state. That is the beginning of the Moon Cycle.

When the Sun first lit up again there was no question of a division between Sun and Moon, they were still together as in the Sun period. And next there came about what one calls a recapitulation of the earlier conditions; what had taken place on Saturn and the Sun was recapitulated at a certain higher stage. Then a remarkable alteration took place in the condition of this newly emerged Sun. The Moon gathered itself into a globular mass apart from the Sun; two planets, or rather a fixed star and a planet arose from the old Sun system, a larger and a smaller body were formed: Sun and Moon.

The Moon of which we now speak contained not only what the present moon contains, but rather all the various substances and beings contained in the present earth and moon. If you were to stir all this together you would have that Moon of which we are speaking and which at that time had separated itself from the Sun.

The Sun became a fixed Star by reason of taking out the best substances together with the spiritual beings. As long as it was a planetary Sun it still contained all of this within itself. But since it now gave up to an independent planet everything that had hindered the beings in their higher development it became a Fixed Star. And now we have the cosmic scene before us of a higher evolved body as Fixed Star and moving round this in space a planet that is of lesser worth-the Moon-containing in itself the present moon and present earth.

This movement of the Moon round the Sun was quite different from the movement of our present earth. If you examine this you can distinguish two movements. First, the earth revolves round the Sun, and secondly round itself. Through the latter movement which takes place approximately 365 times in a year, arises, as you know, day and night, and through the former arise the four seasons. This, however, was not the case on the Old Moon. That Moon was in a certain respect a more polite body to its Sun than our earth is, for it always moved round the Sun in such a way as to show it the same side, it never turned its back upon it. While it passed once round the Sun it turned only once round itself Such a different kind of movement, however, had a great effect on the beings who were evolving on the planet.

Now I will describe to you the Moon planet itself. Here I must say, first of all, that the human being was again a little more advanced than on the Sun or Saturn. He had come so far as to consist not only of physical body and etheric body, but there was now the astral body in addition. We therefore now have a human being formed of physical body, etheric body, and astral body, but as yet no ego. The consequence was that the Moon human beings progressed to the third state of consciousness we have described, the picture consciousness, the last relic of which we have in the dream-picture-consciousness of man today. By virtue of the incorporation of the astral body into the other bodies, changes took place in these, and especially in the physical body. We have seen that on the Sun the glandular organs were the most highly developed part of the physical body, and that certain places were interpenetrated by currents which later hardened to the present solar-plexus. Through the work of the astral body upon the physical body on the Moon arose the first beginnings of the nervous system; the nerves attached themselves in a way similar to what you have today in the nerves of the spine.

Now consider one thing; man had as yet no independent. Ego, only the three other bodies were independent. This human ego was in the atmosphere surrounding the Moon, just as formerly the etheric body had been on Saturn and the astral body on the Sun, and from there this ego, embedded in its divine origin, worked upon the physical body. If we remember that at that time the ego still worked as a companion of divine beings, that it had not yet emancipated itself, fallen out from this divine spiritual essentiality, then we see that the ego in its path to earth has undergone in a certain way a kind of deterioration and in a certain way also an advance. An advance inasmuch as the ego has become independent, a deterioration, however, since it has now become exposed to all doubt, errors, wickedness and evil.

The egos worked from the divine-spiritual substance. If an ego works down today from the astral plane on to the physical body, it is a group-soul of the animals. The ego worked at that time into the three bodies from outside as these group-souls today work into the animals. It could, however, create higher bodies than those of the present animal kingdom since it worked from the divine substance. There were living beings on the Moon which in appearance and in their whole nature stood higher than the highest apes today, but not so high as the present man. There was an intermediate kingdom between present man and the animal kingdom. Then there were two more kingdoms, both of which had remained behind. One of these had not been capable of taking up the astral body after the Sun existence and had therefore remained at the stage in which the glandular organs were on the Sun. This second kingdom of the Moon stood between the present animals and the present plants; it was a kind of plant-animal. There exists today on earth no directly similar creature, we can only recognise rudiments of it. There was still a third kingdom, which had preserved the Saturn condition, even on the Sun; it stood between mineral and plant. Thus on the Moon we have three kingdoms: plant-mineral, animal-plant and man-animal.

The minerals of today on which we walk about did not exist on the Moon; there were not as yet what we call rocks, arable land, humus. The lowest kingdom stood between plant and mineral. The whole substance of the Moon consisted of this kingdom. The Moon surface somewhat resembled a peaty soil, on which there were also plants forming a kind of pulpy plant-mass. The Moon-beings went about on a vegetable-mineral mass of a pulp-like consistency. This was the state on the Moon during certain periods of its development-one could also compare it with a boiled lettuce. There were no rocks in the present sense, the nearest approach were certain formations occurring here and there which you can compare with the growths formed by the wood or the bark of certain trees. The Moon-mountains consisted of such lignification, such wooden masses of lignified plant-pulp. It was like a kind of aged plant grown dry. This was the earliest beginnings of the mineral kingdom and upon it flourished those plant-animals; they could make no independent movements, they were fixed to the ground, as the corals are today.

In our myths and sagas, in which lies deep wisdom given by initiates, a memory is preserved of this, and above all in the legend of the death of Baldur. The Germanic Sun-god or god of Light had once a dream in which his approaching death was foretold to him. That made the gods, the Asen, who loved him, very sad; they pondered over means of saving him. The Mother of the gods, Frigga, put all the beings of the earth on solemn oath that not one of them would ever kill Baldur; they all swore and so it seemed impossible that Baldur should ever fall a victim to death. On one occasion the gods were at play, and during the game they threw every possible sort of thing at Baldur without hurting him, they knew that he was invulnerable. Loki, the god of darkness, the opponent of the Asen, cogitated, however, on how to kill Baldur. Then he heard from Frigga that she had made all beings swear not to kill him. Quite outside, however, there was a plant, the mistletoe, which was unaffected, this she disclosed to him; she had administered no oath to it. The crafty Loki took the mistletoe, brought it to the blind god, Hödur, and he, not knowing what he did, killed Baldur with it. So the evil dream was fulfilled through the mistletoe. It has always played a special role in popular custom, something sinister, ghostly, was expressed through it. What was taught about the mistletoe in the old Trotten and Druid Mysteries passed over to the populace as legend and custom.

These are the facts: On the Moon there was this mineral-plant pulp and upon it flourished the plant-animals of the Moon. Now there were some who evolved further and reached a higher condition on the Earth; others, however, had stayed behind at the Moon stage, and as the Earth arose could only assume a stunted form, they had to preserve the habits they had on the Moon. On Earth they could only live as spongers, parasites, on a plant-like foundation. So the mistletoe lives on other trees, since it is a relic left behind of the old plant-animals of the Moon.

Baldur was the expression of what evolves further, of what brings light to the Earth; Loki, on the contrary, the representative of the dark forces, the backward forces, hates what has progressed, has gone on developing; therefore Loki is the opponent of Baldur. None of the creatures of Earth could undertake anything against Baldur, the god who gave light to the Earth, for they were his equals, they had undergone evolution. Only a being still at the Moon-stage and feeling itself united with the ancient god of darkness was capable of killing the god of light. The mistletoe is also a definite curative remedy, as are poisons in general. Thus do we find deep facts of cosmic wisdom in the old folklore and customs.

