Theosophy of the Rosicrucian
GA 99
4 June 1907, Munich
Translated by Mabel Cotterell and Dorothy S. Osmond
XI. Evolution of Mankind on the Earth I
WE have come in our studies to the point where the Earth has passed through its so-called Moon-stage. We have also seen that a kind of sleep-state of the whole system followed the Moon stage of the Earth. One must of course realise that all the beings which inhabit the planet share with it this transitional, intermediate state. During this time they pass through experiences differing from those of the actually external state of evolution. We will try to be clear as to how the beings have undergone various things in this transition between the Moon-stage of the Earth and the actual Earth evolution.
We have seen that three kinds of beings lived on the Moon, physical ancestors, so to say, of our present Nature-kingdoms. There existed a kind of plant-mineral, animal-plant and man-animal; man himself on this Old Moon was in a state of not yet developed ego-consciousness. So far man had not attained to an “I” dwelling within a body.
Now during this transitional period something very important came about in the spiritual part of man—if I may thus express it.
If we form a true picture of the Old Moon sphere, we could describe it as a being which itself possessed a sort of life, somewhat like a tree, upon which all manner of living things exist. The Moon was itself a kind of homogeneous plant-mineral. Its rocks were in fact only a hardening of the plant-mineral like mass, and its animal-plants grew out of the mass, while what we can call the men-animals circled around the Moon. We must at the same time be clear that the Ego-consciousness still lived more or less in the atmosphere of the Moon in the Fire-mist, that it was still a part, a member, of a higher being, in whom existed all the egos which today are to be found in bodies separated by the skin one from another. Thus as yet there were no human beings going about as today, equipped with ego consciousness. On the other hand, however, something else was much more fully developed than on the Earth.
You know that what is called Folk-soul, Race-soul, has become a somewhat abstract idea today. Many think nowadays that the individual soul of man that dwells in his body is the actual reality. And if one speaks of German, French, Russian National-souls, people look on that as more or less an abstraction, as a comprehensive concept, embracing the characteristics which the individual members of these nations possess. To the occultist this is not so at all. What one calls the Folk-soul, as the German, French, Russian Folk-soul, is to him an absolutely independent entity. It is only that in our present Earth-existence the Folk soul is purely a spiritual being, perceptible only to one who can ascend to the astral plane; there you could not deny it, for there it is present as an actual living being. You would encounter the Folk-soul there, as on the physical plane you encounter your friends.
On the Moon it would have still less occurred to you to deny this Group-soul, for at that time it had a still more real existence. It was the Folk-soul, the Race-soul, which guided the bloodstream down into the bodies, into those beings which circled round the Moon. It is the destiny of our age to deny the existence of such beings as possess an actual life on the astral plane, and are not perceptible here on the physical plane. And we are at the very height of this materialistic evolution which prefers to deny such beings as Folk-souls and Race-souls.
Recently among other things a very characteristic book has appeared, which has attracted a good deal of publicity. It is a book which has been praised and considered, with justice, to be a true expression of our abstract objective thinking, since it is written as out of the soul of modern man. Such a book had to be written sooner or later. It denies everything that cannot be seen with the eye or felt with the hands. It is a scandalous book from the standpoint of the occultist, a notable book, however, from the standpoint of present-day methods of thought! I refer to Mauthner's Critique of Language. In his book a clean sweep is made of everything which cannot be grasped with the hand. Our age had to produce such a book as a kind of necessity. That is not meant as criticism, it is only to point out the contrast between the occult mode of thought and the present time. You can find in it the exact opposite of all occult methods of thought, it is the most amazing product of a dying cultural stream of the present day, and from this point of view it is quite excellent.
You will understand that on this Old Moon a more common consciousness prevailed than here on Earth. On Earth a man feels himself as an individual, on the Moon this was not the case. On the Moon the Group-soul was active, which then appeared on the Earth in such an attenuated form as Folk-soul; hence the whole Moon-globe had a common consciousness in a high degree. This common consciousness on the Moon felt itself as feminine. And now you know that the Moon was irradiated by the Sun, and the Sun was experienced as the masculine. This is preserved in the old Egyptian myth, for instance, Moon as feminine-Isis; Sun Osiris, masculine. An ego-consciousness, however, enclosed in the human body was altogether lacking. That was contained in the Moon's atmosphere.
Now during the intermediate state from Moon to the Earth, various beings worked in from the atmosphere of the Moon, and made the human etheric body and human astral body ready to possess an ego-consciousness. Now what happened when the Sun again shone forth in which were still contained the Moon and the Earth? In the environment of this now newly awakened Sun-globe were the beings who today form your souls, and during the intermediate stage they had incorporated the ego consciousness into the astral and etheric bodies. As yet the physical body did not possess it, and this emerged at first as the man-animal as it had been on the Moon. Thus these two parts were no longer in harmony. On the Moon they had still harmonised. What had now descended into the astral and etheric bodies was no longer quite in harmony with what existed below as physical, and the consequence of this was that before a harmony could arise the earlier states of Saturn, Sun and Moon had to be recapitulated. Thus we have three recapitulations before our actual Earth could appear.
To begin with, the Saturn existence came forth with the physical bodies of the animal-men, but in a certain respect no longer as simple as they were on Saturn. At that time the sense organs existed as rudimentary germs; now the glandular and nerve organs were present in addition, but they were incapable of taking in what was above. A short recapitulation of the Saturn existence had to take place. The Spirits of Ego-hood and independence must work once more on the physical bodies, in order to implant in them the power of taking up the Ego. In the same way the Sun-state must be passed through, so that these physical bodies in respect of the organs formed on the Sun were capable of receiving an Ego. And in the same way the Moon condition was repeated in order to make the nervous system fitted for it. Thus there was first a kind of repetition of the Saturn stage. In this the beings who were earlier animal-men now wandered on the Earth like automata or a kind of machine. Then began the time when this repeated Saturn condition went over into the Sun condition; there these human bodies were like sleeping plants. Next entered the repetition of the Moon-state, where the Sun had already released itself. Everything remained behind that had earlier already detached itself as Moon. Once again then the whole Moon-cycle was repeated, except that now the capacity to receive an Ego was implanted into the beings.
This repetition of the Moon-cycle was for the Earth, if one may say so, an evil period of its evolution, for considered spiritually, the ego-hood had been implanted into the human body consisting of physical body, etheric body and astral body, but without the refining power of thought. During the time when the Sun had already withdrawn and the Earth had not yet cast out the Moon, man was in a condition in which his astral body was the bearer of the most savage lusts, for every bad force was implanted in him and there was no counterbalance. After the separation of the Sun there was a globe in which, if one wished to express it today, the human beings were still entirely group-souls, but of the most sensual order with the worst instincts.
During this passage through a veritable hell, and under the influence of the departed pure Sun forces (not only of the physical sun, but also of the Sun-beings, who had withdrawn to the Sun) the recapitulating Moon gradually matured so far that it could throw out the terrible instincts and powers, and retain on the Earth whatever was capable of evolving. With the departure of the present moon all those sensual forces went away; therefore in the present moon you have the remains, in its spiritual significance, of all the evil influences which were at that time present in the human realm; and therefore too the moon is looked upon as having a detrimental influence.
Thus it was everything capable of evolution that remained on the Earth after the separation of the Sun and the Moon.
Let us consider first the animal-men themselves. They were gradually matured far enough for the Ego to be incorporated Thus we now have wandering on the Earth the human being who consisted of four members (physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego). It is now for the first time that the earlier swimming, floating position changes and man begins gradually to arrive at the upright position. His spine, his spinal nerve-cord, became vertical, in contrast to the completely horizontal position which it had during the Moon period, and with this rise into an upright position went parallel the widening out of the mass of the spinal marrow into the brain; and yet another development ran parallel with it. For the floating, swimming motion which man had both in the Moon period and during the repetition of the Moon period when the Fire-mist forces were still present in the environment, he needed a kind of swimming bladder, and this was actually a part of man's composition, as is the case with the fishes of the present day. But now the Fire-mist (we have called it “Ruach”) was precipitated. This took place quite gradually and slowly. The air, to be sure, was still filled with thick vapour, but the worst was precipitated and with this began the time when from a gill-breather man became a lung-breather. The swimming bladder was transformed into lungs. Through this man became capable of receiving into himself the higher spiritual beings, namely, the first rudiments of that which stands above the Ego-Spirit-Self or Manas. This metamorphosis of the swimming bladder into the lungs is expressed in the Bible in the wonderful monumental words: “And God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.” Here is expressed what had taken place in the human being during millions of years. And all the beings which we have learnt to know, the plant-animals as well as the animal-men of the Moon and their descendants during the Moon period of the Earth, all of them as yet had not red blood. What they possessed resembled the blood of the present day lower creatures which is not yet red. Blood-like substance flowed in and out of them from above. In order to be able to harbour the red blood in themselves something else was necessary. We shall understand that when we know that until the casting out of the Moon in the evolution of our planet no part had been played by iron. Till then there was no iron on our planet, it received it when the planet Mars passed through our Earth, and so to say, left iron behind. Hence the influence of iron in the red blood is derived from Mars.
