The Gospel of St. John
GA 103
26 May 1908, Hamburg
VII. The Mystery of Golgotha
The whole of the Gospel of St. John culminates in that event in human history which we call the “Mystery of Golgotha.” To comprehend this Mystery of Golgotha esoterically predicates also the ability to decipher the deep significance of this Gospel. If we turn our attention to what exists at the very central point of this Mystery and wish to express it in occult terms, we must contemplate the moment of the Crucifixion when the blood flowed from the wounds of the Saviour, and at the same time we must remember something which has often been said in the course of these lectures, that for one who knows the spiritual worlds, all material, substantial, physical objectivity is only the outer expression, the external manifestation of something spiritual. Now let us permit the physical event to arise before our souls: Christ-Jesus upon the Cross, the blood flowing from His wounds. What does this picture, the content of which is a physical event, express for those who are able to understand the Gospel of St. John?
This physical event—the occurrence on Golgotha—is the expression, the manifestation of a spiritual event which stands at the central point of all earthly happenings. Anyone interpreting these words according to the present materialistic world concept will not be able to make much out of them, for he will not be able to imagine that at that time something occurred in this unique Event of Golgotha which differs from some other like event, or from one perhaps physically similar. There is a very great difference between all the earthly occurrences which preceded this Event of Golgotha and those that succeed it.
If we wish to picture this in the soul in all its detail, we must say that not only has the individual human being, or for that matter any other individual creature, a physical, ether and astral body as we have described it from many aspects in the foregoing lectures, but that cosmic bodies likewise do not consist only of physical substance as they appear to the astronomer and to other physical researchers. A cosmic body has also an ether and an astral body. Our earth has its ether and astral vehicles. If our earth did not possess its own ether body, it would not be able to harbour the plants; if it did not possess its own individual astral body, it would not be able to shelter the animals. If we wish to visualize the earth's ether body, we must imagine its central point exactly at the center of the earth where the physical earth body also has its central point. This entire physical earth body is embedded in its own ether body and these two are again embedded in an astral body. If someone had observed clairvoyantly the astral body of the earth during the course of the earth's evolution, during the course of long epochs of time, he would have seen that, as a matter of fact, this astral body and ether body of the earth have not always remained the same, that they have changed. In order to represent the matter quite pictorially, let us in spirit transplant ourselves outside beyond the earth to some other star, and let us imagine a person with clairvoyant vision looking down upon the earth from this star. He would not only see the earth suspended there as a physical planet, but he would see an aura about it, he would see the earth surrounded by an aura of light, for he would be perceiving the earth's ether and astral bodies. If this clairvoyant person were to remain a long time on this distant star, long enough to have observed the pre-Christian periods of the earth pass by and the Event of Golgotha approaching, the following spectacle would have presented itself to him. Before the Event of Golgotha the aura of the earth, the astral and ether bodies offered a certain aspect of colour and form, but following a particular, definite moment of time, he would have seen the colour of the entire aura changing. What was this particular moment of time? It was the very moment when the blood flowed from the wounds of Christ-Jesus upon Golgotha. All spiritual earthly relationships, as such, changed from this moment.
It has been previously stated that what is called the Logos is the sum total of the six Elohim who, united with the sun, present the earth with their spiritual gifts, while externally the physical sunlight is falling upon the earth. Therefore the light of the sun appears to us like the outer physical body of the spirit and soul of the Elohim or of the Logos. At the moment of the Event of Golgotha, that force, that impulse which formerly could only stream down upon the earth as light began to unite with the earth itself. And because the Logos began to unite with the earth, the earth's aura became changed.
We shall now consider the Event of Golgotha from still another point of view. We have already reviewed the evolution of the human being and of the earth from various standpoints. We know that our Earth, before it became the Earth, passed through the three embodiments of Saturn, Sun and Moon. Therefore the embodiment just preceding that of our Earth was that of the ancient Moon. When a planet has attained the goal of its evolution, something happens to it similar to what happens to a human being who, in a certain incarnation, has attained his life's goal. The planet passes over into a different invisible existence, a state called a “Pralaya” and then after a time it embodies itself anew. Thus between the previous embodiment of our Earth, the Moon Evolution, and the Earth's present embodiment, there existed an intermediate state. Out of a sort of spiritual, self-animated, externally invisible existence, the Earth gleamed forth in its earliest state and out of this state developed those states which we described yesterday. At that time, in that early age when our Earth gleamed forth, it was still united with all that now belongs to our solar system. It was then so large, that it reached to the furthest planets of this solar system. All was unity, for only later individual planets became segregated. The present earth up to a certain point of time was united with our present sun and moon. Thus we see there was a time when sun, moon and earth were a single body. It was as though you were to take the present moon and sun and stir them together with the earth and thus make one large cosmic body. This was our Earth once upon a time when your astral body and your ego were floating about in a vapour-like form. Even earlier than this the sun, moon and earth were joined together. At that time the forces which are now in the sun—the spiritual and physical forces—were bound up with the earth. Then came a time when the sun separated from the earth; but not only did the physical sun with its physical light which can be seen with physical eyes depart, but with it all its spiritual and soul beings at whose head stood the Elohim, the real Spirits of Light, the denizens of the sun. What was left, was a mixture of the present moon and earth. Then for a time the earth, though separated from the sun, was still united with the moon. It was not until the Lemurian period that the moon separated from the earth, when, as a result, there arose that relationship between these three bodies, sun, moon and earth, that exists today. This relationship had to occur. The Elohim had to act from without. It was necessary for one of them to become Lord of the moon and from there reflect the powerful force of the other Elohim. We live at present upon our earth as though dwelling upon an island in cosmic space which has separated from the sun and moon. But the time will come when our earth will once more unite with the sun and again form one body with it. Then human beings will be so spiritualized that they will again be able to bear the stronger forces of the sun, able to receive them and unite them with themselves. They, together with the Elohim, will then occupy the same field of action.
You will ask, what is the force that will bring this about? Had the Event of Golgotha not occurred, the earth and the sun would never be able to reunite. For through the Event of Golgotha, which bound the force of the Elohim in the sun to the earth—in other words the force of the Logos—the impulse was given which will again eventually impel one Logos-force toward the other, and finally once more unite them—sun and earth—in one body. Since the Event of Golgotha, the earth, spiritually observed, is possessed of the force to draw the sun again into a unity with it. Therefore it can be said that through this great Event, the force of the Logos, which formerly radiated down upon the earth from without, was now taken up into its spiritual being. The question may be asked, what existed previously within the body of the earth? It was that force which streamed down upon it from the sun. But since that time, what exists there within the earth? The Logos itself which through Golgotha has become the spirit of the earth.
As truly as your soul and spirit dwell within your physical body, do also the soul and spirit of the earth dwell within the body of the earth—that earthly body which consists of stones, plants and animals and upon which you tread. This soul and spirit, this earth spirit is the Christ. Christ is the spirit of the earth. When the Christ spoke to His most trusted disciples on an occasion which can be numbered among the most intimate of such occasions, what did He say to them? With what mystery had He occasion to entrust them? He was able to say to them: “It is as though you can gaze into your own soul from your physical body. Your soul is within. It is the same when you observe the whole earth-sphere. That spirit which for a time now stands here before you in the flesh is also the spirit of the earth and will always continue as such.” He had occasion to point to the earth as to His real body and ask: “When you behold the cornfield and then eat the bread that nourishes you, what in reality is this bread which you are eating? You are eating My body. And when you drink of the plant sap, it is like the blood in your own body; it is the blood of the earth—My Blood!”—These were the very words that Christ- Jesus spoke to His most intimate disciples and we must take them very literally. Then when He called them together and expounded to them symbolically what we shall call the Christian Initiation, He uttered those extraordinary words which we find in the 18th verse of the 13th Chapter of the Gospel of St. John, where He announced that one among them would betray Him:
“He who eats My bread treads me under foot.”
These words must be taken literally. Men eat the bread of the earth and tread upon the earth with their feet. If the earth is the body of the Earth-Spirit, that is, of the Christ, then men tread with their feet the earth's body, the body whose bread they eat. An immense deepening of the idea of the Last Supper as presented in the Gospel of St. John is granted us, when we learn about the Christ, the Earth-Spirit, and about the bread which is taken from the body of the earth. Christ points to the earth and says: “This is My body!” Just as the muscular human flesh belongs to the human soul, so does bread belong to the body of the earth, that is to the body of the Christ. And the sap that flows through the plants, which pulsates through the vine stalk, is like the blood pulsating through the human body. Pointing to this, the Christ says: “This is my blood!” That this truthful explanation of the Last Supper can cause some of the sanctity to be lost which has always been associated with it can only be imagined by someone possessing no understanding of it or who has neither desire nor capacity for such an understanding. But anyone who wishes to understand will acknowledge that this does not cause it to lose in holiness, but that through it the whole of the earth-planet becomes sanctified. What powerful feelings can be engendered in our souls, if we can behold in the Last Supper the greatest mystery of the earth, the connection between the Event of Golgotha and the entire evolution of the earth; if we can learn to feel that in the Last Supper the flowing of the blood from the wounds of the Saviour had not only a human, but a cosmic significance, that is, it gave to the earth the force to carry forward its evolution.
Anyone who understands the profound meaning of the Gospel of St. John will feel not only united through his physical body with the physical body of the earth, but as a psycho-spiritual being will feel united with the psycho-spiritual being of the earth which is the Christ Himself, and then he will feel how the Christ, as the Spirit of the Earth, flows through his body. When we have this experience, we are able to ask: what illuminated the writer of the Gospel of St. John at that moment when he was able to behold the profound mysteries which have to do with Christ-Jesus? He beheld the forces, the impulses which are present in Christ-Jesus, and he perceived how these impulses must be active in mankind, if only mankind will receive them.
