The Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man
GA 102
6 January 1908, Berlin
Translator Unknown
Lecture I
Today we shall have to speak from the aspect of Spiritual Science about various facts and beings of the higher worlds and about their connection with man. It must be pointed out from the outset, although in such a working group it might seem unnecessary, that today's lecture is intended for those students of spiritual matters who have reached a more advanced stage. This must be possible from time to time. One who is a newcomer at these Monday lectures may perhaps feel somewhat surprised by what is said today, yet we should make no progress if we did not sometimes discuss things pertaining to the higher spheres of spiritual science. It is possible that someone who has only lately met the truths of Spiritual Science and is waiting to be convinced may find a sort of craziness in many things to be expressed today, but such provinces must be touched upon from time to time.
You will have gathered from the lectures given here recently that when we ascend with clairvoyance into the higher worlds we there meet with beings who, it is true, do not belong to our physical world, but who are in themselves so independent that we can describe them as ‘persons’ for those worlds, just as we call men here on the physical plane ‘persons.’ You have seen that groups of animals of the same species together belong to a group-soul or group-ego and that on the astral plane we come upon the lion-soul, the tiger-soul, and so on, as independent personalities whom we can meet there as we meet the human being on the physical plane. In the same way we find in still higher regions, on the devachanic plane, the egos of quite large plant groups, and in the highest parts of Devachan we find the egos of the minerals, personalities as distinct as men are here on the physical plane. We saw in this way that in these higher worlds we meet with certain beings who, so to speak, extend part of their organism, their separate members, down into the physical plane. If a man were to extend his fingers through openings in a curtain or partition we should only see the ten fingers, the man himself would be behind the partition. So it is with the group-egos of the animals. Here with the physical eye we see what is extended down below as members by higher beings of the astral world, and the actual ego is behind the partition, behind that wall which separates the physical world from the astral world. And in a corresponding way this holds good for the other group-egos, the group-egos of the plant or the mineral world. When we raise ourselves from the physical world into higher worlds we meet not only these beings who have been described as extending their members down below here, but we meet a whole number of other beings who may equally well be considered personalities for those worlds, but whose physical members are not so directly visible and evident as those of the group egos of animals, plants, and minerals.
The astral plane and devachanic plane are in fact densely populated worlds. We find many kinds of beings there whose effects are manifested here on the physical plane though not obviously, and who have much to do with the physical plane, with our whole modern human life. One does not understand this life if one does not know that beings who live above in higher worlds are active within it. In the human body itself much goes on over which man is not master, which is not the expression of the human ego but the deed, effect, manifestation, of beings of higher worlds. It is of these things that we will speak today.
When we observe the astral plane we come upon certain beings there—only one kind among many—who seem to have no expression or manifestation among the beings found on the physical plane, but who are yet connected with it. There on the astral plane we meet with them as astral beings—with pronounced will, pronounced purposes, and so on. Within our immediate world they have this existence on the astral plane, but they are related, belong, to the same sort of beings as inhabit our present moon, having even a certain physical existence on the moon. One who is able to approach these things clairvoyantly knows that on their scene of action, the moon, these are beings in a certain respect similar to man, but that they are dwarfs in comparison, scarcely reaching the height of a six or seven year old child. Upon the moon, however, a particular opportunity is offered them for their activity. The physical conditions are quite different there, the atmosphere for instance is quite different and in consequence when these beings withdraw, so to speak, to their habitat they acquire the faculty of a tremendous roaring, of uttering immensely powerful, frightful sounds. These dwarf-like beings can maintain an astral existence within our world. You must in fact picture conditions in the higher worlds as being much more complicated than people are wont to do.
As soon as we speak from the aspect of the higher worlds, there exists an unbroken connection between the different planets and so the moon is connected with the earth just as for instance Berlin and Hamburg are connected by the telephone. Beings that live on the moon can therefore carry out their operations on the earth with the aid of astral forces. One might call them the reverse side of other beings whom we also find in the astral world, beneficent beings who, compared even with the mildest human nature, are yet much, much milder—in their speech too, very mild and gentle. The speech of these beings has not that aridity of human language which a man must ponder over a long time if he is to express himself, and clothe his thoughts and ideas in words. One could say that the thoughts of these beings flow from their lips—not merely the expression of the thoughts in words, but thoughts themselves flow in a gentle language from their lips. These beings are likewise to be found within our astral world; they have their actual scene of action on another planet. As the first-named beings are at home on the moon, these second are at home on Mars, they inhabit Mars and are in fact the main population—as certain human races are the principal population on our earth. If we then mount up higher to the devachanic plane we find certain beings who in their own way are also of a mild, peaceable nature and who in a certain respect are extraordinarily clever. These beings to be found on the devachanic plane have their actual home on the planet Venus, as the other beings on moon and Mars. On Venus too we find yet a second species of beings who—in contrast to the gentle, amiable kind—present a wild and furious vitality, and whose principal occupation consists in mutual fighting and plunder.
Again we find on the higher parts of the devachanic plane certain beings who are very difficult to describe. We can only do so comparatively by saying that they are infinitely inventive: at every moment of life they devise something—for it would be false to say that they think it out. Their inventive gift is rather as if one were to look at something and at the same instant—even in the beholding—one had the impression of how one could form it differently. Invention comes to them spontaneously. These beings, who have their home on Saturn, are again confronted by others who seem to be their reverse side; savage, horrible beings who possess to an infinitely higher, more frightful degree all that lives in man as wild, sensual greed and inordinate desire.
Now all these beings who have been mentioned are by no means unconnected with our existence. Their deeds, activities, manifestations, are definitely extended into our life and their action is particularly to be traced by clairvoyance when certain conditions appear on earth. Thus the beings who—naturally as astral beings—are at home on the moon are present on earth in the most varied circumstances, when for instance a man falls a prey to illusionary ideas, or where insane people are gathered. Such astral beings show special preference for the neighborhood of insane asylums. They are, moreover, almost always to be found near mediums and somnambulists; these persons have such beings swirling round them, and a large proportion of the influences that are exercised upon them is derived from the presence of these creatures. Where on the other hand love and kindliness prevail, where humanitarianism is unfolded, there you find the mild, gentle Mars beings present as astral creations, taking part in the forces which are there at work. That is nourishment for them, the atmosphere in which they can live and whence they exercise their influence on man.
Whenever human discoveries are made, where engineers are at work, in technical workshops, there the atmosphere is created for the inventive Saturn beings. On the other hand where some sort of activity is developed which has to do with presence of mind, beings are there who have their seat on Venus.
So you see how man in the most varied circumstances is continually accompanied by such swirling elemental beings, as they may be called. Man is really never alone; whatever he does and whatever he undertakes is at the same time an opportunity for the development of a number of beings. Man's deeds, both fine and crude, deeds of idealism and the most ugly deeds, all give an opportunity for the presence of creatures who encroach into man's forces and occupy themselves there and whom one must know if one is to get a true view of life. He who does not realize these things passes through life in complete blindness. We are not concerned here with mere theory or a theoretical challenge; all these things are directly practical. For man will only little by little in the future earthly evolution learn to act and frame his conduct on right lines, when he begins to recognize what creatures are summoned in response to certain deeds and circumstances. Everything that man does is like a summons to unknown beings. It is not only the insane or mediums that these moon beings—among whom are thoroughly malevolent little rascals, can venture to approach; when, for instance, young children are overfed in such a senseless way that they become greedy, then these beings can sidle up to them and spoil their development. You see then how necessary it is for man to know what he stirs up around him through his behavior and whole attitude in the world!
Now these beings in yet another respect are by no means unconnected with man. They have on the contrary a deep relation to our human structure. Of all that exists in the human body, there is actually only one thing that belongs or can increasingly belong to man—and that is his blood. Man's blood is the direct expression of his ego. If however he is not perpetually careful to strengthen his ego inwardly through a strong and vigorous will, through strong forces of his soul, if so to speak, he loses control of his ego then other beings can fasten upon his blood, and that is very grave and evil for him. On the other hand, many other beings are anchored in other parts of the present human organism. We will now see all that actually stretches its feelers into the human body, all that is anchored there. But we must first examine the human body a little.
You are aware that the blood as it flows through the arteries and spreads out in the body is the expression of man's ego and that it becomes a stronger and stronger expression as the ego itself finds its centre, finds its inner centre of strength in an increasing degree. Man's ego will only in a far distant future obtain control of other enclosed portions of the organism. Many other beings are still contained to-day in these other constituents of the human body. Let us call to mind, for example, the three bodily humors, the three juices, chyle, lymph, blood, in order to study them more closely. You perhaps know the significance that these three kinds of fluid have for man. You know that when food is taken in, it is first conveyed through the preparatory organs into the stomach, mixed and prepared with the right juices secreted by the glands so that it can be worked upon through the intestines. There the food is brought into a pulpy condition, the chyme, which is conveyed forwards through the intestines. Whatever can form nutritious material for man is then passed into the body through minute vascular organs called the ‘villi’ in order to serve as nutritive juices for renewing the body. This is one of the substances which we have in the body and which we call the ‘chyle.’
Then perhaps you also know that besides the chyle, which is produced through the entry into the human body of food from outside, there are other vessels inside the body of a similar nature which conduct a species of fluid resembling in a certain respect the white substance in our blood. This juice flows through the whole human organism in certain vessels which very largely take the same course as the blood vessels we call veins, because they contain blue-red blood. These even take up the chyle too. The fluid which they contain is the lymph. This is a juice which one might say is spiritualized in comparison with the uniform food juice, the chyle. The vessels which convey the lymph take their course throughout the whole body, in a certain respect they even pass through the bone marrow and what they convey then absorbs the chyle too. All the lymph which is spread out and runs through the left half of the body and lower extremities—that is the left side of the head, left side of the trunk, the left hand and both legs—all this is collected, flows into the left clavicular vein and then empties into the blood circulation. Only the lymph contained in vessels on the right side of the head and the right side of the trunk, unite and enter the right clavicular vein so that in this way the lymph vessels become the expression of an important fact.
You see how man is divided into two parts; not, indeed, symmetrically, but so that one part comprises all the lower parts of the body with the left half of the trunk and head, while the other part is formed from the right side of the trunk and head. Lymph is a second fluid pulsating in man, a fluid that stands much nearer to the soul than does the chyle, the gastric and intestinal juices of the chyle. It is true that the digestion and the whole circulation of the chyle are also influenced greatly by the soul conditions, but these are much more deeply connected with the lymph. In a man who is very active and energetic the lymph flows much more vigorously than in a man who is heavy, lazy and inactive. We could instance many conditions of the soul which are connected with the course of the lymph in the human body.
The third fluid is the blood, of which we have often spoken. It comprises a red life-giving blood, rich in oxygen that flows in the arteries and a blue-red blood rich in carbon that flows in the veins. And as our blood is the expression of our ego, so is the lymph in a certain direction the expression of the human astral body. Such things do not manifest themselves merely in one direction. From another aspect the nerve-system is the expression of the astral body. To-day we will consider the aspect in which the deed, the revelation, the expression, of the astral body is the lymph. Just as a man can fill two professions so too can the astral body be on the one hand the builder of the nerve-system, and on the other hand the builder, the creator, of the lymph. In the same way man's etheric body is the builder and creator of the whole glandular system, as well as in another aspect the organizer, creator, and controller of the circulation of the chyle. Here you have the connection of these fluids taking their course in the human body, with the members of human nature itself.