Now we call to mind the beings on Saturn who had the Ego as the outermost body, and remember that on the Sun there were such as had the astral body as their external sheath. On the Moon there were beings whose external sheath was the etheric body. They consisted of etheric body, astral body, ego, Spirit-self, Life-spirit and Spirit-man and of one member more, the eighth, of which we cannot yet speak in the case of man, the Holy Spirit. We could only have seen them as phantom-like beings in their etheric body; they had at that time the same degree of evolution as man today possesses. Christian esotericism calls them Angels. They are beings who today stand directly above man since they have evolved to the stage of the Holy Spirit; one also calls them Spirits of Twilight or the Lunar Pitris. The Spirits of Ego-hood on Saturn had as their Leader a Being whom man calls the Father-God. The Spirits of Fire on the Sun had as their Leader the Christ, or in the sense of St. John's Gospel, the Logos. On the Moon the Leader was the same Spirit as is known in Christianity as the Holy Ghost. Those beings who had passed through the human stage on the Moon had no need to descend as far as the physical body here on the Earth.

The planetary formations had become ever denser and denser. Old Saturn in its densest state had only a warmth consistency. The Sun in its densest state consisted of what we see today in gases, in air. You must, to be sure, picture these substances as somewhat denser than the present warmth-substance and the gases. And in the Moon-stage the gaseous substances of the Sun had so far densified that they produced that pulpy, thickish, fluid flowing mass of which all the beings, even the highest, the animal-men, consisted on the Moon. You have more or less this substance if you imagine the white of a hen's egg, somewhat thickened, and into this substance of the human being the nervous system was incorporated.

The Moon was surrounded by a kind of atmosphere formed quite differently from that of the Earth. We understand its character if we think of a passage in Goethe's Faust; it is where he wants to conjure up the spirits, he wants to make fire-air—air in which watery, mist-like substances are dissolved, which would then enable spirit beings to incorporate in it. This air permeated by watery substances (one calls it Fire-air, or Fire-mist) was breathed by the beings of the Moon. They had no lungs, even the highest beings breathed through something akin to gills, as present-day fishes do.

This fire-air, called “Ruach” in the Hebrew tradition, can actually be made manifest in a certain way. “Ruach” has been lost to modern man, the old alchemists could, however, set up the necessary conditions for it, and could bring elemental beings into their service by its means. This fire-mist was thus something fully known in the old alchemical times, and the farther back we go, the more power had man to produce it. Our forefathers on the Moon breathed fire-mist. It has evolved further, has differentiated itself into our present air and into whatever has arisen on the Earth under the influence of fire.

The smoke-like, steam-like Moon atmosphere, which had a certain degree of heat, was interpenetrated, at certain times more, at others less, by currents which hung down from the air somewhat like cords, and sank into the human bodies and permeated them. The human body on the Moon hung on a kind of strand, which extended into the atmosphere, as today the child in the maternal body hangs on the navel-cord. It was like a cosmic navel-cord and out of the fire-mist substances entered the bodies comparable to what man himself creates today with the blood. The “I,” however, was outside man and sent through these cords into the bodies something similar to blood, and this substance streamed in and out of them. The beings never came in contact with the Moon-surface, they hovered and circled around it, as if they were flowing and floating. The Moon men-animals moved as the present water animals move in water. It was the work of the angels, the Spirits of Twilight, to let these blood-juices flow into the human beings.

These very different conditions had another consequence. On the Moon a kind of blood-system began. From the cosmos there streamed in and out a substance resembling blood, as now the air streams in and out of the body, and there also arose for these Moon-men a capacity which only appears with the blood. This was the first sounding of inner tones for experiences of the soul. It is only when beings possess an astral body, that sensation arises, and they could express this sensation in tones, and indeed in a remarkable way. They were not definitely formed sounds, they could not have cried out with pain, there was no independence of giving vent to sound, of crying out, but it occurred simultaneously with certain experiences. At definite seasons there took place on the Moon what one could call a development of the propagation impulses, and the inner experiences of the beings at those times could be expressed in sound; otherwise they were silent. At a definite position of the Moon to the Sun, in a certain season, the Old Moon sounded forth into the cosmos. The beings upon it cried out their germinative power into the cosmos. We have relics of this preserved in the cries of certain animals, of the stag, for instance. The cry was more the precipitation of general processes, not of individual experiences which are voluntarily expressed. A cosmic event was finding its expression.

We must take all this as but approximate description, for we are bound to words which are coined for things only come into existence in our Earth period. We should first have to invent a language if we would express what is seen by the eye of the Seer. All the same these descriptions are important, for they are the first way of coming to the truth. Only through pictures, through imagination do we find the way to vision. We should make no abstract concepts, mechanical schemes, nor draw up diagrams of vibrations, but let pictures arise within us; that is the direct path, the first stage of knowledge. For as surely as man was present at that time with his forces, so true is it that if he pictures things to himself, this will guide him to the conditions in which he then existed.

After all the beings on the Moon had passed through their evolution and could ascend to higher stages, the time came when Moon and Sun again united, reverted to one body and so entered into Pralaya. And then after they had gone through this dormant state together, a new existence shone out, the earliest proclamation of our Earth-existence.

Now followed a short recapitulation of the first three conditions on a higher level. First the Saturn existence, then the Sun, and then the Moon once more split off and circled round the other body. But this Moon still had the Earth within it.

Then comes a further highly important change. All that is Earth threw out of itself the present moon. That means the worst substances and beings, the unserviceable, and these are contained in the present moon. All that was flowing watery substance in the Old Moon, is frozen on the present moon (that can be proved by physical means); and what was capable of developing further remained behind as Earth. Higher development takes place on the Earth through the separation of the Old Sun into these three bodies: Sun, Moon and Earth.

This separation happened millions of years ago, in the old Lemurian time. And from those ancient Moon-beings, which have been described as plant-mineral, plant-animals and animal-men have arisen the present mineral, the present plant, the present animal and the man who has become able to receive into himself the Ego which formerly hovered around him and was united with the Godhead. The union of the I with the human being took place after the separation of Sun, Moon and Earth, and from this point of time onwards Man has been capable of developing the red blood in himself, and of ascending to the level he has reached today.

