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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2601 through 2610 of 6185

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93a. Foundations of Esotericism: Lecture XXX 04 Nov 1905, Berlin
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Firstly came the hunting peoples, then the farming peoples and thirdly the development of mining, which brought to light what is under the Earth. All these things represent a turning away from the actual force of life or production.
When our Fifth Sub-Race will have reached its end, in the Sixth Sub-Race, the Last Supper will be understood. Even before this it will be possible for the third form of nourishment to begin to make its appearance, the purely mineral.
You can see things building up to a climax if you follow Kropotkin. He had an immediate understanding of the principle of helpful interaction in the case of animals. The socialism of the West is entirely built up on strife.
93a. Foundations of Esotericism: Lecture XXXI 05 Nov 1905, Berlin
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
We must realise that this great primal spiritual teaching underwent a certain modification brought about by the migrating peoples. Its original greatness consisted in grasping the mighty divine unity which was recognised by the spiritual vision of the (ancient) Indians.
So think of Europe, Central Asia and Egypt as sown with the seed of what had developed under the influence of the Initiation Schools. These Initiation Schools sent out from their midst the founder of the Fifth [Fourth] Sub-Race, who had long been prepared in the shelter of the Mysteries.
One must get to know such relationships between peoples, then one will also understand history. When Attila,88 the fighter for monotheism, appears in Europe, it was Christianity which first halted him, because there he was confronted with something greater than anything the Huns possessed.
Foundations of Esotericism: Glossary of Indian-Theosophical Terms
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
DevachanSpiritual World. See under Planes. DevasSpiritual Beings functioning on planes higher than the physical. Dhyan-ChohansPlanetary Spirits, perfected human beings of earlier Rounds.
SanskaraThe organising tendency, desire. Shad-ayatanaWhat the understanding makes out of a thing. Shushupti planeBuddhi plane. See under Planes. SkandhasAccording to Buddhistic reaching the five fundamental principles in every human being: body, sensation, thinking, will, consciousness.
VedanaKarmic results of feelings and sensations. VijnanaConsciousness. Understanding, intellectual knowledge.
Foundations of Esotericism: Introductory Remarks by the Editor
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Hella Wiesberger
His first course of lectures given during the winter of 1900/01 was published at the request of the circle, compressed into book form, under the title ‘Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age’. Because the results of his own spiritual knowledge contained within it were accepted in the General Theosophical Society, there was ‘no longer any reason to refrain from bringing this spiritual knowledge in my own way before the theosophical public, which was at that time the only one which entered eagerly into these spiritual matters.
Blavatsky is to be explained by the fact that the audiences at this time were intensively occupied with the teachings of the founder of the Theosophical Society and, because of the difficulty of understanding their meaning, they often brought their questions to Rudolf Steiner. So again and again he explained Blavatsky's indications from her principal work ‘The Secret Doctrine’, in particular those in the third volume dealing with esotericism.
If today these notes appear in the Complete Edition it is because on the whole they are certainly reliable, and also because they provide us with valuable aspects of human and cosmic considerations, which are not to be found in this form in Rudolf Steiner's later lectures. For the clarification and further understanding of many points, particularly those of a cosmological character, one should refer to the words written at about the same time, i.e.
94. An Esoteric Cosmology: The Birth of the Intellect and the Mission of Christianity 25 May 1906, Paris
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Before speaking of this world of Spirit, we must understand one of the forces by means of which humanity en masse passed from the astral to the intellectual plane.
This Love was the fundamental principle of Rosicrucian thought but it was never understood by the outer world. It is destined to change the very essence of all religion, of all cults, of all science.
What, in effect, is Theology? A knowledge of God imposed from without under the form of dogma, as a kind of supernatural logic. And what is Theosophy? A knowledge of God which blossoms like a flower in the depths of the individual soul.
94. An Esoteric Cosmology: The Mission of Manicheism 26 May 1906, Paris
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
The great feature of Manicheism is that it studies the function of Evil and of suffering in the world. To understand the development of humanity, it must be viewed in its whole range. Only so can we see its high ideal.
Geologians, indeed, are beginning to discover traces of ancient Atlantis, of the minerals and flora of this ancient continent now submerged under the ocean that bears its name. Traces of man himself have not yet been discovered but that is only a matter of time.
The Master must be the servant of all. True morality flows from an understanding of the mighty laws of the universe.
94. An Esoteric Cosmology: God, Man, Nature 27 May 1906, Paris
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
It is spoken of as something quite real and the writer says: “Everyone contacts it frequently although he knows it not.” This is literally true. In order to understand this mystery we must penetrate into the laboratory of Nature even more deeply than is the habit of modern science.
When Lucifer, in the form of the serpent, induces man to seek for knowledge, Jehovah is wrath. Lucifer is here understood as the fallen God who instills into man the desire for personal knowledge. This sets him in opposition to the Divine Will which has created him in its image.
94. An Esoteric Cosmology: Involution and Evolution 28 May 1906, Paris
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
It is an activity which has survived from prehistoric times. To understand it by analogy, let us consider certain phenomena which do not any longer belong, properly speaking, to physical life—organs which have now become useless, rudimentary organisms of which the naturalist can make nothing.
All that has entered into us without our conscious will under the influence of divine wisdom—that is Involution. All that we must bring out of ourselves by dint of conscious will—that is Evolution.
94. An Esoteric Cosmology: Yoga In East and West I 29 May 1906, Paris
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Occultism does not disdain reality but seeks rather to understand and make use of it. The body is not merely the vesture, it is the instrument of the Spirit. Occultism is not a science which subordinates the body but teaches us how to use it for higher ends. Could we be said to understand the nature of a magnet if we described it merely as a piece of iron shaped like a horse-shoe? No, indeed. But we have understood if we say: ‘The magnet is a piece of iron having the power to attract other pieces of iron.’ Visible reality is wholly pervaded with a deeper reality and it is this deeper reality which the soul tries to penetrate and master.
94. An Esoteric Cosmology: Yoga In East and West II 30 May 1906, Paris
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
Our attitude to all actions, be they trivial or significant, must be to dominate, regulate and hold them under the control of the will. They must be the outcome of inner initiative. (3) Equilibrium of soul.
This astral vision which arises during the sleeping state, is still incomplete. (2) Dreams cease to be chaotic. Man understands the relation between dream-symbolism and reality; he gains control of the astral world. And then the inner astral light awakens in the soul who perceives other souls in their real being.

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