Now we must be clear that in the human astral body and etheric body, the ego is definitely not the only master. Gradually in the course of evolution man's ego attains to a greater control over his astral body and his etheric body as he changes the former into spirit-self or Manas and the latter into life spirit or Budhi. But as long as man has not control of these parts of his being, other beings are connected with these human members.
In the human astral body other beings are embedded like the maggots in cheese—forgive the unappetizing comparison—but so it is. And in fact the astral beings which are embedded in, and connected with, the human astral body are those whom I have described as having their real habitat on the moon or Mars, according as they are benevolent or malevolent. They anchor themselves there. And lymph, the whitish juice that courses through man, belongs to the body of beings who live in our astral world. To be sure, these beings of the astral plane, with their real home on the moon or Mars, are not so obvious as are the animal group-egos. But they are of such an astral nature that in a certain other direction we can say: just as in an animal group, a group of lions, for instance, we have a kind of manifestation of the distinct personality on the astral plane, the lion-ego, so in the lymph passing through the human body we have, though not so obviously, the manifestation, the extended members, of these astral beings.
Then—you may ask—have these astral beings as much a kind of physical existence as the group-souls of the animals, as the group-ego of the Lion-species in its manifestation in the single lions here on the physical plane? If you ask this question, one would have to answer: yes, they have. Just as in the case of the animals we saw that the astral group-ego extends its separate members into the separate lion-individuals, so these astral beings also extend their physical being here. They could not, however, extend it from outside into the physical plane; for this they need beings on the physical plane whose parasites they are, into whom they fasten and bore. They are here the parasites of men. If there were no human race here on earth they would very soon take their departure; they could find no dwelling place, it would not suit them here. But there are beings, men and higher animals, who have lymph and there these beings have their physical manifestation. Thus not merely a material substance pulses through our body but in such circulation move whole hosts of these beings. They revolve through man, move along through him and have their bodies in the lymph—whereas the actual human being, the ego-man has his body, to begin with, merely in the blood. And the preponderance of moon beings or Mars beings of this nature circling through a man gives his lymph its special character. If more moon beings circulate through his body he is a man who inclines more easily to wrong-doing, irritation, and anger, if more Mars beings, then he is a man who is more inclined to gentleness, kindliness, mildness. You see how man is not traversed merely by fluids but also by spirits, and how one only understands man when one knows that spirits pass through him and not fluids merely.
Now if you examine clairvoyantly what one calls chyle, that is, the external expression of the human etheric body, you find that similar beings are also incorporated into this. The beings primarily anchored there are those whom we have already characterized as the good and the evil Venus beings, those having their home on Venus and existing in our devachanic world. There they are personalities for clairvoyant vision and they have their expression, their manifestation, here in physical life in the human chyle—however strange that may seem. Living in this fluid that courses through the human body, these beings have their actual home on the devachanic plane, and in so far as they take on a physical body, have their physical life on Venus. And since Venus is connected in a certain way through its forces with our whole earthly vegetation and all that lives on earth, you will realize the connection existing between man's nourishment and the effect produced in him through what he takes in as nourishment. That most assuredly is not a matter of indifference. Influences of the Venus beings live in all the plants and naturally also in the animal kingdom. The influences may come on the one hand from the good, gentle, mild Venus beings, or on the other hand, from the wild beings who have been described to you as greedy for plunder and engaged in conflict with each other. According as the one or the other kind work upon our animals and plants, so are virtues or vices built into man's body when the flesh of these animals or the food obtained from these plants are transformed into the chyle.
By this you can see, from a higher standpoint than could he presented in earlier lectures, how important it is to know about human nutrition from the aspect of spiritual science, to know the influences under which the various plants and animals are standing. You can gather, for instance, that one who knows that plants and animals standing under certain celestial influences flourish in a certain country, can also learn to grasp how a quite definite national character must arise. For in everything that man consumes from his environment he eats, not only the substances analyzed by chemistry, he eats at the same time definite spirits, and it is these spirits which enter through his mouth into the stomach and spread out through his being. There the perspective opens to us of how the character of a people can be known from the deeper geographical constitution of a country.
Do not forget a remark which you can find in the lecture on the1Rudolf Steiner, The Lord's Prayer, Anthroposophic Press, New York. where such a fact was presented from quite a different aspect. There it was stated that man stands in a certain relation to his whole people through his etheric body, and is connected through his astral body with his nearer surroundings.
Here again you see illuminated from a still deeper aspect how folk-character is formed from the spiritual beings which are absorbed into man with his food. It is one of the means by which the great spiritual guidance of the earth distributes the different national characters over the earth; foods which produce one or another effect have been distributed in such a way that the character of a certain people arises from the nourishment that it obtains. That does not lead in a round-about way to materialism: spiritual science shows how everything of a material nature is a revelation of the spirit and how in a way unknown to man spiritual influences are themselves diffused within him.
It is more difficult to understand the way in which the Saturn spirits work upon man. There are on the one hand Saturn spirits who directly they observe anything immediately make some invention, on the other hand there are those who develop terribly disordered passions of a sensual nature, in comparison with which all that man can develop in this direction is child's play. These Saturn spirits insinuate themselves into the human body in a still more hidden way, namely, through sense perception. When we turn our eye to a beautiful, pure and noble thing, a concept is aroused in us; when we turn our eye to a sordid, ignoble thing then a different concept is aroused. Now when a concept is called forth in the soul through outer impressions there slip into man at the same time these Saturn spirits—the good and the bad. And through all that man by his mere sympathies and antipathies unfolds around himself as environment, as what he hears and sees and smells, he exposes himself to the insinuations of the one or other order of the Saturn-spirits. When man is sensing they draw into him through eyes and ears and the whole skin. It is quite frightful, for instance, to observe occultly what dissolute spirits insinuate themselves into the nose of persons out of their surroundings, through many perfumes that are highly prized in human society—quite apart from what slinks into the nose of those who carry these perfumes on their own person.
We see from this how finely and closely one must observe the most everyday things from the spiritual standpoint if one wants to be clear about life. Much could be told you of people who more or less consciously knew how to command spirits which particularly work upon man through scents and slip into him with the perfume. If you had a deeper, more intimate knowledge of various things in history, particularly the history of France at the time of Louis XIII, XIV, and XV, with all the arts developed there, where in fact aromas played an important part in the drama of intrigue, you would then have an idea of what men are able to do—consciously or unconsciously—who know how to command the spirits which creep into human sense perception in perfumes. I could refer you to quite an attractive book2Dr. Vladan Georgevitch: Das Ende der Obrenovitch (Leipzig, 1905). that has been written recently by the Minister of a little Court. He wrote it naturally without any knowledge of these facts, but he was quite clear about the effects. It is a very interesting book about this little Court where a notable catastrophe took place in recent years, and where the Minister and dignitary concerned describes from his Memoirs the machinations of a person3Draga Maschin, who was murdered with Alexander I of Serbia at Belgrade on June 11, 1903. who in a certain way knew how to command aromas and their spirits. And he describes it with a certain satisfaction because he was armed against it and had not fallen a victim. You see, these things are not without significance and effect for practical life. When one understands life not as a blind materialist, but as a seeing man, then one can trace the spiritual influences everywhere—and if the influences are known, life is understood for the first time.
So you see how we must picture man to ourselves as quite a complicated being, as an associate of many kinds of worlds, many kinds of beings. One who advances on the path of occult development to ever higher stages of knowledge learns to know these beings in their special nature and thereby becomes independent of them, he is able to view them from an independent standpoint. To take into oneself the truth concerning higher worlds means to become really free, really mature, for we are then aware of the activities and impulses which pulse and flow through our life. Learning to know one's way means at the same time to become free and independent.
And just as one can point to certain fluids pulsing through man, so can certain human organs be indicated in which beings of the higher worlds likewise find their expression and manifestation. Thus, for instance, the beings just described to you as Saturn beings find their expression in a certain respect in the human liver. You must of course be clear that if one really wants to understand Spiritual Science one discovers it to be a very complicated domain.
You are aware that in the Saturn development of human evolution the first inception of the senses came into existence through the forces of Saturn. In a similar way Saturn still works into man and among his inner bodily organs it is the liver upon which the Saturn forces have a strong and intensive influence. The human being who is on the way to evolve beyond everything of a Saturn nature, must therefore grow beyond the forces which are anchored in his liver. And although certain forces are present in the liver from which man must free himself, yet they were necessary to enable him to come to his present form and shape; they must however be overcome. You can prove this in a certain way by external evidence. You can discover, for instance, that in the period before birth and directly after birth, when the human body is being built up, the liver occupies the greatest space in relation to the rest of the body and that then it becomes smaller and smaller. In fact the ratio at birth could be given as 1:18 whereas the relation later is 1:36. The liver decreases approximately by one half, and thus by purely natural development man overcomes the forces rooted in it.
Inasmuch as earthly man is intended to evolve to higher and higher spirituality he has acquired as an outward physical expression the power to overcome the liver forces. In a certain way the lungs represent the counter-organ to the liver. They do not enclose everything egotistically in themselves as the liver does, they open man fully outwards, he stands in continual communication with the world through the air that he takes in and again gives out. A combustion goes on in the lungs. The blue-red carbon-rich blood enters the lungs and is transformed through its combination with oxygen into red life-giving blood. Just as in a burning flame the substances unite with the oxygen, so in the lungs there is a process of burning. Breathing may be called a combustion process, and with this breathing and combustion process man has been endowed with the prospect of attaining a higher and higher evolution. The forces which built him up have reached their ultimate stage in the liver. The forces which he receives like a fire from the air will rescue him from the forces chaining him to earth. The fire which man receives from the air and which is expressed in his breathing is that which leads him upwards to ever higher spheres.
Myths and legends are always deeper and more filled with wisdom than our apparently advanced science. In the Prometheus myth we have a magnificent expression of what has just been related from the facts of human life. The myth says that Prometheus brought man fire from heaven and indicates in this way that Prometheus participates in the process which is expressed in the human breath and which leads man upwards. But a wonderful explanation is given: because Prometheus raises himself above the forces which chain man to the earth and opposes them, because he is the one to give man this force of the fire, therefore he must suffer for it. The suffering is wonderfully represented as the fact underlying the Myth, namely, a vulture devours the liver of the fettered Prometheus. How could it be shown more finely and wisely that the forces streaming into us with the breathing process gnaw at the liver and that he who accomplishes in advance what is accomplished by mankind in a far future, stands there like a crucified one—how that which sinks down out of the air, eats into the liver!
Thus the initiates have expressed the mighty truths of existence in the myths. There is no myth really drawn from the Mysteries which does not express deep wisdom which can afterwards be checked. When, equipped with the knowledge of spiritual science, we approach the myths we must stand before them in reverence. They have been revealed by the higher Spiritual Beings to man so that he may first learn in pictures what he must later attain in clear concepts. More and more it will be realized that the myths contain wisdom and if one would find deepest wisdom displayed in any sphere of life, one must go to the myths. This has been known to those who have created out of the depths of art. Deep truth, for instance, underlies Richard Wagner's relation to mythology, and it has come to expression in his work in an artistic way. Our time is one which will reascend from a merely physical commonplaceness to a completely spiritual stream. If you look into what pulsates in our time from this standpoint you will understand in ever deeper sense the task of Spiritual Science.
Thus, starting from the study of higher worlds we have come to recognize the actual mission of Spiritual Science. It is to enable man to learn to know life, and when he is working and creating to show him what is secretly working with him when he moves his hand, when he creates with spirit, soul, and body. Through spiritual knowledge he will become more and more conscious of the beings who are his companions, and will live and create with them in harmony. Thus spiritual research will reveal to him the fullness of reality and enable him to bring knowledge and wisdom into life.
