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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 71 through 80 of 235

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273. The Problem of Faust: Goethe's Feeling for the Concrete. Shadowy concepts and Ideas filled with Reality 27 Jan 1917, Dornach
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
165. The Conceptual World and Its Relationship to Reality: Lecture One 15 Jan 1916, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
72. Spiritual Scientific Results of the Idea of Freedom and the Social-Moral Life 30 Nov 1917, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
Nevertheless, that who forms theories forms his examples after this pattern. The fundamental idea of the Kant-Laplace theory of the primeval nebula is a wrongful thought for the spiritual researcher because the earth did not exist in the time for which the Kant-Laplace theory was established; the solar system did not exist.
For the world of the social-moral life one needs realistic mental pictures. Mental pictures, like the Kant-Laplace theory, like those of the final state of the earth can lead to error. They may be reasonable mental pictures if one remains in the area of theoretical discussions.
By an excellent researcher (Rudolf Kjellén, 1864-1922, Swedish historian and politician), a sensational book has appeared, The State as Form of Life (1917). It is just an example of that what one has to overcome. Some people have attempted to compare the state with an organism.
63. Spiritual Science as and Essential in Life 23 Apr 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Those persons who still build up such materialistic atomistic world edifice who are still, so to speak, at its origin are still active with theirsouls. Haeckel (Ernst H., 1834-1919, German naturalist) himself, Ostwald (Wilhelm O., 1854-1932, chemist, philosopher), his next pupils and others, they are still involved actively; they can still develop inner forces, and one could still compare that what they work with their science internally with that what spiritual science attains appealing to the inner soul forces.
Suppose that a quite clever human being says, a spiritual researcher comes here and talks about all kinds of wrong stuff that Kant disproved for a long time, because Kant proved that the faculty of the human being is not sufficient to penetrate into the spiritual world. If this spiritual researcher had studied Kant, he would soon be quiet about that. It is not quite wrong what the clever man says. It can be quite right.
181. A Sound Outlook for Today and a Genuine Hope for the Future: The Being and Evolution of Man 23 Jul 1918, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If we thus divide the unity in human nature, criticising it from two sides, we become followers of Kant. What I am now saying goes into the very depths of present-day human thought. Man of this age is little fitted to comprehend himself as a complete being in the word.
The attempts made by Cartesianism in the seventeenth century, and by the philosnphy of Kant and Hegel in the nineteenth, exhort us to prudence. A school of ideas which would replace Aristotelianism would have to arise, just as that did, From fulness of knowledge and contemporary consciousness.”
But the author of the review concludes his considerations thus: “I myself reject this Spiritual Science and abide by Kant; but after all, the sermons contain so much that is good, and Theosophy is for the moment agitating theology in so significant a way, (cf. for example, Rittlemeyer's writings in the Christliche Welt), that I believe I do many theologians and laity a service by drawing attention emphatically to these addresses.”
152. The Path of the Christ through the Centuries 14 Oct 1913, Copenhagen
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Something very strange has happened—and the fact that we commented upon it caused great offence. Immanuel Kant, the philosopher, lived in the eighteenth century. What happened to him was that he confused the particular nature of the human soul since the fifteenth century with the nature of the human soul in general.
What he ought to have said was that this had been impossible only since the beginning of the fifteenth century. But as Lucifer had Kant firmly by the collar and had made him an arrogant individual, he believed that what he said applied to the whole human race!
See, The Fifth Gospel. Seven lectures given in Oslo and Cologne in 1913. (Rudolf Steiner Press.)2. See also The True Nature of the Second Coming.
177. The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness: The Battle between Michael and ‘The Dragon’ 14 Oct 1917, Dornach
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Scientists use these as a basis for their views as to what the earth looked like thousands and millions of years ago, arriving, for instance, at the nebular hypothesis of Kant and Laplace.3 They also develop ideas as to the future evolution of the earth, and from the physical point of view these are quite correct.
It is thirty-four years from 1845 to 1879, and if we move on thirty-four years after 1879 we come to the mirroring event: You get 1913, the year preceding 1914. You see, the developments which started in the physical world in 1913 are the mirror-image of the prime reasons for the spiritual battle.
3. Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), German philosopher, wrote an essay on Newtonian cosmology in 1755 in which he anticipated the nebular hypothesis of Simon Pierre Laplace (1749–1827).
130. Esoteric Christianity and the Guiding Spirits of Humanity: The Significance of the Year 1250 29 Jan 1911, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: How Are the Eternal Powers of the Human Soul Investigated? 11 Feb 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
58. Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience I: Asceticism and Illness 11 Nov 1909, Berlin
Translated by Charles Davy, Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner

Results 71 through 80 of 235

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