Legend has preserved this well by ascribing to Mars the qualities which iron brought to the blood—strong and warlike forces. Thus the influence which came in then with the change in the breathing process, was supported by the introduction of iron into our evolution. This was of the utmost importance in our terrestrial evolution. Under these influences the human organism was perfected to the point of beginning to purify and refine the bodies which it had earlier received on Saturn, Sun and Moon. It began to work first, of course, on the body which had been last received, the astral body, and this purification of the astral body constitutes our present civilisation.
If you could observe that human being, still in process of transforming the lungs and taking the first steps towards the development of red blood, you would find him very dissimilar to the present human form. He was so different that one really hesitates to describe man at that period, for it would appear grotesque to the present day materialistic thinker. He had more or less the development of an amphibian, a reptile, which was just beginning to breathe through lungs, and from the former floating, swimming motion was learning little by little to raise and support himself on the earth. When we say that man in the Lemurian Epoch had a mode of progression that alternated between a hop, scarcely to be called a step, and then a flight into the air, we have the nearest approach to some memory of it in the old Saurians. Nothing remains to be discovered by the geologist as solidification's or fossils, for the body was quite soft, it contained as yet no kind of bony structure.
And now how did the Earth appear, after having freed itself from the Moon? It had formerly been surrounded by fire-mists, as in a seething steaming vessel, and then by degrees the dense watery vapours withdrew. The Earth was now covered by a very thin hardened crust, beneath which lay a bubbling churning sea of fire, the remains of the fire-mist of the former atmosphere,. Then gradually tiny islands emerged, the first beginnings of our present mineral kingdom. Whereas on the Moon a plant-mineral kingdom still existed, there now appeared the earliest foundations of our modern rocks and stones in consequence of the hardening, mineralising of this mass. Earlier still the animal-plant kingdom had developed more or less to our present plant kingdom. And the beings on the Moon who were animal-men had divided into two groups, one of which had kept pace with evolution and taken on the human form. But there were some who had not advanced with evolution; these are the present higher animals, they had stayed behind at an earlier level and since they could not share in the advance, they fell back more and more. All our present mammals are relics of the Moon animal-men who stayed behind. You must therefore never imagine that the human being was ever such an animal as those existing on earth today. The bodies of those animals were not at that time capable of receiving the I, the Ego; they had remained with the group nature of the Moon. The last which had almost achieved the additional principle of the earth, but which nevertheless proved later on too weak to be the vehicle of an individual soul, are the apes, the present Ape species. They too, however, were never actual ancestors of mankind, but beings which had degenerated.
Thus in the old Lemurian Age, the Earth was a kind of fiery mass, in which the modern mineral was for the most part dissolved and fluid, as is iron in an iron-foundry, and out of this developed the first mineral island masses. Upon these there wandered, half hopping, half hovering, the forefathers of man. The Spirit-Self endeavoured little by little to gain possession of this human being.
So we must picture the ancient fiery period of the Earth as a time m which a last echo still lingered of the forces of the Moon, which then gradually disappeared. They were manifested in the mastery which the human will possessed over the substances and forces of nature. On the Moon, of course, man was still fully united with nature and the Group-soul moulded the conditions of human existence. That was now no longer the case, but there still continued a magical connection between human will and the forces of fire. If the human being had a mild character, then, through the will, he acted on the natural element of fire in a calming manner, and in this way more land could be deposited. The passionate man, on the other hand, worked with his will magically in such a way that the fire-masses became fierce and turbulent and tore up the thin earth crust. Now once more the whole savage, passionate power that was peculiar to man on the Moon and during the repetition of the Moon-period on the Earth burst forth in the newly arisen individual human souls. The passions had such an effect on the fiery masses that they became ungovernable; a great part of the land on which the Lemurians dwelt was destroyed, and only a small number of the inhabitants of Lemuria were preserved and could continue the human race.
All of you were living in those times; your souls are the very ones which saved themselves from the raging fiery mass of Lemuria. The portion of humanity which had been saved, migrated into the land which we know as Atlantis, and the main part of which stretched between the present Europe and America; from there the human race multiplied and spread. Gradually the Earth's atmosphere had so changed that every trace of the old “Ruach” had gone, and the air was only saturated by dense masses of vapour. The Germanic legend has preserved the memory of this in the Nivelheim or Nebelheim, a land that was permanently permeated by similar heavy clouds of mist (Nebelmist).
Now what had been working in from outside during the Lemurian Age? At first, in the Saturn period it was the beings which we call Spirits of Egoism, of the sense of independence. During the Sun, it was the Archangels, the Fire-Spirits: during the Moon those beings which were, so to speak, the good spirits of the Moon time, for which the Christian designation is Angel, and which are called in Theosophy “Spirits of Twilight.” We have designated the outstanding Leader of these spirits as the “Holy Spirit” or the “Holy Ghost,” the Regent of the Fire Spirits as the “Christ,” that of Saturn as the “Father God.”
Thus the last Who had been at work with His hosts was the Spirit named in Christianity “the Holy Spirit,” the Regent of the Moon-evolution, the Spirit who was still present during the Earth's repetition of the Moon-period. It was the same Spirit who had formed man from without, and who now sent a ray of his own essence, so to say, into the human being. We have to distinguish two kinds of spirits in the beginning of the Lemurian Age: the spirits who prepare the lower bodily nature, who implant the ego-consciousness, who fashion the human sheaths, and that Spirit who himself drew into man at the moment when the human being learnt to breathe physically.
Now if you think that everything which on Saturn formed a kind of fiery mass surrounded by a finer atmosphere, was gaseous on the Sun, and then on the Moon was surrounded by those masses of fire-mist, then you must regard the evolutionary process of the Earth as one of purification, even as the evolution of humanity itself is a purifying process. What one calls air today only gradually became free of all that filled it as a kind of steam and smoke. We must be clear that what separated itself out from the atmosphere are the substances from which all bodies have built themselves up. The air is the purest of what has remained behind, it is the best corporeal medium for the guiding Spirits of the Moon, whom one calls “Angel” in Christian terminology. Therefore in the purified air, in the air which had been refined, men felt the bodily nature of the new guiding Spirit of the Earth, the Spirit Who now was Leader, Jehovah. In the stirring of the wind men experienced that which led and guided the Earth. And so they lived over into the Atlantean times, on the continent which forms the present bed of the Atlantic Ocean, sensing in the breath which they drew, the bodily nature of the Godhead.
That magical influence which the human beings had upon the Fire-ocean, upon the processes of the Earth, gradually disappeared, but in the early Atlantean Age another connection remained instead. A man still possessed a certain magical power over the growth of plants. If he lifted his hand, which at that time had a quite different form, above a plant, he was able to bring it to rapid growth, through the influence of his will. He stood in intimate relation with the being of Nature. The whole life of the Atlantean was in accordance with Nature.
What today is called the power of synthesis, the intelligence, logical thinking, was not yet in existence. On the other hand man had developed other things to a high degree, memory, for instance, of the marvelous development of which we can nowadays form not the slightest idea. Man could not calculate, not even that 2 x 2 = 4, but he knew it out of his memory; on each occasion he remembered the previous experience. Another memory lingering into Atlantean times was that although a man no longer felt the Folk-soul directly within him as on the Moon yet he experienced the influence of the old Folk Souls, Race-souls. This influence was so strong that it would have been quite impossible in those times for anyone who belonged to one Race or Folk-soul ever to unite with one who belonged to another race. There was a deep antipathy between the peoples of the various Folk-souls, love only existed between those belonging to the same. We may say that the common blood which earlier in the Moon-period had been poured down from the Folk-soul was the basis of this kinship. And men remembered not only in some dim way, but quite clearly, the experiences of their forefathers, they felt members of the chain of ancestors just as you feel your hand to be a member of your organism. This feeling of kinship was a part of evolution inasmuch as in this transitionary period which we have been considering and which took place when the Sun withdrew and the Moon was cast out, another important event took place. It is connected with all that was proceeding on the Earth as a sort of hardening process. The mineral kingdom appeared and at the same time a similar hardening took place in the interior of human nature. Something more solid formed itself by degrees out of the soft mass, and hardened first to cartilage and then to bone. And not until this bony structure was formed did the human being begin to walk.
