The Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man
GA 102
20 April 1908, Berlin
Translator Unknown
Lecture VII
I should like to speak to you today about something that to a certain extent falls out of the series of our present course of lectures. In another respect, however, it forms a supplement to them, recapitulating much that has been said and shedding more light on it.
We know indeed that man has only reached his present condition in the course of a long evolution, that he has developed to his present heights through different planetary stages. We know too that he will lift himself to higher stages of evolution in the future. Now we are also aware that when the human being was still in quite a dull state of consciousness on ancient Saturn, there were beings already in existence who stood as high as man stands today. There were beings too who at that time stood far higher than man stands today. We also know that there are beings today who have already attained a stage of evolution which man will only attain in the future. So we can look up to hierarchies—as they are called in occultism—of beings set over man whose various ranks are ranged one above the other.
The beings who stand next above man are called in esoteric Christian terminology “Angels,” Angeloi. The Angels are therefore beings who in the Moon-evolution, the planetary forerunner of our Earth, had already attained human consciousness and who stand today one stage higher than humanity. In the Jupiter-evolution man will himself have the consciousness which is possessed today by the beings whom we call Angels, Angeloi. This then is the first stage of beings standing above man, and from certain other connections we know of the subsequent stages.
Passing upwards beyond the Angels we have the Archangels, Archangeloi; then the rank of the “Original Forces” whom we also call Archai; and then the “Revelations” or Powers, Exusiai; the so-called Mights or Dynameis; the Dominions or Kyriotetes; the Thrones; the Cherubim, and the Seraphim. Then only, beyond the Seraphim, should we speak of what in the Christian sense, one calls the actual “Godhead.” Genuine occultism, true spiritual science, cannot share the usual trivial notion that man can look up direct to the highest Divinity; we have the whole ladder of Beings whom we call Angels, Archangels, and so on, standing between. In a certain respect it is a sign of indolence to say—as we can often hear today—“Well, why do we need the whole succession of beings? Man can quite well come to a direct relationship to the Godhead.” The student of spiritual science cannot share this indolence, for the beings are absolutely real. And today we will say something of their qualities and their tasks.
We will first try to form an idea of the nature of the Angels. We shall most easily form an idea of their consciousness if we think of the physical consciousness of man and how it includes the four kingdoms of nature. He can perceive mineral beings, plant beings, animal beings and the human kingdom itself. We can therefore describe the human consciousness as one having for its contents these four kingdoms perceptible to the outer senses. Everything that man perceives through the senses, no matter what it is, be-longs to one of these four kingdoms. If we now ask: What is the consciousness of the Angels? we receive as answer: In a certain respect it is a higher consciousness since it does not reach down to the mineral kingdom; the Angel's consciousness does not reach down to where the stones, rocks, minerals are. On the other hand it includes plant, animal and human beings together with its own kingdom of Angels which there plays the same role as the human kingdom does for us. We can say then that the Angels are also aware consciously of four kingdoms, the kingdoms of plant, animal, man and the kingdom of the Angels.
That is the peculiarity of the Angel beings: they have no physical body and therefore no organs of the physical body such as eyes, ears, and so on. Hence they do not perceive the physical world. As their lowest being they have the etheric body and hence have a certain relationship with the plants. Their consciousness can descend as low as the plants and they can perceive them. On the other hand, where there is mineral they perceive a hollow space—just as during the devachanic condition, man, as we described, will also perceive as a hollow the space filled up here on earth by a mineral. So that wherever the physical kingdom is here, the Angels perceive a hollow space. On the other hand, their consciousness projects up to where as yet man's consciousness does not reach.
But we know too that men bear a certain relationship to each other; there are those who lead and those who are led. I wish to allude only to children and grown-up teachers: children must be guided until they are as mature as the teachers. Men are growing in their present development into the Jupiter consciousness, which will be similar to what the Angels possess today. The Angels today are therefore actually the leaders of men, their guides, preparing them, and there exists an intimate connection between what gradually develops in man and the task of these Angel beings. What then is forming in man during the rest of his earth existence? It is something of which we have often spoken. We have said that man has a physical body, an etheric body, an astral body and an ego and that he is now occupied in transforming his astral body so that it gradually becomes spirit-self. He is working on his other members as well, but the essential task of earthly existence consists in the full development of the spirit-self. The Angels have developed it already, they had developed it when Earth-existence began, and thus the Angels in the hierarchies of evolution are the spirits which guide this task of man—the transforming of the astral body into the spirit-self.
Now we ask how they do this.—Let us remember here what happens after a man's death and how he has round him at first what we have called the memory panorama of the just completed life. This lasts for two or three days, it differs somewhat for individual persons. It lasts as a rule for about the length of time that the person could hold out without sleep. Different people vary very much in this: one is accustomed to sleep after every twelve hours and then his eyes close; another on the contrary could keep awake for four to five days. The memory-tableau lasts as long as the person can keep himself from sleeping. Then the etheric body dissolves and only an extract of it remains—the life-fruit of the past life. This is taken with him for the whole of the time that follows, is incorporated into his being and forms the basis for the upbuilding of the physical body in the next incarnation. He is enabled to build up his next body more perfectly, because he can make use of the fruits of his past life. Thus man has this life-essence and forms his next body out of it in the life that follows.
Now we know too that man not only forms this body but that in Devachan he is by no means inactive. It would be a false idea to think that man had only to occupy himself. with himself. The world is not built up on such egotism. In every situation of life the world requires man to share in working on the earth and during his stay in Devachan he shares in work upon the earth's surface. We are aware of the fact that the ground on which we stand today looked quite different a few centuries ago; the earth is continually transformed. At the time when Christ Jesus walked upon earth there were mighty forests here, there were quite other plants and animals. Thus the face of the earth is continuously changed. Just as men labor with physical forces in building cities and so on, so from Devachan they work with those forces which transform the physiognomy of the Earth together with the plant and animal kingdoms. In a new incarnation therefore man meets a ground that presents quite a different picture; he always experiences something new. It is not for nothing that man is born into a new incarnation; he is to experience something new. Man contributes to the transformation of the Earth, but he cannot do it without guidance. He cannot determine the succeeding incarnations, for then he would not need to experience first what is to happen in the future. And the beings who guide man's work of transforming the earth with the forces of Devachan, who create the harmony between the different human individuals and the evolution of the earth as it corresponds to them, these spiritual Beings are the Angels. On the stones, on the solid earthly crust they cannot work, for their consciousness does not extend to the mineral, but it reaches down to the plant kingdom which the earth bears. There they can work, not indeed creatively, but transformingly. Such an Angel being works in fact with every human individual, guiding him in his task of developing the spirit-self in the astral body. In a part of Christian doctrine it speaks of man's Guardian Angel and that is a conception completely corresponding to reality. They are the beings who create the harmony between the human individual and the course of earthly evolution until man will have advanced so far at the end of Earth's evolution that he can release his Angel. He will then himself have the consciousness of an Angel.
Now you will readily understand that the Archangels have a consciousness that no longer reaches down to the plant kingdom but only to the animal kingdom. The plants, so to speak, do not exist for them, the plant kingdom is too subordinate, too insignificant. They still have points of contact with the animal kingdom and can perceive it. They have no etheric body, the astral body is the lowest member of their being. The animal has an astral body and hence the Archangels work in the astral bodies of the animals. In addition they perceive the human kingdom, the kingdom of the Angels and their own kingdom. The Archangel kingdom is that to which they say “I,” as is for man the human “I.” These beings too have an important mission, and since they have a consciousness two stages higher than man, you can understand that the mission must be a very lofty one. The consciousness of the Archangels is so high that they have fully perfected the life-spirit, Budhi, and they can therefore guide and lead in earthly evolution from an insight corresponding to the life-spirit. This is shown in the fact that the Archangels are leaders of whole peoples; what one calls the folk spirit, the common spirit of the people or folk, is in reality one of the Archangels. You will now find it comprehensible that those peoples who were still conscious of such a spiritual connection, did not look up direct to the highest Being, but that they turned their gaze to the Beings nearest to them, who directed and led them.
Let us take the old Hebrew people. They revered as the highest God, Yahve or Jehovah. But for them Yahve belonged to the rank of the Revelations. He was a sublime Being whom they acknowledged as their God. They said, however: He who directs and leads us as the actual arch-messenger of Jehovah is “Michael,” one of the Archangels—his name means “the one who stands before God.” In ancient Hebrew he was also called the “Countenance of God,” because when a member of the Old Covenant looked up to God he felt that Michael stood before Him and was the expression of His being as the human countenance is the expression of man's being. He was therefore called literally the Countenance of God.
