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The Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man
GA 102

24 March 1908, Berlin

Translator Unknown

Lecture VI

If anyone present at the last lecture given here has been carefully thinking it over, and remembering how certain stages previously passed through are recapitulated at a later stage, how, for instance, on our Earth a Saturn stage, a Sun, a Moon stage gradually emerges and only then our earthly condition fully develops, he could feel urged to make the following remarks.

He could say: In various earlier lectures it has been stated that on Saturn the first physical rudiments of man went through something like a sort of senses-system, as though the first Saturn rudiments had consisted of primitive elementary sense-organs; then on the Sun a glandular system developed: on the Moon a nervous system and on our Earth all this was recapitulated. But how does that tally with what was said in the last lecture, that is, that the first to appear on Earth was the first rudiments of the blood-system, a kind of warmth-man? Then it was said that there was a condensation to an airy-state and light arose, on the one hand a sort of air-system was added which later became our present breathing system, while the warmth-system was trans-formed to the later blood-system, and under the influence of the light a kind of inwardly perceiving nerve-system was formed. It was further described how that was all still in a rarefied etheric condition, was then filled out with a kind of albumen which, under the influence of cosmic sound and tone, arranged itself into the different substances.

If I admit—the objector might say—that the glandular system only began with the depositing of this organic sub-stance, then the first thing on the Earth would be a kind of warmth-system which formed the rudiments of the blood-system, and a kind of nerve-system present in fine etheric lines of force; then the glandular system would arise which in a certain respect was already organically substantial, and last of all the mineral element would be deposited as was de-scribed in the last lecture. If the successive conditions of Saturn, Sun, Moon have appeared and these conditions are then recapitulated on the Earth, it is strange that the senses-system is not the first to re-appear, then a glandular system, a nerve-system, and finally a blood-system. Yet last time just the reverse was described: first blood, then nerves, glands, and finally the solid deposits which, as it was emphasized, first open the senses towards the outer world. The objector might say: This recapitulation-principle works out very badly since the order which has been given is just the reverse of what one might expect if a really literal repetition took place.

It must be admitted that if someone wished to describe the succeeding conditions as a simple repetition of the fore-going, he would probably give a description that was the very opposite of what had really existed. For the intellect would conclude that in an automatic way first the Earth would recapitulate what had taken place on Saturn, then what had happened on the Sun, then on the Moon, and that only then the blood-system arose. I have often emphasized that as a rule in occultism one always goes wrong and can make terrible mistakes unless one describes out of the occult facts and does not trust oneself to mere intellect or any purely logical conclusions. For if one follows the evolution of Saturn, Sun, Moon in the Akashic Record it is a fact that one must say a kind of senses-system was planned on Saturn, a glandular system on the Sun, a nervous system on the Moon, and with the Earth the blood was added. If one follows up the occult facts further, then one finds that actually on the Earth first a kind of blood-system appears, then a glandular system, a nervous system, and only then arises what appears as the senses-system in the form suited to Earth-conditions. Thus if one speaks of recapitulations, according to the actual facts one must speak of a reversed recapitulation. What has been shown in earlier lectures and what was shown in the last springs from no speculation, but from the actual facts and these display just such a reversal, which makes the recapitulation all the more complicated.

We must not, however, content ourselves with the idea that we have to do with a mere reversal. Just as the blood-system in its first rudiments appeared on the Earth as a kind of warmth-man, as I described last time, yet at the same time it was really a kind of sense-system. It was in fact a system of warmth and perception. The human being was, so to say, wholly a blood or warmth-man. He was not permeated by the substance of blood, but etheric warmth-lines of force penetrated him, and these etheric warmth-force lines out of which the blood-system later arose were in the first rudiments distinctly a kind of sense-system. It was the first rudiments of a sense-system, and the nerve-and-light system was at first a kind of glandular system, and the later glandular system which was organized was really only able to arise because the other systems, the blood- and nerve-systems, now incorporated, advanced in their development. This advance occurred in the following way: Whereas the nervous system developed as a kind of glandular system, something of the blood remained behind as the later rudiments of the blood. But as well during the second stage the blood-system itself changed to a kind of nerve-system; and when that was achieved and, in the third stage, the glandular system was incorporated, the two earlier systems again changed, so that in fact the blood-system advanced a degree and the nerve-system also a degree. Changes and transformations are continually taking place. Evolution is very complicated and one may not rest content with the idea of the reversed recapitulation. For the “reversal” is again only partial: the blood-system is a sense-system which is transformed later, and it is the same with the nerve-system, and so on.

So you see that what has gone before and enabled the human being to reach his present height is certainly not an easy-going matter for the intellect. The point is with patience and perseverance to familiarize oneself with this complicated course of evolution. However, this is merely a kind of introduction which I wanted to give for those who have been studiously dwelling again upon what was said in the last lecture.

A quite different task shall concern us today—that of considering man and his evolution on Earth from an entirely different standpoint, so that this human being shall come before us with increasing clarity. If, with this in mind, we look back once more to the previous embodiment of our Earth, the ancient Moon, then we remember that the human being had physical body, etheric body, astral body, but not yet a personal ego as he now possesses on Earth. If we now examine the consciousness of such a Moon-man we find it was radically different from that of a human being of today. The consciousness of man today is really expressed in what one could call “personality.” With this word much is said in the characterization of the Earth-man, for there was no “personality” on the old Moon. We have seen how this personality has been formed gradually on the Earth and how in ancient times man still felt himself much more as a member of a whole number of others who belonged to one an-other. Even if we go back not at all far in the regions where we ourselves are living, yes, even if we go back to the first Christian centuries, we shall still find there the last echoes of an ancient consciousness. The ancient member of the Cherusci, the Sugambri, Heruli, Bructeri, did not feel him-self to the same extent a personality as does the man of to-day, he felt himself one of his tribe. And when he said “I,” that signified something entirely different from what it means today. If a modern man says “I,” he means the entity of his personality, that which, so to speak, is enclosed within his skin. At that time men felt with regard to their tribe as a limb feels on our organism. He felt himself in the first place as a member of the Sugambri, Heruli, Bructeri, Cherusci, and only in the second place a personal “I.” You will have a better understanding of many ancient conditions if you bear in mind this radical alteration in personality, if you realize, for instance, that certain forms of family revenge, tribal revenge, are to be explained completely by the common consciousness of the tribe, a kind of group-soul-consciousness. And if we go still farther back to the classical Old Testament time, the time of the Jewish people, we know that the individual Jew felt absolutely that he was a member of the whole Jewish people. We know that when he said “I” he did not feel himself as representative of his ego, but felt the blood of the whole folk as it had streamed down in the generations since the Father Abraham: “I and the Father Abraham are one.” Each member of the race felt that this was what gave him his value and position. He felt the group-soul in the blood right back to the Father Abraham. And if we go still farther back, into the earliest ages of the Earth, we find the group-soul element still more clearly expressed. The individual had a memory of what his fore-fathers had done, back to the earliest ancestor. The memory of the descendants went back for hundreds of years. In our day, in normal circumstances a man no longer remembers what his father has done, unless he has seen it. He no longer remembers what his ancestors have experienced. In ancient times man had a memory not only of what he had himself experienced, but also of the experiences of the ancestors with whom he was of common blood, not because he knew of it but because memory was continued beyond birth. And we know that the great age attributed to the Patriarchs, to Adam and the succeeding ancestors of the Jewish people, meant originally nothing but the length of memory, how far one remembered in the ancestral tree. Why did Adam live so long? Why did the other Patriarchs live so long? Because one was not designating the single personality, but remembered past generations as one remembers one's youth today. That was denoted by a common expression, personality did not come into question at all. A man remembered not only what he had gone through in childhood, but what his father, his grandfather had experienced in childhood, and so on through the centuries, and one compressed the contents of this memory into a unity and called it—let us say—“Adam” or “Noah,” and so on. In primitive ages the separated personality had nothing of the value that it has now; memory reached beyond father, mother, grandfather, and so on, and as far as it reached one used a common name. That seems clumsy and fantastic to the present-day materialistic conception of the world, yet it must be affirmed from the depths of the facts by a fundamental psychology which knows how to reckon with the facts.

On our Earth therefore man had a kind of group-consciousness connected with his group-soul. If we were to go back to the old Moon where the human being had not a restricted ego of this sort embedded in the group-consciousness, but where he had no ego at all, where he still consisted of physical body, etheric body, astral body, we should find that this old Moon-consciousness was not a smaller one but embraced immensely great groups—that in fact all-embracing group-souls were the basis of the human race on the Moon. These group-souls who, so to speak, set individual Moon-men on to the Moon merely as their limbs, were wise souls. We have, as you know, also described the animal group-souls on the Earth and have also found wisdom as their out-standing characteristic. These Moon group-souls have implanted in our planet's previous embodiment the wisdom which we know today and which we so much wonder at and admire. And when today we are amazed how every bone, how heart and brain, how every plant leaf, is permeated and imbued with wisdom, then we know that the wisdom of the group-souls trickled down from the atmosphere of the old Moon—as clouds today let the rain trickle down—and membered itself into all the beings. These received it as a propensity and brought it out again when they appeared on the Earth after the Pralaya. Thus there were present on the Moon all-embracing group-souls filled with wisdom.

Now if we were to seek on the old Moon for a quality which we find today on Earth in ever-increasing measure as evolution goes forward, we should not find it existing in the Moon beings. This quality is love, the impulse which leads beings together of their own free will. Love is the mission of our earthly planet. Hence in occultism we call the Moon the “Cosmos of Wisdom” and the Earth the “Cosmos of Love.” As we today, standing on the Earth, wonder at the wisdom embedded in it, so one day the beings of Jupiter will stand before beings from which love will stream forth to them in fragrance. Love, as it were, will issue in taste and fragrance from all the surrounding beings. Just as wisdom shines towards us on the Earth, so on Jupiter there will come fragrantly towards the Jupiter beings that which is evolving here on Earth as love—from the purely sex-love to Spinoza's “Divine Love.” It will send out perfume as plants send out their various aromas. Thus will the grades of love stream out as the perfume ascending out of the cosmos which, as successor to our Earth, we have named Jupiter. Thus in the course of evolution conditions alter, and whenever an advance occurs in evolution the beings advance too; they who are united with the stages of planetary evolution are ever advancing to higher stages. The human beings living on the Earth today are the instruments of the evolution of love. For the animal kingdom has developed forms of love which have stayed behind as laggard forms; and in so far as love appears among the animals, a simple reflection would show that it is all pre-stages of human love, of the love that is continually being spiritualized. As man is the instrument for the evolution of love on Earth, so when he has evolved to Jupiter he will be capable of receiving a still higher quality. So too those beings who “trickled” down wisdom from the periphery of the Moon became capable of a higher evolution when the Moon became Earth; they ascended higher. The beings who at that time were able to let wisdom trickle into the Moon-beings were in fact those who were so advanced at the time when the sun withdrew from the earth that they went out with the sun and made it their scene of action. The beings who on the Moon were spirits of wisdom—the wisdom that trickled down—were not the Spirits of Wisdom which have been so named in connection with Saturn—these spirits, or at any rate a great number of them, chose the sun as their theatre. Only the Being whom one designates Yahve or Jehovah, who had reached full maturity on the Moon, became the Lord of Form on the Earth, the Regent of the Moon forces. But we have already spoken of other beings who did not complete their development on the Moon, who remained, so to speak, midway between human and divine existence. We have characterized them in manifold ways. We have indicated that the sun at a certain stage of its evolution put Venus and Mercury out of itself in order to give these beings a theatre which was suited to them. We have also spoken of beings who have taken part in man's progressive development and who, as Venus and Mercury beings, have been the great teachers of humanity in the Mysteries.

Today we will enlarge this picture from another standpoint.

We have already pointed out that if the forces and beings which left the earth when the sun withdrew had remained united with the earth as they were originally, then man would have been obliged to develop at a tempo too rapid for him to endure. He would never have reached his evolution if the Spirits of Wisdom had been bound up with the earth as they were on the Moon. They had to remove to a distance and work from outside if man was to have the right speed in his development. Otherwise, no sooner was he born than he would have become old, he would go through his development at too rapid a tempo. I can make that clear to you in another way.

The spirits who had evolved up to the sun existence are not at all interested in man's gradual, slow development of his spiritual nature during his bodily existence, during childhood, youth, maturity, old age. They have an interest only in the perfected development of spirituality. If they had remained in connection with the earth, human bodies in a certain way would have been stunted, burnt up. Without maturing the fruits won from an earthly existence the spirit would have gone towards a rapid evolution and the human being would have lost all that he can learn on the earth. Above all, the imprinting of Love into the evolution of the cosmos would have remained concealed. In order that love might develop on earth the body had first to be developed at a primitive stage. Love had to be inaugurated in the lowest form as sex-love, in order to rise through the various stages and finally, when the perfected Earth has reached its last epochs, to be imprinted into man as pure, spiritual love. All lower love is schooling for the higher love. Earthly man is to develop love in himself, so that at the end of his evolution he may be able to give it back to the Earth, for all that is developed in the microcosm is in the end poured into the macrocosm. The wisdom which streamed into the Moon-men shines towards the earth-man as the wisdom which permeates his structure. The love which by degrees is implanted in man during the Earth period will waft fragrantly towards the Jupiter beings out of the whole realm of Jupiter. This is the path that the various cosmic forces must take.

