Theosophy and Rosicrucianism
GA 100
29 June 1907, Kassel
Translator Unknown
XIV. Further Stages of Rosicrucian Training
Yesterday I described to you the Rosicrucian Initiation up to the third stage the Knowledge of Occult Writing. We therefore learned to know what is designated in the Rosicrucian meaning as Study, then the Acquisition of Imaginative Knowledge, and then what is termed as the Penetration into the Occult Writing into that writing which is taken out of the laws of Nature themselves.1See: “The Path of Knowledge and its Stages. The Rosicrucian Path” “Imaginative Knowledge and Artistic Imagination” Now it behooves us to proceed to the fourth stage of Rosicrucian Initiation, to the one which is called The Preparation of the Stone and the Wise. We should realise that only in the present time has it become possible to say something about that which the Rosicrucians really meant by the Preparation of the Stone of the Wise.
By that name were known certain rules for the entrance into the higher worlds, and these rules have existed ever since the founder of Rosicrucianism inaugurated this movement in 1459. You must bear in mind that this spiritual current has always been handled with the greatest precaution and has always been kept secret.
Towards the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century, certain secrets of Rosicrucianism leaked out in an unjustified manner, owing, to a kind of treason; at that time several things connected with these secrets were printed, but from these publications one could gather that the, people in question had an inkling of these secrets, but did not understand them; never the less they at least heard the right words or picked them up so to speak, also in regard to the “Stone of the Wise”. At that time a series of communications appeared even in the “Reichsanzeiger” on a society whose task it was to prepare the Stone of the Wise; among these communications there is also one which can only be understood by those who know what it is about. It states: “Yes, the Stone of the Wise exists; it is known to almost everyone; indeed, most people have even held it in their hand; it is not at all difficult to find it,—but most people do not know this!”
The idea of the Stone of Wise was connected with the meaning that little by little it enabled one to know man's immortal part, which cannot decay after death, for it leads one up into the higher worlds. If a human being realizes that this immortal part cannot fall a prey tOo death, he acquires an immortal life through the possession of the Stone of the Wise, and thus he overcomes death. This had been interpreted as meaning that one would never die. But it means instead that thereby one learns to know the world where man lives after death. Moreover one saw in the Stone of the Wise an elixir of life. All this rendered the Stone of the Wise extremely desirable. Those who knew the true meaning of these things must have found these words strangely correct; for they are true—but those who do not know the secret cannot do much with them.
Let me now show you quite briefly what these words really mean. If you wish to understand them, please follow me in the contemplation of a plain, natural-scientific fact:—You must be clear as to the relation existing between the human being and the vegetable kingdom. It is a fact that all those who breathe as man breathes, could never exist if there were no plants. Now try to become acquainted with the process which takes place between you and the plants.
You breath in the air and use the oxygen of the air. You could not live, if there were no oxygen. When you take in the air and work upon the oxygen in your organism, you breathe out carbonic acid, a combination of carbon and oxygen. You must therefore say: Man continually takes in oxygen which maintains his body, and he breathes out carbonic acid; consequently he continually creates a poison which could kill him. You continually fill your environment with a poison.—What does the plant do? In a certain way it does exactly the contrary! It takes in carbonic acid, keeps the carbon, and sends out the oxygen which it does not need. Thus you give the plant what it needs and the plant gives you oxygen in return. What does the plant do with the carbon which it retains? To a certain extent it uses the carbon to build up its own body. You therefore give the plant, so to speak, the opportunity to build up its body out of carbon.—And after thousands of years, when you dig the plant out of the earth in the form of coal,you have it in the same substance.
The plant gives you oxygen, You breathe it in. You give the plant carbonic acid, it retains the carbon, uses it to build up its body and returns you oxygen. This is a wonderful alternating process, which thus takes place. This is what happens to-day. But man is developing, and in the future, the human body itself will have the organ which transforms carbonic acid into oxygen, retaining the carbon.
Here I am indicating a future state of development of man, a different condition from that which I pointed out to you yesterday, when speaking bf the Rosicrucian path of training. In the future man will have a passionless body of a higher order, a body which you may find to-day upon a lower stage in the plant; man will be able to build up a body which will be plant-Like upon a higher stage. In the organ which now constitutes his heart he will have an apparatus which will be able to do that which the plant does to-day. Now. the human being and the plant belong together; one could not live without the other. If there were no plants, all the beings who breathe in oxygen would have to die in a very short time, because it is the plant which supplies us with oxygen. We cannot imagine life without plants. But what the plant now does outside, will in the future be done by that organ into which our heart will develop when the heart shall have become a muscle which we ourselves control. We spread out our consciousness over the plants; we grow together with the vegetable world, so that in the future that which the plant now does outside our being will take place within our being. Then we shall also retain the carbon which we now discard, and build up our body with it. We shall be like the plants upon a higher stage of consciousness.
From primeval ages, occultism weaves all this into a wonderful legend. It is the Golden Legend. And what I have explained to you to-day was imparted to the pupil of occultism in the form of an image. The legend was more or less as follows:—
When Seth, the son whom God gave Adam and Eve in place of the murdered Abel, once entered Paradise„ he found the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life inter-grown; their branches intertwined. From this tree Seth took three seeds, following the command of the Angel who guided him. He kept the three seeds and when Adam died, he placed them into Adam's mouth. And a tree grew out of Adam's grave; to those who knew how to look upon it in the right way, this tree revealed a writing in flaming letters—the words: “Ejeh Asher Ejeh. I am He that was. He that is, He that shall be.” Now Seth took some wood from this tree and many things were made out of it: among them the rod which became the magic rod of Moses. And this tree multiplied; from its wood the portal of Solomon's temple was made, and later on, when it had passed through many other destinies, it became the Cross upon which the Savior hung.
The legend thus connects the wood of the Cross of Golgotha with the tree which grew out of Adam' s grave from the seeds of the Tree of Paradise.2See: The Xmas Thought and the Mystery of the Ego. The Tree of the Cross and the Golden Legend. Also: The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. The Mysteries of Art (Paths of Spiritual Knowledge and the Renewal of an World-Conception).
This legend conceals the same mystery which I indicated to you to-day. It meant to say: In primeval ages the human race had not yet sunk down to the flesh with passion; it was pure and chaste like the plant which stretches out its calyx to the sun. The human beings then descended through the “fall into sin”; their flesh was filled with passion. But everything which the human being once possessed in the state of innocence will be regained if he succeeds in forming through knowledge a body devoid of passion, the body which he once had before acquiring knowledge. Bear in mind the origin of the Ego. That the human being no longer possesses that innocent body, is connected with the fact that he began to breathe through the lungs and was able to form his red blood. Man's present form, and the fact that this form is the bearer of knowledge in the present meaning, is therefore connected with his breathing and the circulation of the blood.
Now transfer yourselves into the human body of to-day. You can imagine the oxygen streaming into it and stimulating the red blood, you can look upon the blood as a tree with many branches reaching into every part of the body, and you can see the blue blood streaming back filled with carbonic acid.
You have two trees within you: the tree of the red blood, and the tree of the blue blood. Man, as the bearer of an Ego, could not exist without these two trees. He had to take in the blood in order to have an Ego, and that is how our modern knowledge arises; this forms its foundation. But death was connected with this development, for you constantly transform the red blood into blue blood filled with carbonic acid! The occult teacher of the Old Testament therefore said: “Look upon your own being: you have within you the red tree of blood; without this tree you would never have become a cognitive human being. You have eaten of the Tree of Knowledge; but this gave you at the same time the possibility to give life.”
That which was once a Tree of Life became a death-bringing tree; the blue blood-tree within-us is therefore the Tree of Death. This is the present state of things. But the initiate sees a future state, when the human being shall have the plant-nature within him, when the heart-organ shall transform the blue blood into red blood in a direct way, within the human being. Then the Tree of Death shall have become the Tree of Life and man shall have become an immortal being. What man once was upon a lower stage, he shall once more become upon a higher stage, and he will have within him the apparatus which now exists in the plant.
Paradise thus shows us a final state of humanity. Seth' s mission, so the occult teachers explained, was that he saw that which comes at the end of the times: the balancing of the two principles within the human being. Thus the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge intertwine in Paradise; but in man they can only exist if he seeks aid from the plant. But how can he acquire the faculty through which the two trees intertwine within his being? By developing within him the three higher members of human nature.
We have learned that the human being consists of physical body, etheric body, astral body, and Ego, and we have seen that when the Ego works upon the astral body it produces the first higher member; when it works upon the etheric body, the second higher member; and when it works upon the physical body, the third one. The future human being will therefore consist of seven parts, for he will also have the Spirit-Self, the Life-Spirit, and the Spirit-Man.
When the human being thus transforms his lower nature, he will have the Tree of Life within him. At the beginning of his development man has therefore been predisposed through his Ego for the unfolding of his three higher members.
Seth took three seeds and the first Ego-man, Adam, let these seeds grow into a tree. This tree contains that which passes through every incarnation. During your first incarnation your Ego was upon a very low stage, but from incarnation to incarnation it reaches ever higher stages. What grows out of it is the symbol for the eternal part in man. which will reach its greatest perfection at the end of the Earth. But we shall only attain to this if we connect ourselves with everything that is highest along the path of the Spirit. Everything which leads humanity upwards along this path—the rod of Moses, Solomon' s Temple, and finally the Cross upon Golgotha—helps us to unfold fully the higher trinity within us. The Cross of Golgotha indicates the path leading to the highest fulfillment of man. At the beginning the seed from which that Tree grew was laid in Adam's mouth (this cannot be expressed more beautifully than in this Legend!), it was the seed which Seth had gained in the manner described. Here you have the path of humanity throughout the ages, the path of humanity through Time. And in future, man will have to attain that which the plant can do to-day: the transformation of his being, the capacity to produce carbon within himself, through his own power. Man will in the future master the alchemy of the plant.
The alchemistic preparation of what I have just now described to you was reached by giving the Rosicrucian pupil certain indications on the way in which he had to regulate his breathing process. This can only be grasped if we bear in mind the proverb: The steadily falling drop hollows out the stone. But the Rosicrucian pupil works towards this future goal. Even as the drop, small as it is, after a long time achieves hollow in the stone, so the progress of the human bodies is brought about by this regulation of the breathing process. The indications given to the Rosicrucian pupil enable him to prepare, even to-day, a condition in which the Ego acquires the faculty to contemplate the future state of being in the higher worlds. The Rosicrucian pupil therefore does two things: In the first place he helps to prepare the future of humanity, and secondly he himself acquires the power of looking into the spiritual worlds; he sees that which will later on come down into physical reality.
Now you will be able to understand the indications which were published by that strange man, though he did not understand them. The Stone of the Wise is the ordinary black coal; but you must learn the process enabling you to elaborate the carbon through your inner forces: this constitutes the future of mankind. The present coal is a prototype of that which will one day constitute the most important substance of the human being. Bear in mind the clear diamond: also the diamond is nothing but carbon! This was called, the “Preparation of the Stone of the Wise” in the Rosicrucian world-conception. It conceals a process of transformation in the human being and the call to work upon future conditions of humanity,. All who work in this way help to prepare the human bodies of the future, the bodies which will in future be needed by the human souls.
There is a saying which expresses very beautifully this work upon future states of being, and we shall be able to understand it after having made a clean distinction between the development of souls and of races.