When one speaks in occultism of the folk spirit one does not speak of an incomprehensible being difficult to grasp. When in our materialistic age people speak of the folk spirit they really mean nothing, they mean by it an abstract external combination of the characteristics of a folk. In reality there is a spiritual representative, an Archangel, who leads and directs the people as a whole. This Being reaches down into the animal world, and this was felt by the peoples, they felt it out of their instinct. The one folk dwelt here, the other there, and according to the different regions they occupied they had to make use of such and such animals. They felt instinctively that this was allotted to them by their folk-spirit. This spirit worked as far as the animal world, so that the ancient Egyptians, who experienced this very clearly, said: When we consider plant development, then the Angel is working into it; when we consider the animals, these are apportioned to us by the guiding spirit of the whole people. They therefore saw the power which supplied the animals to them as a sacred power and the way in which they treated the animals was an expression of this consciousness. They did not speak of Archangels but they had the same feeling about it, and it was this feeling that the Egyptians united with the animal worship. Moreover, where there was a consciousness of this spiritual connection, these spirits were not represented by pictures of earthly animals, though with animal images, as for instance the Sphinx, winged beasts, and so forth, which you find in the various images of the peoples. It was as if the guiding Archangels shone in, and you can see portrayed in the different animal groups the esoteric expression of the ruling Archangels. Many of the Egyptian idols were based on the conception that the Archangel, the guiding spirit of the people, reached down as far as the animals. This is the special task of the Archangels; there is, however, still another task.
The names “Uriel,” “Gabriel,” “Michael,” are still known to the modern consciousness, but as a legend from the far past, and you need only look in the Book of Enoch to find the names of yet other Archangels. So, for instance, there is “Phanuel,” an important Archangel who has not only the task of guiding some people or nation, but another task too. We are aware that initiation consists of the fact that man strives upwards to an ever higher consciousness, and that even now in the course of earthly evolution he is ascending to an ever higher consciousness. Now the people in the Mystery centres knew well that here too guiding, leading forces were necessary. They therefore brought those who were to be initiated under the protection of the Archangel Phanuel. He was the protector who was called upon by the candidate for initiation.
Other spiritual beings of this rank have yet other tasks. So, for example, the whole course of world evolution is based upon a sum of forces which are guided by certain beings. Thus there is an Archangel, earlier called “Surakiel,” whose task it is to eradicate particularly wide-spread vices of a city or a whole district and to transform them into virtues. To one who knows this connection it is plain that what is called in general by the abstract word “Providence” is really guided. If one has undertaken the study of the spiritual worlds one should not be satisfied with general abstractions, but go into these details. For the highest beings of whom man can form any idea guide the course of world-evolution through such intermediate beings as we have just considered. These can be denoted as the various tasks of the Archangels.
Now we come to the rank of the “Original Forces.” They are still more lofty beings whose consciousness no longer descends to the animals. When the initiate lifts himself to intercourse with the Original Forces, he does not impart to them out of his human consciousness information about the animal forms on the earth. For their consciousness reaches down only to man; then they know the kingdom of the Angels, the kingdom of the Archangels and their own kingdom. To themselves they say “I,” and human beings are the lowest hierarchy which they perceive. For the Original Forces man is the lowest kingdom, just as the stone, the mineral, is the lowest for man. We see from this that they guide the progress of humanity from a very lofty height. People here and there have an inkling that something exists as a kind of “Spirit of the Age,” that differs according to the different epochs. We have often spoken here of the Spirit of the Epochs. We have said, for example, that in the first culture-epoch of the Post-Atlantean Age, that of the ancient Indian people, the Spirit of the Epoch consisted in the fact that men looked back to Atlantean times when they dimly perceived higher kingdoms around them. So the Yoga system arose, by means of which they sought to rise into the higher worlds. The physical plane of external reality had little value for them; it was maya, illusion. It will seem strange to you, but it is actually true, that if the ancient Indian civilization, with its lack of interest in the physical plane, had continued, there would never have been railways, telephones, and such things as exist in the physical world today. For it would not have seemed at all important to occupy oneself seriously with physical laws in order to people the world with all that today represents the achievements of civilization.
Then came the Spirit of the Persian epoch, and man learnt through him to know matter as an opposing element which he must work upon. He united himself with the good Spirit, Ormuzd, against the Spirit of matter, Ahriman. But the Persian had an interest in the physical plane. Then comes the Spirit of that epoch which found expression, on the one hand, in the civilizations of Babylon, Assyria, Chaldea, and on the other hand of Egypt. Human science was founded; it was sought through geometry to make the earth suited to man. One sought to know the meaning of the motion of the stars in astrology, astronomy, and one arranged earthly affairs in conformity with this motion. Eygptian social life was especially directed according to the passage of the stars. What was read there as the secrets of the stars was the basis of human conduct. The ancient Indian sought the way to the Gods by turning his attention completely away from outer reality; the Egyptian studied the laws which rule in order to find how the will and spirit of the Gods were brought to expression in the laws of external nature. That was again a different epoch. So you have for each epoch a definite spirit, and the evolution of the Earth comes about through one Spirit of the Epochs being relieved by another—that is the case in detail. People rise to the conception of Ages, but they do not know that behind this whole progress of the Ages, Spirits of the Epochs stand, nor do they know that to bring to expression the Spirit of their epoch they are only the instruments here on earth of Spirits standing behind them. Just think of Giordano Bruno. If Giordano Bruno had been born in the 8th century, he would not have become what he became in the period ruled by the Epochal Spirit whose expression he then became. He was the instrument of the Time-Spirit, and the same applies to other outstanding human beings. And conversely, the Epochal Spirit would not have been able to find such an expression as it found in Giordano Bruno, if Giordano Bruno had been born in the 8th century. By such things we see how men are the instruments of the Epochal Spirits who are the guiding beings of the great epochs and also of the Spirits of the “meanings and conceptions” of the smaller epochs. They are the Original Forces, they extend their consciousness down to man. They have no directing influence over what brings man together with other nature-kingdoms, for their consciousness does not reach the animal kingdom. How men conduct their lives according to the spirit of the time, how they found states, found sciences, cultivate their fields—everything of human origin, the progress of civilization from beginning to end stands under the guidance of the Original Forces. They lead man in so far as he has to do with others.
I have drawn your attention at various times to the fact that certain beings from each spiritual hierarchy stay be-hind, they have not risen as high as the others, but have stood still, so to speak, in world-evolution. You will be able to realize that there are beings who should have risen during the Moon-evolution to the rank of the Revelations or Powers, but who have only reached the Original Forces. They are different from those who have ascended to that stage in the normal course of evolution. Hence there are on earth Original Forces who are really immature Powers. We are now learning to know from another aspect many things of which we have heard already. Concealed behind the Original Forces, therefore, are some who could actually be Powers, and among the Original Forces who have really no right to be there is that being whom one is right in calling “Satan”—Satan, the “Unlawful Prince of this World.” This is a truth, however, only to those who look at things from the aspect of spiritual science. The Lawful Prince is one of the “Powers,” Yahve or Jehovah; the unlawful belongs to the ranks of the Original Forces. He expresses himself by continually bringing confusion into man's relation to the Time-Spirit, by bringing men to contradict the Epochal Spirit. That is the true nature of the Spirit who is also called the “Spirit of Darkness,” or the Unlawful Prince of our Earth, he who claims to be the actual guide and leader of men. You will now grasp what a deep meaning lies in the fact that the Christ appeared in order through His mission to throw a light upon the whole succeeding evolution, and that He must wage war against this Unlawful Prince of this World. The very deepest wisdom lies behind what is expressed in this remarkable passage in the Gospel.
It stands to reason that a certain view is held not among materialists alone but also by people who are haunted by old conceptions which they misunderstand—for Satan has for a long time been spoken of somewhat scornfully! And even people who are ready to acknowledge the other spiritual beings are not willing to concede reality to Satan; they deny him. This dates back to the Middle Ages when men had very curious views on Satan. They admitted that he was actually a backward Spirit of the rank of the Powers. But where are the Spirits of the Powers? They express themselves in what is revealed in the world as spirit. Satan was called a Spirit of Darkness; people thought: Darkness is a negation of light, light is real, but darkness is not real—and they made that apply spiritually. They ascribed reality to the Spirits who manifest in light, but to Satan who manifests in darkness they denied reality. That is just about as clever as if someone who has listened to a physicist were to say: Cold is only a lack of warmth, it is not real in itself; if we make the warmth less and less, it gets colder and colder, however much warmth we take away; cold is not a reality—so do not let us think of winter! But in spite of cold's being only a negation of warmth, it can nevertheless very well be felt when there is no heating—so is Satan very well a reality even if he is only the negation of light.
We have now raised ourselves to very lofty Spirits, and we come next to the hierarchy who are called “Revelations,” Exusiai. To them, for instance, belongs the being whom we have come to know in other connections as Yahve or Jehovah, together with his companions, the Elohim. The Spirits of Light belong to the order of the Powers or Revelations. We know that Yahve had six companions who separated off the sun. Yahve himself went with the moon which reflected the sun's light to the earth, but he is a companion of the other Elohim. If you now try to determine the consciousness of the Revelations on the analogy of what has gone before, you will realize that they do not concern themselves about the individual. Individual human beings are guided by the Angels, Archangels, Original Forces, up to those we have called Epochal Spirits. The whole structure in which man is embedded, the guidance of the planet and what occurs on it is the affair of the Revelations or Powers. For the whole present evolution of humanity could not have gone on without, on the one hand, the accelerating sun forces, and, on the other, the hindering moon forces. The Revelations or Powers have nothing to do with separate men but with groups of men. They guide the external powers and beings who give the planet its configuration and whom man needs in order that he may go through his evolution.
And so finally we look up to a lofty Being Who surpasses all that we have just described, the Christ Being Himself. Christ brings something to earth which is not concerned with the individual man, but with the guidance of all mankind. And to the Christ man must find his way himself; for it is only the Original Forces who constrain man to find them; to the Christ he must come of his own free will.
