Theosophy of the Rosicrucian
GA 99
5 June 1907, Munich
Translated by Mabel Cotterell and Dorothy S. Osmond
XIII. The Future of Man
IT IS now our task to speak somewhat of the progress of human evolution in the future and of what one calls initiation. It is by means of initiation that present day man passes in advance through stages of life which are otherwise only passed through by humanity in the future.
If we occupy ourselves with the first problem it may seem to you audacious to try to speak about the future, or even that it is impossible to find out anything of the future of man. Nevertheless if you will consider the matter a little you will find that the view that one can know something about the future is not so unfounded after all. You have only to compare these things with what the ordinary researcher, the natural scientist, for example, can know with regard to future events. He can tell you definitely that if he mixes together oxygen, hydrogen and sulphur under certain conditions, sulphuric acid always results. One can say exactly what happens when one intercepts rays by a mirror. In fact, this goes even further in regard to things of external life; one can predict eclipses of the sun and moon for indefinitely long periods of time.
How is it possible to do this? Because, and in so far as [one knows], one knows the laws of physical life. Now if someone knows the spiritual laws of life, from these laws he can likewise say what must come about in the future. Here, however, a question generally arises which weighs heavily in people's minds. It is so easy to imagine that it is a contradiction of freedom, of man's own voluntary acts, if it could be known in advance what will happen. This too is an incorrect idea. When you combine sulphur, hydrogen and oxygen under certain conditions, sulphuric acid arises; that is determined by the laws of the combination. Whether you do it, however, depends on your will; and so it is also in the spiritual course of human evolution. What will happen will be done by man in entire freedom of will, and the higher a man develops the freer he will be. Nor must one think that it is already decided what a man will do in the future because one can see it in advance. Most people, however, have no right understanding of this problem and in fact it presents very great difficulties. Since ancient times philosophers have tormented themselves with the question of human freedom and the law of predestined phenomena. Practically all that has been written in this field is extremely unsatisfactory, for as a rule people cannot distinguish between foreseeing and being foreordained. Seeing in advance is in fact no different from looking out to some distant spot in space. If you look in space to a point far off, let us say the corner of the street over there, and you see a man giving a penny to another, have you brought about this action? Has it been caused through the fact that you see it? No, you only see that he does it, and that exercises no pressure on his act. Now in a certain respect it is like this in time, only people cannot grasp it. Let us suppose you are reincarnated in a couple of thousand years, you then do something of your own free will; that is the same as the example of the gift of the penny. Under certain circumstances the seer sees what is done in the future, and this future act is just as little determined by the present point of time as the gift of the penny by the point of space. People often say if one sees that something will happen then it is actually predetermined. But then one is confounding the present with the future. In fact it would be no prevision into the future if it were already predestined; you are not seeing something that is already there, but something that has first to come; you must grasp with exactness the concept of seeing-into-the-future. It must be exercised and practised in patient meditation, then only does one find it possible to understand these things aright.
After these introductory words we will now speak of some few things that can be said about the evolution of humanity in the future. We have reached the point where humanity has descended most deeply into matter, where men turn to account their spiritual forces in the construction and manufacture of instruments and machines that serve the personal life. Connected with this was an ever-increasing densification, both of mankind and the earth as a whole. We have seen that the mineral kingdom, as we call it, the densest part of the earth, only arose at a definite point of time in our evolution. It was only then that man entered upon his present earthly, development; and the division of the sexes and other phenomena went hand in hand with it. At that time when the human being had not as yet entered this physical development which contains a mineral kingdom, he too was of a much finer, softer nature. Just to give some idea of it, let us note how the reproduction of the human race took place in those ancient times before the two sexes were in existence. At that time the human being who was still of double sex and of a thinner, finer corporeality, brought forth another being from itself. This did not take place as it does today, but somewhat as in spiritualistic seances the etheric body of some other being proceeds from the medium. That gives you more or less a picture of this materialisation from oneself, the manner of human propagation in ancient times. It was like an out-pressure from human beings who were ripe to continue their own development.
Thus you see that with the densification of man in the cosmos is connected a descent into the world of matter. And another force is connected with it which could never have developed without it:—egoism. Egoism has a good and a bad side. It is the foundation of human independence and freedom, but in its reverse aspect the foundation too of all that is bad and evil. But man had to go through this force of egoism if he was to learn to do good of his own freewill. Through the forces which had guided him previously, he would always have been impelled to the good; it had, however, to be possible for him to go his own way. Just as he has descended he must now ascend again to spirituality; and as the descent is linked with the predominance of egoism so does the ascent depend on men's selflessness, their feeling of sympathy for one another, becoming stronger and stronger. Mankind has evolved through various epochs, first through the old Indian, then the Persian, the Egyptian-Chaldean-Babylonian, the Greco-Latin to the present, the Fifth epoch. And this will be replaced by a sixth. And as human evolution is working towards this, it is working at the same time at the overcoming of the principle which has been strongest since the time when the etheric body united with the point in the brain of which I spoke to you yesterday. That was the time of the fall into the deepest egoism.
Man was also egotistic in his earlier evolution, but it was then in a different way. The egoism which enters so deeply into the soul as in our present age is inseparable from the predominating materialism; a spiritual age will denote the overcoming of this egoism. Therefore Christianity and all movements imbued with genuine religious life have worked consciously towards breaking through all the old blood-ties. Christianity has made a radical statement in the words, “He who forsaketh not father, mother, wife, child, brother, sister cannot be my disciple.” This indicates nothing less than that in place of the ancient blood ties there must enter the spiritual bond between soul and soul, between one human being and another.
The only question now is—what are the ways and means by which humanity may attain spirituality, that is, the overcoming of materialism, and at the same time reach what may be called the bond of brotherhood, the expression of universal human love. One might imagine that universal human love need only be stressed strongly enough, and that then it must come about or that one should found Unions which aim at the goal of a universal human love. Occultism is never of this opinion. On the contrary! The more a man speaks of universal brotherly love and humanity, becoming in a sense intoxicated by them, the more egotistic he becomes. For precisely as there is a lust of the senses so is there a lust of the soul; and it is in fact a refined voluptuousness to say: “I will become morally higher and higher.” This, to be sure, is not a thought which creates the ordinary conventional egoism, but it does lead to a subtle form of egoism.
It is not by emphasising “Love,” “Sympathy,” that they are generated in the course of mankind's evolution. Mankind will be led to that bond of brotherhood far rather through something else, namely, through spiritual knowledge itself. There is no other means of bringing about a universal human brotherhood than the spreading of occult knowledge through the world. One may talk forever of Love and the Brotherhood of Man, one may found thousands of Unions; they will not lead to the desired goal, however well intentioned they may be. The point is to use the right means, to know how to found this bond of brotherhood. Only those whose lives are grounded in universal occult truth, valid for all men, find themselves together in the one truth. As the sun unites the plants which strive towards it and which yet remain individually separate, so must the truth to which all are striving be a uniform one, then all men find themselves together. But men must work energetically towards truth, for only then can they live together in harmony.
The objection might be made: surely all are striving towards the truth, but there are different standpoints and therefore strife and dissension arises. That denotes a knowledge of truth which is not sufficiently thorough. One must not plead that there may be different standpoints, one must first experience that truth is single and indivisible. It does not depend on popular vote it is true in itself. Or would you put it to the vote as to whether the three angles of a triangle are equal to 180 degrees? Whether millions of people admit that, or not a single one, when you have recognised it, it is true for you. There is no democracy about truth. And those who are not yet in harmony have not penetrated far enough into the truth—thence originates all quarreling over truth. It may be said: “Yes, but someone asserts this and another that in occult matters!” In genuine occultism that is not so. It is the same in occult things as in materialistic things, there too someone asserts this and another that, but then one of them is false. Even so is it in genuine occultism; it is only that people often have a bad habit of judging occult matters before they have been understood.
The aim of the Sixth epoch of humanity will be to popularise occult truth in the widest circles; that is the mission of that epoch. And the society which is united in spirit has the task of carrying this occult truth everywhere—right into life—and applying it practically. This is precisely what is lacking in our age. Only look how our epoch is searching and how no one can find the right solution. There are innumerable problems, the Educational Problem, the Feminist Movement, Medicine, the Social Problem, the Food Question. And people doctor away at these problems, endless articles are written, and each talks from his own standpoint, without being willing to study what lies at the centre—occult truth.
It is not a matter of having some abstract knowledge of the truths of spiritual science, but of applying them directly to life, of studying the social problem, the educational problem, in fact the whole range of human life, from the standpoint of real occult wisdom. “But then,” it might be urged, “one would have to know the highest wisdom.” That arises from the mistake of thinking one must always understand what one makes use of in life. But that is not necessary; understanding of the highest principles often comes much later than their application. If mankind had wished to wait in the matter of digestion till the laws of digestion were understood then the evolution of mankind would not have been possible. So too one does not need to be aware of all spiritual laws in order to let spiritual science flow into everyday life. That is precisely the way in which the Rosicrucian method deals with the spiritual—fewer abstractions, but instead, the study of the problems of everyday life. Do you think that the child knows all the grammatical rules of speech when it has learnt to speak? First it learns to speak and then learns grammar. So we must lay stress on the value it has for a man, with the help of spiritual teachings, to attack what lies directly around him, before he occupies himself with what is to be found in the highest worlds, with information concerning the astral plane and Devachan. This is the only way to understand what exists in our surroundings, and where we ourselves must play our part. And we shall find that it is our task to bind together through the unifying bonds of spiritual wisdom those portions of humanity who have been torn out of the old bonds of blood and race.
