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Theosophy and Rosicrucianism
GA 100

26 June 1907, Kassel

Translator Unknown

XI. Progressive Development Through The Different Cycles Of Culture

Yesterday, in the description of the development of the various cycles of earthly development, we reached a point which made us realise how the three celestial bodies, the Sun. the Moon and the Earth, gradually separated from one another. We began by considering this separation and stopped at the point where the Moon separated itself from the Earth, but we also tried to reach this same point by setting out from the present time and going back to the Atlantean epoch. Let us now consider the condition of the Earth at the time of Atlantis. Long, long epochs of time must be borne in mind, taking up millions of years, so that the great changes which took place, not only in the universe, but also upon the earth, need no longer surprise us.

Let:us consider once more the Earth, after its separation from the Moon. It was still enveloped by a volume of air, which presented, however, quite a different aspect from the present air. You must not think that this air inwardly resembled a glowing stove—although its temperature was far higher than is the case now. At that time many substances which are now solid existed within the Earth in a liquid state. An air thickly permeated with gases of the most varied substances, enveloped the Earth, an atmosphere which we might designate as fire-air, a repetition of the former Moon-condition,

When the Earth became independent after its separation from the present Moon, it was surrounded by a strange atmosphere which may be designated as fire-air, Through the fact that the Earth freed itself from the atmosphere which went away with the Moon, the beings who lived upon the Earth were able to attain certain higher stages of development. Within the atmosphere of the Earth the most advanced animal-men had reached a higher stage than the one which they had attained upon the Moon, and these were the beings who later developed into men. A great number of these animal-men remained behind upon the Moon-stage. As a result, they not only remained behind, but owing to the entirely new conditions which now arose, they sank half a degree below the level which they had previously attained, (animal-men could, only live upon the Moon) and thus they became animals. Animals did not as yet exist upon the Moon. We therefore have two kingdoms: Human beings—and the kingdom of animal-men, beings who had remained behind and had gradually sunk to the level of animals.

The same applies to the plant-animals. A certain number of these had developed to a higher stage, to that of animals; others had remained behind and changed into plants. A The kingdom of plant-minerals also followed this line of development: some became heavy minerals, while others ascended in their development to the level of plants.

Not everything arose in accordance with one standard of measure, for the animals which we know to-day arose, for instance, partly through the descending development of men-animals and partly through the ascending development of plant-animals. In the vegetable kingdom also we have side by side the plant-minerals in an ascending course of development and the plant-animals in a descending course. The plants now chiefly constituting the pleasant plant-carpet of our earth, arose through the ascending development of the Moon's plant-minerals; this is, for instance, the case with the violet. On the other hand, everything that gives us a decaying impression is in a descending development, whereas our green, leafy, plants will in future attain to higher stages.

Our minerals developed entirely upon the Earth; there were no minerals upon the Moon, such as exist to-day. The mineral kingdom is the former plant-mineral kingdom which sank down to a lower stage and which was embedded into the earth as a firm crust. When the Earth cast off the Moon, the substances which remained behind and which later on became
minerals, solid metals,. etc., were still an altogether liquid mass. The substances which at that time had already reached a solid state, were hurled out into the cosmic spaces, because, had it kept these substances, the Earth could not have developed, further. Then the first metals which reached a solid state were added. Sometimes they had most peculiar forms! What you now encounter in the mountains as granite or gneiss, at that time revealed quite clearly that it had arisen through the descending development of vegetable beings, of plants which had become stones.

You may gather from this that upon the Sun and upon the Moon the mineral kingdom was a vegetable kingdom. The vegetable kingdom has not developed out of the mineral kingdom, but minerals have developed out of the vegetable kingdom! The coal which is now dug out of the earth is nothing but a complex of petrified plant—plants which decayed and became stones, so that now they can be dug out of the earth as petrified plants. If you were to go back still further, you would see that once even the hardest stones were plants; and that they have arisen out of plants through the descending development of plants to the mineral kingdom.

A clairvoyant sees this in the following way: If you investigate gneiss, the mineralogist will tell you that it consists of feldspath, hornblende and mica—but he cannot go further. The clairvoyant says: Feldspath in gneiss appears to spiritual vision quite clearly as the petrified stalk and the green leaves of plants, the petrification of those parts which built them up; whereas the mica foundation is related to that part of the plants which still develops to-day as the plants sepals and corollae. When a modern occultist observes a piece of gneiss he will say: This is a petrified plant, and even as plants now possess leaves and flowers, etc., so the mica foundation of gneiss has developed out of the sepals and petals of ancient epochs.

Thus it can be explained how every mineral developed out of former plants. For the substances which came over from the ancient Moon were plants, which then became densified in the liquid mass of the Earth. Even as one can see the water in a receptacle freezing into solid ice, so it is possible to observe in the early stages of the Earth's development the gradual forming of solid masses. Thus the solid crust of the Earth slowly developed out of the liquid Earth. The further we proceed, the higher and purer become the beings who live upon the Earth, and those that were unable to ascend became petrified. It was the same both with animals and men. Man reached the stage of being able to transform his body in a still higher measure.

The Moon-men floated and swam about in a primordial ocean; they were predisposed to this swimming movement. This may sound strange to modern men, nevertheless it is true; and let it be said without reserve, that I do not wish to mitigate some of these apparently grotesque descriptions;, for generally people laugh at truths when they are revealed for the first time.

The human. being who swam about in this primordial ocean had as yet no eyes and endowed with sight such as we have to-day: man, indeed, received the foundation of sight upon Saturn, but in this primordial ocean he did not need to see; he had to orientate himself in other ways. The ocean contained all the food which he required for his life and also animals, some benevolently disposed towards him; and some not. At that time man still possessed an organ which now exists in the head, it is the size of a cherry and is called the pineal gland (in reality it is not a gland). Once upon a time, this organ was of immense size; it enabled man to orientate himself in the ocean and it protruded from his head like a lantern. Man moved about, by using this lantern-like organ in front; it was a sensitive organ, not an organ of sight. He used it when swimming about. Later on, he no longer needed it and so it shriveled.

At that time it was not possible to speak of an Ego foundation. In regard to everything which man did, he was still under the guidance of higher spiritual powers: We may compare him with the animals of to-day. From a spiritual-scientific aspect, we now look upon animals by saying that man differs from the animal through the fact that he has an individual soul; every man has his own soul, his individual Ego.

This is not the case with animals; for whole groups of animals have one soul in common. For instance, all the animals pertaining to the lion species have one soul, which lives in the astral world. Similarly all the animals of tiger-nature have a soul in common. In the case of animals we therefore speak of group souls. All the horses together have one group soul; these horses belong together. Even as the single fingers belong to the hand, so the animals belong to their group soul. Consequently we cannot speak of individual responsibility in the case of animals. Only of an individual soul can we say that it is either good or evil.

At that time, the human beings possessed a kind of group-soul embedded in the bosom of the Godhead. We must however realise that that which now lives in us as our Ego already existed in those early epochs, but it did not live within the human body.

Man's origin must be sought in two currents: that which came over from the Moon and continued to develop, constituted the animal-man who lived upon the Moon; but that which now lives in us as our individual soul, existed in those times in the higher realm, in the care of the Godhead,—only man's body lived below in the primordial ocean. Later on body and soul united; the soul descended and spititualised the body, so that man became an individual soul.

Imagine a receptacle containing water; in it are many many drops of water, but it is impossible to distinguish them. If you were to take many hundreds of small sponges dipping them into the water, the drops first contained in the volume of water would be individualised. Similarly imagine your spirituality soaring above the primordial ocean and compare your soul reposing in the bosom of the Godhead with the drops of water; the bodies absorb the souls, even as the small sponges absorb the drops of water; the souls thus became independent, in the same way in which the water becomes individualised into drops through the sponges. Below we have the primordial ocean with the floating-swimming bodies, and above there are the souls. We cannot describe this better than by saying: “And the Spirit of God moved (literally: brooded) over the face of the waters,” which means that he elaborated that which was below until it was able to take in the soul-drops.

The bodies themselves had to soar and float, and for this purpose the beings within them needed a special organ. At that time man had no lungs, but a kind of air-bladder; this kept him afloat in the ocean.

The fish which have remained behind upon that stage, have even to-day an air-bladder and no lungs. The lungs developed little by little, as the air freed itself from the moisture and man could raise himself above the water, so that he began to breathe in air. A long process, lasting millions of years, finally enabled man to breathe in the air through his lungs. This gave rise to the physical form capable of absorbing the soul. The more man became a being who breathed through lungs, the more he became capable of taking in the soul. You cannot express this better than with the words: “And God breathed His own breath into man's nostrils and he became an individual soul.”

At the same time this enabled man to develop something which he did not possess before; he became capable of forming red blood. Before that time all human beings had a constitution which gave them the same temperature as their environment; if they were surrounded by a higher temperature, they were adapted to it. Red blood did not exist at that time and the animals above the stage of amphibians are human bodies which have remained behind at a much later stage of development. After the epoch in which man began to develop red blood, the animals also began to develop into warm-blooded beings.

Even as a plant cannot develop out of a stone, but stones developed out of plants, so the animal developed out of man. Every being upon a lower stage developed out of beings who once stood upon higher stages, this is the theory of evolution. Man first had to transform himself into a being with red blood, and then he could leave behind the animals. You may literally see in animals the stages left behind in man's development. In every animal man perceives more or less a piece of himself which he has left behind. Paracelsus expressed this so wonderfully in the words: When we look about in the world, we see, as it were, the letters of an alphabet; in the human being alone these letters unite and form a word. Consequently the meaning of that which lies spread out in man's environment is to be seen in man himself.

You must then bear in mind the following: An apparently insignificant process (but in the light of spiritual science it is an extraordinarily important process) took place at that time: it already began in the early stages of the Earth's separation from the Moon, when the Earth was still connected with the Moon, and it consisted in a certain cooperation between Mars and the Earth. During the whole first half of the Earth's development, the forces of Mars streamed into the Earth, so that this first half is actually designated as the Mars condition of the Earth. Iron is connected with this passage through Mars and iron then began to play an entirely new role in the earthly process of evolution.

Iron plays a far more superficial part in plants, but you can see how things are connected: cosmically, the Earth passed through Mars and Mars gave it iron; iron was then stimulated to exercise the functions which it now possesses and iron appeared in the blood. The aggressive side of human nature, that which turns man into a warrior here on earth, is connected with the iron in the blood. The Greek myth knew this, for it designated Mars as the God of War.

The human body thus became capable of taking in the Ego; for without red, warm blood a body cannot be the bearer of an Ego. This is very important. Pulmonary breathing is the first condition for the formation of warm, red blood. The required processes then arose upon the earth and became embodied with the blood. Little by little, man developed so as to become a red-blooded being breathing through lungs, and then he left behind the other creatures, the lower warm-blooded animals.

In occultism, animals are not only differentiated in the ordinary way, but another differentiation is pointed out. We distinguish the “inwardly sounding animals”, those which can express their own pain and pleasure in sounds from the “non-sounding animals”. If you descend to the lower animals, you may still hear sounds, but these are purely external, produced by rubbing together certain parts of the body,or by climatic influences; these are sounds produced by external causes. Only the animals which branched off when man had developed into a warm-blooded being were able to express pain or pleasure through sounds coming from within.