Thus the starting point of our Earth's mission—the impressing of Love—was in a certain way confronting the two following tendencies. The Spirits of Wisdom, the creators of wisdom, who on the Moon had streamed wisdom into the kingdoms of the Earth, were on the Earth, as such, uninterested in the physical bodily nature of man. As Spirits of Wisdom they were uninterested in it, and being interested only in wisdom they gave up the special Earth mission to the “Spirits of Love.” These are another rank and as Spirits of Love they too had been able to go through their own evolution for a time on the sun. In this way we have a twofold tendency in the evolution of the Earth: an instreaming of love which, as it were, appears for the first time, and an instreaming of wisdom which works from outside, since the spirits pre-eminently interested in wisdom have withdrawn to the sun. It is very important to grasp correctly this cooperation of the Spirits of Wisdom and the Spirits of Love, for it expresses an infinitely important contrast. If I now try to put into human language what this contrast expresses, it is that the Spirits of Wisdom wholly relinquished to the Spirits of Love man between birth and death and the way in which he develops, and took for them-selves the control of the “individuality” which goes through the various “personalities” in the course of reincarnations. If you picture man in his totality you have here the analysis which shows under what two powers he stands in cosmic rulership. What man is between birth and death, what he develops in himself while living in the body, what really makes him, so to speak, an entity who stands on his two feet on the earth, that is placed under the authority of the Spirits of Love. What weaves through the personalities as the enduring individuality, is born with the man, dies, is born again, again dies, and so on, that stands in a certain respect under the authority of the Spirits of Wisdom. But you must not treat this mechanically and say: So you state that the human individuality stands under the influence of the Spirits of Wisdom and the human personality under the influence of the Spirits of Love.—If one were to stereotype things it would only lead to nonsense. For concepts are only valid if we understand them in their relativity and know that every concept has two sides. Only if you were of the opinion that this one life between birth and death were meaningless for all the following lives then you might stereo-type it like that. But you must keep in mind what I have al-ways emphasized, namely, that the fruits of each separate earthly life, that is, the fruits of all that has been gained under the influence of the Spirits of Love stream into the whole of evolution and thus into what is guided by the Spirits of Wisdom. On the other hand you must be clear that everything in the human body, right up to the astral body (we have already described how experiences made on the earth must be transformed) proceeds under the power of the Spirits of Wisdom, so thus again the Spirits of Wisdom work on man's being since he has a physical body, an etheric and an astral body. And because whatever man as personality develops under the element of love is enduring for his individuality, the Spirits of Love work again into what is developed in the single human life via the Spirits of Wisdom. Thus they work together. Then the rulership of these Spirits is again divided inasmuch as all that is personality stands directly under the control of love, and all that happens between birth and death stands indirectly under the element of wisdom.

Thus we see how man's personality and his individuality are within two different tendencies and currents. That is important for the following reason. If the Spirits of Wisdom who are meant now, had, so to speak, arrogated authority to themselves, then that exuberant, vigorous development would have come about which one could also describe by saying that in a single incarnation man would have gone through, pressed together, all possible perfectings from all incarnations. That which the Spirits of Wisdom were to give, however, became distributed among all man's successive earthly incarnations. That is expressed in occultism quite definitely by saying: Had the Spirits of Wisdom remained in evolution man would rapidly have developed to spirituality, burning himself up bodily through-out evolution. But the Spirits of Wisdom refrained from bringing man to such a violent development. They went away from the earth in order to circle round it—in order to regulate and modify the time-periods which would other-wise have rushed past so vehemently. One therefore says in occultism that these Spirits of Wisdom became the “Spirits of the Rotation of Times.” The successive incarnations of man were regulated in the successive revolutions of time which were again regulated through the course of the stars. The Spirits of Wisdom became Spirits of the Rotation of Times. They would have been able to lift man away from the earth by their wisdom-filled power, but then he would have had to forgo the maturing of fruits which can only take place in the course of time. The fruits of love, of earthly experience, would not have been gained. Those secrets which beings must possess and hide in their hearts in order to mature the fruits of love, of Earth's experience, were veiled from these Spirits of the Rotation of Time. Hence it has been recorded: “They veiled their faces before the Mystical Lamb.” For the “Mystical Lamb” is the Sun-Spirit Who holds the secret of lifting not only the spirits away from the earth but of redeeming the bodies, spiritualizing them, after many incarnations have been passed through. The possessor of the Love-Mystery is the Sun-Spirit Whom we call the Christ, and since He has an interest not only in the individuality, but directly in each single personality of the earth, we call Him the “Great Sacrifice of the Earth” or the “Mystical Lamb.”

Thus certain Spirits became the Spirits of the Rotation of Times and regulated the successive incarnations. The Christ became the centre, the focus, in so far as the single personalities were to be sanctified and purified. All that man can bring as fruit out of the single personality into the individuality he achieves through having a connection with the Christ Being. Looking towards, feeling oneself united with the Christ purifies and ennobles the personality. If Earth's evolution had taken its course without the appearing of the Christ then the human body—if we speak in a comprehensive sense—would have remained evil; it would have had to unite with the earth and fall a prey to materiality for ever.

If, however, the Spirits of Wisdom had not renounced the immediate spiritualizing of man at the beginning of Earth's evolution one of the following two courses could have been taken: Either the Spirits of Wisdom, at the very beginning of earthly evolution—in the Lemurian age—would have torn man away out of the body, led him to a rapid spiritual evolution and quickly consumed his body, in which case the Earth could never fulfill its mission;—or, on the other hand, they could have said: We do not wish for that, we want the human body to develop fully, but we ourselves have no interest in it. We will relinquish it therefore to the Late-born, to Jehovah; he is the Lord of Form—and man would have been dried up, mummified. The body of man would have remained united to the earth, it would never have been spiritualized.

Neither of these ways was chosen, but in order to form a balance between the Spirits of Wisdom and the Last-born of the old Moon, the Lord of Form, who was the point of departure for the creation of the present moon, a central situation was created. This mid-way solution prepared for the appearance of Christ Who is exalted above wisdom, before Whom the Spirits of Wisdom veil their countenance in humility, and Who will redeem men if they permeate them-selves more and more with His Spirit. And when the earth itself reaches the point where man will have spiritualized himself fully, then a dried-up ball will not fall out of evolution, but through what he has been able to draw out of evolution man will lead his increasingly ennobled human form to complete spiritualization. And we see how human beings are spiritualized. If we were to see the original human bodies of the Lemurian Age—which I should never describe in a public lecture—we should find that they represented the extreme limit of ugliness, and men became more and more ennobled as love increasingly purified them. But man will evolve even beyond the present human countenance. To-day we are in the 5th race. In the 6th race the external physiognomy of man's countenance will show his inner goodness, the inner state of his soul. Man will have then quite a different physiognomy; by the outer form one will recognize how good, how noble he is, one will see by his countenance what qualities lie within his soul. Increasingly will the physiognomy receive the imprint of the nobility and goodness contained in the soul, until at the end of the earth-condition man's bodily nature will be entirely permeated by spirit and will stand out in complete relief from those who have remained attached to materiality and will bear the image of evil on their countenance. That is what will come. It is called the “last crisis” and must be described as “Spiritualization” or, as it is popularly called, the “Resurrection of the Flesh.” One must only understand these things in the true sense as given by occultism, then they cannot be attacked. Enlightened circles will not be able in any case to understand that matter could someday become quite different from matter. What could be called in the best sense of the word the “madness of materiality” will never be able to imagine that matter could one day be spiritualized that is, that someday something will come about which one calls spiritualization, the Resurrection of the Body, of the Flesh.

But this is how things are, and this is the course of earthly evolution, and thus comes about the meaning of earthly evolution and the place of the Christ within earthly evolution. If we were merely to look at all we have been considering today, then we should have a peculiar picture of the evolution of our Earth. Such a picture would show that the scales were in fact held between the Spirits of Form and the Spirits who have become the Spirits of the Rotation of Time, the actual Spirits of Light. Through the fact that the Christ from the time of the Mystery of Golgotha has to guide earthly evolution, they would be in the position of equilibrium and a continuous ascent would result. But the matter is again not so simple. We know that Spirits have remained behind—Spirits who had not attained the full maturity of the development of wisdom, and who therefore had no interest in relinquishing their authority on the instreaming of love. These Spirits wanted to work on and let wisdom continue to stream in. They did so, and hence their work on earth has not been entirely unfruitful. They have brought men to liberation. If the Christ-Principle has brought love, so have these Spirits, whom we call Luciferic Spirits, brought men freedom, the freedom of the personality. Even the staying behind of certain Spirits has its very good side, and everything, whether advance or staying back, is of divine nature. So there were Spirits of the Rotation of Time who guided progressive incarnations—that which passes as individuality through all the different incarnations; and there were Spirits of Love under the guidance of the Christ-Principle who so prepare this individuality that the personality can little by little go over into a Kingdom of Love. If we would characterize the great ideal that hovers before us as a Kingdom of Love we can do so in the following way.

In the widest circles today the radical error is still circulated that the well-being of a single personality is possible without the well-being of all others on the earth. Although men may not admit that directly, yet in practice our modern life is based on the fact that the individual lives at the cost of others and it is a widespread belief that the welfare of the one is independent of the welfare of the others. Future evolution will bring about the full community of the spirit, that is, on Jupiter the belief will begin to prevail that there is no health and happiness of the one without the health and happiness of all the rest, and indeed to an equal degree. Christianity prepares this conception and it is there in order to prepare it. A community arose at first through the love that was bound to the blood, and in this way sheer egotism was overcome. The mission of Christianity is now to kindle in man the love that is no longer bound to the blood—that is, that men learn to find the pure love, where the well-being of the one cannot possibly be conceived without the well-being of the other. Anything else is no real Christianity. In this way we can characterize the evolution of man to a higher stage. But the advance of evolution to such a stage occurs in cycles, not in continuity. You can make these cycles clear to yourself through simple reflection.

You see how a civilization arises in the first epoch of the Post-Atlantean Age, reaches its culmination and must again decline, how it attains its highest point in the flight from materiality but how it must recede because it has sought its culture on the ground of the non-acknowledgment of matter. You then see how a new cycle enters with the old Persian civilization, how it conquers the earth through the acknowledgment of matter, at all events as a power striving against man, which man subdues through his labor; again this culture reaches its culmination and sinks into decadence. But a new civilization ascends, the Egyptian-Chaldean-Assyrian-Babylonian, which no longer merely acknowledges matter, but penetrates it with human intelligence—where the orbits of the stars are investigated, where buildings are erected in accordance with star-wisdom, laid out in accordance with the laws of geometry. Matter is no longer an opposing power but is recast and remoulded to the spiritual. And after the Egyptian-Chaldean-Assyrian-Babylonian culture has fallen into decay, we go on further to the Greco-Latin culture, where in Greek art man has so transformed matter that he has formed his own image in it. It had never been the case before that, as in Greek sculpture, Greek architecture and drama, the human being imprinted his own image into matter. And with Roman civilization we see added the legal idea of the personality. It is only a quite perverted scholarship that says the legal concept had already existed earlier—a rational man can see that at a glance. The Law-book of Hammurabi is entirely different from what was created in Rome as jurisprudence. That is a genuine Roman product, for jurisprudence emerged where the personality created its image in law too; in law man is placed entirely on his own personality. One should study and compare the testament of the Roman Law with what one finds in the Law-book of Hammurabi, where man's personality was definitely given its place in a theocracy. The “Roman citizen” was a new element in the evolutionary cycle of mankind. And there will be a new cycle when men have fully grasped what comes forward today as Theosophy. We see how each cycle in civilization reaches its peak and again declines and how each new cycle has the task of carrying civilization further.

The firm position of balance gives man the certainty that he can be redeemed from the Earth, and the struggling up-wards and the striving away is the struggle for actual freedom, which the Luciferic Spirits have imprinted into mankind. Thus the Christ-Principle and the Luciferic Spirits work together in world evolution and determine the conditions of civilization. It is of no consequence that in early Christian centuries the Luciferic principle was excluded and men were referred to the Christ-Principle alone. Humanity will surely come again to their attainment of freedom by complete devotion to the Christ-Principle; for the Christ-Principle is so all-embracing that he alone can grasp it who seeks to encompass it on the level of the loftiest wisdom. Let us glance back into pre-Christian times. We find religions existing there as preparation for Christianity. We see religions, it is true, among the Indians and the Persians but religions suited to the particular people out of which they have been born. They are national, tribal, racial religions, appearing with the coloring out of which they have arisen, limited inwardly, because in a certain way they still proceed from the group-souls and are bound up with them. With the Christian religion an element entered humanity's evolution which is the true element of earthly evolution. Christianity from the beginning at once broke through the principles of all earlier religions. It sharply set itself against the sentence “I and the Father Abraham are one.” It opposed in the first place the idea that one can feel oneself a unity with something that is only a human group. On the other hand the soul that dwells in every personality must be able to feel one with the eternal Ground of the World Whom we call the “Father” and Who dwells in every soul, and this is expressed in the sentence: “I and the Father are one.” And in contrast to the Old Testament which begins with the words: “In the beginning was the Light,” Christianity sets the New Testament words: “In the primal beginning was the Word.” With this was given one of the greatest advances in humanity's evolution. For in referring to the light that arose, one speaks, in so far as one can speak of light, of something externally visible. The old records contain a Genesis that establishes the physical as a manifestation of the light. The “Word,” however, is what issues from the inner nature of the being, and before any manifestation of light had appeared there existed in man “what was, what is, and what is to come,” namely, man's inmost being. In the Primal Beginning was not the Light, but the Word. The Gospel of St. John is not a document that may be placed side by side with the others; it expands the others from the temporal to the eternal.

So Christianity stands there, not as a religion which might be a national religion but, if it is rightly understood, as a religion of mankind. In that the Christian feels himself one with the “Father,” soul confronts soul, no matter to what people or nation it belongs. All divisions must fall away under the influences of Christianity, and the Jupiter condition must be prepared under the influence of this principle. Christianity therefore has begun as a religion, for humanity was founded on religion. Yet religion must be replaced by wisdom, by knowledge. In so far as religion rests upon faith and is not inflamed with the fire of full knowledge it is something that must be replaced in the course of humanity's progress. And whereas formerly man had to believe before he could come to knowledge, in the future full knowledge will shine with light and man will know and thence ascend to the recognition of the highest spiritual worlds. From religion mankind evolves to wisdom, glowed through by love. First wisdom, then love, then wisdom glowed through by love.