And then, inasmuch as we evolve from the fifth into the sixth and then into the seventh epoch, the ancient connection of race and blood will be increasingly lost. Mankind becomes freer of physical ties in order to form groups from the aspect of the spirit. It was a bad habit in Theosophy to speak of races as if they would always remain. The concept of race loses its meaning in the immediate future. To state incessantly that seven and again seven races have always evolved in the world is the speculative extension of an idea that only holds good for our age—looking backwards and forwards; it has never been said from clairvoyant vision, from occultism. Races have arisen, as everything else arises; and as everything again dies out so will races die out too. Those who have always only spoken of races will have to accustom themselves to making their ideas fluid. It is only a convenient way of talking. If one looks but a little into the future those ideas which applied to past and present are already no longer valid. It is most important that people should not consider that something they have once brought into a beautiful concept is a truth for all time. Men must get into the habit of making ideas fluid, of recognising that ideas change-that will be an advance. The ability of passing over from rigidly dogmatic ideas to mobile ones must be cultivated in those who would be the bearers of the future. For just as times change so must our ideas change too, if we would understand the times.
Souls live now in a human body which you distinctly perceive with the senses. By what means has it arisen? It was very different in earlier times when the soul descended, in fact for our present material outlook even comically different. The soul took up its abode in it. By what means has the human being evolved to its present form? Because the soul has itself worked in the body during all its incarnations. You can form an idea of how the soul has worked on the body if you consider what possibility has remained to the man of our materialistic age to work upon his body. He can work relatively but very little on his dense physical body. See how you work temporarily on the body and its physiognomy. Something for instance causes you terror, anxiety; the impression of anxiety and fear makes you go pale. And your physical appearance is affected in the same way by the blush of shame. This passes away again, but you see how it is caused. Something acts on the soul and the effects extends to the blood and thence to the physical body, changing the very appearance. The effect can be still more intensive. You know that people who lead a life of thought have it very much in their power to create an impression on their countenance of their intellectual work, one can observe whether or not a man has lived a life of mental activity. So men still work on their external expression and a man of noble feelings displays them in dignified movements. These are but very slight relics of how man has worked on himself during millions of years. Whereas nowadays you can only bring the blood to the cheek and drive it away again, in earlier times man was entirely under the influence of a picture-world which was the expression of a world of spirit.
The effect of this influence was that the human being could work much more creatively on his body. At the same time the body was also more soft and yielding. There was a time when you could not merely stretch out your hand, when you could not only point with the finger, but when you could send your will into your hand, and so form it that you could thrust out the fingers as continuations. There was a time when the foot was not yet permanent but could be extended as a continuation when man needed it. Thus through the pictures which he received from the surrounding world man shaped his own body. Today in our material age this moulding is unimaginably slow, but a time will come again when it will proceed more rapidly. In the future man will again acquire more influence over his physical corporeality. We shall see when we consider Initiation by what means he gains this influence; although he may not reach it in one life, yet he will be able to do much for the next incarnation.
Thus it is man himself who will bring about the future form of his body. Inasmuch as the human being becomes softer and softer, inasmuch as he separates himself from the hard parts, he is approaching his future. An age comes when man will live above his earthly portion as it were, as in time gone by. This condition, which is comparable to your present sleep-condition, will then be replaced by another when the human being will be able to draw his etheric body out of his physical body at will. It will be as if the denser part of man were here below on earth and the human being will make use of it from outside like an instrument. Man will no longer bear his body about and live within it, but will float above it, the body will itself have become rarefied and finer. That seems a fantastic idea today, but one can be distinctly aware of it from spiritual laws just as one reckons future eclipses of the sun and moon from the laws of astronomy. Above all it will be upon the reproductive force that man will work. He will transform it. Many people cannot imagine that there will ever be a different generative process. But it will be so, the process of generation will be altered. The generative process and all that stands in connection with it will pass over in the future to another organ. The organ that is already preparing to become the future organ of generation is the human larynx. Today it can only bring forth vibrations of the air, can only impart to the air what lies in the word that goes forth from it, so that the vibrations correspond to the word. Later on, not only will the word press forward in its rhythm from the larynx, but it will be irradiated by man, it will be penetrated by very substance. Just as today the word only becomes airwaves, so in the future man's inner being, his own likeness, which today is in his word, will issue from the larynx. The human being will proceed from the human being, man will speak forth man. And this in the future will be the birth of a new human being—that he is spoken forth by another.
Such things throw a definite light on phenomena in our surroundings which no natural science can explain. That transformation of the reproductive force which will again become free of sex, takes over then the functions of the earlier reproduction. Hence in the male organism at the age of puberty, a transformation also takes place in the larynx. The voice becomes deeper. This shows you clearly how these two things are interconnected. Thus occultism throws light again and again on facts of life and illumines phenomena for which materialistic science can give you no explanation.
And just as the organ of the larynx will be transformed, so too will the human heart. It is the organ which stands in intimate connection with the circulation. Now science believes that the heart is a kind of pump; that is a grotesquely fantastic idea. Occultism has never made such a fantastic statement, as has modern materialism. It is the feelings of the soul which give rise to the movement of the blood; the soul drives the blood, and the heart moves because it is driven by the blood. Thus the truth is exactly the opposite of what materialistic science states. Man today, however, cannot guide his heart as he will; when he feels anxiety, it beats faster, since the feeling acts on the blood and this quickens the motion of the heart. But what is suffered involuntarily by man today, will later, at a higher stage of evolution, be in his own power. Later on he will drive his blood by his own volition, and cause the movement of his heart as today he moves the muscles of his hand. The heart with its peculiar structure is a crux, a riddle for modern science. It has diagonally striped fibres, which are otherwise only to be found in voluntary muscles. Why? Because the heart has not yet reached the end of its evolution, but is an organ of the future; because it will in the future be a voluntary muscle. Thus it already shows the rudiments of this in its structure.
All that goes on in the soul changes the organism. And if you now imagine the man who is able to create his own likeness through the spoken word, whose heart has become a voluntary muscle, who will have altered yet other organs, then you have a conception of the future of the human race in future planetary incarnations of our earth. Humanity will progress on our earth as far as it is possible under the influence of a mineral kingdom. This mineral kingdom, in spite of its having arisen the last, will be the first to disappear again in its present form. Man will then no longer build up his body from mineral substances as today, the coming human body will only incorporate into itself substances of a plant nature. All that works in man today, as mineral will disappear. In order to give you a seemingly grotesque example: the human saliva of today is a mineral product, for the physical body is an inter-action of mineral processes. When man will have ended his mineral evolution he will no longer have a mineral spittle; it will be of a plant-nature—man will, so to speak, spit flowers. Glands will no more secrete what is mineral, but a plant-like substance. The mineral kingdom is brought to an end by the evolutionary return of humanity to plant-like existence.
Thus the human being lives over to Jupiter inasmuch as he expels all that is mineral and passes over to the creativeness of the plant. And inasmuch as he then later passes over to animal-creation—the animals will be different from those of today—when his heart will have progressed so far that it can appear as a creator, then he will create in the animal world, as today he creates in the mineral kingdom, and then the Venus condition will arise. And when he can create his kind by virtue of uttering his own likeness, then is the meaning of evolution complete, then is the word fulfilled: “Let us create man in our own image.”
Only by observing this aspect—that the body will be moulded from the soul—will man really transform the human race. Only through a thinking trained in the occult and spiritual sense, will there appear what has been described as the transformation of the heart and the larynx. What humanity thinks today, that will it be in the future. A humanity that thinks materialistically will produce frightful beings in the future, and a humanity that thinks spiritual thoughts, so works upon and transforms the future organism that beautiful human bodies will proceed from it.
What the materialistic mode of thought brings about has not yet been completed. We have two streams today, a great materialistic one which fills the earth, and the small spiritual stream which is restricted to but few human beings. Distinguish between soul-evolution and race-evolution. Do not think that if races pass over to a grotesque form that the soul too does the same. All materialistically thinking souls work on the production of evil race-formations, and what is done of a spiritual nature causes the bringing forth of a good race. Just as mankind has brought forth that which has retrogressed in the animals, plants and minerals, so will a portion split off and represent the evil part of humanity. And in the body which meanwhile will have grown soft the inner badness of the soul will express itself externally. Just as older conditions which have degenerated to the ape species seem grotesque to us today, so do materialistic races remain at the standpoint of evil, and will people the earth as evil races. It will lie entirely with humanity as to whether a soul will remain in the bad race or will ascend by spiritual culture to a good race.
These are things that we must know, if we would live into the future with real knowledge. Otherwise we go through the world with our eyes bound, for forces are working in humanity which we must recognise and to which we must pay attention. A man would neglect his duty to mankind if he did not wish to become acquainted with the forces which work in the direction of right evolution or against it. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge would be egotism. He who wants to know in order to look into higher worlds acts egotistically. But one who tries to carry this knowledge into the direct practice of everyday life, furthers the advance of the coming evolution of humanity. It is extremely important for us to learn more and more to put into practice what exists as the conception of spiritual science.
So you see, the Spiritual Movement has a quite definite goal, namely, to mould future humanity in advance. And the goal can be reached in no other way than through the acceptance of spiritual wisdom. This is the thought that lives in the mind of one who conceives spiritual science as the great task of mankind. He thinks of it as inseparable from evolution and he regards it not as an object of desire but as a task and duty that is laid upon him. And the more we acknowledge this, the more rapidly do we approach the future form of humanity in the Sixth Age. As at that time in ancient Atlantis, in the neighbourhood of modern Ireland, the advanced human beings were drawn to the East in order to found the new civilisations, so have we now the task of working towards the great moment in the Sixth Age, when humanity will undertake a great spiritual ascent.