Zehnter Vortrag

[ 1 ] Wir haben gestern von den verschiedenen Verkörperungen unseres Planeten gesprochen, über die Saturn- und über die Sonnenverkörperung, und wir wollen uns nur kurz ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen, daß auf diesem Sonnenplaneten, dem Vorgänger unseres Erdenplaneten, der Mensch bis zu demjenigen Punkte ausgebildet war, daß er einen physischen und einen Ätherleib hatte, daß er also aufgestiegen war zu einer Art von Pflanzendasein. Ich habe Ihnen auch erzählt, wie verschieden allerdings dieses Pflanzendasein von dem war, was Sie heute in der Pflanzenwelt Ihrer Umgebung kennen. Wir werden sehen, daß die Pflanzen, die Sie heute umgeben, erst auf unserem Erdenplaneten entstanden sind. Wir haben auch beschrieben in einer gewissen Weise, wie dadurch, daß diese Menschenvorfahren der Sonne einen Ätherleib hatten, sie im physischen Leibe hauptsächlich diejenigen Organe zum Ausdruck brachten, die wir jetzt als Drüsenorgane, als Organe des Wachstums, der Fortpflanzung und der Ernährung kennen. Das alles war auf der Sonne zu sehen wie auf unserer Erde Felsen, Steine und Pflanzen. Daneben gab es ein Reich, das wir als zurückgebliebenes Saturnreich bezeichnen können, das die Anlagen zum späteren Mineral enthielt. Also nicht Mineral, wie wir es heute kennen, davon kann auf diesem Sonnenkörper nicht die Rede sein, aber Körper, die sich sozusagen nicht die Fähigkeit erworben hatten, einen Ätherleib in sich aufzunehmen und die dadurch in gewisser Beziehung auf der mineralischen Stufe zurückgeblieben waren, die der Mensch vorher auf dem Saturn durchgemacht hatte. Wir müssen also von zwei Reichen sprechen, die sich auf der Sonne gebildet haben. Man hat sich in der theosophischen Literatur daran gewöhnt, davon zu sprechen, daß der Mensch durchgegangen sei durch das Mineralreich, durch das Pflanzenreich und durch das Tierreich. Sie sehen, das ist eine ungenaue Ausdrucksweise. Dieses Mineralreich auf dem Saturn war ganz anders gestaltet. Es waren in den Gestalten desselben die ersten Keime, die Vorboten unserer Sinnesorgane vorgezeichnet. Ebenso war auf der Sonne nicht ein Pflanzenreich wie das heutige, sondern es war pflanzlicher Natur alles das, was heute in dem Menschen als Organe des Wachstums lebt, namentlich alle Drüsenorgane. Pflanzlich waren sie, weil sie vom Ätherleib durchzogen waren.

[ 2 ] Nun müssen wir uns vorstellen, daß dieser Sonnenzustand durchgegangen ist durch eine Art von Schlafzustand, durch eine Verdunkelung, eine Latenz. Sie dürfen sich aber nicht vorstellen, daß der Durchgang eines Planeten durch einen solchen Schlafzustand etwa ein Durchgehen durch die Tatenlosigkeit wäre, ein Zustand der Nichtigkeit. Das ist er ebensowenig wie der Devachanzustand des Menschen. Das menschliche Devachan ist kein Zustand der Tatenlosigkeit. Wir haben vielmehr gesehen, wie der Mensch dort in fortwährender Tätigkeit sich befindet und an der Entwickelung unserer Erde in wichtigster Weise mitarbeitet. Nur für das gegenwärtige Bewußtsein des Menschen ist dieser Zustand eine Art von Schlafzustand. Für ein anderes Bewußtsein stellt er sich aber als ein viel tätigerer wirklicher Zustand dar. Es sind alle diese Durchgänge ein Gehen durch himmlische, höhere Zustände, worin Wichtiges für die Planeten vorgeht. Man nennt sie in der theosophischen Ausdrucksweise «Pralaya».

[ 3 ] Wir wollen uns nun vorstellen, wie die Sonne durch einen solchen Zustand gegangen ist und wie sich aus der Sonne das entwickelt hat, was man im Okkultismus den dritten Zustand unserer Erde, den Mond, nennt. Wenn wir diesem Vorgange hätten zuschauen können, so hätte sich uns etwa folgendes dargestellt. Wir hätten im Laufe von Millionen von Jahren das Sonnendasein sich verändern und dahinschwinden sehen und nach weiteren Millionen von Jahren wieder aufleuchten nach einem Dämmerungszustand. Das ist der Beginn des Mondenkreislaufs.

[ 4 ] In der ersten Zeit, als die Sonne wieder aufleuchtete, war von einer Trennung zwischen Sonne und Mond nicht die Rede; sie waren noch beisammen wie im Sonnenzeitalter. Und dann geschah zunächst, was man eine Wiederholung der früheren Zustände nennt. Auf einer gewissen höheren Stufe wiederholte sich, was auf dem Saturn und der Sonne geschehen war. Dann trat eine merkwürdige Veränderung in dem Zustande dieser wieder hervorgetretenen Sonne ein: es ballte sich der Mond von der Sonne ab. Zwei Planeten oder vielmehr ein Fixstern und ein Planet entstanden aus dem alten Sonnensystem heraus. Es bildete sich eine größere und eine kleinere Masse, Sonne und Mond. Der Mond, von dem wir jetzt sprechen, enthielt nicht nur, was der heutige Mond enthält, sondern vielmehr alles das, was die heutige Erde und der Mond an verschiedenen Substanzen und Wesenheiten enthalten. Wenn Sie das alles zusammenrühren würden, dann hätten Sie jenen Mond, von dem wir sprechen und der sich damals von der Sonne abgerissen hat.

[ 5 ] Die Sonne wurde dadurch ein Fixstern, daß sie die besten Stoffe zugleich mit den geistigen Wesenheiten herauszog. Dadurch avancierte sie zum Fixstern. Als sie noch Planetensonne war, hatte sie ja das alles noch in sich. Weil sie aber jetzt alles das abgab an einen selbständigen Planeten, was die Wesen an ihrer Höherentwickelung verhindert hätte, wurde sie ein Fixstern. Und wir haben jetzt das kosmische Schauspiel vor uns, daß wir einen höhergebildeten Körper als Fixstern haben, und um diesen herum im Raume sich bewegend einen Planeten, der weniger wertvoll ist, der Mond, das heißt heutiger Mond und heutige Erde in einem.

[ 6 ] Diese Bewegung des Mondes um die Sonne war eine ganz andere, als es die Bewegung der heutigen Erde ist. Wenn Sie diese verfolgen, können Sie zwei Bewegungen unterscheiden. Erstens dreht sich die Erde um die Sonne und zweitens um sich selbst. Durch diese letztere Bewegung, die im Jahre sich ungefähr 365 mal vollzieht, entsteht, wie Sie wissen, Tag und Nacht, durch die erstere entstehen die vier Jahreszeiten. So war es aber auf dem alten Monde nicht. Dieser Mond war in gewisser Beziehung ein höflicherer Körper zu seiner Sonne, als es unsere Erde ist, denn er bewegte sich immer so um die Sonne herum, daß er ihr stets dieselbe Seite zukehrte. Er kehrte ihr niemals die Rückseite zu. Er drehte sich während eines Rundganges um die Sonne nur einmal um sich selbst. Solch eine andersartige Bewegung aber hat eine große Wirkung auf die Wesen, die sich auf dem Planeten entwickeln.