In order to understand this quite clearly, we must once more bring before our souls the way in which human evolution actually takes place. The human being consists of physical, ether and astral bodies and an ego. How does this evolution occur? By the ego gradually working through the other three members, purifying and strengthening them. The ego is called upon gradually to purify the astral body, to cleanse it and to raise it to a higher level. When the entire astral body has been purified and strengthened by the special forces of the ego, it becomes Manas or Spirit-Self. When the ether or life-body has been thoroughly worked over and strengthened by the force of the ego, it becomes Budhi, or Life-Spirit. When the physical body has been fully overcome and conquered by the ego, it becomes Atman or Spirit-Man. Then will the human being have reached the goal which above all lies in store for him. That, however, will be attained only in the far distant future. Moreover, we wish it to be quite clear that the ego acts in full consciousness in what has just been described; namely, that the human being consisting of the four members—physical, ether and astral bodies and ego—works by means of the ego upon the other three members, transforming them into Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man. For the most part this is not yet the case with present humanity which, as a matter of fact, is just beginning, fully conscious, to work a little of Manas into its astral body. The human being is doing this now. Through the help of higher beings he has already, although unconsciously, worked upon his three lower members during this Earth evolution. In ancient times he unconsciously worked over the astral body, and this then became permeated by the Sentient Soul. The ego unconsciously worked into the ether body and this unconsciously re-formed ether body is what you will find described in regular sequence in my book Theosophy as the Intellectual Soul, and that part of the physical body, unconsciously worked upon by the ego, you will find described there as the Consciousness Soul. The Consciousness Soul only came into being toward the end of the Atlantean period when the ether body—previously outside the physical body in the head region—gradually drew wholly within it. Through this the human being learned to utter the word “I.” Thus variously-membered, he gradually passed over into the post-Atlantean period. It is the task of our age to work Manas or Spirit-Self by degrees into what had previously been received unconsciously. The human being must, as it were, develop Manas within himself by means of all the forces he has acquired by virtue of possessing a physical, an ether and an astral body, a sentient, an intellectual and a consciousness soul; by means of all the forces which these various members can give him, he must develop Manas and also, although in a very small degree, the germ of a Life-Spirit or Budhi. Therefore our post-Atlantean age has the important task of helping the human being to develop consciously these higher members of his being (Manas or Spirit-Self, Budhi or Life-Spirit and Atman or Spirit-Man) in the distant future when he will at last have reached his goal. He must from now on, by degrees, develop within himself the force to evolve his higher members out of his lower.
Let us now ask: what has been the condition of the human being that has kept him from already developing these higher members, and what will be the difference in the future? How will the humanity of the future differ from that of the present?
When at last the whole of the higher man has been developed, the entire astral body will be so completely purified that it will simultaneously become Manas or Spirit-Self; the ether body so thoroughly purged that it will simultaneously become Life-Spirit or Budhi, and the physical body will be so greatly metamorphosed that it will, at the same time, be as actually a Spirit-Man, Atman, as it is now a physical body. The greatest force will be needed to conquer this lowest body, hence the conquest and transformation of the physical means the greatest victory for the human being. When mankind has fully perfected the physical body, this physical man will then become Spirit-Man or Atman. All this is at present only in germ within the human being, but a time will come when it will live in him in its fulness. And by lifting his gaze to the Christ Personality, to the Christ Impulse, by energizing and strengthening himself through this Christ Impulse, he draws into himself the force that can accomplish this transformation.
Since humanity of the present has not yet perfected this metamorphosis, what is the result? Spiritual Science makes this very clear. Because this katharsis of the astral body has not yet been accomplished, that is, the astral body has not yet transformed itself into Spirit-Self, selfishness or egotism is possible. Because the ether body has not yet been strengthened by the ego, lying and error are possible; and because the physical body has not yet been fortified by the ego, sickness and death are possible. In a once fully developed Spirit-Self, there will be no more selfishness; no sickness and death, but just health and salvation in the fully developed Spirit-Man, that is, in the fully evolved physical body. What does it mean for the human being to take the Christ into himself? It means that he has learned to understand the forces that are in the Christ, which if taken into himself make it possible for him to become master even of his physical body.
Imagine for example that someone could receive the Christ Impulse fully into himself, that it could completely pass over upon him. The Christ Himself might stand directly in the presence of this person and the Christ Impulse be transmitted to him. What does that signify? If the person were blind, he would yet be able to see by means of the direct influence of this Christ Impulse, for the final goal of evolution is the conquest of the forces of sickness and death. When the writer of the Gospel of St. John speaks of the healing of the man born blind, he is then speaking out of the depths of the Mysteries, he is demonstrating, by means of an example, that the force of the Christ is a healing force when it appears in full power. It may be asked: Where is this force? It is in the body of the Christ, in the earth! But this earth must, in truth, be fully permeated by the being of the Christ Spirit or of the Logos. Let us see if the writer of the Gospel recounts the story with this meaning. How does he relate it?
Standing there is the blind man. The Christ takes some earth, insalivates it and lays it upon the blind man's eyes. He lays His body, the earth, permeated with His spirit upon the blind man. In this description, the writer of the Gospel indicates a mystery which he very well understands. Now laying aside all prejudice, let us talk a little more in detail of this sign—one of the greatest performed by the Christ—in order that we may learn to know more exactly the nature of such a thing and not be disturbed because our very clever contemporaries will consider what has just been said to be sheer madness or folly! There are, however, in the world great and mighty mysteries which mankind is not yet entitled to know. Human beings of the present day, even though they may be sufficiently developed, are not yet strong enough to go through the great Mysteries. They can know of them, they can understand them when they are able to experience them spiritually; but our present humanity, so deeply immersed in matter, is not yet capable of converting them into their physical expression.
All life is, in fact, made up of antitheses and extremes. Life and death are just such extremes. For the thought and feelings of the occultist, there is something very extraordinary in seeing, for example, a corpse and a living human being side by side. When we have a living, waking human being before us, we know that a soul and spirit dwell within him. But as far as consciousness is concerned, this soul and spirit are, as it were, cut off from any connection with the spiritual world; they cannot look into it. If we have a corpse before us, we have the feeling that the spirit and soul which once belonged to it are passing over into the spiritual worlds where consciousness, or the light of those worlds is flashing up within them. Thus the corpse becomes a symbol of what is taking place in the spiritual world. But in the physical world also, there are reflections of what is happening in the spiritual world, but they are of an extraordinary character. When a human being descends again into physical birth, his bodily part must be reconstructed; material substance must, so to say, rush together in order that a body be created for him. For the clairvoyant, this rushing together of physical substance represents the death of consciousness in the spirit world. There it dies—here it becomes alive. In the rushing together of substance to form a physical human body can be seen, in a certain sense, the dying of a spiritual consciousness; while on the other hand, at the moment of decomposition or of the burning of the physical body, when the parts disintegrate and dissolve, the opposite actually becomes manifest in the spiritual world, that is, the awakening of a spiritual consciousness occurs. Physical dissolution is spiritual birth. Therefore all processes of decay and dissolution mean something more than just decay and dissolution to the occultist. A churchyard, spiritually observed, where physical bodies are in the process of dissolution, is the scene of remarkable processes, the continuous flashing up and glistening of spiritual birth; (I am now speaking of what is taking place spiritually in the churchyard itself apart from the human beings there).
Let us imagine for example that a person were to give himself up physically to a certain training—naturally no one would recommend this, for the present physical body could not possibly endure it—to a schooling in which he would train his body to breathe in putrified air for a certain prescribed length of time with the conscious intent of taking in the spiritual processes which have just been described. If he does this in the proper way, then in his following incarnations—it cannot be done in one—he can be incarnated with that force which offers restorative and health-giving impulses. Breathing putrid air belongs to a schooling which gradually gives strength to the spittle, when mixed with the ordinary earth, to become the healing substance which the Christ rubbed upon the eyes of the blind man. This mystery through which a person consumes, eats or inhales death, by which he acquires the power to heal, is the mystery to which the writer of the Gospel refers when he describes such signs as the healing of the man born blind. Instead of declaring without cessation that such and such a thing should be interpreted to mean thus and so, it would be much better were people to learn that such a thing as is described in the healing of the blind man is literally true, that it exists, and that it is possible to have respect for such a personality as the writer of the Gospel and be able to say: “There was such a person who was thoroughly initiated into this mystery about which we must try to acquire an understanding.”
It was, moreover, necessary to call attention beforehand to the fact that we are here in an anthroposophical group in which many prejudices have been eliminated, thus making it possible to speak of such real mysteries as the insalivation of the earth's soil for healing purposes, and to say that such an incident has a literal significance.
However, let us now try to comprehend how, by knowing these facts, we unite with the idea that occupies us today namely, that the Christ is the Spirit of the earth and that the earth is His Body. We have seen the Christ spiritualizing the etheric element in one instance and have seen Him giving up something of Himself in order to perform the miracle we arc considering. Now let us consider something else. Besides what has been said today, let us take what the Christ Himself said: “The most profound mystery of My being is the I AM, and the true and eternal might of the I AM or of the Ego which has the force to permeate other bodies must flow into human beings. It dwells within the Earth Spirit.” Let us hold this clearly in mind and take very earnestly, quite seriously, the fact that, because the Christ wishes to bestow the true ego upon every human soul, He will awaken the God in it and gradually enkindle the Spirit of the Lord and King in everyone. What does this signify? We have here nothing more nor less than the fact that the Christ brings to expression, in the highest sense, the idea of Karma, the karmic law. For when anyone fully understands the idea of Karma, he will understand it in this Christian sense. It means that no man should set himself up as a judge of the inner soul of another human being. Unless the idea of Karma has been understood in this way, it has not been grasped in its deepest significance. When one man judges another, the one is always placing the other under the compulsion of his own ego. However, if a person really believes in the “I AM” in the Christian sense, he will not judge. He will say: “I know that Karma is the great adjuster. Whatever you may have done, I do not judge it!”