We must endeavour to come out of materialism again, and societies with a spiritual aim must undertake to guide humanity, not from motives of arrogance and pride, but as a task and duty.
So a certain group of people must join together in order to prepare the future. But this union is not to be conceived of geographically. All ideas of locality have then lost their meaning because it is no longer a question of racial relationships. The point will be for people over the whole earth to find each other spiritually, in order to fashion the future in, a positive way. For this reason, 400 years ago, when our epoch plunged the deepest into matter, the Rosicrucian Brotherhood emphasised that practical spiritual science which contains an answer to all problems of everyday life.
Here you have the ascending evolution following the descending. Just as old knowledge acts as a disintegrating force, as is shown in Mauthner's Criticism of Language, so the spiritual current of thought seeks the unifying bond of spiritual wisdom. Hence arises the new school of initiation which is directly concerned with leading humanity over into a new cycle of time.
Thus with the principle of human evolution is connected the concept of Initiation.
Dreizehnter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Es obliegt uns heute, einiges zu besprechen über den Fortgang der Menschheitsentwickelung in der Zukunft und über das, was man Einweihung nennt, wodurch der Mensch in der Gegenwart, vorausnehmend, Stufen des Lebens durchmacht, die sonst von der Menschheit erst in der Zukunft durchgemacht werden.
[ 2 ] Wenn wir uns zunächst mit der ersten Frage beschäftigen, so kann es Ihnen entweder als eine Vermessenheit erscheinen, über die Zukunft sprechen zu wollen, oder auch als eine Unmöglichkeit, etwas über die Zukunft des Menschen ausmachen zu können. Dennoch, wenn Sie sich die Sache ein wenig überlegen, werden Sie finden, daß die Anschauung, man könne etwas über die Zukunft wissen, doch nicht so ganz unbegründet ist. Sie brauchen ja nur diese Dinge zu vergleichen mit dem, was der gewöhnliche Forscher, zum Beispiel der Naturwissenschafter, in bezug auf die Zukunft wissen kann. Er kann Ihnen genau sagen, daß, wenn er unter irgendwelchen Bedingungen zusammenmischt Sauerstoff, Wasserstoff und Schwefel, immer Schwefelsäure entsteht. Man kann genau sagen, was geschieht, wenn man durch einen Spiegel Strahlen auffängt. Ja, das geht sogar noch viel weiter in bezug auf die Dinge des äußeren Lebens; man kann Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse für unbestimmt lange Zeiträume voraussagen.
[ 3 ] Warum kann man das? Weil und insofern man die Gesetze des physischen Lebens kennt. Wenn nun jemand die geistigen Gesetze des Lebens erkennt, so kann er aus diesen Gesetzen heraus gleichfalls sagen, was in der Zukunft eintreten muß. Nur bedrückt da den Menschen gewöhnlich eine Frage. Man meint so leicht, daß es im Widerspruch stehe mit der Freiheit, mit dem willkürlichen menschlichen Handeln, wenn man vorauswisse, was da geschieht. Auch das ist eine unrichtige Empfindung. Wenn Sie Schwefel, Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff unter gewissen Bedingungen zusammenbringen, so entsteht Schwefelsäure; das ist bedingt durch das Gesetzmäßige des Zusammenbringens. Ob Sie es aber tun, das hängt von Ihrem Willen ab. Und so ist es auch im geistigen Verlauf der menschlichen Entwickelung. Das, was geschehen wird, wird der Mensch aus ganz freiem Willen tun, und je höher der Mensch sich entwickelt, desto freier wird der Mensch sein. Man darf auch nicht denken, daß schon jetzt für den Menschen bestimmt ist, was er in der Zukunft tun wird, weil er es voraussehen kann. Nur haben die meisten Menschen für diese Frage kein rechtes Verständnis, und in der Tat gehört sie zu den schwierigsten. Seit uralten Zeiten haben sich die Philosophen mit der Frage der menschlichen Freiheit und der gesetzmäßigen Vorherbestimmung der Erscheinungen abgequält. Fast alles, was auf diesem Gebiete geschrieben worden ist, ist höchst ungenügend, denn die Menschen können gewöhnlich nicht unterscheiden zwischen Vorausschauen und Vorausbestimmtsein. Mit dem Vorausschauen verhält es sich nämlich nicht anders als mit dem Hinschauen auf entfernte Raumpunkte. Wenn Sie im Raume hinsehen nach einem fernen Punkte, sagen wir nach der Straßenecke drüben, und Sie sehen, daß da ein Mensch einem andern zehn Pfennig schenkt, haben Sie dann diese Handlung bewirkt? Ist dadurch, daß Sie es sehen, irgendeine Ursache dafür gegeben worden? Nein; Sie sehen nur, daß er es tut, und das übt keinen Zwang darauf aus, daß er so handelt. Nun ist es in der Zeit in einer gewissen Beziehung ebenso, nur können die Menschen es nicht fassen. Nehmen Sie an, Sie sind in ein paar tausend Jahren wieder verkörpert. Sie tun dann etwas aus freiem Willen; das ist dann ebenso wie das Beispiel von den geschenkten zehn Pfennig. Der Seher sieht unter Umständen, was in der Zukunft getan wird, und dieses zukünftige Tun ist ebensowenig durch den jetzigen Zeitpunkt bestimmt wie das Schenken der zehn Pfennig durch den Raumpunkt. Man sagt oft: Wenn man sieht, daß etwas geschehen wird, so ist das doch eigentlich vorherbestimmt. — Aber dann verwechselt man die Zukunft mit der Gegenwart. Das würde ja kein Vorausschauen in die Zukunft sein, wenn es schon bestimmt wäre. Sie sehen ja nicht etwas, was schon da ist, sondern etwas, was erst kommt. Sie müssen den Begriff des In-die-ZukunftSchauens genau erfassen. Es muß das in geduldiger Meditation geübt und gepflegt werden; dann nur findet man die Möglichkeit, diese Dinge richtig zu fassen.
[ 4 ] Nach diesen Einleitungsworten wollen wir einiges von dem besprechen, was man über die Entwickelung der Menschheit in der Zukunft sagen kann. Wir sind an dem Punkte angelangt, wo die Menschheit am tiefsten in die Materie hinabgestiegen ist, wo sie ihre geistigen Kräfte verwendet zur Konstruktion und Fabrikation von Werkzeugen und Maschinen, die dem persönlichen Leben dienen. Verknüpft damit war ein immer mehr und mehr vor sich gehendes Dichterwerden der Menschheit und der Erde überhaupt. Wir haben gesehen, daß das, was wir heute das Dichteste, das Mineralreich nennen, erst in einem bestimmten Zeitpunkte unserer Entwickelung entstanden ist. Damit ist der Mensch erst eingetreten in seine jetzige irdische Entwickelung. Hand in Hand damit sind die Zweigeschlechtlichkeit und andere Erscheinungen gegangen. Damals, als der Mensch noch nicht eingetreten war in diese physische Entwickelung, die ein Mineralreich hat, da war er auch noch von viel feinerer, weicherer Natur. Nur um eine Vorstellung davon wachzurufen, sei gesagt, wie in dieser alten Zeit, wo noch keine Zweigeschlechtlichkeit existiert hat, die Fortpflanzung des Menschengeschlechtes geschah. Damals brachte der noch zweigeschlechtliche Mensch, der von dünnerer, feinerer Körperlichkeit war, ein anderes Wesen aus sich hervor. Nicht auf die heutige Art geschah das, sondern etwa so, wie in spiritistischen Sitzungen aus dem Medium der Ätherleib irgendeines anderen Wesens hervorgeht. Das gibt Ihnen ungefähr ein Bild dieses Aus-sich-heraus-Materialisierens, wie sich in alter Zeit die Menschheit fortgepflanzt hat: wie ein Hinausdrängen von Menschen, die reif waren, ihre eigene Entwickelung fortzusetzen.
[ 5 ] So sehen Sie, wie mit dem Dichterwerden des Menschen im Kosmos sein Heruntersteigen in die materielle Welt verknüpft ist. Und damit verknüpft ist die Entwickelung einer anderen Kraft, die sich ohne dieses Heruntersteigen gar nicht hätte entwickeln können: das ist der Egoismus. Er hat eine gute und eine schlimme Seite. Er ist die Grundlage für die menschliche Selbständigkeit und Freiheit, aber in seiner Kehrseite auch der Grund alles Schlechten und Bösen. Damit der Mensch aber lernte, aus freiem Willen das Gute zu tun, mußte er durch diese Kraft des Egoismus durchgehen. Durch die Kräfte, die ihn früher geleitet hatten, mußte er immer wieder zum Guten angetrieben werden; aber es mußte ihm die Möglichkeit gegeben werden, selbst seinen Weg zu gehen. Ebenso nun, wie er herabgestiegen ist, muß er wieder hinaufsteigen in die Geistigkeit, und wie dieses Herabsteigen verbunden ist mit einem Überhandnehmen des Egoismus, so ist das Hinaufsteigen abhängig davon, daß die Selbstlosigkeit, das Gefühl der Sympathie der Menschen untereinander immer stärker und stärker wird. Die Menschheit hat sich durch verschiedene Zeitalter hindurch entwickelt, zuerst durch das alte indische, dann durch das persische, durch das ägyptisch-chaldäisch-babylonische und durch das griechisch-lateinische hindurch zu dem jetzigen, dem fünften Zeitalter, und dieses wird abgelöst werden von einem sechsten. Und indem die Menschheitsentwickelung dahin arbeitet, arbeitet sie zugleich hin auf die Überwindung desjenigen Prinzips, das am stärksten war seit der Zeit, als der Ätherleib seine Eingliederung gefunden hat in jenem Punkte des Gehirns, von dem ich Ihnen gestern gesprochen habe. Das war die Zeit des Fallens in den tiefsten Egoismus.
