Theosophy and Rosicrucianism
GA 100
27 June 1907, Kassel
Translator Unknown
XII. The Stages of Christian Initiation
Yesterday we tried to follow the evolution of humanity in the universe and also upon the earth. Today I shall only add a few explanations to this, in order to pass over to that which spiritual science is able to say concerning the significance of Christianity and also concerning the Christian initiation. But to begin with please turn your gaze once more to the point of issue of human development.
We have said that when the earth separated from the present Moon, it was enclosed by a kind of primordial ocean, and we explained how the human being then united himself with his soul-spiritual part. We then pursued this course of development as far as the present time, which we characterised as the time of man's deepest descent into matter through the spirit. We recognised that an ascent must once more come, a spiritualisation, and we also spoke of the mission of Theosophy,or Spiritual Science in regard to this course of development.
We already pointed out that the division into two sexes took place in ancient Lemuria. The lower beings upon the Moon were already divided into two sexes, but the human being who lives in each one of you was only at that time divided into two sexes upon entering his bodily form. We must think of these antediluvian times of human evolution; before the separation of mankind into two sexes, male and female, in such a way that what we designate as sex did not exist as yet, or at least, it existed in quite a different form. Now a great deal depends upon our grasping the great significance of the fact explained just now for the whole course of human evolution.
If this division into two sexes had not occurred, if humanity were not to complete its course of development through this cooperation of the male and female principle, the human being would have an entirely different form. The individual element in man comes from the influence of the male principle. Yesterday I explained to you the difference between a group soul and an individual soul. This is quite different among animals. The animal has two sexes even on the astral plane. But the human beings did not have these two sexes on the astral plane before descending like drops into the individualised human bodies, or they had not yet passed, as one might. say, through “the fall into sex”. Had the sexlessness of man continued in the physical world, replacing the two sexes, man could not have become an individual being. The true meaning of human development is that man should become more and more individualised.
If we once more survey the epochs which I described to you yesterday you would see how greatly the human beings resembled one another in regard to their external form. The cooperation of the two sexes gave rise to individual differentiations; these became more and more pronounced the further man advanced into the future. Without the division into sexes the generations would always look alike. We must really say that the fact that man becomes an independent being depends upon the division into two sexes.
In that remote time, and far back in the Atlantean epoch, but even in the post-Atlantean epoch, you find that the law of “marriage among close relatives” prevails, and: that this is only gradually replaced by the law of “marriage among non-relatives” In remote epochs people married within closely related groups, within small tribes. In every nation you will find that it was once considered unusual and wrong to marry someone who belonged to another tribe one's own, and this was everywhere considered an exceptional event.
The further back we go, the more we find that it was looked upon as an ethical law for people to marry within their own tribe; so that blood only mixed with the blood of relatives. We can explain this process best of all by setting out from a comparison which hits the nail on the head, whereas all other comparisons are weak. Let me tell you a little story in this connection.
You know Anzengruber and Rosegger. Rosegger is a writer who described his village characters with great devotion. Also Anzengruber has a good knowledge of his subject. In his drama “Der Meineidbauer,” (The Perjured Farmer) the farmer and peasants whom he portrays really live. We know how plastic these characters are in the “Meineidbauer” and in his, “Parson Of Kirchfeld” and in other plays. Rosegger and Anzengruber one day went for a walk together and Rosegger said: “I know you really never look at farmers; perhaps you could describe them better if you went to see them in the village.” Anzengruber replied: “If I did this, I would probably be quite at a loss. I never learned to know peasants more closely, but I can describe them because my father, my grandfather and all my ancestors were farmers, and I still have this farmer's blood in my veins. I form my characters through the farmer's blood in me, and I do not bother about the rest!”
This is an interesting fact and it indicates what we should bear in mind. Where blood does not mix, as in the case of old tribal communities, or in the case of the Anzengruber family, we find such a marked character as the writer Anzengruber, in his last incarnation. He had inherited the plastic force and he knew how to appreciate it; this plastic force ran through the blood of the generations. This really occurs where the blood only mixes with the blood of relatives. If the blood mixed with alien blood it quenched the soul's plastic forces. Had Anzengruber married, had he married a someone belonging to a different social class his children would no longer have had this plastic force.
In the case of almost every nation still existing to-day we can observe this phenomenon at the beginning; marriages within small circles of blood-relatives were always connected with an extraordinary power of memory. They were connected with a dull, vague clairvoyance people could remember what they had experienced since their birth and they looked upon these experiences as something connected with their personality. Before these marriages between close relatives were replaced by marriages with non-relatives, people could literally remember the experiences of their grandfather and even of distant ancestors; they said “I”, and passed through the experiences of their grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and forefathers. The further back we go the more we find a power of memory reaching far back into the line of the generations.
it is interesting to see that these people: did not feel that they were individual egos when they said “I”, their grandfather was included in in this, and they bore his name, a name which encompassed all. Even as you now adopt a name connecting it with an individual person; so these nations adopted a name reaching far back into the centuries, because birth did not break off the thread of memory. The individual human being had no name, for birth was no special event. All men had one name, as long as the thread of memory remained unbroken.
In the Bible you have a document relating this giving of names: all the discussions about the names of the patriarchs are merely theological discussions! Adam was Adam and became so old because the power of memory was preserved for centuries, and the individual who descended from Adam felt that his Ego was one with that of his ancestor. The blood which thus flowed through the centuries producing such a memory was named “Adam”. So long as memory lasted in the line of the generations and the experiences of the forefathers could be remembered as if they were one's own, one said: “Adam still lives. People did no at all experience themselves as individual physical personalities, but they identified themselves with that which existed spiritually and which united them.
Then the marriages between non-relatives became more and more frequent. The mixing of the blood gradually killed the power of memory which once reached beyond the individual human being. The limitation of memory is a result of these marriages between non-relatives. In the course of human evolution the individual human being gradually grew out of his tribe.The blood in common which flowed through the tribes also contained the common expression for this blood: love. Those who were blood-relatives loved each other. But this love, which we may designate as a primordial love connected with the blood and leading to the development of families gradually died out in the course of time. The love of the past greatly differed from the love which shines towards us as the love of future times. During the Atlantean epoch, this love ruling through the blood prevailed; people who had the same blood in their veins loved one another. But this gradually disappeared; individually, the human beings gradually emancipated themselves from the closer family ties.
This primordial love, which arose when the souls began to descend into physical bodies, thus faces us in a descending,course of development; this love streamed into the human beings at the moment which the Bible describes in the words: “And God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life and he became a living soul.”
But something else arose at that time. Man became a living soul, and consequently a being who breathed through his lungs. The air which he thus breathed in, produced his red blood. The Ego-nature expressed itself in the red blood. As long as the blood was a common element shared by many, the Ego too was a common Ego. We see this in the Jews, where a whole nation was ruled by a group-soul. But the human beings gradually developed and emancipated themselves from the blood of their relatives. When the first breath of air entered the human being it formed the first foundation of his blood. But long epochs of time passed by before mankind reached the degree of maturity enabling it to influence the blood so that the primordial love could be replaced by a love for mankind as a whole.
Imagine the course of human development as described just now: The primordial love would gradually die out; love among relatives, the love of a mother for her child, and so forth, would have to decrease; the blood has not the power of encompassing the whole of humanity with a tie of love, so that the power of the Ego, the power of selfishness would grow ever more ... An event had therefore to occur which replaced the primordial love with another kind of love, calling into life a spiritual love, and this event is Christianity.
The appearance of Christianity prevented that which would otherwise have taken place: the disintegration of the whole of humanity into single human atoms. The human beings must indeed become more and more independent, for this lies in the development of their blood, but that which was driven apart naturally, must once more be led together spiritually, through a new power which is able to exercise its influence without the love connected with the blood: This new power is Christianity.
The Mystery of Golgotha thus acquires a fundamental significance for the whole evolution of humanity. If we understand this, we also understand the meaning of the words: the Blood of Christ. This is not something which can be experienced or investigated externally, but something which must be considered as a mystical fact. I have therefore entitled my book purposely, “Christianity as Mystical Fact” and not “The Mysticism of Christianity”!
In order to understand the nature of Christ Jesus upon the earth, in order to understand this fundamental significance of Christianity, we must study the preparatory stages which led to Christianity. For they already existed in ancient times. You may really see how an early Christian regarded this by taking a passage of St. Augustine's writings: “What we now call religion has always been the true religion, except, that that which once constituted the true religion is now called the Christian religion.” St. Augustine still knew that Christianity has a foundation: that which once lived in the ancient Mysteries. These very Mysteries are now to be revealed through the theosophical movement. Let me characterize it in a few words.
There were schools which were at the same time churches and centres of art; at the head of these schools stood the leaders of humanity, those who had advanced most in human development. Into these schools were admitted people who were considered to be adapted for a training enabling them to gain an independent conception of the spiritual world which surrounded them. They were carefully prepared; first of all they had to learn the facts of the spiritual world theoretically, more or less in the same way in which we now learn these facts through spiritual science. Then they reached ever higher stages. Theory changed into practice, exoteric into esoteric truths. They received a living instruction in every subject. Strict rules governed the pupil's life, so that he might gradually ascend to the contemplation of the spiritual world. The pupil first learned to know the facts and laws of the spiritual world, and then he had to develop through exercises the organs which enabled him to look into the spiritual world.
Let me now describe to you the final act. You must bear in mind that man's sleep consists in the fact that his astral body goes out of his etheric and physical bodies, whereas death consists in the fact that the physical body remains alone, because the etheric and astral body have left it. Now the leader of the Mysteries, the hierophant, through methods which he applied, prepared the human being in such a way that his physical body lay for three and a half days as if dead, while the etheric body and the other members were outside. This was not sleep, nor death, but a third condition. Everything was prepared in such a way that during these three and a half days the human being could journey into the higher worlds, through the guidance of the hierophant who initiated him, he now learned to know the things which have been described in my preceding lectures. He learned to know this in a direct way, through his own vision; after these three and a half days he was newly born. When he returned, he could remember everything which he had experienced in the spiritual worlds; now he was a living witness to the existence of these worlds. His words acquired a different sound from that which they had before, he had become “Blessed”, and the words could be applied to him: “Blessed are those who see”.
When he returned, he was given new name; he laid aside his old name and as an initiate he continued to use his new name. A strange phenomenon arose when he descended from the spiritual worlds and again took possession of his physical body, when he again began to live in the physical worlds. In the case of every initiate—this was a law—words rose to his lips which can be translated with: “My God, my God, how Thou hast glorified me!”
This could be felt by a human being who had reached this stage. He could say of himself: “Everything which still existed in the form of primordial love, everything which is to be implanted in man through the blood, must be replaced within me by a love which knows no difference between mother, brother, sister and other human beings”. Spiritually, he had abandoned his parents, wife, children, brother and sister, and had become a follower of the Spirit. And people said of him that Christ had come to life within him.
All this had taken place in the concealment of the Mysteries. These men were the witnesses of the spiritual world, and they were also prophets, for they pointed towards a coming event. This event is none other than the Mystery Of Golgotha. What took place with the individual human beings in the Mystery schools, occurred upon the physical plane in Palestine once only, for the whole world.
