The Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man
GA 102
27 January 1908, Berlin
Translator Unknown
Lecture II
In the lecture today we shall make a rather far-reaching sweep into cosmic space. This will reveal to us, in broad outline, the inner course of world evolution, and at the same time its intimate connection with human evolution on the Earth. Everything in the universe is interconnected. To be able to follow these complicated connections naturally takes a long, long time, and it is only very gradually that man can find his way, so to speak, into the intricate workings of the cosmos.
In previous lectures you have heard how certain beings who have their abode on other cosmic bodies exercise an influence upon our own life, how they are related to what we call lymph, to the digestive fluids, also to our sense-perceptions. This will have given you a picture of the wide-spread operations of the spirit throughout cosmic space. We shall study a different aspect of these things today, reminding ourselves, to begin with, that our Earth, like man himself, has passed through different embodiments and will pass through others in times to come.
We look back to three previous embodiments of our Earth: to the immediately preceding embodiment which we call the Old Moon (not to be confused with our present moon); then to that of the “Sun”; and still further back to that of “Saturn.” And looking forward we see prophetically that our Earth will be transformed into a “Jupiter,” a “Venus” and a “Vulcan.”
These are the successive embodiments of our planet Earth. If you give a little thought to these stages of our Earth's evolution, you will realize that what in occult science we call a “Sun” is—like our present sun—a heavenly body around which a number of planets revolve. When, apart from this, we also speak of a planetary Sun-existence, saying that our Earth itself in an earlier state of evolution, was “Sun,” we imply, in a certain respect, that the sun which is today the centre of our planetary system, was not always a sun. It has advanced, so to speak, to the rank and dignity of a sun in the Cosmos. It was once united with the substances and forces contained in our Earth and then, taking away, as it were, what was the best and most capable of the highest development, it separated from the Earth, leaving us, together with certain forces which were destined for a slower evolution, behind. The Sun took with it certain higher beings and together with these higher beings established itself at the centre of our system. Therefore two stages earlier, what is contained in the sun today had a planetary existence only and it has risen from this to the form of existence belonging to the fixed stars. This will show you what mighty changes in evolution take place in the universe. At the outset, a sun is not a sun. A fixed star has not, from the very beginning, been a fixed star, but has had to pass through the lower school of planetary existence.
Now you may quite naturally ask me: What, then, happens when a fixed star evolves to a further stage? As truly as the Sun-existence—a fixed star existence—has risen from a planetary existence, so truly does its evolution proceed to further stages of life in the cosmos. We shall of course understand this evolution still better if we study the further evolution of our Earth.
It is true that for a certain period of its cosmic evolution our earth has been separated from the sun. The sun and its beings advance along a more rapid evolutionary path. Our earth and the beings belonging to it take a different course. But these beings, and the earth as a whole, will one day have progressed to the stage where union is again possible with the sun—after a separate existence has enabled them to complete and perfect their present phase of development. For our earth will again unite with the sun. During the stage of Earth-existence itself, the earth will reunite with the sun, just as during the same phase of evolution it separated from the sun. But during the Jupiter-stage there must again be a separation. The earth-beings must again be separated from the sun during the Jupiter-condition. Again there will be a reunion, and during the Venus-condition our earth will be united permanently with the sun, will have been taken up for all time into the sun. During the Vulcan-condition our earth will itself have become a sun within the sun and have contributed something to the sun-evolution, will have added something which, in spite of their higher rank, those beings who have always remained in the sun, could never themselves have achieved. Earth-existence was necessary in order that men might evolve as they have evolved, with a consciousness that alternates between waking and sleeping. This is connected with the separation from the sun. Beings who live always in the sun do not have day and night. The sense-consciousness which we call the clear consciousness of day and which in times to come will evolve into higher conditions, carries with it into the sun-evolution the fruits of experiences connected with the things of outer physical space. In this way the earth-beings give something to the sun, enrich the sun. And out of what is thus acquired on the earth, augmented by what is acquired on the sun, the Vulcan-existence comes into being. This Vulcan-existence is actually a higher condition than that of our present sun-existence. The earth evolves, the sun evolves, until they can unite to constitute the Vulcan-existence.
You may ask me: When a planet has evolved in this way to a sun-existence, what does this sun become in the course of further cosmic evolution? When our earth reaches the Venus-condition it will itself have become sun, and all the beings on Venus are sun-beings—actually at a higher stage than the beings of the present sun. What, then, is the further stage of such planetary evolution?
The following will seem grotesque, even preposterous, to those whose concepts are rooted in modern astronomy. Nevertheless it is a truth of cosmic evolution that when a planet like our earth has risen to sun-existence, when it has gradually achieved union with the sun and even sun-existence is transcended, there arises, as a still higher stage of evolution, something that in a certain sense you can perceive in the heavens: there arises what we today call a “Zodiac”—it is the stage higher than that of a fixed star. Thus when beings are no longer restricted to the form of existence belonging to a fixed star but have expanded their evolution so powerfully that it extends beyond fixed stars and the fixed stars lie like bodies embedded in it—then a higher stage is reached, the stage of Zodiac-existence. The forces which work from a Zodiac upon a planetary system themselves evolved, in former ages, in a planetary system and have advanced to the stage of a Zodiac.
And now cast your minds back to the old Saturn evolution, the first embodiment of our Earth. This Saturn once glimmered, as it were, in cosmic space, as the first herald of the dawn of our planetary existence. You know, too, that on this old Saturn the first germinal inception of our physical body was brought into being. Even at its greatest density this Saturn was not nearly as physically dense as our earth. It was a condition of utmost rarefication. That which today permeates all beings as warmth—known in occultism as “fire”—was the matter of Saturn. We may picture to ourselves that around this Saturn, this first, dawn-condition of our planetary system, there were the constellations of the Zodiac—but not yet as they are today. The single stars composing the Zodiacal constellations around that ancient Saturn were scarcely to be distinguished from each other. They glittered only very faintly, like beams of light streaming out from Saturn. The best way to picture this is to think of ancient Saturn encircled by beams of light, just as our earth is encircled by a Zodiac. And in the course of Earth-evolution itself these light-masses developed into the present star clusters comprised in the Zodiac. So that the Zodiac—to use an abstract expression—has differentiated out of that original ocean of flame. And from what did this ocean of flame itself arise?
It arose from the planetary system which preceded our own. Saturn itself was preceded by planetary evolutions in an age which, speaking in the sense of occult astronomy, can by no means be described as “time” as we understand time, for its character was rather different. But for the human mind today the concept is so fabulous that we have no word with which to express it. Speaking in analogy, however, we can say that the forces which preceded our planetary system in an earlier cycle of planetary existence went forth in the light-streams, and out of a small portion of matter gradually gathering together at the centre, this first, dawn-condition of the Earth arose; this was ancient Saturn and the forces contained in the Zodiac radiated down upon it from the cosmic All.
Something rather remarkable comes to light when we compare planetary existence with zodiacal existence. The occultist makes use of two words to indicate the difference between them. He says: Everything that is contained in the Zodiac is under the sign of “Duration”; everything that is comprised within planetary existence is under the sign of “Time.” You can get an idea of what this means if you remember that not even the farthest reaches of the mind can conceive of changes having taken place in the Zodiac. Each single planet may have undergone considerable change through long and greatly differing periods of evolution; the forces working in the Zodiac remain, relatively speaking, fixed and permanent. These concepts can, in any case, be only relative. The only difference in these changes of which we can conceive is in respect of the speed. Changes in the Zodiac take place slowly; changes in the planetary world and even in the existence of a fixed star take place rapidly—in comparison, that is to say, with what happens in the Zodiac.—The difference is always relative, only relative. As far as human thinking is concerned, we can say that planetary existence belongs to the sphere of the Finite, whereas Zodiacal existence belongs to the sphere of Infinitude. This, as already said, must be taken in the relative sense, but for the present it is sufficiently accurate.
And now I would ask you to pay special attention to the following: What has been achieved in a planetary existence and has become sun, ascends to “heavenly” existence, becomes zodiacal existence. And having reached zodiacal existence, what does it do? It offers itself in sacrifice! Please take account of this particular word. The first dawn-condition of the Earth, ancient Saturn, arose in a mysterious way as the result of sacrifice on the part of the Zodiac. The forces which caused the first, rarefied Saturn-masses to gather together were those which streamed down from the Zodiac, producing on Saturn the first germinal inception of physical man. This continued without cessation. You must not picture it as happening only once. Fundamentally speaking, what is happening continuously is that within what we call a planetary system the forces which evolved to a higher stage after having themselves passed through a planetary system, are sacrificed. We can say in effect: what is at first contained in a planetary system evolves to a “sun” existence, then to zodiacal existence and then has the power to be itself creative, to offer itself in sacrifice within a planetary existence. The forces from the Zodiac “rain” down continuously into the planetary existence and continuously ascend again; for that which at one time became our Zodiac must gradually ascend again. The distribution of forces in our earth existence may be conceived as follows:—on the one side forces are descending from the Zodiac and, on the other, forces are ascending to the Zodiac. Such is the mysterious interplay between the Zodiac and our earth. Forces descend and forces ascend. This is the mysterious “heavenly ladder” upon which forces are descending and ascending. These forces are indicated in various ways in the different scriptures; you find them indicated, too, in Goethe's Faust:
“What heavenly forces up and down are ranging,
The golden vessels interchanging.”