Thus we have formed some conception of the lowest ranks of the hierarchies set above man, the Angels, Archangels, and a slight idea too of the Original Forces and Powers. Only with a faint divining could we look up to a still higher Being, the Christ. On another opportunity we can consider what is to be said about the Thrones and so on. Today I wished to relate something of the spiritual structure into which man is interwoven, in so far as Angels, Archangels, Original Forces, and Powers participate in it.
Achter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Heute möchte ich zu Ihnen über etwas sprechen, das zum Teil aus dem fortlaufenden Rahmen der Vorträge etwas herausfällt, in anderer Beziehung aber wieder eine Ergänzung bildet, indem manches, was wir in den verflossenen Vorträgen gesagt haben, dabei wiederholt werden wird, aber auch in einer gewissen Beziehung besser beleuchtet werden kann.
[ 2 ] Wir wissen ja, daß der Mensch, wie er jetzt ist, in einer langen Evolution erst geworden ist, daß er sich durch planetarische Zustände hindurch bis zu seiner heutigen Höhe entwickelt hat. Wir wissen auch, daß er sich in der Zukunft zu höheren Entwickelungsstufen emporheben wird. Nun haben wir uns ja schon mit dem Gedanken bekanntgemacht, daß damals, als der Mensch auf dem alten Saturn noch in einem ganz dumpfen Bewußtseinszustand war, auch schon Wesen vorhanden waren, welche so hoch standen, wie der Mensch heute steht; es gab auch damals schon Wesenheiten, die weit höher standen, als der Mensch heute steht. Wir wissen, daß es auch heute Wesenheiten gibt, die in der Gegenwart eine Entwickelungsstufe erlangt haben, die der Mensch erst in der Zukunft erlangen wird. So können wir den Blick erheben zu einer - wie man sie im Okkultismus nennt - Hierarchie von dem Menschen übergeordneten Wesenheiten, die immer eine Stufe höher stehen als der Mensch. Diese nächste Stufe von Wesenheiten, welche über dem Menschen stehen, nennen wir in der esoterisch-christlichen Bezeichnung «Engel», «Angelos». Also sind uns Engel Wesenheiten, die bereits auf der Mondenstufe, dem planetarischen Vorgänger unserer Erde, das Menschenbewußtsein erlangt hatten, und die heute um eine Stufe höher stehen als der Mensch. Der Mensch selbst wird auf der Stufe des Jupiterdaseins dasjenige Bewußtsein haben, das heute das Bewußtsein dieser Wesenheiten ist, die wir als Engel, Angeloi, bezeichnen. Damit haben wir die erste Stufe der über dem Menschen stehenden Wesenheiten bereits ins Auge gefaßt. Wir kennen ja aus gewissen anderen Zusammenhängen bereits die folgenden Stufen. Wir wissen, daß wir von den Engeln aufwärts die «Erzengel» haben, «Archangeloi»; dann haben wir die Ordnung der «Urkräfte», die wir auch «Archai» nennen; dann kennen wir die «Offenbarungen» oder «Gewalten», «Exusiai»; dann haben wir die sogenannten «Mächte», «Dynamis», die «Herrschaften», «Kyriotetes»; dann die «Throne», die «Cherubim» und die «Seraphim». Erst dann, jenseits der Seraphim, würden wir von dem sprechen, was man im christlichen Sinne die eigentliche «Gottheit» nennt. Denn der wirkliche Okkultist, die wirkliche Geisteswissenschaft oder der Okkultismus kann nicht die gewöhnliche, triviale Vorstellung teilen, daß der Mensch unmittelbar aufblikken könnte zur höchsten Gottheit; sondern wir haben die ganze Leiter von Wesenheiten, die wir im christlichen Sinne Engel, Erzengel und so weiter nannten, dazwischen stehen. Und in einer gewissen Beziehung muß es uns als eine Bequemlichkeit des Geistes gelten, wenn man heute vielfach hören kann: Ach, was brauchen wir die ganze Stufenleiter von Wesenheiten, der Mensch kann doch in ein unmittelbares Verhältnis zu der Gottheit kommen! Diese Bequemlichkeit kann der Theosoph und Okkultist nicht mitmachen; denn die Wesenheiten sind durchaus wirklich, und wir wollen heute einiges sprechen von der Aufgabe, von der Arbeit dieser Wesen für die Weltevolution und von den Eigentümlichkeiten und Eigenschaften dieser Wesen.
[ 3 ] Zunächst wollen wir versuchen, uns eine Vorstellung zu bilden von dem, was man die Wesen der Engel nennt. Wir werden uns über das Bewußtsein dieser Wesenheiten am leichtesten dadurch eine Vorstellung machen können, daß wir einmal dessen eingedenk sind, daß der Mensch in seinem äußeren physischen Bewußtsein heute vier Naturreiche umfaßt, die er sozusagen wahrnehmen kann: mineralische Wesenheiten, pflanzliche Wesenheiten, tierische Wesenheiten und das Menschenreich selber; so daß wir das menschliche Bewußtsein nach seinem Inhalte als ein solches beschreiben können, das diese vier für die äußeren Sinne wahrnehmbaren Reiche umfaßt. Alles was der Mensch wahrnimmt durch seine Sinne, was es auch sei, gehört einem dieser vier Reiche an. Wenn wir uns nun fragen: Wie ist das Bewußtsein der Engelwesenheiten? — so bekommen wir zur Antwort: Es ist in einer gewissen Beziehung ein höheres Bewußtsein, und es ist dadurch als ein höheres Bewußtsein charakterisiert, daß es nicht bis zum mineralischen Reiche hinunterreicht. Bis dahin, wo die Steine sind, die Mineralien, reicht das Engelbewußtsein nicht herunter. Dagegen sind in diesem Engelbewußtsein pflanzliche Wesenheiten, tierische Wesenheiten, menschliche Wesenheiten und das eigene Reich der Engel, das dort die gleiche Rolle spielt wie das Reich der Menschen für uns. Daher können wir sagen: diese Engel nehmen mit ihrem Bewußtsein auch vier Reiche wahr, das Reich der Pflanzen, der Tiere, der Menschenwesen und das Reich der Engel.
[ 4 ] Das ist das Eigentümliche der Engelwesen: sie haben keinen physischen Leib, und aus diesem Grunde also auch keine Organe des physischen Leibes, keine Augen und Ohren und so weiter. Deshalb nehmen sie das physische Reich nicht wahr. Sie haben als ihre niederste Wesenheit ihren ätherischen Leib. Dadurch haben sie eine gewisse Verwandtschaft mit den Pflanzen. Sie können also mit ihrem Bewußtsein herabsteigen bis zu den Pflanzen; sie können Pflanzen noch wahrnehmen. Dagegen wo ein Mineral ist, nehmen sie einen Hohlraum wahr, geradeso wie wir es beschrieben haben für den Menschen während des Devachanzustandes, wo der Mensch auch den Raum, den hier auf dem physischen Plan ein Mineral ausfüllt, als einen Hohlraum wahrnehmen wird. So nehmen diese Engel überall da, wo hier physisches Reich ist, einen Hohlraum wahr. Dagegen ragt ihr Bewußtsein da hinauf, wo des Menschen Bewußtsein heute noch nicht hinaufragt.
[ 5 ] Aber wir wissen, daß auch die Menschen heute schon in einer gewissen. Beziehung zueinander stehen als solche, die leiten, und solche, die geleitet werden. Ich will dabei auf gar nichts anderes anspielen als auf die Kinder und die erwachsenen Erzieher: Die Kinder müssen so lange geleitet werden, bis sie so reif sind wie die erwachsenen Erzieher. Die Menschen wachsen in ihrer jetzigen Entwickelung in das Jupiterbewußtsein hinein. Das wird das gleiche sein, das die Engel heute schon haben. Weil das Engelbewußtsein so ist, sind die Engel heute tatsächlich die Führer der Menschen, ihre Leiter, bereiten sie vor, und es besteht ein inniger Zusammenhang zwischen dem, was sich im Menschen allmählich ausbildet, und dem, was die Aufgabe dieser Engelwesen ist. Was bildet sich denn im Menschen für den Rest seines Erdendaseins? Das haben wir öfter besprochen. Wir haben gesagt, der Mensch hat einen physischen Leib, einen Ätherleib, einen astralischen Leib und ein Ich, und daß er jetzt gerade daran ist, seinen astralischen Leib so umzubilden, daß er nach und nach vollständig das Geistselbst sein wird. Zwar arbeitet der Mensch auch schon an seinen anderen Gliedern; aber das Wesentliche der Erdenentwickelung besteht darin, daß das Geistselbst voll entwickelt werde. Die Engel haben heute bereits das Geistselbst entwickelt; sie hatten es-schon entwickelt, als das Erdendasein begonnen hat. Daher sind die Engel in der Hierarchie der Entwickelung diejenigen Geister, welche diese Arbeit, den astralischen Leib in das Geistselbst umzubilden, beim Menschen leiten.