In the past, all of you were Atlanteans, but these Atlantean bodies presented an entirely different aspect,—as I have already explained to you. Within your present body lives the same soul which once lived somewhere in an Atlantean body. But not every body has been prepared, as yours are being prepared, today, by a few colonists, who at that time migrated from the West to the East. Those who remained behind, those who connected themselves, aS one says, with the race, decayed, whereas those who had progressed, founded new cultures. The last stragglers along the path leading eastwards, the Mongolians, have preserved something of the Atlantean culture. They have not progressed; they remained within the race. In the same way, when a new age dawns, the bodies of those who do not progress, will become the Chinese of the future. Also in the future there will be decadent races. In Chinese bodies live souls who had to incarnate again within the Chinese race, because during the Atlantean time they were attracted too strongly by their race. The souls that dwell within you to-day will in the future incarnate in bodies proceeding from those who are now working in the manner described, producing the bodies of the future, in the same way in which the first colonists of the Atlanteans prepared the bodies of coming ages. And those who cling to everyday things, who do not wish to connect themselves with that which the future holds in store, will melt together within the race.
There are people who wish to remain within traditional things, who do not wish to know anything of progress and who do not listen to those who can lead them beyond the race to ever new forms of humanity. The myth has preserved this tendency in a wonderful way; for it can not be described more appropriately Than by pointing to one of the greatest, who spoke the words: “Those who do not forsake father and mother, wife and child, brother and sister, cannot be my disciples”, and by setting forth the tragic aspect of a man who says: “I do not wish to have anything to de with such a guide!, and who rejects Him. How can this be expressed more clearly than by the image of him who rejects the guide and who cannot progress! This is the legend of Ahasver, the Wandering Jew, who sat at the feet of Christ Jesus and rejected the greatest of all Guides, who did not wish to know anything of the course of evolution and must therefore remain with his race and always return within his race.3See: Rudolf Steiner's Five Easters by Anasthasius Grün. These are myths which are given to humanity as a perpetual reminder, so that it may know the gist of things.
This fourth stage of Rosicrucian training must therefore be looked upon as something of immense depth, and humanity thus gradually develops the “Preparation of the Stone of the Wise.”
The fifth stage is the correspondence of microcosm and macrocosm. The whole complicated human body, such as it exists now, has arisen in a special way. My lectures have led you through the Saturn, Sun, Moon and Earth conditions; Upon Saturn, only the first foundations of your sensory system existed; only this existed of everything which now constitutes your physical body, and it was embedded in the Saturn-substance, even as crystals are now embedded in the earth-substance. Your eye was like a crystal of quartz. Upon the Sun, the glands which were your highest organs were constituted in such a way that they covered the surface of the Sun. And upon the Moon the organs which form your nervous system were spread over the Moon's surface. The Moon had a nervous system in which the men-animals who lived upon the Moon had a share. Upon the Earth, man acquired his osseous system; this was not possible upon the Moon, for it had no mineral kingdom.
This shows you hew wonderful is the structure of the human body. The organ of sight, the eye such we have it now, was once spread over the whole of Saturn; and what was once spread out in the great cosmos outside, entered our being in regard to each organ, occult science can tell you how it is connected with the macrocosm, with the great world outside, for something in the external world corresponds to the liver, the spleen, the heart, etc. Spiritual science can also tell you what had to take place in the external world so that these organs might arise. The Rosicrucian schooling enables us to immerse ourselves in our sense-organs, to penetrate from within into our eyes and ears, and to gain a clairvoyant knowledge of the development of these organs.
I have led you back to an epoch in the Atlantean evolution when the etheric body still emerged so far above the physical body that it could not coincide with a point in our head which is just above the root of the nose. We have seen that the etheric body then gradually penetrated into the physical body and that tile physical body took on its present form. Now there is one method of immersion, connected with a certain formula which can only be communicated by word of mouth. When you thus concentrate yourself upon that point where the physical part of the head coincides with the above-mentioned point of the etheric head, then you learn to know what the earth was like at that time, when the etheric head began to enter the physical head. In a similar way you may enter every part of your body, of your microcosm, and thus gain knowledge of the forces which hold sway in the macrocosm. Man is the most complicated of all beings, and even as the message contained in a telegram enables you to identify the sender, so the immersion in this or in that organ of your body enables you to gain knowledge of the creative powers which gave rise to it.
This leads us on to the sixth stage, which is called the Immersion in the Cosmos. Those who have learned to know, in the manner described above, the relationship between microcosm and macroc0sm, have gained a knowledge which embraces the whole world. This fact is concealed behind the ancient motto: “Know thyself!” But a very harmful influence has been exercised by theosophists who say: Within you lies the whole godhead; the highest principle is contained within your being. Thus all you need to do is look into your being , to look within yourself, and this will enable you to know the whole world.
Yet this inner brooding is the most foolish thing we can do, for it only leads to the knowledge of our lower self, which we have in any case. Self-immersion never shows us more than we have already have. Real self-knowledge only arises in the complicated manner described above, and then it is at the same time world-knowledge.
A genuine theosophical teaching does not make things easy for us, but it must say: Calm, earnest meditation should lead you to the knowledge even of the most complicated Beings. You cannot recognise the Godhead otherwise than by learning to know it piece by piece in the world outside. Patience and perseverance are needed for this. Calm, slow progress leads you to a knowledge of the world. Theosophy cannot give you a universal formula supplying knowledge all at once; it can only indicate the path long which you can gain self-knowledge and world-knowledge. This will lead you to a knowledge of God.
On the sixth stage of Rosicrucian schooling we do not attain to a dry, intellectual form of knowledge, but to one which is intimately connected with the world, with the universe. Those who have this knowledge, are intimately connected with everything in the universe; it is a connection which a modern men can only understand by bearing in mind the mysterious love-relationship between man and woman, which is based upon a secret knowledge of the other's being. The contemplation of the macrocosm leads not only to an understanding of the world, but to an intimate connection with every being, resembling that of lovers. In that case you will have an intimate relationship, a kind of love relationship with the plant, with the stone, with every creature in the universe. You will develop a specialized love for every being; to each one you will say something which you would not have said had you not reached this deeper understanding.
Animals eat the substances which suit its constitution and do not touch those that might harm it. This is based on a sympathetic relation towards certain things and an antipathetic one towards others. Man had to lose this direct connection with things in order to reach his present form of knowledge, but he will regain this connection upon a higher stage. What enables a modern occultist to know that the plant's blossom has another influence upon the human body than the root? And how does he know that the influence of an ordinary root differs from that of a carrot? Because these things speak to him, as they do to animals upon a lower stage. Animals do not have a conscious understanding of such things, but man will regain this direct connection with the substances and beings of the universe, upon the highest stages of consciousness.
The seventh stage of Rosicrucian schooling naturally follows the sixth one. Everything which I have told you so far will have shown you that the knowledge involved is chiefly connected with soul-impressions and feelings. No knowledge which we attain along this path does not at the same time move the heart in the most living way, so that a clear distinction should be made between an idea logical, intellectual and a spiritual knowledge.
The occultist does not mean to touch your feelings, and to tell you all manner of beautiful things. He simply relates the facts of the spiritual world and he would consider it as shameless to appeal to your feelings in a direct way. But he knows that when he tells you the truths of the spiritual world, these truths themselves speak; these spiritual facts should stir your feelings. A Rosicrucian therefore never takes into consideration the person of a teacher, for the teaching is in no way connected with the person. The teacher is the instrument through which the truths themselves speak to men. Those who still believe or have “views of their own” are not fit to be occult teachers. For if we judge through feeling, instead of judging objectively, we might even say that twice two is five!
This shows you how the Rosicrucian gradually penetrates into the knowledge of the higher worlds by developing various things within him. He needs guidance in this, but all those who earnestly seek this guidance will find it at the right moment.
We cannot say, however, that the Rosicrucian successively passes through these seven stages of training under the personal guidance of a teacher. The occult teacher chooses what is more suited to the one or to the other. I have already given you a description of the preparatory stages. Let me now emphasize two things in in this preparation, in order to show you that other things must be developed before proceeding to the stricter exercises.
There is one thing which must be practiced from the very outset, and that is concentration, concentration of thought. Consider how your thoughts ramble about from morning to night! They came from this or from that direction and draw you along with them, A Rosicrucian pupil must choose a time in which he is master of his thoughts; he should take an object as uninteresting as possible and reflect over it. The length of time employed for this does not matter, essential are energy, patience, and perseverance.
The other thing is what we call “positivity”, which consists in going in search of things in life which are characterised best of all by a Persian legend relating to Christ Jesus.
One day, when Christ Jesus was walking along with his disciples, they found on the road's edge the carcass of a dog, in advance stage of decomposition. The disciples who were not so highly developed as Christ Jesus, turned away from this horrid sight, but Christ Jesus thoughtfully looked upon the animal and said: “What beautiful teeth it has!”
No matter how ugly a thing may be, there is always some beauty concealed in it; in every lie there is a grain of truth, in everything evil a grain of goodness. This does not mean, of course, that you should abstain from criticism! You misunderstand positivity if you think that you should no longer find anything bad, ugly, etc., but positivity means that you should see the grain of beauty in everything evil. This develops the higher forces of your soul. All this forms part of the preparation.
To begin with, I wished to give you some idea of the Christian-Gnostic path of training. In the Rosicrucian schooling you will find the deepest and most genuine Christianity. If you are a Rosicrucian, you can be a Christian in the deepest meaning of the word, in spite of the demands of modern life. In the past, one could be a good Christian by withdrawing from the world; this was possible so long as man was not influenced by those forms of thinking which now render it so difficult for him to be a Christian. For the thoughts which have developed out of the natural-scientific way of thinking render it difficult for us to take in Christianity in its original form. The noblest men are those who honestly say: “To-day I cannot connect anything real with Christianity”.
The spiritual world indeed lives round about us, but within us live the thoughts produced by our materialistic age. We are incessantly surrounded by these thought-forms of materialistic life. A conscientious person must therefore say: In the present time we need a remedy which can cope with the ideas that continually stream into us, a remedy which enables us to hold our own and to remain upright in the face of everything which streams into us from the world outside.
Spiritual science offers us this remedy. We are egoists if we reject it, if we refuse to take it. Spiritual science feels that it is the executor of that which also constituted the will of medieval theosophy. Everyone can understand spiritual science; even-those who are acquainted with the justified objections raised against it by natural science. The Rosicrucian direction of theosophy enables everyone to find that which leads to a knowledge of the universe, and to peace within the soul, to be sure, a steady attitude in life. The theosophy of Rosicrucianism is not a merely theoretical knowledge which can give rise to polemical discussions, but a living knowledge which must flow into our whole modern civilisation. Theosophists who have passed through the Rosicrucian schooling know every objection which can be raised against spiritual science and are well acquainted with every counter-argument.
A polemical treatment of theosophy would produce the same result as, for instance, the polemical treatment of Eduard von Hartmann's. “Philosophy of the Unconscious”. Eduard von Hartmann published this book and made certain statements in it which appeared like a higher standpoint in the face of the materialistic views of natural-scientific research. All the scientists rose up in arms against hin and a flood of criticism was poured over the “Philosophy of the Unconscious”. Eduard von Hartmann was called “the greatest amateur”. Among the many writings which appeared against this book, there was an anonymous pamphlet which brilliantly opposed the “Philosophy of the Unconscious”, drawing in every possible argument available to a scientist who has a thorough knowledge of the natural sciences of his time. This writing was greatly admired and applauded. Oscar Schmidt, the famous zoologist, said for instance: “What a pity that we do not know the author of this excellent pamphlet, for he stands at the very summit of modern science.” And Ernst Haeckel wrote: “Let him come out of his anonymity, and we shall welcome him as one of us.” In fact, this pamphlet created quite a sensation! Then a second edition appeared, with the name of the author: Eduard von Hartmann! Now the scientists did not say a word and the matter was hushed up. This really took place.