[ 6 ] In früherer Entwickelung war der Mensch auch egoistisch, aber das war in anderer Art. Derjenige Egoismus, der so tief in die Seele hineingeht wie in unserem jetzigen Zeitalter, hängt ganz zusammen mit der Ausprägung der materialistischen Gesinnung, und ein spirituelles Zeitalter wird die Überwindung dieses Egoismus bedeuten. Daher hat das Christentum und haben alle diejenigen Richtungen, die wirklich religiöses Leben hatten, bewußt hingearbeitet auf eine Durchbrechung der alten Blutsverbände; und einen radikalen Satz hat das Christentum hingestellt, der lautet: «Wer nicht verläßt Vater, Mutter, Weib, Kind, Bruder, Schwester, der kann nicht mein Jünger sein.» Das deutet auf nichts anderes hin, als daß treten muß an Stelle alter Blutsverbände das geistige Band zwischen Seele und Seele, zwischen Mensch und Mensch. Es fragt sich jetzt nur: Welches sind die Mittel und Wege, daß die Menschheit die Spiritualität, das heißt das Überwinden des Materialismus, und zu gleicher Zeit das, was man den Bruderbund nennen könnte, die Ausprägung der allgemeinen Menschenliebe, erlangt? Man könnte sich nun der Meinung hingeben, daß man nur recht gründlich die allgemeine Menschenliebe zu betonen brauchte, und daß dann diese Menschenliebe schon kommen müßte, oder man müßte Vereine gründen, die sich den Zweck der allgemeinen Menschenliebe zum Ziele setzen. Der Okkultismus ist niemals dieser Anschauung. Im Gegenteil! Je mehr der Mensch spricht von allgemeiner Bruderliebe und Menschlichkeit in dem Sinne, daß er sich daran berauscht, um so egoistischer werden die Menschen. Denn geradeso, wie es eine sinnliche Wollust gibt, gibt es eine Wollust der Seele; und es ist sogar eine raffinierte Wollust, zu sagen: Ich will sittlich höher und höher werden! Es ist im Grunde genommen ein Gedanke, der zwar nicht den gewöhnlichen alltäglichen Egoismus erzeugt, aber einen raffinierten Egoismus, der aus solcher Wollust entspringt.
[ 7 ] Nicht dadurch, daß man Liebe und Mitgefühl betont, werden sie im Laufe der Menschheitsevolution erzeugt. Durch etwas anderes vielmehr wird die Menschheit geführt zu jenem Bruderbunde, und das ist die spirituelle Erkenntnis selber. Es gibt kein anderes Mittel, die allgemeine Menschenverbrüderung herbeizuführen, als die Verbreitung der okkulten Erkenntnisse in der Welt. Man rede immer von Liebe und Menschenverbrüderung, man gründe Tausende von Vereinen, sie werden nicht zu dem Ziele führen, zu dem sie führen sollen, so gut sie auch gemeint sind. Es kommt darauf an, das Richtige zu tun, zu wissen, wie man diesen Bruderbund begründet. Nur Menschen, die in der gemeinsamen, für alle Menschen gültigen okkulten Wahrheit leben, finden sich zusammen in der einen Wahrheit. Wie die Sonne die Pflanzen vereint, die ihr zustreben und deren jede doch eine Individualität ist, so muß die Wahrheit eine einheitliche sein, zu der alle hinstreben; dann finden sich alle Menschen zusammen. Aber energisch nach der Wahrheit arbeiten müssen die Menschen; dann erst können sie in harmonischer Weise zusammenleben.
[ 8 ] Man könnte einwenden: Nach der Wahrheit streben doch alle, aber es gibt doch verschiedene Standpunkte, und daher kommen dann wieder Streit und Differenzen. — Das ist eine noch nicht genügend gründliche Erkenntnis der Wahrheit. Man darf sich nicht darauf berufen, daß es verschiedene Standpunkte in der Wahrheit geben kann; man muß es erst erfahren, daß die Wahrheit nur eine einzige sein kann. Sie hängt nicht ab von Volksabstimmung, sie ist wahr in sich selber. Oder würden Sie darüber abstimmen lassen, ob die drei Winkel eines Dreiecks gleich 180 Grad sind? Ob Millionen Menschen das zugeben oder kein einziger, wenn Sie es erkannt haben, dann ist es wahr für Sie. Es gibt keine Demokratie in der Wahrheit. Und die noch nicht harmonieren, sind noch nicht genügend weit vorgedrungen in der Wahrheit. Daher rührt aller Streit über die Wahrheit. Man kann sagen: Ja, aber der eine behauptet das und der andere jenes in okkulten Dingen! Das ist im wirklichen Okkultismus nicht der Fall. Es verhält sich damit wie bei materialistischen Dingen: da behauptet auch einer dies und ein anderer jenes, aber dann ist eines davon falsch. Ebenso ist es im wirklichen Okkultismus; nur daß oft die Ungezogenheit besteht, über okkulte Dinge zu urteilen, bevor man sie verstanden hat.
[ 9 ] Das ist das Ziel, dem das sechste Zeitalter der Menschheit entgegenstreben wird: die Popularisierung der okkulten Wahrheit im weitesten Umkreise. Das ist die Mission dieses Zeitalters. Und diejenige Gesellschaft, die sich spirituell vereint, hat die Aufgabe, diese okkulte Wahrheit überall hineinzutragen in das Leben und unmittelbar dort anzuwenden. Das ist es ja gerade, was unserem Zeitalter fehlt. Sehen Sie nur, wie unser Zeitalter sucht und wie niemand das Richtige finden kann. Es gibt unzählige Fragen, die Erziehungsfrage, die Frauenfrage, die Medizin, die soziale Frage, die Ernährungsfrage. Und da doktert man herum an diesen Fragen, und zahlreiche Artikel und Bücher werden geschrieben, und jeder redet von seinem Standpunkte aus, ohne daß er das, was das Zentrale ist, die okkulte Wahrheit, studieren will. Nicht darum handelt es sich, abstrakt etwas zu wissen über geisteswissenschaftliche Wahrheiten, sondern sie unmittelbar hineinzutragen in das Leben, zu studieren die sozialen Fragen, die Erziehungsfragen, ja das ganze Menschenleben vom Standpunkte der wirklichen okkulten Weisheit. — Aber da muß man doch die höchste Weisheit erkennen! könnte man einwenden. Das geht von dem Irrtum aus, als ob man immer das wirklich erkennen müßte, was man im Leben anwendet. Das aber ist nicht nötig; das Erkennen der höchsten Prinzipien kommt oft viel später, als man sie anwendet. Wenn die Menschheit hätte warten wollen mit der Verdauung, bis man die Gesetze der Verdauung erkannt hätte, dann wäre die Entwickelung der Menschheit nicht möglich gewesen. So braucht man auch nicht alle geistigen Gesetze zu erkennen, um die Geisteswissenschaft einfließen zu lassen in das tägliche Leben. Das gerade ist die Art, wie die rosenkreuzerische Methode das Geistige behandeln will: weniger Abstraktion, dafür die Betrachtung der alltäglichen Lebensfragen. Darauf kommt es nicht an, daß man sagt: Geisteswissenschaft ist Geisteswissenschaft —, sondern daß man im unmittelbaren Leben ernst damit macht. Glauben Sie, daß das Kind alle grammatischen Regeln derSprache kennt, wenn es sprechen gelernt hat? Erst lernt es sprechen und dann die Grammatik. Daher muß Wert darauf gelegt werden, daß der Mensch erst mit Hilfe der spirituellen Lehren sich mit dem beschäftigt, was ihn unmittelbar umgibt, ehe er an das geht, was in den höchsten Welten zu finden ist, was über den astralen Plan, über den devachanischen Plan Kenntnis verbreitet. Denn nur dadurch verstehen wir, was in unserer Umgebung existiert und wo wir selber eingreifen müssen. Daher ist es die konkrete Aufgabe, die zerklüftete Menschheit, die aus den alten Bluts- und Stammesverbänden herausgerissen ist, zu verbinden durch die einheitliche okkulte spirituelle Weisheit.