[ 6 ] Nun fragen wir uns: Wie tun sie das? - Da erinnern wir uns einmal daran, daß wir gesagt haben, wenn der Mensch stirbt, so hat er nach dem Tode zunächst das um sich herum, was wir genannt haben das lange Erinnerungstableau an das eben verflossene Leben. Das bleibt zwei bis drei Tage; für die einzelnen Menschen ist das etwas verschieden. Es bleibt in der Regel ungefähr so lange, wie der betreffende Mensch es im Leben aushalten konnte ohne zu schlafen. Die verschiedenen Menschen sind sehr verschieden darin. Der eine ist gewohnt, nach je zwölf Stunden zu schlafen, und es fallen ihm dann die Augen zu; andere dagegen können sich vier bis fünf Tage wachhalten. So lange wie sich der Mensch halten kann ohne zu schlafen, so lange dauert sein Erinnerungstableau. Dann löst sich der Ätherleib auf und es bleibt nur ein Extrakt davon zurück, die Lebensfrucht des vergangenen Lebens. Die wird mitgenommen für die ganzen folgenden Zeiten und wird seiner Wesenheit einverleibt, und bildet das, wonach sich der Mensch in der nächsten Inkarnation seinen physischen Leib aufbauen kann. Dadurch ist er imstande, seinen nächsten Leib vollkommener aufzubauen, weil er die Früchte seines vergangenen Lebens dazu benutzen kann. Also der Mensch hat diese Lebensessenz und bildet sich daraus im folgenden Leben seinen nächsten Leib.
[ 7 ] Nun wissen wir auch noch etwas anderes. Wir wissen, daß der Mensch nicht nur diesen seinen Leib bildet, sondern daß er auch im Devachan gar nicht untätig ist. Es ist eine falsche Vorstellung, wenn wir glauben würden, daß der Mensch sich nur mit sich selbst zu befassen hätte. So auf den Egoismus ist die Welt gar nicht gebaut. Sie ist so gebaut, daß der Mensch in jeder Lage mitzuarbeiten hat an der Erde; und er arbeitet mit in jener Zeit im Devachan an der Umgestaltung der Erdoberfläche. Wir wissen selbst, daß zum Beispiel der Boden, auf dem wir heute hier stehen, vor noch wenigen Jahrhunderten ganz anders ausgesehen hat als heute. Die Erde wird fortwährend umgestaltet. Zur Zeit, als der Christus Jesus noch auf der Erde wandelte, waren hier mächtige Waldungen; ganz andere Pflanzen und Tiere waren da. So wird das Antlitz der Erde fortwährend umgeändert. Wie die Menschen fortwährend, indem sie auf dem physischen Plan arbeiten, indem sie Städte bauen und so weiter, mit den Kräften arbeiten, die im Physischen wirken, ebenso wirken sie vom Devachan aus mit denjenigen Kräften, welche die Physiognomie der Erde, also auch das Pflanzenreich und das Tierreich, umgestalten. Darum trifft der Mensch in einer neuen Inkarnation wiederum einen Boden, der ein ganz anderes Bild bietet, so daß er also immer etwas Neues erlebt. Denn man wird nicht umsonst in eine neue Inkarnation hineingeboren, sondern damit man etwas Neues erleben soll. Der Mensch trägt selbst dazu bei, diese Erde umzugestalten; aber er kann das nicht ohne Anleitung tun. Er kann nicht die folgenden Inkarnationen bestimmen, denn dann brauchte er nicht erst zu erleben, was in der Zukunft geschehen soll. Und die nächsten leitenden Wesenheiten, die den Menschen anleiten, von den Kräften des Devachan aus an der Umgestaltung der Erde mitzuarbeiten, die den Einklang schaffen zwischen den einzelnen menschlichen Individualitäten und der Evolution der Erde, so wie sie diesen einzelnen Individualitäten entspricht, diese geistigen Wesenheiten sind die Engel. An den Steinen, an der festen Erdrinde können sie nicht mitarbeiten; denn bis zu den Steinen reicht ihr Bewußtsein nicht herunter. Wohl aber reicht es bis zu dem Pflanzenreich herunter, das die Erde trägt. Da können sie zwar nicht schöpferisch, aber doch umgestaltend wirken.
[ 8 ] Und in der Tat, so ist es, daß mit jeder menschlichen Individualität ein solches Engelwesen wirkt, welches den Menschen leitet und lenkt bei seiner Arbeit, das Geistselbst im astralischen Leibe auszubilden, bis er es ausgebildet hat. Daher spricht man in einem Teil der christlichen Lehre von den menschlichen Schutzengeln. Das ist eine Vorstellung, die durchaus der gesetzmäßigen Realität entspricht. Es sind das die Wesen, die den Einklang schaffen zwischen der einzelnen menschlichen Individualität und dem Gange der Erdenentwickelung, bis der Mensch selbst am Ende der Erdenentwickelung so weit sein wird, daß er seinen Engel ablösen kann, weil er dann selbst ein solches Bewußtsein haben wird, wie es ein Engel hat.
[ 9 ] Nun werden Sie es leicht verstehen, daß die Erzengel ein Bewußtsein haben, das nicht mehr hinunterreicht bis ins Pflanzenreich, sondern nur bis ins Tierreich. Die Pflanzen sind sozusagen nicht mehr für sie da; diese sind für sie ein zu untergeordnetes, zu unbedeutendes Reich. Im Tierischen haben sie noch Angriffspunkte; das Tierreich nehmen sie wahr. Sie haben keinen Ätherleib, sondern als unterstes Glied ihrer Wesenheit ihren astralischen Leib. Das Tier hat auch einen astralischen Leib; daher wirken die Erzengel in die astralischen Leiber der Tiere durchaus hinein. Dann nehmen sie das Menschenreich wahr, das Reich der Engel und ihr eigenes Reich. Das, wozu sie «Ich» sagen, was so ist wie für den Menschen das Menschen-Ich, das ist das Erzengelreich. Auch diese Wesenheiten haben eine wesentliche Mission, und Sie können schon begreifen, da sie ein um zwei Stufen höheres Bewußtsein haben als der Mensch, daß diese Mission eine sehr hohe sein kann. Denn so hoch ist dieses Bewußtsein der Erzengel, daß sie die Buddhi, den Lebensgeist, vollständig ausgebildet haben, und daher lenkend und leitend sein können in der Erdenevolution aus einer solchen Einsicht heraus, die dem Lebensgeist, der Buddhi, entspricht. Das äußert sich nun darin, daß diese Erzengel zunächst die Lenker und Leiter sind ganzer Volksstämme. Was man Volksgeist nennt, was also der gemeinsame Geist der Völker ist, das ist im Konkreten irgendeiner der Erzengel. Nun werden Sie es auch begreiflich finden, daß diejenigen Völker, die von einem solchen spirituellen Zusammenhange noch ein Bewußtsein hatten, nicht gleich bis zu der höchsten Wesenheit hinaufschauten, sondern daß sie sozusagen die nächsten Wesenheiten, welche sie lenkten und leiteten, ins Auge faßten.
[ 10 ] Nehmen wir das althebräische Volk. Es verehrte als den höchsten Gott den Jahve- oder Jehova-Gott selber. Aber dieser Jahve-Gott gehörte für sie zu der Ordnung der «Offenbarungen». Das war eine erhabene Wesenheit, die sie als ihren Gott anerkannten. Aber sie sagten: Derjenige, der uns lenkt und leiter im Auftrage als der eigentliche Erzbote des Jehova, das ist «Michael», einer der Erzengel — er heißt zu deutsch «der vor Gott steht». Im Althebräischen nannte man ihn auch das «Antlitz Gottes», weil der Angehörige des alten Bundes, wenn er zu Gott aufblickte, empfand, daß Michael vor Gott stand und sein Wesen ausdrückte, wie das menschliche Antlitz das Menschenwesen ausdrückt. Man nannte ihn daher wörtlich das Antlitz Gottes.
[ 11 ] Wenn man von «Volksgeist» spricht, spricht man also im Sinne des Okkultismus nicht von einer unfaßbaren begrifflichen Wesenheit. Wenn man heute in unserem materialistischen Zeitalter vom Volksgeist spricht, meint man damit eigentlich nichts; denn man meint damit eine abstrakte äußere Zusammenfassung der Eigentümlichkeiten des Volkes. In Wahrheit gibt es einen geistigen Repräsentanten, den man Erzengel nennt, und der das ganze Volk als Ganzes lenkt und leitet. Diese Wesenheit reicht herunter bis in die Tierwelt. Die Völker empfanden das auch. Denn es ist ja, man möchte sagen, aus dem Volksinstinkt heraus leicht zu empfinden. Das eine Volk wohnt da, das andere dort. Je nach den verschiedenen Gegenden, in denen die Völker wohnen, mußten sie sich dieser oder jener Tiere bedienen, und das, so empfanden die Völker instinktiv, ist ihnen von ihrem Volksgeist zuerteilt. Der wirkte herein bis in die Tierwelt, so daß der alte Agypter, der das sehr wohl empfand, sagte: Wenn wir die Pflanzenentwickelung betrachten, so wirken da Engel hinein; wenn wir die Tiere betrachten, so sind diese uns zuerteilt von dem lenkenden Geist des ganzen Volkes! Daher sahen sie die Kraft, die die Tiere zu ihnen führte, als eine heilige Kraft an, und die Art, wie sie sich zu den Tieren verhielten, war ein Ausdruck dieses Bewußtseins. Sie haben nicht von Erzengeln gesprochen; aber sie hatten dabei dieselbe Empfindung. Das ist die eigentliche Empfindung, welche die Ägypter mit dem Tierdienst verbanden; und dem liegt nun wiederum zugrunde, daß da, wo ein Bewußtsein vorhanden war von diesem ganzen spirituellen Zusammenhang, diese Geister zwar nicht mit den Bildern von irdischen Tieren, aber doch mit Bildern von Tieren wie der Sphinx, von geflügelten Tieren und so weiter, dargestellt wurden, die Sie in den verschiedenen Abbildungen der Völker finden. Das war so, wie wenn hineinschienen die lenkenden Erzengel. Sie können daher in den verschiedenen tierischen Gruppen nachgebildet sehen den esoterischen Ausdruck der waltenden Erzengel, und viele von den ägyptischen Götzenbildern führten auf diese Vorstellung zurück, daß der Erzengel, der leitende Geist des Volkstums, herunterreicht bis in die Tiere. Dies ist im wesentlichen die Aufgabe der Erzengel; es gibt aber noch eine andere.
