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Theosophy of the Rosicrucian
GA 99

6 June 1907, Munich

Translated by Mabel Cotterell and Dorothy S. Osmond

XIV. The Nature of Initiation

WE have yet to speak today of the principle of Initiation, or esoteric training. And we will speak of the two methods of training which take into special consideration what has been explained here concerning human evolution. For we must be clear that in a certain way we find the truth by retracing our steps to earlier stages of humanity.

It has been said that the inhabitants of old Atlantis could perceive wisdom in all that surrounded them. The further we go back into the far past, the more we find states of consciousness through which men were able to perceive the creative powers which pervade the world, the spiritual beings which surround us. All that surrounds us has arisen through these creative beings and to see them is indeed the meaning of “knowledge.”

When mankind had developed to our present stage of consciousness (and this has only come about during our fifth post-Atlantean epoch) a longing was left in the soul to penetrate again into the spiritual realms. I have told you how in the ancient Indian people there lived from the beginning that deep longing to know the real spirit behind all that surrounds us in the world. We have seen how they had a feeling that all that surrounded them was a dream, an illusion; how their only task was to evolve upwards to the ancient wisdom that had worked creatively in early times. The pupils of the ancient Rishis strove to tread the path which led them through Yoga to look up into the realms from which they had themselves come down. They strove away from Maya to these spiritual realms above.

That is one way which man can take. The most recent way of attaining to wisdom is the Rosicrucian path. This path does not point man to the past but to the future, to those conditions which he will further live through. Through definite methods the pupil is taught to develop in himself the wisdom which exists in germ in every human being.

This is the way which was given through the Founder of the Rosicrucian esoteric stream, known to the outer world as Christian Rosenkreuz. It is not an unchristian way, rather is it a Christian path adapted to modern conditions, and lies between the actual Christian path and the Yoga path.

This path had been partially prepared long before the time of Christianity. It took on a special form through that great initiate, Dionysius the Areopagite, who in the esoteric school of Paul at Athens inaugurated the training from which all later esoteric wisdom and training have been derived.

These are the two paths of esoteric training particularly fitted for the West. All that is connected with our culture and the life we lead and must lead, is lifted up, raised into the principle of initiation through the Christian and through the Rosicrucian training. The purely Christian way is somewhat difficult for modern man, hence the Rosicrucian path has been introduced for those who have to live in the present age. If someone would take the old purely Christian path in the midst of modern life he must be able to cut himself off for a time from the world outside, in order to enter it again later all the more intensively. On the other hand the Rosicrucian path can be followed by all, no matter in what occupation or sphere of life they may be placed.

We will describe the purely Christian way. It is prescribed as to method in the most profound Christian book least understood by the representatives of Christian theology, the Gospel of St. John, and as to contents, in the Apocalypse or Secret Revelation.

The Gospel of St. John is a miraculous book: one must live it, not merely read it. One can live it if one understands that its utterances are precepts for the inner life, and that one must observe them in the right way. The Christian path demands of its disciple that he considers the St. John Gospel a book of meditation. A fundamental assumption, which is more or less absent in the Rosicrucian training, is that one possesses the most steadfast belief in the personality of Christ Jesus. The pupil must at least find it possible to believe that the most lofty Being, the Leader of the Fire-Spirits of the Sun evolution, was physically incorporated as Jesus of Nazareth; that Christ Jesus was not merely the “Simple Man of Nazareth,” not an individual like Socrates, Plato or Pythagoras. One must see his fundamental difference from all others. If one would undergo a purely Christian training one must be sure that in him lived a God-man of a unique nature, otherwise one has not the right basic feeling that enters the soul and awakens it. Therefore one must have an actual belief in the first words of the beginning of St. John's Gospel: “In the beginning was the Logos and the Logos was with God and a God was the Logos “to the words” And the Logos became flesh and dwelt among us.” Thus the same Spirit who was the ruler of the Fire-Spirits, who was linked with the transforming of the Earth, whom we also call the Spirit of the Earth, has actually dwelt among us in a garment of flesh, he was actually in a physical body. That must be recognised! If one cannot do this then it is better to undertake another method of training. One, however, who has accepted this basic condition and calls before his soul in meditation every morning through weeks and months the Gospel words down to the passage “full of grace and truth,” and moreover in such a way that he not only understands them, but lives within them, will experience them as an awakening force in the soul. For these are not ordinary words, but awakening forces which call forth other forces in the soul. The pupil must only have the patience to bring them before his soul continuously, every day, then they become the forces which the Christian training needs, aroused through the awakening of quite definite feelings. The Christian path is more an inner one, whereas in Rosicrucian training the experiences are kindled by the outer world.

The Christian path is pursued by an awakening of the feelings. There are seven stages of feeling which must be aroused. In addition are other exercises which are only given personally to the pupil, and suited to his special character. It is, however, indispensable to experience the 13th Chapter of St. John's Gospel, so to experience it as I will now describe. The teacher says to the pupil: You must develop quite definite feelings. Imagine the following: the plant grows from the soil, but is of a higher order than the mineral soil from which it grows. Nevertheless the plant needs it, the higher could not exist without the lower, and if the plant could think, it would have to say to the earth: It is true that I am higher than thou, yet without thee I cannot live. And it must incline itself to the earth in gratitude. Likewise must the animal bear itself to the plant, for it could not exist without plant life, and even so must the human being bear himself with regard to the animal. And if man has ascended higher, he must say to himself: I could never stand where I do without the lower. He must bow thankfully before them, for they have made it possible for him to exist. No creature in the world could subsist without the lower, to which it must feel gratitude. So even Christ, the very highest, could not exist without the twelve, and the feeling of his inclination to them in gratitude is powerfully portrayed in this 13th chapter. He, the highest of all, washes his disciples' feet.

If this is thought of in full wakefulness as a basic feeling in the human soul, if the pupil lives for weeks and months in reflection and contemplation which deepen this fundamental feeling—the gratitude with which the higher should look down to the lower to which it really owes its existence, then one awakens the first basic feeling. The pupil will have entered deeply enough into the experience when certain symptoms appear, an external symptom and an inner vision. The external symptom is that one feels the feet to be laved by water; in an inner vision one sees oneself as the Christ washing the feet of the twelve. This is the first stage, that of the Washing of the Feet. The event in the 13th Chapter of St. John's Gospel is not only an historical event, it can be experienced by all. It is an external symptomatic expression of the fact that the pupil has raised himself thus far in his life of feeling, nor does this sign fail to appear when he has progressed to this point in the enhancement of his feeling-life.

The second stage, the Scourging, is passed through if one deepens oneself in the following: How would it fare with you if the sufferings and blows of life broke in on you from every side? You should stand upright, you should make yourself strong to meet all the sorrows that life offers, and should bear them. This is the second fundamental feeling which must be experienced. The outer feeling of it is an irritation on the whole surface of the body, and a more inner expression is a vision in which one sees oneself scourged, at first in dream, and then in vision.

Then comes the third, which is the Crowning with Thorns. Here week-long, month-long one must live in the feeling: How would it fare with you, if you must not only undergo the sorrows and sufferings of life, but if even the holiest, your spiritual being, should be subjected to scorn and derision? And again, there must be no lamenting, it must be clear to the pupil that he must stand upright in spite of all. His inwardly developed strength must make him able to stand erect despite mockery and scorn. Whatever threatens to overthrow his soul he must stand erect! Then in an inner astral vision he sees himself with the crown of thorns and is sensible of an external pain on the head. This is the sign that he has advanced far enough in his life of feeling to be able to make this experience.

The fourth is the Crucifixion. Here the pupil must again develop a quite definite feeling. Today man identifies his body with his ego. One who would go through the Christian initiation must accustom himself to carry his body through the world as if it were a foreign object, a table, for instance. His body must become foreign to him, he bears it in and out of the doorway as something external, not himself. When a man has advanced far enough in this fundamental feeling, there is revealed to him what is called the “Ordeal of the Blood.” Certain reddenings of the skin appear on certain places in such a way that he can call forth the wounds of Christ, on the hands, the feet and on the right side of the breast. When the pupil by his depth of feeling is able to develop in himself the Blood Ordeal, the external symptom, then appears likewise the inner, the astral, in which he sees himself crucified.

The fifth is the Mystic Death. The pupil raises himself ever higher to the feeling: I belong to the whole world; I am as little an independent being as the finger on my hand. He feels himself embedded in the whole world, as if a part of it. Then he experiences the feeling that all around him grows dark, as if a black darkness envelops him, like a pall that becomes dense around him. During this time, the pupil of the Christian initiation learns to know all the sorrow and all the pain, all the evil and wickedness that attaches itself to mortal man. That is the Descent into Hell; each one must live through it. Then something comes to pass as if the veil were torn asunder, and the pupil sees into the spiritual worlds. This is called the Rending of the Veil.

The sixth is the Burial and Resurrection. When the pupil has advanced so far he must say: I have already accustomed myself to look on my body as something foreign, but now I see everything in the world as standing as near to me as my own body, which indeed is only taken from these substances. Every blossom, every stone, is as near to me as my body. Then the pupil is buried in the earthly planet. This stage is significantly linked with a new life, with the feeling of being united to the deepest Soul of the planet, with the soul of the Christ, who says, “those who eat my bread tread me underfoot.”

The seventh, the Ascension, cannot be described; one must have a soul that is no longer dependent on thinking through the instrument of the brain. In order to be sensible of what the pupil undergoes in what is called the Ascension, it is necessary to have a soul which can live through this feeling.

This passing through states of humility and deep devotion represents the nature of the Christian initiation, and he who earnestly goes through it experiences his resurrection in the spiritual worlds. Today it is not possible for all to undertake this path, and so the existence of another method leading to the higher worlds has become a necessity. That is the Rosicrucian method.

Here again I must refer to seven stages which will give a picture of the content of this training. Much of it has already been described in Lucifer-Gnosis,1Dr. Steiner refers to the articles in Lucifer-Gnosis afterwards published as Knowledge of the Higher Worlds. much can only be given from teacher to pupil within the school, and yet an idea must be formed of what the training provides. It has seven stages, though not consecutive, it is a question of the pupil's own individuality. The teacher prescribes what seems to him adapted to his pupil, and much else forms a part that cannot be made public.

The seven stages are the following:

  1. Study
  2. Imaginative knowledge
  3. Inspired knowledge, or reading the Occult Script
  4. Preparation of the Philosopher's Stone
  5. Correspondence between Macrocosm and Microcosm
  6. Living into the Macrocosm
  7. Divine Bliss

Study in the Rosicrucian sense is the ability to immerse oneself in a content of thought not taken from physical reality but from the higher worlds. This is called the life in pure thought. Modern philosophers for the most part deny this; they say that every thinking must have a certain vestige remaining from sense perception. This, however, is not the case, for no one, for example, can see a true circle; a circle must be seen in the mind; on the blackboard it is only a collection of tiny particles of chalk. One can only attain to a real circle if one leaves aside all examples, all actual things. Thus thinking in Mathematics is a super-sensible activity. But one must also learn to think supersensibly in other fields.