[ 7 ] Nun will ich Ihnen diesen Mondplaneten selbst beschreiben. Da muß ich vor allen Dingen sagen, daß der Mensch selbst wiederum ein Stück weitergekommen war als auf der Sonne und dem Saturn. Er war jetzt so weit, daß er nicht nur aus physischem und Ätherleib bestand, sondern daß auch noch der Astralleib dazukam. Wir haben also jetzt einen Menschen, der aus physischem Leib, Ätherleib und Astralleib sich zusammensetzte, der aber noch kein Ich hatte. Die Folge davon war, daß gerade dieser Mensch des Mondes aufrückte zu jenem dritten Bewußtseinszustande, den wir beschrieben haben, zu dem Bilderbewußtsein, dessen letztes Rudiment wir im Traumbilderbewußtsein des heutigen Menschen haben. Dadurch nun, daß dieser astralische Leib sich den anderen Leibern eingliederte, gingen an diesen, namentlich am physischen Leibe, Veränderungen vor. Wir haben gesehen, wie auf der Sonne als Höchstes im physischen Leibe die Drüsenorgane waren, wie bestimmte Stellen durchzogen wurden von Strahlungen, die sich später verhärtet haben zum heutigen Sonnengeflecht. Durch die Arbeit des Astralleibes an dem physischen Leib auf dem Monde entstanden die ersten Anfänge des Nervensystems. Da gliederten sich die Nerven ein, die Sie heute noch in ähnlicher Weise in den Nerven des Rückenmarks haben.

[ 8 ] Nun bedenken Sie das eine: Der Mensch hatte noch kein selbständiges Ich, nur die drei genannten Leiber waren da. Dieses menschliche Ich war geradeso in der Atmosphäre in der Umgebung des Mondes, wie früher der Ätherleib auf dem Saturn und der Astralleib auf der Sonne, und von dort aus arbeitete dieses Ich, eingebettet in die göttlicheGrundsubstanz, an dem physischen Leibe. Wenn wir nun bedenken, daß damals das Ich noch arbeitete als ein Genosse von göttlichen Wesenheiten, daß es sozusagen noch nicht herausgegliedert, noch nicht herausgefallen war aus dieser göttlich-geistigen Wesenheit, so sehen wir, daß das Ich auf seinem Gang zum Erdendasein in gewisser Weise eine Art von Verschlechterung und in gewisser Weise auch eine Verbesserung erfahren hat. Eine Verbesserung dadurch, daß das Ich selbständig geworden ist, eine Verschlechterung aber dadurch, daß es nun allem Zweifel, allen Irrtümern, allem Bösen und Schlechten ausgesetzt worden ist.

[ 9 ] Aus der göttlich-geistigen Substanz heraus arbeiteten die Iche. Wenn heute ein Ich vom astralischen Plan herunterarbeitet auf den physischen Plan, ist es eine Gruppenseele der Tiere. Ähnlich wie diese Gruppenseelen heute hineinarbeiten in die Tiere, so arbeitete damals das menschliche Ich von außen hinein in die drei Leiber. Nur konnte es höhere Körper erzeugen als den des heutigen Tieres, weil es aus der göttlichen Substanz heraus wirkte. Es gab auf dem Monde Lebewesen, die durch ihr Aussehen, durch alles, was sie waren, höher standen als heute die höchsten Affen, aber nicht so hoch wie der heutige Mensch. Es gab ein Zwischenreich zwischen dem heutigen Menschen und dem Tierreich. Dann gab es noch zwei weitere Reiche, die beide zurückgeblieben waren: ein solches, welches gewissermaßen nicht fähig geworden war, von der Sonne her den Astralleib aufzunehmen, das also auf der Stufe stehengeblieben war, auf der die Drüsenorgane auf der Sonne waren. Dieses zweite Reich auf dem Monde stand zwischen den heutigen Tieren und heutigen Pflanzen mitten darin, es war eine Art Pflanzentier. Es gibt heute auf der Erde keine ähnlichen Wesen unmittelbar, wir können nur noch Rudimente davon erkennen. Es gab noch ein drittes Reich, das sich schon auf der Sonne den Saturnzustand bewahrt hatte; es stand mitten darin zwischen Mineral und Pflanzen. So haben wir also auf dem Monde drei Reiche: Pflanzenmineral, Tierpflanze und Menschentier.

[ 10 ] Das, was heute Mineralien sind, auf denen Sie herumgehen, das gab es auf dem Monde noch nicht. Was wir Felsen, Ackerkrume und Humussubstanz nennen, gab es damals noch nicht. Das niedrigste Reich stand zwischen Pflanze und Mineral. Aus diesem Reiche bestand die ganze Substanz des Mondes. Die Mondenoberfläche glich etwa einem heutigen Torfboden, wo Pflanzen eben daran sind, eine Art Pflanzenbrei zu bilden. Die Mondenwesen gingen herum auf einer breiigen Pflanzenmineralmasse. Durch gewisse Zeiten seiner Entwickelung war der Mond so. Man kann es auch mit einem Kochsalat vergleichen. Felsen gab es im heutigen Sinne nicht. Das Höchste, was es gab, waren gewisse Eingliederungen, die Sie vergleichen können mit der Masse, die das Holz oder die Borke bestimmter Bäume bildet. Die Mondenberge bestanden aus solchen Verholzungen, solchen Holzmassen von verholztem Pflanzenbrei. Es war wie eine Art dürr gewordener alter Pflanze. Hierin bereitete sich das Mineralreich vor. Darauf wuchsen diese Pflanzentiere. Sie konnten keine selbständige Bewegung machen, sie waren festgebannt an den Boden, wie heute die Korallen.

[ 11 ] In unseren Mythen und Sagen, in denen von Eingeweihten gegebene tiefe Weisheit liegt, ist uns eine Erinnerung daran erhalten, und zwar in der Mythe vom Tode des Baldur. Der germanische Sonnen- oder Lichtgott hatte einstmals einen Traum, in dem ihm sein baldiger Tod verkündet wurde. Das machte die Götter, die Asen, die ihn liebten, sehr traurig. Sie sannen auf Mittel, ihn zu retten. Die Göttermutter Frigg nahm allen Wesen der Erde schwere Eide ab, daß keines den Baldur jemals töten würde. Alle schworen, und so schien es unmöglich, daß Baldur jedem Tode verfallen könne. Einst spielten die Götter und warfen während des Spiels mit allen möglichen Dingen nach Baldur, ohne ihn zu verwunden; sie wußten, daß er unverwundbar sei. Loki aber, der Gegner der Asen, der Gott der Finsternis, sann darauf, Baldur zu töten. Da hörte er von der Frigg, daß sie allen Wesen Eide abgenommen hätte, Baldur nicht zu töten. Nur ganz draußen, da war eine Pflanze, die Mistel, die war unschädlich, der hatte sie keinen Eid abgenommen, und das verriet sie ihm. Der listige Loki nahm die Mistel und brachte sie dem blinden Gotte Hödur, der, unwissend, was er tat, mit der Mistel den Baldur tötete. So erfüllte sich der böse Traum durch die Mistel. Sie spielte immer im Volksgebrauch eine bestimmte Rolle. Etwas Unheimliches, Geisterhaftes drückte sich durch sie aus. Was in den alten Drotten- und Druidenmysterien gelehrt wurde über die Mistel, ist als Sage und Brauch ins Volk übergegangen.