Erster Vortrag
[ 1 ] Heute werden wir einiges zu besprechen haben vom geisteswissenschaftlichen Standpunkt aus über Tatsachen und Wesenheiten in höheren Welten und über den Zusammenhang solcher Wesenheiten und Tatsachen mit dem Menschen. Von vornherein muß, obwohl es scheinen könnte, daß dies in einem solchen theosophischen Zweig nicht notwendig sei, darauf aufmerksam gemacht werden, daß der heutige Vortrag zu denjenigen gehören wird, die man für Theosophen in einem vorgeschrittenen Stadium hält. Auch so etwas muß ja einmal möglich sein in einem theosophischen Zweig. Wer daher vielleicht erst seit kürzerer Zeit an diesen Montagvorträgen teilnimmt, kann sich durch manches, was heute besprochen wird, noch etwas befremdet fühlen; aber wir würden nicht weiterkommen, wenn wir nicht auch einmal Dinge der höheren Gebiete der Theosophie besprechen wollten. Wer etwa ein ganzer Neuling ist und vielleicht erst darauf wartet, von den geisteswissenschaftlichen Wahrheiten überzeugt zu werden, könnte in mancherlei, was heute zur Sprache kommt, etwas wie Wahnwitz finden; aber solche Gebiete müssen auch einmal berührt werden.
[ 2 ] Aus den Vorträgen, die in den letzten Zeiten hier gehalten worden sind, konnten Sie entnehmen, daß, wenn wir von dem physischen Plan hellseherisch hinaufsteigen in die höheren Welten, wir da Wesen antreffen, die zwar nicht unserer physischen Welt angehören, die aber als Wesen der höheren Welten so in sich abgeschlossene Wesenheiten sind, daß wir sie für jene Welten ebenso als Personen bezeichnen können, wie wir die Menschen hier auf dem physischen Plan als Personen bezeichnen. Sie haben gesehen, daß ganze, gleich oder ähnlich gestaltete Gruppen von Tieren zusammen zu einer Gruppenseele oder einem Gruppen-Ich gehören, und daß wir die Löwenseele, die Tigerseele und andere Gruppen-Iche der Tiere wie abgeschlossene Personen auf dem Astralplan treffen, denen wir dort begegnen können, wenn wir - trivial gesprochen — auf dem Astralplan spazierengehen, so wie wir den Menschen der physischen Welt hier begegnen können. Ebenso finden wir in noch höheren Gebieten, auf dem Devachanplan, die Iche von ganzen Pflanzengruppen, und in den höchsten Partien des Devachans finden wir die Iche der Mineralien als abgeschlossene Persönlichkeiten, wie es hier die Menschen auf dem physischen Plan sind. Daraus sehen wir, daß wir in diesen höheren Welten gewisse Wesenheiten antreffen, die sozusagen ihre Organe, ihre einzelnen Glieder hinunterstrecken bis in die physische Welt. Wenn der Mensch seine Finger zeigen würde, indem er sie durch einen Vorhang oder durch eine Papierwand, in der ein Loch ist, hindurchstreckte, so würden wir da nur die zehn Finger vom Menschen sehen; er selbst wäre hinter der Wand. So ist es mit den Gruppen-Ichen der Tiere. Wir sehen hier mit den physischen Augen das, was von höheren Wesenheiten des Astralplans als Glieder heruntergestreckt wird, und das eigentliche Ich ist hinter der Wand - hinter jener Wand, welche die physische Welt von der astralischen trennt. Und so ist es in entsprechender Weise mit den anderen Gruppen-Ichen, mit den Gruppen-Ichen der Pflanzen oder der mineralischen Welt. Wenn wir uns von diesem Ausgangspunkt der physischen Welt aus hinaufbegeben in höhere Welten, treffen wir dort nicht allein die eben hier genannten Wesen an, die ihre Glieder hier in die physische Welt hinuntererstrecken, sondern wir treffen eine ganze Anzahl anderer Wesenheiten, die wir ebenso als für sich abgeschlossene Persönlichkeiten für jene Welten bezeichnen können, deren physische Glieder aber nicht so unmittelbar anschaulich und nachweislich sind wie die der genannten Gruppen-Iche der Tiere, Pflanzen und Mineralien.
[ 3 ] Der astralische Plan und der Devachanplan sind eben sehr bevölkerte Welten, und mancherlei Wesenheiten finden wir dort, die, wenn sie auch nicht in so handgreiflicher Art in ihren Offenbarungen hier zu beobachten sind, dennoch ihre Wirkungen, ihre Taten hier auf dem physischen Plan äußern, und die mit dem physischen Plan, mit unserem ganzen heutigen menschlichen Leben sehr viel zu tun haben. Man begreift das Menschenleben nicht, wenn man nicht weiß, daß innerhalb des menschlichen Lebens solche Wesen tätig sind, die oben in höheren Welten leben. Im menschlichen Leibe selber geht vieles vor, worüber der Mensch nicht Herr ist, was nicht Ausdruck des menschlichen Ich ist, sondern Tat, Wirkung, Offenbarung von Wesenheiten der höheren Welten. Von solchen Dingen wollen wir heute sprechen.
[ 4 ] Wenn wir den astralischen Plan betrachten, treffen wir dort gewisse Wesenheiten an - nur eine Art unter vielen anderen -, die unter den Wesenheiten des physischen Plans, die wir zunächst beobachten, scheinbar keine Äußerung, keine Offenbarung haben, die aber doch mit unserem physischen Plan zusammenhängen. Wir treffen sie dort auf dem astralischen Plan als astralische Wesenheiten mit einem ausgesprochenen Willen, mit ausgesprochenen Absichten. Solche Wesenheiten haben innerhalb unserer unmittelbaren Welt ein solches Dasein, daß wir sie, wie gesagt, auf dem astralischen Plan antreffen können; aber sie sind verwandt, sie gehören zu derselben Art von Wesenheiten, die unseren heutigen Mond bewohnen, die auf unserem jetzigen Mond sogar ein gewisses physisches Dasein haben. Derjenige, der sich diesen Dingen hellseherisch zu nähern vermag, weiß, daß das Wesenheiten sind, die dort auf dem Schauplatz des Mondes in einer gewissen Beziehung menschenähnliche Wesen sind, nur daß sie dem Menschen gegenüber wie Zwerge sind, denn sie erreichen kaum die Höhe eines sechs- bis siebenjährigen Kindes. Dort auf dem Mond bietet sich ihnen eine eigentümliche Gelegenheit zu ihrer Betätigung. Dort sind die physischen Verhältnisse ganz andere; die Atmosphäre ist zum Beispiel eine ganz andere, und die Folge davon ist, daß diese Wesenheiten, wenn sie sich sozusagen nach ihrer Heimat zurückziehen, dort die Fähigkeit erlangen, ungeheuer zu brüllen, ungeheuer starke, furchtbare Töne von sich zu geben. Diese zwerghaften Wesenheiten können sich innerhalb unserer Welt aufhalten als astralische Wesenheiten.
[ 5 ] Sie müssen sich nämlich die Verhältnisse in den höheren Welten viel komplizierter vorstellen, als man das gewöhnlich tut. Es besteht, sobald wir von den höheren Welten reden, durchaus ein Zusammenhang zwischen den einzelnen Planeten, und so besteht ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Mond und der Erde in einer ähnlichen Weise, wie Sie zum Beispiel von Berlin nach Hamburg telephonieren, so daß solche Wesenheiten, die auf dem Monde leben, also ihre Wirkungen mit Hilfe astralischer Kräfte auf der Erde ausüben können. Diese Wesenheiten sind, man könnte sagen, nur die schlimme Kehrseite von anderen Wesenheiten, die wir ebenfalls in der astralen Welt finden: von gutartigen Wesen, die, verglichen mit der gegenwärtigen, auch sanftesten Menschennatur, noch viel, viel sanfter sind, sehr sanft auch in bezug auf die Sprache, Das sind Wesenheiten, deren Sprache nicht von jener Sprödigkeit ist wie die menschliche Sprache, bei der erst lange überlegt werden muß, wenn der Mensch sich äußern soll, wenn er seine Gedanken und Vorstellungen in Worte kleiden soll. Man könnte sagen, diesen Wesenheiten fließen die Gedanken von den Lippen, nicht bloß der Ausdruck der Gedanken in Worten, sondern die Gedanken selbst fließen ihnen in einer sanften Sprache von den Lippen. Diese Wesenheiten finden Sie auch innerhalb unserer astralischen Welt; ihren eigentlichen Schauplatz haben sie wiederum auf einem anderen Planeten. Wie die erstgenannten Wesenheiten auf dem Mond, so haben diese zweiten auf dem Mars ihre Heimat; den bewohnen sie, und da sind sie sogar die hauptsächlichste Bevölkerung, so wie gewisse Menschenrassen die hauptsächlichste Bevölkerung auf unserer Erde sind.
[ 6 ] Wenn wir dann weiter aufsteigen nach dem Devachanplan, finden wir gewisse Wesenheiten, die in ihrer Eigenart auch sanfter, friedlicher Natur sind, und die in einer gewissen Beziehung außerordentlich klug sind. Solche Wesenheiten, die wir auf dem Devachanplan finden, haben ihre eigentliche Heimat — wie die anderen Wesenheiten auf Mond und Mars - auf dem Planeten Venus. Auch auf der Venus finden wir noch eine zweite Art von Wesenheiten, die — im Gegensatz zu den sanften, lieblichen - eine wilde, rasende Varietät darstellen, deren hauptsächlichste Beschäftigung im gegenseitigen Krieg und Raub besteht.
[ 7 ] Dann finden wir auf den höheren Partien des Devachanplans gewisse Wesenheiten von zweierlei Art, die schr schwer zu beschreiben sind. Wir können sie nur vergleichsweise beschreiben, indem wir sagen, daß sie unendlich erfinderisch sind, in jedem Augenblick des Lebens etwas ausfindig machen, denn es wäre falsch, wenn man sagen würde: sie denken es aus. Bei ihnen ist diese erfinderische Gabe etwa so vorhanden, wie wenn man eine Sache anschauen würde und einem in demselben Augenblick - schon beim Anschauen — der Einfall käme, wie man das anders gestalten könnte. Sogleich erfolgt da bei ihnen die Erfindung. Diesen Wesenheiten, die ihre Heimat auf dem Saturn haben, stehen andere gegenüber, die wiederum wie ihre Kehrseite sich ausnehmen: wilde, schaurige Wesenheiten, die alles, was etwa im Menschen an wilder sinnlicher Gier und Begierde lebt, in einem weitaus höheren, furchtbareren Grade besitzen.