You see those who adopt a higher standpoint, are themselves able to advance counter-arguments, for they only need to descend to another standpoint. We might also bring forward a few counter-arguments; if we had sufficient time at our disposal.4See: Wie widerlegt man Geistesforschung (How does one oppose Spiritual Research) and Wie begrandet man Goistesforschung (What is the Foundation of Spiritual Research), double volume no. 1/2 of the series Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung (Results of Spiritual Research), Lectures by Rudolf Steiner, publd. by Phil. Anthropl. Verlag in Dornach, Switzerland. But in the brief time available it was essential above all to communicate some of the facts which spiritual science can proclaim to-day concerning the higher worlds.
The chief point to bear in mind is that spiritual scientific truths should exercise a healing influence upon men. Occult science can show that these truths are able to permeate every sphere of human life and to fructify it. And when spiritual science will have exercised this healing, fructifying influence it will have justified its existence in the best possible way. This, is the proof which spiritual science seeks. Theosophists therefore do not grow alarmed when people come and say: “This is pure fantasy!” Everything which has become a blessing in human civilisation has at first been regarded as pure fantasy. In the history of the last forties of the 19th century; we could cite many examples in support of this statement.
If spiritual science is to become a reality in life, it must penetrate into that which constitutes our ordinary environment. When spiritual science has become a force which gives wings to our whole life, permeating our daily actions, it will have stood the test. This is the standpoint adopted by the Theosophy of Rosicrucianism, and from this standpoint you should view the lectures which I have delivered to you. Spiritual science will one day develop into something which will influence humanity and bring new impulses in art and science, in medicine and education. Its forces will stream into every sphere of life, animating it.
This is the standpoint of these lectures, which should be accepted in this light.
Vierzehnter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Gestern habe ich Ihnen das, was man die Rosenkreuzereinweihung nennt, bis zur dritten Stufe, der «Erkenntnis der okkulten Schrift», ausgeführt. Wir haben also kennengelernt, was man im rosenkreuzerischen Sinne nennt das «Studium», dann die «Erringung der imaginativen Erkenntnis», und sodann das, was man nennt «das Sich-Hineinleben in die okkulte Schrift», in jene Schrift, die aus den Naturgesetzen selber genommen ist. Nunmehr obliegt es uns, zu der vierten Stufe der Rosenkreuzereinweihung zu schreiten, zu dem, was man nennt die «Bereitung des Steins der Weisen». Ich bitte Sie, dabei von alledem abzusehen, was Sie in irgendwelchen Büchern lesen können über die «Bereitung des Steins der Weisen» und sich klar zu sein, daß man erst in unserer gegenwärtigen Zeit etwas darüber berichten kann, was der Rosenkreuzer eigentlich meint mit der «Bereitung des Steins der Weisen».
[ 2 ] Unter diesem Namen waren gewisse Vorschriften vorhanden für das Hinaufgelangen in die höheren Welten, seitdem der bekannte Begründer der Rosenkreuzerei 1459 diese Strömung gestiftet hat. Sie müssen sich klar sein, daß diese Strömung immer außerordentlich vorsichtig behandelt worden ist und immer geheimgehalten wurde. Es war so gegen das Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts und zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts, als auf einem unrechten Wege, durch eine Art Verrat, gewisse Geheimnisse der Rosenkreuzerei in die Öffentlichkeit gekommen sind. Damals wurde Verschiedenes darüber gedruckt; man konnte daraus entnehmen, daß die Betreffenden etwas haben läuten hören, aber es nicht verstanden haben. Doch haben sie wenigstens richtige Worte gehört, sozusagen aufgeschnappt, auch über «den Stein der Weisen». Damals erschien sogar in dem damaligen «Reichs-Anzeiger» eine Reihe von Mitteilungen über eine Gesellschaft, die sich die «Bereitung des Steins der Weisen» zur Aufgabe gemacht hatte; und unter diesen Mitteilungen findet sich auch eine, die nur ein solcher verstehen konnte, der da wußte, worum es sich handelt. Da heißt es: «Ja, den Stein der Weisen gibt es; ihn kennen eigentlich die meisten der Menschen; die meisten haben ihn sogar schon in der Hand gehabt, er ist gar nicht so schwer zu finden, nur wissen das die meisten nicht!»
[ 3 ] Nun verband man mit diesem Begriff des «Steins der Weisen» den Sinn, daß er einen nach und nach kennen lehrt den unsterblichen Teil des Menschen, der nicht dem Tode verfallen kann, daß er einen in die höheren Welten hinaufführt. Wenn der Mensch sich klar wird, daß dieser unsterbliche Teil nicht dem Tode verfallen kann, dann erwirbt er sich durch den Besitz des «Steins der Weisen» ein ewiges Leben; er überwindet dadurch den Tod. Das hatte man sich nun so ausgedeutet, daß man niemals sterben würde. Gemeint ist aber, daß der Mensch dadurch die Welt kennenlernt, in der er nach dem Tode lebt. Außerdem sah man noch in dem «Stein der Weisen» ein Lebenselixier. Das alles machte den «Stein der Weisen» außerordentlich begehrenswert. Wer da weiß, um was es sich handelt, mußte diese Worte in merkwürdiger Weise richtig finden, denn wahr sind sie sogar; nur kann der, der das Geheimnis nicht kennt, nicht viel daraus machen.
[ 4 ] Nun will ich Ihnen kurz zeigen, was darunter gemeint ist. Wenn Sie das verstehen wollen, müssen Sie mir in die Betrachtung einer ganz einfachen naturwissenschaftlichen Tatsache folgen: Sie müssen sich klar sein, welches Verhältnis zwischen dem Menschen und der Pflanzenwelt besteht. Es ist der Tatbestand ein solcher, daß alles, was so atmet wie der Mensch, niemals existieren könnte, wenn es keine Pflanzen gäbe. Da müssen Sie sich einmal bekanntmachen mit dem Vorgang, der sich zwischen Ihnen und den Pflanzen abspielt.
[ 5 ] Sie atmen die Luft ein; Sie brauchen davon den Sauerstoff. Gäbe es keinen Sauerstoff, könnten Sie niemals leben. Wenn Sie die Luft in sich aufnehmen und den Sauerstoff in Ihrem Organismus verarbeiten, so atmen Sie die Kohlensäure wiederum aus, eine Verbindung von Kohlenstoff mit dem Sauerstoff. Sie müssen sich also sagen: Der Mensch nimmt fortwährend Sauerstoff auf und erhält dadurch seinen Leib, und er atmet die Kohlensäure aus: er schafft also fortwährend selbst ein Gift, an dem er zugrunde gehen würde. Fortwährend füllen Sie so Ihre Umgebung mit einem Gifte an. — Was tut die Pflanze? Sie tut in gewisser Beziehung genau das Gegenteil. Sie nimmt die Kohlensäure auf, behält den Kohlenstoff zurück und gibt den für sie unbrauchbaren Sauerstoff wieder ab. So daß Sie der Pflanze geben, was sie braucht, und die Pflanze Ihnen dafür den Sauerstoff zurückgibt. Dieser Prozeß von Kohlensäureatmung und Abgabe von Sauerstoff überwiegt weitaus die Aufnahme von Sauerstoff seitens der Pflanze. Was tut nun die Pflanze mit dem Kohlenstoff, den sie zurückbehält? Daraus baut sich zu einem gewissen Teil die Pflanze ihren eigenen Leib auf. So geben Sie gewissermaßen der Pflanze die Gelegenheit, in der ihr entsprechenden Weise aus dem Kohlenstoff ihren Leib sich aufzubauen. Wenn Sie nach Jahrtausenden die Pflanze als Steinkohle herausgraben aus der Erde, haben Sie darin denselben Stoff.
[ 6 ] Die Pflanze gibt Ihnen den Sauerstoff, Sie nehmen ihn auf. Sie geben ihr die Kohlensäure, sie behält davon den Kohlenstoff zurück, bildet sich selbst daraus den Leib, und gibt Ihnen den Sauerstoff zurück. Das ist ein wunderbarer Wechselprozeß, der da stattfindet. So ist es heute. Nun ist aber der Mensch in Entwickelung begriffen, und in Zukunft wird der Menschenleib so sein, daß er in sich selbst jenes Organ haben wird, welches die Kohlensäure in den Sauerstoff umwandelt, und den Kohlenstoff wird er selbst in sich zurückbehalten.
[ 7 ] Da deute ich heute hin - in anderer Weise als gestern bei der Rosenkreuzerschulung — auf einen Zukunftszustand des Menschen. In der Zukunft wird der Mensch einen begierdefreien Leib höherer Ordnung tragen, den Sie auf niederer Stufe bei der Pflanze haben: er wird sich einen Leib aufbauen können, der auf höherer Stufe pflanzenartig sein wird. In dem Organ, das heute sein Herz ist, wird er dann einen Apparat haben, der das tun wird, was heute die Pflanze tut. Heute gehören Pflanze und Mensch zusammen; eines könnte ohne das andere nicht leben. Gäbe es keine Pflanzen, so müßten alle Sauerstoffatmer in kurzer Zeit aussterben, weil ja die Pflanze es ist, die uns den Sauerstoff gibt; wir können uns gar nicht denken ohne die Pflanze. Und was heute die Pflanze außerhalb von uns macht, das wird in Zukunft jenes Organ tun, zu dem sich das Herz herausgestalten wird in uns, wenn es ein willkürlicher Muskel sein wird. Wir breiten unser Bewußtsein über die Pflanzen aus, wir wachsen zusammen mit der Pflanzenwelt, so daß, was heute außerhalb von uns die Pflanze macht, später in uns selbst geschieht; dann behalten wir auch den Kohlenstoff, den wir heute abgeben, in uns zurück und bauen uns unseren eigenen Leib daraus auf. Wir werden pflanzenartig auf einer höheren Bewußstseinsstufe.
[ 8 ] Das alles kleidet der Okkultismus seit uralter Zeit in eine wunderbare Legende; denn in Bildern und Legenden wurden durch Jahrtausende die Wahrheiten aufbewahrt. Es ist die Goldene Legende. Und was ich Ihnen heute erzählt habe, das brachte man darin im Bilde dem Geheimschüler bei. Sie lautete ungefähr:
[ 9 ] Als Seth, der Sohn, den Gott dem Adam und der Eva anstelle des ermordeten Abel gegeben hat, einstmals ins Paradies hineinging, fand er miteinander verwachsen die beiden Bäume, den Baum der Erkenntnis und den Baum des Lebens; sie schlangen ihre Äste ineinander. Und von diesem Baum nahm Seth drei Samenkörner auf Geheiß des ihn führenden Engels. Er bewahrte sie auf, und als Adam starb, legte er ihm die drei Samenkörner in den Mund. Und aus dem Grabe des Adam wuchs ein Baum heraus; dieser Baum zeigte für den, der hinzuschauen verstand, eine Schrift in Flammenbuchstaben; es waren die Worte: «Ehjeh asher ehjeh - Ich bin, der da war, der da ist, der da sein wird.» Nun nahm Seth Holz von diesem Baume, der aus dem Grabe des Adam herauswuchs, und von diesem Holz wurden mancherlei Dinge geformt: unter andern jener Stab, der Moses’ Zauberstab war. Und weiter wurde es fortgepflanzt; geformt wurde daraus die Pforte zum Tempel Salomos, und später, nachdem es verschiedene andere Schicksale erlebt hatte, das Kreuz, an dem der Erlöser gehangen hat.
