Theosophy of the Rosicrucian
GA 99
4 June 1907, Munich
Translated by Mabel Cotterell and Dorothy S. Osmond
XII. Evolution of Mankind on the Earth II
THE process that I have described to you as the division of the sexes was of such a nature that the two sexes are to be thought of as still united in that animal-man of the Moon and also in his descendants in the Moon recapitulation of the Earth. Then there really took place a kind of cleavage of the human body. This cleavage came about through densification; not until a mineral kingdom had been separated out as it is today could the present human body arise, representing a single sex. The Earth and the human body had first to be solidified to the mineral nature as we know it. In the soft human bodies of the Moon and of the earlier periods of the Earth human beings were of dual-sex, male-female.
Now we must remind ourselves of the fact that Man in a certain respect has preserved a residue of the ancient dual sex inasmuch as in the present man the physical body is masculine, the etheric body feminine, and in the woman it is reversed; for the physical feminine body has a masculine etheric body. These facts open up an interesting insight into the soul life of the sexes; the capacity for sacrifice in the service of love displayed by the woman is connected with the masculinity of the etheric body, whereas the ambition of the man is explained when we realise the feminine nature of his etheric body. I have already said that separation into the human sexes has arisen from the intermingling of the forces sent to us from the sun and the moon. Now you must be clear that in the man the stronger influence on the etheric body emanates from the moon and the stronger influence on the physical body from the sun. In the woman the opposite is the case, the physical body is influenced by the forces of the moon and the etheric body by those of the sun.
The continual change of mineral substances in man's present body could not take place until the mineral realm had taken shape; before this there was quite a different form of nourishment. During the Sun-period of the Earth all plants were permeated by milky juices. Man's nourishment was then actually effected by his imbibing the milk-juices from the plants as today the child draws its nourishment from the mother. The plants which still contain milky juices are the last stragglers from that time when all the plants supplied these juices in abundance. It was not till a later time that nourishment took on its present form.
To understand the significance of the separation of the sexes we must be clear that upon the Moon and during its recapitulation on the Earth all the beings looked very much alike. Just as the cow has the same appearance as her “daughters,” as all other cows, since the Group-soul lies behind, so could men scarcely be distinguished from their forefathers, and this continued till long into the Atlantean Age. Whence arises the fact that human beings no longer resemble each other?
It comes from the rise of the two sexes. From the original dual sex-nature the tendency had continued in the female being to produce similarity in the descendants; in the male the influence worked differently, it tended to call forth variety, individualisation, and with the flowing of the male force into the female, dissimilarity was increasingly created. Thus it was through the male influence that the power of developing individuality came about.
The ancient dual sex had yet another peculiarity. If you had asked one of the old dwellers on the Moon about his experiences, he would have described them as identical with those of his earliest ancestors; everything lived on through the generations. The gradual rise of a consciousness that only extends from birth to death came about by the individualising of the human race, and at the same time arose the possibility of birth and death, as we know them today. For those ancient Moon beings with their floating, swimming motion, were suspended from the environment with which they were united by the “strings” conducting the blood. Thus if a being died it was not a death of the soul, it was only a dying off of a sort of limb, while the consciousness remained above. It was as if your hand, for instance, should wither on your body and a new hand grow in its place. So these human beings with their dim consciousness only experienced dying as a gradual withering of their bodies. These bodies dried up and new ones continually sprang forth; consciousness, however, was preserved through the consciousness of the group-soul, so that really a kind of immortality existed.
Then arose the present blood, which was created in the human body itself, and this went hand in hand with the rise of the two sexes. And with it the necessity of a remarkable process came about. The blood creates a continuous conflict between life and death, and a being who forms red blood within himself becomes the scene of a perpetual struggle, for red blood is continually consumed and changed into blue blood, into a substance of death. Together with man's individual transformation of the blood arose that darkening of the consciousness beyond birth and death. Now, for the first time, with the lighting up of the present consciousness, man lost the ancient dimly sensed immortality, so that the impossibility of looking beyond birth and death is intimately connected with the division of the sexes. And something else too is connected with this.
When man still possessed the Group-soul, existence went on from generation to generation, no interruption was caused through birth and death. Then this interruption appeared and with it the possibility of reincarnation. Earlier, the son was but a direct continuation of the father, the father of the grandfather, consciousness did not break off. Now there came a time when there was darkness beyond birth and death, and a sojourn in Kamaloca and Devachan first became possible. This interchange, this sojourn in higher worlds, could only come about at all after individualisation, after the expulsion of Sun and Moon. Only then appeared what today we call incarnation, and at the same time this intermediate state, which again will one day also come to an end.
Thus we have reached the period in which we have seen the earlier dual-sexed organism, representing a kind of group-soul, divide into a male and a female, so that the similar is reproduced through the female, what is varied and dissimilar through the male. We see in our humanity the feminine to be the principle which still preserves the old conditions of folk and race, and the masculine that which continually breaks through these conditions, splits them up and so individualises mankind. There is actually active in the human being an ancient feminine principle as group-soul and a new masculine principle as individualising element. It will come about that all connections of race and family stock will cease to exist, men will become more and more different from one another, interconnection will no longer depend on the common blood, but on what binds soul to soul. That is the course of human evolution.
In the first Atlantean races there still existed a strong bond of union and the first sub-races grouped themselves according to their colouring. This group-soul element we have still in the races of different colour. These differences will increasingly disappear as the individualising element gains the upper hand. A time will come when there will no longer be races of different colour; the difference between the races will have disappeared, but on the other hand there will be the greatest differences between individuals. The further we go back into ancient times the more we meet with the encroachment of the racial element; the true individualising principle begins as a whole only in later Atlantean times. Among the earlier Atlanteans members of one race actually experienced a deep antipathy for members of another race; the common blood caused the feeling of connection, of love; it was considered against morality to marry a member of another stock.
If, as seer, you wished to examine the connection between the etheric body and the physical body in the old Atlanteans you would make a remarkable discovery. Whereas in the man of today the etheric head is practically covered by the physical part of the head and only protrudes slightly beyond it, in the old Atlantean the etheric head projected far out beyond the physical head; in particular it projected powerfully in the region of the forehead. Now we must think of a point in the physical brain in the place between the eyebrows, only about a centimetre lower, and a second point in the etheric head which would correspond to this. In the Atlantean these two points were still far apart and evolution consisted precisely in the fact that they continually approached each other. In the fifth Atlantean period the point of the etheric head drew in to the physical brain and by reason of these two points coming together there developed what we possess to-day: calculation, counting, the capacity of judging, the power of forming ideas in general, intelligence. Formerly the Atlanteans had only an immensely developed memory, but as yet no logical intellect. Here we have the starting point for the consciousness of the “ego.” A self-reliant independence did not exist in the Atlantean before these two points coincided, on the other hand he could live in much more intimate contact with nature. His dwellings were put together by what was given by nature; he moulded the stones and bound them together with the growing trees. His dwellings were formed out of living nature, were really transformed natural objects. He lived in the little tribes that were still preserved through blood relationship, whilst a powerful authority was exercised by the strongest, who was the chieftain. Everything depended on authority, which however was exercised in a way peculiar to those times.
When man entered on the Atlantean Age, he could as yet utter no articulate speech; this was only developed during that period. A chieftain could not have given commands in speech, but on the other hand these men had the faculty of understanding the language of nature. Present day man has no idea of this, he must learn it again. Picture, for instance, a spring of water which reflects your image to you. As occultist a peculiar feeling emerges in your soul. You say—My image presses towards me out of this spring, to me this is a last token of how on old Saturn everything was reflected out into space. The memory of Saturn arises in the occultist when he beholds his reflection in the spring. And in the echo which the spoken sound gives back arises the recollection of how on Saturn all that resounded into cosmic space, came back as echo. Or you see a Fata Morgana a mirage in the air, in which the air seems to have taken up whatever pictures are imprinted in it and then reflects them again. As occultist you see here a memory of the Sun-period, when the gaseous Sun took in all that came to it from cosmic space, worked it over, and then let it stream back, giving it its own sun-nature at the same time. On the Sun planet you would have seen how things were prepared as Fata Morgana, as a kind of mirage within the gases of the Sun condition. Thus without being a magician one learns to grasp the world from many aspects and that is an important means towards developing into higher worlds. In ancient times man understood nature to a high degree.