[ 12 ] Es sind ja dem heutigen Menschenbewußtsein wie eine Sage aus ferner Urzeit noch bekannt Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael und Michael; aber Sie brauchen nur im Buche Henoch nachsehen, um die Namen noch anderer Erzengel zu finden. So war nämlich auch einer der Erzengel Phanuel; das ist ein wichtiger Erzengel, der nicht nur die Aufgabe hatte, irgendeinen Volksstamm zu lenken, sondern auch noch eine andere. Wir wissen ja, daß die Einweihung darin besteht, daß der Mensch zu einem immer höheren Bewußtsein hinaufzusteigen sich bestrebt, und schon jetzt im Laufe der Erdenevolution zu einem immer höheren Bewußtsein aufsteigt. Nun wußten die Leute in den Einweihungsstätten sehr wohl, daß dazu auch wiederum lenkende und leitende Kräfte gehören. Daher brachten sie diejenigen, die eingeweiht werden sollten, unter den Schutz desjenigen Erzengels, den man Phanuel nannte. Er war der Beschützer, der angerufen wurde von denjenigen, welche die Einweihung anstrebten.
[ 13 ] Andere dieser geistigen Wesenheiten auf dieser Stufe haben wiederum andere Aufgaben. So ist zum Beispiel wirklich dem ganzen Weltengange, der ganzen Weltenevolution zugrunde liegend eine Summe von Kräften, die von gewissen Wesenheiten geführt wird. So gibt es da einen Erzengel, Surakiel nannte man ihn früher, dessen Aufgabe es ist, besonders weitgehende Untugenden einer Stadt oder eines ganzen Gebietes auszutilgen und umzuformen zu Tugenden. Wer diesen Zusammenhang kennt, der sieht daraus, wie das, was man mit einem allgemeinen abstrakten Wort «Vorsehung» nennt, wirklich geführt wird. Wenn man einmal beflissen ist, die geistigen Welten kennenzulernen, soll man sich nicht zufrieden geben mit den allgemeinen Abstraktionen, sondern eingehen auf diese Einzelheiten. Denn die höchsten Wesenheiten, die der Mensch erahnend sich noch vorstellen kann, leiten durch solche Mittelwesen, wie wir sie eben kennengelernt haben, den Gang der Weltenentwickelung. Das ist das, was man bezeichnen kann als die verschiedenen Aufgaben der Erzengel.
[ 14 ] Nun kommen wir zu der Ordnung der Urkräfte. Es sind das noch erhabenere Wesenheiten, deren Bewußtsein nicht einmal mehr bis zu den Tieren herunterreicht. Wenn der Eingeweihte sich erhebt zu dem Verkehr mit den Urkräften, teilt er ihnen nicht aus seinem Menschenbewußtsein mit, wie die Gestalten der 'Tiere auf der Erde sind. Denn sie selbst reichen mit ihrem Bewußtsein nur herunter bis zu den Menschen. Dann kennen sie das Reich der Engel, das Reich der Erzengel und ihr eigenes Reich; zu sich selbst sagen sie «Ich», und die Menschen sind es, welche sie zuletzt wahrnehmen. Was der Stein, das mineralische Reich für den Menschen ist, das ist der Mensch für die Urkräfte: das unterste Reich. Damit ist schon gesagt, daß sie aus einer sehr hohen Höhe den Gang der Menschheit leiten. Die Menschen spüren das hier und da, daß es so etwas gibt wie eine Art «Geist der Zeiten», der so verschieden ist je nach den verschiedenen Epochen. Die Menschen spüren, daß es einen «Geist der Epochen» gibt. Wir haben hier öfters gesprochen von dem Geist der Epochen. Wir haben zum Beispiel gesagt, daß in der ersten Kultur der nachatlantischen Zeit, im alten indischen Volke, der Geist der Epoche darin bestand, daß die Menschen das Bewußtsein gehabt haben, daß sie sich wieder zurücksehnten nach den alten atlantischen Zeiten, wo sie um sich herum höhere Reiche dämmerhaft wahrnahmen. Das bildete sich zu dem Jogasystem aus, durch das sie wieder hinauf wollten in die höheren Welten. Mit diesem alten Bewußtsein war verknüpft, daß die Menschen wenig hielten von der äußeren Wirklichkeit, von dem physischen Plan. Maja, Illusion wird für die Menschen der physische Plan. Die uralt indische Kultur hatte sozusagen sehr wenig Interesse für den physischen Plan. Es wird Ihnen sonderbar erscheinen, aber es ist wirklich wahr: Wäre die uralt indische Kultur geblieben, so würde es Eisenbahnen, Telephone und solche Dinge, die es heute auf dem physischen Plan gibt, nie gegeben haben; denn es wäre gar nicht so wichtig erschienen, sich so stark mit den Gesetzen der physischen Welt zu befassen, um diese physische Welt mit alledem zu bevölkern, was sich uns heute als Kulturerrungenschaften darstellt.
[ 15 ] Dann kam der Geist der persischen Epoche. Der Mensch lernte durch ihn in der Materie ein widerstrebendes Element kennen, das er bearbeiten mußte. Er verband sich mit dem guten Geist Ormuzd gegen den Geist der Materie, Ahriman. Aber der Perser hatte schon Interesse am physischen Plan. Dann kommt der Geist jener Epoche, der auf der einen Seite sich auslebt in der babylonisch-assyrisch-chaldäischen, auf der anderen Seite in der ägyptischen Kultur. Es wird menschliche Wissenschaft begründet. Mit Geometrie sucht man die Erde für den Menschen geeignet zu machen. Man sucht den Sinn des Ganges der Sterne in Astrologie, in Astronomie kennenzulernen, und man richtet das, was auf der Erde geschieht, nach dem Gange der Sterne ein. Gerade im sozialen Leben richtete man sich im alten Ägypten sehr ein nach dem Gange der Sterne. Was man als die Geheimnisse der Sterne erkundete, darnach richtete man sich. Wenn der alte Inder den Weg zu den Göttern abzulauschen versuchte, indem er ganz die Aufmerksamkeit ablenkte von der äußeren Wirklichkeit, studierte der Ägypter die Gesetze, die in der äußeren Wirklichkeit herrschen, um zu untersuchen, wie sich der Wille und der Geist der Götter in den Gesetzen der äußeren Natur zum Ausdruck bringen. Das war wieder eine andere Epoche. So haben Sie für jede Epoche einen bestimmten Geist, und die Entwickelung auf der Erde kommt dadurch zustande, daß ein Geist der Epochen einen anderen Geist der Epochen ablöst. Das ist im einzelnen der Fall. Die Menschen schwingen sich auf zu den Anschauungen der Zeiten, aber sie wissen nicht, daß hinter diesem ganzen Gange der Zeiten Epochalgeister stehen; und die Menschen wissen nicht, daß sie hier auf der Erde, um den Geist ihrer Epoche zum Ausdruck zu bringen, sozusagen nur die Werkzeuge sind dieser hinter ihnen stehenden Geister der Epochen. Denken Sie einmal an Giordano Bruno. Wäre Giordano Bruno als solcher im 8. Jahrhundert geboren worden, er wäre nicht derjenige geworden, der er geworden ist in dem Zeitalter, in dem der Epochalgeist herrschte, dessen Ausdruck er dann wurde, Er war das Werkzeug des Zeitgeistes, und ebenso ist es bei anderen Geistern. Und ebenso die umgekehrte Möglichkeit: Wenn Giordano Bruno im 8. Jahrhundert geboren worden wäre, unmöglich hätte der Epochalgeist einen solchen Ausdruck finden können, wie er ihn in Giordano Bruno gefunden hat. An diesen Dingen sehen wir, wie die Menschen die Werkzeuge der Epochalgeister sind, die die lenkenden Wesenheiten der großen Epochen sind und auch der «Geister der Meinungen und Anschauungen» der kleineren Epochen. Das sind die Urkräfte. Sie reichen hinunter bis zum Menschen. Sie lenken nicht etwas, was den Menschen zusammenbringt mit anderen Reichen der Natur; denn bis zum Tierreich reicht ihr Bewußtsein nicht mehr. Die Ordnungen, gemäß denen aus den Zeitgeistern heraus die Menschen sich ihr Leben zubereiten, Staaten gründen, Wissenschaften gründen, ihren Acker bebauen - alles, was aus dem Menschen stammt -, dieser Gang der Kultur von Anfang bis zu Ende steht unter der Leitung der Urkräfte. Sie leiten die Menschen insofern, als die Menschen es zu tun haben mit den Menschen selber.