As far as our human understanding goes, these forces began to descend during the Saturn-existence of our Earth and when the Earth-existence proper had reached its middle point, the stage had arrived when they gradually began again to ascend. We have now passed beyond the middle point of our evolution, which fell in the middle of the Atlantean epoch; and what human beings have lived through since then is a phase of existence beyond the middle point. In a certain sense, therefore, we may say that at the present time, more forces are ascending to the Zodiac than are descending from it.
When, therefore, you think of the whole Zodiac, you must picture that some of its forces are descending and some are ascending. We think of the forces which are now involved in the ascending line of evolution, collectively, as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra—because they actually belong to these constellations. These seven constellations comprise the ascending forces. The descending forces are comprised, approximately speaking, in the five constellations of Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Thus forces rain down from the Zodiac and ascend again: seven constellations of ascending, five of descending forces. The ascending forces also correspond, in man, to the higher members of his being, to his higher, nobler attributes. The forces which are in the descending phase of evolution have first to pass through man and within him to attain to the stage at which they too can become ascending forces.
In this way you will realize that there is interaction between everything in cosmic space, that everything in cosmic space is interconnected, inter-related. But it must never be forgotten that these operations and activities are going on all the time, that they are ever-present. At any given moment in our evolution we can therefore speak of forces which are going forth from man and forces which are coming in; forces are descending and forces are ascending. For all and each of these forces there comes, at some point, the moment when from being descending forces they are transformed into ascending forces. All forces which eventually become ascending forces are at first descending forces. They descend, so to say, as far as man. In man they acquire the power to ascend.
At the middle point of its evolution, when our Earth had passed through the three planetary stages of Saturn, Sun, Moon, had reached the fourth planetary condition, having in front of it the stages of Jupiter, Venus and Vulcan (as Earth, therefore, it is midway in the span of its existence)—it had passed through three “life-conditions” (also called “rounds”). It has passed through three of these life-conditions and is now in the fourth; it has passed through three “form-conditions”—the arupic, the rupic, and the astral, leading down to physical existence. Therefore in respect of the “form-conditions,” our Earth is in the middle phase of its evolution. As physical Earth, in the fourth form-condition of the fourth life-condition of the fourth planetary existence it has had upon it three great races: the first, the Polarian race; the second, the Hyperborean race; the third, the Lemurian race. The Atlantean race is the fourth. In the Atlantean race, humanity was in the middle of those phases of evolution of which we are speaking. Since the middle of the Atlantean epoch humanity has passed beyond this middle point. And since the middle of the Atlantean epoch there have begun, for men in general, those conditions in which the ascending forces preponderate. If we were speaking of the proportion of forces descending from and ascending to the Zodiac before the middle of the Atlantean epoch, we should have to say: they were in equal proportion. We should have to speak differently of the conditions then prevailing, enumerating as the ascending forces: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo—counting Libra with the other descending forces.
But something else is connected with all this. You must realize that in speaking of these cosmic processes, we are not speaking of physical or etheric bodies but of beings in-dwelling the several heavenly bodies. When we speak of man in terms of Spiritual Science we say that the whole man—and we think of man only in this sense—is a seven-fold being, consisting of physical body, etheric body, astral body, ego, spirit-self, life-spirit, spirit-man. His development is not yet complete but will be when his sevenfold being has fully developed. But in the great cosmic All there are beings other than man, beings of a different nature. There are, for example, beings in the cosmos of whom we cannot say that, like man, they have the physical body as one of their members. There are beings of whom we must speak differently. The members of which man is composed can be enumerated as follows:
- Spirit-Man
- Life-Spirit
- Spirit-Self
- Ego
- Astral Body
- Etheric Body
- Physical Body
Now there are beings whose lowest member is the etheric body; they too are sevenfold, having an eighth member, higher than spirit-man. We begin to enumerate thus: etheric body, astral body, and so forth, finishing with a member above our spirit-man (Atma). There are other beings whose lowest member is the astral body; above spirit-man they have an eighth and yet a ninth member. Again there are beings whose lowest member is the ‘I,’ the ego, and who therefore have not a physical nor an etheric nor an astral body in our sense but whose Ego streams outwards without the three sheaths. They are therefore beings who send forth ‘Egos’ in all directions. These Beings have an eighth, a ninth, and a tenth member; they are described in the Apocalypse as beings who are “full of eyes”. Then there are beings in whom spirit-self (Manas) is the lowest member. They have yet an eleventh member. And finally there are beings whose lowest member is the life-spirit and who have yet a twelfth member. You must therefore think of beings who, just as man's lowest member is a physical body, have life-spirit (Budhi) as their lowest member and above, a highest member best designated by the number 12. These are most sublime beings, far transcending everything that man is able to conceive. How is it possible to form any kind of idea of these most wonderful, most sublime beings?
When we try to characterize man, in one aspect, it is obvious that with respect to the universe, he is a being who receives. The things and beings of the world are outspread around you; you perceive them, you form concepts of them. Just imagine that the world around you were empty, or dark. You could have no perceptions, nor would there be anything of which you could form concepts. You have to rely upon receiving from outside the content of your inner world. It is characteristic of man that he is a being who receives; he receives the content of his soul-life, his inner life, from outside; things must exist in the world if his soul is to have content. The nature of man's etheric body is such that it could experience nothing in itself were it not beholden to the whole surrounding universe for all experiences, for everything that enters into it. These beings of whom I have just told you, who have life-spirit as their lowest member, are in an entirely different position. In respect of their life, these beings are not dependent upon receiving anything from outside; they are “givers,” they are themselves creative. You know from what I have often told you, that the ‘I,’ the ego, works in the etheric body and that ‘Budhi’ is nothing else than a transformed etheric body. In respect of substance, therefore, the life-spirit too is an ether body. The twelfth member of these sublime beings is also an ‘ether body’ but one which pours forth life, which works in the world in such a way that it does not receive life but gives it forth, offers life in perpetual sacrifice.
And now let us ask: Can we conceive of a being who is in any way connected with us and who radiates life into our universe? Is it possible to conceive of life that is perpetually streaming into the world, imbuing the world with life?
Let us think for a moment of what was said at the beginning of the lecture, namely that there are ascending and descending forces—forces that are ascending to the Zodiac and forces that are descending from the Zodiac. How has man reached a position which makes it possible for something to stream from within him? What has happened to man that enables something to stream forth from him? He has reached this position because his ego, after long, long preparation, has steadily unfolded and developed. This I, this ego, has been in course of preparation for long, long ages. For truth to tell, the object of all existence in the Saturn-condition, the Sun-condition and the Moon-condition when the sheaths into which the I was to be received were produced—was to prepare for the I. In those earlier conditions, other beings created the dwelling-place for the I. Now, on the earth, the dwelling-place was at the stage where the I could take root in man and from then onwards the I began to work upon the outer, bodily sheaths from within. The fact that the ego is able to work from within has also brought about a surplus, a surplus of ascending forces; there was no longer a state of parity. Before the ego was able to work within man, the ascending forces gradually evolved until the middle point had been reached; and when the, ego actually entered into man the ascending and the descending forces had reached the stage where they were in ‘balance.’ At the entry of the ego, the ascending and the descending forces were in balance and it rests with man to turn the scales in the right direction. That is why the occultists have called the constellation which was entered at the time when the ego itself began to operate, the ‘Balance’ (Libra). Up to the end of Virgo, preparation was being made for the deeds of the ego in our planetary evolution, but the ego had not itself begun to work. When Libra had been reached the ego itself began to participate and this was a most important moment in its evolution.
Just think what it means that the ego had reached this stage of evolution:
From then on it was possible for the ego to participate in the work of the forces belonging to the Zodiac, to reach into the Zodiac. The more the ego strives for the highest point of its evolution, the more it works into the Zodiac. There is nothing that happens in the innermost core of the ego that has not its consequences right up to the very Zodiac. And inasmuch as man with his ego lays the foundations for his development to Atma, or spirit-man, he develops, stage by stage, the forces which enable him to work upwards into the sphere of Libra, the Balance, in the Zodiac. He will attain full power over Libra in the Zodiac when his ego has developed to Atma, or spirit-man. He will then be a being from whom something streams out, who has passed out of the sphere of Time into the sphere of Duration, of Eternity.