[ 10 ] So bringt die Legende zusammen das Holz des Kreuzes von Golgatha mit dem Baume, der aus den Samenkörnern des Paradiesesbaumes aus dem Grabe des Adam herauswuchs.
[ 11 ] In dieser Legende verbirgt sich dasselbe Geheimnis, das ich Ihnen heute andeutete. Man wollte damit sagen: In Urzeiten war das Menschengeschlecht so, daß es noch nicht heruntergesunken war zu dem von der Begierde erfüllten Fleische, sondern keusch und rein war es, wie die Pflanze, die der Sonne den Blütenkelch entgegenstreckt. Dann kamen die Menschen durch den Sündenfall herunter: ihr Fleisch wurde mit Begierde erfüllt. Aber alles, was der Mensch einst in einem unschuldsvollen Zustand gehabt hat, soll er wieder haben, wenn er sich durch den Erkenntnispfad den begierdelosen Leib erschaffen haben wird, den Leib, wie er einstmals war, bevor der Mensch in die Erkenntnis eingetreten ist; erinnern Sie sich, woher das Ich stammt. Daß er jenen Leib nicht mehr hat, hängt damit zusammen, daß der Mensch ein Lungenatmer geworden ist, daß er sein rotes Blut hat bilden können. So hängt zusammen mit Atmung und Blutkreislauf die heutige Gestalt des Menschen, und daß er ein Erkenntnisträger in der heutigen Art werden konnte.
[ 12 ] Versetzen Sie sich nun in den heutigen Leib. Da können Sie sich ein Bild davon machen, wie der Sauerstoff hineinströmt, wie er das rote Blut erregt, wie das rote Blut gleich einem sich verästelnden Baum durch den ganzen Leib läuft, wie das blaue Blut dann zurückläuft, mit Kohlensäure angefüllt.
[ 13 ] Zwei Bäume haben Sie in sich: den roten und den blauen Blutbaum. Ohne diese beiden könnte es den Menschen nicht als einen Ich-Träger geben. Dazu muß das rote Blut aufgenommen werden; das ist der Weg, wie unsere heutige Erkenntnis hervorgerufen wird. Aber es war verknüpft damit der Tod; denn Sie wandeln ja das rote Blut um in das blaue, kohlensäureerfüllte Blut. Daher sagte der alttestamentliche Geheimlehrer: Sieh dich an, du hast in dir den roten Blutbaum; hättest du diesen Baum nicht bekommen, du wärest nie ein erkennender Mensch geworden. Du hast genossen von dem Baume der Erkenntnis; aber damit ist dir zu gleicher Zeit die Möglichkeit genommen worden, aus dir selbst dir das Leben zu geben.
[ 14 ] Aus dem, was früher ein Lebensbaum war, ist ein tötender Baum geworden; daher ist der blaue Blutbaum in uns der Baum des Todes. Das ist der gegenwärtige Zustand. Für den Eingeweihten stellt sich aber ein Zukunftszustand vor die Seele, wo der Mensch die Pflanzennatur in sich hat, wo er durch den Herzapparat in sich das blaue Blut zurückverwandeln wird in rotes Blut. Dann wird er den Baum des Todes verwandelt haben in einen Baum des Lebens. Der Mensch ist dann ein unsterbliches Wesen geworden; was er auf einer untergeordneten Stufe war, wird er auf einer höheren wieder sein. Den Apparat, der heute in der Pflanze ist, wird er dann in sich selber haben. - So daß man in dem Paradies einen Endzustand der Menschheit hat. Und Seths Sendung wurde so aufgefaßt, daß er das sieht, was am Ende der Zeiten ist: das Sich-Ausgleichen der beiden Prinzipien im Menschen selber. So verschlingen sich der Baum des Lebens und der Baum der Erkenntnis im Paradies; im Menschen können sie sich nur finden, wenn der Mensch zur Pflanze seine Zuflucht nimmt. Aber wie erlangt der Mensch nun die Fähigkeit, daß die beiden Bäume sich in ihm verschlingen? Indem er in sich entwickelt die drei höheren Glieder der Menschennatur.
[ 15 ] Wir haben kennengelernt den Menschen, zusammengesetzt aus dem physischen Leib, dem Ätherleib, dem Astralleib und dem Ich; und wir haben gesehen, wie das Ich, wenn es an dem Astralleibe arbeitet, das erste höhere Wesensglied erringt, wenn es an dem Ätherleib arbeitet, das zweite, und durch die Arbeit am physischen Leibe das dritte. So daß also der zukünftige Mensch der siebengliedrige sein wird, der noch haben wird Geistselbst, Lebensgeist und Geistesmensch. Hat der Mensch seine niedrige Natur so umgestaltet, dann wird er in sich selbst den Baum der Erkenntnis und den Baum des Lebens haben. Es ist also dem Menschen gegeben worden im Ausgangspunkt seiner Entwickelung die Voraussetzung zu seinen drei höheren Wesensgliedern in der Anlage zu seinem Ich.
[ 16 ] Drei Samenkörner nimmt Seth, und der erste Ich-Mensch, Adam, läßt diese drei Samenkörner zu einem Baume hervorwachsen. In diesem Baum ist das vorhanden, was durch alle Ihre Verkörperungen hindurchgeht. Ihr Ich war auf einer ganz niedrigen Stufe in der ersten Verkörperung, und von Verkörperung zu Verkörperung erreicht es immer höhere Stufen. Was da hervorwächst, ist das Symbolum für das Ewige im Menschen, das seine höchste Vollendung am Ende des Erdenzustandes finden wird. Aber nur dann kann es der Mensch erringen, wenn er sich verbindet mit all dem Höchsten, was ihm auf dem Geistespfad entgegengetreten ist. Alles, was die Menschheit den Pfad hinaufgeleitet hat - der Stab des Moses, der’Tempel des Salomo, und endlich das Kreuz von Golgatha -, alles das hilft dem Menschen, die höhere Dreiheit voll zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Und das Kreuz von Golgatha war das, was den Weg zu der höchsten Menschenvollendung andeutete. Es war zu Beginn dem Adam als Keim, aus dem jener Baum hervorgewachsen ist, in den Mund gelegt worden —- nicht schöner könnte man es ausdrücken, als wie es hier geschehen ist —- und hervorgegangen aus dem Holz, das Seth auf diese Weise gewonnen hatte. Da haben Sie den Weg des Menschen dargestellt, wie er durch die Zeitenläufe geht, den Weg des Menschen durch die Zeit. Was der Mensch in der Zukunft erringen muß: die Umwandlung seiner Wesenheit, die Fähigkeit, aus eigener Kraft in sich selbst den Kohlenstoff zu erzeugen, das ist es, was die Pflanze heute tun kann. Und diese Alchimie der Pflanze, sie wird der Mensch in der Zukunft beherrschen können.
[ 17 ] Die alchimistische Zubereitung dessen, was ich eben geschildert habe, wird dadurch erreicht, daß dem Rosenkreuzerschüler gewisse Anweisungen gegeben werden, wie er seinen Atmungsprozeß regulieren soll. Das ist etwas, was man auch nur verstehen kann nach dem Grundsatze: Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein. Aber der Rosenkreuzerschüler arbeitet daran. So wie der Tropfen als ein Kleines, Winziges, nach langer Zeit erst die Höhlung im Stein bewirkt, so wird der Fortschritt der Menschenleiber bewirkt durch diesen Atmungsregulierungsprozeß. Diese Anweisungen, die der Rosenkreuzerschüler auszuüben hat, sind solche, daß sie ihn auf den Weg bringen, schon heute die Vorbereitung zu treffen, daß sein Ich die Fähigkeit erwirbt, sich die nächsten Leiber auf eine andere Weise aufzubauen. Damit ist allerdings verknüpft, daß Sie das, was Sie später in physischer Umgebung haben werden, schon jetzt in der geistigen Welt haben. Jene Rosenkreuzerberatung besteht darin, daß man im langsamen Prozeß einen Zukunftszustand vorbereitet und sich die Fähigkeit erwirbt, schon jetzt in den höheren Welten diesen Zustand zu schauen. Zweierlei tut also der Rosenkreuzerschüler: Erstens arbeitet er vor für die Zukunft der Menschheit, und zweitens erwirbt er sich selbst das Schauen in der geistigen Welt; er sieht das, was dann später heruntersteigt in die physische Wirklichkeit.
[ 18 ] Jetzt verstehen Sie auch die Anweisungen, die der merkwürdige Mann hat drucken lassen, aber nicht verstanden hat. Der «Stein der Weisen» ist die gewöhnliche schwarze Kohle; aber Sie müssen den Prozeß lernen, der Sie durch innere Kraft den Kohlenstoff verarbeiten lehrt: so ist der Fortschritt der Menschheit. In der heutigen Kohle haben Sie ein Vorbild dessen, was einst der wichtigste Stoff für den Menschen sein wird, wenn sie auch ganz anders ausschauen wird. Erinnern Sie sich an den hellen Diamant: der ist ja auch nur Kohlenstoff! - Das also nennt man die «Bereitung des Steins der Weisen» in der Rosenkreuzerweltanschauung. Es verbirgt sich dahinter ein menschlicher Umwandlungsprozeß und eine Aufforderung, zu arbeiten an den Zukunftszuständen der Menschheit. Alle, die so arbeiten, sie arbeiten vor für die Menschenleiber der Zukunft, für die Leiber, welche die Seelen später brauchen werden.
[ 19 ] Es gibt ein Wort, welches dieses Arbeiten an der Zukunft sehr schön ausdrückt, und das wir verstehen werden, wenn wir den Unterschied zwischen Seelen- und Rassenentwickelung uns klarmachen. Sie alle waren früher Atlantier, und diese atlantischen Leiber haben ganz anders ausgesehen, wie ich es Ihnen bereits beschrieben habe. Dieselbe Seele, die irgendwo in einem atlantischen Leib war, ist heute in Ihrem Leibe. Aber nicht alle Leiber sind, wie heute die Ihrigen, durch wenige Kolonisten - jene, die damals von Westen nach Osten zogen — so vorbereitet worden. Die Zurückgebliebenen, die sich, wie man sagt, mit der Rasse verbunden haben, die sind verkommen, während die Fortgeschrittenen neue Kulturen begründet haben. Die letzten Nachzügler auf dem Wege nach Osten, die Mongolen, haben noch etwas von der Kultur der Atlantier behalten. Ebenso werden die Leiber derjenigen Menschen, die sich nicht fortschrittlich weiterentwickeln werden, über die nächste Zeitenwende hinüberwachsen und die Chinesen der Zukunft bilden. Es wird wieder in Dekadenz befindliche Völkerschaften geben. Es leben ja auch in den Chinesenkörpern Seelen, die, weil sie eine zu große Anziehungskraft zur Rasse gehabt haben, noch einmal in solchen Rassen werden verkörpert sein müssen. Die Seelen, die heute in Ihnen sind, sie werden später verkörpert sein in Leibern, die von denen kommen, welche heute in der angedeuteten Weise arbeiten, und welche die Leiber der Zukunft erzeugen, so wie es früher die ersten Kolonisten der Atlantier getan haben. Und diejenigen, die so recht am Alltäglichen haften, die sich nicht verbinden wollen mit dem, was der Zukunft entgegengeht, werden mit der Rasse verschmelzen. Es gibt solche Menschen, die bei dem bleiben wollen, was althergebracht ist, die nichts wissen wollen von dem, was weiterschreiten heißt; die nicht hören wollen auf solche, die über die Rasse hinüberführen zu immer neuen Gestaltungen der Menschheit.
