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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1371 through 1380 of 6338

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81. The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science: Anthroposophy and Theology 10 Mar 1922, Berlin
Translated by Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
I'm least involved in today's event (which is an insertion into this program item of the course) by thinking that what we were dealing with today could be understood as an “unequivocal challenge of today's theologians.” Thus, you will also allow, my dear friends, that not all sorts of misunderstandings will again be linked to what I have to say in a few introductory words today.
It split what wanted to enter into the human soul into what was recognisable by the intellect, and what people could not attain themselves, except through a revelation. On this basis one can understand the entire medieval theology, especially Thomistic theology which was considered by Catholicism as the only authority.
With this in mind, anthroposophy can only apply itself to finding differences in separate theological systems in order to understand them and not to oppose them. Thus, I've always regarded it to be my task when I speak to people who have come to Anthroposophy: to make it understandable why Catholicism has become Catholic, Protestants Protestant, Judaism Jewish and Buddhism Buddhistic and how all of them—I believe that is a Christian concept—have within them a Being who through their destiny will let them experience the true Christ.
81. The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech 11 Mar 1922, Berlin
Translated by Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
If we return for instance to Sanskrit then it is necessary to undergo essential psychological processes first, to experience psychic processes, in order to reach the possibility to live inwardly with what at the time of Sanskrit's origin was living in the words.
This is something which can certainly be understood and examined through today's soul life if one enters into the concrete facts of the speech experience.
Hochdeutch or High German is the pure German language without the influence of dialects, which is also understood by most Germans. New High German differs from Old High German as the latter refers to more historic times.
83. The Tension Between East and West: Natural Science 01 Jun 1922, Vienna
Translated by B. A. Rowley

Rudolf Steiner
We see this, indeed, as an ideal of the scientific attitude—and rightly so. Under these conditions, what has become of human thinking? It has actually become the servant, the mere tool of research.
Yet, although many souls already unconsciously long for it, the present-day path of knowledge is still not easy to explain conceptually. In order that we may be able to understand one another this evening, therefore, I should like to introduce, simply as aids to understanding, descriptions of older paths that mankind has followed in order to arrive at knowledge lying beyond the ordinary region science deals with today.
They suited earlier epochs, and nowadays can even be harmful to man if, under a misapprehension, he applies them to himself. It is simply so that we shall understand each other about present-day ways of knowledge that I shall choose two earlier ways, describe them, and thus make clear the paths man has to walk today, if he wishes to go beyond the sphere of scientific knowledge as it is now understood.
83. The Tension Between East and West: Psychology 02 Jun 1922, Vienna
Translated by B. A. Rowley

Rudolf Steiner
And so we may say: to the spiritual investigation here intended, it is perfectly understandable that ordinary consciousness cannot reach the spirit and the soul, and indeed that it turns out, as Richard Wahle found for instance, that ordinary consciousness ought not to speak of an “I” at all!
Let us first ask ourselves: What do we actually see when, in ordinary life, as beings who recognize, understand and perceive, we enter into a relationship with our natural environment? We actually see only the external world.
As if it were our “outside world,” we come to understand the law of our spiritual inner world, and we prepare ourselves, in the spiritual realm, for dealing later with our bodily functions, with what we are between birth and death.
83. The Tension Between East and West: East and West in History 03 Jun 1922, Vienna
Translated by B. A. Rowley

Rudolf Steiner
And, fundamentally, Greek philosophy can only be understood if it is also apprehended with an artistic understanding. But this now leads us to see Greece in general as the civilization where science and art are still linked together.
Today, there remains in the Orient an echo of what I have described to you as a harmonious unity of religion, art and philosophy, as it appears for instance in the vedas. But it is an echo which requires to be understood—and which we cannot easily understand simply from the standpoint of that isolation of religion, art and science which exists in Western civilization. We do truly understand it, however, if by a new spiritual science we rise to an outlook that can again produce a harmony of religion, art and science.
83. The Tension Between East and West: Spiritual Geography 04 Jun 1922, Vienna
Translated by B. A. Rowley

Rudolf Steiner
What presents itself directly to the eye is dissected and placed under a microscope, and gives rise to notions that could only emerge under a microscope. Let us imagine for a moment that we are in the laboratory: how heavily equipped we are with these concepts, so remote from direct observation!
How we regard it by means of abstract concepts! We need them, if we are to reach understanding. But how remote are the observations we record on light and colour from what we encounter in wood and meadow, cloud-shape and sun!
We must so shape it, however, that we can achieve an understanding with any view that may exist on earth, especially old and venerable ones. This will be possible if, as Central and Western men, we come to understand that, although our philosophy of life has faults, they are the faults of youth.
83. The Tension Between East and West: Cosmic Memory 05 Jun 1922, Vienna
Translated by B. A. Rowley

Rudolf Steiner
He believes that he is piercing the internal mirror that underlies memory. He is not piercing it. The processes of our organic being beat like waves upon the other side of the mirror.
Once they have understood this aspect of man, people will no longer accuse us of transposing what is in our soul anthropomorphically into the world, in order to explain the world in a spiritual way.
The content of the memory itself helps us to date it correctly. Similarly, when we understand our organism aright, we find that each of its separate parts points to the relevant moment in the world's development.
83. The Tension Between East and West: Individual and Society 07 Jun 1922, Vienna
Translated by B. A. Rowley

Rudolf Steiner
The child certainly understands more than many people believe: not through intellectuality, however, but through its whole being.
It is no accident, therefore, that young people often fail to understand us as teachers: it springs from their very nature. Older epochs developed in social life forces by which the old could be understood by the young in a quite different manner from today.
This objection was made over and over again. We can understand it. But in another sense we must also understand that the earth is incapable of withholding its fruitfulness at any period, if only men can find a social organization that will enable the earth's gifts to flow into society and there be distributed.
83. The Tension Between East and West: The Individual Spirit and the Social Structure 08 Jun 1922, Vienna
Translated by B. A. Rowley

Rudolf Steiner
Yet we must also remember that, however social structures may change throughout the world, there live within them human beings who must reach an understanding as men if they wish to establish a relationship with one another. Understanding between men, however, involves trust.
For with social structures as they are today, any undertaking is viewed, in point of fact, in the light of its commercial function in the social order. The industrialist himself sees his own undertaking within a commercial framework, so that in this way too the second current, the legal one, maintains its influence on the economic life of the West.
It is intended to indicate that, in order to understand these structures, we must enter with real understanding upon the contemplation of those world-wide perspectives to which I drew attention at the beginning of this lecture.
83. The Tension Between East and West: The Problem (Asia-Europe) 09 Jun 1922, Vienna
Translated by B. A. Rowley

Rudolf Steiner
It is striking, moreover, that he did not make this statement under the influence of the sense of gloom that was to be experienced in the years just before the outbreak of the Great War, or during it.
The man who was to attain this unified triad of religion, art and science, however, had not merely to accept something that represented a step forward in his development; he had also to undergo a complete transformation as a man, a kind of rebirth. The description of the preparations that such a student of the higher spiritual life had to undertake makes it clear that he had consciously to undergo a kind of death.
The great battle that is being fought over the division of labour—fought quite differently from the way such battles have ever previously been fought under the influence of human individuality—is what underlies all our social shortcomings. Nowadays, we found associations for production; we participate in them, concerned not with their rôle in the social organism, but with our own personal position—and this is understandable.

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