[ 8 ] Diese eben genannten Wesenheiten sind nun keineswegs ohne Beziehung zu unserem Leben, sondern sie erstrecken ihre Taten, ihre Wirkungen und Offenbarungen durchaus in unser Leben hinein, und namentlich ist ihre Wirkung für den hellseherisch begabten Menschen dann zu verspüren, wenn gewisse Verhältnisse auf der Erde eintreten. So sind zum Beispiel jene Wesenheiten, die ihre Heimat auf dem Mond haben — natürlich als astrale Wesenheiten -, auf der Erde unter den mannigfaltigsten Verhältnissen vorhanden, beispielsweise wenn irgendwo ein Mensch von Wahnideen befallen ist, wenn irgendwo Irrsinnige sind. Namentlich in der Nähe von Irrenhäusern halten sich solche Wesenheiten als astralische Wesenheiten mit ganz besonderer Vorliebe auf. Auch finden sie sich fast immer in der Nähe von Medien und Somnambulen, die zum Teil ganz umschwirrt sind von solchen Wesenheiten, und ein großer Teil von den Einflüssen, die auf solche Menschen ausgeübt werden, rührt von der Anwesenheit solcher Geschöpfe her. Wo dagegen Liebe und Wohltätigkeit waltet, wo humanitäres Wesen entfaltet wird, da finden Sie die vorhin charakterisierten sanften, milden Marswesenheiten als astralische Geschöpfe anwesend, und diese Wesenheiten wirken in den Kräften, die sich da entfalten. Das ist für "sie ihre Nahrung, die Atmosphäre, in der sie leben können und von der aus sie wiederum ihren Einfluß auf den Menschen ausüben.
[ 9 ] Da, wo menschliche Erfindungen gemacht werden, wo Ingenieure arbeiten, in den technischen Werkstätten, da ist die Atmosphäre geschaffen für jene Art von erfinderischen Saturnwesenheiten, die beschrieben wurden, während dort, wo irgendwelche Akte sich entfalten, die mit Geistesgegenwart etwas zu tun haben, Wesenheiten anwesend sind, die auf der Venus ihren Sitz haben.
[ 10 ] So sehen Sie, wie der Mensch in den verschiedensten Lebenslagen fortwährend umgeben und umschwirrt ist von solchen elementarischen Wesenheiten, wie man sie auch nennt. Er ist wirklich niemals allein, sondern was er auch tut und was er unternimmt, ist zu gleicher Zeit Gelegenheit für die Entfaltung einer Anzahl von Wesenheiten. Die feineren und gröberen Taten der Menschen, die ideellsten und idealsten Taten und die wüstesten Taten, sie alle sind Gelegenheitsursachen für die Anwesenheit solcher Geschöpfe, die eingreifen in die Kräfte der Menschen und sich da betätigen und die man kennen muß, wenn man das Leben wahrhaftig durchschauen will. Wer diese Dinge nicht durchschaut, geht ja durchaus blind durch das Leben. Es ist nicht etwa bloß eine Theorie oder eine theoretische Forderung, um die es sich da handelt, sondern es handelt sich hier darum, daß alle diese Dinge unmittelbar praktisch werden. Denn erst dann wird der Mensch nach und nach in der Zukunft der Erdenentwickelung lernen, sich in der richtigen Weise zu verhalten und zu benehmen, wenn er immer mehr und mehr erkennt, welche Geschöpfe durch diese oder jene Taten und Umstände herbeigerufen werden. Alles, was der Mensch tut, ist wie ein Ruf an unbekannte Wesenheiten. Nicht nur an Irre oder an Medien können sich die Mondwesenheiten, unter denen recht böswillige Racker sind, heranwagen, sondern zum Beispiel auch an junge Kinder, wenn sie in so unsinniger Weise überfüttert werden, daß bei ihnen die Freßgier erregt wird; dann können sie sich an sie heranmachen und ihre Entwickelung verderben. Da sehen Sie, wie notwendig es ist zu wissen, was der Mensch eigentlich durch sein ganzes Gebaren und durch sein ganzes Gehabe in der Welt um sich herum wachruft.
[ 11 ] Nun sind diese Wesenheiten auch sonst durchaus nicht ohne Beziehung zum Menschen. Sie haben vielmehr eine tiefe Beziehung zu unserem unmittelbaren menschlichen Bau. Von dem, was sich im menschlichen Leibe findet, gehört eigentlich nur eines dem Menschen an oder kann ihm immer mehr angehören: das ist sein Blut. Des Menschen Blutsaft ist das, was unmittelbar der Ausdruck seines Ich ist. Wenn aber der Mensch nicht immer mehr und mehr darauf schaut, sein Ich durch einen starken und kräftigen Willen, durch seine starke und kräftige Seele innerlich zu festigen, wenn ihm sozusagen sein Ich abhanden kommt, dann können sich auch in seinem Blut andere Wesenheiten verankern, und das ist dann sehr schlimm und böse für den Menschen. Dagegen sind in anderen Teilen des menschlichen Organismus heute noch viele andere Wesenheiten verankert, sind in ihm enthalten, und wir wollen einmal sehen, was da eigentlich alles seine Fühlhörner in diesen menschlichen Leib hineinerstreckt, was da im menschlichen Leibe sich alles verankert. Da müssen wir ein wenig eingehen auf diesen menschlichen physischen Leib.
[ 12 ] Sie wissen, daß das Blut, das durch die Adern rinnt und sich im Menschenleib ausbreitet, der Ausdruck des menschlichen Ich ist und daß es immer stärker und stärker der Ausdruck des Ich wird, wenn das Ich selbst immer stärker und kräftiger in sich seinen Mittelpunkt, sein inneres Kraftzentrum findet. In bezug auf andere Teile, auf andere Einschlüsse des Organismus wird das Ich des Menschen erst in einer viel künftigeren Zeit die Herrschaft erhalten. Heute sind in diesen Ingredienzien des menschlichen Leibes noch viele andere Wesenheiten enthalten. Wir wollen die drei Säftestufen Chylus, Lymphe und Blut jetzt einmal zum Zwecke unserer Betrachtung näher ins Auge fassen.
[ 13 ] Sie wissen vielleicht, welche Bedeutung diese drei Arten von Säften für den Menschen haben. Sie wissen, wenn der Mensch seine Nahrung genießt, so wird sie zunächst durch die vorbereitenden Organe in den Magen befördert und mit den entsprechenden Säften, die aus den Drüsen abgesondert werden, untermischt und zubereitet, so daß sie durch die Gedärme verarbeitet werden kann. Da ist die Speise in einen flüssigen Zustand gebracht, den Speisebrei, der durch die Gedärme vorwärtsgeführt wird. Das, was für den Menschen Nahrungsstoff sein kann, wird dann durch kleine Organe, die man die Darmzotten nennt, in den Leib übergeführt, um für diesen Leib als Nahrungssäfte zu dienen, um den Leib immer wieder neu aufzubauen. Das ist eine Sorte von Substanzen, die wir im Leibe haben, die wir den Chylus nennen.
[ 14 ] Dann wissen Sie vielleicht auch, daß außer diesem Chylus, der dadurch zustande kommt, daß von außen die Nahrung in den menschlichen Leib eindringt, auch noch im Inneren des menschlichen Leibes ganz gleichlaufende Gefäße sind, die eine Art von Saft führen, der in einer gewissen Beziehung ähnlich ist der weißen Substanz in unserem Blut. Dieser Saft fließt auch durch den ganzen menschlichen Organismus in gewissen Gefäßen, und diese Gefäße laufen vielfach zusammen mit denjenigen Blutgefäßen, die wir die Venen nennen, weil sie blaurotes Blut enthalten. Diese Gefäße nehmen sogar auch den Chylus auf. Die Flüssigkeit, die sie enthalten, das ist die Lymphe. Das ist ein Saft, der, man möchte sagen, vergeistigt ist gegenüber dem eigentlichen Speisesaft, dem Chylus. Diese Lymphgefäße, welche die Lymphflüssigkeit führen, haben ihren Verlauf im ganzen menschlichen Leib; sie durchziehen sogar das Knochenmark in einer gewissen Beziehung, und das, was sie führen, nimmt dann auch den Speisebrei auf, den Chylus. Alles, was in der linken Körperhälfte und in den unteren Extremitäten ist - von der linken Kopfseite, linken Seite des Rumpfes bis zur linken Hand und den beiden Beinen —, alles, was da an Lymphflüssigkeit ausgebreitet ist und zerläuft, sammelt sich und fließt in die linke Schlüsselbeinvene hinein und mündet dann ein in den Blutkreislauf. Nur das, was in den Lymphgefäßen in der rechten Kopfseite und in der rechten Seite des Rumpfes ist, vereinigt sich und führt die Lymphe in die rechtsseitige Schlüsselbeinvene, so daß auf diese Weise die Lymphgefäße der Ausdruck einer wichtigen Tatsache werden.
[ 15 ] Sie sehen, wie der Mensch dadurch in zwei Teile geteilt ist, und zwar nicht symmetrisch, sondern so, daß der eine Teil seine ganzen unteren Körperteile und die linke Hälfte des Rumpfes und des Kopfes umfaßt, während der andere Teil von der rechten Seite des Rumpfes und des Kopfes gebildet wird. Das ist ein zweiter Saft, der im Menschen pulsiert, ein Saft, der dem Seelischen viel näher steht, als dies bei dem Chylus, dem Magen- und Darmsaft des Speisebreis, der Fall ist, obwohl ja seelische Zustände auch auf die Verdauung und den ganzen Kreislauf des Speisesaftes ihren tiefgehenden Einfluß haben. Mit den Lymphsäften hängen aber seelische Zustände viel tiefer zusammen. Bei einem Menschen, der stark tätig ist, der sehr aktiv ist, fließt die Lymphe viel lebhafter als bei einem Menschen, der träge und faul ist und nichts tut. Und so können wir viele seelische Zustände anführen, die mit dem Verlauf der Lymphe im menschlichen Leibe zusammenhängen.
[ 16 ] Der dritte Saft ist das Blut, von dem wir öfter gesprochen haben. Es zerfällt in ein rotes, sauerstoffreiches, lebenspendendes Blut, das in den Arterien fließt, und in ein blaurotes, kohlenstoffreiches Blur, das in den Venen fließt. Ebenso wie unser Blut die Offenbarung, der Ausdruck ist unseres Ich, so ist die Lymphe in einer gewissen Richtung der Ausdruck, die Offenbarung des menschlichen Astralleibes. Solche Dinge äußern sich da nicht bloß nach einer Richtung. Nach einer anderen Richtung ist der Ausdruck des astralischen Leibes das Nervensystem. Nach der Richtung, die wir heute betrachten wollen, ist in der Tat, die Offenbarung, der Ausdruck des astralischen Leibes die Lymphe. Wie ein Mensch zwei Berufe ausfüllen kann, so ist es auch mit dem menschlichen Astralleib: auf der einen Seite ist er der Aufbauer des Nervensystems, auf der anderen Seite der Aufbauer, der Bildner für die Lymphe. Der menschliche Ätherleib ist ebenso der Aufbauer und Bildner für das ganze Drüsensystem, wie auch in einer anderen Weise der Aufbauer, der Organisator, der Bildner und Regierer des Umlaufes des Chylus, des Speisebreis. So haben Sie zunächst einen Zusammenhang dieser im menschlichen Leibe verlaufenden Säfte mit den Gliedern der menschlichen Natur selber.
[ 17 ] Nun müssen wir uns darüber klar sein, daß im menschlichen Astralleib, im menschlichen Ätherleib das Ich durchaus nicht etwa der einzige Herr ist. Der Mensch erlangt durch seine Entwickelung allmählich von seinem Ich aus immer mehr Herrschaft über seinen astralischen und seinen Ätherleib, wenn er seinen astralischen Leib umwandelt in Geistselbst oder Manas, und den Ätherleib umwandelt, daß das Ich die Herrschaft erlangt über den Lebensgeist oder die Buddhi. Aber solange der Mensch nicht die Herrschaft hat über diese Teile seiner Wesenheit, so lange sind andere Wesenheiten im Zusammenhange mit diesen menschlichen Gliedern.