Initiates have always exercised this kind of thinking in regard to the being of man. Rosicrucian theosophy is such super-sensible knowledge, and its study, with which we are now occupied, is the first stage of the Rosicrucian training itself. I am not bringing forward Rosicrucian theosophy for any external reason, but because it is the first stage of the Rosicrucian Initiation. People think often enough that it is unnecessary to talk about the principles of man's being, or the evolution of humanity or the different planetary evolutions, they would rather acquire beautiful feelings, they do not want to study earnestly. Nevertheless, however many beautiful feelings one acquires in one's soul it is impossible to rise into the spiritual worlds by that alone. Rosicrucian theosophy does not try to arouse the feelings, but through the stupendous facts of the spiritual worlds to let the feelings themselves begin to resound. The Rosicrucian feels it a kind of impertinence to take people by storm with feelings. He leads them along the path of mankind's evolution in the belief that feelings will then arise of themselves. He calls up before them the planet journeying in universal space, knowing that when the soul experiences this fact it will be powerfully gripped in feeling. It is only an empty phrase to say one should address oneself direct to the feelings, that is just indolence. Rosicrucian theosophy lets the facts speak, and if these thoughts flow into the feeling nature and overpower it, then that is the right way. Only what the human being feels of his own accord can fill him with bliss or blessedness. The Rosicrucian lets the facts in the cosmos speak, for that is the most impersonal kind of teaching. It is a matter of indifference who stands before you; you must not be affected by a personality, but by what he tells you of the facts of world-becoming. Thus in the Rosicrucian training that direct veneration for the teacher is struck out, he does not claim it nor require it. He wishes to speak to the pupil of what exists, quite apart from himself. One who will press forward into the higher worlds must accustom himself to the kind of thinking in which one thought proceeds from another. A thinking of this nature is developed in my Philosophy of Spiritual Activity and Truth and Science. These books are not written in such a way that one can take a thought and put it in another place; much more are they written as an organism arises, one thought grows out of another. These books have nothing at all to do with the one who wrote them; he gave himself up to what the thoughts themselves worked out in him, how they linked themselves one to another.

Study, then, for one desiring to make a somewhat elementary approach means acquiring a certain knowledge of the elementary facts of spiritual science itself, whereas for one who wishes to go further it means an inner meditation in a thought-structure which lets one thought grow out of another, out of itself.

The second stage is Imaginative Knowledge, the knowledge which unites with what is given to the pupil in the study-stage. The study is the basis, it must be perfected through individual imaginative knowledge. If you think over various things that I have touched upon in the last lectures, you will find traces—in the echo for instance—of what were everyday occurrences on Saturn. It is possible to look on all around us as a physiognomy of an inner spiritual element. People walk over the earth and it is a conglomeration of rocks and stones to them, but men must learn to grasp that all surrounding them is the true physical expression for the Spirit of the Earth. Just as the body is ensouled, so is the earth planet the external expression for an indwelling spirit. When men look on the earth as possessing body and soul as man does, then only they have an idea of what Goethe meant when he said “All things corruptible are but a semblance.” When you see tears run down the human countenance you do not examine by the laws of physics how quickly or how slowly the tears roll down; they express to you the inner sadness of the soul, just as the smiling cheek is the expression for the soul's inner joy. The pupil must educate himself to see in each single flower in the meadow he crosses, the outer expression of a living being, the expression of the Spirit dwelling in the Earth. Some flowers seem to be tears, others are the joyful expression of the earth's Spirit. Every stone, every plant, every flower, all is for him the outer expression of the indwelling Earth Spirit, its physiognomy that speaks to him. And everything “corruptible” or transitory becomes a “semblance” of an eternal, expressing itself through it. Feelings like these had to be attained by the disciple of the Grail, and by the Rosicrucian. The teacher would say: Behold the flower chalice which receives the ray of the sun, the sun calls forth the pure productive forces which slumber in the plant and hence the sun's ray was called the “holy lance of love.” Look now at man; he stands higher than the plant, he has the same organs within him, but all that the plant harbours in itself, perfectly pure and chaste, is in him steeped in lust and impure desire. The future of human evolution consists in this: man will again be chaste and pure, and speak forth his likeness into the world through another organ which will be the transformed organ of generation. Chaste and pure without desire, without passion, man's generative organ will be; and as the calyx of the blossom turns upward to the holy love lance, it will turn to the spiritual ray of wisdom, and fructified by this will bring forth its own image. This organ will be the larynx.

The Grail pupil was shown: the plant on its lower stage has this pure chalice, man has lost it; he has degenerated to impure desires. Out of the spiritualised sun ray he must let this chalice come again, in chastity he must develop that which forms the Holy Grail of the future.

Thus the pupil looks up to the great Ideal. What comes to pass in the slow evolution of the whole human race is experienced earlier by the initiate. He shows us mankind's evolution in pictures and these pictures work quite differently from the abstract thoughts which have been produced by the modern materialistic age. If you picture evolution in such lofty and powerful pictures as the Grail, then the effect is different from that of ordinary knowledge, which is unable to exercise any deep influence on your organism. Imaginative knowledge works down on the etheric body and thence on to the blood and this is the medium which acts formatively on the organism. Man will become increasingly more able to work on his organism through his etheric body. All imaginative knowledge based on truth is at the same time healing and health giving, it makes the blood healthy in its circulation. The best educator is imaginative knowledge, if man is only strong and devoted enough for it to be able to work on him.

The third stage is Reading in the Occult Script, that is, not only seeing isolated pictures but letting the relationship of these pictures work upon one. This becomes what is called occult script. One begins to coordinate the lines of force which stream creatively through the world forming them into definite figures and colour-forms through the imagination. One learns to discover an inner connection which is expressed in these figures and this acts as spiritual tone, as the sphere-harmony, for the figures are founded on true cosmic proportions. Our script is a last decadent relic of this old occult writing and is modeled on it.

One comes to the fourth, Preparing the Philosopher's Stone, through exercises of the breathing process. If man breathes as ordained by nature he needs the plant-world for his breathing.

If the plant were not there he could not live, for it gives him oxygen and assimilates the carbon which he himself breathes out. The plant builds its own organism from this and gives back oxygen, thus through the plant world oxygen is continually renewed for man. Humanity could not exist by itself; eliminate the plant world and mankind would in a short time die out. So you see the cycle: you breathe in oxygen which the plant breathes out, you breathe out carbon which the plant inhales and from which it builds up its own bodily nature. Thus the plant belongs to me, it is the instrument by which my life is sustained. You may see in the coal how the plant builds its body from carbon, for coal is nothing else than the dead remains of plants.

Rosicrucian training guides the pupil through a definitely regulated breathing process to form that organ that can within himself effect the transformation of carbon into oxygen. What is today done by the plant externally, will later on, through a future organ which the pupil is already developing through his training, be effected in man himself This is slowly being prepared. Through the regulated breathing process man will bear in himself the instrument for the preparation of oxygen; he will have become akin to the plant, whereas now he is of a mineral nature. He will retain the carbon in himself and build his body from it, and hence his body will later on be more plant-like, then he can turn towards the holy love lance. The whole of humanity will then possess a consciousness like that gained by the initiate today when he raises himself into the higher worlds.

This is called the transmutation of human substance into that substance of which carbon itself is the basis. This is the Alchemy which leads man to build up his own body as does the plant today. One calls this the preparation of the “Philosopher's Stone” and carbon is its outer symbol. But it is not the Philosopher's Stone until the pupil can create it himself through his regulated breathing process. The teaching can only be given from teacher to pupil, it is wrapped in deep secrecy, and only after he is completely purified and made ready can the pupil receive this mystery. If it were to be made public today, then men in their egoism would gratify their lowest needs through the misuse of this highest mystery.

The fifth is the Correspondence of Microcosm and Macrocosm. When we survey the path of human evolution we see that what lies within man today has gradually entered from without—for instance, the glands were an external growth on the Sun, like our modern fungi; all that today lies within the human skin was once outside. The human body is, as it were, pieced together from what was spread outside it, each separate member of your physical body, etheric body and astral body was somewhere outside in the universe. This is the macrocosm in the microcosm. Your very soul was outside in the Godhead. Whatever is within us corresponds to something which is outside, and we must learn to know the true correspondences in ourselves.

You know the spot on the brow just above the root of the nose; it expresses the fact that a certain something which was formerly outside has drawn into man. If you penetrate this organ in meditation, sink yourself into it, this denotes more than a mere brooding in this point, you learn to know then the part of the outer world which corresponds to it. The larynx, too, you get to know and the forces which build it. Thus you learn about the macrocosm through sinking yourself into your own body. This is no mere brooding within yourself! You should not say: God is within and I will seek Him. You would only find the puny human being whom you yourself magnify into God! One who only speaks of this inward brooding never comes to real knowledge. To reach this by the path of Rosicrucian Theosophy is less comfortable and demands real work. The universe is full of beautiful and marvelous things, one must be absorbed in these, one must seek God in his individual expressions, then one can find him in oneself and then only does one learn to know God as One. The world is like a great book. We find its letters in created things, we must read these from beginning to end, and then we learn to read the book microcosm and the book macrocosm from beginning to end.

This is no longer a mere understanding, it lives over into feeling, it fuses the human being with the whole universe and he feels all things to be the expression of the divine Spirit of the Earth. If a man has reached this point, he voluntarily performs all his deeds in accordance with the will of the whole cosmos and this is what is known as Divine Bliss.

When we are able to think thus, we are treading the Rosicrucian path. The Christian school is based more on the development of inner feelings, in the Rosicrucian school all that is spread out in physical reality as the divine nature of the earth is allowed to work upon us and reverberate in us as feeling. These are two ways which are open to all. If you think in the manner of modern thought then you can take the Rosicrucian path, no matter how scientific you may be. Modern science is an assistance if you do not merely study cosmic evolution, reading the letters, as it were, but carry your research into what is concealed behind, just as in a book one does not consider the letters but reads the meaning by their aid. You must seek the spirit behind science, then science becomes to you but the letter for the spirit.

What has been said is not meant to be a comprehensive account of the Rosicrucian training, it is only meant to serve as an indication of what can be found in it. It is a path for present day man, it makes him capable of working into the future. These are only the elementary stages, to give some idea of the way. We can thus realise how through the Rosicrucian method one may oneself penetrate into the higher mysteries.

Spiritual Science is necessary to humanity for its further progress. What is to take place for the transforming of mankind must be brought about through men themselves. He who accepts the truth in his present incarnation will mould for himself in later incarnations the outer form for the deeper truths.