[ 12 ] Die zugrunde liegende Wahrheit ist: Auf dem Monde gab es diesen Mineralpflanzenbrei. Darauf wuchsen die Pflanzentiere des Mondes. Es gab nun solche, die sich weiterentwickelten und auf der Erde höhere Zustände erreichten, andere aber waren zurückgeblieben auf der Mondenstufe, und als die Erde entstand, konnten sie nur verkümmerte Gestalt annehmen. Sie mußten die Gewohnheit, die sie auf dem Monde hatten, beibehalten. Sie konnten nur auf pflanzlicher Grundlage, als Schmarotzer, als Parasiten auf der Erde leben. So lebt die Mistel auf anderen Bäumen, weil sie ein zurückgebliebener Rest der alten Pflanzentiere des Mondes ist.

[ 13 ] Baldur war der Ausdruck dessen, was sich weiterentwickelt, was auf der Erde Licht bringt; Loki dagegen, der Repräsentant der finsteren Gewalten, des Zurückgebliebenen, er haßt das Fortgeschrittene, das, was sich weiterentwickelt hat. Daher ist Loki der Gegner des Baldur. Alle Erdenwesen waren unfähig, gegen Baldur, den Gott, der der Erde Licht gab, etwas zu unternehmen, denn sie waren seinesgleichen, sie hatten die Entwickelung mitgemacht. Nur das auf der Mondenstufe Zurückgebliebene, was sich mit dem alten Gott der Finsternis verbunden fühlte, das allein war fähig, den Lichtgott zu töten. Die Mistel ist auch ein bestimmtes Heilmittel, wie überhaupt Gifte Heilmittel sind. So finden wir tief auf dem Grunde der alten Volkssagen und Gebräuche kosmische Weisheiten.

[ 14 ] Nun erinnern Sie sich der Wesenheiten, die auf dem Saturn als äußersten Leib das Ich hatten, und daß es auf der Sonne solche gab, die als äußersten Leib den Astralleib hatten. Auf dem Monde gab es Wesenheiten, deren äußerster Leib der Ätherleib war. Sie bestanden aus Ätherleib, Astralleib, Ich, Geistselbst, Lebensgeist, Geistesmensch und aus einem Gliede darüber, dem achten, von dem wir heute beim Menschen noch nicht reden können, dem Heiligen Geist. Wir hätten sie nur in ihrem Ätherleibe sehen können als gespensterhafte Wesenheiten. Sie hatten damals den Entwickelungswert wie heute der Mensch. Die christliche Esoterik nennt sie Engel. Es sind Wesen, die heute unmittelbar über dem Menschen stehen, weil sie sich hinaufentwickelt haben bis zur Stufe des Heiligen Geistes. Man nennt sie auch Geister des Zwielichts oder lunarische Pitri.

[ 15 ] Die Geister der Ichheit hatten auf dem Saturn als Anführer eine Wesenheit, die man den Vatergott nennt. Die Geister des Feuers hatten auf der Sonne als Anführer den Christus, im Sinne des Johannes-Evangeliums den Logos. Auf dem Monde war der Anführer der Geister des Zwielichts dasselbe, was im Christentum der Heilige Geist ist. Jene Wesen, die auf dem Monde ihre Menschheit durchgemacht hatten, hatten nicht nötig, hier auf der Erde bis zu der Gestalt des physischen Leibes hinabzusteigen.

[ 16 ] Die planetarischen Bildungen sind immer dichter und dichter geworden. Der alte Saturn hatte in seinem dichtesten Zustande nur den Zustand des Wärmestoffes. Der Sonnenzustand hatte als dichtesten Zustand dasselbe, was wir heute in den Gasen, der Luft sehen. Allerdings müssen Sie sich diese Substanzen etwas dichter vorstellen, als der heutige Wärmestoff und die Gase sind. Und auf der Mondenstufe haben sich die gasigen Substanzen der Sonne so verdichtet, daß sie diese breiartige, dichtwässerige, quellende Masse ergaben, aus der alle diese Wesen, auch die höchsten, die Tiermenschen auf dem Monde, bestanden. Wenn Sie sich das Weiße eines Hühnereies etwas dichter denken, so haben Sie ungefähr diese Substanz, und in diese Substanz des Menschen wurde das Nervensystem eingegliedert.

[ 17 ] Umgeben war dieser Mond von einer Art Atmosphäre, die ganz anders gestaltet war als die Erdenatmosphäre. Den Charakter dieser Substanz erkennen wir, wenn wir an eine Stelle in Goethes «Faust» denken: es ist da, wo Mephistopheles mit Faust auf dem Mantel sich in die Höhe heben will. Da will er Feuerluft machen; das würde Luft sein, in der wässerige Substanzen nebelhaft aufgelöst sind. Diese von wässerigen Substanzen durchzogene Luft — man nennt sie Feuerluft, auch Feuernebel — atmeten die Wesen auf dem Monde. Sie hatten keine Lunge, auch die höchsten Wesen, sie atmeten durch eine Art von Kiemen wie heute die Fische.

[ 18 ] Diese Feuerluft, in der hebräischen Tradition «Ruach» genannt, kann tatsächlich in einer gewissen Weise dargestellt werden. Diese Ruach ist den heutigen Menschen verlorengegangen, die alten Alchemisten aber konnten die Bedingungen dafür herstellen; sie konnten dadurch Elementarwesen zu ihren Dienern machen. Dieser Feuernebel war also in den alchemistischen Zeiten etwas durchaus Bekanntes, und je weiter wir zurückgehen, desto mehr hatten die Menschen die Möglichkeit, ihn herzustellen. Diesen Feuernebel atmeten unsere Vorfahren auf dem Monde. Er hat sich weiterentwickelt und hat sich differenziert in die heutige Luft und in das, was sonst auf der Erde unter der Einwirkung des Feuers entstanden ist.

[ 19 ] Die rauchartige, dampfartige Mondenatmosphäre, die einen gewissen Hitzegrad hatte, war durchzogen, zu gewissen Zeiten mehr, zu gewissen Zeiten weniger, von Strömungen, die sozusagen wie Stränge von der Luft herunterhingen, sich in die Menschenkörper hineinsenkten und sie durchdrangen. Ganz ähnlich hing der Menschenleib auf dem Monde an einer Art von Strang, der sich hinausdehnte in die Atmosphäre, wie heute das Kind im mütterlichen Leibe an der Nabelschnur hängt. Es war wie ein kosmischer Nabelstrang; und aus dieser Feuerluft kamen Stoffe in die Leiber, die sich vergleichen lassen mit dem, was heute der Mensch selbst erzeugt, mit dem Blut. Das Ich war aber außerhalb des Menschen und sandte durch diese Stränge etwas, was blutähnlich war, in die Körper, und diese Substanz strömte in sie aus und ein. Die Wesen berührten niemals die Mondenoberfläche; sie umschwebten, sie umkreisten dieselbe, wie wenn sie schwebend flössen. So wie die heutigen Wassertiere im Wasser sich bewegen, so bewegten sich diese Mondenmenschentiere. Es war die Arbeit der Engel, der Geister des Zwielichts, daß sie diese Blutsäfte einfließen ließen in die Menschen.