[ 18 ] Im menschlichen Astralleib sind, eingebettet wie die Maden im Käse — entschuldigen Sie diesen unappetitlichen Vergleich, aber es ist so —, andere Wesenheiten. Und zwar sind ihm eingegliedert, haben etwas zu tun mit diesem Astralleib jene astralischen Wesenheiten, von denen ich Ihnen gesagt habe, daß sie ihre eigentliche Heimat auf dem Mond oder Mars haben, je nachdem sie gutartige oder bösartige Wesenheiten sind. Die verankern sich im Astralleib, Und die Lymphe, jener weißliche Saft, der den Menschen durchläuft, der gehört zum Leibe derjenigen Wesenheiten, die in unserer astralischen Welt leben. So handgreiflich wie die Tiergruppen-Iche sind allerdings diese Wesenheiten nicht vorhanden, die wir auf dem astralischen Plan als astralische Wesenheiten finden, und die auf dem Mond oder auf dem Mars ihre eigentliche Heimat haben. Aber sie sind solcher astralischer Natur, daß wir in einer gewissen anderen Richtung sagen können: Wie wir in den Tieren, zum Beispiel in einer Gruppe von Löwen, eine Art Offenbarung haben der Wesenheit, die wir auf dem Astralplan als eine geschlossene Persönlichkeit antreffen, als das Löwen-Ich, so haben wir, wenn auch nicht so handgreiflich, in dem, was den menschlichen Leib als Lymphe durchzieht, ebenso die Offenbarung, die ausgestreckten Glieder dieser astralischen Wesenheiten.
[ 19 ] Also, so können Sie fragen, haben diese astralischen Wesenheiten ebenso eine Art physisches Dasein wie die Gruppenseelen der Tiere, wie das Gruppen-Ich der Gattung Löwe in den einzelnen Löwenindividuen hier auf dem physischen Plan seine Offenbarung hat? Wenn Sie so fragen, müßte man Ihnen antworten: Ja, das haben sie. - Wie wir bei den Tieren sahen, daß das astrale Gruppen-Ich seine einzelnen Glieder ausstreckt in die einzelnen Löwenindividuen, so strecken diese astralischen Wesenheiten ihre physische Wesenheit auch hier hinein. Nur könnten sie sie nicht so von außen in den physischen Plan hereinerstrecken, sondern sie brauchen auf dem physischen Plan Wesenheiten, deren Parasiten sie sind, in die sie sich einklammern und einbohren. Sie sind hier die Parasiten der Menschen. Gäbe es keine menschlichen Wesen hier auf der Erde, so würden sie sehr bald von der Erde ihren Abschied nehmen, weil sie keine Wohnstätten fänden; es würde ihnen hier nicht gefallen. Aber es gibt Wesenheiten, Menschen und höhere Tiere, die Lymphe haben: da, in dieser Lymphe haben diese Wesenheiten ihre physischen Offenbarungen. So pulsiert in unserem Leibe nicht bloß ein materieller Stoff, sondern in jedem solchen Kreislauf bewegen sich, und zwar in ganzen Scharen, solche Wesenheiten, die durch den Menschen rotieren, sich durch ihn hindurchbewegen und in der Lymphe ihren Körper haben, während der eigentliche Mensch, der Ich-Mensch, zunächst im Blute bloß seinen Körper hat. Und ob einen Menschen mehr Mondwesen dieser Art durchkreisen oder mehr Marswesen dieser Art, das gibt seiner Lymphe den besonderen Charakter. Durchkreisen den Leib in einem Menschen mehr Mondwesen, so neigt er mehr zur Bosheit, zum Zorn, zum Ingrimm; durchkreisen ihn mehr Marswesen, so ist er ein Mensch, der mehr zur Sanftmut, zum Wohlwollen, zur Milde neigt. So sehen Sie, wie der Mensch nicht bloß von Säften, sondern auch von Geistern durchzogen ist, und wie man den Menschen nur versteht, wenn man weiß, daß er nicht bloß von Säften, sondern auch von Geistern durchzogen ist.
[ 20 ] Wenn Sie nun hellseherisch das erforschen, was man Chylus nennt, was also der äußere Ausdruck zunächst des menschlichen Ätherleibes ist, so haben Sie auch da wiederum ähnliche Wesenheiten verankert und eingegliedert. Das, was da eingegliedert ist, sind zunächst jene Wesenheiten, die wir vorhin charakterisiert haben auf der einen Seite als die guten, auf der anderen Seite als die schlimmen Venuswesenheiten, jene Wesenheiten, die ihre Heimat auf der Venus haben und die sich in unserer devachanischen Welt finden. Dort sind sie für das hellseherische Vermögen Persönlichkeiten, und ihre Äußerung, ihre Offenbarung hier im physischen Leben haben sie in dem menschlichen Speisesaft, in dem Chylus, so sonderbar das auch aussieht. In diesem den menschlichen Leib durchziehenden Speisesaft leben diese Wesenheiten, die ihre eigentliche Heimat auf dem Devachanplan haben und die, insofern sie einen physischen Leib annehmen, auf der Venus ihr physisches Leben haben. Und da die Venus in ihren Kräften in einer gewissen Weise zusammenhängt mit unserer ganzen Erdvegetation und mit allem, was sonst auf unserer Erde lebt, so werden Sie einsehen, welcher Zusammenhang besteht zwischen dem, wovon sich der Mensch ernährt, und dem, was aus dem Menschen durch diese Nahrung wird. Das ist eben ganz und gar nicht gleichgültig. In allen Pflanzen, und natürlich auch in den Tieren, leben die Einflüsse der Venuswesenheiten, auf der einen Seite die der guten, sanften, milden, auf der anderen Seite die jener wilden Venuswesenheiten, die Ihnen geschildert worden sind als raubgierige und miteinander im Kampf befindliche Wesenheiten. Je nachdem die einen oder die anderen Wesenheiten auf unsere Tiere oder Pflanzen wirken, sind das Fleisch oder die Pflanzen so, daß, wenn sie sich in Speisesäfte verwandeln, sie dem Menschen Tugenden oder Laster in seinen Leib hineinbauen.
[ 21 ] Daran sehen Sie von einem noch höheren Standpunkt aus, als es Ihnen in früheren Vorträgen schon dargestellt werden konnte, die Wichtigkeit, vom geisteswissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkt aus die menschliche Nahrung zu kennen, zu wissen, unter welchen Einflüssen diese und unter welchen Einflüssen jene Pflanze steht, und welches Tier diesem oder jenem Einfluß unterliegt, Sie können daraus die Lehre entnehmen, daß derjenige zum Beispiel, der da weiß, daß in einem Lande diese oder jene Pflanzen und Tiere gedeihen, die unter diesem oder jenem himmlischen Einfluß stehen, begreift, wie ein ganz bestimmter Volkscharakter sich aufbauen muß, allem, was der Mensch an Nahrung zu sich nimmt, die aus seiner Umgebung gewonnen wird, er nicht nur das ißt, was die Chemie an Stoffen klarlegt, sondern er ißt bestimmte Geister mit, und diese sind es, die durch seinen Mund in den Magen gehen und in seinem Wesen sich ausbreiten. Da eröffnet sich uns die Perspektive, wie man aus der tieferen geographischen Beschaffenheit eines Landes den Charakter eines Volkes erkennen kann.
[ 22 ] Vergessen Sie nicht eine Bemerkung, die Sie in der Wiedergabe des Vortrags über das Vaterunser finden können, in dem eine solche Tatsache von einem ganz anderen Gesichtspunkt aus dargestellt worden ist, wo Ihnen gesagt worden ist, daß der Mensch hinsichtlich seines Ätherleibes in einer gewissen Beziehung steht zum ganzen Volkstum - wie er durch den astralischen Leib mit seiner näheren Umgebung verknüpft ist.
[ 23 ] Hier sehen Sie wiederum von einem noch tieferen Gesichtspunkt aus beleuchtet, wie der Volkscharakter gebildet wird aus den geistigen Wesenheiten heraus, die mit den Nahrungsmitteln in den Menschen aufgenommen werden. Es ist das eines der Mittel, durch welche die große geistige Führung der Erde die verschiedenen Volkscharaktere verteilte über die Erde, indem sie die Nahrungsmittel, die das eine oder das andere bewirken, so verteilte, daß in der Nahrung, die gewonnen wird, der eine oder der andere Volkscharakter zum Vorschein kommt. Das führt nicht etwa auf einem Umweg zum Materialismus, sondern die Geisteswissenschaft zeigt, wie alles Materielle eine Offenbarung des Geistes ist, und wie auf eine dem Menschen unbekannte Art die geistigen Einflüsse sich selbst im Menschen verbreiten.
[ 24 ] Schwieriger zu verstehen ist die Art, wie die Saturngeister auf den Menschen wirken. Das sind Geister, die rasch, wenn sie etwas anschauen, schon eine Erfindung haben, auf der anderen Seite entwickeln sie furchtbar wüste Leidenschaften sinnlicher Art, gegen die alles, was der Mensch in dieser Beziehung entwickeln kann, ein Kinderspiel ist. Diese Saturngeister schleichen sich auf eine noch geheimnisvollere Art in den menschlichen Leib ein, nämlich durch die Sinnesempfindung. Wenn der Mensch sein Auge richtet auf eine schöne, auf eine reine und edle Sache, so wird eine Vorstellung in ihm erregt; wenn er sein Auge richtet auf eine schmutzige, unedle Sache, so wird eine andere Vorstellung in ihm erregt. Indem nun durch die äußeren Eindrücke eine Vorstellung in der Seele hervorgerufen wird, schleichen sich zu gleicher Zeit die Saturngeister, die guten und die bösen, in den Menschen ein. Und durch alles, was der Mensch durch die bloße Sympathie oder Antipathie für seine Umgebung als das, was er sieht und hört und riecht, um sich herum entfaltet, setzt er sich dem Einschleichen dieser oder jener Saturngeister aus. Durch Augen und Ohren und durch die ganze Haut ziehen sie ein, indem der Mensch empfindet. Es ist zum Beispiel für die okkulte Beobachtung ganz ungeheuerlich, was für wüste Geister in manchen Parfüms, die in der menschlichen Gesellschaft sehr geschätzt werden, sich in die Nasen der Menschen einschleichen, die in solcher Umgebung sind, ganz abgesehen davon, was sich in die Nasen derjenigen einschleicht, die selbst solche Parfüms an sich tragen.
[ 25 ] Da sehen Sie, wie fein und intim man selbst die alltäglichsten Dinge vom geistigen Standpunkt aus beobachten muß, wenn man sich über das Leben klar werden will. Es könnte Ihnen viel erzählt werden über Leute, die mehr oder weniger bewußt oder unbewußt verstanden, solche Geister zu kommandieren, die namentlich durch die Gerüche auf den Menschen wirken und mit den Gerüchen sich in den Menschen einschleichen. Wenn Sie manches aus der Geschichte dieser oder jener Zeit tiefer und intimer kennen würden, namentlich aus der Geschichte Frankreichs zur Zeit Ludwigs XIII., XIV., XV., mit all den Künsten, die da entfaltet wurden, wo tatsächlich Aromas eine wichtige Rolle gespielt haben beim Intrigenspiel, dann würden Sie eine Ahnung haben, was Menschen zu tun vermögen, welche, bewußt oder unbewußt, die Geister zu kommandieren verstehen, die sich in den Parfüms und ‚Aromas in das menschliche Sinnesempfinden einschleichen. Ich könnte Sie verweisen auf ein ganz anziehendes Buch, das vor kurzem geschrieben worden ist von dem Minister eines kleinen Hofes. Er schrieb das selbstverständlich ganz ohne Kenntnis dieser Tatsachen, aber über die Wirkungen war er sich klar. Ein sehr interessantes Buch über einen kleinen Hof ist es, an dem sich in den letzten Jahren eine wichtige Katastrophe zugetragen hat. In dem Buch schildert der betreffende Minister und Würdenträger aus seinen Memoiren heraus die Wirkungen einer Person, die in einer gewissen Weise die Aromas mit ihren Geistern zu kommandieren verstand. Und er schildert das mit einer gewissen Befriedigung, weil er gewappnet dagegen war und nicht hereingefallen ist. Sie sehen, die Dinge sind nicht ohne Bedeutung und ohne Wirkung für die Praxis des Lebens. Wenn man das Leben nicht wie ein blinder Materialist, sondern wie ein sehender Mensch auffaßt, dann kann man überall die geistigen Einflüsse spüren, und wer die Einflüsse kennt, der versteht erst das Leben.