There is a great difference between living in an atmosphere like the present and such as it was in Atlantis. The air was then saturated by immense vapour masses; sun and moon were surrounded by a gigantic rainbow halo. There was a time when the mist-masses were so dense that no eye could have seen the stars, when sun and moon were stiff darkened. Only gradually they became visible to man. This coming into sight of sun, moon and stars is magnificently described in records of the Creation. What is described there has really taken place, and much more besides.
The understanding of surrounding nature was still very vividly present in the Atlantean. All that sounds in the rippling of the spring, in the storm of winds, and is an inarticulate sound to you today, was heard by the Atlantean as a speech he understood. There were at that time no commandments, but the Spirit pierced through the vapour-drenched air and spoke to man. The Bible expresses this in the words “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” The human being heard the Spirit from surrounding objects; from sun, moon and stars the Spirit spoke to him and you find in those words—in the Bible a plain expression for what took place in man's environment.
Then came the time in which an especially advanced portion of the human race, who lived in a region which today is on the bed of the ocean in the neighbourhood of present Ireland, first experienced that definite union with the etheric body and thus an increase of the intelligence. This portion of humanity began to journey eastwards under the guidance of the most advanced leader while gradually immense volumes of water submerged the continent of Atlantis. The advanced portion of these peoples journeyed right into Asia, and there founded the centre of the civilisation that we call the Post-Atlantean Culture. From this centre civilisation radiated out; it proceeded from the groups of people who later moved farther to the east. There in Central Asia they founded in India the first civilisation, which still had an echo of the culture attained in Atlantis. The ancient Indian had not yet such a consciousness as we have today, but the capacity for it arose when these two points of the brain of which I have spoken coincided. Before this union there still lived a picture-consciousness in the Atlantean, through which he saw Spiritual beings. In the murmuring of the fountain he not only heard a clear language, but the Undine, who has her embodiment in the water, rose for him out of the spring: in the currents of air he saw Sylphs; in the flickering fire he saw the Salamanders. All this he saw and from it have arisen the myths and legends which have been preserved with most purity in the parts of Europe where there remained remnants of those Atlanteans who did not reach India. The Germanic Sagas and Myths are the relics of what was still seen by the old Atlanteans within the vapoury masses. The rivers, the Rhine, for instance, lived in the consciousness of these old Atlanteans as if the wisdom, which was in the mists of ancient Nivelheim had been cast down into their waters. This wisdom seemed to them to be in the rivers, it lived within them as the Rhine Nixies or similar beings.
So here in these regions of Europe lived echoes of the Atlantean culture, but over in India another arose, that still showed remembrances of that picture world. That world itself had sunk from sight, but the longing for what was revealed in it lived on in the Indian. If the Atlantean had heard the voice of Nature's wisdom, to the Indian there remained the longing for the oneness with Nature, and thus the character of this old Indian culture is shown in the desire to fall back into that time where all this was man's natural possession. The ancient Indian was a dreamer. To be sure, what we call reality lay spread all around him, but the world of the senses was “Maya” in his eyes. What the old Atlantean still saw as hovering spirits was what the Indian sought in his longing for the spiritual content of the world, for Brahma. And this kind of going back towards the old dream-like consciousness of the Atlantean has been preserved in the Oriental training to bring back this early consciousness.
Farther to the north we have the Medes and Persians, the original Persian civilisation. Whereas the Indian culture turns sharply away from reality, the Persian is aware that he must reckon with it. For the first time man appears as a worker, who knows that he is not merely to strive for knowledge with his spiritual forces, but that he is to use them for shaping the earth. At first the earth met him as a sort of hostile element which he must overcome, and this opposition was expressed in Ormuzd and Ahriman, the good and the bad divinity, and the conflict between them. Men wished more and more to let the spiritual world flow into the terrestrial world, but as yet they could recognise no law, no laws of nature within the outer world. The old Indian culture had in truth a knowledge of higher worlds, but not on the grounds of a natural science, since everything on the Earth was accounted Maya; the Persian learnt to know nature purely as a field of labour.
We then come to the Chaldean, the Babylonian and the Egyptian peoples. Here man learnt to recognise a law in nature itself. When he looked up to the stars he sought behind them not the gods alone, but he examined the laws of the stars and hence arose that wonderful science which we find among the Chaldeans. The Egyptian priest did not look on the physical as an opposing force, but he incorporated the spiritual which he found in geometry into his soil, his land; outer nature was recognised as conforming to law. The external star-knowledge was inwardly united in Chaldean-Babylonian-Egyptian wisdom with the knowledge of the gods who ensoul the stars. That was the third stage of cultural evolution.
It is only in the fourth stage of post-Atlantean evolution that man advances to the point of incorporating in civilisation that which he himself experiences as spiritual. This is the case in the Greco-Latin time. Here in the work of art, in moulded matter man imprints his own spirit into substance, whether in sculpture or in the drama. Here too we find the first beginnings of human city planning. These cities differed from those of Egypt in the pre-Grecian age. There in Egypt the priests looked up to the stars and sought their laws, and what took place in the heavens they reproduced in what they built. Thus their towers show the seven-story development which man first discovered in the heavenly bodies; so too do the Pyramids show definite cosmic proportions. We find the transition from priest-wisdom to the real human wisdom wonderfully expressed in early Roman history by the seven Kings of Rome. What are these seven kings?
We remember that the original history of Rome leads back to ancient Troy. Troy represents a last result of the ancient priestly communities who organised states by the laws of the stars. Now comes the transition to the fourth stage of culture. The ancient priest-wisdom is superseded by human cleverness, represented by the crafty Odysseus. Still more plainly is this shown in a picture which can only be rightly understood in this way and which represents how the priest-wisdom has to give way before the human power of judgment. The serpent can always be taken as symbol of human wisdom, and the Laocoon group depicts the overthrow of the priestly wisdom of ancient Troy through human cunning and human wisdom symbolised in the serpents.
Then by the directing authorities who work through millennia the events were outlined that had to happen and in accordance with which history must take its course. Those who stood at the foundation of Rome had already foreordained the sevenfold Roman culture as it stands written in the Sibylline Books. Think it out: you find in the names of the seven Roman kings reminiscences of the seven principles. That goes so far in fact that the fifth Roman king, the Etruscan, comes from without; he represents the principle of Manas, Spirit-Self, which binds the three lower with the three higher. The seven Roman kings represent the seven principles of human nature, spiritual connections are inscribed in them. Republican Rome is none other than the human wisdom, which replaced the ancient priestly wisdom. Thus did the fourth epoch grow within the third. Man sent forth what he had in his soul into the great works of art, into drama and jurisprudence. Formerly all justice was derived from the stars. The Romans became a nation of law-givers because there men created justice, “jus,” according to their own requirements.
We live ourselves in the fifth period. How does the meaning of the totality of evolution come to expression in it? The old authority has vanished, man becomes more and more dependent on his own inner nature, his external acts bear increasingly the stamp of his character. Racial ties lose their hold, man becomes more and more individualised. This is the kernel of the religion which says “He who doth not leave father and mother, brother and sister cannot be my disciple.” This means that all love which is founded on natural ties alone is to come to an end, human beings must stand before one another, and soul find soul.