[ 16 ] Ich habe auch zu verschiedenen Zeiten darauf aufmerksam machen können, wie von jeder Hierarchie der Geister gewisse Wesenheiten zurückbleiben, die nicht so weit aufgestiegen sind wie die anderen, die sozusagen sitzengeblieben sind im Weltengange. Nun werden Sie sich leicht vorstellen können, daß es Wesenheiten gibt, die sozusagen hätten aufsteigen sollen während der Mondenentwickelung zu der Ordnung der Offenbarungen oder Gewalten, und die nur bis zu den Urkräften gekommen sind. Das sind andere Urkräfte als die, welche im regelrechten Gange der Entwickelung aufgestiegen sind zu Urkräften. Es gibt also solche Urkräfte, die auf der Erde eigentlich verkappte Gewalten sind. Wir lernen jetzt von einem anderen Aspekt aus mancherlei kennen, was wir von einer anderen Seite her schon kennengelernt haben. Es verbergen sich also hinter den Urkräften auch solche, die eigentlich schon Gewalten sein könnten; und zu den Urkräften, die eigentlich widerrechtlich da sind, zu denen gehört — allerdings nur für diejenigen, die so etwas vom Standpunkte der Geisteswissenschaft aus ansehen -- dasjenige Wesen, das man mit Recht den «Satan» nennt, Satan, der widerrechtliche Fürst dieser Welt, denn der rechtliche ist eine «Gewalt»: Jahve oder Jehova; der widerrechtliche gehört der Ordnung der Urkräfte an. Er drückt sich dadurch aus, daß er bei den Menschen den Zeitgeist fortwährend in Verwirrung bringt, daß er die Menschen dazu bringt, dem Epochalgeist fortwährend zu widersprechen. Das ist die wirkliche Wesenheit des Geistes, den man auch nennt den «Geist der Finsternis» oder den widerrechtlichen Fürsten dieser unserer Erde, der Anspruch darauf macht, eigentlich die Menschen zu lenken und zu leiten. Und Sie werden jetzt begreifen, was für einen tiefen Sinn es hat, daß der Christus erschien, um durch seine Mission sein Licht zu werfen auf die ganze folgende Evolution, und daß er den Kampf ausfechten mußte gegen diesen widerrechtlichen Fürsten dieser Welt. Dahinter liegt die allertiefste Weisheit, die sich in diesem wunderbaren Teil des Evangeliums ausdrückt.
[ 17 ] Es ist billig, was Sie über Satan heute nicht bloß bei materialistisch gesinnten Leuten hören, sondern auch bei solchen, bei denen noch gewisse alte Vorstellungen spuken, die aber solche Vorstellungen mißverstehen; denn schon seit langem wird über den Satan ziemlich hohnvoll gesprochen. Und selbst Menschen, die gern die anderen geistigen Wesenheiten anerkennen: dem Satan wollen sie nicht gern eine Wirklichkeit zugestehen, den leugnen sie. Das rührt davon her, daß schon im Mittelalter die Menschen ganz kuriose Anschauungen über den Satan hatten und sagten: Er: ist doch eigentlich ein zurückgebliebener Geist von der Stufenfolge der Gewalten; wenn er ein Geist von der Stufenfolge der Gewalten ist, so ist er zurückgeblieben. - Wo sind die Geister der Gewalten? Sie drücken sich aus in dem, was sich in der Welt an Geist offenbart. Man nannte den Satan einen Geist der Finsternis, aber man sagte: Finsternis ist doch nur eine Negation des Lichtes. Das Licht ist wirklich, aber die Finsternis ist nicht wirklich. - Man meinte das auch geistig. So schrieb man den Geistern, die sich im Licht manifestieren, wohl Wirklichkeit zu; aber dem Satan, der sich in der Finsternis manifestiert, sprach man die Wirklichkeit ab. Das ist ungefähr so gescheit, wie wenn jemand, der einem Physiker zugehört hat, sagen würde: Kälte istnur ein Mangel an Wärme, sie ist eigentlich nichts Wirkliches. Wenn wir die Wärme immer geringer machen, wird es immer kälter, aber wenn wir auch immer mehr Wärme wegnehmen, die Kälte ist kein Wirkliches; also denken wir nicht an den Winter! — Aber trotzdem Kälte nur eine Negation von Wärme ist, ist sie doch sehr wohl zu spüren, wenn nicht eingeheizt wird. So ist Satan sehr wohl ein Wirkliches, wenn er auch nur die Negation des Lichtes ist. Damit haben wir uns erhoben bis zu schon sehr hohen Geistern, die man «Offenbarungen», «Exusiai» nennt. Zu ihnen gehört zum Beispiel die Wesenheit, die wir in anderem Zusammenhang kennengelernt haben als Jahve oder Jehova und auch seine Genossen, die Elohim. Die Lichtgeister gehören zu der Ordnung der Gewalten oder Offenbarungen. Wir wissen, daß Jahve sechs Genossen hatte, die für sich die Sonne lostrennten. Jahve selbst ging mit dem Monde, der das reflektierte Licht der Sonne der Erde zuströmt; aber er ist ein Genosse der anderen Elohim. Wenn Sie jetzt versuchen, das Bewußtsein dieser Offenbarungen nach der Analogie des vorhergehenden sich zu konstruieren, so werden Sie sich sagen: Um die einzelnen Menschen kümmern sich diese Geister nicht mehr. Der einzelne Mensch wird gelenkt durch die Geister, die wir Engel, Erzengel, Urkräfte genannt haben, bis zu dem, was wir Epochalgeister nannten. Das ganze Bild, in das der Mensch eingebettet ist, die Lenkung und Leitung des Planeten und das, was auf ihm vorgeht, ist jetzt Sache der Offenbarungen oder Gewalten. Denn wir haben gesagt, es hätte die ganze heutige Entwickelung des Menschen nicht vor sich gehen können, wenn nicht auf der einen Seite die fortstürmenden Sonnenkräfte und auf der anderen Seite die hemmenden Mondkräfte wären. Die Offenbarungen oder Gewalten haben es gar nicht mehr mit dem einzelnen Menschen zu tun, sondern mit den Menschengruppen. Sie lenken die äußeren Mächte und Wesenheiten, die den Planeten konfigurieren, und die der Mensch braucht, damit er auf diesem Planeten seine Entwickelung durchmachen kann. Und so sehen wir zuletzt hinauf zu einer hohen Wesenheit, die über alles das hinausgeht, was wir eben besprochen haben, zu der Christus-Wesenheit selbst, die auf die Erde etwas bringt, was nicht mit dem einzelnen Menschen zu tun hat, sondern mit der Lenkung der ganzen Menschheit. Und zu dem Christus muß der Mensch seinen Weg selber finden; denn gezwungen, sich leiten zu lassen, wird er nur noch von den Urkräften; zu dem Christus muß er freiwillig kommen. So haben wir uns zunächst von den untersten Stufen der dem Menschen übergeordneten Hierarchien, von den Engeln, Erzengeln und ein wenig auch von den Urkräften und Gewalten, eine Anschauung gebildet, und nur erahnend vermögen wir zu einer noch höheren Wesenheit, zum Christus, aufzublicken. - Wir können ein anderes Mal die Gelegenheit benutzen, um das ins Auge zu fassen, was von den «Thronen» und so weiter zu sagen ist. Heute wollte ich Ihnen etwas von dem geistigen Gefüge erzählen, in das der Mensch eingeflochten ist, insofern Engel, Erzengel, Urkräfte und Gewalten daran beteiligt sind.
Eighth Lecture
[ 1 ] Today I would like to talk to you about something that, in part, falls outside the ongoing framework of the lectures, but in other respects forms a supplement, in that some of what we have said in the past lectures will be repeated, but can also be better illuminated in a certain respect.
[ 2 ] We know that man, as he is now, has only become so through a long evolution, that he has developed through planetary conditions to his present level. We also know that in the future he will rise to higher levels of development. Now, we have already familiarized ourselves with the idea that at the time when man on the old Saturn was still in a very dull state of consciousness, there were already beings present who were as high as man stands today; there were also entities then that were far higher than man stands today. We know that even today there are entities that have attained a level of development in the present that will only be attained by humans in the future. Thus we can raise our gaze to what is called in occultism a hierarchy of beings superior to man, who are always one step higher than man. This next step of beings that stand above man, we call in the esoteric-Christian term “angel”, “angelos”. Thus, angels are entities that attained human consciousness on the moon, the planetary predecessor of our Earth, and that today stand one step higher than man. Man himself will, at the stage of existence on Jupiter, have the consciousness that is today the consciousness of these entities, which we call angels, angeloi. Thus we have already envisaged the first step of the beings that stand above man. We already know the following steps from certain other contexts. We know that from the Angels upwards we have the 'Archangels', 'Archangeloi'; then we have the order of the 'Primal Forces', which we also call 'Archai'; then we know the 'Revelations' or “powers”, ‘exusiai’; then we have the so-called ‘forces’, ‘dynamis’, the ‘dominions’, ‘kyriotetes’; then the ‘thrones’, the ‘cherubim’ and the ‘seraphim’. Only then, beyond the seraphim, would we speak of what in the Christian sense is called the actual ‘deity’. For the real occultist, the real spiritual science or occultism cannot share the common, trivial idea that man could look directly up to the highest deity; but we have the whole ladder of beings, which we called angels, archangels and so on in the Christian sense, standing in between. And in a certain respect, it must be considered a spiritual convenience when one can often hear today: Oh, what need have we of the whole hierarchy of beings, when man can come into direct relationship with the Godhead! The theosophist and occultist cannot go along with this complacency; for the beings are absolutely real, and today we want to talk a little about the task, the work of these beings for world evolution and about the peculiarities and qualities of these beings.