[ 26 ] So sehen Sie, wie wir uns den Menschen als ein ganz kompliziertes Wesen vorzustellen haben, als einen Genossen von mancherlei Welten und mancherlei Wesen. Wer auf dem Pfade der okkulten Entwickelung immer mehr und mehr vorschreitet zu höheren Erkenntnissen, der lernt diese Wesenheiten in ihrer Eigenart kennen, und dadurch erst wird er frei von ihnen, erlangt einen freien Überblick über sie. Die Wahrheit über die höheren Welten in sich aufnehmen, heißt, wirklich frei, wirklich reif zu werden, weil wir uns dadurch auskennen lernen in bezug auf die Wirkungen und Impulse, die unser Leben durchpulsen und durchfluten. Sich-auskennen-Lernen heißt zu gleicher Zeit, frei und unabhängig werden.
[ 27 ] Und wie man hinweisen kann auf gewisse Säfte, die den Menschen durchpulsen, so kann man auch hindeuten auf einzelne Organe des Menschen, in denen ebenfalls Wesen der höheren Welten ihren Ausdruck, ihre Offenbarung finden. So finden zum Beispiel Wesenheiten, die Ihnen zuletzt geschildert worden sind als die saturnischen Wesenheiten, ihren Ausdruck in einer gewissen Beziehung in der menschlichen Leber. Sie müssen sich natürlich klar sein, daß Geisteswissenschaft, wenn man sie wirklich kennenlernen will, ein sehr, sehr kompliziertes Gebiet ist.
[ 28 ] Es ist Ihnen bei der menschlichen Evolution in der Saturnentwickelung klargelegt worden, daß durch die Kräfte des Saturn die Sinne in ihrer ersten Anlage zustande gekommen sind. So wirkt auch heute der Saturn immer noch auf den Menschen ein, und unter den menschlichen Organen, den leiblich-inneren Organen ist es die Leber, auf welche die Saturnkräfte einen starken und intensiven Einfluß haben. Daher muß der Mensch, weil er ja auf dem Wege ist, sich immer mehr und mehr über alles Saturnische hinauszuentwickeln, hinauswachsen über die Kräfte, die in seiner Leber verankert sind. In der Leber sind in der Tat diejenigen Kräfte des Menschen verankert, über die der Mensch immer mehr und mehr hinauswachsen muß, die aber notwendig waren, damit der Mensch zu seiner gegenwärtigen Form und Gestalt gekommen ist. Und die Leber ist dasjenige Organ, das die Kräfte enthält, die der Mensch am meisten überwinden muß. Sie können das an einer äußeren Offenbarung, an einem äußeren Ausdruck in einer gewissen Weise nachprüfen. Sie können sich zum Beispiel überzeugen, daß in der Zeit, in welcher der Mensch vor allem seinen Körper aufbaut, also in der Zeit vor seiner Geburt und gleich nach der Geburt, die Leber im Verhältnis zum übrigen Körper die größte Ausdehnung hat. Dann wird sie im Verhältnis zum übrigen Körper immer kleiner und kleiner. Wenn Sie das Größenverhältnis der Leber zum übrigen menschlichen Leib angeben wollten unmittelbar bei der Geburt, so könnten Sie sagen, es sei wie eins zu achtzehn, während die Leber später so weit zurückgeht, daß sie'sich zum übrigen Leib verhält wie eins zu sechsunddreißig. Sie geht verhältnismäßig auf die Hälfte zurück, und der Mensch überwindet schon durch seine rein natürliche Entwickelung die Kräfte, die in der Leber verankert sind.
[ 29 ] Indem der Mensch auf der Erde die Anwartschaft erhält, sich zu immer höherer Geistigkeit zu entwickeln, hat er damit als äußeren physischen Ausdruck die Fähigkeit erlangt, die Leberkräfte zu überwinden. In gewisser Weise ist das entgegengesetzte Organ zu der Leber die Lunge, jenes Organ, das nicht alles Egoistische in den Menschen hineinstopft - denn das tut die Leber -, sondern das den Menschen frei nach außen öffnet, wo er durch die Luft, die er aufnimmt und wieder abgibt, in einer fortwährenden Kommunikation mit der Außenwelt steht. In.der Lunge findet eine Verbrennung statt. Das rotblaue, kohlenstoffreiche Blut kommt in die Lunge und wird durch die Verbindung mit dem Sauerstoff zu rotem, lebensfähigem Blut umgewandelt. Wie sich bei einer brennenden Flamme die Stoffe mit dem Sauerstoff verbinden, so findet auch in der Lunge ein Verbrennungsprozeß statt. Atmen ist in einer gewissen Weise ein Verbrennungsvorgang, und mit diesem Atmungs- und Brennvorgang ist dem Menschen die Anwartschaft gegeben zu immer höherer und höherer Entwickelung. Aufgebaut haben den Menschen jene Kräfte, die ihren letzten Abschluß erlangen in der Leber. Diesen ihn an die Erde fesselnden Kräften werden ihn diejenigen Kräfte entreißen, die er wie ein Feuer aus der Luft empfängt. Das Feuer, das der Mensch aus der Luft empfängt, das sich in seiner Atmung ausdrückt, ist dasjenige, was ihn zu immer höheren und höheren Sphären hinaufführt.
[ 30 ] Immer ist es die Mythe, die Sage, die tiefer, weisheitsvoller ist als unsere scheinbar so fortgeschrittene Wissenschaft. Der Zug aus dem menschlichen Leben, der jetzt eben erwähnt worden ist, drückt sich in großartiger Weise aus im Prometheus-Mythos. Indem gesagt wird, daß Prometheus den Menschen das Feuer vom Himmel gebracht hat, wird damit ausgedrückt, daß Prometheus an jenem Prozeß beteiligt ist, der in der Atmung sich ausdrückt und der den Menschen immer höher führt. Aber zu gleicher Zeit wird in wunderbarer Weise ausgeführt: Weil Prometheus sich erhebt über die Kräfte, welche die Menschen an das Irdische fesseln, und sich dadurch in einen Gegensatz setzt zu der irdischen Kraft, und weil er derjenige ist, der den Menschen zuerst die Möglichkeit gegeben hat, diese Kraft des Feuers zu haben, darum muß er dafür leiden. Das Leiden wird wunderbar dargestellt als die Tatsache, die dieser Mythe zugrunde liegt: ein Geier frißt dem gefesselten Prometheus an der Leber! Wie könnte man schöner und weisheitsvoller darstellen, daß die Kräfte, die mit dem Atmungsprozeß in uns einströmen, an der Leber nagen, und daß derjenige, der das vorausleistet, was von der Menschheit in einer fernen Zukunft geleistet wird, wie ein Gekreuzigter dasteht, wie das, was sich herniedersenkt, was aus der Luft kommt, an der Leber frißt!
[ 31 ] So haben in den Mythen, soweit sie von Eingeweihten stammen, Eingeweihte die großen Weisheiten des Daseins zum Ausdruck gebracht. Es gibt keine aus den Mysterien heraus geschöpfte Mythe, die nicht wirklich tiefe Weisheit zum Ausdruck bringt, die wir auch wiederum nachprüfen können. Da stehen wir dann, wenn wir, ausgerüstet mit den Tatsachen der Geheimwissenschaft, an die Mythen herantreten, in Ehrfurcht vor diesen Mythen, die, wie man mit Recht sagt, die höheren geistigen Wesenheiten dem Menschen geoffenbart haben, damit die Menschen zuerst im Bilde lernen, was sie in späteren Zeiten in klaren Vorstellungen erlangen sollen. Das ist es, was immer mehr herauskommen wird: daß die Mythen Weisheit enthalten, und daß, wenn man auf irgendeinem Gebiete des Lebens die tiefste Weisheit dargestellt finden will, man zur Mythe gehen muß. Das haben diejenigen erkannt, die Werke aus den Tiefen der Kunst heraus geschaffen haben. So liegt zum Beispiel dem ganzen Verhältnis Richard Wagners zum Mythos tiefe Wahrheit zugrunde, wenn sie bei ihm auch in künstlerischer Weise zum Ausdruck gekommen ist. Unsere Zeit wird wieder hinaufsteigen von einer bloßen physischen Alktäglichkeit zu einer vollgeistigen Strömung. Wenn Sie so hineinsehen in das, was in unserer Zeit pulsiert, dann werden Sie die Aufgabe der Geisteswissenschaft in einem immer tieferen Sinne erfassen.
[ 32 ] So sind wir ausgegangen von Betrachtungen höherer Welten und haben aus dem Zusammenhang erkannt, welches die eigentliche Mission der Geisteswissenschaft ist: dem Menschen die Möglichkeit zu geben, das Leben kennenzulernen, und ihn bei seinem Wirken und Schaffen immer mehr einzuführen in das, was in geheimnisvoller Weise mitwirkt, wenn er seine Hand rührt, wenn er schafft mit Geist, Seele und Leib. Genossen hat er um sich herum, und durch die Geist-Erkenntnis wird er sich immer mehr dieser Wesen bewußt werden und im Einklange mit ihnen leben und schaffen. So wird ihm die Geistesforschung die volle Wirklichkeit eröffnen und ihn befähigen, Erkenntnis und Weisheit ins Leben hineinzuführen.
First Lecture
[ 1 ] Today we shall have much to discuss from the standpoint of spiritual science about facts and entities in higher worlds and about the connection of such entities and facts with man. From the outset, although it might seem that this is not necessary in such a theosophical branch, it must be pointed out that today's lecture will be one of those that are considered to be at an advanced stage for theosophists. Such a thing must be possible at some point in a theosophical branch. Those who have only been attending these Monday lectures for a short time may feel somewhat alienated by some of what will be discussed today; but we would not make any progress if we did not want to discuss things from the higher realms of theosophy from time to time. Those who are complete novices and perhaps just waiting to be convinced of spiritual-scientific truths might find some of what is said today somewhat insane; but such areas must also be touched upon.