This was the time when man's larynx was transformed into an organ of sound. The fact that outside the liquid earth substance became crust, produced an inner process in the human being; parallel with the external process of hardening, an osseous and cartilaginous skeleton developed within the human being out of the soft parts of his body. Beings with a skeleton did not exist before that time.

The minerals outside are the counterpart of the bones. The Earth perpetuated this epoch in the masses of rock and man in his skeleton. Man then gradually became an upright walking being, thus changing over from his former horizontal position into a vertical one. He turned round, so that his front extremities became organs of work, and his other extremities were used for walking. There is a connection in all this, for no being without a sound-producing larynx and an upright walk can be an Ego-being.

Animals were predisposed for this, but they degenerated. Consequently they could not transform themselves into beings endowed with speech, for speech is connected with a larynx located in a in a body having an upright position. We may gather this through a primitive fact. Many dogs are undoubtedly cleverer than parrots, yet a parrot learns more, because its larynx is in a more vertical position. Parrots and starlings learn to speak a little, because their larynx is located vertically.

This shows you that the Earth and man advance to ever new stages of development. The atmosphere also changed: a condition developed in which the Earth was surrounded by a misty, foggy air. This took place at the time, when the Lemurians saw their continent crumbling away, so that they wandered out to Atlantis and became Atlanteans.

During this, phase of evolution; in which man acquired the first elements of speech, which were, to be sure, sounds expressing mere feelings, the soul emerged more and more. Essentially speaking, the Atlantean had a dull kind of clairvoyance. As he came out of the sub-earthly ocean, his eyes developed to the extent of enabling him to participate in the light raying out from the sun through the masses of mist. Physically, his power of sight and perception developed more and more, but he gradually lost his old clairvoyance. The most advanced race of the Atlanteans developed in a certain region of the Earth's surface during the last third of the Atlantean era, which was a significant close of phase of evolution.

In view of the existing conditions, the Atlantean who traveled more to the West, became inwardly neutral natures, cold and indifferent, and developed later on into the copper coloured population of America. The others who traveled further South, became the black Negro population, and those who turned to the East became later on the yellow Malayan population. These populations concentrated themselves in the most unfavourable places which prohibited a further development. But the peoples who lived in a region now occupied by Ireland, and further West, in a country now covered by the ocean, reached the highest stage of development. The mixtures of not and cold streams which existed there, permitted the human body to develop in the best and speediest manner. A pronounced Ego-feeling, a first foundation of such a feeling, developed from the still magical will power of those epochs. It was then that man first learned to say “I”. The human beings then also learned the first foundations of counting and of arithmetic, and they developed the first capacity of forming judgments and of combining thoughts.

There were always Beings among them who had progressed further, who were the leaders of humanity and their relationship to man was that of Beings who belonged to a higher realm. These Beings became the teachers and guides of men and it was they who induced them to migrate towards the East. From the site which lay in the neighbourhood of present-day Ireland certain peoples had already migrated to the East, settling as far as Asia. Now the most highly developed masses of peoples began to migrate to the East, and everywhere along their journey they formed colonies, the most powerful of these colonies, with the most highly developed culture, existed in the neighbourhood of the present Gobi desert. Later on, a certain number of peoples travelled from there to many parts of the world: one group went to the present India; where they encountered an indigenous yellow-brown race, with whom they became partly united.

It was after the Atlantean flood, that this colony travelled South and founded the first culture of the post-Atlantean epoch, the first culture of our own age. The most advanced teachers who went with this colony, the first great teachers of ancient India, are called the ancient Indian Rishis. The Hindoos of to-day are the descendants of that ancient population, but if we wish to discover traces of this culture we must go far back into times which are not known to history; the Vedas, for example, already belong to a later epoch, for nothing was recorded in those early days.

The ancient Hindoo nation represents the first cultural group after the Atlantean age and consequently they resembled the Atlanteans most of all. The Atlantean was a kind of dreamer; his consciousness was dull, he did not have any power of judgment and self-consciousness and like a dreamer he wandered about half consciously. The ancient Hindoos were the first to overcome this condition, but they were still partly rooted in it. The ancient Hindoo longed to experience the spirit realm of past times and yearned for the clairvoyance which the Atlanteans still possessed. In ancient India the early Yoga training still consisted of a kind of dulling of human consciousness, which transferred the human being back to the times when he could still perceive in his environment spiritual beings. The Hindoo longed for this clairvoyance of ancient Atlantis and in the Yoga training the Rishis taught him the methods of producing clairvoyance, though these methods followed another line of development.

The Atlantean did not possess any power of judgment, whereas in India the power of judgment had already awakened; but men loved, so to speak, that which they had already overcome and they knew how to conjure it up again, by dulling their consciousness and by recalling that which they had seen in earlier epochs. The culture of ancient India preserved this through its highest representatives. The Hindoo did not seek to enhance his consciousness, but he dimmed it down to a dreamy state, and this explains the passivity of the Hindoo character. It would be a great disadvantage, indeed harmful, if modern culture were to take hold in a greater measure of life in India.

During the first epochs, the human beings did not perceive minerals; and what the Atlantean saw least clearly of all ,was the mineral kingdom. Through his visions, the spirit-world was the one which existed for him, and this world lived in everything. He perceived the human being surrounded by colours—by sympathetic colours if he liked him. This was the world which the Hindoo tried to conjure up again. But human progress requires that man shall enter more and more into a relationship with that which exists upon the earth in the world of matter, The Atlanteans did not need any instruments; they orientated themselves through their clairvoyance and they attributed no importance whatever to physical instruments. The Hindoo followed the Atlantean in this, and consequently he looked upon the physical world as Maya, as a kind of illusion and lie. He had no interest in the world which is accessible to the ordinary senses. He asked the dream-like world of the Spirit to rise up before him.

The progress from this Indian culture to the next cultural epoch, i.e. the Persian one preceding the time of Zarathustra, consisted in the fact of humanity learning to appreciate external reality. A second colony went out from the Gobi desert and founded a kingdom in Asia minor which existed in remote times and which gave birth to the kingdom of Zarathustra. The Persian began to perceive the existence of a world in which he had to be active. The Divine essence appeared to him as something which he had to overcome, against which he had to measure his strength. From the spiritual world he drew the forces which he needed in order to work in this world. The world appeared to him as something dark, which had to be transformed with the aid of the good forces. The Hindoo established a science pertaining exclusively to the spiritual world, which told him nothing about the external reality. But to the Persian this external reality presented another aspect, it was something which had to be constantly transformed through his own work.

The third colony which went out from the Gobi desert went further West into Asia Minor and founded the Chaldean-Babylonian-Egyptian cycle of culture. In addition to the earlier science of the Spirit, these nations also possessed a science of the physical world. An astrology and geometry arose in Egypt which taught the Egyptians how to treat and cultivate the earth. Science extended to spheres which the Hindoo still looked upon as a world of illusion. Now this world of illusion had become a world calling for the keenest thought, for a manner of thinking connected with physical things. When the Hindoo immersed himself in the starry world, this world was to him only the expression of the Godhead. But the Chaldean loved the physical World; to him it was a part of the Godhead into which he penetrated and immersed himself. This activity leading him from the divine into the physical world appears to us in the Babylonian-Assyrian culture.

We have now reached a point leading us to the fourth cultural cycle, which we designate as the Graeco-Latin culture. The human being is now included in the external perception, The Egyptian knew that the world was not a chaos, but that it was fraught with meaning and that it had been constructed throughout immeasurable aeons of time. The sphinx and the pyramid expressed great cosmic thoughts. The ancient Egyptian concealed his knowledge of these truths in images: he created the sphinx, which faces us like a riddle of evolution itself: the development of man's higher essence from earlier animal-like conditions. This was the wisdom which the Egyptian spoke out into the world in his own way. In ancient Egypt you may find calculations and measurements,which were drawn directly from heaven. The cities were built in such a way that the Egyptian expressed in these constructions a sacred order of laws and they sought to express in images the cosmic laws which governed the universe. This did not as yet include the individual human essence, which only begins to unfold in Greek art, and which shows us that man now takes hold of his own being as an immediate reality and seeks to create it as an image in space.

Man became more and more familiar with the world which the Hindoo designated as Maya. He began to face his own self. Within the world which in ancient India was considered as an illusion, the Greek created a world of realities and realised that he had to create it without the help of the Gods; more and more he united himself with the external reality and out of his own strength he permeated the external reality with a divine essence. If you study the Greek “polis” you do not find in it any trace of jurisprudence. Man had to establish this during the Roman epoch as “Roman right” which governed the private social intercourse of men, as Roman citizens.

The human being thus acquired an ever greater knowledge of that which takes place in the world of external reality.

The fifth cycle of culture is the one in which we now live, with our materialistic civilisation. It is the time in which man has descended most profoundly into the external world. Compare, our age with preceding ones: We know, to be sure, how to apply the forces of the spiritual world to our physical environment—we carry the spiritual world into it. But in the light of spiritual science this presents strange aspects. Think of the time when the human being still produced his flour by grinding corn between two stones—he did not apply much spiritual power to do this. In ancient Egypt and Chaldea he still immersed himself in the wisdom of the heaven; he still learned a great deal concerning the spiritual significance of the earth itself and of the starry sky. The Greek still placed into the world of physical reality the idealised human form. What is the aspect of our own time? A great amount of spiritual power is used to produce modern natural science with its technical appliances. How great is the difference between obtaining food by primitive means, and obtaining it from America with the aid of telephone, engines, etc.! Yet these complicated technical means are after all used to satisfy the same needs also felt by animals and which animals are able to satisfy by primitive means! Try to investigate how many of the modern inventions really serve spiritual life, and how much spiritual power is used for the sake of furthering material life! What an enormous amount of spiritual power must human beings develop at the present time for the satisfaction of material requirements! There is no great difference whether an animal satisfies its hunger by grazing, or whether man obtains his food from America or Australia through all kinds of means.

This is hot an adverse criticism, for this had to come. Man had to submerge himself in the physical world. The Hindoo still looked, upon it as an illusion, but modern man considers the physical world as the only reality. We have reached the deepest point in our descent and this rendered possible the greatest progress upon the physical plane: This descent, however, must not be in vain, even from a spiritual aspect!

A new element has now arisen, an element that was implanted into the world during the first third of the post-Atlantean epoch: it is the rise of Christianity, the most significant influence in the whole development of the earth. In the light of occultism, everything which proceeded is only the preparation for Christianity. Buddha, Hermes, and so forth, prophetically pointed towards Christianity, for Christianity must lift man out of his deepest entanglement with matter. And it will raise man out of this entanglement. Man's ascent from matter begins again. The task of spiritual science is to help in this ascent into the spiritual world.

The next epoch of our Post-Atlantean culture will bring still more inventions and discoveries; but man will more and more perceive mere letters in the physical world. A genuine Christianity will speak of the external world as condensed Spirit, and the Spirit will once more arise out of matter. We shall then no longer say that the external world is an illusion, for we shall recognise it fully and lose nothing, and yet rise up to a higher spiritual world.