We have the task of drawing down still further on to the physical plane that which flowed from the soul in Greco-Latin times. Man becomes in this way, a being who sinks deeper and deeper into materiality. If the Greek in his works of art has created an idealised image of his soul-life and poured it into the human form, if the Roman in his jurisprudence has created something that still further signifies personal requirements, then our age culminates in machines, which are solely a materialistic expression of mere personal human needs. Mankind sinks lower and lower from heaven, and this fifth period has descended deepest, is the most involved in matter. If the Greek in his creations has lifted man above man in his images (for Zeus represents man raised above himself), if you find still left in Roman jurisprudence something of man that goes out beyond himself (for the Roman placed more value on being a Roman citizen than on being a person and an individual) then in our period you find people who utilise spirit for the satisfying of their material needs. For what purpose is served by all machines, steamships, railways, all complicated inventions? The ancient Chaldean was accustomed to satisfy his need of food in the simplest way; today an immensity of wisdom, crystalised human wisdom, is expended on the stilling of hunger and thirst. We must not deceive ourselves about this. The wisdom that is so employed has descended below itself right into matter.
All that man had earlier drawn down from the spiritual realms had to descend below itself in order to be able to mount upwards again—and with this our age has received its mission. If in man of an earlier time there flowed blood which bound him with his tribe, today the love which still flowed in the earlier blood shows greater and greater cleavage; a love of a spiritual kind must take its place and then we can ascend again to spiritual realms. There is good reason for us to have come down from spiritual heights, for man must go through this descent in order to find the way up to spirituality out of his own strength. The mission of Spiritual Science is to show mankind this upward path.
We have followed the course of mankind as far as the time in which we ourselves stand; we must now show how it will evolve further, and how one who passes through an initiation can even today forestall a certain stage of humanity on his path of knowledge and wisdom.
Zwolfter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Äußerlich hat sich der Vorgang, den ich Ihnen als die Entstehung der Zweigeschlechtlichkeit schilderte, so abgespielt, daß Sie sich in jenem Menschentier des Mondes noch beide Geschlechter vereinigt denken müssen, auch noch bei ihren Nachkommen auf der Mondenwiederholung der Erde. Dann hat wirklich eine Art von Spaltung des Menschenleibes stattgefunden. Diese Spaltung ist zustande gekommen durch eine Art Verdichtung. Erst durch die Herausgliederung eines Mineralreiches, wie es das heutige ist, konnte der heutige Menschenleib, der ein Geschlecht darstellt, entstehen. Die Erde und der menschliche Leib mußten sich erst bis zu der mineralischen Natur von heute verfestigen. In den weichen Menschenleibern des Mondes und der ersten Erde waren zweigeschlechtliche Menschen männlich-weiblicher Wesenheit.
[ 2 ] Nun müssen wir uns an die Tatsache erinnern, daß in gewisser Beziehung der Mensch sich einen Rest der alten Zweigeschlechtlichkeit erhalten hat insofern, als beim heutigen Menschen beim Manne der physische Leib männlich und der Ätherleib weiblich ist und beim Weibe umgekehrt; da hat der physisch weibliche Leib einen männlichen Ätherleib. Diese Tatsachen eröffnen uns interessante Einblicke in das Seelenleben der Geschlechter. Die Aufopferungsfähigkeit des Weibes zum Beispiel im Liebesdienste hängt zusammen mit der Männlichkeit ihres Ätherleibes, während der Ehrgeiz des Mannes erklärt wird, wenn wir die weibliche Natur seines Ätherleibes erkennen.
[ 3 ] Ich habe bereits gesagt, daß aus der Vermischung der uns von der Sonne und dem Monde zugesandten Kräfte das entstanden ist, was das Gesonderte im Menschengeschlechte darstellt. Nun müssen Sie sich klar sein, daß beim Manne der stärkere Einfluß auf den Ätherleib ausgeht vom Monde und der stärkere Einfluß auf den physischen Leib von der Sonne. Bei der Frau dagegen ist es umgekehrt: der physische Leib wird beeinflußt von den Kräften des Mondes und der Ätherleib von denen der Sonne.
[ 4 ] Der fortwährende Umtausch von mineralischen Stoffen im heutigen physischen Leibe des Menschen konnte erst stattfinden, als sich das heutige Mineral gebildet hatte. Vorher gab es eine ganz andere Ernährungsform. Während der Sonnenzeit der Erde waren alle Pflanzen durchdrungen von Milchsäften. Da ist die Ernährung tatsächlich so bewirkt worden, daß der Mensch aus den Pflanzen die Milchsäfte sog wie heute das Kind aus der Mutter. Die Pflanzen, die heute noch Milchsäfte enthalten, sind letzte Nachzügler aus jener Zeit, wo alle Pflanzen reichlich diese Säfte lieferten. Erst später kam die Zeit, wo die Ernährung die heutige Form annahm.
[ 5 ] Um den Sinn der Geschlechtertrennung zu verstehen, müssen wir uns klar sein, daß sowohl auf dem Monde als auch während der Mondenwiederholungszeit auf der Erde alle Wesen einander sehr ähnlich sahen. So wie eine Kuh dasselbe Aussehen hat‘ wie ihre Nachkommen, wie alle Kühe, weil da die Gruppenseele zugrunde liegt, so sahen auch die Menschen ihren Vorfahren zum Verwechseln ähnlich, und das ging bis lange in die atlantische Zeit hinein.
[ 6 ] Woher kommt nun die Tatsache, daß die Menschen sich nicht mehr ähnlich sind? Sie kommt aus der Entstehung der zwei Geschlechter. Aus der früheren Zweigeschlechtlichkeit her hat sich im weiblichen Wesen die Tendenz erhalten, die Nachkommen ähnlich zu gestalten. Im männlichen Wesen wirkt der Einfluß anders; in ihm wirkt die Tendenz, die Verschiedenheit, die Individualisierung hervorzurufen, und dadurch, daß die männliche Kraft in die weibliche einfloß, wurde immer mehr Unähnlichkeit erzeugt. So tritt durch den männlichen Einfluß die Möglichkeit auf, daß die Individualität Platz greift.
[ 7 ] Noch eine andere Eigentümlichkeit hatte das alte Zweigeschlechtliche. Wenn Sie einen alten Mondenmenschen nach seinen Erlebnissen gefragt hätten, wären ihm dieselben ganz gleich vorgekommen wie die seiner urältesten Vorfahren; alles lebte durch Generationen hindurch. Die Vorbereitung der Tatsache, daß sich allmählich jenes Bewußtsein entwickelte, das sich nur von der Geburt bis zum Tode erstreckt, liegt in der Individualisierung des Menschengeschlechts, und damit entwickelte sich auch die Möglichkeit einer solchen Geburt und eines solchen Todes wie heute. Denn jene alten Mondenmenschen, die so schwebend, schwimmend sich bewegten, hingen herunter aus der Umgebung, in die hinein sie ihre Blutstränge sandten. Wenn so ein Wesen starb, so war das kein Sterben der Seele, es war nur ein Absterben wie das eines Gliedes; oben blieb das Bewußtsein, wie wenn Ihnen zum Beispiel Ihre Hand an Ihrem Körper verdorren würde und an deren Stelle Ihnen eine neue Hand herauswüchse. So empfanden diese Menschen bei ihrem dämmerhaften Bewußtsein das Sterben nur wie ein allmähliches Vertrocknen ihrer Leiber. Dieselben verdorrten, und immerfort sproßten neue hervor; das Bewußtsein aber blieb durch das Bewußtsein der Gruppenseele erhalten, so daß wirklich eine Art von Unsterblichkeit vorhanden war.
[ 8 ] Dann entstand das gegenwärtige Blut, das jetzt im Menschenleibe selbst erzeugt wurde; das ging mit der Entstehung der Zweigeschlechtlichkeit Hand in Hand. Damit trat die Notwendigkeit eines merkwürdigen Prozesses ein. Das Blut erzeugt einen fortwährenden Kampf zwischen Leben und Tod, und ein Wesen, das rotes Blut in sich erzeugt, hat auch in sich selbst den Schauplatz eines beständigen Kampfes zwischen Leben und Tod, denn fortwährend wird rotes Blut verbraucht und verwandelt sich in blaues Blut, in einen Todesstoff. Mit der eigenen Blutumwandlung im Menschen entstand auch jene Verfinsterung des Bewußtseins über Geburt und Tod hinaus. Erst da verlor der Mensch mit der Aufhellung des Gegenwartsbewußtseins die alte im Dämmerhaften vorhandene Unsterblichkeit, so daß das Nichtherausschauen über Geburt und Tod innig zusammenhängt mit der Geschlechtlichkeit. Und noch ein anderes hängt damit zusammen.