Thus what we have discussed in this lecture course is coordinated to a whole. It is the instrument which is to work creatively for future civilisation. It is taught today because the man of the future needs these teachings, because they must be directed into the evolutionary path of mankind. Everyone who will not accept this truth of the future, lives at the cost of other men. But he who accepts it lives for others, even if at first he is impelled by an egoistic longing for the higher worlds. If the path is the right one then it is of itself the destroyer of self seeking and the best educator of selflessness.

Occult development is now needed by mankind and must be implanted into it. An earnest, true striving for truth, step by step, this alone leads to genuine brotherliness, this is the magician which can best bring about the uniting of humanity. This will serve as the means to bring about humanity's great goal, unity; and we shall reach this goal when we develop the means to it in ourselves, when we seek to acquire these means in the noblest, purest way, for it is a matter of hallowing humanity through these means.

Thus Spiritual Science appears to us not only as a great ideal, but as a force with which we permeate ourselves and out of which knowledge wells up for us. Spiritual Science will become increasingly more widespread, it will penetrate more and more all the religious and practical aspects of life, just as the great law of existence penetrates all beings; it is a factor in humanity's evolution.

This is the sense in which these lectures on Rosicrucian Theosophy have been given. If it has been understood, not only abstractly, but so that feelings have been evoked through knowledge of facts, then it can work directly into life. When this knowledge flows into all our members, from head to heart and thence into the hand, into all that we do and create, then we have grasped the foundations of spiritual science. Then we have grasped the great task of civilisation which is laid in our hands, and then from this knowledge feelings, too, are developed which one who likes to take things easily would prefer to develop direct.

Rosicrucian Theosophy does not wish to revel in feelings, it wishes to bring the facts of the spirit before your eyes. The pupil must take part, must let himself be stimulated by the facts which have been described, feelings and sensations must be aroused in him through them. In this sense Spiritual Science should become a powerful impulse for the sphere of feeling, but at the same time be that which leads us direct into the facts of super-sensible perceptions, which lets them first arise as thoughts and then leads the seeker upward into the higher worlds.

This was intended to be the significance of these lectures.

Vierzehnter Vortrag

[ 1 ] Heute wollen wir noch von dem Prinzip der Einweihung oder der esoterischen Schulung sprechen. Und zwar wollen wir von den beiden Methoden der Schulung sprechen, welche vor allen Dingen dasjenige in Betracht ziehen, was hier über die Entwickelung der Menschheit auseinandergeserzt worden ist; denn man muß sich klarmachen, daß man in einer gewissen Weise die Wahrheit findet in einem Sich-zurückVersetzen in frühere Menschheitszustände.

[ 2 ] Es ist gesagt worden, daß die Menschen der alten Atlantis aus allem, was sie umgab, Weisheit wahrnehmen konnten. Je weiter wir zurückgehen in urferne Vergangenheiten, desto mehr finden wir Bewußtseinszustände, durch welche die Menschen imstande waren, die schaffenden Kräfte, welche die Welt durchziehen, die geistigen Wesenheiten, die uns umgeben, wahrzunehmen. Alles, was uns umgibt, ist entstanden durch diese schaffenden Wesenheiten, und sie sehen heißt eben erkennen.

[ 3 ] Als die Menschheit sich herausentwickelt hatte zu unserem gegenwärtigen Bewußtseinszustande, eigentlich erst während unseres fünften nachatlantischen Zeitalters, da fühlte sie in der Seele die Sehnsucht, wiederum einzudringen in die geistigen Reiche. Und ich habe Ihnen gesagt, wie in dem alten indischen Volke jene tiefe Sehnsucht ursprünglich lebte, hinter allem, was uns in der Welt umgibt, das eigentlich Geistige zu erkennen, wie bei ihm die Anschauung entstand: Alles, was uns umgibt, ist ein Traum, eine Illusion; unsere einzige Aufgabe ist, uns hinaufzuentwickeln zu der alten Weisheit, die geschaffen und gewirkt hat in alten Zeiten. — Die Schüler der alten Rischis haben getrachtet, den Weg anzutreten, der sie durch Yoga dahin brachte, hinaufzuschauen in die Reiche, aus denen sie selbst heruntergestiegen waren. Von Maja fort strebten sie hinauf in diese geistigen Reiche.

[ 4 ] Das ist der eine Weg, den der Mensch machen kann. Der neueste Weg, den es gibt, um zu der Weisheit emporzusteigen, ist der Rosenkreuzer-Weg. Dieser Weg weist den Menschen nicht in die Vergangenheit, sondern in die Zukunft, in diejenigen Zustände, die der Mensch wiederum durchleben wird. Es wird gelehrt, durch bestimmte Methoden die Weisheit, die im Menschen veranlagt ist, aus sich selbst zu entwickeln. Das ist der Weg, der gegeben wurde durch den Begründer der rosenkreuzerischen esoterischen Bewegung, äußerlich Christian Rosenkreutz genannt. Nicht ein unchristlicher Weg ist das; er ist nur ein für die modernen Verhältnisse eingerichteter christlicher Weg, der zwischen dem eigentlichen christlichen und dem Yogaweg liegt.

[ 5 ] Dieser Weg hat sich zum Teil schon lange vor dem Christentum vorbereitet. Er nahm eine besondere Gestalt an durch jenen großen Eingeweihten, der in der esoterischen Schule des Paulus zu Athen als Dionysius der Areopagite jene Schulung begründete, aus der alle spätere esoterische Weisheit und Schulung hervorgegangen ist.

[ 6 ] Das sind die beiden vorzugsweise für das Abendland gangbaren Wege der esoterischen Schulung. Alles, was mit unserer Kultur und dem Leben, das wir führen und das wir führen müssen, zusammenhängt, alles das wird erhöht und bis zu dem Prinzip der Einweihung erhoben durch die christliche und durch die rosenkreuzerische Schulung. Der rein christliche Weg ist für den heutigen Menschen etwas schwer; daher ist der rosenkreuzerische Weg eingeführt worden für den Menschen, der in der Gegenwart leben muß. Wer den alten, rein christlichen Weg inmitten des modernen Lebens gehen will, der muß die Möglichkeit haben, sich für eine Zeitlang loslösen zu können von dem äußeren Leben, um nachher wieder um so intensiver hineinzutreten in dieses Leben. Den rosenkreuzerischen Weg aber kann ein jeder gehen, in welchem Berufe und in welcher Lebenssphäre er auch stehen mag.

[ 7 ] Wir wollen den rein christlichen Weg charakterisieren. Er ist der Methode nach in dem tiefsten christlichen Buche, das von den Vertretern der christlichen Theologie am wenigsten verstanden wird, im Johannes-Evangelium, vorgeschrieben, und dem Inhalte nach in der Apokalypse oder geheimen Offenbarung.

[ 8 ] Das Johannes-Evangelium ist ein wunderbares Buch; man muß es leben, nicht bloß lesen. Man kann es leben, indem man sich darüber klar ist, daß das, was darinnen steht, Vorschriften sind für das innere Leben und daß man sie in der richtigen Weise beobachten muß. Der christliche Weg verlangt von seinem Zögling, daß er das Johannes-Evangeliums als ein Meditationsbuch ansieht. Eine Grundvoraussetzung, die bei der Rosenkreuzer-Schulung mehr oder weniger fortfällt, ist die, daß man den strengsten Glauben hat an die Persönlichkeit des Christus Jesus. Man muß wenigstens die Möglichkeit des Glaubens in sich tragen, daß diese höchste Individualität, dieser Führer der Feuergeister der Sonnenzeit, als Jesus von Nazareth physisch verkörpert war; daß das nicht nur «der schlichte Mann aus Nazareth» war, nicht eine Individualität ähnlich wie Sokrates, Plato oder Pythagoras. Man muß seine grundsätzliche Verschiedenheit von allen andern einsehen. Den Gottmenschen einzigartiger Natur muß man in ihm festhalten, wenn man eine rein christliche Schulung durchmachen will, sonst hat man nicht das richtige Grundgefühl, das weckend in der Seele auftritt. Daher muß man wirklich glauben können an die ersten Worte des Johannes-Evangeliums: «Im Anfang war der Logos, und der Logos war bei Gott, und ein Gott war der Logos» bis zu den Worten: «Und der Logos ward Fleisch und hat unter uns gewohnt.» Also derselbe Geist, der der Beherrscher der Feuergeister war, der mit der Umgestaltung der Erde verbunden war, den wir auch den Geist der Erde nennen, der hat wirklich unter uns gewohnt in einer fleischlichen Hülle, er war wirklich darinnen in einem physischen Leibe. Das muß man anerkennen. Kann man das nicht, dann mache man lieber eine andere Schulung durch. Wer aber in dieser Grundvoraussetzung sich die Worte des Johannes-Evangeliums bis zu der Stelle: «voller Hingabe und Wahrheit» jeden Morgen durch Wochen und Monate hindurch meditativ vor die Seele ruft, und zwar so, daß er sie nicht nur versteht, sondern daß er darin lebt, für den werden sie eine weckende Kraft für die Seele haben; denn dies sind nicht gewöhnliche Worte, sondern weckende Kräfte, die in der Seele andere Kräfte hervorrufen. Nur muß der Schüler die Geduld haben, sie immer wieder, jeden Tag, vor die Seele zu rufen. Dann werden die Kräfte, die die christliche Schulung braucht, durch Erweckung ganz bestimmter Gefühle wachgerufen. Der christliche Weg ist mehr ein innerlicher, während in der Rosenkreuzer-Schulung die Empfindungen an der Außenwelt entzündet werden.

[ 9 ] Der christliche Weg ist ein Weg durch Wachrufen von Gefühlen. Es sind sieben Stufen von Gefühlen, die wachgerufen werden müssen. Dazu kommen andere Übungen, die nur von Mensch zu Mensch gegeben werden und auf den einzelnen Charakter zugeschnitten sind. Unerläßlich ist es aber, das 13. Kapitel des Johannes-Evangeliums zu erleben, so zu erleben, wie ich es jetzt schildern will. Der Lehrer sagt zum Schüler: Du mußt ganz bestimmte Gefühle in dir ausbilden. Stelle dir vor: Die Pflanze wächst heraus aus dem Erdboden. Sie ist höher als der mineralische Erdboden, aus dem sie herauswächst, aber sie braucht ihn. Sie, das Höhere, könnte nicht sein ohne das Niedere. Und wenn die Pflanze denken könnte, so müßte sie zur Erde sagen: Zwar bin ich höher als du, doch ohne dich kann ich nicht sein — und dankbar müßte sie sich zu ihr hinneigen. Ebenso müßte es das Tier der Pflanze gegenüber tun, denn ohne Pflanze könnte es nicht sein, und ebenso der Mensch dem Tier gegenüber. Und wenn der Mensch höher gestiegen sein wird, dann muß er sich sagen: Niemals könnte ich auf meiner Stufe stehen ohne die niedere. Dankbar muß er sich neigen gegen sie, denn sie hat es ihm möglich gemacht, daß er bestehen kann. Kein Wesen auf der Welt könnte bestehen ohne das Niedere, dem es dankbar sein müßte. So auch konnte der Christus, das Höchste, nicht bestehen ohne die Zwölfe, und gewaltig ist das Gefühl des sich dankbar zu ihnen Hinneigens dargestellt im 13. Kapitel des Johannes-Evangeliums: Er, der Höchste, wäscht seinen Jüngern die Füße.