[ 2 ] From the lectures that have been given here recently, you could see that when we clairvoyantly ascend from the physical plane to the higher worlds, we encounter beings that do not belong to our physical world, but as beings of the higher worlds, they are so self-contained entities that we can describe them as persons for those worlds just as we describe people here on the physical plane as persons. You have seen that whole groups of animals, shaped the same or similarly, belong together to a group soul or a group ego, and that we meet the lion soul, the tiger soul and other group egos of animals as closed persons on the astral plan, whom we can meet there when we - trivially speaking - walk on the astral plan, just as we can meet people of the physical world here. Likewise, in still higher regions, on the Devachan plan, we find the selves of entire groups of plants, and in the highest parts of the Devachan we find the selves of minerals as complete personalities, just as humans on the physical plane are here. From this we see that in these higher worlds we meet certain entities that stretch out their organs, their individual limbs, so to speak, down into the physical world. If a person were to show his fingers by putting them through a curtain or a paper wall with a hole in it, we would only see the ten fingers of the person; he himself would be behind the wall. This is how it is with the group Ego of the animals. Here we see with our physical eyes what is stretched down as limbs by higher beings of the astral plan, and the actual I is behind the wall - behind the wall that separates the physical world from the astral. And so it is in a corresponding way with the other group Ego, with the group Ego of the plants or the mineral world. If we start out from this point of departure in the physical world and move up into higher worlds, we meet there not only the beings just mentioned, who stretch their members down into the physical world, but we also meet a whole range of other entities, which we can also describe as self-contained personalities for those worlds, but whose physical members are not as directly visible and demonstrable as those of the aforementioned group-entities of animals, plants and minerals.
[ 3 ] The astral plane and the Devachan plane are very populous worlds, and we find many different entities there that, although they are not observed here in their manifestations in such a tangible way, nevertheless express their effects, their deeds here on the physical plane, and which have a great deal to do with the physical plane, with our whole human life today. One does not understand human life if one does not know that within human life such beings are active that live in the higher worlds. In the human body itself much takes place over which the human being has no control, which is not an expression of the human ego, but an action, an effect, a revelation of beings from the higher worlds. Today we want to talk about such things.
[ 4 ] When we look at the astral plane, we find certain entities there - only one species among many others - that seem to have no expression or manifestation among the entities of the physical plane that we observe first, but which are nevertheless connected to our physical plane. We meet them there on the astral plane as astral entities with a pronounced will and pronounced intentions. Such entities have such an existence within our immediate world that, as I said, we can encounter them on the astral plane; but they are related, they belong to the same kind of entities that inhabit our present moon, and even have a certain physical existence on our present moon. Anyone who is clairvoyant enough to approach these things knows that the entities that are there on the scene of the moon are in some ways human-like beings, only that they are like dwarfs to humans, for they barely reach the height of a six- to seven-year-old child. There on the moon, a peculiar opportunity presents itself for their activity. There the physical conditions are quite different; the atmosphere, for example, is quite different, and the result of this is that these entities, when they withdraw, as it were, to their homeland, acquire the ability there to roar tremendously, to produce tremendously strong, terrible sounds. These dwarf-like entities can reside within our world as astral entities.
[ 5 ] You have to imagine the conditions in the higher worlds as being much more complicated than we are accustomed to. As soon as we speak of the higher worlds, there is a connection between the individual planets, and so there is a connection between the moon and the earth in a similar way to how you can telephone from Berlin to Hamburg, for example, so that such entities, which live on the moon, can exert their effects on earth with the help of astral forces. These entities are, one might say, only the dark reverse of other entities that we also find in the astral world: benign beings that are much, much gentler than even the gentlest human nature , very gentle also in regard to speech. These are entities whose speech is not of that brittleness as human speech, where long consideration is necessary when a person is to express himself, when he is to clothe his thoughts and ideas in words. One could say that thoughts flow from the lips of these entities, not just the expression of thoughts in words, but the thoughts themselves flow from their lips in a gentle language. These entities can also be found in our astral world; but their actual domain is on another planet. Like the first-mentioned entities on the Moon, these second entities have their home on Mars; they inhabit it and are even the main population there, just as certain human races are the main population on our Earth.
[ 6 ] If we then ascend further on the Devachan plan, we find certain entities that are also gentle and peaceful in nature and, in a certain respect, extraordinarily wise. Such entities, which we find on the Devachan plan, have their actual home - like the other entities on the moon and Mars - on the planet Venus. On Venus we also find a second kind of entity, which, in contrast to the gentle, lovely ones, represent a wild, frenzied variety whose main occupation is mutual war and robbery.
[ 7 ] Then, on the higher parts of the devachan plan, we find certain entities that are difficult to describe. We can only describe them comparatively by saying that they are infinitely inventive, discovering something in every moment of life, for it would be wrong to say that they think it out. With them, this inventive gift is present in much the same way as when one looks at a thing and at the same moment - already while looking - the idea occurs to one how one could shape it differently. Immediately the invention takes place there with them. These entities, which have their home on Saturn, are contrasted with others, which in turn look like their opposite: wild, gruesome entities that possess everything that lives in humans in terms of wild sensual greed and desire, but in a far higher, more terrible degree.
[ 8 ] These entities are by no means without relation to our lives, but they extend their deeds, their effects and revelations into our lives, and their effect can be felt by clairvoyantly gifted people when certain conditions occur on earth. Thus, for example, those entities that have their home on the moon – as astral entities, of course – are present on earth under the most diverse conditions, for example when a person is afflicted with delusions somewhere, when there are lunatics somewhere. Especially in the vicinity of insane asylums, such entities are particularly attracted to astral entities. They are also almost always found in the vicinity of mediums and somnambulists, some of whom are completely surrounded by such entities, and a large part of the influences exerted on such people comes from the presence of such creatures. Where love and benevolence prevail, where humanitarianism is developed, you will find the gentle, mild Martian entities present as astral creatures, and these entities work in the forces that are unfolding there. This is their nourishment, the atmosphere in which they can live and from which they in turn exert their influence on people.
[ 9 ] Where human inventions are made, where engineers work, in the technical workshops, the atmosphere is created for those kinds of inventive Saturn entities that have been described, while where any acts unfold that have something to do with presence of mind, entities that have their seat on Venus are present.
[ 10 ] So you see how man, in the most diverse situations in life, is constantly surrounded and buzzed around by such elemental beings, whatever you call them. He is really never alone, but whatever he does and whatever he undertakes is at the same time an opportunity for a number of beings to unfold. The finer and coarser deeds of men, the most ideal and ideal deeds and the most wicked deeds, they are all occasions for the presence of such creatures, who intervene in the forces of men and work there and who must be known if one wants to truly see through life. Those who do not see through these things go through life completely blind. It is not just a theory or a theoretical requirement that is at issue here, but the fact that all these things are becoming immediately practical. For only then, in the future development of the earth, will man gradually learn to behave and act in the right way when he recognizes more and more which creatures are called forth by these or those deeds and circumstances. Everything a person does is like a call to unknown entities. The moon entities, among whom are quite malicious rascals, can not only approach lunatics or mediums, but also, for example, young children, if they are overfed in such a nonsensical way that it arouses their greediness; then they can approach them and spoil their development. There you see how necessary it is to know what man actually evokes in the world around him through his whole behavior and through his whole behavior.
[ 11 ] Now these entities are not without relationship to the human being. They have a deep relationship to our immediate human structure. Of all that is found in the human body, only one thing actually belongs to the human being or can belong to him more and more: that is his blood. Man's blood is that which is the direct expression of his ego. But if man does not increasingly look to strengthen his ego inwardly through a strong and powerful will, through his strong and powerful soul, if, so to speak, he loses his ego, then other entities can also anchor themselves in his blood, and that is very bad and evil for man. On the other hand, many other entities are still anchored in other parts of the human organism today, are contained in it, and let us see what is actually stretching its feelers into this human body, what is anchoring itself in the human body. Here we must go into the human physical body in a little more detail.
[ 12 ] You know that the blood that courses through the veins and spreads throughout the human body is the expression of the human ego and that it becomes ever stronger and stronger as the ego itself finds its center, its inner center of strength, ever more strongly and powerfully within itself. With regard to other parts, to other inclusions of the organism, the human ego will only gain control in a much more distant future. Today, many other entities are still contained in these ingredients of the human body. Let us now take a closer look at the three levels of chyle, lymph and blood for the purpose of our consideration.
[ 13 ] You may know the significance of these three types of fluids for humans. You know that when a person enjoys his food, it is first transported through the preparatory organs into the stomach and mixed with the appropriate juices secreted by the glands, so that it can be processed by the intestines. There the food is brought to a liquid state, the chyme, which is carried forward through the intestines. What can be food for humans is then transferred into the body by small organs called intestinal villi, in order to serve as food juices for this body, in order to rebuild the body again and again. This is one kind of substance we have in our body, which we call chyle.
[ 14 ] Then you may also know that in addition to this chyle, which comes about when food enters the human body from the outside, there are also very similar vessels inside the human body that carry a kind of fluid that is somewhat similar to the white substance in our blood. This fluid also flows through the entire human organism in certain vessels, and these vessels often run together with the blood vessels that we call veins because they contain blood that is reddish-blue in color. These vessels even absorb the chyle. The fluid they contain is the lymph. This is a juice that, one might say, is more spiritualized than the actual food juice, the chyle. These lymph vessels, which carry the lymph fluid, run throughout the entire human body; they even pass through the bone marrow in a certain relationship, and what they carry then also takes up the chyme, the chyle. Everything in the left half of the body and in the lower extremities – from the left side of the head, left side of the trunk to the left hand and both legs – everything that is spread out and drains in the lymph fluid collects and flows into the left subclavian vein and then enters the bloodstream. Only what is in the lymph vessels on the right side of the head and trunk combines and carries the lymph into the right-sided subclavian vein, so that in this way the lymph vessels become the expression of an important fact.
[ 15 ] You see how the human being is divided into two parts, not symmetrically, but in such a way that one part includes all of the lower body parts and the left half of the trunk and head, while the other part is formed by the right side of the trunk and head. This is a second fluid that pulses through the human being, a fluid that is much closer to the soul than is the case with the chyle, the gastric and intestinal fluid of the food pulp, although soul conditions also have a profound influence on digestion and the entire circulation of the food juice. But mental states are much more deeply connected with the lymph juices. In a person who is very active, the lymph flows much more vigorously than in a person who is lethargic and lazy and does nothing. And so we can cite many mental states that are connected with the course of the lymph in the human body.
[ 16 ] The third fluid is blood, which we have spoken about several times. It is divided into a red, oxygen-rich, life-giving blood that flows in the arteries, and a blue-red, carbon-rich blood that flows in the veins. Just as our blood is the revelation, the expression of our ego, so the lymph is, in a certain sense, the expression, the revelation of the human astral body. Such things do not express themselves in just one direction. In another direction, the expression of the astral body is the nervous system. In the direction we want to look at today, the expression of the astral body is indeed the lymph. Just as a person can fulfill two professions, so it is with the human astral body: on the one hand it is the builder of the nervous system, on the other hand it is the builder and shaper for the lymph. The human etheric body is likewise the builder and shaper for the entire glandular system, as well as, in another way, the builder, organizer, shaper and regulator of the circulation of the chyle, the food pulp. Thus, you have, first of all, a connection between these juices flowing in the human body and the limbs of human nature itself.
[ 17 ] Now we must realize that in the human astral body, in the human ether body, the I is by no means the only master. Through his development, the human being gradually acquires more and more control over his astral and etheric bodies from his I, when he transforms his astral body into spirit-self or manas, and transforms the etheric body so that the I acquires control over the life-spirit or buddhi. But as long as man does not have control over these parts of his being, other beings are present in connection with these human limbs.