[ 20 ] Die Mythe hat in wunderbarer Weise diese Tendenz erhalten. Nicht besser könnte sie das darstellen, als indem sie auf einen der Größten hinweist, der das Wort ausgesprochen hat: «Wer nicht verläßt Vater und Mutter, Weib und Kind, Bruder und Schwester, der kann nicht mein Jünger sein», und dagegen das Traurige in einem Menschen darstellt, der da sagt: Ich will nichts von einem solchen Führer wissen! — und ihn zurückstößt. Wie könnte man das klarer ausdrücken als in dem Bilde dessen, der den Führer von sich weist, und der nicht aufzusteigen vermag! Das ist die Sage von Ahasver, dem Ewigen Juden, der da saß und den größten Führer, den Christus Jesus, von sich stieß, nichts wissen wollte von der Entwickelung, und der deshalb bei seiner Rasse bleiben muß, immer wiederkehren muß in seiner Rasse. Das sind solche Mythen, die der Menschheit zum ewigen Gedächtnis gegeben sind, damit sie weiß um was es sich handelt.
[ 21 ] So ist diese vierte Stufe der Rosenkreuzerschulung aufzufassen als etwas ungeheuer Tiefes, und so gliedert sich in die Entwickelung der Menschheit die «Bereitung des Steins der Weisen» herein.
[ 22 ] Das fünfte ist die «Entsprechung von Mikrokosmos und Makrokosmos». Der ganze komplizierte Menschenleib ist, so wie er heute ist, in einer bestimmten Weise entstanden. Ich habe Sie geführt durch den Saturn-, Sonnen-, Monden- und Erdenzustand. Von alledem, was heute in Ihrem Leibe ist, waren auf dem Saturn nur die ersten Anlagen zu Ihren Sinnesapparaten vorhanden, eingebettet in die Saturnmasse wie die Kristalle heute in die Gebirgsmasse; Ihr Auge war wie ein Quarzkristall im Gebirge. Auf der Sonne waren Ihre höchsten Organe, alle Drüsen, so, daß sie deren Oberfläche bedeckten. Auf dem Monde waren die Organe, die heute Ihr Nervensystem zusammensetzen, ausgebreitet über die Oberfläche des Mondes. Der Mond hatte ein Nervensystem, und die einzelnen Menschentiere, die da waren, wurden zum ersten Mal auf dem Monde des Nervensystems teilhaftig. Auf der Erde bekam der Mensch sein Knochensystem, denn ein Mineralreich war ja auf dem Monde überhaupt noch nicht da.
[ 23 ] So sehen Sie, wie kunstvoll sich der Mensch zusammengesetzt hat. Das, was heute als Auge in uns ist, war als Auge über den ganzen Saturn ausgebreitet; in uns hineingezogen ist das, was in der großen Welt war. Von jedem einzelnen Organ kann Ihnen nun die Geheimlehre sagen, wie es im Zusammenhang steht mit der großen Welt draußen: von Leber, Milz, Herz und so weiter, mit dem, was ihnen in der Außenwelt entspricht und was in der Außenwelt geschehen mußte, damit sie sich bilden konnten. Es gibt Mittel in der rosenkreuzerischen Erkenntnislehre, durch die wir in uns selbst uns unter dem Anhaltspunkt unserer Sinnesorgane vertiefen, uns innerlich versenken in die Augen, die Ohren, und dadurch einen hellseherischen Einblick in die Bildung dieser Organe bekommen.
[ 24 ] Ich habe Sie geführt zu dem Zeitpunkt in der atlantischen Entwickelung, wo der Ätherleib noch so weit draußen war, daß er sich nicht verbinden konnte mit dem Punkt, der hier im Kopfe über der Nasenwurzel ist. Wir haben gesehen, wie der Ätherleib dann hineinrückte in den physischen Leib, wie dann der physische Leib die heutige Gestaltung bekommen hat. Es gibt nun eine Methode der Versenkung mit einer ganz bestimmten Formel, die nur von Mensch zu Mensch mitgeteilt wird. Wenn Sie sich dadurch in die Stelle hineinversenken, wo der Kopf mit jener Stelle des Ätherkopfes zusammenhängt, von der wir sprachen, dann geht Ihnen die Erkenntnis auf von jenem Zeitpunkte der Erde, von der Art, wie damals die Erde ausgeschaut hat, als dieser Teil des Ätherkopfes in den physischen Kopf hineinrückte. So können Sie sich in jedes Glied Ihres Mikrokosmos vertiefen und dadurch Kräfte des Makrokosmos kennenlernen, das, was die Baumeister der Welt in Ihnen zusammengebaut haben. Nach Anleitung des Okkultismus können Sie daher den Makrokosmos kennenlernen; für alle Dinge in der Welt, draußen im Makrokosmos, gibt es ein Organ im Mikrokosmos. Der Mensch ist das komplizierteste Wesen. Wie Sie beim Telegramm von der zugesandten Mitteilung auf den Absender schließen, so können Sie beim Menschenleib durch die Versenkung in das Organ dessen Erzeuger erkennen lernen.
[ 25 ] Damit haben wir schon die sechste Stufe berührt, das, was man nennt die «Versenkung in den Makrokosmos». Wer so in sich kennengelernt hat das Verhältnis des Mikrokosmos zum Makrokosmos, hat sich erweitert zur Erkenntnis der ganzen Welt. Das verbirgt sich hinter dem alten Spruch: Erkenne dich selbst! — Es ist viel Unheil angerichtet worden damit, daß die Theosophen sagten: In dir ist schon der ganze Gott, in dir ist schon das Höchste vorhanden. Du brauchst nur in dich hineinzuschauen, dann erkennst du die ganze Welt!
[ 26 ] Dieses Brüten in sich selber ist das törichteste Zeug, was es geben kann; dadurch lernt man nur sein niederes Ich kennen, das man schon hat. Keiner lernt dadurch mehr, als er schon hat. Wirkliche Selbsterkenntnis kommt nur auf die geschilderte komplizierte Weise zustande, und sie ist zugleich Welterkennrnis. Die wirkliche Theosophie ist nicht in der Lage, es den Menschen so bequem zu machen; sie muß sagen: In ruhiger, ernster Vertiefung müßt Ihr kennenlernen auch das komplizierteste Wesen, das es gibt. Ihr könnt den Gott nicht anders kennenlernen, als daß Ihr ihn Stück für Stück in der Welt kennenlernt. Geduld und Ausdauer gehören dazu. Im ruhigen, langsamen Fortschreiten erkennt man die Welt. Keine Formel, die allheilbringend ist, um die ganze Erkenntnis zu haben, kann Ihnen die Theosophie geben, sondern sie kann Sie nur auf den Weg verweisen, wodurch Sie zur Selbsterkenntnis und damit auch zur Welterkenntnis kommen. Dann wird dem Menschen auch die Gotteserkenntnis.
[ 27 ] Diese Erkenntnis, die dem Menschen auf der sechsten Stufe kommt, ist keine trockene Verstandeserkenntnis; diese Erkenntnis ist eine solche, die uns intim mit der Welt zusarmmenführt. Wer sie erlangt hat, der hat zu allen Dingen der Welt ein intimes Verhältnis, wie es der Gegenwartsmensch nur kennt in dem mysteriösen Verhältnis der Liebe zwischen Mann und Weib, was auf einer geheimen Erkenntnis des Wesens des andern Menschen beruht. Ein solches Verhältnis, wodurch Sie nicht nur begreifen, sondern verbunden sich fühlen mit allen Wesen, so wie sich heute der Liebende mit der Geliebten verbunden fühlt, das kommt Ihnen bei dem Anschauen des Makrokosmos. Sie haben dann eine intime Beziehung, eine Art Liebesverhältnis zur Pflanze, zu jedem Stein, zu allen Wesen der Welt. Es spezialisiert sich Ihre Liebe zu allen Wesen; sie sagen Ihnen etwas, was sie Ihnen sonst nur sagen, wenn Sie noch nicht heruntergestiegen sind zur Erkenntnis. Das Tier frißt das, was ihm taugt, und läßt stehen, was ihm nicht taugt; es hat ein sympathisches Verhältnis zu dem einen, ein antipathisches Verhältnis zu dem andern. Der Mensch mußte, um die heutige Erkenntnis zu erringen, das unmittelbare Verhältnis zu den Dingen verlieren; aber er wird es auf einer höheren Stufe wieder erringen. Wodurch weiß heute der Okkultist, daß die Pflanze mit der Blüte anders auf den Menschen wirkt als die Wurzel? Wodurch weiß er, daß die gewöhnliche Wurzel anders wirkt als eine Möhre? Weil die Dinge wieder so zu ihm sprechen, wie es bei den Tieren der Fall ist. Dies intime Verhältnis ist auf den niederen Stufen unter Ausschluß des Verstandesbewußtseins da; auf den höchsten Stufen wird es der Mensch bewußt wiederum haben.
[ 28 ] Wenn man so weit ist, dann ist die siebente Stufe etwas, was sich von selbst ergibt. Aus allem haben Sie schon entnehmen können, daß es hier um eine Erkenntnis geht von Gemütseindrücken und Gefühlen. Es gibt hier nichts für den Menschen, was nicht in der lebendigsten Weise sein Herz bewegen würde; deshalb dürfen Sie dabei nicht unterscheiden zwischen einer ideellen und intellektuellen und spirituellen Erkenntnis. Sie zu rühren, Ihnen allerlei schöne Dinge zu sagen, das ist nicht im Sinne des Okkultisten. Der Okkultist erzählt Ihnen die Tatsachen der geistigen Welt; er würde es als schamlos empfinden, wenn er direkt an Ihr Gefühl rühren wollte. Aber er weiß, daß die Tatsachen, wenn man sie erzählt, selbst sprechen; diese selbst sollen die Gefühle erzeugen. Daher kommt für den Rosenkreuzer niemals die Person des Lehrers in Betracht. Die Lehre hat mit der Person nichts zu tun. Der Lehrer ist nur da als die Gelegenheit, damit die Tatsachen zu den Menschen sprechen. Und er wird um so richtiger sprechen, je mehr er sich zum Ausdrucksmittel für die Anschauung der höheren Welten macht. Wer noch glaubt und meint und Anschauungen hat, die ihm eigen sind, ist nicht zum okkulten Lehrer geeignet. Denn wenn nicht die Objektivität, sondern das Gefühl entscheiden würde, dann würden Sie vielleicht sagen: zwei mal zwei ist fünf!
[ 29 ] So sehen Sie, wie der Rosenkreuzer durch die verschiedenen Dinge, die er in sich auszubilden hat, allmählich sich hinauflebt in die Erkenntnis der höheren Welten. Dazu ist allerdings eine Anleitung notwendig, die aber jeder zur rechten Zeit findet, wenn er sie ernsthaft sucht.