With the insertion of the skeleton another process ran parallel. In consequence of the advance of human evolution on the casting out of the Moon and the retention of only what was able to develop, two different forces arose in the beings inhabiting the Earth. The Sun and Moon were now outside and their influences affected the Earth from without. From this intermingling of the Sun-forces and the Moon-forces, which had previously been in the body of the Earth, but now streamed in from without, the sex-life made its appearance. For all the forces connected with sex come under the influence of the Sun and Moon.
The still united Sun, Moon and Earth of ancient times could from its activity be looked on as of feminine nature and this was fructified, so to say, by the forces of the Sun itself. The Sun experienced itself as male, the Moon as female. Now the Moon drew out, the forces of the two mingled. In a general way we can describe all the beings which arose up to the departure of the Moon as being of a feminine nature, for all the fructifying forces came from without, from the Sun-force. Only upon an Earth, which had cast out the Moon, so that the Sun shone upon quite a different cosmic body, could the former undifferentiated female divide into male and female. With the solidifying, bone-forming process, therefore, took place the differentiation of the sexes. And with this was given the possibility of perfecting the Ego in the right way.
Elfter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Wir sind in unserer Betrachtung bis zu dem Punkte gekommen, wo die Erde ihren sogenannten Mondenzustand durchgemacht hat. Wir haben auch gesehen, daß auf diesen Mondenzustand der Erde eine Art von Schlafzustand des ganzen Systems folgte. Das muß man sich natürlich so vorstellen, daß alle Wesen, die einen solchen Planeten bewohnen, diese Übergangs- und Zwischenzustände mitmachen, so daß sie in denselben andere Erlebnisse durchmachen als während des eigentlichen äußeren Entwickelungszustandes. Wir wollen uns darüber klarwerden, wie die Wesen Verschiedenes durchgemacht haben während dieses Zwischenzustandes zwischen der Mondenentwickelung der Erde und der eigentlichen Erdenentwickelung.
[ 2 ] Wir haben gesehen, daß auf dem Monde dreierlei Wesen lebten als eine Art physischer Vorfahren unserer gegenwärtigen Naturreiche. Da lebte eine Art von Pflanzenmineralien, Tierpflanzen und Menschentieren. Der Mensch selber war auf diesem alten Monde in einem Zustande noch nicht entwickelten Ich-Bewußtseins. Zu einem Ich, das in einem Leibe wohnte, war der Mensch also noch nicht gekommen. Während des Zwischenzustandes nun geschah etwas sehr Wichtiges mit dem, wenn ich so sagen darf, geistigen Teile des Menschen.
[ 3 ] Wenn wir uns die alte Mondenkugel richtig vergegenwärtigen, können wir sie in gewisser Beziehung als ein Wesen bezeichnen, das selbst eine Art von Leben hatte, etwa wie ein Baum, auf dem allerlei Wesen leben. Der Mond selbst war ja eine Art einheitlichen Pflanzenminerals. Seine Felsen waren ja nur eine Verhärtung von einer Art pflanzenmineralischer Masse, und seine, Tierpflanzen wuchsen heraus aus dieser Masse, und das, was wir Menschentiere nennen können, kreiste herum um den Mond. Wir müssen uns zugleich klarmachen, daß alles, was das Ich-Bewußtsein war, noch mehr oder weniger in der Atmosphäre des Mondes in jenem Feuernebel lebte, daß es noch Teil, Glied war einer höheren Wesenheit, in der alle diese Iche sich befanden, die heute im Körper, durch die Haut abgetrennt voneinander, sich befinden. Also solche wie heute mit einem Ich-Bewußtsein ausgestattete herumwandelnde Menschen gab es noch nicht. Dafür aber war etwas anderes viel stärker ausgebildet als auf der Erde.
[ 4 ] Sie wissen, daß heute auf der Erde das, was man Volksseele, Rassenseele nennt, ein ziemlich abstrakter Begriff geworden ist. Heute meinen viele, das eigentlich Wirkliche sei die individuelle Seele des Menschen, die in seinem Leibe wohnt, und wenn man von deutschen, französischen, russischen Stammesseelen spricht, so betrachten das die Leute als etwas mehr oder weniger Abstraktes, als den zusammenfassenden Begriff, als die Eigenschaften, die die einzelnen Glieder dieser Völker haben. Für den Okkultisten ist das ganz und gar nicht der Fall. Für ihn ist das, was man Volksseele nennt, also deutsche, französische, russische Volksseele, etwas durchaus und absolut selbständig Existierendes. Nur ist diese Volksseele in unserem heutigen Erdendasein bloß geistig vorhanden, wahrnehmbar nur für den, der auf den Astralplan hinaufkommen kann. Dort würden Sie sie nicht ableugnen, denn dort ist sie vorhanden als wirklich lebendiges Wesen. Sie würden der Volksseele dort begegnen, wie Sie auf dem physischen Plane Ihren Freunden begegnen.
[ 5 ] Auf dem Monde würde es Ihnen noch weniger eingefallen sein, diese Seele von Gruppen zu leugnen, denn damals hatte sie ein noch viel realeres Dasein. Das, was den Blutstrom herunterleitete in die Körper von jenen Wesen, die den Mond umkreisten, das war die Volks-, die Rassenseele. Es ist das Schicksal unseres Zeitalters, solche Wesenheiten, die auf dem Astralplan ein wirkliches Leben haben und die hier auf dem physischen Plan nicht wahrzunehmen sind, zu leugnen. Und wir sind gerade auf dem Gipfel dieser materialistischen Entwickelung, die solche Wesenheiten wie Volks- und Rassenseelen leugnen möchte.
[ 6 ] Unter anderem ist in der letzten Zeit ein sehr charakteristisches Buch erschienen, für das große Reklame gemacht worden ist, ein Buch, das, und zwar mit Recht, als ein richtiger Ausdruck unseres abstrakten und gegenständlichen Denkens angesehen und gelobt wird, weil es wie aus der Seele des gegenwärtigen Menschen heraus geschrieben ist. Ein solches Buch mußte einmal geschrieben werden. Es leugnet alles, was man nicht mit Augen sehen und mit Händen tasten kann. Vom Standpunkte des Okkultisten aus ist dieses Buch ein skandalöses Buch, ein vorzügliches Buch jedoch vom Standpunkte der gegenwärtigen Denkungsweise. Es ist Mauthners «Kritik derSprache». In diesem Buche ist gründlich aufgeräumt worden mit all den Dingen, die nicht mit Händen zu greifen sind. Ein solches Buch mußte unsere Zeit hervorbringen wie eine Art Notwendigkeit. Das soll keine Kritik sein. Das soll nur eine Bezeichnung des Gegensatzes sein zwischen der okkulten Denkweise und der modernen Zeit. In diesem Buch können Sie genau das Gegenteil aller okkulten Denkweise kennenlernen; es ist das wunderbarste Produkt einer absterbenden Kulturströmung der Gegenwart und von diesem Standpunkte aus ist es ganz vorzüglich.
[ 7 ] Sie werden begreifen, daß auf diesem alten Monde wirklich eine Art gemeinsameres Bewußtsein vorhanden war als hier auf der Erde. Auf der Erde fühlt sich der Mensch als einzelner für sich. Das war auf dem Monde nicht der Fall. Auf dem Monde war lebendig diese Gruppenseele, die dann so verdünnt auf der Erde als Volksseele auftrat, so daß also diese ganze Mondenkugel in hohem Grade ein gemeinsames Bewußtsein hatte. Dieses gemeinsame Bewußtsein auf dem Monde empfand sich selbst als weiblich. Und nun wissen Sie, daß dieser Mond bestrahlt wurde von der Sonne. Die Sonne wurde als das Männliche empfunden. Das ist in der alten ägyptischen Mythe enthalten, zum Beispiel Mond als Isis, weiblich, Sonne als Osiris, männlich. Nur fehlte da durchaus das im Menschenleibe eingeschlossene Ich-Bewußtsein. Das war in der Atmosphäre des Mondes enthalten.