[ 20 ] Diese ganz anderen Verhältnisse hatten anderes zur Folge. Auf dem Monde fing eine Art Blutsystem an. Vom Kosmos strömte eine blutartige Substanz ein und aus, so wie heute die Luft in den Körper, und da entstand auch bei diesen Mondentiermenschen eine Fähigkeit, die nur mit dem Blute auftritt. Es war das erste Erklingen innerer Töne für seelische Erlebnisse. Erst wenn der Astralleib in den Wesen ist, tritt Empfindung auf, und diese Empfindung konnten sie ausleben in Tönen, und zwar auf eine merkwürdige Art. Es waren keine wirklich erzeugten Töne, sie hätten ihren Schmerz nicht hinausschreien können, es war keine Selbständigkeit des Schreiens, des Laut-Hervorbringens, sondern es traf zusammen mit bestimmten Erlebnissen. Zu bestimmten Jahreszeiten auf dem Monde geschah, was man nennen könnte eine Entwickelung des Fortpflanzungstriebes, und die inneren Erlebnisse, die diese Wesen dabei hatten, die konnten sie heraustönen; sonst schwiegen sie. In einer bestimmten Stellung des Mondes zur Sonne, in einer gewissen Jahreszeit, tönte heraus der alte Mond in den Kosmos. Die Wesen auf ihm schrieen ihren Trieb in die Welt hinaus. Rudimente davon haben wir in dem Schreien gewisser Tiere, zum Beispiel des Hirsches, erhalten. Das Schreien war mehr der Niederschlag allgemeiner Vorgänge, nicht individueller Erlebnisse, die willkürlich ausgedrückt sind. Ein kosmisches Ereignis fand darin seinen Ausdruck.

[ 21 ] Wir müssen dies alles nur als annähernde Schilderungen auffassen, denn wir sind an Worte gebunden, die für Dinge, welche sich erst in unserer Erdenzeit verwirklicht haben, geprägt sind. Wir müßten erst eine Sprache erfinden, wenn wir das ausdrücken wollten, was das Auge des Sehers sieht. Trotzdem sind diese Schilderungen wichtig, denn sie sind der erste Weg, um zur Wahrheit zu kommen. Nur durch das Bild, die Imagination, finden wir den Weg zur Anschauung. Wir sollen uns keine abstrakten Begriffe, kein Schema machen, keine Vibrationen aufzeichnen, sondern Bilder in uns selbst entstehen lassen; das ist der direkte Weg, die erste Stufe der Erkenntnis. Denn so wahr es ist, daß der Mensch schon dazumal mit seinen Kräften dabei war, so wahr ist es, daß, wenn er sich heute Vorstellungen macht, diese ihn wieder zurücklenken zu den Zuständen, in denen er damals war.

[ 22 ] Nachdem alle Wesenheiten auf dem Monde ihre Entwickelung durchgemacht hatten und zu höheren Stufen aufschreiten konnten, kam die Zeit, wo sich Mond und Sonne wieder vereinigten, in einen Leib zurückfielen und so ins Pralaya traten. Nachdem sie dann zusammen diesen Zustand der Latenz durchgemacht hatten, glänzte ein neues Dasein auf: die erste Vorverkündigung unseres Erdendaseins. Jetzt wiederholten sich kurz die ersten drei Zustände auf höherer Stufe, zuerst das Saturndasein, dann das Sonnendasein, und dann spaltete sich der Mond neuerdings ab und umkreiste den übrigen Körper. Aber dieser Mond hatte die Erde noch in sich.

[ 23 ] Nun kommt eine weitere hochwichtige Veränderung. Alles, was Erde ist, wirft den heutigen Mond aus sich heraus. Das sind die schlechtesten Stoffe und Wesenheiten, das Unbrauchbare; das ist in dem heutigen Monde enthalten. Alles das, was als quellend-wässerige Substanz auf dem alten Monde war, ist auf dem heutigen Monde vereist — das kann man physisch nachweisen —, und das, was fortentwicklungsfähig war, blieb als Erde zurück. Die Höherentwickelung geschieht auf der Erde durch die Trennung der alten Sonne in diese drei Körper: Sonne, Mond und Erde. Diese Trennung fand statt vor vielen Tausenden von Jahren, zur alten lemurischen Zeit. Und da sind aus jenen alten Mondenwesen, die als Pflanzenmineral, Pflanzentiere und Tiermenschen geschildert wurden, das heutige Mineral, die heutige Pflanze, das heutige Tier und der Mensch entstanden, der fähig geworden ist, das Ich in sich aufzunehmen, das früher ihn umschwebte und mit der Gottheit vereinigt war. Die Vereinigung des Ich mit dem Menschen fand statt nach der Trennung von Sonne, Mond und Erde, und von diesem Zeitpunkte an ist der Mensch fähig geworden, das roteBlut in sich selbst zu entwickeln und hinaufzusteigen zu seiner heutigen Stufe.

Tenth Lecture

[ 1 ] Yesterday we spoke of the various embodiments of our planet, of the embodiment in Saturn and in the Sun, and we will just briefly recall that on this sun planet, the predecessor of our earth planet, man had developed to the point that he had a physical and an etheric body, that he had thus ascended to a kind of plant existence. I have also told you how different this plant existence was, however, from what you know today in the plant world around you. We shall see that the plants that surround you today only came into being on our Earth planet. We have also described to some extent how, because these human ancestors on the Sun had an etheric body, they mainly expressed those organs in their physical body that we now know as glandular organs, as organs of growth, reproduction and nutrition. All this could be seen on the sun, just as rocks, stones and plants could be seen on our earth. In addition, there was a realm that we can describe as the retarded realm of Saturn, which contained the potential for the later mineral. Not in the sense that we know it today, but in the sense that bodies had not acquired the ability to take up an etheric body and had thus, to a certain extent, remained at the mineral stage that man had previously passed through on Saturn. We must therefore speak of two realms that have formed on the sun. In theosophical literature, it has become customary to speak of the human being having passed through the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom. You see, that is an imprecise way of putting it. This mineral kingdom on Saturn was quite differently formed. In its forms, the first germs, the forerunners of our sense organs, were already present. Likewise, the sun did not have a plant kingdom like today's, but everything that lives in humans today as organs of growth, namely all glandular organs, was of a plant-like nature. They were plant-like because they were permeated by the etheric body.

