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The Gospel of St. John
GA 103

27 May 1908, Hamburg

VIII. Human Evolution in Its Relation to the Christ Principle

We have seen that we come closer to the profound meaning of the Gospel of St. John when we seek to approach it from various sides, and yesterday we were able from a certain point of view to indicate one of the most significant mysteries of this Gospel. In order that we may gradually reach a complete understanding of the mystery presented yesterday, it will now be necessary to consider the advent of Christ-Jesus in our postAtlantean period. We have gathered together the most varied material in order that we might trace the evolution of the human being and within it the Christ Principle. Today we shall try to understand why, just at this point of time in our evolution, the Christ appeared as a human being walking upon the earth and we shall in this way form a connection with what we have already heard in part in the last lectures. Now we shall have to consider especially the evolution of our humanity in the post-Atlantean period.

We have repeatedly stated that at a time very far in the past our forefathers dwelt out there in the west in a region now occupied by the Atlantic Ocean. Our forebears dwelt upon old Atlantis. In the lecture of the day before yesterday we were able to call attention especially to the external bodily appearance of these our Atlantean forefathers. We have seen that the physical body, visible now to the external human sense organs, only slowly and gradually reached the present density of flesh which it now possesses. We said that not until the last part of the Atlantean period did men bear some resemblance to their present form. Even toward the last third of the Atlantean period they were still essentially very different creatures from the men of today, although to the external senses they appeared much the same. We can best make clear what progress the human being has made, if we compare him in his present state with any of the existing higher animals. However highly developed the animal may be, it must now be clear for various reasons how the human being differs essentially from the animal. We find that upon the physical plane or in the physical world, every animal consists of physical body, ether or life body and astral body; that these three parts compose its animal being in the physical world.

You must not imagine that only what is physical exists in the physical world. It would be a great mistake if you were to seek all that is etheric or in fact all that is astral only in the super-sensible world. It is true you can see only what is physical with the physical senses in the physical world, but that is not because only what is physical exists here. No, the ether and astral bodies of the animals are present in the physical world and the clairvoyantly endowed person can see them. It is only when he wishes to reach the real ego of the animal that he can no longer remain in the physical world; he must then mount into the astral regions. There the group-soul or group-ego of the animals is to be found and the difference between the human being and the animal consists in the ego of the former also being present here below in the physical world. This means that here in the physical world, the human creature consists of a physical, ether and astral body and an ego, although the three higher members, from the ether body upwards, are only perceptible to clairvoyant consciousness. This difference between the human being and the animal is expressed clairvoyantly in a certain way. Let us suppose that a person endowed with clairvoyance is observing a horse and a man. Extending beyond the horse's head, which is lengthened out to a muzzle, he finds an etheric appendage. This etheric head protrudes beyond the physical head of the horse and is magnificently organized; these two do not coincide in the horse. But he finds that in the human being of the present, the etheric head corresponds almost exactly in form and size to the physical. Clairvoyantly observed, the elephant makes an extremely grotesque appearance with its extraordinarily huge etheric head; it is, indeed, etherically a very grotesque animal. In the human beings of the present, the physical and etheric heads coincide and in form and size they are very nearly alike. This, however, has not always been the case. We find it so only in the last third of the Atlantean period. The ancient Atlanteans' etheric head protruded far beyond his physical head, then by degrees these two grew together and it was in the last third of the Atlantean period that the physical and the etheric heads exactly coincided. In the brain, near the eyes, there is a point which coincides with a very definite point in the etheric head. These points were apart in ancient times; the etheric point was outside of the brain. These two important points have drawn together and only when this occurred did the human being learn to say “I” to himself. Then appeared what we yesterday called the “Consciousness Soul.” Through the coincidence of the etheric and physical heads, the appearance of the human head changed very greatly, for the head of the ancient Atlantean was still very different in appearance from the head of present human beings. If we wish to understand how the present evolution became possible, we must consider a little the physical conditions in ancient Atlantis.

If you had been able to walk through ancient Atlantis, out there in the west, you would not have been able to experience the conditions of rain, fog, air and sunshine that we have now in our present earth. At that time mists pervaded especially the northern regions, west of Scandinavia. Those human beings who lived in ancient Atlantis, in the region where Ireland now stands and even further to the West, never saw rain and sunshine as separate phenomena as is now the case. They were always immersed in mist and only with the Atlantean Flood did the time come when the fog banks separated from the air and were precipitated into the ocean. You might have searched through the whole of Atlantis and you would not have found that spectacle which is now well known to you all as an extraordinary phenomenon of nature; it would have been impossible to discover a rainbow. That is only possible through a separation of rain and sunshine such as can now exist in the atmosphere. On Atlantis before the Flood, you would have found no rainbow. Only gradually, after the Flood, did this phenomenon appear, that is, it became a physical possibility. If after having received these communications of Spiritual Science, you recall that the memory of the Atlantean Flood is preserved in the various sagas and myths of the Deluge and that after the Deluge, Noah came forth and first saw the rainbow, then you will get some idea of how literally and profoundly true the religious documents are. It is a fact that human beings first saw a rainbow after the Atlantean Flood. These are the experiences which can be had by one who acquaints himself with occultism, and then bit by bit learns to understand how literally the religious documents must be taken. Of course one must first learn to understand the alphabet.

Towards the end of the Atlantean period, the external and internal human conditions proved to be most favorable in a certain region of the earth's surface which was in the vicinity of present Ireland. This region is now covered with water. At that time the conditions there were especially favourable and in this region the most highly gifted of the Atlantean races developed, a race that was especially endowed with the capacity to rise to an independent human self-consciousness. The leader of this people, which in Spiritual Science literature is usually designated the ancient Semites, was a great initiate who sought the most highly developed individuals of this people and migrated with them to the east through Europe as far as Asia into a region occupied now by the present Tibet. Thither migrated a relatively small but spiritually very highly developed fraction of the Atlantean peoples. Toward the end of the Atlantean period, it so happened that gradually the westerly portions of Atlantis disappeared and became covered by the sea. Europe in its present form gradually arose. In Asia, the great Siberian regions were still covered with extensive bodies of water, but, especially in the south of Asia, there were regions of land which had already appeared, differently formed, however. Some of the less advanced of the great mass of people joined with this germinal group which migrated from west to east. Many went with them a long distance, others not so far. But the peopling of ancient Europe came about for the most part through the migrations of great hordes of people out of Atlantis who settled there. Other great groups of people who had been driven from other parts of Atlantis, even some from ancient Lemuria, had come into Asia at a still earlier period and now encountered each other during this migration. Thus peoples variously endowed and of very different spiritual capacities settled in Europe and Asia. The small number who were led by that great spiritual individuality, Manu, settled there in Asia in order to foster the greatest possible spirituality. From there streams of culture flowed out into the various regions of the earth and among the various peoples.

The first cultural stream flowed down into India, and through the impulse given by the spiritual mission of that great individuality, Manu, there developed what we may call the ancient Indian civilization. We are not speaking now of that Indian culture of which we have only echoes in those wonderful books of the Vedas, nor are we speaking of what has been handed down to posterity as tradition. Previous to all that can be known of this external culture, there existed a much more glorious and more ancient culture, that of the ancient Holy Rishis, those great teachers who in the far distant past gave to mankind the first post-Atlantean civilization. Let us transplant ourselves into the souls of the people of this first post-Atlantean cultural stream. This was the first really religious human culture. Those Atlantean cultural periods which preceded this one were not religious cultural epochs in the true sense of the word. Religion is, in fact, a characteristic of the post-Atlantean age. You will ask, why is this the case?

Let us see how Atlanteans lived. Since the etheric head was still outside of the physical head, the ancient hazy clairvoyance was not yet completely lost. Therefore, at night, when the Atlantean was outside of his physical body, he could look into the furthest reaches of the spiritual world. Although during the day—when he dipped down into his physical body—he saw physical things here in the physical world, at night he still saw, to a certain degree, the regions of the spiritual world. Transfer yourselves now for a moment into the middle or first third of the Atlantean period. What was the condition of the human being then? He awakened in the morning and his astral body was drawn into his physical and ether bodies. At that time the objects of the physical world were not yet so sharply and clearly contoured as they are now. When a city is enveloped in fog, and you observe the lanterns in the evening as though surrounded by an aura of color with undefined edges and streams of color, you have in this a picture of how things appeared at that time on Atlantis. The outlines were not clearly defined, but it was like seeing the lanterns in the mist. Hence, there was likewise no such sharp division between the clear day-consciousness and the unconsciousness of the night as appeared after the Atlantean period. During the night the astral body slipped out of the ether and physical bodies, but since the ether body still remained partly united with the astral body, there were always reflections of the spiritual world; the human being could always have a hazy clairvoyance, could live within the spiritual world and could behold about him spiritual beings and spiritual activities. The scholars who sit in their studies say that the common people have composed, for example, the Germanic myths and sagas out of their folk phantasy. Wotan and Thor and all the other gods were only personifications of nature forces. There are complete mythological theories which deal in this way with the folk creative phantasy. When one hears such a thing, it is easy to believe that such a learned individual is like the Homunculus in Goethe's Faust, born out of a retort, who had never seen a real human being. For anyone who has really observed the people, it is not possible to speak in this way of the creative folk imagination. The legends of the gods are nothing less than what remains of actual events which people of earlier ages really beheld clairvoyantly. This Wotan really existed. During the night human beings wandered about among the gods in the spiritual world and knew Wotan and Thor there as well as they knew people of flesh and blood like themselves here upon the earth. What primitive people of that age beheld, for a long time dimly and clairvoyantly, has now become the content of myth and saga, especially of those of the Germans.