Such is the path of man. But there are other beings whose lowest sphere of operation is man's highest. Let us try to conceive of these beings whose lowest sphere of operation is man's highest (Libra in the Zodiac). When we relate man to the Zodiac, he reaches to Libra. The Being whose innermost nature belongs wholly to the Zodiac, whose forces belong wholly to the Zodiac, who only manifests in planetary life through his lowest member, which corresponds to Libra (as man's lowest member corresponds to Pisces)—this is the Being who spreads life throughout the whole of our universe:

Just as man receives life into himself, so does this Being radiate life through the whole of our universe. This is the Being Who has the power to make the great sacrifice and Who is inscribed in the Zodiac as the Being Who for the sake of our world offers Himself in sacrifice. Just as man strives upwards into the Zodiac, so does this Being send us His sacrificial gift from Aries—which is related to Him as Libra is related to man. And just as man turns his ego upwards to Libra, so does this Being radiate His very Self over our sphere in sacrifice. This Being is called the “Mystical Lamb,” for Lamb and Aries are the same; therefore the description ‘Sacrificial Lamb’ or ‘Ram’ is given to Christ. Christ belongs to the cosmos as a whole. His I, his Ego, reaches to Aries and thus He becomes Himself the “Great Sacrifice,” is related with the whole of mankind and in a certain sense the beings and forces present on the earth are His creations. The configuration of forces is such that He could become the Creator of these beings in the constellation of Aries, or the Lamb. The designation “Sacrificial Lamb” or “Mystical Lamb” is drawn from the heavens themselves.
This is one of the aspects revealed to us when from our circumscribed existence we look up into the heavens and perceive the interworking of heavenly forces and beings in cosmic space. Gradually we begin to realize that the forces streaming from heavenly body to heavenly body are akin to those forces which stream from one human soul to another as love and hate. We perceive soul-forces streaming from star to star and learn to recognize the heavenly script which records for us what is wrought and effected by those forces in cosmic space.
Zweiter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Wir werden heute einen etwas weitergehenden Ausflug in den Weltenraum machen, wobei sich uns der innere Gang der Weltentwickelung im großen zeigen soll, und zu gleicher Zeit der intime Zusammenhang dieser Weltentwickelung im großen mit dem, was Menschenentwickelung auf der Erde ist. In der Welt ist ja nichts ohne Zusammenhang. Diese komplizierten Zusammenhänge im Weltenall zu verfolgen, dazu gehört natürlich für den Menschen sehr, sehr viel Zeit, und nur nach und nach kommt man sozusagen in die Intimitäten des Weltenwirkens hinein.
[ 2 ] Sie haben aus vorhergehenden Vorträgen gesehen, wie gewisse Wesenheiten, die andere Weltenkörper bewohnen, eine Beziehung haben zu unserem eigenen Leben, wie sie einen Einfluß haben auf das, was wir unsere Lymphflüssigkeit nennen, was wir unsere Ernährungsflüssigkeit nennen, ja auch oft auf das, was als die Sinneswahrnehmung durch unsere Sinne in uns ein- und auszieht. Daraus schon konnten Sie entnehmen, wie der Geist durch den Weltenraum weit-, weithin wirkt.
[ 3 ] Heute wollen wir die Sache noch von einer anderen Seite aus betrachten, und dazu wollen wir uns zunächst daran erinnern, was wir öfter schon hervorgehoben haben: daß unsere Erde ähnlich wie der Mensch selbst verschiedene Verkörperungen durchgemacht hat und verschiedene Verkörperungen durchmachen wird.
[ 4 ] Wir sehen im allgemeinen zurück auf drei Verkörperungen unserer Erde: auf die Verkörperung unmittelbar vor dem jetzigen Zustand, die wir den alten — nicht unseren - «Mond» nennen; sodann auf eine weitere Verkörperung, die wir als «Sonne» bezeichnen, und auf eine noch weiter zurückliegende, die wir als «Saturn» bezeichnen. Und wir sehen prophetisch voraus, daß unsere Erde sich in einen «Jupiter», in eine «Venus» und in einen «Vulkan» verwandeln wird.
[ 5 ] Damit haben wir die aufeinanderfolgenden Verkörperungen unseres irdischen Planetenlebens hingestellt. Wenn Sie ein wenig nachdenken über diese Stufenfolge der Entwickelung unserer eigenen Erde, so können Sie ja daraus entnehmen, was wir in der okkulten Wissenschaft eine «Sonne» nennen, um welche, wenn sie uns so entgegentritt wie unsere heutige Sonne, eine Reihe von Planeten herumkreisen. Wenn wir daneben auch von einem Planetendasein «Sonne» sprechen und sagen, unsere Erde selbst war in einem früheren Entwickelungszustand «Sonne», so sagen wir ja in einer gewissen Beziehung, daß diese Sonne, die heute den Mittelpunkt unseres Planetensystems bildet, nicht immer Sonne war. Sie ist sozusagen zum Sonnenrang, zur Sonnenwürde im Weltenall avanciert. Sie war einstmals mit dem, was früher in uriserer Erde an Stoffen und Kräften war, vereint, nahm sich gewissermaßen das Beste daraus weg, das, was heute schon die höchste Entwickelungsmöglichkeit enthält, trennte sich von der Erde und ließ uns und eine Anzahl von Kräften zurück, die angewiesen sind auf eine langsamere Entwickelung. Höhere Wesenheiten hat sie mit sich genommen und sich mit diesen höheren Wesenheiten in den Mittelpunkt unseres Systems gestellt. Was also heute in der Sonne ist, hatte zwei Stufen vorher nur ein Planetendasein und ist vom Planetendasein zum Fixsterndasein aufgerückt. Daraus sehen Sie, wie alles veränderlich ist, in Entwickelung ist im Weltenall. Eine Sonne ist nicht von vornherein eine Sonne. Ein Fixstern ist nicht einfach ein Fixstern geworden, sondern er hatte erst die niedere Schule des Planetendaseins durchzumachen.
[ 6 ] Nun können Sie mich natürlich fragen: Wie ist es nun weiter, wenn ein solcher Fixstern sich weiterentwickelt, was geschieht denn dann? So wahr der Fixstern, das Sonnendasein, aus einem Planetendasein sich heraufgeschwungen hat, so wahr geht seine Entwickelung im Kosmos auch weiter. Wir werden allerdings diese Weiterentwickelung noch besser verstehen, wenn wir noch ein klein wenig auf die Weiterentwickelung unserer Erde blicken.
[ 7 ] Wahr ist es, unsere Erde hat sich für eine Wegstrecke ihrer kosmischen Entwickelung von der Sonne getrennt. Die Sonne geht sozusagen mit ihren Wesen einen rasenden Entwickelungsweg vorwärts. Unsere Erde geht mit ihren Wesenheiten heute einen anderen Gang. Aber diese Wesenheiten und die ganze Erde werden einmal so weit kommen, nachdem ihnen nunmehr in einem abgesonderten Dasein die Gelegenheit geboten wurde, ihre jetzige Entwickelung zu vollenden, den Anschluß zu finden an die Sonnenwesen; denn unsere Erde wird sich wieder mit der Sonne vereinigen. Sie wird ja schon in unserem heutigen Erdenstadium mit der Sonne wieder zusammengehen, so wie sie sich während der Erdenentwickelung von der Sonne getrennt hat. Dann aber muß sie noch einmal herausgehen während des Jupiterzustands. Diesen Jupiterzustand müssen die Erdenwesen wieder getrennt von der Sonne durchmachen. Dann folgt wieder eine Vereinigung, und während des Venuszustandes wird unsere Erde mit der Sonne dauernd vereinigt sein, in die Sonne dauernd aufgenommen sein. Während des Vulkanzustandes wird unsere Erde innerhalb der Sonne selbst Sonne geworden sein und ein Stück hinzugebracht haben zu der Sonnenentwickelung, ein Stück Dasein, welches die Wesen, die immer in der Sonne geblieben sind, wenn sie auch höher sind, gar nicht hätten selber erreichen können. Das Erdendasein mußte eintreten, damit die Menschen sich so entwickeln, wie sie sich entwickelt haben mit jenem alltäglichen Bewußtsein, das zwischen Wachen und Schlafen abwechselt. Denn das hängt mit der Trennung von der Sonne zusammen. Wesen, die immer in der Sonne leben, haben nicht Tag und Nacht. Dieses Sinnesbewußtsein, das wir das helle 'Tagesbewußtsein nennen, das sich künftig in höhere Zustände entwickeln wird, das bringt die Erfahrungen des physischen Außenraumes mit in die Sonnenentwickelung. Dadurch geben wir den Wesen der Sonne auch etwas, machen sie reicher. Und aus diesem, was auf der Erde errungen wird, vermehrt um das, was auf der Sonne erobert wird, entsteht das Vulkandasein. Dieser Vulkanzustand ist schon ein höherer Zustand als unser heutiger Sonnenzustand. So entwickelt sich die Erde, so entwickelt sich die Sonne weiter, bis sie sich vereinigen können in der Vulkanentwickelung.
[ 8 ] Nun können Sie mich weiter fragen: Was wird nun, wenn so ein Planet sich zur Sonne entwickelt hat, mit dieser Sonne weiter in der kosmischen Entwickelung? Wir dürfen sagen, unsere Erde selbst ist, wenn sie ihren Venuszustand errungen hat, Sonne geworden, und auf der Venus sind alle Wesen Sonnenwesen; ja sie sind sogar mehr, als die Wesen der heutigen Sonne sind. Was wird denn dann aus einer solchen ganzen planetarischen Entwickelung?
