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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2731 through 2740 of 6185

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130. Jeshu ben Pandira: Lecture Two 05 Nov 1911, Leipzig
Translated by Olin D. Wannamaker

Rudolf Steiner
We nurture our emotions in a favorable way when we place ourselves under the law of karma in the matter of our anger and our passions, when we hold fast to karma. And this we find in what occurs in our environment.
Through absorption in problems of nature and of humanity, through the endeavor to understand complex personalities, through the intensifying of attentiveness, do we render our thinking sagacious.
When any one feels this way about himself, he ought to place himself under the law of karma and ask himself, when he is discontented: "What self-seeking has brought this discontentment upon me?"
130. Faith, Love and Hope: Faith, Love and Hope, the Third Revelation 02 Dec 1911, Nuremberg
Translated by Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
All this leads back in the end to the Gospels; it has reached men's understanding in such a way that they may be said to have learnt to speak, in their fashion, about the Mystery of Golgotha.
Those who go through the gate of death without giving even a glance into Spiritual Science during their present incarnation, will have to wait until their next before gaining a right understanding of the Christ-event. It is an actual fact that those who on the physical plane have never heard of the Christ-event are unable to came to an understanding of it between death and rebirth.
Everything subject to limitations of space will lose significance. Hence anyone who thoroughly understands the meaning of human evolution understands also that the coming appearance of Christ during the next 3,000 years does not entail Christ being restricted to a body bound by space, nor limited to a certain territory.
130. Faith, Love and Hope: Towards the Sixth Epoch 03 Dec 1911, Nuremberg
Translated by Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
In fact, the dream-image clothed itself in words they understood—“He has been buried alive!”—which hid the truth from them. Thus, in dream-pictures of this kind we should not look for an exact replica of what is real in the spiritual worlds; we must expect the actual objective occurrence to be veiled in accordance with the dreamer's degree of understanding.
As I have said, this is something not easy to understand. We need, however, only observe the form of an altar, and allow our hearts to respond to this gradual change in men's whole outlook, and feeling and understanding will then arise for the change and its consequences.
Then in a man's nature quite special forces of the etheric body will make themselves known. To understand what it is that must come about increasingly in this way, we have to consider it from two sides.
130. The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz: The Christ Impulse as Living Reality 18 Nov 1911, Munich
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Dorothy S. Osmond
Great and incisive measures have been and are necessary in the onward progress of human evolution in order to promote increasing understanding of the Christ Impulse. Hitherto, indeed, such understanding has been lacking. And anyone who casts an eye at modern theology will perceive not only the futility of the attitude maintained by the opponents of Christianity, but also by those who claim to be steadfast adherents. The theosophical Movement in the West should have become that stream of spiritual life which out of true and genuine sources awakens understanding for Christianity in the modern age, but such endeavours met with strong opposition. It is important to understand the real sources of Christianity, but owing to lack of time they cannot all be mentioned today.
The human beings of whom it can be said that they were, or will now be, united in this way with Christian Rosenkreutz, are those who should be the pioneers of a deeper understanding of esoteric Christianity. This stream of spiritual life connected with Christian Rosenkreutz provides the highest means for enabling the Christ Impulse to be understood in our present time.
130. The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz: The Dawn of Occultism in the Modern Age I 27 Jan 1912, Kassel
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The development of the child's soul proceeded harmoniously under the influences pouring from the twelve wise men. And so the child grew up, under the unceasing care of the Twelve.
Blavatsky, are explicable only when we recognise the Rosicrucian inspiration underlying them. Now it is of the greatest importance for us to know that whenever the Rosicrucian inspiration is given, in each century, the bearer of the inspiration is never outwardly designated as such.
Picture to yourselves again that to such a man there comes One Whose mission it is to oppose the demons. What must the demons feel under such circumstances? Ill at ease in the very highest degree! And so indeed it was: in the presence of Christ Jesus the demons were ill at ease.
130. The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz: The Dawn of Occultism in the Modern Age II 29 Jan 1912, Kassel
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Today we will lead on from the lecture of the day before yesterday to certain matters which can promote a deep personal understanding of the anthroposophical life. If we pass over our life in review and make real efforts to get to the root of its happenings, very much can be gained.
In this way we begin to realise how we are rooted in the spiritual world, we begin to understand our destiny. We have brought with us, from our previous incarnation, the will for the chance events of this life.
Theoretical knowledge alone does not make men true theosophists; those who understand their own life and the life of other human beings in the sense indicated today—they and they alone are true theosophists.
130. The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz: The True Attitude to Karma 08 Feb 1912, Vienna
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Because something may distress us, because we have to suffer, to undergo painful experiences. Now it is natural for a man to feel that something in him rebels against this suffering.
Study of the laws of karma will make it clear to us that something underlies our sufferings, something that can be elucidated by an example drawn from ordinary life between birth and death.
In the hurry and bustle, the work and the duties of ordinary life, this is not always possible; under these circumstances we cannot always oust the being of lesser wisdom—who is, after all, part of us.
130. The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz: Intimate Workings of Karma 09 Feb 1912, Vienna
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
That is what our attitude must be if we are to reach a true understanding of our karma. Happiness and joy are acts of Grace. A man who imagines that the happiness and joy in his karma indicate a desire on the part of the Gods to single him out and place him above others, will never achieve this goal.
The soul seems to feel: I myself was there and prepared these things myself. You will readily understand that it is not easy to awaken remembrance of previous incarnations. For just think what mental effort is required to recall something even recently forgotten; genuine mental effort is required.
It is precisely through quiet composure that strength comes to us—and then we shall follow when karma calls, understanding too, when it is calling. These are the things to which I wanted to call your attention today, for they do indeed make life more intelligible.
130. The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz: The Mission of Gautama Buddha on Mars 18 Dec 1912, Neuchâtel
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
We should not underestimate the effects of such a revolution in thinking, accompanied as it was by a corresponding change in the life of feeling.
One who asks from the standpoint of occultism, what kind of world-conception can be derived from the Copernican tenets, will have to admit that although these ideas can lead to great achievements in the realm of natural science and in external life, they are incapable of promoting any understanding of the spiritual foundations of the world and the things of the world—for truth to tell there has never been a worse instrument for understanding the spiritual foundations of the world than the ideas of Copernicus—never in the evolution of the human mind!
Again, then, we have heard of one of the spiritual deeds of Christian Rosenkreutz but to understand these deeds of the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries we must find our way to their esoteric meaning and significance.
130. The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz: The Starry Heaven Above Me — The Moral Law Within Me 19 Dec 1912, St. Gallen
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Yet how differently words spoken by Christ and by Lucifer are to be understood! As a wonderful precept there are the words of Christ: “In you lives the spark of the Divine, ye are Gods.”
Theosophy gives us a deep and profound understanding of the world. A certain knowledge must come to us in the physical body. On the Earth we must acquire understanding of Christ and Lucifer through Theosophy—otherwise we cannot pass with consciousness into cosmic space.
In the life between death and a new birth we must unfold a true understanding of Christ in order that we shall not be condemned to wander through the Cosmos in a state of sleep.

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