Theosophy and Rosicrucianism
GA 100
28 June 1907, Kassel
Translator Unknown
XIII. The Rosicrucian Training
My task of to-day and of tomorrow will be to show you the path into the spiritual worlds which has been followed ever since the 14th and 15th century, particularly in the so-called Occult Training, and which is the most suitable path for modern people. But it will be easier for us to understand the essential points if we first cast a glance over the future development of humanity.
We have already spoken of the course of human development through the Stages of Saturn, Sun, Moon and Earth. Those who are only accustomed to think in accordance with present-day conceptions will find it difficult to understand that it is possible to know something about the future course of evolution: But you must bear in mind that certain great laws which are now active, will also exercise their activity in the future, and those who know these laws can therefore cast a glance into the future.
In the sphere of physical reality no one doubts that things can be foretold,—for example, lunar and solar eclipses and other astronomical phenomena can be calculated in advance, far into the future. In the sphere of physical reality there is no doubt as to this. And everybody knows that when certain substances are mixed in a retort, scientists can foretell the result. This is a prophecy relating to external sensory facts, and these things can be foretold because the laws which influence the substances are known.
Similarly we learn to know through spiritual science the laws which govern the course of human life, so that it is possible to foretell what will take place in the future.
An objection might now be raised which has been advanced by the thinkers of every epoch: “It is impossible to speak of human freedom if future events can be foreseen!” But here people confuse the capacity of looking into the future with predestination. In every philosophy you will therefore come across the strangest observations, for all philosophers were unable to make this distinction. Jacob Böhme was the only exception!
Let me now give you an example to make things clearer to you. Let me compare time with space. Imagine yourself standing here, and two people in the street, outside. You can see what these two people are doing, for you are watching them from a distance. But are you able to influence their actions, in view of this fact? No, you are simply looking at them, and these two people act in perfect freedom. You can determine nothing in their actions through the fact that you are looking at them. Now imagine a clairvoyant who observes what will take place in the future. He merely sees this, and he does not in any way influence the events. If these events could be influenced, if they were, so to speak, predestined in the present, there would be no pre-vision. But we can only grasp the difference between predestination and prevision if we ponder over this problem for a long tune.
I do not intend to describe to you what the Earth will be like when it shall have reached the Venus and the Jupiter stages; instead, I wish to tell you something which will give you an idea of man's future development; I wish to explain to you something which comes from the oldest Christian Mysteries, which originates from the Christian School of the true Dionysius; it was a teaching which was always taught in the Christian esoteric schools.
The following comparison was taken as a starting point:—I am now speaking to you. Yell can hear my words; you hear the thoughts which were, to begin with, in the depths of my soul; you hear thoughts which would remain concealed to you were I not to express them in sounds. But you could not hear my words, if the air did not exist between us. Whenever I utter a word, the air in the space around us is set into motion; whenever I speak, I cause the whole volume of air around me to vibrate, it vibrates in accordance with the words which I pronounce. Let us now proceed further: Imagine that you were able liquefy the air, and then to render it solid. Air can be liquefied; you know that water can exist in the form of steam and that this air becomes liquid when it cools; and then the liquid can become a solid block of ice. Imagine now that I pronounce the word.“God” into the air; a form would fall down, for instance, the form of a shell; if the sound-vibrations could render the air solid. And another wave of sound would fall down as a solid form if I pronounce the word “World”. A crystallized form of air would correspond to every word I utter, and you would be able to perceive these crystallized forms.
This example was in fact advanced in the Christian schools. First of all we have the spoken word, and then this word becomes a solid form, but before it became solid, it existed as an inner thought. Now the early Christian imagined the following: The creative process in the universe resembles the creative process which takes place in space, when we speak. The creative proceeded from the idea of things and then the Godhead expressed these ideas in the form of words uttered out into space. Everything which appears to us outside in the form of plants, minerals, etc. is the crystallization of God's utterances. It is possible to imagine everything dissolved into tone-vibrations of the Divine Cosmic Word. “Whatever I see before me, is the crystallization Word of God!” said the Christian. And on a certain wy he made a distinction between the “Father in Concealment”, Who had not yet expressed Himself, the “Word” or the Son, Who resounds through space, and the crystallized Word, the “Revelation”.
This enables us to understand in a deeper sense the beginning of the Gospel of St. John:—“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in the very beginning with God. Everything was made by Him, and except through Him was nothing made that was made.” Everything that was made, was made by the Word! We should take things as literally a possible, then we can easily recognise the creative element of the Word, or the Logos. In the Christian meaning, the Word or the Logos stands in the second place. “Logos” should only be translated with “Word”, for this means that at the foundation of everything which exists in the created world lies the unuttered creative Word; it then resounded as spoken Word, and this is the origin of every existing thing. If we go far back into times we could hear animals, plants, minerals, and men, resound through the cosmic spaces as “Word”—even as you now hear my own words—for in those remote, times, the air had not yet cooled down to such extent as to enable words to take on solid form.
Let us bear this in mind, for then we can say to ourselves: Once upon a time, the Word was ,creative. Men are now beginners in an activity which was once carried out by their ancestors, the Gods, who stood above them. Once upon a time, the Gods created the world by uttering their words into the cosmic spaces, and this creative activity gave rise to the created world round about us. The forces of procreation in the vegetable, animal, and human kingdoms are but, a metamorphosis of the former creative Word of God. We still bear within us a higher and a lower nature. The greatest perfection has been reached by that part within us which is endowed with sex, whereas our larynx contains the first stage of a new procreative power. Whenever we pronounce words, we are at the beginning of an activity which will one day become procreative. At present we are only beginners in an activity which was once carried out by the Gods. A new form of procreation will replace the old one. The larynx is now able to form words but in the future it will become an organ of procreation, a generative organ, which will produce more and more condensed and higher forms. The larynx can now mould forms of air, but in future it will give rise to real beings. When the earth shall have reached the Jupiter stager the Word will have creative power in the mineral kingdom, and during the Venus stage it will be able to produce plants. Thus the course of development will proceed, until man will be able to procreate himself through the Word.
The present form arose, when man first sent the air streaming through his lungs through sounds. But in future stages of the earth's development, the words, the mere words which we now tell each other, will have a lasting form. And finally, the larynx will become man's generative organ, through which he will procreate himself in purity without the intromission of sex.
This shows us the future aspects of human development, and the predisposition of the human larynx. Indeed, an enigmatic phenomenon can show you how intimately the larynx is connected with certain stages of development: When a boy reaches puberty, his voi0e breaks, it undergoes mutation. The human larynx is at the beginning of its development, whereas sexual life is at the end of its development. This shows us the intimate connection of certain things in Nature. In sexual life we are confronted by something which is dying off; the larynx, the word, on the other hand, will in the future become man's generative organ.
We might indicate many other examples showing how the human being will gradually develop organs which now exist in a rudimentary form—for instance, the organs which now constitute his breathing system, but which really form part of the heart system.
The training which was introduced into Europe since the 14th century in fact anticipates future conditions of human evolution and it enables us to follow a speedier course of inner development than the ordinary one. The training which is called the Rosicrucian training is the one most suited to modern men. In a certain sense, Rosicrucianism has not a good reputation among men who have only heard of it now and then. If we could rely on the statements made in books, and on what scientists know about Rosicrucianism, then it would indeed be the swindle which it is reputed to be! But those who judge Rosicrucianism by these sources do not know real Rosicrucianism, but a mere swindle!
But let us now consider Rosicrucianism in it s true form; it arose through an individuality concealed under the name of Christian Rosenkreutz, who gave rise to the Rosicrucian Movement in the year 1459.1See lecture 5 of Life Between Death and a New Birth.
I expressly remark that what I an telling you now is only to be taken as an example, in the same way in which I spoke to you yesterday of the Christian. training. Let me therefore indicate right away the seven chief points of Rosicrucian training. The sequence of these stages is not the same for all, but let me point them out to you, for they come into consideration for everyone who passes through the Rosicrucian training.
The first thing is what we call Study; the second is what we call the Appropriation of Imaginative Knowledge; the third, the Appropriation of the Occult Writing; the fourth, the Preparation of the Stone of the Wise; the fifth stage is called Conformity of the Small World, the Microcosm, with the Large World, the Macrocosm. 2See Macrocosm and Microcosm. Soul Problems, Life Problems, Spiritual Problems. The sixth stage is the Penetration into the Life of the Macrocosm and the seventh is what we the Divine Blissfulness.
The Rosicrucian path leads in the surest and profoundest way to a knowledge of Christianity. The Christian path of training is more suited for those who can abide in faith and who can awaken their feeling life within them, in the manner described to you yesterday. But the Rosicrucian path is for these people who can connect the truths of Christianity with the truths relating to the external world This above all, will enable them to protect Christianity against every attack from outside. Christianity is a world-conception of such profundity that our wisdom will never suffice to grasp it fully. The path of Rosicrucian training is the most suitable one for modern men.3See The Path of Knowledge and its Stages
If we follow a train of thought which has nothing in common with the sensory world, we pursue study in the Rosicrucian meaning. What is designated as “thinking in free thoughts” is only known to the civilisation of the west, through geometry, the Christian-Gnostic schools therefore used the name “mathesis” for the designation of things connected with the higher truths, with God and the higher world, for such truths had to be grasped independently of everything pertaining to the sensory world, even as mathematics must be grasped independently of all sensory impressions. A circle drawn with chalk is most imperfect, a real circle can only be conceived in thoughts; thought alone is able to grasp everything that can be learned in connection with the circle. Through mathematics we learn to think of the circle independently of the senses; we construct it in thought, with the aid of the triangle built up spiritually, whose angles equal to 180 degrees.
