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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 91 through 100 of 522

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274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: December 26, 1915 26 Dec 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Automated Translation Show German We have let two Christmas plays pass before our soul. We may perhaps raise the thought: Are the first and second Christmas plays dedicated in the same sense to the great human cause that is so vividly before our soul these days?
And it is very, very significant when you see how these plays were handed down from generation to generation in handwritten form, and how, not when Christmas was approaching, but when Christmas was approaching in the distant past, those who were found suitable for this in the village prepared to perform these plays.
I will try to reproduce this 12th-century Christmas carol so that we can see how the simple man also grasped the full greatness of Christ and related it to the whole of cosmic life: He is mighty and strong, who was born at Christmas.
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: January 3, 1917 03 Jan 1917, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
These are not actually Christmas plays or New Year's plays, as one might otherwise see them, although of course there is a similarity.
And after the Germanist researcher Weinhold had first begun to record the existing remains of old Christmas and New Year plays, Karl Julius Schröer in the 1850s became aware from Pressburg of special representations of Christmas and New Year plays, Paradeis plays, which took place among the local farmers near Pressburg. These Christmas plays are, of course, related to the Christmas plays and New Year plays in German-speaking areas that are otherwise collected.
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: January 7, 1917 07 Jan 1917, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
We cannot, of course, offer anything complete or perfect in any respect. These are so-called Christmas plays, but Christmas plays that differ in some respects from the others that are performed more and more every year.
Now, in the 1950s, after Weinhold had begun collecting various Christmas plays, especially from Silesia, Schröer discovered that in the vicinity of Bratislava, in the so-called Oberufer region, in a corner that is a German enclave, old Christmas plays are still alive. These Christmas plays were performed by the farmers directly during the so-called Holy Season in every winter.
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: December 30, 1917 30 Dec 1917, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Since the 16th or at least since the beginning of the 17th century, these Christmas plays have been preserved among the German farmers, the so-called Haidbauern, all in personal tradition.
In front walked someone carrying a so-called Kranawittbaum, a juniper tree used as a symbol of paradise or a Christmas tree. Behind him came the star-bearer, who carried the star on a pole or on a so-called “scissors”.
But as I said, with the old Oberufer play, this is definitely not to be taken in the same way as with the other Christmas plays. The Christmas plays, Easter plays, Passion plays and so on go back to ancient performances, which all actually originated from church celebrations.
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: January 6, 1918 06 Jan 1918, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
It is precisely because they were found in this German colony that they are particularly interesting; more interesting than similar other Christmas and Easter plays, of which there are many, especially now that they are performed here and there.
The angel was already dressed, but the other actors had not yet dressed at the teacher's house; the actors then carried a large, as it was said, Kranawittbaum, which is a juniper tree that served as a Christmas tree. So they went, singing all kinds of Christmas carols, from the master's house to the inn, where the things were to be played.
There will be a short break between the plays. In between, we will play some Christmas music by Corelli and an Adagio from the first Bach sonata. I have taken the liberty of saying the most important thing about the Christmas plays at the beginning.
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: December 19, 1920 19 Dec 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Among other cultural possessions that they owned in their simplicity, they also brought these Christmas plays with them to their new homes. Karl Julius Schröer, with whom I talked a lot about these things in my youth, who was able to tell me from his personal experiences how, in turn, in his youth - in the forties and fifties of the last century - among these, I would say Slavic and Magyar populations, these Christmas games were always performed by the devious Germans living there, and they really had an extraordinarily serious effect on the minds of these people around Christmas time, with great zeal. In these Christmas games, we therefore have germs that have gradually developed from a longer cultural tradition that we can trace back to the 13th century.
Nevertheless, as Schröer found them, they came, as I said, to the Oberufer, to the Pressburg area – as they are also called Oberufer Christmas plays – for performance, east of Pressburg. So they were played there during the Christmas season, even though they originated quite elsewhere.
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: December 22, 1920 22 Dec 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Automated Translation Show German The two Christmas plays to be performed today were performed in the same way as they have been played over the centuries until the mid-19th century in the German-speaking communities in Hungary, a little east of Pressburg and north of the Danube, in the area known as Oberufer.
It was always passed down from father to son. And when Christmas time approached, when the grape harvest was over in the fall, the person who had the manuscript would gather together with the clergy, the local pastor, those boys whom he considered suitable to perform the play that year.
From the moment they began rehearsals after the grape harvest, they practiced the whole week. From the grape harvest until Christmas, when the performance took place, strict rules were given by their teacher, pastor, teacher and by the master who had the piece.
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: December 23, 1921 23 Dec 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Schröer was able to establish that such Christmas plays were handed down from generation to generation like a sacred treasure, rehearsed each time the Christmas season approached, and then performed at Christmas time. These Christmas plays were in the possession of one particularly favored family. When the grape harvest was over in the fall and the country folk had some free time, the owner of the manuscript of such Christmas plays would gather the local boys he thought suitable and prepare them for performance at Christmas time by rehearsing them.
“Adam and Eve” is the festival that precedes December 25th in the calendar, the actual Christmas. And for the Christmas season, which was later the Christmas season, something like the Christ-Birth Play, which we will allow ourselves to do tomorrow, was usually planned for the Christmas season, followed by this Paradise Play.
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: January 8, 1922 08 Jan 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
The oldest forms are performed in the churches, at Christmas, where the manger has been set up, and where the clergy themselves - initially in Latin - have performed this festival.
So the approach of these festivities was really looked forward to in a festive mood. And when the performances came around at Christmas and on Epiphany, the villagers would gather in the appropriate inns. The benches were placed against the wall and the play was performed in the middle of the hall.
And it was on the basis of this suggestion that we performed the Christmas Play and the Paradeis Play in the past few days, and today we would like to present the Epiphany Play or Herod Play to you, as it was performed in the 1950s by German colonists in the areas around Bratislava.
274. Introductions for Traditional Christmas Plays: December 24, 1922 24 Dec 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
These Christmas plays probably originated in the 16th century or even earlier among the people when they still lived more in western Germany, as far as the Rhine.
They regarded the performance of such plays as something quite serious. Then, when Advent and later Christmas time had arrived, these plays were performed in an inn. The people, however, actually carried their pious, truly pious minds, their holy mood, I would like to say, into this inn.
By staging these plays, we are trying to give a true picture of what has been revived in many areas as folklore in the 16th century from the 11th century and what has been most faithfully preserved by the poor people who were then in the process of losing their folklore, a folklore that Karl Julius Schröer wanted to preserve by recording it in dictionaries, books of spoken drama, and by passing it on to us in these Christmas plays. Many of these Christmas plays have also been collected by others, but it seems to me that these plays of the Haidbauern are the ones in which what once existed in the late Middle Ages has been preserved most purely.

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