[ 3 ] First, let us try to form an idea of what are called the beings of the angels. We will most easily be able to form an idea of the consciousness of these entities by bearing in mind that in his external physical consciousness, man today encompasses four natural kingdoms that he can, so to speak, perceive : mineral entities, vegetable entities, animal entities and the human kingdom itself; so that we can describe human consciousness in terms of its content as encompassing these four kingdoms that are perceptible to the external senses. Everything that a person perceives through his senses, whatever it may be, belongs to one of these four kingdoms. If we now ask ourselves: What is the consciousness of the angelic beings? we receive the answer: in a certain respect it is a higher consciousness, and it is characterized as a higher consciousness in that it does not extend down to the mineral kingdom. Angelic consciousness does not extend down to the stones, the minerals. On the other hand, in this angelic consciousness there are plant entities, animal entities, human entities and the own realm of the angels, which plays the same role there as the realm of humans plays for us. Therefore we can say: these angels also perceive four realms with their consciousness, the realm of plants, the realm of animals, the realm of human beings and the realm of angels.
[ 4 ] That is the peculiarity of angelic beings: they have no physical body, and for that reason also no organs of the physical body, no eyes and ears and so on. Therefore they do not perceive the physical realm. They have their etheric body as their lowest entity. In this way they have a certain affinity with plants. They can therefore descend with their consciousness to the plants; they can still perceive plants. On the other hand, where there is a mineral, they perceive a hollow space, just as we have described it for man during the state of Devachan, where man will also perceive the space that a mineral fills here on the physical plane as a hollow space. So these angels perceive a cavity everywhere there is a physical realm. By contrast, their consciousness extends to a point where the consciousness of man does not yet extend.
[ 5 ] But we know that even today people already have a certain. relationship to one another as those who lead and those who are led. I am alluding here to nothing other than the children and the adult educators: the children must be led until they are as mature as the adult educators. In their current development, people are growing into Jupiter consciousness. This will be the same as that which the angels already have today. Because the consciousness of the angels is such, the angels are actually the guides of people today, their leaders, preparing them, and there is an intimate connection between what is gradually developing in man and what the task of these angelic beings is. What is developing in man for the rest of his earthly existence? We have discussed this often. We have said that man has a physical body, an etheric body, an astral body and an ego, and that he is now in the process of transforming his astral body in such a way that, little by little, he will become completely his spirit self. It is true that man is also already working on his other limbs; but the essence of earthly development is that the spirit self be fully developed. The angels have already developed the spirit self; they had already developed it when their earthly existence began. Therefore, in the hierarchy of development, the angels are the spirits that guide this work of transforming the astral body into the spirit self in man.
[ 6 ] Now we ask ourselves: How do they do that? - Here we recall what we said earlier, namely that when a person dies, after death he initially has what we have called the long memory tableau of the past life. This remains for two to three days; it varies somewhat for different people. As a rule, it remains for about as long as the person in question could endure without sleep during life. Different people are very different in this respect. One is accustomed to sleeping for twelve hours at a time, and then his eyes close; others, on the other hand, can stay awake for four to five days. The longer a person can stay awake without sleeping, the longer his memory tableau will last. Then the etheric body dissolves and only an extract of it remains, the fruit of the past life. This is taken along for all subsequent times and incorporated into one's being, and forms the basis for the construction of one's physical body in the next incarnation. This time, the human being is able to construct his next body more perfectly because he can use the fruits of his past life for this purpose. Thus, the human being has this essence of life and uses it to construct his next body in the following life.
[ 7 ] Now we know something else. We know that man not only forms this body of his, but that he is not inactive at all in devachan. It is a wrong idea if we believe that man only has to deal with himself. The world is not built on egoism at all. It is constructed in such a way that man has to work with the earth in every situation; and in that time in devachan he works on the transformation of the earth's surface. We know ourselves that, for example, the ground on which we are standing here today looked quite different a few centuries ago than it does today. The earth is constantly being transformed. At the time when Christ Jesus still walked the earth, there were mighty forests here; completely different plants and animals were there. Thus, the face of the earth is constantly being changed. Just as human beings, by working on the physical plane, by building cities and so on, are constantly working with the forces that are active in the physical world, so too, from the devachan, they work with the forces that are reshaping the physiognomy of the earth, including the plant and animal kingdoms. Therefore, in a new incarnation, man once more encounters a world that presents a completely different picture, so that he always experiences something new. For one is not born into a new incarnation in vain, but in order to experience something new. Man himself contributes to the transformation of this earth; but he cannot do so without guidance. He cannot determine the following incarnations, because then he would not need to experience what is to happen in the future. And the next guiding entities, who instruct man from the forces of Devachan to work on the transformation of the earth, who create the harmony between the individual human individualities and the evolution of the earth, as it corresponds to these individual individualities, these spiritual entities are the angels. They cannot work with the stones, with the solid earth's crust, for their consciousness does not extend down to the stones. But it does extend down to the plant kingdom that the earth carries. There they cannot work creatively, but they can work to transform it.
[ 8 ] And it is indeed the case that with every human individuality there is such an angelic being at work, guiding and directing the human being in his work of educating the spirit-self in the astral body until he has educated it. This is why in one part of the Christian teaching we speak of human guardian angels. This is a conception that corresponds perfectly to the lawful reality. These are the beings that create the harmony between the individual human individuality and the course of earthly evolution, until at the end of earthly evolution the human being himself will have progressed so far that he can replace his angel, because then he himself will have the same consciousness as an angel.
[ 9 ] Now you will easily understand that the archangels have a consciousness that no longer extends down to the plant kingdom, but only to the animal kingdom. The plants are, so to speak, no longer there for them; they are too subordinate and insignificant a kingdom for them. In the animal kingdom they still have points of contact; they perceive the animal kingdom. They have no etheric body, but their astral body is the lowest link in their being. The animal also has an astral body; therefore the archangels definitely have an effect on the astral bodies of the animals. Then they perceive the human realm, the realm of angels and their own realm. That to which they say “I”, which is the same as the human “I”, that is the realm of the archangels. These beings also have an essential mission, and you can already understand that this mission can be a very high one because they have a consciousness that is two levels higher than that of humans. For the consciousness of the archangels is so highly developed that they have fully developed the buddhi, the spirit of life, and can therefore guide and direct the evolution on earth with such insight that corresponds to the spirit of life, the buddhi. This is expressed in the fact that these archangels are first of all the guides and leaders of entire tribes. What is called the spirit of a nation, that is, the common spirit of the nations, is in fact one of the archangels. Now you will also find it understandable that those nations that still had some awareness of such a spiritual connection did not immediately look up to the highest entity, but rather that they considered, so to speak, the nearest entities that guided and directed them.
[ 10 ] Take the ancient Hebrew people. They worshipped Yahweh or Jehovah God Himself as the supreme God. But for them, this Yahweh God belonged to the order of “revelations”. It was an exalted entity that they recognized as their god. But they said: He who guides us and leads us on behalf of the actual arch messenger of Jehovah, that is “Michael”, one of the archangels – his name means “he who stands before God” in German. In ancient Hebrew, he was also called the “face of God” because the members of the old covenant, when they looked up to God, felt that Michael stood before God and expressed his being as the human face expresses the human being. Therefore, he was literally called the face of God.
[ 11 ] When one speaks of the “spirit of a nation”, one does not speak in the sense of occultism of an intangible conceptual entity. When one speaks of the spirit of a nation in our materialistic age, one actually means nothing; for one means an abstract external summary of the peculiarities of the people. In truth, there is a spiritual representative, called the archangel, who guides and directs the whole nation as a whole. This entity extends down to the animal world. The nations felt that too. For it is indeed easy to feel, one might say, from the instinct of the people. One nation lives here, the other there. Depending on the different areas in which the nations live, they had to make use of certain animals, and that, the nations instinctively felt, was granted to them by their national spirit. This influence extended even to the animal world, so that the ancient Egyptians, who were well aware of this, said: 'When we consider the evolution of plants, we see that angels are at work in them; when we consider animals, we see that they are allotted to us by the guiding spirit of the whole nation! Therefore, they regarded the power that led the animals to them as a sacred power, and the way they related to the animals was an expression of this consciousness. They did not speak of archangels; but they had the same feeling. That is the actual feeling which the Egyptians associated with animal worship; and the basis for this is that where there was an awareness of this whole spiritual context, these spirits were depicted not with the images of earthly animals, but with images of animals such as the sphinx, winged animals and so on, which you find in the various illustrations of peoples. It was as if the guiding archangels appeared in them. You can therefore see the esoteric expression of the ruling archangels reproduced in the various animal groups, and many of the Egyptian idols went back to this idea that the archangel, the guiding spirit of the people, reaches down to the animals. This is essentially the task of the archangels; but there is another.