[ 9 ] Sie sehen: das, was wir jetzt besprechen wollen, wird ja für alle die, deren Begriffe fest geworden sind in dem, was man moderne Astronomie nennt, recht grotesk erscheinen und verdreht klingen. Aber es ist wahr, es ist die Wirklichkeit der kosmischen Entwickelung: Wenn ein solcher Planet, wie es unsere Erde ist, aufgestiegen ist zum Sonnendasein, wenn er allmählich mit seiner Sonne sich vereinigt hat und das Ganze noch über das Sonnendasein hinaussteigt, dann entsteht aus dem heraus als noch höhere Stufe der Entwickelung etwas, was Sie auch in gewisser Beziehung am Himmel wahrnehmen können: Dann entsteht das, was wir heute einen «Tierkreis» nennen; das ist die höhere Stufe gegenüber der Fixsternentwickelung. Wenn also die Wesen nicht mehr auf einen bloßen Fixstern beschränkt bleiben, sondern ihre eigene Entwickelung so mächtig ausdehnen, daß sie über Fixsterne sich hinerstreckt, daß die Fixsterne wie in ihnen eingebettete Leiber liegen, dann ist diese höhere Stufe der Entwickelung die Tierkreisentwickelung. Tatsächlich ist es so, daß diejenigen Kräfte, die aus einem Tierkreis auf ein Planetensystem wirken, selbst früher in einem Planetensystem sich entwickelt haben und zu einem Tierkreisstadium hinaufgeschritten sind.
[ 10 ] Und jetzt erinnern Sie sich zurück an die alte Saturnentwickelung, an die erste Verkörperung unserer Erde. Dieser Saturn ist sozusagen einstmals aufgeleuchtet im Weltenraum als die erste sich ankündigende Morgendämmerung unseres Planetendaseins. Sie wissen ja auch, daß auf diesem alten Saturn die erste Anlage sich entwickelt hat zu unserem physischen Leib. Dieser Saturn war selbst in seinem festesten Zustand keineswegs so fest, so physisch fest, wie unsere Erde es jetzt ist. Er hatte ein feines, dünnes Dasein. Das, was heute alle Wesen durchzieht als Wärme, was man im Okkultismus «Feuer» nennt, war seine Materie. Und wir können uns die Tatsache so vorstellen, daß um diesen Saturn, diesen ersten Morgendämmerungszustand unseres planetarischen Daseins, herumstanden die Tierkreisbilder, freilich noch nicht so wie heute, Diese Tierkreisbilder waren dazumal um den alten Saturn so herum, daß man die einzelnen Sterne kaum hat voneinander unterscheiden können. Sie glänzten nur wenig hell, etwa wie aus dem Saturn heraus streifenförmig sich ausbreitende Lichtstreifen. Sie bekommen am leichtesten eine Vorstellung davon, wenn Sie sich diesen alten Saturn, ebenso wie unsere Erde von einem Tierkreis umgeben ist, umgeben denken von Lichtstreifen. Und im Laufe der Erdentwickelung selber verdichteten sich die Lichtmassen zu den heutigen Sternenmassen des Tierkreises, so daß sich der Tierkreis, wenn wir ein abstrahierendes Wort gebrauchen wollen, herausdifferenziert hat aus den ursprünglichen Flammenstreifenmassen. Und woher ist diese Flammenstreifenmasse selbst entstanden?
[ 11 ] Sie ist entstanden aus dem alten planetarischen System, das unserem eigenen planetarischen System vorangegangen ist. Dem Saturn sind ja auch planetarische Entwickelungen vorangegangen in einer Zeit, die wir, wenn wir wirklich astronomisch-okkultistisch sprechen, gar nicht mehr als «Zeit» in unserem Sinne bezeichnen können, denn sie hatte einen etwas anderen Charakter als unsere «Zeit». Wir können sagen, sie ist für das heutige menschliche Vorstellen und für die heutigen menschlichen Begriffe ein so fabelhafter Begriff, daß wir gar kein Wort haben, das auszudrücken. Aber wir können in einer Analogie sagen, daß diejenigen Kräfte, die unserem Planetensystem in einem früheren planetarischen Dasein vorangegangen sind, sich in den Streifen aufgelöst haben, und nur aus einem geringen Teil der Materie ist im Inneren allmählich zusammengeballt worden dieser erste Morgendämmerungszustand der Erde, der alte Saturn, und aus dem Weltenall herunter leuchteten die Kräfte, die im Tierkreis waren.
[ 12 ] Es ist etwas Eigentümliches, wenn wir das planetarische Dasein vergleichen mit dem Tierkreisdasein. Der Okkultist bezeichnet durch zwei Worte den Unterschied des Planetendaseins vom Tierkreisdasein. Er sagt: Alles, was im Tierkreis vereinigt ist, steht im Zeichen der «Dauer»; das, was im Planetendasein vereinigt ist, steht im Zeichen der «Zeit». Sie können sich eine Vorstellung davon machen, was das heißt, wenn Sie sich daran erinnern, daß für weit, weit ausgreifende Begriffe der Tierkreis unverändert bleibt. Jeder der einzelnen Planeten kann lange und schr voneinander verschiedene Entwickelungsepochen durchmachen, sich sehr verändern; aber das, was da oben im Tierkreis wirkt, bleibt dabei verhältnismäßig dauerhaft, fest. Allerdings sind diese Begriffe nur relativ aufzufassen. Wenn wir dann unsere Begriffe noch weiter erstrecken, so besteht bei diesen Veränderungen nur ein Unterschied in bezug auf die Geschwindigkeit. Die Veränderungen im Tierkreis geschehen langsam; die Veränderungen in der planetarischen Welt und selbst im Fixsterndasein geschehen im Verhältnis zum Geschehen im Tierkreis sehr rasch; also doch nur ein relativer Unterschied. Für alle menschlichen Begriffe, so können wir fast sagen, ist das planetarische Dasein die Sphäre der Endlichkeit, das Tierkreisdasein die Sphäre der Unendlichkeit. Dies ist, wie gesagt, relativ, aber für den menschlichen Begriff vorderhand ausreichend.
[ 13 ] So dürfen wir eines sagen, und ich bitte Sie, das recht sehr zu berücksichtigen: Dasjenige, was in einem planetarischen Dasein gewirkt hat, was Sonne geworden ist, steigt hinauf bis in himmlisches Dasein, bis zum Tierkreisdasein. Und wenn es bei diesem Tierkreisdasein angekommen ist, was tut es dann? Dann opfert es sich! — und ich bitte, eben dieses Wort zu berücksichtigen. Auf geheimnisvolle Weise entstand schon der erste Morgendämmerungszustand der Erde, der alte Saturn, durch ein Opfer des Tierkreises. Die Kräfte, die die erste feine Saturnmasse zusammenballten, waren die Kräfte, die aus dem Tierkreis herniederströmten und die erste Keimanlage des physischen Menschen auf dem Saturn bewirkten. Und immer weiter ging das; denn Sie dürfen sich nicht vorstellen, daß das nur einmal geschieht! Es geschieht im Grunde genommen fortwährend, daß innerhalb dessen, was wir ein Planetensystem nennen, die Kräfte geopfert werden, die sich bis zur höheren Stufe entwickelt haben, nachdem sie selbst durch ein Planetensystem durchgegangen waren. Wir können fast so sagen: Was erst in einem planetarischen System ist, entwickelt sich zum Sonnendasein, dann zum Tierkreisdasein und erlangt dann die Fähigkeit, selbst schöpferisch zu werden, sich hinzuopfern in einem planetarischen Dasein. Und fortwährend «regnen» die Kräfte aus dem Tierkreis in das planetarische Dasein hinunter, und fortwährend steigen sie wieder auf; denn das, was selbst einstmals Tierkreis werden soll von uns, muß ja nach und nach wiederum hinaufsteigen. Wir dürfen daher sagen, daß in unserer Erde die Kräfteverteilung so ist, daß auf der einen Seite herabsteigende Kräfte, auf der anderen hinaufsteigende Kräfte vom und zum Tierkreis sind. Dies ist das geheimnisvolle Zusammenwirken des Tierkreises mit unserer Erde. Kräfte steigen herab, Kräfte steigen hinauf. Das sind die Stufen der geheimnisvollen «Himmelsleiter», auf welcher Kräfte herunter- und hinaufsteigen. Sie werden in den religiösen Schriften verschiedentlich angedeutet; Sie finden sie auch angedeutet in Goethes «Faust»:
Wie Himmelskräfte auf- und niedersteigen
Und sich die goldnen Eimer reichen ...
[ 14 ] Für unser Ermessen, für unsere menschliche Auffassungsgabe begannen diese Kräfte herunterzusteigen mit dem Saturndasein der Erde, und als die Erde in ihrem Mittelpunkt war, da war auch schon wiederum der Schritt getan, daß nach und nach die Kräfte wiederum aufsteigen. Und jetzt sind wir so weit, daß wir die Mitte unserer Entwickelung sozusagen überschritten haben. In der Mitte unserer Entwickelung waren wir ja gerade in der Mitte der atlantischen Zeit; und was die Menschen durchgemacht haben seit der atlantischen Zeit, das ist eigentlich etwas, was eine Strecke über die Mitte unserer Entwickelung hinausgeht. So daß wir sagen dürfen, daß in einer gewissen Weise heute schon mehr Kräfte aufsteigen als herabsteigen aus dem Tierkreis.
