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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2541 through 2550 of 6198

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125. Paths and Goals of Spiritual Man: Ways and Goals of the Spiritual Human Being 05 Jun 1910, Copenhagen

Rudolf Steiner
The divine spiritual forces work through these points on man. If you can bear this in mind, you will understand the ways and aims of the spiritual man. Man must be able to integrate this feeling into his life.
It works in the etheric body until the experience has spun itself into the etheric body and really become a quality. Under ordinary circumstances, it only appears as a quality in the next life, but there may also be quite abnormal cases, such as the one just mentioned.
125. Paths and Goals of Spiritual Man: The Present State of Philosophy and Science 26 Aug 1910, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Thus I would say: if we start from the directly perceptible existence and from the processing that the human mind undertakes with it, we arrive at the level that can be described as the life and activity of the cognitive subject in the realm of the thought-plan.
And we will not be able to say everywhere that there is bad will when we are not understood. In the field of spiritual science, it must become more and more apparent that we place the same demands on our own thinking as, one might say, the strictest mathematician places on himself.
For twenty cents we can get not only scientific facts handed down to us, but also the opinions that appear as if they were facts, underlined in such a way that if a person does not believe in them, he does not believe in the scientific results.
125. Paths and Goals of Spiritual Man: Imagination as a Preliminary Stage of Higher Soul Faculties 21 Nov 1910, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
Thus we carry our ideas to external things, which tell us: We accomplish what you have thought. - And so you come to understand that the same thing that lives in your soul underlies this external sense world as a law. Now imagine that a person tries to hold on to a thought that is constructed in his own soul.
By telling this, he conveys facts of a world that can also be understood by the ordinary mind, while our soul world is otherwise determined by what is happening in the physical.
There we have the real basis of imagination and an understanding of Schiller's saying, which characterizes what is created in this way. Thus we can understand Goethe's statement: “There is imagination that has an inner certainty.
125. Paths and Goals of Spiritual Man: Karmic Effects: Anthroposophy as a Way of Life 11 Dec 1910, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
We must look at human life under the influence of the forces of Lucifer and Ahriman. The forces of Lucifer are those that act on our astral body, that radiate their power into our astral body and tempt us in relation to it.
It is not uncommon, if one is a true student of the occult, to find that a human being is born into an environment to which he cannot find the right relationship, is not understood by it and does not understand it. Sometimes we have a peculiar effect on our environment. I don't know if you have already observed that this has a much wider impact than just on people.
Then we will see how these people in turn flourish under our openness and how this openness is of great advantage to them. Thus we see how we can gain life principles by looking at the workings of karma in a practical way.
125. Self-knowledge in Relation to 'The Portal of Initiation' 17 Sep 1910, Basel
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
He must undergo within the physical body the Kama-loca experiences which in the ordinary course are undergone outside the physical.
This and this alone would be the true anthroposophical striving:—In every lecture that is given, there should be as many different ways of understanding as there are listeners present. He who would speak about Theosophy can never wish to be understood in one way only; he would fain be understood in as many ways as individual souls are there.
One thing is necessary, namely that every single way of understanding be true. It may be individual, but it must be true. Some people go so far in their individual ways of understanding that they understand the exact opposite of what is said!
125. The Wisdom Contained in Ancient Documents and in the Gospels 13 Nov 1910, Nuremberg
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Let us suppose that a modern occultist investigates the past and that he has no understanding (for it is this understanding which is so important) for the event of the Christ. He disregards the event of the Christ and proceeds to investigate earlier events of human evolution.
And if we wish to go back still further, if we wish to understand the ancient documents, it will not be possible for us to understand them, for now they appear to us merely as poems, legends and myths.
And another fact is quite clear, namely, that they began to lose this understanding to the extent in which science and the intellectual understanding developed. We may now ask: What can have arisen at a certain definite moment?
125. Vital Questions in the Light of Reincarnation and Karma 26 Nov 1910, Bremen

Rudolf Steiner
The simplest possible logic necessarily tells us this, for we can only understand life when we take this into account. Each being conforms to its environment; nothing is by chance.
When we consider these things, we find that as human beings we are always called upon to help other people come to terms with their karma in the right way. People understand nothing of karma if they think others must be left to their own karma. If we were to meet individuals who had lied to us, and we were to believe these people must come to grips with their karma by themselves, this would show that we do not have a correct understanding of karma.
How people formulate this in words is not important. Those who really understand this evolutionary law cannot help but be Christians, whether they are Hindus or Muslims or belong to some other religious tradition.
125. The Christmas Festival In The Changing Course Of Time 22 Dec 1910, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
It is one from the region known as the Upper Palatinate (Oberpfalz). If we succeed, understanding can again be awakened, also in the outer world, for the spiritual mood that lives in such plays.
Even so, we want to be friends of our civilization, not enemies. We want to understand that it must be so as a matter of course. But we want to understand too how much this is connected with the materialistic trait which has pervaded not only those who live in the city, but those who live in the country as well.
For the course of modern civilization makes it impossible for us to be bound by the seasons. Therefore, if you truly understand the mood which was felt in olden times as the Christ mood of the holy Christmas night, you will also be able to understand our intent, as we attempt to deepen artistically what we can gain from Spiritual Science.
125. Yuletide and the Christmas Festival 27 Dec 1910, Stuttgart
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Intimate community was also felt with the animal world as being under man's guardianship. Then came autumn, followed by the season of rigorous winter—and I am thinking now of times when winter swept through the land with a bleakness of which modern humanity has little idea.
Experiences such as these enable us to understand that an impulse promoting growth and development could move the hearts of the simplest people all over Europe when they contemplated the incarnation of the Being who was afterwards able to receive the Christ into himself.
The great Easter Festival of mankind is arrayed before our foreshadowing souls. We can understand that still there are ‘mangers’, still lonely places in which there will be born, as yet in the form typical of childhood, that which is to be resurrected among men.
126. Occult History: Lecture I 27 Dec 1910, Stuttgart
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
You will hear many things that will have to reckon upon the will-for-understanding promoted by all the spiritual-scientific knowledge brought before you in the course of the years.
In a certain respect, the aspects of Spiritual Science we shall now be considering call for more than a purely intellectual understanding—for an understanding by the soul, which at many points must be willing to listen to and accept intimations that would become crass and crude if pressed into too sharp outlines.
Plato, Socrates, possibly also Thales and Pericles, are men who can still be understood as having at any rate some resemblance to ourselves. But farther back than that it is not possible to understand human beings if we attempt to do so merely by analogy with those living to-day.

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