[ 10 ] Wenn man sich dies als Grundgefühl in der Menschenseele erwachend denkt, wenn der Schüler wochen- und monatelang in Betrachtungen und Kontemplationen lebt, die ihm dieses Grundgefühl in der Seele vertiefen, wie dankbar das Höhere herunterschauen soll zum Niederen, das es ihm möglich macht zu leben, dann erweckt man ein erstes Grundgefühl, und man hat es genügend durchkostet in dem Moment, wo gewisse Symptome auftreten: ein äußeres Symptom und eine innere Vision. Das äußere Symptom ist, daß der Mensch seine Füße wie von Wasser umspült fühlt; in einer inneren Vision sieht er sich selbst als Christus den Zwölfen die Füße waschen. Das ist die erste Stufe, die der Fußwaschung. Das ist nicht nur ein historisches Ereignis; ein jeder kann es erleben, das Ereignis des 13. Kapitels des Johannes-Evangeliums. Es ist ein äußerer symptomatischer Ausdruck dafür, daß der Mensch in seiner Gefühlswelt so weit hinaufgestiegen ist, um das erleben zu können, und er kann nicht in seiner Gefühlswelt so weit hinaufsteigen, ohne daß dieses Symptom auftritt.

[ 11 ] Die zweite Stufe, die Geißelung, macht man durch, wenn man sich in folgendes vertieft: Wie wird es dir ergehen, wenn von allen Seiten die Schmerzen und Geißelhiebe des Lebens auf dich einstürmen? Aufrecht sollst du stehen, stärken sollst du dich gegen alles, was das Leben an Leiden bietet, und ertragen sollst du es. — Das ist das zweite Grundgefühl, das durchgemacht werden muß. Das äußere Gefühl dafür ist ein Jucken und Zucken an allen Stellen des äußeren Leibes, und ein mehr innerer Ausdruck ist eine Vision, in der man sich selbst gegeißelt sieht, zuerst im Traum, dann visionär.

[ 12 ] Dann kommt das dritte, das ist die Dornenkrönung. Da muß man wochen- und monatelang die Empfindung durchmachen: Wie wird es dir ergehen, wenn du nicht nur die Leiden und Schmerzen des Lebens durchmachen sollst, sondern wenn sogar das Heiligste, deine geistige Wesenheit, dir mit Spott und Hohn übergossen wird? — Und wieder darf es kein Klagen sein, sondern klar muß es dem Schüler sein, daß er trotzdem aufrecht stehen muß. Seine innere Stärke-Entwickelung muß es ihm möglich machen, daß er trotz Hohn und Spott aufrecht steht. Was auch immer seine Seele zu vernichten droht, er steht aufrecht! Dann sieht er in einer inneren astralen Vision sich selbst mit der Dornenkrone und empfindet einen äußeren Schmerz am Kopfe. Das ist das Symptom, daß er weit genug in seiner Gefühlswelt vorgeschritten ist, um diese Erfahrungen machen zu dürfen.

[ 13 ] Das vierte ist die Kreuzigung. Da muß der Schüler wieder ein ganz bestimmtes Gefühl in sich entwickeln. Heute identifiziert der Mensch seinen Leib mit seinem Ich. Wer die christliche Einweihung durchmachen will, muß sich gewöhnen, seinen Leib so durch die Welt zu tragen, wie man einen fremden Gegenstand, etwa einen Tisch, trägt. Fremd muß ihm sein Leib werden. Wie ein Fremdes trägt er ihn zur Tür hinein, zur Tür hinaus. Wenn der Mensch in diesem Grundgefühl genügend weit vorgeschritten ist, zeigt sich ihm das, was man die Blutsprobe nennt. Gewisse Rötungen der Haut an bestimmten Stellen treten so auf, daß der Mensch die Wundmale Christi hervorrufen kann, an den Händen, den Füßen und an der rechten Seite der Brust. Wenn der Mensch durch die Wärme des Gefühls imstande ist, die Blutprobe in sich zu entwickeln, was das äußere Symptom ist, dann tritt auch das Innere, Astrale ein, daß der Mensch sich selbst gekreuzigt sieht.

[ 14 ] Das fünfte ist der mystische Tod. Der Mensch schwingt sich immer mehr und mehr hinauf zu der Empfindung: Ich gehöre in die ganze Welt hinein. Ich bin so wenig ein selbständiges Wesen wie der Finger an meiner Hand. — Eingebettet fühlt er sich in die ganze übrige Welt, wie zu ihr gehörig. Dann erlebt er, als ob alles um ihn herum sich verdüstere, als ob eine schwarze Finsternis ihn einhülle, wie ein Vorhang, der sich um ihn verdichtet. Während dieser Zeit lernt der christlich Einzuweihende alles Leid und alle Schmerzen, alles Böse und alles Unheil, das der Kreatur anhaftet, kennen. Das ist das Hinabsteigen in die Hölle; das muß jeder erleben. Dann tritt etwas ein, wie wenn der Vorhang risse, und der Mensch sieht dann hinein in die geistigen Welten. Das nennt man das Zerreißen des Vorhangs.

[ 15 ] Das sechste ist die Grablegung und Auferstehung. Wenn der Mensch so weit ist, muß er sagen können: Ich habe mich schon daran gewöhnt, meinen Leib als ein Fremdes anzusehen, aber jetzt betrachte ich alles auf der Welt als mir so nahestehend wie meinen eigenen Leib, der ja nur aus diesen Stoffen genommen ist. Eine jede Blume, ein jeder Stein steht mir so nahe wie mein Leib. — Dann ist der Mensch in dem Erdenplaneten begraben. Notwendig verbunden ist diese Stufe mit einem neuen Leben, mit dem Sich-vereinigt-Fühlen mit der tiefsten Seele des Planeten, mit der Christus-Seele, die da sagt: Die mein Brot essen, die treten mich mit Füßen.

[ 16 ] Das siebente, die Himmelfahrt, läßt sich nicht beschreiben. Man muß eine Seele haben, die nicht mehr darauf angewiesen ist, durch das Instrument des Gehirns zu denken. Um das zu empfinden, was der Betreffende als das, was man Himmelfahrt nennt, durchmacht, muß man eine Seele haben, die dieses Gefühl erleben kann.

[ 17 ] Das Durchgehen durch demütig hingebungsvolle Zustände stellt das Wesen der christlichen Einweihung dar. Wer sie so ernsthaftig durchgeht, der erlebt seine Auferstehung in den geistigen Welten. Nicht jeder kann das heute durchführen. Daher ist es notwendig, daß eine andere Methode besteht, die zu den höheren Welten hinaufführt. Das ist die rosenkreuzerische Methode.

[ 18 ] Davon möchte ich auch wiederum sieben Glieder anführen, die ein Bild davon geben sollen, was es innerhalb dieser Schulung gibt. Manches ist davon bereits beschrieben in «Luzifer-Gnosis», manches kann nur innerhalb der Schulung selbst von Mensch zu Mensch gegeben werden, doch muß man sich einen Begriff davon machen, was die Schulung dem Menschen gibt. Sie hat wiederum sieben Stufen, doch nicht nacheinander; es kommt dabei auf die Individualität des Schülers an. Der Lehrer gibt das an, was ihm geeignet erscheint für seinen Schüler, und vieles andere tritt noch dazu, das sich der äußeren Erörterung entzieht.

Die sieben Stufen sind folgende:

1. Studium
2. Imaginative Erkenntnis
3. Inspirierte Erkenntnis oder Lesen der okkulten Schrift
4. Bereitung des Steins der Weisen
5. Entsprechung zwischen Makrokosmos und Mikrokosmos
6. Hineinleben in den Makrokosmos
7. Gottseligkeit

[ 19 ] Das Studium im Rosenkreuzer-Sinne ist das Sich-vertiefen-Können in einen solchen Gedankeninhalt, der nicht der physischen Wirklichkeit, sondern der den höheren Welten entnommen ist; das, was man das Leben im reinen Gedanken nennt. Das wird sogar von den heutigen Philosophen meistenteils geleugnet; sie sagen, ein jedes Denken müsse einen gewissen Rest von sinnlicher Anschauung haben. Das ist aber nicht der Fall, denn kein Mensch kann zum Beispiel einen wirklichen Kreis sehen. Einen Kreis muß man im Geiste sehen; auf der Tafel ist er nur eine Anhäufung kleiner Kreideteilchen. Einen wirklichen Kreis kann man nur erlangen, wenn man absieht von allen Beispielen, von der äußeren Wirklichkeit. So ist in der Mathematik das Denken ein übersinnliches. Aber auch in den anderen Dingen der Welt muß man übersinnlich denken lernen, und eine solche Denkweise haben die Eingeweihten immer über das Wesen des Menschen gehabt. Die Rosenkreuzer-Theosophie ist eine solche übersinnliche Erkenntnis, und ihr Studium, wie wir es jetzt getrieben haben, ist die erste Stufe für die Rosenkreuzer-Schulung selbst. Nicht aus einem äußeren Grunde trage ich die rosenkreuzerische Theosophie vor, sondern weil dies die erste Stufe der rosenkreuzerischen Einweihung ist.

[ 20 ] Die Menschen denken wohl oft, es sei unnötig, über die Glieder der Menschennatur oder die Evolution der Menschheit oder die verschiedenen planetarischen Entwickelungen zu reden. Sie möchten sich lieber schöne Gefühle aneignen, ernsthaft studieren wollen sie nicht. Doch wenn man sich auch noch so viele schöne Gefühle aneignet in der Seele, es ist unmöglich, dadurch allein in die höheren Welten hinaufzukommen. Nicht Gefühle will die Rosenkreuzer-Theosophie erregen, sondern durch die gewaltigen Tatsachen der geistigen Welten die Gefühle selbst antönen lassen. Als eine Art von Schamlosigkeit empfindet es der Rosenkreuzer, wenn er auf die Menschen losstürmt mit Gefühlen. Er führt sie hinein in den Werdegang der Menschheit in der Voraussetzung, daß die Gefühle dann von selbst entstehen. Er läßt vor ihnen erstehen den wandelnden Planeten im Weltenraume, und wenn die Seele diese Tatsachen erlebt, dann soll sie mächtig ergriffen werden in ihren Gefühlen. Es ist nur eine Herumrederei, wenn man sagt, man solle sich direkt an das Gefühl wenden. Das ist nur eine Bequemlichkeit. Die Rosenkreuzer-Theosophie läßt die Tatsachen sprechen, und wenn diese Gedanken dann in das Gefühl einfließen, es überwältigen, dann ist das der rechte Weg. Nur was der Mensch aus sich selbst empfindet, kann ihn beseligen. Der Rosenkreuzer läßt die Tatsachen im Kosmos sprechen, denn das ist die unpersönlichste Art zu lehren. Es ist ganz gleichgültig, wer vor Ihnen steht, denn nicht durch eine Persönlichkeit sollen Sie ergriffen werden, sondern durch das, was diese Persönlichkeit von den Tatsachen des Weltenwerdens zu Ihnen spricht. Daher ist in der Rosenkreuzer-Schulung jede unmittelbare Verehrung für den Lehrer gestrichen. Er beansprucht sie nicht, er braucht sie nicht. Er will sprechen zum Schüler von dem, was ohne ihn da ist.