It is somewhat uncomfortable to have to think without the support of external sensory objects, and for the majority of men there is no other field of study in this direction than spiritual science. In my first lecture I told you that the knowledge contained in spiritual science can absolutely be grasped through logic. But clairvoyance is needed if anyone wishes to investigate these truths. Logic suffices, however, for the understanding of the truths contained in spiritual science.
Our materialistic age could only invent the calculating machine, which teaches us to form thoughts which are not independent of the senses: A child, above all, should learn to grasp things independently of sensory impressions. Thee influence of spiritual science will therefore be of greatest value in education: Spiritual science is an excellent training for the development of a thought activity independent of the senses. Everything which I have told you in connection with Saturn, the Sun, and the various members of the human beings relates to things which cannot be, seen; they must be grasped through thought, independently of the senses. No one should, however, believe that he can train himself unless he first grasps these truths theoretically. The advantage of such truths is that they do not exist for the senses, so that they can transmit us a way of thinking which goes beyond sensory life. For many people it is sufficient at first, to penetrate into the truths which theosophy describes in connection with facts which cannot be grasped through the senses. These truths constitute, the kind of thoughts which were always explained to the pupils of the Rosicrucian Schools, and the truths were well impressed upon them.
If we now wish to proceed, we can find a good means of a Training in Thought in my books “Truth and Science” and “The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity”. These books are merely a gymnastic in a form of thinking which is independent of the senses. Generally speaking, you will find that in other books it does not make much difference if the thought- contained in one sentence is transferred to another one. But in the above-mentioned books no thought can be transferred to another place. These books have arisen in such a way that my own person merely, gave this thought-structure the opportunity to take on a sensory form. It was necessary to yield to these thoughts, so that they could arise of their own accord, continue of their own accord. Those who are willing to penetrate more deeply into these thoughts, devoting themselves to this study for, say, half a year (this is not easy, but the effort entailed is the very best way of tackling ) those who can read these books to the very end, have drawn out of their inner being a dormant force.
The second stage is Imagination, or the Imaginative Knowledge, which is entirely under the influence of Goethe's beautiful words: “All transient things are but a symbol”. Only those who have acquired a firm, sure thinking, should enter this second stage. For they might easily fall into delusive fancies without a firm foundation of thought. Consequently, the first condition is to have a clear head; nothing can protect us more against mistakes than a clear way of thinking.
In the widest meaning, imagination might be characterized by observing everything which surrounds us in the following Manner:—Observe the face of a human being; you see upon it creases and wrinkles,which come and go; you do not only describe these lines, but you designate them as smiles or sorrow. A man's smile reveals to you his happy disposition of mind. You do not only deduce an inner truth from something which you see outside, but this outer perception is for you a real symbol of that man's inner life or else you see a tear falling; you are not only a physicist who observes that tear in accordance with the law of gravity, but you know that that falling tear is the expression of the soul's inner sadness. Thus everything which you see outside on a person's countenance becomes for you the expression of the soul's inner mood. The Rosicrucian pupil learns to feel that everything which he sees outside is similarly the expression, let us say, of the Earth-Spirit, a certain plant, for, example the meadow-saffron, really appears to him as the expression of the mourning life of the earth. Even as a smiling countenance reveals to him the soul's happy mood, so the flowers become an expression for the earth's happy or sorrowful mood.
Goethe did not only wish to convey an external image when the Earth-Spirit in “Faust” speaks:
“In Lebensfluten Tatensturm,
Wall ich auf und ab,
Webe hin und her
Geburt und Grab,
Ein ewiges Meer,
Ein wechselnd Weben,
Ein glühend Leben,
So schaff ich am sausenden Webstuhl der Zeit,
Und wirke der Gottheit lebendiges Kleid.”In the floods of life,
in the storm of action,
I surge up and down,
I weave to and fro!
Birth and the Grave;
An eternal ocean,
A changing weaving,
A glowing life,
Thus I work on the whirring loom of Time
And weave the Godhead's living garment.
For Goethe, the Spirit of the Earth gradually becomes something that lives in the earth; he acquires a soul-spiritual connection with the whole surrounding Nature.
Let me now explain to you more in detail one of the moods which can be found in Nature.
We have a Rosicrucian pupil walking across the fields. He sees the tiny pearls of dew upon each plant. This reminds him of the ancient “Neflheim, the “Land of Mists”, where the air was filled with a dewy mist and where the human beings had quite a different connection with Nature than they have now. The Rosicrucian pupil who is thus walking over the meadows and who perceives the pearls of dew upon the plants says to himself: In the ancient Land of Mists this was once dissolved in the atmosphere. And within his soul rose up a deeply concealed memory of the Atlantean age.
Imagination was specially cultivated among the pupils of the medieval Rosicrucian Schools, and als0 among the pupils of the Holy-Grail. Since I cannot express myself in any other way, let me now convey to you in the form of a dialogue some of the truths which were taught in these Schools.
The teacher said to his pupil:—“Behold the plant: see how it springs out of the ground, opening its calyx with the organs of fructification; see how the sun's rays come down upon it and open the blossom, so that the fruit can ripen”. The Rosicrucian pupil, and also the pupil of the Holy Grail, had to conjure up before their soul this image, this idea.
Now there is something very significant, even in materialistic science, whenever a plant is being compared with the human being. You must, in that case, take the plant's root as corresponding to the human head, whereas the flower corresponds to man's generative organs, to the which he shame-facedly conceals. In the plant the root corresponds to the human head. Man is a reversed plant, the animal is a half reversed pant. Rosicrucianism therefore says: Behold the plant: Its root is in the ground and its organs of fructification are chastely turned towards the sun's ray. Behold the animal: Its spine is horizontal ... and then behold man: There you have a complete reverse, a complete transformation. In the cosmic process of evolution the plant, the animal and man are symbolized by the Cross! The Cross is the plant, the animal and man.—Now you will be able to understand Plato's words: The soul of the universe hangs upon the Cross of the universe.—the soul of the universe, the cosmic soul which permeates everything, is stretched out upon the plant, the animal, and man.
Now it was impressed upon the Rosicrucian student: “Behold the plant: In its kind, it is lower than you, for it is not endowed with consciousness and with the power of thinking; but its substance is pure and chaste; it turns its calyx towards the sun; its organ of reproduction is turned without any passion towards the sun's ray, the holy spear of love. But physical substance has become permeated with passion. Now think of the future ideal—a purified substance, producing itself in purest chastity,” And his attention, was drawn towards the larynx, where man shall one day have attained the purity and chastity of the flower's calyx. “Think of the plant's calyx, which is devoid of passion. It develops through passion, but it will become pure again and reproduce itself chastely, by allowing itself to be fructified by the spiritual ray of the sun, by the Holy Spear of Love.” A prototype of this “holy spear of Love” is the spear which pierced the heart of Christ-Jesus upon the Cross.
Yesterday we have seen that this blood which streamed out of the Redeemer's wound banished egoism from the earth. The spear which pierced him is therefore a foreboding of that higher spear, the sun's ray in a spiritual form. And the Holy Grail indicates the chalice of humanity which develops out of the larynx, and which will be the purified generative organ of the future, as is the case to-day in the plant.
This is the deeper meaning of the Holy Grail, which was brought to the knowledge of the Rosicrucian students and of the disciples of the Holy Grail when they had reached the imaginative stage. Now compare the vision which you obtain through these images—the plant's calyx, sex filled with passion, the Holy Grail. the passionless chalice—compare this with the dry, intellectual concept supplied by modern science; this will show you the difference between imagination and mere intellectual thought: the whole cosmic process must be grasped in images! This is important, for the more intellectual concepts which we have to-day are not creative; but if these concepts are added to an image, then the images will become creative. This was felt in past times, and it should be considered in the education of the child.
Let me now discuss an actual problem. To-day people say so easily: What nonsense our elders taught us children, by telling us the story of the stork! Children should be told the truth.
If our descendants will treat us as we treat our forefathers, they will also laugh at us and say: Our forefathers thought that that the human being arises through a physical act!—And they will look back upon the time when this was explained to children in a spiritual way. In ancient times, when the story of the stork arose, also adults believed in it, for they knew that when a human being is born, his soul descend a from the spiritual world; and so they always connected birth with the descent of a winged being. You may even find this again in nursery-rhymes, for instance in the following one:
Flieg, Käfer, flieg!
Dein Vater ist im Krieg!
Deine Mutter ist im Pommerland
Pommerland ist abgebrannt;
Flieg, Käfer, flieg!Fly, Beetle, fly!
Your father is in the war.
Your mother is in Pommerland,
Pommerland is burnt to ashes!
Fly, Beetle, fly!
This “fly, beetle” is meant as an image for the human soul, because a faint knowledge still existed of the astral world, from where the souls fly down into the physical world. And what is “Pommerland”? “Pommer” is the sane word as “Pommerle” which means a small child, so that “Pommerland”, or “Pommerleland”, is the Land of babies, where the mother goes to-fetch her baby. Such things must simply be explained in the light of the spiritual world. If you bear in mind that the image of the stork bringing babies is really an image for a spiritual process—reincarnation—you will realise how immensely important it is that certain things should first be grasped in the form of pictures; if the child is first taught to look upon the image of the spiritual process, he will develop an entirely different frame of mind enabling him to listen reverently even to the description of the physical process.
If you know that the stork is an image for the descending soul, you, yourself will once more believe in the stork! Your words can wing a child's fancy, if you understand the truth underlying an image; in that case a mysterious fluid will stream out of it and pass over to the child. This applies to every image. Children can thus be taught everything.