[ 12 ] To the present-day consciousness, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael and Michael are still known as a saga from a distant primeval time; but you only need to look in the Book of Enoch to find the names of still other archangels. For instance, one of the archangels was Phanuel; this is an important archangel who had not only the task of guiding a particular tribe, but also another. We know that initiation consists in man's striving to ascend to an ever higher consciousness, and that even now, in the course of earthly evolution, he is ascending to an ever higher consciousness. Now the people in the places of initiation knew very well that this also requires guiding and directing forces. Therefore, they placed those who were to be initiated under the protection of the archangel called Phanuel. He was the protector invoked by those who aspired to initiation.
[ 13 ] Other spiritual entities at this level have different tasks. For example, the entire process of world evolution is based on a sum of forces that is guided by certain beings. There is an archangel, formerly called Surakiel, whose task it is to eradicate particularly extensive vices in a city or an entire area and to transform them into virtues. Those who know this context can see how what is called “providence” with a general, abstract word is actually guided. Once one is eager to get to know the spiritual worlds, one should not be satisfied with general abstractions, but should delve into these details. For the highest beings, which man can still intuitively imagine, guide the course of world evolution through such intermediary beings, as we have just come to know them. That is what can be described as the various tasks of the archangels.
[ 14 ] Now we come to the order of the elemental forces. These are even more exalted entities, whose consciousness no longer extends even to the animals. When the initiate rises to communion with the elemental forces, he does not communicate to them from his human consciousness the forms of the 'animals on earth'. For they themselves reach down only to the level of human beings. They know the realm of the angels, the realm of the archangels and their own realm; they say 'I' to themselves, and human beings are the last thing they perceive. What the mineral kingdom is for man, man is for the elemental forces: the lowest kingdom. This already indicates that they guide the course of humanity from a very high level. People sense here and there that there is something like a 'spirit of the times', which is so different depending on the various epochs. People sense that there is a 'spirit of the epochs'. We have often spoken here of the spirit of the epochs. We have said, for example, that in the first culture of the post-Atlantic period, in the ancient Indian people, the spirit of the epoch consisted in the fact that people were aware that they longed to return to the old Atlantic times, when they dimly perceived higher realms around them. This developed into the yoga system, through which they wanted to ascend again into the higher worlds. Linked to this ancient consciousness was the fact that people thought little of the external reality, of the physical plane. Maja, illusion, becomes the physical plane for people. The ancient Indian culture had, so to speak, very little interest in the physical plane. It may seem strange to you, but it is really true: if the ancient Indian culture had remained, there would never have been railways, telephones and such things on the physical plane as exist today; for it would not have seemed so important to deal so intensively with the laws of the physical world in order to populate this physical world with all the things that we today consider to be cultural achievements.
[ 15 ] Then came the spirit of the Persian epoch. Through him, man came to know matter as a reluctant element that he had to work with. He joined forces with the good spirit Ormuzd against the spirit of matter, Ahriman. But the Persians were already interested in the physical plan. Then comes the spirit of that epoch, which on the one hand lives out itself in the Babylonian-Assyrian-Chaldean culture, and on the other hand in the Egyptian culture. Human science is established. Geometry was used to try to make the earth more suitable for humans. The meaning of the movement of the stars was sought in astrology and astronomy, and what happens on earth is arranged according to the movement of the stars. Especially in social life, the ancient Egyptians were very much guided by the movement of the stars. What was discovered as the secrets of the stars were used as a guide. When the ancient Indian tried to eavesdrop on the way to the gods by completely diverting attention from the external reality, the Egyptian studied the laws that prevail in the external reality to examine how the will and spirit of the gods express themselves in the laws of external nature. That was another epoch. So you have a certain spirit for each epoch, and the development on earth comes about because one spirit of the epoch replaces another spirit of the epoch. This is the case in detail. Men rise to the level of the views of the age, but they do not know that behind the whole course of the ages stand the spirits of the epochs; and men do not know that here on earth, in order to express the spirit of their epoch, they are only the instruments, so to speak, of the spirits of the epochs standing behind them. Think for a moment of Giordano Bruno. If Giordano Bruno had been born as such in the 8th century, he would not have become who he became in the age in which the epochal spirit reigned, of which he then became the expression. He was the tool of the Zeitgeist, and it is the same with other spirits. And the reverse is also possible: if Giordano Bruno had been born in the 8th century, it would have been impossible for the epochal spirit to have found such an expression as it found in Giordano Bruno. From these things we see how human beings are the tools of the spirits of the epochs, who are the directing entities of the great epochs and also of the “spirits of opinion and belief” of the smaller epochs. These are the elemental forces. They extend down to man. They do not direct anything that brings people together with other realms of nature; for their consciousness no longer extends to the animal kingdom. The orders according to which human beings prepare their lives, found states, found sciences, till their fields - everything that comes from human beings - out of the spirits of the times, this course of culture from beginning to end is under the direction of the primal forces. They guide people insofar as people have to deal with people themselves.
[ 16 ] I have also been able to point out at various times how certain entities remain from each hierarchy of spirits that have not ascended as far as the others, who, so to speak, remained in the world's beginning. Now you can easily imagine that there are entities that should have ascended, so to speak, during the development of the moon to the order of revelations or powers, and which only came to the primal forces. These are different primal forces than those that have ascended to primal forces in the proper course of development. So there are such primal forces that are actually hidden forces on earth. We are now learning from a different aspect many things that we have already learned from a different side. Thus, hidden behind the elemental forces are also those that could actually be forces of violence; and among the elemental forces that are actually there unlawfully, one belongs — but only to those who look at it from the point of view of spiritual science -- the being rightly called 'Satan', Satan, the usurped prince of this world, for the rightful prince is a 'power': Jahve or Jehovah; the usurper belongs to the order of elemental forces. He expresses himself by continually bringing confusion into the spirit of the age, by inducing men to constantly contradict the spirit of the epoch. That is the real essence of the spirit, which is also called the 'spirit of darkness' or the unlawful prince of this earth of ours, who lays claim to actually directing and guiding human beings. And now you will understand the deep meaning of the appearance of the Christ, who, through his mission, shed light on the entire subsequent evolution and had to fight this unlawful prince of this world. Behind all this lies the most profound wisdom, which is expressed in this wonderful part of the Gospel.
[ 17 ] It is fair to say what you hear about Satan today not only among materialistically minded people, but also among those who still have certain old ideas, but misunderstand such ideas; because for a long time now, Satan has been spoken of rather scornfully. And even people who readily acknowledge the existence of other spiritual beings do not want to concede that Satan has any reality; they deny him. This stems from the fact that even in the Middle Ages, people had very strange ideas about Satan and said: He is actually a retarded spirit in terms of the hierarchy of powers; if he is a spirit in terms of the hierarchy of powers, then he is retarded. Where are the spirits of power? They express themselves in the spirits that reveal themselves in the world. Satan was called a spirit of darkness, but it was said that darkness is only a negation of light. The light is real, but the darkness is not real. They also thought of this in spiritual terms. Thus, they attributed reality to the spirits that manifest themselves in the light, but they denied reality to Satan, who manifests himself in darkness. This is about as clever as if someone who has listened to a physicist were to say: Cold is only a lack of warmth, it is not really something real. If we make the warmth less and less, it will become colder and colder, but if we also take away more and more warmth, the cold is not real; so we don't think of winter! But even though cold is only a negation of warmth, it can still be felt when there is no heating. So Satan is very real, even if he is only the negation of light. Thus we have risen to very high spirits, which are called “Revelations” or “Exusiai”. Among them, for example, is the entity we have come to know in another context as Jahve or Jehovah, and also his companions, the Elohim. The spirits of light belong to the order of powers or revelations. We know that Jahve had six companions who separated the sun for themselves. Yahweh himself walked with the moon, which reflects the light of the sun to the earth; but he is a companion of the other Elohim. If you now try to construct the consciousness of these revelations according to the analogy of the previous ones, you will say to yourself: These spirits no longer concern themselves with individual human beings. The individual human being is guided by the spirits we have called angels, archangels, elemental forces, up to what we have called epochal spirits. The whole picture in which the human being is embedded, the guidance and direction of the planet and what happens on it, is now a matter of revelations or powers. For we have said that the whole development of man today could not have taken place if it had not been for the surging solar forces on the one hand and the inhibiting lunar forces on the other. The revelations or forces are no longer concerned with the individual human being, but with groups of people. They direct the external powers and entities that configure the planet and which man needs in order to undergo his development on this planet. And so we see at last that there is a high Entity, going far beyond anything we have just discussed, the Christ Entity Itself, which brings something to the Earth that has nothing to do with the individual human being, but with the guidance of all humanity. And to the Christ, man must find his own way, for he is only compelled to let himself be led by the elemental forces. Thus we have formed a view, at least of the lowest levels of the hierarchies that are superordinate to man, of the angels, archangels and, to some extent, of the elemental forces and powers. Only with a sense of awe are we able to look up to an even higher being, to the Christ. We can use another opportunity to consider what can be said about the 'thrones' and so on. Today I wanted to tell you something about the spiritual structure in which man is interwoven, insofar as angels, archangels, elemental forces and powers are involved.