Let us suppose that a transgressor is brought before a person who really understands the Christ-Word. What will be his attitude toward the transgressor? Let us suppose that all those who would like to be Christians were to accuse him of a terrible sin. The real Christian would say to them: “Whether what you maintain has been done by him or not, makes no difference, the I AM must be respected; it must be left to Karma, to the great law which is the law of the Christ-Spirit Himself. Karma is fulfilled in the course of earthly evolution. We can leave it to this earthly evolution to determine what punishment Karma shall inflict upon a human being.” He would perhaps turn to the earth and say to the accusers:—“Pay heed to yourselves, it is the duty of the earth to inflict the punishment. Let us inscribe it then upon the earth where it has, moreover, been registered as Karma.”
Jesus went up to the Mount of Olives.
And early in the morning He came again into the temple and all the people came unto Him and He sat down and taught them.
And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto Him a woman taken in adultery; and they placed her in their midst.
They said unto Him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned; but what sayest Thou?
This they said, tempting Him, that they might accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground.
So when they continued asking Him, He lifted Himself up and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground.
But when they heard this, being convicted by their own conscience, they went out one by one, beginning at the eldest even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
When Jesus had lifted Himself up and saw none but the woman, He said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee?
This He said in order to turn her thoughts away from all idea of outer judgment and point to an inner Karma.
She said, No man, Lord.
She was left to her Karma. Thus the only thing for her was to think no more about “punishment” which Karma fulfills, but to change her life.
And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
Thus we see that the idea of Karma is bound up with the idea of the Christ in its deepest sense, is connected with the very significance of His Being for the earth. “If you have understood my Being, then you have comprehended also Him whose Being I express and know that the I AM brings compensation.” The impulse to independence and an inner completion is what the Christ has given to mankind.
Humanity has not even today attained a very great understanding of true, esoteric Christianity. However, when men learn to understand what is to be found in such a writing as the Gospel of St. John, they will by degrees take into themselves the Impulse present in it. Then in a far distant future, the Christian ideal will be accomplished.
Thus we see that in the post-Atlantean period the first impulse for developing the higher man flows into the earth. Tomorrow we shall become acquainted with the evolution of the human being in his relation to the Christ Impulse here in this post-Atlantean period and then, proceeding further, we shall show what the Christ of the future will be.
Siebenter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Es spitzt sich in dem Johannes-Evangelium alles zuletzt darauf zu, daß innerhalb der Menschheitsgeschichte dasjenige geschieht, was wir nennen das «Mysterium von Golgatha». Dieses Mysterium von Golgatha in esoterischer Weise verstehen, heißt zu gleicher Zeit den tiefen Sinn des Johannes-Evangeliums enträtseln. Wenn man ins Auge faßt, was eigentlich im Mittelpunkte des ganzen Mysteriums von Golgatha steht, und dies im Sinne des Okkultismus erläutern will, so muß man denken an den Augenblick der Kreuzigung, als das Blut des Erlösers aus den Wunden rann. Und wir erinnern uns dabei an etwas, was wir schon öfter im Verlaufe dieser Vorträge gesagt haben: daß für den Kenner der geistigen Welten alles, was materiell, stofflich, physisch ist, nur der äußere Ausdruck, die äußere Offenbarung ist für ein Geistiges.
[ 2 ] Und nun lassen wir vor unsere Seele treten das physische Ereignis, den Christus Jesus am Kreuz, das Blut aus den Wunden fließend. Dieses Bild, dessen Inhalt physisches Ereignis ist, was drückt es geistig für denjenigen aus, der das Johannes-Evangelium richtig verstehen kann?
[ 3 ] Dieser physische Vorgang, das Ereignis von Golgatha, ist der Ausdruck, die Offenbarung für einen geistigen Vorgang, der im Mittelpunkte alles Erdengeschehens steht. Wer im Sinne der heutigen materialistischen Weltanschauung dieses Wort auffaßt, wird sich nicht viel dabei vorstellen können. Denn er wird sich nicht denken können, daß dazumal bei diesem einzigartigen Ereignis auf Golgatha etwas geschehen ist, was sich unterscheidet von einem etwa physisch ähnlichen oder gleichen Ereignisse. Es ist ein gewaltiger, großer Unterschied zwischen allen Erdenvorgängen, die vor diesem Ereignisse auf Golgatha liegen, und denen, die nachher kommen.
[ 4 ] Wenn wir uns das einmal in den Einzelheiten in die Seele malen wollen, so müssen wir sagen: Nicht nur der einzelne Mensch oder irgendein anderes Einzelwesen hat physischen Leib, Ätherleib und Astralleib, so wie wir das in den vorhergehenden Vorträgen in mancherlei Beziehung geschildert haben, sondern auch ein Weltenkörper ist nicht nur diese physische Materie, als die er dem Astronomen und anderen physischen Forschern erscheint; auch ein Weltenkörper hat einen Ätherleib und einen astralischen Leib. Unsere Erde hat ihren Ätherleib, ihren astralischen Leib. Würde unsere Erde nicht ihren zu sich gehörigen Ätherleib haben, so würde sie nicht Pflanzen beherbergen können; würde unsere Erde nicht ihren zu sich gehörigen astralischen Leib haben, würde sie nicht Tiere beherbergen können. Wenn man sich den Ätherleib der Erde vorstellen will, so muß man sich dessen Mittelpunkt ebenso im Mittelpunkt der Erde denken, wie der physische Erdenleib seinen Mittelpunkt dort hat. Dieser ganze physische Erdenleib ist eingebettet in den Ätherleib der Erde und diese beiden zusammen wieder in einen astralischen Leib.
[ 5 ] Wenn nun jemand hellseherisch den astralischen Leib der Erde beobachtet hätte im Laufe der Erdentwickelung, im Laufe langer Zeiträume, so würde er gesehen haben, wie tatsächlich dieser astralische Leib und dieser Ätherleib der Erde nicht immer dieselben geblieben sind, daß sie sich veränderten.
[ 6 ] Um uns die Sache recht bildlich vorzustellen, wollen wir uns einmal im Geiste versetzen außerhalb der Erde auf irgendeinen anderen Stern, wollen denken, ein hellseherischer Mensch sehe von einem anderen Stern auf unsere Erde hinab. Ein solcher Mensch würde nicht nur die Erde schweben sehen als einen physischen Planeten, sondern er würde eine Aura sehen, er würde die Erde von einer Lichtaura umgeben sehen, weil er wahrnehmen würde Ätherleib und astralischen Leib der Erde. Würde nun ein solcher hellseherischer Mensch auf diesem fernen Stern lange weilen, so lange, daß er die vorchristlichen Zeiten für die Erde vorübergehen und das Ereignis von Golgatha hätte eintreten schen, so würde sich ihm folgender Anblick darbieten: Die Aura der Erde, Astralleib und Ätherleib bieten einen gewissen Anblick von Farben und Formen vor dem Ereignis von Golgatha; dann aber würde er sehen, wie die ganze Aura ihre Farben ändert von einem bestimmten Zeitpunkte an. Welcher Zeitpunkt ist das? Das ist derselbe Zeitpunkt, wo auf Golgatha das Blut aus den Wunden des Christus Jesus floß. Alle geistigen Verhältnisse der Erde als solche veränderten sich in diesem Augenblicke.
[ 7 ] Wir haben gesagt: Dasjenige, was wir den Logos nennen, das ist die Summe der sechs Elohim, die mit der Sonne vereinigt sind, die also die Erde mit ihren Gaben geistig beschenken, während äußerlich das Sonnenlicht auf die Erde niederfällt. So erschien uns das Licht der Sonne als der äußere physische Leib für Geist und Seele der Elohim oder des Logos. In dem Moment, da das Ereignis von Golgatha geschah, hat die Kraft, der Impuls, der früher nur von der Sonne der Erde zuströmen konnte im Lichte, angefangen, sich mit der Erde selbst zu vereinigen; und dadurch, daß der Logos angefangen hat, mit der Erde sich zu vereinigen, dadurch ist die Aura der Erde eine andere geworden.
[ 8 ] Wir wollen das Ereignis von Golgatha noch von einem anderen Gesichtspunkte aus betrachten. Wir haben ja jetzt schon von den verschiedensten Standpunkten aus zurückgeblickt auf das Menschenwerden und auf das Erdenwerden. Wir wissen, daß unsere Erde durchgemacht hat, bevor sie Erde wurde, die drei Verkörperungen des Saturn, der Sonne und des Mondes, so daß also die vorhergehende Verkörperung unserer Erde der alte Mond war. Wenn solch ein Planet das Ziel seiner Entwickelung erreicht hat, geht es ihm ähnlich wie einem Menschen, der in einer Inkarnation sein Lebensziel erreicht hat: der Planet geht über in ein anderes, unsichtbares Dasein, das man das Pralaya-Dasein nennt, und dann verkörpert er sich von neuem. So lag auch ein Zwischenzustand zwischen der ehemaligen Verkörperung unserer Erde, wie es der alte Mond war, und der heutigen Verkörperung. Sozusagen aus einem geistigen, in sich belebten Dasein, das aber äußerlich unsichtbar war, glänzte die Erde in dem ersten Zustand auf, aus dem dann diejenigen Zustände wurden, die wir gestern beschrieben haben. Damals, als unsere Erde also aufglänzte in jener alten Zeit, war sie noch verbunden mit allem, was zu unserem Sonnensystem gehört. Da war sie noch so groß, daß sie hinüberreichte bis zu den fernsten Planeten unseres Sonnensystems. Alles war noch eins, und die einzelnen Planeten zweigten sich erst später ab. Die Erde war verbunden bis zu einem gewissen Zeitpunkte mit unserer heutigen Sonne und mit unserem heutigen Monde. Es gab also eine Zeit, da waren Sonne, Mond und Erde ein Körper, so, wie wenn Sie den heutigen Mond und die heutige Sonne nehmen und mit der Erde zusammenrühren und einen großen Weltkörper daraus machen würden. So war einst unsere Erde; so war sie damals, als Ihr Astralleib und Ich noch in einem wasserdunstartigen Gebilde schwebten, und noch früher. Sonne, Mond und Erde waren vereinigt. Damals waren also die Kräfte, die heute in der Sonne sind, die geistigen und die physischen Kräfte, mit der Erde verbunden.