[ 21 ] Derjenige, der dann hinaufdringen will in die höheren Welten, muß sich an jenes Denken gewöhnen, das einen Gedanken aus dem andern hervorgehen läßt. Ein solches Denken ist entwickelt in meiner «Philosophie der Freiheit» und «Wahrheit und Wissenschaft». Diese Bücher sind nicht so geschrieben, daß man einen Gedanken nehmen und an eine andere Stelle hinsetzen könnte; sie sind vielmehr so geschrieben, wie ein Organismus entsteht; ebenso wächst ein Gedanke aus dem andern hervor. Diese Bücher haben gar nichts zu tun mit dem, der sie geschrieben hat. Er überließ sich dem, was die Gedanken selbst in ihm erarbeiteten, wie sie sich selbst gliederten.

[ 22 ] So ist das Studium für den, der es in einer gewissen elementaren Weise absolvieren will, ein Sich-bekannt-Machen mit den elementaren Tatsachen der Geisteswissenschaft selber, während für den, der höher hinauf will, es ein Vertiefen in ein Gedankengebäude ist, das einen Gedanken aus dem andern, aus sich selbst herauswachsen läßt.

[ 23 ] Die zweite Stufe ist die imaginative Erkenntnis, die Erkenntnis, die sich angliedert an das, was dem Menschen durch das Denken im Studium übermittelt wird. Das ist die Grundlage; sie muß weiter ausgebildet werden durch die eigene imaginative Erkenntnis. Wenn Sie sich manches klarmachen, was ich Ihnen in den letzten Vorträgen angedeutet habe, dann werden Sie zum Beispiel im Echo Nachklänge von Vorgängen empfinden, die auf dem Saturn gang und gäbe waren. Es gibt eine Möglichkeit, alles um uns herum als Physiognomie für eine innere Geistigkeit anzusehen. Die Menschen gehen über die Erde; sie ist ihnen ein Konglomerat von Felsen und Steinen; aber der Mensch muß begreifen lernen, daß alles um ihn herum der wahre physische Ausdruck für den Geist der Erde ist. Ebenso, wie der Leib durchseelt ist, so ist der Erdenplanet der äußere Ausdruck für einen innewohnenden Geist. Wenn die Menschen so die Erde ansehen wie einen Menschen, mit Leib und Seele, erst dann haben sie einen Begriff von dem, was Goethe gemeint hat, als er sagte: «Alles Vergängliche ist nur ein Gleichnis.» Wenn Sie im Menschenantlitz die Träne herunterperlen sehen, untersuchen Sie nicht mit den Gesetzen der Physik, wie schnell oder wie langsam die Träne herunterperlt, sondern sie ist Ihnen ein Ausdruck für die innere Traurigkeit der Seele, ebenso wie die lächelnde Wange der Ausdruck ist für die innere Heiterkeit der Seele. Der Schüler muß sich dazu erheben, daß er, wenn er über eine Wiese geht, in einer jeden Blume den äußeren Ausdruck eines Lebewesens sieht, den Ausdruck eines inneren Erdengeistes. Wie perlende Tränen kommen ihm manche Blumen vor; andere sind ihm der freudige Ausdruck des Geistes der Erde. Jeder Stein, jede Pflanze, jede Blume, alles ist ihm der äußere Ausdruck für den inneren Erdengeist, seine Physiognomie, die zu ihm spricht. Und alles Vergängliche wird ihm ein Gleichnis für ein Ewiges, das sich in ihm ausspricht.

[ 24 ] So hat der Gralsschüler und Rosenkreuzer empfinden müssen. Man sagte ihm: Sieh dir an den Blumenkelch, der den Sonnenstrahl empfängt. Er ruft die reinen produktiven Kräfte hervor, die in der Pflanze schlummern. Darum wird der Sonnenstrahl die «heilige Liebeslanze» genannt. Blicke nun hin auf den Menschen. Er steht höher als die Pflanze. Er hat dieselben Organe in sich, aber bei ihm ist durchdrungen von unkeuscher Lust und Begierde das, was die Pflanze vollkommen rein und keusch in sich birgt. — Die Zukunft der Menschenentwickelung besteht darin, daß der Mensch wiederum keusch und rein durch ein anderes Organ, das sein umgewandeltes produktives Organ sein wird, sein Ebenbild hinaussprechen wird in die Welt hinein. Keusch und rein, ohne Trieb, ohne Begierde, wie der Blumenkelch sich keusch hinaufwendet zu der heiligen Liebeslanze, wird des Menschen Produktionsorgan sein. Dem geistigen Strahl der Weisheit wird er sich entgegenwenden, und der wird ihn befruchten zur Hervorbringung eines ebenbildlichen Wesens. Der Kehlkopf wird dieses Organ sein. Der Gralsschüler wurde darauf hingewiesen: Die Pflanze auf ihrer niederen Stufe hat diesen keuschen Kelch, der Mensch hat ihn verloren. Er hat sich herunterentwickelt in die unkeusche Begierde. Aus dem vergeistigten Sonnenstrahl soll er ihn wiederum entstehen lassen. In Keuschheit soll er entwickeln dasjenige, was da schafft den heiligen Gral der Zukunft.

[ 25 ] So sieht der Schüler zum großen Ideal hinauf. Das, was in langsamer Entwickelung der ganzen Menschheit geschieht, das erlebt der Eingeweihte schon früher. Er zeigt uns die Menschheitsevolution im Bilde, und diese Bilder wirken ganz anders als die abstrakten Begriffe, die das heutige materialistische Zeitalter hervorgebracht hat. Wenn Sie sich diese Entwickelung in solchen hohen und gewaltigen Bildern, wie der Gral eines ist, vorstellen, dann ist die Wirkung eine andere als die der gewöhnlichen Erkenntnis, die keine tiefen Wirkungen auf Ihren Organismus auszuüben vermag. Die imaginative Erkenntnis arbeitet hinunter auf den Ätherleib und wirkt von da auf das Blut, und dieses ist der Vermittler, der umgestaltend wirkt auf den Organismus. Immer fähiger wird der Mensch, durch seinen Ätherleib an seinem Organismus zu arbeiten. Alle imaginative Erkenntnis, die von der Wahrheit ausgeht, ist zu gleicher Zeit gesundend und heilsam; sie macht das Blut in seinem Kreislauf gesund. Der beste Erzieher ist die imaginative Erkenntnis, wenn der Mensch nur stark und hingebungsvoll genug ist, daß sie auf ihn wirken kann.

[ 26 ] Die dritte Stufe ist das Lesen der okkulten Schrift, das heißt, nicht nur einzelne Bilder sehen, sondern das Verhältnis dieser verschiedenen Bilder auf sich wirken lassen. Das wird zu dem, was man okkulte Schrift nennt. Man beginnt die Kraftlinien, die schöpferisch durch die Welt gehen, durch die Imagination zu gewissen Figuren und Farbengestaltungen zu ordnen. Man lernt einen inneren Zusammenhang, der in jenen Figuren ausgedrückt ist, empfinden: das wirkt als der geistige Ton, als die Sphärenharmonie, denn jene Figuren sind den wahren Weltverhältnissen nachgebildet. Unsere Schrift ist ein letzter dekadenter Rest dieser alten okkulten Schrift und ihr nachgebildet.

[ 27 ] Zu dem vierten, «Bereitung des Steins der Weisen», kommt der Mensch durch Übungen des Atmungsprozesses. Wenn der Mensch so atmet, wie der Naturprozeß es ihm vorgeschrieben, dann braucht er die Pflanze zum Atmen. Wenn die Pflanze nicht da wäre, könnte er nicht leben, denn die Pflanze gibt ihm den Sauerstoff und assimiliert den Kohlenstoff, den er selbst ausatmet. Die Pflanze baut den eigenen Organismus daraus auf und gibt den Sauerstoff zurück, so daß dem Menschen der Sauerstoff immer erneuert wird durch die Pflanzenwelt. Die Menschheit könnte nicht für sich selbst bestehen; streichen Sie die Pflanzenwelt weg, und die Menschheit stürbe in kurzer Zeit aus. Sie sehen so den Kreislauf: Sie atmen den Sauerstoff ein, den die Pflanze ausatmet. Sie atmen aus Kohlenstoff, den die Pflanze einatmet und aus dem sie ihre eigene Körperlichkeit aufbaut. So gehört die Pflanze zu mir; sie ist das Werkzeug, das mir das Leben erhält. Wie sich die Pflanze aus dem Kohlenstoff den Leib aufbaut, sehen Sie in den Steinkohlen, denn nichts anderes als Leichname von Pflanzen sind sie.

[ 28 ] Die Rosenkreuzer-Schulung leitet in einem bestimmt geregelten Atmungsprozeß den Menschen an, dasjenige Organ auszubilden, das in ihm selbst die Umwandlung des Kohlenstoffes in Sauerstoff bewirken kann. Was die Pflanze heute draußen macht, wird später durch ein Organ der Zukunft, das der Mensch durch die Schulung jetzt schon in sich ausbildet, in ihm selbst bewirkt. Das bereitet sich langsam vor. Durch den geregelten Atmungsprozeß wird der Mensch das Instrument zur Bereitung des Sauerstoffs selbst in sich tragen. Er wird mit der Pflanze ein Wesen geworden sein, während er jetzt mineralisch ist. Er behält den Kohlenstoff in sich und baut seinen eigenen Leib damit auf. Daher wird sein Leib später ein mehr der Pflanze ähnlicher sein; dann kann er zusammentreffen mit der heiligen Liebeslanze. Die ganze Menschheit wird dann ein Bewußtsein in sich haben, wie es heute der Eingeweihte sich erwirbt, wenn er in die höheren Welten sich erhebt. Das nennt man die Umwandlung der menschlichen Substanz in diejenige Substanz, deren Grundlage der Kohlenstoff selbst ist. Das ist die Alchemie, die dazu führt, daß er seinen eigenen Leib ähnlich aufbauen wird wie heute die Pflanze. Man nennt das die Bereitung des «Steins der Weisen», und die Kohle ist das äußere Symbolum dafür. Aber erst dann ist sie der «Stein der Weisen», wenn der Mensch durch seinen geregelten Atmungsprozeß ihn selbst wird erzeugen können. Die Lehre kann nur von Mensch zu Mensch mitgeteilt werden; sie ist in ein tiefes Mysterium eingehüllt, und erst nachdem er ganz geläutert und gereinigt ist, kann der Schüler dieses Mysterium empfangen. Würde man es heute öffentlich kundgeben, dann würden die Menschen in ihrem Egoismus mit diesem höchsten Geheimnisse die niedersten Bedürfnisse befriedigen.