[ 9 ] So geht, indem wir uns vom fünften in das sechste und dann in das siebente Zeitalter hinüberentwickeln, der alte Zusammenhang in Stammes- und Blutsverbänden immer mehr verloren. Die Menschheit mischt sich, um sich von geistigen Gesichtspunkten aus zu gruppieren. Es war eine Ungezogenheit, in der Theosophie von den Rassen so zu sprechen, als ob sie immer bleiben würden. Der Begriff der Rasse verliert schon für die nächste Zukunft, womit allerdings Tausende von Jahren gemeint sind, seinen Sinn. Das ewige Reden, daß immer in der Welt sich sieben und sieben Rassen entwickelt hätten, das ist die spekulative Ausdehnung eines Begriffes, der nur für unser Zeitalter nach rückwärts und vorwärts gilt; von der Sehergabe, vom Okkultismus ist das nie gesagt worden. Wie alles entsteht, so sind auch die Rassen entstanden, und wie alles wieder vergeht, werden auch die Rassen wieder vergehen, und jene, die immer nur von Rassen gesprochen haben, die werden sich daran gewöhnen müssen, ihre Begriffe flüssig zu machen. Das ist nur eine Bequemlichkeit! Wenn man ein wenig nur in die Zukunft blickt, gelten schon die Begriffe nicht mehr, die man in der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart angewendet hat. Das ist die Hauptsache, daß der Mensch nicht dasjenige, was er einmal in einen schönen Begriff gebracht hat, nun für eine ewige Weisheit hält. Man wird sich daran gewöhnen müssen, die Begriffe flüssig zu machen, zu erkennen, daß Begriffe sich verändern, und das wird ein Fortschritt sein. Diese Möglichkeit, von starren, dogmatischen Begriffen überzugehen in flüssige, das ist es, was ausgebildet werden muß in denjenigen Menschen, die die Träger der Zukunft sein wollen. Denn so, wie die Zeiten sich ändern, müssen sich auch unsere Begriffe ändern, wenn wir diese Zeiten verstehen wollen.
[ 10 ] Jetzt leben die Seelen in einem Menschenleibe, den Sie klar durch die Sinne betrachten. Wodurch ist er entstanden? Er war früher sehr verschieden vom heutigen, ja für unsere heutige materielle Anschauung sogar komisch verschieden, als die Seele heruntergestiegen ist. Die Seele hat Platz genommen in ihm. Wodurch hat der Mensch sich zu der heutigen Gestalt entwickelt? Dadurch, daß die Seele in dem Leibe selbst gearbeitet hat während aller ihrer Verkörperungen. Sie können sich einen Begriff davon machen, wie die Seele am Leibe gearbeitet hat, wenn Sie bedenken, was dem Menschen in unserem materialistischen Zeitalter geblieben ist von der Möglichkeit, an seinem Leibe zu arbeiten. Das, was der Mensch an seinem dichten physischen Leibe arbeiten kann, ist verhältnismäßig recht wenig. Nehmen Sie zum Beispiel wahr, wie Sie heute vorübergehend an dem Leibe und seiner Physiognomie arbeiten. Irgend etwas zum Beispiel verursacht Ihnen Schrecken, Angst. Die Eindrücke von Angst und Furcht machen Sie erblassen. Ihr physisches Aussehen wird ebenfalls verändert durch Schamröte. Das geht wieder vorüber, aber Sie sehen, wie das vor sich geht: es wirkt etwas auf die Seele, so daß die Wirkung sich auf das Blut und auf diesem Umwege auf den physischen Leib, auf Ihr unmittelbares Aussehen erstreckt. Die Wirkung kann noch intensiver sein. Sie wissen, daß Menschen, die ein geistiges Leben führen, es stark in der Hand haben, in ihrer äußeren Physiognomie einen Abdruck zu schaffen von ihrem geistigen Schaffen. Man kann erkennen, ob ein Mensch gedankenvoll oder gedankenlos gelebt hat. So arbeitet der Mensch immer noch an seinem äußeren Ausdruck, und ein Mensch, der edel empfindet, bei dem drückt sich diese Empfindung in edlen Bewegungen aus. Das sind nur geringe Reste von dem, wie durch Jahrtausende hindurch die Menschheit an sich gearbeitet hat.
[ 11 ] Während Sie heute das Blut nur in Ihre Wangen hinein- und wieder wegtreiben können, war der Mensch in früherer Zeit ganz unter dem Einfluß einer Bilderwelt, die der Ausdruck einer geistigen Welt war. Das wirkte so, daß der Mensch in viel stärkerem Maße umgestaltend an seinem Organismus arbeiten konnte. Dabei war der Körper auch noch weicher. Es gab eine Zeit, wo man nicht nur die Hand ausstrecken konnte, wo Sie nicht nur mit dem Finger hinzeigen konnten, sondern wo Sie Ihren Willen in Ihre Hand hineinschicken konnten, und Sie konnten die Hand formen, so daß Sie diese Finger als Fortsätze hinausstrecken konnten. Es gab eine Zeit, wo die Füße noch nicht ständig waren, sondern wo der Mensch sie je nach Bedürfnis als Fortsatz aus sich herausgestreckt hat. So hat der Mensch durch die Bilder, die er von der Umwelt empfangen hat, seinen eigenen Leib gebildet. Heute, in unserer materiellen Zeit, ist diese Umgestaltung die denkbar langsamste, aber sie wird wieder schneller vor sich gehen. In der Zukunft wird der Mensch wieder mehr Einfluß bekommen auf seine physische Körperlichkeit. Bei der Betrachtung der Einweihung werden wir sehen, mit welchen Mitteln er diesen Einfluß gewinnt. Wenn er das auch nicht in einem Leben erreichen kann, so wird er doch viel tun können für die nächste Verkörperung.
[ 12 ] Der Mensch selbst also ist es, der die zukünftige Gestalt seines Leibes herbeiführen wird. Indem der Mensch immer weicher und weicher wird, das heißt indem er sich absondern wird von den harten Teilen, geht er seiner Zukunft entgegen. Es kommt ein Zeitalter, wo der Mensch wie in verflossener Zeit gleichsam über seinem irdischen Teile leben wird. Dieser Zustand, der Ihrem heutigen Schlafzustande vergleichbar ist, wird alsdann abgelöst werden von einem andern, wo der Mensch seinen Ätherleib wird willkürlich herausziehen können aus seinem physischen Leibe. Es wird gleichsam der dichtere Teil des Menschen hier unten auf Erden sein, und der Mensch wird ihn wie ein Instrument von außen benutzen. Der Mensch wird seinen Leib nicht mehr so an sich tragen, daß er in ihm wohnt, sondern er wird darüber schweben; der Leib selbst wird feiner und dünner geworden sein. Das erscheint heute als ein phantastischer Gedanke, aber man kann es aus den geistigen Gesetzen mit Bestimmtheit wissen, ebenso wie man aus den Gesetzen der Astronomie Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse für die Zukunft berechnet. Und umgestaltend wird der Mensch vor allen Dingen wirken auf die Hervorbringungskraft. Viele können sich nicht vorstellen, daß je eine andere Fortpflanzungskraft als heute da sein wird. Aber sie wird da sein, die Art der Fortpflanzung wird sich ändern. Alles, was heute Fortpflanzung ist und im Zusammenhang mit diesem Triebe steht, wird in Zukunft an ein anderes Organ übergehen. Dasjenige Organ, das sich heute schon darauf vorbereitet, das zukünftige Fortpflanzungsorgan zu werden, ist der menschliche Kehlkopf. Heute kann er nur Luftschwingungen hervorbringen, er kann nur dasjenige, was in einem Worte liegt, der Luft mitteilen, so daß die Schwingungen dem Worte entsprechend sind. Später wird aus diesem Kehlkopfe nicht nur das Wort in seinem Rhythmus hervordringen, sondern dieses Wort wird vom Menschen durchleuchtet werden, es wird durchdrungen werden vom Stoffe selber. So wie heute das Wort nur zur Luftwelle wird, so wird in Zukunft des Menschen inneres Wesen, sein eigenes Ebenbild, wie es heute im Worte ist, aus dem Kehlkopfe herausdringen. Der Mensch wird aus dem Menschen hervorgehen, der Mensch wird den Menschen aussprechen. Und das wird zukünftig die Geburt eines neuen Menschen sein, daß er ausgesprochen wird von einem anderen Menschen.
[ 13 ] Solche Dinge werfen ein bestimmtes Licht auf Erscheinungen, die in unserer Umgebung leben, die Ihnen keine Naturwissenschaft erklären kann. Jene Verwandlung des Fortpflanzungstriebes, die wiederum eine ungeschlechtliche sein wird, übernimmt alsdann die Funktionen der alten Fortpflanzung. Daher tritt beim männlichen Organismus in der Zeit der Geschlechtsreife auch eine Umwandlung des Kehlkopfes ein. Die Stimme wird tiefer. Das weist Sie unmittelbar darauf hin, wie diese beiden Dinge zusammenhängen. So leuchtet der Okkultismus immer wieder in die Tatsachen des Lebens hinein und bringt Licht in die Erscheinungen, für die Ihnen die materialistische Wissenschaft keine Erklärung zu bringen vermag.
[ 14 ] Und ebenso, wie dieses Organ des Kehlkopfes umgestaltet werden wird, so wird auch umgestaltet werden das menschliche Herz. Es ist dasjenige Organ, welches mit dem Blutkreislauf in innigem Zusammenhange steht. Nun glaubt die Wissenschaft, daß das Herz eine Art von Pumpe ist. Das ist eine groteske phantastische Vorstellung. Niemals hat der Okkultismus eine solch phantastische Behauptung aufgestellt wie der heutige Materialismus. Das, was die bewegende Kraft des Blutes ist, sind die Gefühle der Seele. Die Seele treibt das Blut, und das Herz bewegt sich, weil es vom Blute getrieben wird. Also genau das Umgekehrte ist wahr von dem, was die materialistische Wissenschaft sagt. Nur kann der Mensch sein Herz heute noch nicht willkürlich leiten; wenn er Angst hat, schlägt es schneller, weil das Gefühl auf das Blut wirkt und dieses die Bewegung des Herzens beschleunigt. Aber das, was der Mensch heute unwillkürlich erleidet, wird er später auf höherer Stufe der Entwickelung in der Gewalt haben. Er wird später sein Blut willkürlich treiben und sein Herz bewegen wie heute die Handmuskeln. Das Herz mit seiner eigentümlichen Konstruktion ist für die heutige Wissenschaft eine Crux, ein Kreuz. Es besitzt quergestreifte Muskelfasern, die sonst nur bei willkürlichen Muskeln gefunden werden. Warum? Weil das Herz heute noch nicht am Ende seiner Entwickelung angelangt, sondern ein Zukunftsorgan ist, weil es ein willkürlicher Muskel werden wird. Daher zeigt es heute schon die Anlage dazu in seinem Bau.