[ 9 ] Dann kam eine Zeit, da trennte sich die Sonne heraus von der Erde. Aber nicht nur die physische Sonne mit ihrem physischen Lichte, sondern diese physische Sonne, die das physische Menschenauge sieht, trennte sich heraus mit ihren geistig-seelischen Wesenheiten, an deren Spitze die Elohim, die eigentlichen Lichtgeister, die Bewohner der Sonne, stehen; und da blieb zurück dasjenige, was man erhalten würde, wenn man den heutigen Mond mit. der Erde zusammenmischte. Denn eine Zeitlang war die Erde von der Sonne getrennt, aber mit dem Mond noch vereinigt. Erst in der lemurischen Zeit trennte sich der Mond von der Erde, und da entstanden die Beziehungen zwischen den drei Körpern Sonne, Mond und Erde, wie sie heute sind. Diese Beziehungen mußten so entstehen. Es mußten die Elohim zunächst von außen wirken. Einer von ihnen mußte sich dann zum Herrn des Mondes machen und von da zurückstrahlen die gewaltige Kraft der anderen Elohim.
[ 10 ] Wir leben heute auf unserer Erde wie auf einer Insel im Weltenraume, die sich herausgegliedert hat aus Sonne und Mond. Aber es wird eine Zeit kommen, da wird unsere Erde sich wieder vereinigen mit der Sonne und eisen Körper mit ihr bilden. Da werden die Menschen dann so weit vergeistigt sein, daß sie die stärkeren Kräfte der Sonne wieder ertragen, in sich aufnehmen und mit sich vereinigen können. Dann werden die Menschen und die Elohim auf eines Schauplatz wohnen.
[ 11 ] Welche Kraft wird dies bewirken?
[ 12 ] Wäre das Ereignis von Golgatha nicht vor sich gegangen, so würde niemals eintreten können, daß Erde und Sonne sich vereinigen. Denn durch das Ereignis von Golgatha, durch das die Kraft der Elohim in der Sonne oder die Kraft des Logos sich mit der Erde verband, wurde der Impuls gegeben, der Logoskraft zu Logoskraft wiederum hintreibt und die beiden - Sonne und Erde — zuletzt wieder zusammenbringen wird, Seit dem Ereignis von Golgatha hat die Erde, geistig betrachtet, die Kraft wieder in sich, die sie mit der Sonne wieder zusammenführen wird. Deshalb sagen wir: In das geistige Dasein der Erde wurde aufgenommen, was ihr vorher von außen zuströmte, die Kraft des Logos, durch das Ereignis von Golgatha. Was lebte vorher in der Erde? Die Kraft, die von der Sonne auf die Erde niederstrahlt. Was lebt seither in der Erde? Der Logos selber, der durch Golgatha der Geist der Erde wurde.
[ 13 ] So wahr in Ihrem Leibe wohnt Ihr Seelisch-Geistiges, so wahr wohnt in dem Erdenleib, in jenem Erdenleib, der aus Steinen, Pflanzen und Tieren besteht und auf dem Sie herumwandeln, das SeelischGeistige der Erde; und dieses Seelisch-Geistige, dieser Erdengeist, das ist der Christus. Der Christus ist der Geist der Erde. Wenn also der Christus spricht zu denen, die seine intimsten Schüler sind, und bei einer Gelegenheit spricht, die zu den intimsten Gelegenheiten zwischen ihm und seinen Schülern zählt, was darf er ihnen da sagen? Welches Geheimnis darf er ihnen da anvertrauen?
[ 14 ] Er darf sagen: Es ist, wie wenn ihr von eurem Leibe in eure Seele blickt. Drinnen ist eure Seele. Und so ist es auch, wenn ihr blickt auf das ganze Erdenrund, Was jetzt zeitweilig im Fleische hier vor euch steht, das ist derselbe Geist, der nicht nur in diesem Fleische zeitweilig ist, sondern der der Geist der ganzen Erde ist, und es immer mehr werden wird. — Er durfte hinweisen auf die Erde als auf seinen wahren Leib: Wenn ihr die Halme seht und das Brot esset, das euch nährt, was eßt ihr in Wahrheit in den Ähren des Feldes? Meinen Leib eßt ihr! Und wenn ihr die Säfte der Pflanzen trinkt, was ist das? Das Blut der Erde ist es, mein Blut! — Das sagte der Christus Jesus zu seinen intimsten Jüngern wörtlich, und wir müssen die Worte nur wirklich buchstäblich nehmen. Da, wo er sie zusammenruft und wo er ihnen die christliche Einweihung, wie wir sie nennen werden, symbolisch darlegt, da spricht er zu ihnen ein merkwürdiges Wort, als er ankündigt, daß einer ihn verraten wird. Er sagt im 18. Vers des 13. Kapitels des Johannes-Evangeliums:
«Der mein Brot isset, der tritt mich mit Füßen.»
[ 15 ] Dieses Wort muß wörtlich genommen werden. Der Mensch ißt das Brot der Erde und wandelt mit seinen Füßen hier auf dieser Erde herum. Ist die Erde der Leib des Erdengeistes, das heißt des Christus, dann ist der Mensch derjenige, der mit den Füßen herumwandelt auf dem Erdenleib, der also den Leib dessen, dessen Brot er ißt, mit Füßen tritt.
[ 16 ] Eine unendliche Vertiefung der Abendmahlsidee wird uns im Sinne des Johannes-Evangeliums zuteil, wenn wir also wissen vom Christus, dem Erdengeist, und von dem Brot, das dem Leib der Erde entnommen ist. Christus weist darauf hin und sagt: «Dies ist mein Leib.» (Markus 14, 22) Wie das Muskelfleisch des Menschen zum Leib der menschlichen Seele gehört, so gehört das Brot zum Leibe der Erde, das heißt zum Leibe des Christus. Und die Säfte, die durch die Pflanzen ziehen, durch die Weinrebe pulsieren, sie sind dem Blute gleich, das durch den Menschenleib pulst. Und der Christus darf hinweisen darauf und sagen: «Dies ist mein Blut!» (Markus 14, 24). Nur wer nicht verstehen oder keine Anlage haben will zum Verstehen, der kann glauben, daß durch diese wahrhaftige Erklärung das Abendmahl etwas verlöre von der Heiligkeit, die mit dem Abendmahl verbunden ist. Wer aber verstehen will, wird sich sagen: Nichts verliert es hierdurch an Heiligkeit, aber der ganze Erdenplanet wird durch diese Auslegung geheiligt! Und welche gewaltigen Gefühle sind es, die durch unsere Seele ziehen können, wenn wir soin dem Abendmahl das größte Mysterium der Erde erblicken können: die Verbindung des Ereignisses von Golgatha mit der ganzen Evolution der Erde; wenn wir so lernen im Abendmahl zu fühlen, daß das Herausfließen des Blutes aus den Wunden des Erlösers nicht bloß eine menschliche, sondern eine kosmische Bedeutung hat, daß es nämlich der Erde die Kraft gibt, ihre Evolution weiterzubringen.
[ 17 ] So soll derjenige, der diesen tieferen Sinn des Johannes-Evangeliums versteht, fühlen, wie er nicht nur durch seinen physischen Leib mit dem physischen Leibe der Erde verbunden ist, sondern wie er als geistig-seelisches Wesen verbunden ist mit dem geistig-seelischen Wesen der Erde, das der Christus selber ist; wie der Christus als der Geist der Erde diese als seinen Leib durchflutet.
[ 18 ] Wenn wir dies empfinden, dann können wir sagen: Was leuchtete denn dem Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums auf in dem Moment, wo er die tiefen Geheimnisse schauen konnte, die mit dem Christus Jesus verbunden waren? Da sah er, welche Kraft, welche Impulse alle in dem Christus Jesus waren, und wie diese Impulse alle innerhalb der Menschheit wirken müssen, wenn die Menschheit sie nur aufnimmt.
[ 19 ] Wir müssen uns, um das klar zu durchschauen, noch einmal vor die Seele stellen, wie eigentlich die Entwickelung der Menschheit geschieht. Dieser Mensch besteht ja aus physischem Leibe, Ätherleibe, astralischem Leibe und Ich. Wie geschieht seine Entwickelung? Dadurch, daß der Mensch von seinem Ich aus nach und nach die drei anderen Glieder durcharbeitet, durchläutert, durchkraftet. Das Ich ist berufen dazu, den astralischen Leib nach und nach zu läutern, zu reinigen, auf eine höhere Stufe zu heben. Wenn der ganze astralische Leib durchläutert, durchkraftet sein wird mit der eigenen Kraft des Ich, wird er sein das Geistselbst oder Manas. Wenn der Äther- oder Lebensleib ganz und gar durchgearbeitet, durchkraftet sein wird mit der Kraft des Ich, wird er sein die Buddhi oder der Lebensgeist. Wenn der physische Leib ganz und gar überwunden, besiegt sein wird vom Ich, wird er sein Atma oder der Geistesmensch. Und dann wird der Mensch das Ziel erreicht haben, das ihm zunächst bevorsteht. Aber das wird erst in einer fernen Zukunfterreicht. Außerdem ist das, was so geschildert wird, daß der Mensch, der aus den vier Gliedern: physischer Leib, Ätherleib, astralischer Leib und Ich, besteht und von seinem Ich aus die drei andern Glieder umarbeitet zum Geistselbst, Lebensgeist und Geistesmenschen, so gemeint, daß dabei das Ich vollbewußt arbeitet. Das ist aber bei dem heutigen Menschen zum großen Teil noch gar nicht der Fall. Vollbewußt fängt der heutige Mensch im Grunde genommen erst ein wenig an, sein Manas hineinzuarbeiten in seinen astralischen Leib. Dabei ist der Mensch jetzt. Aber unbewußt, durch die Hilfe höherer Wesenheiten, hat der Mensch schon während der Erdentwickelung seine drei niederen Glieder bearbeitet. Er hat in alten Zeiten unbewußt bearbeitet seinen astralischen Leib, und es ist der astralische Leib dadurch durchsetzt mit der Empfindungsseele. Unbewußt hat das Ich hineingearbeitet in den Ätherleib, und dieser unbewußt umgeformte Ätherleib ist dasjenige, was Sie in einem systematischen Zusarmmenhange in der «’Theosophie» geschildert finden als Verstandesscele; und was unbewußt das Ich am physischen Leib gearbeitet hat, ist das, was Sie dort genannt finden Bewußtseinsseele. Die Bewußtseinsscele also ist entstanden damals gegen das Ende der atlantischen Zeit, als der Ätherleib, der früher in bezug auf seinen Kopfteil noch außerhalb des physischen Leibes war, sich allmählich ganz hineinzog in den physischen Leib. Dadurch lernte der Mensch «Ich» auszusprechen. So lebte sich der Mensch allmählich hinüber mit seinen Gliedern in die nachatlantische Zeit.