People who at that time migrated from west to east into the regions later called Germany were those who had retained, more or less, some degree of clairvoyance and who were still able at a certain time to perceive in the spiritual world. And simultaneously with the migrations of that greatest of initiates and his followers into Tibet, whence he sent forth the first cultural colony into India, initiates who fostered the Spiritual Life in the Mysteries were left behind everywhere among the people of Europe. Mysteries existed among these people, the Druid Mysteries, for example, but men no longer have any knowledge of them—for what is recounted is merely fantastic rubbish. It is a significant fact that at that time when the higher worlds were mentioned among the Druids or among the peoples of the regions of western Russia and Scandinavia where the Mysteries of the Trotts existed, there was always a large number who knew of these spiritual worlds. When they spoke of Wotan or of the incidents that occurred between Baldur and Hodur, they were not talking of something wholly unknown to them. There were many who had themselves experienced such incidents in special states of consciousness, and those not having the experiences themselves heard it from their neighbour in whom they had confidence. Wherever you might have gone in Europe, you would still have found vivid memories of what existed on Atlantis. What did exist there? Something one might call a natural, living companionship with the beings of the spiritual world, with what is today called Heaven. The human being continually entered into the spiritual world and lived there. In other words he needed no special religion to point out to him the existence of a spirit-land. What is the meaning of “religion?” It signifies union, union of the physical world with the spiritual. At that time the human being needed no special means of union with the spiritual world, because for him it was a world of natural experience. Just as there is no need now for anyone to impart to you a belief in the flowers of the field or in the beasts of the forest, because you see them with your own eyes, so similarly the Atlanteans “believed” in the gods and spiritual beings, not through religion, but because they experienced them. As human evolution progressed, mankind acquired a clear day-consciousness. It was in the post-Atlantean age that people acquired this clear waking consciousness and they gained it by renouncing their ancient clairvoyant consciousness. It will be theirs again in the future in addition to the present clear day-consciousness. For our ancestors here in Europe, the sagas and myths often aroused memory-pictures of the distant past. One might ask, what was the nature of these most developed human beings? Strange as it may sound, these highly developed individuals whom the leader guided eastward into Tibet were for the most part advanced, because they had lost their ancient, dreamlike consciousness. What does it signify to progress from the fourth over into the fifth root-race? It means becoming day-conscious; it means losing the ancient clairvoyance. The great initiate and guide led away the members of his little group in order that they might not have to live among people who were still at the stage of the ancient Atlanteans. Among the first, only those could be guided into the higher worlds who had been trained artificially, who had gone artificially through an occult training. It may be asked, what did the people of the first post-Atlantean epoch have left of that ancient relationship with the spiritual, divine world? Only the longing for the spirit world, the door to which had been closed. They felt that there had been a time—for they heard it in their sagas—when their forefathers had gazed into the spirit world, had lived there among spirits and gods and had discovered themselves in the midst of deep spiritual realities. “Oh, could we but experience this too!” they said and out of this longing the ancient Indian way of initiation was created. This method of initiation arose out of the longing for what was past and caused the pupil to lose, for a time, the clear day-consciousness which he had acquired in order that he might force himself back in consciousness to his former state. “Yoga” is the method of the ancient Indian initiation which, through its technique and exercises, restored what had been lost in a quite natural way.

Imagine, for example, an ancient Atlantean whose ether head protruded far beyond his physical head. When the astral body withdrew, a large part of the ether head was still united with it, therefore what it experienced could be imprinted upon the ether body and thus he became conscious of his experiences. When, in the last part of the Atlantean period, the ether part of the head was drawn wholly into the physical head, the astral body left the ether body entirely each night. Thus in the ancient initiations, the teacher had to try to draw out the ether body of his pupil by artificial means; in other words, the pupil had to be brought into a sort of lethargic condition, into a kind of death-like sleep which lasted about three and a half days. During this time the ether body protruded from the physical body and was loosened from it. What the astral body then experienced was impressed upon the ether body. Then when the ether body was re-drawn into the physical body, the pupil knew what he had experienced in the spiritual world.

That was the ancient method of initiation, the Yoga initiation, by means of which the pupil was lifted out of the world wherein he found himself in order to be transported back again into the spiritual world. And the cultural mood which resulted from this kind of initiation found its echo in the later Indian culture. It was this mood that gave rise to the words: Truth, Reality, Being exist only in the spiritual world, in that world into which a person enters when he lifts himself out of the physical sense-world. Here he is in the midst of the physical world, surrounded by the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. But what surrounds him is not reality, it is only an outer semblance; he lost the reality ages ago and now lives in a world of appearance, of illusion, of Maya!

The world of the physical, therefore, was the world of Maya for the ancient Indian civilization. We must comprehend this, not as a dull theory, but in accordance with the cultural mood itself—in accordance with the feelings of the people themselves of that time. When the ancient Indian wished to be especially holy, the world of illusion became worthless to him. This physical world became to him an illusion; the true world existed for him when he withdrew from the physical, when through Yoga he was permitted to live again in the world in which his forefathers still lived during the Atlantean period.

The significance of further evolution consists in the human being of this post-Atlantean period becoming gradually accustomed to value the physical world which is allotted to him, according to its worth and meaning. The second epoch, the next step after the ancient Indian period, is also a pre-historic cultural epoch which is named after the people who later lived in the region of Persia; we designate it the primitive Persian civilization. However, we have not the later Persian civilization in mind, but a pre-historic culture.

The second period differs very essentially in its mood, in its feeling-content from the primeval Indian period. It became more and more difficult to loosen the ether body during initiation, but it was still possible and in a certain way it was always done even up to the time of Christ-Jesus. But there was one thing these men of the primitive Persian civilization had attained; they began to appreciate Maya or illusion as something of value. The ancient Indian was happy when he could flee from illusion. For the Persian, it became a sphere of activity. It is true, illusion still continued to appear to him as something hostile, something which must be overcome. Later this gave rise to the myth of the battle between Ormuzd and Ahriman in which the human being allied himself with the good gods against the power of the gods of evil existing in matter. Out of this, the mood of that age was created. The Persian was still not fond of this physical “reality” (Maya), but he no longer fled from it like the ancient Indian; he worked upon it and considered it a stage upon which he could be active, a place where there was something that must be overcome. In this second cultural stage, a step in the conquest of the physical world had been made.

Then came the third cultural stage. We are now approaching closer and closer to historical times. This cultural period is designated in Occult Science the Chaldaic – Babylonian – Assyrian – Egyptian civilization. All these civilizations were founded by colonies sent out under the guidance of great leaders. The first colony founded the civilization of the ancient Indians, the second founded what we have just described as the ancient Persian cultural centre and a third cultural stream travelled still further to the west and laid there the foundation of the Babylonian – Chaldaic – Assyrian – Egyptian civilization. Thus an important step was taken in the conquest of the physical world. To the Persian it still seemed like an intractable mass which he had to manipulate if he wished to work in it with those Beings whom he considered the good Spirits of the true Spiritual Reality. He had now become more familiar, more intimate with physical reality. Just consider the ancient Chaldean astronomy. It is one of the most extraordinary and tremendous creations of the human spirit of the post-Atlantean age. There you see how the course of the stars was explored, how the laws of the heavens were examined. The ancient Indian would have looked out at this heaven and said: The course of the stars with its laws is not worth the trouble to investigate! To the people of the third cultural epoch it was even then very important to penetrate into these laws. To those belonging to the Egyptian civilization, it was of special importance to examine the earthly relationships and to develop the science of geometry. Maya or illusion was explored and physical science came into being. Men studied the thoughts of the gods and felt that they must make a connection between their own individual activity and what they found inscribed in matter as the script of the gods. If you were to investigate spiritually the earlier conditions of Egyptian political life, you would gain a concept of a political organism very different from any that people of the present day can possibly imagine. The individualities who directed and guided those political states were wise men who knew the laws governing the course of the stars, of the movements of the cosmic bodies, and at the same time they knew that everything in the cosmos must mutually correspond. They had studied the course of the stars and knew that there must be a harmony between what was taking place in the heavens and what was happening upon the earth. According to the events in the heavens they decreed what, in the course of time, is to occur on earth. Even in the earliest part of the Roman period (the fourth cultural epoch) there still existed the consciousness that what transpires upon the earth must correspond to what is happening in the heavens. For long periods in the ancient Mysteries it was known at the beginning of a new epoch what events would transpire in the following period. It was known through the Mystery-wisdom, for example, at the beginning of Roman history that a period would follow in which the most varied historical events would be enacted and that they would take place in the region of Alba Longa. For anyone who can read it, it is clear that a deeply symbolical expression is suggested here and that it was, so to say, priestly wisdom that laid out or planned the civilization of ancient Rome. “Alba Longa” was the long priestly garment. In these ancient regions the future historical events were in this way laid out—if we may be allowed to use a technical expression. They knew that seven epochs must follow one after another in succession. The future was divided according to the number seven and an outline of the future history was foretold. I could easily show you how prophetic historical plans were concealed in the story of the seven Kings of Rome which had already been inscribed in the Sibylline Books even as early as the beginning of the Roman epoch. In those days people knew that they had to live through what was written there and on important occasions they consulted the Holy Books. This then accounts for the holy and mysterious character of the Sibylline Books.

Thus humanity of the third cultural epoch worked Spirit into Matter, permeated the outer world with Spirit. There are countless historical evidences of this concealed in the development of the epochs of this third cultural stream—this Assyrian – Babylonian – Chaldean – Egyptian civilization. Our own age can be understood only when we know the important relationships which exist between that age and our own. I should like now to call attention to one of the relationships between these two epochs, in order that you may see how wonderfully things are connected for anyone who can penetrate more deeply into them and who knows that what is called egotism and utilitarianism has now reached its culmination. Never before was a cultural epoch as purely egotistic and unidealistic as our own and it will become even more so in the near future. For, at the present time, spirit has descended completely into a materialistic civilization. Tremendous spiritual forces have had to be employed by men in the great discoveries and inventions of the new age, that is, of the nineteenth century. Just think, for instance, how much spiritual force exists in the telephone, in the telegraph, in the railroads, etc.! How much spiritual force has been materialized, crystallized in the commercial relationships of the earth! How much spiritual energy it requires to cause a sum of money to be paid, let us say in Tokyo, by means of a piece of paper, a cheque written here in this place! Thus one may ask: Does the use of this spiritual force mean spiritual progress? Whoever faces the fact must acknowledge the following: You build railroads indeed, but they carry, practically, only what you need for your stomachs; and when you yourself travel, you do so only because of something that has to do with your physical needs. Does it make any difference from the standpoint of Spiritual Science whether we grind our own corn with a few stones or obtain it from a distance by means of the telegraph, ships, etc.? A tremendous spiritual force is employed, but it is used in an entirely personal sense. What then will be the meaning of what men thus negotiate? Apparently not Anthroposophy, in other words, not spiritual realities. When the telegraph and steamships are used, it is in the first place a question of how much cotton will be ordered to be sent from America to Europe, etc.; in other words it is a question of something that has to do with personal needs. Mankind has descended to the profoundest depths of personal necessity, of physical personality. But just such an egotistic, utilitarian principle had to come sometime, because through it, the ascending course of all human evolution will be facilitated. What has happened to cause the human being to attach so much importance to his own personality, thus causing him to feel himself so much a separate individual? And, moreover, what was it that prepared him for this strong feeling of self in his life between birth and death?

In the third period of civilization a most important preparation was made for this, in the desire to retain the form of the physical body beyond death in the “mummy,” in the wish to prevent the dissipation of the form of the body by embalming it. Thus, this holding fast to the separate individuality became imprinted upon the soul in such a way that now it appears again in another incarnation as the feeling of personality. That this feeling of personality is so strong today is the result of the embalming of the body in the Egyptian period. So we see that in human evolution everything is correlated. The Egyptians mummified the bodies of the dead in order that people of the fifth epoch might have the greatest possible consciousness of their own personality. Certainly, profound mysteries exist within human evolution.

Thus you see how the human being has gradually descended deeper and deeper into Maya and has permeated matter with what he is able to achieve. In the fourth cultural period, the Greco-Latin age, he placed his inner being out in the external world. Thus you see in Greece how he objectified himself in matter and form. He concealed his own form in the figures of the Grecian gods. In Aeschylos there still resounds, in dramatic form, men's desire to convert their own individuality into artistic form. They step out upon the physical plane and create a copy of themselves. In the Roman period men created an image of themselves in the institutions of the State. It is a sign of the greatest dilletantism when one traces what is now called Jurisprudence back beyond the Roman period. What existed previously is, in concept, something quite different from Jus or “Justice,” “Right” (Recht), for the concept of the human being as an outer personality, the concept of human rights did not exist prior to that time. In ancient Greece there was the Polis, the little municipal state, and men felt themselves as members of it. It is difficult for people to enter into the consciousness of the Greek epoch. In the Roman epoch, the path into the physical world had been trod so far that the individual human personality—as a Roman citizen—appears also as possessing rights. Everything progresses by stages and we shall trace in detail how the personality emerges by degrees and how at the same time the physical world is being conquered more and more in the progress of history, and how the human being is plunging deeper and deeper into matter.

