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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 1781 through 1790 of 6282

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31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: Essays from “German Weekly” Nr. 24 06 Jun 1888,

Rudolf Steiner
The deeper reason, however, was probably the opposition of France to Nubar, which the latter had provoked by his intended suppression of the French journal in Egypt "Bosphore" a few years ago, as well as by a statement he is said to have made about France, which "since 1870 has been a corpse that can be trampled underfoot". France seems to have played a part in his downfall. On the 12th, elections were held in Belgium to renew half of the members of the Chamber and Senate.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: Essays from “German Weekly” Nr. 25 14 Jun 1888,

Rudolf Steiner
Reference was also made to the importance of the alliance with Italy, and it must certainly also give satisfaction that Kalnoky was able to say that the conclusion of the last trade treaty with that empire, which placed trade relations on a secure footing, had shown how the leading Italian statesman, Crispi, was directing policy with energy and enlightened understanding towards the closest possible union of his country with Germany and Austria-Hungary. With regard to the political situation in Europe, we have probably learned nothing new.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: Essays from “German Weekly” Nr. 26 21 Jun 1888,

Rudolf Steiner
I adhere to it with German loyalty, not merely because it has been concluded, but because I see in this defensive alliance a basis of European equilibrium, as well as a legacy of German history, the content of which is supported today by the public opinion of the entire German people and corresponds to the traditional European law of nations, as it was undisputedly valid until 1866." These words emanate from a profound understanding of the circumstances, so in keeping with the spirit of Germanness and its historical development, that they must make a strong impression on every German and evoke deep satisfaction.
Kalnoky's speech in the delegations' budget debate, which firmly denied that Austria was thinking of any conquests on the Balkan peninsula, caused a change of attitude against Austria in Greece, where it had not been understood until then that Russia and not Austria was the enemy of the free development of the Balkan peoples.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: Essays from “German Weekly” Nr. 27 28 Jun 1888,

Rudolf Steiner
On July 2, Puttkamer was succeeded by Undersecretary of State von Herrfurth. The new Minister of the Interior is not affiliated with any of the parliamentary parties, but is an experienced civil servant.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: Essays from “German Weekly” Nr. 28 05 Jul 1888,

Rudolf Steiner
Count Herbert Bismarck will accompany the Emperor On Friday a Crown Council took place under the chairmanship of the Emperor, in which the latter called upon the Councillors of the Crown to be devoted to him in the same way as his father and grandfather, and in which he said that he wished to govern exactly in the spirit of his ancestors, that the Embassy of 1881 should be the basis of social legislation and the treaties with Austria and Italy those of foreign policy.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: Essays from “German Weekly” Nr. 29 11 Jul 1888,

Rudolf Steiner
The annual meeting of the German Association took place in Brno on July 16 under the chairmanship of Promber, a member of the Reichsrat. At this meeting, the association's efforts were described as being guided by the motto: "National, loyal to the state and united"; the Liechtenstein school proposal was rejected in the most decisive manner.
It is reported from Sofia that Zankoff will soon return to Bulgaria from Constantinople and will offer his hand for an understanding between himself and Stambulov. On the 12th, Boulanger submitted a new motion in the French Chamber for a revision of the constitution and the dissolution of the Chamber.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: German Nationalism in Austria 23 May 1888,

Rudolf Steiner
To mention just one thing: how miserable it is when nothing but purely utilitarian reasons (for official communication, etc.) are put forward time and again in favor of the German state language. This party lacks understanding for the fact that the non-German peoples of Austria, in order to reach that level of education which is a necessary requirement of modern times, must absorb what the German spirit and German labor have created, and that the level of education of a people cannot be reached in any other language than the language of the people concerned.
If the peoples of Austria want to compete with the Germans, then they must above all catch up with the process of development that the Germans have undergone, they must acquire German culture in the German language, just as the Romans did with Greek education in Greek, and the Germans with Latin education in Latin.
Today we have Herbstians, Plenerians, Sturmians, Steinwendians, Schönerians, etc., who all know what divides them, but who pay no attention to what unites them. This is because they do not understand how to subordinate personal interests to objective interests. They do not realize that one does not become a statesman by putting forward purely subjective, arbitrary views, but by placing oneself at the service of a great idea that is well suited to dominate the times.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: The German National Cause in Austria 14 Jun 1888,

Rudolf Steiner
During the latter period, the German nationalists often expressed the view that they should come to an understanding with the clerical Germans in order to take joint action with them against their Slavic opponents where national issues were concerned.
The German cannot need an international religion, he only understands his national religion. That is the reason why the German protests again and again against the shackles of Rome.
Gautsch, who only recently rejected any influence from the left or the right in the most self-confident language, must understand this. Certain wills will soon be broken in this regime, and men from it who still impressed with their energy last year have already become quite colorless today.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: The German Education System In Austria 31 May 1888,

Rudolf Steiner
But even in parliament we hardly ever hear a word that hits the nail on the head when school and school legislation are discussed. And it is due to this lack of deeper understanding of the matter that our school system, to which so much good will has been applied by the legislative factors for two decades, is by no means moving in a direction that is satisfactory from a pedagogical-didactic point of view.
There was a widespread opinion that it was impossible to form a ministry from any party under the present circumstances. The bureaucracy, which is colorless in national terms, is considered to be the only suitable body to lead the government in the near future; indeed, it is considered to be the only salvation.
And this should not be in the direction of a methodical judging, but by including such sciences in the curriculum of teacher training colleges that enable the teacher to have a higher understanding of his task. The future teacher should know the goals of his people's cultural development and the direction in which it is moving.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: The Emperor's Words 21 Jun 1888,

Rudolf Steiner
The events of recent years are a guarantee that the German people will fully understand the views of their Emperor. The Germans have a truly conservative mind, which, averse to hollow radicalism, is geared to the healthy further development of what already exists, which is within the realm of possibility.
They could never want more than for the awareness of the unity of the two Central European empires to reach so far up to the thrones. Thanks to the new ruler that he understood how to speak such truly balmy words to his people! Every sentence of this speech sounds like something taken from world history.
In the German Emperor's mind, the will of the people must become the principle of government, not party spirit. The deep understanding that the Emperor has expressed for this ensures the fulfillment of his wish, as can be seen from the concluding words of the throne speech: "Trusting in God and in the fortitude of our people, I am confident that for the foreseeable future we will be granted the opportunity to preserve and consolidate in peaceful work what was fought for under the leadership of my two predecessors on the throne, who rested in God!"

Results 1781 through 1790 of 6282

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