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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2701 through 2710 of 6185

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97. The Christian Mystery (2000): The Supersensible Brought to Expression in the Music of Parsifal 16 Jan 1907, Kassel
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
This is how Wagner was searching for a way of helping people to understand cosmic thought. In 1857 Richard Wagner was standing outside the Villa Wesendonk near Zurich and looking out upon the Lake of Zurich and the countryside.
The sign of the rose cross expresses a thought that is part of the whole of world evolution. Someone who understands the ideal and the symbol is able to find it everywhere. Ancient legend tells of Cain looking for the door to paradise.
When we see the group of holy people gathered around the grail, and Parsifal who first of all kills—he shoots the swan—and then becomes the redeemer, we understand what Wagner meant with the words: ‘hopes and dreams found peace’. He had wanted to show that it was possible to reach in the musical sphere what it had not been possible to show by means of drama.
97. The Christian Mystery (2000): The Sermon on the Mount 19 Jan 1907, Stuttgart
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
We have our own particular approach to the natural world, but we do not criticize it. With the science of the spirit we seek to understand things in the world of mind and spirit, doing so without bias and with real understanding, and look at everything in life. Understanding is the keynote in the science of the spirit. If one seeks to use the methods of modern science to study the life of mind and spirit, one learns things.
In the science of the spirit the aim is to explain the Bible and offer a way of understanding it without bias. The division of the story of genesis into two101 can be understood if one learns to distinguish the human being who is sexless—this is the spiritual, astral human being.
97. The Christian Mystery (2000): The Gospel of John 03 Feb 1907, Heidelberg
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
57 This is deeply important if we are to understand the questions we meet when we take the gospel of John in a spiritual sense. Until a few centuries ago, the gospel of John was considered to be a book of meditation. It had to become inward experience if one wanted to have inner understanding of Jesus. It was for priests who wished to behold the secrets of Christianity. Hundreds of people have truly done this, and hundreds of them have gained the fruit of it.
Man takes his food from the body of the earth and tramples it underfoot. Jesus said: ‘He who eats my bread has lifted up his heel against me.’ Older writings often have keywords, specific terms for particular things.
127. The Mission of the New Spirit Revelation: Faith, Love, Hope 14 Jun 1911, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
Its content strikes every human soul that wants to know itself: he taught virtue, morality. If man could truly understand it, he would act accordingly. If man departs from morality, it is only because he does not yet fully understand it.
The I, which is becoming conscious, struggles out of the soul of understanding. Within the adult I-forces, the consciousness soul is experienced as the inner self, the spiritual self as the outer self.
And with that, humanity will receive something again that has been taken away from it by materialistic science: hope. Why do we understand the essence of past cultural epochs? It is not literature or art history that gives us what the Greeks left behind.
127. The Mission of the New Spirit Revelation: The Threefold Call From The Spirit World 30 Nov 1911, Heidenheim

Rudolf Steiner
When, in a later period of his life, the child begins to understand language by using and developing his powers of thought, this is the reflection of the third call to humanity through spiritual science: the new revelation for understanding what is set forth in the Gospels as the Gospel of the Mystery of Golgotha. Spiritual science brings man, as a new revelation from the spiritual worlds, an understanding of what was announced by the second call of John and was laid down in writing after the Mystery of Golgotha. Through spiritual science, the third call of our seven cultural epochs, man is brought to an understanding of what the Christ Jesus said: “Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the earth cycle.
127. The Son of God and the Son of Man 11 Feb 1911, Munich
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The other consists of the different philosophical theories, hypotheses and all the other high-sounding twaddle about what is supposed to underlie external processes and happenings. From all this, spiritual science should sternly dissociate itself. And then it will assuredly become more and more possible to realise that what we acquire through spiritual knowledge, namely, an understanding of man and of how his various members are related to the different epochs of the evolution of humanity, leads us deeply into the secrets of the universe. We shall also realise that true observation of the first three years of childhood is the first stage towards a recognition of the Mystery of Golgotha in all its truth and to a real understanding of the words: Except ye ... become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
127. The Work of the Ego in Childhood 25 Feb 1911, Zürich
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Paul: ‘Not I, but Christ in me.’ Man must learn to understand Christ in the light of the teaching of Spiritual Science. What has been said today about the first three years of childhood can, for example, usefully be emphasised.
From such truths we realise that it is possible to understand the living truth of Christianity even when original records are left out of account and we simply study the nature and being of man.
In future histories of civilization great efforts will have to be made to understand this patho-logical fantasy, to grasp how it could have been possible for man’s imagination to become sickly enough to accept this as a serious conception.
127. Mendelssohn: Overture of the Hebrides 03 Mar 1911, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If we look back and see how deeply people were impressed by what they heard about this place, we shall be able to understand how it was that Macpherson's revival of this ancient song in the 18th Century made such a mighty impression upon Europe.
Goethe, Herder, Napoleon harkened to it—and all believed to discern in its rhythms and sounds something of the magic of primeval days. Here we must understand that a spiritual world such as still existed at that time, arose within their hearts, and felt itself drawn to what sounded forth out of this song!
Here those human beings were prepared who should later receive the Christ Impulse with their full human being and were here to undergo something extremely strange by way of preparation. Again we shall be able to imagine all this if we realize that here particularly those ancient folk customs were preserved whereby the tribe was divided into smaller groups based upon family.
127. The Significance of Spiritual Research For Moral Action 06 Mar 1911, Bielefeld
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
Let us assume that someone were to say that if a person does not already possess this striving for perfection, theosophy will certainly never prompt him to moral actions. A deeper understanding of what theosophy has to say can teach us that the individual is related to the whole of humanity in such a way that by acting immorally he not only does something that may earn him a punishment.
The human being is not even aware of the simple fact that separated from the surrounding air he is nothing. He must undertake to develop an awareness of how he is locked into the entire organism of the earth. How can the human being know: “You are a member of the whole organism of the earth?”
127. The Concepts of Original Sin and Grace 03 May 1911, Munich
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Man's nature was such that before receiving his ego, he was able to perform the ‘deed’ of lending himself to the Luciferic temptation but through all later time he has been under the influence resulting from this deed. In what sense under its influence? The consequence of the astral body having incurred guilt before man became an ego-endowed being has been that in each successive incarnation he sank more deeply into the physical world.
This is beyond the comprehension of materialistic thinking. All that materialism can understand, and readily understand, is that there are abstract ideals, ideals of the Good, the Beautiful, and so forth.
And this He will do through those who are willing to understand Him. Those who deny that there can be new revelations do not understand the Bible, neither do they understand Christianity.

Results 2701 through 2710 of 6185

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