[ 29 ] Das fünfte ist die Entsprechung von Makrokosmos und Mikrokosmos. Wenn wir den Werdegang der Menschheit überblicken, dann sehen wir, daß das, was heute im Menschen ist, nach und nach von außen hinein gebildet worden ist, zum Beispiel die Drüsen wuchsen ja auf der Sonne draußen wie heute die Schwämme. Alles, was heute in die menschliche Haut eingegliedert ist, war so einstmals draußen. Der menschliche Leib ist wie zusammengestückt aus dem, was draußen ausgebreitet war. Ein jedes Glied Ihres physischen Leibes, Ätherleibes und Astralleibes war irgendwo draußen in der Welt. Das ist der Makrokosmos im Mikrokosmos. Ihre Seele selbst war ja draußen in der Gottheit. Was in uns ist, entspricht einem Ding, das draußen ist, und wir müssen diese richtigen Entsprechungen in uns erfahren.

[ 30 ] Sie kennen die Stelle vorn an der Stirn, oberhalb der Nasenwurzel; sie drückt aus, daß etwas Bestimmtes, das früher draußen war, in den Menschen eingezogen ist. Wenn Sie dieses Organ meditativ durchdringen, sich hineinversenken, dann bedeutet das mehr als ein bloßes Hineinbrüten in diesen Punkt; dann lernen sie den Teil der äußeren Welt, der ihm entspricht, kennen. Auch den Kehlkopf und die Kräfte, die ihn gebaut haben, lernen Sie so kennen. So lernen Sie den Makrokosmos kennen durch Versenkung in Ihren eigenen Leib.

[ 31 ] Das ist kein In-sich-Hineinbrüten. Nicht sollen Sie sagen: Drinnen ist der Gott, den will ich suchen! — Sie würden nur den kleinen Menschen finden, den Sie selbst zum Gott aufbauschen. Wer nur von diesem Hineinbrüten spricht, kommt niemals zur wirklichen Erkenntnis. Zu dieser zu kommen auf dem Wege der rosenkreuzerischen Theosophie, ist unbequemer und erfordert konkretes Arbeiten. Die Welt ist voller Herrlichkeiten und Großartigkeiten. Man muß sich in sie vertiefen; man muß den Gott in seinen Einzelheiten kennen, dann kann man ihn in sich selbst finden, und dann lernt man den Gott erst in der Ganzheit kennen. Die Welt ist wie ein großes Buch. In den Schöpfungen haben wir die Buchstaben dafür; die müssen wir lesen von Anfang bis zu Ende: dann lernen wir das Buch Mikrokosmos und das Buch Makrokosmos von Anfang bis zu Ende lesen. Und das ist dann kein bloßes Verstehen mehr; es lebt sich aus in Gefühlen, es schmilzt den Menschen zusammen mit der ganzen Welt, und er empfindet alle Dinge als den Ausdruck des göttlichen Geistes der Erde. Ist der Mensch so weit, dann handelt er ganz von selbst aus dem Willen des ganzen Kosmos heraus, und das ist die Gottseligkeit.

[ 32 ] Wenn wir imstande sind, so zu denken, dann gehen wir den Rosenkreuzer-Weg. Die christliche Schulung baut mehr auf das Gefühl, das im Innern ausgebildet wird; die rosenkreuzerische Schulung läßt auf uns wirken, was in der physischen Wirklichkeit ausgebreitet ist als die Göttlichkeit der Erde, und läßt es in Empfindung ausklingen. Das sind zwei Wege, die für jeden gangbar sind. Wenn Sie so denken, wie man in der Gegenwart denkt, dann können Sie den Rosenkreuzer-Weg gehen, wenn Sie auch noch so wissenschaftlich sind. Die moderne Wissenschaft ist sogar ein Hilfsmittel, wenn Sie den Werdegang der Welten nicht nur in Buchstaben verfolgen, sondern auch in dem suchen, was dahinter verborgen ist, ebenso wie man in einem Buche auch nicht die Buchstaben anschaut, sondern den Sinn herausliest. Sie müssen den Geist suchen hinter der Wissenschaft, dann ist Ihnen die Wissenschaft nur der Buchstabe für den Geist.

[ 33 ] Alles dies soll nicht ein umfassender Begriff für die RosenkreuzerSchulung sein; es sollen nur Andeutungen sein, die eine Ahnung von dem geben, was in ihr gefunden werden kann. Es ist ein Weg für den Gegenwartsmenschen; er macht ihn geeignet, in die Zukunft hineinzuwirken. Dies sind nur die Elementarstufen, um den Weg zu charakterisieren. Wir bekommen so einen Begriff, wie man durch die Rosenkreuzer-Methode selbst eindringen kann in die höheren Geheimnisse.

[ 34 ] Die Geisteswissenschaft ist der Menschheit notwendig zu ihrem ferneren Fortschritt. Das, was geschehen soll zur Umwandlung der Menschheit, muß durch die Menschen selbst herbeigeführt werden. Wer in der jetzigen Inkarnation die Wahrheit aufnimmt, der wird sich in späteren Inkarnationen die äußere Gestalt für die tieferen Wahrheiten selbst ausgestalten.

[ 35 ] So gliedert sich das, was wir in diesem Kursus durchgesprochen haben, zu einem Ganzen zusammen. Es ist das Instrument, das schaffend für die Zukunftskultur sein soll. Es wird heute gelehrt, weil der Mensch der Zukunft diese Lehren braucht, weil sie eingeführt werden müssen in den Entwickelungsgang der Menschheit. Ein jeder, der diese Zukunftswahrheit nicht aufnehmen will, lebt auf Kosten der andern. Aber der lebt für die andern, der sie aufnimmt, selbst wenn ihn zuerst eine egoistische Sehnsucht nach den höheren Welten treibt. Ist nur der Weg der richtige, dann ist er von selbst der Vertilger der Sehnsucht und der beste Erzeuger der Selbstlosigkeit.

[ 36 ] Die Menschheit braucht jetzt die okkulte Entwickelung, und sie muß ihr eingeimpft werden. Ein ernstes, wahres, von Ding zu Ding gehendes Wahrheitsstreben, das allein führt zu wahrer Brüderlichkeit, das ist der größte Einigungszauberer der Menschheit. Das soll als Mittel dienen, das große Endziel der Menschheit, die Einheit, herbeizuführen, und dieses Ziel werden wir erreichen, wenn wir die Mittel dazu in uns ausbilden, wenn wir suchen, in der edelsten und schönsten Weise diese Mittel uns zu erarbeiten, denn es kommt an auf die Heiligung der Menschheit durch diese Mittel.

[ 37 ] So erscheint uns die Geisteswissenschaft nicht nur als ein großes Ideal, sondern als eine Kraft, mit der wir uns durchdringen, und aus dieser Kraft quillt uns die Erkenntnis. Die Geisteswissenschaft wird immer mehr eine populäre Angelegenheit werden, sie wird immer mehr alle religiösen und praktischen Seiten des Lebens durchdringen, ebenso wie das große Gesetz des Daseins alle Wesen durchdringt; sie ist ein Faktor in der Menschheitsentwickelung.

[ 38 ] In diesem Sinne wurde die rosenkreuzerische Theosophie hier vorgetragen. Ist sie verstanden worden, nicht nur in der Abstraktion, sondern so, daß sie durch die Gefühle Erkenntnisse herbeigeführt hat, dann kann sie in das Leben unmittelbar hineinwirken. Wenn diese Erkenntnisse in alle unsere Glieder, vom Kopf in das Herz und von da in die Hand, in all unser Tun und Schaffen einfließen, dann haben wir die Grundlage der Geisteswissenschaft erfaßt. Dann haben wir die große Kulturaufgabe erfaßt, die in unsere Hände gelegt ist, und dann entwikkeln sich aus diesen Erkenntnissen auch die Gefühle heraus, die ein Bequemerer gern direkt entwickeln möchte.

[ 39 ] Die Rosenkreuzer-Theosophie will nicht in Gefühlen schwelgen, sie will die Tatsachen des Geistes Ihnen vor Augen führen. Der Mensch muß mitarbeiten, er muß durch die Tatsachen, die er in der Schilderung empfangen hat, sich anregen lassen, er muß Gefühle und Empfindungen durch dieselben in sich auslösen. In diesem Sinne soll die rosenkreuzerische Theosophie ein mächtiger Impuls für die Gefühlswelt werden, aber zu gleicher Zeit dasjenige sein, was uns in die Tatsachen der übersinnlichen Wahrnehmungen unmittelbar hineinführt, was sie erst gedankenvoll entstehen läßt und dann den Suchenden hinaufführt in die höheren Welten.

[ 40 ] Das sollte der Sinn dieser Vorträge sein.

Fourteenth Lecture

[ 1 ] Today we still want to speak about the principle of initiation or esoteric schooling. And in particular, we want to speak of the two methods of schooling that take into account, above all, what has been said here about the development of humanity; for it must be made clear that, in a certain way, the truth is found by placing oneself in earlier human conditions.

[ 2 ] It has been said that the people of ancient Atlantis were able to perceive wisdom in everything around them. The further back we go into the distant past, the more we find states of consciousness through which people were able to perceive the creative forces that permeate the world, the spiritual entities that surround us. Everything around us has come into being through these creative entities, and to see them is to recognize them.

[ 3 ] When humanity had developed to our present state of consciousness, actually only during our fifth post-Atlantic age, it felt in its soul the longing to penetrate into the spiritual realms again. And I have told you how this deep longing originally lived in the ancient Indian people, to recognize the spiritual behind everything that surrounds us in the world, how the view arose in them: Everything that surrounds us is a dream, an illusion; our only task is to develop upwards to the ancient wisdom that created and worked in ancient times. The disciples of the ancient Rishis sought to embark upon the path that would take them, through yoga, to look up into the realms from which they themselves had descended. From maja, they strove up into these spiritual realms.

[ 4 ] This is the one path that man can take. The newest path that exists for ascending to wisdom is the path of the Rosicrucians. This path does not point people to the past, but to the future, to those conditions that man will again live through. It teaches that the wisdom that is inherent in man can be developed through certain methods. This is the path that was given by the founder of the Rosicrucian esoteric movement, known as Christian Rosenkreuz. It is not an un-Christian path; it is simply a Christian path adapted to modern conditions, and lies between the actual Christian path and the path of yoga.