[ 15 ] So verändert alles, was in der Seele des Menschen vorgeht, den Bau des menschlichen Organismus. Und wenn Sie sich jetzt den Menschen denken, der imstande ist, durch das ausgesprochene Wort seinesgleichen zu schaffen, dessen Herz zu einem willkürlichen Muskel geworden ist, der auch noch andere Organe verändert haben wird, dann haben Sie eine Vorstellung von der Zukunft des Menschengeschlechtes auf künftigen planetarischen Verkörperungen unserer Erde. Auf unserer Erde wird die Menschheit so weit kommen, wie sie unter dem Einfluß eines Mineralreiches kommen kann. Dieses Mineralreich wird, trotzdem es am letzten entstanden ist, in seiner heutigen Form am ehesten wieder verschwinden. Der Mensch wird dann seinen Leib nicht mehr aus mineralischen Substanzen aufbauen wie heute; der künftige Menschenleib wird sich zunächst nur das eingliedern, was pflanzlicher Substanz ist. Alles, was heute im Menschen mineralisch wirkt, wird verschwinden. Um Ihnen ein grotesk ausschauendes Beispiel zu geben: Heute spuckt der Mensch seinen gewöhnlichen Speichel aus. Es ist ein mineralisches Produkt, denn des Menschen physischer Leib ist ein Ineinanderwirken von mineralischen Vorgängen. Wenn der Mensch seine mineralische Entwickelung vollendet haben wird, wird er nicht mehr einen mineralischen Speichel spucken, sondern dieser Speichel wird pflanzlicher Natur sein, und der Mensch wird sozusagen Blumen spucken. Keine Drüse wird mehr Mineralisches absondern, sondern nur Pflanzliches. Dadurch wird das mineralische Reich überwunden, daß der Mensch sich wieder zum pflanzlichen Dasein entwickelt.
[ 16 ] So lebt der Mensch hinüber auf den Jupiter, indem er alles Mineralische ausscheidet und zum pflanzlichen Schaffen übergeht. Und indem er dann später übergeht zum Tierschaffen — es werden ja andere Tiere sein als heute —, wenn sein Herz soweit sein wird, daß es schöpferisch wirken kann, dann wird er in der Tierwelt schaffen, wie er heute im Mineralreich schafft; dann wird der Venuszustand eintreten. Und wenn er dann seinesgleichen schaffen kann, indem er sein Ebenbild spricht, dann ist der Sinn unserer Evolution vollendet, dann ist das Wort: «Lasset uns Menschen schaffen ...» erfüllt.
[ 17 ] Nur dadurch, daß der Mensch diesen Gesichtspunkt beobachtet, daß von der Seele aus umgeschaffen wird der Leib, wird er das Menschengeschlecht wirklich umwandeln. Nur durch ein im okkulten, im spirituellen Sinne gehaltenes Denken wird das eintreten, was beschrieben worden ist als die Umgestaltung des Herzens und des Kehlkopfes. Was die Menschheit heute denkt, das wird sie in der Zukunft sein. Eine Menschheit, die materialistisch denkt, wird furchtbare Wesen in der Zukunft hervorbringen, und eine Menschheit, die spirituelle Gedanken denkt, wirkt so umgestaltend auf den Organismus der Zukunft ein, daß schöne Menschenkörper daraus hervorgehen werden.
[ 18 ] Noch ist nicht vollendet, was die materialistiche Denkweise bewirkt. Wir haben heute zwei Strömungen, eine große materialistische, welche die ganze Erde erfüllt, und die kleine spirituelle, welche auf wenige Menschen beschränkt ist. Unterscheiden Sie zwischen Seelen- und Rassenentwickelung. Glauben Sie nicht, daß, wenn die Rassen zu einer grotesken Form übergehen, dann auch die Seelen dasselbe tun. Alle materialistisch denkenden Seelen arbeiten an der Hervorbringung böser Rassen, und was spirituell gearbeitet wird, bewirkt die Hervorbringung einer guten Rasse. So wie die Menschheit hervorgebracht hat das, was sich zurückgebildet hat als Tiere, Pflanzen und Mineralien, so wird ein Teil sich abspalten und den bösen Teil der Menschheit darstellen, und in dem mittlerweile weich gewordenen Leibe wird sich äußerlich ausdrücken die innerliche Bösheit der Seele. So wie ältere Zustände, die zum Affengeschlechte heruntergestiegen sind, uns heute grotesk erscheinen, so bleiben materialistische Rassen auf dem Standpunkte der Bösheit und werden als böse Rassen die Erde bevölkern. Es wird ganz bei der Menschheit liegen, ob eine Seele bleiben will bei der bösen Rasse oder hinaufsteigen will durch eine spirituelle Kultur zu einer guten.
[ 19 ] Das sind Dinge, die wir wissen müssen, wenn wir mit wirklicher Erkenntnis in die Zukunft hineinleben wollen. Sonst gehen wir mit verbundenen Augen durch die Welt, denn es arbeiten Kräfte in der Menschheit, die man erkennen muß und die man beachten muß, und derjenige würde seine Pflicht an der Menschheit versäumen, der sich nicht bekannt machen wollte mit den Kräften, die nach der einen oder der anderen Seite gehen. Das Erkennen um des Erkennens willen wäre Egoismus. Wer erkennen will, um hineinzuschauen in die höheren Welten, der handelt egoistisch. Wer aber diese Erkenntnis hineintragen will in die unmittelbare Praxis des täglichen Lebens, der arbeitet an der Fortentwickelung der kommenden Evolution der Menschheit. Das ist außerordentlich bedeutsam, daß wir immer mehr und mehr lernen, in die Praxis umzusetzen, was als geisteswissenschaftliche Anschauung existiert.
[ 20 ] So sehen Sie, daß die spirituelle Bewegung ein ganz bestimmtes Ziel hat, nämlich die künftige Menschheit vorauszugestalten. Dieses Ziel kann nicht anders erreicht werden als durch die Aufnahme der spirituellen okkulten Weisheit. So denkt derjenige, der Geisteswissenschaft als die große Aufgabe der Menschheit erfaßt. Er denkt sie im Zusammenhange mit der Entwickelung, und er betrachtet sie nicht als Begierde, sondern als eine Pflicht, die er erkannt hat. Und je mehr wir das anerkennen, desto rascher gehen wir der zukünftigen Gestaltung der Menschheit im sechsten Zeitalter entgegen. Wie damals in der alten Atlantis, in der Nähe des heutigen Irland, die fortgeschrittenen Menschen nach Osten gezogen sind, um die neuen Kulturen zu begründen, so haben wir die Aufgabe jetzt, hinzuarbeiten auf den großen Moment im sechsten Zeitalter, wo die Menschheit einen großen spirituellen Aufstieg unternehmen wird.
[ 21 ] Wir müssen versuchen, wieder herauszukommen aus dem Materialismus, und so müssen spirituelle Gesellschaften daran denken, eine solche führende Rolle zu spielen in der Menschheit, nicht aus Unbescheidenheit und Hochmut, sondern aus Pflicht. So muß eine gewisse Gruppe von Menschen zusammengehen, um die Zukunft vorzubereiten. Aber nicht örtlich ist dies Zusammengehen aufzufassen. Alle Begriffe von Ortlichkeit haben dann ihren Sinn verloren, weil es sich nicht mehr um Stammesverwandtschaften handelt; sondern darauf kommt es an, daß sich auf der ganzen Erde die Menschen spirituell zusammenfinden, um die Zukunft positiv zu gestalten. Deshalb wurde, als unser Zeitalter am tiefsten in die Materie hineinsegelte, vor vierhundert Jahren von der Bruderschaft der Rosenkreuzer jene praktische geistige Wissenschaft begründet, die über alle Fragen des alltäglichen Lebens Bescheid geben will. Da haben Sie die aufsteigende Entwickelung zu der absteigenden.
[ 22 ] Ebenso, wie die alte Erkenntnis zersetzend wirkt, wie es sich in der «Kritik der Sprache» von Mauthner zeigt, so sucht die spirituelle Richtung das einigende Band der spirituellen Weisheit. Daher die neue Einweihungsschulung, die direkt rechnet mit dem Hinüberleiten der Menschheit in einen neuen Zeitenzyklus. So verbindet sich das Prinzip der Menschheitsentwickelung mit dem Begriff der Einweihung.
Thirteenth Lecture
[1] It is our task today to discuss the future progress of human development and what is known as initiation, by means of which the human being in the present, anticipating the future, passes through stages of life that will otherwise be passed through by humanity in the future.
[ 2 ] If we deal with the first question first, it may seem to you either as presumptuous to want to talk about the future, or as impossible to be able to make out something about the future of man. Nevertheless, if you think about it a little, you will find that the idea that one can know something about the future is not entirely unfounded. You only need to compare these things with what the ordinary researcher, for example the scientist, can know about the future. He can tell you exactly that if you mix oxygen, hydrogen and sulfur under certain conditions, sulfuric acid will always result. It can be stated exactly what will happen if rays are caught through a mirror. Yes, it goes even much further with regard to the things of outer life; solar and lunar eclipses can be predicted for an indefinite period of time.