[ 15 ] Wenn Sie sich also den ganzen Tierkreis denken, so haben Sie sich vorzustellen, daß aus diesem Tierkreis ein Teil von Kräften absteigt, ein Teil von Kräften aufsteigt. Diejenigen Kräfte, die heute in aufsteigender Entwickelung begriffen sind, fassen wir zusammen, weil sie diesen Sternbildern auch angehören, unter den Sternbildern Widder, Stier, Zwillinge, Krebs, Löwe, Jungfrau, Waage. Das sind die sieben Sternbilder, die den aufsteigenden Kräften entsprechen. Fünf Sternbilder etwa entsprechen den absteigenden Kräften: Skorpion, Schütze, Steinbock, Wassermann und Fische. Da sehen Sie also, wie aus dem Tierkreis Kräfte niederregnen und aufsteigen — wie die aufsteigenden sieben Sternbildern entsprechen, die absteigenden fünf Sternbildern. Diejenigen Kräfte, die aufsteigen, entsprechen auch im Menschen den höheren Gliedern seiner Wesenheit, den höheren, edleren Eigenschaften. Diejenigen Kräfte, die in absteigender Entwickelung sind, müssen erst durch den Menschen durchgehen, müssen erst im Menschen jene Stufe sich erringen, durch die auch sie aufsteigende Kräfte werden können.
[ 16 ] Auf diese Art werden Sie begreifen, wie alles im Weltenraum aufeinander wirken kann, wie alles im Weltenraum einen Zusammenhang und ein gewisses Verhältnis haben muß. Aber wir müssen durchaus festhalten, daß dieses Wirken immer geschieht, immer da ist. So daß, wenn wir nur in irgendeinem Moment unserer Entwickelung stehen, wir uns immer sagen können: Ja, es sind jetzt gewisse Kräfte da, die im Menschen aus- und einziehen, Kräfte, die heruntersteigen, und Kräfte, die aufsteigen. Für eine jede von solchen Kräften ist einmal der Moment da, wo sie aus niedersteigenden in aufsteigende Kräfte sich verwandeln. Alle Kräfte, die aufsteigende Kräfte werden, sind zuerst niedersteigend. Sie steigen sozusagen bis zum Menschen herunter. Im Menschen erringen sie sich die Kraft des Aufsteigens.
[ 17 ] Als unsere Erde im Mittelpunkt ihrer Entwickelung war, nachdem sie drei planetarische Daseinsstufen: Saturn, Sonne, Mond durchgemacht hatte und als sie angekommen war im vierten planetarischen Zustand und jetzt noch den Jupiter-, Venus- und Vulkanzustand vor sich hat - als «Erde» ist sie also in der Mitte ihres Daseins -, da hatte sie durchzumachen drei «Lebenszustände», die man auch «Runden» nennt. Drei hat sie durchgemacht, in dem vierten Lebenszustand ist sie jetzt. Dann hatte sie durchzumachen drei «Formzustände», das arupische, das rupische, das astralische, bis sie zum physischen Dasein gelangte. Also auch in bezug auf die Formzustände ist sie in der Mitte ihrer Entwickelung. Als physische Erde, im vierten Formzustand des vierten Lebenszustandes des vierten planetarischen Daseins, hat sie durchzumachen gehabt drei Rassen: die erste die polarische, die zweite die hyperboräische, die dritte die lemurische Rasse. Die atlantische Rasse ist die vierte. In der atlantischen Rasse war die Menschheit gerade in der Mitte jener Entwickelungen, von denen wir überhaupt sprechen. Seit der Mitte der atlantischen Entwickelung ist die Menschheit über diese Mitte hinausgeschritten, und seit der Mitte der atlantischen Rasse ist die Zeit gekommen, in der überhaupt erst für den Menschen diejenigen Zustände begonnen haben, wo ein Übermaß des Aufsteigens da ist. Würden wir das Verhältnis von absteigenden und aufsteigenden Kräften zum Tierkreis vor der Mitte der atlantischen Zeit messen, würden wir sagen müssen: es ist ein Gleichmaß vorhanden. Wir müßten dann anders sprechen und als die aufsteigenden Kräfte aufzählen: Widder, Stier, Zwillinge, Krebs, Löwe, Jungfrau. Wir müßten die Waage zu der anderen Partie zählen, zu denen, die im Heruntersteigen sind.
[ 18 ] Nun ist aber mit alledem etwas anderes verknüpft. Sie müssen sich klar sein darüber, daß wenn wir von solchen kosmischen Vorgängen sprechen, wir nicht von physischen oder ätherischen Leibern sprechen, sondern von Wesenheiten, die die betreffenden Himmelskörper bewohnen, die wir benennen. Wenn wir geisteswissenschaftlich vom Menschen sprechen, so sagen wir, der vollständige Mensch, den wir ins Auge fassen, den wir allein auch ins Auge fassen können, ist eine siebengliedrige Wesenheit, die aus physischem Leib, Ätherleib, Astralleib, Ich, Geistselbst, Lebensgeist und Geistesmensch besteht. Er ist heute noch nicht vollständig, er wird es aber sein, wenn seine siebengliedrige Wesenheit zur völligen Ausbildung gekommen ist. Aber es gibt im großen Weltall nicht nur solche Wesenheiten, wie der Mensch es ist in seiner Entwickelung. Es gibt andere Wesenheiten, zum Beispiel solche, bei denen wir nicht sagen können, daß sie wie der heutige Mensch als unterstes Glied einen physischen Leib haben. Es gibt Wesenheiten, bei denen wir anders zählen müssen. Wir können die Glieder der menschlichen Wesenheit so aufschreiben:
7. Geistesmensch
6. Lebensgeist
5. Geistselbst
4. Ich
3. Astralleib
2. Ätherleib
1. Physischer Leib.
[ 19 ] Nun gibt es Wesenheiten, deren unterstes Glied der Ätherleib ist; .das sind auch siebengliedrige Wesenheiten, die dann über dem Geistesmenschen noch ein achtes Glied haben. Bei ihnen fängt es mit dem Ätherleib, Astralleib und so weiter an, und sie hören auf bei einem Glied, das über unserem Atma, über dem Geistesmenschen liegt. Andere Wesenheiten gibt es, deren unterstes Glied der astralische Leib ist; dafür haben sie dann über dem Geistesmenschen noch ein achtes und ein neuntes Glied. Es gibt Wesenheiten, deren unterstes Glied das Ich ist, die also in unserem Sinne einen physischen Leib, Ätherleib und Astralleib nicht haben, sondern die sich so offenbaren, daß das Ich nach außen drängt, ohne die drei Hüllen, Wesenheiten also, die nach außen überall Iche hinschicken. Die haben dafür noch ein achtes, neuntes und zehntes Glied; die sind in der Apokalypse beschrieben als «Wesenheiten ganz voller Augen». Dann gibt es Wesenheiten, die mit dem Geistselbst, mit Manas, als unterstem Glied anfangen. Die haben noch ein elftes Glied. Und endlich gibt es Wesenheiten, die mit dem Lebensgeist anfangen, die haben dann noch ein zwölftes Glied. Es gibt also Wesenheiten, die, so wie der Mensch als unterstes Glied einen physischen Leib hat, als unterstes Glied die Buddhi haben, und die dafür ein höchstes Glied haben, das wir am besten mit der Zahl Zwölf bezeichnen. Das sind hohe, erhabene Wesenheiten, die weit hinaufragen über alles, was der Mensch sich nur vorstellen kann. Wie kann eine Vorstellung überhaupt geliefert werden von diesen wunderbaren, hoch erhabenen Wesenheiten?
[ 20 ] Wenn wir den Menschen nach einer gewissen Seite hin charakterisieren wollen, dann stellt er sich uns dar, dem Weltall gegenüber, als ein Empfangender. Draußen um Sie herum sind die Dinge, die Wesenheiten ausgebreitet; Sie nehmen sie wahr, Sie bilden sich Begriffe von ihnen. Denken Sie, die Welt wäre leer oder finster um Sie herum: Sie könnten sich keine Wahrnehmung verschaffen, keine Dinge würden Ihnen Begriffe geben. Sie sind angewiesen darauf, den Inhalt Ihres Inneren zu empfangen vom Äußeren. Das ist ein Charakteristikum des Menschen, daß er ein empfangendes Wesen ist, daß er seinen Seeleninhalt, sein Inneres zunächst empfängt von außen, daß die Dinge da sein müssen, wenn er zu einem Inhalt kommen will. Des Menschen Ätherleib ist so gestaltet, daß er nichts in sich erleben könnte, wenn er nicht dieses Erleben, alles, was in ihm auftritt, der ganzen Weltenumgebung verdankte. Diese Wesenheiten, die ich Ihnen eben charakterisiert habe, die zu ihrem untersten Glied den Lebensgeist haben, sind in ganz anderer Lage. Diese Wesenheiten sind in bezug auf ihr Leben nicht darauf angewiesen, von außen zu empfangen, sondern sie sind Kraftzentren, nach außen gebend, schöpferisch. Sie wissen ja aus der Darstellung, die ich Ihnen immer gegeben habe, wie das Ich auch in den Ätherleib hineinarbeitet, wie die Buddhi nichts anderes ist als ein umgestalteter Ätherleib, so daß der Lebensgeist substantiell auch ein Ätherleib ist. Ja, das zwölfte Glied ist bei diesen hoch erhabenen Wesenheiten auch ein Ätherleib, aber ein Ätherleib, der Leben ausströmt, der so wirkt in der Welt, daß er das Leben nicht empfängt, sondern hingibt, es fortdauernd zu opfern in der Lage ist.