[ 30 ] Sie dürfen nicht sagen, daß man bei einer persönlichen Anleitung diese sieben Stufen eine nach der andern absolviert, sondern der Lehrer greift heraus, was sich für den einen oder andern besonders eignet. Ich habe Ihnen auch die Vorstufen anführen wollen. Aus denen will ich jetzt nur zwei Dinge herausgreifen, um Ihnen zu zeigen, daß man noch anderes entwickeln muß, bevor man zu den strengeren Übungen schreitet. Da ist eines, was man von Anfang an üben muß: Konzentration, Konzentration des Gedankenlebens. Bedenken Sie einmal, wie die Gedanken in Ihnen irrlichtelieren vom Morgen bis zum Abend! Da und dorther kommen Ihnen Gedanken und ziehen Sie mit sich fort. Nun müssen Sie sich als Rosenkreuzerschüler eine Zeit aussondern, wo Sie Herr der Gedanken sind, wo Sie sich einen möglichst uninteressanten Gegenstand nehmen und darüber nachdenken. Davon werden Sie eine ungeheuer wohltuende Wirkung für sich haben. Die Zeit spielt keine Rolle; Energie, Geduld und Ausdauer sind dabei notwendig.
[ 31 ] Das andere ist das, was man nennt «Positivität», die darin besteht, daß man im Leben aufsucht, was am besten durch eine persische Legende über den Christus Jesus charakterisiert wird: Als der Christus Jesus einmal mit seinen Jüngern einen Weg machte, fanden sie am Wegesrand einen krepierten Hund liegen, der schon stark in Verwesung übergegangen war. Die Jünger, die noch nicht so weit waren wie der Christus Jesus, wandten sich von dem häßlichen Anblick ab, nur der Christus Jesus blieb stehen, betrachtete sinnig das Tier und sagte: «Was für wunderschöne Zähne hat doch das Tier!»
[ 32 ] Was auch immer Häßliches in der Welt ist, es gibt immer noch ein Schönes im Häßlichen, in jedem Unwahren ein Körnchen Wahres, in jedem Bösen ein Gutes. Sie brauchen gar nicht kritiklos zu werden! Man faßt das oft nur so auf, daß man nichts mehr schlecht finden dürfe und so weiter; es ist aber so gemeint, daß in jedem Häßlichen immer noch ein Körnchen Schönes ist und in jedem Bösen etwas Gutes liegt. Das treibt die höheren Kräfte der Seele herauf. Das gehört alles schon zur Vorbereitung.
[ 33 ] Ich hatte Ihnen zunächst eine Vorstellung geben wollen von dem Geiste, in dem die christlich-gnostische Schulung verläuft. In der Rosenkreuzerschulung finden Sie das tiefste, echteste Christentum, Sie können Christ sein im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, trotz allem modernen Leben. Man konnte Christ im alten Stil sein, so lange es mehr Möglichkeiten gab, sich von der Welt zurückzuziehen, und so lange noch nicht die Gedankenformen in uns eingezogen waren, die uns heute so schwer machen, es zu sein. Diese aus der naturwissenschaftlichen Denkweise heraus gebildeten Vorstellungen machen es aber dem Menschen schwer, das Christentum in der ursprünglichen Form in sich aufzunehmen. Gerade die edelsten Geister sind es, die sagen: Ich kann mit dem Christentum heute nichts mehr vereinigen. - Wohl lebt die geistige Welt in unserer Umgebung, aber auch das, was die materialistische Zeit an Gedankenformen hervorbringt, lebt in uns. Wir sind immerfort umgeben von den so geprägten Gedankenformen des materiellen Lebens. So daß, wer gewissenhaft ist, sich sagen muß: Es braucht unsere Zeit ein Mittel, das sich inmitten dieser in uns einströmenden Vorstellungen bewähren kann, um uns aufrechtzuerhalten gegenüber allem, was von der Welt her in uns einfließt. —- Durch die Geisteswissenschaft wird es uns gereicht. Weist man dieses Mittel zurück, will man es sich nicht aneignen, so ist man ein Egoist. Geisteswissenschaft fühlt sich als die Testamentsvollstreckerin dessen, was auch die mittelalterliche Theosophie schon gewollt hat. Sie kann aber von jedem, auch von dem verstanden werden, der mit all den berechtigten Einwänden der Naturwissenschaft bekannt ist. Jeder wird heute in der rosenkreuzerisch orientierten 'Iheosophie das finden können, was ihn zu einer Erkenntnis der Welt führt und auch zu einem Frieden der Seele, zur Sicherheit im Leben. Keine solche Erkenntnis, die bloß Theorie ist und über die man mit bloßen Gründen streiten kann, ist die Theosophie des Rosenkreuzers, sondern eine Erkenntnis, die einfließen muß in unsere ganze Kultur. Der im rosenkreuzerischen Sinne geschulte Theosoph weiß selbst alles, was sich an Einwänden erheben läßt; alle die Gegenargumente kennt er selbst. Wenn man mit Gründen dagegen streiten würde, würde es so gehen, wie es einmal Eduard von Hartmann mit seiner «Philosophie des Unbewußten» ergangen ist. Eduard von Hartmann veröffentlichte seine «Philosophie des Unbewußten». Er hatte darin über den Darwinismus und so weiter Sachen gesagt, die sich wie ein höherer Standpunkt gegenüber dem materialistischen Standpunkte der naturwissenschaftlichen Forschung ausnahmen. Da standen die Gelehrten alle gegen ihn auf, und es erschien eine Flut von Kritiken gegen diese «Philosophie des Unbewußsten». Der größte Dilettant wurde Eduard von Hartmann genannt! — Unter diesen vielen Broschüren erschien auch eine von einem Anonymus; es wurde darin die «Philosophie des Unbewußten» glänzend widerlegt mit allem, was man nur anführen konnte, wenn man das Wissen unserer Zeit beherrscht. Diese Broschüre fand überall großen Beifall. Und es sagte zum Beispiel Oscar Schmidt, der berühmte Zoologe: Schade, daß wir nicht wissen, wer diese Gegenschrift geschrieben hat, denn das ist ein Mensch, der auf der naturwissenschaftlichen Höhe seiner Zeit steht! — Und Ernst Haeckel sagte: Er nenne sich, und wir zählen ihn zu den unsrigen! — In der Tat machte diese Broschüre ein großes Aufsehen. Und es erschien eine zweite Auflage mit dem Namen des Verfassers, Eduard von Hartmann! Die Naturforscher fingen jetzt an zu schweigen, und die Sache ist auch nicht sehr bekanntgeworden. Aber sie war denn doch einmal dagewesen.
[ 34 ] Sie sehen, wer einen höheren Gesichtspunkt beherrscht, kann schon selbst die Gegengründe anführen; er braucht sich nur auf einen andern Standpunkt herunterzuschrauben. Und auch wir hätten, wenn wir Zeit dazu gehabt hätten, einige solcher Gegengründe anführen können. Aber es war wichtig, wegen der Kürze der Zeit, daß wir das mitgeteilt erhielten, was die Geistesforschung schon heute zu verkünden vermag über die Tatsachen der höheren Welt. Worauf es ankommt, ist, daß die Sachen heilsam auf den Menschen wirken können, und daß die Geisteswissenschaft zu zeigen vermag, wie sie sich immer mehr und mehr in alle Zweige des menschlichen Lebens eingliedern und sie befruchten kann. Und wenn sie befruchtend und gesundend wirken wird, dann wird sie durch eine solche Tatsache den besten Beweis für ihre Berechtigung gebracht haben. Dies soll auch der Beweis sein, den die Geisteswissenschaft sucht. Deshalb bleibt der Theosoph ziemlich unerschrokken, wenn die Leute heute noch sagen: Alles das ist nur Phantastik! — Es ist ja immer alles das, was zum Segen der Menschheit geworden ist, einst als Phantastik angesehen worden. Ein Beispiel dafür aus den letzten vierziger Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts: Da gab es noch nicht unsere gewöhnliche Postmarke. Die Postmarke ist ja erst Ende der vierziger Jahre von einem gewissen Hill - eigentlich von einem Dilettanten — erfunden worden. Derjenige nun, der sie im Parlament zu vertreten hatte, hat eine merkwürdige Rede gehalten. Erstens, sagte er, kann das gar nicht sein, daß der Verkehr in einer solchen Weise zunimmt, wie dieser Mensch das ausrechnet, und wenn das der Fall wäre, dann würde man ja das Gebäude größer machen müssen! — Was heute als ganz selbstverständlich erscheint: daß man auch das Gebäude vergrößert, wenn der Verkehr zunimmt, ist so abgespeist worden. Ein anderes: Als die erste Eisenbahn gebaut werden sollte, hat man in Bayern das Medizinalkollegium darüber befragt. Da haben die Herren gesagt, man sollte keine Eisenbahn bauen, denn das würde für die Menschen, die da fahren, die furchtbarsten Folgen für ihr Nervensystem haben. Wenn man aber schon eine Eisenbahn baue, dann müsse man hohe Bretterwände herumbauen, damit die andern keine Gehirnerschütterung davon bekämen!
[ 35 ] Man hat alles als etwas Phantastisches angesehen, als es zum ersten Male auftrat. Aber Geisteswissenschaft muß, wenn sie Lebenstatsache werden will, unmittelbar eindringen in das, was uns täglich umgibt. Wenn sie eine Kraft werden wird, die unser ganzes Leben beflügelt, die in unser alltäglichstes Tun und Wirken eindringt, dann erst hat sie sich als Tatsache bewährt. Von diesem Gesichtspunkt geht die Rosenkreuzertheosophie aus, und von diesem Gesichtspunkte aus bitte ich Sie alles das aufzufassen, was in diesen Vorträgen gesagt worden ist. In der Zukunft wird sie sich zu etwas ausgestalten können, was auf die schöpferischen Kräfte des Menschen wirkt und ihm neue Impulse geben wird auf den Gebieten der Heilkunde und Erziehung, der Kunst und des höheren Wissens, was auf alle Zweige des Lebens beseelend und belebend einströmen wird.
[ 36 ] Von diesem Gesichtspunkte aus werden solche Vorträge gehalten, und von diesem Gesichtspunkte aus bitte ich Sie, sie aufzunehmen.
Fourteenth Lecture
[ 1 ] Yesterday I explained to you what is called the Rose Cross initiation, up to the third step, the “Knowledge of Occult Scripture”. We have thus become acquainted with what in the Rosicrucian sense is called the “study”, then the “attainment of imaginative knowledge”, and then what is called “living into the occult writing”, into that writing that is taken from the laws of nature themselves. Now it behooves us to proceed to the fourth step of the Rose Cross initiation, to what is called the “preparation of the philosopher's stone”. I ask you to refrain from considering what you may read in some book or other about the “preparation of the philosopher's stone” and to realize that only in our own time can anything be said about what the Rosicrucians actually mean by the “preparation of the philosopher's stone”.
[ 2 ] Under this name certain instructions were available for ascending to the higher worlds ever since the well-known founder of Rosicrucianism founded this current in 1459. You must be aware that this current has always been treated with the utmost caution and has always been kept secret. It was towards the end of the eighteenth century and at the beginning of the nineteenth century that, through a kind of treachery, certain secrets of the Rosicrucians came to light. At that time, various things were printed about it; one could gather from them that those concerned had heard something but had not understood it. But at least they heard the right words, overheard them, so to speak, including those about the “Philosopher's Stone.” At that time, a series of reports about a society that had taken on the task of “preparing the Philosopher's Stone” appeared even in the then “Reichs-Anzeiger”; and among these reports there is also one that only someone who knew what it was about could understand. It says: “Yes, the Philosopher's Stone does exist; actually most people know it; most of them have even held it in their hands, it is not that difficult to find, it's just that most people don't know that!”