Christianity will contribute most of all towards this course of development. During the sixth epoch, great masses of men will be deeply moved and seized by truths which are now revealed to few, and this will give mankind an insight into the spiritual world. What now exists as thought will in future be a real force. Many people will have this power of thought during the sixth epoch of culture. The theosophical Christianity of to-day will spread among great masses of men. These thoughts will grow stronger and stronger and they will have a creative influence upon the human form.

Once upon a time the human body had quite a different aspect from that which it has to-day; indeed, if I were to describe to you this human body of ancient times, you would be greatly surprised. Because it was still soft, the Ego could exercise a far greater influence upon it. Modern man has only retained an insignificant rest of the psychic influence of will upon his body, for instance, when you are seized by sudden fright you grow pale, because the inner soul-condition penetrates as far as the blood and your complexion changes. But other bodily conditions can show you how little we are now able to control our body. With the gradual ascent into the spiritual world this will change; man's body will become softer and softer and he will once more be able to influence the thoughts which now still exist so sparsely, will gradually grow stronger; these thoughts will then be able to transform even the body. Man will be able to mould his own body—but this will only be the case in a very distant future.

Sex arose in the human being only during the Lemurian age; before that time he was bi-sexual, both male-and female. With the incorporation of the Ego, the human being was split into two sexes. We shall learn to know this better, when we shall consider more closely the development of the human blood. This will lead us to the problem of the division into sexes and also to the fact that the now existing division of the sexes will again disappear.

Thus we look into a future in which the human being will exercise quite a different influence upon his body.

What is, for example, that which sends the blush of shame into our face? What is it? A last remnant of the influence which man once exercised over his body. Man will more and more be able to work consciously into his body, and then will come the time when he will be able to transform the muscle of his heart into one which obeys' him.

Science describes the heart as a mere physical apparatus: as a pump. But the blood does not only stream through the body because the heart pumps the blood through it; everything which constitutes the blood depends upon the soul; the blood pulses more or less quickly according to our feelings, and it is the blood which produces the movement of the heart. But in future the human being will have a conscious influence upon the heart; therefore the heart is an organ which is now at the beginning of its development. The heart is a muscle with a spiritual development, an organ through which the human being will be able to express himself as he develops towards a higher stage, thus exercising a creative influence upon his whole body.

The heart is only at the beginning of its development, and for this reason it is a cross to materialistic science. Materialistic science tells you: all the muscles through which you move, are formed of transversal strips, but all those muscles which move automatically consist of longitudinal strips. The heart however is a peculiar organ upsetting every calculation! It is an automatic muscle, nevertheless it has, even to-day, transversal fibres.

To-morrow I will show you how certain things can be explained in the light of spiritual science.

Spiritual science thus throws light upon that which surrounds us. We shall redeem everything which has become matter from its present rigid condition. This is how the thought of redemption, may be grasped in its deepest essence! Man has developed to an ever higher stage, leaving behind him certain kingdoms in the course of this development. He will become powerful and redeem that which he has left behind; he will help to redeem the earth! But if he is to redeem the earth he must not despise it, but unite himself with it.

Elfter Vortrag

[ 1 ] Gestern kamen wir in der Schilderung der Entwickelung unserer verschiedenen Erdenzustände bis zu dem Punkt, an dem wir uns klar wurden, wie die vereinigten drei Weltenkörper — Sonne, Mond und Erde — sich nacheinander getrennt haben. Wir begannen einerseits damit und machten Halt an dem Punkte, wo der Mond sich von der Erde losgelöst hat; andrerseits suchten wir ihn auch zu erreichen, indem wir von unserer Zeit ausgingen und zurückgehend durch die Atlantis zu diesem selben Punkte gelangten. Machen wir uns nun klar, in welchem Zustande wir da die Erde selbst haben. Man muß dabei lange, lange Zeiträume im Auge haben, die Millionen von Jahren in Anspruch nehmen; dann wird man sich auch nicht mehr so stark wundern über die großen Veränderungen, die im Weltenall wie auch auf der Erde vor sich gehen.

[ 2 ] Wollen wir nun die abgetrennte Erde noch einmal genauer ins Auge fassen. Sie ist noch eingehüllt in einer Luftmasse, die aber ganz anders aussah als unsere heutige Luft. Sie müssen sich nicht etwa denken, daß diese Luft so etwas war wie ein glühender Ofen in seinem Inneren, obwohl die Temperatur eine viel höhere war als heute. Es waren auch viele der Stoffe, die heute fest sind, flüssig in der Erde vorhanden. Eine Luft, dicht angefüllt mit Dünsten der verschiedensten Substanzen, umhüllte die Erde, etwas, was man als Feuerluft etwa bezeichnen kann, ein Wiederholungszustand des früheren Mondenzustandes. Als die Erde nach der Trennung vom heutigen Mond selbständig geworden war, da war sie von einer merkwürdigen Atmosphäre umgeben, die man als Feuerluft bezeichnen könnte. Dadurch, daß sich die Erde von der Atmosphäre, die mit dem Mond fortgegangen war, befreit hatte, wurden die Wesen fähig, gewisse höhere Stufen zu erreichen. Innerhalb dieser Atmosphäre hatten die vorgeschrittensten Tiermenschen eine höhere Stufe erreicht, als sie auf dem Monde hatten, aber nur jene, welche später zu Menschen geworden sind. Eine große Anzahl dieser Tiermenschen blieb auf der Mondstufe stehen. Und die Folge davon war, daß sie nicht bloß stehenblieben, sondern, weil jetzt ganz neue Verhältnisse eintraten — denn es konnte nur auf dem Monde noch Tiermenschen geben -, sanken sie um eine halbe Stufe herunter und wurden Tiere, die es damals auf dem Monde noch nicht gegeben hat. So haben wir zwei Reiche: Menschen, und das zurückgebliebene Tiermenschenreich, das allmählich heruntersank zu Tieren. |

[ 3 ] Ebenso war es mit den Pflanzentieren. Eine gewisse Anzahl hatte sich höher entwickelt, zu Tieren; andere sind stehengeblieben und wurden Pflanzen. Und das Pflanzenmineralreich hat sich eben so verteilt, daß einige zu schweren Mineralien geworden sind, und andere sich zu Pflanzen hinaufentwickelt haben. Es ist nicht alles nach einem Maßstabe entstanden; was wir heute als Tiere kennen, ist zum Beispiel zum Teil so entstanden, daß die Menschentiere sich hinunterentwickelt, und zum Teil so, daß die Pflanzentiere sich hinaufentwickelt haben. Ebenso haben wir im Pflanzenreich nebeneinander Pflanzenmineralien im Aufstieg und Pflanzentiere im Abstieg. Die Pflanzen, die heute vorzugsweise unsere ästhetische Pflanzendecke bilden, sind jene, die entstanden sind durch Hinaufentwickelung der Pflanzenmineralien des Mondes, das Veilchen zum Beispiel. Dagegen ist alles, was uns wie moderig anklingt, in absteigender Entwickelung, während unsere grünen Laubpflanzen in der Zukunft höhere Stufen erreichen werden.

[ 4 ] Unsere Mineralien haben sich überhaupt auf der Erde entwickelt. Auf dem Monde gab es noch nichts Mineralisches, wie es heute ist. Dies ist das heruntergesunkene Pflanzenmineralreich, das als feste Kruste sich der Erde einlagerte. In der Zeit, in welcher die Erde den Mond hinauswarf, war das, was zurückblieb und später Mineral, festes Metall und so weiter wurde, selbst noch ganz und gar eine flüssige Masse. Was damals schon fest war, wurde eben in den Weltenraum hinausgeschleudert, weil sich die Erde nicht hätte höherentwickeln können, wenn sie diese Substanzen für sich behalten hätte. Dann entstanden Einschlüsse derjenigen Metalle, die am ehesten fest wurden. Merkwürdige Formen hatten sie zum Teil. Was Ihnen heute als Granit, als Gneis im Gebirge begegnet, zeigte damals noch ganz deutlich, daß es entstanden ist, indem sich Pflanzenwesen heruntergebildet haben, Steine geworden sind.

[ 5 ] Im Grunde genommen können Sie daraus entnehmen, daß auf der Sonne und auf dem Monde alles Gesteinreich noch Pflanzenreich war. Nicht das Pflanzenreich hat sich aus dem Gesteinreich entwickelt, sondern die Steine aus dem Pflanzenreich! Was Sie heute als Steinkohle herausgraben, ist ja nur eine Summe von versteinerten Pflanzen, von Pflanzen also, die zugrunde gingen, vermoderten und Steine wurden, so daß sie heute als zu Stein gewordene Pflanzen herausgegraben werden können. Würden Sie noch weiter zurückgehen, so würden Sie sehen, daß auch die dichtesten Steine einst Pflanzen waren und aus der Pflanze, durch Herunterentwickelung ins Steinreich, erst entstanden sind. Für den Seher stellt sich da folgendes heraus. Wenn Sie den Gneis untersuchen, so sagt Ihnen der Mineraloge, er besteht aus Feldspat, Hornblende und Glimmer. Dann muß der Mineraloge Halt machen. Der Seher sagt: Was im Gneis als Feldspat sich findet, zeigt sich dem geistigen Auge noch klar als das Festgewordene der Pflanzen im Stengel und den grünen Blättern, woraus sich die Pflanze aufgebaut hat; und die Glimmeranlage hat etwas zu tun mit dem, was sich heute noch in den Kelchblättern und Blumenkronen der Pflanzen bildet. Wenn also heute ein Okkultist ein Stück Gneis ansieht, wird er sagen: Das ist versteinerte Pflanze, und wie heute die Pflanzen Blätter und Blüten und so weiter haben, so ist die Glimmeranlage herrührend von alten Kelch- und Blumenblättern. — Und so können wir von allen Mineralien sagen, wie sie sich von alten Pflanzen her gebildet haben. Denn Pflanzen waren es ja, die von dem Monde herübergekommen sind, und erst in der flüssigen Erdmasse haben sie sich verdichtet. So wie wenn Sie ein Gefäß mit Wasser vor sich haben und das Wasser anfängt, sich zu verfestigen, Eis zu bilden, haben sich da immer mehr feste Einschlüsse gebildet. Und immer mehr bildete sich damit die feste Erdkruste aus der flüssigen Erde heraus. Je weiter wir gehen, um so höher und reiner werden die Wesen; diejenigen, welche nicht hinaufkommen konnten, versteinerten. Ebenso war es bei den Tieren und bei den Menschen. Der Mensch kam so weit, daß er seinen Leib in einem noch höheren Grade umbilden konnte.

[ 6 ] Diese Mondmenschen bewegten sich im Urmeer schwebend-schwimmend daher; sie waren veranlagt zu diesem Herumschwimmen. Das mag sich ja für den heutigen Menschen höchst sonderbar ausnehmen, aber es ist doch wahr. Und rückhaltlos sei es gesagt: gar nicht möchte ich manche dieser grotesk scheinenden Beschreibungen lindern. Über die Wahrheiten wird immer gelacht, wenn sie zuerst auftreten.