[ 21 ] Nun fragen wir uns: Können wir uns denn eine Vorstellung machen von einem Wesen, das irgendwie mit uns in Beziehung steht, und das in einer solchen Weise in unserem Weltall Leben ausströmt? Dieses ausströmende Leben ist ein solches, das fortdauernd belebend in die Welt fließt. Können wir uns davon eine Vorstellung machen?
[ 22 ] Kommen wir einmal einen Augenblick zurück auf das, was wir im Anfange unseres heutigen Vortrags sagten. Wir haben gesagt, daß aufsteigende und absteigende Kräfte vorhanden sind, zum Tierkreis aufsteigende, vom Tierkreis absteigende Kräfte. Wodurch ist der Mensch überhaupt in die Lage gekommen, daß von ihm irgend etwas aufströmen kann? Was ist denn mit dem Menschen geschehen, daß von ihm selbst etwas aufströmen kann aus seinem Wesen heraus? Er ist dadurch in diese Lage gekommen, daß erst lange vorbereitet worden ist und dann immer weiter und weitergeschritten ist - sein Ich. Dieses Ich ist lange, lange vorbereitet worden. Denn im Grunde genommen ist alles Dasein auf dem Saturnzustand der Erde, auf dem Sonnenzustand und auf dem Mondzustand, welches die Hüllen geschaffen hatte, die das Ich aufnehmen sollten, Vorbereitung für das Ich. Da haben andere Wesenheiten die Wohnung geschaffen für das Ich. Jetzt auf der Erde ist die Wohnung so weit geschaffen, daß das Ich im Menschen Platz greifen konnte, und von da an fing das Ich im Menschen an, die äußeren leiblichen Hüllen von innen heraus zu bearbeiten. Daß das Ich von innen arbeiten kann, hat zu gleicher Zeit bewirkt, daß das Übermaß, das über die Gleichheit hinausgehende Maß von aufsteigenden und absteigenden Kräften entstanden ist. Solange das Ich im Menschen noch nicht arbeiten konnte, entwickelten sich nach und nach die Kräfte, die die aufsteigenden sind, bis zur Mitte; und als das Ich im Menschen einschlug, waren die Kräfte so weit, daß die aufsteigenden und die absteigenden sich die Waage hielten. Der Einschlag des Ich im Menschen bedeutet, daß die aufsteigenden und absteigenden Kräfte sich die Waage hielten, und am Menschen liegt es, diese Waage in der richtigen Weise zum Ausschlag zu bringen. Daher haben die Okkultisten dasjenige Sternbild, das betreten wurde in dem Moment, wo es anfing an das Ich heranzugehen, die «Waage» genannt. Bis zum Ende der «Jungfrau» wurden die Taten des Ich in unserer planetarischen Entwickelung zwar vorbereitet, aber es kam nicht bis zum Ich. Nun hatte das Ich mit dem Moment der Waage begonnen, selbst seinen Anteil zu nehmen, so daß das Ich einen wichtigen Moment seiner Entwickelung dadurch zustande gebracht hat.
[ 23 ] Denken Sie einmal, was das heißt, daß das Ich zu diesem Entwickelungsstadium gekommen ist: Das Ich durfte von nun an teilnehmen an den Kräften, die dem Tierkreis angehören, es durfte hineinwirken in den Tierkreis. Es ist durchaus wahr: je mehr das Ich den höchsten Punkt seiner Entwickelung anstrebt, desto mehr arbeitet es hinein in den Tierkreis. Nichts geschieht im Innersten des Ich, was nicht seine Folgen bis hinauf in den Tierkreis zieht. Das ist durchaus wahr. Und indem der Mensch mit seinem Ich als Mensch eigentlich die Anlage legt, um sich bis zu seinem Atma oder Geistesmenschen zu entwickeln, bildet er immer mehr und mehr die Kräfte aus, welche ihn instand setzen, in die Waage des Tierkreises hinaufzuwirken. Er wird seine volle Macht über diese Waage des Tierkreises erlangen, wenn er sein Ich «durchgedrückt» hat bis zum Atma oder Geistesmenschen. Da wird er ein Wesen sein, das etwas ausströmt, das aus dem Stadium der Zeit in das Stadium der Dauer, der Ewigkeit, übergeht.
[ 24 ] Indem der Mensch so seinen Weg geht, gibt es aber andere Wesenheiten, bei denen das, was beim Menschen sozusagen höchste Wirkung ist, niederste Wirkung ist. Suchen wir jetzt diese Wesen, bei denen das Niederste ebensolche Wirkung ist wie beim Menschen die Waage im Tierkreis. Wenn wir uns den Menschen im Tierkreis aufschreiben, so haben wir ihn bis zur Waage reichend. Die Wesenheit, die mit ihrem eigentlichen Wesen ganz dem Tierkreis angehört, deren Kräfte ganz dem Tierkreis angehören und die sich im Planetenleben nur in ihrem niedersten Glied äußert, das mit der Waage bezeichnet ist — wie beim Menschen das niederste Glied mit den Fischen bezeichnet ist -, das ist diejenige Wesenheit, welche, wie Sie sehen, Leben verbreitet über unser ganzes Weltenall:

[ 25 ] Wie der Mensch das Leben aufnimmt, strahlt diese Wesenheit Leben über unser ganzes Weltenall aus. Das ist diejenige Wesenheit, die das große Opfer zu bringen vermag, und die im Tierkreis eingeschrieben ist als die sich für unsere Welt opfernde Wesenheit. Wie der Mensch aufstrebt in den Tierkreis hinein, so sendet uns diese Wesenheit aus dem Widder, der ihr angehört wie dem Menschen die Waage, seine Opfergabe dar. Und wie der Mensch sein Ich hinaufwendet zur Waage, so strömt diese Wesenheit ihr Wesen über unsere Sphäre als Opfer. Man bezeichnet diese Wesenheit daher als das sich opfernde «mystische Lamm», denn Lamm ist dasselbe wie Widder; daher die Bezeichnung des sich opfernden Lammes oder Widders für Christus. Christus wird Ihnen jetzt so charakterisiert als dem ganzen Kosmos angehörig. Sein Ich strebt bis zum Widder; und strömt das Ich bis zum Widder, so wird er dadurch das «Große Opfer» selber und steht so mit der ganzen Menschheit in einem Verhältnis, und in einer gewissen Weise sind diese Wesenheiten und Kräfte, die auf der Erde sind, seine Schöpfungen. Er steht seiner ganzen Wesenheit nach in der Sonne und ist in seinen Schöpfungen mit dem Mond und der Erde verbunden und seine Kraft liegt im Sternbild des Lammes. So liegen die Kräfte, daß er Schöpfer dieser Wesen werden konnte, im Sternbild des Widders oder Lammes. Aus dem Himmel selbst ist die Bezeichnung des «Opferlammes» oder des «mystischen Lammes» herabgeholt.
[ 26 ] Das ist einer der Aspekte, eine der Ansichten, zu denen man kommt, wenn man von unserem engbegrenzten Dasein aufblickt in Himmelsräume und sieht, wie die Himmelskräfte und Wesenheiten im Weltenraum ineinanderwirken. Und dadurch werden uns allmählich die Kräfte, die von Himmelskörper zu Himmelskörper gehen, ebensolche Kräfte wie die, die von Menschenseele zu Menschenseele gehen als Liebe und Haß. Wir sehen Seelenkräfte von Stern zu Stern herüber- und hinübergehen, und wir lernen erkennen, daß uns am Himmel geschrieben ist, was von solchen Kräften im Weltenraum gewirkt, getan, gehandelt wird.
Second Lecture
[ 1 ] Today we shall make a somewhat more extensive excursion into the cosmic space, in which the inner course of world evolution on a large scale shall reveal itself to us, and at the same time the intimate connection between this world evolution on a large scale and human evolution on earth. In the world, nothing is without context. To follow these complicated connections in the universe, of course, takes a very, very long time for a human being, and only little by little does one enter, so to speak, into the intimacies of the workings of the universe.
[ 2 ] From previous lectures you have seen how certain entities that inhabit other celestial bodies relate to our own lives, how they have an influence on what we call our lymphatic fluid, what we call our nutritional fluid, and indeed often on what moves in and out of us as sensory perception through our senses. From this alone, you could see how the spirit works far and wide through the universe.
[ 3 ] Today we want to look at the matter from yet another side, and to do so, let us first recall what we have often emphasized: that our Earth, much like man himself, has undergone and will undergo various embodiments.