[ 3 ] Now the idea was associated with this concept of the “Philosopher's Stone” that it gradually teaches one to know the immortal part of man, which cannot succumb to death, and that it leads one up into the higher worlds. When man realizes that this immortal part cannot succumb to death, then through possession of the “Philosopher's Stone” he acquires eternal life; he thereby conquers death. This was interpreted to mean that one would never die. But what is meant is that through this, man gets to know the world in which he lives after death. Furthermore, the “philosopher's stone” was also thought to be an elixir of life. All this made the “philosopher's stone” extraordinarily desirable. Anyone who knows what it is must find these words strangely appropriate, because they are true; it's just that those who don't know the secret can't make much of them.
[ 4 ] Now I will briefly show you what is meant by this. If you want to understand this, you must follow me in considering a very simple scientific fact: you must be clear about the relationship that exists between humans and the plant world. The fact of the matter is that anything that breathes like a human being could never exist if there were no plants. You need to familiarize yourself with the process that takes place between you and the plants.
[ 5 ] You inhale the air; you need the oxygen in it. If there were no oxygen, you could never live. When you take in air and process the oxygen in your organism, you exhale carbonic acid, a compound of carbon and oxygen. So you must say to yourself: Man constantly absorbs oxygen and thereby maintains his body, and he exhales carbonic acid: he thus constantly creates a poison himself, from which he would perish. You constantly fill your environment with a poison. What does the plant do? It does exactly the opposite in a certain respect. It absorbs the carbonic acid, retains the carbon and emits the oxygen, which is useless to it. So you give the plant what it needs, and the plant gives you the oxygen in return. This process of breathing carbonic acid and emitting oxygen far outweighs the plant's absorption of oxygen. What does the plant do with the carbon it retains? The plant uses it to a certain extent to build its own body. In a sense, you give the plant the opportunity to build its body from the carbon in a way that suits it. When you dig the plant out of the earth as coal after thousands of years, you have the same substance in it.
[ 6 ] The plant gives you oxygen, you absorb it. You give it carbonic acid, it retains the carbon, forms the body itself from it, and gives the oxygen back to you. This is a wonderful process of exchange that takes place. That is how it is today. But now man is evolving, and in the future the human body will be such that it will have within itself the organ that converts carbonic acid into oxygen, and it will retain the carbon within itself.
[ 7 ] Today I am hinting at a future state of man in a different way than I did yesterday at the Rosicrucian training. In the future, man will carry a body of a higher order, free of desire, which you have at a lower level in plants: he will be able to build a body for himself that will be plant-like at a higher level. In the organ that is now his heart, he will then have an apparatus that will do what the plant does today. Today, plants and humans belong together; one could not live without the other. If there were no plants, all oxygen breathers would have to die out in a short time, because it is the plant that gives us the oxygen; we cannot imagine ourselves without the plant. And what the plant does outside of us today will be done in the future by the organ that the heart will develop into in us when it becomes an arbitrary muscle. We spread our consciousness over the plants, we grow together with the plant world, so that what the plant does outside of us today will happen inside of us later; then we will also retain the carbon that we give off today, and build our own body out of it. We will become plant-like on a higher level of consciousness.
[ 8 ] Since ancient times, occultism has clothed all of this in a wonderful legend; for the truths were preserved over thousands of years in images and legends. It is the Golden Legend. And what I have told you today was taught to the secret disciple in images. It went something like this:
[ 9 ] When Seth, the son whom God gave to Adam and Eve in place of the murdered Abel, once entered paradise, he found the two trees, the tree of knowledge and the tree of life, growing together, their branches intertwined. And from this tree, at the behest of the angel guiding him, Seth took three seeds. He kept them, and when Adam died, he put the three seeds in his mouth. And from the grave of Adam a tree grew out; this tree showed for those who understood how to look, a writing in flaming letters; the words were: “Ehjeh asher ehjeh - I am, who was there, who is there, who will be there.” Now Seth took wood from this tree, which grew out of the grave of Adam, and from this wood many things were formed: among them that rod which was Moses' magic wand. And further it was propagated; formed from it was the gate of the temple of Solomon, and later, after it had experienced various other destinies, the cross on which the Redeemer hung.
[ 10 ] Thus legend connects the wood of the cross of Golgotha with the tree that grew from the seeds of the tree of paradise from the tomb of Adam.
[ 11 ] The same secret that I hinted at today is hidden in this legend. They wanted to say: In primeval times, the human race was such that it had not yet sunk to the flesh filled with desire, but was chaste and pure, like the plant that stretches its calyx towards the sun. Then, through the Fall, human beings descended: their flesh was filled with desire. But everything that man once had in an innocent state he shall have again when, through the path of knowledge, he has created for himself the body without desire, the body as it once was before man entered into knowledge; remember where the ego comes from. The fact that he no longer has that body is connected with the fact that the human being has become a lung-breather, that he has been able to form his red blood. Thus, the present form of the human being is connected with breathing and blood circulation, and that he could become a bearer of knowledge in the present form.
[ 12 ] Now imagine the present body. You can visualize how the oxygen flows in, how it stimulates the red blood, how the red blood runs like a branching tree through the whole body, how the blue blood then runs back, filled with carbonic acid.
[ 13 ] You have two trees within you: the red and the blue blood trees. Without these two, the human being could not exist as a carrier of the I. To do this, the red blood must be absorbed; that is the way our present knowledge is brought about. But with this was linked death; for you transform the red blood into the blue, carbonic acid-filled blood. Hence the teacher of the mysteries of the Old Testament said: Look at yourself, you have within you the red blood tree; had you not received this tree, you would never have become a knowing human being. You partook of the Tree of Knowledge; but at the same time the possibility of giving life out of yourself was thereby taken from you.
[ 14 ] What was once a tree of life has become a killing tree; therefore the blue blood tree within us is the tree of death. That is the present state. But for the initiate a future state presents itself to the soul, where man has the nature of a plant within him, where he will transform the blue blood back into red blood through the heart apparatus within him. Then he will have transformed the tree of death into a tree of life. Man has then become an immortal being; what he was on a lower level, he will be again on a higher one. He will then have within himself the apparatus that is today in the plant. So that in Paradise there is a final state of humanity. And Seth's mission was conceived in such a way that he sees what is at the end of time: the balancing of the two principles in man himself. Thus the tree of life and the tree of knowledge intertwine in paradise; in man they can only find each other when man takes refuge in the plant. But how does man now acquire the ability to intertwine the two trees within himself? By developing within himself the three higher members of human nature.
[ 15 ] We have come to know the human being, composed of the physical body, the etheric body, the astral body and the I; and we have seen how the I, when it works on the astral body, gains the first higher part of its being, when it works on the etheric body, the second, and through the work on the physical body, the third. Thus the future human being will be the seven-folded one, who will still have spirit-self, spirit of life and spirit-man. When man has so transformed his lower nature, then he will have within himself the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. Thus man has been given at the starting-point of his development the prerequisite for his three higher members of being in the disposition of his I.
[ 16 ] Seth takes three seeds, and the first I-human, Adam, lets these three seeds grow into a tree. In this tree is present that which passes through all your embodiments. In the first embodiment, the I was at a very low level, and from embodiment to embodiment it reaches ever higher levels. What grows out of it is the symbol of the eternal in man, which will find its highest perfection at the end of the earthly state. But man can only attain it by uniting with all that is highest that has come to meet him on the spiritual path. Everything that has guided humanity up the path - the rod of Moses, the Temple of Solomon, and finally the cross of Golgotha - all this helps man to fully express the higher trinity. And the cross of Golgotha was what indicated the way to the highest human perfection. It was placed in the mouth of Adam at the beginning as the germ from which that tree grew —- one could not express it more beautifully than as it is done here —- and emerged from the wood that Seth had obtained in this way. There you have the path of man as he walks through the ages, the path of man through time. What man must achieve in the future: the transmutation of his being, the ability to generate carbon within himself out of his own power, is what the plant can do today. And this alchemy of the plant, man will be able to master in the future.
[ 17 ] The alchemical preparation of what I have just described is achieved by giving the Rosicrucian disciple certain instructions on how to regulate his breathing process. This is something that can only be understood according to the principle: constant dripping wears away the stone. But the Rosicrucian disciple works at it. Just as the drop, small and tiny, only effects the cavity in the stone after a long time, so the progress of the human body is effected by this process of regulating breathing. The instructions that the Rosicrucian student has to follow are such that they put him on the path to making the preparation today, so that his ego acquires the ability to build the next bodies in a different way. This, of course, means that you have what you will later have in the physical environment in the spiritual world already now. The Rosicrucian method consists in preparing for the future state in the slow process and acquiring the ability to see this state in the higher worlds even now. So the Rosicrucian disciple does two things: first, he works for the future of humanity, and second, he acquires the ability to see in the spiritual world; he sees that which later descends into physical reality.
[ 18 ] Now you also understand the instructions that the strange man had printed but did not understand. The “philosopher's stone” is ordinary black coal; but you must learn the process that teaches you to work with carbon through inner power: this is the progress of humanity. In today's coal you have a model of what will one day be the most important substance for man, even if it looks quite different. Remember the bright diamond: it is also only carbon! This is what is called the “preparation of the philosopher's stone” in the Rosicrucian worldview. Behind it lies hidden a process of human transformation and a summons to work on the future conditions of humanity. All who work in this way are preparing the human vehicles for the future, the vehicles which the souls will need later.
[ 19 ] There is a word that expresses this work on the future very beautifully, and that we will understand when we realize the difference between soul and racial development. They were all Atlanteans in the past, and these Atlantean bodies looked quite different, as I have already described to you. The same soul that was somewhere in an Atlantean body is in your body today. But not all bodies, like yours today, have been prepared by a few colonists - those who moved from west to east at that time. Those who remained behind, who, as they say, connected with the race, they have degenerated, while the advanced have founded new cultures. The last stragglers on the way to the east, the Mongols, have retained some of the culture of the Atlanteans. Likewise, the bodies of those people who will not continue to develop progressively will grow beyond the next turn of time and form the Chinese of the future. There will again be peoples in a state of decadence. There are also souls living in the Chinese bodies that, because they have had too great an attraction to the race, must once again be embodied in such races. The souls that are in you today will later be embodied in bodies that come from those who work in the indicated way today, and who produce the bodies of the future, just as the first colonists of the Atlanteans did in the past. And those who cling to the everyday, who do not want to connect with what the future holds, will merge with the race. There are those who want to hold fast to what has been handed down from the past, who want nothing to do with progress; who will not listen to those who point the way to ever new forms of human existence.
[ 20 ] Mythology has preserved this tendency in a wonderful way. It could not express this better than by pointing to one of the greatest who spoke these words: “He who does not leave father and mother, wife and child, brother and sister, and who does not love me even to death, cannot be my disciple,” and, on the other hand, by depicting the sadness in a person who says, “I want nothing to do with such a leader!” and rejects him. How could this be expressed more clearly than in the image of him who rejects the leader and is unable to ascend? This is the saga of Ahasver, the Eternal Jew, who sat and pushed away the greatest leader, Christ Jesus, wanted nothing to do with evolution, and who therefore must remain with his race, must always return to his race. These are the myths that have been given to mankind for ever so that they know what is at stake.
[ 21 ] This fourth step of the Rosicrucian training is to be understood as something tremendously profound, and so the “preparation of the philosopher's stone” fits into the evolution of mankind.