Our own epoch is the first after the Greco-Latin; in other words, it is the fifth epoch of the post-Atlantean age. There will follow after it a sixth and a seventh epoch. The fourth, the Greco-Latin, is the middle period, and during this middle period, Christ-Jesus came upon the earth. This event was prepared for within the third post-Atlantean epoch, because everything in the world has to be prepared beforehand. The third epoch made ready for that greatest of all events which was to be enacted upon the earth during the fourth post-Atlantean epoch at a time when men had progressed far enough in their feeling of personality to step outside themselves and create their gods in their own image. In the art of the Grecian period, men created a world of gods after their own image. They repeated this in the form of the State. An understanding of physical matter was reached even to the degree of the union of Maya (the world of illusion, matter) and Spirit. This is the moment when men also attained an understanding of personality. You will comprehend that this was also the time when they were able to understand God as a personal manifestation, the time when the spirit belonging to the earth also progressed to the point of becoming a personality. Thus we see how in the middle of the post-Atlantean civilization God Himself appeared as a man, as a separate personality. When we see how in Greek art the human being fashioned an image of himself, we may say: What happened in the middle of the post-Atlantean civilization appears to us as an image. When we pass from the Greek to the Roman period and observe the types of human beings of the great Roman Empire, does it not actually seem as though the Greek images of the gods had descended from their pedestals and were walking about in their togas? One can fairly see them!

Thus the human creature had progressed from the time when he felt himself as a member of the Godhead to a feeling of himself as a personality. He could comprehend as a personality even the Godhead Itself which, embodied in the flesh, had descended and dwelt among men.

It has been our desire here to picture to our souls the reason for the appearance of Christ-Jesus just at this period of human evolution. How this mystery developed further, how in the earlier evolutionary periods it shone forth prophetically, and how it works prophetically into the distant future, we shall consider next time.

Achter Vortrag

[ 1 ] Wir haben gesehen, daß man sich dem tiefen Sinne des JohannesEvangeliums am besten dadurch nähert, daß man den Zugang dazu von verschiedenen Seiten her zu gewinnen sucht; und wir haben ja gestern von einer gewissen Seite her auf eines der bedeutsamsten Geheimnisse des Johannes-Evangeliums hindeuten dürfen. Nun wird es nötig sein, damit wir nach und nach zu einem vollen Verständnisse gerade des gestern angeführten Mysteriums kommen können, daß wir die Erscheinung des Christus Jesus in unserer nachatlantischen Zeit als solcher betrachten. Wir haben das Mannigfaltigste zusammengetragen, um die Entwickelung des Menschen und innerhalb dieser das Christus-Prinzip zu verfolgen. Wir werden heute versuchen zu begreifen, warum Christus gerade in dem Zeitpunkt unserer Entwickelung als Mensch aufgetreten ist, in dem er auf der Erde gewandelt ist. Da werden wir an dasjenige anzuknüpfen haben, was wir teilweise in den letzten Vorträgen schon gehört haben, und werden namentlich die Entwickelung unserer Menschheit in der nachatlantischen Zeit ins Auge fassen müssen.

[ 2 ] Wir haben wiederholt erwähnt, daß unsere Vorfahren in einer weit zurückliegenden Zeit drüben im Westen auf einem Erdgebiete gewohnt haben, das heute eingenommen wird vom Atlantischen Ozeane. Auf der alten Atlantis haben unsere Vorfahren gelebt. Wir haben vorgestern namentlich auf die Art und Weise hindeuten können, wie die äußere Körperlichkeit dieser unserer atlantischen Vorfahren ausgesehen hat. Wir haben gesehen, daß dasjenige, was heute vom Menschen mit äußeren Sinnen wahrgenommen wird, der physische Leib, eigentlich erst langsam und nach und nach zu der fleischlichen Dichte gekommen ist, die er heute hat.

[ 3 ] Wir konnten sagen, daß erst im letzten Teile der atlantischen Zeit der Mensch einigermaßen der heutigen Gestalt ähnelte. Aber auch gegen das letzte Drittel der atlantischen Zeit war der Mensch noch wesentlich anders, wenn er auch für die äußeren Sinne sich nicht viel unterschied. Wir können uns am besten begreiflich machen, welchen Fortschritt der Mensch gemacht hat, wenn wir den heutigen Menschen vergleichen mit irgendeinem der lebenden höheren Tiere. Uns muß ja schon aus verschiedenen Gründen klar geworden sein, wodurch der Mensch sich im wesentlichen unterscheidet von einem heute selbst noch so hochstehenden Tiere. Bei jedem Tiere finden wir, daß auf dem physischen Plane oder in der physischen Welt die Wesenheit dieses Tieres besteht aus dem physischen Leibe, dem Äther- oder Lebensleibe und dem astralischen Leibe, daß diese drei Bestandteile aber das Wesen des Tieres in der physischen Welt ausmachen. Sie dürfen nun nicht glauben, daß in der physischen Welt etwa nur Physisches vorkommt. Es wäre ein großer Irrtum, wenn Sie etwa alles Ätherische oder namentlich alles Astralische in der übersinnlichen Welt suchen würden. Freilich können Sie mit physischen Sinnen in der physischen Welt nur Physisches sehen. Aber das ist nicht deshalb etwa, weil in der physischen Welt nur Physisches vorhanden wäre. Nein, beim Tier ist in der physischen Welt ein Ätherleib und ein astralischer Leib vorhanden, und der hellseherisch begabte Mensch sieht diesen Ätherleib und diesen astralischen Leib des Tieres. Erst wenn er zu dem eigentlichen Ich des Tieres kommen will, kann er nicht in der physischen Welt bleiben, da muß er hinaufsteigen in die astralische Welt. Da ist die Gruppenseele oder das Gruppen-Ich der Tiere. Und der Unterschied des Menschen vom Tiere besteht darin, daß beim Menschen das Ich auch hier unten in der physischen Welt ist. Das heißt, der Mensch besteht in der physischen Welt aus physischem Leib, Ätherleib, astralischem Leib und Ich, obwohl die drei höheren Glieder, vom Ätherleib an, nur für das hellseherische Bewußtsein erkennbar sind.

[ 4 ] Nun drückt sich dieser Unterschied des Menschen vom Tiere auch in einer gewissen Weise hellseherisch aus. Nehmen Sie an, ein Hellseher beobachtet ein Pferd und einen Menschen. Da findet er, daß außerhalb des bis zur Schnauze verlängerten Pferdekopfes ein ätherischer Ansatz ist, und er sagt sich: Da ragt über dem physischen Kopfe des Pferdes der Ätherkopf heraus und ist mächtig organisiert. Diese beiden decken sich aber nicht beim Pferde. Beim heutigen Menschen findet man hellseherisch das, was Ätherkopf ist, ungefähr in Form und Größe mit dem physischen Kopfe übereinstimmend. Besonders grotesk sieht hellseherisch betrachtet der Elefant aus, der einen merkwürdig großen Ätherkopf hat; so daß dieser Elefant, hellseherisch gesehen, ein ganz, ganz groteskes Tier wird. Aber beim heutigen Menschen deckt sich physischer Kopf und Ätherkopf, sie sind nach Form und Größe ziemlich gleich. Das war nicht immer so beim Menschen. Im letzten Drittel der atlantischen Zeit finden wir es erst so. Der alte Atlantier hatte den Ätherkopf mächtig hervorragend über dem physischen Kopfe. Dann wuchsen diese beiden immer mehr zusammen, und es war im letzten Drittel der atlantischen Zeit, als physischer und Ätherkopf zur Deckung kamen. Im Gehirn gibt es einen Punkt - in der Nähe der Augen -, der deckt sich heute mit einem ganz bestimmten Punkte des Ätherkopfes. Diese Punkte waren in alter Zeit getrennt. Der Ätherpunkt war außerhalb des Gehirns. Diese beiden wichtigen Punkte haben sich zusammengeschoben. Als diese beiden Punkte zusammengefallen sind, da war es erst, daß der Mensch lernte, zu sich «Ich» zu sagen, da ist das hervorgetreten, was wir gestern die Bewußtseinsseele genannt haben. Durch diese Deckung von Ätherkopf und physischem Kopf des Menschen änderte sich sein Kopf in ganz beträchtlicher Weise. Denn dieses menschliche Haupt hat beim alten Atlantier doch noch wesentlich anders ausgesehen als beim heutigen Menschen. Wenn wir verstehen wollen, wie die heutige Entwickelung möglich geworden ist, so müssen wir auch ein wenig die physischen Verhältnisse in der alten Atlantis ins Auge fassen.

[ 5 ] Wenn Sie durch die alte Atlantis drüben im Westen gegangen wären, hätten Sie eine solche Verteilung von Regen, Nebel, Luft und Sonnenschein, wie Sie es jetzt auf unseren heutigen Ländergebieten haben, nicht erlebt. Namentlich die nördlichen Gegenden westlich von Skandinavien waren damals durchzogen von Nebel. Die Menschen, die dort lebten, wo heute Irland ist - und weiter westlich davon -, haben niemals in der Weise Regen und Sonnenschein verteilt gesehen in der alten Atlantis, wie es heute der Fall ist. Sie waren immer eingebettet in Nebel, und erst mit der atlantischen Flut kam die Zeit heran, wo die Nebelmassen sich auch aus der Luft ablösten und sich niederschlugen. Sie hätten die ganze alte Atlantis durchforschen können, und Sie würden eine Erscheinung da nicht gefunden haben, die Ihnen allen heute als eine wunderbare Naturerscheinung bekannt ist — unmöglich würden Sie den Regenbogen finden! Der ist nur möglich bei einer solchen Verteilung von Regen und Sonnenschein, wie sie heute in der Atmosphäre sein kann. In der Atlantis, vor der atlantischen Flut, finden Sie keinen Regenbogen. Erst allmählich, nach der atlantischen Flut, trat die Erscheinung des Regenbogens ein, das heißt, sie wurde physikalisch möglich. Wenn Sie dies nun aus der Geheimwissenschaft mitgeteilt erhalten und sich erinnern, daß die atlantische Flut in den verschiedenen Sagen und Mythen als Sintflut erhalten ist, daß Noah hervortritt und nach der Sintflut zuerst den Regenbogen sieht, dann werden Sie einen Begriff bekommen, wie tief wahr, buchstäblich wahr die religiösen Urkunden sind. Wahr ist es, daß erst nach der atlantischen Flut die Menschen zum ersten Male ansichtig wurden des Regenbogens. — Das sind so die Erlebnisse, die der haben kann, der den Okkultismus durcherlebt und dann Stück für Stück erst begreifen lernt, wie buchstäblich man die religiösen Urkunden nehmen darf, freilich: wie man zuvor diesen Buchstaben verstehen lernen muß.