[ 7 ] Der Mensch, der im Urmeer herumschwamm, hatte noch keine Augen, die da sehen konnten wie heute; veranlagt waren sie ja schon auf dem Saturn, aber da unten in dem Urmeer brauchte der Mensch noch nicht zu sehen; er mußte sich anders orientieren. In dem Urmeer war auch alles enthalten, was er verzehrte, um sein Dasein zu fristen. Da gab es auch Tiere, die ihm freundlich, andere, die ihm nicht freundlich gesinnt waren. Und dann war das Urmeer an manchen Stellen warm, an andern kalt. Die einen Stellen konnte der Mensch vertragen, die andern nicht. Damals hatte der Mensch noch ein Organ, das heute im Kopfe drinnen ist, kirschkerngroß, die Zirbeldrüse; doch ist es im eigentlichen Sinne keine Drüse. Dieses Organ war einstmals mächtig groß entwickelt; es ist ein Organ gewesen, mit dem der Mensch sich im Urmeer orientieren konnte: da ragte es wie eine Art Laterne aus dem Kopfe heraus. Der Mensch bewegte sich so, daß er dazu dieses vorneliegende laternenartige Gebilde benutzte; es war ein fein empfindendes Organ, ein Wärmeorgan, wodurch er die Wärme, die ihm zuträglich war oder nicht, wahrnehmen konnte. Es war ein Orientierungsorgan, das aber nicht ein Sehorgan war. Es war ihm dienlich, wenn er da herumschwamm. Später brauchte es der Mensch nicht mehr; da schrumpfte es zusammen.

[ 8 ] Damals konnte noch nicht die Rede sein von einer Anlage zum Ich. Der Mensch war noch in bezug auf alles, was er tat, unter der Leitung höherer geistiger Mächte. Wir können ihn etwa vergleichen mit dem heutigen Tiere. Unsere heutigen Tiere sehen wir geisteswissenschaftlich etwa in folgender Weise an: Vom Tiere unterscheidet sich der Mensch dadurch, daß er eine individuelle Seele hat; jeder Mensch hat seine individuelle Seele, sein individuelles Ich. Das ist nicht so beim Tier; da haben ganze Gruppen von Tieren eine Seele. Zum Beispiel alle Tiere, die zur Löwenart gehören, haben eine Seele, und die lebt in der Astralwelt. Ebenso haben alle Tiere, die Tigerart haben, eine Seele zusammen. Daher sprechen wir beim Tiere von Gruppenseelen. Alle Pferde zusammen haben eine Gruppenseele; die gehören zusammen. Wie die einzelnen Finger zur Hand, so verhalten sich die Tiere zu ihrer Gruppenseele. Daher können wir auch nicht von einer individuellen Verantwortlichkeit sprechen. Erst wenn eine individuelle Seele vorhanden ist, sprechen wir davon, daß eine Seele gut oder böse sein kann. Der Mensch der damaligen Zeit hatte noch eine Art Gruppenseele, die noch im Schoße der Gottheit lagerte. So daß wir uns klar sein müssen: was heute in uns lebt, gab es auch damals schon, aber nicht im Menschenkörper drinnen. Der Mensch hat seinen Ursprung in zwei Strömungen: Was vom Mond herübergekommen war und sich weiter ausgebildet hatte, war der Tiermensch da unten; aber was heute in Ihnen lebt als einzelne Seele, das war oben, bei der Gottheit, nur Ihr Leib war unten, im Urmeer. Später haben sich die beiden vereinigt; da stieg die Seele herunter und durchgeistigte Ihren Leib als individuelle Seele.

[ 9 ] Denken Sie sich ein Gefäß mit Wasser; darinnen sind viele, viele Wassertropfen, aber man kann sie nicht unterscheiden. Wenn Sie jetzt viele hundert Schwämmchen nehmen und da hineintauchen, so haben Sie die Tropfen individualisiert, die erst in der Wassermasse darinnen waren. So denken Sie sich Ihre Geistigkeit schwebend über dem Urmeer. Vergleichen Sie nun die im Schoße der Gottheit ruhende Seele mit dem Wassertropfen: die Leiber nehmen die Seelen auf wie die Schwämmchen die Wassertropfen; dadurch wurden die Seelen selbständig, wie das Wasser individualisiert wurde durch die Schwämmchen. Unten das Urmeer mit den schwebend-schwimmenden Leibern oben die Seelen. Das konnte man nicht besser schildern, als daß man sagte: «Und der Geist der Gottheit brütete über den Wassern», das heißt, er arbeitete das, was unten war, soweit aus, daß die Seelentropfen aufgenommen werden konnten.

[ 10 ] Die Leiber selber mußten sich schwebend erhalten, und dazu brauchten die Wesen ein Organ. Der Mensch hatte damals noch keine Lunge, aber er hatte eine Art Schwimmblase; dadurch erhielt er sich im Urmeere schwimmend. Die Fische, die auf dieser Stufe zurückgeblieben sind, haben noch heute Schwimmblasen und keine Lungen. Nach und nach, als die Luft sich von den Wassern reinigte, und der Mensch über die Wasser hinaufgelangen konnte und ein Luftatmer wurde, sind seine Lungen entstanden. Das war ein langer Prozeß, ein Prozeß durch Jahrmillionen, wo der Mensch allmählich die Luft durch Lungen dann aufnahm. Dadurch war das physische Gebilde gegeben, das die Seele in sich selber aufnehmen konnte. Je mehr der Mensch ein Lungenatmer wurde, desto mehr wurde er fähig, die Seele aufzunehmen. Das können Sie nicht besser ausdrücken als mit den Worten: Und Gott hauchte dem Menschen den Odem ein, und er ward eine individuelle Seele. - Damit wird der Mensch zu gleicher Zeit fähig, etwas auszubilden, was er früher niemals hätte bilden können: er wird fähig, rotes Blut zu bilden. Früher waren alle Menschen so veranlagt, dieselbe Temperatur zu haben wie ihre Umgebung; waren sie mehr von Wärme umgeben, so waren sie dieser Wärme angemessen. Früher gab es überhaupt noch kein rotes Blut; die Tiere, die über den Amphibien stehen, sind in noch viel späterer Zeit zurückgebliebene Menschenkörper. Erst nach der Zeit, wo der Mensch sich zu einem Bildner von rotem Blut entwickelt hat, haben sich auch Tiere entwickelt zu solchen, die rotes Blut haben. Ebensowenig wie sich jemals eine Pflanze aus einem Stein entwickelt hat, sondern wie sich der Stein aus der Pflanze bildete, so hatte sich das Tier aus dem Menschen herausentwickelt. Alles Niedere hat sich aus dem Höheren herausentwickelt; das ist die Evolutionslehre. Erst mußte sich der Mensch zu einem rotblütigen Wesen umwandeln, dann konnte er die Tiere zurücklassen. In den Tieren sehen Sie im buchstäblichen Sinne dieStufen ausgebreitet, die wir zurückgelassen haben. Der Mensch sieht in einem jeden Tiere mehr oder weniger ein zurückgelassenes Stück seiner selbst. Das hat Paracelsus so wunderschön ausgedrückt: Wenn wir um uns umher blicken, sehen wir gleichsam die Buchstaben eines Alphabets; nur im Menschen sind sie zu einem Wort vereinigt; daher liegt in ihm der Sinn dessen, was um ihn herum ausgebreitet ist. Sodann müssen Sie eines in Betracht ziehen. Ein scheinbar unbeträchtlicher, aber für die Geisteswissenschaft außerordentlich wichtiger Prozeß vollzog sich dazumal; er begann im Grunde schon mit dem ersten Auftreten der Erde, als sie noch mit dem Mond zusammen war: das ist ein gewisses Zusammenwirken von Mars und Erde. Während der ganzen ersten Erdhälfte strrömten Kräfte des Mars auf die Erde ein; daher bezeichnet man die erste Hälfte geradezu als den Marszustand der Erde. Und mit diesem Durchgang durch den Mars ist das Eisen verknüpft, das von da ab eine ganz neue Rolle in dem Erdprozeß spielt.

[ 11 ] Bei den Pflanzen spielt das Eisen eine viel äußerlichere Rolle. Aber Sie sehen, wie die Dinge zusammengreifen: kosmisch geht die Erde durch den Mars hindurch, er gibt ihr das Eisen. Da wurde das Eisen zu den Funktionen angeregt, die es jetzt hat. Da tritt das Eisen im Blut auf. Und mit dem eisenhaltigen Blut ist das Aggressive im Menschen verbunden, das, wodurch er ein Krieger wird auf der Erde. Das hat die griechische Mythe gefühlt, und sie bezeichnet daher den Mars als den Kriegsgott.

[ 12 ] Dadurch wird dieser Menschenkörper fähig, ein Ich aufzunehmen; denn ohne rotes, warmes Blut kann kein Körper ein Ich-Träger werden; das ist außerordentlich wichtig. Lungenatmung ist die Voraussetzung des warmen, roten Blutes. Und dann entstanden die nötigen Prozesse auf der Erde, die sich dem Blute eingliederten. So hat der Mensch sich allmählich entwickelt, daß er ein lungenatmendes, rotblütiges Wesen geworden ist, und dann die andern Geschöpfe, die niederen Warmblütler, zurückgelassen hat. Im Okkultismus werden die Tiere nicht bloß in der gewöhnlichen Art unterschieden, sondern wir nennen noch ein anderes Merkmal. Wir unterscheiden sie in innerlich tönende, solche, die eigenen Schmerz und Freude in Tönen zum Ausdruck bringen können, und in nichttönende. Wenn Sie heruntergehen zu niedereren Tieren, hören Sie zwar auch Töne, doch sind es nur äußerliche, die auf Aneinanderreiben von Organen oder auf äußerliche klimatische Einflüsse zurückzuführen sind; das Äußere tönt bei ihnen. Erst die Tiere, die sich damals abgezweigt haben, als der Mensch sich zu einem warmblütigen Wesen entwickelt hat, waren so, daß sie selbst ihren Schmerz und ihre Freude heraustönen konnten. Damals wurde ja auch des Menschen Kehlkopf zu einem tönenden Organ umgewandelt. Dadurch, daß außen die flüssige Erde sich umwandelte in eine Kruste, ging ein innerlicher Prozeß im Menschen vor sich: Parallel mit der äußerlichen Verfestigung bildete sich innerlich aus den weichen Teilen ein Knochen- und Knorpelskelett. Knochenwesen hat es früher nicht gegeben. Die äußeren Mineralien sind das Gegenbild zu den Knochen. Die Erde hat diese Epoche in den Felsmassen festgehalten; der Mensch hat sie in den Knochen. Immer mehr wird der Mensch jetzt aus einem in der waagrechten Haltung gehenden Wesen zu einem aufrechtgehenden. Er wendet sich so um, daß seine vorderen Gliedmaßen Arbeitsorgane werden, und nur seine andern der Fortbewegung dienen. Das hängt beides zusammen. Kein Wesen, das nicht einen tönenden Kehlkopf und einen aufrechten Gang hat, kann ein Ich-Wesen sein.

[ 13 ] Die Tiere haben die Anlagen dazu gehabt, aber sie sind zurückgegangen. Daher haben sie sich nicht umwandeln können zu solchen Wesen, die eine Sprache haben, denn sie ist geknüpft an einen aufrechten Kehlkopf. Wir können das an einer ganz groben Tatsache ermessen. Gewiß ist mancher Hund gelehriger als ein Papagei; aber der Papagei lernt mehr, weil sein Kehlkopf mehr aufrecht liegt. Papageien und Stare lernen etwas sprechen, weil sie einen aufrechten Kehlkopf haben.