Now we can ask: If religion is to merge into knowledge, if man is no longer given religion according to the old form, namely, that according to his faith he is directed to the wisdom that guides evolution—will then Christianity too no longer exist? There will be no religion that is founded on mere faith. Christianity will remain; in its origins it was religion—but Christianity is greater than all religion! That is Rosicrucian wisdom. The religious principle of Christianity as it originated was more all-embracing than the religious principle of any other religion. But Christianity is still greater than the religious principle itself. When the outer coverings of faith fall away it will be in wisdom-form. It can entirely strip off the sheaths of faith and become wisdom-religion, and spiritual science will help to prepare men for this. Men will be able to live without the old forms of religion and faith, but they will not be able to live without Christianity, for Christianity is greater than all religion. Christianity exists for the purpose of breaking through all forms of religion, and that which fills men as Christianity will still exist when human souls have grown beyond all mere religious life.

Sechster Vortrag

[ 1 ] Wer den letzten hier gehaltenen Vortrag noch einmal aufmerksam durchdenkt und sich dabei erinnert, wie die Wiederholung gewisser vorher durchgemachter Zustände in einem späteren Stadium stattfindet - also zum Beispiel auf unserer Erde nach und nach ein Saturn-, ein Sonnen- und ein Mondzustand eintritt und dann erst sich unser Erdzustand vollkommen entwickelt -, könnte sich zu folgender Bemerkung gedrängt fühlen.

[ 2 ] Er könnte sagen: Es ist doch in verschiedenen früheren Vorträgen behauptet worden, daß auf dem Saturn die erste physische Menschenanlage so etwas durchgemacht hat wie eine Art Sinnessystem, wie wenn diese erste Saturnanlage des menschlichen physischen Leibes aus primitiven, elementaren Sinnesorganen bestanden hätte. Auf der Sonne hätte sich dann ein Drüsensystem entwickelt, auf dem Mond das Nervensystem, und von allem geschah auf unserer Erde eine Wiederholung. Wie reimt sich das aber damit, daß das letzte Mal gesagt wurde: Das erste, was auf der Erde herauskommt, ist die erste Anlage zum Blutsystem, eine Art Wärmemensch; dann, indem sich der Erdzustand verdichtet zum Luftzustand und das Licht hinzutritt, gliedert sich an auf der einen Seite eine Art Luftsystem, das sich dann später zum heutigen Atmungssystem umbildet, während sich das Wärmesystem umbildet zum späteren Blutsystem; und auf der anderen Seite unter der Einwirkung des Lichtes bildet sich heraus eine Art von innerlich schauendem Nervensystem. Weiter wurde geschildert, wie sich das alles noch in einem feinen ätherischen Zustand befindet, und wie es dann gleichsam ausgefüllt wird mit einer Art Eiweißsubstanz, die unter dem Einfluß des Weltenschalles, des Weltentones, sich gliedert zu den einzelnen Stoffen. Wenn ich nun annehme — könnte der Betreffende sagen —, daß das Drüsensystem doch erst mit der Einlagerung dieses organischen Stoffes beginnt, dann würde zuerst auf der Erde eine Art Wärmesystem da sein, das die erste Anlage zum Blutsystem bildet, und eine Art Nervensystem, das ja allerdings in feinen ätherischen Kraftlinien vorhanden ist; dann würde das Drüsensystem kommen, das in einer gewissen Beziehung ja schon organisch-stofflich ist, und zuletzt würde sich einlagern das Mineralische, wie das das letzte Mal geschildert worden ist. Wenn so diese aufeinanderfolgenden Zustände von Saturn, Sonne und Mond eingetreten sind und diese Zustände sich dann auf der Erde wiederholen, so ist es doch merkwürdig, daß da nicht auch auf der Erde zuerst ein Sinnessystem, dann ein Drüsensystem, ein Nervensystem und zuletzt ein Blutsystem auftritt. Das letzte Mal ist es aber gerade umgekehrt geschildert worden: erst Blut, dann Nerven, Drüsen und zuletzt die festen Einlagerungen, die ja, wie betont worden ist, erst die Sinne nach außen öffnen. Es könnte jemand sagen, dieses Wiederholungsprinzip sei sehr schlecht weggekommen, indem gerade das letzte Mal eine Art umgekehrte Ordnung erzählt worden ist als die, welche man hätte erwarten müssen, wenn eine wirklich buchstäbliche Wiederholung stattfindet.

[ 3 ] Es muß zugegeben werden, daß, wenn jemand aus dem bloßen Intellekt heraus die folgenden Verhältnisse schildern wollte als eine bloße Wiederholung der vorhergehenden, er wahrscheinlich eine Schilderung gegeben haben würde, die das Gegenteil des wirklich Gewesenen bedeutet hätte. Denn der Verstand würde so schließen, daß in schablonenhafter Weise auf der Erde zuerst wiederholt wird, was auf dem Saturn, dann, was auf der Sonne, und dann, was auf dem Mond durchgemacht wurde, und daß dann erst das Blutsystem herauskäme. Es ist schon öfter von mir betont worden, daß man im Okkultismus in der Regel fehlgeht und greuliche Irrtümer begehen kann, wenn man nicht aus den okkulten Tatsachen heraus schildert, sondern sich auf den bloßen Intellekt, auf irgendwelche bloß logischen Schlüsse einläßt. Denn wenn man in der Akasha-Chronik die Entwickelung von Saturn, Sonne und Mond verfolgt, ist es tatsächlich so, daß man sagen muß: auf dem Saturn ist veranlagt eine Art Sinnessystem, auf der Sonne ein Drüsensystem, auf dem Mond ein Nervensystem, und mit der Erde kommt das Blut hinzu. Verfolgt man dann die okkulten Tatsachen weiter, so ist es auf der Erde so, daß zuerst eine Art Blutsystem erscheint, dann ein Drüsensystem, ein Nervensystem, und dann erst bildet sich heraus, was als das Sinnessystem in dieser für die Erdenverhältnisse brauchbaren Gestalt erscheint. Wenn man also von Wiederholungen sprechen will, müßte man den Tatsachen entsprechend von einer umgekehrten Wiederholung reden. Was früher dargestellt worden ist, und was in dem letzten Vortrag dargestellt worden ist, das entspringt keiner Spekulation, sondern das entspricht wirklichen Tatsachen, und da stellt sich eine solche Umkehrung bei dem Tatbestand heraus, und das macht die Wiederholung um vieles komplizierter.

[ 4 ] Wir müssen uns nun auch nicht mit der Annahme begnügen, daß wir es mit einer bloßen Umkehrung zu tun hätten. Sondern so wie das Blutsystem zuerst heraustritt bei der ersten Veranlagung auf unserer Erde als eine Art von Wärmemensch, wie ich es das letzte Mal geschildert habe, so ist das Blutsystem wirklich zu gleicher Zeit eine Art Sinnessystem. Es ist nämlich ein Wärme- und Erkenntnissystem. Der Mensch ist sozusagen ganz Blut- oder Wärmemensch. Er ist nicht von Blutsubstanz durchzogen, sondern ätherische Wärmekraftlinien durchziehen ihn, und diese ätherischen Wärmekraftlinien, aus denen später das Blutsystem entsteht, sind in der ersten Veranlagung durchaus eine Art Sinnessystem. Es ist erst in der ersten Anlage und ist selbst ein Sinnessystem, und das Nerven- und Lichtsystem ist auf der Erde zuerst eine Art von Drüsensystem; und wirklich kann sich das spätere Drüsensystem nur dadurch eingliedern, daß die anderen Systeme, das Blutsystem und das Nervensystem, die sich jetzt schon eingegliedert haben, vorrücken in ihrer Entwickelung. Dieses Vorrücken geschieht in der folgenden Weise: Während sich das Nervensystem herausbildet als eine Art Drüsensystem, bleibt vom Blut etwas zurück als die spätere Anlage des Blutes. Aber zu gleicher Zeit bildet sich auch während des zweiten Zustandes das Blutsystem selbst um zu einer Art von Nervensystem; und wenn das erreicht ist und in dem dritten Zustand das Drüsensystem sich eingliedert, gliedern sich wiederum erst die zwei früheren Systeme um, so daß in der Tat das Blutsystem wieder vorrückt um einen Grad und das Nervensystem auch um einen Grad. So also geschehen fortwährend Umformungen, Transformationen. Die Entwickelung ist eben eine sehr komplizierte, und es ist auch nicht so, daß man sich bei dem Begriff der umgekehrten Wiederholung beruhigen dürfte, Denn diese Umkehrung ist auch wieder nur eine teilweise; das Blutsystem ist ein Sinnessystem, das sich später umwandelt, und ebenso ist es beim Nervensystem und so weiter.

[ 5 ] Sie sehen also, was vorgegangen ist, damit der Mensch seine gegenwärtige Höhe hat erreichen können, ist durchaus nicht eine bequeme Sache für den Verstand, und es handelt sich darum, daß man mit Geduld und Ausdauer sich hineinfindet in diesen komplizierten Gang der Entwickelung. Dies ist aber nur eine Art Einleitung, die ich geben wollte für die, die sich das, was das letzte Mal gesagt worden ist, noch einmal emsig vor die Seele geführt haben.

[ 6 ] Heute soll uns vielmehr etwas ganz anderes als Aufgabe obliegen: den Menschen selbst auf der Erde wiederum von einem ganz anderen Gesichtspunkt aus in seiner Entwickelung zu betrachten, so daß uns immer mehr dieses Menschenwesen ganz und gar anschaulich vor Augen treten soll. Wenn wir zu diesem Zwecke noch einmal zurückblicken auf die vorhergehende Verkörperung unserer Erde, den alten Mond, dann stellt sich uns, wenn wir uns diesen Menschen auf dem alten Mond vor die Seele rücken, dieser Mensch so dar, daß er seinen physischen Leib, seinen Ätherleib, seinen astralischen Leib, aber noch nicht sein persönliches Ich hat, wie er es erst auf der Erde jetzt hat. Wenn wir nun den Bewußtseinszustand eines solchen Mondmenschen untersuchen, so ist dieser in der Tat ein ganz radikal anderer als der Bewußtseinszustand des Erdenmenschen. Der Zustand des Erdenmenschen drückt sich wirklich in dem aus, was man nennen könnte die Persönlichkeit. Mit diesem Wort ist viel zur Charakteristik des Erdenmenschen gesagt; denn eine Persönlichkeit gab es auf dem alten Mond noch nicht. Wir haben gesehen, daß sich erst auf der Erde diese Persönlichkeit nach und nach ganz herausgebildet hat und daß in alten Zeiten sich der Mensch noch viel mehr als ein Glied einer ganzen Zusammengehörigkeit fühlte. Selbst wenn wir gar nicht weit zurückgehen in den Gegenden, wo wir selbst wohnen, ja selbst wenn wir zurückgehen in die ersten nachchristlichen Jahrhunderte, so finden wir da noch letzte Nachklänge eines uralten Bewußtseins. Der alte Cherusker, der alte Sugambrer, Heruler, Brukterer fühlte sich noch nicht in demselben Maße als ein persönlicher Mensch wie der heutige Mensch, sondern er fühlte sich als ein Glied seines Stammes. Und wenn er «Ich» sagte, so bedeutete dieses Ich noch etwas durchaus anderes, als es heute bedeutet. Heute meint der Mensch, wenn er sein Ich ausspricht, das Wesen seiner Persönlichkeit, wie es sozusagen in seiner Haut eingeschlossen ist. Damals fühlte der Mensch sich gegenüber seinem Stamme so, wie ein Glied sich an unserem Organismus fühlt. Er fühlte sich in erster Linie als Sugambrer, Heruler, Brukterer, Cherusker, und erst in zweiter Linie als ein persönliches Ich. Viele Zustände in dieser alten Zeit werden Sie besser begreifen, wenn Sie diese radikale Änderung der Persönlichkeit ins Auge fassen, wenn Sie sich klarmachen, daß zum Beispiel gewisse Formen der Blutrache, der Familienrache, der Stammesrache ihre vollständige Erklärung finden in dem gemeinsamen Bewußtsein des Stammes, in dem Bewußtsein einer Art von Gruppenseele. Die Menschen empfanden sich eben als Gruppen von gemeinsamem Blut, wodurch eine Tötung an dem ganzen Stamme des Mörders gerächt wurde wie an ihm selbst. Und wenn wir noch weiter zurückgehen bis in die klassische alttestamentliche Zeit, in die Zeit des jüdischen Volkes, so wissen wir, daß der einzelne Jude sich durchaus als ein Glied des ganzen jüdischen Volkes fühlte, daß er, wenn er «Ich» aussprach, sich nicht als Repräsentant seines persönlichen Ichs fühlte, sondern daß er das Blut des ganzen jüdischen Volkes fühlte, wie esin den Generationen herabgeströmt ist seit dem Vater Abraham: «Ich und der Vater Abraham sind eins!» In diesem Bewußtsein fühlte sich der Angehörige des Volkes geborgen und gewürdigt. Er fühlte diese Gruppenseele im Blut weit hinauf, bis zum Vater Abraham. Und wenn wir noch weiter zurückgehen in urferne Zeiten der Erde, so finden wir das Gruppenseelenhafte noch viel deutlicher ausgeprägt. Da erinnert sich der Einzelne gedächtnismäßig an das, was die Vorfahren getan haben, bis zu dem Urahn hinauf. Jahrhunderte hinauf reicht die Erinnerung des Nachkommen.

