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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 221 through 230 of 235

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66. The Human Soul and the Human Body: The Human Soul and the Human Body 15 Feb 1917, Berlin
Translated by Henry Barnes

Rudolf Steiner
As a consequence, one experiences sadness when one reads in an otherwise relatively good lecture which Professor Dr. A. Tschirch held on November 28, 1908, as a festival lecture on the occasion of his installation as rector at the University of Bern, Switzerland, under the title “Nature Research and Healing.”
Now, in the face of the great, burning questions which concern the human soul, for someone to be able to say, “We have, indeed, more necessary and pressing things to do,” in regard to such a one, one would have to question the seriousness of his scientific attitude of mind, if it were not understandable out of the direction—as has been characterized—which thinking has taken, and especially when one reads the sentences which follow: “The ‘inner aspect of nature,’ about which Haller has somewhat similar thoughts, which Kant later called ‘thing in itself,’ is at the present time, for us so deep in the ‘within,’ that millennia will pass, until we—always assuming that a new ice age does not destroy our entire civilization—even come close to it.”
Jacques Loeb—once again a man whose positive research achievements I value most highly—lectured on September 10, 1911 at the first congress of monistic thinkers in Hamburg on “Life.” In this instance we see how that which actually is based on a misunderstanding is transformed into a general attitude and thus becomes—pardon the expression—brutal toward soul research.
182. Death as a Way of Life: The Rebelliousness of Men Against the Spirit 30 Jun 1918, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
You will recall from my book 'Puzzles of the Soul' (if I may refer to it briefly) the peculiar way in which the remarkable man Max Dessoir dealt with the truth. What one reads in the last issue of the Kant journal is truly heartbreaking! I may mention this in particular because anthroposophy is not mentioned there; so this essay does not hurt in relation to its own cause.
There could be certain people then in their forties or early fifties. Imagine you had had this thought in 1913, you would have thought: Of those living in 1913, a certain number will still be alive in 1930 and will be in leading positions; the social structure, and even the outer physical life in various areas of the earth, will depend on them.
Is this physical plane in 1930 as it should have been if all those who were young in 1913 had lived? It would have become quite different. To think through such things is not without significance.
292. The History of Art I: Raphael and the Northern Artists 17 Jan 1917, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
66. The Human Soul and the Human Body: Riddles of the Soul and Riddles of the Universe 17 Feb 1917, Berlin
Translated by Henry Barnes

Rudolf Steiner
70a. The Human Soul, Fate and Death: The Destiny of Man in the Light of the Knowledge of Spiritual Worlds 08 May 1915, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: The Forgotten Pursuit of Spiritual Science Within the Development of German Thought 13 Mar 1916, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
He says: "Even in the past, philosophers distinguished a fine, noble soul body from the coarser body... a soul that had an image of the body, which they called a schema, and which for them was the higher inner man... In more recent times, even Kant in the Dreams of a Spirit-Seer seriously jokes about an entire internal spiritual human being who carries all the limbs of the external one on his spirit body; Lavater also writes and thinks in the same way; and even when Jean Paul humorously jokes about the Bonnese underskirt and the Plat Platner's soul-string-bodice, which are supposed to be hidden in the coarser body-skirt and martyr's robe, we still hear him asking, “What for and whence were these extraordinary dispositions and desires in us laid, which, like swallowed diamonds, slowly cut our earthy shell?
He died in 1881; in his last year he wrote his book Testament of a German, which was published by Karl Köstlin, his fellow countryman, in a first edition, and in a new edition in 1912. As already mentioned, Karl Christian Planck was not given much attention, even after the second edition of “The Last Will of a German” was published in 1912.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: A Forgotten Pursuit of Spiritual Science Within the Development of German Thought 17 Mar 1916, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
This view, even if it is only an explanation, was also held by most of the first great church fathers, such as Origen, Irenaeus, Lactantius, Tertullian, and Augustine. In more recent times, even Kant in Dreams of a Spirit-Seer seriously jokes about an entire, inward, spiritual man who wears all the limbs of the outward man on his spirit body.
In the last years of his life he had written his Testament of a German, in which he summarized all the individual lines of his world-view. In 1912 the second edition of this Testament appeared; it did not attract much attention and was not much studied.
But the unpractical Christian Karl Planck, in 1880 he characterized what happened in 1914, 1915 and so on, so that what he said back then has appeared again exactly in the real, actual facts!
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: Images of Austrian Intellectual Life in the Nineteenth Century 09 Dec 1915, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: The Question of Immortality and Spiritual Research 24 Mar 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
In other words: In the nineteenth century, under the influence of Kant's philosophy, it was concluded that in order for man to gain knowledge and perceptions of this environment, he must engage in an inner activity, and that only through this inner activity does that which he calls his environment come into being in his mind.
This yearbook appeared in 1912 for 1913, in advance. In it, the following note appears about Austria: “The one who is destined to govern in Austria will not govern.
And with even greater clarity, the almanac for 1914, which was published in 1913, returns to this matter. There may be gullible people who believe nothing more and nothing less than that a great prophecy has been fulfilled, and it is impossible to make clear to them in their blind faith that dishonest currents living in the European world have been at work here, using superstition and all kinds of dark occultism to bring something into the world.
178. Geographic Medicine: Knowledge of the Supersensible and Riddles of the Human Soul 15 Nov 1917, St. Gallen
Translated by Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner

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