[ 6 ] Gegen das Ende der atlantischen Zeit hin stellt es sich heraus, daß die äußeren und inneren Verhältnisse für den Menschen am günstigsten waren auf einem bestimmten Gebietsteile unserer Erdoberfläche, der sich in der Nähe des heutigen Irlands befand. Heute ist das betreffende Landgebiet mit Wasser bedeckt. Damals waren dort ganz besonders günstige Verhältnisse; und dort bildete sich innerhalb der atlantischen Völker das begabteste Volk aus, das am meisten Veranlagung dazu hatte, zum freien menschlichen Selbstbewußtsein aufzusteigen. Und der Führer dieses Volkes, das man gewohnt worden ist in der theosophischen Literatur die «Ursemiten» zu nennen, war ein großer Eingeweihter, der, wenn man trivial sprechen darf, sich die fortgeschrittensten Individuen dieses Volksteiles aussuchte und mit ihnen nach dem Osten zog, durch Europa bis nach Asien hinüber in die Gegend des heutigen Tibet. Dahin zog ein verhältnismäßig kleiner, aber namentlich geistig, spirituell sehr weit fortgeschrittener Bruchteil der atlantischen Bevölkerung.

[ 7 ] Innerhalb der letzten atlantischen Zeit war es ja so gekommen, daß nach und nach die westlichen Gegenden der Atlantis verschwanden, sich mit Meer bedeckten. Europa trat in seiner heutigen Gestalt immer mehr hervor. Asien war noch so, daß die große sibirische Ländermasse noch bedeckt war mit weiten Wassermassen; aber namentlich die südlichen Gegenden Asiens waren, anders gestaltet, schon vorhanden. Die weniger fortgeschrittenen Volksmassen gliederten sich zum Teil an diesen Kern des Volkes an, der von Westen nach Osten zog; manche zogen weiter, manche weniger weit mit. Aber auch die alte europäische Bevölkerung kam zum großen Teile dadurch zustande, daß aus der Atlantis herüber Völkermassen zogen, sich dort niederließen und das alte Europa bevölkerten. Früher schon hinausgeschobene Völkermassen, zum Teil auch solche, die von anderen Gebieten der Atlantis, auch vom alten Lemurien, nach Asien gekommen waren, trafen bei diesem Völkerzuge zusammen. So daß Volksmassen verschiedenster Begabung und verschiedenster geistiger Fähigkeiten in Europa und Asien sich niederließen. Der kleine Bruchteil, der geführt wurde von jener großen spirituellen Individualität, ließ sich drüben in Asien nieder, um dort die damals mögliche höchste Geistigkeit zu pflegen. Von diesem Kulturgebiete aus gingen die Kulturströmungen nach den verschiedensten Gebieten der Erde und zu den verschiedenen Völkern.

[ 8 ] Die erste Kulturströmung ging herunter nach Indien, und dort bildete sich durch den Einschlag, den die geistige Gesandtschaft der großen Individualität ihm gab, das heraus, was wir nennen die uraltindische Kultur. Wir sprechen da nicht von jener indischen Kultur, von der uns Reste in den wunderbaren Büchern der Veden geblieben sind, auch nicht von dem, was später durch Tradition auf die Nachwelt gekommen ist. Allem, was man von dieser äußeren Kultur wissen kann, ging eine viel herrlichere ältere Kultur voran, die Kultur der alten heiligen Rishis, jener großen Lehrer, die in weit zurückliegenden Zeiten der Menschheit die erste nachatlantische Kultur gegeben haben.

[ 9 ] Versetzen wir uns einmal in die Seele dieser ersten Kulturströmung der nachatlantischen Zeit. Diese erste Kultur der nachatlantischen Menschheit war die erste eigentlich religiöse Kultur der Menschheit. Die vorhergehenden atlantischen Kulturen waren im eigentlichen Sinne des Wortes keine religiösen Kulturen. «Religion» ist im Grunde eine Eigentümlichkeit der nachatlantischen Zeit. Warum? Nun, wie lebten die Atlantier? Dadurch, daß der Ätherkopf noch außerhalb des physischen Kopfes war, hatte sich noch nicht vollständig verloren das alte dämmerhafte Hellsehen. Im weitesten Umfange sah der Mensch, wenn er des Nachts aus dem physischen Leibe heraus war, hinein in die geistige Welt. Während er bei Tage, wenn er untertauchte in seinen physischen Leib, hier in der physischen Welt physische Dinge sah, sah er noch bis zu einem gewissen Grade nachts die Gefilde der geistigen Welt. - Versetzen Sie sich einmal in die Mitte oder in das erste Drittel der atlantischen Zeit. Wie war es da mit dem Menschen? Er wachte des Morgens auf. Sein astralischer Leib zog sich hinein in seinen physischen Leib und Ätherleib. So deutlich und scharf umrissen wie heute waren noch nicht die Gegenstände der physischen Welt. Wenn eine Stadt in Nebel eingehüllt ist und Sie des Abends die Laternen wie mit Farbenauren umgeben sehen, so undeutlich mit Säumen und Farbenstrahlen — das gibt Ihnen ein Bild, wie es in dieser Zeit in der Atlantis ausgesehen hat -, nicht mit deutlichen Umrissen, sondern so, wie wenn Sie heute die Laternen draußen im Nebel sehen würden. Dafür gab es aber auch nicht eine so scharfe Trennung zwischen hellem Tagesbewußtsein und nächtlicher Bewußtlosigkeit, wie es erst nach der atlantischen Zeit aufgetreten ist. Es schlüpfte zwar während der Nacht der astralische Leib heraus aus Ätherleib und physischem Leib; aber während der Ätherleib zum Teil noch verbunden blieb mit dem astralischen Leibe, gab es immer Reflexe der geistigen Welt. Der Mensch konnte immer ein dämmerhaftes Hellsehen haben, lebte sich in die geistige Welt hinein, sah um sich geistige Wesenheiten, geistige Vorgänge.

[ 10 ] Dasjenige, was Sie zum Beispiel lesen als germanische Mythen und Göttersagen, davon sagen Ihnen die Gelehrten vom grünen Tische: Das haben einmal die Leute aus dem Volke aus der Volksphantasie heraus gedichtet! Wotan und Thor und alle die Götter, das seien Personifizierungen von Naturkräften usw. Es gibt ganze mythologische Theorien, wo so von der schaflenden Volksphantasie die Rede ist. Wenn man das hört, dann kann man leicht die Meinung bekommen, ein solcher Gelehrter wäre wie der Homunculus des Goetheschen Faust aus der Retorte herausgeboren und hätte nie einen wirklichen Menschen gesehen. Denn wer das Volk wirklich gesehen hat, dem vergeht wahrhaftig die Möglichkeit, so von der schaffenden Volksphantasie zu reden. Diese Göttersagen sind nichts anderes als die Überbleibsel von wirklichen Vorgängen, welche die Menschen in früheren Zeiten hellscherisch wirklich gesehen haben. Diesen Wotan hat es gegeben! Des Nachts wandelte der Mensch unter Göttern in der geistigen Welt und kannte dort den Wotan und Thor ebensogut, wie er heute seinesgleichen aus Fleisch und Blut kennt. Was damals primitive Naturen noch lange dämmerhaft hellseherisch gesehen haben, ist der Inhalt der Mythen und Sagen, namentlich der germanischen.

[ 11 ] Diejenigen Menschen, welche damals herübergezogen sind vom Westen nach dem Osten in die Gegenden, die man später Germanien nannte, das waren Menschen, die sich bis zu einem gewissen Grade — der eine mehr, der andere weniger - noch ein gewisses Hellsehen bewahrt hatten, so daß sie wenigstens zu gewissen Zeiten noch hineinsehen konnten in die geistige Welt. Und während der höchste Eingeweihte mit seinen Schülern hinüberzog nach Tibet und von dort die erste Kulturkolonie hinunterschickte nach Indien, waren überall bei den Völkern in Europa Eingeweihte zurückgeblieben, die in den Mysterien das Geistige pflegten. Mysterien waren bei diesen Völkern zum Beispiel die Druidenmysterien, die Drottenmysterien, von denen die Menschheit heute nichts mehr zu melden weiß - denn was sie zu melden weiß, ist phantastisches Zeug. Wichtig aber ist es, daß, wenn man von höheren Welten damals sprach unter den Druiden oder unter den Menschen des westrussischen Gebietes und Skandinaviens, wo die Drottenmysterien waren, es immer eine Anzahl von Menschen gab, die von geistigen Welten wußten. Wenn man von Wotan sprach oder von dem Ereignis, das sich zwischen Baldur und Hödur abspielte, dann sprach man nicht von etwas, was ihnen ganz unbekannt war. Viele hatten selbst noch solche Ereignisse erlebt in besonderen Bewußtseinszuständen, und die es nicht erlebt hatten, hörten es von ihrem Nachbar, der ihnen glaubwürdig genug war.

[ 12 ] Und wo Sie auch hingehen mögen in Europa, gab es noch eine lebendige Erinnerung an das, was in der Atlantis vorhanden war. Was war da vorhanden? Etwas, was man nennen kann ein Zusammenleben des Menschen, ein naturgemäßes Zusammenleben des Menschen mit der geistigen Welt, mit dem, was man heute den Himmel nennt. Der Mensch trat ja fortwährend ein in die geistige Welt und lebte darinnen. Mit anderen Worten, er brauchte durch keine besondere Religion hingewiesen zu werden auf das Dasein einer geistigen Welt. Was heißt denn Religion? Religion heißt «Verbindung », Verbindung der physischen mit der geistigen Welt. Damals brauchte er keine besondere Verbindung mit der geistigen Welt, denn sie war eine Erfahrungswelt. Wie Ihnen kein Mensch den Glauben beizubringen braucht an die Blumen der Wiese, an die Tiere des Waldes, weil Sie sie sehen, so glaubte der Atlantier an die Götter und Geister — nicht aus Religion, sondern weil er sie erlebte.

[ 13 ] Mit der fortschreitenden Menschheit gestaltete sich nun die Sache so, daß der Mensch das helle Tagesbewußtsein erlangt hatte. Die nachatlantische Zeit ist also die, während der der Mensch das helle Tagesbewußtsein erlangt. Und er erlangte es dadurch, daß er das alte hellseherische Bewußtsein hingeben mußte. Das wird ihm in der Zukunft wiederum werden, zu seinem heutigen hellen Tagesbewußtsein hinzu. — Bei unseren Vorfahren hier in Europa war es vielfach so, daß in den Sagen und Mythen Erinnerungsbilder an die alte Zeit gegeben wurden. Aber was war denn gerade das Wesen der Fortgeschrittensten? So sonderbar es klingen mag: die Allerfortgeschrittensten, die der Führer nach dem Osten hinüberführte bis nach Tibet, sie waren darin am meisten fortgeschritten, daß sie das alte träumerische, hellseherische Bewußtsein verloren hatten. Was heißt denn fortschreiten von der vierten Rasse in die fünfte hinein? Tagsichtig werden, das alte Hellsehen verlieren, heißt es. Weggeführt hat der große Eingeweihte und Führer die Angehörigen seines Häufleins, damit sie nicht unter denen leben mußten, die noch auf den Stufen des alten atlantischen Volkes standen; und unter den ersteren konnten nur diejenigen in die höheren Welten hinaufgeführt werden, die künstlich sich trainierten, die künstlich eine okkulte Schulung durchmachten.