[ 18 ] In the human astral body, embedded like maggots in cheese (excuse this unsavory comparison, but it is true), are other beings. And they are incorporated into it, have something to do with this astral body, those astral entities of which I have told you that they have their actual home on the moon or Mars, depending on whether they are benign or malignant entities. They anchor themselves in the astral body. And the lymph, that whitish fluid that runs through the human body, belongs to the body of those entities that live in our astral world. However, these entities, which we find on the astral plane as astral entities and which have their actual home on the moon or on Mars, are not as tangible as the animal group Iche. But they are of such an astral nature that we can say in a certain other direction: As we have a kind of revelation in animals, for example in a group of lions, of the entity that we encounter on the astral plane as a closed personality, as the lion-ego, so we have, albeit not so palpably, in what pervades the human body as lymph, likewise the revelation of the outstretched limbs of these astral entities.
[ 19 ] So, you may ask, do these astral entities also have some kind of physical existence, just as the group souls of the animals do, just as the group ego of the lion species has its manifestation in the individual lions here on the physical plane? If you ask it like that, the answer would have to be: yes, they do. As we saw in the case of the animals, the astral group ego extends its individual members into the individual lions. These astral entities also extend their physical entity into the physical plane. They cannot, however, extend it from outside into the physical plane, but they need entities on the physical plane, of which they are parasites. They cling to these and bore into them. Here they are the parasites of human beings. If there were no human beings here on earth, they would very soon take their leave of the earth because they would not find any dwellings; they would not like it here. But there are entities, human and higher animals, that have lymph: there, in this lymph, these entities have their physical manifestations. Thus, not only a material substance pulsates in our body, but in each such circulation, there are whole hosts of such entities that rotate through the person, moving through him and having their body in the lymph, while the actual person, the ego-person, initially has only his body in the blood. And whether more lunar beings of this kind or more Martian beings of this kind circle around a person gives his lymph its special character. If more lunar beings circle around a person, he tends more towards malice, anger, rage; if more Martian beings circle around him, he is a person who tends more towards gentleness, goodwill, mildness. So you see how man is not only permeated by fluids, but also by spirits, and how you can only understand man if you know that he is not only permeated by fluids, but also by spirits.
[ 20 ] If you now investigate clairvoyantly what is called the chyle, which is the outer expression of the human etheric body, you will find similar entities anchored and integrated there as well. What is incorporated there are, first of all, those entities that we characterized earlier as, on the one hand, the good and, on the other, the evil Venus entities. These are entities that have their home on Venus and find themselves in our devachanic world. There they are personalities for the clairvoyant faculty, and their expression, their manifestation here in physical life, is in the human lymph, in the chyle, as strange as this may seem. These beings, who have their actual home on the Devachan plane and who, insofar as they accept a physical body, have their physical life on Venus, live in this food juice that permeates the human body. And since Venus is in a certain way connected with all of our earth's vegetation and with everything else that lives on our earth, you will understand the connection between what man feeds himself with and what becomes of man through this nourishment. This is not at all unimportant. In all plants, and of course in all animals, live the influences of the Venus entities, on the one hand those of the good, gentle, mild ones, and on the other hand those of the wild Venus entities, which have been described to you as rapacious entities in conflict with each other. Depending on whether the one or the other nature acts on our animals or plants, the flesh or the plants are such that, when they transform into food juices, they build virtues or vices into the human body.
[ 21 ] From this you can see, from an even higher point of view than could be presented to you in earlier lectures, the importance, from a spiritual-scientific point of view, of knowing what human food is, knowing under what influences this plant and under what and which animal is subject to this or that influence. From this you can learn the lesson that the one who knows, for example, that these or those plants and animals thrive in a particular country, and that they are subject to this or that heavenly influence, understands how a very specific national character must be built because in everything that man takes in as food, which is obtained from his environment, he not only eats the substances that chemistry discloses, but he also eats certain spirits, and these are what go through his mouth into his stomach and spread throughout his being. This opens up the perspective for us to recognize the character of a people from the deeper geographical nature of a country.
[ 22 ] Do not forget a remark that you can find in the reproduction of the lecture on the Lord's Prayer, in which such a fact point of view, where you were told that man, in regard to his etheric body, stands in a certain relationship to the whole of national culture, just as he is connected with his immediate surroundings through his astral body.
[ 23 ] Here you see again, from an even deeper point of view, how the national character is formed from the spiritual entities that are taken into the human being with the food. It is one of the means by which the great spiritual leadership of the earth distributed the different national characters over the earth, by distributing the food that produces one or the other in such a way that the food that is obtained reveals one or the other national character. This does not lead indirectly to materialism, but spiritual science shows how all material things are a manifestation of the spirit, and how, in a way unknown to man, spiritual influences spread throughout man.
[ 24 ] The way the Saturn spirits affect people is more difficult to understand. These are spirits that quickly come up with an invention when they look at something, but on the other hand, they develop terribly wild passions of a sensual nature, compared to which anything that a person can develop in this regard is child's play. These Saturn spirits creep into the human body in an even more mysterious way, namely through the sense of perception. When a person focuses his eye on a beautiful, pure and noble thing, an image is awakened in him; when he focuses his eye on a dirty, ignoble thing, another image is awakened in him. Now, as an image is evoked in the soul through external impressions, the Saturn spirits, both good and evil, creep into the person at the same time. And through everything that a person develops through mere sympathy or antipathy for his surroundings, as he sees and hears and smells around him, he exposes himself to the infiltration of these or those Saturn spirits. They enter through the eyes and ears and through the entire skin, as the person feels. For example, it is quite incredible for the occult observer what wild spirits in some perfumes, which are highly valued in human society, creep into the noses of people who are in such an environment, quite apart from what creeps into the noses of those who themselves wear such perfumes.
[ 25 ] There you see how finely and intimately one must observe even the most mundane things from a spiritual point of view if one wants to understand life. Much could be told to you about people who, more or less consciously or unconsciously, understood how to command such spirits, which affect people through smells and use smells to sneak into people. If you knew some of the history of this or that time more deeply and intimately, especially the history of France at the time of Louis XIII, XIV, XV, with all the arts that were developed there, where aromas actually played an important role in the game of intrigue , then you would have an idea of what people are capable of doing when they consciously or unconsciously know how to command the spirits that creep into human sensory perception through perfumes and aromas. I could refer you to a very attractive book that was recently written by the minister of a small court. He wrote this, of course, without any knowledge of these facts, but he was clear about the effects. It is a very interesting book about a small court where an important catastrophe has occurred in recent years. In the book, the minister and dignitary in question describes, from his memoirs, the effects of a person who knew how to command the aromas with their spirits in a certain way. And he describes it with a certain satisfaction because he was armed against it and did not fall for it. You see, things are not without significance and without effect on our practical lives. If you look at life not as a blind materialist but as a seeing person, you can feel spiritual influences everywhere, and only by knowing these influences can you understand life.
[ 26 ] So you see how we have to imagine man as a very complicated being, as a companion of many worlds and many beings. The one who advances more and more on the path of occult development to higher knowledge gets to know these entities in their uniqueness, and only then does he become free from them, attains a free overview of them. To absorb the truth about the higher worlds means to become truly free and mature, because in this way we learn to understand the effects and impulses that pulsate and flow through our lives. At the same time, learning to understand means becoming free and independent.
[ 27 ] And just as one can point to certain fluids that pulsate through the human being, so one can also point to individual organs of the human being in which the essence of the higher worlds also finds its expression, its revelation. Thus, for example, the entities that were last described to you as the saturnine entities find their expression in a certain way in the human liver. Of course, you must realize that spiritual science, if you really want to get to know it, is a very, very complicated field.
[ 28 ] It has been explained to you in the evolution of man in the development of Saturn that the senses came into being through the forces of Saturn in their first formation. And Saturn still exerts this influence on man today. Among the human organs, the physical and internal organs, it is the liver that is most strongly and intensely affected by the forces of Saturn. Therefore, because man is on the way to developing more and more and more and more beyond all that is Saturnine, he must grow beyond the forces that are anchored in his liver. Indeed, those forces in man that he must increasingly grow beyond are anchored in the liver, but they were necessary for man to attain his present form and shape. And the liver is the organ that contains the forces that man must overcome the most. You can verify this in a certain way by an external manifestation, by an external expression. For example, you can see for yourself that during the time when man is building up his body above all, that is, in the time before his birth and immediately after birth, the liver is the largest in relation to the rest of the body. Then it becomes smaller and smaller in relation to the rest of the body. If you wanted to state the size ratio of the liver to the rest of the human body immediately at birth, you could say that it is like one to eighteen, while the liver later decreases to such an extent that it is like one to thirty-six in relation to the rest of the body. It decreases relatively to half, and man, through his purely natural development, overcomes the forces that are anchored in the liver.
[ 29 ] As man on earth becomes eligible to develop into ever higher spirituality, he has thereby acquired, as an external physical expression, the ability to overcome the liver forces. In a sense, the opposite organ to the liver is the lung, the organ that does not stuff everything selfish into the human being - because that is what the liver does - but that opens the human being freely to the outside, where he is in constant communication with the outside world through the air he takes in and releases again. A combustion takes place in the lungs. The red-blue, carbon-rich blood enters the lungs and is converted into red, viable blood through the connection with oxygen. Just as substances combine with oxygen in a burning flame, a combustion process also takes place in the lungs. In a certain sense, breathing is a process of combustion, and through this breathing and burning process, man is destined to ever higher and higher development. Man has been built by those forces that reach their final conclusion in the liver. These forces, which he receives like a fire from the air, will snatch him from the earth, from the forces that bind him to it. The fire that man receives from the air, which is expressed in his breathing, is that which leads him to ever higher and higher spheres.
[ 30 ] It is always the myth, the saga, that is deeper and more full of wisdom than our seemingly so advanced science. The aspect of human life just mentioned is expressed in a magnificent way in the Prometheus myth. The fact that Prometheus brought fire down from heaven for humanity expresses the idea that Prometheus is involved in the process that expresses itself in breathing and leads humanity ever higher. But at the same time, it is wonderfully explained that Because Prometheus rises above the forces that bind human beings to the earthly, and thereby places himself in opposition to the earthly power, and because he is the one who first gave human beings the possibility of having this power of fire, he must suffer for it. The suffering is wonderfully depicted as the fact underlying this myth: a vulture eats at the liver of the bound Prometheus! How could one depict more beautifully and wisely that the forces that flow into us with the breathing process gnaw at the liver, and that the one who achieves what will be accomplished by humanity in a distant future, stands there like a crucified man, like that which descends, that which comes from the air, eats at the liver!
[ 31 ] Thus in the myths, so far as they come from initiates, initiates have expressed the great wisdoms of existence. There is not a single myth drawn from the mysteries that does not express a really deep wisdom, which we can in turn verify. Equipped with the facts of occult science, we approach the myths with reverence for these myths, which, as it is rightly said, the higher spiritual beings have revealed to man so that he may learn in pictures what he is to attain to in clear conceptions in later times. That is what will emerge more and more: that the myths contain wisdom, and that if one wants to find the deepest wisdom presented in any area of life, one must go to the myth. Those who have created works from the depths of art have recognized this. For example, there is a deep truth underlying Richard Wagner's entire relationship to myth, even if it has been expressed in an artistic way in his work. Our time will again ascend from a mere physical everyday life to a fully spiritual current. If you look into what is pulsating in our time, you will grasp the task of spiritual science in an ever deeper sense.
[ 32 ] Thus we started from considerations of higher worlds and recognized from the context what the actual mission of spiritual science is: to give people the opportunity get to know life, and to introduce him more and more to that which mysteriously participates when he moves his hand, when he creates with spirit, soul and body. He has enjoyed them around him, and through spiritual knowledge he will become more and more aware of these beings and live and create in harmony with them. In this way, spiritual research will reveal the full reality to him and enable him to bring knowledge and wisdom into life.