[ 4 ] We can see three embodiments of our Earth in general: the embodiment immediately before the present state, which we call the old – not our – “Moon”; then another embodiment, which we call “Sun”; and one even further back, which we call “Saturn”. And we prophetically foresee that our Earth will transform into a “Jupiter”, into a “Venus” and into a “Vulcan”.
[ 5 ] Thus we have established the successive embodiments of our earthly planetary life. If you reflect a little on this developmental sequence of our own Earth, you can indeed see from it what we call a “sun” in occult science, around which, when it appears to us as our present sun, a series of planets revolve. If we also speak of a planetary existence of the “sun” and say that our earth itself was a “sun” in an earlier state of development, we are saying, in a certain sense, that this sun, which today forms the center of our planetary system, was not always a sun. It has, so to speak, advanced to the rank of a sun, to the dignity of a sun in the universe. It was once united with what was previously in the earth as material and spiritual forces, so to speak took the best out of it, that which today already contains the highest possibility of development, separated from the earth and left us and a number of forces behind that are dependent on a slower development. It took higher entities with it and placed itself with these higher entities at the center of our system. What is in the sun today was only a planet two stages before and has advanced from being a planet to being a fixed star. This shows you how everything is changeable and in development in the universe. A sun is not a sun from the outset. A fixed star did not simply become a fixed star, but first had to go through the lower school of planetary existence.
[ 6 ] Now, of course, you may ask me: What happens when such a fixed star continues to develop? Just as the fixed star, the existence of the sun, has risen from the existence of a planet, so its development in the cosmos continues. We will certainly understand this further development even better if we look a little more at the further development of our earth.
[ 7 ] It is true that our earth has separated from the sun for a stretch of its cosmic development. The sun, so to speak, is taking a rapid path of development with its beings. Today our Earth is taking a different path with its entities. But these entities and the whole Earth will one day, after they have been offered the opportunity to complete their present development in a separate existence, find the connection to the sun beings; for our Earth will reunite with the sun. It will indeed merge with the Sun again in our present stage of evolution on Earth, just as it separated from the Sun during the evolution of the Earth. But then it must go out again during the Jupiter state. The Earth beings must go through this Jupiter state again separately from the Sun. Then a reunion will follow, and during the Venus state our Earth will be permanently united with the Sun, permanently absorbed into the Sun. During the Vulcanic state, our Earth will have become the Sun itself within the Sun and will have advanced a little towards the development of the Sun, a little of existence which the beings who have always remained in the Sun, even if they are higher, could not have achieved themselves. Their earthly existence was necessary for them to develop as they have done, with the everyday consciousness that alternates between waking and sleeping. This is because it is connected with the separation from the sun. Beings that always live in the sun do not have day and night. This sense consciousness, which we call the 'day consciousness', which will develop into higher states in the future, brings the experiences of the physical outer space into the solar development. In this way, we also give something to the beings of the sun, enriching them. And from this, what is achieved on Earth, increased by what is conquered on the Sun, the Vulcan existence arises. This volcanic state is already a higher state than our present solar state. Thus the Earth develops, the Sun continues to develop until they can unite in the volcanic evolution.
[ 8 ] Now you may ask me further: What happens to the cosmic evolution of a planet that has developed into a sun? We may say that our Earth itself, when it has attained its Venus state, has become a sun, and on Venus all beings are solar beings; indeed, they are even more than the beings of the present sun. What then becomes of such a planetary evolution?
[ 9 ] You see: what we are about to discuss will sound quite grotesque and twisted to all those whose ideas have become fixed in what is called modern astronomy. But it is true, it is the reality of cosmic evolution: when a planet like our Earth has ascended to the sun's existence, when it has gradually united with its sun and the whole thing rises even higher than the sun's existence, then something arises from this as an even higher stage of development, which you can also perceive in a certain respect in the sky: Then what we call a 'zodiac' arises; this is the higher stage compared to the development of the fixed stars. When beings are no longer limited to a mere fixed star, but expand their own development so powerfully that it extends beyond fixed stars, that the fixed stars lie as embedded bodies within them, then this higher stage of development is the development of the zodiac. In fact, the forces that act from a zodiac on a planetary system have themselves developed earlier in a planetary system and have progressed to a zodiacal stage.
[ 10 ] And now you remember back to the ancient Saturn evolution, to the first embodiment of our Earth. This Saturn is, so to speak, once lit up in space as the first heralding dawn of our planetary existence. You also know that the first germ of our physical body developed on this old Saturn. This Saturn, even in its most solid state, was by no means as solid, as physically solid, as our Earth is now. It had a fine, thin existence. That which permeates all beings today as warmth, which in occultism is called “fire”, was its matter. And we can imagine the fact that around this Saturn, this first dawn state of our planetary existence, stood the zodiacal constellations, although not yet as they are today. These zodiacal constellations were around the old Saturn at that time in such a way that one could hardly distinguish the individual stars from one another. They shone only a little brightly, like light streaks spreading out of Saturn. You can best get an idea of this if you imagine that Saturn, like our Earth, is surrounded by a zodiac, surrounded by streaks of light. And in the course of the earth's evolution itself, the masses of light condensed into the zodiac's present stellar masses, so that the zodiac, if we want to use an abstracting word, has differentiated itself from the original masses of flame strips. And where did these masses of flame strips themselves come from?
[ 11 ] It originated from the ancient planetary system that preceded our own planetary system. Planetary developments also preceded Saturn at a time that, if we really speak in terms of astronomy and occultism, we can no longer describe as “time” in our sense, because it had a somewhat different character than our “time”. We can say that for today's human imagination and for today's human concepts, it is such a fabulous concept that we have no word to express it. But we can say by analogy that those forces which preceded our planetary system in an earlier planetary existence dissolved into the strip, and only a small part of the matter gradually aggregated in the interior to form this first dawn state of the Earth, old Saturn, and the forces that were in the zodiac shone down from the universe.
[ 12 ] There is something very peculiar when we compare planetary existence with zodiacal existence. The occultist has two words to express the difference between planetary existence and zodiacal existence. He says: Everything that is united in the zodiac is under the sign of “duration”; everything that is united in the planetary existence is under the sign of “time”. You can get an idea of what this means if you remember that the zodiac remains unchanged for concepts that reach far, far into the future. Each of the individual planets can go through long and widely differing developmental epochs, changing a great deal; but that which operates up there in the zodiac remains relatively permanent and fixed. These concepts are only relative, however. If we then expand our concepts even further, there is only one difference in relation to speed in these changes. The changes in the zodiac take place slowly; the changes in the planetary world and even in the fixed star existence take place very quickly in relation to the events in the zodiac; so it is only a relative difference. For all human concepts, we can almost say that the planetary existence is the sphere of finiteness, the zodiacal existence the sphere of infinity. This is, as already mentioned, relative, but for the time being sufficient for the human concept.
[ 13 ] We may say one thing, and I ask you to take this very much into consideration: that which has been active in a planetary existence, that which has become the sun, rises up into heavenly existence, into zodiacal existence. And when it has arrived at this zodiacal existence, what does it do then? Then it sacrifices itself! — and I ask you to consider this word. In a mysterious way, the first dawn condition of the earth, ancient Saturn, came into being through a sacrifice of the zodiac. The forces that gathered the first fine mass of Saturn were the forces that streamed down from the zodiac and brought about the first germinal formation of the physical human being on Saturn. And this went on and on, for you must not imagine that this happens only once! It happens all the time, basically, that within what we call a planetary system, the forces that have developed to the higher level are sacrificed after they themselves have passed through a planetary system. We can almost say that what is first in a planetary system develops into a solar existence, then into a zodiacal existence, and then acquires the ability to become creative itself, to sacrifice itself in a planetary existence. And the forces continually “rain down” from the zodiac into the planetary existence, and continually they ascend again; for that which is to become the zodiac itself must gradually ascend again. We may therefore say that in our earth the distribution of forces is such that on the one hand there are descending forces, and on the other ascending forces from and to the zodiac. This is the mysterious interaction of the zodiac with our earth. Forces descend, forces ascend. These are the steps of the mysterious “ladder to heaven”, on which forces descend and ascend. They are variously hinted at in religious writings; you will also find them hinted at in Goethe's “Faust”:
How heavenly powers ascend and descend
And the golden buckets are passed...
[ 14 ] For our discretion, for our human comprehension, these forces began to descend with the Saturnine existence of the Earth, and when the Earth was at its center, the step had already been taken for the forces to gradually ascend again. And now we have come so far that we have, so to speak, passed the midpoint of our development. In the middle of our evolution we were, of course, in the middle of the Atlantean era; and what people have been through since the Atlantean era is actually something that goes a little way beyond the middle of our evolution. So we may say that in a certain way today more forces are ascending than descending from the zodiac.
[ 15 ] If you imagine the entire zodiac, you have to realize that some forces descend from this zodiac, and some forces ascend. We summarize those forces that are currently in the process of ascending development under the constellations Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, because they also belong to these constellations. These are the seven constellations that correspond to the ascending forces. Five constellations, for example, correspond to the descending forces: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. So you can see how forces rain down from the zodiac and ascend — how the ascending seven correspond to the descending five constellations. The forces that ascend also correspond in man to the higher limbs of his being, to the higher, nobler qualities. Those forces that are in a state of descending evolution must first pass through man, must first attain in man that stage through which they too can become ascending forces.