[ 2 ] Now we have to imagine that this state of the sun has passed through a kind of sleep, a darkening, a latency. But you must not imagine that the passage of a planet through such a sleeping state would be a passage through inactivity, a state of nothingness. It is no more that than the human devachan state. The human devachan is not a state of inactivity. Rather, we have seen how the human being is in constant activity there and collaborates in the development of our earth in the most important way. Only for man's present consciousness is this state a kind of sleep. For another consciousness, however, it presents itself as a much more active real state. All these transitions are a passing through heavenly, higher states, in which important things for the planets take place. In theosophical language they are called 'Pralaya'.

[ 3 ] Let us now imagine how the sun has gone through such a state and how the sun has developed into what is called the third state of our earth, the moon, in occultism. If we had been able to observe this process, we would have seen something like the following: over the course of millions of years, we would have seen the solar existence change and fade away, and after another millions of years, we would have seen it light up again after a twilight state. This is the beginning of the moon's cycle.

[ 4 ] At first, when the sun reappeared, there was no separation between the sun and the moon; they were still together as they had been during the solar age. And then what happened next is what is called a repetition of earlier conditions. On a certain higher level, what had happened on Saturn and the sun was repeated. Then a strange change occurred in the state of this re-emerged sun: the moon separated from the sun. Two planets, or rather a fixed star and a planet, emerged from the old solar system. A larger and a smaller mass formed, the sun and the moon. The moon of which we are now speaking contained not only what the present moon contains, but rather everything that the present earth and moon contain in terms of different substances and entities. If you were to stir all of this together, you would have the moon of which we are speaking, which at that time had separated from the sun.

[ 5 ] The Sun became a fixed star by drawing out the best substances together with the spiritual beings. This is how it advanced to become a fixed star. When it was still a planetary sun, it still had all of this within itself. But because it now gave up everything to an independent planet that would have prevented the beings from developing further, it became a fixed star. And we now have the cosmic spectacle before us that we have a more highly developed body as a fixed star, and moving around it in space is a planet that is less valuable, the moon, that is, today's moon and today's earth in one.

[6]The movement of the moon around the sun was completely different from the movement of the present Earth. If you follow it, you can distinguish two movements. First, the Earth revolves around the sun and, second, around itself. Through this latter movement, which takes place approximately 365 times a year, day and night arise, as you know, through the former, the four seasons arise. But it was not so on the old moon. This moon was in some respects a more polite body to its sun than our earth is, because it always moved around the sun in such a way that it always turned the same side towards it. It never turned its back on the sun. During one revolution around the sun, it turned around itself only once. Such a different movement, however, has a great effect on the beings that develop on the planet.

[ 7 ] Now I will describe this moon planet itself. Above all, I must say that man had progressed a little further than on the sun and Saturn. He had now progressed to the point where he consisted not only of a physical and etheric body, but also of an astral body. So now we have a human being who is composed of a physical body, etheric body and astral body, but who does not yet have an ego. The consequence of this was that this human being of the moon in particular advanced to that third state of consciousness that we have described, to the consciousness of images, the last vestige of which we have in the dream-image consciousness of today's human beings. Now, as a result of this astral body integrating with the other bodies, changes took place in these bodies, particularly in the physical body. We have seen how the glandular organs were at the highest level in the physical body on the sun, and how certain places were permeated by radiations that later hardened into the present solar plexus. Through the work of the astral body on the physical body on the moon, the first beginnings of the nervous system arose. The nerves that you still have today in a similar way in the nerves of the spinal cord were incorporated.

[ 8 ] Now consider this: The human being did not yet have an independent ego, only the three bodies mentioned existed. This human ego was in the atmosphere around the moon, just as the etheric body was on Saturn and the astral body on the sun, and from there this ego, embedded in the divine basic substance, worked on the physical body. If we now consider that at that time the I was still working as a companion of divine beings, that it had not yet been separated out, had not yet fallen out of this divine-spiritual being, we see that the I, on its way to earthly existence, has in some ways undergone a kind of deterioration and in some ways also an improvement. An improvement in that the I has become independent, but a deterioration in that it has now been exposed to all doubt, all error, all evil and all that is bad.

[ 9 ] The I's worked from the divine-spiritual substance. If today an I works down from the astral plane to the physical plane, it is a group soul of the animals. In a similar way to how these group souls work their way into the animals today, the human ego worked its way into the three bodies from the outside in those days. Only it could create higher bodies than those of today's animals because it worked out of the divine substance. There were living beings on the moon that were higher than today's highest apes in terms of their appearance, in terms of everything they were, but not as high as today's humans. There was an intermediate realm between today's humans and the animal kingdom. Then there were two further realms, both of which had regressed: one of which had, so to speak, not been able to absorb the astral body from the sun, and so had remained at the stage at which the glandular organs were on the sun. This second kingdom on the moon was between the present-day animals and present-day plants, in the middle of them; it was a kind of plant animal. Today there are no similar beings directly on earth, we can only recognize rudiments of them. There was still a third kingdom, which had already retained the Saturn state on the sun; it was in the middle between mineral and plant. So we have three kingdoms on the moon: plant-mineral, animal-plant and human-animal.

[ 10 ] What are now minerals, what you walk on, did not yet exist on the moon. What we call rocks, topsoil and humus substance did not yet exist at that time. The lowest realm was between plant and mineral. The entire substance of the moon consisted of this realm. The surface of the moon resembled a present-day peat soil, where plants are in the process of forming a kind of plant pulp. The moon creatures walked around on a pulpy plant-mineral mass. The moon was like this for certain periods of its development. You can also compare it to a cooked salad. There were no rocks in the modern sense. The most there was, were certain inclusions that you can compare to the mass that forms the wood or bark of certain trees. The mountains of the moon consisted of such lignifications, such wood masses of lignified plant pulp. It was like a kind of withered old plant. The mineral kingdom was formed in this. These plant animals grew on it. They could not move independently, they were firmly rooted to the ground, like corals today.

[ 11 ] In our myths and legends, in which there is deep wisdom given by initiates, we are reminded of this in the myth of the death of Baldur. The Germanic sun or light god once had a dream in which his imminent death was announced to him. This made the gods, the Aesir, who loved him, very sad. They sought a means of saving him. The goddess Frigg, mother of the gods, made all the beings on earth swear a solemn oath that none of them would ever kill Baldur. They all swore, and so it seemed impossible that Baldur could be subject to any kind of death. Once the gods were playing and threw all kinds of things at Baldur, without wounding him; they knew that he was invulnerable. But Loki, the opponent of the Aesir, the god of darkness, thought about killing Baldur. Then he heard from Frigg that she had taken an oath from all beings not to kill Baldur. But far away, there was a plant, mistletoe, that was harmless, to which she had not taken an oath, and that she betrayed to him. The cunning Loki took the mistletoe and brought it to the blind god Hödur, who, unaware of what he was doing, killed Baldur with the mistletoe. Thus the evil dream of mistletoe was fulfilled. It always played a certain role in popular use. Something eerie, ghostly was expressed through it. What was taught about mistletoe in the ancient mysteries of the druids has passed down to the people as legend and custom.

