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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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22. Goethe's Standard of the Soul: Goethe's Standard of the Soul, as Illustrated in his Fairy Story of “The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily.”
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Schiller's thoughts encountered this question: “What condition of the human soul forces corresponds in the best sense of the word to an existence worthy of man?” “It may be urged that every individual bears within himself, at least in adaptation and destination, a purely ideal man.
There exist in human nature two impulses which hold it back from idealistic perfection when they develop in an unbalanced way—the impulses of the senses and of reason.
In the discussions narrated there, the human soul turns to the two world spheres between which man's life is placed—the material and the supersensible.
335. The Crisis of the Present and the Path to Healthy Thinking: The Great Challenges of Today in the Fields of Intellectual, Legal and Economic Life. A Third Speech on Contemporary Issues 20 Sep 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, forces slumber in every human being that he can develop within himself and that then show him a different, a spiritual, understanding of the world.
Our feelings are stirred and our actions inspired by our earthly work, and this is what our task as human beings in earthly existence is. We have to draw strength from the spirit in order to truly penetrate into something like this, which is our task as human beings in earthly existence; for this it is not enough to stick only to the nearest districts of what surrounds us in life.
And then, economic life will not be characterized by a capitalism based on egoism and mere self-acquisition; instead, it will be imbued with spirituality, arising from an understanding of the necessities of the world and of humanity and of existence, and it will work in the spirit of the people educated in the new spiritual life. Then labor will no longer be a commodity, but will be incorporated into the independent, self-developing constitutional state; then, in the social fabric in which the mature human being works with every other mature human being on the basis of equal rights, labor will come into its own.
226. Man's Being, His Destiny and World-Evolution: Our Experiences at Night, Life after Death 18 May 1923, Oslo
Translated by Erna McArthur

Rudolf Steiner
Yet these people, who lived before the Mystery of Golgotha, avowed from their innermost depth that the great Sun-spirit was also the great guide and helper of the human being, who approached him every night in sleep and relieved him of the fear of being disseminated into the universe.
This question must be answered in the affirmative. And just as human beings knew that they had been together, in their pre-earthly existence, with the exalted Sun-spirit who had given them the strength to pass through death as immortal beings, so they also consciously remembered after every sleep that the exalted Sun-spirit had stood at their side, helping them to become real human beings, integrated personalities.
During sleep, the human being also ceases to talk. Only in abnormal cases, which could be explained, does he talk in his sleep.
117. Deeper Secrets of Human Development in the Light of the Gospels: The Gospel of Matthew and the Christ-Problem 19 Nov 1909, Zürich

Rudolf Steiner
Only from this point of view can we understand the attitude of the Evangelists. They know that initiation is the leading of human beings to the higher, supersensible worlds, the living into the higher, supersensible worlds, the awakening of the soul powers, the awakening of those powers and abilities that otherwise remain hidden and slumber in the soul.
Today, as you know, human beings have three soul powers: thinking, feeling and willing. In everyday life, the human being applies these three soul forces in such a way that they are all three active, so to speak, in his dealings with the outside world.
You can only understand this if you look back to those times when there was still great trust in a being in the world that was not bound to human thinking and willing. Today man considers himself to be the cleverest being in the world.
71b. Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul: The Psychological Expression of the Unconscious 26 Feb 1918, Nuremberg
Translated by Michael Tapp, Elizabeth Tapp

Rudolf Steiner
I tried to show the difference between the anthroposophically orientated science of spirit and an outlook founded on the unconscious like, for instance, that of Eduard von Hartmann. I discussed this difference recently in a rather personal way in the February number of the second year of the magazine Das Reich. I shall now indicate in a few words what is discussed more fully there: Eduard von Hartmann points out that everything the human being is able to reveal in his ordinary life rests on something spiritual and unconscious.
This is the essential thing about the method of the science of spirit—that it sets out to reveal what in normal life is generally hidden in the unconscious of the human soul. For the science of spirit brings nothing new to light and does not invent it, but the eternal core of the human being goes through—to use yesterday's expression—a spiritual digestion, just as the physical body has a material digestion—this exists in every human being.
It is the eternal that dreams in the human being, just as it is the eternal in the human being that investigates the spirit, but it is clothed with the events of everyday life.
67. The Eternal human Soul: Goethe as Father of Spiritual Research 21 Feb 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Then Goethe could show really that there is no difference between the human and the animal skeletons in this respect. He already consulted the embryological research that became especially important later and showed that with the human being relatively early during the embryonic development the other parts of the upper jaw grow together with the intermaxillary so that it does not seem to exist with the human being.
What did Schiller want, actually? Schiller wanted to show that in every human being a higher human being lives, as compared with what the usual consciousness encloses is a lower one.
One has to form a correct mental picture of that which there Goethe wanted, actually, if one envisages the other side now that arises for the soul life. If one envisages the metamorphosis of the inner soul forces as Goethe envisaged the metamorphosis of the outer forms of the human being, that arises what appears in the human being as a summary of the metamorphosing soul forces from the underlying world of spiritual beings and spiritual processes, as on the other side if one looks at the human being as a physical being in the Goethean way, this human physical being arises as a summary of the physical world.
92. Greek and Germanic Mythology in the Light of Esotericism: The Trojan War 28 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy Lenn

Rudolf Steiner
He will be a being who began his development when incarnation started, approximately in the middle of Lemuria, one who has always been a man among men, only that he was able to advance more rapidly, and one who has gone through every stage of human evolution.
The predominance of physical matter then led to there being worldly kings. Previously there had only been kings who stood in relationship with the Divine.
The human heart will really have this fire. At first this seems to be mere symbolism but man will then really be permeated by a force which will live in his heart, so that during the sixth root-race he will no longer make a distinction between his own well-being and the well-being of the whole.
243. True and False Paths in Spiritual Investigation: Initiation-Knowledge, Waking Consciousness and Dream Consciousness 16 Aug 1924, Torquay
Translated by A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
There is always a spiritual element in the dream despite the fact that the spirit has its seat in the corporeal.
Reading and writing have been developed in the course of human evolution in response to physical conditions. And if our whole being is orientated towards purely scientific investigation we shall obviously have difficulty in withdrawing from our physical and etheric bodies.
Certain conditions were a prerequisite for Initiation. This in no way prevented every effort being made to bring the aspirant to the highest stage of Initiation commensurate with his potentialities.
82. So That Man may Become Fully Human: The Anthroposophical Research Method 10 Apr 1922, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
Abilities have sprouted from within that now serve one in life and in science. Just as the human soul is now, so one says to oneself: Certainly, education and life have drawn certain abilities out of my inner being since my childhood.
Therefore, one assumes that there are motor nerves. They do not know that the will works directly. It has been said today that the real discovery of the facts that exist here can only be made when one has come to make oneself transparent like a sense organ, so that the whole human being becomes like a single sense organ, permeable in soul and spirit, as the eye is transparent to light.
But if we understand things aright, we also have in external science what is described to us by the external physiognomy of nature and of the human being.
157. The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations: Lecture IX 09 Mar 1915, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
The process of attaining to genuine higher knowledge always consists in making conscious what otherwise remains in a state of sleep and unconsciousness between going to sleep and waking up again' There is one part of the human being—and this may surprise you—one part of the physical human being that basically is always asleep.
There is one thought human beings do meditate of on. It is seemjingly small, but of infinite importance in life: the thought of the I or ego.
If we consider that the human being leaves this behind—that, fundamentally speaking, all his experiences are contained in what he leaves behind and that it remains—we will, of course, realize that when the human being has gone through the time between death and new birth and comes down to earth again he will still find in the cosmic ether what he previously left there.

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