[ 3 ] Why is that possible? Because and insofar as one knows the laws of physical life. If someone recognizes the spiritual laws of life, he can likewise say from these laws what must occur in the future. But usually one question weighs heavily on people. It is easily thought that it would be contrary to freedom, to arbitrary human action, if one knew in advance what would happen. This, too, is an incorrect perception. If you combine sulfur, hydrogen and oxygen under certain conditions, sulfuric acid is formed; this is determined by the lawfulness of the combination. But whether you do it depends on your will. And so it is in the spiritual process of human development. Man will do what will happen entirely of his own free will, and the higher man develops, the freer man will be. One must also not think that what man will do in the future is already determined for him because he can foresee it. It is just that most people do not really understand this question, and in fact it is one of the most difficult. Since ancient times, philosophers have agonized over the question of human freedom and the lawful predetermination of phenomena. Almost everything that has been written in this field is highly inadequate, because people usually cannot distinguish between foresight and predetermination. With foresight it is no different than looking at distant points in space. If you look at a distant point in space, let us say at the street corner over there, and you see that a person gives another ten pennies, have you then brought about this action? Has any cause been given for it by your seeing it? No; you only see that he does it, and that exerts no compulsion on him to act in that way. Now in time it is the same in a certain respect, only people cannot grasp it. Suppose you are embodied again in a few thousand years. You then do something of your own free will; that is the same as the example of the ten pennies given. The seer may see what will be done in the future, and this future action is no more determined by the present moment than the gift of the ten pfennigs is by the point in space. It is often said: If you see that something will happen, then it is actually predetermined. But then one confuses the future with the present. It would not be looking into the future if it were already determined. You do not see something that is already there, but something that is yet to come. You must grasp the concept of looking into the future precisely. It must be practiced and cultivated in patient meditation; only then will you find the possibility of grasping these things correctly.
[ 4 ] Having said this much by way of introduction, let us now discuss some of the things that can be said about the future development of humanity. We have arrived at the point where humanity has descended most deeply into matter, where it uses its spiritual powers for the construction and manufacture of tools and machines that serve personal life. Linked to this was an ever-increasing densification of humanity and the earth in general. We have seen that what we today call the densest, the mineral kingdom, only came into being at a certain point in our development. Only with this did man enter into his present earthly development. Hand in hand with this went the appearance of the two sexes and other phenomena. At that time, when man had not yet entered into this physical evolution that the mineral kingdom has, he was also of a much finer, softer nature. Just to evoke an idea of this, it may be said how, in that ancient time, when the two sexes did not yet exist, the reproduction of the human race took place. In those days, when man was still of two sexes and had a thinner, more delicate body, he brought forth another being out of himself. This did not happen in the same way as it does today, but rather in the same way as the etheric body of some other being emerges from the medium during spiritualistic seances. This gives you a rough idea of this materialization out of itself, of how humanity reproduced itself in ancient times: like an outpouring of people who were ripe to continue their own development.
[ 5 ] Thus you see how man's ascent in the cosmos is linked with his descent into the material world. And linked with this is the development of another power, which could not have developed at all without this descent: this is egoism. It has a good and a bad side. It is the basis for human independence and freedom, but in its other aspect it is also the cause of all evil and wickedness. In order for man to learn to do good out of free will, however, he had to pass through this power of egoism. He had to be driven to do good again and again by the powers that had guided him earlier, but he had to be given the opportunity to go his own way. In the same way as he has descended, he must now ascend again in spirituality, and just as this descent is connected with an increase of egoism, so the ascent depends on selflessness, on the feeling of sympathy between people becoming stronger and stronger. Humanity has developed through various epochs, first through the ancient Indian, then through the Persian, through the Egyptian-Chaldean-Babylonian and through the Greek-Latin epoch to the present, the fifth epoch, and this will be replaced by a sixth. And in that the evolution of mankind is working towards this, it is at the same time working towards overcoming that principle which has been strongest since the time when the etheric body found its integration in that point of the brain of which I spoke to you yesterday. That was the time of falling into the deepest egoism.
[ 6 ] In earlier developments, man was also selfish, but that was of a different kind. The selfishness that goes so deep into the soul as in our present age is entirely connected with the expression of the materialistic attitude, and a spiritual age will mean overcoming this selfishness. That is why Christianity and all those movements that had real religious life consciously worked towards breaking the old blood ties; and Christianity has put forward a radical sentence that reads: “Whoever does not leave father, mother, wife, child, brother, sister, cannot be my disciple.” This indicates nothing less than that the spiritual bond between soul and soul, between human being and human being, must take the place of old blood ties. The only question now is: What are the ways and means by which humanity can achieve spirituality, that is, the overcoming of materialism, and at the same time what could be called the brotherhood, the expression of universal human love? One might be led to believe that one need only emphasize universal human love thoroughly, and that this human love would then have to come, or that one would have to found associations that set themselves the goal of universal human love. Occultism is never of this opinion. On the contrary! The more man speaks of universal brotherly love and humanity in the sense of becoming intoxicated with it, the more selfish people become. For just as there is a sensual lust, there is a lust of the soul; and it is even a refined lust to say: I want to become morally higher and higher! It is basically a thought that does not produce ordinary everyday selfishness, but a sophisticated selfishness that arises from such lust.
[ 7 ] It is not by emphasizing love and compassion that they will be generated in the course of human evolution. Rather, it is spiritual knowledge itself that guides humanity to that brotherhood. There is no other means of bringing about universal human brotherhood than the spread of occult knowledge in the world. No matter how well intentioned, talking about love and human brotherhood and founding thousands of associations will not lead to the desired goal. What is needed is to do the right thing, to know how to establish this brotherhood. Only people who live in the common, occult truth that is valid for all people come together in the one truth. Just as the sun unites the plants that strive towards it, and yet each of which is an individuality, so truth must be a unifying one, towards which all strive; then all people come together. But people must work energetically for the truth; only then can they live together in harmony.
[ 8 ] One might object: Everyone strives for the truth, but there are different points of view, and that is where disputes and differences arise. This is an insufficiently thorough understanding of the truth. One should not rely on the fact that there can be different points of view in the truth; one must first experience that the truth can only be one. It does not depend on a referendum; it is true in itself. Or would you put it to the vote whether the three angles of a triangle are equal to 180 degrees? Whether millions of people admit it or not when you have recognized it, then it is true for you. There is no democracy in truth. And those who do not yet harmonize have not yet penetrated far enough into the truth. That is where all the dispute about the truth comes from. One can say: Yes, but one person claims this and the other that in occult matters! This is not the case in real occultism. It is the same with materialistic things: one person claims this and another that, but then one of them is wrong. It is the same in real occultism; the only difference is that there is often the impropriety of judging occult things before one has understood them.
[ 9 ] This is the goal towards which the sixth age of humanity will strive: the popularization of occult truth in the broadest sense. That is the mission of this age. And the task of the Society, which unites spiritually, is to carry this occult truth into life everywhere and to apply it directly there. That is precisely what our age lacks. Just look at how our age searches and how no one can find the right thing. There are countless questions: the question of education, the question of women, medicine, the social question, the question of nutrition. And people are dabbling in these questions, and numerous articles and books are being written, and everyone is talking from their point of view, without wanting to study what is central, the occult truth. The point is not to know something in the abstract about spiritual truths, but to apply them directly to life, to study social questions, educational questions, yes, the whole of human life from the point of view of real occult wisdom. But one must recognize the highest wisdom, one might object. This proceeds from the error that one must always know in advance what one applies in life. But that is not necessary; the recognition of the highest principles often comes much later than one applies them. If humanity had wanted to wait with digestion until the laws of digestion had been recognized, then the development of humanity would not have been possible. So one need not recognize all spiritual laws in order to let spiritual science flow into daily life. That is precisely the way the Rosicrucian method wants to treat the spiritual: less abstraction and more consideration of everyday life issues. What matters is not that one says: spiritual science is spiritual science, but that one takes it seriously in one's immediate life. Do you think that a child knows all the grammatical rules of a language when it has learned to speak? First it learns to speak and then the grammar. Therefore, it is important to emphasize that people should first deal with what directly surrounds them with the help of spiritual teachings before they move on to what can be found in the highest worlds, what spreads knowledge about the astral plane, about the devachanic plane. For only in this way do we understand what exists in our environment and where we ourselves must intervene. Therefore, the specific task is to connect the fragmented humanity, which has been torn from the old blood and tribal associations, through the unified occult spiritual wisdom.
[ 9 ] Thus, as we develop from the fifth into the sixth and then into the seventh age, the old connection in tribal and blood associations is increasingly lost. Mankind mixes itself in order to group itself from a spiritual point of view. It was an impropriety in Theosophy to speak of the races as if they would always remain. The concept of race is already losing its meaning for the near future, by which, however, thousands of years are meant. The eternal talk that seven and seven races have always developed in the world is the speculative extension of a concept that only applies to our age, both backwards and forwards; this has never been said by seers, by occultism. The races came into being as everything comes into being, and they will pass away as everything passes away. Those who have always spoken only of races will have to get used to making their concepts fluid. That is mere laziness! If one looks just a little into the future, the concepts one has applied in the past and present no longer apply. That is the main thing, that man does not mistake what he has once put into a beautiful concept for eternal wisdom. One will have to get used to making concepts fluid, to recognizing that concepts change, and that will be progress. This possibility of moving from rigid, dogmatic concepts to fluid ones is what must be developed in those people who want to be the bearers of the future. Because as times change, so must our concepts, if we want to understand these times.
