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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 211 through 220 of 522

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343. Lectures on Christian Religious Work II: Twenty-seventh Lecture 09 Oct 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
These are the feelings that, as you can see, are, to a certain extent, much more abstract when they are expressed than those we have developed for Advent, for Christmas, for Easter and so on; but that is the given. And now we come to the time from September 23 to October 23, when we experience the gifts we can receive and the harvest of the world.
This is something quite necessary. As we approach the Christmas season, the inner life of the spirit becomes more differentiated again, we live our way into a more differentiated life.
We have truly come through the moods of the year to be able to feel what the Logos is, and we can now develop the mood in the Advent season that is to lead up to the Christmas season. May I read to you the experiment that I began this morning, such as how, by meditatively surrendering to what I have written on the board here, the meditation can be experienced inwardly in these words, how these words can be experienced in a breviary-like manner.
26. The Life, Nature, and Cultivation of Anthroposophy: The Work in the Society 24 Feb 1924,
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
As one of the results of the Christmas Foundation Meeting, those who take upon themselves to work actively in the Society should make increasingly plain in the eyes of the world the real nature of Anthroposophy, what it is and what it is not.
Moreover this task in its peculiar nature must be fully understood by those members who undertake to work actively in the Society. As a result of the Christmas Foundation Meeting, Anthroposophy and the Anthroposophical Society should become ever more and more united.
26. The Life, Nature, and Cultivation of Anthroposophy: How the Leading Thoughts are to be used 16 Mar 1924,
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
But we must reckon with the possibilities that exist. The aims that found expression at the Christmas Foundation Meeting will be realised. But we need time. For the present those Groups that have members who visit the Goetheanum, hear the lectures there and can bring back the substance of them into the Group Meetings have an advantage.
It will then be able to work in accordance with the intention of the Christmas Foundation Meeting.
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class III: First Recapitulation 06 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
And so for the members of the School who are here for the first time, the meaning of the School must be explained beforehand. As the impulse of the Christmas Conference with the spiritual laying of the foundation stone of the Anthroposophical Society took place in this hall, from now on an esoteric breath is to flow through the whole Anthroposophical Society—as I said yesterday—an esoteric breath that can already be noted in everything undertaken within the Anthroposophical Society since Christmas.
The intention of what was formed together with me as the Christmas impulse was that the Free School for Spiritual Science, with its various sections, would form an esoteric nucleus for all the esoteric work in the Anthroposophical Society.
When the Anthroposophical Society was placed at the service of the esoteric during the Christmas Conference, its esoteric nucleus, this Esoteric School, could only be founded by the spiritual power which is incumbent for its guidance at this time.
28. The Story of My Life: Chapter V
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
After his return he was occupied in teaching German literature in his father's school, and in conducting a Seminar. He now became acquainted with the Christmas folk-plays which were enacted every year by the German colonists in the region of Presburg. There he was face to face with Germanism in a form profoundly congenial to him.
I could sit by his side for hours. Out of his inspired heart the Christmas plays lived on his lips, the spirit of the German dialect, the course of the life of literature.
1. German Christmas Plays from Hungary.2. History of German Poetry in the Nineteenth Century.
175. Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses: Man and the Super-Terrestrial 13 Mar 1917, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We have, therefore, called this meeting, which in the course of the year man has in any part of the earth where he makes Christmas in his winter: the meeting with the Son. Thus in the course of a year, a man really goes through a rhythm which imitates that of the seasons of the year, in which he has a meeting and a union with the world of the Son.
The fact that in the old Christian traditions the Legend of Christ Jesus was part of the yearly celebration of the Christmas, Easter, and Whitsuntide Festivals, is connected with this; and, as I stated in a former lecture, the fact that the Festival of Christmas is kept at a fixed date, while Easter is regulated according to the heavenly constellations, is also connected with this. Christmas is celebrated in accordance with the earth-conditions, it is kept in what is always the very depth of winter and this hangs together with the meeting with Christ, with the Son, which meeting really takes place at that season.
240. Karmic Relationships VI: Lecture I 25 Jan 1924, Bern
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, E. H. Goddard, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
Such are the interconnections of Necessity and Freedom. At the Christmas Foundation Meeting at the Goetheanum we tried to give the impulses which would help us to make these facts of true esoteric perception still more effective in the years to come. And I hope that our Members will become more and more conscious of what took place at Christmas. I would like particularly to draw your attention to the fact that every Member can now receive the News Sheet.
My hope—and anyone who was not at Dornach can read about it in the Goetheanum Weekly and the News Sheet—is that whatever of spiritual value was achieved at the Christmas Meeting shall in some way reach every individual Member. Thereby the aim of bringing true esoteric life into the Society will be achieved.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: How the Leading Thoughts are to be Used 16 Mar 1924,
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
But we must reckon with the possibilities that exist. The aims that found expression at the Christmas Meeting will be realised. But we need time. [ 3 ] For the present those Groups that have members who visit the Goetheanum, hear the lectures there and can bring back the substance of them into the Group meetings, have an advantage.
It will then be able to work in accordance with the intention of the Christmas Meeting. Further Leading Thoughts issued from the Goetheanum for the Anthroposophical Society [ 10 ] 76.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: General Assembly of the Goethe Society 25 May 1891,

Rudolf Steiner
Ruland then presented the annual report, which showed that the number of members on December 31, 1890 was 2988; the Society's assets on that day amounted to 37,289 marks, of which 21,396 marks served as a reserve fund. As a Christmas gift for the members of the Goethe Society, a publication on Goethe's relationship to the Weimar theater was promised on the basis of the above-mentioned discovery of files by Dr.
The aforementioned publication of the Goethe-Gesellschaft, which will be sent to members as this year's Christmas gift, is to be entitled: "Documents on the History of Goethe's Theater Management 1791 to 1817", by C.
195. The Festivals and Their Meaning IV : Michaelmas: The Michael Path to Christ (Extract) 25 Dec 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Only through this striving after spiritual truth is the real Christ to be sought and found; otherwise it would be better to extinguish the lights of Christmas, to destroy all Christmas trees, and to acknowledge at least with truth, that we want nothing that will recall what Christ Jesus has brought into human evolution ...

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