How can you deal with the problem of life after death? Lead the child to a butterfly's cocoon and tell him: Even as the butterfly flies out of its cocoon, so the soul flies out of the body when we die, but we cannot see this. If you really believe in this, you will be able to convince the child that when the butterfly leaves its cocoon, this is, upon a lower stage, the same as when the soul leaves the body. If spiritual science enables us to dive down again into the spiritual world, so that living images rise up in human hearts, education will change altogether; then the child will no longer be taught dry intellectual facts which coarsen his soul. We should not pull things down to a grotesque or comic sphere but we should realise instead what important things lie at their foundation.
The third thing which must be acquired for the paving of the “path” is the Learning of the Occult Writing. This does not consist in learning a writing, as is the case in ordinary life. The letters of the alphabet may indeed ba traced back to occult images but they are not by a long way an occult writing. In occult writing we must penetrate into the real great cosmic forces which are active in the universe. And all that we write down, must be so that one process of development passes over into the next. Take a plant: It bears seeds; in the seed you have the starting point for a new plant. But if you could really investigate the process, you would find that nothing of the old plant passes over into the new plant. In reality, the old plant perishes completely in regard to its substance; while the new plant builds up its form from entirely new substances—all that passes over into the new plant is a kind of movement. Here you have some sealing wax and there a seal: you press the seal into the wax. Of the seal itself nothing has gone over into the wax, only the form remains.—This is the case in every process of development. When it perishes the old substance merely supplies the opportunity for a new form to arise in accordance with the old form. This is designated
with two inter-twining spirals which do not meet. Such a transition existed after the Atlantean epoch of culture; this epoch disappears and a new one arises in the Indian epoch of culture; also this must be designated with two spirals. I have already told you that in the year 800 A.D. the sun rose in the sign of Aries; before that in the sign of Taurus; further back in the sign of Gemini and still further back in the sign of Cancer. The Greco-Latin age, containing the seeds of our present epoch, coincided with the time when the sun rose in the sign of Aries; the preceding civilisation; the Chaldean-Assyrian-Egyptian one, coincided with the time when the sun rose in the sign of Taurus; before that we have the Persien culture; when the sun rose in the sign of Gemini; and the ancient Indian culture developed itself when the sun stood in the sign of Cancer. It was then that the sign of Cancer; two inter-twining spirals was first written down.
Thus I might explain to you each sign of the Zodiac according to its true meaning. These signs were formed out of Nature, they are an expression for the forces and laws which are active outside, in Nature. If we learn to know the occult signs we begin to go outside ourselves; we penetrate into the mysterious foundations of Nature.
Thus I have given you some indications 0n the first three stages of the Rosicrucian path: Study, Imaginative Knowledge, and the Acquisition of the Occult Writing.
To-morrow we shall discuss the other stages, beginning with the Preparation of the Stone of the Wise.
Dreizehnter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Heute und morgen wird es meine Aufgabe sein, Ihnen den für die Gegenwart besonders geeigneten Weg zu den höheren Welten zu zeigen, der insbesondere seit dem 14. und 15. Jahrhundert innerhalb der sogenannten Geheimschulung gepflegt wird und der für den gegenwärtigen Menschen am geeignetsten ist. Wir werden das, worum es sich dabei handelt, besser verstehen, wenn wir zuerst einen Blick werfen auf die zukünftige Entwickelung des Menschen.
[ 2 ] Wir haben über die Entwickelung des Menschen durch den Saturn-, Sonnen-, Mond- und Erdenzustand hindurch gesprochen. Nun ist es für den, der nur im Sinne der Gegenwart denkt, schwierig, sich vorzustellen, wie man etwas über die Zukunft wissen kann. Aber Sie müssen sich klar sein, daß gewisse große Gesetze ebenso in der Zukunft wirken, wie sie in der Gegenwart wirken. Wer mit diesen Gesetzen bekannt ist, kann einen Blick in die Zukunft hinein tun. Auf dem Felde der materiellen Wirklichkeit wird auch kein Mensch mehr zweifeln, daß man etwas prophetisch vorhersagen kann, zum Beispiel Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse und andere Sternkonstellationen weit hinein in die Zukunft berechnen kann. Auf dem Felde der materiellen Wirklichkeit wird kein Mensch mehr daran zweifeln. Jeder weiß auch, wenn man ihm mitteilt, es würden diese und jene Substanzen in der Retorte gemischt, daß der Wissenschafter sagen kann, was geschehen wird, wenn man sie mischt. Das ist eine Prophetie, die sich auf die äußeren sinnlichen Tatsachen bezieht; ausüben kann man die Prophetie, weil man die Gesetze kennt, nach denen die Substanzen wirken. Ebenso lernt man in der Geisteswissenschaft die Gesetze kennen, nach denen das Menschenleben abläuft, und man kann daher etwas vorauswissen, was in der Zukunft geschieht.
[ 3 ] Freilich erhebt sich da ein Einwand, der sich bei den Philosophen aller Zeiten erhoben hat: Ja, wenn man voraussehen kann, was in der Zukunft geschieht, dann könnte ja von einer menschlichen Freiheit keine Rede sein. - Da verwechseln aber die Menschen das Hineinschauen in eine Zukunft mit einem Vorbestimmtsein. Daher finden Sie in allen Philosophien die sonderbarsten Behauptungen darüber aufgestellt; denn alle Philosophen haben diesen Unterschied nicht machen können. Eigentlich nur Jakob Böhme! Ich möchte, um Ihnen das klarzumachen, zu einem Beispiel greifen.
[ 4 ] Ich möchte die Zeit vergleichen mit dem Raume. Denken Sie sich, Sie stehen hier, und draußen auf der Straße stehen zwei Menschen. Sie sehen in der Entfernung, was diese tun. Sind Sie deshalb derjenige, der auch bestimmt, was diese tun? Nein, Sie sehen es; die beiden andern aber handeln in völliger Freiheit. Durch Ihr Anschauen ist nichts bestimmt, was die beiden tun. Denken Sie sich nun, der Hellseher sieht, was in der Zukunft geschieht. Das sieht er aber auch nur; dadurch sind doch nicht die Ereignisse bestimmt. Wenn diese Ereignisse durch die Zukunft bestimmt, also gleichsam in der Gegenwart schon bestimmt wären, so wäre das kein Hineinschauen. Man bekommt diesen Unterschied erst klar, wenn man lange nachdenkt über den Unterschied zwischen Vorherbestimmtsein und Vorhersehen.
[ 5 ] Heute möchte ich Ihnen nicht so sehr schildern, wie es auf der Erde aussehen wird, wenn die Jupiter- und Venuszeit erreicht sein wird. Ich möchte Ihnen etwas anderes sagen, woraus Sie ein Bild bekommen für die Entwickelung des Menschen in die Zukunft hinein; ich möchte Ihnen etwas vorführen, was aus den ältesten christlichen Mysterien stammt, aus derselben christlichen Schule des echten Dionysius, als eine Lehre, die immer in den christlichen esoterischen Schulen vorgetragen worden ist. Man ging dabei aus von folgendem Vergleich: Ich spreche hier zu Ihnen. Sie hören meine Worte, meine Gedanken hören Sie, die zunächst in meiner Seele sind, die ich Ihnen auch verbergen könnte, wenn ich sie nicht in Worte umsetzen würde. Ich setze sie in Töne um; wäre nicht zwischen Ihnen und mir die Luft ausgebreitet, so könnten Sie die Worte nicht hören. Wenn ich hier irgendein Wort ausspreche, so ist in diesem Augenblick die Luft in dem Raume bewegt; jedesmal versetze ich den ganzen Luftraum mit meinen Worten in einen gewissen Schwingungszustand; der ganze Luftkörper vibriert in der Weise, wie meine Worte ausgesprochen werden. Gehen wir nun etwas weiter. Denken Sie, Sie könnten die Luft flüssig machen und dann fest. Man kann ja auch heute schon unsere Luft fest machen; Sie wissen, daß Wasser dampfförmig existieren kann, daß es sich abkühlen kann und dann flüssig wird, und daß es im Eis fest werden kann. Denken Sie jetzt, ich spreche das Wort «Gott» durch den Luftraum. Könnten Sie in dem Augenblick, wo die Schallwellen hier wären, die Luft erstarrt machen, dann würde eine Form — wie beispielsweise eineMuschelform herunterfallen. Bei dem Worte «Welt» würde eine andere Welle herunterfallen. Sie könnten meine Worte auffangen, und jedem Worte würde eine kristallisierte Luftform entsprechen.
