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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 21 through 30 of 235

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109. Rosicrucian Esotericism: On Karma, Reincarnation and Initiation 12 Jun 1909, Budapest
Translated by Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
175. Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses: Morality as a Germinating Force 27 Feb 1917, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
For just consider:—If the world really came into being as the Kant-Laplace theory believes, and only comes to its end through physical forces, dragging all men down to the grave with it, together with all their ideas, feelings and impulses of will, what then, apart from all else, would become of the whole moral order of the world?
For just imagine, my dear friends: if the Mystery of Golgotha had not taken place, all would have been as in the Kant-Laplace theory. If you think away the Mystery of Golgotha from the earth, that theory would be correct.
That means that when the earth becomes a grave, when it fulfils its destiny according to the Kant-Laplace theory, the germ which is concealed within it must not be allowed to fall into decay, but must be carried on into the future.
151. Human and Cosmic Thought (1961): Lecture I 20 Jan 1914, Berlin
Translated by Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, for more than a century now, people have worried themselves over a thought I have often mentioned—a thought formulated by Kant. Kant wanted to drive out of the field the so-called “ontological proof of God”. This ontological proof of God dates from the time of Nominalism, when it was said that nothing general existed which corresponded to general or collective thoughts, as single, specific objects correspond to specific thoughts.
And the significance is this—that the way in which Kant spoke about God could occur only at a time when men could no longer “have God” through human soul-experience.
If there is no path for the soul to the true God, then certainly no development of thought in the style of Kant can lead to Him. Hence we see that the matter has this deeper side also. But I have introduced it only because I wanted to make it clear that when the question becomes one of “thinking”, then one must go somewhat more deeply.
151. Human and Cosmic Thought (1991): Lecture I 20 Jan 1914, Berlin
Translated by Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, for more than a century now, people have worried themselves over a thought I have often mentioned—a thought formulated by Kant. Kant wanted to drive out of the field the so-called “ontological proof of God”. This ontological proof of God dates from the time of Nominalism, when it was said that nothing general existed which corresponded to general or collective thoughts, as single, specific objects correspond to specific thoughts.
And the significance is this—that the way in which Kant spoke about God could occur only at a time when men could no longer “have God” through human soul-experience.
If there is no path for the soul to the true God, then certainly no development of thought in the style of Kant can lead to Him. Hence we see that the matter has this deeper side also. But I have introduced it only because I wanted to make it clear that when the question becomes one of “thinking”, then one must go somewhat more deeply.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: The World View Of German Idealism. A Consideration Regarding Our Fateful Times 25 Nov 1915, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
176. The Karma of Materialism: Lecture VIII 18 Sep 1917, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
56. Sun, Moon and Stars 26 Mar 1908, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The modern worldview faces us crystal clear in Kant and his followers. The picture that they made of the origin of the solar system is known in general: in order to illustrate the formation of a heavenly body, one pours a drop of oil in some water in a vessel.
I only need to mention that in the 19th century the admirable advances of the natural sciences and astronomy corrected the worldview of Kant and Laplace and continued it in changed form, however, the main features remained the same. The great discovery by Kirchhoff (Gustav Robert K., 1824–1887, German physicist) and Bunsen (Robert B., 1811–1899, German chemist), the spectral analysis, also seems to confirm this, while they could detect a big number of those mineral materials that compose our earth on the other heavenly bodies.
In order to understand this, one must think that the spiritual research recognises the forces of attraction and repulsion as the earthly images of that which corresponds in the spiritual to these forces causing the planetary motions, which the Kant-Laplace worldview knows, with all its later modifications and additions, like gravity. These as well as its consequences arise as facts of the sensuous observation of the things.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: Why is Spiritual Research Misunderstood? 26 Feb 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
153. The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth II: The Task and Goal of Spiritual Science and Spiritual Searching in the Present Day 06 Apr 1914, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
62. Results of Spiritual Research: Natural Science and Spiritual Research 12 Dec 1912, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner

Results 21 through 30 of 235

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