If you were now able to study the instructions which were given, to the old initiates, you would find that they closed with this experience lasting three and a half days; but never before had this experience been enacted upon the physical plane! A new epoch began with the Mystery of Golgotha. You may therefore say: All initiations were prophetic announcements of that which took place in the Mystery of Golgotha; this event could only take place because an individuality as encompassing as the Ruler of the Sun Spirits was incarnated in the body of Jesus of Nazareth. What took place upon Mount Golgotha, could not have been fulfilled by any human Ego; such as we have it. Such a deed called for an Ego which had already advanced t0 a high stage of development upon the Sun.
In this way we are able to grasp the Divine humanity of Christ Jesus, which modern men so easily reject, because they cannot penetrate into the depths of the spiritual world. If we consider things in the true light, we may therefore perceive that upon Golgotha an event took place which has a significance greatly surpassing that of any other event.
Among modern men, Richard Wagner alone had an inkling of the significance of the blood, I have already explained to you that man's glandular processes are an expression of the etheric body; his nervous processes an expression of the astral body, and the blood an expression of the Ego. I have shown you that if Christ had not appeared, the development of the blood would have led to a greater form of egoism; the Ego would more and more have increased man's selfishness and egoism. The unnecessary blood, man's excess of blood, had to flow out, had to be sacrificed, so that humanity might not completely lose itself in selfishness. The true mystic sees in the blood which flowed out of the Savior's wounds the surplus blood which had to flow out in order that a soul-spiritual brother love might take hold of the whole of mankind.
This is how the spiritual scientist looks upon the blood which streamed down from the Cross; the blood which had to be taken away from humanity in, order that man might rise above material things. The love which was linked by blood ties was therefore replaced by a love which will fully develop in the future; by a love going from one human being to the other. Only in this light is it possible to understand the words of Christ Jesus:—“He that forsaketh not father, mother, brother, sister, wife and child, cannot become my disciple.” These words can only be grasped if we bear in mind that the event upon Golgotha has overcome everything which had once to be strengthened through the kindred blood, through the love of relatives. He who replaced this love by the new, soul-spiritual love, could say that the old form of love had to be relinquished. This is how things are connected.
The appearance of Christ Jesus Himself is a deep mystical fact; and can only be understood if we do not apply to it the standard of natural science. Those who apply natural-scientific standards to the appearance of Christ Jesus, resemble people who see a tear and judge it according to the law of gravity, refusing to see in it an expression of the soul.
Such things can only be understood with the aid of spiritual science. The appearance of Christ Jesus upon the earth differs from that of all other founders of religions. What the others gave was a teaching. In the case of Christ Jesus we can really say: Almost every word which He uttered, has already, been said in the past in one or the other connection. The essential thing in the case of Hermes or of Buddha is the words which they spoke: in Christ Jesus the essential thing is the fact that He existed, that He lived upon the earth, and that the Mystery of Golgotha was enacted.
Those who wish to be Christians in a truly spiritual-scientific meaning, become so through the fact that they believe in the Divinity of Christ-Jesus. The first disciples did not only proclaim: “we are sent out into the world in order to announce His words”, but they were to bear witness to His existence: “We have heard the words themselves and, have placed our hands into His wounds!”
The essential thing is the fact that Christ-Jesus existed. In other religions you may eliminate the founders of these religions and you would not lose much. But if you were to eliminate Christ-Jesus, then Christianity would not be there! This is the difference. People like Darwin, Strauss, Drews, etc. may proclaim as much as they like that all other religions can be rediscovered in Christianity—this is not essential, for the essential point to be borne in mind is the fact that He existed and that He set forth as a fact what the Prophets had foretold. Christianity is therefore no theory, but a working power.
If you were to rise from the earth to another planet, you would not only see the earth, but also the earth's etheric and astral body; you would see the spiritual earth besides the physical one; and if you could dwell on that planet for thousands of years, if you could have dwelt on it even before the appearance of Christ-Jesus, you would have seen how in the spiritual part of the earth the colour of the astral body underwent a change through the fact that Christ-Jesus was there. The earth really underwent a change, and the men who lived after Christ-Jesus, lived upon a transformed earth. For this reason they can overcome the deepest descent of the spirit. Before that time, it was necessary to be raised to the spiritual worlds if one wished to know something about it; but in Christianity the Mystery Itself has descended to the earth. It was there, as a historical event, visible to physical eyes. The Godhead had to descend in order to lead humanity up once more, from the physical world into the spiritual.
This is the description of Christianity which you will find in the purest of Gospels, in the Gospel of St. John. It is not only a poetical work, but a book of life. Only one who has experienced it, knows what the Gospel of St. John really is: and if its reality has been experienced, then everything which I have explained to you to-day can be proclaimed as a self--discovered truth.
Let me now show you briefly how we may attain knowledge of the truths of Christianity.
Among many books, the Gospel of St. John is the one which indicates the methods by which it is possible to fathom the depths of Christianity. Even when Christianity did not as yet exist in its present form, it was already taught in the Mystery-schools; for instance, in the school of Dionysius the Areopagite, a disciple of the Apostle Paul. In ancient times it was usual to designate throughout centuries the nearer of the Mysteries with the same name, so that this person who took over the Mysteries and wrote them down, was given the same name as his predecessor.
Those who immerse themselves into the first words of the Gospel of St. John from the standpoint of esotericism, experience that they become within them a quickening force. But the Gospel of St. John must be applied as it was originally intended to be applied; and we must have the patience to take the first sentences of the Gospel of St. John again and again as a subject of meditation, and to let them pass every morning before our soul. They. will in that case have the power to draw out of our soul deeply hidden forces. But we must of course have a correct translation of these words expressed in German word-characters, they must more or less express what the original text contained. In a translation which is as faithful as possible, let me now show you that the real life of the spirit is indicated in the words of the Gospel of St. John.
“Im Urbeginne war das Wort, und das Wort war bei Gott, and ein Gott war das Wort. Dieses war im Urbeginne bei Gott.
Alles ist durch dasselbe geworden, and ausser durch dieses ist nichts von dem Entstandenen geworden. In diesem war das Leben, and das Leben war das Licht der Menschen. Und das Licht schien in die Finsternis, aber die Finsternis hat es nicht begriffen.
Es ward ein Mensch gesandt von Gott, mit seinem Namen Johannes. Dieser kam zum Zeugnis, auf dass er Zeugnis ablege von dem Licht, auf dass durch ihn alle glauben sollten. Er war nicht das Licht, sondern ein Zeuge des Lichtes; denn das wahre Licht, das alle Menschen erleuchtet, sollte in die Welt kommen.
Es war in der Welt, und die Welt ist durch es geworden, aber die Welt hat es nicht erkannt.
Zu den einzelnen Menschan kam es, bis zu den Ich-Menschen kam es, aber die einzelnen Menschen—die Ich-Menschen—nahmen es nicht auf.
Die es aber aufnahmen, die konnten sich durch es als Gotteskinder offenbaren.—Die seinem Namen vertrauten, sind nicht aus Blut, nicht aus dem Willen des Fleisches and nicht aus menschlichen Willen,—sondern aus Gott geworden. Und das Wort is Fleisch geworden und hat unter uns gewohnen, and wir haben seine Lehre gehöret,—die Lehre von dem einigen Sohne des Vaters, erfüllt von Hingabe und Wahrheit!”
(Translation into English)
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was a God. This was from the very beginning with God.
All things came into being through Him, and except through Him, was not anything made that was made.
In Him was the life, and the life became the light of men. And the light shone in the darkness, but the darkness did not comprehend it.
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not the Light, but a witness for the Light; for the true Light which lighteth every man had to come into the world.
He was in the world, and the world came into being through Him, but the world did not comprehend Him.
To each man He came, even to the Ego-men, but these individual men, these Ego-men, received Him not.As many as received Him could manifest themselves through Him as children of God. Those who confided in His name are not born of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have heard His teaching, the teaching of the only Son of the Father, filled with devotion and truth.”
I could now tell you many things of how you would have to immerse yourselves in each chapter of St. John's Gospel. Let me only give you one example—how you would have to use the chapters from the thirteenth chapter onward, if you were a true disciple of Christian Initiation. What I am telling you in words, has occurred in fact to render it more comprehensible, I will clothe it in the form of a dialogue, giving you an idea of what took place between teacher and pupil.
The teacher said to his pupil:—You must develop within you a feeling, you must think the following: Transfer yourself into the plant. If it had consciousness such as you have, and if this consciousness enabled it to look down to the stones, it would say: Thou lifeless stone; thou art a lower being than I in rank among the beings of this world; I am higher than thou. But could I exist as a plant, if thou were not there as stone? I draw my nourishment from thee. I could not exist without that which is lower than me.
And if the plant were endowed with feeling it would say: I am indeed higher than the stone, but I bow down humbly towards it, for the stone made it possible for me to live.
Similarly the animal would have to bow down to the plant and say: If thou; O plant, were not there, I could not exist, although I am higher than thee. To thee, a lower being, I owe my existence. Humbly I bow before thee.
Now rise up to the kingdom of man, survey the different human beings, the lowest and the highest,—what would each one have to say, who stands upon a higher rank of development than the others? Even as the plant bends down to the mineral and the animal to the plant; so each human being who stands upon a higher stage must bend down to those upon a lower stage and say; Thou standest upon a lower rank, yet to thee I owe the fact that I can be there!
Now imagine this carried out to the highest stages, reaching as far as Christ-Jesus, and you will have Christ's attitude towards the Apostles with whom He lived. He bent down towards them, even as the plant bends down to the mineral and washed their feet “I owe my life to you, and I bend down to you!”
For a long time the pupil had to pass through a scale of all these feelings. This feeling had to become more and more alive and then he awoke to the first stage of Christian Initiation. This can be felt through an outer and inner symptom: The outer symptom consists therein that the pupil really feels for a time as if the watery element were washing around his feet, and the inner symptom consists in the fact that he himself experiences the thirteenth chapter of the Gospel of St. John as an inner vision upon the astral plane.
The teacher then proceeded by telling the pupil: You must experience something else: you must now imagine that bodily and psychical pair and suffering rush towards you from every side; but you must arm yourself against everything so that you can say: However great the pain and suffering which come towards me, I remain upright, I do not allow myself to overthrown! This is called the Scourging. Its outer symptom is that one experiences on the skin's surface pains which are an indication that the soul has reached this stage. And the inner symptom is that one sees oneself upon the astral plane undergoing scourging. But the essential thing is that the soul gains in the form of inner experience.
The third thing which the pupil heard from his teacher was the following: Now you must develop a feeling that you do not only withstand every form of pain coming towards you, but that you remain upright and steady, even when the holiest
within you is cast down into the dust. You must remain so strong, that everyone can tell you, This is worth nothing. But even though people trample on you, you must know its worth, and you must be able to withstand a whole world.—If the pupil reached this stage, he was said to have reached the “Crowning with Thorns”. The outer symptom is to feel a certain pain in the head and the inner one, to see oneself in the situation of the Redeemer with the crown of thorns.
The fourth thing was the following: The teacher told his pupil: You must gain a new connection with your body. You dwell in your body, but you must look upon it as something quite strange, even as the table outside is a strange object for you. You must even learn to say: I am carrying my body through the world. The body must become for you, as alien as other external objects.—This was said to be the experience of the Crucifixion. Even as the Redeemer carried the Cross, so one carried one's body about, as if it were a piece of wood. The outer symptom for the Crucifixion consists in the stigmata. During the meditation the pupil could produce on his hands, feet and on the right side of his breast the signs of Christ's bleeding wounds; red spots on these places reminded him of the Crucifixion wounds. This “blood trial” is an outer symptom showing that one has learned t0 know the inner essence of Christianity. And the inner experience is to see oneself on astral vision hanging upon the Cross.