[ 14 ] Was war dem Menschen der ersten nachatlantischen Zeit denn geblieben von dem alten Zusammenleben mit der geistig-göttlichen Welt? Die Sehnsucht danach! Denn wie zugeschlossen hatte sich ihm das Tor zur geistigen Welt, die Sehnsucht aber war geblieben. Jener Mensch empfand das ungefähr so - er hörte aus den Sagen und Traditionen heraus -: Da gab es eine Zeit, wo unsere Vorfahren hineinschauten in die geistige Welt, wo sie lebten mit Geistern und Göttern, wo sie in der tieferen geistigen Wirklichkeit drinnen steckten. Oh, könnten wir auch da hinein! — So sagten sie sich. Und aus dieser Sehnsucht heraus wurde die altindische Methode der Einweihung geschaffen, die aus der Sehnsucht nach dem Verlorenen hervorgegangen ist und darauf beruht, daß der Mensch das errungene helle Tagesbewußtsein für eine Zeit verläßt, um sich zurückzuschrauben in seinem Bewußtsein zu dem früheren Zustand. Yoga ist die Methode der altindischen Einweihung, die durch ihre Technik, ihre Praxis erlangte, daß künstlich hergestellt wurde, was dem Menschen auf natürlichem Wege abhanden gekommen war. — Denken Sie sich einmal einen solchen alten Atlantier, der noch seinen Ätherkopf weit herausstehen hatte über dem physischen Kopfe. Wenn dann der astralische Leib herausging, war ein großer Teil des Ätherkopfes mit dem astralischen Leibe noch verbunden, und da konnte sich das, was der astralische Leib erlebte, hineindrücken in den Ätherleib; dadurch konnte man sich seine Erlebnisse zum Bewußtsein bringen. Als nun in der letzten atlantischen Zeit der Ätherteil des Kopfes sich ganz zurückzog in den physischen Kopf, da kam der astralische Leib jede Nacht ganz aus dem Ätherleib heraus. Man mußte also in der alten Einweihung versuchen, den Ätherleib künstlich herauszuholen, das heißt, man mußte den Menschen in eine Art lethargischen Zustand, in eine Art Todesschlaf bringen, der ja dreieinhalb Tage dauerte, währenddem der Ätherleib herausragte aus dem physischen Leibe, gelockert war, so daß das, was der Astralleib erlebte, sich einprägte in den Ätherleib. Und wenn dann der Ätherleib wieder zurückgeführt wurde in den physischen Leib, wußte der Mensch, was er in der geistigen Welt erlebt hatte.

[ 15 ] Das war die alte Einweihungsmethode, die Yoga-Einweihung, wodurch sich der Mensch sozusagen heraushob aus der Welt, in die er jetzt versetzt war, um sich in die geistige Welt wieder zurückzuversetzen. Und die Kulturstimmung, die aus dieser Einweihung hervorging, ist diejenige, die ihre Nachklänge in der späteren indischen Kultur gefunden hat. Es war die Stimmung, wo der Mensch sich sagte: Wahrheit, Realität, Wirklichkeit, Wesenheit ist allein in der geistigen Welt, in jener geistigen Welt, in die der Mensch hineinkommt, wenn er sich der physisch-sinnlichen Welt entzieht. Jetzt ist der Mensch in den Reichen der physischen Welt, umgeben vom Mineralreich, Pflanzenreich und Tierreich. Das aber ist nicht die Wahrheit, was den Menschen so umgibt, das ist nur äußerer Schein; er hat die Wahrheit seit uralten Zeiten verloren und lebt jetzt in einer Welt des Scheins, der Illusion, der Maja. -— Und so wurde die Welt des Physischen die Welt der Maja für die altindische Kultur. Das muß man gemäß jener Kulturstimmung erfassen, wie man damals gefühlt hat, und nicht als graue Theorie. Dem uralten Inder, wenn er ganz besonders heilig sein will, ist die Welt der Maja wertlos. Diese physische Welt ist ihm eine Illusion; die wahre Welt ist für ihn dann vorhanden, wenn er sich aus dieser physischen Welt zurückzieht, wenn er - durch Yoga — wiederum in der Welt leben darf, in der die Vorfahren noch in der atlantischen Zeit gelebt haben.

[ 16 ] Der Sinn der Weiterentwickelung besteht aber darin, daß der Mensch sich allmählich gewöhnt, die physische Welt, die ihm in der nachatlantischen Kultur angewiesen wird, nach ihrem Werte, nach ihrer Bedeutung zu schätzen. Einen Schritt weiter als das alte Indertum ist schon die zweite Kulturepoche, ebenfalls eine vorhistorische Kultur, die wir aber nach den Völkern benennen, die später in diesen Gebieten gelebt haben; wir nennen sie die uralt-persische Kultur. Wieder haben wir dabei nicht die spätere persische Kultur im Auge, sondern eine vorhistorische Kultur.

[ 17 ] Die zweite Periode unterscheidet sich schon ganz wesentlich in der Stimmung, in ihrem Gefühlsinhalt von der uralt-indischen Zeit. Immer schwerer wurde es, den Ätherleib herauszulösen, aber möglich war es doch noch, und in einer gewissen Weise wurde es immer noch vollzogen bis zu dem Christus Jesus hin. Eines aber hatten diese Menschen der uralt-persischen Kultur erreicht: sie hatten angefangen, Maja oder die Illusion zu schätzen, als etwas Wertvolles zu betrachten. Der Inder fühlte sich wohl, wenn er der Illusion entfliehen konnte; dem Perser war sie ein Arbeitsfeld geworden. Zwar war sie ihm immer noch als etwas Gegnerisches erschienen, aber als etwas, was bezwungen werden mußte, woraus später hervorging der Kampf zwischen Ormuzd und Ahriman, wo sich der Mensch verbindet mit den guten Göttern gegen die in der Materie steckenden Mächte der bösen Götter. Hieraus bildete sich die Stimmung, die man damals hatte. Lieb war dem Perser diese Wirklichkeit immer noch nicht; aber er floh sie nicht mehr, wie der alte Inder es tat, er bearbeitete sie, betrachtete sie als einen Schauplatz, auf dem man arbeiten konnte, wo etwas war, was man zu überwinden hatte. Einen Schritt in der Eroberung der physischen Welt hatte man in dieser zweiten Kulturstufe gemacht.

[ 18 ] Dann kam die dritte Kulturstufe, und wir kommen immer mehr dem Geschichtlichen näher. Wir bezeichnen sie in der Geheimwissenschaft als die chaldäisch-babylonisch-assyrisch-ägyptische Kultur. Alle diese Kulturen wurden begründet durch Kolonien, die ausgesandt wurden unter der Leitung von großen Führern. Die erste Kolonie begründete die Kultur des alten Indiens, die zweite begründete das, was wir eben als das alt-persische Kulturzentrum geschildert haben, und eine dritte Kulturströmung ging noch weiter nach Westen und begründete dort das, was der babylonisch-chaldäisch-assyrisch-ägyptischen Kultur zugrunde lag. Dadurch war ein wichtiger Schritt gemacht worden in der Eroberung der physischen Welt. Dem Perser erschien sie noch wie eine ungefüge Masse, die man bearbeiten mußte, wenn man in ihr wirken wollte, mit dem, was man sich als die guten Geister der wahren geistigen Wirklichkeit dachte. Jetzt war man familiärer, intimer geworden mit der physischen Wirklichkeit. — Sehen Sie sich die alte chaldäische Astronomie an, die zu den merkwürdigsten und großartigsten Erzeugnissen des nachatlantischen Menschengeistes gehört! Da sehen Sie, wie die Bahnen der Sterne erforscht werden, wie die Gesetze des Himmels durchforscht werden. Der alte Inder hatte noch hinaufgesehen zu diesem Himmel und gesagt: Wie auch die Sterne gehen und was sich auch für Gesetze darin ausdrücken mögen, es ist nicht der Mühe wert, diese Gesetze zu erforschen! — Einem Angehörigen der dritten Kulturepoche war es schon sehr wichtig, diese Gesetze zu durchdringen. Dem Angehörigen der ägyptischen Kultur war es sogar sehr wichtig, daß er die Verhältnisse der Erde besonders durchforschte und die Geometrie ausbildete. Maja wurde erforscht, die äußere Wissenschaft entstand. Der Mensch studiert die Gedanken der Götter, und er fühlt, daß er einen Zusammenhang schaffen muß zwischen seinem eigenen Schaffen und dem, was er als die Schrift der Götter innerhalb der Materie eingeschrieben findet. Einen anderen Begriff von einem Staatswesen würden Sie bekommen, wenn Sie die früheren Zustände des ägyptisch-chaldäischen Staatslebens durchforschten, als ihn die Menschen heute haben können. Denn die Individualitäten, die solche Staatswesen lenkten und leiteten, waren solche Weisen, die zu gleicher Zeit die Gesetze der Sternenbahnen, nach denen sich die Weltkörper bewegen, kannten und sich klar waren, daß sich im Weltenall alles gegenseitig entsprechen muß. Sie hatten die Bahnen der Sterne studiert und wußten, daß ein Einklang da sein muß zwischen dem, was am Himmel, und dem, was auf der Erde geschah. Nach Ereignissen am Himmel schrieben sie vor, was sich im Laufe der Zeit auf der Erde abzuspielen habe. Selbst in der ältesten römischen Zeit, der vierten Kulturepoche, hatte man noch ein Bewußtsein dafür, daß das, was auf der Erde vorgeht, dem entsprechen muß, was am Himmel sich darstellt.

[ 19 ] In den alten Mysterien hat man am Ausgangspunkte einer neuen Epoche für lange Zeiten gewußt, welche Ereignisse in der kommenden Zeit geschehen werden. Man wußte aus der Mysterienweisheit heraus — zum Beispiel am Ausgangspunkt der römischen Geschichte -: Es wird eine Zeit auf uns folgen, da werden sich die mannigfachsten Geschicke ergeben, die man wird eintreten lassen in der Gegend von Alba longa. - Für den, der da lesen kann, ist es klar, daß hier auf einen tief symbolischen Ausdruck hingedeutet wird, daß Priesterweisheit sozusagen die Kultur des alten Roms absteckte. «Alba longa» ist das lange Priesterkleid. In diesen alten Gebieten wurden also in dieser Weise die künftigen Dinge der Geschichte - wenn man so sagen darf, um einen technischen Ausdruck zu gebrauchen - abgesteckt. Man sagte sich: Sieben Epochen müssen aufeinander folgen; man teilte die Zukunft nach der Siebenzahl ein, und man gab den Grundriß der Geschichte vorher. Und ich könnte Ihnen leicht zeigen, wie in den sieben römischen Königen, die schon bei dem Ausgangspunkt der römischen Zeit in den «Sibyllinischen Büchern» eingeschrieben waren, prophetische Geschichtstabellen hineingeheimnißt sind. Damals hatten aber die Menschen auch gewußt: Das haben wir auszuleben, was da hineingeschrieben ist. - Und bei gewichtigen Ereignissen hat man in den heiligen Büchern nachgeschaut; daher die Heilighaltung und auch Geheimhaltung der Sibyllinischen Bücher.