[ 7 ] In unserer Zeit erinnert sich der Mensch unter gewöhnlichen Verhältnissen nicht mehr an das, was sein Vater getan hat, wenn er es nicht gesehen hat. Er erinnert sich nicht mehr an das, was seine Ahnen erlebt haben. Sein Gedächtnis umfaßt nur sein eigenes Leben. In alten Zeiten erinnerte sich der Mensch innerlich durch sein Gedächtnis nicht nur an das, was er selbst erlebt hatte, sondern auch an das, was seine Ahnen erlebt hatten, mit denen er gemeinsamen Blutes war, nicht weil er es wußte, sondern weil das Gedächtnis sich fortpflanzte über die Geburt hinaus, Und wir wissen, daß das Alter der alten Patriarchen, des Adam und der nachfolgenden Ahnen des jüdischen Volkes, ursprünglich nichts anderes zu bedeuten hatte als die Länge des Gedächtnisses, wie weit man sich erinnerte in der Ahnenreihe hinauf. Warum lebten Adam und die anderen Patriarchen so lange? Weil man nicht die einzelne Persönlichkeit bezeichnete, sondern weil man sich so weit erinnerte durch die Generationen hindurch, wie man sich heute an seine eigene Jugend erinnert. Das bezeichnete man mit einem gemeinschaftlichen Ausdruck. Die Persönlichkeit kam gar nicht in Betracht. Man erinnerte sich nicht nur an das, was man in seiner Kindheit erlebt hatte, sondern man erinnerte sich, was der Vater in seiner Kindheit erlebt hatte, was der Großvater erlebt hatte, und so durch Jahrhunderte hindurch; und den Inhalt dieser Erinnerung faßte man als eine Einheit zusammen und nannte es meinetwillen «Adam» oder «Noah» und dergleichen. Die abgeschlossene Persönlichkeit hatte in den Urzeiten noch keineswegs den Wert, den sie heute hat; sondern das Gedächtnis reichte über Vater, Mutter, Großvater und so weiter hinaus; und so weit, wie es reichte, gebrauchte man einen gemeinschaftlichen Namen. Das ist etwas, was für die gegenwärtige materialistische Weltanschauung plump und phantastisch aussieht; aber es ist das doch etwas, was eine gründliche Seelenkunde, die mit den Tatsachen zu rechnen weiß, aus den Tiefen der Tatsachen heraus konstatieren muß.

[ 8 ] Da kommen wir schon auf unserer Erde dahin, daß der Mensch eine Art von Gruppenbewußtsein hatte, das seiner Gruppenseele anhaftete. Würden wir zurückgehen bis zum alten Mond, wo der Mensch nicht ein so begrenztes, im Gruppenbewußtsein eingebettetes Ich hatte, sondern wo er überhaupt noch kein Ich hatte, wo er noch aus physischem Leib, Ätherleib und astralischem Leib bestand, da würden wir finden, daß das Bewußtsein auf diesem alten Mond nicht ein kleineres war, sondern gewaltige, große Gruppen umfaßte, daß in der Tat umfassende Gruppenseelen dem Menschengeschlecht des Mondes zugrunde lagen. Diese Gruppenseelen des Mondes, die sozusagen die einzelnen Mondmenschen nur wie ihre Glieder hinstellten auf dem Mond, waren weise Seelen. Wir haben ja auch die Tiergruppenseelen auf der Erde beschrieben, und haben dabei auch die Weisheit als ein hervorstechendes Merkmal gefunden. Diese Gruppenseelen des Mondes haben dazumal unserem Planeten in seiner vorhergehenden Verkörperung jene Weisheit eingepflanzt, die wir heute kennen und bewundern. Und wenn wir heute bewundern, wie jedes Knochenstück, wie Herz und Gehirn, wie jedes Pflanzenblatt durchzogen und durchtränkt ist von Weisheit, dann wissen wir, daß jene Weisheit von den Gruppenseelen, die in der Atmosphäre des alten Mondes waren, herunterträufelte - wie die Wolken heute den Regen herunterträufeln lassen — und sich eingliederte allen Wesen, die sie als Anlage aufnahmen und sie wieder herausbrachten, als sie nach dem Pralaya auf der Erde wieder entstanden. Also weisheitsvolle, umfassende Gruppenseelen waren auf dem Mond vorhanden.

[ 9 ] Wenn wir auf dem alten Mond nach einer Eigenschaft suchen würden, die wir heute auf unserer Erde in immer größerem Maßstabe mit dem Fortschreiten der Erdentwickelung finden, so würden wir diese Eigenschaft bei den Mondwesen nicht finden. Diese Eigenschaft ist die Liebe, der Trieb, welcher die Wesen aus freiem Willen zueinanderführt. Liebe ist die Mission unseres Erdenplaneten. Daher nennen wir im Okkultismus den Mond auch den «Kosmos der Weisheit» und die Erde den «Kosmos der Liebe». Und wie wir heute, auf der Erde stehend, die ihr eingegliederte Weisheit bewundern, so werden die Wesen des Jupiter einstmals Wesen gegenüberstehen, aus denen ihnen die Liebe entgegenduften wird. Herausschmecken und herausriechen werden sie sozusagen die Liebe aus den Wesen, die um sie herum sind. So wie uns auf der Erde die Weisheit entgegenleuchtet, so wird auf dem Jupiter den Jupiterwesen entgegenduften, was aus der reinen Geschlechtsliebe bis zu der spinozistischen Gottesliebe hier auf der Erde als Liebe sich entwickelt. Herausduften wird es, wie heute die Pflanzen in den verschiedenen Aromas duften. So werden die Grade der Liebe herausströmen als jener Duft, der aufsteigen wird aus dem Kosmos, den wir als Nachfolger unserer Erde den Jupiter genannt haben. So ändern sich die Verhältnisse im Laufe der Evolution, und immer, wenn irgendein Fortschritt in der Evolution stattfindet, nehmen die Wesen daran teil. Dann steigen die Wesen, die mit der betreffenden planetarischen Entwickelungsstufe verknüpft sind, zu immer höherer Entwickelungsstufe hinan. Heute sind die Menschen, die auf der Erde leben, sozusagen die Werkzeuge der Liebesentwickelung; vorher hat das Tierreich diese verschiedenen Formen der Liebe als zurückgebliebene Formen entwickelt, und insofern als die Liebe bei den Tieren herauskommt, würde eine einfache Betrachtung zeigen, daß das alles Vorstufen der menschlichen, der immer mehr sich vergeistigenden Liebe sind. Wie der Mensch auf der Erde das Werkzeug der Liebesentwickelung ist, so wird er, wenn er sich bis zum Jupiter hin entwickelt haben wird, zur Aufnahme einer noch höheren Eigenschaft fähig sein. So wurden auch diejenigen Wesen, die aus dem Umkreis des Mondes die Weisheit herunterträufelten, einer höheren Entwickelung fähig, indem der Mond Erde wurde; sie stiegen höher hinauf. Diese Wesen, die dazumal die Macht hatten, Weisheit einträufeln zu lassen in die Mondwesen, waren ja ganz genau dieselben, welche an jenem Punkt der Erdentwickelung, als die Sonne aus der Erde sich herausbewegte, so weit waren, daß sie mit der Sonne herausgehen und die Sonne zu ihrem Schauplatz machen konnten. Die Wesenheiten, die auf dem Monde die Geister der Weisheit, der herabträufelnden Weisheit waren - es sind das andere Geister der Weisheit als die, welche in Verbindung mit dem Saturn genannt worden sind —, diese Geister, oder wenigstens eine große Anzahl von ihnen, wählten sich die Sonne zu ihrem Schauplatz. Nur diejenige Wesenheit, welche man als Jahve oder Jehova bezeichnet, die auf dem Monde zuletzt die volle Reife erlangt hat, wurde der Herr der Form auf der Erde, der Regierer der Mondkräfte.

[ 10 ] Nun haben wir aber schon von anderen Wesenheiten gesprochen, die nicht die volle Entwickelung des Mondes bis zu Ende durchgemacht hatten, die sozusagen stehengeblieben waren mitten drinnen zwischen Menschen- und Götterdasein. Wir haben sie in der mannigfaltigsten Weise charakterisiert. Wir haben darauf aufmerksam gemacht, daß die Sonne in einem gewissen Stadium ihrer Entwickelung Venus und Merkur aus sich herausgespalten hat, um diesen Wesen einen Schauplatz zu geben, der für sie geeignet ist. Wir haben auch schon besprochen, wie sich an der fortschreitenden Entwickelung der Menschen Wesenheiten beteiligt haben, die, wie die Venus- und Merkurwesenheiten, für die Menschheit die großen Lehrer in den Mysterien geworden sind. Heute wollen wir von einem anderen Gesichtspunkt aus dieses Bild ergänzen.

[ 11 ] Angedeutet haben wir schon, daß, wenn diejenigen Kräfte und Wesenheiten, die mit der Sonne herausgestiegen sind aus der Erde, in ihrer ursprünglichen Weise mit der Erde verbunden geblieben wären, der Mensch sich in einem raschen Tempo hätte entwickeln müssen, das er nicht hätte aushalten können. Er hätte überhaupt nicht zu seiner Entwickelung kommen können, wenn die Geister der Weisheit mit der Erde verbunden geblieben wären, wie sie mit dem Mond verbunden waren. Sie mußten sich entfernen und von außen einwirken, wenn der Mensch das richtige Zeitmaß in seiner Entwickelung haben sollte. Der Mensch würde sonst, kaum daß er geboren ist, gleich wieder alt sein; er würde ein zu rasches Tempo in seiner Entwickelung durchmachen. Auch in einer anderen Weise kann ich Ihnen das anschaulich machen.

[ 12 ] Diese Geister, die sich selbst bis zum Sonnendasein hinaufentwickelt haben, haben kein Interesse daran, daß der Mensch stufenweise durch die verschiedenen Lebensalter, durch das Kindesalter, Jugendalter, reifes Alter, Greisenalter geht und in der Körperlichkeit langsam und allmählich irdische Erfahrungen sammelt. Sie haben nur ein Interesse an der vollkommenen Entwickelung zur Geistigkeit. Würden sie mit der Erde verbunden geblieben sein, so wären die Körper in einer gewissen Weise verkümmert, verbrannt worden. Ohne die Früchte aus der Eroberung des Erdendaseins zu zeitigen, wäre der Geist einer raschen Entwickelung entgegengegangen und der Mensch wäre alles dessen verlustig gegangen, was er auf dem Schauplatz der Erde lernen kann. Vor allem würde die Einprägung der Liebe in die kosmische Entwickelung verborgen geblieben sein. Damit die Liebe sich auf der Erde entwickeln konnte, mußte zunächst der Körper auf einer primitiven Stufe entwickelt sein. Die Liebe mußte in der niedersten Form als geschlechtliche Liebe angelegt werden, um sich durch die verschiedenen Stufen hinauf zu entwickeln, und zuletzt, wenn die Erde in ihrer Vollendung in ihrer letzten Epoche angekommen ist, wird die Liebe veredelt emporgehoben, zur rein geistigen Liebe sich im Menschen ausprägen. Alle niedere Liebe ist Schulung für die höhere Liebe. Der Erdenmensch soll die Liebe in sich ausbilden, um sie am Ende seiner Entwickelung der Erde zurückgeben zu können; denn alles, was im Mikrokosmos entwickelt wird, wird dem Makrokosmos zuletzt eingegossen. Der Fortschritt des Menschen wird eine Fortentwickelung des Makrokosmos. Die Weisheit, die in den Mondmenschen eingeströmt ist, leuchtet dem Erdenmenschen entgegen als Weisheit, die seinen Bau durchdringt. Die Liebe, die während der Erde in den Menschen stufenweise eingepflanzt wird, sie wird den Jupiterwesen entgegenduften aus dem ganzen Reiche des Jupiter. Diesen Weg müssen die einzelnen kosmischen Kräfte machen.