The fifth stage is what one calls the “Mystical Death”. This can only be described approximately, The Mystical death consists for the pupil in the fact that the whole world appears to him as if it were enveloped in black darkness, as if a black wall stood before him. The whole physical world appears to him as if it were blotted out, as if it had disappeared. This can be experienced. It is a moment revealing everything bad and evil which can exist in the world (in reality, it can only be known through this experience). In order to know life one must also pass through this experience. It is called the “Descent into Hell”, and it is followed by a strange event appearing before one's eyes; that black wall is rent asunder. This is the “Rending Of the Veil of the Temple”. After this one cam look into the spiritual world. This is designated as the “Mystical Death and the Rending of the Veil of the Temple”.
The sixth stage is the “Burial and the Resurrection”, where the pupil learns to experience that in addition to the other feelings, all external objects appear as if they belonged to his body, that the whole world belongs to him. Even as the finger might say: I an only a finger through the fact that I belong to the organism of the hand, so the human being only lives upon the earth through the fact that he belongs to the earth. People can walk about upon the earth, and consequently they think that they are independent. But if we permeate ourselves with the feeling that everything belongs to us, we have the experience designated as the “Burial”. Soul-spiritually we rest in the earth and only after this experience we rise again, spiritually. Only then can we have an understanding of the deed of Christ-Jesus who united death with his own soul; and even as He has once been the Ruler of the Sun, He has now become the Spirit of the Earth. We should take the words of St. John's Gospel literally: “Whoso eateth my bread, treadeth me underfoot.” If you look upon Christ-Jesus as the highest planetary Spirit of the Earth, and the earth as His body, you will understand that you literally tread the body of Christ-Jesus with your feet. And you become united with Him when you experience this sixth stage, of the Burial.
Then comes the seventh stage, the “Ascension”, which cannot be described, for it can only be understood by those who can think without using their brain.
Now I have described to you the process of the Christian Initiation. The pupil acquired thereby what was called the “Eye of Christ”. Everything, around you would be dark if you had no eyes; even as you cannot see the sun without eyes, so you cannot perceive Christ without the Christ-organ. The eye is born through the light for the light. Light is the source of vision. The sun must exist outside as real sun, and you experience this real sun within your eye. It is the same with the spiritual eye. We use empty words when speaking only of the “Christ within”; it is the same thing as speaking of the eye without taking into account the existence of the sun! The capacity to look upon the Christ may be acquired through the exercises indicated above; but the power enabling him to do this, again conies from the historical Christ. Even as the sun is related to the eye, so the Christ is related to the Christ-organ which develops in the human being.
This is not meant as, a. guidance, but as an explanation of facts. We must learn to know what exists in the world. These, lectures aim at showing the deep sources of the truly Christian spirit, and how the Gospel of St. John itself contains the methods of a Christian Initiation, giving in man the eye which enables him to see Christ Himself. But those who wish to announce Him, must in a certain way have lived with Him, not only through faith, but in reality.
Zwolfter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Wir haben gestern versucht, den Werdegang der Menschheit kosmisch und auch auf unserer Erde zu verfolgen. Heute werde ich nur noch — um dann den Übergang zu finden sowohl zu dem, was die Theosophie zu sagen weiß über die Bedeutung des Christentums, wie auch über die christliche Einweihung - zu diesem Werdegang der Menschheit einiges ergänzend hinzufügen. Zunächst bitte ich Sie, noch einmal das geistige Auge zum Ausgangspunkt des Menschenwerdens zu wenden.
[ 2 ] Wir haben gesagt, daß die Erde bei der Trennung von dem heutigen Mond umschlossen war von einer Art von Urmeer, und wir haben charakterisiert, wie sich dazumal der physische Mensch vereinigte mit dem geistig-seelischen Menschen. Und dann haben wir diesen Werdegang verfolgt bis in unsere Tage hinein, die wir erkannt haben als die des tiefsten Niedergangs der Menschheit mit dem Geiste in die Materie hinein. Wir haben erkannt, daß nun wieder ein Aufstieg stattfinden muß, eine Vergeistigung, und haben auch davon gesprochen, welche Mission die Theosophie oder Geisteswissenschaft zu haben glaubt in bezug auf diesen Werdegang.
[ 3 ] Wir haben ja schon darauf aufmerksam gemacht, daß damals bei den Lemuriern die Trennung der beiden Geschlechter stattgefunden hat. Zwei Geschlechter haben bei den niederen Wesen auf dem Monde auch schon bestanden; aber der Mensch, der in einem jeden von Ihnen wohnt, wurde erst in der damaligen Zeit bei der Eingliederung in die körperliche Gestalt in zwei Geschlechter geteilt. Wir müssen uns des Menschen Vorzeit — vor seiner Teilung in zwei Geschlechter, in ein männliches und ein weibliches — so denken, daß das, was wir als Geschlechtlichkeit bezeichnen, überhaupt noch nicht vorhanden war, oder wenigstens eine ganz andere Form hatte. Nun beruht gerade viel darauf, daß wir verstehen, welche Bedeutung für die ganze menschliche Entwickelung dieses hat, was ich eben angeführt habe.
[ 4 ] Wenn nämlich die Trennung in zwei Geschlechter nicht eingetreten wäre, wenn nicht im Zusammenwirken des Männlichen und Weiblichen die heutige Menschheit ihren Werdegang durch die Welt vollendete, so wäre dieser Mensch ganz anders gestaltet. Gerade von der Einwirkung des Männlichen kommt das Individuelle im Menschen. Ich habe Ihnen gestern den Unterschied zwischen einer Gruppenseele und einer individuellen Seele klargemacht. Bei den Tieren ist das ganz anders. Das Tier hat die Geschlechter schon auf dem Astralplan. Der Mensch dagegen hatte, bevor er nicht in die einzelnen Menschenleiber getropft ist, auf dem astralen Plan die zwei Geschlechter durchaus noch nicht, — oder noch nicht, wie man sagt, das Gefallensein in die Geschlechter. - Wenn nun in der physischen Welt sich das Geschlechtlose des Menschen fortgepflanzt haben würde, wenn also an die Stelle der Zweigeschlechtlichkeit eine Art Ungeschlechtlichkeit getreten wäre, wäre es nicht möglich gewesen, den Menschen zu einem individuellen Wesen zu machen. Das ist gerade der Sinn der Menschheitsentwickelung, daß die einzelnen Menschen immer individueller und individueller werden.
[ 5 ] Würden wir in die Zeit, die ich gestern charakterisiert habe, noch einmal zurückgehen, so würden wir sehen, wie die Menschen in ihren äußeren Gestalten sich sehr gleichen. Durch das Zusammenwirken der beiden Geschlechter entstand die individuelle Verschiedenheit; und die individuelle Verschiedenheit wird immer größer, je weiter der Mensch der Zukunft entgegengeht. Ohne die Trennung in die Geschlechter würden die Generationen sich immer ähnlich sehen. Wir müssen geradezu sagen: daß der Mensch ein immer selbständigeres Wesen wird, das hängt ab von den zwei Geschlechtern.
[ 6 ] In jener Urzeit und noch weit in die atlantische Zeit hinein, ja noch bis in die nachatlantische Zeit hinein, sehen Sie bei der Menschheit das herrschend, was wir die «nahe Ehe» nennen, und erst nach und nach ist an die Stelle der nahen Ehe die «ferne Ehe» getreten. In urferner Zeit heiratete man innerhalb kleiner Blutsverwandtschaften und kleiner Sippen. Bei allen Völkern finden Sie die Hinweisung auf das Hineinheiraten irgendwelcher Angehörigen in einen andern Stamm als auf etwas Ungewöhnliches, und überall wird das als ein wichtiges Ereignis aufgefaßt. |
[ 7 ] Je weiter wir zurückgehen, finden wir es als etwas Moralisches, daß die Menschen in zusammengehörigen Stämmen sich heiraten, daß verwandtes Blut sich nur mit verwandtem Blute mischt. Diesen Prozeß können wir am besten klarlegen, wenn wir von einem Vergleich ausgehen, der, während alle andern Vergleiche hinken, etwas außerordentlich Treffendes hat. Ich möchte Ihnen da eine kleine Erzählung geben.
[ 8 ] Sie kennen Anzengruber und Rosegger. Rosegger ist ein Dichter, der mit großer Hingabe seine Dorfgestalten schildert. Auch Anzengruber kennt seine Sache, er, der in dem Drama «Der Meineidbauer» in großartiger Weise die Bauern — also ähnliche Gestalten — auf die Bühne zu stellen vermag, so daß sie fest dastehen. Wir wissen, wie großartig plastisch sie dastehen im «Meineidbauer», im «Pfarrer von Kirchfeld» und andern. Nun gingen einmal Rosegger und Anzengruber miteinander spazieren, und Rosegger sagte: Ich weiß, daß du dir eigentlich nie die Bauern anschaust; du würdest sie vielleicht noch besser schildern, wenn du zu ihnen ins Dorf gingest. - Da sagte Anzengruber: Wenn ich das täte, würde ich vielleicht ganz und gar irre werden. Ich habe eigentlich nie Bauern näher kennengelernt; daß ich sie so schildern kann, rührt davon her, daß mein Vater, mein Großvater und alle meine Vorfahren Bauern waren, und dieses Bauernblut habe ich noch in mir. Aus diesem Bauernblut heraus schaffe ich meine Gestalten und kümmere mich nicht um die andern; das rumort sozusagen noch in meinem Blute!
[ 9 ] Das ist eine interessante Tatsache, die uns auf das hinführt, was wir zu betrachten haben. Wo das Blut ungemischt bleibt, wie es in den alten Stammesgemeinschaften oder bei den Bauern Anzengrubers der Fall war, bleibt eine derartige starke Erscheinung, wie sie bei dem Dichter Anzengruber in der letzten Verkörperung noch da war. Er hatte die Gestaltungskraft ererbt und wußte das ganz genau zu schätzen: es rann durch das Blut der Generationen die Gestaltungskraft. So ist es wirklich, wo verwandtes Blut nur mit verwandtem Blut sich mischt. Und auf die bildnerische Kraft der Seele wirkt die Mischung des fremden Blutes zu fremdem Blut auslöschend. Hätte Anzengruber irgend jemanden geheiratet, der einer ganz andern Klasse angehörte, so würden seine Kinder nicht mehr diese Gestaltungskraft gehabt haben.
[ 10 ] Fast bei allen Völkern, die heute noch existieren, können wir im Anfange diese Erscheinung beobachten: überall ist mit dem Heiraten in kleinen Blutsverwandtschaften ein ganz außerordentliches Gedächtnis verknüpft. Es ist verknüpft mit jenem dumpfen, dämmerhaften Hellsehen. Sie erinnern sich an das, was Sie seit der Geburt erlebt haben und betrachten das zusammengehörig mit der Persönlichkeit. Bevor die nahe Ehe ersetzt wurde durch die ferne Ehe, erinnerte man sich buchstäblich an das, was der Großvater und die Vorfahren bis weit hinaus erlebt hatten; man sagte «ich» und hatte die Erlebnisse von dem, was da der Großvater, Urgroßvater und so weiter zurück erlebt haben. Je weiter wir zurückgehen, desto mehr finden wir das durch die Generationen hinaufreichende Gedächtnis.