[ 20 ] So hat der Mensch der dritten Kulturepoche hineingearbeitet in die Materie den Geist, durchdrungen die äußere Welt mit dem Geist. Unzählige geschichtliche Zeugnisse dafür verbergen sich in dem Werdegang der Epoche dieser dritten Kulturströmung, der assyrisch-babylonisch-chaldäisch-ägyptischen Kultur.

[ 21 ] Man versteht unsere Zeit nur, wenn man weiß, welche wichtigen Beziehungen herrschen zwischen unserer und jener Zeit. Auf eine Beziehung zwischen diesen beiden Epochen möchte ich jetzt hinweisen, damit Sie sehen, wie wunderbar die Dinge zusammenhängen für den, der tiefer hineinsehen kann, der weiß, daß das, was man Egoismus und das Nützlichkeitsprinzip nennt, heute seinen Höhepunkt erreicht hat. So bloß egoistisch, so unidealistisch wie heute war die Kultur noch nie, und sie wird es noch immer mehr werden in der nächsten Zeit. Denn heute ist der Geist ganz heruntergestiegen in die materielle Kultur. Ungeheure Geisteskraft hat die Menschheit aufwenden müssen in den großen Erfindungen und Entdeckungen der neueren Zeit, namentlich des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Wie viele geistige Kraft liegt in Telephonen, Telegraphen, Eisenbahnen und so weiter! Wieviel Geisteskraft ist materialisiert, kristallisiert in den Handelsbeziehungen der Erde! Wieviel Geisteskraft gehörte dazu, sich eine Summe Geldes, meinetwegen in Tokio, auszahlen zu lassen auf Grund eines hier geschriebenen Stück Papiers, eines Schecks. Und so fragt man sich: Ist diese Geisteskraft im Sinne des geistigen Fortschrittes angewendet? — Wer die Sache recht ins Auge faßt, sagt sich: Ihr baut wohl Eisenbahnen, aber ihr fahrt nur das, was ihr für den Magen braucht; und wenn ihr selbst fahrt, so fahrt ihr doch nur zu dem, was im Zusammenhang steht mit euren Bedürfnissen. — Macht es einen Unterschied für die Geisteswissenschaft, ob der Mensch durch ein paar Steine sein Getreide sich mahlt oder ob er sich durch Telegraphen, Dampfschiffe usw. sein Getreide von weit her verschafft? Ungeheure Geisteskraft ist aufgewendet, aber in einem durchaus persönlichen Sinne verwendet worden. Was wird der ganze Sinn dessen sein, was sich die Menschen dabei vermitteln? Wahrscheinlich nicht Anthroposophie, das heißt geistige Wahrheiten! Wenn sie 'Telegraphen und Dampfschiffe anwenden, wird es sich in erster Linie darum handeln, wieviel Baumwolle man von Amerika nach Europa befördern will usw., das heißt, was zum persönlichen Bedürfnis gehört. Die Menschen sind sogar bis in die tiefsten Tiefen des persönlichen Bedürfnisses, der materiellsten Persönlichkeit heruntergestiegen. Aber ein solches egoistisches Nützlichkeitsprinzip mußte einmal kommen, weil dadurch um so besser im Gange der ganzen Menschheitsentwikkelung der Aufstieg sein wird.

[ 22 ] Was war denn aber geschehen, daß der Mensch so viel auf seine Persönlichkeit gibt, wodurch fühlt er sich gar so sehr als Einzelpersönlichkeit, und wodurch ist denn das vorbereitet worden, daß der Mensch sich heute gegenüber der geistigen Welt so stark fühlt in seinem Dasein, das eingeschlossen ist zwischen Geburt und Tod?

[ 23 ] Präpariert worden ist das Wichtigste dazu in der dritten Kulturepoche, wo man über den Tod hinaus in der Mumie die Form des einen physischen Körpers erhalten wollte, in einem einbalsamierten Körper die Form durchaus nicht zerrinnen lassen wollte. Da prägt sich das Festhalten an der Einzelpersönlichkeit so ein, daß es heute bei der Wiederverkörperung wieder herauskommt als das Persönlichkeitsgefühl. Daß dieses Persönlichkeitsgefühl heute so stark ist, ist eine Folge davon, daß man die Körper in der ägyptischen Zeit mumifiziert hat. So hängt alles in der menschlichen Entwickelung zusammen. Die Ägypter balsamierten die Körper der Verstorbenen ein, damit die Menschen in der fünften Epoche ein möglichst großes Persönlichkeitsbewußtsein haben sollten. Es gibt tiefe Mysterien innerhalb der Menschheitsentwickelung!

[ 24 ] So sehen Sie, wie die Menschen immer mehr in die Maja heruntersteigen und die Materie durchdringen mit dem, was der Mensch erringen kann. In der vierten Kulturepoche, der griechisch-lateinischen, setzt der Mensch zunächst sein inneres Wesen in die Außenwelt hinaus. Da sehen Sie zunächst, wie in Griechenland der Mensch sich selbst in der Materie, in den Formen objektiviert. Der Mensch geheimnißt seine eigene Form in die griechischen Göttergestalten hinein. Bei Äschylos klingt es in der Dramatik noch nach, wie der Mensch seine eigene Individualität künstlerisch verwerten will. Er tritt selbst in den physischen Plan hinaus und schafft ein Abbild seiner selbst. Und in der römischen Kultur schafft der Mensch in den staatlichen Institutionen ein Abbild seiner selbst. Es ist der ärgste Dilettantismus, wenn das, was man heute Jurisprudenz nennt, weiter zurückgeführt wird als bis in die römische Zeit. Was vorher ist, ist dem Begriffe nach etwas ganz anderes als «Jus», als Recht. Denn der Begriff des Menschen als einer äußeren Persönlichkeit, der Rechtsbegriff vom Menschen bestand früher noch nicht. Im alten Griechenland ist es die «Polis», der kleine Stadtstaat, und der Mensch fühlt sich als ein Glied des kleinen Stadtstaates. In dieses Bewußtsein der griechischen Epoche wird sich heute ein Mensch schwer hineinfinden können. In der römischen Kultur wird die physische Welt so weit betreten, daß die einzelne menschliche Persönlichkeit — als römischer Bürger - auch rechtlich erscheint. So geht alles stufenweise vorwärts, und wir werden des weiteren zu verfolgen haben, wie die Persönlichkeit immer mehr heraustritt und damit die physische Welt immer mehr und mehr erobert wird. Der Mensch taucht immer tiefer unter in die Materie.

[ 25 ] Unsere Kultur ist die erste Kultur nach der griechisch-lateinischen Epoche, also die fünfte der nachatlantischen Zeit; dann folgt eine sechste und sodann eine siebente Kulturepoche. Die vierte Kultur, die griechisch-lateinische, ist die mittlere - und innerhalb der Zeit dieser mittleren der nachatlantischen Kulturen tritt der Christus Jesus auf der Erde auf. Vorbereitet wird dies Ereignis innerhalb der dritten Kulturepoche der nachatlantischen Zeit, weil alles in der Welt sich vorzubereiten hat. Es wurde innerhalb der dritten Epoche dasjenige vorbereitet, was als das größte Ereignis der Erde während der vierten nachatlantischen Epoche auftreten sollte, wo die Menschen so weit in der Persönlichkeit vorgerückt waren, daß sie sich selbst hinausstellten, daß sie ihre Götter den Menschen ähnlich machten. In der griechischen Zeit schafft sich der Mensch eine Götterwelt in seiner Kunst nach seinem eignen Spiegelbilde. Im Staate schafft er dann eine Wiederholung. Der Mensch ist heruntergelangt bis zum Begreifen der Materie, bis zu der Ehe zwischen der Maja und dem Geiste. Es ist der Zeitpunkt, wo der Mensch auch bis zum Begreifen der Persönlichkeit gekommen war. Sie werden verstehen, daß dies auch die Zeit war, wo er den Gott als persönliche Erscheinung begreifen konnte, wo auch der zur Erde gehörige Geist bis zur Persönlichkeit fortschritt. So sehen wir, wie in der Mitte der nachatlantischen Kultur der Gott selbst als Mensch, als Einzelpersönlichkeit auftritt. Man möchte sagen, wie im Bilde erscheint es einem, was damals geschah, wenn wir sehen, wie der Mensch in den griechischen Kunstwerken ein Abbild seiner selbst schafft. Ist es denn nicht eigentlich so, wenn wir von der griechischen Kultur herüberkommen zur römischen und sehen die Typen des großen Römertums, als ob die griechischen Götterbilder heruntergestiegen wären von ihren Postamenten und herumwandelten in ihrer Toga! Man sieht sie förmlich!

[ 26 ] So war der Mensch vorgeschritten von der Zeit an, wo er sich als Glied der Gottheit fühlte, bis zum Fühlen seiner selbst als Persönlichkeit. Da konnte er selbst die Gottheit als Persönlichkeit begreifen, die heruntergestiegen war und unter den Menschen im Fleisch verkörpert wohnte.

[ 27 ] Das wollen wir uns vor die Seele malen, warum der Christus Jesus gerade in dieser Zeit der Menschheitsentwickelung aufgetreten ist. Wie sich dieses Mysterium weiter entwickelte, wie es in den Zeiten der früheren Entwickelung prophetisch vorleuchtete und wie es prophetisch vorwirkt auf ferne, kommende Zeiten, davon das nächste Mal.

Eighth Lecture

[ 1 ] We have seen that the best way to approach the profound meaning of the Gospel of John is to try to gain access to it from different sides; and yesterday we were allowed to point to one of the most significant mysteries of the Gospel of John from a certain side. Now it will be necessary, so that we can gradually arrive at a full understanding of the mystery mentioned yesterday, that we consider the appearance of Christ Jesus in our post-Atlantean time as such. We have gathered together the most varied information in order to trace the development of man and within this the Christ principle. Today we will try to understand why Christ appeared as a human being at the very time of our development when he walked the earth. Here we will have to tie in with what we have already heard in part in the last lectures, and will have to consider in particular the development of our humanity in the post-Atlantean period.

[ 2 ] We have repeatedly mentioned that our ancestors lived in the far distant past over in the west on an area of the earth that is now occupied by the Atlantic Ocean. Our ancestors lived on ancient Atlantis. The day before yesterday we were able to point to the way in which the outer physicality of our Atlantean ancestors looked. We have seen that that which is perceived today by man with external senses, the physical body, has actually only slowly and gradually come to the carnal density that it has today.