[ 8 ] Während jenes Zwischenzustandes nun von Mond zur Erde wurde von der Atmosphäre des Mondes herein von verschiedenen Wesenheiten so gearbeitet, daß der menschliche Ätherleib und der menschliche Astralleib geeignet wurden, ein Ich-Bewußtsein aufzunehmen. Was war nun, als wieder diese Sonne aufleuchtete, in der noch Mond und Erde drinnen waren? Es waren in der Umgebung dieser jetzt neu erwachten Sonnenkugel die Wesenheiten, die heute Ihre Seelen bilden. Sie waren so darin, daß sie während des Zwischenzustandes dem Astralleib und Ätherleib eingegliedert haben das Ich-Bewußtsein. Der physische Leib hatte es noch nicht, der kam auch zunächst wieder als Menschentier heraus, so wie er auf dem Monde war. So stimmten diese beiden nicht mehr zusammen. Auf dem Monde hatten sie noch zusammengestimmt. Was sich da hineingesenkt hat in den Astral- und Ätherleib, stimmte mit dem, was unten physisch war, nicht mehr genau zusammen, und die Folge davon war, daß, ehe dieses zusammenstimmen konnte, die früheren Zustände von Saturn, Sonne und Mond wiederholt werden mußten. So haben wir drei Wiederholungen, ehe eigentlich unsere Erde auftrat.
[ 9 ] Zunächst kam das Saturndasein heraus mit den physischen Leibern der Tiermenschen, aber in gewisser Beziehung nicht mehr so einfach, wie sie auf dem Saturn gewesen waren. Damals waren die Sinnesorgane in ihren Keimanlagen; jetzt waren schon die Drüsen- und Nervenorgane dazugekommen, aber unfähig waren sie, dasjenige, was oben war, so aufzunehmen. Es mußte eine kurze Wiederholung des Saturnzustandes eintreten. Es mußten wieder an den physischen Leibern die Geister der Ichheit und der Selbständigkeit arbeiten, um ihnen die Fähigkeit einzupflanzen, das Ich aufzunehmen. Ebenso mußte der Sonnenzustand durchgemacht werden, damit diese physischen Leiber in bezug auf die Organe, die sich auf der Sonne herangebildet hatten, fähig würden, ein Ich aufzunehmen, und ebenso der Mondenzustand, um das Nervensystem dazu geeignet zu machen.
[ 10 ] Also zuerst eine Art Wiederholung des Saturnzustandes. In diesem wandelten diejenigen Wesenheiten, die früher Menschentiere waren, jetzt wie Automaten auf der Erde herum, wie eine Art von Maschinen. Dann trat die Zeit ein, wo dieser wiederholte Saturnzustand in den Sonnenzustand überging. Da waren diese Menschenleiber wie schlafende Pflanzen. Dann trat die Wiederholung des Mondenzustandes ein, wo die Sonne sich bereits herausgelöst hatte. Es blieb zurück alles, was sich früher schon als Mond abgelöst hatte. Es war also noch einmal der ganze Mondenkreislauf wiederholt, nur daß den Wesenheiten die Fähigkeit eingepflanzt wurde, ein Ich aufzunehmen.
[ 11 ] Diese Wiederholung des Mondenkreislaufes war für die Erde, wenn man so sagen darf, eine böse Zeit ihrer Entwickelung, denn es war, geistig betrachtet, dem Menschenleibe, der doch nur aus physischem, Äther- und Astralleib bestand, die Ichheit ohne das läuternde Denken eingepflanzt worden. In der Zeit, wo schon die Sonne weg war und die Erde noch nicht den Mond hinausgeworfen hatte, war der Mensch in einem Zustande, wo sein Astralleib der Träger war der wildesten Begierden, denn alle schlimmen Kräfte waren in ihn eingepflanzt und es war kein Gegengewicht vorhanden. Es war, wenn man es heute ausdrücken wollte, nach der Abtrennung der Sonne eine Masse, in der die Menschen auch noch durchaus Gruppenseelen waren, aber der allerwollüstigsten Art mit den schlimmsten Trieben.
[ 12 ] Und so reifte durch diesen Durchgang durch eine wirkliche Hölle, unter dem Einfluß der hinausgegangenen geläuterten Sonne — nicht nur der physischen Sonne, sondern auch der Sonnenwesen, die sich auf die Sonne zurückgezogen hatten —, so reifte allmählich dieser sich wiederholende Mondenplanet so weit, daß er hinauswerfen konnte die furchtbaren Triebe und Mächte und auf der Erde zurückbehielt dasjenige, was entwickelungsfähig war. Mit dem Auszug des heutigen Mondes gingen alle diese wollüstigen Kräfte weg. Daher haben Sie in dem heutigen Monde den Überrest, auch in seiner geistigen Bedeutung, von all den schlimmen Einflüssen, die damals in der Menschenwelt vorhanden waren, und deshalb auch ist mit diesem Mondendasein ein herabziehender Einfluß vorhanden. Dasjenige also, was auf der Erde nach der Abtrennung von der Sonne und dem Monde zurückblieb, das war das Entwickelungsfähige.
[ 13 ] Betrachten wir nun zunächst die Tiermenschen selber. Sie waren allmählich so weit herangereift, daß ihnen das Ich eingegliedert werden konnte. Jetzt haben wir also den Menschen, der aus vier Gliedern besteht, aus physischem Körper, Ätherleib, Astralleib und Ich, auf der Erde herumwandelnd. Jetzt ist es zum ersten Male, daß die frühere schwimmende, schwebende Lage sich ändert und der Mensch beginnt, nach und nach in die senkrechte Lage zu kommen. Sein Rückgrat, sein Nervenstrang im Rücken, wurde aufrecht, im Gegensatz zu der durchaus horizontalen Lage, die er während der Mondenzeit gehabt hatte. Und mit diesem Sich-Aufrichten ging parallel die Ausweitung der Rückenmarkmasse zum Gehirn, und noch eine andere Entwickelung ging parallel damit. Zu der schwebenden, schwimmenden Bewegung, die der Mensch sowohl in der Mondenzeit als auch während der Wiederholung der Mondenzeit hatte, als die Feuernebelkräfte noch in der Umgebung vorhanden waren, bedurfte er einer Art von Schwimmblase, und die war in der Natur des Menschen auch wirklich vorhanden, wie es bei den Fischen heute noch der Fall ist. Jetzt schlugen sich die Feuernebel — Ruach haben wir sie genannt — nieder. Ganz allmählich und langsam geschah das. Immer noch freilich war die Luft angefüllt von dichten Wasserdämpfen, aber das Ärgste schlug sich nieder, und damit begann die Zeit, wo der Mensch aus einem Kiemen-Atmer ein LungenAtmer wurde. Die Schwimmblase wandelte sich um zu Lungen. Dadurch wurde er fähig, die höheren geistigen Wesenheiten in sich aufzunehmen, nämlich die erste Anlage zu dem, was über dem Ich steht, das Geistselbst oder Manas.
[ 14 ] Diese Umwandlung ‘der Schwimmblase in die Lunge drückt die Bibel mit den wunderbaren monumentalen Worten aus: «Und Gott blies dem Menschen den Odem ein, und er ward eine lebendige Seele.» Darin ist ausgedrückt, was sich während Tausenden von Jahren mit dem Menschen abgespielt hat. Und alle die Wesenheiten, die wir kennengelernt haben, sowohl die Pflanzentiere wie auch die Tiermenschen des Mondes und ihre Nachkommen während der Mondenzeit der Erde, sie alle hatten noch nicht das rote Blut. Was sie hatten, war ähnlich dem noch nicht roten Blute der jetzigen niederen Tiere. Blutartige Substanz floß von außen in sie ein und aus. Um das rote Blut in sich selbst beherbergen zu können, war noch etwas anderes nötig. Wir werden das verstehen, wenn wir wissen, daß bis zum Hinauswerfen des Mondes in der Entwickelung unseres Planeten keine Rolle gespielt hat das Eisen. Bis dahin gab es auf unserem Planeten kein Eisen. Er erhielt es dadurch, daß der Planet Mars durch unsere Erde hindurchging und sozusagen das Eisen zurückließ. Daher stammt der Einfluß des Eisens im roten Blute vom Mars her.
