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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2171 through 2180 of 6238

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284. Images of Occult Seals and Columns: Foreword

Hella Wiesberger
Stockmeyer's son and father were both also involved in the underground domed room in the Stuttgart house, which was built according to the Malsch model. At that time, the model in Malsch could only be built and plastered by E.A.
284. Images of Occult Seals and Columns: Foreword

Hella Wiesberger
And this idea must live in particular in the rooms under the double dome, in the rooms in which Sophie Stinde's soul already worked during her earthly incarnation as her co-work.
January 13: Marie von Sivers writes to Edouard Schuré: ”... I understand your horror at the thought of our undertaking. I share your fear, only I have the impression that there is a necessity here.
Since Demeter (Act 5) speaks to Triptolemus alone, sparks become visible under her robe. She tells Triptolem about the loss of her daughter, and he promises to descend into the underworld to bring her back.
284. Images of Occult Seals and Columns: Report on the Inauguration of the Stuttgart Building

And the whole interior of this solemn temple, designed with so much loving understanding, appeared to the beholder more beautiful and unified than could have been expected! If one may say so, there is a yardstick for the effectiveness of everything that is shaped into reality from artistic feeling; it is the yardstick that triggers the instinctive feeling: it cannot be any different than it is!
In this speech, Miss von Sivers emphasized with particular emphasis that we must greet with joyful satisfaction the founding of a Theosophical Home, such as Stuttgart now has, which arose from the most beautiful impulses and was made possible by generous donations. ; but that we must never lose sight of the great exemplary goal that is linked for us with the construction of an initially quite exceptional, spiritual-scientific place of care in Munich, despite the special interests of individual lodges. We must rather learn to understand better and better that the realization of such a university of theosophical spiritual striving, which does not want to limit its rays to a small radius but, due to Munich's favorable location, wants to extend them to the outermost periphery of its effectiveness, that such a university has become a vital necessity for us.
82. So That Man may Become Fully Human: Anthroposophy and Contemporary Intellectual Life 07 Apr 1922, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
We initially feel satisfied because we have been educated from the newer school of thought, by understanding the machine, by understanding the universe, the cosmos, as a machine, with interlocking wheels and so on.
Something remains that repels us, precisely in terms of our full humanity, from this understanding of the machine. An understanding of the machine is what has actually contributed to the greatness, to the triumphs of the modern spirit of science.
And if the will is not present to bridge or fill the gap in this way, our age will show to an ever greater extent what it is already showing: that youth does not understand age, that age does not understand youth. And the consequence of this is that people do not understand each other, that a social life becomes more and more impossible.
82. So That Man may Become Fully Human: The Position of Anthroposophy among the Sciences 08 Apr 1922, The Hague
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
I can only assure you that one who is engaged in anthroposophical research fully understands how difficult it is for a man involved in scientific work to-day to pass from the scientific attitude into Anthroposophy.
In respect to human perception, however, much is understood differently once one is able to survey, in genuine self-knowledge, the whole inner nature of “mathematicising”.
From this there remains a kind of deposit, little understood now, in what were called then the Seven Liberal Arts. They had to have been mastered by everyone who claimed to have received a higher education.
82. So That Man may Become Fully Human: Anthroposophy and the Visual Arts 09 Apr 1922, The Hague
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But, looking at this formation as a whole, we do not understand it if we try to explain it merely by what is within the head. We understand it only if we conceive it as wrought from out of the cosmos through the mediation of the body of formative forces. If we now pass on to consider man's chest formation, we reach an inward understanding of this—an understanding in respect to the human form—only if we can picture to ourselves how man lives on the earth, round which the stars of the zodiacal line revolve.
If we want to understand man's lower limb-system, to which his metabolic system is linked, we must turn to the earth's forces.
82. So That Man may Become Fully Human: The Anthroposophical Research Method 10 Apr 1922, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
It may perhaps even surprise some who know this book that I make this claim, and yet it is true: the most elementary understanding of anthroposophical research methods can be gleaned from this “Philosophy of Freedom”. What one draws from it as an elementary understanding must then, however, be further developed.
In this etheric body, one has a reality, a time reality within oneself, and no one understands the formation of the human being without understanding this etheric body. And the most significant thing about this etheric body is that, at the moment we are ready, we can see our previous life on earth as if with a spiritual vision in this life tableau, which is the formative forces body, and we also stop distinguishing between subjective and objective.
The person with the ordinary, healthy human understanding always remains alongside. It is also not a matter of one person dissolving into the other, of the ordinary, healthy human being disappearing.
82. So That Man may Become Fully Human: Important Anthroposophical Results 11 Apr 1922, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
The metabolic organism has brought it least of all to this, being something entirely unplastic, something unpictorial. We can understand the brain in the way it is constructed if we grasp it as an image of the soul life. And only then will brain physiology be on a healthy foundation, when we are able to understand the brain in this way, as materialized imaginations.
But by being able to study, we say, in the kidneys, the heart, the lungs, in every single organ, the solar process and the lunar process, the ascending and the descending, the fruitful, growing and the degenerating, by this we understand the individual organ from the cosmos. There will be no complete, total physiology until we understand all the organs of the human being in their ascending and descending life from the spirit of the cosmos.
For example, there is the biogenetic law, which Haeckel strongly emphasized. Certainly, this has undergone various corrections. I am familiar with the current state of research regarding the biogenetic law.
82. So That Man may Become Fully Human: Anthroposophy and Agnosticism 12 Apr 1922, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
The air that was just outside is then inside me; the air that I have inhaled, that has been processed in the body, is then outside. So that man, if he is to be understood completely in terms of his physical body, must be seen as a solid, liquid, air-like substance.
When this is described – and this is the peculiar thing about anthroposophy – it can be brought into the forms of common sense and understood in the same way that a non-artist can understand a work of art, even though he cannot make it.
In order to trace this back to an exact thinking, you would first have to undertake an analysis of the concept of time. Just consider: as the usually meant reality stands before us, space and time are interwoven.
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man and Woman in the Light of Spiritual Science 14 Nov 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Here lies a great and significant mystery that man must understand if he dares to make a judgment about it at all! The question is this: What is there in the world that is in the same space as we are here, in a world that we call astral or spiritual, that corresponds to the masculine and the feminine of physical nature?
If we now ask what corresponds to the opposition of male and female in this world, we find two essential words that penetrate deep, deep into our soul. If we understand them correctly, they can solve many, many secrets of the astral world. There, the opposition of life and death, of destruction and development, corresponds to the sexual opposition.
Two elemental forces are indicated, which go through the whole cosmos and must be there. If man wants to understand here, only the horrors and all the peculiar feelings that are associated with the words death and life in man must cease!

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