[ 14 ] So sehen Sie, wie die Erde und der Mensch zu immer weiteren Entwickelungsstufen schreiten. Zu gleicher Zeit wird auch die Atmosphäre anders; es entwickelt sich jener Zustand, wo die Erde nur noch von einer Nebelluft umgeben ist. Das war in der Zeit, als die Lemurier ihren Kontinent zerstieben sahen und nach Atlantis hinüberwanderten; sie wurden dadurch Atlantier. Während der Phase dieses Fortschritts, in welcher der Mensch die ersten Elemente der Sprache sich aneignete, die zwar nur Empfindungslaute waren, trat auch die Seele immer mehr hervor. Der Atlantier hatte im wesentlichen sich ein dumpfes Hellsehen bewahrt. Nun hatten sich bei ihm die Augen in dem Maße herausgebildet, als der Mensch, aus dem unterirdischen Meere heraufgekommen, jenes Sonnenlichtes teilhaftig wurde, das ihm durch die Nebelmassen hindurch erschien. Er wurde physisch immer mehr sehend und wahrnehmend; dafür ging aber das alte Hellsehen immer mehr in ihm zurück. Erst im letzten Drittel der atlantischen Zeit hatte sich an einem Punkte der Erdoberfläche die fortgeschrittenste Rasse unter den Atlantiern herausgebildet. Es war das ein bedeutsamer Abschluß dieser Epoche.

[ 15 ] Die Atlantier, die mehr nach dem Westen hinübergezogen waren, wurden durch die damaligen Verhältnisse innerlich neutrale Naturen, kalt, gleichgültig; das wurde die kupferfarbige Bevölkerung Amerikas. Die andern, die mehr nach dem Süden hinüberwanderten, wurden zur schwarzen Negerbevölkerung, und jene, die sich mehr nach dem Osten wandten, bildeten später die gelbe, malayische Bevölkerung. An den ungünstigsten Punkten, von denen aus man nicht weiter fortschreiten konnte, hatten diese Völkermassen sich konzentriert. Dort aber, wo Irland ist, und westlich davon, wo heute Meer ist, hatte der Mensch sich am weitesten entwickeln können. Da waren jene Mischungen von Warm und Kalt, durch welche der Menschenkörper am weitesten vorwärtskommen konnte. Aus der damals noch magischen Willenskraft entwickelte sich in der ersten Anlage ein unausgesprochenes IchEmpfinden. Gerade an diesem Zeitpunkt lernte der Mensch zum ersten Male «Ich» zu sich sagen. Dann lernten da die Menschen in der ersten Anlage zählen, rechnen, ein beginnendes Urteilsvermögen zu entwickeln, das Kombinatorische. Es gab aber immer auch unter ihnen fortgeschrittene Wesen, die Führer der Menschheit, die sich zu den Menschen so verhielten, wie Wesen eines höheren Reiches. Die waren die Lehrer und Leiter geworden und gaben den Anlaß zu dem Zug nach dem Osten. — Von jenem Punkt in der Nähe des heutigen Irland aus bis weiter östlich und nach Asien hinüber waren schon überall Völkersiedlungen. Nun gingen die fortgeschrittensten Bevölkerungsmassen nach dem Osten hinüber und bildeten auf ihrem Wege überall eine Art Kolonie. Die mächtigste, mit der höchst entwickeltsten Kultur, war in der Nähe der heutigen Wüste Gobi. Von dort gingen später einzelne Teile nach den verschiedensten Gegenden der Welt, ein Teil nach dem heutigen Indien; sie trafen dort schon Völkerschaften an, gelb-bräunliche, und vermischten sich zum Teil mit ihnen.

[ 16 ] Das war nach der atlantischen Flut, als diese Kolonie nach Süden ging und dort die erste Kultur der nachatlantischen Zeit begründete, die erste Kultur unserer Zeitepoche. Die fortgeschrittensten Lehrer, die da mit hinunterzogen, die ersten großen Lehrer des alten Indien, sie nennt man die alten indischen Rishis. Die heutigen Inder sind die Nachkommen jener alten Bevölkerung, aber wir müssen weit zurückgehen in Zeiten, die dunkel vor der Geschichtsbetrachtung liegen, wenn wir die Spuren ihrer Kultur treffen wollen. Die Veden gehören schon einer späteren Zeit an; denn damals zeichnete man noch nichts auf. Das alte indische Volk stellt die erste Kulturgruppe nach der atlantischen Zeit dar; daher standen sie auch dem Atlantier noch am nächsten. Der Atlantier war eine Art Träumer; dumpf war sein Bewußtsein, nichts hatte er an Urteilskraft und Selbstbewußtsein; wie ein Träumer, halb unbewußt ging er umher. Die alten Inder waren die ersten, die diesen Zustand überwunden hatten, die aber doch noch halb darinnen wurzelten. Daher hatte der alte Inder in sich die Sehnsucht nach dem Erleben des alten Geisterlandes und jenem Schauen, das den Atlantiern noch eigen war. Die alte indische Jogaschulung bestand noch darin, daß sie in einer Art von Herabdämpfen des Bewußtseins den Menschen zurückversetzte in die Zeit, wo die Menschen noch die Geister um sich herum geschaut haben. Nach dieser Zeit des Hellsehens der alten Atlantier sehnte sich der Inder zurück, und die Rishis lehrten ihn in ihrer Jogaschulung die Methoden, die jetzt aber doch in einer andern Weise ausgebildet wurden. Der Atlantier hatte noch nicht die Urteilskraft entwickelt; in Indien hatte man schon Urteilskraft, aber man liebte sozusagen das, was man überwunden hatte, und man wußte es wieder hervorzurufen, das Bewußtsein herabzudämpfen und sich wieder zu erinnern an das, was man früher geschaut hatte. In ihren höchsten Repräsentanten hat sich die indische Kultur das noch bewahrt. Der Inder suchte sein Bewußtsein nicht zu erhöhen, sondern es traumhaft herabzudämpfen; daher das Untätige des indischen Wesens. Und es wäre ein grober Nachteil, sogar schädlich, wenn in höherem Grade das indische Leben die heutige Kultur ergriffe.

[ 17 ] In der ersten Zeit hatten die Menschen überhaupt noch keine Mineralien gesehen; der Atlantier sah durchaus noch die Mineralien am undeutlichsten. Für ihn war die Geisterwelt da in seinen Visionen; sie war es, die in allem lebte. Er sah den Menschen umschrieben in Farben, in sympathischen Farben, wenn er ihm sympathisch war. Solch eine Welt suchte sich der Inder wieder hervorzuzaubern. Aber gerade darin besteht der menschliche Fortschritt, daß der Mensch immer mehr ein Verhältnis gewinnen muß zu dem, was hier in der Welt der Stofflichkeit vorhanden ist. Die Atlantier brauchten noch keine Werkzeuge; sie orientierten sich durch ihre Seherkraft; sie maßen den physischen Werkzeugen keine Bedeutung zu. Der Inder ist darin noch ein Nachzügler der Atlantier; daher ist ihm die physische Welt Maja, eine Art von Täuschung, von Lüge. Er hat nichts übrig für die Welt der äußeren Sinne. Er sagt: Erhebe dich zu der Welt des traumhaft Geistigen.

[ 18 ] Der Fortschritt von diesem Indertum zu einer späteren Zeit bestand darin, daß in dem nächsten Kulturkreis, dem persischen, der noch vor Zarathustra liegt, die Menschheit zuerst schätzen lernte, was äußere Wirklichkeit ist. Das war eine zweite Kolonie, die von Gobi ausging, die ein urfernes Reich in Vorderasien begründete, aus dem das Reich des Zarathustra hervorging. Der Perser wird gewahr, daß es hier eine Welt gibt, in der er zu wirken hat. Das Göttliche erscheint ihm als etwas, mit dem er sich verbinden muß. Zwei Gottheiten stehen da vor seiner Seele: Ormuzd und Ahriman. Die Materie erscheint ihm noch als etwas, das er zu überwinden hat, woran er seine Kräfte messen muß. Aus der geistigen Welt nimmt er noch die Kräfte, die er braucht, um hier in dieser Welt zu arbeiten. Die Welt erscheint ihm als etwas Finsteres, das mit Hilfe des Lichtes des Guten umgewandelt werden muß. — Der Inder gründete eine Wissenschaft der bloß geistigen Welt, die ihm aber nichts sagte über die äußere Wirklichkeit. Beim Perser ist die äußere Wirklichkeit etwas anderes, das stetig durch Arbeit umgewandelt werden muß.

[ 19 ] Die dritte Kolonie, die von Gobi ausging, zog weiter nach Vorderasien und gründete den chaldäisch-babylonisch-ägyptischen Kulturkreis. Diese Völker haben neben der früheren Wissenschaft des Geistes jetzt schon eine Wissenschaft der irdischen Welt. Bei den Agyptern entstand eine Astrologie, eine Geometrie, durch die sie lernten, wie man die Erde behandelt und bebaut. Die Wissenschaft dehnte sich aus auf das, was der alte Inder noch als die Welt der Täuschung bezeichnete. Jetzt ist die Welt der Täuschung eine Welt des schärfsten Nachdenkens, sinnlichen Nachdenkens. Wenn der Inder sich in die Sternenwelt vertiefte, war sie ihm nur der Ausdruck des Geistigen. Der Chaldäer aber hatte eine Liebe für die körperliche Welt; sie war ihm das Glied der Gottheit, wo hinein man sich arbeitet, wo hinein man sich vertieft. Und dieses Hineinarbeiten vom Göttlichen in das Sinnliche, das sehen wir in der babylonisch-assyrischen Kultur.

[ 20 ] Wir gelangen nun dazu, den vierten Kulturkreis zu betrachten, den wir den griechisch-lateinischen nennen. Da ist der Mensch selbst für die äußere Betrachtung schon gewonnen. Bei den Ägyptern wußte man bereits, daß die Welt kein Chaos ist, sondern sinnvoll erbaut durch unermeßliche Zeitenläufe hindurch. Die Sphinx und die Pyramide drücken große kosmische Wahrheiten aus. Sein Wissen davon geheimnißte der alte Ägypter in das Bild hinein; er schuf die Sphinx, die wie ein Rätsel der Entwickelung vor uns steht: der Entwickelung des höheren Menschlichen aus den früheren tierischen Zuständen. Das war für den Ägypter die Weisheit, die er auf seine Art in die Welt hinein aussprach. Und eine Maßausrechnung können Sie bei ihm finden, die vom Himmel heruntergeholt ist. Die Städte waren so eingerichtet, daß der Ägypter in ihrem Bau eine heilige Ordnung zum Ausdruck brachte, die ihm vorgeschrieben war; ein Abbild der Ordnung des Himmels versuchte der Ägypter da zu geben. Aber das Individuell-Menschliche war noch nicht darin begriffen. Das sehen Sie erst in der griechischen Kunst erblühen, wo der Mensch sich bereits erfaßt als unmittelbare Wirklichkeit und wo er ein Ebenbild seiner selbst im Raume schaffen will.