[ 16 ] In this way you will understand how everything in the universe can interact, how everything in the universe must have a connection and a certain relationship. But we must firmly hold on to the fact that this working is always happening, always there. So that, even if we are only at some moment in our development, we can always say to ourselves: Yes, there are certain forces now present that move in and out of man, forces that descend and forces that ascend. For each of these forces there comes a moment when they transform from descending into ascending forces. All forces that become ascending forces are first descending. They descend, so to speak, to man. In man they gain the power of ascent.
[ 17 ] When our earth was at the center of its development, after it had gone through three planetary stages of existence: Saturn, Sun, Moon, and when it had arrived at the fourth planetary and now still has the Jupiter, Venus and Vulcan states ahead of it – as “Earth” it is therefore in the middle of its existence – it had to undergo three “life states”, which are also called “rounds”. She has gone through three, and she is now in the fourth stage of life. Then she had to undergo three “form states”, the arupic, the rupic, and the astral, until she attained physical existence. So in relation to the form states, too, she is in the middle of her development. As physical Earth, in the fourth form state of the fourth life state of the fourth planetary existence, it has had to undergo three races: the first the polaric, the second the hyperborean, the third the lemurian race. The Atlantian race is the fourth. In the Atlantian race, humanity was exactly in the middle of those developments of which we speak in general. Since the middle of the Atlantean development, humanity has progressed beyond this middle point, and since the middle of the Atlantean race, the time has come when conditions have begun for the first time for man, where there is an excess of ascent. If we were to measure the ratio of descending and ascending forces to the zodiac before the middle of the Atlantic period, we would have to say that there is an equilibrium. We would then have to speak differently and list as the ascending forces: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. We would have to count Libra among the other group, those that are in the process of descending.
[ 18 ] But something else is connected with all this. You must be aware that when we speak of such cosmic processes, we are not speaking of physical or etheric bodies, but of entities that inhabit the heavenly bodies in question, which we are naming. When we speak spiritually of the human being, we say that the complete human being whom we have in mind, and whom we alone can have in mind, is a seven-part entity consisting of physical body, etheric body, astral body, I, spirit self, life spirit and spiritual man. It is not yet complete today, but it will be when its sevenfold entity has reached full development. But in the great universe there are not only such entities as man is in his development. There are other entities, for example, those of which we cannot say that, like today's man, they have a physical body as the lowest member. There are entities for which we have to count differently. We can write down the members of the human being like this:
7. Spirit Man
6. Life Spirit
5. Spirit Self
4. I
3. Astral body
2. Etheric body
1. Physical body
[ 19 ] Now there are entities whose lowest member is the etheric body; these are also seven-part entities, which then have an eighth part above the spiritual man. For them it begins with the etheric body, astral body and so on, and they end with a member that lies above our Atma, above the Spirit Man. There are other entities whose lowest member is the astral body; but they have an eighth and a ninth member above the Spirit Man. There are beings whose lowest member is the I, who therefore do not have a physical body, etheric body or astral body in our sense, but who reveal themselves in such a way that the I pushes outwards, without the three veils, beings who therefore send I's outwards everywhere. They have an eighth, ninth and tenth member for this; they are described in the Apocalypse as “beings full of eyes”. Then there are beings that begin with the Spirit Self, with Manas, as the lowest member. They have an eleventh member. And finally, there are beings that begin with the Life Spirit, which then have a twelfth member. So there are entities that have the Buddhi as their lowest member, just as the human being has a physical body as his lowest member, and that have a highest member for it, which we can best describe with the number twelve. These are high, exalted entities that tower far above anything that man can even imagine. How can an idea of these wonderful, exalted entities be provided at all?
[ 20 ] If we want to characterize man according to a certain aspect, then he presents himself to us, to the universe, as a receiver. Outside of you, things and beings are spread out; you perceive them, you form concepts of them. If you think that the world around you is empty or dark, you would be unable to perceive anything, no objects would give you concepts. You depend on the outside world to receive the content of your inner being. It is a characteristic of the human being that he is a receptive being, that he receives the content of his soul, his inner being, from outside, that things must be there if he is to acquire content. The human ether body is formed in such a way that it could not experience anything within itself if it did not owe this experience, everything that occurs within it, to the whole surrounding world. These beings, which I have just characterized to you, which have the spirit of life as their lowest member, are in a completely different situation. These beings do not depend on receiving from outside for their life, but are centers of strength, giving outwards, creative. You know from the description I have always given you how the I also works into the etheric body, how the Buddhi is nothing other than a transformed etheric body, so that the spirit of life is also substantially an etheric body. Yes, the twelfth limb is also an etheric body in these exalted beings, but an etheric body that radiates life, that works in the world in such a way that it does not receive life but gives it, and is able to sacrifice it continually.
[ 21 ] Now we ask ourselves: Can we then form a conception of a being that is somehow related to us and that radiates life into our universe in such a way? This radiating life is one that continually flows into the world in an invigorating way. Can we form a conception of this?
[ 22 ] Let us go back for a moment to what we said at the beginning of today's lecture. We said that there are ascending and descending forces, forces ascending to the zodiac and descending from the zodiac. How did man come into the position of something rising up from him at all? What has happened to man that something can rise up from him out of his being? He has come into this position through the fact that it was first prepared for a long time and then it continued to progress further and further – his I. This I has been prepared for a long, long time. Because basically all existence on the Saturn state of the Earth, on the Sun state and on the Moon state, which had created the covers that were to receive the I, was preparation for the I. There other entities created the dwelling for the I. Now on earth the dwelling is so far created that the I could take hold in man, and from that time the I in man began to work on the outer bodily sheaths from within. That the I can work from within has at the same time caused the excess, the measure of ascending and descending powers that goes beyond equality, to arise. As long as the I could not yet work in man, the forces that are the ascending ones gradually developed to the middle; and when the I struck in man, the forces were so far that the ascending and the descending held each other in balance. The entry of the I into the human being means that the ascending and descending forces were in balance, and it is up to the human being to bring this balance to bear in the right way. This is why the occultists named the constellation that was entered at the moment it began to approach the ego 'Libra'. Up to the end of Virgo, the deeds of the I were indeed prepared in our planetary development, but it did not come to the I. Now, with the moment of Libra, the I had begun to take its own part, so that the I has brought about an important moment in its development.
[ 23 ] Imagine what it means that the I has reached this stage of development: From now on, the I was allowed to participate in the forces that belong to the zodiac, it was allowed to work into the zodiac. It is absolutely true: the more the I strives for the highest point of its development, the more it works into the zodiac. Nothing happens in the innermost part of the I that does not draw its consequences up into the zodiac. This is absolutely true. And as man, with his I as a human being, actually lays the foundation for developing into his Atma or spiritual being, he increasingly develops the forces that enable him to work up into the scales of the zodiac. He will attain his full power over this zodiacal balance when he has 'pushed through' his ego to the atma or spiritual man. Then he will be a being that radiates something that passes from the stage of time into the stage of duration, of eternity.
[ 24 ] As man goes his way, there are other entities in whom that which is, so to speak, the highest effect in man is the lowest effect. Let us now seek out these beings for whom the lowest is just as important as Libra in the zodiac is for man. If we write down man in the zodiac, we have him reaching up to Libra. The entity that, with its essential nature, belongs entirely to the zodiac, whose forces belong entirely to the zodiac and which expresses itself in planetary life only in its lowest link, which is designated by Libra – just as in the case of man the lowest link is designated by Pisces – that is the entity which, as you can see, permeates life throughout our entire universe:

[ 25 ] The way a person takes up life, this being radiates life throughout our entire universe. This is the Entity that is capable of making the great sacrifice and is inscribed in the zodiac as the Entity sacrificing Itself for our world. As man strives upwards into the zodiac, so this Entity sends us Its sacrificial offering from Aries, to which It belongs, as It does to man from Libra. And just as man turns his I up to Libra, so this entity pours its being over our sphere as a sacrifice. This entity is therefore called the sacrificing “mystical lamb,” because lamb is the same as ram; hence the designation of the sacrificing lamb or ram for Christ. Christ is now characterized as belonging to the whole cosmos. His ego strives to the ram; and when the ego flows to the ram, he thereby becomes the “Great Sacrifice” himself and thus stands in a relationship with all of humanity, and in a certain way these entities and forces that are on earth are his creations. He stands with his whole being in the sun and is connected with the moon and the earth in his creations, and his power lies in the constellation of the Lamb. Thus the powers that he might become the creator of these beings lie in the constellation of Aries or the Lamb. The designation of the “sacrificial lamb” or the “mystical lamb” is brought down from heaven itself.
[ 26 ] This is one of the aspects, one of the views that one arrives at when one looks up from our limited existence into the celestial spaces and sees how the celestial forces and beings interact in the universe. And through this, we gradually become aware of the forces that go from heavenly body to heavenly body, just as forces go from human soul to human soul as love and hate. We see soul forces going from star to star, and we learn to recognize that what is written in the sky is what is done and acted upon by such forces in space.