[ 5 ] This path was partly prepared long before Christianity. It took on a particular form through that great initiate who, in the esoteric school of Paul at Athens, as Dionysius the Areopagite, founded the school from which all later esoteric wisdom and schooling has emerged.

[6] These are the two main paths of esoteric training for the Western world. Everything that is connected with our culture and the life that we lead and must lead is elevated and raised to the principle of initiation through Christian and Rosicrucian training. The purely Christian path is somewhat difficult for today's man; therefore, the Rosicrucian path has been introduced for the man who must live in the present. Those who wish to follow the old, purely Christian path in the midst of modern life must be able to detach themselves from the outer life for a time, in order to re-enter this life all the more intensely afterwards. But anyone, regardless of their profession or sphere of life, can follow the Rosicrucian path.

[ 7 ] We will characterize the purely Christian path. It is prescribed in the Gospel of John, according to method, in the deepest Christian book, which is least understood by the representatives of Christian theology, and according to content, in the Apocalypse or Secret Revelation.

[ 8 ] The Gospel of John is a wonderful book; one must live it, not just read it. One can live it by realizing that what is in it are prescriptions for the inner life and that one must observe them in the right way. The Christian Way requires its disciple to regard the Gospel of John as a book for meditation. One of the basic prerequisites, which is more or less omitted in the Rosicrucian training, is that one has the strictest faith in the personality of Christ Jesus. One must at least harbor within oneself the possibility of the belief that this supreme individuality, this Leader of the Fire Spirits of the Solar Age, was physically embodied as Jesus of Nazareth; that He was not just “the simple man of Nazareth,” not an individuality similar to Socrates, Plato or Pythagoras. One must realize His fundamental distinction from all others. If you want to undergo a purely Christian training, you must hold fast to the God-Man of unique nature in him, otherwise you will lack the right basic feeling that awakens in the soul. Therefore, one must really be able to believe in the first words of the Gospel of John: “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God” up to the words: “And the Logos was made flesh and dwelt among us.” So the same spirit that was the ruler of the fire spirits, that was associated with the transformation of the earth, which we also call the spirit of the earth, that spirit really did dwell among us in a fleshly cover, it really was in it in a physical body. You have to recognize that. If you can't, then you'd better go through a different schooling. But anyone who, with this basic prerequisite, calls the words of the Gospel of John to mind every morning for weeks and months in meditation up to the point: “full of devotion and truth,” and in such a way that he not only understands them but lives in them, for such a person they will have an awakening power for the soul; for these are not ordinary words, but awakening powers that evoke other powers in the soul. Only the disciple must have the patience to call them before his soul again and again, every day. Then the forces needed for the Christian training are awakened through the awakening of very definite feelings. The Christian Way is more an inner one, whereas in the Rosicrucian training the feelings are kindled by the outer world.

[ 9 ] The Christian path is a path of awakening feelings. There are seven levels of feeling that need to be awakened. In addition, there are other exercises that are given only from person to person and are tailored to the individual character. But it is essential to experience the 13th chapter of the Gospel of John, to experience it as I will describe it now. The teacher says to the student: You must develop very specific feelings within you. Imagine: The plant grows out of the ground. It is higher than the mineral soil from which it grows, but it needs it. It, the higher, could not be without the lower. And if the plant could think, it would have to say to the earth: Although I am higher than you, I cannot be without you – and gratefully it would have to lean towards it. Likewise, the animal would have to do the same to the plant, because it could not exist without the plant. And so it would be for man in relation to the animal. And when man has risen higher, then he must say to himself: Never could I stand at my level without the lower. Gratefully he must bow to it, because it has made it possible for him to exist. No being in the world could exist without the lower, to which it would have to be grateful. So also the Christ, the Highest, could not exist without the Twelve, and mightily is the feeling of gratefully leaning toward them portrayed in the thirteenth chapter of the Gospel of John: He, the Highest, washes His disciples' feet.

[ 10 ] If we imagine this as the basic feeling awakening in the human soul, if the disciple lives for weeks and months on end in contemplation and meditation that deepen this basic feeling in the soul , how gratefully the higher self looks down on the lower, which makes it possible for him to live, then one awakens a first basic feeling, and one has sufficiently savored it in the moment when certain symptoms appear: an external symptom and an inner vision. The outer symptom is that the person feels as if water is washing around his feet; in an inner vision he sees himself as Christ washing the feet of the twelve. That is the first step, the washing of the feet. This is not just a historical event; everyone can experience it, the event of the 13th chapter of the Gospel of John. It is an outward symptomatic expression that man has risen so high in his emotional world in order to experience this, and he cannot rise so high in his emotional world without this symptom occurring.

[ 11 ] The second stage, the flagellation, is experienced when you contemplate the following: How will you fare when the pains and scourges of life assail you from all sides? You must stand tall, strengthen yourself against all the suffering that life offers, and endure it. — That is the second basic feeling that must be experienced. The external feeling for this is an itching and twitching in all parts of the outer body, and a more inner expression is a vision in which you see yourself scourged, first in a dream, then in a vision.

[ 12 ] Then comes the third, which is the crowning with thorns. For weeks and months one must go through the feeling: How will you fare when you are not only to go through the sufferings and pains of life, but when even the most sacred, your spiritual being, is poured over with scorn and derision? And again there must be no complaining, but it must be clear to the disciple that he must stand upright nevertheless. His development of inner strength must enable him to stand upright despite scorn and derision. Whatever threatens to destroy his soul, he stands upright! Then he sees himself in an inner astral vision with the crown of thorns and feels an outer pain at the head. This is the symptom that he has progressed far enough in his emotional world to be allowed to have these experiences.

[ 13 ] The fourth is the crucifixion. There the disciple must again develop a very definite feeling within himself. Today, man identifies his body with his ego. He who wants to undergo the Christian initiation must get used to carrying his body through the world as one carries a foreign object, such as a table. His body must become foreign to him. Like a stranger, he carries it in and out the door. When a person has progressed sufficiently in this basic feeling, what is called the blood test appears. Certain reddenings of the skin at certain points occur in such a way that the person can evoke the wounds of Christ, on the hands, the feet and on the right side of the chest. When the person is able, through the warmth of feeling, to develop the blood test within himself, which is the outer symptom, then the inner, astral one also enters, and the person sees himself crucified.

[ 14 ] The fifth is mystical death. Man ascends more and more to the realization: I belong in the whole world. I am no more an independent being than the finger on my hand. It feels embedded in the whole of the rest of the world, as if it belongs to it. Then he experiences, as if everything around him darkens, as if a black darkness envelops him, like a curtain that thickens around him. During this time, the person to be initiated into Christianity gets to know all the suffering and pain, all the evil and misfortune that adheres to the creature. This is the descent into hell; everyone has to experience that. Then something happens, as if the curtain were torn, and the person then looks into the spiritual worlds. This is called the tearing of the curtain.

[ 15 ] The sixth is the burial and resurrection. When a person has come this far, he must be able to say: I have already become accustomed to regarding my body as a stranger, but now I consider everything in the world to be as close to me as my own body, which is, after all, only made of these materials. Every flower, every stone is as close to me as my body. — Then man is buried in the planet Earth. This stage is necessarily connected with a new life, with a feeling of union with the deepest soul of the planet, with the Christ-soul, which says: Those who eat my bread trample me underfoot.

[ 16 ] The seventh, the ascension, cannot be described. One must have a soul that no longer relies on the instrument of the brain to think. To feel what the person goes through, what is called the ascension, one must have a soul that can experience this feeling.

[ 17 ] The passing through of the states of humble devotion is the essence of the Christian initiation. Those who pass through them in this earnest way experience their resurrection in the spiritual worlds. Not everyone can do this today. Therefore, it is necessary that there be another method that leads up to the higher worlds. That is the Rosicrucian method.

[ 18 ] I would like to give seven further points to give an idea of what this training involves. Some of it has already been described in Lucifer-Gnosis, some of it can only be passed on from person to person during the training itself, but it is necessary to have some idea of what the training offers. It has seven stages, but not in succession; it depends on the individuality of the student. The teacher gives what seems appropriate for his student, and much else is added that is beyond external discussion.

The seven stages are as follows:

1. Study
2. Imagination
3. Inspiration or reading of occult writings
4. Preparation of the Philosopher's Stone
5. Correspondence between Macrocosm and Microcosm
6. Living in the Macrocosm
7. Divine bliss

[ 19 ] Studying in the Rosicrucian sense means being able to immerse oneself in such a body of thought, which is not taken from physical reality but from the higher worlds; this is what is called living in pure thought. Even most of today's philosophers deny this; they say that every thought must have a certain residue of sensory perception. But this is not the case, because no human being can, for example, see a real circle. One must see a circle in the mind; on the blackboard it is only a collection of small chalk particles. A real circle can only be obtained by disregarding all examples, by disregarding external reality. Thus in mathematics thinking is supersensible. But in other things of the world too one must learn to think supernaturally, and such a way of thinking the initiates have always had about the nature of man. Rosicrucian theosophy is one of these supersensible cognitions, and its study, as we have now practised it, is the first step for the Rosicrucian training itself. I do not present Rosicrucian theosophy for some outward reason, but because this is the first step of the Rosicrucian initiation.

[ 20 ] People often think that it is unnecessary to talk about the members of the human race or the evolution of humanity or the various planetary developments. They would rather acquire beautiful feelings, they do not want to study seriously. But however many beautiful feelings one acquires in one's soul, it is impossible to ascend into the higher worlds through them alone. The Rosicrucian Theosophy does not want to arouse feelings, but to let feelings themselves be touched by the mighty facts of the spiritual worlds. The Rosicrucian feels it to be a kind of shamelessness when he rushes at people with feelings. He introduces them to the development of humanity on the assumption that the feelings will arise by themselves. He lets them envision the planet wandering in space, and when the soul experiences these facts, it should be powerfully moved in its feelings. It is just beating around the bush when one says that one should appeal directly to feeling. That is just laziness. Rosicrucian theosophy lets the facts speak, and when these thoughts then flow into the feeling and overwhelm it, then that is the right way. Only what a person feels from within can make him happy. The Rosicrucian lets the facts in the cosmos speak, because that is the most impersonal way of teaching. It does not matter who stands before you, for you should not be gripped by a personality, but by what this personality speaks to you of the facts of world-becoming. Therefore, in the Rosicrucian training, all direct veneration for the teacher is eliminated. He does not claim it, he does not need it. He wants to speak to the disciple of that which is there without him.

[ 21 ] He who then wants to penetrate into the higher worlds must accustom himself to that thinking which lets one thought arise out of another. Such thinking is developed in my Philosophy of Freedom and in Truth and Science. These books are not written in such a way that one could take a thought and place it in a different context; rather, they are written in such a way that an organism comes into being; in the same way, one thought emerges from another. These books have nothing at all to do with the person who wrote them. He left himself to what the thoughts themselves worked out in him, how they structured themselves.