[ 15 ] Die Sage hat das wohl bewahrt, indem sie dem Mars die Eigenschaften zusprach, die das Eisen dem Blute brachte, die starke Kraft, das Kriegerische. So wurde der Einfluß, der da geschah von seiten des Atmungsprozesses, unterstützt durch die Einführung des Eisens in unseren Organismus. Das ist höchst wichtig für unsere Erdenentwickelung gewesen. Unter diesen Einflüssen vervollkommnete sich der menschliche Organismus so weit, daß man sagen kann: Der Mensch fing an, vom Ich aus zu reinigen und zu läutern die Wesensglieder, die er früher auf dem Saturn, der Sonne und dem Monde erhalten hatte. Zuerst begann diese Arbeit natürlich an demjenigen Gliede, das er zuletzt erhalten hatte, am Astralleib. Und diese Läuterung an unserem Astralleibe ist unsere Kultur.
[ 16 ] Wenn Sie diesen Menschen betrachten könnten, der noch in der Umwandlung zur Lunge begriffen war, der die ersten Ansätze machte zum roten Blut, dann würden Sie ihn sehr unähnlich finden unserer jetzigen Menschengestalt. Er war so verschieden, daß man wirklich Anstoß nehmen könnte, diesen Menschen von damals zu schildern, denn dem heutigen materialistischen Denker würde es grotesk erscheinen. Er hatte ungefähr den Entwickelungswert eines Amphibiums, eines Reptils, das eben anfängt, durch Lungen zu atmen, und aus der früheren schwebenden, schwimmenden Bewegung heraus begann er zu lernen, sich langsam aufzustützen auf der Erde. Wenn man sagt, daß der Mensch in dem lemurischen Zeitalter in einer Bewegungsform war, die abwechselnd hüpfend, kaum noch schreitend, und dann wieder sich in die Luft erhebend war, so haben wir höchstens in den alten Sauriern etwas, was daran erinnern kann. Es ist nichts davon erhalten geblieben, was der Geologe als Verhärtungen, Versteinerungen hätte auffinden können, denn der Körper des Menschen war ganz weich, es hatten sich ihm noch keine Knochen eingegliedert.
[ 17 ] Wie sah nun die Erde aus, nachdem sie sich vom Monde befreit hatte? Früher war sie umgeben gewesen von Feuernebel, wie in einem kochenden, dampfenden Kessel, und dann zogen sich allmählich die dichten Wasserdämpfe zurück. Jetzt gestaltete es sich so, daß die Erde eine nur sehr dünne verhärtete Decke hatte, unter welcher dieses brodelnde, sprudelnde Feuermeer sich befand, das der Überrest des Feuernebels der alten Atmosphäre war. Allmählich kamen dann kleine Inselchen heraus, die ersten Anfänge unseres jetzigen Mineralreichs. Während auf dem Monde noch ein Pflanzenmineralreich vorhanden war, gliederten sich jetzt die ersten Ansätze unserer heutigen Felsen und Gesteine heraus durch Verhärtung, Vermineralisierung dieser Masse. Schon früher hatte sich das Tierpflanzenreich etwa zu dem gegenwärtigen Pflanzenreich entwickelt. Und die Wesenheiten auf dem Monde, die Menschentiere waren, hatten sich in zwei Heere geteilt. Die einen waren in der Entwickelung mitgekommen und Menschengestalten geworden, aber es gab auch solche, die diese Entwickelung nicht mitgemacht hatten. Das sind die gegenwärtigen höheren Tiere. Die waren auf früherer Stufe stehengeblieben, und weil sie nicht mitgehen konnten, kamen sie immer mehr zurück. Alles, was wir heute an Säugetieren und so weiter haben, sind Überreste von stehengebliebenen Monden-Menschentieren. Sie dürfen sich also niemals vorstellen, daß der Mensch je ein solches Tier war, wie sie heute auf der Erde sind. Die Leiber dieser Tiere sind damals nicht fähig gewesen, das Ich in sich aufzunehmen; sie sind bei der Gruppenseelenhaftigkeit des Mondes stehengeblieben. Die letzten, die fast noch sozusagen den Anschluß auf der Erde erreicht hätten, die sich aber später doch als zu schwach erwiesen, um von einer individuellen Seele bewohnt zu werden, das sind die Affen, das gegenwärtige Affengeschlecht. Aber auch sie waren niemals wirkliche Vorfahren der Menschheit, sondern sind heruntergekommene Wesenheiten.
[ 18 ] So war die Erde in der alten lemurischen Zeit eine Art feuriger Masse, in der das heutige Mineral zum größten Teil aufgelöst und flüssig war, wie heute in einem Eisenwerk das Eisen. Daraus entwickelte sich die erste mineralische Inselmasse heraus. Auf dieser wandelten halb hüpfend, halb schwebend die Menschenvorfahren herum. Das Geistselbst bemühte sich, allmählich Besitz zu ergreifen von diesen Menschen.
[ 19 ] So müssen wir uns die alte Feuerzeit der Erde vorstellen als eine Zeit, in welcher in gewisser Beziehung noch ein letzter Nachklang vorhanden war von den Kräften des Mondes selbst, die dann nach und nach verschwanden. Sie äußerten sich durch die Herrschaft, die der menschliche Wille über die Substanzen und Kräfte der Natur besaß. Auf dem Monde war ja der Mensch noch ganz verbunden gewesen mit der Natur; da schaffte die Gruppenseele am menschlichen Dasein. Jetzt war das nicht mehr so, aber immer noch bestand ein magischer Zusammenhang zwischen Menschenwille und Feuerkräften. Wenn der Mensch einen sanften Charakter hatte, dann wirkte er durch den Willen so, daß sich das Naturelement des Feuers beruhigte; dadurch konnte sich mehr Land ansetzen. Der leidenschaftliche Mensch dagegen wirkte mit seinem Willen magisch so, daß die Feuermassen stürmisch und wütend wurden und die dünne Erddecke zerrissen. Nun kam die ganze wilde, leidenschaftliche Gewalt, die auf dem Monde und während der Wiederholung der Mondenzeit auf der Erde dem Menschen eigen gewesen war, noch einmal zum Durchbruch in den neu erstandenen individuellen Menschenseelen. Die Leidenschaften wirkten so auf die Feuermassen, daß sie sie revolutionierten und ein großer Teil des Landes, den die Lemurier bewohnten, zugrunde ging. Nur ein kleiner Teil der Bewohner Lemuriens erhielt sich und pflanzte die Menschheit weiter fort.
[ 20 ] Sie alle lebten schon damals; Ihre Seelen sind ja dieselben, die sich aus der stürmischen Feuermasse Lemuriens herausgerettet hatten. Derjenige Teil der Menschheit, der sich gerettet hatte, zog in das Land, das wir als die Atlantis kennen und das sich im wesentlichen zwischen dem heutigen Europa und Amerika ausgedehnt hat. Von da pflanzte sich das Menschengeschlecht weiter fort. Allmählich hatte sich die Atmosphäre der Erde so verändert, daß alle Reste des alten Rauches heraus waren und die Luft nur noch von einer mächtigen Nebelmasse geschwängert war. Die germanische Sage hat die Erinnerung daran in dem Niflheim oder Nebelheim bewahrt; das ist ein Land, das fortwährend durchzogen war von solchen schweren Nebelmassen.
[ 21 ] Was hat nun bis in die lemurische Zeit hinein von außen geschaffen? Das sind zunächst während der Saturnzeit die Wesenheiten, die wir die Geister des Egoismus, des Selbständigkeitssinnes nennen. Während der Sonnenzeit sind es die Erzengel, die Feuergeister, während der Mondenzeit diejenigen Wesenheiten, die sozusagen die guten Geister der Mondenzeit waren. Die christliche Bezeichnung dafür ist Engel; die Theosophie bezeichnet sie auch als die «Geister des Zwielichts». Den hervorragendsten Anführer dieser Geister haben wir bezeichnet als den Heiligen Geist, den Regenten der Feuergeister als den Christus, den des Saturn als den Vater-Geist. Der letzte also, der geschaffen hat mit seinem Heere, war der Geist, den das Christentum als Heiligen Geist bezeichnet, der Regent der Mondenentwickelung, der Geist, der noch vorhanden war während der Wiederholung der Erdenmondenzeit. Derselbe Geist war es, der da von außen baute und jetzt sozusagen einen Strahl seiner eigenen Wesenheit in den Menschen hineinsandte. Zweierlei Geister haben wir zu unterscheiden im Beginn der lemurischen Zeit: die Geister, die vorbereiten die niedere Körperlichkeit, die einpflanzen das Ich-Bewußtsein, die herausgestalten die Menschenhüllen, und denjenigen Geist, der in den Menschen selbst einzog in dem Moment, wo dieser Mensch lernte, physisch zu atmen.