[ 11 ] Und das Interessante ist, daß sich die Völker gar nicht als einzelne Iche gefühlt haben; sie sagten zum Großvater «ich», indem sie wieder sich denselben Namen beilegten, ein Name, der alle umfaßte. Mit demselben Recht, wie Sie sich heute einen Namen geben und den.beziehen auf die einzelne Persönlichkeit, gaben sich diese Völker einen Namen, der weit hinaufreichte in die Jahrhunderte hinein, weil die Geburt das Gedächtnis nicht abriß. Der einzelne Mensch hatte keinen Namen, denn die Geburt war kein besonderes Ereignis. Solange der Faden des Gedächtnisses reichte, hatte man für alle nur einen Namen. Sie haben ein Dokument für diese Namengebung in der Bibel; alles Streiten über die Bedeutung der Patriarchennamen ist nur ein Gelehrtenstreit. Adam war deshalb Adam, und so alt, weil das Gedächtnis sich Jahrhunderte hinauf erhalten hat, weil der, der von einer Persönlichkeit abstammte, sich mit ihr als ein Ich fühlte, Das alles hieß «Adam», wo das durch die Jahrhunderte hindurchfließende Blut ein solches Gedächtnis erzeugt. Solange das Gedächtnis sich bewahrte in der Generationenreihe und man sich der Ereignisse seiner Vorfahren erinnerte als seiner eigenen, so lange sagte man: Adam ist noch da. — Man empfand sich gar nicht als einzelne physische Persönlichkeit, sondern man empfand sich als das, was geistig vorhanden war und die Personen zusammenhielt.
[ 12 ] Dann kam immer mehr die Fernehe, und die Mischung des Blutes wird immer mehr das Gedächtnis abtöten, das über die einzelne menschliche Erscheinung hinausgeht. Die Einengung des Gedächtnisses ist als eine Folge der Fernehe gekommen. So ist der Gang der Menschheit, daß der einzelne immer mehr hinauswächst über den Stamm. In dem gemeinsamen Blut, das durch die Stämme ging, floß auch der gemeinsame Ausdruck für dieses Blut: die Liebe. Das liebt sich, was verwandtes Blut hat. Im Laufe der Zeit wird aber jene Liebe, die wir als Urliebe bezeichnen können, die an das Blut gebunden ist und zur Bildung einer ganzen Familie geführt hat, erlöschen. Die Liebe der Vergangenheit ist eine ganz andere als die, welche uns als die Liebe der Zukunft entgegenleuchtet. In den nachatlantischen Zeiten finden wir noch die Liebe durch das Blut vorherrschend: das liebt sich, in dessen Adern gemeinsames Blut ist. Aber das wird immer mehr verschwinden; die Menschen gehen immer mehr aus den engen Blutsverwandtschaften heraus und werden individuell.
[ 13 ] Diese Urliebe, die entstanden ist mit dem Heruntersteigen der Seelen in die physischen Leiber, steht also abnehmend in dem Zeitenlauf vor uns; die floß in den Menschen in dem Moment ein, der in der Bibel mit den Worten geschildert wird: «Und Gott blies dem Menschen den Odem ein, und er ward eine lebendige Seele.» Damals aber entstand noch etwas anderes. Der Mensch war eine lebende Seele und damit ein Lungenatmer geworden. Die Luft, die er so einatmete, bewirkte sein rotes Blut, und in dem roten Blut drückt sich die Ich-Natur aus. Solange das Blut ein gemeinschaftliches ist, so lange ist das Ich ein gemeinsames, wie wir es im Judentum sehen, wo ein ganzes Volk von einer Gruppenseele beherrscht ist. Aber immer mehr reifen die Menschen dazu heran, unabhängig zu werden von dem Verwandtenblut. Als der Odem in den Menschen eingezogen ist, war dies die erste Anlage zur Blutbildung. Aber erst durch lange Zeiträume ist die Menschheit reif geworden, dieses Blut so zu durchwirken, daß anstelle der Urliebe die allgemeine Menschenliebe treten kann. Denken Sie sich den Fortgang der Menschheit, wie ich ihn eben geschildert habe: Die Urliebe würde allmählich sterben, die Verwandtenliebe - von Mutter zu Kind und so weiter — müßte abnehmen; das Blut wirkt nicht so weit, daß ein Band der Liebe die ganze Menschheit umfassen könnte, und die Gewalt des Ich, die Gewalt der Selbstsucht wird immer größer werden. Da mußte ein Ereignis eintreten, das an die Stelle der Urliebe eine andere Liebe, eine geistige Liebe ins Dasein gerufen hat: dieses Ereignis ist das Christentum. Mit dem Erscheinen des Christentums ist das hintangehalten worden, was sonst eingetreten wäre: das Auseinanderfallen der ganzen Menschheit zu einzelnen Menschenatomen. Die Menschen müssen immer selbständiger werden, das liegt in der Entwickelung ihres Blutes; aber nun muß auf geistige Art wieder zusammengeführt werden, was auf natürliche Art auseinandergetrieben worden ist, durch die neue Kraft, die jetzt ohne Blutsliebe wirken kann: dies ist das Christentum. Das Mysterium von Golgatha bekommt damit eine fundamentale Bedeutung für die ganze Menschheitsentwickelung. Wenn wir das verstehen, verstehen wir die Bedeutung des Wortes: das Blut Christi. Nicht ist es etwas, was man nur äußerlich erfahren und erforschen kann, sondern etwas, was selbst als mystische Tatsache betrachtet werden muß. Mit vollem Bewußtsein ist daher mein Buch genannt - nicht die «Mystik des Christentums», sondern: «Das Christentum als mystische Tatsache.»
[ 14 ] Um zu begreifen, was der Christus Jesus selbst auf der Erde war, um zu verstehen, daß das Christentum solch eine fundamentale Bedeutung hat, müssen wir auf die Vorbereitungen zum Christentum eingehen. Die waren in allen alten Zeiten schon vorhanden. Sie können wirklich erkennen, wie der alte Christ dies anschaute, wenn Sie eine Stelle bei Augustinus nehmen: Was man heute christliche Religion nennt, ist die wahre Religion immer gewesen, nur daß, was früher die wahre Religion war, heute die christliche Religion genannt wird. — Augustinus wußte in seiner Zeit noch, daß das Christentum eine Voraussetzung hat: das, was in den alten Mysterien getrieben worden ist. Und gerade dies soll durch die theosophische Bewegung den Menschen enthüllt werden. Ich möchte das durch ein paar Worte charakterisieren.
[ 15 ] Da gab es Schulen, die zu gleicher Zeit Kirchen und auch Kunststätten waren; an der Spitze dieser Schulen standen die Leiter der Menschheit, die am meisten in der Entwickelung Vorangeschrittenen. Jene Menschen, die man für geistig geeignet hielt, selber eine Anschauung gewinnen zu können von dem, was um uns herum ist als geistige Welt, wurden dort aufgenommen. Sie wurden sorgfältig vorbereitet, indem sie zuerst die Tatsachen der geistigen Welt theoretisch kennenlernen mußten, ungefähr so, wie wir heute in der Geisteswissenschaft lernen. Dann kamen immer höhere Stufen. Das Lernen änderte sich in Leben um, das Exoterische in das Esoterische. In allem wurden sie lebendig unterrichtet. Es war strenge Vorschrift, wie der Schüler sein Leben einzurichten hatte, damit er langsam aufsteigen konnte zu dem Anschauen der geistigen Welt. Es hatte der Schüler zuerst die Tatsachen und Gesetze der geistigen Welt gelernt, und hatte sich dann durch Übungen, die ihm vorgeschrieben waren, die Organe geschaffen, um hineinschauen zu können in diese geistige Welt.
[ 16 ] Und nun will ich Ihnen den Schlußakt davon erzählen. Sie müssen sich erinnern, daß der Schlaf des Menschen darin besteht, daß der Astralleib aus dem Äther- und physischen Leibe heraus ist, und daß der Tod darin besteht, daß der physische Leib allein bleibt und der Ätherund Astralleib vereinigt sind. Nun war es so, daß der Führer der Mysterien, der Hierophant, durch die entsprechenden Methoden, die man anwenden konnte, den Menschen so behandelte, daß der physische Leib durch dreieinhalb Tage hindurch wie tot dalag, und der Ätherleib mit den übrigen Gliedern des Menschen außerhalb war. Das war weder ein Schlaf noch ein Tod, sondern ein drittes. Es war alles so vorbereitet, daß der Mensch während dieser dreieinhalb Tage die Wanderung durch die höheren Welten machen konnte; er lernte jetzt durch die Anleitung des Hierophanteninitiators die Dinge kennen, die wir auch in den vorhergehenden Vorträgen beschrieben haben. Das alles lernte er durch eigene Anschauung kennen. Ein zweimal geborener Mensch war er nach dreieinhalb Tagen. Wenn er jetzt wieder zurückkehrte, erinnerte er sich an alles, was er in den jenseitigen Welten erlebt hatte; er war jetzt ein lebendiger Zeuge dessen, daß es solche Welten gibt. Seine Worte waren jetzt anders, als sie früher erklungen waren. «Selig» war er geworden, und anwendbar war auf ihn das Wort: «Selig sind, die da schauen.»
[ 17 ] Wenn er zurückkam, bekam er einen ganz neuen Namen; er legte seinen Namen ab und führte als ein Eingeweihter seinen neuen Namen weiter. Und eine eigentümliche Erscheinung trat ein, wenn er herunterkam und seinen physischen Leib wieder bezog, wenn er wieder in der physischen Welt leben konnte. Dann entrang sich allen — das war Gesetz — ein einziger Ausspruch, der in deutscher Sprache lauten würde: «Mein Gott, mein Gott, wie hast du mich verherrlicht!» Dies empfand ein solcher Mensch, der so weit gekommen war; er sagte von sich: Alles, was von der Urliebe noch da war, was dem Menschen durch das Blut eingepflanzt werden mußte, muß bei mir ersetzt werden durch eine Liebe, die keinen Unterschied kennt zwischen Mutter, Bruder, Schwester und den andern Menschen. — Er hatte geistig verlassen Eltern, Weib und Kind, Bruder und Schwester, und war ein Nachfolger des Geistes geworden. In ihm, sagte man, war der Christus lebendig geworden.
[ 18 ] Das alles hatte sich in der Verborgenheit der Mysterien vollzogen. Solche Menschen waren die Zeugen für die geistige Welt. Solche Menschen waren auch Propheten, denn sie deuteten auf ein kommendes Ereignis, und dies ist kein anderes als das Mysterium von Golgatha. Was für den einzelnen Menschen in den Mysterienschulen geschah, vollzog sich für die ganze Welt einmal in der physischen Welt in Palästina. Wenn Sie heute die Vorschriften für die alten Eingeweihten nehmen könnten, würden Sie sehen, daß jene Vorschriften mit diesen dreieinhalb Tagen ihren Abschluß bekamen: niemals hatte sich das früher auf dem physischen Plane abgespielt. Es begann damit eine neue Epoche. So daß Sie sagen können: Alle die Einweihungen waren prophetische Vorherverkündigungen dessen, was sich in dem Mysterium von Golgatha vollzogen hat; und nur dadurch konnte es sich abspielen, daß eine so umfassende Individualität, wie es der Regent der Sonnengeister war, eingekörpert war in den Leib des Jesus von Nazareth. Kein solches menschliches Ich, wie wir es in uns haben, hätte jemals das durchführen können, was sich da auf Golgatha abgespielt hat. Dazu gehörte ein solches Ich, das schon auf der Sonne damals so weit vorgeschritten war.