[ 9 ] Als der Mensch die Gruppenseele hatte, ging das Dasein von Generation zu Generation weiter; es gab keine Unterbrechung durch Geburt und Tod. Jetzt trat diese Unterbrechung ein und damit die Möglichkeit der Reinkarnation. Früher war der Sohn nur eine unmittelbare Fortsetzung vom Vater, der Vater vom Großvater; das Bewußtsein riß nicht ab. Jetzt kam eine Zeit, wo es sich verdunkelte über Geburt und Tod hinaus, und erst damit war die Möglichkeit eines Aufenthaltes in Kamaloka und Devachan gegeben. Dieser Wechsel, dieser Aufenthalt in höheren Welten ist überhaupt erst möglich geworden nach der Individualisierung, nach der Abstoßung von Sonne und Mond. Erst da trat das auf, was wir heute Inkarnation nennen, und damit zugleich dieser Zwischenzustand, der auch einst wieder aufhören wird.
[ 10 ] So sind wir bis zu dem Zeitalter gelangt, wo wir den alten zweigeschlechtlichen Organismus, der eine Art Gruppenseele darstellt, sich trennen sehen in Männliches und Weibliches, so daß das Gleiche, das Ähnliche sich fortsetzt durch das Weibliche, das Verschiedenartige durch das Männliche. Wir erblicken tatsächlich innerhalb unserer Menschheit im Weiblichen dasjenige Prinzip, das noch die alten Stammesrassen und Volkszusammenhänge erhält, und im Männlichen dasjenige, was diese Zusammenhänge fortwährend durchbricht, sie durchklüfter und so die Menschheit individualisiert. Es wirkt im Menschen tatsächlich ein altes Weibliches als Gruppenseele und ein neues Männliches als individualisierendes Element. Es wird dahin kommen, daß alle Rassen- und Stammeszusammenhänge wirklich aufhören. Der Mensch wird vom Menschen immer verschiedener werden. Die Zusammengehörigkeit wird nicht mehr durch das gemeinsame Blut vorhanden sein, sondern durch das, was Seele an Seele bindet. Das ist der Gang der Menschheitsentwickelung.
[ 11 ] In den ersten atlantischen Rassen bestand noch ein starkes Zusammengehörigkeitsband, so daß die ersten Unterrassen sich auch nach der Farbe gliederten, und dieses Gruppenseelenelement haben wir noch in den verschiedenfarbigen Menschen. Diese Unterschiede werden immer mehr verschwinden, je mehr das individuelle Element die Oberhand gewinnt. Es wird eine Zeit kommen, wo es keine verschiedenfarbigen Rassen mehr geben wird. Der Unterschied in bezug auf die Rassen wird aufgehört haben, dagegen werden individuell die größten Unterschiede bestehen. Je weiter wir zurückgehen in alte Zeiten, desto mehr treffen wir das Übergreifen des Rassenelements an. Das richtig individualisierende Prinzip beginnt überhaupt erst in der späteren atlantischen Zeit. Bei den alten Atlantiern empfanden wirklich noch Angehörige der einen Rasse eine tiefe Antipathie gegen Angehörige einer anderen Rasse. Das gemeinsame Blut bewirkte die Zusammengehörigkeit, die Liebe. Es galt für unsittlich, einen Angehörigen eines anderen Stammes zu heiraten.
[ 12 ] Wenn Sie als Seher bei dem alten Atlantier den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Ätherleib und dem physischen Leibe prüfen würden, dann würden Sie eine merkwürdige Entdeckung machen. Während bei dem heutigen Menschen der Ätherkopf des Ätherleibes sich ziemlich deckt mit dem physischen Teil des Kopfes und nur ein weniges darüber hinausragt, ragte bei dem alten Atlantier der Ätherkopf weit hinaus über den physischen Kopf. Namentlich am Stirnteil ragte derselbe mächtig hervor. Nun müssen wir uns an der Stelle zwischen den Augenbrauen, nur etwa einen Zentimeter tiefer, einen Punkt im physischen Gehirn denken und einen zweiten im Ätherkopfe, der diesem Punkt entsprechen würde. Beim Atlantier waren diese beiden Punkte noch weit auseinander, und die Entwickelung bestand eben darin, daß sie sich immer näher rückten. Im fünften atlantischen Zeitalter rückte nun der Punkt des Ätherkopfes in das physische Gehirn hinein, und dadurch, daß diese beiden Punkte zusammenkamen, entwickelte sich das, was uns heute zu eigen ist: Rechnen, Zählen, das Vermögen zu urteilen, überhaupt das Begriffsvermögen, die Intelligenz. Vorher hatten die Atlantier nur ein groß entwickeltes Gedächtnis, aber noch keinen kombinierenden Verstand. Hier haben wir den Ausgangspunkt für das Bewußtwerden des Ich. Eine Selbständigkeit des Wesens war bei dem Atlantier nicht vorhanden, ehe diese beiden Punkte zusammenkamen; dagegen konnte er in viel innigerem Kontakt mit der Natur leben. Seine Wohnungen setzten sich zusammen aus dem, was ihm die Natur gab. Er formte die Steine um und verband sie mit den wachsenden Bäumen. Seine Wohnungen waren herausgeformt aus der werdenden Natur, waren eigentlich umgestaltete Naturgegenstände. Er lebte so in den kleinen Zusammenhängen, die noch durch die Blutsverwandtschaft erhalten waren, daß in denselben eine starke Autorität durch den Stärksten, der der Häuptling war, ausgeübt wurde. Alles hing ab von der Autorität, die aber noch in anderer Weise ausgeübt wurde.
[ 13 ] Als der Mensch in die atlantische Zeit eintrat, konnte er noch keine artikulierte Sprache reden; diese entwickelte sich erst in der atlantischen Zeit. Ein Häuptling hätte keine Gebote in einer Sprache ausdrücken können. Dagegen hatten diese Menschen die Fähigkeit, die Sprache der Natur zu verstehen. Davon hat der heutige Mensch keinen Begriff; das muß er erst wieder lernen. Stellen Sie sich zum Beispiel eine Quelle vor, die Ihnen Ihr Bild spiegelt. Als Okkultist erhebt sich in Ihrer Seele ein eigentümliches Gefühl. Sie sagen: Mein Bild dringt mir aus dieser Quelle entgegen; das ist mir ein letztes Zeichen, wie sich auf dem alten Saturn alles hinausgespiegelt hat in den Raum. — Die Erinnerung an den alten Saturn taucht in dem Okkultisten auf, wenn er sein Spiegelbild in der Quelle erblickt. Und im Echo, das den gesprochenen Laut zurückgibt, taucht die Erinnerung auf, wie auf dem Saturn alles, was in den Weltenraum hineintönte, als Echo zurückkam. Oder Sie sehen eine Fata Morgana, eine Luftspiegelung, in der gleichsam die Luft das aufgenommen hat, was ihr an Bildern überliefert wird und Ihnen dann wiedergibt. Als Okkultist sehen Sie darin eine Erinnerung an die Sonnenzeit, wo die gasförmige Sonne alles, was ihr aus dem Weltenraum entgegenkam, aufnahm, in sich verarbeitete, es dann zurückstrahlte und ihre eigene Natur darin mitgab. Auf dem Sonnenplaneten hätten Sie gesehen, wie die Dinge drinnen als Fata Morgana, als eine Art Lichtbild vorbereitet waren innerhalb der Gase des Sonnenzustandes. So lernt man ohne Phantastik die Welt vielartig auffassen, und das ist ein wichtiges Mittel zur Hinaufentwickelung in die höheren Welten.