[ 21 ] Immer vertrauter macht sich der Mensch mit dem, was der Inder als Maja bezeichnete. Der Mensch tritt sich selbst entgegen. Er schafft eine Welt innerhalb dessen, was der Inder Illusion genannt hat, und er ist sich bewußt , daß er diese Welt ohne Hilfe der Götter schaffen muß. Er verbindet sich immer mehr mit der äußeren Wirklichkeit und schafft aus eigenen Kräften das Göttliche in die äußere Wirklichkeit hinein. Aber wenn Sie die griechische Polis studieren, sehen Sie noch nichts von dem, was Rechtsbegriff ist. Das mußte der Mensch erst begründen im Römischen Reich als römisches Recht, in dem privaten Zusammenleben mit den andern, als römischer Bürger.

[ 22 ] So gelangt der Mensch immer mehr zum Verständnis dessen, was sich hier in der äußeren Wirklichkeit vollzieht.

[ 23 ] Der fünfte Kulturkreis sind wir selbst mit unserer materialistischen Zivilisation. Es ist die Zeit, in welcher der Mensch am tiefsten heruntergestiegen ist in die äußere Welt. Vergleichen Sie unsere Zeit mit den früheren: Wohl wissen wir die Kräfte der geistigen Welt anzuwenden auf unsere äußere Umgebung; überall tragen wir die geistige Welt hinein. Aber vom Standpunkt der Geisteswissenschaft aus hat das eine eigentümliche Perspektive. Erinnern Sie sich an die Zeit, in der der Mensch sich noch zwischen zwei Steinen das Mehl gemahlen hat. Er verwendet wenig Geisteskräfte darauf. Aber im alten Ägypten und Chaldäa vertiefte er sich in die Himmelsweisheit; viel ist ihm da noch gesagt worden über den geistigen Sinn des Sternenhimmels und der Erde selber. Der Grieche schuf noch hinein in diese Welt der Wirklichkeit die idealisierte Menschengestalt.

[ 24 ] Und wie ist das Bild unserer Zeit? Viel geistige Kraft wird da angewendet, um unsere Naturwissenschaft mit ihren technischen Anwendungen hervorzubringen. Aber wie groß ist denn der Unterschied, ob Sie sich mit primitiven Mitteln, oder unter Zuhilfenahme von Telephon, Maschinen und so weiter die Nahrungsmittel von Amerika herüberschaffen, die doch nur dazu dienen, um dasselbe Bedürfnis zu befriedigen, welches auch das Tier hier befriedigt? Versuchen Sie einmal zu prüfen, wieviel von dem Geschaffenen dem Geistesleben dient, und wieviel Geisteskraft gebraucht wird für das materielle Leben. Welch ungeheure Geisteskraft muß die Menschheit heute entwickeln, um materielle Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen! Es ist kein großer Unterschied, wenn das Tier hingeht und Graß frißt, oder wenn man sich durch allerlei Mittel die Nahrungsmittel von Amerika und Australien herübeschafft. Aber das ist keine abfällige Kritik, das muß so sein. So untertauchen mußte der Mensch in diese Welt. Der Inder sah die Welt noch als Illusion an; der heutige Mensch sieht diese Welt als die einzige Wirklichkeit an. Wir sind am tiefsten heruntergestiegen und haben dadurch die größten Fortschritte gemacht auf dem physischen Plan. Aber dieser Herunterstieg darf auch im geistigen Sinne kein vergeblicher sein!

[ 25 ] Innerhalb unserer Zeit ist ein neues Element aufgetreten, das geradezu hineingepflanzt ist in das erste Drittel der nachatlantischen Zeit: es ist das Aufkommen des Christentums — der bedeutsamste Einschnitt in der Entwickelung der Erde überhaupt. Alles, was früher gewesen ist, ist für den Okkultismus nur Vorbereitung gewesen für das Christentum. Buddha, Hermes und so weiter sind nur prophetische Hindeutungen auf das Christentum, das gerade die Menschheit erheben soll aus der tiefsten Verstrickung in die Materie. Und es wird den Menschen wieder herausheben aus dieser Verstrickung. Jetzt beginnt wiederum der Aufstieg aus der Materie. Und die Aufgabe der Geisteswissenschaft ist, mitzuhelfen an diesem Aufstieg in die geistige Welt hinauf.

[ 26 ] Der nächste Zeitraum unserer nachatlantischen Kultur wird zwar noch mehr Entdeckungen bringen; aber der Mensch wird in der äußeren Welt immer mehr nur die Buchstaben sehen. Ein wahres Christentum wird von der Außenwelt so sprechen, wie wir von dem sprechen, was verdichteter Geist ist, und aus der Materie heraus wird uns der Geist wiederum aufgehen. Nicht werden wir von der Außenwelt sagen, sie sei Illusion, wir werden sie völlig haben und nichts verlieren, und dennoch hinaufsteigen zu geistig Höherem. Und zu dieser Entwickelung wird das Christentum den größten Beitrag zu liefern haben. Schon in dem sechsten Zeitraum wird das, was heute für wenige verkündet wird, imstande sein, große Menschenmassen zu ergreifen und sie mit sich fortzureißen; und damit wird die Menschheit die Einsicht erlangen in die geistige Welt. Was heute Gedanke ist, wird in der Zukunft eine Kraft sein. In der sechsten Kulturperiode werden viele diese Gedankenkraft haben. Was sich heute theosophisches Christentum nennt, wird sich ausbreiten über große Menschenmassen. Immer kräftiger werden diese Gedanken werden; schöpferisch werden sie wirken bis auf die menschliche Gestalt. — Früher hat der menschliche Leib ganz anders ausgesehen als heute; Sie wären erstaunt, wenn ich Ihnen diesen früheren Leib schildern würde. Aber dadurch, daß der Körper noch weich war, hatte das Ich einen viel größeren Einfluß auf dessen Gestaltung. Von dem Einfluß des Willens der Seele auf den menschlichen Leib ist dem Menschen heute nur noch ein ganz spärlicher Rest zurückgeblieben: Wenn Sie einen Schreck erleben, werden Sie bleich, weil der innere Seelenzustand bis ins Blut dringt; die Körperfarbe verändert sich. Aber Sie könnten bei andern Körperzuständen sehen, wie wenig Gewalt nur der Mensch heute über seinen Körper hat. Beim Aufstieg wird das wiederum anders werden; der Körper wird sich immer weicher und weicher gestalten, und der Mensch wird wieder seinen Einfluß auf den Leib gewinnen, wenn er in sich immer kräftiger die Gedanken werden läßt, die heute erst spärlich auftreten; die werden dann den Körper selbst umgestalten können. Der Mensch wird wiederum seinen Körper selbst bilden können, allerdings erst in einer sehr fernen Zukunft.

[ 27 ] Die Geschlechtlichkeit wurde dem Menschen erst aufgedrückt während der lemurischen Zeit; vorher war er ein zweigeschlechtliches Wesen, männlich und weiblich zugleich. Mit der Eingliederung des Ich zerfällt der Mensch in zwei Geschlechter. Diesen Moment werden wir noch genauer kennenlernen, wenn wir den Gang des menschlichen Blutes näher beleuchten werden. Dann werden wir auf dieses Problem der Geschlechterteilung zu sprechen kommen, und auch darauf, daß das, was heute Geschlechtertrennung ist, wiederum verschwinden wird.

[ 28 ] So blicken wir auf eine Zukunft hin, in welcher der Mensch wiederum ganz anders auf den Leib zurück wird wirken können.

[ 29 ] Was ist es zum Beispiel, wenn dem Menschen die Schamröte ins Gesicht steigt? Was ist denn das? Ein letzter Rest von dem, was der Mensch früher als Einfluß auf seinen Leib hatte. Immer mehr wird der Mensch wieder bewußt in seinen Leib hineinarbeiten können. Und dann wird die Zeit kommen, wo der Mensch fähig sein wird, seinen Herzmuskel zu einem willkürlichen Muskel zu machen. Die Wissenschaft stellt Ihnen das Herz so dar, als ob es ein bloßer physischer Apparat, eine Pumpe sei. Aber das Blut strömt nicht nur durch den Leib, weil das Herz das Blut durchpumpt, sondern alles, was im Blute ist, hängt von der Seele ab. Das Blut pulsiert unter den verschiedenen Gefühlen schneller oder langsamer, und das Blut ist es, das die Herzbewegung hervorruft. Aber in der Zukunft wird der Mensch einen bewußten Einfluß auf das Herz gewinnen; daher ist das Herz ein Organ, das heute erst im Anfange seiner Entwickelung steht. Ein Muskel der geistigen Entwickelung ist das Herz, ein Organ, durch das der höher gestiegene Mensch sich zu seinem Ausdruck bringt und dadurch auf seinen ganzen übrigen Körper schöpferisch wirkt.

[ 30 ] Das Herz ist erst im Anfange seiner Entwickelung; daher ist es auch für die materialistische Wissenschaft ein Kreuz. Die materialistische Wissenschaft sagt Ihnen: Alle Muskeln, mit denen Sie sich bewegen, sind quergestreifte Muskeln; alle die Muskeln, die unwillkürlich sind, zum Beispiel die, die mit dem Verdauungssystem zusammenhängen, sind langgestreift. Das Herz ist nun ein eigentümliches Organ, welches diese ganze Rechnung auf den Kopf stellt. Es ist ein unwillkürlicher Muskel, und es hat quergestreifte Muskelfasern: weil es auf dem Wege ist zu einer höheren Entwickelung, darum hat es heute schon quergestreifte Fasern.

[ 31 ] Ich werde Ihnen morgen noch zeigen, wie gewisse Dinge sich aufklären, wenn wir sie im Lichte der Geisteswissenschaft betrachten.

[ 32 ] So wirkt Theosophie lichtverbreitend auf das, was um uns herum ist. Alles, was Materie geworden ist, erlösen wir aus seinem heutigen erstarrten Zustand. Das ist der Erlösungsgedanke in seinem tiefsten Wesen begriffen! Der Mensch hat sich immer höher entwickelt; er ließ dabei immer gewisse Reiche zurück. Er wird mächtig werden, und er wird das, was er zurückgelassen hat, wieder erlösen, und er wird die Erde miterlösen. Er darf sie aber nicht verachten, sondern muß sich mit ihr verbinden, wenn er ihr die Erlösung bringen will.

Eleventh Lecture

[ 1 ] Yesterday, in our description of the development of our various earthly conditions, we came to the point where we realized how the three combined cosmic bodies — Sun, Moon and Earth — successively separated. We started on the one hand with this and stopped at the point where the moon detached itself from the earth; on the other hand, we also tried to reach it by starting from our time and going back through Atlantis to this same point. Now let us realize in what state we have the earth itself. One must keep in mind long, long periods of time, millions of years; then one will no longer be so surprised at the great changes that are taking place in the universe as well as on Earth.