[ 19 ] In dieser Weise begreifen wir die Gottmenschheit des Christus Jesus, die in der modernen Zeit so leicht geleugnet wird, weil man nicht mehr vermag, in die Tiefen der geistigen Welt sich einzuleben. Und so sehen wir, wenn wir die Sache im richtigen Lichte betrachten, auf Golgatha etwas sich abspielen, was eine Bedeutung hat, die weit über alles andere Geschehen hinausreicht.
[ 20 ] Unter den neueren Geistern hat allein Richard Wagner wiederum etwas geahnt von der Bedeutung des Blutes. Ich habe Ihnen erklärt, wie das Drüsenleben des Menschen der Ausdruck des Ätherleibes ist, das Nervenleben der Ausdruck des Astralleibes, und wie der Ausdruck des Ich das Blutleben ist. Ich habe Ihnen gezeigt, wie in der Entwickelung des Blutes, wenn der Christus nicht gekommen wäre, eine Hinentwickelung zu einer größeren Selbstsucht eingetreten wäre; das Ich hätte die Selbstsucht, die Ich-Sucht immer mehr vergrößert. Es mußte dasjenige Blut abfließen, hingeopfert werden, das in der Menschheit überschüssig war, damit sie nicht ganz aufgehe in Selbstsucht. Der wahre Mystiker sieht in dem Blut, das aus den Wunden des Erlösers fließt, das abfließende überschüssige Blut, das fließen mußte, damit die Menschheit nicht in Selbstsucht verfällt, damit eine geistig-seelische Bruderliebe die ganze Menschheit erfassen konnte. So sieht der Geisteswissenschafter das vom Kreuze strömende Blut an, das von der Menschheit genommen werden mußte, damit diese sich erheben konnte vom Materiellen. Damit ist an Stelle der Liebe, die durch das Blut zusammengehalten wurde, eine Zukunftsliebe aufgerichtet, die von Mensch zu Mensch geht. Und nur so kann verstanden werden das Wort des Christus Jesus: «Wer nicht verläßt Vater und Mutter, Bruder und Schwester, Weib und Kind, der kann nicht mein Jünger sein.» Das darf nicht anders als so aufgefaßt werden, daß durch die Tat von Golgatha alles überwunden wird, was vorher durch das verwandte Blut, durch die Verwandtenliebe gefestigt werden mußte. Derjenige, der an diese Stelle die neue, die geistigseelische Liebe setzte, durfte sagen, daß die alte Liebe verlassen werden muß. So ist der Zusammenhang.
[ 21 ] Die Erscheinung des Christus Jesus selbst ist eine tiefe mystische Tatsache und kann nur dann verstanden werden, wenn man nicht den Maßstab der Naturwissenschaft darauf anwendet. Wer das täte, würde dem gleichen, der eine Träne ansieht und sie nur nach dem Gesetz der Schwerkraft beurteilt, nicht als einen Ausdruck der Seele sehen will.
[ 22 ] Solche Dinge sind eben nur mit der Geisteswissenschaft zu erfassen. Deshalb unterscheidet sich das Erscheinen des Christus Jesus auf Erden von dem aller andern Religionsstifter. Was die andern gegeben haben, ist eine Lehre. Bei dem Christus Jesus kann man wirklich sagen: Fast jedes Wort, das er gesprochen hat, ist schon einmal in irgendeinem Zusammenhange gesagt worden. Bei dem Hermes und Buddha kommt es an auf das, was sie gesagt haben: bei dem Christus Jesus kommt es darauf an,daß er da war, daß er gelebt hat, und daß sich das Mysterium von Golgatha vollzogen hat.
[ 23 ] Wer daher ein Christ im richtigen geisteswissenschaftlichen Sinne sein will, ist es dadurch, daß er an die Gottheit des Christus Jesus selbst glaubt. Die ersten Jünger sagten nicht nur: Wir sind hinausgeschickt, daß wir die Worte verkünden sollen -, sondern sie sollten von seinem Dasein Zeugnis ablegen: «Wir haben die Worte selbst gehört und haben unsere Hände in seine Wunden gelegt.» Auf das Dasein kommt es an. Denken Sie sich bei den andern Religionen die Religionsstifter weg, Sie würden nichts dabei verlieren. Denken Sie sich den Christus Jesus weg — und das Christentum wäre nicht da! Das ist der Unterschied. Deshalb mögen die Menschen, wie Darwin, Strauß, Drews und so weiter noch so viel verkünden, daß man alle andern Religionslehren im Christentum wiederfinden könne, darauf kommt es nicht an; sondern darauf, daß Er da war, und daß Er das, was in den Propheten vorherverkündet war, als eine Tatsache darstellte. So ist das Christentum nicht Lehre, sondern Kraft. Wenn Sie sich auf einen andern Planeten von hier erheben könnten, würden Sie nicht nur die Erde, sondern auch den Äther- und Astralleib der Erde sehen, die geistige Erde außer der physischen; und könnten Sie auf diesem Stern durch Jahrtausende weilen, schon von der Zeit an vor dem Erscheinen des Christus Jesus, dann würden Sie gesehen haben, wie in dem Geist der Erde selber sich die Farbe des Astralleibes verändert hat dadurch, daß der Christus Jesus da war. Die Erde ist wirklich verändert; und die Menschen, die nach der Erscheinung des Christus Jesus leben, leben auf einer veränderten Erde und sind deshalb fähig geworden, den tiefsten Herabstieg des Geistes zu überwinden. Früher mußte man in die Geisteswelt erhoben werden, wenn man davon etwas wissen wollte; im Christentum ist das Mysterium selbst herabgestiegen. Für physische Augen war es da als historisches Ereignis. Die Gottheit mußte herabsteigen, um die Menschheit aus der physischen Welt wieder in die geistige hinaufzuführen.
[ 24 ] So finden Sie das Christentum geschildert in dem reinsten Evangelium, dem Johannes-Evangelium. Es ist nicht nur eine Dichtung, sondern ein Lebensbuch. Der allein weiß, was das Johannes-Evangelium ist, der es erlebt hat; und wenn man es erlebt, kann man alles, was heute gesagt worden ist, als eigene Wahrheit verkünden.
[ 25 ] Ich möchte nun noch kurz zeigen, wie der Mensch zu den Erkenntnissen des Christentums kommen kann.
[ 26 ] Unter vielen Büchern ist das Johannes-Evangelium dasjenige, das die Methoden angibt, mit deren Hilfe man die Tiefen des Christentums ergründen kann. Selbst als das Christentum noch nicht in der heutigen Form da war, wurde es schon in den Schulen gelehrt; so bei Dionysius dem Areopagiten, einem Schüler des Apostels Paulus. In den alten Zeiten war es üblich, durch die Jahrhunderte hindurch den eigentlichen Träger der Mysterien mit demselben Namen zu belegen, so daß der, welcher die Geheimnisse überkommen und sie aufgeschrieben hat, auch so genannt wurde.
[ 27 ] Wer vom Standpunkt der Esoterik aus sich in die ersten Worte des Johannes-Evangeliums hinein vertieft, erlebt es, daß sie eine weckende Kraft in seinem Inneren sind. Dann muß man allerdings das JohannesEvangelium so anwenden, wie es ursprünglich angewendet worden ist, und man muß die Geduld haben, immer wieder die ersten Sätze des Johannes-Evangeliums als seinen Meditationsstoff zu nehmen und sie jeden Morgen an seiner Seele vorüberziehen lassen. Dann ist das eine Kraft, die tief in unserer Seele verborgene Kräfte herausholt. Allerdings muß man eine richtige Übersetzung dafür haben. Sie müssen ungefähr an deutschen Wortcharakteren ausdrücken, was wirklich im Urtext dastand. In einer möglichst richtigen Übersetzung möchte ich Ihnen anführen, daß charakteristisch in den Worten das eigentliche Geistesleben des Johannes-Evangeliums angegeben wird:
«Im Urbeginne war das Wort, und das Wort war bei Gott, und ein Gott war das Wort.
Dieses war im Urbeginne bei Gott.
Alles ist durch dasselbe geworden, und außer durch dieses ist nichts von dem Entstandenen geworden.
In diesem war das Leben, und das Leben war das Licht der Menschen. Und dasLicht schien in die Finsternis, aber die Finsternis hat es nicht begriffen.
Es ward ein Mensch, gesandt war er von Gott, mit seinem Namen Johannes.
Dieser kam zum Zeugnis, auf daß er Zeugnis ablege von dem Lichte, auf daß durch ihn alle glauben sollten.
Er war nicht das Licht, sondern ein Zeuge des Lichtes. Denn das wahreLicht, das alle Menschen erleuchtet, sollte in die Welt kommen. Es war in der Welt, und die Welt ist durch es geworden, aber die Welt hat es nicht erkannt.
Zu den einzelnen Menschen kam es, bis zu den Ich-Menschen kam es, aber die einzelnen Menschen, die Ich-Menschen, nahmen es nicht auf.
Die es aber aufnahmen, die konnten sich durch es als Gotteskinder offenbaren.
Die seinem Namen vertrauten, sind nicht aus Blut, nicht aus dem Willen des Fleisches und nicht aus menschlichem Willen, sondern aus Gott geworden.
Und das Wort ist Fleisch geworden und hat unter uns gewohnet, und wir haben seine Lehre gehöret, die Lehre von dem einigen Sohne des Vaters, erfüllt von Hingabe und Wahrheit.»
[ 28 ] Ich könnte Ihnen nun viel erzählen, wie Sie sich hineinleben müßten in die einzelnen Kapitel des Johannes-Evangeliums. Ich will Ihnen nur eine Probe geben, wie Sie die Kapitel vom dreizehnten ab benutzen müßten, wenn Sie ein wirklicher Zögling der christlichen Einweihung wären. Was ich Ihnen in Worten sage, hat sich an Tatsachen abgespielt. Ich will es zum Verständnis in eine Dialogform kleiden, die Ihnen eine Vorstellung geben könnte, was sich zwischen Lehrer und Schüler abgespielt hat.
[ 29 ] Da sagte der Lehrer zum Schüler: Du mußt ein Gefühl in dir entwickeln, dir folgendes denken: Du mußt dich versetzen in die Pflanze. Könnte sie Bewußtsein haben wie du, und könnte sie durch dieses Bewußtsein herunterblicken zu den Steinen, so würde sie sagen: Du toter Stein, du bist in der Reihe der Wesen ein niedrigeres Wesen als ich selber; ich bin höher. Aber könnte ich heute so als Pflanze da sein, wenn nicht du jetzt als Stein da wärest? Ich hole meine Nahrungssäfte aus dir heraus. Ich könnte nicht sein ohne das, was niedriger ist als ich. —- Und könnte die Pflanze fühlen, dann würde sie sagen: Zwar bin ich höher als der Stein, aber ich neige in Demut mich zu ihm herunter, da mir der Stein das Dasein möglich gemacht hat. — Ebenso müßte sich das Tier zur Pflanze neigen und sagen: Ohne daß du, Pflanze, da bist, könnte ich nicht sein, obwohl ich höher bin als du. Ich verdanke dir niedrigerem Wesen mein Dasein. In Demut neige ich mich vor dir.