[ 22 ] Wenn Sie nun bedenken, daß alles, was auf dem Saturn noch eine Art von Feuermasse bildete, umgeben von einer feineren Atmosphäre, auf der Sonne gasartig war und auf dem Monde dann umgeben war von jenen Feuernebelmassen, dann müssen Sie den Entwickelungsprozeß der Erde als eine Reinigung auffassen, wie die Entwickelung der Menschheit selbst eine Reinigung ist. Das, was man heute Luft nennt, wurde erst allmählich rein von alledem, was sie als eine Art von Rauch und Dampf erfüllte. Wir müssen uns klar darüber sein, daß das, was sich da aus der Atmosphäre herausgeschieden hat, diejenigen Substanzen sind, aus welchen sich alle Körperlichkeit aufgebaut hat. Die Luft ist das Reinste von dem, was zurückgeblieben ist. Sie ist die beste Körperlichkeit für die führenden Geister des Mondes, die man in der christlichen Ausdrucksweise Engel nennt. Daher empfand der Mensch in der Luft, die sich geläutert hatte, die sich abgeschieden hatte, die Körperlichkeit der neuen führenden Geister der Erde, den jetzigen führenden Geist Jehova. In dem Wehen des Windes empfand man das, was die Erde führte und leitete. Und so lebte man hinüber in die atlantische Zeit, deren Kontinent den jetzigen Boden des Atlantischen Ozeans bildet, indem man in dem aufgenommenen Atem die Körperlichkeit des Gottes spürte.
[ 23 ] Jener magische Einfluß, den die Menschen gehabt hatten auf das Feuermeer, auf die Vorgänge der Erde, verschwand allmählich. Dafür blieb ein anderer Zusammenhang in der ersten atlantischen Zeit. Da besaß der Mensch noch eine gewisse magische Gewalt über das Wachstum der Pflanzen. Wenn er seine Hand, die damals noch eine ganz andere Form hatte, über eine Pflanze erhob, dann war er imstande, sie zum schnellen Wachstum zu bringen durch seinen Willenseinfluß. Er stand noch im innigen Zusammenhang mit den Wesen der Natur. Das ganze Leben des Atlantiers entsprach diesem Zusammenleben mit der Natur.
[ 24 ] Was man heute den Kombinationssinn, die Intelligenz, das logische Denken nennt, gab es damals noch nicht. Dagegen hatte der Mensch anderes in hohem Maße entwickelt, zum Beispiel das Gedächtnis, von dessen fabelhafter Entwickelung wir uns heute gar keine Vorstellung machen können. Rechnen konnte der Mensch nicht, nicht einmal, daß 2 mal 2 = 4 sind, aber aus dem Gedächtnis heraus wußte er es. Jedesmal erinnerte er sich an das frühere Erlebnis. Auch das hat sich in der atlantischen Zeit erhalten, daß, wenn man auch die Volksseele nicht mehr unmittelbar in sich spürte wie auf dem Monde, man doch die Wirkung der alten Volks- und Rassenseelen empfand. Sie war so stark, daß es damals ganz unmöglich gewesen wäre, daß derjenige, der einer Rasse oder Volksseele angehörte, sich je mit einem verbunden hätte, der einer anderen Rasse zugehörig war. Zwischen den Angehörigen der verschiedenen Volksseelen war eine tiefe Antipathie vorhanden. Nur das liebte sich, was innerhalb derselben Volksseele war. Man kann sagen, das gemeinsame Blut, das früher ja in der Mondenzeit sich aus der Volksseele herniedergegossen hatte, war der Grund der Zusammengehörigkeit, und man erinnerte sich nicht nur dunkel etwa, sondern ganz deutlich der Erlebnisse der Vorfahren. Man empfand sich als Glied in der Vorfahrenkette durch das gemeinsame Blut, so wie Sie die Hand fühlen als ein Glied Ihres Organismus. Dieses Gefühl der Zusammengehörigkeit hing mit der Entwickelung insofern zusammen, als damals bei diesem Übergang, den wir betrachtet haben und der zur Zeit des SonneAblösens und des Hinausstoßens des Mondes stattfand, ein anderer bedeutungsvoller Vorgang sich abspielte. Der hängt zusammen mit all dem, was als eine Art von Verhärtungsprozeß auf der Erde vorging. Das Mineralreich entstand, und gleichzeitig ging ein solcher Verhärtungsprozeß auch im Inneren der Menschennatur vor sich. Aus der weichen Masse bildete sich allmählich ein Härteres heraus, das sich erst bis zum Knorpel und dann bis zum Knochen verhärtete, und erst mit diesem Ansetzen der Knochenmasse begann die gehende Bewegung der Menschen.
[ 25 ] Und mit dieser Gliederung in die Knochenmasse ging wieder ein anderer Prozeß parallel. Indem der Mensch sich dadurch weiterentwikkelte, daß die Mondenmasse von der Erde abgestoßen wurde und nur das Entwickelungsfähige zurückblieb, bildeten sich zwei Arten von Kräften aus in den Wesen, die die Erde bewohnten. Jetzt waren die Sonne und der Mond draußen, und die Sonnen- und Mondenkräfte wirken deshalb von außen auf die Erde ein. Und aus dieser Mischung vonSonnen-und Mondenkräften, die früher ja in der Erde selbstgewesen waren, nun aber von außen hereinstrahlten, entstand das, was wir das Vorrücken zum geschlechtlichen Leben nennen. Denn alle diejenigen Kräfte, welche im geschlechtlichen Leben zum Ausdruck kommen, stehen unter dem Einfluß der Sonnen- und Mondenkräfte.
[ 26 ] Alles, was in alten Zeiten, als Sonne, Mond und Erde noch verbunden gewesen waren, so wirkte, daß man es als ein Weibliches bezeichnen könnte, wurde sozusagen befruchtet von den Kräften der Sonne selber. Die Sonne empfand sich als ein Männliches, der Mond als ein Weibliches. Jetzt zog sich der Mond hinaus; die Kräfte der beiden Körper vermischten sich. Überhaupt können wir die Wesenheiten, die bis zum Hinausstoßen des Mondes entstanden waren, als eine Art weiblicher Wesenheiten bezeichnen, denn alle befruchtenden Kräfte kommen von außen, von der Sonnenkraft. Erst auf einer Erde, die den Mond ausgestoßen hatte, so daß die Sonne nun einen ganz anderen Körper beschien, konnte das alte und undifferenzierte Weibliche sich trennen in Männliches und Weibliches, so daß mit dem Verhärtungs- und Knochenbildungsprozeß der Übergang in das Geschlechtliche stattfand. Und damit war die Möglichkeit gegeben, das Ich in richtiger Weise auszubilden.
Eleventh Lecture
[ 1 ] We have come in our consideration to the point where the Earth has undergone its so-called lunar state. We have also seen that this lunar state of the Earth was followed by a kind of sleep state of the whole system. Of course, we have to imagine that all beings that inhabit such a planet go through these transitional and intermediate states, so that they undergo different experiences in them than during the actual external state of development. We want to become clear about how the beings have gone through different things during this intermediate state between the moon evolution of the earth and the actual earth evolution.
[ 2 ] We have seen that three types of beings lived on the moon as a kind of physical ancestors of our present natural kingdoms. There lived a kind of plant minerals, animal plants and human animals. Man himself was on this old moon in a state of not yet developed self-awareness. Man had not yet attained to a self that dwelled in a body. During this intermediate state something very important now occurred to the spiritual part of man, if I may so express it.