[ 10 ] Now the souls live in a human body, which you observe clearly through the senses. How did it come into being? It used to be very different from the present one, even strangely different for our present material view, when the soul descended. The soul has taken up residence in it. How did man develop into the present form? By the soul working in the body itself during all its embodiments. You can get an idea of how the soul has worked on the body by considering what remains for a person in our materialistic age in terms of the possibility of working on their body. What a person can do to his dense physical body is relatively quite little. Observe, for example, how you are temporarily working on the body and its physiognomy today. Something, for example, causes you terror, fear. The impressions of fear and dread make you pale. Your physical appearance is also changed by a blush of shame. This too will pass, but you see how it happens: something affects the soul, so that the effect extends to the blood and through it to the physical body, to your immediate appearance. The effect can be even more intense. You know that people who lead a spiritual life have a strong hold on their outer physiognomy to create an impression of their spiritual work. You can tell whether a person has lived a thoughtful or a thoughtless life. In this way, a person continues to work on his outward appearance, and a person who feels noble expresses this in noble movements. These are only small remnants of how humanity has worked on itself over the millennia.
[ 11 ] While today you can only get blood to flow to your cheeks and then make it disappear again, in earlier times humans were completely influenced by a world of images that was the expression of a spiritual world. This had the effect that humans were able to remodel their organism to a much greater extent. At the same time, the body was also softer. There was a time when you could not only stretch out your hand, when you could not only point with your finger, but when you could send your will into your hand and shape it so that you could stretch out these fingers as extensions. There was a time when the feet were not yet permanent, but man stretched them out as an extension of himself as needed. Thus man has formed his own body through the images he has received from the world around him. Today, in our material age, this transformation is the slowest imaginable, but it will happen faster again. In the future, man will again have more influence over his physical body. In the consideration of initiation, we shall see by what means he attains this influence. Even if he cannot achieve this in one life, he can still do a great deal for the next embodiment.
[ 12 ] Thus it is man himself who will bring about the future shape of his body. By becoming softer and softer, that is to say, by separating himself from the hard parts, man is moving towards his future. The time will come when man, as in the past, will live above his earthly part, as it were. This state, which is comparable to your present state of sleep, will then be replaced by another in which man will be able to withdraw his etheric body from his physical body at will. The denser part of man will be down here on earth, as it were, and man will use it from the outside like an instrument. Man will no longer carry his body in such a way that it dwells within him, but will hover over it; the body itself will have become finer and thinner. Today this appears to be a fantastic thought, but one can know it with certainty from spiritual laws, just as one calculates solar and lunar eclipses for the future from astronomical laws. And man will work above all to transform the power of procreation. Many cannot imagine that there will ever be a different power of procreation than there is today. But it will be there, and the mode of reproduction will change. Everything today that has to do with reproduction and is connected with this urge will in future be transferred to another organ. The organ that is already preparing itself today to become the future organ of reproduction is the human larynx. Today it can only produce air vibrations, it can only communicate to the air that which lies in a word, so that the vibrations correspond to the word. Later, not only will the word in its rhythm emerge from this larynx, but this word will be illuminated by the human being, it will be permeated by the substance itself. Just as today the word only becomes an air wave, so in the future man's inner being, his own image, as it is today in the word, will emerge from the larynx. Man will emerge from man, man will speak out man. And that will be the birth of a new man in the future, that he will be spoken out by another man.
[ 13 ] Such things shed light on phenomena that live in our environment that no natural science can explain to you. That transformation of the reproductive instinct, which in turn will be an asexual one, then takes over the functions of the old reproduction. Therefore, in the male organism, during the period of sexual maturity, a transformation of the larynx also occurs. The voice becomes deeper. This directly indicates to you how these two things are connected. Thus, occultism repeatedly shines a light on the facts of life and brings light into the phenomena for which materialistic science cannot provide you with an explanation.
[ 14 ] And just as this organ of the larynx will be transformed, so will the human heart. It is the organ that is most intimately connected with the blood circulation. Now, science believes that the heart is a kind of pump. That is a grotesque, fantastic idea. Never has occultism made such a fantastic claim as today's materialism. What is the moving force of the blood is the feeling of the soul. The soul drives the blood, and the heart moves because it is driven by the blood. So exactly the opposite is true of what materialistic science says. Today, man cannot yet control his heart at will; when he is afraid, it beats faster because the feeling affects the blood and this accelerates the movement of the heart. But what man suffers involuntarily today, he will later have under control at a higher level of development. He will later drive his blood at will and move his heart like he moves the muscles of his hand today. For today's science, the heart with its peculiar construction is a crux, a cross. It has striated muscle fibres that are otherwise only found in voluntary muscles. Why? Because the heart has not yet reached the end of its development, but is an organ of the future, because it will become a voluntary muscle. Therefore, it already shows the predisposition for this in its structure.
[ 15 ] Thus, everything that takes place in the human soul changes the structure of the human organism. And if you now imagine a human being who is capable of creating his own kind through the spoken word, whose heart has become an arbitrary muscle that will also have changed other organs, then you have an idea of the future of the human race in future planetary embodiments of our Earth. On our Earth, humanity will come as far as it can under the influence of a mineral kingdom. This mineral kingdom, although it was the last to come into existence, will in its present form be the first to disappear again. Man will then no longer build his body out of mineral substances as he does today; the future human body will initially only incorporate what is of a plant substance. Everything in man that has a mineral effect today will disappear. To give you a grotesque example: Today, a person spits out his usual saliva. It is a mineral product because the human physical body is an interaction of mineral processes. When the human being has completed his mineral development, he will no longer spit out a mineral saliva, but this saliva will be of a plant nature, and the human being will spit out flowers, so to speak. No gland will secrete anything mineral, only plant material. In this way the mineral kingdom will be overcome, in that the human being will develop again into a plant-like existence.
[ 16 ] In this way the human being lives his way over to Jupiter by excreting everything mineral and passing over to plant-like activity. And later, when he passes over to animal creation – it will be different animals than today – when his heart is ready to be creative, then he will create in the animal world as he does today in the mineral kingdom; then the state of Venus will occur. And when he can then create his own kind by speaking his image, then the meaning of our evolution is complete, then the word: “Let us make man...” is fulfilled.
[ 17 ] Only by observing this point of view, by reshaping the body from the soul, will man truly transform the human race. Only through occult, spiritual thinking will what has been described as the transformation of the heart and larynx come about. What humanity thinks today, that it will be in the future. A humanity that thinks materialistically will produce terrible beings in the future, and a humanity that thinks spiritual thoughts will have such a transforming effect on the organism of the future that beautiful human bodies will emerge.
[ 18 ] What the materialistic way of thinking brings about is not yet complete. Today we have two currents, a great materialistic one that fills the whole earth, and the small spiritual one that is limited to a few people. Distinguish between soul and racial development. Do not believe that if the races change into a grotesque form, then the souls do the same. All materialistically thinking souls work towards producing evil races, and what is spiritually worked towards produces a good race. Just as humanity has produced that which has regressed into animals, plants and minerals, so a part of humanity will split off and become the evil part, and in the now softened body, the inner evil of the soul will express itself outwardly. Just as older conditions, which have descended to the ape race, seem grotesque to us today, so materialistic races remain at the level of evil and will populate the earth as evil races. It will be entirely up to humanity whether a soul wants to remain with the evil race or wants to ascend through spiritual culture to a good one.
[ 19 ] These are things we need to know if we want to live into the future with real knowledge. Otherwise we would go through the world blindfolded, for there are forces at work in humanity that must be recognized and taken into account, and anyone who did not want to familiarize themselves with the forces that go in one direction or the other would be neglecting their duty to humanity. Recognition for the sake of recognition would be selfish. Anyone who wants to recognize in order to look into the higher worlds is acting selfishly. But he who wants to carry this knowledge into the immediate practice of daily life is working on the further development of the coming evolution of humanity. It is extremely significant that we are learning more and more to put into practice what exists as spiritual-scientific insight.
[ 20 ] So you see that the spiritual movement has a very specific goal, namely to shape the future of humanity. This goal cannot be achieved otherwise than by absorbing spiritual occult wisdom. This is how someone who grasps spiritual science as humanity's great task thinks. He thinks of it in connection with development, and he regards it not as a desire but as a duty that he has recognized. And the more we acknowledge this, the more quickly we approach the future shaping of humanity in the sixth age. Just as in ancient Atlantis, near present-day Ireland, the advanced people moved east to found new cultures, so now we have the task of working towards the great moment in the sixth age when humanity will undertake a great spiritual ascent.
[ 21 ] We must try to get out of materialism again, and so spiritual societies must think of playing such a leading role in humanity, not out of immodesty and pride, but out of duty. So a certain group of people must come together to prepare the future. But this coming together is not to be understood in a local sense. All concepts of locality have then lost their meaning, because it is no longer a matter of tribal relationships; rather, what matters is that people all over the world come together spiritually to shape the future positively. That is why, when our age was sailing deepest into matter, the practical spiritual science was founded four hundred years ago by the Brotherhood of the Rosicrucians, which seeks to provide answers to all questions of everyday life. There you have the ascending development to the descending one.
[ 22 ] Just as the old knowledge has a disintegrating effect, as shown in Mauthner's “Critique of Language”, so the spiritual direction seeks the unifying bond of spiritual wisdom. Hence the new training in initiation, which aims directly at guiding humanity into a new cycle of time. Thus the principle of human development is linked with the concept of initiation.