[ 30 ] Gehen Sie jetzt hinauf zum Menschen, zu den verschiedensten, den niederen und höheren, was müßte ein jeder sagen, der auf der Entwickelungsstufenleiter etwas höher steht als die andern? Wie die Pflanze zum Mineral, wie das Tier zur Pflanze, so müßte ein jeder Mensch, der höher steht, sich herunterneigen zu dem niedereren und sagen: Zwar bist du niedriger, aber dir verdanke ich, daß ich da sein kann!
[ 31 ] Nun denken Sie sich dies bis zu dem Höchsten, bis zu dem Christus Jesus ausgeführt, und Sie haben das Verhältnis des Christus Jesus zu den Aposteln, mit denen er zusammen war und zu denen er sich herunterneigte, wie die Pflanze zum Mineral, und ihnen die Füße wusch: «Aus euch bin ich hervorgegangen, ich neige mich zu euch herunter.»
[ 32 ] Solche Gefühle durch alle Stufen hindurch mußte der Schüler durch lange Zeiträume durchmachen. Und immer lebendiger werden mußte dieses Gefühl; dann erwachte er auf der ersten Stufe der christlichen Einweihung. Durch ein äußeres und durch ein inneres Symptom kann man das fühlen: das äußere ist das, daß der Schüler wirklich eine Zeitlang so empfindet, als ob seine Füße umflossen wären vom wässerigen Element. Und das innere Symptom ist, daß er das dreizehnte Kapitel des Johannes-Evangeliums als eine innere Vision selbst erlebt auf dem Astralplan.
[ 33 ] Dann schritten sie weiter. Der Lehrer sagte dem Schüler: Du mußt noch weiteres erleben; du mußt nunmehr dir vorstellen, daß von allen Seiten körperliche und seelische Leiden und Schmerzen auf dich einstürmen würden. Du mußt dich gegen alles stark machen, so daß du sagen könntest: Was auch für Schmerzen und Leiden auf mich einstürmen, ich stehe aufrecht und lasse mich nicht zu Boden werfen. Dieses nennt man die «Geißelung». Das äußere Symptom dafür ist, daß man etwas spürt wie Schmerzen in seiner Haut, die ein Kennzeichen dafür sind, daß die Seele so weit ist. Und das innere Symptom ist so, daß man sich selbst auf dem Astralplan als gegeißelt sieht. Das Wesentliche aber ist das, was die Seele errungen hat an innerem Erleben.
[ 34 ] Das dritte, was der Schüler von dem Lehrer hört, ist folgendes: Jetzt mußt du ein Gefühl entwickeln, daß du nicht nur standhältst gegen alle Schmerzen, die auf dich einstürmen, sondern du mußt standhaft bleiben, wenn auch das Heiligste in dir in den Staub gezerrt würde. So stark mußt du bleiben, daß alle Leute dir sagen könnten: Das ist nichts wert. — Selbst wenn die Leute es dir zertreten, du mußt wissen, was es wert ist, und mußt gegen eine ganze Welt standhalten können. — Hatte der Schüler das erlangt, dann sagte man: er hat die «Dornenkrönung» erlebt. Das äußere Symptom ist ein Gefühl wie von einem gewissen Schmerz im Kopf, und das innere Symptom ist, daß man sich in der Situation des dornengekrönten Erlösers sieht.
[ 35 ] Das vierte ist dann dieses: Der Lehrer sagt dem Schüler: Du mußt ein ganz neues Verhältnis zu deinem Leibe gewinnen. Du wohnst in deinem Leibe; jetzt aber mußt du ihn als etwas ganz Fremdes betrachten, wie der äußere Tisch dir ein fremdes Ding ist, und mußt sogar verstehen lernen zu sagen: Ich trage meinen Leib durch die Welt. - Er muß etwas sein, was dir so fern steht wie andere äußere Gegenstände. — Dann sagte man, man hat die «Kreuzigung» erlebt. Wie der Erlöser das Kreuz trug, so trug man den eigenen Leib wie etwa ein Stück Holz. Das äußere Symptom für die Kreuzigung selbst sind die Stigmata. Der Schüler ist imstande, in der Meditation willkürlich die Blutmale an sich hervorzurufen, an den Händen, an den Füßen und an der rechten Seite der Brust; da treten die roten Flecken auf, die an die Kreuzeswunden erinnern. Diese «Blutsprobe» ist ein äußeres Symptom dafür, daß man das innere Wesen des Christentums kennengelernt hat. Und das innere Erleben ist: man sieht sich selbst am Kreuze hängen in einer astralen Vision.
[ 36 ] Die fünfte Stufe ist das, was man den «mystischen Tod» nennt. Das kann man nur mehr annähernd beschreiben. Der mystische "Tod besteht darin, daß er tatsächlich für den Menschen einmal so auftritt, als ob die ganze Welt für ihn in finsterste Finsternis getaucht wäre und es wie eine schwarze Wand vor ihm stünde. Die ganze Sinneswelt ist wie ausgelöscht und versunken; das kann man erleben. In diesem Augenblick lernt man kennen — was man eigentlich nur durch dieses Ereignis kennenlernen kann - alles, was an Bösem und Schlechtem, an Üblem in der Welt vorhanden sein kann. Um das Leben kennenzulernen, muß man dies auch durchmachen. Man nennt es das «Hinabsteigen in die Hölle». Dann folgt ein eigenartiges Ereignis: Sie sehen es, wie vor den Augen ausgebreitet. Jene Wand geht auseinander: es ist das «Zerreißen des Tempelvorhanges», und dann blickt man hinauf in die geistige Welt. Das nennt man den «mystischen Tod und das Zerreißen des Vorhangs».
[ 37 ] Die sechste Stufe ist die «Grablegung und Auferstehung», wo der Mensch sich zu den früheren Gefühlen noch jenes aneignet, daß die andern äußeren Gegenstände ihm noch etwas werden, was wie zu seinem Körper gehört, wo die ganze Erde noch zu ihm gehört. Wie der Finger sagen könnte: Ich bin nur ein Finger dadurch, daß ich am Organismus der Hand bin -, so ist der Mensch nur auf der Erde dadurch, daß er der Erde angehört. Die Menschen können auf der Erde herumwandeln, und daher halten sie sich für selbständig. Wenn man sich mit diesem Gefühl durchdringt, daß alles zu uns gehört, dann tritt das ein, was man nennt die «Grablegung»: man ruht geistig-seelisch in der Erde drinnen, und erst danach ist man gleichsam auf geistige Weise wieder auferstanden. Man versteht dann erst die Tat des Christus Jesus, der sich durch den Tod mit der Erde verbunden hat und so, wie er dereinst Regent der Sonne war, nun Geist der Erde geworden ist. Und wörtlich sind die Worte im Johannes-Evangelium zu nehmen: «Wer mein Brot isset, der tritt mich mit Füßen»! Verstehen Sie den Christus Jesus als den höchsten planetarischen Geist der Erde und die Erde als seinen Leib, dann begreifen Sie auch, daß Sie den Leib des Christus Jesus buchstäblich mit Füßen treten. Und mit ihm werden Sie vereinigt, wenn Sie die Grablegung dieser sechsten Stufe erleben.
[ 38 ] Dann kommt die siebente Stufe, die «Himmelfahrt», die man mit Recht nicht beschreiben kann, weil nur der sie verstehen könnte, der denken könnte, ohne sich des Gehirnes zu bedienen.
[ 39 ] Ich habe Ihnen geschildert, wie durchgemacht wurde die christliche Einweihung. Dadurch erwarb sich der Schüler das, was man das «Christus-Auge» nennt. Wenn Sie kein Auge hätten, wäre alles um Sie her finster; ebensowenig wie Sie ohne Auge eine Sonne sehen könnten, ebensowenig könnten Sie ohne das Christus-Organ den Christus wahrnehmen. Das Auge ist von dem Lichte für das Licht geboren. Das Licht ist die Ursache des Sehens. Die Sonne muß außen vorhanden sein als die reale Sonne, und diese reale Sonne selbst erleben Sie in Ihrem Auge. Genau so ist es mit dem geistigen Auge. Es ist nur ein leeres Gerede, wenn man bloß von dem «innerlichen» Christus spricht; das wäre dasselbe, wie wenn man vom Auge spräche, ohne daß eine Sonne bestünde. Der Mensch kann sich die Fähigkeit, den Christus zu schauen, durch die Übungen erwerben, die jetzt angeführt sind; aber daß er die Kraft dazu haben kann, das kommt wiederum von dem historischen Christus selbst her. Wie die Sonne zum Auge, so verhält sich der Christus zur Heranbildung des Christus-Organs im Menschen.
[ 40 ] Nicht eine Anleitung sollte hier gegeben werden, sondern Tatsachen sollten hier angeführt werden. Kennenlernen soll man aber, was es in der Welt gibt. Und dazu sind diese Vorträge da, daß man erkennen lernt, aus welchen Tiefen heraus der wirkliche christliche Geist schöpft, und wie das Johannes-Evangelium selbst die Methoden der christlichen Einweihung enthält, durch die der Mensch das Auge erhält, das den Christus selbst schauen kann. Die ihn aber verkünden wollen, die müssen in einer gewissen Weise mit ihm zusammengelebt haben, wirklich, nicht in einem bloßen Glauben.
[ 41 ] Um das zu schildern, was es in der Welt gibt, betrachten Sie den heutigen Vortrag; daß es in der geistigen Welt so ist, wie es Goethe wunderbar charakterisiert hat. Er sprach ja die schönen Worte, die für alle Naturwissenschaft und für alle Geisteswissenschaft gelten:
Wär’ nicht das Auge sonnenhaft,
Wie könnten wir das Licht erblicken?
Lebt’ nicht in uns des Gottes eigne Kraft,
Wie könnt’ uns Göttliches entzücken?
[ 42 ] Draußen in der Welt müssen die Dinge und Wesenheiten sein; sie schafft die Organe und Fähigkeiten. - Ohne die Sonne kein Auge, aber auch keine Fähigkeit, die Sonne zu schauen. Ohne den Christus Jesus kein Organ, den Christus zu schauen, aber auch keine Möglichkeit, das Organ zu entwickeln!
Twelfth Lecture
Kassel, June 27, 1907[ 1 ] Yesterday we tried to follow the development of humanity cosmically and also on our earth. Today I will only add a few more details to this development of humanity - in order to then find the transition to what Theosophy has to say about the significance of Christianity and also about Christian initiation. First, I ask you to turn your mind's eye once more to the starting point of the process of becoming human.
[ 2 ] We have said that at the time of the separation of the present moon the earth was surrounded by a kind of primeval sea, and we have characterized how physical man united with the spiritual-soul man at that time. And then we followed this development until our days, which we recognized as those of the deepest decline of mankind with the spirit into matter. We have recognized that now again an ascent must take place, a spiritualization, and have also spoken about the mission that Theosophy or spiritual science believes it has in relation to this development.
[ 3 ] We have already pointed out that the separation of the two sexes took place at the time of the Lemurians. Two sexes already existed among the lower beings on the moon; but the human being who dwells in each of you was only divided into two sexes at that time when he was incorporated into the physical form. We must think of man's prehistory – before his division into two sexes, into a male and a female – in such a way that what we call sexuality did not yet exist at all, or at least had a completely different form. Now a great deal depends on our understanding the significance for the whole of human evolution of what I have just mentioned.