[ 6 ] Dieses Beispiel gab es in der Tat in den christlichen Schulen. Erst ist etwas ein gesprochenes Wort, dann wird es fest, wird eine feste Form; früher noch, bevor es festgeworden war, war es ein im Inneren verborgener Gedanke. Nun stellte sich der Christ vor: So wie das Schaffen hier im Raume, ist das Schaffen in der großen Welt. Ausgegangen ist das Schaffen von dem Gedanken der Dinge; dann hat die Gottheit den Gedanken hinausgesprochen in den Raum. Was Sie draußen sehen in Pflanzen, Mineralien, sind solche festgewordenen Gottesworte. Alles könnten Sie sich aufgelöst denken in Tonschwingungen des göttlichen Weltenwortes. Alles, was ich sehe, sehe ich als ein festgewordenes Gotteswort —, sagte sich der Christ. Und da unterschied er in gewisser Beziehung den «Vater im Verborgenen», der noch nicht sich geäußert hat, das «Wort» oder den «Sohn», das durch den Raum tönt, und dann das festgewordene Wort, die «Offenbarung». So verstehen Sie in einem tieferen Sinne den Anfang des Johannes-Evangeliums: «Im Urbeginne war das Wort, und das Wort war bei Gott, und ein Gott war das Wort. Dieses war im Urbeginne bei Gott. Alles ist durch dasselbe geworden, und außer durch dieses ist nichts von dem Entstandenen geworden.» Alles, was entstanden ist, ist aus dem Wort entstanden. Wir müssen die Sachen möglichst wörtlich nehmen, dann erkennen wir auch leicht das Schöpferische des Wortes oder Logos. Im christlichen Sinne ist das, was an zweiter Stelle steht, das Wort, oder der Logos. Es darf «Logos» nicht anders übersetzt werden als mit «Wort»; denn es ist so gemeint, daß allem, was draußen an Schöpfung da ist, das ungesprochene schöpferische Wort zugrunde liegt, daß es hinaustönte als Wort, und daß darin der Ursprung alles Seienden liegt. Würden wir weit genug zurückgehen in der Zeitenwende, dann würden wir alle Gegenstände, die wir als Tiere, Pflanzen, Mineralien, Menschen kennen, als «Wort» durch den Weltenraum tönen hören, wie Sie heute meine Worte hören, weil die Luft damals noch nicht soweit abgekühlt war, daß sie als Gestalten herunterfallen konnten.
[ 7 ] Wenn Sie sich das vorhalten, können Sie sich sagen: Das Wort war einst schöpferisch. Der Mensch ist heute ein Anfänger in dem, was einstmals seine Vorfahren taten, die Götter, die über ihm standen. Einstmals sprachen die Götter die Welt in den Raum hinaus, und dann verwandelte sich dieses Schaffen in das Geschaffene, was wir um uns haben. Was wir heute im Pflanzlichen, Tierischen und Menschlichen im Geschlechtlichen hervorbringen können, ist nur eine umgewandelte Form aus dem einstmaligen göttlichen Schöpferwort heraus. Der Mensch trägt auch noch eine höhere und eine niedere Natur in sich. Das am meisten Fertige ist das, was das Geschlecht in sich hat; und den Anfang eines neuen Produzierens hat der Mensch im Kehlkopf. Wenn er das Wort hinaussendet, ist das ein Anfang von dem, was er einst später erreichen wird. Was einst die Götter vollzogen haben, darin ist heute der Mensch im Anfang. — An Stelle des alten Produzierens wird ein anderes treten. Und wie der Mensch heute Worte hervorbringt mit . seinem Kehlkopf, so wird sein Kehlkopf später ein Produktionsorgan sein; immer höhere und höhere, dichtere und dichtere Schöpfungen wird er hervorbringen. Was heute nur Luft ist, wird in Zukunft Wesenheit sein. Wenn sich die Erde in den Jupiter verwandelt haben wird, wird das Wort schöpferisch sein im Mineralreich; im Venuszustand wird der Kehlkopf Pflanzen hervorbringen; und so wird es weitergehen, bis er seinesgleichen hervorzubringen vermag. Er entstand erst in der Form, wie er heute ist, als er die Luft durch die Lungen im Ton nach außen senden konnte. Was wir uns heute bloß sagen können, werden wir in zukünftigen Entwickelungszuständen der Erde so produzieren können, daß es bleibt. Und zuletzt wird der Kehlkopf das Organ sein, durch das der Mensch seinesgleichen in Reinheit hervorbringen wird, ohne Geschlechtlichkeit. Umgestaltet wird er seinen Kehlkopf haben zu einem Fortpflanzungsorgan.
[ 8 ] Da sehen wir hinein, wie der Mensch der Zukunft sein wird, wozu sein Kehlkopf veranlagt ist. Eine rätselvolle Erscheinung kann Sie darauf hinweisen, wie tatsächlich das Leben des Kehlkopfes zusammenhängt mit gewissen Entwickelungszuständen: im Männlichen wird mit der Geschlechtsreife die Stimmveränderung hervorgerufen, der Jüngling «mutiert». Der Kehlkopf ist an seinem Anfang, die Geschlechtlichkeit an ihrem Ende. So fein hängen die Dinge in der Natur zusammen. Was wir in dem Geschlechtsleben haben, ist ein Absterbendes; was wir im Kehlkopf haben, im Wort, wird in der Zukunft ein Produktionsorgan unser selbst sein.
[ 9 ] So könnten wir vieles anführen, wie der Mensch diejenigen Organe allmählich ausbilden wird, die heute erst in der Anlage vorhanden sind, die er sich zu seinem Atmungssystem auf der Erde angeeignet hat, was aber zum System des Herzens gehört.
[ 10 ] Nun werden wir sehen, wie man durch die Schulung, die seit dem 14. Jahrhundert in Europa eingeführt ist, tatsächlich vorausnehmen kann zukünftige Zustände der Menschheit, wie man auch seine innere Entwickelung schneller gestalten kann als dann, wenn man sich einfach dem Laufe der Welt überläßt. Die Schulung, die man die Rosenkreuzerschulung nennt, ist für den gegenwärtigen Menschen die am besten geeignete. Rosenkreuzertum ist etwas, was eigentlich einen schlechten Klang hat für die, welche nur einmal etwas davon gehört haben. Und wenn es stimmen würde, was die Bücher darüber schreiben und die Gelehrten wissen, dann wäre das Rosenkreuzertum nichts anderes als jener Schwindel, für den es eben angesehen wird. Aber die Wahrheit ist, daß diejenigen, die über das Rosenkreuzertum so richten, eben dann nur den Schwindel kennen. Wir aber wollen heute das wahre Rosenkreuzertum betrachten, das entstand durch die Individualität, die sich verbirgt unter dem Namen Christian Rosenkrentz, und die im Jahre 1459 den Anstoß gegeben hat zu der Rosenkreuzerbewegung.
[ 11 ] Ich bemerke ausdrücklich, daß dasjenige, was ich sage, herausgegriffen ist als ein Beispiel, geradeso wie das, was ich Ihnen gestern bei der christlichen Schulung sagte. Ich werde Ihnen daher gleich die hauptsächlichsten sieben Punkte der Rosenkreuzerschulung anführen, die ja auch nicht jeder in derselben Reihenfolge durchmacht, aber wir werden diese Stufen zunächst anführen, die für jeden im Sinne des Rosenkreuzertums in Betracht kommen.
[ 12 ] Das erste ist das, was man «Studium» nennt. «Aneignung der imaginativen Erkenntnis» ist das zweite. Das dritte «Aneignung der okkulten oder geheimen Schrift». Das vierte «die Bereitung des Steins der Weisen». Das fünfte ist das, was man nennt «Entsprechung der kleinen Welt — des Mikrokosmos — und der großen Welt — des Makrokosmos». Das sechste ist das «Hineinleben in den Makrokosmos», und das siebente ist das, was man die «Gottseligkeit» nennt.
[ 13 ] Der Rosenkreuzerweg ist derjenige Weg, der am sichersten und am tiefsten zur Erkenntnis des Christentums führt; nur ist der christliche Weg mehr für den geeignet, der im Glauben beharren kann und im Inneren die Gefühle rege zu machen vermag, die ich Ihnen gestern geschildert habe. Der Rosenkreuzerweg ist aber für denjenigen Menschen da, der die christlichen Wahrheiten verbinden kann mit den Wahrheiten der äußeren Welt. Gerade dann wird das Christentum gegen jeden Angriff von außen verteidigt werden können. Das Christentum ist eine solche Weltanschauung, daß man niemals weise genug sein kann, um es genügend zu verstehen. Es gibt keinen Grad, der hoch genug wäre, um ganz zu verstehen, wie das Christentum für die Weisesten der Weisen da ist. Doch ist der Rosenkreuzerweg der geeignetste Weg für den Gegenwartsmenschen.
[ 14 ] Studium im Sinne des Rosenkreuzertums betreiben wir, wenn wir solche Gedanken haben, die gar nichts mehr zu tun haben mit unserer Sinneswelt. Eigentlich kennt die abendländische Welt nur in der Geometrie das, was man «Denken in freien Gedanken» nennt; daher hatten die christlich-gnostischen Schulen auch den Namen «Mathesis» für das, was auf die höheren Wahrheiten, auf Gott und die höheren Welten Bezug hatte, weil man das einsehen muß unabhängig von aller Sinnlichkeit,wie man ja auch die Mathematik unabhängig von aller Sinnlichkeit einsehen muß. Ein Kreis, mit Kreide gezogen, ist höchst unvollkommen; den einzig wirklichen Kreis können Sie sich nur denken, und alles, was Sie lernen können über den Kreis, können Sie nur in Gedanken haben. Gerade in der Mathematik lernt man denken in einer sinnlichen Unabhängigkeit, an dem Kreis, den man sich in Gedanken konstruiert, an dem Dreieck, das man sich im Geist konstruiert, dessen Winkel zusammen hundertachtzig Grad betragen. Es ist einigermaßen unbequem, denken zu lernen ohne die äußeren sinnlichen Dinge, und es gibt für die meisten Menschen kein anderes Gebiet des Studiums dafür als die Theosophie. Ich habe Ihnen gleich in der ersten Stunde gesagt: Logisch ist ihr Wissensgut absolut begreiflich. Wenn aber jemand die Wahrheiten selbst auffinden will, dann braucht er dazu das Hellsehen. Zum Einsehen reicht die Logik aus.
