Correspondence with Marie Steiner
GA 262
Translated by Steiner Online Library
To Marie von Sivers in Berlin
Sunday, February 11, 1912
Letterhead: Hotel Moser, Klagenfurt
February 11, 1912
My dear Mausichen, so it is only today that I actually get around to sending you these warm greetings; Breslau and Vienna were somewhat overcrowded; and the day between the two places was spent traveling. It is just as well that the snowstorms have passed for the time being; this means that the journey from Graz to Berlin will go without hindrance. The first day in Vienna was a real weather phenomenon; all day long it was full night; one stepped into absolute darkness when one came out on the streets; the birds even did not leave their roosts in the trees; and in the rooms, one lived with the light on as in the night throughout the day. The lectures went well in both Breslau and Vienna; there was definitely an increase in the attention of the public audience; the Viennese lodge must now be left to its own devices for a while; Reif, who is absolutely exhausted and can no longer stand on her feet, must take some time off. Perhaps Scholl will travel from Graz to Vienna every 14 days; Julius Breitenstein 6(1870-1950), from Transylvania, has also emerged as a rather talented member shortly after the founding of the Vienna branch in March 1910. a rather good talent emerges; he explains the “occult science” to people, and everyone is charmed by his earnest and understanding manner. Milek seems to be stuck in Vienna again; she is not here, and it is not at all clear whether she will make the decision to go to Graz at all. It's really hard to do anything with her. She has talent, but a very Viennese will, which is negative. Rainer is coming to pick me up now, and then all the Theosophists present here are to follow and drink coffee with him and see his mills 7Julius Ritter v. Rainer also operated mills on his estate Mageregg near Klagenfurt and for some time made bread according to the indications of Rudolf Steiner.. Therefore, only
warmest greetings from Rudolf.
An Marie von Sivers in München
Mittwoch, 28. (oder 29.) Februar 1912, aus Berlin 7dies ergibt sich aus dem Brief von Mathilde Scholl an Marie v. Sivers vom 27.2.1912 aus Wien. Sie war zur Unterstützung der Arbeit nach Österreich gegangen, gab zuerst in Graz, dann in Wien Kurse, fühlte sich aber elend und verlassen.
L’g: hier Scholl’s Brief; mir scheint, dass sie gar nicht in Wien bleiben kann; zwischen Milek und ihr ist ein gespanntes Verhältnis geworden, sodass auch deshalb das Hinüberfahren von Wien nach Graz erschwert sein wird: wenn aber die Sache bloß damit endet, dass Scholl von Österreich fortgeht, dann ist die Sache wohl sehr fatal. Willst Du ihr schreiben, so ist’s vorläufig am besten, ihr auch nur vorläufig Deine Meinung ohne Verhaltungsregel zu sagen: wir besprechen dann die Sache Sonnabend oder Sonntag.
Ich kam heute morgen an; das gestrige Telegramm, das meine Ankunft melden sollte, ist nicht angekommen - dagegen bin ich herzlich dankbar für das heutige, das sagt: alles in Ordnung.
Herzlichst Dein Rudolf