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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2071 through 2080 of 6238

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36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: What we Should See Today 18 Dec 1921,

Rudolf Steiner
But in world affairs, different questions are under discussion than at this conference. And these questions must first be understood if one is to talk fruitfully about the ones openly raised today. The economy can only be put in order if people can come to an understanding about their purely human relationships. And this understanding has faltered, taking the economy down with it.
They were shadows of thoughts thrown into the wild surge of real passions and conflicting vital interests. It is important to see from which underground this surge is driving to the surface. And every attempt to see clearly in this direction must lead to recognizing how, in our time, one cannot ask: how can one manage under the given public conditions; but rather, how should one publicly deal with the fundamental human questions in order to come to a possible understanding?
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: The Austrian Chief of Staff, Conrad, Within the World Catastrophe 08 Jan 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
He has always complained that the Foreign Minister has no understanding for such a policy. He is of the opinion that the policy he considers harmful will ultimately bring about the form of war that he wants to avoid and in which he will necessarily be defeated as the leader of the army.
Anyone who reads the book learns a great deal from Conrad's concise and vivid style, which is necessary to understand the fate of European humanity in the present day. And when you have finished reading the book, you leaf back to the first pages thoughtfully; you feel once again the need to take a look at the inner life of one of the men who could become a leader in the fortunes of Europe in the twentieth century.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: The Genoa Conference: A 'Necessity' 26 Mar 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
People think based on the results of political events in the last few decades, and they have interests that have long since outgrown these results. These interests demand an understanding of life that has yet to be found. And people talk about an understanding that they have grown accustomed to.
Conferences cannot be the birthplace of ideas that will bring happiness to all nations, but at most a means of reaching an understanding on existing ideas that differ somewhat from one another. The quality of a conference depends on what the participants bring with them.
Today it is first necessary to see what is missing at home. If this is achieved, then progress towards understanding will follow. Before this is realized, the “necessities” will play a major role; but these “necessities” will be unrealistic.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Emile Boutroux 18 Dec 1921,

Rudolf Steiner
Contemporary judgment may not be entirely right about this. Bergson speaks in a way that is more understandable to the public; he bases his ideas more on familiar scientific findings than Boutroux does. But Boutroux seems to be the one of the two who moves with greater ease in the sovereign philosophical formation of concepts.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Vladimir Solovyov, a Mediator between West and East 01 Jan 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
For a Westerner to encounter him means to find something that reveals significant aspects of humanity, but which the Western and Central European man can no longer find, at least not on the paths that have become the paths of knowledge in recent centuries. The West and the East must find understanding for each other. Getting to know Soloviev can do a lot to help the West gain such understanding.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Further West-East Aphorisms 18 Jun 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
If the West, through insight and social calm, sets out on the path of solution, the East will meet it with understanding. If in the West the problem gives rise to a way of thinking that lives out in social upheaval, the East will not be able to gain the trust of the West in the further development of humanity.
Then the East will say: the word of the gods, which once flowed out to us from heaven to earth, finds its way back from human hearts to the spiritual worlds. In the rising human word, we see and understand the world word, whose descent our consciousness once experienced. The Eastern man has no sense of “proof”.
If the Westerner frees the life of truth from his proofs, then the Easterner will understand him. If, at the end of the Westerner's concern for proof, the Easterner finds his unproven truth dreams in a true awakening, then the Westerner will have to greet him in the work for human progress as a colleague who can achieve what he himself cannot.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Psychological Aphorisms 02 Jul 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
He who in ordinary consciousness sums up the characteristic color of the soul experiences with the word “I” does not yet understand what is expressed by this word. He only comes to this when he gradually learns to place the I-experience in the series of other inner experiences in inner vision.
Understanding of the bodily basis of the “I” transforms itself through itself into understanding of the spiritual nature of the “I”.
Natural science and spiritual science must greet each other as sisters if they understand themselves aright. And human life, of which the economic is only a part, cannot do without the agreement of the two sisters.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Contemporary Man and History 13 Aug 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
It had become a matter of life or death for him to consider whether the forces that work within the human soul and carry the human being through existence might not be paralyzed if he focuses too much on the past. One can understand how Nietzsche's consideration of this question led to an “unfashionable” contemplation when one considers the development that many views on the position of man in historical development have undergone in Central European thought in recent times.
In this way, the man of the present loses himself. It is understandable that Nietzsche came to such a view. He saw himself transported into an age in which man had little confidence in knowledge of the spiritual world.
One must consider these conditions in an era if one wants to understand it historically. This then led to a historical view that was increasingly inclined towards the material.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Apparent and Real Perspectives of Culture 01 Jul 1923,

Rudolf Steiner
The words of criticism fall like cutting knives on the entire face of contemporary life. The first sentence is: “We are under the sign of the decline of culture.” This sets the tone. And from its continuation we hear: “We abandoned culture because there was no reflection on culture among us.”...
“Now it is clear to everyone that the self-destruction of culture is underway.”... “The Enlightenment and rationalism had established ethical rational ideals about the development of the individual into true humanity, about his position in society, about its material and spiritual tasks...” ... ”But around the middle of the nineteenth century, this confrontation of ethical rational ideals with reality began to decline.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: The Buried Spirit of Central European Literature 30 Oct 1921,

Rudolf Steiner
In this submerged stratum there lived an understanding for objective ideas. It was believed that such objective ideas held sway in the life of the individual and in the life of nations.
More understanding for what is decaying, more for what is needed for ascent. And Lasaulx is only one representative; one could point out many in his way.
There are many reasons why anthroposophy is misunderstood; one of them is the fact that we are buried under layers of misconceptions. We must begin by working through the materialistic conceptions that are so strong because they have developed in opposition to a way of thinking that was spiritual but one-sidedly intellectual.

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