[ 15 ] Nur unsere materialistische Zeit konnte die Rechenmaschinen aussinnen, wo man lernt, nicht sinnlichkeitsfrei zu denken. Das muß gerade das Kind lernen, daß es die Dinge frei von der Sinnlichkeit erfaßt. Da wird es gerade für die Erziehungskunst ungeheuer wertvoll sein, wie die Erziehung durch die Geisteserkenntnis beeinflußt wird. Geisteswissenschaft ist auch eine gute Schulung in sinnlichkeitsfreiem Denken. Denn alles, was ich über Saturn, Sonne, über die Wesensglieder des Menschen erzählt habe, können Sie nicht sehen; das müssen Sie im sinnlichkeitsfreien Denken erfassen, und es darf niemand glauben, daß er sich gut schulen kann, ohne die Dinge zuerst theoretisch zu erfassen. Das ist gerade das Gute, daß es diese Dinge für die Sinnlichkeit nicht gibt; dadurch eben eignet man sich ein Denken an, das die Sinnlichkeit überschreitet. Daher genügt es für manchen, daß er sich zunächst einfach einläßt auf das, was die Theosophie erzählt über die Dinge, die man nicht mit den Sinnen erfassen kann. Das waren auch immer im Grunde die Gedanken, die man in den Rosenkreuzerschulen den Leuten vortrug, und man hat sie diese Gedanken sich gehörig einprägen lassen.
[ 16 ] Wenn man weitergehen will, findet man ein gutes Mittel zur Schulung im reinen Denken an meinen Büchern «Wahrheit und Wissenschaft» und der «Philosophie der Freiheit». Diese Bücher sind lediglich ein Turnen des Denkens, das sinnlichkeitsfrei ist. Bei andern Büchern können Sie in der Regel nicht viel verändern, wenn Sie einen Gedanken an eine andere Stelle rücken. Bei diesen Büchern können die Gedanken nicht an eine andere Stelle gebracht werden. Diese Bücher sind so entstanden, daß meine Persönlichkeit nur die Gelegenheit gegeben hat, daß diese Gedankengebäude in die Sinnlichkeit getreten sind. Man mußte sich einfach hingeben, auf daß diese Gedanken sich selbst erzeugten, sich selbst fortspannen. Wer sich tiefer einlassen will und einmal ein halbes Jahr darauf verwendet - es ist nicht leicht, aber diese Anstrengung ist das Allerbeste, was man dabei erreichen kann -, und wer es zu Ende lesen kann, der hat sich aus sich selbst eine Kraft heraufgeholt, die in ihm verborgen lag.
[ 17 ] Das zweite ist die Imagination, die bildhafte Erkenntnis, die ganz unter dem Eindruck des schönen Goetbe-Wortes steht: «Alles Vergängliche ist nur ein Gleichnis.» Eigentlich sollte nur derjenige, der in seinem Denken Sicherheit gewonnen hat, sich darauf einlassen. Wer das nicht hat, könnte leicht in Phantastik verfallen. Die Voraussetzung daher ist, daß man zuerst ein klarer Kopf geworden ist; nichts hindert mehr, auf Abwege zu geraten, als ein klares Denken. Und nichts verleitet mehr dazu als ein unklares Denken, als Unlogik.
[ 18 ] Imagination könnte man im weitesten Sinne so bezeichnen, daß man alles um sich her ansieht, wie man einen Menschen ansieht. Betrachten Sie das Gesicht eines Menschen: Sie sehen Falten sich bilden und wieder vergehen; Sie beschreiben sie nicht bloß, Sie nennen sie Lächeln oder Traurigkeit. Das Lächeln des Menschen verrät Ihnen eine heitere Seelenstimmung seines Inneren. Sie schließen nicht nur von einem Äußeren auf das Innere, sondern es ist Ihnen direkt ein Zeichen für ein Inneres. Oder Sie sehen die Träne perlen: Sie sind nicht bloß ein Physiker, der eine Träne nur nach dem Gesetz der Schwere beurteilt, sondern Sie wissen, daß die Tränenperle ein Ausdruck für die innere Traurigkeit der Seele ist. Und so ist Ihnen alles Äußere ein Ausdruck für die innere Stimmung der Seele. Und der Rosenkreuzerzögling kommt in die Stimmung, daß alles, was er draußen sieht, ihm ebenso zum Ausdruck wird, sagen wir, des Erdgeistes: eine gewisse Pflanze, die Herbstzeitlose, wird ihm in Wirklichkeit der Ausdruck des trauernden Erdendaseins werden, andere Pflanzen der Ausdruck des heiteren Erdendaseins. Ebenso wie ihm die lächelnde Miene der Ausdruck für die heitere Stimmung der Seele ist, werden ihm die Blumen ein Ausdruck für die heitere oder traurige Stimmung der Erde. Und Goethe hat es nicht bloß als ein äußeres Bild gemeint, wenn er im «Faust» vom Erdgeist spricht:
In Lebensfluten, im Tatensturm
Wall ich auf und ab,
Webe hin und her!
Geburt und Grab,
Ein ewiges Meer,
Ein wechselnd Weben,
Ein glühend Leben:
So schaff ich am sausenden Webstuhl der Zeit
Und wirke der Gottheit lebendiges Kleid.
[ 19 ] Der Erdgeist wird ihm allmählich etwas, was in der Erde lebt, und er bekommt ein geistig-seelisches Verhältnis zu der ganzen, um ihn herumliegenden Natur. Eine Stimmung innerhalb dieser Natur möchte ich Ihnen ganz besonders klarmachen.
[ 20 ] Der Rosenkreuzerzögling geht über die Fluren und sieht, wie die kleinen Tauperlen über allen Pflanzen hängen. Da muß er sich erinnern an das alte Nebelheim, wo die Luft angefüllt war von Taunebel, und wo die Menschen in ganz anderer Weise mit der Natur im Zusammenhang standen. Geht nun der Rosenkreuzerschüler über die Fluren und sieht die Tauperlen, dann sagt er sich: das ist das, was aufgelöst war im alten Nebelheim in der atmosphärischen Luft. — Und eine tiefe Erinnerung steigt da in ihm auf von der atlantischen Zeit.
[ 21 ] Besonders hoch geschult war die Imagination bei den Zöglingen der mittelalterlichen Rosenkreuzerschulen; auch bei denen, die Schüler des Heiligen Gral waren. Ich will Ihnen etwas, was Lehre war — weil ich das nicht anders formulieren kann -—, in einen Dialog hineinformen.
[ 22 ] Der Lehrer sagte dem Schüler: Sieh dir die Pflanze an, wie sie hervorsprießt aus dem Boden, wie sie nach oben den Kelch mit den Befruchtungsorganen öffnet, und wie die Sonnenstrahlen herunterkommen, die Blüte zum Aufbrechen bringen und die Frucht reifen lassen. — Dieses Bild, diese Vorstellung mußte sich der Rosenkreuzerschüler und auch der Zögling des Heiligen Gral vor die Seele rufen. Nun gibt es selbst in der materialistischen Wissenschaft etwas, was tief bezeichnend ist: es wird die Pflanze mit dem Menschen verglichen. Dann müßten Sie aber die Wurzel mit dem Haupt vergleichen und die Blüte mit dem, was bei dem Menschen die Befruchtungsorgane sind, und was er schamvoll verbirgt; die Wurzel ist bei der Pflanze das Haupt. Der Mensch ist die umgekehrte Pflanze, das Tier ist erst die halb umgekehrte Pflanze. Daher sagten die Rosenkreuzer: Sieh dir die Pflanze an, die Wurzel im Boden, die Befruchtungsorgane keusch dem Sonnenstrahl entgegengestreckt. Sieh dir das Tier an: das Rückgrat horizontal, und dann den Menschen: vollständig umgewandelt. Pflanze, Tier und Mensch im Werdegang symbolisiert durch das Kreuz! Das Kreuz ist Pflanze, Tier und Mensch. — Und nun werden wir das Wort Platos verstehen: Die Weltenseele ist gespannt an das Weltenkreuz. — Die Weltenseele, die alles durchdringt, ist an Pflanze, Tier und Mensch gespannt.
[ 23 ] Nun wurde dem Rosenkreuzerschüler eingeschärft: Sieh dir die Pflanze an. In ihrer Art ist sie niedriger als du, sie hat noch nicht Bewußtsein und Denken; aber ihre Materie ist rein und keusch; sie streckt ihren Kelch der Sonne entgegen, ohne Begierde und Lust streckt sie das Fortpflanzungsorgan dem Sonnenstrahl, der heiligen Liebeslanze entgegen. Nun wird aber die Materie durchdrungen von dem, was die Begierde ist. Und du bilde dir das Zukunftsideal, daß die Materie wieder gereinigt wird, daß sie produziert in reiner Keuschheit.- Und man wies ihn hin auf den Kehlkopf, wo der Mensch in Reinheit die Keuschheit des Pflanzenkelches sich wieder erworben haben wird. Stelle dir vor den Kelch der Pflanze, der noch begierdelos ist. Er entwickelt sich durch die Begierde hindurch, aber er wird wieder rein werden und wieder in Keuschheit hervorbringen, indem er sich befruchten lassen wird von dem ins Geistige umgesetzten Sonnenstrahl, von der heiligen Liebeslanze. — Und eine Vorbedeutung dieser heiligen Liebeslanze ist die Lanze, mit der das Herz des Christus Jesus am Kreuz durchstochen worden ist.
[ 24 ] Wir haben gestern gesehen, wie dieses Blut aus der Wunde des Erlösers den Egoismus von der Erde hinwegbannte. So ist diese Lanze eine Vorbedeutung für die höhere Lanze, die der ins Geistige umgesetzte Sonnenstrahl ist. Und der Heilige Gral weist hin auf den Kelch der Menschheit, der sich entwickelt aus dem Kehlkopf heraus, der gerade das gereinigte Reproduktionsorgan der Zukunft sein wird, wie es heute bei der Pflanze der Fall ist.