[ 2 ] Let us now take a closer look at the separated Earth. It is still enveloped in a mass of air, but it looked quite different from our present-day air. You must not imagine that this air was something like a glowing furnace inside, although the temperature was much higher than it is today. Many of the substances that are solid today were also present in the earth in a liquid state. The earth was enveloped in an air, densely filled with vapors of the most diverse substances, something that could be described as fire air, a repetition of the earlier moon condition. When the earth had become independent after separating from the present moon, it was surrounded by a strange atmosphere that could be described as fire air. By freeing itself from the atmosphere that had left with the moon, the earth became able to reach certain higher levels. Within this atmosphere, the most advanced animal-men had reached a higher level than they had on the moon, but only those who later became human. A large number of these animal-men remained at the moon level. And the consequence of this was that they did not just stop, but because completely new conditions arose - because there could only be animal men on the moon - they sank half a step and became animals that did not exist on the moon at that time. So we have two kingdoms: humans, and the remaining animal kingdom, which gradually sank to become animals. |

[ 3 ] It was the same with the plant animals. A certain number had developed higher, into animals; others stopped and became plants. And the plant-mineral kingdom was distributed in such a way that some became heavy minerals, and others developed up to plants. Not everything came into being according to one standard; for example, what we know today as animals came into being partly through the human animal evolving downwards and partly through the plant animal evolving upwards. Likewise, in the plant kingdom, we have plant minerals in the ascendant and plant animals in the descent, side by side. The plants that today preferably form our aesthetic plant cover are those that have developed through the upward evolution of the plant minerals of the moon, the violet, for example. On the other hand, everything that seems musty to us is in a descending development, while our green foliage plants will reach higher levels in the future.

[ 4 ] Our minerals have developed on Earth in general. On the Moon, there were no minerals as there are today. This is the degenerated plant mineral kingdom, which was embedded in the Earth as a solid crust. At the time when the Earth threw the Moon out, what remained and later became mineral, solid metal and so on, was still a liquid mass. What was already solid at that time was simply hurled out into space because the Earth could not have developed higher if it had kept these substances to itself. Then inclusions of those metals that were most likely to solidify were formed. Some of them had strange shapes. What you encounter today as granite or gneiss in the mountains clearly showed at that time that it was formed when plant beings descended and became stones.

[ 5 ] Basically, you can see from this that on the sun and on the moon, everything in the rock realm was still in the plant realm. It was not the plant kingdom that developed from the rock kingdom, but the stones from the plant kingdom! What you dig up today as hard coal is only a collection of fossilized plants, of plants that perished, rotted and became stones, so that today they can be dug up as plants that have become stone. If you go back even further, you would see that even the densest stones were once plants and only came into being through the plant's downward development into the realm of stones. For the seer, the following emerges. If you examine gneiss, the mineralogist will tell you that it consists of feldspar, hornblende and mica. Then the mineralogist has to stop. The seer says: What is found in gneiss as feldspar is still clearly visible to the spiritual eye as the solidified form of the plants in the stem and the green leaves from which the plant was built; and the glimmer structure has something to do with what is still formed today in the sepals and corollas of plants. So when an occultist looks at a piece of gneiss today, he will say: this is petrified plant, and just as today plants have leaves and flowers and so on, the mica arrangement originates from ancient sepals and petals. And so we can say about all minerals how they were formed from ancient plants. For it was plants that came over from the moon, and only in the liquid mass of the earth did they solidify. Just as if you have a container of water in front of you and the water begins to solidify, to form ice, more and more solid inclusions formed. And so more and more of the solid earth's crust formed out of the liquid earth. The higher we go, the higher and purer the beings become; those that could not get up petrified. It was the same with animals and humans. Man came so far that he was able to transform his body to an even higher degree.

[ 6 ] These moon men moved about in the primeval ocean by floating and swimming; they were adapted to this form of locomotion. This may seem very strange to modern man, but it is nevertheless true. And I say it without reservation: I would not want to modify some of these grotesque descriptions. Truths are always laughed at when they first appear.

[ 7 ] The human being that swam around in the primeval ocean did not yet have eyes that could see as we do today; they were already present on Saturn, but down there in the primeval ocean, the human being did not yet need to see; he had to orient himself differently. The primeval ocean also contained everything he ate to sustain his existence. There were also animals, some of which were friendly to him, others not. And then the primeval sea was warm in some places and cold in others. Man could tolerate some places and not others. At that time man still had an organ, the size of a cherry stone, the pineal gland, which is now located in the head; but it is not really a gland. This organ was once very large; it was an organ with which man could orient himself in the primeval sea: it protruded like a kind of lantern out of the head. Man moved in such a way that he used this lantern-like structure at the front; it was a finely sensitive organ, a warmth organ, through which he could perceive the warmth that was beneficial to him or not. It was an organ of orientation, but not an organ of sight. It was useful to him when he was swimming around. Later, man no longer needed it; it shrank away.

[ 8 ] At that time there could be no question of an inclination towards the ego. In everything he did, man was still under the guidance of higher spiritual powers. We can compare him to today's animal. We look at today's animals spiritually in the following way: Man differs from animals in that he has an individual soul; every human being has his individual soul, his individual I. This is not the case with animals; whole groups of animals have a soul. For example, all animals that belong to the lion species have one soul, and it lives in the astral world. Similarly, all animals that have a tiger species have one soul together. Therefore, when we speak of animals, we speak of group souls. All horses together have a group soul; they belong together. Just as the individual fingers belong to the hand, so do the animals belong to their group soul. Therefore, we cannot speak of individual responsibility. Only when an individual soul is present can we speak of a soul being good or evil. The human being of that time still had a kind of group soul that was still in the bosom of the deity. So we must be clear about this: what lives in us today also existed back then, but not inside the human body. Man has his origin in two currents: What had come over from the moon and had developed further was the animal man down there; but what lives in you today as an individual soul was up there, with the deity, only your body was down here, in the primeval sea. Later, the two united; then the soul descended and spiritualized your body as an individual soul.

[ 9 ] Imagine a vessel of water; there are many, many drops of water in it, but you cannot distinguish them. If you now take several hundred sponges and dip them into the water, you have individualized the drops that were previously in the mass of water. So think of your spirituality floating above the primeval sea. Now compare the soul resting in the bosom of the Godhead with the water drop: the bodies absorb the souls like the sponges absorb the water drops; thereby the souls became independent, as the water was individualized by the sponges. Below the primeval sea with the floating bodies, above the souls. This could not be better described than by saying: “And the spirit of the Godhead brooded over the waters,” that is, he worked out what was below to such an extent that the soul drops could be received.

[ 10 ] The bodies themselves had to keep themselves afloat, and for that the beings needed an organ. Man did not yet have lungs at that time, but he had a kind of swim bladder; this kept him afloat in the primeval sea. The fish, which have remained at this level, still have swim bladders today and no lungs. Gradually, as the air cleared from the waters, and man was able to rise above the waters and become an air breather, his lungs developed. This was a long process, a process over millions of years, in which man gradually took in air through lungs. This provided the physical structure that could contain the soul within itself. The more man became a lung-breather, the more he was able to take in the soul. You cannot express this better than with the words: And God breathed into the man the breath of life, and he became an individual soul. - At the same time, this enables man to develop something that he would never have been able to develop before: he becomes able to form red blood. Previously, all humans were predisposed to have the same temperature as their environment; if they were surrounded by more warmth, they were proportionate to that warmth. Initially, there was no red blood at all; the animal bodies that are superior to those of amphibians are human bodies that have regressed to a much later period. Only after man had developed into a producer of red blood did animals also develop into those that have red blood. Just as a plant has never developed from a stone, but rather the stone formed from the plant, so the animal had developed out of man. Everything lower has developed out of the higher; that is the doctrine of evolution. First, man had to transform himself into a red-blooded creature, then he could leave the animals behind. In the animals, you literally see the stages that we have left behind. In every animal, man sees more or less a piece of himself that he has left behind. Paracelsus expressed this so beautifully: When we look around us, we see, as it were, the letters of an alphabet; only in man are they united into one word; therefore, the meaning of what is spread out around him lies in him. Then there is one thing you have to consider. A seemingly insignificant but extraordinarily important process for spiritual science took place back then; it basically began with the first appearance of the Earth, when it was still with the Moon: this is a certain interaction between Mars and Earth. During the entire first half of the Earth, Martian forces poured into the Earth; that is why the first half is almost referred to as the Martian state of the Earth. And it is with this passage through Mars that iron is associated, which from then on plays a completely new role in the earth process.

[ 11 ] In plants, iron plays a much more external role. But you can see how things interlock: cosmically, the earth passes through Mars, which gives it iron. In this way iron was stimulated to the functions it now has. This is how iron occurs in the blood. And the aggressive element in man is connected with the iron-containing blood, the element that makes him a warrior on earth. The Greek myth sensed this, and therefore designated Mars as the god of war.

[ 12 ] Only then does the human body become capable of receiving an I; for without red, warm blood, no body can become an I-bearer; this is extraordinarily important. Lung breathing is the prerequisite for warm, red blood. And then the necessary processes arose on earth that incorporated themselves into the blood. Thus man gradually developed until he became a lung-breathing, red-blooded creature, leaving behind the other creatures, the lower warm-blooded animals. In occultism, animals are not merely distinguished in the usual way, but we also mention another characteristic. We distinguish between those that can express their own pain and joy in sound, and those that cannot. If you go down to lower animals, you will also hear sounds, but they are only external, caused by organs rubbing against each other or by external climatic influences; it is the external that sounds in them. Only the animals that branched off at the time when man developed into a warm-blooded creature were able to express their pain and joy through sound. At that time, man's larynx was also transformed into a sounding organ. At the same time as the earth's crust was forming outside, an inner process took place in man: parallel to the external hardening, a skeleton of bones and cartilage formed internally from the soft parts. There were no bone beings before. The external minerals are the counter-image to the bones. The earth has recorded this epoch in the rock masses; man has it in his bones. More and more, man is now changing from a being that walks in a horizontal position to one that walks upright. He turns around so that his front limbs become organs of labor, and only his others serve to move him forward. The two are connected. No being that does not have a sounding larynx and an upright gait can be an ego-being.

[ 13 ] Animals had the predispositions for this, but they have regressed. Therefore, they could not transform themselves into beings that have language, because it is tied to an upright larynx. We can gauge this from a very rough fact. Certainly, some dogs are more docile than a parrot; but the parrot learns more because its larynx is more erect. Parrots and starlings learn to speak because they have an erect larynx.

[ 14 ] So you can see how the earth and man are progressing to ever further stages of development. At the same time, the atmosphere is also changing; it is developing to a state where the earth is surrounded only by a foggy air. That was the time when the Lemurians saw their continent crumble and wandered over to Atlantis; as a result they became Atlanteans. During the phase of this progress, in which man acquired the first elements of language, which were only sounds of feeling, the soul also emerged more and more. The Atlanteans had essentially retained a dull clairvoyance. Now his eyes had developed to the extent that man, emerging from the subterranean sea, became aware of the sunlight that appeared to him through the masses of fog. Physically, he became more and more sighted and perceptive; but in return, the old clairvoyance receded more and more within him. It was only in the last third of the Atlantean period that the most advanced race among the Atlanteans had emerged at one point on the earth's surface. It was a momentous conclusion to this epoch.