[ 20 ] Unsere Zeit ist dazu berufen, daß das Manas oder Geistselbst nach und nach eingearbeitet wird in das, was früher unbewußt schon aufgenommen ist. Der Mensch muß sozusagen in sich mit all den Kräften, die er dadurch erlangt hat, daß er heute physischen Leib, Ätherleib, astralischen Leib, Empfindungsseele, Verstandesseele, Bewußtseinsseele hat, mit all den Kräften, die ihm diese Glieder geben können, Manas ausbilden, aber dazu, wenn auch ganz spärlich, noch die Anlage zum Lebensgeist oder Buddhi. Damit ist unserer nachatlantischen Zeit die bedeutungsvolle Aufgabe gestellt, daran zu arbeiten, daß der Mensch bewußt diese höheren Glieder seines Wesens in sich entwickelt: Manas oder Geistselbst, Buddhi oder den Lebensgeist und Atma oder den Geistesmenschen, wenn das letzte Ziel auch erst in ferner Zukunft erreicht wird. Der Mensch muß heute schon nach und nach in sich die Kräfte entwickeln, seinen höheren Menschen aus dem niederen Menschen zu entwickeln,
[ 21 ] Nun wollen wir uns einmal fragen: Was ist denn dadurch im Menschen vorhanden, daß der Mensch heute noch nicht diese höheren Glieder entwickelt hat, und was wird zum Unterschiede davon in Zukunft vorhanden sein? Wie wird sich der Zukunftsmensch von dem heutigen Menschen unterscheiden?
[ 22 ] Wenn einstmals der volle höhere Mensch entwickelt sein wird, dann wird der ganze astralische Leib so durchläutert sein, daß er zu gleicher Zeit Manas oder Geistselbst geworden sein wird; der Ätherleib wird so gereinigt sein, daß er zugleich Lebensgeist oder Buddhi sein wird; und der physische Leib wird so weit umgewandelt sein, daß er, ebenso wahr wie er physischer Leib ist, zugleich Geistesmensch oder Atma sein wird. Die größte Kraft wird dazu gehören, den niedersten Leib zu überwinden, und daher wird die Überwindung und Umwandlung des physischen Leibes den höchsten Sieg für den Menschen bedeuten. Wenn die Menschen das ganz vollbringen, wird dieser physische Mensch der Geistesmensch oder Atma sein. Heute lebt alles das im Menschen nur der Anlage nach; einstmals wird es aber im Menschen voll leben. Und das Hinblicken auf die ChristusPersönlichkeit, auf die Christus-Impulse, das Sichdurchkraften, Sichstärkenlassen durch den Christus-Impuls, das zieht im Menschen das heran, wodurch er diese Umwandlung vollziehen kann.
[ 23 ] Wenn der Mensch heute diese Umwandlung noch nicht vollzogen hat, was folgt für ihn daraus? Die Geisteswissenschaft spricht das sehr einfach aus: Dadurch, daß der astralische Leib noch nicht durchläutert, noch nicht zum Geistselbst umgestaltet ist, dadurch ist möglich Selbstsucht oder Egoismus; dadurch, daß der Ätherleib noch nicht vom Ich durchkraftet ist, ist möglich Lüge und Irrtum; und dadurch, daß der physische Leib noch nicht vom Ich durchkraftet ist, dadurch ist möglich Krankheit und Tod. Nicht mehr wird es geben Selbstsucht im einst vollentwickelten Geistselbst; nicht wird es geben Krankheit und Tod, sondern lediglich Heil und Gesundheit im vollentwickelten Geistesmenschen, das heißt im vollentwickelten physischen Leibe. Was heißt denn also: Der Mensch nimmt die Christus-Impulse auf? Er lernt verstehen, welche Kraft in dem Christus ist, er nimmt die Kräfte in sich auf, die ihn dazu bringen, Herr zu sein selbst seinem physischen Leibe gegenüber.
[ 24 ] Stellen Sie sich einmal vor, ein Mensch könnte vollständig den Christus-Impuls in sich aufnehmen, auf einen Menschen könnte vollständig der Christus-Impuls übergehen, der Christus selbst stünde einem Menschen unmittelbar gegenüber, und der Christus-Impuls ginge unmittelbar auf diesen Menschen über. Was heißt das? - Wenn der Mensch blind wäre, würde er durch den unmittelbaren Einfluß dieses Christus-Impulses sehend werden können, weil das letzte Ziel der Entwickelung die Besiegung der Kräfte von Krankheit und Tod ist. Wenn der Autor des Johannes-Evangeliums spricht von der Heilung des Blindgeborenen, dann redet er aus solchen Mysterientiefen heraus, dann zeigt er an einem Beispiel, daß die Christus-Kraft eine gesundende Kraft ist, wenn sie in ihrer vollen Stärke auftritt. Wo ist sie denn, diese Kraft? Im Christus-Leibe, in der Erde. Diese Erde muß nur in Wahrheit durchsetzt sein mit dem Wesen des Christus-Geistes oder des Logos.
[ 25 ] Sehen wir einmal, ob der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums die Sache so verstanden erzählt. Wie erzählt er es? Der Blinde ist da, Christus nimmt Erde, speichelt sie ein und legt sie ihm auf — den mit seinem Geist durchsetzten Leib legt er dem Blinden auf. Mit dieser Schilderung (9, 6) zeigt der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums ein Mysterium, das er genau kennt. Und nun müssen wir — mit Außerachtlassung aller Vorurteile - einmal genauer von diesem einen der großen Zeichen des Christus Jesus sprechen, damit wir die Natur einer solchen Sache genau kennenlernen und uns nicht darum kümmern, daß unsere ganz gescheiten Zeitgenossen das, was jetzt gesagt wird, für Wahnsinn, für Toorheit halten. Sondern wir dürfen das einmal sagen, daß es große, gewaltige Geheimnisse in der Welt gibt, die heute dem Menschen noch nicht anstehen. Die heutigen Menschen, wären sie auch noch so entwickelt, sie sind nicht stark genug, die großen Mysterien auch zu tun. Wissen kann man von ihnen, einsehen kann man sie, wenn man sie geistig erleben kann; aber sie umsetzen ins Physische, dazu ist unser so tief in die Materie heruntergestiegener Mensch nicht fähig.
[ 26 ] Alles Leben ist eigentlich aus Entgegengesetztem, aus Extremen bestehend. Leben und Tod sind solche Extreme. Für die Empfindung und für die Gesinnung des Okkultisten ergibt sich etwas sehr Eigenartiges, wenn er zum Beispiel nebeneinander sieht einen Leichnam und einen lebendigen Menschen. Wenn man einen lebendigen, wachenden Menschen vor sich hat, da weiß man: da wohnt Seele und Geist darinnen. Aber bei diesem wachenden Menschen sind sie dem Bewußtsein nach sozusagen ausgeschaltet aus der ganzen Verbindung mit der geistigen Welt, sie schauen nicht hinein in die geistige Welt. Haben wir den Leichnam vor uns, dann empfinden wir, daß der Geist und die Seele, die zu diesem Leichnam gehört haben, jetzt auf dem Wege dazu sind, überzugehen in die geistigen Welten, daß ihnen dort aufleuchtet das Bewußtsein, das Licht der geistigen Welt. Und so wird der Leichnam zum Symbolum dessen, was in den geistigen Welten geschieht. Aber auch im Physischen sind die Abbilder dessen, was im Geistigen geschieht, da, nur in einer merkwürdigen Weise. Wenn ein Mensch wieder zur Geburt heruntersteigt, dann muß ihm ein leiblicher Teil auferbaut werden. Da muß sozusagen Materie zusammenschießen, daß ein Leib ihm gebaut werde. Und für einen Hellseher stellt sich dieses Zusammenschießen von Materie so dar, daß in der geistigen Welt gleichsam das dortige Bewußtsein stirbt. Dort stirbt es — hier lebt es auf. Im Zusammenschießen der Materie zu einem physischen Menschenleibe sieht man in einer gewissen Weise ersterben ein geistiges Bewußtsein. Und wahrhaftig, im Verwesen oder Verbrennen des physischen Leibes, wenn sich die Teile auseinanderbewegen, sich auflösen, da zeigt sich zu gleicher Zeit im Geistigen das Entgegengesetzte, da zeigt sich das Entstehen eines geistigen Bewußtseins. Physische Auflösung ist geistige Geburt. Deshalb sind auch alle Zersetzungsprozesse, alle Auflösungsprozesse für den Okkultisten noch etwas ganz anderes. Ein Kirchhof, wo sich physische Leiber auflösen, der ist geistig gesehen — abgesehen von den Menschen, es ist jetzt gemeint, was geistig vorgeht im Kirchhof selber — ein merkwürdiger Prozeß: ein fortwährendes Aufleuchten und Aufglänzen von geistigen Geburten. — Nehmen wir nun einmal an, ein Mensch gäbe sich physisch - niemandem wird das natürlich angeraten, denn die heutigen Körper vertragen das auf keinen Fall -, nehmen wir an, ein Mensch gäbe sich in eine gewisse Schulung, er würde seinen physischen Leib dadurch trainieren, daß er während einer gewissen vorgeschriebenen Zeit Verwesungsluft atmet mit dem Bewußtsein, den geistigen Vorgang in sich aufzunehmen, der eben geschildert worden ist. Wenn er dies tut in der entsprechenden Weise, dann kann er allerdings in nächsten Inkarnationen - es ist nicht in einer Inkarnation zu machen — mit jener Kraft verkörpert werden, die belebende und gesundende Impulse gibt. Totenluft einatmen, das gehört zur Schulung, um seinen Speichel nach und nach zu der Kraft zu bringen, daß er mit der gewöhnlichen Erde zusammen das gibt, was der Christus dem Blinden in die Augen gerieben hat.