[ 22 ] Thus, for those who wish to study in a certain elementary way, it is a familiarization with the elementary facts of spiritual science itself, while for those who want to go higher, it is an immersion in a structure of thought that allows one thought to grow out of another, out of itself.

[ 23 ] The second step is imaginative realization, the realization that is added to what is transmitted to the human being through thinking in study. This is the foundation; it must be further developed through one's own imaginative realization. If you clarify in your mind some of the things I have hinted at in the last lectures, you will, for example, feel echoes in your soul of events that were common on Saturn. There is a way to see everything around us as a physiognomy for an inner spirituality. People walk the earth; to them it is a conglomeration of rocks and stones; but man must learn to understand that everything around him is the true physical expression of the spirit of the earth. Just as the body is ensouled, so the earth planet is the outer expression of an indwelling spirit. Only when people see the earth as they would a person, with body and soul, will they have a concept of what Goethe meant when he said, “Everything that is transient is only a parable.” When you see a tear rolling down a human face, you do not examine it with the laws of physics to see how fast or how slowly the tear rolls down, but you see it as an expression of the inner sadness of the soul, just as the smiling cheek is an expression of the inner serenity of the soul. The disciple must rise to the point where, when walking across a meadow, he sees in every flower the outer expression of a living being, the expression of an inner spirit of the earth. Some flowers appear to him like pearly tears; others are the joyful expression of the spirit of the earth. Every stone, every plant, every flower, everything is for him the outer expression of the inner earth spirit, its physiognomy, which speaks to him. And everything that is transitory becomes for him a parable of something eternal that expresses itself in him.

[ 24 ] This is how the Grail disciple and Rosicrucian must have felt. He was told: Behold the calyx of a flower that receives the sunbeam. It evokes the pure productive powers slumbering in the plant. That is why the sunbeam is called the “holy love-lance”. Now look at man. He stands higher than the plant. He has the same organs within him, but what the plant contains perfectly pure and chaste is, in him, pervaded by unchaste desire and lust. The future of human development lies in the fact that man, in turn, will speak his image into the world, chaste and pure, through another organ, which will be his transformed productive organ. Chaste and pure, without instinct, without desire, like the chalice of a flower that chaste rises to the holy love lance, will be the human organ of production. It will turn towards the spiritual ray of wisdom, and this will fertilize it to bring forth a being in its own image. The larynx will be this organ. The Grail disciple was pointed out: The plant in its lower stage has this chaste chalice, but man has lost it. He has degenerated into unchaste desire. From the spiritualized ray of the sun he is to bring it forth again. In chastity he is to develop that which will create the Holy Grail of the future.

[ 25 ] Thus the disciple looks up to the great ideal. That which is happening in the slow development of all mankind, the initiate experiences earlier. He shows us the evolution of humanity in pictures, and these pictures work quite differently than the abstract concepts that the present materialistic age has produced. If you can imagine this development in such lofty and powerful images as the Grail is, the effect is different from that of ordinary knowledge, which is unable to exert any deep effects on your organism. Imaginative knowledge works down to the etheric body and from there affects the blood, and this is the mediator that works to transform the organism. Through his etheric body, the human being becomes increasingly able to work on his organism. All imaginative knowledge that proceeds from the truth is at the same time healing and salutary; it makes the blood healthy in its circulation. The best educator is imaginative knowledge, if the human being is only strong and devoted enough for it to have an effect on him.

[ 26 ] The third step is reading occult writing, that is, not only seeing individual images, but also letting the relationship of these different images take effect on oneself. This becomes what is called occult writing. One begins to order the lines of force that creatively pass through the world into certain figures and color formations through the imagination. One learns to sense an inner connection that is expressed in those figures: this works as the spiritual tone, as the harmony of the spheres, because those figures are modeled after the true relationships of the world. Our writing is a final decadent remnant of this ancient occult writing and modeled after it.

[ 27 ] Man comes to the fourth, “preparation of the philosopher's stone”, through exercises in the breathing process. If man breathes as the natural process dictates, then he needs the plant to breathe. If the plant were not there, he could not live, because the plant gives him the oxygen and assimilates the carbon that he himself exhales. The plant builds its own organism from it and returns the oxygen, so that man's oxygen is always renewed by the plant world. Humanity could not exist on its own; if you were to eliminate the plant world, humanity would die out in a short time. So you see the cycle: you breathe in the oxygen that the plant exhales. You breathe out carbon, which the plant inhales and from which it builds its own physicality. So the plant belongs to me; it is the tool that sustains my life. You can see how the plant builds its body from carbon in the coal, for they are nothing other than the corpses of plants.

[ 28 ] In a precisely regulated breathing process, the Rosicrucian training instructs the human being to develop the organ that can effect the transformation of carbon into oxygen within himself. What the plant does outside today will later be accomplished in the human being through an organ of the future, which the human being is already developing within himself through training. This is slowly preparing itself. Through the regulated breathing process, the human being will carry within himself the instrument for preparing oxygen. He will have become a being like the plant, whereas he is now mineral. He retains the carbon within himself and uses it to build up his own body. Therefore, later on, his body will be more like a plant; then he can meet up with the holy lance of love. Then the whole of humanity will have within itself a consciousness such as the initiate acquires today when he rises into the higher worlds. This is called the transformation of human substance into that substance whose basis is carbon itself. This is the alchemy that leads to the human body being built in a similar way to the way plants are built today. This is called the preparation of the “Philosopher's Stone”, and coal is the outward symbol for it. But only when man will be able to produce it himself through his regulated breathing process, will it become the “Philosopher's Stone”. The teaching can only be imparted from person to person; it is shrouded in a deep mystery, and only after he has been completely purified and cleansed can the disciple receive this mystery. If it were to be publicly announced today, people would use this highest secret to satisfy their basest needs.

[ 29 ] The fifth is the correspondence between macrocosm and microcosm. If we survey the development of humanity, we see that what is in man today has gradually been formed from the outside in. For example, the glands grew on the sun outside, just like sponges grow today. Everything that is incorporated into the human skin today was once outside. The human body is as if pieced together from what was spread out outside. Every limb of your physical body, etheric body and astral body was somewhere out in the world. That is the macrocosm in the microcosm. Your soul itself was out in the Godhead. What is within us corresponds to a thing that is outside, and we must experience these true correspondences within us.

[ 30 ] You know the spot at the forehead, above the root of the nose; it expresses that something specific that was previously outside has moved into the human being. When you penetrate this organ in meditation, when you immerse yourself in it, it means more than just brooding over this point; then you get to know the part of the outer world that corresponds to it. You also get to know the larynx and the forces that have built it in this way. In this way you get to know the macrocosm by immersing yourself in your own body.

[ 31 ] This is not brooding within oneself. You should not say: Within is the God, I will seek Him! — You would only find the little human being that you yourself have built up into a god. Those who only speak of this brooding will never come to real knowledge. To arrive at this realization by way of Rosicrucian theosophy is more difficult and requires concrete work. The world is full of marvels and wonders. One must become absorbed in them; one must know God in His details, then one can find Him in oneself, and only then does one come to know God in His totality. The world is like a great book. In the creations we have the letters for it; we have to read them from beginning to end: then we learn to read the book microcosm and the book macrocosm from beginning to end. And that is no longer mere understanding; it is expressed in feelings, it melts man together with the whole world, and he perceives all things as the expression of the divine spirit of the earth. When man has reached this stage, he acts entirely of his own accord out of the will of the whole cosmos, and that is bliss.

[ 32 ] If we are able to think in this way, then we are walking the Rosicrucian path. The Christian schooling is based more on the feeling that is developed within; the Rosicrucian schooling allows us to take in what is spread out in physical reality as the divinity of the earth, and allows it to culminate in feeling. These are two paths that are viable for everyone. If you think as people think in the present day, then you can follow the Rosicrucian path, however scientific you are. Modern science is even an aid if you follow the development of the worlds not only in letters, but also in what is hidden behind them, just as one does not look at the letters in a book, but reads out the meaning. You must seek the spirit behind science, then science is only the letter for the spirit.

[ 33 ] All this is not meant to be a comprehensive concept for the Rosicrucian training; it is only meant to be a suggestion that gives an inkling of what can be found in it. It is a path for the man of the present, making him suitable to work into the future. These are only the elementary steps needed to characterize the path. We thus get an idea of how one can penetrate into the higher secrets through the Rosicrucian method itself.

[ 34 ] Spiritual science is necessary for humanity for its further progress. That which is to take place for the transformation of humanity must be brought about by people themselves. Those who absorb the truth in their present incarnation will, in later incarnations, shape their outer form for the deeper truths themselves.

[ 35 ] Thus what we have discussed in this course is structured into a whole. It is the instrument that is to be creative for the culture of the future. It is taught today because the man of the future needs these teachings, because they must be introduced into the course of human development. Anyone who does not want to accept this truth for the future lives at the expense of others. But he who accepts it lives for others, even if at first he is driven by an egoistic longing for the higher worlds. If only the path is the right one, it will of itself extinguish the longing and bestow selflessness.

[ 36 ] Mankind now needs occult development, and it must be instilled. A serious, true, and thorough striving for truth is the greatest unifier of mankind and the only one that leads to true brotherhood. This should serve as a means to achieve the great ultimate goal of humanity, unity, and we will achieve this goal if we develop the means within us, if we seek to acquire these means in the noblest and most beautiful way, because what matters is the sanctification of humanity through these means.

[ 37 ] Thus spiritual science appears to us not only as a great ideal, but as a power with which we permeate ourselves, and from this power springs knowledge. Spiritual science will become more and more a popular matter, it will increasingly permeate all religious and practical sides of life, just as the great law of existence permeates all beings; it is a factor in human evolution.

[ 38 ] In this sense, Rosicrucian theosophy was presented here. If it has been understood, not only in the abstract, but in such a way that it has brought about insights through the feelings, then it can have an immediate effect on life. When these insights flow into all our limbs, from the head into the heart and from there into the hand, into all our actions and work, then we have grasped the basis of spiritual science. Then we have grasped the great cultural task that has been placed in our hands, and then the feelings that a more comfortable person would like to develop directly also develop from these insights.

[ 39 ] The Rosicrucian Theosophy does not want to revel in feelings; it wants to make you aware of the facts of the spirit. Man must work with them; he must allow himself to be stimulated by the facts he has received in the description, and he must trigger feelings and sensations in himself through them. In this sense, Rosicrucian theosophy is intended to be a powerful stimulus for the emotional world, but at the same time it is that which leads us directly into the facts of supersensible perception, which first allows them to arise thoughtfully and then leads the seeker up into the higher worlds.

[ 40 ] That should be the meaning of these lectures.