[ 14 ] In den alten Zeiten verstand der Mensch in hohem Grade die Natur. Es ist ein großer Unterschied, ob man in einer Luft lebt wie der heutigen oder in einer solchen wie zur atlantischen Zeit. Die Luft war damals durchzogen von mächtigen Nebelmassen; Sonne und Mond waren umgeben von einem riesigen Regenbogenhof. Es gab eine Zeit, wo die Nebelmassen so dicht waren, daß kein Auge hätte die Sterne sehen können, wo Sonne und Mond noch verfinstert waren; sie wurden erst nach und nach sichtbar für den Menschen. Dieses Sichtbarwerden von Sonne, Mond und Sternen wird großartig geschildert in der Schöpfungsurkunde. Was da geschildert wird, hat sich wirklich zugetragen, und mehr noch hat sich zugetragen.
[ 15 ] Das Verständnis für die umgebende Natur war also beim Atlantier noch sehr stark vorhanden. Was im Rauschen der Quelle, im Windessturm tönt und Ihnen heute unartikulierter Laut ist, das hörte der Atlantier als verständliche Sprache. Gebote gab es damals noch nicht, aber der Geist drang heraus aus der wassergeschwängerten Luft und sprach zum Menschen. Die Bibel drückt das aus mit den Worten: «Und der Geist Gottes schwebte über den Wassern.» Der Mensch hörte den Geist heraus aus den Dingen; aus Sonne, Mond und Sternen heraus sprach der Geist zu ihm, und Sie finden in jenem Wort der Bibel einen deutlichen Ausdruck für das, was sich zutrug in der menschlichen Umgebung. Dann kam die Zeit, in welcher ein besonders fortentwickelter Teil des Menschengeschlechts, der in einer Gegend lebte, die ebenfalls heute Meeresboden ist, in der Nähe des heutigen Irlands, zuerst jene starke Eingliederung des Ätherleibes erlebte und dadurch eine Erweiterung der Intelligenz erfuhr. Dieser Teil begann, unter Führung des Vorgeschrittensten nach Osten zu ziehen, während nach und nach mächtige Wassermassen den atlantischen Kontinent überschwemmten. Der am weitesten vorgeschrittene Teil dieser Völkerschaften zog bis nach Asien hinein und gründete dort das Zentrum der Kulturen, die wir als die nachatlantischen Kulturen bezeichnen. Von dort strahlte dann die Kultur aus. Sie ging aus von jenem Menschenstrom, der später weiter nach Osten vorrückte und von Zentralasien aus in Indien die erste Kultur gründete. Diese wies noch starke Nachklänge der atlantischen Kultur auf. Der alte Inder hatte noch nicht ein solches Bewußtsein, wie wir es heute haben, aber die Möglichkeit dazu war gegeben, als jene beiden Punkte des Gehirns, von denen ich gesprochen habe, zusammenfielen. Im Atlantier lebte vor dieser Eingliederung noch ein Bilderbewußtsein; er sah noch geistige Wesenheiten durch dasselbe. Er hörte nicht nur eine deutliche Sprache im Murmeln der Quelle, sondern für ihn stieg aus der Quelle die Undine herauf, die ihre Verkörperung im Wasser hat. In den Strömungen der Luft sah er Sylphen, im brodelnden Feuer die Salamander. Er sah das alles, und daraus entstanden die Mythen und Sagen, die sich am reinsten da in Europa erhalten haben, wo Reste der Atlantier geblieben sind, die nicht bis nach Indien kamen. Die germanischen Sagen und Mythen sind Überreste von dem, was die alten Atlantier noch gesehen haben innerhalb der Nebelmasse. Die Flüsse, wie der Rhein, lebten im Bewußtsein dieser alten Atlantier, als ob in ihnen niedergeschlagen wäre die Weisheit, die in den Nebeln des alten Niflheim war. Jene Weisheit schien ihnen in den Flüssen drinnen zu sein; sie lebte darin als die Rhein-Nixen oder ähnliche Wesenheiten.
[ 16 ] So lebten hier in diesen Gegenden Europas Nachklänge der atlantischen Kultur; drüben in Indien aber entstand eine andere, die noch Nachklänge jener Bilderwelt zeigte. Diese selbst war versunken, aber die Sehnsucht nach dem, was sich darin ausdrückt, war dem Inder geblieben. Hatte der Atlantier die Weisheit der Natur sprechen hören, dem Inder blieb die Sehnsucht nach dieser Einheit mit der Natur, und so zeigt sich der Charakter dieser altindischen Kultur darin, daß sie zurückgehen will in die Zeit, die früher dem Menschen natürlich war. Ein Träumer war der alte Inder. Zwar lag vor ihm ausgebreitet, was wir Wirklichkeit nennen, aber die Welt der Sinne war Maja vor seinen Augen. Was der alte Atlantier noch sah als schwebende Geister, das suchte der alte Inder in seiner Sehnsucht nach dem geistigen Inhalt der Welt, nach dem Brahman. Und diese Art des Zurückgehens nach dem alten traumhaften Bewußtsein des Atlantiers hat sich erhalten in der morgenländischen Schulung in einem Zurückholen dieses alten Bewußtseins.
[ 17 ] Weiter nach Norden haben wir die Meder und Perser, die urpersische Kultur. Während die indische Kultur stark absieht von der Wirklichkeit, wird sich der Perser bewußt, daß er mit derselben zu rechnen hat. Der Mensch tritt da zuerst als Arbeiter auf, der sich bewußt ist, daß er mit seinen geistigen Kräften nicht bloß Erkenntnis anstreben soll, sondern daß er die Erde damit umgestalten soll. Als eine Art feindlichen Elements trat sie ihm zuerst entgegen. Er hatte die Erde zu überwinden, und dieser Gegensatz drückt sich aus in Ormuzd und Ahriman, in der guten und in der bösen Gottheit, und in dem Kampfe zwischen beiden. Der Mensch wollte immer mehr und mehr die geistige Welt einfließen lassen in die irdische Welt, aber noch konnte er nicht innerhalb der äußeren Welt eine Gesetzmäßigkeit, eine Naturgesetzmäßigkeit anerkennen. Die alte indische Kultur hatte in Wahrheit eine Erkenntnis von höheren Welten, aber nicht auf Grund von einer Naturwissenschaft, weil alles Irdische sich auf Maja bezog; der Perser lernte die Natur nur kennen als eine Arbeitsstätte.
[ 18 ] Wir kommen dann zu den Chaldäern, Babyloniern und zu den ägyptischen Völkerschaften. Da lernte der Mensch in der Natur selbst die Gesetzmäßigkeit erkennen. Wenn er hinaufblickte zu den Sternen, suchte er hinter ihnen nicht bloß Götter, sondern er prüfte die Gesetze der Sterne, und so entstand jene wunderbare Wissenschaft, die wir bei den Chaldäern finden. Der ägyptische Priester sah das Physische nicht als ein Widerstrebendes an, sondern er gliederte die Geistigkeit, die er in der Geometrie fand, seinem Boden, seinem Lande ein. Die äußere Natur wurde erkannt in ihrer Gesetzmäßigkeit. Innig verknüpft war in der chaldäisch-babylonisch-ägyptischen Weisheit die äußere Sternenkunde mit der Erkenntnis der Götter, die die Sterne beseelen. Das ist die dritte Stufe der Kulturentwickelung.
[ 19 ] Erst auf der vierten Stufe der nachatlantischen Entwickelung kommt der Mensch so weit, daß er das, was er in sich selbst als Geistigkeit erlebt, eingliedert in die Kultur. Das ist in der griechisch-lateinischen Zeit der Fall. Da prägt der Mensch im Kunstwerk, in der geformten Materie seine eigene Geistigkeit dem Stoff auf, in der Plastik sowohl wie auch im Drama. Auch die ersten Anfänge der menschlichen Städtebildung finden sich hier. Diese war anderer Natur als in der vorgriechischen Zeit in Ägypten und Babylon. Da schauten die Priester zu den Sternen hinauf und suchten ihre Gesetze, und ein Abbild dessen, was am Himmel vorging, schufen sie in dem, was sie bauten. So zeigen ihre Türme die siebenstufige Entwickelung, die der Mensch zuerst an den Himmelskörpern erforschte, und so zeigen die Pyramiden lauter kosmische Verhältnisse.
