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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 241 through 250 of 456

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181. Anthroposophical Life Gifts: Lecture II 01 Apr 1918, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
There exists today a something like a “Theory of Knowledge;” that particular philosophical science which is based on Kant is called “Theory of Knowledge.” Yet this theory of knowledge is really—one might say—a nail in the coffin of human knowledge.
In so far as you calculate, just so far do you cut yourself off from the spirit. Kant once said: “There is just the same amount of science in the world as there is mathematics.” But one might also say, from the other point of view, which is equally justifiable, that there is darkness in the world to the same degree as man has succeeded in judging the world by means of calculation.
199. Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms: Lecture IV 14 Aug 1920, Dornach
Translated by Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
One of these I have often mentioned as a typical example, namely, Herman Grimm,24 who has said: People talk of a nebulous state, of the nebulous essence of Kant-Laplace, at the beginning of the earth's or the world's existence. From it, it is supposed that everything on the earth, including the human being, has been compressed through purely natural processes.
Now, Herman Grimm is of the opinion that a hungry dog nosing around the bone of a carcass presents a more attractive picture than this theory of Kant-Laplace concerning world existence, and that from a cultural and historical point of view people of the future will find it difficult to grasp how it had been possible for the nineteenth and twentieth century to have fallen victim to such pathological thinking.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Knowledge, Truth and Freedom

Rudolf Steiner
In this case, acting according to this standard is felt to be a duty. Kant's moral teaching is based on this point of view insofar as it is based on the categorical imperative.
2. The Science of Knowing: The Inner Nature of Thinking
Translated by William Lindemann

Rudolf Steiner
[ 4 ] The fact that one has failed to do this in the epistemological studies basing themselves on Kant has been disastrous for science. This failure has given a thrust to this science in a direction utterly antithetical to our own.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: Life and Death 28 Nov 1910, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
But the difference in the lower jaw was emphasized with pathos - [so] Kant. Goethe did not like this approach because he was able to think spiritually. He studied anatomy and physiology in Jena and proved that it was nonsense to claim this difference.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Bible and Wisdom I 08 Jun 1907, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
There, there is an experience of the “thing in itself”, as our great philosopher Kant called it. There, love is something much higher, there is a merging with things. Those who engage with the meaning of the concept of inspiration know what it means.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Alois Mager's writing “Theosophy and Christianity”

Rudolf Steiner
He borrowed from the oriental mystery religions, from the Gnostic and Manichaean teachings. The Kant-Laplacean Urn Nebula served as a model for his spiritual primeval world being... This conclusion drawn by Mager about my anthroposophy is a complete objective untruth, in view of the true facts.
109. From Buddha to Christ II 14 Jun 1909, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
Is not Theosophy just as much a world view, a philosophy as any other, say that of Haeckel, Kant and Schopenhauer? No, that is not Theosophy. Those are incorporated, poured into certain forms, say dogmas; they represent a certain system.
93a. Foundations of Esotericism: Lecture VIII 03 Oct 1905, Berlin
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Earlier than this, before there was reincarnation, sun, moon and earth were not yet separated as now. Kant and Laplace made their observation from the physical plane only, and to this extent their theory is quite correct, but they did not know the connection with spiritual forces.
300c. Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner II: Sixty-First Meeting 18 Dec 1923, Stuttgart
Translated by Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
Now, he is living through the second part of that incarnation and the first part of the present incarnation at the same time. Nothing fits. He has already read Kant. He cannot do things any other child can do, but he asks very unusual questions that show he has a very highly developed soul life.

Results 241 through 250 of 456

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