[ 13 ] So also war der Ausgangspunkt unserer Erdenmission — die Einprägung der Liebe — gewissermaßen vor folgende zwei Richtungen gestellt: Die Geister der Weisheit, die Schöpfer der Weisheit, die auf dem Monde den Erdenreichen die Weisheit eingeströmt haben, waren auf der Erde für sich selber, als Geister der Weisheit, uninteressiert an der physischen Leiblichkeit des Menschen. Sie haben, insofern sie nur für die Weisheit interessiert waren, die besondere Erdenmission an die Geister der Liebe abgegeben, die eine andere Klasse sind und die als Geister der Liebe zunächst auch fähig waren, eine Zeitlang mit auf der Sonne sich zu entwickeln. Auf diese Weise haben wir zweierlei in der Entwickelung der Erde: eine Einströmung der Liebe, die sozusagen neu auftritt, und eine Einströmung von Weisheit, die von außen wirkt, weil die Geister, die sich vorzugsweise für Weisheit interessieren, auf den Sonnenschauplatz sich zurückgezogen haben. Das ist sehr wichtig, daß wir dieses Zusammenwirken der Geister der Weisheit und der Geister der Liebe richtig fassen, denn es drückt sich ein unendlich wichtiger Gegensatz aus in diesem Zusammenwirken der Geister der Weisheit und der Geister der Liebe. Wenn ich jetzt in menschliche Sprache umsetzen will, was da geschah, so drückt sich dieser Gegensatz dadurch aus, daß die Geister der Weisheit den einzelnen Menschen zwischen Geburt und Tod, wie er sich da entwickelt, ganz überlassen den Geistern der Liebe und für sich das Regiment der Individualität übernehmen, die durch die verschiedenen Persönlichkeiten im Laufe der Reinkarnationen durchgeht. Jetzt haben Sie, wenn Sie sich den Menschen in seiner Ganzheit vorstellen, auseinandergelegt, unter welchen zwei Regimentern der Mensch steht in der kosmischen Regierung. Was der Mensch zwischen Geburt und Tod ist, was er da in sich entwickelt, weil er in einer Leiblichkeit lebt, was ihn sozusagen so recht zu einem Wesen macht, das mit seinen zwei Beinen hier auf dem Erdengrund steht, das steht unter dem Regiment der Geister der Liebe. Was sich hindurchzieht durch die Persönlichkeiten als die bleibende Individualität, was mit dem Menschen geboren wird, stirbt, wieder geboren wird, wieder stirbt und so weiter, das steht in einer gewissen Beziehung unter dem Regiment der Geister der Weisheit. Nun dürfen Sie aber wiederum nicht schablonisieren und sagen: Du behauptest also, die menschliche Individualität stünde unter dem Einfluß der Geister der Weisheit, und die menschliche Persönlichkeit stünde unter dem der Geister der Liebe. Wenn man schablonisieren würde, dann käme wiederum ein bloßer Unsinn heraus. Denn Begriffe sind nur dann gültig, wenn man sie in ihrer Relativität begreift, wenn man weiß, daß jeder Begriff seine zwei Seiten hat. Nur wenn Sie der Meinung wären, daß dieses eine Leben zwischen Geburt und Tod bedeutungslos wäre für alle folgenden Leben, dann dürften Sie so schablonisieren. Wenn Sie sich aber vor Augen halten, was von mir immer betont worden ist, daß die Früchte jedes einzelnen Erdenlebens, also die Früchte alles dessen, was unter dem Einfluß der Geister der Liebe gewonnen wird, einströmen in alle Entwickelung, in das, was die Geister der Weisheit leiten, und wenn Sie auf der anderen Seite sich klar sind, daß alles unter der Kraft der Geister der Weisheit hervorgeht, was im menschlichen Leibe ist bis zum astralischen Leib hin — wir haben ja auch schon beschrieben, wie die auf der Erde gemachten Erfahrungen umgebildet und umgestaltet werden müssen -, so wirken auf des Menschen Wesenheit, weil er einen physischen Leib, einen Ätherleib und einen astralischen Leib hat, doch wieder die Geister der Weisheit. Und weil das, was der Mensch als Persönlichkeit unter dem Element der Liebe entwickelt, wenn er es einmal entwickelt hat, bleibend wird für seine Individualität, so wirken wiederum auf dem Umweg der Weisheit die Geister der Liebe hinein in das, was im einzelnen menschlichen Leben entwickelt wird. So wirken sie zusammen. Dann ist das Regiment dieser Geister in der Weise wieder getrennt, daß alles, was Persönlichkeit ist, unmittelbar, direkt dem Regiment der Liebe untersteht, und alles, was zwischen Geburt und Tod vorgeht, indirekt dem Element der Weisheit untersteht.

[ 14 ] So sehen wir, wie des Menschen Persönlichkeit und des Menschen Individualität in verschiedenen Richtungen und Strömungen drinnen sind. Wichtig ist das aus dem folgenden Grunde: Hätten diejenigen Geister der Weisheit, die jetzt gemeint sind, sozusagen das Regiment sich angemaßt, so würde jene sprudelnde, vehemente Entwickelung eingetreten sein, die man auch charakterisieren könnte, indem man sagt: der Mensch würde in einer einzigen Inkarnation alle mögliche Vervollkommnung von allen Inkarnationen zusammengedrängt erlebt haben. So aber wurde das, was die Geister der Weisheit geben sollten, verteilt auf die ganzen aufeinanderfolgenden Inkarnationen auf der Erde. Man drückt das im Okkultismus durch ein ganz bestimmtes Wort aus. Wären die Geister der Weisheit in der Entwickelung geblieben, so hätte der Mensch durch alle Entwickelungsstufen hindurch, körperlich sich verbrennend, sich schnell zur Geistigkeit entwickelt. So aber verzichteten die Geister der Weisheit darauf, den Menschen zu einer solchen vehementen Entwickelung zu bringen. Sie gingen weg von der Erde, um sie zu umkreisen, um die Zeiten, die sonst vehement abgelaufen wären, zu mäßigen, maßvoll zu machen. Man sagt daher im Okkultismus, daß diese Geister der Weisheit «Geister der Umlaufszeiten» wurden. In aufeinanderfolgenden Umlaufszeiten, die geregelt sind durch den Gang der Gestirne, wurden des Menschen aufeinanderfolgende Inkarnationen geregelt. Die Geister der Weisheit wurden Geister der Umlaufszeiten. Sie wären fähig gewesen, den Menschen von der Erde hinwegzuheben durch ihre weisheitsvolle Macht; aber die Menschen hätten darauf verzichten müssen, die Früchte zu zeitigen, die nur innerhalb der Zeit reifen können. Die Früchte der Liebe, der Erdenerfahrung, wären nicht zu gewinnen gewesen. Diejenigen Geheimnisse, welche Wesenheiten haben und beherzigen müssen, um die Früchte der Liebe, der Erdenerfahrung zu zeitigen, waren diesen Geistern der Umlaufszeiten verborgen. Deshalb heißt es in der Schrift: «Sie verhüllten ihr Antlitz vor dem mystischen Lamm!» Denn das «mystische Lamm» ist der Sonnengeist, der das Geheimnis hat, nicht nur die Geister hinwegzuheben von der Erde, sondern die Leiber von der Erde zu erlösen, sie zu vergeistigen, nachdem sie durch die vielen Inkarnationen hindurchgegangen sind. Der Besitzer des Liebesgeheimnisses, das ist der Sonnengeist, den wir den Christus nennen; und weil er nicht nur ein Interesse hat an der Individualität, sondern unmittelbar an jeder einzelnen Persönlichkeit der Erde, nennen wir ihn deshalb das «große Opfer der Erde» oder das «mystische Lamm».

[ 15 ] So wurden die einen die Geister der Umlaufszeiten und regelten die aufeinanderfolgenden Inkarnationen. Der Christus wurde der Mittelpunkt, insofern die einzelnen Persönlichkeiten der Menschen geheiligt und geläutert werden sollten. Alles, was der Mensch aus der einzelnen Persönlichkeit als Frucht hineinbringen kann in die Individualität, erlangt er dadurch, daß er einen Zusammenhang hat mit dem Christus-Wesen. Das Hinschauen, das Sich-verbunden-Fühlen mit dem Christus-Wesen läutert und veredelt die Persönlichkeit. Wäre die Erdentwickelung verlaufen ohne die Erscheinung des Christus, so wäre der Leib des Menschen, wenn wir den Ausdruck umfassend gebrauchen, böse geblieben; er hätte sich mit der Erde verbinden müssen und wäre für immer der Materialität verfallen. Und wenn trotzdem die Geister der Weisheit. nicht darauf verzichtet hätten, den Menschen gleich im Anfange der eigentlichen Erdentwickelung zu vergeistigen, so hätte folgendes eintreten können: Entweder hätten die Geister der Weisheit sogleich bei Beginn der Erdentwickelung — also in der lemurischen Zeit - den Menschen herausgerissen aus dem Leib, ihn einer raschen geistigen Entwickelung entgegengeführt und seinen Leib rasch verbrannt; dann hätte die Erde niemals ihre Mission erfüllen können. Oder die Geister der Weisheit hätten gesagt: Das wollen wir nicht; wir wollen, daß sich der Leib des Menschen voll entwickle; aber wir selber haben daran kein Interesse, also überlassen wir das dem Spätgeborenen, dem Jehova, der ist der Herr der Form! Dann wäre der Mensch mumifiziert worden, wäre vertrocknet. Der Leib des Menschen aber wäre mit der Erde verbunden geblieben; er wäre niemals einer Vergeistigung entgegengegangen. Beide Wege wurden nicht gewählt; sondern damit ein Gleichgewicht eintreten konnte zwischen den Geistern der Weisheit und dem Letztgeborenen des Mondes, dem Herrn der Form, der der Ausgangspunkt für das Schaffen des Mondes ist, wurde eine Mittellage geschaffen; und diese Mittellage bereitete vor die Erscheinung des Christus, der über die Weisheit erhaben ist, vor dem die Geister der Weisheit ihr Antlitz in Demut verhüllen, und der dadurch, daß die Menschen sich immer mehr mit seinem Geiste erfüllen und durchdringen, die Menschen erlösen wird. Und wenn die Erde selbst an dem Punkte anlangt, wo der Mensch sich voll vergeistigt haben wird, dann wird nicht ein trockener Ball herausfallen aus der Evolution, sondern es wird der Mensch durch das, was er aus der Entwickelung hat herausholen können, seine sich immer mehr veredelnde Menschenform der vollständigen Vergeistigung entgegenführen. Und wir sehen, wie die Menschen sich vergeistigen. Wenn wir uns die ursprünglichen Menschenkörper der lemurischen Zeit ansehen würden - ich werde niemals in einem öffentlichen Vortrag diese lemurischen Menschenkörper beschreiben! -, so würden wir finden, daß sie sich uns an der äußersten Grenze der Häßlichkeit stehend darstellen. Erst allmählich bilder sich der menschliche Körper in der Form, wie wir ihn heute kennen. Und immer veredelter und veredelter treten die Menschen auf, indem sie von der Liebe immer mehr und mehr gereinigt werden. Aber auch über das heutige Menschenantlitz wird sich der Mensch hinausentwickeln. Wie sich der Menschenleib immer mehr vergeistigt hat seit der lemurischen Rasse, so wird sich auch das menschliche Antlitz immer mehr vergeistigen. Wir sind heute in der fünften Rasse. Wie sich jetzt schon im menschlichen Antlitz das Gute und Edle, das in der Seele lebt, ausprägt, so wird in der sechsten Rasse des Menschen Antlitz leuchten von innerer Güte. Eine ganz andere Physiognomie wird der Mensch dann haben, so daß man an der äußeren Gestalt erkennen wird, wie gut und wie edel er ist, und erkennen wird man an dem Antlitz, was für innere seelische Eigenschaften in dem Menschen sind; und immer mehr wird sich das, was an Edelmut und Güte in der Menschenseele enthalten ist, der menschlichen Physiognomie einprägen, bis am Ende der Erdenzeit das Leibliche des Menschen ganz durchdrungen ist vom Geistigen und sich ganz und gar abheben wird von denen, die an der Materialität hängen geblieben sind, die das Abbild des Bösen darstellen werden, die zurückbleiben auf dem mineralischen Standpunkt. Das ist das, was kommen wird, und was man das «Jüngste Gericht» nennt, die Scheidung von Guten und Bösen. Es ist die Vergeistigung des menschlichen Körpers oder, wie man es populär nennt, die «Auferstehung des Fleisches». Man muß diese Dinge nur verstehen mit dem gesunden Sinn aus dem Okkultismus heraus; dann kann gar kein Angriff gegen sie geführt werden. Die Aufklärerei wird allerdings nicht verstehen können, daß das, was Materie ist, einmal etwas anderes werden könnte als Materie. Was im besten Sinne des Wortes genannt werden könnte der «Wahnsinn der Materialität», das wird sich niemals vorstellen können, daß das Materielle sich einmal vergeistigen könnte, das heißt, daß einmal so etwas eintreten wird, was man nennt die Vergeistigung, die Auferstehung des Fleisches. Aber die Dinge sind so, und so ist der Gang der Erdentwickelung, und so ergibt sich der Sinn der Erdentwickelung und die Stellung des Christus innerhalb der Erdentwickelung.

[ 16 ] Wenn wir bloß auf alles dasjenige sehen würden, was wir bis jetzt in Betracht gezogen haben innerhalb unserer heutigen Darstellung, dann würde sich uns ein eigentümliches Bild unserer Erdentwickelung ergeben. Dieses Bild würde so sein, daß in der Tat die Waage gehalten würde zwischen den Geistern der Form und den Geistern, die die Geister der Umlaufszeiten geworden sind, den eigentlichen Geistern des Lichtes. Dadurch, daß der Christus von dem Mysterium von Golgatha an die künftige Erdentwickelung zu führen hat, wären diese in der Gleichgewichtslage, und ein sukzessiver Aufstieg würde in der Tat das sein, was da kommen würde. Aber so einfach ist die Sache wiederum nicht. Wir wissen, daß Geister zurückgeblieben sind, Geister, die die volle Reife der Weisheitsentwickelung nicht erlangt hatten, die daher kein Interesse daran haben, ihr Regiment abzutreten an die Strömung der Liebe. Diese Geister wollten fortwirken und weiter die Weisheit einströmen lassen. Sie wirkten auf den Menschen und sie haben deshalb nicht etwa unfruchtbar auf der Erde gewirkt. Sie haben den Menschen die Freiheit gebracht. Hat das Christus-Prinzip die Liebe gebracht, so haben diese Geister, die wir die luziferischen Geister nennen, dem Menschen die Freiheit gebracht, die Freiheit der Persönlichkeit. Sie gaben dem Menschen die Möglichkeit, zwischen Gut und Böse zu wählen. Auch das Zurückbleiben gewisser Geister hat seine sehr gute Seite, und alles, ob Vorschreiten oder Zurückbleiben, ist göttlicher Natur. So gab es also Geister der Umlaufszeiten, welche die fortschreitenden Inkarnationen leiteten, das, was als die Individualität durch alle Inkarnationen hindurchgeht; so gab es Geister der Liebe unter der Führung des Christus-Prinzips, welche diese Individualität so vorbereiteten, daß die Persönlichkeit nach und nach übergehen kann in ein Reich der Liebe. Wenn wir das große Ideal, das uns als ein Reich der Liebe vorschwebt, charakterisieren wollen, so können wir das in folgender Weise tun.