[ 20 ] Den Übergang von der Priesterweisheit zur eigentlichen menschlichen Weisheit finden wir wunderbar ausgedrückt in der ersten römischen Geschichte in den sieben Königen Roms. Was sind diese sieben Könige? Wir erinnern uns, daß die Urgeschichte Roms auf das alte Troja zurückführt. Troja stellt sich dar als ein letztes Resultat alter Priestergesellschaften, die nach den Gesetzen der Sterne die Staaten eingerichtet haben. Nun kommt der Übergang zur vierten Kulturstufe. Die alte Priesterweisheit wird überwunden durch die Menschenklugheit, deren Bild der listige Odysseus darstellt. Noch anschaulicher haben wir das in einem Bild, das nur so richtig verstanden werden kann und das die Überwindung der Priesterweisheit durch die menschliche Urteilskraft darstellt. Als Symbolum der Menschenweisheit gilt immer die Schlange. Die Laokoongruppe stellt dar, wie die Priesterweisheit des alten Troja durch die menschliche Klugheit und Menschenweisheit, die in den Schlangen ausgedrückt ist, überwunden wird.
[ 21 ] Dann wurden durch die maßgebenden Autoritäten, die durch die Jahrtausende wirken, die Vorgänge skizziert, die zu geschehen hatten, und danach mußte die Geschichte verlaufen. Diejenigen, die an der Ursprungsstätte Roms gestanden haben, die haben schon vorherbestimmt die siebengliedrige Kultur Roms, wie sie aufgeschrieben steht in den sibyllinischen Büchern. Denken Sie dieselbe durch: Sie finden in den Namen der sieben Könige Nachklänge an die sieben Prinzipien des Menschen. Das geht sogar soweit, daß der fünfte römische König, der Etrusker, von außen kommt. Er stellt den Teil des Manas, des Geistselbstes dar, der die drei niederen mit den drei höheren Gliedern verbindet. Die sieben römischen Könige stellen dar die sieben Prinzipien der Menschennatur; es sind die geistigen Zusammenhänge darin eingezeichnet. Das republikanische Rom ist nichts anderes als die menschliche Weisheit, die die alte Priesterweisheit ablöst. So wuchs die vierte Zeit aus der dritten heraus. Der Mensch ließ aus sich hervorgehen, was er selbst in der Seele hatte, in den großen Kunstwerken, im Drama und im Recht. Vorher war alles Recht aus den Sternen geholt. Die Römer sind ein Rechtsvolk geworden, weil hier der Mensch nach seinen eigenen Bedürfnissen das Recht, das er brauchte, das Jus, geschaffen hat.
[ 22 ] Wir selber leben im fünften Zeitalter. Wie drückt sich in ihm der Sinn der ganzen Entwickelung aus? Verschwunden ist die alte Autorität; der Mensch wird immer innerlicher, sein äußeres Schaffen wird immer mehr ein Abdruck seines Innern. Die Stammeszusammengehörigkeiten zerfallen, der Mensch wird immer mehr individualisiert. Daher der Keim zu der Religion, die da sagt: Wer nicht verläßt Vater und Mutter, Bruder und Schwester, der kann nicht mein Jünger sein —, das heißt: Alle Liebe, die auf Naturzusammengehörigkeit begründet ist, muß aufhören; der Mensch soll dem Menschen gegenüberstehen und Seele sich zu Seele finden.
[ 23 ] Wir haben die Aufgabe, das, was in der griechisch-lateinischen Zeit herausgeflossen ist aus der Seele, noch mehr herunterzuholen auf den physischen Plan. Damit wird der Mensch ein immer mehr in die Materialität versenktes Wesen. Hat der Grieche in seinen Kunstwerken ein idealisiertes Abbild seines Seelenlebens geschaffen und in die menschliche Form gegossen, hat der Römer in seinen Rechtssatzungen etwas geschaffen, was schon mehr persönliche Bedürfnisse darstellt, so gipfelt unser Zeitalter in Maschinen, die nur ein materialistischer Ausdruck der ganz persönlichen Bedürfnisse der Menschen sind. Mehr und mehr stieg die Menschheit herunter vom Himmel, und dieses fünfte Zeitalter ist am tiefsten heruntergestiegen, ist am stärksten verstrickt in die Materie. Hat der Grieche in seinen Schöpfungen noch den Menschen über den Menschen erhoben in seinen Abbildern — denn Zeus stellt den über sich selbst erhobenen Menschen dar —, finden Sie in den römischen Rechtssatzungen noch etwas vom Menschen, der über sich selbst hinausgeht, denn der Römer legte noch mehr Wert darauf, römischer Bürger zu sein als persönlicher Mensch, so finden Sie in unserem Zeitalter den Menschen, der den Geist verwertet, um seine materiellen Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen. Denn alle Maschinen, Dampfschiffe, Eisenbahnen, alle komplizierten Erfindungen, welchem Zwecke dienen sie? Der alte Chaldäer früher hat in der einfachsten Weise seine Nahrungsbedürfnisse befriedigt; heute wird eine Unsumme von Weisheit darauf verwendet. Kristallisierre Menschenweisheit wird darauf verwendet, um Hunger und Durst zu stillen. Wir dürfen uns nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen: Die Weisheit, so angewendet, ist unter sich selbst herabgestiegen bis in die Materie hinein.
[ 24 ] Alles was der Mensch früher heruntergeholt hatte aus dem Geistigen, mußte unter sich selbst heruntersteigen, um wiederum hinaufsteigen zu können. Damit hat aber auch unser Zeitalter seine Aufgabe bekommen. Floß im alten Menschen das Blut, das ihn zusammenband mit seinem Stamme, so ist heute die Liebe immer mehr zerklüftet, die noch im alten Blut geflossen ist. Eine Liebe, die geistiger Art ist, muß an ihre Stelle treten; dann können wir wiederum zum Geistigen hinauf. Daß wir vom Geistigen herabgestiegen sind, hat seine gute Berechtigung, denn die Menschen müssen diesen Abstieg durchmachen, um aus eigener Kraft wieder den Weg zur Geistigkeit hinauf zu finden, und die Mission der geisteswissenschaftlichen Strömung ist es, der Menschheit diesen Weg hinauf zu zeigen.
[ 25 ] Wir haben den Gang der Menschheit verfolgt bis zu der Zeit, in der wir selber stehen. Wir müssen nun zeigen, wie sie sich weiter entwickeln wird und wie der Mensch, der eine Einweihung durchmacht, heute schon eine gewisse Stufe der Menschheit vorausnehmen kann auf seinem Erkenntnis- und Weisheitspfade.
Twelfth Lecture
[ 1 ] Externally, the process that I described to you as the origin of bisexuality took place in such a way that you must still think of both sexes united in that animal of the moon, even in its descendants on the repetition of the moon on earth. Then a kind of splitting of the human body really did take place. This splitting came about through a kind of condensation. Only through the differentiation of a mineral kingdom, as it is today, could the present human body, which represents one sex, come into being. The earth and the human body first had to solidify to the mineral nature they have today. In the soft human bodies of the moon and the first earth, there were bisexual human beings of male-female entity.
[ 2 ] Now we must remember the fact that in a certain respect man has retained a remnant of the old bisexuality in that in the case of present-day man the physical body of the man is male and the etheric body female, and in the case of the woman it is the other way round; the physically female body has a male etheric body. These facts open up interesting insights into the psychological life of the sexes. The woman's ability to sacrifice herself in the service of love, for example, is connected with the masculinity of her ether body, while the man's ambition is explained when we recognize the feminine nature of his ether body.