[ 12 ] The underlying truth is this: the mineral plant gruel existed on the moon. The plant animals of the moon grew on it. Some of them developed further and reached higher levels on Earth, but others remained at the lunar level, and when Earth was formed, they could only take on a stunted form. They had to retain the habit they had on the moon. They could only live on a plant basis, as parasites on the earth. This is how mistletoe lives on other trees, because it is a regressive remnant of the moon's ancient plant animals.

[ 13 ] Baldur was the expression of that which develops further, that which brings light to the earth; Loki, on the other hand, the representative of the dark forces, of that which is retarded, hates that which has developed, that which has developed further. Therefore Loki is the opponent of Baldur. All beings on earth were unable to do anything against Baldur, the god who gave light to the earth, because they were his equals, they had undergone the development. Only what was left behind at the lunar stage, what felt connected to the old god of darkness, was able to kill the god of light. Mistletoe is also a specific remedy, as poisons are generally healing agents. Thus, if we delve deeply into ancient folk legends and customs, we find cosmic wisdom.

[ 14 ] Now you remember the beings who had the I as their outermost body on Saturn, and that there were those on the Sun who had the astral body as their outermost body. On the moon there were beings whose outermost body was the etheric body. They consisted of an etheric body, an astral body, an ego, a spirit self, a life spirit, a spiritual human being and a member above that, the eighth, which we cannot yet talk about in humans today, the Holy Spirit. We could only have seen them in their etheric bodies as ghostly entities. At that time they had the same developmental value as humans have today. Christian esotericism calls them angels. They are beings that today stand immediately above man because they have developed up to the level of the Holy Spirit. They are also called spirits of twilight or lunarian Pitri.

[ 15 ] The spirits of egoism had as their leader on Saturn an entity called the Father God. The spirits of fire had the Christ as their leader on the sun, in the sense of the Gospel of John, the Logos. On the moon, the leader of the spirits of twilight was the same as what is called the Holy Spirit in Christianity. Those beings who had gone through their humanity on the moon did not need to descend to the form of the physical body here on earth.

[ 16 ] The planetary formations have become more and more dense. Old Saturn, in its densest state, had only the state of heat substance. The densest state of the sun had the same state that we see today in the gases of the air. However, you have to imagine these substances as being somewhat denser than today's heat substance and gases. And on the lunar level, the gaseous substances of the sun had condensed to such an extent that they formed this pulpy, dense, watery, swelling mass, of which all these beings, including the highest, the animal-humans on the moon, consisted. If you imagine the white of a chicken egg to be somewhat denser, you have approximately this substance, and into this substance of man the nervous system was incorporated.

[ 17 ] This moon was surrounded by a kind of atmosphere that was quite different from the Earth's atmosphere. We can recognize the character of this substance by thinking of a passage in Goethe's “Faust”: it is where Mephistopheles wants to lift himself up with Faust on his mantle. There he wants to create fire air; that would be air in which watery substances are dissolved in a mist-like form. This air, permeated with watery substances, is called fire air, also fire mist. The beings on the moon breathed this air. They had no lungs, not even the highest beings. They breathed through a kind of gill, like fish do today.

[ 18 ] This fire air, called Ruach in the Hebrew tradition, can actually be represented in a certain way. Today's people have lost this Ruach, but the ancient alchemists were able to create the conditions for it; they could thereby make elemental beings their servants. This fire mist was therefore something well known in alchemical times, and the further back we go, the more people had the opportunity to produce it. This fire mist was breathed by our ancestors on the moon. It developed further and differentiated into today's air and into what else was created on earth under the influence of fire.

[ 19 ] The smoke-like, vapor-like moon atmosphere, which had a certain degree of heat, was interspersed, at certain times more, at certain times less, by currents that hung down like strands of air, so to speak, and penetrated the human body. In a similar way, the human body on the moon was suspended from a kind of cord that stretched out into the atmosphere, just as a child hangs in its mother's body today from the umbilical cord. It was like a cosmic umbilical cord; and from this fiery air, substances entered the bodies that can be compared to what humans produce today, the blood. But the ego was outside of the human being and sent something through these cords that was similar to blood into the bodies, and this substance flowed in and out of them. The beings never touched the surface of the moon; they hovered around it, orbiting it, as if they were floating. Just as today's aquatic animals move in the water, so did these lunar human animals move. It was the work of the angels, the spirits of the twilight, that they let these blood juices flow into the humans.

[ 20 ] These very different conditions had other consequences. A kind of blood system began on the moon. A blood-like substance flowed in and out of the cosmos, just as air flows into the body today, and so these moon men also developed an ability that only occurs with blood. It was the first sounding of inner tones for emotional experiences. Only when the astral body is in the being does feeling arise, and they could live out this feeling in sounds, and in a remarkable way. They were not really produced sounds; they could not have screamed out their pain, there was no independence of screaming, of producing sound, but it coincided with certain experiences. At certain seasons on the moon, what might be called an evolution of the reproductive instinct occurred, and the inner experiences that these beings had in the process could be uttered; otherwise they remained silent. In a certain position of the moon in relation to the sun, at a certain season, the old moon uttered sounds into the cosmos. The beings on it screamed their urges into the world. We have preserved rudiments of this in the cries of certain animals, for example, the stag. The cries were more the expression of general processes, not individual experiences that are expressed arbitrarily. A cosmic event found its expression in them.

[ 21 ] We must understand all this as only approximate descriptions, because we are bound to words that have been coined for things that have only materialized during our time on Earth. We would have to invent a language first if we wanted to express what the eye of the seer sees. Nevertheless, these descriptions are important because they are the first step on the path to truth. Only through the image, the imagination, do we find the way to direct perception. We should not make abstract concepts, no scheme, no vibrations record, but images arise in ourselves; this is the direct way, the first stage of knowledge. Because it is as true that man was already there with his forces, as it is true that when he makes himself ideas today, they will lead him back to the conditions in which he was then.

[ 22 ] After all the entities on the moon had gone through their development and were able to advance to higher levels, the time came when the moon and the sun united again, fell back into one body and thus entered the pralaya. After they had gone through this state of latency together, a new existence emerged: the first pre-announcement of our existence on Earth. Now the first three states briefly repeated themselves at a higher level, first the Saturn existence, then the Sun existence, and then the Moon split off again and orbited the remaining body. But this Moon still had the Earth within it.

[ 23 ] Now comes another highly important change. Everything that is earth throws the present moon out of itself. These are the worst substances and entities, the unusable ones; this is contained in the present moon. Everything that was a watery, swelling substance on the old moon has frozen on today's moon — this can be physically proven — and what was capable of further development remained behind as earth. On earth, evolution takes place through the separation of the old sun into these three bodies: sun, moon and earth. This separation took place many thousands of years ago, in the ancient Lemurian period. And so today's mineral, plant, animal and human being emerged from the ancient moon beings, which were described as plant-minerals, plant-animals and animal-humans. The mineral, plant, animal and human being emerged, who has become capable of absorbing the ego within himself, which used to hover around him and was united with the deity. The union of the ego with the human being took place after the separation of the sun, moon and earth, and from that point on, man has become capable of developing the red blood in himself and rising to his present level.