[ 3 ] We could say that only in the last part of the Atlantean period did man resemble today's form to some extent. But even towards the last third of the Atlantean period man was still essentially different, even if he did not differ much in the external senses. We can best understand what progress man has made if we compare man today with any of the living higher animals. For various reasons it must already have become clear to us how man differs essentially from an animal that is still so highly developed today. With every animal we find that on the physical plane or in the physical world the being of this animal consists of the physical body, the etheric or life body and the astral body, but that these three components make up the being of the animal in the physical world. You must not now believe that only physical things occur in the physical world. It would be a great mistake if you were to look for everything etheric or especially everything astral in the supersensible world. Of course, with physical senses you can only see physical things in the physical world. But this is not because only the physical is present in the physical world. No, the animal has an etheric body and an astral body in the physical world, and the clairvoyantly gifted person sees this etheric body and this astral body of the animal. Only when he wants to come to the actual ego of the animal can he not remain in the physical world, he must ascend into the astral world. There is the group soul or the group ego of the animals. And the difference between man and animal is that in man the ego is also down here in the physical world. That is, man in the physical world consists of physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego, although the three higher members, from the etheric body on, are only recognizable to the clairvoyant consciousness.

[ 4 ] Now this difference of man from the animal also expresses itself clairvoyantly in a certain way. Suppose a clairvoyant observes a horse and a human being. He finds that outside the horse's head, which is extended to the muzzle, there is an etheric extension, and he says to himself: “The etheric head protrudes above the physical head of the horse and is powerfully organized. But these two do not coincide in the horse. In today's human being one finds clairvoyantly that which is the etheric head, corresponding approximately in form and size with the physical head. The elephant, which has a strangely large etheric head, looks particularly grotesque from a clairvoyant point of view, so that this elephant, seen clairvoyantly, becomes a very, very grotesque animal. But in modern man the physical head and the etheric head coincide, they are quite similar in shape and size. This was not always the case with humans. It only became so in the last third of the Atlantean period. The old Atlantean had an etheric head that was mightily superior to the physical head. Then these two grew together more and more, and it was in the last third of the Atlantean period that the physical and etheric heads came to coincide. There is a point in the brain - near the eyes - which today coincides with a very specific point in the etheric head. These points were separate in ancient times. The etheric point was outside the brain. These two important points have moved together. When these two points coincided, it was only then that man learned to say “I” to himself, that what we yesterday called the consciousness soul emerged. Through this covering of the etheric head and the physical head of man, his head changed in a very considerable way. For this human head looked considerably different in the ancient Atlanteans than it does in modern man. If we want to understand how today's development has become possible, we must also take a closer look at the physical conditions in ancient Atlantis.

[ 5 ] If you had gone through the old Atlantis over in the west, you would not have experienced such a distribution of rain, fog, air and sunshine as you now have in our present-day territories. The northern regions west of Scandinavia in particular were covered in fog at that time. The people who lived where Ireland is today - and further west of it - never saw rain and sunshine distributed in the old Atlantis in the same way as is the case today. They were always embedded in fog, and it was only with the Atlantic flood that the time came when the fog masses also separated from the air and settled. You could have searched the whole of ancient Atlantis and you would not have found a phenomenon that you are all familiar with today as a wonderful natural phenomenon - it would be impossible to find the rainbow! It is only possible with such a distribution of rain and sunshine as can be found in the atmosphere today. In the Atlantis, before the Atlantic flood, you won't find a rainbow. Only gradually, after the Atlantean flood, did the rainbow appear, that is, it became physically possible. If you now learn this from the secret science and remember that the Atlantean flood is preserved in the various legends and myths as the Flood, that Noah comes forth and first sees the rainbow after the Flood, then you will get an idea of how deeply true, literally true the religious documents are. It is true that it was only after the Atlantean Flood that people saw the rainbow for the first time. - These are the experiences that can be had by those who live through occultism and only then gradually learn to understand how literally one may take the religious documents, of course: how one must first learn to understand this letter.

[ 6 ] Towards the end of the Atlantean period, it turns out that the external and internal conditions were most favorable for man on a certain part of our earth's surface, which was located near present-day Ireland. Today this area of land is covered with water. At that time the conditions there were particularly favorable; and it was there that the most gifted people among the Atlantean peoples developed, the people most predisposed to rise to free human self-consciousness. And the leader of this people, who in theosophical literature has been accustomed to be called the “Ursemites”, was a great initiate who, if one may speak trivially, selected the most advanced individuals of this part of the people and went with them to the East, through Europe as far as Asia, over into the region of present-day Tibet. A relatively small, but especially mentally and spiritually very advanced fraction of the Atlantean population moved there.

[ 7 ] In the last Atlantean period, the western regions of Atlantis gradually disappeared and were covered by the sea. Europe emerged more and more in its present form. Asia was still such that the great Siberian mass of land was still covered with vast masses of water; but the southern regions of Asia, in particular, were already present in a different form. The less advanced masses of the people partly joined this core of the people, which moved from west to east; some went further, some less far. But the old European population also came into being to a large extent as a result of masses of people moving over from Atlantis, settling there and populating old Europe. Previously displaced peoples, some of whom had come to Asia from other areas of Atlantis, including ancient Lemuria, came together in this migration. Thus masses of people of the most diverse talents and spiritual abilities settled in Europe and Asia. The small fraction that was led by that great spiritual individuality settled over there in Asia in order to cultivate the highest spirituality possible at that time. From this cultural area, the cultural currents went to the most diverse areas of the earth and to the various peoples.

[ 8 ] The first cultural current went down to India, and there, through the impact that the spiritual envoy of the great individuality gave it, what we call the ancient Indian culture was formed. We are not speaking of that Indian culture of which we have remnants in the wonderful books of the Vedas, nor of that which later came down to posterity through tradition. All that can be known of this outer culture was preceded by a much more glorious older culture, the culture of the ancient sacred Rishis, those great teachers who in far-off times gave mankind the first post-Atlantean culture.

[ 9 ] Let's take a look into the soul of this first cultural current of the post-Atlantean era. This first culture of post-Atlantean mankind was the first truly religious culture of mankind. The preceding Atlantean cultures were not religious cultures in the true sense of the word. “Religion” is basically a peculiarity of the post-Atlantean period. Why? Well, how did the Atlanteans live? Because the etheric head was still outside the physical head, the old dim clairvoyance had not yet been completely lost. To the greatest extent man saw into the spiritual world when he was out of the physical body at night. While during the day, when he was submerged in his physical body, he saw physical things here in the physical world, he still saw the realms of the spiritual world to a certain extent at night. - Take yourself back to the middle or first third of the Atlantean period. What was it like for man then? He woke up in the morning. His astral body was drawn into his physical body and etheric body. The objects of the physical world were not yet as clearly and sharply defined as they are today. When a city is shrouded in fog and you see the lanterns in the evening as if surrounded by auras of color, so indistinct with fringes and rays of color - that gives you a picture of what it looked like in Atlantis at that time - not with clear outlines, but as if you were to see the lanterns outside in the fog today. On the other hand, there was not such a sharp distinction between bright daytime consciousness and nocturnal unconsciousness, as occurred only after the Atlantean period. It is true that during the night the astral body slipped out of the etheric body and the physical body; but while the etheric body still remained partly connected with the astral body, there were always reflexes of the spiritual world. Man could always have a dim clairvoyance, lived into the spiritual world, saw around him spiritual beings, spiritual processes.

[ 10 ] That which you read, for example, as Germanic myths and legends of the gods, of which the scholars of the green table tell you: People of the people once composed this out of popular imagination! Wotan and Thor and all the gods are personifications of natural forces and so on. There are whole mythological theories that speak of the people's imagination creating the gods. When you hear this, you can easily get the impression that such a scholar, like the homunculus of Goethe's Faust, was born out of a retort and had never seen a real person. For anyone who has really seen the people truly loses the ability to speak of the creative popular imagination in this way. These legends of the gods are nothing more than the remnants of real events that people in earlier times have actually seen. This Wotan did exist! At night, man walked among gods in the spiritual world and knew Wotan and Thor there just as well as he knows his flesh-and-blood counterparts today. What primitive natures at that time still saw dimly and clairvoyantly is the content of myths and legends, especially the Germanic ones.

[ 11 ] Those people who at that time moved from the West to the East into the regions that were later called Germania were people who to a certain degree - one more, the other less - had still retained a certain clairvoyance, so that at least at certain times they could still see into the spiritual world. And while the highest initiate went over to Tibet with his disciples and from there sent the first cultural colony down to India, everywhere among the peoples of Europe initiates remained behind who cultivated the spiritual in the Mysteries. Mysteries among these peoples were, for example, the Druid Mysteries, the Drotten Mysteries, of which mankind today knows nothing more to report - for what it knows to report is fantastic stuff. What is important, however, is that when people spoke of higher worlds at that time among the Druids or among the people of the western Russian region and Scandinavia, where the Drotten Mysteries were, there were always a number of people who knew about spiritual worlds. When people spoke of Wotan or of the event that took place between Baldur and Hödur, they were not talking about something that was completely unknown to them. Many had still experienced such events themselves in particular states of consciousness, and those who had not experienced it heard it from their neighbor, who was credible enough for them.

[ 12 ] And wherever you may go in Europe, there was still a living memory of what was present in the Atlantis. What was there? Something that can be called a coexistence of man, a natural coexistence of man with the spiritual world, with what we call heaven today. Man continually entered the spiritual world and lived in it. In other words, he did not need to be made aware of the existence of a spiritual world through any particular religion. What does religion mean? Religion means “connection”, connection of the physical with the spiritual world. At that time he did not need any special connection with the spiritual world, because it was a world of experience. Just as no human being needs to teach you to believe in the flowers of the meadow, in the animals of the forest, because you see them, so the Atlantean believed in the gods and spirits - not out of religion, but because he experienced them.

[ 13 ] With the advancement of mankind, things now developed in such a way that man had attained the bright consciousness of day. The post-Atlantean period is therefore that during which man attains the light of day consciousness. And he attained it by having to surrender the old clairvoyant consciousness. In the future this will be added to his present bright day consciousness. - With our ancestors here in Europe it was often the case that in the legends and myths images of the old times were given. But what was the nature of the most advanced? Strange as it may sound, the most advanced, whom the leader led over to the East as far as Tibet, were the most advanced in that they had lost the old dreamy, clairvoyant consciousness. What does it mean to progress from the fourth race into the fifth? It means to become day-seeing, to lose the old clairvoyance. The great initiate and leader led away the members of his cluster so that they would not have to live among those who still stood on the steps of the old Atlantean people; and among the former only those could be led up into the higher worlds who trained themselves artificially, who underwent an occult training artificially.