[ 17 ] Heute ist noch in den weitesten Kreisen der gründliche Irrtum verbreitet, daß das Wohl und Heil der einzelnen Persönlichkeit möglich sei ohne das Wohl und Heil aller anderen Persönlichkeiten der Erde. Wenn auch die Menschen das nicht direkt zugeben, praktisch ist doch alles darauf gebaut, daß so, wie wir heute leben, der Einzelne auf Kosten der anderen lebt, und der Glaube ist weit verbreitet, daß das Wohl des Einzelnen unabhängig ist von dem Wohl der anderen. Die zukünftige Entwickelung wird die volle Gemeinschaft des Geistes entwickeln, das heißt, auf dem Jupiter wird der Glaube zu herrschen beginnen, daß es kein Wohl und Heil des Einzelnen gibt ohne das Wohl und Heil aller übrigen, und zwar eben das gleiche Wohl und Heil aller übrigen Einzelnen. Das Christentum bereitet diese Anschauung vor, und es ist dazu da, sie vorzubereiten. Eine Gemeinsamkeit hat sich auf der Erde zunächst ergeben durch die Liebe, die an das Blut gebunden ist. Dadurch war der pure Egoismus überwunden. Das Christentum hat nun die Aufgabe, in den Menschen diejenige Liebe zu entzünden, die nicht mehr an das Blut gebunden ist, das heißt, sie sollen die reine Liebe finden lernen, wo das Wohl und das Heil des Einzelnen gar nicht gedacht wird ohne das Wohl und das Heil des anderen. Das Reich der Liebe wird sich so darstellen, daß, wie zuerst die Blutsverwandtschaft die Menschen aneinanderband, nun der Mensch in jedem Menschen den Verwandten sehen wird, ohne Rücksicht auf das gemeinsame Blut. Das ist in den Worten angedeutet: «Wer nicht verläßt Vater und Mutter, Weib und Kind, Bruder und Schwester, der kann nicht mein Jünger sein.» Alles andere ist kein wirkliches Christentum. So können wir die Hinentwickelung des Menschen zu einem höheren Zustand charakterisieren. Aber die Hinentwickelung zu einem solchen Zustand geschieht in Zyklen, nicht sukzessive. Sie können sich durch eine einfache Betrachtung diese Zyklen klarmachen.

[ 18 ] Sehen Sie, wie in der ersten Epoche der nachatlantischen Zeit eine Kultur, die brahmanische Kultur, aufgeht, ihren Höhepunkt erreicht und wieder in Dekadenz kommt, wie sie ihren Höhepunkt erlangt auf dem Gebiete der Flucht aus der Materialität, in der sie ihre Erlösung sucht, wie sie aber wieder zurückgehen muß, weil sie ihre Kultur gesucht hat auf dem Gebiete der Nichtanerkennung der Materie. Sie sehen dann, wie ein neuer Zyklus eintritt in der altpersischen Kultur, wie die altpersische Kultur den Erdball erobert dadurch, daß sie die Materie anerkennt, allerdings als eine dem Menschen widerstrebende Macht, die der Mensch durch seine Arbeit bezwingt; und wiederum erreicht diese Kultur ihren Höhepunkt, und versinkt in Dekadenz. Aber eine neue Kultur steigt herauf, die ägyptisch-chaldäisch-assyrisch-babylonische, die nicht mehr bloß die Materie anerkennt, sondern die die Materie durchdringt mit menschlicher Intelligenz, wo die Bahnen der Sterne erforscht werden, wo Bauten aufgeführt werden gemäß dem, was man aus der Sternenweisheit gewonnen hatte, indem menschliche Bebauungen der Erde nach Gesetzen der Geometrie angelegt werden. Die Materie ist jetzt nicht mehr bloß eine widerstrebende Macht, sondern sie wird umgegossen und umgeformt zu dem Geistigen. Die Pyramiden sind ein Abbild von dem, was der Mensch aus den Sternen er sah. Und wir gehen weiter hinüber, nachdem die ägyptischchaldäisch-assyrisch-babylonische Kultur in Dekadenz geraten ist, zu der griechisch-lateinischen Kultur, wo der Mensch in der griechischen Kunst die Materie so umgestaltet hat, daß er sein eigenes Abbild in sie hineingeformt hat, wo der Mensch zur Überwindung der Materie durch die Schönheit gelangt. Das war früher nicht der Fall, daß, wie in der griechischen Plastik, griechischen Baukunst und Dramatik, der Mensch sein eigenes Abbild in die Materie hineinprägt. Die menschliche Persönlichkeit wird als der höchste Ausdruck der Schönheit in der griechischen Kunst verherrlicht. Und mit der römischen Kultur sehen wir hinzukommen den Rechtsbegriff der Persönlichkeit. Es ist auch nur wieder eine ganz verkehrte Gelehrsamkeit - ein einziger Blick eines verständigen Menschen kann das erkennen -, die da sagt, daß es früher auch schon den Rechtsbegriff gegeben hätte. Das Gesetzbuch des Hammurabi ist etwas ganz anderes, als das, was in Rom geschaffen worden ist als Jurisprudenz. Das ist ein eigentlich römisches Produkt, denn die Jurisprudenz tauchte da auf, wo die einzelne Persönlichkeit sich auch im Recht ihr Abbild schafft; da ist der Mensch ganz auf die eigene Persönlichkeit gestellt. Man studiere und vergleiche das Testament im römischen Recht mit dem, was im Gesetzbuch des Hammurabi zu finden ist, wo die Persönlichkeit des Menschen ganz in eine Theokratie hineingestellt war. Der «römische Bürger» ist ein neues Element in dem Entwickelungszyklus der Menschheit. Noch tiefer herab in die Materie muß der Mensch in der fünften, in der germanischen Kultur; die Überwindung der Naturkräfte, die Triumphe der Technik, sie sind die Folge davon. Doch sind wir über den tiefsten Punkt dieser Entwickelung etwas hinweg. Und ein neuer Zyklus ist derjenige, der dann da sein wird, wenn die Menschen das, was sich heute als Theosophie zeigt, ganz ergriffen haben werden. Wir sehen, wie jeder Zyklus in der Kultur seinen Gipfel erreicht und wieder heruntersinkt, und wie jeder neue Zyklus die Aufgabe hat, die Kultur weiterzubringen... [Lücke im Text.]

[ 19 ] . . . Die feste Gleichgewichtslage gibt dem Menschen die Sicherheit, daß er erlöst werden kann von der Erde; und das Auf- und Abstreben ist das, was wir das Streben nach der eigentlichen Freiheit nennen, was die luziferischen Geister der Menschheit eingeprägt haben. So wirken in dem Weltengange zusammen das Christus-Prinzip und die luziferischen Geister und bedingen die Kultur. Es macht nichts, daß man in den ersten Zeiten des Christentums das luziferische Prinzip ausschloß, und die Menschen nur auf das Christus-Prinzip hingewiesen worden sind. Die Menschheit wird schon wieder dazu kommen, sich die Freiheit zu erobern in der vollen Hingabe an das Christus-Prinzip; denn das Christus-Prinzip ist so umfassend, daß nur der es erfassen kann, der es auf der Stufe der höchsten Weisheit zu umspannen versucht.

[ 20 ] Blicken wir zurück in die vorchristlichen Zeiten. Da finden wir, wie die Religionen da sind als die Vorbereitung für das Christentum. Wir sehen bei den Indern und Persern wohl Religionen, aber Religionen, die geeignet sind für das betreffende Volk, aus dem sie herausgeboren sind. Es sind nationale, Stammes-, Rassenreligionen, die mit dem Volk auftreten, aus dem sie entstanden sind, beschränkt in ihrem inneren Wesen, weil sie in einer gewissen Weise noch hervorgehen aus den Gruppenseelen und mit ihnen verbunden sind. Mit der Christus-Religion tritt in die Menschheitsentwickelung ein Element ein, das so recht das Element der Erdenentwickelung ist. In den ersten Zeiten ist das Christentum so, daß es allerdings sofort alle früheren Religionsprinzipien durchbricht. Schroff stellt es sich entgegen dem Satz: «Ich und der Vater Abraham sind eins.» Zuerst stellt es sich dem entgegen, daß man sich mit irgend etwas, was nur menschliche Gruppe ist, als Einheit fühlen kann; vielmehr muß sich die Seele, die in jeder Persönlichkeit wohnt, mit dem ewigen Weltengrunde, der der «Vater» genannt wird, und der in jeder Seele wohnt, eins fühlen können, und das drückt es aus in dem Satz: «Ich und der Vater sind eins.» Und gegenüber dem Alten Testament, das beginnt mit den Worten: «Am Anfang war das Licht», stellt das Christentum als das Neue Testament die Worte hin: «Im Urbeginne war das Wort!» Damit war einer der größten Fortschritte der Menschheitsentwickelung gegeben. Denn bei dem Licht, das hervortritt, spricht man, soweit man von Licht sprechen kann, von etwas äußerlich Sichtbarem. Daher enthalten die alten Urkunden eine Genesis, die das Physische als eine Offenbarung des Lichtes hinstellt. Das «Wort» aber ist das, was aus dem Inneren des Wesens hervorkommt. Und ehe alle Offenbarung des Lichtes gekommen war, war das vom Menschen, «was da war, was da ist, was da sein wird» — das will sagen das, was mit dem innersten Wesen des Menschen gemeint ist. Im Urbeginn war nicht das Licht, sondern war das Wort. Das Johannes-Evangelium ist ein Dokument, das nicht neben die anderen gestellt werden darf; sondern das die anderen Urkunden erweitert von dem Zeitlichen zu dem Ewigen. So steht das Christentum da nicht als eine Religion, die eine Stammesreligion wäre, sondern es steht da als eine Menschheitsreligion, wenn es richtig verstanden wird. Indem der Christ sich eins fühlt mit dem «Vater», steht Seele der Seele gegenüber, gleichgültig welchem Stamme sie angehört. So werden alle Schranken fallen müssen unter den Einwirkungen des Christentums, und der Jupiterzustand muß vorbereitet werden unter den Einwirkungen dieses Prinzips. Daher hat das Christentum begonnen als Religion, denn die Menschheit war auf Religion gebaut. Religion aber ist etwas, was im Laufe der Menschheitsentwickelung abgelöst werden muß durch Weisheit, durch Erkenntnis. Insofern Religion auf Glauben gebaut ist und nicht von der vollen Erkenntnis durchglüht ist, ist sie etwas, was im Laufe des Menschheitsfortschrittes abgelöst werden muß. Und während der Mensch früher glauben mußte, um zum Wissen zu kommen, wird in Zukunft volle Erkenntnis leuchten, und der Mensch wird wissen und von da aus aufsteigen zur Anerkennung der höchsten geistigen Welten. Von der Religion entwickelt sich die Menschheit zu der von der Liebe wieder durchglühten Weisheit. Erst Weisheit, dann Liebe, dann von der Liebe durchglühte Weisheit.

[ 21 ] Nun können wir fragen: Wenn aber die Religion aufgehen wird in der Erkenntnis, wenn dem Menschen nicht mehr nach der alten Form Religion gegeben sein wird, daß er bloß dem Glauben nach auf die Weisheit hingewiesen sein wird, welche die Evolution leitet, wird dann auch das Christentum nicht mehr sein? Keine andere Religion wird sein, die auf bloßen Glauben gebaut ist. Das Christentum wird bleiben, denn das Christentum ist zwar in seinem Anfang Religion gewesen, aber das Christentum ist größer als alle Religion! Das ist die Rosenkreuzerweisheit. Umfassender war das religiöse Prinzip des Christentums in seinem Anfange als das religiöse Prinzip aller anderen Religionen. Aber das Christentum ist noch größer als das religiöse Prinzip selbst. Wenn die Glaubenshüllen fortfallen werden, wird es Weisheitsform sein. Es kann ganz und gar die Glaubenshüllen abstreifen und Weisheitsreligion werden, und dazu wird Geisteswissenschaft helfen, die Menschen vorzubereiten. Die Menschen werden ohne die alten Religions- und Glaubensformen leben können, aber sie werden nicht leben können ohne das Christentum; denn das Christentum ist größer als alle Religion. Das Christentum ist dazu da, alle Religionsformen zu sprengen, und das, was als Christentum die Menschen erfüllt, das wird noch sein, wenn die Menschenseelen hinausgewachsen sind über alles bloße religiöse Leben.

Sixth Lecture

[ 1 ] Anyone who attentively reflects on the last lecture given here and remembers how the repetition of certain previously experienced states takes place at a later stage - for example, on our Earth, a Saturn, a Sun and a Moon condition gradually occur and only then does our Earth condition fully develop - could feel compelled to make the following comment.

[ 2 ] He might say: It has been asserted in various earlier lectures that on Saturn the first physical human disposition underwent something like a system of senses, as if this first Saturn disposition of the human physical body had consisted of primitive, elementary sense organs. On the Sun, a glandular system would then have developed, on the Moon the nervous system, and on our Earth a repetition of everything happened. But how does that fit with the statement that the first thing to emerge on Earth is the first rudiment of the circulatory system, a kind of warmth human; then, as the Earth state condenses into the air state and light is added, a kind of air system, which then later develops into the present-day respiratory system, while the warmth system develops into the later blood system; and on the other side, under the influence of light, a kind of inward-looking nervous system develops. It was further described how all this is still in a fine ethereal state, and how it is then, as it were, filled with a kind of protein substance, which, under the influence of the world sound, the world tone, is structured into the individual substances. If I now assume, the person concerned could say, that the glandular system only begins with the storage of this organic substance, then there would first be a kind of warmth system on earth, which forms the first basis for the blood system, and a kind of nervous system, which is indeed present in the fine ethereal lines of force; then the glandular system would come, which in a certain respect is already organic-material, and finally the mineral would be deposited, as described last time. When these successive conditions of Saturn, Sun and Moon have occurred and these conditions are then repeated on Earth, it is still remarkable that a sensory system, then a glandular system, a nervous system and finally a blood system do not also occur on Earth first. But the last time it was described exactly the other way around: first blood, then nerves, glands and finally the solid deposits, which, as has been emphasized, first open the senses to the outside. Someone might say that this principle of repetition has been treated very badly, in that just last time a kind of reverse order was told than the one that would have been expected if a truly literal repetition had taken place.