[3] I have already said that what is separate in the human race has arisen from the mixing of the forces sent to us by the sun and the moon. Now you must be aware that in the case of man, the stronger influence on the etheric body comes from the moon and the stronger influence on the physical body from the sun. In women, however, it is the other way around: the physical body is influenced by the forces of the moon and the ether body by those of the sun.
[ 4 ] The continuous exchange of mineral substances in the present physical body of man could only take place when the present mineral had formed. Before that, there was a completely different form of nutrition. During the time when the Earth was still young, all plants were permeated with milky juices. In this way, nutrition was actually effected in such a way that man sucked the milky juices out of the plants, just as a child today sucks out the milky juices of the mother's breast. The plants that still contain milky juices today are the last stragglers from the time when all plants supplied these juices in abundance. It was only later that the time came when nutrition took on its present form.
[ 5 ] To understand the meaning of gender separation, we must realize that on the moon as well as during the lunar repetition period on Earth, all beings looked very similar. Just as a cow has the same appearance as its offspring, like all cows, because the group soul underlies it, so also the humans looked very much like their ancestors, and this was the case long into the Atlantean period.
So where does the fact that people no longer resemble each other come from? It comes from the origin of the two sexes. From the earlier bisexuality, the tendency to shape the offspring similarly has been preserved in the female being. In the male being, the influence is different; in him, the tendency is to create diversity, individualization, and the fact that the male force flowed into the female one, more and more dissimilarity was created. Thus, through the male influence, the possibility arises that individuality takes hold.
[ 7 ] The ancient bisexual had yet another peculiarity. If you had asked an ancient lunar man about his experiences, they would have seemed the same to him as those of his most ancient ancestors; everything lived through generations. The preparation for the fact that gradually developed that consciousness, which extends only from birth to death, lies in the individualization of the human race, and thus also developed the possibility of such a birth and such a death as today. Because those old moon people who floated and swam were hanging down from the environment into which they sent their blood strands. When such a being died, it was not the soul that died, it was only a dying like that of a limb; above, consciousness remained, as if, for example, your hand withered on your body and a new hand grew in its place. Thus, in their dim consciousness, these people felt that dying was only a gradual drying out of their bodies. The same withered away, and new ones constantly sprouted; but consciousness was preserved through the consciousness of the group soul, so that there really was a kind of immortality.
[ 8 ] Then the present blood was created, which is now produced in the human body itself; this went hand in hand with the emergence of the two sexes. This created the necessity for a remarkable process. Blood produces a continuous struggle between life and death, and a being that produces red blood within itself also has within itself the scene of a continuous struggle between life and death, because red blood is constantly being consumed and transformed into blue blood, a substance of death. With the transformation of blood within man, there also arose that darkening of consciousness beyond birth and death. It was only then that man, with the brightening of the consciousness of the present, lost the old immortality that existed in the twilight, so that not looking beyond birth and death is intimately connected with sexuality. And yet another thing is connected with this.
[ 9 ] When man had the group soul, existence continued from generation to generation; there was no interruption by birth and death. Now this interruption occurred and with it the possibility of reincarnation. Formerly the son was only a direct continuation of the father, the father of the grandfather; consciousness did not break off. Now there came a time when it darkened beyond birth and death, and only with that was the possibility of a stay in Kamaloka and Devachan given. This change, this stay in higher worlds, has only become possible after individualization, after the repulsion of the sun and moon. Only then did what we call incarnation occur today, and with it this intermediate state, which will also cease one day.
[ 10 ] Thus we have arrived at the age in which we see the old bisexual organism, which represents a kind of group soul, dividing into male and female, so that the same, the similar, is perpetuated through the female, the different through the male. We see within our human race that the principle in the female still preserves the old tribal races and folk connections, and in the male there is that which continually breaks through these connections, divides them and thus individualizes humanity. In man there is indeed an old feminine principle at work as the group soul and a new masculine principle as the individualizing element. All racial and tribal connections will really cease to exist. Man will become more and more different from man. The bond will no longer be through common blood, but through that which binds soul to soul. Such is the course of human evolution.
[ 11 ] In the first Atlantean races there was still a strong bond of belonging together, so that the first sub-races were also divided according to color, and this group soul element we still have in the different colored people. These differences will increasingly disappear as the individual element gains the upper hand. There will come a time when there will no longer be any different-colored races. The difference in relation to the races will have ceased, but the greatest differences will exist individually. The further we go back in time, the more we find the racial element taking over. The true individualizing principle only begins in the later Atlantean period. Among the ancient Atlanteans, members of one race really did feel a deep antipathy towards members of another race. The common blood created a sense of belonging, of love. It was considered immoral to marry a member of another tribe.
[ 12 ] If you, as a seer, were to examine the connection between the etheric body and the physical body in the ancient Atlantean, you would make a remarkable discovery. While the etheric head of the etheric body of today's human being is fairly congruent with the physical part of the head and only extends a little beyond it, the etheric head of the ancient Atlantean extended far beyond the physical head. Particularly at the frontal part it projected mightily. Now we have to imagine a point in the physical brain at the point between the eyebrows, only about one centimeter lower, and a second in the etheric head, which would correspond to this point. In the Atlantean, these two points were still far apart, and evolution consisted precisely in the fact that they moved closer and closer together. In the fifth Atlantean age, the point of the ether head now moved into the physical brain, and the fact that these two points came together led to the development of what is our own today: calculating, counting, the ability to judge, the ability to grasp concepts, and intelligence. Before that, the Atlanteans only had a highly developed memory, but no combining mind. This is the starting point for the development of self-awareness. The Atlantean was not independent as a being until these two aspects came together; on the other hand, he was able to live in much closer contact with nature. His dwellings were made out of what nature gave him. He reshaped the stones and connected them to the growing trees. His dwellings were formed out of the growing nature, were actually transformed natural objects. He lived in the small contexts that were still maintained by blood ties, and in these a strong authority was exercised by the strongest, who was the chief. Everything depended on authority, but it was also exercised in another way.
[ 13 ] When man entered the Atlantic period, he could not yet speak an articulate language; this only developed in the Atlantic period. A chief would not have been able to express commandments in a language. On the other hand, these people had the ability to understand the language of nature. Modern man has no concept of this; he must first learn it again. Imagine, for example, a spring that reflects your image. As an occultist, a peculiar feeling arises in your soul. You say, “My image comes to me from this spring; this is a final sign of how everything was reflected in space on ancient Saturn.” The memory of ancient Saturn arises in the occultist when he beholds his reflection in the source. And in the echo that returns the spoken sound, the memory arises of how, on Saturn, everything that resounded into the cosmic space came back as an echo. Or you see a mirage, an optical illusion in which the air has absorbed the images that have been handed down to it and then reflects them back to you. As an occultist, you see in this a memory of the solar age, when the gaseous sun absorbed everything that came towards it from outer space, processed it, then reflected it back, imbuing it with its own nature. On the sun planet you would have seen how things were prepared inside as a mirage, as a kind of light image within the gases of the sun state. In this way one learns without fantasy to understand the world in many ways, and this is an important means of developing upwards into the higher worlds.
[ 14 ] In ancient times, man understood nature to a high degree. There is a great difference between living in an atmosphere like today's and one like that during the Atlantean era. The air was then permeated with mighty masses of fog; the sun and moon were surrounded by a huge rainbow halo. There was a time when the fog was so dense that no eye could see the stars, when the sun and moon were still eclipsed; they only gradually became visible to man. This becoming visible of the sun, moon and stars is magnificently described in the Book of Creation. What is described there really happened, and even more happened.