[ 27 ] Dieses Mysterium, durch das man den Tod konsumiert, den T'od iBt oder atmet, wodurch man die Kraft erhält, gesund zu machen, das ist das Geheimnis, auf das der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums deutet, indem er uns solche Zeichen zeigt wie die Heilung des Blindgeborenen. Und man möchte viel lieber, statt daß die Leute fort und fort deklamieren, ob man eine solche Sache so oder so nehmen müsse, daß sie lernen könnten, daß es so etwas wörtlich gibt, wie es geschildert ist in der Heilung des Blinden, und daß sie die Achtung gewinnen könnten vor einer solchen Persönlichkeit, wie es der Schreiber des Johannes-Evangeliums ist, so daß sie sich sagen: Es war eine solche Persönlichkeit, die in diese Mysterien wohl eingeweiht war, und wir müssen versuchen, uns das Verständnis dieser Mysterien anzueignen. |
[ 28 ] Es war allerdings notwendig, daß ich vorher darauf aufmerksam machte, daß man sich dabei in einen anthroposophischen Zweige befindet, in dem über manche Vorurteile hinweggesehen wird, wenn ein solches wirkliches Mysterium erzählt wird, wie das Einspeicheln der Erde zum Heilmittel, und dabei gesagt wird, daß auch ein solches Ereignis eine buchstäbliche Bedeutung hat.
[ 29 ] Nun aber versuchen wir zu begreifen, wie eng wir zusammenwachsen dadurch, daß wir so etwas wissen, mit der Idee, die uns heute beschäftigt: daß der Christus der Geist der Erde ist und die Erde sein Leib. Wir sahen den Christus die Erde durchgeistigen an einem Beispiel und sahen ihn ein Stück von sich selbst hingeben, um das auszuführen, um was es sich da handelt.
[ 30 ] Und jetzt nehmen wir einmal etwas anderes. Nehmen wir zu alledem, was wir heute gesagt haben, das hinzu, daß der Christus sagt: Das tiefste Geheimnis meines Wesens ist das «Ich-bin»; und die wahre und ewige Gewalt des «Ich-bin» oder des Ich, die die Kraft hat, die anderen Leiber zu durchdringen, muß einfließen in den Menschen. Sie ist im Erdengeist darinnen. — Halten wir uns das einmal vor, und nehmen wir es ganz ernst, vollständig ernst, daß dadurch, daß der Christus den wahren Besitz des Ich für jeden Menschen vermitteln will, er den Gott in jedem Menschen wecken, den Herrn und König in jedem Menschen nach und nach entzünden will. Was zeigt sich uns dann? Dann stellt sich uns nichts Geringeres dar, als daß der Christus im eminentesten Sinne die Karma-Idee, das Karmagesetz zum Ausdruck bringt. Denn wird man einmal die Karma-Idee vollständig verstehen, dann wird man sie in diesem christlichen Sinne verstehen. Sie bedeutet nichts Geringeres, als daß kein Mensch sich aufwerfe zum Richter über das Innerste eines anderen Menschen. Wer die KarmaIdee noch nicht in diesem Sinne erfaßt hat, hat sie nicht in ihrer Tiefe erfaßt. Solange ein Mensch über den anderen richtet, so lange stellt ein Mensch den anderen unter den Zwang des eigenen Ich. Wenn aber einer wirklich an das «Ich-bin» im christlichen Sinne glaubt, richtet er nicht; dann sagt er: Ich weiß, daß das Karma der große Ausgleicher ist. Was du auch getan hast, ich richte nicht! -— Nehmen wir einmal an, man brächte einen Sünder vor einen, der das ChristusWort in Wahrheit versteht. Was wird der diesem Sünder gegenüber’ für ein Benehmen haben? Nehmen wir an, alle, die da Christen sein wollen, würden diesen Menschen einer schweren Sünde anklagen. Der wirkliche Christ würde sagen: Was ihr auch vorbringt, ob er es getan hat oder nicht, respektiert muß werden das «Ich-bin», dem Karma muß es überlassen werden, dem großen Gesetz, das das Gesetz des Christus-Geistes selber ist. Dem Christus selber muß es überlassen bleiben. - Karma vollzieht sich im Laufe der Erdentwickelung; wir können es dieser Entwickelung selber überlassen, welche Strafe Karma über den Menschen verhängt. Man würde sich vielleicht zur Erde wenden und zu den Anklägern sagen: Kümmert euch um euch selbst! Der Erde obliegt es, die Strafe zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Schreiben wir es also in die Erde ein, wo es ja ohnehin als Karma eingeschrieben ist!
«Jesus aber ging auf den Ölberg.
Und frühmorgens kam er wieder in den Tempel, und alles Volk kam zu ihm; und er setzte sich und lehrte sie.
Aber die Schriftgelehrten und Pharisäer brachten ein Weib zu ihm, im Ehebruch ergriffen, und stellten sie ins Mittel dar,
Und sprachen zu ihm: Meister, dieses Weib ist ergriffen auf frischer Tat im Ehebruch.
Moses aber hat uns im Gesetz geboten, solche zu steinigen; was sagest du?
Das sprachen sie aber, ihn zu versuchen, auf daß sie eine Sache wider ihn hätten. Aber Jesus bückte sich nieder und schrieb mit dem Finger auf die Erde.
Und als sie anhielten, ihn zu fragen, richtete er sich auf und sprach zu ihnen: Wer unter euch ohne Sünde ist, der werfe den ersten Stein auf sie.
Und bückte sich wieder nieder und schrieb auf die Erde.
Da sie aber das hörten, gingen sie hinaus, von ihrem Gewissen überführt, einer nach dem andern, von den Ältesten an bis zu den Geringsten; und Jesus ward gelassen allein, und das Weib im Mittel stehend.
Jesus aber richtete sich auf; und da er niemand sah denn das Weib, sprach er zu ihr: Weib, wo sind sie, deine Verkläger? Hat dich niemand verdammt?» (8, 1-10)
[ 31 ] Er spricht das, um alles Von-außen-Richten abzulenken und hinzuwei sen auf das innere Karma.
«Sie aber sprach: Herr, niemand.» (8, 11)
[ 32 ] Sie ist ihrem Karma überlassen. Da ist es das einzige, nicht weiter an die Strafe zu denken, die im Karma sich erfüllt, sondern sich zu bessern:
«Jesus aber sprach: So verdamme ich dich auch nicht; gehe hin und sündige hinfort nicht mehr!» (8, 11)
[ 33 ] So sehen wir, wie mit der tiefsten Idee des Christus, mit der Bedeutung seiner Wesenheit für die Erde, die Karma-Idee zusammenhängt: Habt ihr meine Wesenheit begriffen, dann habt ihr auch den begriffen, dessen Wesen ich ausdrücke, und daß das «Ich-bin» den Ausgleich herbeiführt. — Selbständigkeit und innere Geschlossenheit, das ist es, was der Christus als Impuls den Menschen gegeben hat.
[ 34 ] Die Menschen sind heute noch nicht sehr weit gelangt, das wahre, innere Christentum zu begreifen. Aber wenn die Menschen verstehen lernen, was in einer solchen Schrift liegt, wie es das Johannes-Evangelium ist, werden sie die in ihr liegenden Impulse nach und nach aufnehmen. Dann wird sich in einer fernen Zukunft das christliche Ideal erfüllen.
[ 35 ] So sehen wir, wie in der nachatlantischen Zeit in die Erde hineinfließt der erste Impuls, um den höheren Menschen zu entwickeln.
[ 36 ] Morgen werden wir die Entwickelung des Menschen im Zusammenhange mit dem Christus-Prinzip gerade in dieser nachatlantischen Zeit kennenlernen, um davon ausgehend zu zeigen, was Christus in der Zukunft sein wird.
Seventh Lecture
[ 1 ] In the Gospel of John, everything comes to a head in the end with the realization, within human history, of what we call the 'Mystery of Golgotha'. To understand this Mystery of Golgotha in an esoteric way means at the same time to unravel the deep meaning of the Gospel of John. If we consider what is actually at the center of the whole Mystery of Golgotha and try to explain it in terms of occultism, we must think of the moment of the crucifixion when the Redeemer's blood ran from His wounds. And we recall something that we have already said several times in the course of these lectures: that for the connoisseur of the spiritual worlds, everything that is material, physical, is only the outer expression, the outer manifestation of a spiritual reality.
[ 2 ] And now let us call to mind the physical event, Christ Jesus on the cross, the blood flowing from His wounds. This image, the content of which is a physical event, what does it express spiritually for someone who can understand the Gospel of John correctly?
[ 3 ] This physical event, the event of Golgotha, is the expression, the revelation of a spiritual process that stands at the center of all earthly happenings. Anyone who understands this word in terms of today's materialistic worldview will not be able to imagine much. For he will not be able to imagine that something happened at that unique event at Golgotha that differs from any other, physically similar or identical, event. There is an enormous, great difference between all the events on earth that took place before the event at Golgotha and those that came afterwards.