[ 3 ] It must be admitted that if someone were to describe the following relationships out of pure intellect as a mere repetition of the previous ones, he would probably have given a description that meant the opposite of what actually happened. For the intellect would conclude that what was experienced on Saturn is repeated on Earth in a stereotyped way, then what was experienced on the Sun, and then what was experienced on the Moon, and that only then would the blood system come about. I have often emphasized that in occultism one can go wrong and make terrible mistakes if one does not describe from the occult facts, but relies on the mere intellect, on some mere logical conclusions. For if one follows the development of Saturn, the Sun and the Moon in the Akasha Chronicle, it is indeed the case that one must say: on Saturn there is a predisposition for a kind of sensory system, on the Sun a glandular system, on the Moon a nervous system, and with the Earth the blood is added. If we then follow the occult facts further, we find that on Earth a kind of blood system first appears, then a glandular system, a nervous system, and only then does what appears to be the sensory system develop in a form useful for Earth conditions. If one wants to speak of repetitions, one would have to speak of a reverse repetition, according to the facts. What has been presented earlier, and what has been presented in the last lecture, does not arise from speculation, but corresponds to real facts, and here such a reversal turns out to be the case, and that makes the repetition much more complicated.

[ 4 ] We must not be satisfied with the assumption that we are dealing with a mere reversal. Rather, just as the blood system first emerges in the first predisposition on our earth as a kind of warmth human being, as I described it last time, so the blood system is really a kind of sense system at the same time. It is namely a warmth and knowledge system. Man is, so to speak, completely a blood or warmth human being. He is not permeated by blood substance, but etheric lines of warmth permeate him, and these etheric lines of warmth, from which the blood system later arises, are in the first disposition quite a kind of sensory system. It is only in the first disposition and is itself a sensory system, and the nervous and light system is on earth first a kind of glandular system; and the later glandular system can only integrate itself by the other systems, the blood system and the nervous system, which have now already integrated themselves, advancing in their development. This advance occurs in the following way: While the nervous system is forming as a kind of glandular system, something remains of the blood as the later formation of the blood. But at the same time, during the second stage, the blood system itself also transforms into a kind of nervous system; and when that is achieved and the glandular system integrates in the third stage, the two earlier systems are the first to integrate again, so that in fact the blood system advances by one degree and the nervous system also by one degree. So, transformations and re-formations are continually happening. Evolution is a very complicated process, and it is not the case that one can rest easy with the concept of reverse repetition. This reversal is only a partial one; the blood system is a sensory system that transforms later, and the same is true for the nervous system, and so on.

[ 5 ] So you see, what has happened for man to reach his present height is by no means a comfortable matter for the mind, and it is a matter of patiently and persistently finding one's way into this complicated process of development. But this is only a kind of introduction that I wanted to give for those who have once again diligently considered what was said last time.

[ 6 ] Today, however, we have a very different task: to observe the development of man on earth from a completely different point of view, so that this human being comes more and more fully to life before our eyes. If, for this purpose, we look back once more to the preceding embodiment of our Earth, the old Moon, then, when we bring this human being on the old Moon before our soul, this human being presents himself in such a way that he has his physical body, his etheric body, his astral body, but not yet his personal I, as he only has it on Earth now. If we now examine the state of consciousness of such a moon man, it is in fact quite radically different from the state of consciousness of the earth man. The state of the earth man is truly expressed in what one might call the personality. Much is said about the characteristics of the earth man with this word; because a personality did not yet exist on the old moon. We have seen that it was only on Earth that this personality gradually developed fully and that in ancient times, people felt much more like a member of a whole community. Even if we do not go back very far in the areas where we ourselves live, even if we go back to the first centuries AD, we still find echoes of an ancient consciousness. The old Cheruscan, the old Sugambran, Herulian, and Bructerian did not yet feel to the same extent as a personal human being as today's human being, but rather as a member of his tribe. And when he said “I”, this “I” meant something quite different from what it means today. Today, when a person says “I”, he means the essence of his personality, as it were, enclosed in his skin. In those days, a person felt towards his tribe in the same way that a limb feels towards our organism. He felt himself primarily as a Sugambrian, Herulian, Brukterer, Cheruscan, and only secondarily as a personal ego. You will better understand many conditions in these ancient times if you consider this radical change of personality, if you realize that, for example, certain forms of blood revenge, family revenge, tribal revenge find their complete explanation in the common consciousness of the tribe, in the consciousness of a kind of group soul. People felt themselves to be groups of common blood, as a result of which a killing was avenged on the whole tribe of the murderer as if it were on himself. And if we go back even further to the classical Old Testament times, to the time of the Jewish people, we know that the individual Jew felt he was a member of the whole Jewish people, that when he said “I” did not feel as a representative of his personal ego, but that he felt the blood of the entire Jewish people, as it has flowed down through the generations since the father Abraham: “I and the father Abraham are one!” In this awareness, the member of the people felt secure and honored. He felt this group soul in the blood far up to the father Abraham. And if we go back even further into the distant past of the earth, we find the group soul even more clearly pronounced. Then the individual remembers by memory what the ancestors did, right up to the great-grandfather. The memory of the descendant reaches back centuries.

[ 7 ] In our time, under ordinary circumstances, a person no longer remembers what his father did if he did not see it. He no longer remembers what his ancestors experienced. His memory encompasses only his own life. In ancient times, man remembered not only what he himself had experienced, but also what his ancestors had experienced, with whom he shared blood, not because he knew it, but because memory transmitted beyond birth. And we know that the age of the ancient patriarchs, of Adam and the subsequent ancestors of the Jewish people, originally meant nothing other than the length of memory, how far back one could remember in the ancestral line. Why did Adam and the other patriarchs live so long? It was not that they were special individuals, but rather that they were remembered as clearly through the generations as one remembers one's own youth today. This was expressed with a collective term. The personality was not considered at all. They not only remembered what they had experienced in their childhood, but they also remembered what their father had experienced in his childhood, what their grandfather had experienced, and so on through the centuries; and the content of this memory was summarized as one unit and called “Adam” or “Noah” and the like for my sake. In primeval times, the completed personality did not yet have the value it has today; but the memory extended beyond father, mother, grandfather and so on; and as far as it extended, a common name was used. This may seem strange and fantastic to our present materialistic world view, but it is something that a thorough study of the soul, which is based on fact, must establish from the depths of the facts.

[ 8 ] We come to the point on our earth that man had a kind of group consciousness that was attached to his group soul. If we go back to the old moon, where man did not have such a limited ego embedded in the group consciousness, but where he had no ego at all, where he still consisted of a physical body, etheric body and astral , we would find that the consciousness on this old moon was not smaller, but comprised mighty, great groups, that indeed comprehensive group souls underlay the human race of the moon. These group souls of the moon, which, so to speak, only placed the individual moon people on the moon like their limbs, were wise souls. We have also described the animal group souls on earth, and in doing so we have also found wisdom to be a prominent feature. These group souls of the moon implanted in our planet in its previous embodiment the wisdom that we know and admire today. And when we admire today how every piece of bone, how heart and brain, how every leaf of a plant is permeated and imbued with wisdom, then we know that that wisdom trickled down from the group souls that were in the atmosphere of the old moon — as clouds today let down the rain — and incorporated itself into all beings, who took it up as a predisposition and brought it out again when they arose on Earth after pralaya. Thus, group souls full of wisdom were present on the moon.

[ 9 ] If we were to look for a quality on the old moon that we find today on our earth to an ever-increasing extent as the earth's evolution progresses, we would not find that quality in the moon beings. This quality is love, the urge that leads beings to each other of their own free will. Love is the mission of our Earth planet. This is why in occultism we also call the Moon the “Cosmos of Wisdom” and the Earth the “Cosmos of Love”. And just as we, standing on Earth today, admire the wisdom incorporated into it, so the beings on Jupiter will one day be confronted with beings from whom love will waft towards them. They will taste and smell love, so to speak, in the beings around them. Just as wisdom shines out to us on earth, so on Jupiter the Jupiter beings will smell what develops as love from pure sex love to Spinozian love of God here on earth. It will smell, like the plants today smell of different aromas. Thus the degrees of love will stream forth as that fragrance which will arise from the cosmos that we, as successors on earth, have called Jupiter. Thus conditions change in the course of evolution, and whenever there is any progress in evolution, beings partake of it. Then the beings connected with the planetary stage of development in question ascend to ever higher levels of development. Today, the people living on Earth are, so to speak, the instruments of the development of love; previously, the animal kingdom developed these various forms of love as backward forms, and to the extent that love emerges in animals, a simple observation would show that all of this is a preliminary stage of human love, which is becoming more and more spiritualized. Just as man on earth is the instrument for the development of love, so will he, when he has developed as far as Jupiter, be able to assimilate an even higher quality. Thus, when the Moon became Earth, the beings who had poured out wisdom from the sphere of the Moon were able to develop to a higher stage, and they ascended higher. These beings, who at that time had the power to instill wisdom into the lunar beings, were exactly the same ones who, at that point in the evolution of the earth when the sun emerged from the earth, were ready to go out with the sun and make the sun their sphere of activity. The entities that were the spirits of wisdom on the moon, the spirits of wisdom that trickled down – these are different spirits of wisdom than those that have been mentioned in connection with Saturn – these spirits, or at least a large number of them, chose the sun as their arena. Only the entity which is called Jahve or Jehovah, which last attained full maturity on the moon, became the lord of the form on earth, the ruler of the lunar forces.

[ 10 ] Now, however, we have already spoken of other entities that had not gone through the full development of the moon to the end, that had, so to speak, stopped in the middle between human and divine existence. We have characterized them in the most diverse ways. We have pointed out that the Sun, at a certain stage of its development, split Venus and Mercury out of itself in order to give these beings a suitable environment. We have also already discussed how, in the course of human evolution, entities such as the Venus and Mercury entities have become the great teachers of humanity in the mysteries. Today we want to supplement this picture from a different point of view.

[ 11 ] We have already hinted that if the forces and beings that emerged with the sun had remained connected to the earth in their original way, man would have had to develop at a rapid pace that he could not have withstood. He would not have been able to develop at all if the Spirits of Wisdom had remained connected to the Earth as they were connected to the Moon. They had to withdraw and influence from the outside if man was to have the right pace in his development. Otherwise man would be old again as soon as he was born; he would go through his development too quickly. I can also make this clear to you in another way.

[ 12 ] These spirits, who have evolved themselves up to the sun existence, have no interest in man going through the various ages of life, through childhood, adolescence, mature age, old age, and slowly and gradually gaining earthly experiences in physicality. They are only interested in the complete development of spirituality. If they had remained connected to the earth, the bodies would have withered away and been consumed in a certain way. Without bearing the fruits of the conquest of earthly existence, the spirit would have undergone rapid development and man would have been deprived of everything he can learn on the stage of the earth. Above all, the impressing of love into cosmic evolution would have remained hidden. In order for love to develop on earth, the body first had to be developed to a primitive stage. Love had to be created in its lowest form as sexual love, in order to develop through the various stages, and finally, when the Earth has reached its perfection in its last epoch, love will be uplifted in a refined way, developing into pure spiritual love in man. All lower love is schooling for higher love. The earthly human being should develop love within himself so that at the end of his evolution he can give it back to Earth, for everything that is developed in the microcosm is ultimately poured into the macrocosm. The progress of the human being becomes an evolution of the macrocosm. The wisdom that has flowed into the moon people shines towards the earth people as wisdom that permeates their structure. The love that is gradually implanted in people during their time on earth will attract the Jupiter beings from the entire realm of Jupiter. The individual cosmic forces must take this path.

[ 13 ] Thus was the starting point of our Earth mission – the imprinting of love – to some extent faced with two directions: The Spirits of Wisdom, the Creators of Wisdom, who infused the wisdom into the earthly realms on the moon, were uninterested in the physical body of man on earth for themselves, as Spirits of Wisdom. In so far as they were interested only in wisdom, they handed over the special mission on earth to the spirits of love, who are a different class and who, as spirits of love, were also initially able to develop with the sun for a time. In this way, we have two developments on Earth: an influx of love, which is, so to speak, making a new appearance, and an influx of wisdom, which works from the outside, because the spirits who are primarily interested in wisdom have withdrawn to the arena of the Sun. It is very important that we understand this interaction of the Spirits of Wisdom and the Spirits of Love correctly, because an infinitely important contrast is expressed in this interaction of the Spirits of Wisdom and the Spirits of Love. If I now try to express in human language what happened there, this contrast is expressed by the fact that the spirits of wisdom, between birth and death, as the individual develops, completely surrender themselves to the spirits of love and take over the rule of individuality for themselves, which passes through the various personalities in the course of reincarnations. If you imagine the human being in his entirety, you have laid out the two regimes under which the human being stands in the cosmic government. What the human being is between birth and death, what he develops within himself because he lives in a physical body, what, so to speak, truly makes him a being that stands here on the ground of the earth with his two legs, that is under the regime of the spirits of love. What runs through the personalities as the permanent individuality, what is born with the human being, dies, is born again, dies again, and so on, is to a certain extent under the rule of the spirits of wisdom. But now you must not generalize and say: So you claim that human individuality is under the influence of the spirits of wisdom, and human personality is under the influence of the spirits of love. If you were to generalize, then again mere nonsense would come out. For concepts are only valid if you grasp them in their relativity, if you know that each concept has its two sides. Only if you were of the opinion that this one life between birth and death would be meaningless for all subsequent lives, then you might generalize in that way. But if you bear in mind what I have always emphasized, namely that the fruits of every single life on earth, that is, the fruits of everything gained under the influence of the spirits of love, flow into all development, into that which is guided by the spirits of wisdom, and if, on the other hand, you are clear about the fact that everything of the spirits of wisdom, what is in the human body up to the astral body - we have already described how the experiences made on earth must be transformed and reshaped -, so the spirits of wisdom have an effect on the human being, because he has a physical body, an etheric body and an astral body. And because what the human being develops as a personality under the element of love becomes permanent for his individuality once it has been developed, the spirits of love in turn work through the detour of wisdom into what is developed in the individual human life. So they work together. Then the rule of these spirits is again separated in such a way that everything that is personality is directly and immediately subject to the rule of love, and everything that happens between birth and death is indirectly subject to the element of wisdom.