[ 15 ] The Atlanteans still had a very strong understanding of the natural world around them. What sounds like the rushing of a spring or the stormy wind and is an inarticulate sound to you today, the Atlantean heard as an understandable language. There were no commandments back then, but the spirit emerged from the water-soaked air and spoke to man. The Bible expresses this with the words: “And the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.” Man heard the spirit out of things; out of the sun, moon and stars, the spirit spoke to him, and you find in that word of the Bible a clear expression of what was happening in the human environment. Then came the time when a particularly advanced part of the human race, living in an area that is also now the bottom of the sea, near present-day Ireland, first experienced a strong integration of the etheric body and thereby experienced an expansion of intelligence. This part began to move eastward under the leadership of the most advanced, while mighty masses of water gradually flooded the Atlantic continent. The most advanced part of these peoples moved as far as into Asia and founded the center of the cultures there, which we call the post-Atlantic cultures. From there, culture then radiated. It went out from that stream of people, who later advanced further east and founded the first culture in India from Central Asia. This still showed strong echoes of the Atlantic culture. The ancient Indian did not yet have such consciousness as we have today, but the possibility for it was there when those two points of the brain of which I have spoken coincided. Before this integration, the Atlantean still had a pictorial consciousness; he still saw spiritual beings through it. He not only heard a distinct language in the murmuring of the spring, but for him Undine, who has her embodiment in water, rose from the spring. In the currents of the air he saw sylphs, in the seething fire the salamanders. He saw all this, and from that arose the myths and legends that have been preserved most purely in Europe, where the remains of the Atlanteans remained, who did not reach as far as India. The Germanic legends and myths are remnants of what the ancient Atlanteans still saw within the mass of fog. The rivers, like the Rhine, were alive in the consciousness of these ancient Atlanteans, as if the wisdom that was in the mists of ancient Niflheim had been deposited in them. That wisdom seemed to them to be within the rivers; it lived in them as the Rhine mermaids or similar entities.
[ 16 ] Thus echoes of Atlantean culture lived on in these regions of Europe; but over in India, a different culture emerged that still showed echoes of that world of images. This culture itself had been lost, but the longing for what was expressed in it remained with the Indians. While the Atlantean had heard the wisdom of nature speaking, the Indian was left with the longing for this unity with nature, and so the character of this ancient Indian culture is revealed in the fact that it wants to go back in time to what was natural to man earlier. The old Indian was a dreamer. Although what we call reality lay spread out before him, the world of the senses was Maja before his eyes. What the old Atlantean still saw as floating spirits, that the old Indian sought in his longing for the spiritual content of the world, for the Brahman. And this way of going back to the old dream-like consciousness of the Atlantean has been preserved in the Oriental schooling in a bringing back of this old consciousness.
[ 17 ] Further north we have the Medes and Persians, the original Persian culture. While Indian culture is strongly detached from reality, the Persian becomes aware that he has to reckon with it. Man there first appears as a laborer, conscious that he should not only strive for knowledge with his spiritual powers, but that he should transform the earth with them. She first confronted him as a kind of hostile element. He had to overcome the earth, and this antagonism is expressed in Ormuzd and Ahriman, in the good and the evil deity, and in the struggle between the two. Man wanted to let the spiritual world flow more and more into the earthly world, but he could not yet recognize a lawfulness, a natural lawfulness within the outer world. The ancient Indian culture did have a true knowledge of higher worlds, but not on the basis of natural science, because everything earthly related to maya; the Persian only came to know nature as a place of work.
[ 18 ] We then come to the Chaldeans, Babylonians and Egyptian peoples. There, man learned to recognize the laws of nature. When he looked up at the stars, he did not merely seek gods behind them, but he examined the laws of the stars, and so that wonderful science was born, which we find among the Chaldeans. The Egyptian priest did not see the physical as something to be resisted, but he incorporated the spirituality that he found in geometry into his soil, into his land. Outer nature was recognized in its conformity to law. Closely connected in Chaldean-Babylonian-Egyptian wisdom was the outer science of the stars with the knowledge of the gods who animate the stars. That is the third step in the development of culture.
[ 19 ] It is only at the fourth stage of post-Atlantean development that man comes to integrate into culture what he experiences within himself as spirituality. This is the case in the Graeco-Latin period. In the work of art, in the formed material, man impresses his own spirituality on to the material, in sculpture as well as in drama. The first beginnings of human city-building can also be found here. This was of a different nature than in pre-Greek times in Egypt and Babylon. There the priests looked up at the stars and sought their laws, and they created an image of what was happening in the sky in what they built. Thus, their towers show the seven-stage development that man first explored in the heavenly bodies, and thus the pyramids show nothing but cosmic relationships.
[ 20 ] The transition from priestly wisdom to actual human wisdom is wonderfully expressed in the first Roman story in the Seven Kings of Rome. What are these seven kings? We remember that the prehistory of Rome goes back to ancient Troy. Troy presents itself as the final result of ancient priestly societies that have established states according to the laws of the stars. Now we come to the transition to the fourth stage of culture. The old priestly wisdom is overcome by human cleverness, of which the cunning Odysseus is the image. We have an even more vivid image that can only be properly understood, which represents the overcoming of priestly wisdom by human judgment. The symbol of human wisdom is always the snake. The Laocoön Group shows how the priestly wisdom of ancient Troy is overcome by human cleverness and human wisdom, which are expressed in the snakes.
[ 21 ] Then the events that had to happen were outlined by the authoritative authorities who have been working through the millennia, and that is how history had to go. Those who have stood at the place of origin of Rome have already predetermined the seven-part culture of Rome, as it is written in the Sibylline books. Think it through: you will find in the names of the seven kings echoes of the seven principles of man. This even goes so far that the fifth Roman king, the Etruscan, comes from outside. He represents the part of the manas, the spirit-self, which connects the three lower limbs with the three higher ones. The seven Roman kings represent the seven principles of human nature; the spiritual connections are drawn within them. Republican Rome is nothing other than human wisdom, which replaces the old priestly wisdom. Thus the fourth period grew out of the third. Man brought forth what he himself had in his soul, in the great works of art, in drama and in law. Before that, all law was read in the stars. The Romans became a law-abiding people because here man created the law he needed, the jus, according to his own requirements.
[ 22 ] We ourselves live in the fifth age. How is the meaning of the whole evolution expressed in it? The old authority has disappeared; man is becoming more and more inward, his outer work is becoming more and more an imprint of his inner being. Tribal loyalties are disintegrating, and the human being is becoming more and more individualized. Hence the germ of the religion that says, “He who does not leave father and mother, brother and sister, cannot be my disciple” — that is, all love based on natural belonging must cease; the human being is to stand in relation to the human being and find soul to soul.
[ 23 ] We have the task of bringing down to the physical plane even more of what flowed out of the soul during the Greco-Latin period. As a result, the human being becomes more and more immersed in materiality. While the Greeks created an idealized image of the life of the soul in their works of art and poured it into the human form, the Romans created something in their legal codes that already represented more personal needs. More and more mankind descended from heaven, and this fifth age has descended the furthest, is most entangled in matter. If the Greek in his creations still raised man above man in his images – for Zeus represents man raised above himself – you can still find something of the man who rises above himself in the Roman legal statutes, , for the Romans placed more importance on being a Roman citizen than on being a person; in our age, you find the person who utilizes the mind to satisfy his material needs. For all machines, steamships, railways, all complicated inventions, what purpose do they serve? In the early days, the ancient Chaldeans satisfied their need for nourishment in the simplest way possible; today, a great deal of wisdom is devoted to it. Crystallized human wisdom is applied to still hunger and thirst. We must not deceive ourselves: wisdom, when applied in this way, has descended below itself, into matter.
[ 24 ] Everything man had previously brought down from the spiritual realm had to descend below itself in order to be able to ascend again. But this also gave our age its task. While in the old man the blood that bound him to his tribe flowed, today love is increasingly fragmented, even though it still flowed in the old blood. A love that is spiritual must take its place; then we can ascend to the spiritual again. That we have descended from the spiritual is well justified, for people must undergo this descent in order to find their way back to spirituality through their own efforts, and the mission of the spiritual-scientific current is to show humanity this way up.
[ 25 ] We have followed the course of humanity up to the time in which we ourselves stand. We must now show how it will develop further and how the person who undergoes an initiation can already today anticipate a certain stage of humanity on his path of knowledge and wisdom.