[ 4 ] If the division into two sexes had not occurred, if humanity had not completed its development through the interaction of the masculine and feminine, then the human being would have been shaped quite differently. The individual in the human being comes precisely from the influence of the masculine. Yesterday I explained to you the difference between a group soul and an individual soul. With animals it is quite different. The animal already has the sexes on the astral plane. Man, on the other hand, did not have the two sexes on the astral plane before he had not yet descended into the individual human bodies, or rather, man had not yet fallen into the sexes. If the sexless part of the human being had now propagated itself in the physical world, if a kind of asexuality had taken the place of the two sexes, it would not have been possible to make the human being an individual being. This is precisely the meaning of human evolution: that individual human beings become ever more individual and more individual.
[ 5 ] If we were to go back to the time I characterized yesterday, we would see how people look very much the same in their outward appearance. The interaction of the two sexes created individual diversity; and individual diversity will increase as humans move further into the future. Without the division into sexes, generations would always look similar. We must say that the fact that humans are becoming more and more independent depends on the two sexes.
[ 6 ]
In primeval times and well into the Atlantean period, and even into the post-Atlantean period, what we call “close marriage” is prevalent among humanity, and only gradually did “distant marriage” replace close marriage. In primeval times, people married within small blood relationships and small clans. Among all peoples, you will find that marrying into a family in another tribe is not considered unusual, and it is seen as an important event everywhere. |
[ 7 ] The further back we go, the more we find that it is considered moral for people in related tribes to marry, for related blood to mix only with related blood. We can best explain this process if we start from a comparison that, while all other comparisons are flawed, is extremely apt. I would like to share a short story with you.
[ 8 ] You know Anzengruber and Rosegger. Rosegger is a poet who describes his village characters with great devotion. Anzengruber also knows his subject; in the drama “Der Meineidbauer” (The Perjurer), he is able to present the farmers – similar figures, that is – on stage in a magnificent way, so that they stand firm. We know how magnificently they are presented in “Der Meineidbauer”, in “Pfarrer von Kirchfeld” and others. Once, Rosegger and Anzengruber were walking together, and Rosegger said: I know that you never actually look at the farmers; you would perhaps describe them even better if you went to them in the village. - Then Anzengruber said: If I did that, I might go completely mad. I have never really got to know farmers; the fact that I can describe them in this way comes from the fact that my father, my grandfather and all my ancestors were farmers, and I still have this farmer blood in me. It is from this farmer blood that I create my characters and I don't care about the others; that still rumbles in my blood, so to speak!
[ 9 ] That is an interesting fact that leads us to what we have to consider. Where the blood remains unmixed, as was the case in the old tribal communities or among the farmers of Anzengruber, there remains a strong phenomenon, as it was still there in the last incarnation of the poet Anzengruber. He had inherited the power of creation and knew exactly how to appreciate it: it ran through the blood of the generations, the power of creation. And so it is when kindred blood is only mixed with kindred blood. The mixing of alien blood with alien blood has a blotting out effect on the creative power of the soul. If Anzengruber had married anyone who belonged to a completely different class, his children would no longer have had this creative power.
[ 10 ] Almost all peoples who still exist today show this phenomenon at the beginning: an extraordinary memory is associated with marriage in small blood relationships. It is associated with that dull, dim clairvoyance. You remember what you have experienced since birth and consider it to be part of your personality. Before close marriage was replaced by distant marriage, people literally remembered what their grandfather and ancestors had experienced well beyond; they said “I” and had the experiences of what their grandfather, great-grandfather and so on had experienced. The further back we go, the more we find the memory reaching up through the generations.
[ 11 ] And the interesting thing is that the peoples did not feel at all as individual selves; they said “I” to the grandfather, thereby applying the same name to themselves, a name that included everyone. With the same right that you give yourself a name today and refer to the individual personality, these peoples gave themselves a name that reached far back into the centuries, because birth did not sever the memory. The individual person had no name, because birth was not a special event. As long as the thread of memory reached, one had only one name for all. You have a document for this naming in the Bible; all the arguments about the meaning of the patriarchal names are only scholarly disputes. Adam was therefore Adam, and so old, because memory has been preserved for centuries, because he who descended from a personality felt with him as an ego, that all was called “Adam,” where the blood flowing through the centuries produced such memory. As long as memory was preserved in the line of generations and people remembered the events of their ancestors as their own, they said: “Adam is still there.” They did not feel at all as individual physical personalities, but rather as what was spiritually present and held the persons together.
[ 12 ] Then came more and more long-distance marriage, and the mixing of blood will increasingly kill the memory that goes beyond the individual human appearance. The narrowing of memory has come as a result of long-distance marriage. It is the way of humanity that the individual increasingly outgrows the tribe. In the common blood that flowed through the tribes, the common expression for this blood also flowed: love. What is related by blood loves each other. In the course of time, however, that love, which we can call primeval love, which is bound to blood and has led to the formation of an entire family, will fade away. The love of the past is quite different from the love that shines for us as the love of the future. In the post-Atlantic era, we still find love through blood prevailing: those in whose veins common blood flows love each other. But this will increasingly disappear; people are increasingly moving out of close blood relationships and becoming individual.
[ 13 ] This primeval love, which arose when the souls descended into the physical bodies, is thus diminishing in the course of time; it flowed into man at the moment described in the Bible with the words: “And God breathed into the man the breath of life, and he became a living soul.” But at that time something else came into being. Man had become a living soul and with that a lung-breather. The air that he inhaled in this way caused his blood to become red, and the red blood expresses the nature of the self. As long as the blood is a common blood, the self is a common self, as we see in Judaism, where an entire people is ruled by a group soul. But more and more, people are maturing to become independent of their relatives' blood. When the breath entered into man, this was the first predisposition to blood formation. But only through long periods of time has humanity matured to such an extent that this blood is so interwoven that universal human love can take the place of primal love. Imagine the development of humanity as I have just described it: Primordial love would gradually die, and love for relatives - from mother to child and so on - would have to decrease; blood does not work to such an extent that a bond of love could embrace all of humanity, and the power of the ego, the power of selfishness, will only increase. An event had to occur that would replace the original love with a different love, a spiritual love: this event is Christianity. With the appearance of Christianity, what would otherwise have happened was averted: the disintegration of all mankind into individual human atoms. Human beings must become ever more independent, that is in the evolution of their blood; but now what has been driven apart in a natural way must be brought together again in a spiritual way, through the new power that can now work without blood-love: this is Christianity. The Mystery of Golgotha thus acquires a fundamental significance for the whole evolution of humanity. When we understand this, we understand the meaning of the words: the blood of Christ. It is not something that can be experienced and investigated only on the outer level, but something that must be regarded as a mystical fact in itself. It is with full consciousness that I have entitled my book, not “The Mysticism of Christianity”, but “Christianity as Mystical Fact”.
[ 14 ] To grasp what the Christ Jesus himself was on earth, to understand that Christianity has such fundamental significance, we must look at the preparations for Christianity. These were already in place in all ancient times. You can really see how the ancient Christian viewed this by taking a passage from Augustine: What is today called the Christian religion has always been the true religion, only that what used to be the true religion is now called the Christian religion. — Augustine still knew in his time that Christianity had a prerequisite: what was practiced in the ancient mysteries. And it is precisely this that is to be revealed to people through the theosophical movement. I would like to characterize this with a few words.
[ 15 ] There were schools that were both churches and places of art at the same time; at the head of these schools were the leaders of humanity, those who were most advanced in development. Those people who were considered spiritually suited to gain a personal insight into the spiritual world around us were accepted there. They were carefully prepared by first having to learn the facts of the spiritual world in theory, much as we learn in spiritual science today. Then came ever higher levels. The learning changed into life, the exoteric into the esoteric. They were taught everything in a lively way. There were strict rules as to how the student had to organize his life so that he could slowly ascend to the contemplation of the spiritual world. First the student had learned the facts and laws of the spiritual world, and then, through prescribed exercises, he had created the organs for him to be able to look into this spiritual world.
[ 16 ] And now I will tell you the final act of it. You must remember that man's sleep consists of the astral body leaving the etheric and physical bodies, and that death consists of the physical body remaining alone and the etheric and astral bodies being united. Now it was the case that the leader of the mysteries, the hierophant, used the appropriate methods to treat the person in such a way that the physical body lay there as if dead for three and a half days, and the etheric body was outside with the person's other limbs. This was neither sleep nor death, but a third. Everything was so arranged that during these three and a half days the human being could make the journey through the higher worlds; under the guidance of the hierophant-initiator he now became acquainted with the things we have also described in the preceding lectures. He learned all this through his own direct observation. After three and a half days he was a twice-born man. When he returned, he remembered everything he had experienced in the worlds beyond; he was now a living witness to the fact that such worlds exist. His words were now different from what they had been before. He had become “blessed,” and the word applied to him: “Blessed are they that have seen.”
[ 17 ] When he returned, he received a completely new name; he discarded his name and continued to go by his new name as an initiate. And a remarkable phenomenon occurred when he descended and reoccupied his physical body, when he was able to live in the physical world again. Then all would utter a single phrase, which in German would be: “My God, my God, how you have glorified me!” This was felt by such a man who had come so far; he said of himself: “Everything that was left of the primal love, which had to be implanted in man through blood, must be replaced in me by a love that knows no distinction between mother, brother, sister and the other people.” He had spiritually left parents, wife and child, brother and sister, and had become a follower of the spirit. In him, it was said, the Christ had come alive.
[ 18 ] All this had taken place in the secrecy of the mysteries. Such people were the witnesses for the spiritual world. Such people were also prophets, for they pointed to a coming event, and this is none other than the Mystery of Golgotha. What happened for the individual in the mystery schools was fulfilled for the whole world once in the physical world in Palestine. If you could take the instructions for the ancient initiates today, you would see that these instructions were concluded with these three and a half days: never before had this happened on the physical plane. A new epoch began with it. So that you can say: All the initiations were prophetic foreshadowings of what took place in the Mystery of Golgotha; and it could only happen through the embodiment in the body of Jesus of Nazareth of such a comprehensive individuality as the Ruler of the Solar Spirits was. No human ego like the one we have within us could ever have accomplished what took place at Golgotha. It took an ego like that, which was already so advanced on the sun at that time.
[ 19 ] In this way, we understand the God-humanity of Christ Jesus, which is so easily denied in modern times because people are no longer able to immerse themselves in the depths of the spiritual world. And so we see, when we look at the matter in the right light, something taking place at Golgotha that has a significance that extends far beyond all other events.
[ 20 ] Among the more recent spirits, only Richard Wagner sensed something of the significance of blood. I have explained to you how the glandular life of man is the expression of the etheric body, the nervous life the expression of the astral body, and how the expression of the I is the blood life. I have shown you how, in the development of the blood, if Christ had not come, there would have been a development towards greater selfishness; the I would have increased selfishness, the egoism, more and more. The blood that was in excess in humanity had to flow out, had to be sacrificed, so that humanity would not be completely absorbed in selfishness. The true mystic sees in the blood flowing from the wounds of the Redeemer the effluent surplus blood that had to flow so that humanity would not fall into selfishness, so that a spiritual and soul brotherly love could embrace all humanity. This is how the spiritual scientist views the blood flowing from the cross, which had to be taken from humanity so that it could rise from the material. In place of the love held together by blood, a love for the future has been established, a love that passes from person to person. Only in this sense can we understand the words of Christ Jesus: “If anyone does not give up father and mother, brother and sister, wife and child, he cannot be my disciple.” This cannot be understood in any other way than as meaning that through the deed of Golgotha everything is overcome that previously had to be strengthened by the related blood, by the love of relatives. The one who in this place substituted the new, spiritual-soul love, was allowed to say that the old love must be abandoned. Such is the context.