[ 3 ] If we visualize the old moon sphere correctly, we can describe it in some respects as a being that had a kind of life itself, somewhat like a tree on which all kinds of creatures live. The moon itself was a kind of unified plant-mineral. Its rocks were only a hardening of a kind of plant-mineral mass, and its animal plants grew out of this mass, and that which we can call human animals circled around the moon. At the same time, we have to realize that everything that was self-conscious still lived more or less in the moon's atmosphere in that fire nebula, that it was still part, a link, of a higher being in which all these selves were located, which today are in the body, separated from each other by the skin. So such as today with an I-consciousness endowed walking people did not yet exist. But something else was much more developed than on Earth.
[ 4 ] You know that today on Earth, what is called the folk soul, the racial soul, has become a rather abstract concept. Today, many people believe that the individual soul of man, which dwells in his body, is actually real. When one speaks of German, French or Russian tribal souls, people regard this as something more or less abstract, as a collective concept, as the characteristics that the individual members of these peoples have. For the occultist, this is not the case at all. For him, what is called the folk soul, i.e. the German, French or Russian folk soul, is something that exists absolutely and independently. Only in our present earthly existence is this folk soul present only spiritually, perceptible only to those who can ascend to the astral plane. There you would not deny it, because there it exists as a truly living being. You would meet the national soul there as you meet your friends on the physical plane.
[ 5 ] On the moon you would have been even less inclined to deny this soul of groups, because at that time it had a much more real existence. That which guided the bloodstream down into the bodies of those beings orbiting the moon was the folk or racial soul. It is the fate of our age to deny such entities, which have a real life on the astral plane and are not perceived here on the physical plane. And we are at the very peak of this materialistic development, which would like to deny such entities as the souls of nations and races.
Among other things, a very characteristic book has recently been published that has been widely advertised and praised, and rightly so, as a correct expression of our abstract and objective thinking, because it seems to have been written from the soul of the contemporary human being. Such a book had to be written sometime. It denies everything that cannot be seen with the eyes and touched with the hands. From the occultist's point of view, this book is a scandalous book, but an excellent book from the point of view of the present way of thinking. It is Mauthner's “criticism of language.” In this book, a thorough cleanup has been made of all the things that cannot be grasped with hands. A book of this kind was bound to be produced in our time as a kind of necessity. This is not meant as a criticism. It is only meant to show the contrast between the occult way of thinking and modern times. In this book you can get to know exactly the opposite of all occult thinking; it is the most wonderful product of a dying cultural trend of the present and from this point of view it is quite excellent.
[ 7 ] You will understand that on this old moon there really was a kind of collective consciousness present that does not exist here on earth. On earth, people feel isolated as individuals. That was not the case on the moon. On the moon there was a living group soul, which then appeared on Earth in a diluted form as a national soul, so that the entire moon sphere had a high degree of common consciousness. This common consciousness on the moon perceived itself as feminine. And now you know that this moon was irradiated by the sun. The sun was felt to be the male principle. This is contained in the old Egyptian myth, for example, the moon as Isis, female, the sun as Osiris, male. Only the consciousness of self enclosed in the human body was entirely absent. That was contained in the atmosphere of the moon.
[ 8 ] During that intermediate state, various entities worked from the moon to the earth through the moon's atmosphere in such a way that the human etheric body and the human astral body became suitable for receiving an ego consciousness. What was there when this sun, which still contained the moon and the earth, shone again? In the surroundings of this newly awakened solar sphere were the entities that now form your soul. They were in such a way that during the intermediate state they incorporated the sense of self into the astral and etheric bodies. The physical body did not yet have it, and so it emerged again as a human animal, just as it was on the moon. So these two no longer matched. On the moon they had still been in tune with each other. What had sunk into the astral and etheric bodies no longer exactly matched what was physical below, and the consequence of this was that before this could be matched, the earlier conditions of Saturn, Sun and Moon had to be repeated. So we have three repetitions before our Earth actually appeared.
[ 9 ] First came the Saturnian existence with the physical bodies of the animal-men, but in a certain respect no longer as simple as they had been on Saturn. At that time the sense organs were in their germinal stages; now the glandular and nervous organs had already been added, but they were unable to absorb what was above in this way. A brief repetition of the Saturn condition had to occur. The spirits of selfhood and independence had to work again on the physical bodies to implant in them the ability to absorb the I. Likewise, the state of the sun had to be gone through so that these physical bodies would be able to receive an ego with regard to the organs that had developed on the sun. The state of the moon had to be gone through as well to make the nervous system suitable for this.
[ 10 ] So first a kind of repetition of the Saturn condition. In this, those entities that had previously been human animals now walked around on Earth like automatons, like a kind of machine. Then the time came when this repeated Saturn condition passed into the sun condition. Then the repetition of the moon state occurred, where the sun had already detached itself. Everything that had previously detached itself as the moon remained behind. So the whole lunar cycle was repeated again, except that the entities were given the ability to absorb an ego.
[ 11 ] This repetition of the moon's cycle was, if one may say so, an evil time in the evolution of the Earth, for, spiritually speaking, the egoity without purifying thinking had been implanted in the human body, which after all consisted only of physical, etheric and astral bodies. In the time when the sun had already gone and the earth had not yet thrown out the moon, man was in a state where his astral body was the bearer of the wildest desires, for all the evil forces were implanted in him and there was no counterweight. To use today's terminology, after the separation of the sun, it was a mass in which people were still entirely group souls, but of the most voluptuous kind with the worst instincts.
[ 12 ] And so, through this passage through a real hell, under the influence of the purified sun that had emerged – not only the physical sun, but also the sun beings who had withdrawn to the sun —, this repetitive moon planet gradually matured to the point where it could expel the terrible instincts and powers and retain on earth that which was capable of development. With the departure of today's moon, all these voluptuous forces went away. Therefore, in the present moon, you have the remnant, also in its spiritual significance, of all the evil influences that were present in the human world at that time, and therefore there is also a pulling-down influence present with this moon existence. That which remained on earth after the separation of the sun and the moon was what was capable of development.
[ 13 ] Let us now first consider the animal-men themselves. They had gradually matured to such an extent that the I could be incorporated into them. So now we have the human being, consisting of four members: physical body, etheric body, astral body and I, walking around on earth. Now, for the first time, the earlier floating, floating position changes and the human being gradually begins to come into the vertical position. His backbone, his nerve cord in the back, became erect, in contrast to the completely horizontal position he had been in during the moon time. And with this straightening up, there was a parallel expansion of the spinal cord mass into the brain, and yet another development went parallel with this. For the floating, swimming movement that man had both in the moon time and during the repetition of the moon time, when the fire-mist forces were still present in the environment, he needed a kind of swim bladder, and that was actually present in human nature, as it still is in fish today. Now the fire-mist — we have called it Ruach — settled. This happened very gradually and slowly. Of course, the air was still filled with dense water vapors, but the worst was settling, and with that began the time when man went from being a gill-breather to becoming a lung-breather. The swim bladder transformed into lungs. Thereby he became able to receive the higher spiritual entities within himself, namely the first predisposition to that which stands above the ego, the spirit self or manas.
[ 14 ] This transformation from the swim bladder to the lungs is expressed in the Bible with the wonderful monumental words: “And God breathed into the man the breath of life, and he became a living soul.” This expresses what has happened to man over thousands of years. And all the entities we have come to know, both the plant animals and the animal men of the moon and their descendants during the lunar period of the earth, they all did not yet have red blood. What they had was similar to the not yet red blood of the present lower animals. Blood-like substance flowed in and out of them from the outside. In order to be able to harbor red blood within themselves, something else was needed. We will understand this when we know that until the ejection of the moon, iron played no role in the evolution of our planet. Until then, there was no iron on our planet. It received it through the planet Mars passing through our Earth and, so to speak, leaving the iron behind. This is where the influence of iron in red blood comes from Mars.
[ 15 ] Legend has preserved this well by attributing to Mars the properties that iron brought to blood, the strong power, the warrior-like. Thus the influence that occurred on the part of the respiratory process was supported by the introduction of iron into our organism. This was of the greatest importance for our development on earth. Under these influences the human organism developed to such an extent that one can say: man began to purify and refine from the I the elements of his being that he had previously received on Saturn, the Sun and the Moon. At first, this work naturally began with the element that he had received last, the astral body. And this purification of our astral body is our culture.