[ 14 ] Thus we see how the human personality and the human individuality are involved in different directions and currents. This is important for the following reason: if the Spirits of Wisdom, who are now meant, had, so to speak, assumed the rule, that effervescent, vehement development would have occurred, which could also be characterized by saying that man would have experienced in a single incarnation all possible perfection of all incarnations compressed together. But what the Spirits of Wisdom were to give was spread over the entire succession of incarnations on earth. In occultism, this is expressed in very definite terms. If the Spirits of Wisdom had remained in the process of development, the human being would have quickly developed spiritually through all stages of development, burning himself out physically. But the Spirits of Wisdom renounced to bring man to such a vehement development. They left the earth to circle it, to moderate the times that would otherwise have run vehemently, to make them moderate. Therefore, in occultism, it is said that these Spirits of Wisdom became “Spirits of the times of circulation”. In successive periods of circulation, regulated by the course of the stars, man's successive incarnations were regulated. The Spirits of Wisdom became Spirits of the Times of Circulation. They would have been able to lift man up from the earth through their powerful wisdom, but then men would have had to renounce bearing the fruits that can only ripen within time. The fruits of love, of earthly experience, could not have been gained. The secrets which beings must have and take to heart in order to bear the fruits of love, of earthly experience, were hidden from these spirits of the periods of revolution. That is why it says in the writing: “They veiled their faces from the mystic Lamb!” For the “Mystical Lamb” is the Spirit of the Sun, who holds the secret not only of removing the spirits from the earth, but of redeeming the bodies from the earth, spiritualizing them after they have passed through the many incarnations. The possessor of the secret of love is the Sun Spirit whom we call the Christ; and because He is interested not only in the individuality but in each single personality on earth, we call Him the “Great Sacrifice of the Earth” or the “Mystic Lamb”.

[ 15 ] Thus the Spirits of the Times of Revolution became the Spirits of the Periods of Revolution, and regulated the successive incarnations. The Christ became the center, inasmuch as the individual personalities of men were to be sanctified and purified. Everything that a person can bring from the individual personality into the individuality as fruit, he acquires through having a connection with the Christ-being. The looking, the feeling of connection with the Christ-being purifies and ennobles the personality. If the evolution of the earth had taken place without the appearance of the Christ, man's body, if we use the expression comprehensively, would have remained evil; it would have had to connect with the earth and would have fallen into materiality forever. And if, in spite of this, the Spirits of Wisdom had not renounced spiritualizing man right at the beginning of the actual evolution of the earth, the following could have occurred: Either the Spirits of Wisdom would have immediately, at the beginning of the evolution of the earth - that is, in the Lemurian period - wrenched the human being out of the body, led him towards rapid spiritual evolution and quickly burned his body; then the earth would never have been able to fulfill its mission. Or the Spirits of Wisdom would have said: We do not want that; we want the body of man to develop fully; but we ourselves have no interest in this, so we leave it to the Late-Born, to Jehovah, He is Lord of Form! Then the human being would have been mummified, would have dried up. But the human body would have remained connected to the earth; it would never have approached spiritualization. Neither path was chosen; but in order for a balance to occur between the Spirits of Wisdom and the Last-born of the Moon, the Lord of Form, who is the starting point for the Moon's creation, a middle position was created; and this middle position prepared the way for the appearance of the Christ, who is exalted above wisdom, before whom the Spirits of Wisdom humble their faces, and who will redeem mankind by permeating them more and more with His spirit. And when the Earth itself reaches the point where man has become fully spiritualized, then not a dry ball will fall out of evolution, but man will, through what he has been able to extract from evolution, lead his ever more ennobled human form towards complete spiritualization. And we see how human beings spiritualize themselves. If we were to look at the original human bodies of the Lemurian period – I would never describe these Lemurian human bodies in a public lecture! – we would find that they present themselves to us at the very limits of ugliness. Only gradually is the human body taking shape in the form we know today. And ever more ennobled and ennobled do men appear, as they become ever more and more purified by love. But man will also develop beyond the present human countenance. Just as the human body has become ever more spiritualized since the Lemurian race, so also will the human countenance become ever more spiritualized. We are now in the fifth race. Just as the good and noble that lives in the soul is already expressed in the human face, so in the sixth race the human face will shine with inner goodness. Man will then have a completely different physiognomy, so that one will recognize by the outer form how good and how noble he is, and one will recognize by the countenance what kind of inner soul qualities the person has; and more and more will the nobility and kindness contained in the human soul will be imprinted on the human physiognomy, until at the end of earthly time the physical part of the human being will be completely permeated by the spiritual and will stand out completely from those who have remained attached to materiality, who will represent the image of evil, who will remain at the mineral level. That is what will come, and what is called the “Last Judgment,” the separation of the good from the evil. It is the spiritualization of the human body or, as it is popularly called, the “resurrection of the flesh.” One must understand these things only with the healthy sense from the occult; then no attack can be made against them. The Enlightenment will certainly not be able to understand that what is matter could one day become something other than matter. What could be called, in the best sense of the word, the “madness of materiality” will never be able to imagine that the material could one day spiritualize, that is, that something will one day occur that is called spiritualization, the resurrection of the flesh. But such are things, and such is the course of the evolution of the earth, and thus the meaning of the evolution of the earth and the position of Christ within the evolution of the earth is established.

[ 16 ] If we were to consider everything we have so far taken into account in our present exposition, a peculiar picture of our Earth's evolution would emerge. This picture would be such that the balance would indeed be maintained between the spirits of form and the spirits that have become the spirits of the periods of revolution, the actual spirits of light. The fact that from the Mystery of Golgotha the Christ has to lead the future evolution of the earth would mean that the latter would be in a state of equilibrium, and a successive ascent would indeed be what would come. But the matter is not that simple either. We know that there are spirits who have remained behind, spirits who had not attained full maturity in the development of wisdom and who therefore have no interest in relinquishing their rule to the current of love. These spirits wanted to continue working and to allow wisdom to flow in. They worked on people and did not work unfruitfully on earth. They brought freedom to people. Just as the Christ principle brought love, so these spirits, whom we call the Lucifer spirits, brought people freedom, the freedom of personality. They gave people the opportunity to choose between good and evil. Even the backwardness of certain spirits has a very good side, and everything, whether it is progressive or backward, is of divine nature. So there were spirits of the times of circulation, which guided the progressing incarnations, that which passes as individuality through all incarnations; so there were spirits of love under the guidance of the Christ principle, which prepared this individuality so that the personality can gradually pass over into a realm of love. If we wish to characterize the great ideal that we have in mind as a kingdom of love, we can do so in the following way.

[ 17 ] Today, the fundamental error is still widespread in the broadest circles that the well-being and salvation of the individual personality is possible without the well-being and salvation of all other personalities on earth. Even if people do not admit this directly, practically everything is based on the fact that, as we live today, the individual lives at the expense of others, and the belief is widespread that the well-being of the individual is independent of the well-being of others. The future development will develop the full community of the spirit, that is, on Jupiter, the belief will begin to prevail that there is no well-being and salvation of the individual without the well-being and salvation of all the others, and that this well-being and salvation of all the others is precisely the same. Christianity prepares this view, and it is there to prepare it. A sense of community has initially arisen on earth through the love that is tied to blood. This has overcome pure selfishness. It is now the task of Christianity to ignite in people the kind of love that is no longer tied to blood, that is, they should learn to find pure love where the well-being and salvation of the individual is not even considered without the well-being and salvation of the other. The kingdom of love will present itself in such a way that, just as blood ties first bound people together, so now man will see the relative in every human being, regardless of the common blood. This is indicated in the words: “Whoever does not leave father and mother, wife and child, brother and sister, cannot be my disciple.” Anything else is not true Christianity. This is how we can characterize the development of man to a higher state. But the development to such a state happens in cycles, not successively. You can see this for yourself by simply observing these cycles.

[ 18 ] See how in the first epoch of the post-Atlantic period, a culture, the Brahmanic culture, rises, reaches its peak and then declines again , how it reaches its zenith in the realm of flight from materiality, in which it seeks its salvation, but how it must decline again because it has sought its culture in the realm of non-recognition of matter. They then see how a new cycle begins in the ancient Persian culture, how the ancient Persian culture conquers the globe by recognizing matter, albeit as a power that is opposed to man, which man conquers through his work; and again this culture reaches its peak and sinks into decadence. But a new culture is emerging, the Egyptian-Chaldean-Assyrian-Babylonian culture, which no longer merely recognizes matter, but permeates matter with human intelligence , where the paths of the stars are explored, where buildings are constructed according to what has been gained from the wisdom of the stars, in that human buildings on earth are laid out according to the laws of geometry. Matter is no longer a mere resisting power, but is recast and reshaped to the spiritual. The pyramids are a reflection of what man saw in the stars. And we move on, after the Egyptian-Chaldean-Assyrian-Babylonian culture has fallen into decadence, to the Greek-Latin culture, where man in Greek art has so transformed matter that he has formed his own image in it, where man has overcome matter through beauty. This was not the case in the past, that, as in Greek sculpture, Greek architecture and Greek drama, man imprinted his own image on matter. The human personality is glorified as the highest expression of beauty in Greek art. And with Roman culture we see the legal concept of personality being added. It is also only a completely false scholarship - a single glance of an understanding person can recognize this - that says that the legal concept would have existed in the past. The Code of Hammurabi is something quite different from what was created in Rome as jurisprudence. This is a specifically Roman product, for jurisprudence emerged where the individual personality also creates its image in law; here the human being is entirely dependent on his or her own personality. Compare the will in Roman law with what can be found in the Code of Hammurabi, where the personality of the human being was entirely embedded in a theocracy. The “Roman citizen” is a new element in the cycle of human development. Man must go still deeper into matter in the fifth, in the Germanic culture; the conquest of the forces of nature, the triumphs of technology, are the result of this. Yet we are somewhat above the lowest point of this development. And the new cycle will be the one that will come when people will have fully grasped what is now known as Theosophy. We see how every cycle in civilization reaches its peak and then declines again, and how every new cycle has the task of advancing civilization... [gap in text.]

[ 19 ] . . . The fixed state of equilibrium gives man the assurance that he can be released from the earth; and the upward and downward striving is what we call the striving for actual freedom, which the Luciferic spirits have impressed upon humanity. Thus, in the course of the world's development, the Christ Principle and the spirits of Lucifer work together and determine culture. It does not matter that in the early days of Christianity the Luciferic principle was excluded and that people were only pointed to the Christ Principle. Humanity will again come to the point of conquering freedom in full devotion to the Christ principle; for the Christ principle is so comprehensive that only he can grasp it who tries to embrace it at the level of the highest wisdom.

[ 20 ] If we look back to pre-Christian times, we find how religions are there as a preparation for Christianity. We see religions among the Indians and Persians, but religions that are suitable for the people from whom they originated. They are national, tribal, racial religions that arise with the people from whom they originated, limited in their inner essence because they still arise in a certain way from the group souls and are connected to them. With the Christ-religion an element enters into the evolution of mankind that is truly the element of earthly evolution. In the early days, Christianity is such that it immediately breaks with all earlier religious principles. It stands in stark contrast to the saying: “I and my Father Abraham are one.” At first it opposes the idea that one can feel at one with something that is only a human group; rather, the soul that dwells in every personality must be able to feel at one with the eternal ground of the world, which is called the “Father” and which dwells in every soul. And in contrast to the Old Testament, which begins with the words, “In the beginning was the Light,” Christianity, as the New Testament, presents the words, “In the beginning was the Word!” This was one of the greatest advances in the development of humanity. For with the light that emerges, one speaks, as far as one can speak of light, of something outwardly visible. Therefore, the ancient documents contain a Genesis that presents the physical as a revelation of the light. But the “word” is that which emerges from the inner being. And before all revelation of the Light came, that which was, that which is, and that which will be of man was — that is to say, that which is meant by the innermost nature of man. In the beginning was not the Light, but the Word. The Gospel of John is a document that must not be placed beside the others; but that expands the other documents from the temporal to the eternal. Thus, Christianity is not a tribal religion, but a religion of humanity, if it is understood correctly. By feeling at one with the “Father”, the soul stands face to face with the soul, regardless of which tribe it belongs to. Thus, all barriers must fall under the influence of Christianity, and the Jupiter state must be prepared under the influence of this principle. That is why Christianity began as a religion, because humanity was built on religion. But religion is something that must be replaced by wisdom, by knowledge, in the course of human development. In so far as religion is built on faith and is not glowing with full knowledge, it is something that must be replaced in the course of human progress. And whereas man in the past had to believe in order to attain knowledge, in the future full realization will shine, and man will know and from there ascend to the recognition of the highest spiritual worlds. From religion, mankind develops to wisdom that is again aglow with love. First wisdom, then love, then wisdom aglow with love.

[ 21 ] Now we may ask: But when religion will be absorbed in knowledge, when man will no longer be given the old form of religion, when he will merely be pointed by faith to the wisdom that guides evolution, will Christianity then no longer be either? There will be no other religion that is built on mere faith. Christianity will remain, because Christianity was indeed a religion in its beginning, but Christianity is greater than all religions! That is the Rosicrucian wisdom. The religious principle of Christianity was more comprehensive in its beginning than the religious principle of all other religions. But Christianity is even greater than the religious principle itself. When the shells of belief fall away, it will be a form of wisdom. It can completely discard the shells of belief and become a religion of wisdom, and spiritual science will help to prepare people for this. People will be able to live without the old forms of religion and belief, but they will not be able to live without Christianity; for Christianity is greater than all religion. Christianity exists to break down all forms of religion, and that which fulfills people as Christianity will still be there when human souls have outgrown all mere religious life.