[ 21 ] The appearance of Christ Jesus Himself is a profound mystical fact and can only be understood if one does not apply the standards of natural science to it. Anyone who did so would be like someone who looks at a tear and judges it only by the law of gravity, not wanting to see it as an expression of the soul.
[ 22 ] Such things can only be grasped with spiritual science. This is why the appearance of Christ Jesus on earth differs from that of all other founders of religions. What the others have given is a teaching. With Christ Jesus, one can truly say that almost every word He spoke has been said before in some context. With Hermes and Buddha, it depends on what they said. With Christ Jesus, it depends on the fact that He was there, that He lived, and that the Mystery of Golgotha was fulfilled.
[ 23 ] Therefore, anyone who wants to be a Christian in the true spiritual sense is so by believing in the divinity of Christ Jesus himself. The first disciples did not just say, “We have been sent out to proclaim the words,” but rather, they were to bear witness to His existence: “We have heard the words ourselves and have laid our hands in His wounds.” It is existence that matters. Imagine the founders of other religions gone. You would not lose anything. Imagine Christ Jesus gone – and Christianity would not be there! That is the difference. Therefore, no matter how much people like Darwin, Strauß, Drews and so on proclaim that all other religious teachings can be found in Christianity, that is not what matters; what matters is that He was there and that He presented as a fact what was foretold in the prophets. Thus Christianity is not a doctrine, but a power. If you could rise from here to another planet, you would see not only the earth, but also the etheric and astral bodies of the earth, the spiritual earth apart from the physical; and if you could dwell on this star for thousands of years, thousands of years, even from the time before the appearance of Christ Jesus, you would have seen how the color of the astral body has changed in the spirit of the earth itself through the presence of Christ Jesus. The earth has truly changed, and people who live after the appearance of Christ Jesus live on a changed earth and have therefore become able to overcome the deepest descent of the spirit. In the past, one had to be elevated in the spiritual world if one wanted to know something about it; in Christianity, the mystery itself has descended. For physical eyes, it was there as a historical event. The deity had to descend to lead humanity out of the physical world back into the spiritual one.
[ 24 ] This is how you will find Christianity described in the purest gospel, the Gospel of John. It is not just a work of fiction, but a book of life. Only he who has experienced it knows what the Gospel of John is; and when one experiences it, one can proclaim everything that has been said today as one's own truth.
[ 25 ] I would now like to briefly show how a person can come to the knowledge of Christianity.
[ 26 ] Among many books, the Gospel of John is the one that indicates the methods by which one can fathom the depths of Christianity. Even before it took on its present form, Christianity was already being taught in schools, for example by Dionysius the Areopagite, a disciple of the Apostle Paul. In ancient times, it was customary to use the same name for the actual bearer of the mysteries throughout the centuries, so that the one who received the secrets and wrote them down was also called by that name.
[ 27 ] From the point of view of esotericism, when you delve into the first words of the Gospel of John, you experience them as an awakening power within you. Then, however, one must apply the Gospel of John as it was originally intended to be used, and one must have the patience to take the first sentences of the Gospel of John as one's meditation material again and again, and to let them pass over one's soul every morning. Then it is a power that draws out hidden forces deep within our soul. However, one must have the right translation for it. They must express approximately in German word characters what was really in the original text. In a translation that is as correct as possible, I would like to show you that the actual spiritual life of the Gospel of John is characteristically expressed in the words:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
This was in the beginning with God.
All things came into being through him, and without him nothing came into being.
In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
There came a man sent from God, whose name was John.
He came for a witness, to bear witness about the Light, that through him all might believe.
He was not the light, but a witness to the light. For the true light that enlightens all men was coming into the world. It was in the world, and the world was made through it, but the world did not recognize it.
It came to the individual people, it came to the I-people, but the individual people, the I-people, did not accept it.
But those who accepted it could reveal themselves through it as children of God.
Those who trusted in his name were not born of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of human will, but of God.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we heard his teaching, the teaching of the only Son of the Father, full of devotion and truth.
[ 28 ] I could now tell you many things about how you would have to immerse yourself in the individual chapters of the Gospel of John. I will give you just one example of how you would have to use the chapter from the thirteenth on if you were a true disciple of Christian initiation. What I am telling you in words has actually happened. To make it clearer, I will present it in the form of a dialog that may give you an idea of what took place between teacher and pupil.
[ 29 ] Then the teacher said to the pupil: You must develop a feeling within you, think the following: You must put yourself in the place of the plant. If it could have consciousness like you, and if it could look down on the stones through this consciousness, it would say: You dead stone, you are a lower being than I am in the series of beings; I am higher. But could I be here today as a plant if you were not here now as a stone? I draw my nourishing juices from you. I could not be without that which is lower than I. – And if the plant could feel, then it would say: Although I am higher than the stone, I humbly bow down to it, because the stone has made my existence possible. – Likewise, the animal would have to bow down to the plant and say: Without you, plant, I could not be, even though I am higher than you. I owe my existence to you lower creature. In humility I bow down before you.
[ 30 ] Now go up to man, to the most diverse, the lower and higher ones. What should each one say who stands somewhat higher on the ladder of development than the rest? Just as the plant tends towards the mineral, just as the animal towards the plant, so every human being who stands higher should bend down to the lower one and say: You may be lower, but I owe it to you that I can be here!
[ 31 ] Now imagine this carried out to the highest degree, to Christ Jesus, and you have the relationship of Christ Jesus to the apostles, with whom he was together and to whom he bent down, like the plant to the mineral, and washed their feet: “I came forth from you, I bend down to you.”
[ 32 ] The disciple had to go through such feelings through all stages over long periods of time. And this feeling had to become more and more vivid; then he awakened at the first stage of Christian initiation. One can feel this by an outer and by an inner symptom: the outer one is that the disciple really feels for some time as if his feet were surrounded by watery element. And the inner symptom is that he experiences the thirteenth chapter of the Gospel of John as an inner vision on the astral plane. |
[ 33 ] Then they walked on. The teacher said to the disciple: You must experience something else. You must now imagine that physical and mental suffering and pain are assailing you from all sides. You have to brace yourself against all of it so that you can say: No matter what pains and suffering come at me, I will stand tall and not let myself be brought down. This is called the “flagellation”. The outer symptom of this is that you feel something like pain in your skin, which is a sign that the soul is ready. And the inner symptom is that you see yourself scourged on the astral plane. But the essential thing is what the soul has gained in inner experience.
[ 34 ] The third thing the disciple hears from the teacher is this: Now you must develop a feeling that you not only withstand all the pain that comes your way, but you must remain steadfast even if the most sacred thing in you were dragged into the dust. You have to remain so strong that all people could tell you: this is worth nothing. Even if people trample it underfoot, you have to know what it is worth and have to be able to stand up to a whole world. When the disciple had attained this, it was said that he had experienced the “crown of thorns”. The outer symptom is a feeling of a certain pain in the head, and the inner symptom is that one sees oneself in the situation of the thorn-crowned Redeemer.
[ 35 ] The fourth is this: the teacher tells the disciple, “You must gain a completely new relationship to your body. You live in your body; but now you must regard it as something quite alien, just as the outer table is an alien thing to you, and you must even learn to say: I carry my body through the world. It must be something that is as far from you as other external objects. Then one said one had experienced the “Crucifixion.” Just as the savior carried the cross, so one carried one's own body, like a piece of wood. The external symbol of the crucifixion itself is the stigmata. In meditation, the disciple is able to voluntarily evoke the stigmata on his hands, feet, and right side of the chest; red spots appear that resemble the wounds of the cross. This “blood test” is an external symptom of having come to know the inner essence of Christianity. And the inner experience is: one sees oneself hanging on the cross in an astral vision.
[ 36 ] The fifth stage is what is called “mystical death”. This can only be described approximately. The mystical “death” consists in the fact that it actually occurs to a person as if the whole world were plunged into the darkest darkness and stood before him like a black wall. The whole world of the senses is as if extinguished and submerged; one can experience that. At that moment one gets to know – which one can actually only get to know through this event – all the evil and wickedness that can exist in the world. To get to know life, one must also go through this. It is called the Descent into Hell. Then comes a strange event: they see it spread out before their eyes. That wall parts: it is the Rending of the Temple Veil, and then one looks up into the spiritual world. This is called the Mystical Death and the Rending of the Veil.
[ 37 ] The sixth stage is the “burial and resurrection”, where man still acquires the former feelings that the other external objects still become something to him that belongs to his body, where the whole earth still belongs to him. Just as a finger could say, “I am only a finger because I am part of the hand,” so man is only on earth because he belongs to the earth. People can walk around on the earth, and so they think they are independent. When one becomes imbued with this feeling that everything belongs to us, then what is called the “burial” takes place: one rests spiritually and soulfully in the earth, and only after that is one, so to speak, resurrected spiritually. Only then can we understand the deed of Christ Jesus, who united himself with the earth through death and thus, as he was once the regent of the sun, has now become the spirit of the earth. And the words in the Gospel of John are to be taken literally: “He who eats my bread tramples me underfoot!” If you understand Christ Jesus as the highest planetary spirit of the earth and the earth as his body, then you also understand that you literally trample the body of Christ Jesus underfoot. And you will be united with him when you experience the entombment of this sixth step.
[ 38 ] Then comes the seventh stage, the «ascension», which rightly cannot be described, because only someone who could think without using the brain could understand it.
[ 39 ] I have described to you how the Christian initiation was undergone. Through this, the disciple acquired what is called the “Eye of Christ”. If you had no eye, everything around you would be dark; just as you could not see the sun without an eye, so you could not perceive the Christ without the Christ organ. The eye is born of light for the light. The light is the cause of seeing. The sun must be present externally as the real sun, and you experience this real sun in your eye. It is exactly the same with the spiritual eye. It is just empty talk to speak only of the “inward” Christ; that would be the same as speaking of the eye without there being a sun. Man can acquire the ability to see the Christ through the exercises that are now given; but that he can have the power to do so comes again from the historical Christ Himself. As the sun to the eye, so the Christ to the development of the Christ-organ in man.
[ 40 ] Not instructions should be given here, but facts should be stated here. But one should get to know what exists in the world. And these lectures are there for that, so that one learns to recognize from what depths the real Christian spirit draws, and how the Gospel of John itself contains the methods of Christian initiation, through which man receives the eye that can see the Christ himself. But those who want to proclaim him must have lived with him in a certain way, really, not in a mere belief.
[ 41 ] To describe what exists in the world, consider today's lecture; that in the spiritual world it is as Goethe wonderfully characterized it. He spoke the beautiful words that apply to all natural science and to all spiritual science:
If the eye were not solar,
How could we behold the light?
If not the divine power that dwells in us,
How could we be enraptured by the divine?
[ 42 ] Outside in the world, things and entities must be; it creates the organs and abilities. Without the sun, there would be no eye, but also no ability to see the sun. Without Christ Jesus, there would be no organ to see the Christ, but also no possibility of developing the organ!