[ 16 ] If you could see this human being, who was still in the process of transformation into the lungs, who was making the first attempts at red blood, then you would find him very unlike our present human form. He was so different that one could really take offense at describing this human being from that time, because to today's materialistic thinker it would seem grotesque. He had approximately the developmental value of an amphibian, a reptile that is just beginning to breathe through lungs, and from the earlier floating, swimming movement, he began to learn to slowly prop himself up on the earth. If we say that in the Lemurian Age man was in a form of movement that was alternately hopping, barely striding, and then again rising into the air, we have at most something in the ancient dinosaurs that can recall it. Nothing has been preserved that geologists could have found as hardenings or petrifications, because the human body was completely soft and no bones had yet been incorporated into it.
[ 17 ] What did the Earth look like after it had freed itself from the moon? It used to be surrounded by fire fog, as if in a boiling, steaming cauldron, and then gradually the dense water vapors retreated. Now it turned out that the earth had only a very thin hardened cover, under which was this seething, bubbling sea of fire, which was the remnant of the fire fog of the old atmosphere. Gradually, small islands emerged, the first beginnings of our present mineral kingdom. While a plant-mineral kingdom still existed on the moon, the first rudiments of our present rocks and stones now emerged through hardening and mineralization of this mass. Even earlier, the animal-plant kingdom had developed into something like the present plant kingdom. And the entities on the moon that were human animals had divided into two armies. Some had kept pace with evolution and become human forms, but there were also those who had not undergone this development. These are the present higher animals. They had remained at an earlier stage, and because they could not keep up, they fell further and further behind. All the mammals and other animals we have today are the remains of human animals from earlier lunar periods. So you must never imagine that man was ever an animal like those that live on earth today. The bodies of these animals were not capable of absorbing the 'I' at that time; they remained at the level of the group soul of the moon. The last ones, which almost reached the connection on earth, but which later proved to be too weak to be inhabited by an individual soul, are the apes, the present ape family. But they too were never the real ancestors of humanity, but rather degenerate entities.
[ 18 ] Thus, in the ancient Lemurian times, the Earth was a kind of fiery mass in which most of today's minerals were dissolved and liquid, as they are in an ironworks today. From this, the first mineral island mass developed. On this, the human ancestors walked, half hopping, half floating. The spirit-self endeavored to gradually take possession of these humans.
[ 19 ] Thus we must imagine the ancient fire age of the Earth as a time when, in certain respects, there was still a last echo present of the forces of the Moon itself, which then gradually disappeared. They manifested themselves through the dominion that human will had over the substances and forces of nature. On the moon, man was still completely connected with nature; there the group soul worked on human existence. Now that was no longer the case, but there was still a magical connection between human will and fire forces. If a person had a gentle character, then through willpower he worked in such a way that the natural element of fire calmed down; this allowed more land to be added. A passionate person, on the other hand, used their will in such a magical way that the fire masses became stormy and angry and tore apart the thin layer of earth. Now all the wild, passionate power that had been inherent in man on the moon and during the repetition of the lunar period on earth came to a breakthrough once again in the newly created individual human souls. The passions affected the fiery masses in such a way that they revolutionized them and a large part of the land inhabited by the Lemurians perished. Only a small part of the inhabitants of Lemuria survived and continued to propagate the human race.
[ 20 ] They all lived already at that time; their souls are the same, having escaped from the stormy fire mass of Lemuria. The part of humanity that had saved itself moved to the land we know as Atlantis, which essentially extended between present-day Europe and America. From there, the human race continued to multiply. Gradually, the Earth's atmosphere had changed so that all traces of the old smoke had been blown out and the air was only impregnated with a mighty mass of fog. Germanic saga has preserved the memory of this in Niflheim or Mistheim; that is a land that was continually traversed by such heavy masses of fog.
[ 21 ] What was it that created from outside during the Lemurian period? During the Saturn period, these were the entities we call the spirits of egoism and the spirit of independence. During the Sun period, they were the archangels, the fire spirits, and during the Moon period, the entities that were, so to speak, the good spirits of the Moon period. The Christian name for them is angels; in Theosophy they are also called the “spirits of the twilight”. We have designated the most outstanding leader of these spirits as the Holy Spirit, the ruler of the fire spirits as the Christ, and that of Saturn as the Father-Spirit. The last one, then, who created with his host, was the spirit whom Christianity calls the Holy Spirit, the ruler of the development of the moon, the spirit who was still present during the repetition of the time of the earth's moon. It was the same spirit who built from the outside and now, so to speak, sent a ray of his own being into the human being. At the beginning of the Lemurian period we have to distinguish between two kinds of spirits: the spirits that prepare the lower physical body, that implant the consciousness of self, that shape the human form, and the spirit that entered into the human being himself at the moment when he learned to breathe physically.
[ 22 ] If you now consider that everything on Saturn that still formed a kind of fire mass, surrounded by a finer atmosphere, was gaseous on the sun was gaseous and then surrounded by those fiery nebula masses on the moon, then you have to understand the evolution of the earth as a purification, just as the evolution of humanity itself is a purification. What we call air today only gradually became pure from all that filled it as a kind of smoke and vapor. We must be clear about the fact that what has separated out of the atmosphere is the substance from which all physicality has been built. The air is the purest of what has remained. It is the best physicality for the leading spirits of the moon, which in Christian terminology are called angels. Therefore, in the air that had been purified, that had been separated, man felt the physicality of the new guiding spirits of the earth, the present guiding spirit Jehovah. In the blowing of the wind, one felt what guided and led the earth. And so they lived over into the Atlantic period, the continent of which forms the present floor of the Atlantic Ocean, by sensing the physicality of the god in the inhaled breath.
[ 23 ] The magical influence that men had had over the sea of fire, over the processes of the earth, gradually disappeared. But another connection remained in the first Atlantean period. Man still had a certain magical power over the growth of plants. If he raised his hand, which at that time still had a completely different shape, over a plant, he was able to make it grow rapidly through his will influence. He was still in close contact with the beings of nature. The whole life of the Atlanteans corresponded to this coexistence with nature.
[ 24 ] What we today call the sense of combination, intelligence, logical thinking, did not yet exist at that time. On the other hand, man had developed other things to a high degree, for example, memory, of whose fabulous development we cannot even imagine today. Man could not calculate, not even that two times two are four, but he knew it from memory. Each time he recalled the earlier experience. This too was retained in Atlantean times, so that even if one no longer felt the folk soul directly within oneself as on the moon, one still felt the effect of the old folk and racial souls. It was so strong that it would have been quite impossible at that time for anyone belonging to one race or folk soul to ever connect with someone who belonged to a different race. There was a deep antipathy between the members of the different folk souls. Only those within the same folk soul loved each other. One can say that the common blood, which in the moon age had poured down from the folk soul, was the basis for belonging together, and one remembered not only vaguely but quite distinctly the experiences of the ancestors. One felt oneself as a link in the chain of ancestors through the common blood, just as you feel the hand as a member of your organism. This feeling of belonging together was connected with evolution insofar as at that time during this transition, which we have observed and which took place at the time of the replacement of the sun and the expulsion of the moon, another significant process took place. This is connected with everything that occurred on earth as a kind of hardening process. The mineral kingdom came into being, and at the same time a hardening process also took place within human nature. A harder substance gradually formed from the soft mass, first hardening to form cartilage and then to form bones, and it was only with the formation of this bone mass that the human being began to walk.
[ 25 ] And with this division into bone mass, another process went parallel. As man developed by the moon's mass being repelled from the earth and only the developmental potential remaining, two types of forces emerged in the beings that inhabited the earth. Now the sun and the moon were outside, and the sun and moon forces therefore acted on the earth from the outside. And from this mixture of sun and moon forces, which had previously been in the earth itself but now radiated in from the outside, what we call the advance to sexual life arose. For all those forces that find expression in sexual life are under the influence of the forces of the sun and moon.
[ 26 ] In ancient times, when the sun, moon and earth were still connected, everything that could be described as feminine was fertilized, so to speak, by the forces of the sun itself. The sun felt itself to be masculine, the moon feminine. Now the moon was drawn out; the forces of the two bodies mixed. In general, we can describe the entities that had come into being until the moon was cast out as a kind of female entity, because all fertilizing forces come from outside, from the power of the sun. Only on an earth that had cast out the moon, so that the sun now illuminated a completely different body, could the old and undifferentiated feminine separate into masculine and feminine, so that with the hardening and ossification process, the transition into the sexual took place. And with that, the possibility was given to develop the ego in the right way.