[ 15 ] The Atlanteans who migrated more towards the west became neutral natures, cold and indifferent, due to the conditions at that time; they became the copper-colored population of America. The others, who migrated more towards the south, became the black Negroid population, and those who turned more towards the east later formed the yellow Malay population. These masses of people had concentrated at the most unfavorable points from which they could not advance further. But where Ireland is, and to the west of it, where there is now sea, man had been able to develop the furthest. There were those mixtures of warm and cold through which the human body could advance the furthest. From the then still magical willpower, an unspoken sense of self developed in the first being. It was precisely at this point in time that man learned to say “I” to himself for the first time. Then, in the first settlement, people learned to count, to do arithmetic, to develop an incipient sense of judgment, and combinative abilities. But there were always advanced beings among them, the leaders of humanity, who related to people as beings from a higher realm would. They had become teachers and guides and provided the impetus for the migration eastward. From that point near present-day Ireland to farther east and across to Asia, there were already settlements of peoples everywhere. Now the most advanced masses of the population went east, forming a kind of colony along the way. The most powerful, with the most highly developed culture, was near the present-day Gobi Desert. From there, individual parts later went to the most diverse areas of the world, one part to present-day India; they already encountered yellow-brownish peoples there and partly mixed with them.

[ 16 ] That was after the Atlantic flood, when this colony went south and founded the first culture of the post-Atlantic period, the first culture of our era. The most advanced teachers who went down with them, the first great teachers of ancient India, are called the ancient Indian Rishis. Today's Indians are the descendants of that ancient population, but we have to go back far into times that lie dark before the consideration of history if we want to find traces of their culture. The Vedas belong to a later time; because at that time nothing was recorded yet. The ancient Indian people represent the first cultural group after the Atlantean period; therefore, they were also closest to the Atlantean. The Atlantean was a kind of dreamer; his consciousness was dull, he had no judgment and no self-confidence; like a dreamer, half unconscious, he walked around. The ancient Indians were the first to overcome this condition, but they were still half rooted in it. Therefore, the old Indian had within him the longing to experience the old spirit realm and to see as the Atlanteans still could. The old Indian yoga training still consisted of a kind of dimming of consciousness that took people back to the time when people could still see the spirits around them. The Indians longed for this time of clairvoyance of the ancient Atlanteans, and the Rishis taught them the methods in their yoga training, but these were now developed in a different way. The Atlanteans had not yet developed the power of judgment; in India they already had judgment, but they loved, so to speak, what they had overcome, and they knew how to evoke it again, to dampen their consciousness and to remember what they had seen earlier. In its highest representatives, Indian culture has still retained this. The Indian did not seek to raise his consciousness, but to dream it down; hence the inactivity of the Indian being. And it would be a gross disadvantage, even harmful, if Indian life were to a greater extent to take hold of today's culture.

[ 17 ] In the beginning, people had not seen any minerals at all; the Atlanteans saw the minerals most indistinctly. For them, the spirit world was there in their visions; it was the spirit world that lived in everything. They saw people described in colors, in sympathetic colors, if they were sympathetic to them. The Indian sought to conjure up such a world again. But it is precisely this that human progress consists of: that man must increasingly gain a relationship to what is present here in the material world. The Atlanteans did not yet need tools; they oriented themselves through their vision; they did not attach any importance to physical tools. In this the Indian is still a latecomer to the Atlanteans; therefore, the physical world is Maja to him, a kind of deception, a lie. He has no time for the world of the outer senses. He says: Rise up to the world of the dream-like spiritual.

[ 18 ] The progress from this Indian culture at a later time consisted in the fact that in the next cultural sphere, the Persian sphere, which still lies before Zarathustra, mankind first learned to appreciate what external reality is. This was a second colony that started from the Gobi and founded a very ancient realm in the Near East, from which the realm of Zarathustra emerged. The Persian becomes aware that there is a world here in which he has a mission. The divine appears to him as something with which he must connect. Two deities stand before his soul: Ormuzd and Ahriman. Matter still appears to him as something he has to overcome, against which he has to measure his strength. He still draws the strength he needs from the spiritual world to work here in this world. The world appears to him as something dark that must be transformed with the help of the light of good. The Indian founded a science of the purely spiritual world, but it told him nothing about external reality. For the Persian, external reality is something else that must constantly be transformed through work.

[ 19 ] The third colony, which started from Gobi, moved on to the Near East and founded the Chaldean-Babylonian-Egyptian cultural area. These peoples now have a science of the earthly world in addition to the earlier science of the spirit. The Egyptians developed astrology and geometry, through which they learned how to treat and cultivate the earth. Science expanded to include what the ancient Indian still called the world of illusion. Now the world of illusion is a world of the keenest reflection, sensual reflection. When the Indian delved into the world of the stars, it was only the expression of the spiritual for him. But the Chaldean had a love for the physical world; for him it was the link to the divine, into which one worked, into which one delved. And this working from the divine into the sensual, we see in the Babylonian-Assyrian culture.

[ 20 ] We now come to consider the fourth cultural sphere, which we call the Greco-Latin sphere. Here, man himself has already been won over to external observation. The Egyptians already knew that the world is not chaos, but that it has been built meaningfully through immeasurable periods of time. The sphinx and the pyramid express great cosmic truths. The ancient Egyptians enshrined their knowledge in the image; they created the sphinx, which stands before us like a riddle of development: the development of the higher human being from earlier animalistic conditions. This was the wisdom for the Egyptians, which they expressed in their own way into the world. And you can find a measurement calculation in it that was brought down from heaven. The cities were laid out in such a way that the Egyptian expressed a sacred order in their construction that was prescribed to him; the Egyptian tried to give a likeness of the order of heaven. But the individual human being was not yet included in this. You see this only in Greek art, where man has already grasped himself as an immediate reality and where he wants to create an image of himself in space.

[ 21 ] Man becomes more and more familiar with what the Indian called the Maja. Man encounters himself. He creates a world within what the Indian called illusion, and he is aware that he must create this world without the help of the gods. He connects himself more and more with outer reality and out of his own strength creates the divine in outer reality. But if you study the Greek polis, you do not yet see anything of the legal concept. Man first had to establish this in the Roman Empire as Roman law, in private life with others, as a Roman citizen.

[ 22 ] In this way, man comes more and more to an understanding of what is taking place here in external reality.

[ 23 ] The fifth cultural sphere is ourselves, with our materialistic civilization. It is the time in which man has descended the furthest into the outer world. Compare our time with the earlier ones: We do know how to apply the forces of the spiritual world to our external environment; we carry the spiritual world into everything. But from the standpoint of spiritual science, this has a peculiar perspective. Remember the time when man still ground his flour between two stones. He used little mental effort for this. But in ancient Egypt and Chaldea, he delved into the wisdom of the heavens; much was still said to him about the spiritual meaning of the starry heavens and the earth itself. The Greeks created the idealized human form within this world of reality.

[ 24 ] And what is the picture of our time? Much spiritual power is applied to bring forth our natural science with its technical applications. But how great is the difference between bringing food over from America with primitive means or with the help of telephones, machines, etc., when the food is only used to satisfy the same need that the animal satisfies here? Try to see how much of what you have created serves spiritual life and how much mental power is used for material life. What an enormous amount of mental power mankind has to develop today to satisfy material needs! There is not much difference between an animal going and eating grass or you getting food from America and Australia by all kinds of means. But that is not a derogatory criticism, it has to be that way. Man had to descend into this world. The Indian still saw the world as an illusion; today's man sees this world as the only reality. We have descended the lowest and have thereby made the greatest progress on the physical plane. But this descent must not be in vain in the spiritual sense either!

[ 25 ] Within our time, a new element has emerged that has been planted in the first third of the post-Atlantic period: it is the advent of Christianity – the most significant turning point in the evolution of the earth. Everything that came before was, for occultism, only a preparation for Christianity. Buddha, Hermes and so on are only prophetic indications of Christianity, which is precisely intended to lift humanity out of the deepest entanglement in matter. And it will lift people out of this entanglement again. Now the ascent out of matter begins again. And the task of spiritual science is to help with this ascent into the spiritual world.

[ 26 ] The next period of our post-Atlantean culture will indeed bring more discoveries; but man will see more and more only the letters in the outer world. A true Christianity will speak of the outer world as we speak of what is condensed spirit, and out of matter the spirit will arise again. We will not say of the outer world that it is illusion; we will have it completely and lose nothing, and yet ascend to spiritual heights. And to this development Christianity will have to make the greatest contribution. Already in the sixth period, that which today is proclaimed for a few will be able to grasp large masses of people and carry them away with it; and with that, humanity will gain insight into the spiritual world. What is a thought today will be a power in the future. In the sixth cultural period, many will have this power of thought. What is now called Theosophical Christianity will spread to large masses of people. These thoughts will become stronger and stronger; they will have a creative effect on the human form. In the past, the human body looked quite different from what it does today. You would be amazed if I were to describe this earlier body to you. But because the body was still soft, the ego had much greater influence on its formation. Of the influence of the soul's will on the human body, only a very small remnant remains in man today: when you experience a shock, you turn pale because the inner state of the soul penetrates into the blood; the color of the body changes. But you could see from other physical conditions how little control only man has over his body today. This will change again with the ascent; the body will become softer and softer and softer, and man will regain his influence over the body when he allows thoughts to arise more and more strongly within him, which only rarely occur today; these will then be able to reshape the body itself. Man will again be able to form his body himself, but only in a very distant future.

[ 27 ] Sexuality was only imposed on man during the Lemurian period; before that he was a bisexual being, male and female at the same time. With the integration of the I, man divides into two sexes. We will get to know this moment in more detail when we examine the course of human blood more closely. Then we will come to speak about this problem of gender division, and also about the fact that what is now gender separation will in turn disappear.

[ 28 ] So we look ahead to a future in which man will be able to act very differently on the body.

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What, for example, is it when a blush of shame rises in a person's face? What is that? A last remnant of what the person used to have as an influence on his body. More and more, the person will be able to consciously work into his body again. And then the time will come when man will be able to make his heart muscle an arbitrary muscle. Science presents the heart to you as if it were a mere physical apparatus, a pump. But the blood not only flows through the body because the heart pumps the blood, but everything in the blood depends on the soul. The blood pulses faster or slower under the various feelings, and it is the blood that causes the heart to move. But in the future, man will gain conscious influence over the heart; therefore, the heart is an organ that is only now at the beginning of its development. A muscle of spiritual development is the heart, an organ through which the higher man expresses himself and thereby creatively affects his entire body.

[ 30 ] The heart is only at the beginning of its development; therefore, it is also a cross for materialistic science. Materialistic science tells you: all the muscles you use to move are striated muscles; all the muscles that are involuntary, for example those related to the digestive system, are striated. Now the heart is a peculiar organ that turns this whole calculation on its head. It is an involuntary muscle and it has striated muscle fibers: because it is on the way to a higher development, that is why it already has striated fibers today.

[ 31 ] Tomorrow I will show you how certain things can be explained when we look at them in the light of spiritual science.

[ 32 ] In this way, Theosophy sheds light on everything around us. We redeem everything that has become matter from its present frozen state. This is the idea of redemption in its most profound essence! Man has developed ever higher; in so doing, he has always left certain realms behind. He will become mighty and will redeem what he has left behind, and he will also redeem the earth. However, he must not disdain it, but must unite with it if he wants to bring it redemption.