[ 22 ] The fifth is the “correspondence between microcosm and macrocosm”. The whole complicated human body, as it is today, has developed in a certain way. I have led you through the Saturn, Sun, Moon and Earth conditions. Of all that is in your body today, only the first rudiments of your sense organs were present on Saturn, embedded in the mass of Saturn like crystals are embedded in the mountains today. On the sun, your highest organs, all the glands, were arranged so as to cover its surface. On the moon, the organs that today make up your nervous system were spread over the surface of the moon. The moon had a nervous system, and the individual human animals that were there first acquired a nervous system on the moon. On earth, man got his bone system, because there was no mineral kingdom on the moon at all.
[ 23 ] Thus you see how artfully man has put himself together. What is now in us as an eye was spread over the whole of Saturn as an eye; what was in the great world has been drawn into us. The Secret Doctrine can now tell you how each individual organ is connected with the great world outside: the liver, spleen, heart and so on, with what corresponds to them in the outer world and what had to happen in the outer world for them to form. There are means in the Rosicrucian doctrine of knowledge through which we can delve into ourselves under the guidance of our sense organs, inwardly immersing ourselves in the eyes and ears, and thereby gain a clairvoyant insight into the formation of these organs.
[ 24 ] I have taken you to the point in the Atlantean development when the etheric body was still so far out that it could not connect with the point above the bridge of the nose here in the head. We have seen how the etheric body then moved into the physical body, how the physical body then took on its present form. There is now a method of contemplation with a very specific formula that is only passed from person to person. When you use it to contemplate the point where the head is connected to that point of the ether head that we were talking about, you will gain insight into that point in time of the earth, into the way the earth looked at that time, when that part of the ether head moved into the physical head. In this way you can delve into every link of your microcosm and thereby get to know the forces of the macrocosm, that which the architects of the world have assembled in you. According to the instructions of occultism, you can therefore get to know the macrocosm; for all things in the world, out there in the macrocosm, there is an organ in the microcosm. Man is the most complex being. Just as you can deduce the sender of a telegram from the message sent, so you can learn to recognize the creator of the human body by delving into the organ.
[ 25 ] This brings us to the sixth stage, which is called “immersion in the macrocosm”. Those who have thus come to know within themselves the relationship of the microcosm to the macrocosm have expanded to include knowledge of the whole world. This is the meaning of the old saying: Know Thyself! Much harm has been done by the fact that theosophists said: Within you is already the whole God, within you is already the highest. You only need to look within yourself, then you will recognize the whole world!
[ 26 ] This brooding within oneself is the most foolish stuff there can be; through it one gets to know only his lower self, which he already has. No one learns more through it than he already has. Real self-knowledge comes about only in the complicated way described, and at the same time it is knowledge of the world. Real theosophy is not in a position to make it so easy for people; it has to say: In quiet, serious contemplation, you must come to know even the most complicated being that exists. You cannot get to know God except by getting to know Him piece by piece in the world. Patience and perseverance are required. In quiet, slow progression, you come to know the world. Theosophy cannot give you a formula that will bring you all the knowledge. It can only point you in the right direction, so that you can come to self-knowledge and thus to knowledge of the world. Then man will also come to knowledge of God.
[ 27 ] This realization, which comes to man at the sixth stage, is not a dry intellectual realization; this realization is one that brings us intimately together with the world. Once you have attained it, you have an intimate relationship with all things in the world, such as the modern person only knows in the mysterious relationship of love between man and woman, which is based on a secret knowledge of the nature of the other person. Such a relationship, through which you not only understand but feel connected to all beings, just as a lover today feels connected to his beloved, comes to you when you look at the macrocosm. You then have an intimate relationship, a kind of love relationship, with the plant, with every stone, with all the beings in the world. Your love for all beings becomes specialized; they tell you something that they otherwise only tell you when you have not yet descended to knowledge. The animal eats what is good for it and leaves what is not good for it; it has a sympathetic relationship to one thing, an antipathetic relationship to another. In order to attain today's knowledge, man had to lose his direct relationship with things; but he will regain it at a higher level. How does the occultist today know that the plant with the blossom affects man differently than the root? How does he know that the ordinary root works differently than a carrot? Because things speak to him again in the same way as they do to animals. This intimate relationship exists at the lower levels to the exclusion of intellectual consciousness; at the highest levels, it will be consciously available to man.
[ 28 ] When you have come this far, the seventh step will follow naturally. From all this you will have gathered that it is about an insight into emotional impressions and feelings. There is nothing here that does not touch the heart of the human being in the most vivid way; therefore, you must not distinguish between an ideal and an intellectual and spiritual realization. To touch you, to tell you all kinds of beautiful things, that is not the occultist's intention. The occultist tells you the facts of the spiritual world; he would feel shameless if he wanted to touch your feelings directly. But he knows that the facts speak for themselves when they are related; it is these themselves that should evoke the feelings. Therefore, for the Rosicrucian, the personality of the teacher is never a consideration. The teaching has nothing to do with the person. The teacher is only there as an opportunity for the facts to speak to people. And he will speak all the more correctly the more he makes himself the means of expression for the contemplation of the higher worlds. He who still believes and thinks and has opinions of his own is not suited to be an occult teacher. For if it were not objectivity but feeling that decided, then you might say: two times two is five!
[ 29 ] Thus you see how the Rosicrucian gradually works his way up to the knowledge of the higher worlds through the various things he has to develop within himself. For this, however, a guide is necessary, but everyone will find it at the right time if they seek it earnestly.
[ 30 ] You must not think that in the case of personal instruction these seven steps are gone through one after the other. The teacher selects what is particularly suitable for the individual. I have also wanted to mention the preliminary stages. From these I will now pick out only two things to show you that other things must be developed before one proceeds to the more rigorous exercises. There is one thing that must be practiced from the very beginning: concentration, concentration of thought. Consider how your thoughts flit about from morning till night! Thoughts come to you from here and there and draw you away. Now, as a Rosicrucian student, you have to set aside a period of time when you are the master of your thoughts, when you take an uninteresting subject and think about it. This will have an extremely beneficial effect on you. Time is not important; energy, patience and perseverance are necessary.
[ 31 ] The other is what is called “positivity,” which consists in seeking out in life what is best characterized by a Persian legend about the Christ Jesus: When the Christ Jesus was once walking with his disciples, they found a dead dog lying by the side of the road that was already beginning to decompose. The disciples, who were not yet as far as the Christ Jesus, turned away from the ugly sight, only the Christ Jesus remained standing, looked meaningfully at the animal and said, “What beautiful teeth the animal has!”
[ 32 ] Whatever is ugly in the world, there is always something beautiful in the ugly, in every untruth a grain of truth, in every evil a good. You don't have to become uncritical! It is often misunderstood to mean that one should never find anything bad and so on; but it is meant that in every ugly thing there is still a grain of beauty and in every evil something good. This drives up the higher powers of the soul. All this is already part of the preparation.
[ 33 ] I had initially wanted to give you an idea of the spirit in which the Christian-Gnostic training takes place. In the Rosicrucian training you will find the deepest, most genuine Christianity. You can be a Christian in the truest sense of the word, despite all modern life. One could be a Christian in the old style as long as there were more opportunities to withdraw from the world and as long as the thought forms in us had not yet been established, which make it so difficult for us to be one today. However, these ideas, formed out of the scientific way of thinking, make it difficult for people to absorb Christianity in its original form. It is precisely the noblest minds that say: I can no longer unite with Christianity today. The spiritual world may live in our environment, but what materialistic times produce in terms of thought forms also lives in us. We are constantly surrounded by the thought forms of material life that have been shaped in this way. So that anyone who is conscientious must say: In our time we need a means that can prove itself in the midst of these ideas flowing into us, in order to maintain us in the face of everything that flows into us from the world. —- It is given to us through spiritual science. If one rejects this means, if one does not want to acquire it, then one is an egoist. Spiritual Science feels itself to be the executor of that which Mediaeval Theosophy also already desired. But it can be understood by everyone, even by those who are familiar with all the justified objections of natural science. Today everyone will be able to find in the Rosicrucian-oriented 'Iheosophy that which leads to a knowledge of the world and also to a peace of the soul, to security in life. The theosophy of the Rosicrucian is not a theory that can be argued about with mere reasons, but a knowledge that must flow into our whole culture. The theosophist trained in the Rosicrucian sense knows everything that can be objected to; he knows all the counter-arguments himself. If one were to argue against it with reasons, it would end up as it once did with Eduard von Hartmann and his “Philosophy of the Unconscious”. Eduard von Hartmann published his “Philosophy of the Unconscious”. In it he had said things about Darwinism and so on that seemed to take a higher standpoint than the materialistic standpoint of scientific research. The scholars all rose up against him, and a flood of criticism against this “Philosophy of the Unconscious” appeared. The greatest dilettante was called Eduard von Hartmann! — Among these many brochures, one also appeared by an anonymous person; in it, the “Philosophy of the Unconscious” was brilliantly refuted with everything that could be cited if one mastered the knowledge of our time. This brochure was met with great approval everywhere. And Oscar Schmidt, the famous zoologist, said, for example: “It's a shame that we don't know who wrote this refutation, because this is a person who is at the cutting edge of natural science in his time!” — And Ernst Haeckel said: “He calls himself, and we count him among our own!” — Indeed, this brochure caused a great stir. And a second edition appeared with the name of the author, Eduard von Hartmann! The naturalists now began to remain silent, and the matter did not become very well known. But it was there after all.
[ 34 ] You see, anyone who has a higher point of view can provide the counter-arguments themselves; they just have to lower themselves to a different point of view. And we too could have provided some such counter-arguments if we had had time to do so. But it was important, because of the shortness of the time, that we received the information that spiritual research is already able to announce today about the facts of the higher world. What matters is that things can have a salutary effect on people, and that spiritual science is able to show how it can be integrated more and more into all branches of human life and fertilize them. And when it has a fertilizing and healing effect, then it will have provided the best proof of its justification through such a fact. This should also be the proof that spiritual science seeks. That is why the theosophist remains quite unafraid when people still say today: All this is just fantasy! — After all, everything that has become a blessing for humanity was once regarded as fantasy. An example of this from the late forties of the 19th century: Our usual postage stamp did not yet exist. The postage stamp was only invented at the end of the forties by a certain Hill - actually by an amateur. The person who had to represent it in parliament gave a strange speech. First, he said, it cannot be that traffic increases in the way this person calculates, and if it did, then you would have to make the building bigger! – What seems quite obvious today – that if traffic increases, the building will also be enlarged – was dismissed in this way. Another example: when the first railroad was to be built, the Medical Council in Bavaria was consulted about it. The gentlemen there said that no railroad should be built because it would have the most terrible consequences for the nervous system of the people who traveled on it. But if a railroad was to be built, then high board walls would have to be built around it so that the others would not suffer from concussion!
[ 35 ] When it first appeared, everything was seen as something fantastic. But spiritual science, if it is to become a fact of life, must penetrate directly into our daily surroundings. When it becomes a power that inspires our whole life, that penetrates into our most everyday actions and activities, only then will it have proved itself as a fact. It is from this point of view that Rosicrucian Theosophy starts, and it is from this point of view that I ask you to understand everything that has been said in these lectures. In the future, it will be possible to develop it into something that will affect the creative powers of the human being and give him new impulses in the fields of medicine and education, art and higher knowledge, something that will flow into all areas of life, inspiring and invigorating them.
[ 36 ] It is from this point of view that such lectures are given, and it is from this point of view that I ask you to receive them.