[ 4 ] If we want to visualize this in detail, we have to say: Not only the individual human being or any other individual creature has a physical body, ether body and astral body, as we have described in the previous lectures in a number of ways, but also a world body is not only this physical matter, as it appears to astronomers and other physical researchers; a world body also has an ether body and an astral body. Our Earth has its etheric body and its astral body. If our Earth did not have its own etheric body, it would not be able to harbor plants; if our Earth did not have its own astral body, it would not be able to harbor animals. If one wants to imagine the etheric body of the earth, one must think of its center as being in the center of the earth, just as the physical body of the earth has its center there. This entire physical body of the earth is embedded in the etheric body of the earth, and these two together are embedded in an astral body.
[ 5 ] If someone had clairvoyantly observed the astral body of the earth in the course of the earth's evolution, over long periods of time, he would have seen that this astral body and this etheric body of the earth have not always remained the same, that they have changed.
[ 6 ] To visualize this quite clearly, let us imagine ourselves outside the Earth on some other star, let us think of a clairvoyant person looking down on our Earth from another star. Such a person would not only see the Earth floating as a physical planet, but he would see an aura, he would see the Earth surrounded by a light aura, because he would perceive the etheric and astral bodies of the Earth. If such a clairvoyant person were to linger on this distant star for a long time, long enough for the pre-Christian times on Earth to pass and for the event of Golgotha to occur, he would see the following: The aura of the Earth, the astral body and the etheric body present a certain appearance of colors and forms before the event of Golgotha; but then he would see how the whole aura changes its colors from a certain point in time. What point in time is that? It is the same point in time when the blood flowed from the wounds of Christ Jesus at Golgotha. All spiritual conditions on earth as such changed at that moment.
[ 7 ] We have said: That which we call the Logos is the sum of the six Elohim who are united with the sun, who thus bestow spiritual gifts upon the earth, while outwardly the sunlight falls upon the earth. Thus the light of the sun appeared to us as the outer physical body for the spirit and soul of the Elohim or Logos. From the moment the event of Golgotha occurred, the power, the impulse, which formerly could only flow from the Sun to the Earth in the light, began to unite with the Earth itself; and because the Logos began to unite with the Earth, the aura of the Earth has become different.
[ 8 ] We want to look at the event of Golgotha from yet another point of view. We have already looked back at becoming human and becoming Earth from a wide variety of perspectives. We know that our Earth went through three embodiments of Saturn, the Sun and the Moon before it became Earth, so that the previous embodiment of our Earth was the old Moon. When such a planet has reached the goal of its development, it experiences a similar fate to a human being who has achieved his life's goal in an incarnation: the planet passes into another, invisible existence, called the pralaya existence, and then it embodies itself anew. Our Earth, too, was in an intermediate state between its former incarnation as the old moon and its present incarnation. From a spiritual, in itself living existence, but one that was invisible on the outside, the Earth shone forth in its first state, which then became the states we described yesterday. At that time, when our Earth shone in those ancient times, it was still connected with everything that belongs to our solar system. It was still so large that it extended to the most distant planets of our solar system. Everything was still one, and the individual planets only separated later. The Earth was connected with our present sun and with our present moon until a certain point in time. So there was a time when the sun, moon and earth were one body, just as if you took today's moon and today's sun and mixed them with the earth to make one large world body. That is how our earth once was; that is how it was back then, when your astral body and I were still floating in a watery, vapor-like form, and even earlier. The sun, moon and earth were united. At that time, the forces that are now in the sun, the spiritual and the physical forces, were connected to the earth.
[ 9 ] Then there came a time when the sun separated from the earth. But not only the physical sun with its physical light, but this physical sun, which the physical human eye sees, separated out with its spiritual-soul entities, at the head of which stand the Elohim, the actual spirits of light, the inhabitants of the sun; and what remained was what would be obtained if today's moon were mixed together with the earth. For a time the Earth was separated from the Sun, but still united with the Moon. It was only in the Lemurian period that the Moon separated from the Earth, and that is how the relationships between the three bodies, Sun, Moon and Earth, came about as they are today. These relationships had to develop in this way. At first the Elohim had to work from the outside. One of them then had to make himself lord of the moon and from there the other Elohim radiated their mighty power.
[ 10 ] Today we live on our earth as if on an island in space, which has been separated from the sun and moon. But the time will come when our Earth will reunite with the Sun and form an iron body with it. Then people will have spiritualized to such an extent that they will be able to endure the stronger forces of the Sun again, absorb them and unite with them. Then humans and the Elohim will dwell on one theater.
[ 11 ] What force will bring this about?
[ 12 ] If the event of Golgotha had not happened, it would never be possible for the earth and the sun to unite. For through the event of Golgotha, through which the power of the Elohim in the Sun, or the power of the Logos, united with the Earth, the impulse was given that drives the power of the Logos to the power of the Logos and will ultimately bring the two – Sun and Earth – together again. Since the event of Golgotha, the Earth, spiritually speaking, has the power within it again that will reunite it with the Sun. That is why we say: what was previously flowing into the earth from the outside, the power of the Logos, was incorporated into the spiritual existence of the earth through the event of Golgotha. What lived in the earth before? The power that radiates down from the sun to the earth. What has been living in the earth since then? The Logos Himself, who through Golgotha became the spirit of the earth.
[ 13 ] Just as your soul and spirit dwells in your body, so does the soul and spirit of the earth dwell in the earthly body, in the earthly body that consists of stones, plants and animals and on which you walk; and this soul and spirit, this earthly spirit, that is the Christ. The Christ is the spirit of the Earth. So when the Christ speaks to those who are his most intimate disciples, and speaks on an occasion that is among the most intimate occasions between him and his disciples, what may he say to them? What secret may he confide to them?
[ 14 ] He may say: It is as if you were to look from your body into your soul. Your soul is within. And so it is when you look at the whole world. What is now temporarily in the flesh before you is the same spirit that is not only in this flesh temporarily, but is the spirit of the whole earth, and will become more and more. He was allowed to refer to the earth as his true body: “When you see the stalks and eat the bread that nourishes you, what do you really eat in the ears of corn in the field? You eat my body! And when you drink the juices of the plants, what is that? It is the blood of the earth, my blood!” These are the exact words of Christ Jesus to his most intimate disciples, and we need only take them literally. When he calls them together and symbolically explains Christian initiation, as we will call it, to them, he speaks a remarkable word to them when he announces that one of them will betray him. He says in the 18th verse of the 13th chapter of the Gospel of John:
“He who eats my bread tramples me under his feet.”
[ 15 ] This word must be taken literally. Man eats the bread of the earth and walks around on this earth with his feet. If the earth is the body of the earth spirit, that is, of the Christ, then man is the one who walks around on the body of the earth with his feet, who thus tramples the body of the one whose bread he eats.
[ 16 ] An infinite deepening of the idea of the Lord's Supper is bestowed upon us in the sense of the Gospel of John, when we know about the Christ, the earth spirit, and about the bread that is taken from the body of the earth. Christ points this out and says: “This is my body.” (Mark 14:22) Just as the muscle tissue of a human being belongs to the body of the human soul, so the bread belongs to the body of the earth, that is, to the body of Christ. And the juices that course through the plants, that pulsate through the grapevine, are like the blood that pulses through the human body. And Christ may point to it and say: “This is my blood!” (Mark 14:24). Only those who do not want to understand or have no inclination to understand can believe that with this true explanation, the sacrament would lose some of the holiness associated with it. But those who want to understand will say to themselves: It loses nothing of its holiness by this, but the whole earth is sanctified by this interpretation! And what tremendous feelings can pass through our soul when we can see in the sacrament the greatest mystery on earth: the connection of the event of Golgotha with the whole evolution of the earth; when we learn to feel in the Lord's Supper that the flowing out of blood from the wounds of the Redeemer has not only a human but a cosmic significance, namely, that it gives the earth the strength to advance its evolution.
[ 17 ] Thus, anyone who understands the deeper meaning of the Gospel of John should feel how they are connected not only through their physical body to the physical body of the Earth, but also as a spiritual-soul being to the spiritual-soul being of the Earth, which is the Christ Himself; and how the Christ, as the Spirit of the Earth, permeates the Earth as His body.
[ 18 ] When we feel this, we can say: What then dawned on the writer of the Gospel of John at the moment when he was able to see the deep mysteries connected with Christ Jesus? He saw what power and what impulses were all in Christ Jesus, and how these impulses must all work within humanity if humanity only accepts them.
[ 19 ] In order to see this clearly, we must once more consider how the development of humanity actually takes place. This human being consists of a physical body, an etheric body, an astral body and an I. How does his development take place? Through the fact that the human being, starting from his I, gradually works through, purifies and strengthens the other three members. The I is called upon to gradually purify, cleanse and raise the astral body to a higher level. When the entire astral body has been purified and strengthened with the power of the I, it becomes the spirit self or Manas. When the etheric or life body has been completely permeated and permeated with the power of the ego, it will be the buddhi or spirit of life. When the physical body has been completely overcome and conquered by the ego, it will be the atma or spiritual man. And then man will have achieved the goal that is nearest to him. But that will only be achieved in the distant future. Furthermore, what is described, that is, the human being, who consists of the four limbs: physical body, etheric body, astral body and I, and who, from his I, transforms the other three limbs into a spiritual self, a life spirit and a spiritual human being, is meant to imply that the I works fully consciously. But in the case of today's man, this is for the most part not yet the case. Today's man is only just beginning to work his manas into his astral body in a fully conscious way. This is where man is now. But unconsciously, with the help of higher beings, man has already worked on his three lower members during the evolution of the earth. In ancient times he unconsciously worked on his astral body, and as a result the astral body is permeated with the sentient soul. Unconsciously, the I has worked into the etheric body, and this unconsciously transformed etheric body is what you find described in a systematic context in 'Theosophy' as the mind cell; and what the I has unconsciously worked on the physical body is what you find there called the consciousness soul. The consciousness soul thus came into being towards the end of the Atlantean period, when the etheric body, which used to be outside the physical body in relation to its head part, gradually moved all the way into the physical body. This is how man learned to pronounce “I”. And so, little by little, the human being and his limbs moved into the post-Atlantean time.