[ 25 ] Das ist der tiefere Begriff vom Heiligen Gral, und so wurde es auf der imaginativen Stufe dem Rosenkreuzerschüler und dem Zögling des Heiligen Gral klargemacht. Vergleichen Sie, was Sie jetzt in diesen Bildern überschauen: Pflanzenkelch, Geschlecht in Begierde getaucht, Heiliger Gral, begierdenfreier Kelch — vergleichen Sie dies mit dem trockenen, nüchternen Verstandesbegriff, den Ihnen die heutige Wissenschaft gibt, dann haben Sie den Unterschied von Imagination und bloßem verstandesmäßigem Denken, die ganzen Weltvorgänge ins Bild gefaßt! Das ist wichtig, weil die bloßen Verstandesbegriffe, so wie sie der Mensch heute hat, nicht schaffend sind; bei dem, der diese Begriffe zum Bilde fügt, sind diese Bilder wirklich schaffend. Das hat man in alten Zeiten gefühlt, und das ist sogar bei der Erziehung des Kindes zu beachten. Ich möchte da eine aktuelle Frage besprechen.
[ 26 ] Man sagt heute so leicht: Was haben unsere Altvordern uns Kinder doch für dummes Zeug gelehrt mit dem Märchen vom Storch! Wir müssen heute den Kindern die Wahrheit sagen. - Wenn unsere Nachkommen uns so behandeln werden, wie wir unsere Vorfahren, dann werden sie auch über uns lachen, und werden dann sagen: Unsere Vorfahren haben gedacht, daß der Mensch durch materielles Zusammenwirken zustande kommt! — Und sie werden auf jene Zeit hinblicken, wo die Menschen den Kindern im Geiste diesen Vorgang klargemacht haben. Die Alten haben in den Zeiten, wo das Storchenmärchen aufgekommen ist, selbst daran geglaubt, weil sie ganz gut gewußt haben, daß, wenn ein Mensch geboren wird, die Seele aus der geistigen Welt herunterkommt; sie haben das immer in Beziehung gebracht zu etwas Geflügeltem. Und Sie können das auch noch in Kinderliedern wiederfinden, zum Beispiel in dem Liedchen:
Flieg, Käfer, flieg!
Dein Vater ist im Krieg!
Deine Mutter ist im Pommerland.
Pommerland ist abgebrannt!
Flieg, Käfer, flieg![ 27 ] Dieses «flieg», das ist als ein Bild gemeint für die Menschenseele, weil man eine Ahnung hatte von dem astralen Raum, von den dort fliegenden Körpern, die von da hereinkommen in die physische Welt. Und was ist «Pommerland»? «Pommer», oder was dasselbe ist: «Pummerle», ist nichts anderes als der Name für ein kleines Kind; und Pommerland, Pummerleland ist das Kinderland, woher die Mutter das kleine Kind holt. Man muß das nur ganz aus der geistigen Welt heraus erklären. Wenn Sie sich dann erinnern, daß tatsächlich dieses Bild vom Storch, der die Kinder bringt, ein Bild ist für einen geistigen Vorgang, die Reinkarnation, dann werden Sie einsehen, wie unendlich wichtig es ist, daß der Mensch zuerst im Bilde etwas aufnimmt, weil sein Gemütszustand ein ganz anderer ist, wenn man dem Kinde zuerst das Bild für den geistigen Vorgang beibringt, so daß es in heiliger Ehrfurcht auch den physischen Vorgang hören kann.
[ 28 ] Nun werden Sie wiederum selbst an den Storch glauben können, wenn Sie dieses wissen: dieser Storch ist Ihnen das Bild für die herabfliegende Seele! Ihre Unterweisung wird die Phantasie des Kindes beflügeln, und wenn Sie die Wahrheit einsehen, wird ein geheimnisvolles Fluidum davon ausgehen, und das überträgt sich auf das Kind. So ist es mit allen Imaginationen. Man kann alles den Kindern beibringen.
[ 29 ] Haben Sie die Frage vorliegen: Wie ist es mit dem Leben nach dem Tode? - dann führen Sie das Kind zu einer Schmetterlingspuppe: wie der Schmetterling aus der Puppe, so fliegt die Seele aus dem Körper heraus, nur daß man es nicht sehen kann. Aber nur der wird es mit Überzeugung dem Kinde beibringen, der selbst daran glaubt, und für den das Herauskommen des Schmetterlings aus der Puppe auf niederer Stufe dasselbe ist wie das, was auf höherer Stufe mit der Seele vorgeht. Wenn die Geisteswissenschaft wiederum die Menschen in das Verstehen der geistigen Welt taucht, so daß in den Herzen der Menschen Bilder leben werden, dann werden die Menschen auch wiederum in ganz anderer Weise erziehen können und nicht dem Kinde die trockenen Verstandeswahrheiten geben, die das Gemüt roh machen. Man muß sie nur nicht ins Groteske und Komische ziehen, sondern sich klarmachen, was für wichtige Lebensdinge dahinterstehen.
[ 30 ] Das dritte, was der Mensch sich erwerben muß, wodurch er sich den Pfad ebnet, ist das «Aneignen der okkulten Schrift». Es besteht darin, daß man nicht eine Schrift lernt wie im gewöhnlichen Leben. Zwar gehen unsere Schriftzeichen vielfach auf okkulte Bilder zurück, aber sie sind lange nicht das, was die okkulte Schrift ist. Da haben wir es zu tun mit einem Sich-Hineinfinden in die wirklichen großen Weltenkräfte, die draußen in der Welt spielen. Und alles, was wir da aufzeichnen, muß so sein, daß ein Entwickelungsvorgang in den andern hinüberspringt. Nehmen Sie eine Pflanze: sie trägt Samen; im Samen haben Sie den Ausgangspunkt für eine neue Pflanze. Aber wenn Sie den Verlauf wirklich prüfen könnten, würden Sie sehen, daß nichts von der alten Pflanze in die neue übergeht. In Wahrheit geht der Materie nach die ganze alte Pflanze zugrunde; die neue Pflanze baut sich ganz neu auf, es geht nur eine Art Bewegungsvorgang in die neue Pflanze über. Sie haben hier Siegellack und da ein Petschaft; Sie drücken das Petschaft in den Siegellack ab, und doch ist nichts von dem Petschaft in den Siegellack übergegangen; nur die Form geht über. — So ist es bei jedem Entwickelungsvorgang. Die alte Materie in ihrem Ersterben gibt nur Gelegenheit, daß die neue Form im Sinne der alten wieder ersteht. Das bezeichnet man mit zwei sich ineinander schlingenden Spiralen, die gar nicht zusammenkommen. Solch ein Übergang war nach der atlantischen Kultur vorhanden; sie schwindet als Kulturstufe, und eine neue geht in der indischen auf: so daß man auch dies bezeichnen müßte mit zwei Spiralen. Ich habe Ihnen gesagt, daß die Sonne im Jahre 800 etwa aufging im Sternbilde des Widders, vorher im Stier, noch vorher in den Zwillingen, noch weiter zurück im Krebs. Es fällt zusammen die griechisch-lateinische Kultur, welche die unsere im Aufgange enthielt, mit der Zeit, wo die Sonne im Widder aufging; die vorhergehende Kultur, die chaldäisch-assyrisch-babylonisch-ägyptische, sie fiel in die Zeit, wo die Sonne im Sternbild des Stieres stand; vorher haben Sie die persische Kultur, die in die Zeit hineinfällt, wo die Sonne in den Zwillingen aufging, und die alte indische Kultur entwickelte sich, als die Sonne im Krebs war: und da ist auch das Krebszeichen, die beiden ineinandergeschlungenen Spiralen, zuerst geschrieben worden.
[ 31 ] So könnte ich Ihnen ein jedes Zeichen für den Tierkreis aus seiner wahren Bedeutung heraus erklären. Aus der Natur heraus sind die Schriftzeichen geschaffen, welche ein Ausdruck sind für die in der Natur draußen waltenden Kräfte und Gesetze. Lernt man die okkulten Schriftzeichen kennen, so fängt man an, aus sich herauszugehen; man dringt dann ein in die geheimen Untergründe der Natur.
[ 32 ] So sehen Sie ein wenig angedeutet die drei ersten Stufen des Rosenkreuzerweges: das «Studium», die «imaginative Erkenntnis», und das dritte: die «Aneignung der okkulten Schrift».
[ 33 ] Morgen werden wir die andern Stufen besprechen und dabei beginnen mit der «Bereitung des Steins der Weisen».
Thirteenth Lecture
[ 1 ] Today and tomorrow it will be my task to show you the path to the higher worlds that is particularly suitable for the present time. This path has been cultivated within the so-called secret schooling, especially since the 14th and 15th centuries, and is most suitable for the present human being. We shall understand better what is involved if we first take a look at the future development of the human being.
[ 2 ] We have spoken about the development of the human being through the states of Saturn, the sun, the moon and the earth. Now it is difficult for someone who only thinks in terms of the present to imagine how one can know something about the future. But you must realize that certain great laws work in the future just as they work in the present. Those who are familiar with these laws can glimpse into the future. In the field of material reality, no one will doubt that something can be predicted prophetically, for example, that solar and lunar eclipses and other star constellations can be calculated far into the future. In the field of material reality, no one will doubt it anymore. Everyone also knows, when they are told that these and those substances are mixed in the retort, that the scientist can say what will happen when they are mixed. This is a prophecy that refers to external sensory facts; prophecy can be practiced because one knows the laws according to which the substances work. Likewise, in spiritual science one gets to know the laws according to which human life unfolds, and one can therefore know something in advance that will happen in the future.