[ 14 ] What then was left to man of the first post-Atlantean time of the old coexistence with the spiritual-divine world? The longing for it! For the gate to the spiritual world had been closed to him, but the longing had remained. That man felt it something like this - he heard from the legends and traditions -: There was a time when our ancestors looked into the spiritual world, where they lived with spirits and gods, where they were in the deeper spiritual reality. Oh, if we could go there too, they said to themselves. And out of this longing the ancient Indian method of initiation was created, which arose from the longing for the lost and is based on the fact that man leaves the bright day consciousness he has attained for a time in order to screw back his consciousness to the former state. Yoga is the method of ancient Indian initiation which, through its technique, its practice, achieved that which man had naturally lost. - Think of such an old Atlantean who still had his etheric head protruding far above the physical head. When the astral body went out, a large part of the etheric head was still connected with the astral body, and what the astral body experienced could be pressed into the etheric body; thus one could bring one's experiences to consciousness. When, in the last Atlantean period, the etheric part of the head withdrew completely into the physical head, the astral body came out of the etheric body every night. So in the old initiation one had to try to bring the etheric body out artificially, that is, one had to bring the human being into a kind of lethargic state, into a kind of sleep of death, which lasted three and a half days, during which the etheric body protruded from the physical body, was loosened, so that what the astral body experienced was imprinted in the etheric body. And when the etheric body was then led back into the physical body, the human being knew what he had experienced in the spiritual world.

[ 15 ] This was the old initiation method, the yoga initiation, whereby the human being lifted himself out of the world into which he was now placed in order to place himself back into the spiritual world. And the cultural mood that emerged from this initiation is the one that found its echoes in later Indian culture. It was the mood in which man said to himself: Truth, reality, actuality, essence is only in the spiritual world, in that spiritual world into which man enters when he withdraws from the physical-sensual world. Now man is in the realms of the physical world, surrounded by the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom. But this is not the truth, what surrounds man in this way, this is only outer appearance; he has lost the truth since ancient times and now lives in a world of appearance, of illusion, of maja. -- And so the world of the physical became the world of the maja for the ancient Indian culture. This must be grasped according to the cultural mood as it was felt at that time, and not as a gray theory. To the ancient Indian, if he wants to be especially holy, the world of the maja is worthless. This physical world is an illusion to him; the true world exists for him when he withdraws from this physical world, when he is allowed - through yoga - to live again in the world in which his ancestors still lived in the Atlantean period.

[ 16 ] The purpose of further development, however, is that man gradually becomes accustomed to appreciate the physical world, which is given to him in the post-Atlantean culture, according to its value, according to its significance. One step further than ancient Indian culture is the second cultural epoch, also a prehistoric culture, but which we name after the peoples who later lived in these regions; we call it the ancient Persian culture. Again, we do not have the later Persian culture in mind, but a prehistoric culture.

[ 17 ] The second period already differs quite substantially from the ancient Indian period in its mood, in its emotional content. It became increasingly difficult to detach the etheric body, but it was still possible, and in a certain way it was still carried out up to the time of Christ Jesus. But these people of the ancient Persian culture had achieved one thing: they had begun to value maja or illusion, to regard it as something valuable. The Indian felt at ease when he could escape the illusion; for the Persian it had become a field of work. It still appeared to him as something opposing, but as something that had to be conquered, from which later emerged the battle between Ormuzd and Ahriman, where man unites with the good gods against the powers of the evil gods in matter. This formed the mood of the time. The Persian was still not fond of this reality, but he no longer fled from it, as the old Indian did, he worked on it, regarded it as an arena on which one could work, where there was something to be overcome. One step in the conquest of the physical world had been taken in this second stage of culture.

[ 18 ] Then came the third stage of culture, and we come closer and closer to the historical. In secret science we call it the Chaldean-Babylonian-Assyrian-Egyptian civilization. All these civilizations were founded by colonies that were sent out under the leadership of great leaders. The first colony founded the culture of ancient India, the second founded what we have just described as the ancient Persian cultural center, and a third cultural current went even further west and founded there what was the basis of the Babylonian-Chaldean-Assyrian-Egyptian culture. This was an important step in the conquest of the physical world. To the Persians it still seemed like an unstructured mass that had to be worked on if one wanted to work in it with what one thought of as the good spirits of true spiritual reality. Now one had become more familiar, more intimate with physical reality. - Look at the old Chaldean astronomy, which is one of the most curious and magnificent products of the post-Atlantean human spirit! There you will see how the orbits of the stars are studied, how the laws of the heavens are investigated. The old Indian had still looked up at this sky and said: However the stars may go and whatever laws may be expressed in them, it is not worth the effort to investigate these laws! - It was very important for a member of the third cultural epoch to penetrate these laws. It was even very important for a member of the Egyptian culture to study the conditions of the earth and to develop geometry. Maja was researched, the external science came into being. Man studies the thoughts of the gods, and he feels that he must create a connection between his own work and that which he finds inscribed within matter as the writing of the gods. You would get a different concept of a state system if you studied the earlier conditions of Egyptian-Chaldean state life than people can have today. For the individuals who directed and led such states were wise men who at the same time knew the laws of the orbits of the stars, according to which the bodies of the world move, and were aware that everything in the universe must correspond to each other. They had studied the orbits of the stars and knew that there must be a harmony between what happened in the sky and what happened on earth. According to events in the sky, they prescribed what was to take place on earth in the course of time. Even in the oldest Roman period, the fourth cultural epoch, there was still an awareness that what happens on earth must correspond to what happens in the heavens.

[ 19 ] In the ancient mysteries, at the starting point of a new epoch, people knew for a long time what events would happen in the coming time. It was known from the wisdom of the Mysteries - for example, at the starting point of Roman history - that a time would come upon us when the most varied destinies would occur, which would be brought about in the region of Alba longa. - For those who can read, it is clear that a deeply symbolic expression is alluded to here, that priestly wisdom, so to speak, marked out the culture of ancient Rome. “Alba longa” is the long priestly garment. In these ancient regions, the future of history - to use a technical term, if I may - was marked out in this way. They said to themselves: seven epochs must follow one another; they divided the future according to the number seven, and they gave the outline of history beforehand. And I could easily show you how the seven Roman kings, which were already inscribed in the “Sibylline Books” at the beginning of the Roman era, contain secret prophetic tables of history. At that time, however, people also knew that we had to live out what was written there. - And when important events occurred, people looked in the holy books; hence the sacredness and secrecy of the Sibylline books.

[ 20 ] Thus man of the third cultural epoch worked the spirit into matter, permeating the outer world with the spirit. Countless historical testimonies to this are concealed in the development of the epoch of this third cultural current, the Assyrian-Babylonian-Chaldean-Egyptian culture.

[ 21 ] Our time can only be understood if we know what important relationships exist between our time and that time. I would now like to point out one relationship between these two epochs so that you can see how wonderfully things are connected for those who can see deeper, who know that what is called egoism and the principle of utility has reached its peak today. Culture has never been so purely egoistic, so unidealistic as it is today, and it will become even more so in the near future. For today the spirit has completely descended into material culture. Mankind has had to expend tremendous spiritual power in the great inventions and discoveries of recent times, especially in the nineteenth century. How much spiritual power lies in telephones, telegraphs, railroads and so on! How much spiritual power is materialized, crystallized in the trade relations of the earth! How much spiritual power was required to have a sum of money paid out, for example in Tokyo, on the basis of a piece of paper written here, a check. And so one asks oneself: Is this intellectual power used in the sense of spiritual progress? - Whoever looks at the matter properly says to himself: You build railroads, but you only travel to what you need for your stomach; and if you travel yourself, you only travel to what is related to your needs. - Does it make any difference to spiritual science whether a man grinds his grain with a few stones or whether he gets his grain from far away by telegraph, steamship, etc.? Enormous spiritual power has been expended, but in a thoroughly personal sense. What will be the whole meaning of what people convey to each other? Probably not anthroposophy, that is, spiritual truths! When they use 'telegraphs and steamships, it will be primarily a question of how much cotton they want to transport from America to Europe, etc., that is, what belongs to personal need. Men have even descended to the deepest depths of personal need, of the most material personality. But such an egoistic principle of usefulness had to come one day, because through it the ascent will be all the better in the course of the whole development of mankind.

[ 22 ] But what has happened that man gives so much to his personality, what makes him feel so much as an individual personality, and what has prepared the fact that man today feels so strongly towards the spiritual world in his existence, which is enclosed between birth and death?

[ 23 ] The most important thing for this was prepared in the third cultural epoch, when people wanted to preserve the form of the one physical body in the mummy beyond death, and did not want to allow the form to melt away in an embalmed body. There the adherence to the individual personality is imprinted in such a way that today it emerges again as the feeling of personality in the re-embodiment. The fact that this sense of personality is so strong today is a consequence of the fact that bodies were mummified in Egyptian times. This is how everything in human development is connected. The Egyptians embalmed the bodies of the deceased so that people in the fifth epoch would have as great a sense of personality as possible. There are deep mysteries within the development of mankind!

[ 24 ] So you see how people descend more and more into the Maja and penetrate matter with what man can attain. In the fourth cultural epoch, the Greco-Latin one, man first puts his inner being out into the outer world. First you see how in Greece man objectifies himself in matter, in forms. Man secretes his own form into the figures of the Greek gods. In Aeschylus, the drama still echoes how man wants to utilize his own individuality artistically. He himself steps out into the physical plan and creates an image of himself. And in Roman culture, man creates an image of himself in the state institutions. It is the worst kind of dilettantism if what is called jurisprudence today is traced back further than Roman times. What comes before is conceptually something quite different from “jus”, from law. For the concept of man as an external personality, the legal concept of man, did not exist in earlier times. In ancient Greece it was the “polis”, the small city-state, and man felt himself to be a member of the small city-state. It would be difficult for a person today to find their way into this consciousness of the Greek era. In Roman culture the physical world is entered to such an extent that the individual human personality - as a Roman citizen - also appears legally. Thus everything progresses step by step, and we shall have to follow how the personality emerges more and more and thus the physical world is conquered more and more. Man submerges deeper and deeper into matter.

[ 25 ] Our culture is the first culture after the Greco-Latin epoch, i.e. the fifth of the post-Atlantean period; then follows a sixth and then a seventh cultural epoch. The fourth culture, the Greco-Latin, is the middle one - and it is within the time of this middle one of the post-Atlantean cultures that Christ Jesus appears on earth. This event is prepared within the third cultural epoch of the post-Atlantean period, because everything in the world has to be prepared. Within the third epoch that was prepared which was to occur as the greatest event of the earth during the fourth post-Atlantean epoch, where men had advanced so far in personality that they put themselves out, that they made their gods similar to men. In Greek times man created a world of gods in his art after his own mirror image. In the state he then creates a repetition. Man has come down to the comprehension of matter, to the marriage between the maja and the spirit. This is the point in time when man has also reached the comprehension of personality. You will understand that this was also the time when he was able to comprehend God as a personal manifestation, when the spirit belonging to the earth also progressed to personality. Thus we see how, in the middle of the post-Atlantean culture, God himself appears as a human being, as an individual personality. One might say that what happened at that time seems like a picture when we see how man creates an image of himself in Greek works of art. Is it not actually the case when we come from Greek culture to Roman culture and see the types of the great Romans, as if the Greek images of the gods had descended from their pedestals and were walking around in their togas! You can literally see them!

[ 26 ] So man had progressed from the time when he felt himself to be a member of the deity to feeling himself as a personality. Then he himself was able to comprehend the Deity as a personality who had descended and dwelt among men embodied in the flesh.

[ 27 ] Let us visualize why Christ Jesus appeared precisely at this time in the development of mankind. How this mystery continued to develop, how it prophetically shone forth in the times of the earlier development and how it prophetically foreshadows distant times to come, we shall see next time.