[ 20 ] Our time is called upon to gradually incorporate the manas or spirit self into what was previously unconsciously absorbed. Man must, so to speak, develop manas within himself with all the powers that he has acquired through having a physical body, etheric body, astral body, sentient soul, mind soul, consciousness soul, with all the powers that these members can give him, but also, if only very sparsely, the disposition for the spirit of life or buddhi. Thus our post-Atlantean time is faced with the significant task of working to consciously develop these higher aspects of his nature within himself: manas or spirit-self, buddhi or the spirit of life, and atma or the spiritual man, even if the final goal will only be reached in the distant future. Man must already gradually develop within himself the powers to develop his higher man out of the lower man,
[ 21 ] Now let us ask ourselves: What is present in man today because he has not yet developed these higher members, and what will be present in the future in contrast to this? How will the man of the future differ from the man of today?
[ 22 ] When the fully developed higher man has once been evolved, then the entire astral body will have been so purified that it will have become the Manas or spirit self at the same time; the etheric body will have been so purified that it will be the life spirit or Buddhi at the same time; and the physical body will have been so transformed that that he, as truly as he is a physical body, will also be a spiritual man or Atma. The greatest power will be needed to overcome the lowest body, and therefore the conquest and transformation of the physical body will mean the highest victory for man. When people accomplish this completely, this physical man will be the spiritual man or Atma. Today, all this lives in man only in potential; but in the future it will live fully in man. And the attention paid to the Christ-personality, to the Christ-impulses, the self-strengthening, the letting oneself be strengthened by the Christ-impulse, draws forth in man that by which he can accomplish this transformation.
[ 23 ] If a person today has not yet undergone this transformation, what are the consequences for him? Spiritual science expresses this very simply: Because the astral body has not yet been purified, has not yet been transformed into the spirit self, selfishness or egoism is possible; because the etheric body has not yet been permeated by the I, lies and error are possible; and because the physical body has not yet been permeated by the I, illness and death are possible. There will no longer be selfishness in the once fully developed spiritual self; there will be no more illness and death, but only salvation and health in the fully developed spiritual man, that is, in the fully developed physical body. What does it mean then: the person takes up the Christ impulses? He learns to understand what power is in the Christ, he takes up the powers in himself that lead him to be Lord even over his physical body.
[ 24 ] Imagine for a moment that a person could completely absorb the Christ impulse within themselves, that the Christ impulse could completely pass over to a person, that Christ Himself would be directly facing a person, and that the Christ impulse would immediately pass over to that person. What does that mean? If the person were blind, he would be able to see through the direct influence of this Christ impulse, because the ultimate goal of development is to conquer the forces of illness and death. When the author of the Gospel of John speaks of the healing of the man born blind, he is speaking from such depths of mystery, he is showing by way of example that the power of Christ is a healing power when it appears in its full strength. Where is it, then, this power? In the body of Christ, in the earth. This earth must be permeated with the essence of the Christ-spirit or the Logos.
[ 25 ] Let us see if the writer of the Gospel of John tells the story as he understands it. How does he tell it? The blind man is there, Christ takes earth, spits on it and lays it on him – he lays his body, permeated with his spirit, on the blind man. With this description (9:6), the writer of the Gospel of John reveals a mystery that he knows well. And now we must – leaving all prejudices aside – speak more precisely about this one of the great signs of Christ Jesus, so that we may come to know the nature of such a thing, and not worry about our very clever contemporaries considering what is being said here to be madness, to be foolishness. But we may say that there are great, mighty secrets in the world that are not yet for man today. Today's people, no matter how developed they are, are not strong enough to do the great mysteries. They can be known by people, they can be understood if they can be experienced spiritually, but our human beings, who have descended so deeply into matter, are incapable of realizing them in the physical world.
[ 26 ] All life actually consists of opposites, of extremes. Life and death are such extremes. For the perception and attitude of the occultist, something very peculiar arises when he sees, for example, a corpse and a living person next to each other. When you have a living, waking person before you, you know that soul and spirit dwell within. But in this waking person, they are, so to speak, switched off from consciousness in the whole connection with the spiritual world; they do not see into the spiritual world. When we have the corpse before us, then we feel that the spirit and soul that belonged to this corpse are now on the way to passing over into the spiritual worlds, that there the consciousness, the light of the spiritual world, will shine for them. And so the corpse becomes a symbol of what happens in the spiritual worlds. But the images of what happens in the spiritual are also there in the physical, only in a remarkable way. When a person descends to birth again, then a bodily part must be built up for him. Matter must, as it were, be shot together to build a body for him. And for a clairvoyant, this shooting together of matter appears in such a way that, in the spiritual world, the consciousness there, as it were, dies. There it dies — here it comes to life. In the shooting together of matter to form a physical human body, one sees, in a certain sense, the dying of a spiritual consciousness. And truly, in the decomposition or burning of the physical body, when the parts move apart and dissolve, at the same time the opposite occurs in the spiritual, the emergence of spiritual consciousness. Physical dissolution is spiritual birth. That is why all processes of decomposition and dissolution are something quite different for the occultist. A churchyard, where physical bodies disintegrate, is spiritually seen — leaving aside the people, it is now meant what happens spiritually in the churchyard itself — a remarkable process: a continuous flashing and shining of spiritual births. — Now let us assume that a person were to undergo physical training – of course no one is advised to do this, because today's bodies cannot tolerate it under any circumstances – let us assume that a person were to undergo a certain training, he would train his physical body by breathing putrefactive air for a certain prescribed time with the conscious intention of absorbing the spiritual process that has just been described. If he does this in the appropriate way, then he can indeed be embodied in the next incarnations – it cannot be done in one incarnation – with the power that gives invigorating and healing impulses. Breathing in the air of the dead is part of the training to gradually bring one's saliva to the power that, together with the ordinary earth, gives what the Christ rubbed into the blind man's eyes.
[ 27 ] This mystery, through which one consumes death, the T'od iBt or breathing, whereby one receives the power to heal, that is the secret to which the writer of the Gospel of John points, showing us such signs as the healing of the man born blind. And one would much rather, instead of people going on and on about whether something should be taken this way or that, that they could learn that there is something literal to it as it is described in the healing of the blind man, and that they could gain respect for a personality like the author of the Gospel of John, so that they could say to themselves: There was such a personality who was well initiated into these mysteries, and we must try to acquire an understanding of these mysteries. |
[ 28 ] It was necessary, however, that I pointed out beforehand that one is in an anthroposophical branch in which some prejudices are overlooked when such a real mystery is told, as the insalivation of the earth as a remedy, and it is said that such an event also has a literal meaning.
[ 29 ] But now let us try to understand how closely we grow together through knowing something like this, with the idea that concerns us today: that the Christ is the spirit of the earth and the earth is his body. We saw the Christ spiritualizing the earth through an example and saw him give up a part of himself in order to carry out what is at stake.
[ 30 ] And now let's take something else. Let us add to all that we have said today the fact that the Christ says: The deepest secret of my being is the “I am”; and the true and eternal power of the “I am” or of the I, which has the strength to penetrate the other bodies, must flow into the human being. It is in the spirit of the earth. Let us bear this in mind and take it very seriously, completely seriously, that through the fact that the Christ wants to convey the true possession of the I for every human being, He wants to awaken the God in every human being, to gradually ignite the Lord and King in every human being. What then presents itself to us? Then nothing less presents itself to us than that the Christ expresses the idea of karma in the most eminent sense, the law of karma. For if one should ever understand the idea of karma completely, then one will understand it in this Christian sense. It means nothing less than that no human being should set himself up as judge over the innermost being of another human being. He who has not yet grasped the idea of karma in this sense has not grasped it in its depth. As long as one person judges another, one person places the other under the compulsion of his own ego. But if one truly believes in the “I am” in the Christian sense, he does not judge; then he says: I know that karma is the great equalizer. Whatever you have done, I do not judge! — Let us assume that a sinner is brought before someone who truly understands the words of Christ. How will this person behave towards the sinner? Let us assume that all those who want to be Christians accuse this person of a serious sin. The real Christian would say: Whatever you say, whether he has done it or not, must be respected by the “I am”, it must be left to karma, to the great law, which is the law of the Christ-spirit itself. It must be left to the Christ Himself. Karma takes place in the course of the evolution of the earth; we can leave it to this evolution itself to decide what punishment karma inflicts on man. One would perhaps turn to the earth and say to the accusers: Mind your own business! It is the earth's responsibility to express the punishment. So let us inscribe it in the earth, where it is inscribed as karma anyway!
"But Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.
And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down and taught them.
And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,
And they said unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
Now Moses in the law commanded us to stone such women: but what sayest thou?
This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
And when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are they thine accusers? Did no man condemn thee?” (8: 1-10)
[ 31 ] He says this to divert attention away from judging from the outside and to point to inner karma.
“But she said, ‘Lord, no one’.” (8: 11)
[ 32 ] She is abandoned to her karma. The only thing left for her to do is not to think about the punishment that will be fulfilled in the karma, but to improve:
“But Jesus said, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.” (8, 11)
[ 33 ] Thus we see how the deepest idea of Christ, the significance of His Being for the earth, is connected with the idea of karma: If you have grasped my essence, then you have also grasped that essence of Whom I am the expression, and that the “I AM” brings about the equalization. Independence and inner unity, that is what the Christ has given as an impulse to men.
[ 34 ] Men today have not yet come very far in understanding true, inner Christianity. But when men learn to understand what lies in a writing such as the Gospel of John, they will gradually absorb the impulses contained in it. Then, in the distant future, the Christian ideal will be fulfilled.
[ 35 ] Thus we see how in the post-Atlantean time the first impulse flows into the earth to develop the higher human being.
[ 36 ] Tomorrow we will get to know the development of man in connection with the Christ principle in this post-Atlantic period, in order to show from this what Christ will be in the future.