[ 3 ] Of course, an objection arises that has arisen among philosophers of all times: Yes, if one can foresee what will happen in the future, then there could be no question of human freedom. But here people confuse looking into the future with being predetermined. That is why you find the strangest assertions about this in all philosophies; because all philosophers have been unable to make this distinction. Actually, only Jakob Böhme! I would like to use an example to make this clear to you.
[ 4 ] I would like to compare time with space. Imagine you are standing here and there are two people standing on the street outside. You see what they are doing in the distance. Does that mean you are the one who determines what they do? No, you see it, but the other two act in complete freedom. Nothing they do is determined by your looking at it. Now imagine that the clairvoyant sees what will happen in the future. But he only sees it; the events are not determined by that. If these events were determined by the future, that is, already determined in the present, then it would not be seeing into the future. You only realize this difference when you think long and hard about the difference between being predetermined and foreseeing.
[ 5 ] Today I do not want to describe to you what the earth will look like when the Jupiter and Venus periods are reached. I would like to tell you something else that will give you a picture of the development of the human being into the future; I would like to present to you something that comes from the oldest Christian mysteries, from the same Christian school of the genuine Dionysius, as a teaching that has always been presented in the Christian esoteric schools. The starting point for this is the following comparison: I am speaking to you here. You hear my words, you hear my thoughts, which are initially in my soul and which I could also hide from you if I did not put them into words. I transform them into sounds; if it were not for the air between you and me, you would not be able to hear the words. When I utter a word here, the air in the room is moved at that moment; each time I put the whole air space into a certain state of vibration with my words; the whole body of air vibrates in the way my words are pronounced. Now let's go a little further. Imagine you could make the air fluid and then solid. It is already possible to solidify the air; you know that water can exist in vapor form, that it can cool down and then become liquid, and that it can become solid in ice. Now imagine that I am speaking the word “God” through the airspace. If you could make the air solid at the moment the sound waves were here, then a shape – such as a shell shape, for example – would fall down. Another wave would fall down at the word 'world'. You could catch my words, and a crystallized air form would correspond to each word.
[ 6 ] This example actually occurred in the Christian schools. First there is a spoken word, then it becomes fixed, takes on a definite form; earlier, before it had become fixed, it was a thought hidden within. Now the Christian imagined: The work here in space is the same as the work in the big world. The work started from the thought of things; then the deity spoke the thought out into space. What you see outside in plants, minerals, are such solidified words of God. You could think of everything as dissolved into the sound vibrations of the divine world word. “Everything I see, I see as a word of God that has become solid,” the Christian said to himself. And in a certain respect he distinguished between the ‘Father in secret,’ who has not yet expressed Himself, the ‘Word’ or the ‘Son,’ that resounds through space, and then the word that has become solid, the ”Revelation.” This is how you understand the beginning of the Gospel of John in a deeper sense: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through it, and without it not one thing came into being.” Everything that has come into being has come into being through the Word. We must take things as literally as possible, then we can easily recognize the creative power of the Word or Logos. In the Christian sense, what is in the second place is the word, or the Logos. The word “Logos” must not be translated differently, because it is meant that everything that exists outside in creation is based on the unspoken creative word, that it resounded as a word, and that the origin of all being lies in it. If we were to go back far enough in the turn of time, we would hear all the objects that we know as animals, plants, minerals and human beings resounding through space as a “word”, just as you hear my words today. This is because the air had not yet cooled down enough at that time for them to fall down as forms.
[ 7 ] If you bear this in mind, you can say to yourself: the word was once creative. Today, man is a beginner in what his ancestors once did, the gods who stood above him. Once the gods spoke the world into existence, and then this creative activity transformed into what we have around us. What we can bring forth today in the plant, animal and human in the sexual sphere is only a transformed form of the former divine creative word. Human beings also carry a higher and a lower nature within them. What is most fully developed is found in the sexual sphere, and in the larynx man has the beginning of a new kind of production. When he sends forth the word, it marks the beginning of what he will one day achieve. In what the gods once accomplished, man today is in the beginning stages. In place of the old production another will come. And as man today produces words with his larynx, so later his larynx will be a productive organ; it will produce ever higher and higher, denser and denser creations. What is only air today will be essence in the future. When the Earth has transformed into Jupiter, the word will be creative in the mineral kingdom; in the state of Venus, the larynx will produce plants; and so it will continue until it is able to produce its own kind. It only came into being in the form it is today when it was able to send air outwards through the lungs in the form of sound. What we can only say to ourselves today, we will be able to produce in future stages of the earth's development in such a way that it remains. And finally, the larynx will be the organ through which man will produce his own kind in purity, without sexuality. It will have transformed its larynx into a reproductive organ.
[8] This gives us an insight into what the human being of the future will be like, what his larynx is predisposed to. An enigmatic phenomenon can point out how the life of the larynx is actually connected with certain developmental states: in the male, voice change is brought about with sexual maturity, the young man “mutates”. The larynx is at its beginning, sexuality at its end. Such is the delicate interconnection of things in nature. What we have in sexual life is a dying element; what we have in the larynx, in the word, will in the future be a productive organ of ourselves.
[ 9 ] We could cite many other examples of how the human being will gradually develop the organs that are only present in the rudiment today, which he has appropriated to his respiratory system on earth, but which belongs to the system of the heart.
[ 10 ] Now we shall see how, through the schooling that has been introduced in Europe since the 14th century, one can actually anticipate future states of humanity, and how one can also shape one's inner development more quickly than if one simply leaves oneself to the course of the world. The training known as the Rosicrucian training is the most suitable for the present-day human being. Rosicrucianism has a bad reputation for those who have only heard something about it. And if what the books write about it and the scholars know were true, then Rosicrucianism would be nothing more than the fraud for which it is considered. But the truth is that those who judge Rosicrucianism in this way only know the fraud. Today, however, we want to look at the true Rosicrucianism, which originated with the individuality who hides under the name Christian Rosenkreuz, and who in 1459 gave the impetus to the Rosicrucian movement.
[ 11 ] I would like to emphasize that what I am saying has been singled out as an example, just like what I told you yesterday at Christian schooling. I will therefore give you the seven main points of the Rosicrucian training, which not everyone goes through in the same order, but we will first mention these stages, which are relevant for everyone in the sense of Rosicrucianism.
[ 12 ] The first is what is called “study”. “Acquiring imaginative knowledge” is the second. The third is “acquiring occult or secret writing”. The fourth is “preparing the philosopher's stone”. The fifth is what is called “correspondence of the small world – the microcosm – and the great world – the macrocosm”. The sixth is “living in the macrocosm”, and the seventh is what is called “bliss”.
[ 13 ] The Rosicrucian path is the one that leads most surely and most deeply to the realization of Christianity; only the Christian path is more suitable for those who can persevere in faith and stir up the feelings within that I described to you yesterday. But the Rosicrucian path is for the person who can combine Christian truths with the truths of the external world. Only then will it be possible to defend Christianity against any external attack. Christianity is such a worldview that one can never be wise enough to understand it sufficiently. There is no degree that would be high enough to fully understand how Christianity is for the wisest of the wise. But the Rosicrucian path is the most suitable path for the man of the present.
[ 14 ] We pursue the study in the sense of Rosicrucianism when we have such thoughts that have nothing at all to do with our sensory world. Actually, the Western world only knows what is called “thinking in free thoughts” in geometry; that is why the Christian-Gnostic schools also had the name “mathesis” for what referred to the higher truths, to God and the higher worlds, because one must understand this independently of all sensuality, just as one must understand mathematics independently of all sensuality. A circle drawn with chalk is highly imperfect; you can only imagine the only real circle, and you can only have everything you can learn about the circle in your mind. It is precisely in mathematics that you learn to think independently of the senses, about the circle that you construct in your mind, about the triangle that you construct in your mind, whose angles together add up to a hundred and eighty degrees. It is somewhat uncomfortable to learn to think without the external sensual things, and for most people there is no other field of study for this than theosophy. I told you in the very first lesson: logically, their knowledge is absolutely comprehensible. But if someone wants to discover the truths for themselves, then they need clairvoyance. Logic is sufficient for understanding.
[ 15 ] Only our materialistic time could invent calculating machines where one learns not to think in a way that is free of sensuality. A child must learn to grasp things free of sensuality. It will be of immense value for the art of education to know how education is influenced by spiritual knowledge. Spiritual science is also a good training in sensuality-free thinking. For everything I have said about Saturn, the sun, and the human being's elements of being, you cannot see; you have to grasp it in sensuality-free thinking, and no one should believe that they can train themselves well without first grasping things theoretically. It is fortunate that these things do not exist for the senses; this is precisely how one acquires a thinking that transcends the senses. Therefore, it is enough for some people to simply engage with what Theosophy has to say about things that cannot be grasped by the senses. These were always the thoughts that were presented to people in the Rosicrucian schools, and they were allowed to imprint these thoughts on their minds.
[ 16 ] If you want to go further, you will find a good means of training in pure thinking in my books “Truth and Science” and “The Philosophy of Freedom”. These books are merely a workout for thinking that is free of sensuality. With other books, you usually can't change much by moving a thought to a different place. With these books, the thoughts cannot be moved to a different place. These books came about in such a way that my personality only provided the opportunity for these thought-structures to enter the sensual realm. One simply had to surrender to these thoughts generating themselves and developing themselves. Those who want to delve deeper and spend half a year on it – it is not easy, but this effort is the very best one can achieve – and who can read it to the end, have summoned a power from within themselves that was hidden in them.
[ 17 ] The second is imagination, pictorial knowledge, which is entirely under the impression of the beautiful Goethe saying: “All that is transitory is only a parable.” Actually, only those who have gained certainty in their thinking should engage with it. Those who have not yet attained this state could easily fall into fantasy. The prerequisite, therefore, is that one has first become clear-headed; nothing hinders one more from going astray than clear thinking. And nothing tempts one more to unclear thinking than illogic.
[ 18 ] Imagination could be described in the broadest sense as looking at everything around you as you look at a person. Look at a person's face: you see wrinkles forming and disappearing; you don't just describe them, you call them smiles or sadness. A person's smile reveals to you a cheerful mood of his soul. You don't just draw conclusions about the inside from the outside, but it is a direct sign of the inside. Or you see the tear welling up: you are not just a physicist who judges a tear only by the law of gravity, but you know that the tear is an expression of the inner sadness of the soul. And so, for you, everything on the outside is an expression of the inner mood of the soul. And the Rosicrucian disciple attains the mood that everything he sees outside becomes an expression for him, let us say, of the earth spirit: a certain plant, the autumn crocus, will in reality become the expression of the grieving earthly existence, other plants the expression of the cheerful earthly existence. Just as the smiling countenance is the expression of the cheerful mood of the soul, the flowers will be an expression for the cheerful or sad mood of the earth. And Goethe did not mean it merely as an external image when he speaks of the earth spirit in Faust:
In the flood of life, in the storm of action
I surge up and down,
weaving back and forth!
Birth and grave,
an eternal sea,
a changing weaving,
a glowing life:
So I create at the whirring loom of time
weaving the living garment of the Godhead.
[ 19 ] The earth spirit gradually becomes something for him that lives in the earth, and he develops a spiritual and soul relationship with all of nature around him. There is one mood within this nature that I would like to make particularly clear to you.
[ 20 ] The Rosicrucian disciple walks across the fields and sees how the little dew pearls hang over all the plants. He must remember the old Misty Home, where the air was filled with dew mist and where people were connected to nature in a completely different way. When the Rosicrucian disciple walks through the fields and sees the dew pearls, he says to himself: this is what was dissolved in the old Nebula Home in the atmospheric air. — And a deep memory arises in him from the Atlantic time.
[ 21 ] The imagination was particularly highly developed in the pupils of the medieval Rosicrucian schools; also in those who were disciples of the Holy Grail. I will try to express something that was taught – because I can't formulate it any differently – in a dialogue.
[ 22 ] The teacher said to the student: Look at the plant, how it sprouts from the ground, how it opens the calyx with the fertilization organs upwards, and how the sun's rays come down, causing the blossom to burst open and the fruit to ripen. This was the picture that the Rosicrucian disciple and also the disciple of the Holy Grail had to call up before his soul. Even in materialistic science there is something that is deeply significant: the plant is compared with the human being. But then you would have to compare the root with the head and the flower with what in man are the organs of fertilization, and what he shamefully hides; the root is the head in the plant. Man is the reversed plant, the animal is only the half-reversed plant. Hence the Rosicrucians said: Look at the plant, the root in the ground, the organs of fertilization chaste, stretched out towards the sunbeam. Look at the animal: the backbone horizontal, and then at man: completely transformed. Plant, animal and man in their development symbolized by the cross! The cross is plant, animal and man. And now we shall understand the words of Plato: The World Soul is stretched to the World Cross. The World Soul, which permeates everything, is stretched to plant, animal and man.
[ 23 ] Now the Rosicrucian student was instructed: Look at the plant. In its kind it is lower than you, it has not yet consciousness and thinking; but its matter is pure and chaste; it stretches its chalice towards the sun, without desire and lust it stretches the organ of reproduction towards the sunbeam, the holy lance of love. But now matter is penetrated by what desire is. And you form the ideal for the future that matter will be purified again, that it will produce in pure chastity. And he was pointed to the larynx, where man will have reacquired in purity the chastity of the plant calyx. Imagine the plant calyx, which is still without desire. It develops through desire, but it will become pure again and produce chastity again by allowing itself to be fertilized by the sunbeam that has been transformed into the spiritual, by the holy love lance. — And a premonition of this holy love lance is the lance with which the heart of Christ Jesus was pierced on the cross.
[ 24 ] Yesterday we saw how this blood from the wound of the Redeemer banished selfishness from the earth. Thus, this lance is a premonition of the higher lance, which is the sunbeam translated into the spiritual. And the Holy Grail points to the chalice of humanity, which develops out of the larynx, which will be precisely the purified reproductive organ of the future, as it is today in plants.
[ 25 ] That is the deeper concept of the Holy Grail, and that is how it was made clear at the imaginative level to the Rosicrucian disciple and to the disciple of the Holy Grail. Compare what you now see in these images: the chalice of the plant, the generative organ bathed in desire, the Holy Grail, the chalice free of desire. Compare this with the dry, sober intellectual concept that modern science gives you, and you have the difference between imagination and mere intellectual thinking, the whole of world events in a picture! This is important because mere intellectual concepts, as humans have them today, are not creative; but for the person who combines these concepts into images, these images are truly creative. This was felt in ancient times, and it is even taken into account in the education of children. I would like to discuss a current question.
[ 26 ] It is all too easy to say today: “What nonsense did our ancestors teach us children with their fairy tales about storks!” We have to tell the children the truth today. If our descendants treat us as we treated our ancestors, then they will also laugh at us and say: Our ancestors thought that man comes into being through material interaction! – And they will look back to the time when people explained this process to children in the spirit. In the days when the stork tale originated, the ancients themselves believed in it because they knew full well that when a human being is born, the soul comes down from the spiritual world; they always associated this with something winged. And you can still find this in children's songs, for example in the ditty:
Fly, beetle, fly!
Your father is at war!
Your mother is in Pomerania.
Pomerania has burnt down!
Fly, beetle, fly![ 27 ] This “fly” is meant as an image for the human soul, because people had an idea of the astral space, of the bodies flying there, which come from there into the physical world. And what is “Pommerland”? “Pommer”, or what is the same: “Pummerle”, is nothing more than the name for a small child; and Pommerland, Pummerleland is the children's land from which the mother fetches the small child. One must explain this only completely out of the spiritual world. If you then remember that the picture of the stork bringing the children is actually a picture of a spiritual process, reincarnation, then you will understand how infinitely important it is that the person first because his state of mind is quite different if the child is first taught the image of the spiritual process, so that he can also hear the physical process with holy reverence.
[ 28 ] Now you will be able to believe in the stork yourself when you know this: the stork is the image for the descending soul! Your instruction will inspire the child's imagination, and when you understand the truth, a mysterious aura will emanate from it, and that will be transferred to the child. It is the same with all imaginations. You can teach children anything.
[ 29 ] If you are faced with the question of life after death, take the child to a butterfly chrysalis: just as the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis, so the soul flies out of the body, even if it cannot be seen. But only he who believes in it himself, and for whom the emergence of the butterfly from the chrysalis at a lower level is the same as what happens to the soul at a higher level, will teach it to the child with conviction. When spiritual science immerses people in an understanding of the spiritual world, so that images live in people's hearts, then people will also be able to educate in a completely different way and not give the child dry intellectual truths that make the mind raw. You just don't have to draw them into the grotesque and comical, but you have to realize what important things of life are behind them.
[ 30 ] The third thing that man must acquire for himself, and by which he paves his path, is the “mastery of occult writing”. This does not consist in learning a writing as in ordinary life. Although our written characters are often based on occult images, they are not at all the same as occult writing. Here we are dealing with a way of finding our way into the real great cosmic forces at work in the world. And everything we record must be such that one developmental process leads to another. Take a plant: it bears seeds; in the seed you have the starting point for a new plant. But if you could really examine the process, you would see that nothing of the old plant passes into the new. In truth, the whole old plant perishes in terms of matter; the new plant builds itself up completely anew, only a kind of process of movement passes into the new plant. Here you have sealing wax and there an imprint of a seal; you impress the seal on the sealing wax, and yet nothing of the seal has passed over into the sealing wax; only the form passes over. — It is the same with every process of development. The old matter, in dying away, only affords the opportunity for the new form to arise again in the sense of the old one. This is indicated by two intertwining spirals that never actually come together. Such a transition took place after the Atlantean civilization. It faded as a cultural stage, and a new one arose in India. I have told you that in the year 800 the sun rose in the constellation Aries, before that in Taurus, still before that in Gemini, and even further back in Cancer. The Greco-Latin culture, which contained ours at its beginning, coincides with the time when the sun rose in Aries; the preceding culture, the Chaldean-Assyrian-Babylonian-Egyptian, coincides with the time when the sun was in the constellation of Taurus; before that, you have the Persian culture, which coincides with the time when the sun rose in Gemini, and the ancient Indian culture developed when the sun was in Cancer: and there it is! ; before that, you had the Persian culture, which coincides with the time when the sun rose in Gemini, and the ancient Indian culture developed when the sun was in Cancer: and that is also where the sign of Cancer, the two intertwined spirals, was first written.
[ 31 ] In this way I could explain to you each sign of the zodiac from its true meaning. The characters are created out of nature, which are an expression of the forces and laws prevailing in nature outside. When one becomes acquainted with the occult characters, one begins to go forth out of oneself; one then penetrates into the secret foundations of nature.
[ 32 ] So you can see a little of the first three stages of the Rosicrucian path: “study”, “imaginative knowledge”, and the third: “appropriation of the occult writing”.
[ 33 ] Tomorrow we will discuss the other steps, starting with the “preparation of the philosopher's stone”.